Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Laura asks…

What can a person do for money when they can not get a job?

I have been looking for a job for a very long time now, I have had interviews, but I haven’t been hired. Finding a job right now is very difficult right now. Right now I need some extra money to make ends meet. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make some fast cash? Legally and safely though! I am not going to sell drugs that is just stupid.

Nagesh answers:

Go door to door and see if anyone needs help around the yard. Mowing, weeding, window washing, etc.

Lisa asks…

How to make fast money for average teen?

I’ve had my phone for ages and its started playing up, the camera has cracked and you can hardly see the screen! I really want to get a new phone and I’ve seen a great one on Ebay but I don’t have enough to get it. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Baby Sitting
Dog Walking
Online Polls (There Not Scams They Really Work U Do That For Money)
Food Stand

Hope this helped

Ruth asks…

How to make good money after graduation ?

Hi everyone 🙂
I just graduated with a bachelors degree in Engineering.
I have been looking for job in this field , its not easy.Im willing to study again if the chances of finding a job with a good pay are high.In other words ,
I want to make money as fast as possible 🙂 I was thinking of doing an MBA , any ideas ?

Nagesh answers:

Dont be afraid to get a temporary job that require your degree. I graduated with chemical engineering and couldnt get a job for several months. I was too ashamed to get a temporary job at first because I graduated from a top 50 university, but I got desperate and I didnt market myself well during interviews. Sometimes managers want to try out certain individuals and temporary workers are perfect. I went from a temp ($15/hour) to a manager within 6 years (almost 6-figure salary) on the same company. Dont get me wrong, to be able to make money as fast as possible, you have to work hard and be political. I wouldnt recommend advance degree without work experience. I know several people with advance degree (master degree and PhD’s) and no work experience and they have to start at the same level as other college graduate. I’m getting my MBA now, but that’s only because I’m part of management and I know advance degree at this point will get me ahead in the future. Good luck.

Michael asks…

How to raise capital? Find investors in NYC?

I have alot of money making ideas in my head but no capital. I don’t have good credit and I don’t have a real job so a bank loan is out of the question. I pretty savy when it comes to making money and have a good sense of evaluating risk/reward situation but in a smaller scale. I dont really work. I make a living by trading the stock market. My ideas are mostly real estate and stock market related. Any ideas where I can find people with money to invest in me? I often think if I had a million dollars, I could turn into $2 million in two years. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

The first thing that I want to point out is that if you are trading stocks “for a living” you might need to have your series 55 and 7. Depending on how much money, and how much you have in a certain stock (making a market). With that said….there are TONS of companies that will allow you to day trade with there money from your home. What they will do is match your money up to 100 to 1. So if you put up 10,000 they will gave you a million to trade with. If you are NEW to the business, they will start you on a 5 to 1 or 10 to 1 to see how you perform. If you can show a track record, they will give you more, and the more you make, the more money they give you to trade with. The catch is, when you make money, they take a chunk of it, and if you lose money, depending how much and the time frame, you will have to pay it back.

I have been a financial advisor for a few years, and I know a lot of people that are/were equity traders. This is not an easy job, and no matter how much you think you know or ideas that you have, they can go sour very quickly. I know someone that made 100K take home in a day, and a week later he lost 95K and had to pay it back. His contract was that at the end of the week, he HAD TO be even. So if he lost any money, he had to fund the account, and what ever he made, he kept 85% of it. Not a bad deal if you know what you are doing.

I thought about going into the business, but after talking to the guys, it is to stress full for me. Most of them made about 100K-250K, and some made a TON MORE (2-3 million) a year 2002-2006. However, most of them got out of the business because they made 1 wrong move and lost almost everything. A friend of mine bought a 2 million dollar home in cash 2 years ago when he was day trading. He was trading 8-30 million every day. I don’t know what he bought, but he is now a financial advisor living in a condo that he is renting. Things can turn, and they can turn fast. So it has its perks, but you can also lose everything too. These companies will hire anyone, and lend money to anyone because they make money either way. If you make money, they make money. If you lose money, they get there money back.

Go to and search equity trader if you are interested. Take care and best of luck.

Richard asks…

How much to chargefor weeding someones yard?

Me and my friend wanna make money fast so we can go to the mall. We think that removing weeds from peoples yards would be a good idea. We would only do the front yard. How much should we charge per yard?

Nagesh answers:

Depends on the size of the yard and the amount of weeds, gardens etc.
You have also demonstrate that you know the difference between weeds and plants. Learn how to edge and mow, you’ll make money fast and on a regular basis. And, if you only want to to do the front yard, you are cutting out a lot of potential customers.

If this is a one-shot deal, forget about it. People generally like the same people to work on their property.

By the way, people DO weed manually (and it bites) very very often because weed killers aren’t smart enough to say “this plant is a weed” and “this plant is a good plant.” The only time I use weed killers is when they get into areas that are mulched over with no plants nearby, or a small gravel path we have. Sarainin is just a negative force on this board, rarely says anything positive so don’t let his/her attitude dissuade you.

Just make sure you know what you are doing. Dandelions, for example, are best removed with a special tool that you stick into the soil and pull out.

For front garden beds (where the hedges usually are $5), for big garden beds — I wouldn’t do these, because many places it is too early to tell what are weeds and what are plants, except for dandilions and grass — if you do this tell customer that is what you are limiting to pulling, unless they show you other things — $10, and for lawns, $5). And if they want all three done, give them a discount of $12. If they offer less, take it and do the job well because you want to get references and a good reputation.)

Not great prices, but if you start out doing a good job (no fooling around while working, be quiet so as not to disturb homeowners), this is something you can work into a steady income over the summer). Think about it, it’s better than minimum wage.

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Sunday, July 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Robert asks…

How can I tell what I should go to college for?

I’m 23 with two kids. I have 18 hours core classes in college. I love helping people with problems. I do want to make money. Hate blood. thought of everything from teacher to esthetician to physical trainer to nutritionists to school counselor. Would like to be able to work fast. Always worked in sale but hate commission. Any idea where I should turn. Never had one thing set in stone and feel lost.

Nagesh answers:

Social work and counseling are both professions both would allow you to help people, and the salary is OK.

Mandy asks…

Should I try to make this marriage work?

