Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Donald asks…

What is a really good way for a nonmember to make money on Runescape fast?

im a nonmem but i’ll soon be a mem. Im trying to get an abyssal whip. I need help making good money because chopping yews is boring…help?

Nagesh answers:

Do rune mysteries quest and start mining rune ess sell them cheapest in grand exchange, or go fight hill giant pick up all limps, uncut ruby’s, uncut emeralds and big bones when you have full inventory sell everything in grand exchange. You get about 10k/full inventory + u get some training!

Linda asks…

A good way to make money on runescape with fletching?

i want to make money fast on runescape with fletching but at the moment im only making about 20k per 1500 headless arrows and my fletching level is 43 any idea on how to make faster money with this skill please help

Nagesh answers:

Pick flax from Seer’s Village and make them into bowstrings. Alternatively, you could also pick flax at the Tree Gnome Stronghold. Use the flax on the spinning wheel at Seer’s Village or Lumbridge.

You could also just buy flax and only make the bowstring, but that profits less.

Maria asks…

What can be a good way to make very fast money on RuneScape?

I am a level 83 and I have level 75 mining… I was wondering if any of you know a good way that I can make money mining. I can go in the Mining Guild in the dwarven mine… so yeah. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Mining is cool but honestly man I found it took up way too much of my time, and smithing was more profitable. What I do if I want to make money from metals is I go and buy the ore on the GE direct and deposit it in my bank….then I head over to Edgeville and use their smith (becuase it’s right by the bank) and I start making as many bars as i can, then sell….rinse and repeat…you will find yourself with a ton of money in no time. Or if you’re a member you can go get snape grass on the island north of relekka…if you choose to do that you will need to have done the Fremenick Trials quest and I highly recommned doing the Relekka acheivement diary so that you can get Fremmenick sea boots (which let you use the seer to deposit into your bank since there are no banks in relekkka)…snape grass is easy to get and sells for a ton…I’ve made millions on it alone…I’ve also made millions using smithing.

Richard asks…

Make money fast and easy on runescape?

Hiw do you make money fast on runescape? Fast and easy, that is. Because my sis on runescape is lvl 37 bu she never saves her money, so she doesn’y really have much, only 100k. So she wants to know how to get fast money.
btw her:
attack: lvl33
strength: lvl38
hitpoints: lvl 33
defence:lvl 15

Nagesh answers:

Well, best money is made by skills, not combat.
Mining is a very good way to make money, if you have a high enough skill to mine, smith, and high alch, make steel pl8blodies and high alch them.
Or just sale your coal or steel bars.
Almost any of the skills, can make you money,
Runecradting is another good one.

Sandra asks…

How can i make money fast on runescape im a lvl 35 and im poor?

I know u can mine and chop wood but that takes way 2 long i need smthin thats fast and easy for members

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money (even though merchanting is now out of the question)
1. Fishing- get it to where you can fish lobsters, they sell for a pretty penny
2. Since you are level 35, you are too weak for Godwars, so do alot of quests and stake in duel arena
3. Smithery is great for money as a low-level so keep it up!

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Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

John asks…

Some Quick and Easy money making schemes?

Hi, I’m thirteen and I really like to save, but I’ve run out of options, apart from pocket money and chores what else could I do to raise some moolah? Because I’m not old enough to legally work yet???

Nagesh answers:

NEWS FLASH… You ARE old enough to work legally so long as you do so with integrity. You can open and run your own business doing what you love and loving what you do. You simply need to provide a product and/or service that your customers want or need. You don’t need a scheme… You need a plan. Get to the library for books like “fast cash for kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew … Or other such titles. Do you believe in yourself??? Prove it. Get the facts not the scams!!!

Ken asks…

Anyone know of any good money making schemes?

Serious answers please!

Nagesh answers:

This is the best one I have ever herd. A guy went to a bunch of gas station and paid them to put in the coin machines that sell tampons and other lady products.

