Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Thomas asks…

Christmas gift ideas for 13 yr old girl?

I don’t know what to ask for this Christmas was hoping for ideas. Not money or gift cards. No makeup either because I just got a ton for my B-Day. Oh and I already have Uggs.

Nagesh answers:

Some ideas

~Clothes from your favorite stores (any of these):
-T Shirts
-Polo Shirt
-Long Sleve Shirt
-Tank Top
~Blue Ray Player
~Video Camera
~Gym Membership
~Magazine Subscription
~Posters for your room
~Tickets to a concert
~Hair Straightener
~Curling Iron
~Blow Dryer
~TV for room
~Cell Phone
~Game System
~Games For Your Game System
~Nail Polish
~Jump Rope
~Stainless Steel Water Bottle
~Jewelry Box
~Arts and Craft kit
~Board Games
~A Pet
~Roller Blades

Robert asks…

Any ideas for something cute I could do for my boyfriend on our anniversary?

Its only been 4 months but i still like t do something cute every month. Ive done the baking thing and the picture collages cute paintings, letters, cards and whatnot but I’m out of ideas AND money :[

does anyone know something creative and nice i could do for our anniversary in a few days that doesnt involve money?

thanks in advance!!

Nagesh answers:

What you’ve just said… Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Laura asks…

need exercise ideas for swimming to lose tummy and side fat?

I work out on a gazelle for 1 hour a day. some weight lifting with 3pound weights and just started swimming in our park pool. Now I need to learn how to flatten my stomach. I am 100 pounds over weight and most of the weight is in my mid section. I also am getting gastric bypass surgery in about 4 months if I can lose 10-15 pounds. So I was asking about water aerobic ideas. No money to go to the gym.

Nagesh answers:

We do running in place, cross country skiing, raising your knees to your chest, jumping jacks, kicking to the front, side, and back, walking around the pool, ten times, she lets us do them in sets of 10’s and then we start over and do them again. We go and do this for 45-60 minutes and then come back the next day, and the next..I have lost a lot of weight do these exercising with the lap band I had 4-16-08. Good Luck

Nancy asks…

what are some great fundraising ideas to raise money for your school?

I go to a private, middle school and i need some ideas to raise money for our school clubs and school itself
thank you so much and have a nice day 🙂
oh some certain specific bake sale ideas too along with fundraising ideas
if bake sales what kiind

Nagesh answers:

There is a brand new fundraiser from Epicure Selections. If you have never heard of it check out the web site
You hand out order forms, and get everyone involved! You get three dip mixes, a recipe book and a cute lunch bag for $20.00 You keep $5.00 from every sale for your school, and only send in the $15.00 from each sale. You get the money right away so you can help right away! If you sell 150 (which is pretty easy), you make $750.00.This just got updated in September so it’s pretty new.
I believe this could help in a big way for your fund raising efforts. Please contact me, and we can get this set up right away for you. Also I can give you more information on the products, and the items that come with the package.
If you can get everyone involved, I believe you can make a difference!!
God bless, and good luck with your efforts!
Cindy Wagar

Richard asks…

How do you save money on your groceries?

does anyone have ideas on money savers at the store when you buy your household needs and food. Where do u shop

Nagesh answers:

Plan your meals in advance, look at the ads to see what is on sale and stock up on things you use when you see them for a good price. Use coupons as much as possible, especially in combination with sale items. Cook enough to freeze some food for later.

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Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Carol asks…

How can i make money fast?

Ok, so i want to make money to buy an xbox 360 4gb. My family is poor and theres not much to do in our town to make money. i DON’T want to do these things…

online scam websites
mowing lawns

I already do chores and get 5 dollars a week. my mom wont give me any more so thats out of the question. I really want one because ive never had one and all my friends want me to play with them on xbox live. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can get paid for your opinions on stuff. It’s really the only legit lazy way to really make money online. It’s fully legit. Companies spend like billions of dollars on market research. Companies need to know how people think and shop. It’s basically free money for your This is a good site, very easy to get set up and start making some extra money-You gotta pay a few bucks to join the forum but you make it back after the first few surveys. Even if your just givin some bullcrap answers you’ll get paid won’t get rich but you’ll make some extra dough. I’m not sure why more people don’t just do this. Good luck!

James asks…

Please how do I make good money fast?

I need to make money fast, My best friends birthday is this upcoming month and not only do i want to get her something great but i want to have money to shop with because were all going to go to the mall. Any ideas? I’m 13 and i don’t want to do those lame online poll things they are such a scam. I was thinking about dog grooming or walking. I live in USA GA and i live in a quit big neighbor hood with a lot or elderly people. I can also: Knit,sew,braid, etc.. so any ideas? Thanks so much.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit girl! You get the BEST money from that. Change between 10 to 12 dollars an hour! Sometimes parents go out for 5 or 6 hours a night so you can mmake a good sixty bucks a night. Its the easiest job for a teenager! And if you live in a rich neighborhood, you can charge up to 15 dollars an hr….

Maria asks…

how to get money fast on gta 5?

are there ways or cheats to get millions of dollars in gta online i dont feel like spending my real money to get money on gta 5 online please help me

Nagesh answers:

You can look up an unlimited money cheat online if you’re desperate, but other than that I get a lot of money by doing side missions and looting armored vans.

