Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Nancy asks…

What kind of diet works well with a busy schedule and little money?

I am a college student and I am on campus most of the time. What kind of diet would work well with eathing from candy machines and fast food places. By the way I am payign for my own school so i have little money.

Nagesh answers:

My psychology teacher once said to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Best advice I ever got.

Joseph asks…

How do we handle our college freshman daughter who was caught drinking?

Our daughter is a Freshman in college and she has just been caught drinking. She was caught by the RA who wrote her up. We were then contacted by someone higher up in the campus housing department. We were told that she was intoxicated to the point of vomiting. And this was on a Wednesday night. There will be no legal ramifications, but if she is caught again (in the dorms), she will not be allowed to live on campus next year.

Our family is a no-alcohol family. Neither myself nor my wife drink. We expect the same out of our children. Yes, I am aware that social life in college is often centered around alcohol, but these days, colleges offer sober ways of having fun too. Bottom line: Alcohol is NOT needed in order for one to have a good time. There are MANY other, healthier, safer, and cheaper ways to have fun.

Our daughter depends on us financially. We did not want her starting her life off in debt, so we are paying for college. She does not have a job, and we pay all her expenses. But in return, we expected her to uphold our family values. Yes, she is an adult and must make her own decisions, but if she is adult enough to make such decisions, then she should be adult enough to pay her own way.

So here’s what we are going to do:

1) Starting in summer when she comes home, she will find a job or full time internship. She will also take a part time job in her Sophomore year to pay her social expenses. We will not question what this money is spent on. Most college students have to do this even when they haven’t broken a rule…

2) When she gets home she will have a physical exam with blood work to make sure that her drinking is not harming her liver (yes, weekend binging can harm your liver, even in the short term). She was going to have a physical exam anyway, so this condition isn’t anything additional.

3) We will continue to give her money for essentials, but we will ask her to send us the receipts, which we will check against bank statements that we receive.

4) She will not have a car on campus next year, like originally planned.

She has agreed to all of these.

Are we doing the right thing here?
Alison, let me remind you that the drinking age is 21 years in this country. She is only 19. So no, it is not ok for her to drink alcohol. And if she is old enough to make her own decisions, then she should be old enough to make her own money or pay her own way. I already explained this.

And to the person who told me I have issues. No, I really don’t. We DID teach her the right values earlier on….that’s why we’re disappointed.
Some of you have clearly failed to understand what I am trying to say, despite how simple I made it. I am NOT forcing her into ANYTHING. A physical exam with blood work is NOT a punishment. It is something we all have to do, and it is NOT a big deal. And I did not force her into it, so you’d better stop saying that I did. And your highness, clearly I AM doing what your dad did not do, which is meet in the middle. I AM making her get a part time job. After she turns 21, she can drink if she wants, but right now she is most emphatically NOT 21.

Nagesh answers:

You actually have some of the best parenting skills I have ever seen when it comes to parenting. How much better off would this world be if everyone had parents like you. I cannot imagine. You actually have a lot of common sense and set down with your child and kind of made out a contract of sorts. You certainly are very supportive of her going to school, but let her know you expect her to follow the rules as long as you are paying the bill. You even say that the money she earns can be spent on whatever she wants, but the money you give has to be accounted for. You actually stood your ground and expects your child to do the right thing and let’s her know it and put into a plan a way to accomplish that. Brilliant! You aren’t too strict. That’s the problem with a lot of parents. A friend of ours had a son in college for 2 years now and ignored his drinking off and on at college and getting into trouble about it from time to time. The parents had the mentality of “They are just college kids letting off steam. No big deal, ” or “Better be careful son and watch it.” The parents did nothing else to stop the behavior. Now their kid has failed and was tossed out and now he is back at home living with mom and dad with a job at a fast food restaurant. How different it could have turned out if he had parents like you.

The physical exam is nothing. She should have one anyway. Everyone should. I’m sure you have brought her up with the same common sense you are using now that she is older. I have a feeling it is going to pay off. Lack of disipline and not taking responsibility for bad behavior is one of the biggest problems in too many homes and the parents do nothing about it. That’s the problem. I think it’s great that you are paying for her college since so many kids end up with huge loans to pay back. You are being very generous with her and you have every right to expect her to not break the law and follow your rules while you are paying. Like you explained, if she wants to act up and break the rules, then she can pay her own way. It’s an easy choice to make and very simple to understand. I give you 5 stars on parenting and lots of people should follow your logic and parenting style and their kids would be a lot better off.

Steven asks…

What are inexpensive foods that are still good for you?

I’m not your average college student; I don’t drink, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t like partying. However, like most college students, I don’t have much money. I really love eating salads and fruits and good meats, but they are generally too expensive. Additionally, I’m not that great of a cook. Are there any specific products that I could buy that will be healthy for me but not break my budget?

Nagesh answers:

Beans are generally inexpensive and good for you. You can use them as a meat substitute or a side dish. Other things you can do is buy foods that you can use more than once, that brings the price down per meal. For example, on Sunday cook a turkey breast and the use it for the rest of the week in stir fry, sandwiches, etc. When you are down to the carcass, use it to make a soup stock. Soup is nutritious and cheap to make. Plus you can use what ever is on hand. In the winter when fruit is expensive, I buy the bags of frozen berries, etc. Same flavor in smoothies at a fraction of the price. You can also try to get a group of friends together and create pot luck suppers–it is another way to stretch a budget when everyone is responsible for only one dish. Hope this gives you some ideas!

Linda asks…

Are there any affordable ways to get to Japan to help with the crisis?

Hey everybody,

I am a college student with very little money, and I was wondering if I could, somehow, personally go to Japan and help out with the crisis without having to buy a plan ticket. Do these charity organizations offer free transportation to the areas of devastation? I have a feeling that’s a no, haha. Anyways, I would really like to help out. I know I could donate money, but that dosen’t really seem suffice; it almost feels impersonal.

Thanks a lot,


Nagesh answers:

No organization takes untrained, spontaneous volunteers for international relief.