He never filled them , and the women were to embarrassed to complain so he just went around every few weeks and pickup all the quarters.

Wish I would of thought of this.

Sharon asks…

is there a real way to penis growth or are they all money making schemes?

ive tried the pills the pump , but theyre all temporary anyone know of anything besides syrgery??

Nagesh answers:


David asks…

Money Making Schemes!! Im 18 and I need cash!!?

Money Making Schemes!! Im 18 and I need cash!!
I need to make a little money, maybe online?
List me all the ways and I will do everyone of them! I need £6000!


Nagesh answers:

If you are 18 you do not need a scheme you need a job so get off you lazy butt and hit the bricks!!!

Richard asks…

Anyone got some money making schemes?

So i’m in need of some dosh, can’t get a job because society is keeping me down.
What i’ve got so far
– Suing an orphanage
-Selling fake hash to kids at the skate park
– Sending money to that nigerian prince in exchange for more money
– Fake an elaborate stunt and sell the story/ an interview to the media

Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Obvious troll is Obvious

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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Internet

Donna asks…

What are good ways for teens to make money?

We are looking for some ways to make money, but relatively quickly. Our parents refuse to pay us to do work for them, and yard sales, bake sales, and any money making over the internet is prohibited. We’re 13, so too young to get an actual job, and babysitting and yard work opportunities are few and far between. If anyone has a suggestion on what we could do, we’d really appreciate it!

Thanks so much!!
Please look above everyone. Did you not see the OUR PARENTS WILL NOT LET US MAKE MONEY ONLINE?

Nagesh answers:

To make money online go to this sites:
$1 click
$1 to $4 click

Click on register and put your account details, you will receive

an email for activate your account. When you are registered,

click on login and enter to your account.
Click on surf ads, click on click links, and click on one

advertisement and wait 30 seconds, then click on the number

that they say, and you will have $1 more.
To get paid, go to withdraw and select paypal or alertpay (you

need to have an account, is free and you don’t need credit

card). The only inconvenient is that we need to have $1000

($2500 in the second link)
to get paid, but in a few days you will get it.

Video tutorial on youtube:

Chris asks…

how can i make money steadily over the internet?

i’m not gonna ask for a “how do i get rich quickly off the internet” kind of question because i know those are almost always a scam. i don’t need $1,000 a month, or anything like that. but i would like to know a few ways to earn a few thousands dollars over the span of a couple of years. don’t get me wrong, if you know of a way to make $1,000 a month that would be great!

Nagesh answers:

You will find lots of ways you are able to make real cash on the internet in fact. A lot of strategies need you to come out at least some cash for hosting, domain name and marketing fee, for instance, Google Adwords.

Although many ways in which you can actually make money online which need you to come out some money, you’ll find also quite a few free methods which couldget started right away without having you to come out a single cent.

One of the technique that I like the most, and I found that it’s up to now the best and the most effective way (and it’s free too) is using Squidoo to market Amazon merchandise.

I have been using Squidoo to promote Amazon products invarious niches & to date I’m earning money this way, not very much though, but I’m able to make $947.26 last month from Amazon. It was my 3rd months advertising Amazon items through Squidoo now, and have invested loads of effort in looking for the niches & write reviews on particular products in which I really want to promote.

What I do think probably the most crucial thing is, you need to set your target, do something, & just replicate the process as often as possible. It’s tough, nevertheless I really see the outcome now, so you can actually try it out…

I have found a website that provide you with a 100 %free video course with regards to making money through Squidoo and to begin building your passive income. You can actually try it out

I have gone through their video tutorials, it’s almost exactly what I’m engaging in and they teach you in quite detailed though. It’s sort of 1 week step-by-step action plan…

Wish you’ll succeed soon.

Daniel asks…

How can i make lots of money relatively quickly?

