Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Nancy asks…

Hillary Clinton has more tax and spend on the way. TEN BILLION FOR FOUR YEAR OLDS? no im not making it up!?

heres the link to forestall liberal whine

She said quality pre-kindergarten programs will more than pay for themselves because children will be less likely to enter special education programs, drop out of school or enter the welfare system. She also said preparing children for school also reduces behavioral problems.
“We consistently fail to invest in what will save us money.”
1.) To truly invest in what makes us money, what’s wrong with the economy by giving working people back more of what they earn. They will spend it and increase the gnp making more tax revenue instead of welfare schemes.
2.)If our four year olds need to depend on the government instead of parents and families to ready them for school, isnt that symptomatic and proof postive of the FAILURE of this type of social welfare diatribe ms. Clinton is proposing?
3.)Per dollar on special ed kids, how good is a univerasal spend spree?

Nagesh answers:

I saw that on the news. Hillary-ious. She’s in a vote-driven dream world.

Linda asks…

Our kids commit crime because they’re bored?

I just watched this video on the BBC News website about ‘Real Life on a Dewsbury estate’. I don’t agree with the comments made by certain members of the government, but listening to the woman being interviewed in her home I simply couldn’t agree with her when she claimed that most of the problems (underage drinking, disturbing of the peace, gangs etc) could be resolved if the kids ‘had something to do’ (and that it’s down to the government to provide this).

If these people are genuinely so desperate for an outlet for their energy and only fall into underage drinking and making a nuisance of themselves then surely they’d find a way without going to the government and saying ‘hey, we need money for schemes!’

Football clubs, athletics, golf, cricket, baseball, chess (!), computer programming, cross-country running, forming a band, learning an instrument, cycling, learning a trade. You don’t NEED ‘schemes‘ to do stuff like this. If enough like-minded people want to do something with their free time then they can. There’s only one thing worse than MPs speaking before they think, and that’s people passing the buck and acting like the victims.

But that’s just my opinion. I’d like to know yours.
Non Prophet Organisation: during the interview video when that was suggested, my thoughts were exactly the same as your comment there; it’d get wrecked.
I’m on my knees:

I appreciate what you’re saying, honestly. But I don’t see how having no free or very cheap schemes / centres / clubs for kids is excuse for behaving the way these kids do. Honestly, when I was a kid I spent a lot of my time playing tennis with my mates, kicking a football around, running, playing videogames (seriously- deprived area or not, a lot of people have playstations… you can pick up a second-hand PS1 or 2 and games for about 30 quid easily), writing and- here’s the thing- studying. Most of the kids getting into trouble are at the age where they should be putting their efforts into preparing for GCSEs and A-Levels or GNVQs. Anyone can sudy for free in the UK. It’s a privilage that people seem to forget about. If these people are the ‘victims’ and genuinely want to better themselves then there are ways outside of putting their hand out and demanding the government (and the tax payer for that matter) provide some kind of magical, cure-all youth centre.

Nagesh answers:

There’s a lot of truth to kids with resources and time to kill getting into trouble. Statistics show a huge rise in crime within one hour of when school gets out. Additionally, at college it’s the kids without responsibility and with plenty of money that get out of control and do nothing but party. It’s probably not the duty of the government, but it is a systemic problem that parents ought to be working on. Parents should be encouraging (maybe forcing) their kids to be involved in activities, working, clubs, etc. Rather than just running free.

Mark asks…

Question about starting up a food service business.?

I was thinking of trying to start a soup and sandwich “cart” at a couple of the local office parks. My plan was to walk around with a basket of goodies around lunchtime at the office parks close to my home, I used to work at the one I’m think of and would probably hit my old office up first.

I was thinking of offering fresh bread and a couple of different fresh homemade soups, and a few simple ham & cheese, turkey & cheese, or roast beef & cheese sandwiches on my fresh baked bread to start out with and maybe add some more items later. I want to keep my start up costs as low as possible until I know if this is a money making idea or not. I was going to try an start it “under the radar”, but I’m also wondering what licenses I might need to do this legitimately?

I’m a stay at home mom, my husband works from home, but the kids take a nap everyday from around 11-2 so I could spend a couple hours a day making a few bucks while they sleep and Dad can continue to work while he keeps an ear out for them. We are really struggling right now so I’m just trying to think of someway to help out. I love to cook, I’m always feeding someone anyway, I make a quite a few hearty REALLY good soups with all fresh ingredients, and my bread has been called phenomenal.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Maybe if you work at an office would you be likely to buy lunch from someone like me, I’m 36, a clean cut, typical mid western housewife?

And if anyone knows what permits and licenses I should get?

Sorry I’m not interested in ANY other make money from home schemes, just advise on this particular idea would be helpful. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First you will need a business license and sales tax number from your state and maybe city. A food handlers permit probably with a TB test at least and some food safety training. You won’t make your own food in your kitchen because you don’t have a commercial kitchen with inspections you will need to rent a kitchen.