As I am sure you are aware, relief organizations are funded by donors. Donors expect that their money will be spent wisely. That means that where possible, expenses not related directly to helping survivors, have to be kept to a minimum. Flying people thousands of miles and spending money on their airfare is not a good use of money, when there are many local volunteers available. (Not all of Japan suffered damage, and they have a large and functional national Red Cross themselves.) Providing shelter and food to these people costs money, and strips scarce resources from the disaster survivors. Inexperienced volunteers are often shocked at the living conditions they have to deal with. Limited water, no electricity, shared open showers, and hot, crowded volunteer shelters are the norm. It’s one thing to say that you can deal with them while sitting at home, but a very different thing to endure them when working 12-16 hour days and sharing them with dozens of people you don’t know. Sending home a volunteer who’s had an emotional meltdown is just another unnecessary expense–and keeping them around is even worse.

Yes, many people have skills that may seem useful. However, disaster scenes are much more complicated than everyday life. Resources you take for granted (like electricity–see above) while doing your job are not present. In Japan, communication and cultural issues would be huge. The language is complex, it is not written in Western alphabets, and it is very difficult to learn. If a volunteer needs a translator, that ties up two people to do one job, and that is inefficient.

The Japanese put a very high value on etiquette, nuance, and protocol. Informal Americans–even ones who can manage some of the language–run a very high risk of insulting the people they want to help.

This is a common problem at disasters even in the U.S., with American volunteers not understanding the local culture. (For example, I have heard of one group of good-hearted people arriving with beef ribs to feed a Hindu community. They couldn’t eat the food due to their religious beliefs, and the volunteers were insulted at the refusal of their “gift.”)

Processing would-be volunteers is also a problem. Existing volunteers and staff have to take time away from planning and executing the response, in order to register, interview, and track prospective helpers. This takes time, and it doesn’t help when the prospective people get rude and yell at the existing workers for “taking too long.” By the way–being rude or exasperated is the fastest way to being rejected from a volunteer agency. If you behave like that in your home country, in your home language, in a comfortable setting, what kind of tantrum will you throw under real stress?

So, those are just a few of the many reasons spontaneous volunteers are not used.

If you can make the long-term commitment to training (1 or 2 nights a month and several weekend classes) and disaster response (1 week of on-call duty per month) with the Red Cross, you will gain experience in local and regional disasters. That will get you qualified for large responses over time.

Lizzie asks…

How much should I pay for a 30 ft mural done by non professional college student?

I would like a large (30 ft long and approximately 7 feet high) mural painted to decorate a new children’s party place that I’m opening. My decorating budget is mostly taped-out, so I suggest the job to someone I casual know. She is a college (not an art student, so she does not need this for a porfolio) student who is artistically talented but is not a professional. She paints but never done a mural before.
I did explained that I approached her because I can’t afford a professional, but she’s a college student who is not working so she can use the money. We haven’t discussed price yet because I’m not sure what to offer. What’s the (minimum) I can expect to pay?

PS. We’re in NJ which makes a difference since things are a bit more expensive here than other parts of the country

Nagesh answers:

Honestly thats a tough one, as everyone deserves to get paid for their talents….The way it should work is you tell her what you want done, and she gives YOU a price based on how long it will take her. She really needs to be the one to price herself according to her talents what she believes SHE is worth. Factoring in time, supplies, and experience. As a professional designer, painter, and artist, myself, I would probably charge about 2-3K for such a large mural….so if thats any indication, I wouldn’t offer any less than $500, which imo is still a bit low.

Just curious though: why didn’t you look for an art or painting student who really COULD use something like this in their portfolio, as well as the experience? They could probably do it faster than this other girl…and you can feel more confident in their abilities because you would be able to see their actual work….I’m not saying this other girl doesn’t have painting talents…just was curious as to why you didn’t give a painting student a chance first…. 🙂

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Saturday, October 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Michael asks…

what are some runescape monsters that are good for training on?

so you see i am a level 70 with 57 attack, 59 strength and 57 defense. i have been training on zombies in the wild and they are very good but i want to mix it up and not be afraid a rev is going to come after me if i look away from the screen. please help? oh and if you have any tips on money making that’d be helpful too. (i cut yews but its kinda slow.)
i am also a non member.

Nagesh answers:

Try alkarid gaurds. They have high hp for thier level and will not be able to hit through youre defence.

For money. Try mining iron it selld for about 250 ea and you can collect it much faster than yew logs.

Susan asks…

How do I make money in runescape old servers?

I have been trying for a while, I have sold meat, I’ve done 2 layers of the Stronghold, and I still need more money to level up. Help or suggestions will be great!

Nagesh answers:

I suggest you pay for gold online, It is boring and wasting time to make money in game, I always bought runescape gold online, try this site, safe and fast. Http://
Hope this suggestion can help you a lot.

Lisa asks…

What is the fastest way to make 30 mill in runescape?

I really want to make money for a bandos gs

Nagesh answers:

Ohh runescape the game that poor people play because they are either too cheap or poor to buy WoW like the guy below.

Sandy asks…

How do you make money fastest in runescape when you already have 20mil?

If you already have 20mil how can you quickly make more?

Nagesh answers:

1). Spend all of your money on 1 stable item on min price then sell it on high. When spending 2 mill you will gain 200k each time you do it, with 20 mill you will make a profit of 2 mill each time (you may have to wait over night or a few hours in the day to make a sale
2). Item merching: this is the most complicated and most rewarding method i use. What you need to do is look in the runescape GE guide and try finding an item that recently hit rock bottom price and is now inflating rapidly in price. Invest all your money into this item. Wait until the item hits what you think is it’s peak price then sell it back for a profit. (you need to be very patient with this method).

Laura asks…

How to make money fast in runescape?

I want to make money in ruescape because I want to double for people who’ve gotten scammed because I got scammed alot and I know what it’s like. I am a level 15 combat, 30 woodcutting and I have about 160k right now. And I also want some substantial gp. Please helpp!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

… Do people really still play that game? God i remember when i played runescape, fished a shit ton of lobster or some shit, of course that was when i was like 10, so please, get yourself a real game like Guild Wars 2 or league of legends, or god even WoW would be better than runescape

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Friday, October 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Lisa asks…

Quick ways to make money?

