Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Donald asks…

How to help remote family (relatives) with two kids and not much money that are all severely over weight?

We send a little money to help make ends meet and it has helped. The grade school kids are responding to some tutoring.

Now for the health problems: Mom 28, dad 30, both at least 50lbs over ideal. Kids– girls- age 6 and 7, already at least 30 lbs over.

We know lots of healthy tips, but most cost money. They live in a large metro area in Michigan, so shopping should be OK except for good produce in the winter.

I think they just buy the convenience food on sale, like cheap pizza, etc.

From my view maybe starting with “how to cook”, or “how to read labels” books, or maybe pick a meal and give them improvement ideas– ie breakfast tips. ‘Prevention’ magazine?

I know having little money can be a problem, and having finicky kids can drive a mom crazy.

Any tips, books, ideas, successes, programs, please.

Nagesh answers:

Sit down and talk to the parents about your concerns, and wish to help, etc. Without their complete agreement and support you can’t do anything.

See if you can help identify some of the REAL causes- WHY fast foods, why couch potatoing? Would the kids like to be in a club or class that is more active (martial arts, open gym, etc.?) Do they lack friends nearby to play with?

Do the parents feel they don’t have the time or energy for better food? Is it really a lack of education?

Your biggest challenge is how to make sure that in their eyes you are not a meddling pain in the neck sticking your nose into their business.

Chris asks…

How do I teach my 6 year old daughter about money?

My daugther has this really cavalier attitude about money. Her attitude is that if she ruins her clothes or breaks a toy, it’s okay, we’ll just buy her a replacement. I’m thinking of having her buy her own toys, the only time my husband or I will buy her toys is for birthday’s, Christmas, etc. And I’m thinking of also having her pay for her own fast food if she requests we go out to eat, she’s always wanting Burger King. Would that be too harsh? I want her to learn how to be responsible about money, but I don’t want to make her resentful. Does anyone have any opinion on my ideas and/or any other helpful tips? Thanks in advance.
I got some great tips. Thanks to everyone who answered. Punk Princess, I agree with you, many of these people are seriously understimating just how much a 6 year old knows, understands and is capable of.

Nagesh answers:

I think that most kids this age do not have a concept of how hard it is to get money. I think that maybe if she were a little older, then maybe making her pay would help her understand, but at this age, it may just confuse her. I would put my foot down about ruining clothes and toys. Once she sees that she isn’t getting the replacements,maybe she might start taking better care of her stuff.

Lizzie asks…

How does each of The Presidential Candidates ideas on the economy affect the rest of the World?

How do you relate the ideas of each Candidate for the growth of the US Economy to the Wall Street failure to thrive and its effect on other Countries – such as – if we make more things in America – we won’t import as much – Are other Countries pulling out of the Stock Markets for any fear on this or any other ideas from the Presidential Candidates Policies?

Nagesh answers:

Everyone I talk with whether it be small or large business owners, union members, union leaders, workers, housewives, rich, middle class and poorer people, older, middle aged, younger adults, college kids, and teens, republicans, democrats, independents, those that could care less just so their money keeps coming in, and those that don’t care just so the candidate of their particular party wins… BUT MOST OF THEM that aren’t fanatics honestly are afraid that if Obama does win that we will end up, in the long run, so much worse off in the world than if McCain wins.

They have taken the time to do their own research into how Obama and McCain have voted during their time in the Senate… Though they didn’t have much to go on as far as Obama was concerned…. And this bothered most of them VERY MUCH!! Because they felt if he didn’t take his Senatorial Job serious enough to SHOW UP & VOTE MORE THAN HE DID, why should they think he would end up Showing ANY MORE CONCERN FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!


They all feel the Presidency needs to be in the hands of a MATURE INDIVIDUAL who knows the ins-&-outs of Washington & the WORLD! This is something NONE OF THEM FELT OBAMA KNEW THE 1ST THING ABOUT! Obama hasn’t even been in the Senate 1 FULL TERM YET… & OF THAT MOST OF THE TIME HAS BEEN SPENT AWAY CAMPAIGNING! THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS HAVE GOT NOTHING FOR THE MONEY THEY’VE PAID HIM!!

Our economy won’t affect the world’s economythat much because ALL economy’s historically go in slumps and highs in cycles anyway including those of the U.S. This was happening now was expected, according to the historical time line so really I don’t think most economists were too surprised. The stock markets are all tied together now anyway, too. So when one’s hurting they’re all hurting more-or-less. (You can find this is true, too, by doing a little of your own research, but if you can’t find it let me know & I’ll get the links for you).

Ours is already back in a very high up-swing… The highest in 76 years! I could kick myself for not calling our broker last week & buying stock like crazy & then selling it today!! I would have made a killing!! Or just have held onto it for a while. I might go ahead & buy tomorrow & hold onto it because once it gets stable I don’t think it’s really going to slow down for awhile unless Obama wins so I might should hold off a few more weeks, buy & sell before then.


Steven asks…

Wanna start something to help homeless and under privileged children but lost?

