Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

George asks…

Jobs for teenagers or ways to make money?

I am a 14 year old girl and am looking for a way to make some money. Where I live there are very few jobs available for people my age so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for ways to make money? Even better maybe you live in Jersey and could help me out?
Thanks xx

Nagesh answers:

Oh there are lots of ways (:

Enter contests! The more you enter, the greater the chance of you winning!
Set up your own business, it could be anything – Lemonade stand, pet sitting business, dog walking, baby sitting…
Have a yard sale.
Sell old things you don’t want anymore such as clothes or CD’s. You could sell them on eBay or to charities.
If you’re skilled in the cooking department, make your own cakes/biscuits and sell them around your neighborhood (:
Do you have a birthday/special occasion approaching? Ask if you can have money instead of other gifts.
Create your own website and allow companies to advertise on it. I think it’s $1 per advertisement click.

Hope I helped.
Good luck and have a nice day 😀

Sandra asks…

Best ways for teenagers to make money for them self?

I’m 17, fed up of boring repetitive jobs. I have already made money from selling manure to local gardeners. Any other ideas to start a micro-business for good money? Need gap year/university money!

Nagesh answers:

The first thing would be to NOT reply to all these ripoff solicitations.. They are scams, and they make money signing you up for their Ponzi schemes.

The old tried and true was is the only way for a 17 year old. Until you have an education under your belt, get rich schemes are just that.. Schemes…

Get experience under your belt, and with time you’ll figure out what you want to do…

Lisa asks…

How can teenagers make money?

Hey, i just thinking of making some extra money for this guitar i am trying to save up for, its kinda expensive. So if anyone has any ideas, surjestions (hope thats spelt right) please answer
Thank you

Nagesh answers:


Mark asks…

A group of 7 girl teenagers need money to go to flagstaff for a couple days during winter break, money ideas..

So me and 6 of my friends are going to Flagstaff, AZ from Chandler, AZ. We need money making ideas for a 3 or 4 day vacation. We’ll need money for gas, shopping, hotel rental, and other stuff. What are some ideas you have to make money for those things, So far we thought of Car wash and bake sale.

P.S. How much is the cheapest dishsoap, cakemix box, and frosting in AZ?

While we’re at it, how much should we charge per what ever we do, ( $=car, $=cake)
teens as in 13 sorry, there will be 3 or 2 adults. sorry for the miss understanding

Nagesh answers:

If you atleast 16, why don’t you get jobs. If there are 7 of you, then it shouldn’t be a problem to get money together if you plan on sharing a room and driving up together. You can always babysit, housesit, pet sit, mow lawns, wash cars, offer to run errands for people, deliver newspapers, etc. Or how about everyone asks their parents for some money or to pay their way for a Christmas present? It shouldn’t take you more than a half tank of gas to drive from Chandler to Flag. Go to a WalMart with a grocery store, they are usually really cheap and buy generic brands. Cake mixes, frosting and dishsoap shouldn’t cost you mor ethan a couple dollars each.

James asks…

Good ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 14 and I really need some money at the moment, Can anyone give me ideas for making money on the net that doesn’t take up loads of time like 5 hours a day and is relatively profitable. I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS2 and I’m ok in photoshop. Please don’t say the obvious ones like lawn mowing or paper round as I have already checked and I can’t. Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Dont listem to the guy who say sexy car washing at only 13 there are so many perves around and teen males only want one thing so watch out.

If you are 16 try to do community jobs like household chores, babysitting, mowing lawns, washing cars, paper round and working in local shop.

When you have started earning save your money and buy the essentials like clothing, entertainment and social life.

To make money online you can:

-Sell products on ebay
-Do online surveys
-Start a blog and sell ad space
-Offer a service like writting, web design etc
-Buy a ready made website turney from £20 on ebay

Good luck in the futher.

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Friday, January 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Sharon asks…

hi, i am 13 years old and i want to make money this summer i want to dog walk with my cousin… ANY IDEAS???


Nagesh answers:

* Print out flyers and put them up around town. Cut out little slips of paper for a business card and put your names, emails, phone numbers, etc. On them.