Since losing my job in January, things have been very tight. I’ve already cut all unnecessary expenses, and I covered by bills for three months with what I had saved up. That is all gone now. I did find a job in mid-March, but it pays over 30% less than my previous one and it isn’t covering my bills. I’m still coming up ~$300 short a month. I’ve already attempted to sell assorted books, DVDs, CDs, etc., that I own, with varying degrees of success.

Any ways of making some fast cash while I am looking for a second job? It took almost four months to find the first one, and I’m having zero luck finding a second one. I’ve been continuously employed for 18 years, and have no experience in not being able to meet my financial obligations. I’m really at a loss about what to do. Any advice would be appreciated.
I live in Florida, where the economy was based on tourism and construction. Note my use of “was”. I’ve been a restaurant manager for over 10 years, so my field is customer service/sales.
Thank you PBW for the ideas. I already tutor HS students in AP History, English Lit, and some basic science. I don’t charge much, as I enjoy it and don’t want to make it cost-prohibitive to the kids. As for blogging, I heard a report on NPR about the subject just yesterday, and have been mulling it over. If I do, I’ll definitely be asking you for advice!

Nagesh answers:

Am seriously sorry to hear you’re having this stress. One possible answer that occurs to me: having enjoyed your posts for a long time, I think you’re a great communicator. Ever thought of writing? If not a novel, how about some journalism?

If there are some OK local newspapers in your area, do they accept feature articles? Might be worth checking out.

Also – check out a site called Digital Journal
– they pay for news articles. Not huge amounts, it’s true BUT if you submit enough, the dollars add up!

I know some people who seem able to make money on ebay. I’ve never quite managed it and quit through lack of patience, but it might be worth trying if you haven’t already.

Another suggestion: private tutoring? English, Maths, whatever your subject is? There are almost always students who are looking for good, reliable tutors, especially in the run up to exams!

Also: if you have a blog, consider accepting advertising on it. Google runs Adsense but there are lots of other schemes as well. If you don’t have a blog – start one! 🙂 Some people are making seriously good money with blogging – there are lots of good articles online which offer advice on it, check them out 🙂

I’ll add more ideas if I think of any 🙂

Wishing you all the very best 🙂


Sure, though I’m no expert, I’m hoping to get ads on my blog at some point if possible, though I gather is the one to use if one wants a lot of ads…:)

If you want to take a look at a really professional-type blog, that’s well established, check out:

You might know it already, the author is American. It has a fair number of ads on it!

I highly recommend the Digital Journal thing as well 🙂

Donna asks…

What is a quick way to get money?

Im 12 years old and I REALLY want the Ipod Touch (8th generation) but I NEED money! I only have $35 bucks but I need ALOT MORE!!! Any tips? my mom said no allowance?

Nagesh answers:

Online money making is the future!!!
Check these out and register to the ones you like:

1. Http:// – What do you do? You basically click ads every day and make some small money, after a while you can rent referrals and start making big money from it, please usually make couple of cents a day, and later on they start to make over $5000 a month.

2. Http:// – What is it? Well its basically same as neobux but there are a lot more ads to click, you can rent referrals as well, and make some serious money in a few days if you do it smart.

3. Http:// – Again same as neobux, remember that the more websites you register at the more money you can make.

4. Http:// – Again same as neobux and leetbux, remember the more of these you register at, the more money you will make, plus you can advertise your website and/or neobux banner there for cheap prices!!

5. Http:// – If you want to start your own PTC website like neobux or whitebux you can buy a domain + the script + hosting all here for $25 a month or $150 a year! (50% off then paying monthly)

6. Http:// – This one is a REALLY nice one, what do you here is basically upload files (yes upload files, pictures, w/e you want) and ask or tell people to download (put it on forums or something) everytime someone downloads you WILL make from $0.4 to $0.8 maybe even $1.

7. Http:// – Last but not least, my favorite…once you register you get free $2.50 as an “investment”…you can then either invest more and put more money in or just wait for the $2.50 to grow into a lot of money.

Ruth asks…

Creative Way Making Money Online…?

I am trying to figure out a way to supplement my income.

I have a B.A. in Communications/Journalism, and have work experience in all forms of media. However, I also have years of experience in ALL forms of research, everything from legal issues and case work to academic and background checks, and I there were times that I was actually hired by other people to get this information for them. I’ve also worked as a freelance journalist, and I’ve had to conduct investigations and do photography for stories that I’ve published.

With my background, what is the best way that I can make money online? I am considering starting my own background check/investigation service, but that’s just one idea. Any advice or suggestions?

Thanx so much!

P.S.–No MLM, or “get rich quick” plans, please.

Nagesh answers:

I do have small account with Facebook but it might not be a big Auction Buy & Sell site with a based website; however, my advocacy, is to help those not catered into the market of not so much exposed to at least be able to help you sell your product/item/services/knowledge/skill through online through my Facebook account With this link, I do hope you can try to make an invitation for your profile so we can at least verify if we can accept you to become one of our respected bidders.Kindly make your profile complete with information in Facebook so that we can approve your bid proposal. Thereafter, whatever is that item/product/skill/knowledge/talent/company you are planning to trade for auction bidding please do email me at my yahoo account so that we can verify it for approval purposes if it will be passed on our website in Facebook for publish.Thanks and I do hope to be of service to you in the future.Hoping we can help you generate income at this times of financial economic global crisis.God bless.

Daniel asks…

Good ways to make money, quick?

I’m looking for some ideas on how to make some extra money. Outside of my 9-5 and freelance graphic design…what are some good ways to eearn some extra cash???