Laura asks…

Money fast as possible!?? like ASAP? PLEASE HELP!?

i really want this nice camera and i need to make somewhere from 600 to 750. id like to do it as fast as possible! im too young to get a job, and i cant do yard work! so PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Make Money Without Investment
Mow lawns and trim trees and weed flower beds.
Collect cans and bottles
Run errands, be a driver.
Handyman repairs
Paint homes and fences inside and out.
House sit when we’re out of town
Walk the dogs for other people.
Help cater an event
“Rent” out table linens, crystal, china and silver service.
Sell things on eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist that you or others have just sitting around, or visit a pawnshop.
Start your own blog.
Write informative articles for magazines or online. Use the search engines to find “online writing jobs.”
Donate plasma, similar to donating blood. You can visit twice per week and make $20-$30 each visit.
If you have chickens, sell the eggs
Grow citrus and avocado and sell those at a roadside table or market.
Sell your old clothes on Craigslist; make sure to include pictures.
Buy eBooks and learn something new and make more money from them as a form of investment.

For odd jobs and day labor, the highest pay will be for things that nobody likes to do, like cleaning bathroom tubs and toilets. The least amount of pay will be for the easiest stuff, like cleaning windows. If you want to make more money, think of the hardest things you could do, or the more dangerous, like ladder work to clean gutters.

Many older people have problems with certain chores and heavy work, like running a vacuum cleaner. Check with your church or other community groups. Ask friends and parents if they know any old people, especially lonely ones. Ask your neighbors if there are any chores you could do in an hour.

There’s more if you’re interested:…

Just type “make money fast” in the Search Y! Answers box at the top of this screen and you’ll get lots of answers.

Edit: fixed link — looks the same, but works now

Donna asks…

I want to make some money fast..?

I’m 13 yrs old, and I feel bad asking my mom for money. I can’t babysit, do paper routs, online stuff, or yard work. I’m really crafty and arts-y. I’m really good at making stuff, but I don’t know what I should make.
Wow. Ok. Do people not read?? I said NO INTERNET jobs or surveys. Sorry if I seem mean, but I put in my question what I CANT do.

Nagesh answers:

Its not really a question of what you can do, its more to do with how do you go about selling it

Do you plan to have a market stall or sell via friends and family

Think about visiting art and crafts events and see what is selling and what is not and then fill the gap with your own talents

Money will not come in fast, its all about getting a good reputation, working hard and diligently and then repeat customers will folow

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Tuesday, July 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Mary asks…

What is the best and fastest way to pay via Money Order in Ebay?

I just bought an item on ebay and its my first time. I chose to send a money order to the seller and im so confused. What is a good website to send money orders online with a credit card or what is the best and cheapest place to send money orders.


Nagesh answers:

Go to ANY post office with the sellers address and get the money order of total price and etc write sellers name and address on it and send it from regular mail (priority or express ) .. Dont forget to get receiving confirmation sticker for extra dollar.

David asks…

How can I earn some fast money?

I would like to study abroad in the Netherlands this summer, but currently do not have enough money to afford the program. Are there any suggestions to earn some money (besides getting a job, I have one and need to concentrate on school first)? I enjoy making crafts and would be willing to sell them, but do not know how to go about that.

Nagesh answers:

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests

Money Making $ide Hustles

Find positions at hotels and restaurants. Professionals make $25-$40 and hour + tips. Find a class through ( or take a course online for $50 at (

Potential Earning Power: an extra $375 a week

2. Personal Trainer
If you are a natural health and fitness buff, whip others into shape for extra cash.You and others will stay fit while you profit. Get certified at (

Potential Earning Power:$ 220 a week

Check Out the link for more.


Daniel asks…

How can i earn money?

I am 18, about to be 19 and I am a full time college student. What are some good jobs that i could take on that will not effect my schooling that much. I just need some extra money and want to start saving some, yes i have had a job working at a fast food restaurant before, but that turned out to being a full timer. What can i do to earn some extra money, online or an actual job it doesn’t matter, all suggestions will be helpful, thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, part-time retail, lawn, sell on ebay

James asks…

Do you know about Qyao? How do you rank it among the online forums?

I heard Qyao is a fast growing online forum. Do you know something about Qyao and its functions. If you are a member, give me some details of Qyao. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

You heard it right. Qyao is a revolutionary forum with a diversified options available to make some real good online money. Qyao is a new breed of socio-economic forum. It pays you $15 signup bonus and this amount rolls over for advertisement and then there are many more activities which you can apply to increase your funds. Many dubbed it a revenue engine and i believe rightly so. For more details you may visit here:

Maria asks…

What is wealth creation? How can I make money online without having internet expearience? ?

I want to know how I can make around £5,000 per month online. I want to get the rata race. I have seen many things about online marketing, especially ebooks! and affiliate marketing, can someone help me out 🙂

Nagesh answers:

To be honest most programs are just hype. To really make it takes time. Dont believe the hype of making twenty grand a month because they will get your hopes high to just leave you high and dry. I know this is not what you want to hear but its true. To get out of the rat race you need passive income to surpass your current expenses.

That means money coming in whether you work or not. There a couple ways to do this to get there fast. Like create websites that offer real products like dvds, tvs, and ipods. . .etc.

You can refer people to membership sites and get a commission in exchange. So if you can get people to sign up for a membership site at $30 dollars a month you just need three people to sign up make close to $100 a month. And just keep growing from there.

Or get a reseller hosting account for $25 account and sell hosting for $5 a site. You can make $500 a month from here and grow from there. Don’t believe all the answers about making $5000 a day its all garbage.

To get out of the rat race it takes work and dilligence but it can be done!

You can also flip sites for quick cash and invest into bigger projects from there

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Monday, July 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

William asks…

How can I make money fast for travel?

This summer, my sister and I plan to go to Greece. I already have a part-time job but it’s not going to cover all the expenses. Does anyone know a good, legal way to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

When you say fast, this isn’t the fastest way to make money.. But you can easily get going by summer! This is a program to make money on the net but it’s not a get rich quick scheme or anything like that.

It personally helped me earn substantial money and there is just hundreds of hours worth of videos inside the members area. Just take a look at some of the videos on the site 🙂

Maria asks…

How can I make downloads on my website cost money?