Wanna start a program that is focused on helping children in need but don’t know where to start. I have no money to do this but i have a good heart and have been a volunteer for a long time for other organizations but there’s an un filled need in my community that I wanna fill. My thoughts are to offer fun activities at homeless shelters, provide birthday parties, special outings in our community and anything else that would enrich the life of a child because they to are suffering when the family is homeless or poor. So what should i do? Starting a non profit, not for profit, a foundation, and both public and private charities cost money. Plus i don’t understand the difference between all eight or ten of the different choices. It’s confusing. Should I just start a volunteer program…would that be easier? Also my heart will be poured into this so I would like to one day receive a paycheck like most directors do so… What should I do to start this with no money and what should I turn it into later? It’s confusing and I’m sorry. All answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Good ideas. Answers too long to all fit here. Best way to start is to just start Seriously. Pick one shelter do one activity maybe a back to school thing. Ask to put boxes for school supply donations in local businesses churches, clubs. Put together a school pack foe each kid. If u r part of a local church see if they will back u by providing tax recepit for donations. Hint buy school bags that are different colors, styles so having a specific bag does not mark child as homeless. Include a couple of fun things, silly animal erasers, hair bows, mini flashlight, etc. Pizza or fast food place may donate food. School counselor or social worker can accept supplies to give kids who are homeless but not in shelters which often have greater needs and can if they will give the family info about your programs. Look for family connection organization in your area. There r a couple of inexpensive ways to do the non.profit. Msg me if u want info but for now your church or any local nonprofit can b your fiscal agent. Once u have a ye or two track record grants r available. More info or our old site HTTP://,,,no WWW. HTTP:// Don’t remember site but look up institute on children poverty and homelessness.

We started much same way nearly 19 yrs ago. Please do this the kids need you so much.

Pls msg me if u would like more info. Pls see back to school clothes day on our site. Costs almost nothing makes huge difference. God bless u

Ken asks…

How to make money fast in the winter?

I kno it sounds lane but I need cash dont say get a job bec Iv been trying for over 4 months! What are some ideas ?

Nagesh answers:

Dude all you got to do is walk down your street and dedicate a whole day to shoveling driveways. Your not going to get money easy and it sounds like a hard job. But people are always willing to give a kid money to do there driveway! 5$ for small 5-10$ for medium driveway 10-15$ for large. Let them be the judge. Ask them what they would charge you to shovel there driveway. If you make a bad offer they will just turn it down.

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Friday, August 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Susan asks…

What is a quick and effective way of making money without taking online surveys?? (which dont work…)?

Nagesh answers:

Your right about surveys. How many pre qualifying surveys did you get denied on after you’ve been told you were approved for?
I think the most effective way to make a lot of money from experience is to have a home based business. You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business but without all the over head expenses. Most home based business cost under $500. Almost everything you use on a daily bases is a tax write off. Things like your telephone, Internet, cellular phone, electricty, gas and even car expenses are tax write offs.
A friend of mine created a blog on her yahoo page on Home based Business opportunities. There are several different ones in different industries to take a look at and see which ones you think you’d be interested in. Also a lot of information that you should read about on home based businesses, blogs, reports, scams and the BBB. It’s not too long, just some issues that people need to know about and be educated on The URL is:
. Http://
If you have any questions regarding this, you should contact Tiffany at She can answer any questons you may have.

Good Luck

Sandy asks…

What is the quickest and easiest way to make money online?

No reading ads or surveys

Nagesh answers:

I do not believe there is an easy way to make money. If there was, everyone would be rich.

No matter where you go on the internet, they will ask for your credit card number.

They are getting richer and you are getting poorer’

James asks…

quick Ways to make money?

Ok so I am about £130 in debt and I need a way to make money quickly… Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Take stuff to a pawn shop and get cash for it. Quick way.
Do you have any music or video equipment, laptops, even a high school ring?
Don’t fall for all these online scams that tell you that you can make money.

Ken asks…

quick money?

ok so i really need some money for the summer…. i need a quick way to make alot of money!

Nagesh answers:

Try some online surveys. I use two that really pay you money and you can make lots. Here is a link too those two.


Mark asks…

quick ways to make money?

im fifteen and need to make some money fast any idea how?( besides babysitting or dogwalking can’t do those)

Nagesh answers:

Hi 🙂

I am 16 so I kinda know what you are going through!!! I have tried many ways to get money! And it sucks right? I understand that alot of people don’t trust online work..but have you ever heard of a company called Global Domains International? (you should look it up!) I have recently got involved with this company and I have an amazing team that helps me get the money I want!!

This is my website 🙂 check it out and if you wanted to get involved with GDI you should definetly sign up through me because that will help both of us hahah


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Thursday, August 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Nancy asks…

Online surveys that pay money?

Nagesh answers:

My favorite is fusion cash. I think this one makes you the most money and you receive payment the fastest. You can get the money direct deposited within 1-5 business day, you can get it via paypal, or you can receive a check.

Getting a check from any survey site usually takes about a month so I recommend papal or direct deposit although this is the only site that offers both.

At fusion cash you can make $3 for every referral you get that signs up and completes one offer. You make $3 a month for posting in the forum. You receive a $5 sign up bonus. You usually receive from .50 – 2.00 per every free offer you complete.

Free offers are basically signing up for free sites and giving them your spam email and your address but they never send you anything.

I personally recommend making an email just for these sites.

You can do the offers you pay for but I personally do not.

I have been doing these sites for about a year now and it definitely comes in handy because I am a stay at home mom.


The second I’ll recommend is This site is the easiest to do. You spin a wheel and make anywhere from .10 to winning the jackpot.

I also recommend Inbox dollars. This site pays you for free offers, surveys, and checking the emails they send you.


Donald asks…

Online Surveys?

Ok I’m 14 years old. I need to know if anyone knows a good site where I can take those survey things. I need money fast. I am UNDER 18 so please don’t tell me to go to a site and then I’m going to read “Must be 18 or older to enter” crap. I am NOT going to pay ANYTHING to join. Let’s get that straight. I DON’T want a scam either. Anyone TRULY knows a good site.
Join. Do survey. Get check.

So let’s review…

1. I am UNDER 18
2. I am Not going to pay ANYTHING to join
3. Good and NOT A SCAM

can we do that ppl? Anyone please give me some good sites.
Whoa. They wanted me to post this in the Religion category. HAHA!

