Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Ken asks…

what are some ways for a 13 year old girl can make money fast?

i need money fast… my phone bill may be coming… i dont have a texting plan… so i have to pay for each individual text
i live on a small quiet block. lemonade stands and garage sales don’t work for me. also, nothing online. thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Treasure troopers is a good one, you only have to be 13 to join and you can make money lots of different ways, including surveys, I make enough to make my car payment. You can sign up at

Contact me if you need help.

Susan asks…

how can a 13 year old make money fast?

i want to buy a xbox 360 but its almost $300. so if i want a game to i need about $330. what are some ways for me to get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

The summer is coming up so you should mow lawns or do some sort of yard work. That is mostly how I got my xbox

Laura asks…

A way for 13 year olds to make money?

I am a 13 year old girl. I want to make money fast for a new phone which costs alot!!! of money. I need suggestions for jobs, not just the usual do chores, babysit kind of thing
thanks!!!! (even if your suggestion isn’t very original, i’ll still apreciate it!

Nagesh answers:

Im not sure where your from but here you need to be at least 15 to start your first job.

Try hair dressing salons sweeping floors, you could also help elderly with there shopping, delivering papers, try sell some of your old clothes and toys on ebay, if you have sporting events close to your town ask to help out in there canteens or cleaning up, if you have any musical talent or if you can dance try busking.

Hope this helps

Jenny asks…

what are some good ways to make money for a 13 year old?

i want to make some money fast, and i cant get a job and i dont want to do anything with ebay. anyone have any ideas?
oh and by the way people. i didnt write this my little nephew wich is only 13 doesnt want to have a yahoo account so he used mine.

Nagesh answers:

1. Be a chef. At about eleven years old, I used to sell meals to my brothers (I had four of them). I got 25 cents for scrambled eggs or a sandwich, and more for more complicated meals. My brothers preferred to stay in front of the TV and let me cook for them. Since the food was already provided by my parents, the income was pure profit.

2.. Computer whiz-kid service. Many young kids know a lot about computers. My nephew was getting paid for programming by the the time he was fourteen, but even younger kids can show old folks how to use a computer and the internet for a fee. Learn a few more skills, and they can even set up computers for new owners who are using them for the first time. Letting grandparents spread the word would be a good marketing ploy.

3. Household carnival. I charged my brothers five cents for a wadded up piece of paper selected from a bucket full of them. Most had a penny or two inside them, but a few had a quarter. It was just one of my “carnival” events. I also had them throwing pennies at a bowl across the room, which I kept, of course. If a penny stayed in the bowl they won a dime. I’m almost embarrassed to say how much of their hard-earned paper route money I took from them.

4. Collect returnables. We collected and returned cans and bottles for a deposit as kids. Now that more states have return laws, it’s an even better way to make a little cash. During the Cherry Festival, when I lived in Traverse City, Michigan, adults came to town just to collect the cans that people threw all over. With a 10 cent deposit, they were collecting more than $100 worth per day according to several of them. If the kids wear gloves, leave broken cans and bottles alone, and use hand sanitizer, this is a safe way to make money.

5. Personal services menu. If there are many people in the family, a great way for kids to make money is to sell their services. They can make a menu of things they’ll do and how much they charge for each. It might include washing windows for 50 cents each, for example, and maybe $1.50 to walk a dog. If the list is copied, it could be handed out to all relatives and possibly neighbors too.

6. Rummage sales and flea markets. If parents agree, kids can have rummage sales, selling not just household things, but arts and crafts and refreshments too. Parents might even take their kids to a flea market to set up a stand. I sold (as an adult) more than $1,000 of hand-made walking sticks one summer, while my wife sold hundreds of dollars worth in pewter figurines glued to rocks, sea shells and crystals. Cookies and drinks sell well too. It’s a great way to learn about business, and a good way for kids to make money.

Hope I helped 🙂
If not, just ask your parents for some money!
It used to work for me.

Lizzie asks…

What is some good ways for a 13 year old to make money and fast?

i am a 13 year old girl looking for some Extra money to go to Seattle Wa in the summer of 09′ (this summer) i need to pay for the plane ticket and some extra money to go to mall and get mani/pedis stuff like that and i cannot mow lawns for crap i cant even get them started so like a list of house hold chores or like dog walking or ANYTHING WILL HELP! and as you may know its gotta be fast and worth the money because its this summer! no online things ive already tried them there are a scam so yeah
your thoughts appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Everyone including a link or asking you to click on their avatar is a liar who wants to scam you or worse. Ignore them.