So to put it in simple terms my husband and I have been together six years and have a beautiful baby girl. We were fine the first four years….not much fighting and plenty of love making and bonding. Four years into it my husband said I slept with this other guy, I didn’t but it was an emotional affair bc at that time i didn’t feel my husband was understanding me. I was having a problem with alcoholism and depression which is hard for anyone to understand. We split for a month he started dating this new girl and I was single bc even though I had formed an emotional attachment with another man, I wasn’t ever wanting to date him, just have somebody to listen. The trust started to wane after this break but we got back together and I thought we were happy and working on each other to be together. Fast forward two years we have had a daughter and my husband tells me when our daughter is one splitting up is the best idea bc we fight all the time. I am a huge proponent of making it work, especially with kids involved, I didn’t bring a child into this world just to have her not see her parents together since he’s not happy. He said he hasn’t been happy for two years since the trust was broken. Now my husband and I are both difficult people to get along with bc we are both headstrong, but I love him and want him always. He says he doesn’t know if he loves me but recently I found out he’s been talking a lot to a female co worker behind my back and went to e bar a couple weeks ago and flirted with some girl I had no idea about. I guess I am curious if anyone else has been in a relationship where one side wants to make it work and the other doesn’t. I have never been in a one sided relationship like this. Should I just give him space like he asks? I worry that if I do leave with our daughter within a couple months he will miss us a d want us back but I refuse to uproot my daughter again if that happens it’s not fair to her. My husband is up for a job promotion and he said within two months he will decide if he wants to make this work or start over. I don’t know if I can handle another day with this stress of not knowing….but I don’t want to lose our family. He said nothing I will do will change his mind, that he thinks ultimately we are doomed, however he never voiced that until he started talking to this co worker. I don’t think he’s physically cheating but emotionally wit her and even though I don’t like either, somtimes you need to see different parts of a playing field before deciding the best place to hit the ball. So, should I wait and try to see if we can work it out or move on? Thanks for listening if you need further information led me know, I just am tired of looking in ads for a situation similar to mine, and it’s nice to get an un biased opinion.

He refuses couples counseling bc he says its a waste of money and he’s really smart so he could just out wit the counselor. I think if he wanted to make it work he would try absolutely anything to make it work. If we do split he knows I would move almost five hours away with our daughter to be near family and someday he is okay with that, somedays not. I just feel that he thinks by being free he is going to be happier bc of how negative everything is now, but when he feels the loneliness he will hate it. I do love him so much and it breaks knowing he doesn’t want me, however I also know I have a little girl to raise and be strong for first and foremost. Thanks for reading.
Also, he has told me that he thinks it’s better for us to break up bc he doesn’t want our daughter to see us fighting all the time. We do have a constant battle for control in the relationship, but I am willing to do anything to make this work. He has told me that he doesn’t think relationships should be this hard, but I think he is in denial….any kind of relationship is tested and needs to be worked on. That girl he dated I was very psycho jealous of for a year bc when we broke up he asked me to watch his house while he went on vacation with his (guy friends). Turns out I was watching his house while he was taking this girl to bran son where he and I were supposed to vacation. Yes that hurt and I know he did it bc he thought I screwed around on him. That man I had an emotional affair with, what started it all was one night I was hanging with this guy and co workers got drunk and didn’t want to go home and deal with my husband. My husband though bc I didn’t come home I automatically
Sorry that bottom part cut off

Nagesh answers:

You have to look at him and tell him the following:

1. I got rid of the other guy. We never had sex or even dated. I used him as a crutch because I thought you stopped listening to or loving me.

2. Now I know better. We both need to soften our edges and learn to talk to each other on the same level.

3. We need to stop judging each other, and start accepting that we both made mistakes.

4. I want us to work, and I’m trying and you’re not. You’re not taking us, our child or this marriage seriously. I stayed, you left, you dated someone else; now you’re flirting with other girls. I’m not doing anything like that.

5. You’re hurting our child too. Look at me, look at our baby. This is OUR family. Not just YOU or ME, but US.

6. Marriage counseling is important. No matter how smart you may think you are, it will work if you want it to. If you’re willing to try.

Now all that said, it seems like he’s a fool. And he’s just using you and playing you. I’m sorry. One-sided love affairs always end up badly.

If you file for divorce, you’ll likely get custody, he’ll likely have to move out and pay child support and support you as well as himself. Economically it’ll bring him to his knees, plus he’ll have to worry about visitation all the time.

Is this really what he wants? Probably not. He’s got what he needs at home, and you seem to want to make it all work just like it did in the beginning. So maybe if he stopped looking, he’d see there’s nothing wrong with resetting the clock.

Donald asks…

Need a car desperately but have no money?

Hello, I just turned 17 and I live with just my granny and we are kinda struggling to meet ends…and have been for a while. I help out as much as I can and dont have a problem with this. I have a job as a waiter meaning I dont have a guaranteed income but it gets me something at least. I have a little car now, but its almost 20 years old (210,xxx miles) and has alot of serious, expensive, and time consuming problems so its really on its last end..And I dont have the money to keep putting into a car that is going to die on me soon ya know? But like I said before my granny isnt really able to help me with the things she would like to. So I have alot of responsibility….taking all of my money so im not really able to save for a car. And anytime I think I can finally start saving..something comes up and I have to use it! I need a nice, reliable, fuel efficient car to get me through the rest of high school and hopefully college.

Any ideas on how I can get a loan or something for $5000 really fast?? I know I would be able to pay it back if needed but I wouldnt be able to do this loan through a bank or something bcuz one, my granny has bad credit and im not 18 yet and two, interest rates would kill me…literally. I need a sweet deal somehow. I’m a responsible and hard working kid…I just need something to help me out. I live in the 3rd richest county in the U.S so the cost of living is very high.


Thanks :))
I understand the not being realistic thing trust me..I’m not trying to sound like I have some fantasy. But I know there is some kind of alternative out there I just don’t know about yet and this is the reason i’m posting.

Nagesh answers:

Not going to happen.

But an alternative solution could be to think of anybody you may know that has a car they use rarely.

I obtained a car by noticing one that NEVER seemed to move from where it was parked so I introduced myself to the elderly couple who’s house the car was outside of and explained my situation. Neither of them were able to drive anymore and I was able to work out a deal with them (no money down honor system type of thing).

Slim shot… But perhaps it can work for you some how

Lizzie asks…

This really sucks… any ideas?

Alright, I had asked a question a long time ago about a situation I was having with a horse that I traded in late July. And in light of new information, I need help.