I’m a 13-year-old guy and a computer wizard/geek/addict/database. i have been designing a dream computer that i really want to build, but need another $3000 to buy all the parts. any ideas on how to make that money (hopefully between now and the beginning of September, that might not be realistic). i work with computers in many areas, both troubleshooting them and producing things with them. graphics artist, edit videos some, small 3d animation knowledge, heavy internet user, set up networks, computers, TVs, etc.

Nagesh answers:

Selling drugs its the fastest way to make money

Lizzie asks…

Is there something I can do online to make money? no spam or scams… 18+?

Is there really something I can do on the internet to make money… fairly quickly.. no scams.. no pyramids… just seriously work.
I am willing to do like a webcamming or something along those lines……..
what can I do…?
Not gonna stuff envelopes and if you spam this I will report
serious answers only

Nagesh answers:

If you are willing to work as a webcam model… IT IS NOT TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE….
There is an awesome site that pays really well, you are in charge of how much you charge and what you do and when you work… Everything.
Its 100% safe.
You can start working today..
All you need is a cam, computer and internet and you can start working… If you want to start immediately.. Just go into the live help and ask them to approve you and they will bypass the rest of the people and help you.
You dont pay them anything, its not something where you have to pay to get paid, its a real site that is one of the top webcam sites.
Doesnt matter what size, color you are or what you look like. There is so many customers that there is always someone looking for what you have to offer.
Can be straight, gay, bi, transgender
There is room for everyone.
You get paid every 2 weeks, on time and never short. You can receive a bonus also.
Also, there is options for ONLY friendly cam chat… No nudity or naughty chat
You seriously get paid for having a good time.
I have done this for a few years, its my only job and I on average make $2500 working 4 days/nights a week…….
Also, you can have several model accounts and even have your other half join you and make a couples account and make a lot of money there also!!!!


Its totally safe and you WILL make money if you go on

Joseph asks…


I want to know how to make a decent living-whilst still working from home????You hear of all these people making money off the internet-I want to know how to do that as I’m pretty good on a computer…but I’m not into selling a product which promises so much and needs to be sold via family and friends-I’m not pushy enough with my family and friends. But I can be pushy to strangers. Also there have got to be things I can do around the home to make money-Heaps of realistic suggestions please-no idiots. I’m really serious here-trying to save my home.

Nagesh answers:

Hi i have been in the home business industry for a few years. Not everyting is a scam and yes most business do have a product of some sort. To have a legitmite business there has to be product movement. Not all product movement require selling to family/friends.

So what i can offer you is:




We do not offer a quick fix where you will be earning thousands in your first week.
We do not offer you an opportunity to sit back doing nothing to watch the dollars roll in.
I am not offering you anything illegal or unethical.
No selling required nor do we ask you to pester your family and friends to get started
No Product handling
No false promises, no outlandish claims.



Feel free to call me on 0429401247
Kindest regards

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Monday, March 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

David asks…

hi, i am 13 years old and i want to make money this summer i want to dog walk with my cousin… ANY IDEAS???


Nagesh answers:

* Print out flyers and put them up around town. Cut out little slips of paper for a business card and put your names, emails, phone numbers, etc. On them.

* If you really want to get into it, then you can also make a website saying what you do for the dogs with reviews and everything.

* Volunterring for an animal shelter is also a good idea. Even though you won’t make any money, people who go to the shelters will see you and ask if you could walk their dogs. Workers at the shelter can also recomend you to others. It is a way to get more popular with the dog-walking business, basically.

* You can also hand out flyers in your neighbors’ mailboxes.

That’s all I got! I hope I helped, and good luck! (:

Michael asks…

My wife is out of work. Any money making ideas for the last two months of summer?

We’re in Virginia and I’m selling alarm systems, but my wife is home alone all day and bored and wants to work. How can she earn money? Or at least are there some good volunteer jobs that would look good going on a resume?

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend that you and your wife leverage her “TIME FREEDOM”. Maximize her time to assist you both in building wealth. I would recommend that she still set a work schedule for each day. She must have structure in her day. No time to lounge around and watch television. I am sure you both were not born with silver spoons in your mouth and could use additional knowledge on debt elimination, credit improvements, retirement generation, etc. Yes, I am implying that you both have work to do.