At 13 you have babysitting and lawn-mowing. Snow-shoveling in the right parts of the country.

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Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

David asks…

I’m doing a little research and I’m trying to find the very best way to make money online, any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

1.Taking Online Surveys

Ok, I know that survey sites sprung up everywhere, but if you do this correctly, taking online surveys is still one of the best ways to start earning money online. You won’t get rich and you won’t quit your day job, but you will at least make some ‘seed money’ that you can use to get started with your online business. This is the ideal way for someone who is broke and who hasn’t got the money needed to start with something more advanced.

2. Start Your Own Online Store

Online shopping is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and an estimated 9% of all shopping is now done online. Do you think this number is going to increase? You bet! Establishing your online store will pay huge dividends in the future. The challenge with an online store however is that it takes quite a bit of money to get started and along with the technical skills to run an online shop you also have all the distribution and stock to deal with. This is a great option if you already have a product or a real shop and you want to migrate to the online world. Keep in mind that to make money online the best ways are the ways that suit you best.

3. Create And Sell Digital Products

Most people fail to grasp the significance of the information age. Information has become a commodity and online, information is king. Information products are one of the biggest markets online and the sale of ebooks, mp3 audio and video products are huge. Not only is there a lot of money in this, but digital products require no inventory, no shipping and distribution (all just downloaded products) and the sale of digital products can be completely automated. Digital stores like ClickBank host an incredible amount of products and you can either create your own digital products or promote products as an affiliate. Affiliate marketing is still one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. There are several excellent systems that show you how to profit from digital products and some affiliates earn millions of dollars every month by only selling other people’s products online.

Other way is to make referrals and earn on free products without much work. You need not to spend any penny and you will gain wonderful amounts, Just remember that the patience is the key, There are a lot of people who are making money like $500, $1000 and even $1500 weekly with these ways.

Donald asks…

im looking to make money online any ideas-?

No scams or anything difficult im just bored.

Nagesh answers:

Online jobs don’t exist. You can’t take the factory home. If you want to earn online money you need to work on your own. This is actually quite easy to do, but until ou know what you are doing you aren’t going to get any money.

Carol asks…

I would like to make money online from a reputable site. Any good ideas/recomendations ?

Any surefire online things that actually pay? Reputable stuff please :] ! I would like to make a little cash on the side. I like to write and i’m willing to do product reviews and such. I’m just selective about giving my name/address I don’t need spam or to be scammed. THANKS!

Nagesh answers:

Here is a site that reviews online survey companies. They are legit and pretty good.

Cash Mine teaches you how to do affilliate marketing, It’s supposed to be good but I’ve haven’t gotten that far yet.

Mystery shopping is good if you like shopping. You report on several stores or restaurants in your area.

William asks…

Is a good idea to make money online?

First of all is it legal? Secondly, is it a good idea to invest money in? I’ve seen a few people saying its a really good way to make extra money online. I haven’t seen any bad things written about this website and I trust yahoo so I wanted to ask here before I do anything stupid.

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest you to better stay away from this BS.

Richard asks…

anyone have ideas to make money online ??? no junk please…?

is there ways to earn extra money from the internet for living .??

Nagesh answers:

I know a few people that have quit their jobs to sell things on ebay full time.

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Saturday, July 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

Thomas asks…

How do you make money fast when your only 13?

I really want to buy my mom this necklace really badly for christmas but i only have about 10 dollars saved up! So how can i get money really fast when its winter but there about a centrementer of snow on the ground so not enough to shovel and nobudy goes out in my town so they dont need a babsitter. Please Help!

Nagesh answers:

Awww this is do nice of you but honestly I have no clue you could do yard work, tutor children, or if you play an instrument (especially the piano) you could charge lessons 🙂

Paul asks…

How can I make money fast in middle school?

I am 13 and I would like to make money. I have a band and would like to get things that will add up to $1600. I want to know how to get this money and fast. Any suggestions open (prostitution is a no)

Nagesh answers:

You can always sell candy after school. Just let people know.. Buy a pack or w/e candy and sell individual pieces for 25 or 50 cents.