Nagesh answers:

Do not try this at this age. Mind it It is your hands and efforts that could lead you to faster money. Believe in your efforts. Most online surveys assure you of faster money yet at the end most do not turn up. Hence first become eligible for fast money and go ahead with high qualification, etc under your belt and compell others to pay you handsomely.

Linda asks…

make money fast online?

How can one make money easily and safely on the internet?

Nagesh answers:

Here are the sites that I have used, with one of them still being used.
on send you can get cash but you have to make over $30 before getting your first check cut to you.

On my, you can get points built up to trade for charity, prizes or (like I do) trade them in for cash. For every 1K points you earn you can request a check (starts out at a value of $10). These are really fun and safe and easy to do. The one that I still use is the because I liked it more thann

Good Luck!

Sandy asks…

Money online fast?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a website where you can make money without paying ANY money or signing up with ANY sponsers. All I need is $40.00-$50.00!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Go to and it tells you legit websites that will pay you to take surveys, write, ect. I have defiantly made over $50.

Charles asks…

Help!!!!! Fast money?

I need to make fast money(like $600) in a month or 2 or im in trouble.
Im going to be 16 this october. What can i do?
And do you guys know any good websites for online surveys?

Thanks a bunch!

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

Please best answer me 🙂

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Michael asks…

quick way to earn money online….?

Nagesh answers:


Lizzie asks…

How to make quick money online?

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest learning some new skills, such as to do with IT, computers & internet that means you could work remotely. Many companies offer the ability for employees to work from home too.

Another way to look at it is to see if you can use any of your hobbies / interests to earn money. An amateur photographer for example could start to make and sell prints… Or, if you are very knowledgable about something, you could start a business in that – selling from ebay,, or starting a website…

All the best… Biggest bit of advice – avoid those scams!

Carol asks…

how do I make quick money online thats not a joke?

Iam a stay at home mom to a 8 month old boy. I got married about two months ago and he is full of debt and its holding us back from everything, Any advise would be great! no gimics/games please.

Nagesh answers:

In general, almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any “free” service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can’t cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.

Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the “free” offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easiliy. But their website rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in “free” offers. I have played aroung on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don’t let them.

You will find many people on the web that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. They will say: “Go to” The “q2347” is a signal to the Cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by “q2347.” If they sucker money out of you, “q2347” gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link.

There is no good way for the AVERAGE person to make money on the internet. If you are not average, and have some special skill, you can make money. If you are good at selling things, try selling things on E-bay. If you are good at writing, set up a blog or other site and sell ads. If you are good at computer programming, try setting up a site that uses your skills. Unfortunately, you have not told us of any special skills you have. It is therefore hard for anyone on Yahoo answers to give you good advice.

However, if you go to a site that claims anybody can make money, it is usually a scam

Mandy asks…

how to earn money online in short time?

Nagesh answers:

It is my experience that there is no quick buck on the internet. There are however legitimate opportunities though. If you have any particular skills you could alwasy try a freelance work exchange program, where you pick up small jobs online like data entry or web development. If you can’t see yourself doing that then you could try taking surveys, in my experience these won’t pay your bills though. You could also check out they pay you for reviews you write. At Epinions you can write reviews on many products. They pay small percentages for each review written. The more reviews you write the more money you will make. Over time, with enough reviews you could be making a pretty nice monthly income from them. Another thing you could try if you are a web publisher and have a website with a good amount of traffic, you could try being a publisher for a PPC program such as adsense. Either way, you will find it very tough to make a quick buck online. You must be prepared to spend time at it and put in the work required. It’s not as easy as some will make it sound. Good Luck.

James asks…

quick money?

anyone got any feedback on is this just another one trying to relieve us of our hard earned

Nagesh answers:

Ways to make money online.

Sell stuff on ebay :
The best dropshipper – salehoo.url-go. Com

Get paid to blog :
The best site for get paid to blog – payperpost.url-Site. Com

Online paid surveys :
The best site for online paid surveys –
surveyscout.url-site. Com

Legit online jobs :
The best site to find legit online jobs –
legitonlinejobs.url-site. Com

Internet marketing :
The best internet marketing course –
wealthyaffiliate.url-Go. Com


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Tuesday, August 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Steven asks…

How does a 14 year old save enough money to buy a psp?

I only hav 2 game systems. A ds and a n64. I had always wanted a psp ever since it came out, but never enough money. I dont get allowance no more because my mom says i need to find a way to make my own money and im not a little kid no more. Someone help me to find a way to make money!

Nagesh answers:

Like the first poster said, work fast food, its pretty easy. Or get a paper delivery route. Or offer to cut people’s lawns. Old people in your neighborhood will probably pay if you if help them with different landscaping things, or cleaning the yard up. Or the house.

Or you could pick up bottles and cans from local parks and sports events, then turn those in for cash.

Also, try to get your allowance back by asking your mom to set up a chore list. She makes a list, and you do them each day to earn your allowance, by taking the initiative she will probably be fine with paying you again.

(once you get a cash flow, don’t blow it on things each week, put it in a jar or box and don’t allow yourself to take from it for anything)

Charles asks…

What are quick and easy ways to make money in middle school?

I am saving up my money for the iPhone 5(or 4s) because my phone is the iPhone 3GS and its really slow and doesn’t have a front camera or face time and stuff like that. I really want it soon because my phone is on the verge of breaking. The sim card keeps falling out, it dies really fast, and the headphone jack is broken. I would like a variety of options so I can do more than one thing to get money fast. Im not a big fan of cleaning but I already do jobs around the house but that wont get me a new phone. It will be about 240 with the upgrade since I have 60 from my birthday. I just recently decided I wanted a new phone so that’s why I have like no money. Please help me!