Schedule an assignment for her for each day of the week. Monday – Work on Determining your Financial Number. Financial Number is what you need to live an enjoyable and comfortable life. This has nothing to do with what you make from your JOB. Tuesday – Credit Repair – obtain copies of your credit reports and scores (develop ways to increase your scores up to 850 points). Wednesday – Develop Emergency Plan (develop a plan on what you would do if you have a $500, $1000,$5000,etc financial emergency). Thursdays – Debt Elimination and Fridays – Savings/Retirement. So as you can see each day has a goal and resources you will need to improve your Financial Wellness.

Just think “If you had no debt, what couldn’t you do in life”.

The only limitation you have in life is how you think?

Dare to achieve your DREAMS so that you can do what other dream about…..

Chris asks…

What can I do to make money over the summer hols?

I’m 15, live in Doncaster trying to make some money over the summer hols, tried getting a job but all the ones ive tried you need to be 16 :/

any ideas much appreciated


Nagesh answers:

Work at Wal-Mart (just kidding)

Sign up to some GPT sites to make easy money or some pay per photos sites, here’re some sites for you. No Spam(SPAM FREE) (best one ever)

Sandra asks…

How to make money? In summer, not pyramid either!?

Hey i am 16, in summer there are a few things i am going to be doing, but i need some ideas what have you on how to make some money, seperate to the corporate summer job i am taking.
Possibly from home. Or ones i can do at night.

Nagesh answers:

If you are willing to put in a 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hours a day then please!!! I welcome you to try they are an INC500 company 37th fastest growing US company to date, listed in all sorts of magazines. An actual legitimate company not like the scams that take your money and run for cover, they are FREE TO JOIN. Wont hurt to take a peek and look. E-mail if you’d like at for more info.

Joseph asks…

What are some good ways for a teen to make money over the summer?

i am a 13 year old girl, and as you know the economy is really bad. money is tight right now, and this summer i wanna save up so i can do some back to school shopping. are there any easy ways to make some money? & babysitting isn’t an option, i don’t know any little kidsss haha.

i’m thinking like lemonade stand or something. does anyone have any other ideas?

sorry if this is in the wrong category, i wasn’t sure whatta put it under xD

Nagesh answers:

Iwas going to say kissing booth, Kiss=1 dollar
but at the end
Kiss = Herpess :/

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Sunday, March 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

John asks…

How to earn money fast on pandanda?(It’s free elite day!)?

Hi! So its free elite day and today if you log in you can buy member stuff! Everything you want! But I’m running out of coins! Can anyone tell me how to get more and fast? THANKS! =)

Nagesh answers:

You might wanna check my blogsite out for help:

William asks…


i need to get 200 dollars in two weeks and I need to do it like now so is there any online thing i can do to make money? and not have to use my credit card

Nagesh answers:


Nancy asks…

How to make money fast!!???

how can i make money fast or get free things like an ipod online. i’m really desperate now becuz of the season and not only that my parents say that i have to go to a different highskool cuz they wasted all there money on buying land and crap. i need a fast money thingy so i can atleast pay $50 a month. that’s the only way i get to stay at my highskool. i dont mean to whine but kan sum1 help me find a money site???

Nagesh answers:

Step One: Think of most obvious piece of information possible.

Step Two: Get huge government grant to study fact that everybody already knows.

Step Three: (optional) Buy new suit. Sew question marks on it. Sell books on late nite cable TV.

Sandra asks…

What are the best and fastest ways to make free money online?

I want to get paid every week. What are the best websites that work. NO SCAMS. aslo something that is easy

Nagesh answers:

This System is the hottest, cutting-edge system in the Network Marketing Industry.Yet, the program is easy to learn. And most amazingly, its totally FREE to start.

i made this video to prove you that im getting payed by the company
and i show you how im making money online.