I want to earn some money fast by making cool Myspace and YouTube or whatever backgrounds, but have them as downloads that cost money, please help!

Nagesh answers:

Have you already created the site?

If no, i would suggest hiring a freelancer at and he’ll do the job for you.

Charles asks…

How do I make money for school?

I have to leave for school in January. (about 4 weeks) I’ve been looking for a job but no luck. My school is pretty far away so I’ll have to fly. I also have to pay housing deposits and get money for dorm stuff. Is there any way I can make some pretty fast money in order to get there? About $700.00. If i don’t I won’t be able to go :'( Please help!??!?

Nagesh answers:


Ruth asks…

How to make lots of money fast?

I want money because I like buying stuff but right now I don’t have any money. So when I go to the store I have to ask my parents for money and they have started to get mad at me cause I am using lots of there money for random stuff but they wont give me a job or anything to do for money. So I need ways to make money.
I’m in middle school

Also none of those money making websites because I think those are all stupid.

Nagesh answers:

You just won’t make lots of money fast. Period. Get used to it or marry a rich old guy (/sarcasm). Or create the next Facebook-alike site, become a rock star or something like that. Whatever you choose, just Do What You Are.

Ps: Judy and Ron are right, Tyler is a ludicrous scam 🙂

Lisa asks…

What is the easiest way to make fast money? (legally!) ?

My fiance and I have good jobs but we want to pay off about 10,000 i credit card debt before we get married in about 4 months. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Best and lasting way-start paying off the card with the lowest card then apply that payment abount to the next lowest card and so forth….and off course make a budget and see where all your extra money has been going to…once you know cut down and pay this money toward the credit cards…good luck.

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Sunday, July 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Steven asks…


I have a bball team and unfortunately it’s real expensive. I need some ways to earn money FAST. ( In like a week and a half.) Any ideas ? THANKS ! ! ! !

Nagesh answers:

Yah i did this for my aau team. Ask your local doctors and dentists ect. To sponsor you for x amount. We did 100 200 or 300 i think. Write them a letter and ask them to sponsor you and be nice and they should respond back saying yes. Also you can Help out at tournaments for other teams or your team working the clock or concession stands and they shuold play you. One more thing you can do is to do simple things like babysitting and just mention you are are looking for money or something like that for your basketball

Jenny asks…

Quick ways to earn money?

I need to earn $50 by the end of the month.

Nagesh answers:

Look around your house for old stuff that you can sell on eBay.

Sell anything… DVDs, CDs, computer game accounts… This all used to make me money when I was younger.

PS – DIEGO is just trying to make money FROM YOU. If you click his link he will money…

Helen asks…

earning money???

i already bbsit but i need a way to earn a lot of money in a short time. i am too young to get a job but are there any other ideas to earn quick money?

Nagesh answers:

Check out this site where you can get useful info about how you can earn money online as a blogger or content writer

Daniel asks…

A quick way to earn money?

I need a job or something, as i’m constantly skint, but dunno what to do, i’m only 15, and i’ve tried looking for a paperround but nowhere is available atm, what can i do for money?

Serious answers please.

Nagesh answers:

Hi, what a wonderful question you have!

If you have some free time you can do many things online from the comfort of your home and earn good money. Considering your level of expertise there are many different typing jobs online that you can start right when you read this post! One word of caution, you must take a closer look and beware of SCAMS. But I must assure there are more opportunities than scams!

The fastest way to get your hands on your keyboard and start earning is to look into a site called Elance offers hundreds if not thousands of diversified home based job ranging from article writing, programming, idea generation beside having those quick typing jobs where you need to see a scanned image and type it into Microsoft word and get paid per page. There is so huge quantity of work available that sometime the job posters would ask for more team to do the job. So there is chance for you to even set up a small typing home office and earn in a bigger scale!

The other significant way would be to look at online classifieds to look for typing jobs. Writers often post ads for an assistant that can help them come up with articles quickly on given topics. The main website that you can look for is Craiglist is largest online local classified provider.

If you aim high and long-term, you can also start a home based business. There are many home based business opportunities you can start with little or no investment. But you should always try or or for quick success!

Hope the information helps you and you get the quickest way to earn money! Good luck!

Laura asks…

What is the quickest way to earn money?

There’s this new hand helded game out for girls called MyLife. You might be going like, Oh! I’ve heard of that! When I first saw the commercial, I wasn’t interested (because I was on my computer and watching the TV at the same time) so I looked closer and went to the website and I was just so pressed to get it. Right now I have $16.00 and it cost $59.97 and I want it sooooooooo bad!! Besides lemonade stands, what is the quickest way to earn money and FAST?

Nagesh answers:


Try this site, is updated every month:

gives some the best legit sites to earn money or free prizes(game consoles, gift cards and so on )

most of sites featured are for worldwide user!
I earned $250 last month and possibility of more!

Hope this helps

good luck

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Saturday, July 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Joseph asks…

How to reduce much of the fatness in very short period of time?

I am eager to become slim & active.Please suggest some quick ways to reduce my fat.