* If you really want to get into it, then you can also make a website saying what you do for the dogs with reviews and everything.

* Volunterring for an animal shelter is also a good idea. Even though you won’t make any money, people who go to the shelters will see you and ask if you could walk their dogs. Workers at the shelter can also recomend you to others. It is a way to get more popular with the dog-walking business, basically.

* You can also hand out flyers in your neighbors’ mailboxes.

That’s all I got! I hope I helped, and good luck! (:

Daniel asks…

My wife is out of work. Any money making ideas for the last two months of summer?

We’re in Virginia and I’m selling alarm systems, but my wife is home alone all day and bored and wants to work. How can she earn money? Or at least are there some good volunteer jobs that would look good going on a resume?

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend that you and your wife leverage her “TIME FREEDOM”. Maximize her time to assist you both in building wealth. I would recommend that she still set a work schedule for each day. She must have structure in her day. No time to lounge around and watch television. I am sure you both were not born with silver spoons in your mouth and could use additional knowledge on debt elimination, credit improvements, retirement generation, etc. Yes, I am implying that you both have work to do.

Schedule an assignment for her for each day of the week. Monday – Work on Determining your Financial Number. Financial Number is what you need to live an enjoyable and comfortable life. This has nothing to do with what you make from your JOB. Tuesday – Credit Repair – obtain copies of your credit reports and scores (develop ways to increase your scores up to 850 points). Wednesday – Develop Emergency Plan (develop a plan on what you would do if you have a $500, $1000,$5000,etc financial emergency). Thursdays – Debt Elimination and Fridays – Savings/Retirement. So as you can see each day has a goal and resources you will need to improve your Financial Wellness.

Just think “If you had no debt, what couldn’t you do in life”.

The only limitation you have in life is how you think?

Dare to achieve your DREAMS so that you can do what other dream about…..

Donna asks…

What can I do to make money over the summer hols?

I’m 15, live in Doncaster trying to make some money over the summer hols, tried getting a job but all the ones ive tried you need to be 16 :/

any ideas much appreciated


Nagesh answers:

Work at Wal-Mart (just kidding)

Sign up to some GPT sites to make easy money or some pay per photos sites, here’re some sites for you. No Spam(SPAM FREE) (best one ever)

Carol asks…

How to make money? In summer, not pyramid either!?

Hey i am 16, in summer there are a few things i am going to be doing, but i need some ideas what have you on how to make some money, seperate to the corporate summer job i am taking.
Possibly from home. Or ones i can do at night.

Nagesh answers:

If you are willing to put in a 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hours a day then please!!! I welcome you to try they are an INC500 company 37th fastest growing US company to date, listed in all sorts of magazines. An actual legitimate company not like the scams that take your money and run for cover, they are FREE TO JOIN. Wont hurt to take a peek and look. E-mail if you’d like at for more info.

Joseph asks…

What are some good ways for a teen to make money over the summer?

i am a 13 year old girl, and as you know the economy is really bad. money is tight right now, and this summer i wanna save up so i can do some back to school shopping. are there any easy ways to make some money? & babysitting isn’t an option, i don’t know any little kidsss haha.

i’m thinking like lemonade stand or something. does anyone have any other ideas?

sorry if this is in the wrong category, i wasn’t sure whatta put it under xD

Nagesh answers:

Iwas going to say kissing booth, Kiss=1 dollar
but at the end
Kiss = Herpess :/

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Friday, January 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Sharon asks…

making money fast and easy!?

I am a teenager and really want a cat. My mom says with the cost of the vet with out two dogs, she can’t afford it. I have $80ish dollars and want to save up for all the supplies, but I can’t think of a fast easy way to earn a bunch of money to pay for the vets and stuff. please don’t answer “lemonade stand” because you only get like 5 dollars. and don’t say “win the lottery” because that probably wont happen. please help! give me some idea how to raise a lot of money!

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure if this is your idea of fast and easy but you can try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada (maybe the UK too, but I don’t know).

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Mark asks…

Tips on how to save money for teens?

Good ways for teenagers to make money?