The story is as follows. In late July I drove 200 miles one way, with my 15 year old unreg paint horse Sunny, the horse I was going to trade for was a 9 year old unreg Azteca. Anyway, she gave us the wrong directions, and we got lost. We got there around dusk, and made the trade. She told us a sob story about how her daughter had just lost a horse, and they needed to get her a new one, to try to put the icing on the cake. I am not sure how true that story was anymore. Anyways, she only told us good things about this horse, and the only thing she said was that the horse had a big motor (a.k.a meaning big butt, or doesn’t wear out on trail rides). She told us the horse had been taken on trail rides out in Oregon and Colorado, endurance rides, overnight trips, etc. She said Corey was a great horse, very nice, good for the vet and farrier (I have e-mail proof of all of this). Anyways, I got her home, and she was good for a little over a week. Then it went down hill drastically, she would not walk or stop, only trot or faster, and she would side pass, spin circle or rear when you tried to make her stop. I e-mailed the lady immediately telling her of these problems, and she told me I could have my horse back if I wanted to drive on my dime again and pay her for the horses shoes being done, coggins, and rabies. I thought this was outrageous, as she would be trading back. (no money ever changed hands on this trade). Anyway, I said no, as I wanted to be noble, but she still said that, and said they would love to have this mare back even though they loved my paint. I told her I would like to sell the horse for breeding, and she said she could get me her parents info so someone would be able to register her for their breeding program (again in e-mails). So shortly after hearing that I had the vet come and give her a coggins and rabies shot, and let me tell you this horse reared up at him even with the twitch, she tried to bolt, and race away, and lashed out at me, my mom, and the vet. We barely held her down to get the shots, and afterwards she reared up again, and threw the twitch right off like nothing, and tried to run me over. The vet said the only horse he had ever had act this bad in over 25 years was one that was 8 and had never had a halter on (no breaking at all). So I e-mailed this woman and said I wanted my horse back, and she e-mailed me back some nasty e-mails saying there was no way she would trade my horse back, even if I did do it on my dime. She then made up some bull excuse about having a family crisis so she would not be able to answer her e-mails, but yet she only sent it to me. She promised me pictures of my horse and never sent any. She even changed her voicemail from her kids to the standard one that comes with the phone. Anyway my husband got ahold of her on the phone last night, and she said she never had the breeders info, and could not get it, and that she would not trade an excellent horse back for a bad one.

Anyway, I am considering going to a lawyer with all my e-mails, and proof that she contacted me first about this trade, and how she persued me, and even lied about being able to get this horses parentage for me so I could sell her for breeding.

Any ideas? Please help this is really stressing me out.
I also still have the bill of sale from my paints previous owner saying she is mine, and I never gave that to this woman
ADD: I took her to a professional class A show jumping trainer that I have had for over 4 years, she advised me to get rid of this horse, and that she has no future potential, and would not be worth it to pay for training as she has a very bad attitude

Nagesh answers:

Whenever I have bought a horse, I have a few guidelines I go by. One, if the seller tells me the horse is kid broke, that is a red flag. Horses don’t mind having light weight on their backs, it’s the heavy weight that they don’t like. Another thing I always look for is NEVER get on a horses back until you see someone else ride first. This woman obviously lied to you. If I were you I would make an appointment to go talk to a lawyer, and take all emails in hand. Any other information you might have as well. If you gave her any bill of sale, you are just screwed. If not, ask the lawyer what if anything you can do. I had a very similiar situation several years back. I ended up trading the horse to someone that knew the situation. I am a very honest person and told the man everything about the horse. He ended up selling her and to make a long story short, a girl was riding her and although nobody saaw what happened, she is now a total vegetable. I would start by calling a lawyer and find out just what options you have.

Michael asks…

What are some good ideas for my daughters first birthday party?

She likes to watch Yo Gabba Gabba. What are some ideas for a Yo Gabba Gabba themed party for a one year old, or just some ideas for a one year old’s birthday party in general? She is my first and I would like to have a big celebration, but I’m not sure where to go with this. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

A 1st bday really IS for the adults, not the kids. For a child that age, that many people & that much attention focused on them is often over stimulating. My 1st child did okay, but really could have cared less to open more than one gift & my 2nd actually slept through the majority of his party. LOL

We did Yo Gabba Gabba for my 1st. I bought him all the train set figures (not sure they are still out – but those are STILL a hit in my house 5 yrs later). I hooked those together in a loop around his cake & the cake he ate was just round & had the Yo Gabba Gabba logo on top. He loved that. You can get LOTS of various party supplies depending on your budget. Sites like these carry tons of things:

Personally, I would skip too much stuff that is themed. You pay more & sometimes it gets a little visually overstimulating to too busy looking. I tend to stick to solid colors for plates, napkins & cups & do theme things for hats, table covers & centerpieces & the like. I might do a couple of mylar balloons that are the theme, but do the rest in solid colors. You get the idea.

Another thing I always do when looking for inspiration is just do an internet search for images of what others have done like this:

No matter what you do, don’t throw a ton of money away on the party & don’t worry too much about anything. One year olds are pretty oblivious as to the fact it is their bday & mostly you just want to get together & celebrate a milestone for her as well as for you with the people that matter in your life. As long as you keep that in mind, then you are fine, because that IS all that really matters in the end.

Congrats on hitting that year – it is an accomplishment & an enormous year in both your lives. It also went too fast I am sure – it ALWAYS does in the end. When it is hard & they aren’t sleeping you think a year is so far off & then poof – you are planning a party. 🙂

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Saturday, July 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Steven asks…

How to find out if you have stocks with a company?

My uncle bought me some mirocsoft stocks at the age of one. Unfortunetly we lost the certificate that said i own them . So how do i find out how many stocks i have now. ( i know its more because of the 2 for 1 splits) Please help i need the money for college.

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately it’s more complex than that.

Legally you have to be an adult to own stock. So if your uncle bought Microsoft stock when you were one year old, you never legally owned the shares so wouldn’t be on the Microsoft shareholder register.

Although your name was on the certificate, you were still a minor so there would have had to be an adult (presumably your uncle) as guardian. The guardian is the owner of the stock.

The fact that you’ve lost the certificate doesn’t really matter. As long as you can find the guardian and he/she can prove to Microsoft they are the person on the share register then Microsoft will pay out for the shares. It doesn’t matter if no one has touched them for 20 years. Shares never become ‘lost property’. Once they are bought they belong to the name on the shareholder register and can be reclaimed at any point in the future. The most that could happen is that you’re asked to sign an indemnity stating that you will repay the money if it later turns out out you are not the true owner.

So it all hinges on finding the guardian. If your uncle is still around then you ask him to sell the shares and give you the money (obviously).

If he’s dead then the shares will be part of his estate. If he put your name on the certificate when he bought them you will have no problem establishing that he intended you to inherit them. Then you’ll have to get the holding transferred into your name before selling them.

If your uncle was not the guardian and he’s not around to tell you who was then you have to ask Microsoft to check the shareholder register for you. Call up their Investor Relations department and ask for contact details for their Register. Send the Register as much information as possible, including the names and addresses of any adults who you think could have been listed as guardian while you were a minor. They will investigate but it will take a while so get in touch with them quickly.

Good luck.

Sandy asks…

what is the most important element needed to win in a small claims case to get my dog back ?

My friends agreed to babysit my dog until i had recovered from my surgery, which took apx 1 year. I would visit often and they would bring her to me to visit as well .. Now they wont give her back and i was forced to file a claim to get her back. My court date is coming up very quickly.

Nagesh answers:

Hard evidence that the (former?) friends are unlawfully keeping property belonging to you with the intention to permanently deprive you of it, which is theft and a criminal not civil case.
A signed and dated written agreement on paper, email from the friends agreeing that they will temporarily care for the dog or text message, would be evidence that you did not abandon the dog or intend to relinquish ownership to the friends.