Mandy asks…

What are some ways or cheats for The Sims Freeplay to get money fast without selling everything from houses?

I love this game but the prices for everything are too high and you don’t make money fast.

Any tips? I play on the iPhone

Nagesh answers:

Search from

Sandy asks…

what are some really good ways to earn money fast?

I’m saving up to get a new skateboard so i really need some ideas to get some money fast?? Hopefully i get some really good ideas!! Can you guys help me?

Nagesh answers:

Porn, sex, drugs. I could go on and on. Usually anything that is illegal gets you the most money. (no TAX)

Mark asks…

What are some good ideas to make fast money?

WITHOUT getting a job? Can I ask for donations? I already sold everything I have. Its for my two young children to come home. They are in a different country and have no money to get back.

I say no job because I need the money fast, not get paid every two weeks. What are some selfemployed jobs for a woman also? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I advise getting a loan. There are many companies offering quick loans, although make sure to get a job so you can pay it back. If you really need the money, a loan can act as a LAST RESORT, but think carefully before you do so.

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Friday, July 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Mary asks…

can someone tell me bout earning money through the internet..?

ive come across a few sites tht say i cud earn money sittin at home… but HOW???

Nagesh answers:

No one is going to pay you just to sit there.

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Paul asks…

Whats a good way for me to earn money from home during this summer?

I’m in summer holidays and i want to earn money from home through the internet or something. I would prefer to earn money from buying and selling products or doing something practical. For example, i recently fixed an Xbox and sold it on so i am a practical person. I would just like loads of good ways i could earn money from home.
Give me loads of suggestions

Nagesh answers:

Well you could have a yard sale too & using the internet you could sell items using ebay & using ptc sites. Http://

Daniel asks…

work frm home on internet…any 1 can help me??

hi..any 1 know how 2 earn money through internet ..relaible source only required plss..any idea how 2 work frm home on intenet n earn a real money ….thnx

Nagesh answers:

U can do data conversion job. It is conversion of pdf file into ms word doc. To get this home based job thru internet, one should be proficient in ms word and resident of India.

Lizzie asks…

How to yearn money through Internet?

How to work from office or home to earn extra money

Nagesh answers:

Be careful. Their is alot of scams out their, but I think that e-commerce is the way to go. Try E-bay or other on-line auction site and you can make money in your sleep. Good Luck.

Sharon asks…

hi,i am looking for a opportunity in which i could earn something from home through internet?

I am ram I am looking for an opportunity in which i can work from home through internet with 0 investment.I am working as maintainer in a cyber cafe with a very low salary since i have access to internet 10 hours daily I am looking for an opportunity i cannot invest any money. I am a Bcom graduate with average typing skills. so if any one knows any kind of job that i can do in internet with which i could earn money please inform me.

Nagesh answers:

You can join in Google adsense revenue sharing sites which shares the revenue generated from advertisements to there members. The payment is directly given by Google so you can trust Google adsense. Some of the sites which shares Google adsense revenue are listed below and these sites also give extra cash credits for good postings.


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Thursday, July 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Mark asks…

How can I earn money quickly & legal?

I was out of work 4 a month with no pay due to surgery i had & now i owe everyone money im so scared i feel like dying i cant even cry cause im so stress out… I really need 2 earn anywhere from 2500-3000 within 2 weeks please help me thanks

Nagesh answers:

Do you not have any savings at all? Maybe some savings bonds from childhood you forgot about? Cause if you do, now is the time to use it.

You’re best bet- since you’re stuck at home and can’t go anywhere to work- is to get a loan from a bank- assuming you’re not talking about owing a bank.

Or you can try to have a massive garage sale. Then go pawn all your jewelry- electronics etc. IF yoou truly are as desperate as you say.

Steven asks…

If I am twelve what is the best way to earn money quickly?

I want to goon a trip to LA with my theatre group and I know my parents won’t pay for it all!

Nagesh answers:

I had 2 girls come to my door last fall. They looked about 8-9 years old and they were selling candy. They didn’t mention why they were selling candy. I thought they were so cute and brave I bought some.

P.s. If you sell candy, make sure you sell low fat stuff too like gummy bears, gummy worms, spree, nerds, bottle caps. Not everyone wants to get obese on chocolate.

And if you go door to door selling something, tell them it’s to save for a trip with your theatre group. People like to see kids making a goal, and saving for it. It shows maturity.