Also, tips on how to SAVE money, because I spend it the second I get it. And I really want to save because I need to stop buying cheap, crappy clothes and start spending it on stuff thats worthwhile.

So… basically… I need tips on how to make and save money. Fast. I’m only 14 so I can’t really get a job. I’ve tried to start up a babysitting business but it didn’t really work. Help!!
yeah… selling ranch dressing… definitely.

i already do get allowance. but it’s only like $12 a week.

Nagesh answers:

Ask people if there’s anything you can do for money–chores, painting, whatever.

John asks…

ways to make money fast? help me…?

here’s the story
i’m sixteen i just moved in with my dad and grandma
and things are NOT going well, they think im going to hell and stuff,
and my grandma practically thinks im possessed of the devil,
just because i dont get great grades right after i moved here,
and i dont have a good attitude when they make me do chores.
anyway theyre way overdramatic and they decided that,
since im a rebellious evil child, they’re not going to pay for me anymore.
that means:
they will no longer buy me ANY, makeup, clothing, shaving cream, razors,
hair products, basically anything that a teenage girl needs.
they said if its not a “necessity” like food and soap to wash with,
then they’re not buying it for me.
i only have, one pair of jeans and three shirts and a couple jackets,
because most of the clothes i had before i moved was shit from goodwill,
and stuff i had from when i was like twelve years old,
so i gave most of it away before i moved,
cause my grandma said id get new clothes when we moved here.
i really, really want to wear makeup, because im insecure without it,
and i dont want to look like a poor dirty orphan going to school,
because people at my school are really rich and theyre CRUEL,
and theyll make fun of me for wearing the same stuff all the time,
and if i dont even have makeup so that i look somewhat pretty,
ill basically be screwed…
so i need HELPP. i can get a ride to the mall,
and i do have guy friends who would buy me clothes,
but thats majorly a last resort because i REALLY,
really, reaaaally dont want to take money from them.
because that makes me feel like such a gross golddigger.
any ways that i could make like twenty bucks or hopefully more,
in a matter of two or three days,
would be GREATLY appreciated. if i cant make money by then,
i will have to drop out of school here and go into independent studies.
ive been homeschooled before and i HATED it,
but im new at this school anyway so it wont be that big of a deal.
i just really really need a steady way to make money,
maybe something i could do like once every month,
just to restock my makeup and buy one or two new shirts a month?
please i really need help 🙁
any ideas would be appreciated… thank you..
oh and dont like call me spoiled cause im freaking out,
that i cant get clothes and makeup.
if you only had like 3 shirts and 1 pair of pants,
and you were a teenager who has to go to school every day,
and be surrounded by gorgeous rich girls,
youd be feelin a little upset too, i think. right?
anyway please help me… thanks.
sorrryy about the cuss word up there.
i just mean “stuff from goodwill”
im not allowed to get a job. they won’t let me.
and no i did not have problems with mom, my mother is a prostitute and drug addict somewhere in oklahoma.
havent seen her since i was about 4.
thanks anyway though.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sorry you have it so rough. Just try to be optimistic for the future, everything’s going to get better after you get into college. And to answer your question about making easy money….. Well there’s really no fast money making method. I had to learn it the hard way lol, just try to make some deals w/ your father about grades, chores, etc. You can even try raking leaves, shoveling snow, babysitting for the people in your neighborhood. Just try to be positive and the people who give you sh*t at school tell them to suck on a d*ck and choke on a nut.

Mary asks…

Fastest way for a teenager to get money for a car?

I need a car fast. How can I get some quick money. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

If you need it fast, then you’ll have to get a loan. After that you’ll need to get a job to repay the loan. Try your parents or another relative if you have to.

Your parents decision will most likely be based on the reason that you “need a car fast”. If it is a legitimate reason, then you may be more likely to have your parents help, if it is just because you “want” a car, then that may be another matter.

How are your school grades, if they are low, your parents may feel that you have not earned a car yet, and with a car, your grades will suffer even worse.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

What is a fast way to make money for a teenager…? By tomorrow?