Nagesh answers:

It depends upon what you think quick it….some companies claim they can earn you money quick and they want you to invest alot of money up front…and you could be scammed. Other companies can potentially help you make a great amount of money but like any business it takes awhile for that to build. The company that I’m doing business with requires NO money up front. So there’s no need to worry about being scammed. And they deal with major companies so you know that you are working with a legitimate company. You can work it in your own time. You will never be tied down. 🙂 You never have to sell anything. It’s called My Power Mall. When you join you get your own business website for free and you also get your own online mall to shop at and save money at. So basically you are giving away these online malls where other people can get money back for items they buy every day. It makes great sense to me! 😉 The company is quite new so not everyone will have heard about it already. You could build an amazing organization and receive a monthly income from it. So, contact me if you are interested in this. I can tell you more.


Mark asks…

Are there efficient ways to make money ONLINE?

Out of YOUR experience, did you find a method online to make money that is not a scam?
How much time does it take daily?
I work full time, so this would be extra… and ideas would be wonderful. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is. It involves the sale of securities (equity shares or loan securities) in legitimate companies in stable developed and developing countries (markets). Construction finance securities are also popular.

As long as there is an identifiable source for the offering you can participate. The others are faceless scams. I am a lawyer with a finance background. I engage over 2,000 networked individuals in Australia, the US, Canada, England, Malaysia and Holland who market these products (shares mainly) both listed and unlisted (to be listed and sold pre listing) for which the transaction occurs in a matter of hours once the prospectus is issued to the network.

It is merely getting your clients to subscribe for say $2,000 a piece (people spend $2000 on worthless things these days for no value. So $2000 on a verifiable security (share) in an on going or start up business is a great investment) on a prospectus or offer memorandum with details of the investment.

For the introduction and on settlement you would be entitled to $100 per name (per investor) whoi contributes. To be safe, you do not have to get them to part with their money. They provide a commitment to subscribe for the minimum $2000 worth off shares, and on closing date if satisfied completely their credit card or bank account will be debited with the amount.

In each year we turnover more than 20 companies as we are selective about which company we promote. Today reviving companies that are listed and seeking new capital in the US AMEX and NASDAQ markets is a highly lucrative pursuit. It is equally lucrative toi fudn property development and to buy back mortgages at discount from distressed individuals.

You don’t need thebrains of Albert Einstein. There are companies in Australia as well with such opportunities.

For your part, you will become entitled to free options and shares in some cases in each of the companies for whom you provide subscribers (or names as they are called). Your return for your effort in marketing alone would easily run into thousands of dollars with the opportunity to redeem free options given to you by the company and make more.

We have physical addresses as well as faces and direct contacts. We would require your personal details (not your bank details) for verifying your background before you are allowed to participate. A CV would do with references.

You don’t need to outlay any money unless you want to underwirte for someone else. It is the world’s most lucrative opportunity to make money. Does not involve stuffing envelopes and the rest of the scams that sound like that.

This is an industry that gives you the status of an investment banker as well as the money that goes with it and is not a get rich quick scheme although you can get very rick very quickly.

Contact if you are interested.

Bill Merriweather

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Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

George asks…

How to get money as a teen?

Hey everybody, I need to get money quick!!
Like 50 bucks.. I’m planning on buying a puppy or cat at the spca well my mom and dad will buy it but i need to get the money, at the Spca some kittez are 40 dollars sometimes less though.. Is there any ideas on how to get money quickly? Thannks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Why do you need it so soon? Nevermind, I’ll try and brainstorm a few ideas, hope they help 🙂
– If you’re a younger teen, you could try getting a small job- a paper round, or washing up at a restaurant etc. ?
– Maybe you could sell some of your stuff that you don’t need anymore? Or organise some kind of jumble sale/ cake sale or something to fund getting your pet?
– Save up some pocket-money, if you get it. And, if you don’t, maybe it’s time to ask your parents for it.
– Offer to do chores around the house, in exchange for a few dollars.
– Be really nice to relatives- if you have grandparents nearby, or visiting, they might give you money.
– Offer to do odd jobs for neighbours- painting their shed, washing their cars, walking their dog?
– If you’re old enough to babysit, that could be a good source of cash.
– Ask your parents, really, really nicely!!
– If you have any spare birthday/ christmas money or something saved in the bank, it will gain interest and then when you withdraw it, you’ll have a bit more.
I’m out of ideas now!
Be imaginative.
Good luck!

Btw, I’m assuming your parents are going to pay for everything else, you’re gonna need in the long-term for your pet; food, toys, medical bills etc you do know what a big responsibility it is, to have a high-maintenance pet.

Steven asks…

Best and easiest ways to get money quick?

I need to get money quickly and its hard getting it right now so any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Fill out an application and find a job. Stop waiting for quick handouts.

James asks…

How should I make money on runescape?

I need to make a lot of money quickly.
I am a mage I love mage.
I am lvl 40 mage.
I am lvl 28 Combat.
I haven’t got high levels.
I want to be able to do it now.
I’m not a member.

Nagesh answers:

Well, the lowest i have is if you have 20 mining and 20 smithing, sell silver bars. They always sell for lowest and sell for 5k for 28 bars. Cut oaks also could help…. Fish stuff (use them for eating when need hp) when you get 40 fishing, 10,000 raw lobsters get 3.5m i think

Chris asks…

How to quickly earn money to buy Saradomin Armour in Runescape?

I’m a Free-to-play player, level 102 in the new leveling system, and i have about 1.5 Mil right now, but that look me a long time to get. How can i quickly earn enough money to buy Saradomin? i REALLY want he armor, but have no idea how to make good money quickly. Please list the skill levels i will need in order to get money from your given method.

P.S. I would prefer not to try to flip items. i prefer to do stuff that will not cost me anythuing initially, like woodcutting or fishing. I also do NOT scam, hack, or bot.

Nagesh answers:

It’s been a while since I’ve played F2P so some of my information may be out of date – I apologise if this is the case.

In EoC a lot of the armours are dropping in price (dragon claws – members – were 8 million on the GE and whilst they are still listed as 2mil, they actually only sell for 750k now), so perhaps if you try buying the set or the individual items for cheaper than they’re listed, you’ll be surprised to find they come through.