Donald asks…

Fable 2 Free Money, Online?

Can somone please get on fable 2 with me, and give me some money? That way I can get buildings and earn money faster.

I know many of u have a crap load of cash so i was just wondering.

Add me on XBOX 360, My GT is Blood Bringerr.
As a message when you add me, say somthing like, Fable 2 Money or something..


Nagesh answers:

Sure I could give you like 3.5 million since Castle Fairfax is going to burn a million, but I can’t do it right now since my brother is playing a game right now.

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Saturday, March 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Michael asks…

where can i find a reliable free online library on how to make money online for free?

i need to know where i can have access to quality online library on how to make money online for free and fast.

Nagesh answers:

How about you run own website/blog and earn from google adsense.

Charles asks…

a good way to make money fast online?

i need money really fast i need to buy all kinds of stuff for school i just have till the end of next month to get everything i need for school but i dont have a job and my parents dont have enough money to buy me anything for school. so i need to know whats the free fastest way to make money online? plz help. thxs

Nagesh answers:

Sell your old things worth $15+ on craigslist. You do have to meet people to let them give you the money and you give them your things. Go to to check it out.

Betty asks…

Is there any way to make free online money?

I’ve been trying to make money online from quite a while now. But I found out most of the jobs for money. Is there any option of doing part time job and make fast money without paying fee?

Nagesh answers:

You can find legitimate home businesses in the areas of direct sales, affiliate marketing, and network/referral marketing, encompassing a variety of product lines and/or services. Some legitimate telecommuting and freelance opportunities include customer service, virtual assistant, tutor, telemarketer, sales, transcription, translation, blogging, online guide, writer, editor, consultant, concierge, nursing, mystery shopping, tech support, marketing, and online juror.

Daniel asks…

Make money free online for University?

Hiya am goin to uni in september and need a way to make money online fast and hopefully a large ammount i have time to but in 10 hours a day and would like to earn atleast £150 around a week. Ive tryed loadza survey site and even creating me own web and it aint looking to good i have no money so it needs to be free. I have a website through with a few paid to clicks and search on it but it cost to advertise any where good? Theres no point getting a job only got till august up Here. Any Help?

Nagesh answers:

1] There is no ‘quick’ ‘free’ way to earn every programme has its risks some true some scam.

2] Some rquire pay but dont mean its scam its just a way of generating the flow og money eg; like Ebay or Amazon.

3] Google search for Affiliate Programmes and find some here at

Lizzie asks…

Making money fast online. IMPORTANT!!!?

I am not some lazy person who doesn’t want to work. I am a single mom and close to being in debt. I work for 3 hours a day that’s all I can do because my kid is still young and pre k is only 3 hours 3 days a week. I am about to go into debt and I want to avoid that. I stopped using credit cards because I want to avoid that.

I have a payment to make in 1 week and I need to earn some money fast.

Free and legal please. I can’t afford to throw money out to something that wont work. I can devote 6 plus hours a day working and prefer to get paid through paypal because it’s fast.

Please no SCAMS.

I know going to yahoo answers isnt the best way, but i have no choice. I cannot take out a loan and I need the money fast.

I will work, I want to earn the money, I am not looking for something fake that promises 5000 in my account overnight.


I need to have my payment in 1 week.

Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Practically you can not find a long term method to make money online fast.
Learn from the sifus (experts) a.k.a. Professional webmasters advice.
They have always recommend time tested tips.
Use strategic/targeted keyword search to do your research in the search engines:-
Make Money Classifieds
Online Business Classifieds
Internet Business Classifieds
Internet Business 24 Hours
MLM Prelaunch

You would find a good list of websites that offer such money making opportunities.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, March 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

Daniel asks…

How to get money through internet with out time waste???