Ok, So I need to make $450 by tomorrow, I am having a big garage sale with my friend who is bringing items to sell as well… My basic question is how can I makeup for the rest of the money I don’t make during the garage sale? I am going to have dinner with Governor Sarah Palin on August 8th, and tickets are $150… I need to have the money by tomorrow (Saturday July 18th)… so I may mail it in and it can be there by the deadline (July 20th)!
PLEASE PLEASE, any advice will be extremely helpful!
I always award best answer!!!

This is for my dad’s birthday, so I cannot ask my parents… no… not my mom either, because do you know where she gets her money? Dad… thats right… hahaha =(

Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Wow all the other answers you got were spam 🙁
How rude!
Anyways, you could try going to a bank and getting a loan 🙂
Then your parents can pay it back later 😉
Haha or maybe you could go to a pawn shop and pawn things you don’t want/need

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Thursday, January 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

John asks…

What are some ligt way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online btu I cant seem to find a liget place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

If you are interested to make money online, check out this.:

Here you can get the best training course how to make money online and make a realistic $900 to $9000 each month.

Steven asks…

What are some legit way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online but I cant seem to find a legit place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

If you are interested to make money online, check out this.:

Here you can get the best training course how to make money online and make a realistic $900 to $9000 each month.

Jenny asks…

Is it possible to make money online fast?

Just wondering if there’s a way out there to make money online fast. I’m talking about making money like you would when you have a job. Not $10 a day..
Please email me or leave it on the answer thing, please.

Nagesh answers:

Yes possible.

Try this fast growing business >>

William asks…

How can i earn fast money online in a week by check?

I’m trying to get the new phone Samsung Impression for ATT so im trying to get some extra money all i have now is 52 and online it costs 199.99 so can someone please help me id really appreciate it

Nagesh answers:

Get a real job. It is difficult to start making money online within a week.

David asks…

Is there any way to make money online fast?

I need to find a way to make money online fast! I came across this blog, what do you think ???
Is there really a way to make fast money online?
Please share any ideas!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t get a good vibe from that blog you mentioned. Some MLMs are good, but I don’t know anything about that one so . A personal friend of mine told me about the site I listed below. He was averaging $100/day after only a month, and he is still making money from it. I’m just getting started with it myself. Download the free ebook on the site and it will tell you more about it. Hope this helps.

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Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Money Making Schemes Are Out There

In an effort for everyone to try and make money quickly, a lot of money making schemes are out there. Unfortunately, not all of them make money for everyone involved. In fact, many of them are designed to make the person who’s selling the product a lot of money, leaving everyone who buys the product to figure out where they went wrong.

It is possible to earn money through internet opportunities, however it’s necessary to sort out the money making schemes from the real ways to make money fast. Often, all you need is a domain name, a great idea and a program that will truly show you the two most important ways to be successful with any domain: having value for your customers and generating traffic. Once you’ve got both of these, your earning potentials are as high as you’ll let them become.

You can earn money quick through affiliate marketing. This is where you advertise other people’s websites on your own blog or domain in an effort to get more people clicking on the links, which will generate more money. The only way to get more people clicking is by having more visitors to your site. Plus, the people have to be generally interested in your site and the affiliate sites to click on the links.

Fast money making opportunities are all over the place for affiliate marketing and they really do work. The reason is simple – it’s marketing dollars. Businesses have used marketing budgets for years in order to generate more traffic and more interest for their products. Instead of commercials and flyers, more businesses are using affiliates to help them though.

When you’re looking for ideas to make money online, think about what you’re good at. If you like to write, there are many ways to get money fast by doing this. You can write blogs and articles online and make some great money. To make money quickly, however, you need to know where to look for the best opportunities. Many freelance sites are available to provide you with a forum full of different writing opportunities.

You can also make money quickly through MLM marketing, otherwise known as multi-level marketing. Here, you need to be careful because there are money making schemes with MLM marketing. Any programs that are going to charge you a lot of money to join should be looked at with caution. There are too many money making opportunities out there to spend a lot of money on a single one.