Money making.

Combat does still seem to be the best method for making money in F2P and members. The Stronghold of Security is a good place to make money as is the other stronghold (forgotten it’s name, sorry) next to it, where the cockroach soldiers are. They drop rune items and hit relatively low.

If you have high mining, then rune ore is a good way to go of course; or gold ore as a lot of people use gold ore for 99 smithing. Some people set store in fishing copious amounts of trout or lobster because it’s “easy” to build up a stock of these quite quickly.

Collecting cowhide, feathers and bones can also be a semi-lucrative way of making money at no cost but you’ve got to have patience for this to pay off.

Unfortunately, even in members, there isn’t really any super-fast way of making money but hopefully that’ll start you off.

Good luck!

Sharon asks…

I need to raise a lot of money! How can i do it?

I am planning on volunteering with visions service adventures and i am going to need about 6000 dollars! How can i raise this money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job at a local retail store which might help a little and go on the onlinejob websites above. They seem ike they would help

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Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Maria asks…

How can I make money fast online?

need money to settle my loan

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

William asks…

can i get a job or whats the fastest way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

How To Make Money Fast Online

The question has come into everyone’s mind at one point or another.”How do I make money fast?” Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online, now we will venture through the online category.

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Forum booster.

Let’s begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren’t familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.

Most of the time however the bids that they place on your content are for much less than $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Content.

The next site that we will talk about is Cash Crate. Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.

Doesn’t sound too bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.

They even have a daily survey on the homepage that is guaranteed to make you some extra income; the guaranteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taking surveys.

Are you still asking yourself that question, how do I make money fast? Well if writing tons of articles and taking surveys doesn’t really sound like your cup of tea, there is always the alternative of Forum Booster.

Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way, why not get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.

It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.

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Nancy asks…

online surveys that can pay teens money?

where i live its really tough to get a job and im going to be driving soon, so i need a fast good way to earn cash for free. i cant mow lawns or babysit or walk dogs. im allergic. i just need a couple sites that will let teens do online surveys THAT PAY and dont give you a stupid contest entry every single time you enter a survey. ive been trying and ive had those for about 2 weeks now and havent earned a cent. please help i could really use it. thanks ahead of time (:

Nagesh answers:

This website is pretty good:
It takes a while to earn points doing offers but with a little research on the forums and creativity, you can earn some decent money by referring people to the website. You earn 20% of whatever each referred user earns. Most people get around $40 for every 100 active users they refer. Not too bad if you know where to refer people. I use this site because it doesn’t require any personal information, just an e-mail address. Give it a try.

Joseph asks…

online paid surveys?

I was wondering if the paid surveys you do online really pay anything? I have thought about doing it but I don’t understand why I have to pay them to sign up? Anyone out there ever tried it?

Nagesh answers:

There are several survey sites that are legit, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join. I am a member of several. The one I have had the most luck with is Lightspeed. They do not pay you cash you get points which can be converted into cash via pay pal. However, they send me the most surveys. And already twice now I have been asked to participate in a more extensive survey in which I was sent a palm pilot in the mail and asked to record certain daily activities. The ones I have completed offered a $50 incentive and that was in the form of a check in addition to the points I received for completing the initial survey. I have also done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. Pinecone is also great. You have to have an invitation to join though. They send one or two surveys a month. They are great though cause you will have a few days or a week to answer the survey if you don’t check your email religiously. Then they send a check in the mail pronto.

Most pay a few dollars per survey completed so it is best to use several. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don’t respond to the survey fast enough they have met their quota.

If you would like to give me a referral credit use the link in my profile for survey savvy and the other sites I use are listed there as well. Good Luck!

Betty asks…

how to make money online?

Nagesh answers:
it’s a VERY VERY helpful forum where people discuss EVERY which way to make money online…legally anyway. There’s a lot about mystery shopping, paid to read email, surveys, test products,etc…There’s a thread where everyone leaves feedback and discusses the different paying sites they’re members of. It helps when you see hundreds of people saying positive things about a site, especially when you’re questioning it’s…legit…ness(?)lol. I’ve found a couple of extra survey/trial sites that i’ve joined on there, and have gotten paid from them. If i were to recommend the best ones though, it’d DEFINITELY be
1.) Pinecone Research-after you look into making money online more, you’ll see this one is one of the most sought after sites to join. It’s the best, IMO. The ONLY catch it, you can’t just sign up from their site…you have to find the elusive banner to join. (i googled it and found it pretty easily) but if you’re accepted (and it’s 100%free) you’ll get your first survey soon and they pay $5.00 //survey you do…they pay after each one (they send them to you, you can’t just do as many as you want 🙁 but you WILL get either a check or they pay via paypal as well (what i do) in less than 3 days after completely the survey. I dont think you’ll ever hear anything bad or negative about this site (except that some people don’t get accepted, sometimes they’re looking for certain people)..but for that one. You’ll def. Want to join a few other sites along with this one, since they decide how many surveys you get each month (it’s just the easiest and fastest, so why not do it)
the next site i’d recommend it the first paying survey/trial site i joined (and worked)…i earn the most money on this one (probably because i’m a bit biased since it was my first one that i joined and got paid from)
first off, make up a couple extra emails to use strictly for junkmail (i’ve never even checked the ones i made and use on there) i say a couple, because several of the surveys you take are from the same company so if you use different emails it’ll approve faster (and i clear my cookies after each survey, and it helps more approve)
then all you do if enter your info and answer a bunch of those yes/no to free offers (usually youdont even have to go that far with it, just enter your info…or click NO or pass to everything)
I’ve been a member since February 14th this year, and i’ve made 168.00 so far (i’ve already gotten my first check) and that’s just from doing free offers. If you refer friends/family you get 20% of what they earn and 5% of what THEIR referrals earn. Great site, highly recommended. Oh, they also have a forum there, with a proof of payment thread.
And another site i’m a member of and have gotten paid a bit from is (note:dont’ put the “space” between “cash” and “crate”.i couldnt post hte link i HAVE recieved my first check from them for $60.00, i don’t get on there as much as treasure trooper (if idid i would obviously make more money)they also have a referal system %20 1st level referrals and %10 second level…after so many referrals you go up levels…%30 1st level and %20 second.
And last but not least is the site i spend the least time on (and i have gotten paid from them) but i’ve gotten paid the least (since i dont get on there much)
i’ve gotten paid $40 from them. Same deal as the others, a little different withthe referal system though, you get $1 for every referal and i think it’s $2 for every offer they complete. Not sure on that part though, i know i’ve gotten paid though, lol. Well, hope you enjoy venturing into the world of working online. It’s addicting, i’m currently working on some new sites and building up my balance and seeing if they pay.