I know one way which im using…Do u know any other ways???
My way….
I have Earned Rs.500 within 10 min and still i can earn more by just doing simple online work. I spend only 30 min a day. You can also do this job. just click . and Register FREE

Nagesh answers:

I can show you how to make money online. You can earn by doing offers, surveys, reading email, posting on forums, paying games, using search engines, listening to music…. I can help you to start making money. Email me if you have questions

Sharon asks…

How to earn money using internet? Find out your answer here!?

If you are still slogging an 8 to 5 job, grinding through rush hour everyday with gritted teeth and thinking to yourself that you are not earning enough then you need to read this and find out the truth about earning a living.

Yes, an office job offers a form of security, but it keeps you locked up to a desk and offers you a measly potential to earn real money for real. How much do you think your pay would rise 5 years from now? Statistics show people stick to a job they hate for years just because they are expecting a pay increment only to NEVER get it.

What you can earn with Internet Marketing on the other hand does not require you to wait years just to earn more, there is no need for decades of experience or even academic qualifications. All you need is the right steps since Internet Marketing is done right in front of your computer with you making mouse clicks here and there.

Farren Lighton has proved he has got the right stuff when it comes to Internet Marketing by generating more than $10,000 in 7 short days! And all this was done on his first attempt after observing that the potential of Internet Marketing was massive.

How in the WORLD did he do it?

Well… he shares exactly how he makes a whopping $10,000.00 in 7 days flat in his reveal all book — Internet Rags to Riches!

Inside [Internet Rags to Riches] you will discover:

– Why you do not need a huge capital to start an Internet business

– How you can build a business from scratch using only what you have

– How you can increase the amount of money you are earning just by doing 1 thing

– The ONE product which can earn you the most money online

– How to build a money making website minus the confusing codes

– How you can earn money on auto-pilot, 24 hours a day even while you are sleeping

– How to have a short and sweet 4 hours work day and still make a 5-digit income

– A step by step demonstration of how to start earning money online under 4 hours!

And the best part is, you can download the first chapter for FREE at:

Enjoy the complimentary read!

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to earn online. Finding a right site is the most toughest part. There are many fake/spam sites . Search ur ans here

Sandy asks…

Can you forward details for home based jobs(with PC and internet)?

I am a post graduate in commerce and I have PC with internet connection. I want to earn money through home based jobs. I have seen many advertisements in this regard. All the advertisements shows free home based jobs and earn more money. While viewing in depth, they are asking pay some tutorial/training fee. Is it all are correct? I sincerly want to work from home. Anybody can forward /give the part time jobs for me?. Thanks and regards.. jaykay

Nagesh answers:

I’m not really sure these work from home jobs work in India.
Most of these ads ask you to pay an initial fee but none is sure whether there is any guarantee in making enough money to retrieve your investment.

I heard that some online jobs do exist for USA folks.

As far as you are concerned, I would caution you to be careful in paying money upfront for work-from-home jobs on the internet.

Chris asks…

is there any website which giving more money to paid to click (PTC) or survey?

Which website gives more money to paid to click and survey by free register?
And send money to paypal

Please help me…

A guy cheated me by offering a CD which contains “methods to earn money through Internet” with high cost

Please send me websites which i can earn money

please……… please…….

I want to get the money which i spend to buy CD and Internet connection….

please help me………….. please…………….

i am eagerly waiting for all of your answer….

please help me…………….please…….
==> If you can’t help me, Answer me how can I earn money through Internet?

==> Can I earn through copy and paste works? if yes, Give me the website

==> Please give me the sites which I can earn money by simple jobs


Nagesh answers:

Try checking neobux. I hope that helps.

Steven asks…

Can I Know the way of earning from home legally?is someone working in Bangalore through internet?

I am an engineering student.I can work daily 1to2hrs or weekly 4hrs from home.I am in urjent need of money so i require help to complete my education successfully.I want to use my free time.I want details of earning money. please help me out

Nagesh answers:

If your an engineering student your smart and just need a guide to follow. I now work entirely out of my home direct from my computer. I make enough money to cover my bills plus extra. I’m also planning three vacations over the next 6 months, two of which are to Europe, the other is to the Bahamas. It has just changed my life, and best news is, you chose your hours. Check it out here It will change your life.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, March 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Sandy asks…

how to earn money online answering surveys / focus groups?

is it possible to make a quick buck answering surveys, entering focus groups. if so can anyone please refer me to some. i need to make about $100.00 bucks.Thanks hearing me out!