If you have a roach couch that is a catering truck with a kitchen you could cook in that but not at home.

We had this service where I worked before and it does seem like a good idea. That lady had a handcart/dolly and two ice chest. Early in the morning she rented a tavern kitchen to make salads and sandwiches then she loaded the cold food and beverages into ice chest with ice. She sold canned pop and some bottled juice and packaged rice krispy squares and big cookies I think the tavern made and packaged. She would park and put her ice chest on the hand cart and bring it in the building. The receptionist would announce her over the loud speakers and anyone who wanted to buy would come to the lobby. She arrived about 10am but people know already if they want to buy lunch.

So her day was probably started at 5-6AM with deliveries from 8-12:30 or so, not a lunch time only thing.

I wouldn’t buy from someone I thought was making food in a home kitchen with children and pets in the house.

Helen asks…

Is tycoon cash flow a scam or legit way to make extra money online?

My wife showed me a video on YouTube of a kid talking to his mother. Real popular video with 31,000,000 views. On the corner was an add for a way to make money. Claiming that the “system” can earn you $3500 a week or some crazy number.

I went to the page to satisfy my wife who asks me “why can’t you convert your online time to income?”

so that was a link to tycoon cash flow. 
I don’t know what to think of this program. It asks you for like, $49 to start which is not a lot of money but right now that $50 seems like a lot to us (the economy in Vegas sucks worse than the rest of the country) and so i am really skeptical to pay it. 

It doesn’t seem like it’s mlm (multiple level marketing AKA pyramid scheme) and claims to be a program that anyone could in theory do for free if they had the know how.
What they “sell” you is 14 videos that explain how to place ads to drive traffic to products you do not sell but you make a comission from a second party selling the product

It does promise huge profits though. That I am very wary of. There is no get rich quick system. 

I read a review that was titles “tycoon cash flow SCAM” but then said that it makes money! Talk about confusing. The review says that it will generate Income but definitely not as fast as the creators imply.

Then I get an email from the same site (the main tycoon cash flow site) after I did not “act now!!” and purchase at first offering me a FREE course because I am their “friend” (haha!) and it is about six long pages that do seem full of info but no demands to “buy now!”

Has anyone tried this? I am a computer “nerd” and have been online since 1995 or so. Don’t need to take any wooden nickles but i do want to have an honest shot at now being cheated and making my utility bills (phone/tv/electric) go away with some extra income.

Thanks for reading. I am not affiliated with the program at all. I am not trying to get a hundred replies from ppl that want to sell me their system. I just want some opinions.

Thanks again

Steven in Las Vegas   

Nagesh answers:

Its just another of the countless scams.

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Steven asks…

If you can’t beat ’em…at least make some money. .?

My boss said that to me my first day of work in Jan.2002 .

It is very funny how Christians and catholics alike will buy anything.The company I used to work for near central P.A. makes religious paraphernalia for many religions, I learned that Christians will buy any piece of crap that says Jesus on it, or indirectly implies Jesus. We used a pyramid scheme to get kids to sell our products at home,church, and in school. My question is do you know anyone else taking advantage of this eternal business opportunity. And what ideas do you have for a “new” ground breaking Christian product.
P.S. the company is owned by an atheist. I am agnostic.

Nagesh answers:

So that’s where the baby Jesus b-u-t-t p-l-u-g came from…

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Saturday, April 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Chris asks…

can i really work from home through internet and earn at least for my pocket money?

i really want to work from home in the internet and and anybody can suggest a really genuine job so i can really earn as far as all the websites for online internet jobs whichever i went through were fake so please help me

Nagesh answers:

Google is great for this.

Google “webmaster forums” if you like to write. Many webmasters are looking to pay people for well-written articles on many topic.

Google “freelance programmer” if you can program (php, asp, etc). Huge demand for these people.

Google “market research” if you like testing new products and services.

Jenny asks…

how to earn big money through home business?

what should i do first if i want to earn money from internet home business? should i set up paypal account first or make debit card first? or i jus run my business and see the business will grow or not then later set up the paypal account?i really dont have any idea bout it?? can i run internet business without having cradit card or dabit card??because i don’t have enough money to make debit/cradit card…

Nagesh answers:

Check This

Lizzie asks…

any body here who work from home through internet and do data entry job and earn good money,, please help me?

i am looking for job as a data entry work from home using internet or online job,, any body here to help me and find a suitable job for me whihc i doen through internet ?

Nagesh answers:

This company was on good morning america helping people with online jobs at home.. i was thinkn about doing it but i need health insurance. Good luck

Thomas asks…

How many of you here are making money through internet?

I want to work from my home and still make money. How is that possible?
Basically I am interested in things related to internet. Is that possible to make money online?
I would love to create websites. I have a knowledge about programming. I am learning html, css and such things. What should I do if I want to earn money from my home? I don’t want to go outside.