Nagesh answers:

Sell razors (I paid a LOT for my old one)

Sell drawings/stories/poems

Um…gum or candy (kids in my clas do that)


Sell things that are frowned upon in general (NOTHING illegal)

Dance for tips?

Sandy asks…

How can Americans learn to save more money?

An Emergency Fund is a must. Saving for retirement is a must. Saving and investing is a must. Being frugal is the new rich. Generations born during the Great Depression and after knew how to be frugal. Generation XYZ does not have common sense with money or being frugal. Save, invest and stop attempting to get money the fast way or by attempting to keep up with the Carters’, Jordan’s, Bradys’.
Starting by saving a little adds up. Little Dollars and Cents add up fast when spent everyday on wants not needs. No excuses.

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately when you have a low-income job the way most Americans do nowadays? It’s very difficult to save money.

It isn’t impossible if you don’t mind saving up a dollar here and there. It’s just frustrating.

The best way to save money is to hide it out of sight and forget that you have it.

However, that’s only if you are trying to save up little bits of money. Any larger amounts should always be deposited in a bank or credit union.

Families with growing children have the hardest time saving money.

The time era that you talk about had completely different views on how to save money. Children wore hand-me-down clothes, and no one noticed. All the kids wore hand-me-down clothes. It was normal.

Try that today, and your kids will get picked on and bullied.

Carol asks…

What is a fast way to make a lot of money for kids?

I have like $300.00, but I want to keep that in the bank while I make some fast money. I want like a lot of continuous money so that I can make more than I spend. But it can’t take too long.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

Robert asks…

What are some good ways to make money?

What are some good ways to make money around your neighborhood or on the internet
and what are some good ways to make money if your a kid(like a teenager kid) You know hat i mean.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

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Monday, August 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

David asks…

Can the sheriff in Alberta impound and suspend your license for child maintenance?

So there has been this ridiculous battle between a buddy of mine and his ex over child support payments. As far as known there are NO payments ever been due or appointed by the court for him to make. Hell they’re pretty sure the kid isn’t even his due to some genetic traits. So he’s driving down the road near Grasslands and Boyle, when he gets pulled over. Keep in mind hes not speeding, or disobeying any traffic laws or provoking the police in any way. He gets pulled over and the usual bull shit procedure takes place. Cop comes back saying his license is suspended for 30 days and his truck impounded due to ” Child Maintenance”. This makes absolutely no sense to me at all considering he has to travel 5 hours one way for his job to make any money, why suspend the license? Im curious as if this is legal at all in this province or if anyone else has experienced this. Also if this is legal, what are the conditions that led up to this?

Nagesh answers:

I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to get out of making child support payments over a claim that he’s not the child’s biological father. Child support payments is not something that has to be appointed by a court, either, because not only is it common sense that parents are legally and financially responsible for their children, there are already laws in place that explicitly say so for the masses too dumb to figure this out for themselves. A court may be used to settle disputed payment amounts and arrangements, though.

As long as the mother has your friend listed as the child’s biological father, he’s required by law to pay child support, and the court can go after him for failing to uphold his legal responsibilities as a caregiver of the child. The sheriff didn’t suspend your friend’s license. The courts did. The sheriff just enforced it.

And according to a quick google search, there is a law in place in Canada that allows impounding vehicles of deadbeats (something else that can be enforced through law officials). This is to encourage the deadbeats to contact the necessary people, and fulfill their obligations. Your friend needs to contact the court or legal organization behind the impound order so that he can quickly set up arrangements to get his vehicle back. This may include a lift on his suspension.

If your friend has a problem with all of this in general, he needs to get scientific proof that he is not the biological father and then present it to the court. Physical features and traits does not act as proof in the vast majority of cases, he must have DNA test results. If he’s not the real father, he’ll be exonerated from any responsibility. If he is the real father, he’ll be expected to stop acting like the *** he is.

Basically, tell your friend he needs to get his **** together, and stop thinking that ignoring a situation will make it go away. He needs to deal with it properly and to go through the right channels. This would never have happened if he’d taken care of it sooner.

Mary asks…

What should I tell my friend about this?

Now, read the details. If you do not, you will now know what to answer.
Well, one of my friends wants to get a big cat so badly. My friend has been dying and dying to get one. My friend wants to know where to legally get one and what it’s like caring for it.
My friend does live in a state where having one is allowed. I know it’s hard to care for one, but how is it hard? I am doing this for my friend.

Nagesh answers:

Elaine M, Rad Bon means big as in tiger, lion, leopard, bobcat, serval, caracal, or cheetah. If it’s true that your friend is in a state where it’s legal to have a big cat, get it from a pet trade or something that is legal. Call the government or something like that if you can have a big cat. They might say no or yes. If yes, then tell your friend that it is hard to care for one. It is best for your friend to get a big cat as a cub, but it can cost from 900 dollars to even 20,000 dollars. If your friend’s desired cat is rare, it will cost somewhere around 20,000 dollars. When you build an enclosure for it, make sure it is big. Big as in BIG. It has to be like 500 to 1000 square feet cage. If your friend can make a cage bigger than 1000 square feet, that is better. TELL your friend that the cage should have trees(especially if your friend’s desired big cat is a leopard), water(especially if your friend’s desired big cat is a jaguar or a tiger), and tell your friend that the ground in the cage should not be dirt or concrete. Some big cat owners think that buying the cat is the most expensive part. Tell your friend to NOT GET A BIG CAT if your friend is not able to spend LOTS and LOTS of MONEY, AND is not able to earn LOTS of money quickly. Endless money(not literally endless) has to be spent on food, making the cage, buying land(if necessary), and buying items to take care of the cat as a cub. Big cats need meat, fresh meat. Make sure the public cannot access or view your big cat. Something bad can happen. DO NOT WALK IT, and do not put it on a leash. Again, something bad can happen, and it is one of the reasons why the cage has to be big. Your friend will have to wash it as a cub using those items, as I have stated. It may still need to be done when the big cat is an adult. Be very careful. DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE! IT CAN OR MOST LIKELY WILL COST YOUR FRIEND THEIR LIFE! Before your friend gets one, make sure you friend has an exotic veterinarian, in case something bad happens. When it is an adult, many people are not able to play with it. This is how caring for a big cat is CRAZY HARD. Tell your friend to get a domesticated cat instead, if he or she cannot get a big cat, and does not mind that.
Also, it will spray urine a lot, no matter when you spay or neuter it. ALWAYS contact a government agency.