Nagesh answers:

When trying to lose weight my friend it is very important to understand, that just putting in efforts are not in random direction are not good enough. There is no magic pill no wonder machine belt or cream out there that is going to magically get you to be fit. I have learn t this the hard way, for as long as I can remember I have always had a weight problem, and in my desperation to solve it I have reached out to every product out their clam to have you loose weight. I must say I have wasted tons of money and time on these thing, and more than the money and time some where it was hampering my confidence level that I can never lose weight. My friend only that you can lose weight is by changing you current lifestyle by eating a healthy balanced diet and indulging into regular workouts. You cycling for about 2 hour a day burns about 300 calories, but a kilo of fat has over 7000 calories, so just walking is going to take you al most a month to have you lose just 1 kg of fat. Also it is a false thinking that you can lose fat from a particular body part by workout that part of your body. I was over a 100kgs then and in my desperation to weight I was one day looking over Google and came over this company called X ATTACK. Their program X MELT seemed very interesting as well as promising, they even offered a free fitness consultation hence I called them. Their staff over the phone was very professional and knowledgeable; they even logically charted out a the problem that I was facing because of which I was not able to lose my weight and the solution to those problem. I joined in their 90 days based in home training program, as I write this today I weigh 68 kgs , I have lost over 35 kgs with them, not only have I lost the weight but my body for the first time my body is getting into a very good figure. The program requires you to be working out one hour a day at home, their workouts are quite unique, fun and highly effective. Their workouts burns over a 1000 calories each hour.They also customize a nutrition plan for you to ensure your success, the best thing I like about their nutrition plan was that I really didn’t not have a starve in fact I got to have a good of food. The food was some that I eat on a daily bases not some kinda diet food, ( boiled vege or some of the other crazy things that I had done before). X ATTACK is a Canadian company that recent started its operation in India, their programs were apparently created by some of the best fitness experts in the world. They even offer you a support system where in you can get in touch and consult with their fitness expert for free any time during the course of your 90 days of the program. I personally have really seen some fantastic results with them, and would recommend their X MELT program to any one seriously look at getting back into a great shape. I am attaching their URL to the below for you to check their check out. Call them if you want , and best of luck in your quest to lose weight pal.

Mandy asks…

Does anyone know any quick ways to make some extra spending money?

I’m not looking for retarded answers or any online-do-it-from-home crap. I am thinking more towards things like donating plasma, etc. any suggestions? I’m in a financial bind this week and need about 25-200 dollars.

Nagesh answers:

Collect aluminum cans. If you live in the right state, they have a redemption value well above their scrap value – often several cents per can. You can find them in trash cans and dumpsters.

Another way to go is to visit the racetrack and be a “stooper”. There will be thousands of betting slips littering the ground. Sort through these until you find a winner that was discarded by mistake. This often happens if the results of a race are disputed by the track stewards, or if one of a pair of linked horses wins.

Or you could pose as a deaf person and go panhandling outside concerts. Find somebody else doing this, accept his card (give him a quarter for it) then duplicate the card and copy his pitch. This can be very lucrative.

Or go to an airport that rents luggage carts. Round up some empty luggage carts and retrieve the cash deposits. These are often a dollar or more per cart.

Or pose as a Hari Krishna, and sell roses for donations. People usually throw these in the trash, so collect and recycle the discarded roses.

Or go to a busy stop light, and wash people’s windshields. Demand money after you have wiped the windshield.

Or stuff some paper up the coin return slot of a vending machine. Come back a few days later, remove the paper, and take the rejected coins.

Or sell bricks. You can get a couple hundred dollars for a brick, given the correct sales pitch. (Assuming that you are a big and scary guy).

You could also be a software consultant, but that wouild be a little too sleazy for my own tastes.

Paul asks…

quick way to make money?

i have a part time job, but it pays really poorly. i need to come up with $1500 ASAP, i pretty much have till the end of the month. what can i do to make good quick cash.
i’ve done a few survey sites with payouts of about $200, but idont have time for that.

a legit money making website would really help, if i can get a few going at no cost. thanks
i would say legit is something that gets you paid

project payday is expensive to start, especially with trialpay. i’d rather just buy the product

Nagesh answers:

My mom and I just started with a company called GNLD. We haven’t gotten anywhere in it yet, but the people above us have been doing it for a while and were able to quit their jobs and just work from home with the company. Also, my brother is signed up but doesn’t do anything with the business, but people signed up under him, so he gets money when they buy and sell products. Seems to me like it’ll turn out really good, so I thought you might be interested. Here’s the website: if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at brittagnld(at)

Sandra asks…

Quickest Way to Make Money?

I need £17.40 by Tuesday for a menstrual cup, and I’m woundering what is the quickest way to make money? My parents won’t offer money if I do chores so that is straight out the window…

Nagesh answers:

Forget all the on-line and stay at home jobs mentioned. Assuming you find one that is legitimate, you won’t get paid in under a week. You could try doing chores for neighbors. They may be willing to pay. If you are old enough to get a job, try for something that earns cash tips, that is the only way you will actually get paid in less that a week. If you can sell something you don’t need, that is the fastest I can think of.

Lisa asks…

Quick money from home?

I lost my job and am looking for work. Are they’re any ways I can make quick money from home? I live on Long Island btw

Nagesh answers:

You’re not looking for work if you’re staying home.

There, their, they’re – perhaps some continuing education may be in order.

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Friday, July 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Mandy asks…

How can a 14 year old make money?

something a little better then babysitting, and online surveys
and also how can i make a website, that makes money?

Nagesh answers:

Depends what you’re good at. If you’re handy, you can buy busted up things, fix them up, resell them. You can do household chores for neighbors like mowing the lawn. Also whatever jobs there are in your area without an age limit. Delivering papers, get a couple routes and run while doing them to do them fast. I’m sure there are some restaurants that need people to deliver food, you MIGHT be able to do this on a bike. Good luck

Charles asks…

How do i make money online no money to invest read description?

Yes what the title says I hate doing surveys because telemarketers flood my phone and will not try project payday scam and I also have no money I only need like 30 bucks by the end of this month any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Project Payday isn’t a scam, I’ve made money with it. More than $30 in one month. So if you do need a little money fast I would definitely recommend it. It’s even possible to make that in one night. I’ve done it. And if you want to stop then you can.

Here’s a link to a part of the site that gives more info, it’s free to check out so you can take a look if you want:

But seriously, it isn’t a scam. Some people just say that because they don’t understand how it works.

David asks…

How do I know which free paid online surveys are legit?