(NOTE: I haven’t invested ONE penny in any of this)
i make almost $300 extra a month between all of those)

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Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

James asks…

how do i earn money, i don’t care how hard?

i am 12 and need to save up for a new phone (the old one broke) and need top save up £85 . i tried to do jobs but i did them all and only raised £25 so any suggestions

i am a 12 year old male and will not do any online sites thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Keep doing whatever earned you the 25 already. It’s not going to be super quick, but you’re almost 1/3 done.

Donald asks…

Need help choosing a online job for a teen.?

i’m a teen and i need to make about 60$ dollars fast and i want to have a online job to make this money QUICKLY. So can anyone suggest any online jobs that have a quick payout, and wont take time at all to earn the money.


Nagesh answers:

If there were any online jobs that paid $60 fast, I would be doing it.

There are no legitimate jobs like that. If you try to respond to the offers you see, you will end up disappointed at the least and with less money than you have at the most.

For quick money, canvas your neighbors about lawn mowing, running errands, baby sitting, flower garden tending (someone I know earns nearly that much each time she works at one house – hard long hours pulling weeds), house cleaning, poop scooping out their dog run, dog walking, dog sitting. We pay about $30 around here to get our lawns mowed. Some people just need help once in a while – get too busy, going on vacation and want the place to look lived in.

Jenny asks…

I need a dollar online somehow, can anyone help?

I’m not asking for money, but just a way to earn one dollar online. Not a day, but just a dollar overall. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Although there are ways to make money online, most people are better off simply getting a job at their local McDonalds, Starbucks or Wal Mart.

If you are hell bent on finding a way to make money online however then you need to avoid:
– Anything that wants you to pay money
– Anything that promises you will get rich quick
– Anything that makes you uncomfortable

Those things tend to be scams.

If you have a bit of spare time you could try GPTHQ (a site like cashcrate but imho better because it pays more and has a paypal option) or, if you have a lot of time and a typing speed of 35 WPM with 99% accuracy you could try freelance writing.

It also helps to make sure whatever site you are checking out has a way to contact them; if they can’t be easily reached then who are you gonna talk to if you have a problem?

Good luck – I hope this helps.

Stay clear of scams!

Maria asks…

What is a good way to earn money?

I’m trying to get money for a bluetooth
imagine if i was a little kid like around 10 years of age what would be the best way?

Nagesh answers:

Why not use your 5 minute online time to earn more than $ 60.20 or RM 228.76 without invest any money. Ask yourself 1st: What do you do when you online each time?? Chatting, check mail, what else??Why don’t you earn some pocket money while you online, just 5 minute each time to earn $60.10 per month, ok? No need to spend or invest any money!! No risk, no dangerous, and no “Get Rich Quick”. So, what are you waiting for? Free register and start to earn your pocket money now!! Click Here:

Thomas asks…

Help with online jobs?

I’m looking for a first time job that I can do online without a resume or degree. Pay doesnt have to be good. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Look, besides all the ridiculous “get rich quick” scams and other junk out there, there actually is real legit ways to earn money from
home. You just have to be careful and do your research.,,.. Thank god for the internet because you can find out almost anything

you need to know about almost anything. So start by finding something that interests you and then research it.

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Monday, September 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Michael asks…

Any good logo ideas for Uganda fundraiser?

For an ultimate frisbee tournament with entrance fees where money benefits kids in Uganda?

One I am looking into is a frisbee that looks like the Uganda flag.

I need other creative ideas. I don’t want pictures, because I want to do it but I’d like suggestions on how to get my ideas started.


Nagesh answers:

I highly recommend that you submit it to these professionals:

They donate free logo designs to causes.

Good Luck!

Thanks, GladToHelp

Thomas asks…

How to raise money, give back to the communtiy with kids church and the youth ?

Okay so I’m trying to come up with some ideas to raise money for our church for supplies for kid’s church and other things they may need. I also am really interstered in how the youth and kids can learn to apperciate how others live around them how are not so fortunate as them. We are trying to get them involved with the community and giving back it’s not always about recieving, so as much as ideas as you can come up with will help thanks a bunch and God bless.

Nagesh answers:




Lizzie asks…

What can I do about a child that is destroying my kids school uniform?

3 times he has pushed my child into the mud – they are aged about 12.
It is reported to the school .

Each time the mud won’t come out of the trousers and its costing me money.

My kid does fight back and then report the boy but he tends to s;lip when the kid attacks him and still ends up muddy.

I’m about to ring the school – any ideas on what I can say to them?


Nagesh answers:

Call the school, get the kids in trouble, move your child to another school.

Charles asks…

How can I raise money for charity?

I am looking to raise money for the Gold Foundation is a charity organize by Champ Jamie Gold who is ex poker WSOP champ back in 2006 and now hope to give much money to great causes. Since win the big prize Jamie has already donated $110 million to charities!

Please tell me what I can do as hoping to run my own charity event and provide funds to go to God Foundation and need good ideas for how to make money for the kids.


Nagesh answers:

Go onto Oprah’s website.
Look up the ‘pay it forward’ campaign
She gave people a small amount of money, with the task to pay it forward, doing something good for someone else.
Some of them just handed money to strangers, and some of them bought things for people and charities, and others actually used that money to make more money by various fund raising methods.

Surely there you will find some inspiration

Lisa asks…

How much money can i get for an autographed Baltimore Orioles baseball from 1973?