John asks…

How soon can my car be reposessed?

My payment was due on the 13th, but I haven’t been able to make the payment due to a family emergency. I am planning on making the payment on October 1st, when I get my annuity money, but until then I have no way to pay it. I have not ever been this late on my payment, but am worried that they will come take my car. How quickly after a missed payment can they repo my car legally? I live in Ohio.
I have tried talking to the finance company and the two times I have talked to someone they just demand the payment and say they can’t extend it that my payment is due on the 13th no if ands or buts. That is why I am concerned.

Nagesh answers:

Auto finance is what I do for a living, you need to call your lender and tell them what is going on.

Don’t worry about your car being repossessed, this normally takes 3 missed payments, but you do need to keep in touch with them when something like this happens.

Jenny asks…

Can a native English speaking person teach English in China?

I have been intrested in teaching English in Japan or/and China. If I can teach in China, is it hard to get a teaching job there? Is it possible to teach English your whole life in China or is it a contract deal?

But overall, is the teaching experience great? And are you able to make enough money to live off of it?

I know these are a lot of questions but I would appreciate the help.

Nagesh answers:

You can teach English (TEFL or TESL) in China if you meet the requirements. The minimum requirements to teach legally and be employed by a legitimate school is a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and possession of a TEFL/TESL certificate. Previous experience certainly is a bonus, and some school require that. Most schools seek younger applicants, between 22 and 30. Some schools are specific about your appearance… Prefer Caucasian… Some will even specify body size, hair and eye color. It is now required by the State Administration for Foreign Expert Affairs (SAFEA) for you to register with them and submit to an evaluation (which includes a psychological profile).

Teaching jobs are plentiful, but you need to research the employer with scrutiny. Avoid 2nd party recruiters… You’ll take it in the poop chute. I’ve been here 6+ years and have been employed by 2 different schools… The experiences have been from tolerable to very satisfactory… I consider myself fortunate as there are others who have experienced hellish nightmares.

Employment is contract based… Typical contract is a one-year term, although some six-month contracts are available. If you are new to teaching, I’d suggest the latter, a lot of foreigners simply can’t hack the culture shock and wither, fizzle and fail quickly. If you are successful and can survive the China experience, you can renew your contract annually or seek other employment after the term of your contract. Contracts are not easy to break, you’d be subjected to fines, penalties and perhaps bodily threats and deportation.

The money is quite adequate to survive… If you’re self-sufficient, know how to budget your expenses, and practice some restraint, the money is good. Salaries are much higher than average wages for the area. Most schools will offer accommodations as part of the contract, or a monthly stipend for housing.

Being a native English speaker doesn’t necessarily make a good and successful teacher. There’s a lot more to it than that. Many come here with the expectation of partying and getting laid all of the time… These folks ultimately fail quickly. Teaching is a profession, and it’s paramount that you act professional, respectable and courteous in spite of your surroundings. You will earn your wages; there IS work involved in teaching. If you possess the right attitude, are diligent and have a sense-of-humor, then you can easily survive in this profession. Learn the language, the customs and traditions beforehand… And know how to observe and respect them. Foreigners are not above Chinese laws, rules and regulations; you are not granted special privileges or exemptions as such. An ignorant, arrogant, smelly, self-righteous drunk foreigner with a perpetual hard-on won’t survive… That is a fact.

Thomas asks…

How can i get free food quickly?

I have no food or water in my dorm and no money to buy any and the cafeteria wont be open again until tuesday. Is there a way i can legally get it for free?

Nagesh answers:

If you’re not near a relative or friend you can mooch off of, look up food banks in your area. They will give you a box with a couple days worth of food.

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Sunday, August 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Susan asks…

What is a good way to make sopme extra money from home without an internet connection?

I would like to make money from home what can I do?
I dont’t have internet at my house,
any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Deliver have to bag them and fold them at your house but then of course you have to go deliver them which doesnt take long

George asks…

Any legit ways to work from home to supplement my income?

I’m looking for ideas that I can make extra money from home, I have a baby so I don’t want to get a job away from home. I’ve looked into a few but they are all scams. Any help or idea would be appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

These are call-center companies. Jet Blue airlines hires through one of these companies for customer service representatives. If you look up these companies, here on Y!A or on online message boards, you will find that these are legitimate companies. They might not have jobs available in your state, though.

Another website to check out is for data entry, transcription, and scheduling jobs.

Donna asks…

How can you make money at home?

I’m looking for legitimate ways to make money at home online. Does anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Start sending your resume out to nearby companies. Include in your cover letter that you have an office an home and prefer to work remotely from it.

Richard asks…

What is the best way to make money from home?

I am a father of two little boys and I stay home with them both while my wife goes to work and makes out income. I am looking for a way to make money from home. I have a lot of free time o my hands and would prefer some way to do it on the computer. I make websites (nothing too fancy) and I know alo about computer systems as well as carpentry and parenting.