I’ve been to sites like and The majority of the sites I’ve seen are free and don’t ask for a start up fee or an upgrade fee. However, some of them offer ridiculous payments like $5-$75 a survey or up to $100/hr. just to answer questions. I know those are most likely scams to get my information. So what else should I look out for to make sure these sites aren’t scams? Does anyone know of sites that you, or someone you know, has already joined with and found great success?

Nagesh answers:

There are several sites. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join. I am a member of several. The one I have had the most luck with is Lightspeed. They do not pay you cash you get points which can be converted into cash via pay pal. However, they send me the most surveys. And already twice now I have been asked to participate in a more extensive survey in which I was sent a palm pilot in the mail and asked to record certain daily activities. The ones I have completed offered a $50 incentive and that was in the form of a check in addition to the points I received for completing the initial survey. I have also done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. I did a lot of research before joining these three. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don’t respond to the survey fast enough they have met their quota.

Jenny asks…

How should 13-year old student earn money?

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if there is any way to earn money online or something like that because I’m really getting uncomfort asking my parents money for everything.
Anyway, I’m 13, I’m good at geography, math, computer science (web design, web development, html, css, graphic design, hardware…), advanced archicad knoweldge…

I already asked this question on some forum, but there weren’t any “good” answers, so I expect some here! 🙂


Nagesh answers:

Here is my 5 favorite ways to make money online that i want to share with you guys. Check out my Blog to get the links and read more with useful money making guides :

1) Paid Survery : depends on the survey company you can earn from 1-5 USD till 25 USD per survey , just spend couple of minutes and hey u can really make some pocket money online .

Survey sites that i’ll suggest : AW Survey , Survey Pays U , Ciao! Survey

2) Referral program , just send the referral link to your friends and ask them to refer more and more people to register , thats all and with every referral you earn yourself some money .

3) Write a blog and register the blog to Google adsense / Nuffnang / Adverlets and they will send you money by placing some ads on your blog / websites .

You can divert traffic to your blog using TRAFFIC DYNAMITE ! Will make sure your blog has sufficient visitors to earn you big bucks

4) You can also WORK online , for eg. Complete a simple task ( register an email account, register a youtube account , post a blog , write articles , comment on blogs , click the google ads on others website , vote for the employer in some competition, answer “yahoo answer” questions ..etc ) and get money from the e Employer . Microworker is my choice !! You can earn simple money by doing simple task ! You can also hire workers to boost your blog ratings / click on your ads / write you articles …Cool isn’t it?

5) Pay Per Click – this is a real bomb , will earn you legal dollars by just clicking ads on the page and earn money via referrals , can say it is the fastest way to earn good quantity bucks in USD. You can retrieve the money via transferring it to paypal account / Alertpay account . Eg of pay per click – NEOBUX , GAGABUX , Clixsense

:)Start earning some money at your free time while online instead of just facebook-ing / chatting



Steven asks…

Online surveys?

I’m looking for a legit online survey site that you don’t have to sign up for any services and you don’t have to pay anything to join. Please help!!! I need money fast!

Nagesh answers:

Survey’s are not what you think. They require a lot of time, and you won’t make what they claim you will. A couple of my friends did a six month test on several different survey sites like Survey Savvy, Harris Poll, Greenfield, Opinion Outpost, Survey Sport, Buzzback, NPD online, Lightspeed Panel, African American, Your2Cents, Project Payday, Inboxdollar, SnapDollars,Send Earnings, Creation, mycoke rewards, E-poll etc. Each did some the same sites and some different sites. Totaling at least 15 – 20 a piece. They’re not what people say they are. Yes they are easy to do and you can receive money and prizes, compensating you for your time and effort. So they’re not a scam. They’re very time consuming though. When you add the time together, It’s more time then you think! If you do decide to get into surveying, you better plan on spending 8 to 10 hours a day and make minimum wage. Sometimes you will hit good surveys that will pay you a lot, but what’s required to get that is amount, the calculations of the time involved, and what you got paid in these “higher” paying surveys, still only averages out to minimum wage. It’s a psychological thing because the time is spread out on these, so it doesn’t seem to be as long as it really is. But we did the documentation’s and figured the time vs money factor. We found that there was more time with little money to be made.
Here’s how the survey’s work. You spend approximately 10 to 15 minutes per each site to register and set up a profile to qualify for surveys. (this is non paid). To make anything really work, you need to register for at least 14 different ones, and make sure non are related to each other. Then you’ll start receiving emails for surveys. Each survey you have to complete a 15 to 20 minute “pre-qualifying” survey, after you were already told you qualified based on your profile (you don’t get paid for this) Then if you do qualify for a survey (which majority of the ones you don’t qualify for. So you’ve wasted this 15 to 20 minutes and sometimes longer of non paid time.) Then if you don’t qualify for one, they offer another and you have to do the same thing, and the same thing happens.) You waste approximately 45 minutes to an hour until you finally qualify for a survey. You take a 30 to 45 minute survey and make normally $1 to $3 a survey that they claim takes 15 minutes. Or instead of money, you earn “points” which later on can be exchanged for money or prizes. You have to earn enough points to make $10. That’s not including the 15 minute pre qualifying survey, that you had to repeatedly do prior to land this survey. So you’ve now spent thirty minutes to an hour and made $3 or a few points. And the process between each of the survey sites is the same. So you can pretty much do the math. It averages out to be between $2 to $6 an hour. Sometimes you do come across a survey that will pay you $25 to $75 a survey, BUT there’s A LOT more to it then what meets the eye on that as well.
Here’s how the larger pay out survey’s work. It could be a telephone survey or a Internet survey. You get the pre qualifying part of 10 to 20 minutes then if you qualify for it another 15 to 30 minute survey or a telephone survey about the product your about to try to see if you qualify to try it. Even though you took a 10 to 20 minute “pre qualifying survey” that said you qualify for. When you qualify for it, they send you a product out to try for 7 to 10 days and you do some daily documentation’s on it. Depending on what the product is and the documentation’s it’s usually 5 – 15 minutes each daily documentation. (you got a free product to use around the house, this is a good part of it) after trying the product out you have to complete another survey that takes between 15 to 30 minutes to do. Now you do the calculations on that. You don’t get as many of these types of survey’s. They use the hype on getting paid $25 to $75 dollars for 15 minute surveys. NOTICE THE PLURAL IN “SURVEYS” What they don’t tell you is that there is more then one survey involved in these. Now calculate from your pre-qualifying survey to the next pre-qualifying survey from the company carrying the product, to the trial and documentation’s, to the last survey on these products. Then you receive a check four weeks to six weeks later. Do the math, that’s less then minimum wage!