Verbal agreements are hard to enforce because the rights and obligations of the parties are not clearly outlined and can be pointed to if one party wants to enforce part of the agreement against the other.

As to board and expenses, that would depend on what was agreed and could be proved. If you agreed to settle costs on collection or monthly for food and veterinary expenses as necessary and if the friends refused money for board (hard evidence) so none payable or could be claimed for.

You visited the dog often, so could be argued she would easily readjust to living with you again and the fact the friends developed a bond with the dog would not negate the bond it had with you or mean they can legally withhold your property because of it, IF you can prove they agreed from the outset it was a temporary arrangement.

As a final point, in a question four years ago, you mentioned “I am sick with terminal illness”, so perhaps if your health is an ongoing problem, the dog would be better off remaining with your friends where you know she has been cared for and has a permanent home.

James asks…

How much should a beginning babysitter charge?

I want to start babysitting. There are TONS of young children in my neighborhood, and I am sure I can get some jobs quickly. The problem is that I don’t know how much to charge. I was thinking:
– $7.00 an hour for one kid
– $8 to $9 an hour for two kids
Does that sound okay?

Nagesh answers:

How old are you and what kind of hours do you expect to work?

If you are just hoping to watch kids for a few hours here and there while the parents have a date night or business dinner, the prices you listed should be fine. … Although, I would expect to pay more like $5 per hour to a beginning babysitter. And I would expect young teens to be cheaper than someone over 16 and I would expect a 16 year old to be cheaper than someone who has completed high school.

How old the kids are also makes a difference. Babies and toddlers require constant attention. But my well behaved 8 year old is capable of going to the bathroom by herself and cleaning up most of her own messes. (unless she like breaks something glass)

If you hope to find some steady work like watching the kids after school, you need to figure out how many kids you can handle at a time. – Legally, mentally, and physically. Then adjust your prices accordingly. Keep in mind that if minimum wage is $7.25 and hour and you are charging $7 per hour, a lot of people would be loosing money to pay you to watch their kid while they work.

Example: Here in Texas you can legally watch 3 kids in addition to your own. I pay a lady $5 per day to watch my daughter after school. That comes out to $2 per hour plus $1 to cover the cost of an after school snack.

It doesn’t sound like much. But add $2 per hour for the other kids she is watching and it’s like she is being paid $6 per hour. Then factor in the money she is saving by watching her own kids and she is really earning more than me.

Ken asks…

Should I pay off charge offs and current CC debt or just start over and save the money monthly?

I own my house and am current and have never been late with payments . I have a fairly new car that should not require replacement any time soon. I have some accounts that are charged off and some open accounts. My job is stable and extra cash flow is great. I’m paying off about 1k per month. Although I know its wrong, I was thinking I should just stop paying and put the money into savings, since I won’t need credit in the near future. My score is horible right now anyway. I could really stock some good savings away and I wouldn’t miss the cash flow since it is already going to cc’s. I have one card with a pretty high limit that I could keep open and it is currently in good standing.
Could they really contact my employeer and garnish wages? State -CT

Nagesh answers:

Yes, garnishment is allowed in your state.

As for paying, like others said – it’s up to you.
If you are past the collecting SOL for credit cards in your state on the charge off’s, there isn’t much that they can “legally” do. But collection agencies have been known to file suit on time barred debts.

SOL for collecting in your state is 3 years. (as long as you did not sign an agreement with the original creditor for the credit card – 6 years if you did)
SOL for collecting on judgments is 20/25 years. (hope your car is a good one)

Before paying a collection agency a person should always send a debt validation request first. Make sure the amount that the collection agency is trying to collect is the correct amount and that the collection agency has a legal right to collect.

You can always request to pay a portion of the debt as payment in full and that they will delete anything they have placed on your reports after payment.
If they agree, that should knock down the amount you owe on the charge offs.

As for your other accounts that you say you have, you didn’t mention if they are in good standing or not. Just that you don’t want to pay.

If they are still with the original creditor you should do what it takes to bring those accounts back into good standing, or to continue paying on them if they already are in good standing.

More than likely, if those accounts are in good standing, or just have a few dings, and you stop paying, those creditors will probably be quicker to sue since you have already established a bad credit history, you have a job and, depending on your state exemption statutes, you have a home that they might be able to place a lien on.

You may find that the “one” card you want to keep may not want you. If they see your credit rating quickly going downhill, they may rate jack you, credit limit decrease you, or just close the account.

Your home and vehicle insurance rates may raise as your credit lowers.
If you have to or want to find another job, you may have difficulty as many more employers are depending on credit ratings on future employees.

If you plan on socking the money away instead of paying your debts, you should put it in a coffee can and bury it – no I’m not trying to be flip. Collectors have been known to grab bank accounts before even filing a suit.

Linda asks…

I have been asked to be manager of an independent charity shop. What do I need to know?

I have been asked to be manager of an independent charity shop. What do I need to know to know everything is done legally?

It will involve me working full time as a volunteer plus others volunteers helping during the week with goods donated by the public.

Nagesh answers:

Managing a charity shop is different to other commercial retail stores as EPOS systems aren’t used.

This means that goods have to be priced manually and independently by the staff. It is important that you are aware of the value of things and the quality so that you can allocate prices effectively.

The problem with some charity shops is that they look like charity shops! They tend to be dark, and cluttered. Brighten up your shop, add colour, displays, keep it tidy and don’t add too much clutter. Keep everything in size order and keep similar items all together in their own displays. This will make your charity shop much more like a great shop that welcomes people in 🙂

Managing volunteers will be important. Remember they are volunteers, so any criticism should be given in a very tactful way as not to upset or offend any body. You need to hang on to your volunteers, they are life savers for you! Charity shop management is very hectic and demanding and would be near impossible to do by yourself! You need lots of help.

It is a very rewarding job though, because profits are going to a great cause and you get to meet lots of people on a daily basis.

As for legal details, the main one is health and safety! Charity shops often get tons of donated goods, so make sure any stairs and walk ways are clear in the sorting areas. Make sure goods are sorted and priced quickly and efficiently. Any thing that is not suitable to be sold is usually not thrown away, but saved for ‘rags’. The rags will be collected by a rag man and the charity will receive money for them. I think they get sent to third world countries or shredded up for use elsewhere.

There are no laws when it comes to volunteers, simply that they cannot be paid. They are not legally on the books to be paid.

Ideally, even though you are managing the shop, there should be an area manager above you that controls all shops belonging to the charity. This person will advise you on all the legal details etc.

I hope it all works out well for you :), best of luck!

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Friday, July 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

George asks…

What’s the best legitimate way to make money online working from home ?

I’m not interested in online MLM or network marketing programs.

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

Betty asks…

How can i save enought money to buy a couple things?