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest to better stay away.

Lizzie asks…

My brother is 13 and wants know if those things online about earning money by doing surveys is true l?

He’s 13 and we need to earn money quick cause our dad had bought us this new camera and told us not to take it to school and so my bro did and when he got home i asked for it cause i was gonna take pictures and found out the screen was all messed up and cracked and stuff and now we need to get a new camera or get the screen fixed before he finds out cause if we tell him the truth he’ll never buy us anything again!!

Nagesh answers:

I have done many surveys that promise to pay you, but unfortunately… They don’t. At least the ones that I tried.
Good luck with your dad and camera.
I’m sure he will realize that everyone makes mistakes, and hopefully not be that angry.

Jenny asks…

quick money in paypal?

i really need some money in my paypal and im trying to find quick ways to earn the stuff online. is there any way to earn quick REAL money online and transfer to paypal?? please tell me!!

Nagesh answers:

try that it gives you ten dollars for signing up and just fill out some of the offers until you have $50 then they give you it. It worked for me.

James asks…

Is it possible to earn money from online surveys and do yyou know of any that pay??

pretty self explanitoey im up for some quick money
My pocket money has stoppped so i need another way of earning money and im 14 so im not allowed to get a job, this was a rule by my parents helllllppppp!

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money with surveys but don’t expect too much, it’s not a job replacement or anything. There are some good free to join survey sites reviewed here:

Donald asks…

Whats a good way to earn quick money?

This is doing legal stuff, maybe something online. All legit stuff as well, like no lawsuits or anything. Please help me out with websites or anything. Thanks for the help.
Oh and something that requires not to much focus, so i’m not stuck on the computer all day making tansactons.

Nagesh answers:

There are some good easy ways to make money and legit too. The key word isn’t about “ease”, but about “time”. The ones I recommend require some time and patience, but they are truly legit and willing to pay up once you commit to it.

The best place to earn is by joining the Free Online Cash System: . Joining this system and commiting to it will earn you $100s to $1000s daily and you have NO OUT OF POCKET costs to begin with. Plus, I will personally be giving you cash incentive of $50 when you join to your PayPal (US/Canada only).

If that’s not enough I made a Squidoo article on great places to earn money online.


It’s worth a look as well. Hope this helps you.

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Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Daniel asks…

What would you like to ask?I need a fast way to make money, free, online. or something. I need money fast.?

please help? 🙂
I really need help.

Nagesh answers:

There ARE a few ways to get free Paypal money and other stuff online, scam free. Here are the main 3 I use that I know aren’t scams:

-Swagbucks: A Google and Ask powered search engine that rewards you just for searching. Each search is like a lottery, it gives you a random chance to win. They have $5 Paypal cash, $15 iTunes gift cards and $5 Amazon gift cards, among other things that you can explore on your own if you want.
More Info:

-Cash For Free: The average offer site. Complete surveys, fill out forms, sign up for newsletters, etc.
It’s pretty easy but takes some time. I recommend you use a seperate email address for everything, as most offers will spam it. You get $5 just for signing up. Make SURE you allow all cookies on your browser.

-Linkbucks: Get paid for sharing links. Turn any link into a Linkbuck link and get paid for every click. Takes some time, but is good nonetheless.
Example and sign up:

Good luck

Mandy asks…

ways to make money online starting with no money?

i need a way online to make moneyy starting with no money that you can transfer money to paypal. i dont have a credit card but i have a neobux acount but that is going very slow. i need a way to make a little money faster to transfer to neobux to buy ome refs. i have been doing it for about a month and i have about 2 dollars lol. anyway i need to make like 10 buckss in like a week or something. please help! thanks!!!!!!
and it needs to b on the computer because i want to get it on neobux and wiithought a credit card i have no way of doing that.. answer my question like i said it. dont say jobs with neighbor cuz uh.. thats not on the internet! de de-de

Nagesh answers:

You can try what i do.its free and no credit cards needed.for more info click the link in the source box.