Are you wanting to work from home? I’m guessing this is the case for posting this. Unfortunatly online jobs, suveys etc are pretty much a null. The ones that are available your looking at only making minimum waged or less.

If you really want to work online, I suggest you start your own business your best bet is partner up with a company that direct sales a product. That’s what we did. You can create a web site, or have the company set up a web site for you to sale the products and services. Or collaborate with different companies. After you’ve set it up, you’ll have to generate traffic to your site as means of either advertisement (which you’ll have to spend a lot of money doing) or the more effective way is word of mouth and referals, which are free and more effective. Partner up with a company that gives you monthly earnings from services that you put people on either by in person, phone or from your web site. What I mean is for instance, my husband partnered up with a telecommunications service provider and all the cellular phone companies. Someone purchase a cell phone from our web site, or a land line or Internet service or whatever, the product it’self your able to provide at a whole sale cost as a distributer through the providers. When someone gets on the services, the company pays you a percentage of that person’s billing every single month, month after month for the referal from you by word of mouth or by your web site.Once you decide on a product or products and services, you need to start driving “traffic” to your web site. A lot of work but well worth the effort when your income starts going and rapidly increases. The most effective way I’ve found is simply word of mouth and referrals. We’ve had our business for over six years and this has been the most effective way. Loyal customers bring in more customers by the way you treat them, the quality of the items you have and the timely matter of the service you provide.
If this is something that interest you, I’m going to refer you over to someone who can help you out and answer any questions you may have. Her name is Tiffany and you can email her at

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Thursday, July 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Joseph asks…

How can i make quick easy money ?

i need money any ideas

Nagesh answers:

Earn it – get a job. There’s no ‘get rich quick’ way that’s legal.

John asks…

How can i earn quick money!?!?

i need like 300 in like a week. i cant get a job. long story but it really doesnt matter why lol what should i do? :/ im 18 and still in high school

Nagesh answers:

Have a friend over 18 take some of your belongings like your laptop
and your gameboy or xbox and your remote contrl cars,and some other higher end big bucks items you already own then have
them pawn your collections of items worth over 800 bucks and ask to
borrow close to the amount you need your gonna need three times as much in goods of what you need so if your looking to borrow 300
your gonna need to pawn ove a thousand of goods find your old guitar
and a computer ot laptop and your home game systems and your about at that amount for sure. A home stereo system with speakers like a home stereo sony system dont expect 300 bucks for a home
hyundia car stereo cause they aint gonna give you no 300 bucks
in these hard times your gonna have to cough up at least thre to five times the amount of cash in value to get those hard bucks. Pawning is the fastest and can be the most attractive way to get fast cash
just pick up what you pawn or the 300 will cost you all the other
items worth a whole lot more than the origin 300 bucks and youll loose
alll the items to pawn if you leave them in there without keeping to the pawn ticket instructions to the T letter. Dont miss one payment
and you can never be late by one minue on a pawn cause they can
keep your chit for the minorist of default. Beter check check and recheck the pawn guys rules to the letter. If you mess up and arelate
better early two days paying than late by one minute cause they can by court ruling keep all your stuff and youd be lost in court besides the costs of lawyer to recover anything. Pawning is a last resort for money
try using the same collarteral with a family member before a pawn shop
cause your not of age to pawn anything yet for 300 bucks in the south
its pretty ommon to pawn a cars pink slip for that kind of money
for the month or two hoping for some over time to make the pawn pay off faster. Or getting a second job short term or a gig that pays real
money cashola green so you can drive your car and still have the
guy hold the pink until you pay off the bond pawn chit. They give you
15 to 60 days to pay back the loan and charge between 25 and 50 percent interest per 30 days of pawn so a 300 pwn could cost you
450 500 to pay back in two months. Which is very possible to pay back on a second job or a good sales of some stuff on a weekend
garage sale with a second job its easy to do for most willing to
try for what they need fast cash for. If there is a will there is always a way. Money is not the problem getting more and more money go without something for the same time frame like dont pay your insurance and buy el cheapo insurance for a couple months
the savings right there can be your 300 bucks without working nothing.
Insurance is required but its not required you pay top premium dollar
to say farmers or stae farm or the hartford you can go with like the general or geico for a trial period of three months get a deal
pay 56 a month I pay 200 a month regular for 3 cars well two cars and a truck and with the general or eastwood is only 54 a month instead
so I get the same coverage from eastwood save 150 a month
for two months and thats 300 for xmas spending and thats my
xmas money for that season plus a couple days overtime weekends
then Im in the 1 thou o so spending which makes for three or four really nice presents for the wife and kids maybe mom and dad too.
Thats if you keep each person in the 150 to 200 per person.
Thats a garmin for dad mom a nice gold pendant and the wife a
good set of pearls and games for the kids like a xbox they share
and a few games each. Works. Rtry
it. Use the stop the paper cut off the cell phone full features
get a pager for three months 19 bucks a month unlimited pages.
Savings of over 150 bucks fr three months. Cut the paper another
30 bucks for three months cut the starbucks coffee once a day five days a week saves 20 bucks a week for 12 weeks thats 240 bucks
I make my coffee in a caraffe and carry it like when I worked in the
mills take your lunch for a couple months and your going to save 300
in one month of eating out lunchs cause a lunch out at the local
mom and pop lunch counter greasey spoon is between 6-10 bucks
on the average usa eatery five days a week at 6 bucks a day30
bucks a week timmes 12 weeks the time to pay off the loan
equals another savings of $360 bucks in lunchs at 6 bucks a day
I know not every lunch I ever eat costs 6 bucks so these amounts are
accounting at the lest dollar amounts not the highest amounts of 10 bucks some people pay 20 bucks a day at least three times a week
for a lucheon or retirement lucheon which you might have three or four of those special higher cost lunches in those three months.
Which can add heaviest to the savings if you bring your lunch to work
for the time it takes to pay off the loaned money and et your pink back.
Heck four weekends just garage selling some extra stuff around the home stead can lighte