Please help me. I need money. So give me some idea. How many of you here are making money through internet?

Nagesh answers:

Me too. Don’t listen to others.

Laura asks…

i want earn money through online net job without investing and without refering any one in internet?

in internet i want some job through online at my home or any where else without any invesment without any others to referrence.

pls give me some website to joinand earn some amount

Nagesh answers:

Pls dont try these referrers n survey kind of stuff, i am sorry to say that I have wasted a lot of time in this type of stuff, if u really want to earn online then make a website n add ad chanels in it…. Or u can search for contracts for the type of work u want to do on the internet, for example u want to do data entry or some programing u can do that too… Be sure u get some initial money on the contract that u will be undertaking as INTERNET IS FULL OF FRAUDS make urself safe ask for some advance before starting the work….
Gud luck….

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Friday, April 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast

Mandy asks…

Ways to make money fast for my wedding reception?

I am getting married on the 27th of this month. We are starting to get really low on cash. Does anyone know of any ways to make money fast. I am getting really worried. I still have alot to pay for. Please help
I do have 2 jobs already. We dont eat out or go to the movies. I got some really good deals on the dj and stuff for my wedding.

Nagesh answers:

You could sell stuff on ebay, but the auctions last a week and sometimes people take a long time to pay. What about a yard sale? It’s a lot of work but depending on the type of stuff you sell, you could make an extra $300 from the stuff that just collects dust. If you do this, ask neighbors if they’d like to have one too. Having a joint yard sale draws more traffic. I’m out of suggestions since i don’t know your occupation/skills. Good luck!

Linda asks…

What are some ways to make money fast?

I’m 13 so it makes it harder for me to earn cash quickly. Another thing, I need like 60-100 dollars in a matter of weeks. Nothing like babysitting, or interent surveys, or dog walking. I need something where I make money fast and easy.

Nagesh answers:

Earning money is never easy and always requires at least some knowledge.

Maria asks…

What is some ways to make money fast?

I’m 14. I need to make about $200 and kind of fast. What are some ways i can make $200 legally?

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on ebay or craiglist or in the paper or whatever. Do some work like walk peoples dogs and stuff

Michael asks…

whats some ways to make money fast?

i want to make some money fast but im 13 years old and i cant get a job. can someone tell me some ways to make money maybe on the internet or maybe something offline. i dont want to do the origanal kid jobs like lemonade stands. i dont want any scams either. i just want some money. and i dont get paid for chores.

Nagesh answers:

If you find out let me know!:–)

David asks…

Are there any ways to make money fast?

I need to raise $606.66 for a dog. Any fast and easy ways WITHOUT robbing or stealing or anything illegal?

Nagesh answers:

Getting a job

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Thursday, April 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Richard asks…

Jobs for teenagers or ways to make money?

I am a 14 year old girl and am looking for a way to make some money. Where I live there are very few jobs available for people my age so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for ways to make money? Even better maybe you live in Jersey and could help me out?
Thanks xx

Nagesh answers:

Oh there are lots of ways (:

Enter contests! The more you enter, the greater the chance of you winning!
Set up your own business, it could be anything – Lemonade stand, pet sitting business, dog walking, baby sitting…
Have a yard sale.
Sell old things you don’t want anymore such as clothes or CD’s. You could sell them on eBay or to charities.
If you’re skilled in the cooking department, make your own cakes/biscuits and sell them around your neighborhood (:
Do you have a birthday/special occasion approaching? Ask if you can have money instead of other gifts.
Create your own website and allow companies to advertise on it. I think it’s $1 per advertisement click.

Hope I helped.
Good luck and have a nice day 😀

Lizzie asks…

Best ways for teenagers to make money for them self?

I’m 17, fed up of boring repetitive jobs. I have already made money from selling manure to local gardeners. Any other ideas to start a micro-business for good money? Need gap year/university money!

Nagesh answers:

The first thing would be to NOT reply to all these ripoff solicitations.. They are scams, and they make money signing you up for their Ponzi schemes.

The old tried and true was is the only way for a 17 year old. Until you have an education under your belt, get rich schemes are just that.. Schemes…

Get experience under your belt, and with time you’ll figure out what you want to do…

Carol asks…

How can teenagers make money?

Hey, i just thinking of making some extra money for this guitar i am trying to save up for, its kinda expensive. So if anyone has any ideas, surjestions (hope thats spelt right) please answer
Thank you

Nagesh answers:


George asks…

A group of 7 girl teenagers need money to go to flagstaff for a couple days during winter break, money ideas..

So me and 6 of my friends are going to Flagstaff, AZ from Chandler, AZ. We need money making ideas for a 3 or 4 day vacation. We’ll need money for gas, shopping, hotel rental, and other stuff. What are some ideas you have to make money for those things, So far we thought of Car wash and bake sale.

P.S. How much is the cheapest dishsoap, cakemix box, and frosting in AZ?