If you’re being charged an exceptional amount of money to get started with the idea, it’s probably a money making scheme and should be avoided. Fast money online is out there, so all you need to do is think about what you enjoy doing and how much time you have to dedicate each week in order to find those ways to make money fast.

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Monday, January 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

You Never Know About Money Making Schemes

You Never Know About Money Making Schemes
Because everyone is looking to make money quickly, there are a multitude of get rich quick money
making schemes. The fact is that the majority of these ideas to make money with little to no effort are
simply scams that end up costing the victim greatly in both money and embarrassment. Learning to
distinguish between legitimate ways to make money fast and those that are simply schemes is the key
to making wise investments in this field.

The old adage, “Nothing is free,” is even truer for those trying to earn money quick. The same goes
for those looking to get money fast and it is this money making scheme that you should beware of.
Basically, you should be leery of any company or individual that requires an up front fee.

Oftentimes, the scammer promises you can earn money quick by making a small investment that will
then be multiplied and returned to you. Most often such individuals that promise you will make money
quickly after an upfront fee or investment simply walk away with your money.

Quick ways to make money that require your bank account information is also suspicious. This is highly
sensitive information that should always be kept private. Once someone has the ability to access your
bank account there is nothing to stop them from cleaning it out. There is only one way this qualifies as
fast money making, and that is for the person that steals everything from your account.

In the popular email scam, the sender claims that you are the long lost relative of some rich distant
uncle. They often ask for very personal account information, such as your bank account, in order to
send you the money they claim you have inherited. Again, sensitive data like social security numbers
and bank accounts should never be handed out and will not help you make fast money online.

Most ideas to make money involve being able to earn money through internet sites. Some of these are
legitimate but it is always hard to tell. The easiest way to fast money online is by signing up with a site
that gives surveys. As a member you will be able to earn money through internet surveys. In return for
your time you receive credit via some kind of points system. You may then redeem points for rewards
or cash prizes.

Although many promises of ways to make money fast exist, the truth is that you risk losing more than
you stand to gain. The only guaranteed way to get money fast is with hard work. When you become
involved in money making schemes in desperation for quick ways to make money, it is impossible to
tell for sure whether or not they are legitimate.

Saturday, January 14th, 2012 Uncategorized No Comments

Money Making Schemes And Ideas To Make Money

Money Making Schemes And Ideas To Make Money

When you’re looking for ideas to make money, you need to think outside the box. There are plenty of
money making schemes online, but not all of them are legitimate ways to make money. It all depends
on how much money you’re trying to make. When you earn money through internet sources, it might
be just a little pocket cash. There are fast money making opportunities that will be enough for you to
quit your full time job though, too.

One of the biggest ways to earn money quick is through affiliate marketing. Many people earn money
through internet using this method because it works. What you have to do is set up a website or blog
about any topic and make sure you get some good quality traffic going to it on a regular basis. Then
start putting affiliate links on the site that pertains to the topic of your website or blog.

Fast money making opportunities with affiliate marketing will depend on what affiliates you choose
to deal with. Some will pay you per click that goes to their website from yours. Others will give you a
percentage of what your site visitors spend on their website. The latter is the way to make fast money
online because you can quickly get a lot of money based on the spending habits of your visitors.

If you don’t have a website or a blog, you might want to think about another way to get money
fast. There are hundreds of websites that will give you fast money online by filling out surveys and
reading emails. Tons of companies need to do research to know if their marketing techniques or
products are working and what to change, so the surveys are legitimately helping companies. You can
make between a few cents to a few dollars per survey and most of them only take a few minutes to

When you want quick ways to make money, you can write articles and blogs for the internet or even
edit the existing ones. Companies need to boost their SEO content and get better rankings and they’re
willing to pay people to help them. Ways to make money fast are out there, you just need to get
creative on where you look.

Ideas to make money are all based on what you’re good at and what you have time to do. There are
ways to make money fast but you need to be willing to branch out and do multiple things. Quick ways
to make money doesn’t even have to involve spending money of your own. Read the reviews of the
make money quickly opportunities that you find out the success that others have had.

Saturday, January 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Linda asks…

How to Make money online fast ?