Lizzie asks…

i need to earn money – QUICK!?

hey guuuyyysss ,
please help me?

right, so im 13years old an im goin swimming with my friends on weds but my mum cant pay for it because she lost her credit card and is waiting for her new one to come through.

so i need to earn like £10 in one day.

any suggestions?

thanks, georgia-♥.
sorry i know this is in the wrong category

Nagesh answers:

Sell some of your old stuff. GARAGE SALE. LOL 🙂 Seriously. That’s the easiest way for a 13 year old.

Work around your school, in my school, kids get paid to work at the library and at the cafeteria.
Your neighborhood is a good place too. Babysit, water someone’s plants, walk their dog. I don’t suggest you mow their lawns. That machine is scary.
Relatives and friends. Work part time for a relative, since jobs can be easier to get with them. Ask your friends, it might be embarrassing.. But they’ll be open to help if they’re friends.

Mary asks…

Any quick and easy money making ideas???

I need $1,495!!! I already have $354.77. I’m 11 and I babysit. I need the money by next summer or if possible this summer!!! Any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

You can try earning some extra cash using “Get Paid To” websites.

The one I’m a member of is free to join and use and basically what you do is fill out free surveys and offers. The pay around $.25-5.00+ depending on which one you do, and each survey and offer takes 5mins or less to complete. There are hundreds of them to do and they add more all the time as well.

The minimum payout for the site is $10, this is easibly reachable within the first couple hours of so in participating in the website. On average people probably earn around an extra $50-100 a month. However, there are a lot of people on the site that do make over $1000+ a month.

If you’d like to see proof of payments and read more about the site you can visit my lens.

Donald asks…

I really need tips to earning money Plz 🙂 Easy ten points!!!?

Ok. I need A LOT of money. My friend and I want to go on a trip and need about 3,200. I would like to earn it fast, but i can have about 6 months- a year. I really need this. Thats for both of us to go, 1600 for me. Are there any tips to earn money? Im not old enough yet to get a job but anythiing else is ok. PLEASE!!! and thank you 🙂 if you have a question leave the link and ill answer it.
My teacher mentioned a program where if you need money for something important camps, field trips, ect.. then after you volunteer they will write you a check. does anyone know what the name of this is?
No no no. It is a trip, but its to a camp WITH COUNSELORS! Im not traveling by myself.

Nagesh answers:

How about jobs for family, like babysitting – walking dogs – anything. If you are eager to go, then you should start taking odd jobs as much as you can that don’t interfere with school to help you get the money you need. Talk to friends your same age and ask what they do to earn quick cash. Maybe selling old books on amazon or ebay, or ask your parents for some good ideas they may have. Good luck!

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Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

George asks…

i need money fast ! im 15?

i need a way to make money instantly online because my mom really needs help [financially]
she said we might end up homeless! i cant do that my life would be like OVER.
i am very smart and i plan to get somewhere in life.
our family basically broke apart when my granny passed.
no one speaks. therefor we have noone to rely on
i am so scared someone plzz help 🙁

Nagesh answers:

All that will happen online is you will get ripped off. Don’t you think if there was a legitimate way to make any real money online, we’d be doing that instead of this?

Try school guidance office.

Susan asks…

how can i make money fast?

Im 15 and i need a little money for a car. I have 200 right now and please dont say lemonade stand or any of that crap.

Nagesh answers:

From my experience, the best and probably the simplest strategy to make money is online. Mass Money Makers has the best system that I’ve come across thus far to make alot of money shortly online. Just for instance I just put this technique into effect a few days ago and I’ve made $5,000 already. I am very excited about this.

Good Luck

Steven asks…

How can I raise money fast?

I’m a writer and am using my family computer. It is slow and freezes a lot, and Microsoft Word freezes all the time and I lose my work. I really an affordable laptop so I don’t have to deal with this one much more. But I can’t get a job until June when I get out of school, because my parents won’t let me. What are some ways to get enough money to buy one? I’m not expecting to raise the money in a week or two, but a month or two would be nice? Also, how much do you think I should spend on one? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

I made about $812 last month doing online surveys. But there are many ways that you could raise money for that laptop online.

Here is a great read on how to make money online.

Maria asks…

How to make money fast?

I really need some money. I have to have 3000 by the first

Nagesh answers:

Well, you can build that money online. I found that you can make a blog and get people on it, you can make some decent money. There are other ways of course, you can check out

Sharon asks…

how can i make money? and fast?

im 12 and i need money fast…any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Do various searches online for keywords such as home based virtual assistant, hire virtual assistant, hire data entry operator or clerk, outsource word processor, outsource data entry .,.. Those types of terms should help you locate legitimate companies that hire independent contractors to work from their homes providing administrative type services. You should never have to pay for these types of opportunities … Just as you wouldn’t pay to interview with or apply at a company for a job opening.