Donna asks…

How to make money online, easy and fast?

Please list some ways to make money online 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Think of your skills, what can you offer? Browse the Craigs List classifieds., lots of scams, but some actual good jobs. I’ve been looking on and off for a long time and got lucky last week.

Lisa asks…

if im 13 whats the best way to make money online fast?

i am completely broke 😛

Nagesh answers:

I’ve already earned $1407.53 in only four months on

Points2shop is by far the best site for earning free cash/prizes. If you don’t believe me points2shop has a “proof” section in their forum where members post pictures of the things that they have received from points2shop.

If I were you I’d go to points2shop. You can earn money so easily on points2shop by completing offers, surveys, playing games, or simply by clicking on links! It’s that easy! Best of all points2shop is 100% free.

If you need to know more information you can check their forums where members post the things that they have received for earning points on the points2shop website below.

If you click on the link below you get $2.50 free just for signing up!


Sharon asks…

is there a way to make money online fast?

Nagesh answers:


If there was everyone would be rich

Most money making propositions on the internet are scams.

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Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Lizzie asks…

What are some quick and easy ways to make money?!?

I am a teenager and would like to make some money to help by things but I need a fast way to do so leaving me with time for school, sports, and homework.
So, if you have any ideas or even things from experience please help me out.

Nagesh answers:


ALL the info you need to get started RIGHT THERE. Trust me on this – no sign up at that site, no money needed, just go there and FOLLOW the guide – most importantly TAKE ACTION and IMPLEMENT!!!

I PROMISE this will get you more than 200+ a week working 20 hours a week… If you can’t do this, then Never complain – because this is the easiest way to make money on the planet when you dont have a lot of money to invest (or none). Just spend some time at:

and I promise you will be raking in money – don’t fall for other people here.

Mark asks…

Easy way for a teenager to make some quick money?

I’m 14, and I want to get some quick cash for Christmas. I know it’s kinda early to start thinking about that, but I’m totally broke and wanna buy my friends something nice.

So if anyone has any good ideas (other than babysitting), thatd be great

Also, I have a sophomore boyfriend, and I wanna get him something too, any tips?

Nagesh answers:

Try to get a part time job in a shop or somewhere, do errands around the house, maybe get a paper round.

By the way, the answers are spam, ignore them.

George asks…

What is a fast way to make alot of money for younger adults or teenagers?

My parents were helping me look for a used car for me because i totalled my first car and im in need of another one. I need quick ways to make lots of money to help them out in paying for the car.

Nagesh answers:

I have met similiar problem before, here list of sites

Laura asks…

Quick way for teens to make money?

i am a teenager and don’t get pocket money.
what is a quick way to make money?
please help!

Nagesh answers:

Well I decided to tutor maths and english.. Im good at maths cause Im doing it at A-level and got an A* at GCSE (These are UK qualifications) Im 17 btw

First I made leaflets and printed them and then posted them around the streets near where I live! I am now tutoring a girl english and maths for £20 and hour and another girls just maths for £20 an hour =)

Just think of something you are good at that could benefit someone else and go out there and sell yourself! Lol x

Sandra asks…

What is a quick, easy way for a teenager to make money?

Nagesh answers:

For a teenage girl, the best way is the same as always: babysitting. You can make from $5-$10 an hour without any problems. Figure that, on a Saturday evening, with the child asleep at least part of the time, you can probably earn at least $40, including tip–possibly more. Hard to beat that…

If when you say “quick, easy” you mean you don’t have to do anything–forget about it. Anyone who promises you easy cash is a con artist.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, March 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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