I have a regular baseball thats in mid condition that is signed by all the baseball players from the Baltimore Orioles who played in 1973… Does anyone have any idea how much money I could get for it or know a website I could go to that tells me?

Nagesh answers:

Gee, why would you give up such an item? Why not keep it for the kids? Anyway, the market for autographed items is WAY down unless you have some really historic ones, like Joe DiMaggio. I wouldn’t guess you’d get more than $15, $20.

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Sunday, September 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Charles asks…

How do people make money on runescape using flecthing?

I have lvl 60 fletching and cant seem to make money using this skill, I cant sell the bows or any logs at the GE, nobody buys them.

Nagesh answers:

Depending on what bow you make will depend if it sells or not.

Right now the best bows to make and sell are yew longbows and magic longbows.

People are always buying them or high alching them because of the profit they can make.

If you are making maple longbows, those will not sell, They never really were a good “hot” item to sell.

When I was making maple longbows, what I would do was make about 5k of them, and hop world to world selling them in the range shop in rimmington, I made a good profit by selling about 10 maple long bows in each world. It is time consuming when it comes to selling the maple longbows but it is a good way to sell and make a profit at the same time. Just make sure when you are selling them that there are no more than 5 maple longbows in the player shop.

When you sell logs it does take time to sell them.
For example, I just sold about 200 willow logs yesterday after keeping them in the GE for about a week. They will sell. Yews, Magic sell really fast. Sometimes maples do sell fast sometimes they dont.

I made over 3 million buy making magic and yew longbows. They do sell. The bows that don’t sell are regular, oak, willow and maple. That is why many people cut willow and just make them unstrung and drop them as they are cutting the willow trees.

Mage shortbows are good to sell also, because many people use them to train in range.

Also making bronze, iron, steel arrows are good to sell. However with steel arrows you may not make a profit.

If you make bronze, and iron arrows sell them in worlds that deal with Pest Control, people are usually trying to buy them, but they do sell on the GE also.

Wish you the best of luck with Fletching and selling.

Susan asks…

How do you make money on RUNESCAPE?

I am combat level 67 and alright levels but is there a money making technique that is reliable,easy , quick and doesn’t need high levels

Nagesh answers:

Many people do law running, it is very slow and you get 300k per 1k laws, there are faster ways to make money but you need high levels for them

Thomas asks…

How can i make money in runescape?

I have heard many things like go buy the money.(wich does not work)
so what am i supposed to do i am a level 83 with 65 attack str and deffence 62 mage and good armour. I want fast money hassle free and just and easy way. i pretty much want something that i can spen up to 1 mill and make tripple that. But i HATE flax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Try rune making

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to make money for members in Runescape?

Ive tried cutting yew, making bowstring, etc. and it all takes way to long to make money. Any suggestions on making a couple mil a day?

Nagesh answers:

Buy flax and then craft it into bow strings, you will make really fast money from that.

William asks…

What is the fastest way to level fire making in runescape?

i am 67 fire making what is a fast way to level without it being to expensive? i have 2mill if that helps?

Nagesh answers:

The cheapest way is to cut your own logs. This takes forever though, since you’re training two skills. For both speed and a relatively low cost, buy willow logs and burn these. If you want to spend a bit more money, get maple logs.

I never suggest using yew logs for firemaking, since they’re worth so much these days. Selling yew logs and buying maple logs will get you a decent firemaking level, as well as making a bit of money.

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Saturday, September 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Steven asks…

What jobs can a 14 year old get in scotland?

I am really in need of more money as all my friends get way more money than me and i cant keep up no suggestions like do more housework, babysit because i wouldnt get extra money for that.

Nagesh answers:

Retail / hospitality jobs that hire 14 year olds

Grocery stores and supermarkets are amongst the biggest employers of 14 year olds in Saturday and summer jobs, working as cashiers, shelf stockers and trolley/kart attendants.
Fast food restaurants, cafes and bistros employ young people as a matter of routine.
Retail delivery by bike or on foot is sometimes required by local stores, such as pharmacies, with local customers, particularly mothers with children and older people.
Hotels and resorts are big providers of seasonal and part-time employment, for young people working as waiting staff, kitchen porters, dishwashers, etc.

Public venues

Tourist facilities and venues are also good sources of seasonal employment, particularly amusement, theme and entertainment parks.
Cinemas employ young people.
Local leisure facilities may need staff, including museums, zoos, aquariums, parks and recreational areas.
Sports facilities such as swimming pools, golf courses and campground facilities frequently have openings.

Locating a suitable job for a 14 year old:

The first step in finding work is to identify all the possible employers in your local area. Either phone up to ask if they employ people of your age, or call in. Always be on your best behaviour when contacting potential employers and dress smartly if visiting in person.
If you are going to provide your own services, such as babysitting or car washing, prepare a small leaflet with your details on it. Hand it around your neighbours, giving them more than one copy so they can pass one on to a friend as well.
Talk to your school’s careers office about summer job openings and also internships or placements.
Explore online jobs websites for openings in your locality.
Many chat rooms and message boards for young students carry tips about where work is available locally. Take a look and see if any is of use to you. Look up ‘teen help’ or ‘teenage jobs’ and see what comes up. Be patient – this search may take a while, but it will be worth it.
Make use of any careers office or service that is offered for teenagers. These people will usually know which local employers are worth approaching.

Sharon asks…

How Do I Make My Money Grow?

Hi, Im 13 years old and I have recieved 2,000 from my county. My mom wants half of it, which leaves me with one grand. I was just wondering if there was any ways I could make my money grow, fast, and efficiently. I want to have extra cash before school starts, in August. I didn’t want to go blow my money away like most teenagers would, so I want to have even more money than I do now. Much thanks, ~Pixie~
Just to let you know, I recieved my money from the Victom Witness Protection Program, because of a crime that happened to me 2 years ago.

Nagesh answers:

You can open a CD, or a high interest rate savings account from ING Direct or E-trade, but whatever you do, you aren ot going to end up with a lot more money by August. The way make money grow is commiting it long term.