Hope this helps

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Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Laura asks…

I have a soccer tourny in florida and need money to get a plane ticket. What are some quick ways to get cash?

How can I get the money to buy a plane ticket? It is probably going to be between 200-300 total needed and I have a little over a month to do it. Any suggestions?


Nagesh answers:

Like “anne b” said odd jobs.
Go to your neighbors and tell them you situation and see if they will pay you to mow their lawn or wash their cars. Stuff like that.
Put up fliers telling people you need odd jobs.
Have a garage sale.
Baby sit.
You can easily get paid $20 to skip hanging with friends on a saturday night and babysit a couple kids for 2 hours while their parents go out for dinner.

And if your tourny is in a month then you really need to buy the plane ticket soon cuz if you wait til the last minute either there will not be a seat available or you will pay much more then you expect so if i were you i would work something out with your parents and pay them back with the money you will be making from your odd jobs.

David asks…

How can I tighten up my abs in a week?

I need a quick way to look great. I have a family outing and I have to be in a bikin for it. Please give me some good advice. Thighs and butt too. Eating tips. Basicly crash everything.

Nagesh answers:

Please read the recommendations below. Also, go to the book store and locate the book “Weight Training for Dummies”. In chapter 15 you will find excellent information on how to perform abdominal exercises correctly. Page 218 of the book dispels all the myths surrounding abdominal training.

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you’re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:

*1) Burn more calories then you’re consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). A website that explains this formula in more detail and will help you determine how many calories you need to reach or maintain a certain weight is at

Get an online, desktop, or cell phone diet and fitness calculator. This will allow you to easily calculate the above formula, set goals, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.

Set realistic goals for your ideal body weight. Here are two websites that will calculate a suggested body weight:

It is difficult and unhealthy to lose more than one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. If you burn through exercise 500 more calories per day for a week you will lose one pound.

Here are two articles on how to break through a weight loss plateau:

*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.

Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Avoid “High Glycemic Load Carbs” (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Read this article for more information on high GL Carbs:

The following are food pyramids and several articles on what you should eat everyday:
Food Pyramids:
Antioxidant Superstars – Vegetables and Beans:
Antioxidant Loaded Fruits:
Good Carbs Mean Better Weight:
The Benefits of Protein:
Some Fats Are Good For You:
Antioxidants in Green and Black Tea:
What You Should Eat Daily:
Best Foods to Fight off Disease and Keep You Healthy:

*3) Perform cardiovascular, core, and/or strength training on most days. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure you’re doing all exercises correctly.

The following is a website and numerous articles on cardiovascular, core, and strength training:
Exercise Prescription on the Net
Starting an Exercise Program:
Strength Training Basics:
Cardiovascular Machine Workouts:
Balance Your Way to a Stronger Body:
Understanding Your Training Heart Rate:
Exercise Errors:
Getting a Flat Stomach:
Weight Lifting – Does Order Matter:
Encouraging Exercise in Your Kids:
Strength Training Safe and Effective for Kids:

*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety.

*5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005”. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at
Look at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier.

Send me an email or yahoo instant message to “gainbetterhealth” if you have any questions and good luck!

*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Mandy asks…

What is a good, quick way to make money from my dog?

My dog is expensive. Ususally, we just feed her table scraps (bits of hamburger, onion rings, fries, extra ketchup packets, etc.) but things are getting tight financially around my house, and we need every family member to pull their own weight when it comes to expenses, even food.

My dog is purebred and not fixed. I was wondering how much I could make from a litter of puppies, and how long they take to gestate.

If this isn’t a good idea, some suggestions on other ways for my dog to start earning money would be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Another person wants to become a BYB to make some ” Quick Cash ” Stop walking down Trollville BLVD and Don’t breed your dog. When it sounds like you shouldn’t have kids yourself!

Want a good way to make some money from your dog?

Re-Home her so she can get away from you You’ll get some money and she wont have a owner like you.

I bet it gets lonely sometimes being a troll.

Mary asks…

Who has changed there subconscious mind to create success?

I would like to know what are the quickest ways to change your subconscious, at this time i am listening to a cd but my 21 days are almost up and i have not seen any changes. Please only from people that has successfully changed there subconscious.

Nagesh answers:

Kid…. Those are scams…. They’ve been selling that bullsh*t since they’ve had recording devices. Some lying jerk (probably a republican) tells you that somehow you’re going to “change the subconscious or unconscious”.

Our species is several hundreds of thousands of years old – don’t you suppose we’d be smarter than that? You can’t be “changed” by some psychopathic liar and his magic CD. It ain’t going to happen.

Get your money back if you can find these guys.

Lizzie asks…

What’s a quick way to make money?

Im 15, and have two youtube channels. In a couple of weeks the Nintendo 3ds xl will be realsed to North America which is where I live. I have $100.00 already saved up, but does anybody know of a fast quick way to earn at least $110.00. It has to be an honest answer and it also can’t be something I have to do with online. Since I don’t want a random virus on my computer. The best answer gets 10 points.

Nagesh answers:

Tell everyone… Im talkin friends,, freinds parrents.. Aunts.. Uncles.. Ya mom,,,dad,,grandparrents.. That you want to EARN money for something by WORKING and ill bet after you tell them you have saved the 100 and want to do any and all small jobs,,,like mowing,,painting,, cleaning out an attic,, cellar,,, garage,, walking and feeding there pets,, washing and cleaning the in and out side of there cars,trucks,, whatever they need done,, they would be glad to give you 20 or 30 bucks to earn your way to the DS,, im glad to see a kid thats willing to work for something rather than just expect it handed to them.. Good job and good luck kid,,,

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Monday, July 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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