I really need some money my mom is on this kick of trying to make me more independent. So anyway i wanna buy rock band for my wii, new converse, you know clothes and stuff how can i make enough money to buy these things.

p.s, i already have a mini business designing and selling clips to my friends

Nagesh answers:

Try “recycling”… Go and collect soda cans and bottles and turn them in to the recyclers.

Other than that… Only self discipline can get you to your goals.
Save your allowance and your money from your business and then go buy the stuff you want.

And yes… Any reply you got that offered a “link” to a job or way of making money fast online…. IS A SCAM.

They love questions like yours… Because they make their money by referring new victims to the scam.

Lizzie asks…

What online business has the cheapest investment but with high gains?

thats also proven not to be a scam.
What online business has the cheapest investment cost but with high gains?

Nagesh answers:

Online business differs to e-commerce where you sell tangible and intangible products to Niche marketing like Multilevel marketing , Networking and Affiliate marketing ,
Among these 2 the first type I mentioned “e-commerce” will require a skill in web development either you hire somebody or you do it yourself e-commerce marketing is costly (hosting,web development, payment gateway, software, tools etc..) and will take some time and a lot of effort before you reap its fruits, while Niche marketing is a source of fast , cheap and permanent income but one should be very very careful in treading this avenue because it is also the breeding ground of scammers and dupers. Unfortunately out of 10 niche sites you will find 9 of them are scams out to get your hard earned money.
Be very careful , read and research before committing yourself and your dollars;)

I wish you all the luck and oh’ almost forgot… The answer
would be

Michael asks…

How can you make money when your 12?

I am 12 years and I am planning a hotel surprise in Texas City, Texas. What job can make me money?

Nagesh answers:

Unless you are planning to move to China or Mexico, you won’t be able to find a job in the United States at your age. That’s just the ways that that child labor laws have been written. Now, it’s not impossible for you to earn money… It’s just that you cannot work for an employer. If you or your parents start up a business you can work for yourself and/or your family.

There are plenty of things that you can do for money, even at 12, but you have to know what your skills and interests are. Steer clear of the many online “jobs” you will be told about. Talk about a complete waste of time!!! Businesses don’t make money by giving it away in scams that sound too good to be true.

You can set up a business (especially with your parent’s help) that can earn you a good amount of money but how much depends on how hard you are willing to work. You might consider recycling cans or bottles or other recyclable items. You could wash windows or mow lawns or do other home and yard duties. You might want to write a newsletter on whatever topics of interest you have and share with others. You could design a line of tshirts or produce a calendar or you could run errands for people (especially the elderly or disabled). You could make crafts or cook or bake. What about fixing things like skateboards or bicycles or computers??? There are many things you can do if you put your mind to it.

Check out the library for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. There are many titles along that line.

Wanting to make money is different from DOING it. Talk to your parents, get to the library, or do something to make your dreams happen. Continue to give your focus on school work but give focus in your part time to bettering yourself. The rest will fall into place.

Sharon asks…

how can i make extra cash online scam free?

Hello i am trying to find some ways to make some extra cash online or at home scam free even a 100$ a month would help me out.

Nagesh answers:

Here, I’ve been going to fusion cash. So far it has been pretty good. I;ve been earning money fast. It’s pretty easy. It doesn’t hurt to try it out. It’s scam free too.


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Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Donna asks…

How do you earn easy money in ninjas playmesh?

I have been playing this game for about two weeks now and i cant figure it out. They ask me, for the next quest, to have three 400,000 point falcon summoners. How are people able to make any progress in little time without buying any playmesh points from the app store?

Nagesh answers:

Well what I do is put a lot of money into properties, and use your profit to keep your collection of properties growing. Reinvest like this everyday or so, so it will grow progressively larger. It will take like a week for a good growth in properties. Money is your probably your top concern, since you need it for everything else in the game. Do missions for quick profit, as well as a source for experience. You can download free apps from the elders for free playmesh points and a free invincibility scroll, which helps enormously in fights. If you can consistently win fights, that would be a good primary source of income for you, unless you have totally jacked up your energy. You should also complete the hardest missions that you can, or try to be able to, because they will give you a larger cut of experience, as well as money. Like I said earlier just make sure you have enough property to cover the costs of weapons, scrolls, and other things needed to advance you through the game.

Hope I helped.

Carol asks…

How can I gain fast and easy Maple Story “Mesos”?

I just started playing Maple Story and I see people wearing these awesome items. When i ask how much they were, they say something like 50 million. I have a level 50 Evan and I just started a pirate. It doesn’t matter which one gets money it would just be nice to earn quick money without killing tons of monsters..

Nagesh answers:

It’s a free game, buy the mesos from some crap hacking company.

Lizzie asks…

How to get some easy bucks online?

I just thought of earning some easy bucks online like from freelancing,Google Adsense or survey sites. what taxes will i have to pay and how can i plan it all. I am a student in India. Is there some amount below which i don’t have to pay tax. Also if i transfer the earned money from freelancing site to and use it to buy some stuff what all is reqd. I don’t have a PAN card either.

Nagesh answers:

Keep in mind that no skills == no money will be made online. I’m only saying this because some people think that you can get rich quick or something.

Also, on’t pay to sign up or a site which claims you will make money. Once you know what you’re doing, its appropriate to buy traffic from reputable companies such as Google Adwords.

You’ve got to have skills to make money online.

Most often, making money online involves creating content and monetizing it with ad networks.

People who make money online are usually self employed. Making money online usually would not involve getting interviewed and hired by a company.

David asks…

How to get an easy job quick. Im’ 15 years old, need money.?

I want to start earning money. What are some good things/jobs to do for a 15 year old?

Nagesh answers:

At that young age, is hard to get an actual job, but what you can do is assist a neigbor or two with some yard work (if you are a guy), you might learn some simple skills, and potencialy gain references for future job. Offer them a to wash their car early Saturday, yes, there is an early Saturday. What you might earn might not be much to brag about, but should at least get you a better sense of self worth.

John asks…

How to earn quick money in pokemon emerald?

I need money fast. I’ve beaten like every trainer.

Nagesh answers:

The easiest way to get money in Pokemon Emerald is to give Amulet Coin to one of your Pokemon and challenge the Elite Four. You get the amulet coin from your mother after you beat your dad in Petalburg Gym. If you haven’t reached the Elite Four yet, you can fight with trainers you have already beaten. You can find out which trainers are ready for a rematch using the call feature on your PokeNav. Every trainer with a Pokeball next to his name will be ready for a rematch and you can battle him by talking to him. Do not forget to equip Amulet Coin to one of your Pokemon. It doubles the money you earn on each match. Lastly, sell al the items that are not important for you.