Mandy asks…

What are the best ways for teenagers to earn money?

I have a part time job that pays minimum wage, but I also need to earn some extra money, so what are the best ways that teenagers can pick up some extra cash?
for the first site, how did you sign up with your paypal and everything if you don’t have paypal?

Nagesh answers:

You are going to make more money working for yourself than you will working for someone else. Steer clear from those online survey sites or anything else that sounds too good to be true. Get to the library for books like Fast Cash for Kids by Bonnie & Noel Drew or a number of other book titles that your Librarian can help you find. Stop wishing and start doing!!!

Joseph asks…

How do I stop wasting all of my money on food?

Most times, when I’m out and I have money
even though I’m not even really hungry, I’ll buy fast food
or junk food or just food that I don’t need.
Then, I never have any more money for things that I actually want!

I’m a teenager and I live with my parents, so they buy
groceries and stuff so we have food at home,
but I never want to wait or anything.

What should I do?

Nagesh answers:

Ask your parents to buy you snacks.
Like apples or breakfast bars.
Carry them in your purse that way you won’t be tempted to buy fast food.

Eventually, you’ll start getting fat from eating fast food – and your habit will stop – maybe.

Sandy asks…

How do you make your tamagotchi (v4 Australia) grow up faster.?

I want my tamagotchi to grow up into an adult and it’s a teenager now, but I want to do it without debuging it? Any help??

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think there is a way to do that. I know of cheat for other things (like money, food, presents, etc.) but none for making it grow older faster. I guess you’ll just have to feed and exercise it regularily if you want it to grow. Good luck. 🙂

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Friday, September 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Laura asks…

How to get rich in runescape?

I am a member and i want one of the quickest ways to make the real $$$ could some one help me with it?

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

Or various no skilling ways to make money on Runescape

James asks…

How can i make money on runescape?

i want a quick and easy p2p way to make money , atm i have 1.2 mil and i want dragon hatchet and abit of money left over for armour and 99 wc cape ? any ways?

Nagesh answers:

Hmmm quick and easy well woodcutting for a start cutting yews also you get experience for your 99 wc but the best would be dragon bones either blue dragons from traverly dungeon or green dragons just west of clan wars in the wildi the bones sell 5k each and the dragon hides sell for 2kish i advice getting games nicklass for teleporting to clan wars and wilderness volcano for banking….for getting 99 wc fast and with no money proffit but i mean seriously fast go for ivy…but for money from 60 to 99 cut yews you will make around 80mill by the end…good luck…:)

Lizzie asks…

what is the best way to make money on Runescape?

I am poor and i need some money can i know how a quick and easy way im lvl 90 and have 73 wc.

Nagesh answers:

Ok now this may sound hard, but honestly i dont giv e a rats aSs if you think its hard.
This is childs play.
Get your axe.
Go and cut 1k yew logs.
Noo dont have a cry just got cut em.
Nnow fletch em if your flecthing is ShIt lvl, then go sell em for yew logs price you’ll get 300-400k.
Now you should have 75+ wc.
Go cut 300-800 mage logs you get anywhere ebwteen 300-800K
then wiht 1200K, keep going until you can buy your desired item.
This may take a month+

RC is bets way to make cash.

RC way.
Go mine 2k pure ess. YES 2k.
Dont have a cry if your rc isint 44 then get FuiCk3D!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so now you should have 2k pure ess ^^

make 2k nature runes using abyss, dont have a sulk and be scared of dying who gives a FuCiK
ok now youll wil have reached your first 2M

if you would like my guide jus email me at

it is a very strong guide and beilive me.
It wont be easy.
I will downgrade you until you feel so low that you will prove yourself!

David asks…

How to get rich in runescape?

I am a member and i want one of the quickest ways to make the real $$$ could some one help me with it?

Nagesh answers:

1) Chopping yew logs and picking flax. Then make those into Yew Longs and then you can either make the nature runes and high alc or just sell them at the G.E. This is all profit if you do like this and you have to spend nothing. Or if you have all your Seers Achievement Dairies done there is a guy in the flax field that will give you 120 flax per day.

2) Killing any Green, Blue, Red, or Black dragon will give you good money. Selling the bones and selling the dragon hides makes great cash. Depending on your level depends what dragon to kill.

3) Also you can try Merchanting. It has changed since the G.E, but is still possible. Just choose check out worlds and see what sells a lot. Then buy that item for lowest or medium price. Then go back to world 2 or some world with loads of people and sell high price or higher.

Richard asks…

What is the best way to level up on Runescape?

I’m a level 65 and I quit runescape awhile ago. Now after 6 months i’m rejoining and all my friend have leveled up to 85+. I need the quickest ways to level up for members, so I can catch up to them. I am a member again so it will really help. they’ve all promised me they’d help me level up and wait for me to get to there level. 10 points to whoever helps me best!!

Nagesh answers:

I’m level 100 the max in combat and iv been playing for 7 years and the best way to level up is

form level 65:train on minotaurs and wolves in safety strong hold.

From level 70:go to the desert level in safety strong hold ad train on the zombies and the crawlers.

From level 76:go to the third level in the safety strong hold and train on the spiders.

Form level 81:go to Karamja and go down the volcano and go to the lesser demons.

From level 88:go to the greater demons.

From level 91:and go to the shades in the safety strong hold on the last level.
Congrats on level 100! And if u get to it u are frigging awesome!


You can mine clay and they are 103gp each and 103(times) 10,000= 1.3mill.
The flax Field in Camelot is a great way.
1: pick flax (until inventory is full)
2: go to nearby house and upstairs you will find a spinning wheel
3: use it to turn it to bow strings
4: store in bank, repeat till you have 500
5: Sell at grand exchange

and the greater demons i mentioned before you get rune med helms.

And magic trees are 1k each and cut a couple of them.

And fishing shark,tuna,swordfish. In Cathaberry.

HOPE IT HELPS A LOT AND I HAVE 50MIL. (From all of this)

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Thursday, September 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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