Anyone got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I would see if you can design and maintain websites. Many people myself included do not know how to do this.

Sandra asks…

How can I earn $75 per day five days a week from home?

I’m looking for ideas on how to earn money at home so I can be a stay at home mom for my newborn. I need to earn $75 per day five days a week to pay the bills.

FYI: Insincere answers will be reported as abuse.

Nagesh answers:

What you are asking is close to impossible to find in this very difficult economy.

You answer will probably spawn lots of scams – do not pay attention to them.

You may want to do a past question review for questions similar to yours on this forum – there are hundreds, probably thousands. Read the answers – most are scams, but some are very down-to-earth and sensible.

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Saturday, August 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Mary asks…

what is the fastest way to make money in runescape?

please i need to know the fastest way to make money possible i dont care what lvl i need to be because i have like 60-90 in all skills. o by the way im not a member

Nagesh answers:

The best way is too mine iron and coal then make steel bars they would sell for alot like 600 gp ea
but make sure u sell to the dude at dwarf mine

Ruth asks…

How do u get alot of easy money on runescape plz help me?

im a level (24) my user:mac jordan and i was wondering how do i get easy fast money on runescape.

Nagesh answers:

That’s so easy! Woodcutting! Woodcutting is the easiest skill to level up on RuneScape! All u have to do is woodcut logs, bank your logs, and sell your logs at the Grand Exchange! It makes excellent profit!

1st, buy an iron axe and woodcut normal logs in Lumbridge.

At level 6, buy a black axe.

Keep banking them until u reach lvl 15.

Then woodcut oak logs east of Varrock, and bank your logs at the east bank.

Buy a mithril axe at lvl 21.

When you reach level 30 woodcutting, return to Lumbridge, and woodcut willows there.

Buy an Adamant axe at lvl 31.

Buy a rune axe at lvl 41

Finally, you can cut yews!(just under 500gp) if u keep cutting, banking, and sellin yews at the Grand Exchange, u will be rich! Hope i helped!

*Sometimes, wen cutting a tree, a ‘Bird’s Nest’ will fall out of the tree. Pick up the bird’s nest and search it, u will find a valuable item.

*make sure u pay attention wen u cut trees. Sumtimes trees can transform in to Ents. They will break your axe if u dont stop swinging your axe at them! However, if u do break ur axe, u can repair it At Bob’s axe store south of Lumbridge for a fee or for free.

*Random events will pop up wen u woodcut! So keep ur eyes open!

Daniel asks…

What’s the fastest way for a level 3 skiller to get 99 runecrafting?

Hi, This is a question about RuneScape. Making money is not really an issue for me, I can make enough money that is necessary for a 99 skill. I was wondering – can someone give me step by step instructions on how to get 99 Runecrafting? (yes, I know that it will take a long time, but I don’t know where to start) Also, I am able to get members. Thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

The general way F2P skillers train runecrafting is just by crafting air runes. Craft them by yourself until you can do at least 8x…then give out free assists. It should be somewhere around 15k-22k per hour.

Donald asks…

How do i make a party hat in runescape?

How do i get fast money by hacking or cheating?

Nagesh answers:

Okay, party hats, you can’t make them, they were dropped in the 2001 chirstmas event there’s no way you can get one without buying one. You might as well just work for the money. And bots are now gonna get you banned i think it was to the IP level now. Where you can’t even make another account on the computer that was traced. Never use bots. For money i suggest doing rune crafting, mining rune essence, making steel bars, killing hill giants for free to play players. For members there are many more things but im not gonna say them cause there’s just too many..

Steven asks…

Does anyone know how i can make good, fast money on runescape?

good money, not bad and ive been searching for awhile… Good answers please

Nagesh answers:

For the best money in F2P you should kill Hill Giants in Edgeville Dungeon, make sure you have a brass key to have access to the small storage building near Barbarian Village at Varrock, when you kill a Hill Giant take their big bones and sell them at the Grand Exchange. If you can, try to get your Dungeoneering up until the point where you can access the resource dungeon in there where there are 4 spawns if limpwurt roots which sell for about 1.2k each in Grand Exchange, they also hgave a load full of Hill Giants that usually aren’t attacked as much than the Hill Giants outside of the resource dungeon. Another option is to mine until you can mine iron in 0-2 seconds then go to the Dwarven Mines between the Barbarian Village and Edgeville. After you arrive look around until you find some iron ore near a resource dungeon. Make sure you have enough of a Dungeoneering level to access it. Mine the iron for a full inventory. Make sure you click fast on the iron because usually there are people who will want to compete with you for the iron. After a full inventory, enter the resource dungeon and there will be a bank deposit box right next to the entrance. Bank your iron ore there and repeat! 🙂 you will make approximately 200k per hour if you mine it efficiently. If you can’t mine it because of someone else keep switching worlds until you can. Now…..for P2P >:)…I’m pretty sure you have like a 30+ account in RS so for your 30’s-60’s I recommend you to kill Flesh Crawlers in the Stronghold Of Security. Go to the 2nd floor and go toward the door that you look at when you first climb down the ladder, go past those two Flesh Crawlers (There are only two not very sufficient time when making money) keep going until you reach the Zombies that are about level 45-ish and run past them until you meet another pair of doors, go through it and keep going where there are another pair of doors and go through, there you meet a pit full of Flesh Crawlers that automatically attack you but sometimes may be crowded but don’t worry about the crowd it usually is only about 1-3 people so no need to fight over them. Just leave your character alone and they will automatically attack you just pick up these herbs, Ranarr, Irit, Lantadyme, and Cadantine, If you want pick up noted iron ores and stack up on the fire runes, if they drop sapphires or emeralds don’t pick them up as the herbs are worth more, just pick up rubies and diamonds if they drop them. After you get to like 70 or 70+ if you haven’t yet, get 33 quest points and start Dragon Slayer, it is better if you complete it for the rune platebody but rune chainbodies are fine, so just start it and go get an Anti-fire shield from Duke Horacio but you can buy them too, but they hardly ever sell. Now, RUNE ARMOR AND A LONGSWORD IS A MUST IN THIS METHOD!!! Get full rune armor and a rune longsword for this equip them along with the Anti-Dragonfire shield now buy a games necklace, if you want better and faster kills get a combat bracelet and a strength amulet, now, buy a full inventory of monkfish or better because you will need it. You will not need the teleport tabs as you can already teleport with the games necklace, teleport to Clan wars by using the necklace and running south until you see some people, walk to them and Green Dragons will be visible on your screen or the yellow NPC Dots that indicate them. Kill them and collect their bones and dragon hide until you are able to kill them by only using 1-2 of your food each. When you can leave the dragonhide alone and start collecting the Dragon bones and ONLY the Dragon bones. Good luck my friend! If you need some more help add Dragonkunai2! Happy hunting! 🙂