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Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Robert asks…

How can i make money fast?

i already sell in school at the moment i have £50 i needto make 150 before xmas any suggestions?oh yh im 13 . is their anyting online? so i can get money sent to my house?///

Nagesh answers:

Oh boy. Wouldnt we all like to make cash fast. Easiest way, Get a job. That’s how u make money. And at your age, we’ve all done unpleasant jobs, just to get some cash. So I advise you to get a job, like helping out somebody, but let them know before that u want to get paid. Babysit. Put up an ad around town. Be creative. U might just find something u like.

Linda asks…

how to make money fast?

i need money to make my halloween costume

Nagesh answers:

If you’re interested in making money online for giving your opinion, go to the link below. It’s a legitimate site that for anyone 13 and up. Enjoy!

Ruth asks…

how can i make money fast?

in 13 soon and want to make money fast cause i like to keep money on hand and also cause i want to get 1 of the pre paied credit cards so i can buy things online

Nagesh answers:

Hello. I was just wondering that same question. Im in my twenties, but I need some money. I was checking out some pages with guides to make money online, and I decided I am getting Tycoon Cashflow. I dont know, I hope it works. Anyways, I leave a nice review I found, it will probably help. 🙂

Richard asks…

How can a teen get money fast?

Im 14 and I want to make some money cause i’m saving up for something. Are there any sites online for teens to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job at a fast food restaurant or deliver newspapers. Hard work goes a long way.

Carol asks…

HELP! I need to make money FAST!?

What site can I go to to make money fast??
Is project-Payday any good? What sites arnt scams?

Nagesh answers:

Um… Just get a real job. Don’t you have to pay these online “jobs” to get paid? That’s not real. Get a real job. Go apply to some fast food restaurant or a bunch of stores.

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Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

David asks…

what is the quickest way to get money for college in less than a week?

i dont qualify for finacial aid.. so thats not an option..

Nagesh answers:

This was the exact question I was asking myself a week ago.

Instead of struggling with financial issues and working throughout to pay off the loans, I decided to take the semester off and work to pool money for my tuition. My financial aid and loans aren’t going to come in on time so a job was the next option. I’m applying for the summer sessions instead.

You could ask your parents for help or negotiate payment plans with your college. We’ve been real tight on money lately in my family so I refused to go down that route.

James asks…

what are quick ways to make money???

Nagesh answers:

Opportunity of GDI (Global Domain International) is really income for life! Everybody need domain name to make personal web to share information today, more at tomorrow! I pay $10/month only for “.ws” domain hosting like everybody, but not everybody earn Thousands per week like me from this Simple, Afforded, Powerful opportunity! It’s not just a domain hosting, it is a Powerhouse to make extra money, What you only to do is introduce this Opportunity to other body!)

I just share my success with you and invite you to be my partner, it’s my honor if you join to earn easy money and share happiness with me^_^

I am college student in Boston. Last year I have to work part time after school because i have no enough money. God Blessed! I found this great opportunity from my classmate who has been the member of this program for two years, i join 7-day FREE Trial immediately, then sharing with friends, neighbors, classmates, family, mailman, doctors and so on (September,2006)

Right Now(May,2007) i have earned Thousands Per Week and have enough money to show my website in search engine ads each day, more members join every day…because it is simple, global and is available at a low cost.

Finally, You Have Nothing to Lose beacause of 7-day FREE trial, earn money by offering this opportunity to everybody. Unbelievable? Come into this site to read full Testimonial, Promotional Tip and see how many pepole have been successful and appreciated this opportunity!

>>>Click Here to Get Your Free Ticket to Income for Life<<<

Mark asks…

What are quick ways to earn money?

I’m skint and I need to earn some money for books and stuff for next week! Eeek. I didn’t think I was gona study this year but alhamdulillah things turned out so now I don’t have anything. I mean I’ve been rumaging through my things to see if I can sell anything but ugh, there’s nothing. So I really need to earn some quick money. Any good ideas?

Thanks and Salam 🙂
Yea it’s for college, and I wasn’t planning on buying the study books, I meant like “writing books” or revision books. And I need a jacket for this year too, lol. My mum is more skint then me and I don’t want to ask my bro. He’s done enough already for us.

I asked teh neighbours to wash cars but I don’t thikn that’s gona happen.

Ahh, Alhamdulilah for everything 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Longterm (so that you’re not skint in the future 🙂 ):Get a part time Job
Take out federal loans meanwhile?

Short term: Paid for taking Online Surveys
I’m sure you can find something to sell?
If this is for college you should always rent your textbooks 🙂 😀

HOpe this helps at least a little bit?

Sharon asks…

Quick college question….?

Hmm okay I don’t know if this a silly question to be asking… More than likely it is lol!!
But basically I want to go to college and study an a level in pyschology. But I am an ‘adult’ now and so the courses are soooo expensive!
Does anyone know if there is a way to get a loan or grant to pay the fees…. Like you do for uni….
Thanks in advance

Nagesh answers:

Hi Jade

I go to college as I am doing Higher Business and Administration and at college you can get a bursary but at my college and other college’s there are lots of people on courses so some people don’t get a lot of money as colleges are having funding problems. My bursary goes up to 31st December as I handed it in later than some other people but that’s because I had a problem in my family.

George asks…

What is the quickest way obtain living expenses grant while going to college?

Nagesh answers:

The quickest way is to get someone to give you the money!

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Monday, June 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Charles asks…

How can I make money on Runescape by cutting wood?

How can I make money on Runescape by cutting wood in the most efficient way? I have level 73 woodcut, and a dragon hatchet.

Nagesh answers:

I found that cutting Yews / Maples and even Magic trees (at 75) are a waste of time since they are heavily botted, (in both EOC and 2007,) however, I tend to cut Mahogany trees in Tai Bwo Wannai Village since there are almost never any people there. The best thing to do is to either play the Tai Bwo Wannai clean-up game, (where you can do various tasks to earn trading sticks,) or by simply buying trading sticks at the GE, (they are extremely cheap and [almost] always buy right away. (also note that you can only buy them from the GE in EOC.)) After that, head to Tai Bwo Wannai Village and enter the fenced off enclave with the with the Teak / Mahogany trees, (note that it costs 100 Trading Sticks to enter the enclave.) After that, just swing away at the Mahogany trees, (they’re almost completely afkable and you get logs a lot faster than you would by chopping down Yew / Magic trees.) Once you have a full inventory, simply leave the enclave and head slightly west until you find a man named Rionasta, (he is a postal man that will bank your logs for you, (he charges 10 trading sticks per item which means it’ll cost around 270 trading sticks to bank your inventory, (so I recommend buying / getting your trading stick in bulk.) Also note that there is a bank in Tai Bwo Wannai that you can use, however, you first need to beat the Deadliest Catch quest.))