Hi all
I found way 2 make money online

it works and it is real
try it

Nagesh answers:

No you did NOT!

George asks…

how to make fast money online?

any real work from home sites?

Nagesh answers:

I would say a GPT site is your best bet, but be VERY careful. A lot of them either have a payout thats too high to actually reach, or don’t make it clear which offers are free to complete and which cost money to complete.
The upside of GPT sites is that you don’t have to wait for an invite to be able to make money. If you’d like a link to a good one, send me a message.

Maria asks…

Do online business really work?

I want to know if online business really work. I need money fast and enough to support myself and my brother. I want to know if there is an online business that is worth it and you don’t have to pay anything to get started.

Nagesh answers:

Business Opportunity Search Engine

I recommend you do a little research with the B.O.S.E. Being community driven it’s a cross between a search engine and a Wikipedia. You can add, delete and improve the results for much more focused answers than a general search engine can provide. Http://

Steven asks…

i need to make money fast online?

i got 5 kids my huspund work but i need to help him make money i do got a homebusiness selling candles but i dont got any people who are interest in buying my candles can someone help………

Nagesh answers:

Yes people can make money online and its easy. The hard part is finding a company that will actually pay you your earnings. I’ve been through thick and thin. I’ve been scammed over 5 times. Discouraged, Beaten down, Lost I tried 1 last time and god answered my prayers. If it wasn’t for my children I wouldn’t look. All i did was sign up, watched the video presentation. Then they took my credit card info. But there is a seven day free trial and if you don’t like it you can quit at anytime. After the seven day free trial you will be charged $10 a month which is nothing compared to what you will be making. It’s really a bargain.All that you have to do to earn money is to refer people and make sure they sign up. For every 5 people that sign up under you, you will receive $100 dollars in a check to your name!! There is also many more features such as you get your own website. You give it any url that you want and you can sell stuff on your site or anything that you want to do with your site. There are a lot of great features that come with this package.At first I thought this was a scam too but once i got my check I literally went on my knees and thanked the lord. All this for only ten dollars and now im thinking of getting some stuff to sell so i could make a lot more money.If you are interested just sign up at or for more info go to and the passcode will be mirlandev

Thomas asks…

So does anyone know of a valid LEGAL way to make money online like FAST?!?

I have 2 kids, and my car needs a new motor. Without the motor I can’t get to work, or get my kids to daycare, and I have to pay rent.. ergg.. I really need some help!! Fast!! I need at least $1000!!

Nagesh answers:

Well, I don’t have any jobs to offer you, but I do have something that takes less than 5 minutes of your time everyday. Basically its about paid-to-click sites, where advertisers pay you to view their advertisements for about 30 seconds. There’s a lot of scam out there, and I went through a lot of them and only found a few who paid me. Check out my blog, it will explain everything more throughly.


Thanks for sparing your time.

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Saturday, January 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Without Any Investment

Joseph asks…

how to earn money through internet,sitting at home.without any investment or registration fee?

Nagesh answers:

Beware of fake people and website asking for registration charge

Carol asks…

can anybody tell me how to earn money from internet without any investment except hits4pay.?

i am an indian so plz tell me some reliable webs who give us money for seeing there ads. i have a account in paypal try to give me account of such sites which can pay me through this site. i want to use my paypal accont to gain money from other sites also. looking for free sites not interested in investing. plz help.

Nagesh answers:

I have a site that I work off of and its totally free, just put your time in it, answer questions and the money is unlimited. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You can make a ton of money if you put your time in and are motivated. You sound like the kind of person that could really make a lot of money with is. Its been out less than a year, registered with the Better Business Bureau. I will send you the web page and you can watch the video and determine if its for you or not. You want to ask me questions about the program, that’s what I’m here for. Good luck

George asks…

How can I earn money through web browsing, without any investment?

i m a 18 year old student and i spend many hours browsing the internet. Is there any site where i can earn money easily???

Nagesh answers:

NO. 99.99% or more of the websites that CLAIM you can make money doing nothing are flat out scams. The rest are not worth the effort.

Maria asks…

Can any one help to earn through internet.?