While we’re at it, how much should we charge per what ever we do, ( $=car, $=cake)
teens as in 13 sorry, there will be 3 or 2 adults. sorry for the miss understanding

Nagesh answers:

If you atleast 16, why don’t you get jobs. If there are 7 of you, then it shouldn’t be a problem to get money together if you plan on sharing a room and driving up together. You can always babysit, housesit, pet sit, mow lawns, wash cars, offer to run errands for people, deliver newspapers, etc. Or how about everyone asks their parents for some money or to pay their way for a Christmas present? It shouldn’t take you more than a half tank of gas to drive from Chandler to Flag. Go to a WalMart with a grocery store, they are usually really cheap and buy generic brands. Cake mixes, frosting and dishsoap shouldn’t cost you mor ethan a couple dollars each.

Lisa asks…

Good ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 14 and I really need some money at the moment, Can anyone give me ideas for making money on the net that doesn’t take up loads of time like 5 hours a day and is relatively profitable. I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS2 and I’m ok in photoshop. Please don’t say the obvious ones like lawn mowing or paper round as I have already checked and I can’t. Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Dont listem to the guy who say sexy car washing at only 13 there are so many perves around and teen males only want one thing so watch out.

If you are 16 try to do community jobs like household chores, babysitting, mowing lawns, washing cars, paper round and working in local shop.

When you have started earning save your money and buy the essentials like clothing, entertainment and social life.

To make money online you can:

-Sell products on ebay
-Do online surveys
-Start a blog and sell ad space
-Offer a service like writting, web design etc
-Buy a ready made website turney from £20 on ebay

Good luck in the futher.

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Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Easily

Mark asks…

how can a kid like me make money through the internet quickly and easily?

Nagesh answers:

You can’t. It’s all scams, kid.

The notion that the internet is some kind of magical money-making portal is just a VERY pervasive modern urban MYTH. How does the myth spread ?? Young people like yourself believe that everything you see and hear is true. It isn’t. That’s what the scammers are counting on.

James asks…

How do I make £10 easily?

Hiya! I am 13 years old and I am going on a day out with my best friend, I have already got £10 but I want another £10. How can I make that money, easily, quickly and in no way illegal or bad. Maximum in about 4 days. I don’t want to gamble. Thankyou and please reply quickly. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Do some work around the house for your parents. They should be willing to give you the £10 if you put in a good effort.

Betty asks…

how can i make money easily?

i need to make a lot of money quickly help. i dnt wanna loan

Nagesh answers:

If there was a way…do you think we would all still be on here?

Why do people keep asking this question? Unless you are extremely lucky to win copious amounts of money or inherit it from a rich relative then you wil just have to work for it like the rest of us!

Nancy asks…

How would I make money quick and easy?

I have a job but i want to have a way of making more money quickly and easily.


Nagesh answers:

You can do online things where you answer surveys and they pay you. I would make sure they wont rip you off though

Carol asks…

how do i make extra money on the side of college and part time work?

i have a lot of college work to deal with and attend all day monday-friday, i have a part time job (usually 2 shifts a week) and an active social life (which i would die without). i need money to save up for summer but seem to be skint all the time. how can i make more money easily and quickly which wont interfere with the rest of my life??? any suggestions? help would be greatly appreciated. thanks 🙂
im english by the way, and i’m talking about 6th form college, not university.

Nagesh answers:

College students are always on the look out for part time jobs that are not only close to campus, but also pay them well. The student job search is a process that never stops and students keep on trying to find out some of the best part time jobs available on college campuses. Are you a student and looking for a good employment options too? Read on to know what part time jobs can prove to be the best for you, in terms of closeness from campus, pay and hours too.

Computer Lab Attendant or Tech Support Jobs
One of the best campus jobs options available for students is the computer lab attendants or tech support jobs. College and universities look for students that are tech savvy and can perform IT field related work. Not only these part time jobs pay students well, but these jobs also provide with some fantastic real world experience for college students who aspire to make their career in the IT field.

College Gym Jobs
Gyms at colleges also offer good part time student job opportunities. These college gyms have a regular demand for people who can serve at the counter, give out the gym equipments and look after other related work at the college gym. If you can also take aerobics classes and provide personal training to those attend the gym, you can really have a best part time job and look forward to get a higher pay.

College Library Jobs
Most of the students overlook the job opportunities available at the college library. Students may think that part time library jobs are just about checking out and handing books. In fact library part time job responsibilities also include management of interlibrary loans, library search system data entry and other clerical tasks. However, student part time jobs at college libraries offer nice and comfortable environment.

House sitting/ Housecleaning/ Babysitting Jobs for Professors
The college campus has a number of professors who need these services for their kids and pets. While working for college professors, students do not only get well paid but they receive appreciation from professionals as well. This professional acquaintance can also result in profitable business and best job opportunities.