After you obtain your logs, you can either sell them as they are, burn them, (neither of those options are recommended,) or you can make Mahogany planks. The best way to do this is to enter your POW, (player owned house,) and have one of your butlers run Mahogany logs to the lumber mill for you, (note that it’s best if you have all of your logs in your inventory, (you can unnote them on the butler.) It’s also recommended that you have the Demon Butler as he is faster than the other butlers, can take more logs and doesn’t need to be paid as often.) If you use this method, you can make around 700k an hour. You can also use the Plank Make spell if you have 86+ Magic and have completed Lunar Diplomacy and unlocked the spell at the Livid Farm, (using this method is cheaper than the Sawmill, so you make more gp per hour this way.)

Mark asks…

How do you make 5m on runescape fast?

I play runescape and I want to know how to make 5million fast.. Because I need money for Magic stuff and either full zamorak or saradomin armor.

Nagesh answers:

Go to frost dragons.. They are best money..

Donald asks…

How to make big money in runescape easily?

Im young so i’m into games, so was just wondering how could i make big money in runescape in a short period for a level 49 like me 40 attack,strenght, and defence. I also have 53 fletching and 63 woodcutting, Im asking because i need money for full mystic and full rune (gonna use chain mail) so can some one please tell me the fastest way to make money with my skills

Nagesh answers:

I personally make money through smithing, but I see no reason why you cannot make a good amount of money by fletching. I seem to remember that one of my member friends used to sell arrow shafts for good money (I supplied him with the logs)

David asks…

Runescape: Is making steel bars or cannonballs faster money?

I know with steel bars you make more money for an amount than cannonballs, but which is faster?

Nagesh answers:

Steel bars sell good

Sharon asks…

I need a quick way to make 3m in runescape?

I have 96 cb with 82 str 73 def 72 attack 81 range 71 mage and I have 9m and a zgs and I need to make 3 mill as fast as possible. Ill take any advice I just need someway of making fast money

Nagesh answers:

Suit up in some basic range gear and go kill blue green dragons easily 200-300k ph. Blue dragons are located in Talvery dungeon and require a dust key to get into. Green are in the wild and risky because of pkers.

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Sunday, June 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Linda asks…

How to make money without online surveys ect?

I have applied for so many jobs, and i’ve never had anyone get back to me. I also want to start my own business, but I am in need of money at the moment. What are some good money making ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

Chris asks…

Any ideas to make money?

I’m 17 years old and no one is hiring in the area. I’m open to any suggestions, any random ideas, as long as they don’t have anything to do with making money online.

I’m pretty talented. I’m good in math, I can draw and do BA graphic designs, I’m a bit of a writer, and I’m good with kids (I’m practically a mother to two kids but not really). I’ve thought of tutoring and babysitting already. I need more ideas.

Nagesh answers:

My mom and I just started with a company called GNLD. We haven’t gotten anywhere in it yet, but the people above us have been doing it for a while and were able to quit their jobs and just work from home with the company. Also, my brother is signed up but doesn’t do anything with the business, but people signed up under him, so he gets money when they buy and sell products. Seems to me like it’ll turn out really good, so I thought you might be interested. Here’s the website: if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at brittagnld(at)

Since you aren’t 18 yet, your parents would have to sign you up, but I just turned 18 and I’m doing it.

Nancy asks…

How can I make money online without wasting a lot of my own money in the process?

Just like the titles says I want to know how I can make money online without wasting my own in the process. I’m open to any ideas as long as its not shady and completely legal.

Nagesh answers:

There are a few cardinal rules for looking for ligitimate online jobs:

1) If they asks for any type of fees, RUN FAR AWAY!
2) You will most likely not find a plain ol’ data entry job.
3) Work at home jobs are not any easier than regular jobs you do outside the home, anything promising lots of money for doing nothing is a scam or a bad business opportunity.
4) Do not “process payments” for anyone, you could end up in the big house.
5) Is the job they are offering going to “change your life”, I doubt it. I go to church for that kind of stuff.
6) Legitimate companies will not advertise for jobs in banners or spam emails.

As you can probably tell I’ve seen just about every bad job offering out there and I get really irritated with all the promises and such. And I hate to see good people throw away their money.

With all that being said, I can tell you that there are legitimate jobs out there. It’s just a matter of finding them.

William asks…

What are some good ways to make money online without spending money?

No scammers or spammers please. I’m looking for legit ways to make money online. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I just answered a similar question so I’ll copy and paste my answer for you:

*Important* There aren’t many safe ways of making money online, most are scams (remember if you have to “invest” or pay money first to join a money making programme then theres a 99% chance that its a scam, never give out your credit card details online, and always do your research first!)

1) Google Adsense
This is a good option if you have your own website that gets 1000+ hits a day. You can place ads from google on your website and earn money each time a visitor clicks on them (usually about 1 -5 cents a click). I only recommend this if you’re site is popular. Creating a site just for google adsense isn’t a good idea because you’re not going to make much money with spam websites anyway .

If you want to check it out:

2) A much better way to make money online: Have you heard of They are a reputable online store for good quality vitamins & supplements. IHerb is rated the #1 online store for vitamins by IHerb offers a referral programme and pays you for word of mouth advertising.. If you refer customers you can earn a percentage of their purchase (sort of like commission). It won’t make you rich but you can expect to earn about $50 a month without spending any of your own money. Please note you need to have your own customer account to do this so if you have shopped at iherb previously you can check out the referral programme (or even if you haven’t shopped with them just buy something for $5 or so to get started):

1. If you don’t have an iherb account just buy something for less than $5 and remember to use the coupon code NIV621 to get $5 off. So its bascially free.
2. Then log in to your account and activate your referral code. Your referral code is a coupon code (like mine above lol ) which you can give out to potential customers.
3. Post your coupon code on websites like, or
4. When soemeone enters your coupon code you can earn up to 10% comission from their purchase. How cool is that?
5. When you have over $300 iherb will send you a cheque or you can use the money to buy products from their website.

Good luck and if you found this helpful please use my coupon code =)

Research this online if you have any doubts or you can email me

Ken asks…

What are some good ways to make money online without spending money?

No scammers or spammers please. I’m looking for legit ways to make money online. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I just answered a similar question so I’ll copy and paste my answer for you:

*Important* There aren’t many safe ways of making money online, most are scams (remember if you have to “invest” or pay money first to join a money making programme then theres a 99% chance that its a scam, never give out your credit card details online, and always do your research first!)

1) Google Adsense
This is a good option if you have your own website that gets 1000+ hits a day. You can place ads from google on your website and earn money each time a visitor clicks on them (usually about 1 -5 cents a click). I only recommend this if you’re site is popular. Creating a site just for google adsense isn’t a good idea because you’re not going to make much money with spam websites anyway .