George asks…

How can i earn some money online quickly?

I need to get money for bills and im out of work, how can i earn it quickly im not looking for millions, just something that wiil pay my rent, like data entry or something

Nagesh answers:

You can make money online with absolutely NO signup fee on a number of different websites. All you have to do is take surveys, read e-mails, invite friends, and join other websites. Some even pay you to write articles on topics that you choose or simply for signing up!

I’ve put together a list of EVERY real money making website that I am a member of. I also list my current earnings each month and give you a link to their sites. I give you my word that every single one of these websites are legitimate.

I have made an extra $50-90 or more each month by using every website on that list. Obviously you’re not going to get rich, but it sure does help out with extra spending money.

If you’re interested, here’s the website that holds the list:

I usually have a lot of time on my hands after my son goes to bed, so I’ve spent a lot of it researching websites that claims to pay its users for doing surveys, reading e-mails, writing articles, referring friends, and things of the sort. I have ran into a lot of scams along the way, so that’s why I’ve put together this list of all the REAL ones.

Mary asks…

How Do I Earn Money Quickly?

I know, I know there is no way to earn money fast. I mean in the space of about a month or so. I’m in fifth grade and need help! Please give me some great ideas!

Nagesh answers:

There is this long standing
bit of business on the internet – this predates the WEB
and its “MMF” in that there would be various spam / SCAM
emails going around that said “MAKE MONEY FAST”
only its a CROCK! There is NO “MMF” its a SCAM
whatever bit of “business” tells you they can make money fast for you,
they want something from you and it you get sucked in, they will get
what they want, never-mind what YOU want, you get NOTHING out of the deal.


David asks…

Had family emergency need some ideas on how to raise/earn money quickly?

I had a huge family emergency. Im trying to fig out a way to make 2500 relatively fast. I have bad credit so a loan is out of the question and I dont rly have anything of value to sell/pawn. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money online by freelancing, if you are working for a good company you will get paid by check or paypal as soon as the work is complete and approved I have written 2-3 assignments and got paid in 24 hrs. So if you are in need of quick money freelancing is the way to go.

P.s. Its not for everyone there is a lot of writing involved but as long as you are prepared to work there are always jobs available

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Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Betty asks…

How can I make quick money online????

I have tried plenty of paid survey sites but all that got me was tons pf spam mail. I need a way to get money fast(hoping for just 600-1000 dollar of a period of weeks or months). If anyone can come up with sumthing that would be great. But first i’d like to say that i don’t want to have to spend any money to make money. Also, I dont want to hear about the kid who got 71,000 dollars who went on Oprah.

Nagesh answers:

There is no get rich quick thing or we all would be so… Sorry, when you do let us know OK?

Nancy asks…

Does anybody know of a good way to make money online without internet marketing?

I am not good at internet marketing and i am looking for a good way to make money online. In a quick way

Nagesh answers:

Internet Marketing is hard to get going off the ground. Any business is hard to get started and really get it going. But it can be done. I’m not sure if your talking about a business that is involved in Internet Marketing, or if your talking about a job that your doing Internet marketing. If you have a “job” in internet marketing and they’re not training you, and you don’t like it, then you need to quit and look for something else. If your refering to a business that you have or are looking for with Marketing, then I suggest you look into, or turn it into (depending on if you have it or not) and use the Network Marketing method. Word of mouth or simple little advertisements. Every business regardless if it’s online or offline has to do some Networking in order to get their business going. Rather it’s Networking with the Media, networking through friends and family, or networking through other organizations. Many different ways of Network Marketing. From my experience, it’s the most effective way too, if you do it correctly.
I read a really good article that gives you a lot of information on businesses that work in different ways for online and off line business. It has several different industries that you can look into for businesses that are not internet marketing.

Robert asks…

are there any ways to make money online??? i mean quick cash ??? leget and legal ways ?

Nagesh answers:

Not unless you want to be ripped off.

Quick cash and online are oxymorons…. Aint no such thing…

Paul asks…

Are these scams ? If yes…what are quick easy ways to make money online ?

Nagesh answers:

Sorry to say this but you use the words quick and easy. I have been making money online now for just over 4 years and didn’t make a cent for the first year. There is much to learn and much to avoid. The one thing I know is that none of them are quick and none I have found is easy.