Dorm Desk Attendant Jobs
Though many students may not realize, the dorm desk attendant job is one of the best part-time jobs available on the college campus. This is one of those college student jobs where working hours will not be excessive. In fact things can have a pretty slower pace. Along with good pay, the job also brings students security responsibilities.

Academic Department Clerical Work
There is extensive work load in college academic departments. In order to help secretaries with the large amount of work, departments usually hire students for part-time work. Class handouts, journal articles, journal submissions, faculty meeting notes, conferences – there is a lot of work for students to handle and help department secretaries with.

There are multiple part time job opportunities available for college students. You may come across jobs that do not pay well. College students need to do some research and they can easily land some of the best parttime student jobs opportunities in college libraries, academic departments, technology, gym, dorm desk etc. In addition, students can also talk to professors about part time job opportunities to look after their kids, pets, home etc.

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Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

Donna asks…

How can I make money fast im a kid?

Ok so this year I want to get an old friend of mine a good Christmas present but I figured I’d make my own money and then buy the gift I was going to get. Does anyone know how I can make money semi fast within a 2 week time period? I’m just a kid and I need to make some money fast. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Ask your neighbors if you can do anything for them.

Carol asks…

How can I get money fast to buy an Ipod Touch?

Um, the title kinda says all. A few months ago I won a Wii (even though I had one) on the Stacker game for a dollar. I tried to find the stacker game that had an Ipod Touch for the major prize but i couldn’t. How can I earn money fast to get one?
I was gonna sell my second Wii, but my little sister opened it and lost the batterys, misplaced the wii remote.

Nagesh answers:

Prostitution is your best bet. You set your own prices, and there are plenty of people who pay for that kind of thing.

Linda asks…

How can I make money FAST to get an iPod?

I will be 13 in a week, I can’t ask my parents because my dad already got me an expensive Cape Cod bracelet and my mom did her birthday shopping for me already. We notified my neighbors that I could babysit but they haven’t asked me and we told them quite some time ago. I am selling something on my town website but I don’t know if people will buy it (a FLY through spanish thing for 15$). I am returning some things I don’t need. My mom will not pay me to do odd jobs around the house and since it’s winter I can’t mow the lawn or anything. I have 80$ right now but I need another 70 to get the iPod. Once I return those things I will have $122 but I still need to get to $150. We are waiting to get credit back from something I bought so that will add 25 dollars but until then how can I (I am 13) make money really really fast?

Nagesh answers:

Since its winter, maybe go around the neighborhood asking if they need you to do jobs for them, like walking dogs, babysitting, and more. It might be cold, but try having a carwash at a local gasoline place. G00D LUCK!

Chris asks…

How can I get fast money immediately?

I really need money ASAP. I have a financial crisis and urgently money. What can I do to get a lot of money right now/soon?

I´ve been trying to get a job for months now but haven´t been lucky. Here where I live it´s very hard to get a job. Besides, mowing the neighbor´s lawn, baby sitting, ect is not an option. what can I do to get much money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Beg borrow and steal………..
No ask a friend to lend you some

Charles asks…

Any tips to get money fast on Animal Crossing:Wild World?

I need money fast to buy stuff for my house and pay my mortgages.And I have a golden shovel,is there anything special I can do with it?

Nagesh answers:

1.) Personally, to pay off my mortgage, I got foreign fruit from other towns (Not the one you start with. The one you start with only sells for 100 bells, and all others sell for 500 bells) and arranged my trees into an orchard. Every few days, it grows back and will produce three more fruits. I usually make a little over 100,000 bells every time, but that depends on how many trees you plant. As for fossils, you should donate them to the museum, but if you get duplicates (like, ones you’ve already put in your museum), then sell those ones.

2.) The golden shovel, to me, really only serves the purpose of looking cool, but you can actually grow money trees with it. Find an area (or acre) that doesn’t have a lot of trees. Pick one tree there, chop it down, dig up the stump, and plant 35,000 bells in it. (The more bells you plant, the higher chance it has of growing!) Every time that the tree get past the sprout stage, it will bear three bags of 30,000 bells, for grand total of 90,000 bells. Keep in mind, the money grows only once on each tree, and no matter how much you plant, it will always grow 90,000 bells. Pretty much, never plant more than 89,999 bells, or you’ll lose money.

Hope this helps! ◊◊

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Monday, April 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Free Paypal

Susan asks…

Good online forums to advertise anime toys collectibles to sell?

I’m selling a few collectible anime toys (stuff I’ve bought at previous comic cons) to pay for my move across state so every penny I make off this sale counts.

I don’t have a lot of merchandise and I have a very short time frame. Since I’ve never sold anything online before either, I want to know the quickest, most hassle-free way to unload these toys fast without subtracting from my wallet

I’d like to avoid eBay since I’m a novice and they take a lot out in fees. Thinking of using Craigslist to point the way to the ad I posted on TwitLonger. If you guys have better, more creative ideas I’m all ears!
I want to hear advice from current sellers too.