If you want to check it out:

2) A much better way to make money online: Have you heard of They are a reputable online store for good quality vitamins & supplements. IHerb is rated the #1 online store for vitamins by IHerb offers a referral programme and pays you for word of mouth advertising.. If you refer customers you can earn a percentage of their purchase (sort of like commission). It won’t make you rich but you can expect to earn about $50 a month without spending any of your own money. Please note you need to have your own customer account to do this so if you have shopped at iherb previously you can check out the referral programme (or even if you haven’t shopped with them just buy something for $5 or so to get started):

1. If you don’t have an iherb account just buy something for less than $5 and remember to use the coupon code NIV621 to get $5 off. So its bascially free.
2. Then log in to your account and activate your referral code. Your referral code is a coupon code (like mine above lol ) which you can give out to potential customers.
3. Post your coupon code on websites like, or
4. When soemeone enters your coupon code you can earn up to 10% comission from their purchase. How cool is that?
5. When you have over $300 iherb will send you a cheque or you can use the money to buy products from their website.

Good luck and if you found this helpful please use my coupon code =)

Research this online if you have any doubts or you can email me

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Saturday, June 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Sandy asks…

What is the best pre-paid cell phone service for making international calls?

I have tracfone, but it won’t make international calls to other cell phones. I would like prepaid because I don’t use it that often, but the few calls I do make are in the UK. I do have a world phone but that is very expensive because I am in the US (it is a UK # and the roaming charges are high)
I am currently thinking about VirginMobile.
I am looking for relatively inexpensive fill up costs, and relatively inexpensive international rates with direct dial.

Nagesh answers:

Did you ever think about just buying a calling card. You can put as much money on it as offten as you want. I believe they charge 1 cent a mintue ( I suppose it would add up).

Virgin is a very good service, and quite inexpensive, or cheaper I should say, nothing is inexpensive in this world! I believe Telus is great also. You should first ask about their plans before you just go into prepaid, that can add up quickly too! My plan offeres 500 mintues of long distance (including international) – so anywhere time per month, along with it’s other perks – for only 25$. Get them to tell you about the hidden charges. I know my sister tried to get a prepaid and they wanted almost 500$ for the phone!! And then they wanted 40$ for an access fee or something, 13$ a month just because you have the phone and it is hooked up and then as much as you could afford to put on the phone, which was quite ridiculous. I believe it was 40 cents a mintue on talk time, 25 cents a text, ect.. – Just be sure to get all the info you need before you sign stuff 😀

Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to get foreign currency?

I’m going to England next week and I think I’ll need about 2,000 British pounds. What is the best way to get the money? I have a Mastercard, a US bank checking account, and an HSBC savings account (with atm card) if it makes any difference.
Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Take travelers checks and send the numbers to your own internet e mail address in case you lose the checks they can get replaced.

If you get the checks in US dollars, you can compare bank rates when you are there and choose. Travelers checks still remain the best way to ensure reliable money on trips. American Express is international and will quickly replace them if lost or stolen.

You can withdraw from most ATM’s in England with your bank card. There is not the same charging system in England for using other banks ATM’s (Avoid the ones in stores, stations etc as they do charge). You bank will decide the exchange rate at the time and may also charge a small fee.

All the UK has “chip and pin” so you need to make sure you have your PIN numbers then you can use your bank card or your credit card in any stores, restaurants etc.

HSBC is a British company with plenty branches in England so you would think “the worlds local bank” would help but don’t rely on it, they suck.

Thomas asks…

How quickly must you pay for things on ebay?

I want to bid on an item, and the auction ends tomorrow. I don’t have enough money in my bank account and will not be able to get to a bank tomorrow, as it’s bank holiday Monday in the UK. I want to bid and make sure that I get the item, but I won’t be able to pay for it for a few days, so what I’m asking is, is there a limit on how long you can leave it until you pay for things? Thanks for your help 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Most sellers have that information in the description. But the most common pay requirements is within 3 days. But if you email them explaining the situation after you win the bid, most people would be willing to work with you on the sorta thing.

Susan asks…

How do new residents of the UK get a credit rating?

Foreigners with good credit abroad moving to the UK start with zero credit rating.

How is this improved quickly to get credit cards and mortgages?

Nagesh answers:

In reality, each lender scores you individually based on their own assessment of what is important. There is therefore no precise way to improve your credit rating. Lenders will make their judgement from your application form, from any previous dealings that you have had with them as a company and also from credit ratings agencies such as Equifax and Experian.

Credit agencies will pull together information from the electoral roll, County Court Judgements (CCJs) and many sources of financial data. Credit rating agencies allow you to check your records for free.

Overall, the more stability you have to your finances, the better. Ultimately, lenders want to know that they are going to get their money back. Stability might mean a stable job, stable accommodation, a history of not missing payments on cards/mortgages and so on.

Would you lend money to yourself? If the answer is genuinely “yes”, then you shouldn’t have a problem.

There is a huge amount of really useful information on this on the following website:

The answers above are for guidance only and should not be acted upon without you receiving independent financial advice relevant to your circumstances. To find and IFA please call 0800 085 3250 or go to

William asks…

How much does it cost to learn to fly a plane?

I want to be a commercial piolt. UK. Would have to fly in a, boeing or a airbus ect.

Nagesh answers:

I can’t prove anything, but I have been told that compared to most/all of Europe, it is cheaper to come to the US, get your training, pay for the transportation and lodging, and then go back to Europe to convert your licenses back. I have no data, just anecdotal stuff. So you might want to look into this.

As far as flight training, see the caveat above with regard to cost here vs there, a Private Pilot Certificate will cost anywhere from $6000 to $10,000 depending on whether you need to be spoon fed the ground schooling, how much time you spend preparing for you actual flight lessons (ie. The airplane is an expensive place to have a tete-a-tete regarding the correct sequence of actions to perform a maneuver), how often you fly (in my opinion, at least 3 times a week is minimum, and more is better), whether you purchase a $1000 Bose headset or a $130 Avcom (I spend about 10 hours a month in light aircraft, and I use an Avcom), and how quickly you acclimate to the environment.

The rest of the ratings will cost somewhere in the $40K to $80K range depending, to some degree on the same items that affected the cost of your Private, and to some degree depending on which school you select, and where the economy along with the supply and demand curves are. In the US, student loans are available—I have no idea about the UK.

Once you have all of your ratings, you will need to build enough time to qualify for a small airline, and you will do that by flight instructing, flying pipeline, flying charter, …

With a dash of luck, some flying skill, some interpersonal skills (it is still very much a people business and an incredibly small community) you can get a job with a regional airline with somewhere around 500-2000 hours. You might be able to get a job with a major carrier with around 3000-5000 hours.

Keep in mind that there are often well over a hundred applications for each and every pilot job at all of the major airlines, but these things are driven by the laws of supply and demand. At times, 10,000 hours, 3 moon landings, and a PhD in aeronautical engineering won’t get you an interview. At other times warm blood and the ability to find the hiring office, will get you a job. This is where the luck part comes in.

Whatever you do, get your 4-year degree. If you have the money and the time, go out to your local airport, and take some flying lessons. You’ll know soon enough whether you want to pursue this career path. Get an aviation medical and make certain that you are healthy enough to fly for a career. Take one at the top level just to be certain.

Good Luck

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