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Friday, August 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

David asks…

What is the best way to make money on runescape?

I want a quick option like buying and selling, but what should i buy and what should i sell?

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money on Runescape. I personally like to choose methods that are low risk. I have many methods, which have been tried and tested listed on my website:

There are 2 methods which can be done every 24hrs, each day I make 350,000 in about 10 miniutes by doing this.

Firstly go to the low level slayer master and purchase all Broad Arrowheads and Unfinished Broad Bolts then head to the high level slayer master and purchase all Broad Arrowheads and Unfinished Broad Bolts from him. This will cost in total from both slayer masters shops 288,774 sell on these on the grand exchange to make about 300,000 profit there stock will take 24 hours to regenerate.

Secondly buy all battle staffs from Naff’s Knockoff Staves shop. He will sell you battlestaves for 7,000 coins each and these can be sold on the grand exchange 7,695 each. Depending on how many Varrock achievment diary tasks you have completed will depend on how many battlestaffs Naff will sell you every 24 hours. I have completed the elite tasks and make 55,600 each day on this.

Finally a method for during the day. One of my many methods I recommend is running Golden Scarabs, Golden Scarabs can be purchased from the Grand exchange for 600 gold and traded with the NPC Simon Templeton for 1000g each. If you have access to the bank in Sophanem (requires completion of the quest Contact) then each tip will take under 4 minutes, there and back!? Golden Scarabs can be also be carried by a Summon increasing the amount made per trip.

Luke Samuels

Nancy asks…

What are some ways of making a heap of money on runescape?

Well I happily made 1.1 mil by making steel bars and selling big bones over a couple of months! I’m looking to make atleast another 1m + but it’s going to take me way too long to make steel bars and sell them and sell big bones again! I need a quicker way! Help!?

Nagesh answers:

Learn to merchant.. I made over 63m merchanting on my lvl 3 and lvl 116 acc

Joseph asks…

How to make quick money on runescape f2p?

I have 380k already but the game just takes forever without money. 10 points best answer.

Nagesh answers:

There is no quick way in f2p. The best thing would probably be mining or woodcutting, depending on your levels.

Ruth asks…

How to get 25 herblore in runescape?

I am currently level 11 herblore in runescape and need 25 for heroes quest. I AM WILLING TO SPEND MONEY!! 200k maximum. HOWEVER if there is a cheaper BUT QUICK way to get 25 herblore then please share because I cannot find a decent herblore guide, they all tell you to spend hours gathering herbs and I don’t have the time. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

If you want to get it done very fast and spend minimal money is this

Go to Grand exchange and buy –

Guam leaves
Eye of newt
Waterfilled vials

make normal attack potions, then make them into (4) dose and put back into grand exchange to sell at minmum price so you get your money back.


The slow way .. But you also make money is this

– Buy Vials from Ardgrogne General Store or Taverly Herblore shop then bank them
– Fill vials up at a close bye water source
– Buy eye of newts from the port sarim mage shop and bank them
– Kill chaos druids at edgeville dungeon or taverly dungeon and take the guam leaves that they drop

then make them into attack pots, then (4) dose then sell in ge at minimum price

hope this helps

Mandy asks…

What is the quickest way to get to level 99 wc if your lvl 71 atm on runescape?

I need to know what the quickest way to get to lvl 99 wc and im lvl 71 rite now. I dont have a d axe i have a rune axe. Should i get a d axe?
Plzz help me
How do i get to lvl 99 the quickest from lvl 71

Nagesh answers:

I think you should get a d axe and cut willows unless you want it really fast do jungle potion and cut teaks in tai bwo wanni. If your in for the money i recommend you do yews.

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Thursday, August 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Sandra asks…

how long does it takes to get add a credit card on my paypal account?

i got money from my cousin on it but i cant take moeny out of it.
🙁 and i really need right now!! so how long does it takes to add a credit card, or a bank account or a debit card?

-kindly help me?

Nagesh answers:

It is done online . It may be fast.Try. PayPal is one of the most popular online money transfer systems widely used for online auctions, pay to surf programs, e-books and purchase of low value goods. It is now a part of the online auction website eBay. More details available at

Sharon asks…

Other ways to receive money from customers?

I am a very, very small self business and I need a way to receive money from customers outside my local area. I’m uncomfortable giving out my address to people I’ve never met, so I need a new way. Anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Hi there.

There is SO many options. The obvious choice goes to….