Any ideas on establishing hassle-free policies are welcome. (haven’t thought that far ahead!) Should I just focus my efforts on selling to toy shop owners or the general public? Because I don’t have time nor the logistics to deal with returns and I’m not offering refunds. (selling on an ‘as is’ basis)

I’ll take PayPal and money order for this.

Nagesh answers:

Here is a website / forum that I think would be good Here is the link

Charles asks…

Online or At Home Jobs Available?

Hey all. I am desperately in need of money at the moment and I have absolutely no way of getting it now because I was just laid off from my job because of the disasters in Japan. Apparently they are releasing my co-workers and I to bring job opportunities in America to the Japanese people who lost their jobs in a more dramatic way. While I think this is a great thing they are doing, I can’t stop my responsibility as the person who pays the bills in my family and I am now on the hunt for a new job. For now, I am curious if there are any jobs or employment opportunities available online or at home that I could do to hold up my family until I find myself working at a new job. With the economy so poor and the crisis overseas and a low job market in America right know, I’m sure it will not be as easy and as fast as I make it seem before I can call myself employed again.

If anyone has any sort of online or at-home work for a early 20s male to do that pays reasonable for the time spent laboring, please let me know. I must say that I am very good when it comes to journalistic writing, web design, and electronic portfolio making, so I am looking for something along those lines if there is anything available to make myself busy with temporarily for a decent amount of pay. I graduated from high school with a large amount of credit in ‘Tech Proficiency’ after taking 4 semesters of Digital Design and Computer Application classes. I am skilled and trained well with computers, so a simple position like tech support or web designing (such as websites) are something I believe I would be good at. If you believe that you have a job available for me that goes along with the characteristics I mentioned above, let me know. If I were to be employed for a part time online job, I have already set up my PayPal account to accept payments from senders at anytime, so the pay check aspect should not be too much of an issue. If you would like to see some of the work I have created on the computer to know what kind of skills I am talking about, please feel free to contact me privately with any questions you may have. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I had a job I hated, and debts piled so deep I thought I’d drown. Actually, I was drowning and I saw no way out.t
Wel-l, that’s not quite right. I saw a way out—making money on the Internet—but I made two dumb assumptions that kept me in

my job prison for far too long…
Making Money Online Isn’t Hard…Or Slow. I assumed it was both, and you might too.

Some people have tried and never made a dime, or maybe made just enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck’s. So they assume

it’s all a scam (it’s not, as you’ll see).

Maria asks…

Make thousands with Just $6?

This is the easiest way to get thousands of dollars, because you barely have to do anything.

Oprah has proved that with $6 dollars, a free paypal account and a few minutes of your life, you can make between $30,000 and $300,000. PayPal has said that this is 100% legal. THIS IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM EVER, you will be able to complete it in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES and you will never forget the day you first viewed this online.


Step 1:

The 1st step is actually making the paypal account so that you can actually make the money. Copy and paste this to the address bar

Step 2:

Send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using PayPal, and in the comment (Subject) section type “Please add me to your list”. Below are the emails that you send the money to:

PayPal accounts to send $1.00 to:







Step 3:

After you send the money to the 6 people on the list, you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc?) Then place your name in the #6 position. Then save it.

REMEMBER: Your email that you put into this MUST BE YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL!

Paste your newly typed email address over the old one and then post to 60 Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups. Easy that’s all there is to it. I think there are close to 32,000 groups. Post it to 60, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make- as well as everyone else on the list! DON’T MULL OVER IT, JUST 30 MIN OF YOUR TIME AND A MEASLY $6 THAT’S IT THERE IS NO MORE TO DO!!

All of this is legal. If you have any doubts or concerns, ask paypal!

Nagesh answers:

Paypal actually said this:

PayPal includes in its definition of “pyramid schemes” any system in which a hierarchy is created by people joining under others who joined previously, and in which those who join make payments to those above them in the hierarchy (“upline”). Pyramid schemes are prohibited as a form of investment fraud by federal laws and by the laws of each of the fifty individual states.

And if you bothered to check, Oprah didn’t have any good words about it either. Try getting your facts straight before you follow Dave Rhodes to prison.

Lizzie asks…

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

I sell bomb making, money making and loads of other ebooks online and have never really cared about who reads them. That was untill someone named abdullah bought one on how to make pipe bombs. Noticed the name in paypal.

He paid fast and I sent him the ebooks, but then started to wonder why he had that name. I always think terrororists know how to blow stuff up and where to get guides free without paying for them. I would not mind if some hothead decides to blow stuff up with my guides as long as its away from my property. Someone called abdullah buying me guides propably thinks I am a kuffar, or whatever it is.

Nagesh answers:

Well, ummm… Probably just some harmless al qaeda terrorist out to bomb the U.S. Why were you selling bomb making books in the first place?

Helen asks…

How do I set up a simple non-profit in the USA? And should I?

I spend alot of time in some downtrodden places, recently Myanmar.