Having some money would have helped greatly but there are some legitimate businesses out there if you can be patient and look for them. You can do it all for free, but it just takes a lot longer.

Mandy asks…

Ways to make money online?

I’ve heard it possible to make quick easy money online, but i cant think of any easy ways.

Nagesh answers:

Read this article and you may get some ideas

“Top 7 Ideas To Make Easy Money Online”


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Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Internet

Chris asks…

how can i make money quickly ..?

im 13 cant use internet what should i do and how much should i ask for grades

Nagesh answers:

*** g96 3/8 Freedom From Unemployment—How and When? ***

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

“The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22

Mark asks…

How can I make 10 bucks from internet surveys quickly?

I need to make 10 bucks in 1-2 hours so I can buy something with paypal money, know any good sites?

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t make money wthin 24 hours, get paid $100.

PayPal, AlertPay, or Check. Your choice.

Just sign up, and you will be on your way to making BUCKS!

This is a RISK-FREE offer, sign up now to find out more.


Nancy asks…

How to make quickly money in the internet?

Nagesh answers:

Google Adsense is best method for make quick money in the Internet. But for this you need a website or blog.

Maria asks…

How can I Quickly earn money via online / internet?

I search many site like PTC, survey, sharing a file, etc. but no give me a more money, or $500 (Rs. 25000). If any one Know how can make money up to $500 then please tell me.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to earn $500 or more online, you need to have a solid business on the Web. Surveys and those things will never give you that kind of money

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Carol asks…

How can I make money online?

I would like to know how I can make money online quickly and easily. I have searched the Internet but I mostly see ways which are complicated and slow. Please leave a link so I can gain access quickly. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

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Monday, July 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Steven asks…

Affordable, quality desktop computer?

Hi, I was looking to buy a new desktop, but I can’t seem to find a good one. I live in Canada and i am probably going to order it online. I want one that comes with the display, keyboard, ect with an lcd. Memory has to be decent, and I want it to be fairly fast. The only computers I have had are dell and acer. Dell is very cheap, but sometimes slow and poorly put together, and I like acer. I was looking for ones at dell for 500, but I don’t know if it will be a waste of money. I am on a very tight budget(in college) and if i could spend 500 on a desktop i would. help me chosing one? any brand.

Nagesh answers:

Well off the shelf i would go hp, better support, better access to hp info, better compatibility, better expandability

Betty asks…

Is this another scam? Thanks a lot!?

My name is Leslie Miller, CEO of Dav Trading Stores.An establishment that deals in the Import and export of high carbon content charcoal (100% carbonised).We are fast developing/growing company having long experience in the business. We are looking for a trustworthy representative in the united states that will aid as a link between us and our customers in the USA and Canada.
I would like to know if you are interested. Respond only if you will like to work from home part-time and get paid weekly without leaving or it affecting your present job.Retired or Unemployed Person can also benefit. (PAY IS GOOD)

Actually we need someone to work for the company as a Representative/Book keeper in the USA. This is in view of our not having an office presently in the USA and Canada.The average monthly income is about 4000.00 USD.* No form of investments from you.Only required 1-2 hrs to update us online/phone on the payment sent to you by our sales partners/ customer in usa and canada.More About the Job: We have some people selling for us in the state . You know, that it’s not easy to start a business in a new market (being the US and Canada ). There are hundreds of competitors, close direct contacts between suppliers and customers and other difficulties, which impede our sales promotion. We have decided to deliver the goods upfront, it’s very risky but it should push up sales on 25 percent. We need to get payments for the goods supplied as soon as possible. Unfortunately we are unable to open Bank Accounts in the United US without first registering the company name. Presently with the
amount of Orders we have, we cannot put them on hold. For fear of loosing the customers out rightly. Secondly we cannot cash these payments from the US soon enough, as international Checks take about 21 working days for cash to be made available.We lose about 45,000 USD of net income each month because we have money transfer delays. About 90 percent of our customers prefer to pay through Certified Cheque and Money orders based on the amount involved. YOUR TASK ARE:

1. Receive payment from Customers
2. Cash Payment at your Bank
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance after deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be instructed to send payment to.