PayPal. This is used online by millions worldwide and is the most popular payment method online besides Bank Transactions. In addition, it is 100% secure and legitimate. It is extremely fast because the payment goes through immediately, plus it only takes 24 hours to transfer the funds from your PayPal account to your Bank Account. You can also use PayPal for buying/selling many things online. If you ever create an Ebay account and decide to sell online, you will need a PayPal account anyway, so best to make one now.

Next goes to….

Bank Transfer/CHAPS. I used this recently. It is a very simple easy way for customers to send money to you. You basically give them your Bank Details (Account Number, Sort Code and Name.) Then using this information, they can transfer money from their Bank Account to yours in under 2 hours. If their Bank Account doesn’t have the CHAPS feature then they can go to the Bank your with (For example Natwest.) and go in any Natwest branch and just deposit the funds directly into your account. Giving them your Account Number, Sort Code and Name allows them to deposit money into your account, they cannot withdraw anything without I.D, Bank Card, PIN etc.


Postal Order/Cheque. I know you didn’t want your Address revealed but have no fear, P.O. BOX is here! Seriously, go to your local Post Office and you can set up a mail box with them for a small fee per month. With Royal Mail it is like £6.50 per Month. They take all mail and hold it for you until you collect – so it’s essentially a 2nd letter box. This is great alternative if you want an anonymous address. They could then send the money in the post or a cheque. The Post Office will even sign for it if it is recorded.

Another method is Money Gram, Money Western Union Transfer, World Pay and mutually meeting at a desired location.

Mary asks…

Best website to invest money and earn more money ?

Hi , I have some funds in my paypal account and I hope I can increase them by investing money online. Is there any website that is trustful 100% in which I can buy bonds , shares , or invest. I am ready to invest up to 50 dollars if the website is for sure genuine.

Note : I do not live in U.S / Canada / or Australia.

Nagesh answers:

In this website you’ll discover:

– A formidable collection of the most agressive, hardcore, underground, & proven money making secret strategies ever revealed! Anyone armed & using these will be ferociously unstoppable at making money, and will literally obliterate their competition! Get visitors to pay you just for visiting your website. The simplest and easiest way to make money ever conceived. You won’t even need to sell anything, and you can still make hundreds of dollars each day. You’ll need to read this bit twice before you’ll believe how easy it is to make money.

– Instantly turn single sales, into two sales. Learn a simple (and sneaky) technique that will convert upto 70% of your sales, into a second sale as soon as they make their payment. Your customer won’t have even put their card away before they’re eagerly sending you more money and virtually doubling your profits.

– Swipe customers from under the noses of other marketers. Let other marketers do all the advertising and sales pitch and then steal their customers at the very last minute. They won’t know what hit them.

– This is one of the most devious and underhand tactics out there, but it’s being used against you right now, so you either turn it to your advantage, or lose out to it time and again. You’re either using this one or it’s being used against you to beat you into submission! Other people do the hard work, and you make money from it.

– Use AdWords to put your competitors out of the game. Some people would like to see this technique banned, but it’s 100% legal and untouchable. Using this downright dirty tactic can give you click thru rates of upto 40%, and allows you to steal the clicks away from all the other advertisers on the same page as you.

– You’ll have never experienced success like this, and you probably don’t even realise this is why your AdWords campaigns have always been so ineffective. Until now! You will actually make money with adwords instead of losing it.

– Increase profits, without ever increasing ad spending. Why spend more on your advertising when you can generate bigger profit margins without spending one extra red cent?

– This technique produces bigger and better results as time progresses, so you know that everytime you use it, you’ll get an even bigger income return. This is the sort of thing you hear rumours about, but it just always seems to be out of your reach. Not anymore!

– Build a list with 80% subscription rate. This is the most effective strategy available to any marketer to build your list 20 or 30 times faster than any of your competitors.

– This technique is frowned upon by traditionalists who see it as cheating; but are you here to play by the rules (that are designed to keep you from ever succeeding), or are you here to make money? Underhand, devious tactics are what the big earners are using against you, so if you want to break out of the losing cycle, you have to get with the program and learn these dirty tricks for yourself. Use your list to make money on demand.

– Advanced affiliate strategies. Learn the most underground and ruthless methods you can use to pratically “cut the throats” of 99% of other hapless affiliates, and leave them for dead whilst you “dip in to their pockets” and take their customers, lists, sales and profits.

– This is being done to you every day by just one or two of the top guys, and you’ve never even realised it. Now you have a chance to protect yourself and make a killing turning the techniques to your advantage. This one section alone can catapult your earnings into 7 figures.

– Earn 75% of all your profit with a unique secret strategy. This method is never discussed openly, yet it is how the vast majority of your money will be made if you follow what you are taught in the Cash Automatic System Project.


Helen asks…

How to create money as fast as a lighting volt?

I really do need something that can bring me lot of money.

Nagesh answers:

The only sure way that you can earn money online is by freelancing, if you are working for a good company you will get paid by check or paypal as soon as the work is complete and approved I have written 2-3 assignments and got paid in 24 hrs. So if you are in need of quick money freelancing is the way to go.

Lizzie asks…

How can you make money when you need it fast?

I just got to sign on to my first apartment, and I need $500 dollars for the security deposit and I have nothing of value to sell, so how do i come up with that much money in that amount of time.

Nagesh answers:

No matter what you do, if u wanna make money online, it will take at least 2 – 3 days before the money actually appear in front of you.
Affiliate marketing needs at least 1-2weeks before the cheque is sent to you. Those PTC,PTR emails also needs about 2 days to transfer the money into your paypal… If there are enough money that is…
Normally if i need that money urgently, i will research for a niche and start looking for products about it. Then i will do some article marketing and wait… Takes about 2-3 days to see the result.

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Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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