I currently collect small amounts of money, (between $100 to a few thousand) from friends and interested people to support small in-need charities (such as an orphanage) and some times individuals such as refugee family, slum kids school fee’s, etc. A few times I’ve done medical clinics in rural ares, as even with no medical background, I was the closet thing to a doctor around.

MY QUESTION is I’d like to be able to set up (501.3c?) “charity” where i can have an account for that money and be able to receive by paypal etc. Right now no one is getting any tax credits or anything as its just me taking out cash and passing it on, or buying supplied to give out. I keep record of this, but i would like to formalize it so I can collect money online faster, rather than having people transfer money into my checking account, (i don’t even know if thats ok)

I’m not looking at creating a big organization just a way to legally and quickly raise money when needed.

Is there a way i can do this quickly, easily, and free?

Nagesh answers:

In short no because IRS has a minimum $450 fee plus the need to incorporate in your state (usually around $100) plus legal and publication fees. However there is a way to accomplish the same thing quickly and at little or no cost. Find an existing nonprofit possibly your church or another church in your area or a group that works to help in US and abroad. A smaller group is better than a huge one because they will be more oriented to this. Ask them to be your “fiscal agent”.. Some will at no cost. At most there may be a 10% administration fee. Explain that you are willing to continue to do the actual work, record keeping site set up etc. Just need 501c3 “supervision.

If you are of Christian belief check out for another low cost way to do this that would give your your own 501c3 under their group exemption.

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Sunday, April 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

John asks…

im 14 so what are some quick and easy ways to earn money over a weekend or 2? about $50 in total?

my parents wont pay me, i already tried.

Nagesh answers:

Definitly babysit. So easy and if you cant do that, mow the lawn and if you can’t do that shovel or clean someones car or wash it, get a job somewhere small, do work for someone, like a grandparent, i do that for mine and they give me a coffee, take me out to eat and 20 dollars but thats just me haha

im 15 so i know its hard to find stuff that involves money but try some of those

Helen asks…

do you know of any quick and easy ways to earn money fast?

my friend wants to go and see someone they know in NYC. the total cost is about 160 dollars but he has no job. he has some money saved up but doesnt have all of it

Nagesh answers:

Find a promo spot. A lot of promotions jobs pay very well ($10-$25/hr) and don’t require a “real” application process or anything. And the jobs tend to be very short, like over a weekend or so.

Donald asks…

Is there any way of earning quick and easy money online?

Preferably through a PayPal verified website. Perhaps by taking part in a questionnaire? Or clicking on certain links?

Nagesh answers:

Yea,the only way is E-bay 😀

Sandra asks…

Quick and easy way to earn some money?

I’m not old enough to get a job, and I am trying to earn enough money to buy this really cute purse. Any ideas on how I could earn some money??

Nagesh answers:

Here are a few ideas (even though you might get more if we knew exactly how old you are)

1. Babysitting
2. Extra chores around the house
3. Cutting Lawns for neighbors
4. Going to Barber shops/Beauty salons and asking if they need someone to help clean up for a few hours each day (sweep up hair, take out trash, maybe run errands for staff, mop, etc.)
5. Buy candy on sale, or at a good price, and sell for a profit
6. Washing cars (if you were here, you could wash mines right now)
7. I knew of kids that would stand at the grocery store and help folks with loading grocery bags into their cars. They would come back home with 20-30 bucks just after a few hours of doing this.
8. Passing out fliers

These are just a few ideas, and I hope that something here helps you. Please check with your parents for their permission before you do any of them! LOL.

Jenny asks…

what are some quick and easy ways to earn money, but not online?

need money for prom and want to save and get a computer/save for college…

Nagesh answers:

You can do odd jobs such as babysit,cut lawns, deliver papers, ect. I make and sell candles. When you start to earn money invest it maybe open a high interest bearring savings account. The more you deposit the more your interest will be.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, April 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Fast

Chris asks…

ways to make fast money for 13 year old guys?

i dont need a ton, just want easy-ish money fast any quick job ideas besides mowing the lawn for my neighbors and babysitting?!

Nagesh answers:

Cutting grass

Pay them for doing hard work

Washing cars

Jenny asks…

Whats the quickest way to make fast money?

I need extra money FAST and ASAP. I have 5 birthdays coming up all in 2-3 weeks. Also trying to make money to set back for an apartment. Even the littlest amount helps! Any ideas…that are easy and fast? Like online survey/tests…. or well, ANYTHING? PLEASE HELP!
I need extra money FAST and ASAP. I have 5 birthdays coming up all in 2-3 weeks. Also trying to make money to set back for an apartment. Even the littlest amount helps! Any ideas…that are easy and fast? Like online survey/tests…. or well, ANYTHING? PLEASE HELP!

And I have a job already. It doesn’t pay enough and I can’t quit it. So please stop/don’t say “get a job”

Nagesh answers:

Try going to a temp agency. You could get a quick job for a saturday such as with a catering business, waitressing, or fill in at a retail store.