I want to earn some money to help my family can any one give some idea to earn through internet without any investment.

Nagesh answers:

There are tons of online scams so be careful. Here are some steps to take to avoid being ripped off:

1) Google the name of the product or web site followed by the word “scam”. This will most likely lead you to a wealth of postings about a particular opportunity so you can determine if is legitimate based on the experience of others.
2) Check out Better Business Bureau sites to see if they have had complaints about the particular web site or product.
3) If a web site asks you to send them money to make money (or pay to work), there is about a 99.99999% certainty that they are a scam.
4) Search in Yahoo! Answers for the product or web site. Chances are someone else has asked about it.

Good luck!

William asks…

how to earn through internet?

can any one help me out how to earn money through internet without any investment. i m from tamilnadu(INDIA). if possible like data entry jobs, online programming, etc…

Nagesh answers:

Hi Chand,

Nice day to you.

There are many ways you can earn money from Internet like
-online data entry.
-online survey.
-online tuition.
-reading email.
-online editor.
And so on.

You can use search engine and type in the keyword “online job” or “work online” to find out the result.

One thing you must be careful. Investigate those website carefully and make sure that doesn’t a scam scheme.Otherwise you will fall into a trap, losing your money and time.

Another option for you is, you can start an Internet Home Based Business by using your own hobby or interest just like sport, music, cooking, travelling and many more.

Today there are many peoples start doing an Internet Business instead of going to find a “good job” because they wish to use their own effort to earn their own money but not helping other people earn money and they only get paid with a “little commision”.

The method to start Internet Business is not hard. Most of the people begin it just with their own hobby.

Start an Internet Business also can reduce your risk to fall into a scam because that is your own business.

Wish my suggestion can give some ideas for you.

Best Regards,

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Friday, January 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

David asks…

How do you earn money quick?

Okay i’ve applied for about a billion jobs but no-ones recruiting. Is there any other ways of earning money quickily?

Okay I dont want any of this crap about online surveys and stuff please.

Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:


Charles asks…

How do earn quick money in Mafia Wars? Facebook?

How do earn quick money in Mafia Wars? Facebook, apparently the right click in “Help me in this job” doesnt work anymore, or am i doing something wrong

Nagesh answers:

Tricks can be found here
do check for more details

Chris asks…

Urgent help needed to suggest ways to earn quick money?

See I need to get about 5000 INR in a day or so. I live in a town in Himachal pradesh, India. Though I have some talents but I am not able to use them to earn money …please help…..and thanxs

Nagesh answers:

You could consider a work from home jobs. With this, all you need is your computer. No resume, No experience, No permit. They are free to join.

Here is a great idea:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know OR visit

Joseph asks…

How can i earn quick money for my software organization ?

I work with a software product based company. How do i make products which will bring in quick money for my company.

Nagesh answers:

What ever your problem is i see it is about earning money.
I can tell you the easiest and best way to earn money.
The best way is clicking COST PER CLICK ads.
You click on my ads-(so google-adsense pays me)
i click on your ads-(so google-adsense pays you)

what do you think.
Contact me. (For more instructions and much much more)


Nancy asks…

10 best ways to earn quick money?

What are 10 best ways to earn quick money?

Nagesh answers:

Hi there, You could try selling items you no longer want on say e-bay. That can make you some quick cash.

What about a yard sale? Combine it with a few friends and make sure you do a good flier drop to tell your neighbors that it is happening. Put up some cheap made posters with you Addy on it and place them so they lead to your house.

Small jobs for the neighbors. Ie washing house washing windows gardening etc. This can get you some regular work then you may be able to employ someone to do it for you and you get to keep the difference.

Window washing the local store shop windows is a good earner as most of the owners are too busy. A couple of dollars per window and it doesn’t take long.

What about writing some reports if you are knowledgeable on a said topic? You can sell these. Maybe there is enough info that you may be able to compile into an e-book and sell on line. This could lead to long term profits as it keeps floating around the net.

If you want any more help feel free to e-mail me.
I’m glad to help.

Hope that helps you a bit

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, January 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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