Helen asks…

Quick ways to make money?

I am joining the inline hockey team next month and gear is really expensive. Is there any way to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Ebay/Craigslist if you have items to sell. You could also check out the online jobs thing but allot of those are scams.

Paul asks…

Does anybody know any good and quick ways to make money on runescape?

I know some others like mine pure essence and woodcutt yew logs but i need fast ways.

Nagesh answers:


David asks…

I need quick ways of making money FAST, i’m 14?

I was riding my friend’s dirtbike and the brakes failed and I crashed it into someone’s garage (luckily i’m not hurt, but i would have died without my helmet) and the cops said it’ll cost 2000 to 3000 dollars to fix! :-O i’m only 14 and can’t afford that. I need a quick way to make money. please, any suggestions are very much appreciated.
The owner of the house called the cops and I HAVE to pay for it. There insurance won’t cover it for some reason or something. I dont really know the details. something to do with the fact that i’m not injured so it’s not considered an “accident”.
ALSO, forgot in the last add details, I hit it SO hard that I completely destroyed the garage. The force of my FACE alone broke the helmet I hit so hard. it broke through titanium bolts and through the wall. They want a whole new garage door. : /

Nagesh answers:

Before you pay anything toward repairs for the garage, be aware that the owner of the garage cannot force you to pay anything. The law won’t allow it to be imposed on a minor. But he can sue your parents or guardians for the cost.

And before paying anything toward repairs for the garage, your parents have the right to know how much the owner has received from the insurance company towards paying for repairs.

If the owner of the garage does not provide that information, then your parents/guardians are under no obligation to pay him anything. If he demads payment anyway, your parents can take him to small claims court and force him to reveal how much he has received. And your parents only have to pay the difference, not an estimate.

Most insurance policies have a deductible. That means the beneficiary pays for some of the cost and the insurance company pays the rest of the cost.

If the owner does not have insurance at all, then your parents will have to pay the full cost of repairs.

That’s the worst that can happen.

As for chores, your parents can impose responsibilities on you, but the owner of the garage cannot.

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Friday, April 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes That Work

Lisa asks…

Making money online…?

Hi, i have bought allsorts of ‘money makingschemes, but im still not in profit, does anyone know of anything that actually works to make money on the net? or even a job i could do on the net.. im a stay home mum and want to earn some cash as im always broke.. thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Just go to,

As I tried and succeeded. Left side bar of this site shows you many paths to earn money over the internet without any prior investment. Try them and find the best suited way of earning money via internet. I wish you all the best.

Richard asks…

Money Making Scheme for a Teenager?

I just want to hear your opinion on this and I was thinking it might work, I make a realistic looking dummy in a street corner, dressed with tattered clothes, and put like a McDonald’s cup in front of him, with him facing down, do you think it might work, cuz I hear those guys make serious $$.

Nagesh answers:

>”I hear those guys make serious $$”

You hear from specifically whom? What’s your source?

All you’re going to get accomplished is getting arrested and/or getting mugged!

Do you spend all your time thinking up “Bu||sh|t” like this?

Donna asks…

Does any one know about internetmilliondollar ,which is said to be a easy money making scheme?

they say that we dont have to do any MLM nor we have to sell or purchase any product .Just spend minimum 5hrs or more u will earn such& such amount ,like such many promises r given by them .Does it really works i have not tried yet .Has anyone amoung u have experienced and earned millions as they guarantee or just had felt it as a scam ?

Nagesh answers:

Key word: SCHEME

If it was truly that easy, everyone would know about it and be doing it. I wouldn’t even bother.

Betty asks…

Does anyone know of a work at home business that does not require money to start?

I am looking to make money from home, especially because I have just lost my previous job and car. Therefore commuting to another job is almost impossible. And, I don’t have start-up money for most of these work at home schemes I have run into. Someone help me, please and thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Check out—- hope this helps you out!

Sandy asks…

Are there any legitimate online money-making programs need for you to start a business or work at home????

All of the programs I’ve looked over seem like total fradulent schemes! Especially all of those sites popping up that have the high-lighted and bolded text. It’s like someone thinks I’m really that dumb. Unless that phony balony stuff really works.

However, there are so many sites that promise financial prosperity and guaranteed wealth. I know that a ton of them don’t deliver.

I am not a marketing guru, I don’t have much money to spend online, I don’t know of anything I can make at home to convert into a home business, and I don’t feel like selling a whole bunch of memberships or products that make me seem like a creep!

Please, someone knows something! I have been surfing the internet for up to 13 months! I don’t know what to do anymore!

Well, I’m done here!

Thanks for your time!

Nagesh answers:

I haven’t had any luck with any of them really, but you could try creating a website and becoming an affiliate with various companies. I am an affiliate with,google, and amazon. You will get a certain % of money for when people click on an ad and a certain % when they buy a product

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Thursday, April 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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