Our payments will be issued out in your name and you can have them cashed in your bank or other Cashing Services.Deduct your weekly salary and forward the balance to the company via western union money transfer .We understand it is an unusual and incredible job position. This job takes only 3-7 hours per week. You’ll have a lot of free time doing another job.
This are the information that will be required from you if you are interested…

(A) Your FULL NAMES…….
(D) AGREEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THIS REQUEST.It wouldn’t cost you any amount,you are to receive payments which will be sent to you by fedex or usps from our business patners,
(E)Age and Gender Thanks…..

WHAT IS YOUR BEST MEANS OF COMMUNICATION? E-mail or phone Please I would be expecting your email as soon as possible.

You can also send a fax to: 44-136-1310104.

YES! It is legal (article 15.3) Employment Opportunity Act. Our lawyer checked all legal provisions concerning any domestic or international law against businesses or deals of domestic monetary trade. Doing this business is 100% safe and legal. ADVANTAGES
You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor right from your home office.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, this is a scam.

It`s an ‘advance fee fraud’ – you get a (bogus) check, go to the bank – and then pay the 90%.
Then, after a few weeks, the check proves false, and your in debt to the bank for that 90%.

Also, most european countries do not use checks anymore.
Debit cards, credit cards or bank transfers (internet banking) are very much in use here.
Money transfer delays? The electronic banking takes up to a whopping 10 minutes to transfer – can`t get much faster than that.

Advice: delete, and never, ever reply to this.

Lizzie asks…

scams a scam???????????????????

does this sound fake, im worried she may just be trying to take my money
Thanks for your email. I am so glad to read back from you and also to hear that the horse is still available for sale. I am very much interested in buying this horse for my daughter and ready to pay the said price because i believe the horse is in good health. I live in Montreal, Canada with my family and like i said in my previous email, i want the horse for my lovely daughter’s birthday. I choose to buy this horse for her because she is an horse lover. I have once bought a horse for her but unfortunately the horse died few months ago of old age. She really loved the horse so much and and she use to ride the horse uptown and downtown.. I can assure you your horse will be coming to a very good home. We are expert in breeding horses and my daughter is also good at riding and training horses and she has trained 4 horses in the past. I want to buy this horse as a replacement for her late horse and i will love to present this horse on her birthday. I will be glad if we can make the transaction as fast as possible because the birthday is near. I will inform my PA to get your payment ready which will be in form of(USPS) Money Order so it will clear the same day you receive it. I will also contact my shipper who will come over there for the pickup for shipping estimation as soon as i confirm that the horse will be ours. I don’t want any further delay on the sales of this horse so i want you to get back to me if you are willing to sell this horse to me and if you are fine with my payment so i can inform my Personal Assistant(P.A) to get your payment ready. Presently, i am in Spain for a conference but I will instruct my PA to get your payment ready so that there won’t be any form of delay. I also want you to know that my daughter’s my daughter’s formal horse lived fine with us until she passed out and your horse will also be fine with us till the old age. I will be looking forward to hear from you to start with the arrangement.
Kleen Jones

thanks very much for your reply i want you to know that i am so glad that the horse is coming to our home ,i want you to know that she is coming to a loving home where she will be cared for ,you can also come sometime to visit her in Canada ,i will like to know if you have done the coggin of this horse ,if not i want you to get back to me with the amount that it will cost for the coggin and the health papers to be done ,pls do get back to me with your full name and address where your payment will be send to and also your phone number where i can reach you

she has not had her coggins done yet it costs $25 and health papers are $30 how do i make sure you will send the money. do i recieve it when i send the horse? this is the first time iv sold a horse this far away so im not sure about what all to do. my phone number is my address i would rather give to you over the phone. i will be at work most of the day if you email back i will read it when i get home thank you and have a good day.

thanks very much for your respond ,like i said in my previous email that i am having problem with phone but i will try as much as possible to give you a call as soon as the phone is back online for now we can get in contact through via email ,i will like to know if you have a blanket for this horse and also dont forget to get back to me with your full name and address where your payment will be send to

ok, well i havent her from her since yesterday i think it sound fake because so far she aint answered any of my questions.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry, it’s a total scam. We have similar scam mail in this forum at Scamwarners.

Please read through the threads there.

You will be asked to send the money to the “shipper” via Western Union, it will vanish, the cheque will be fake, and you will be out all the money.

Sorry, I hope you do find a honest dealer.

John Delaney

Maria asks…

Do they check your SIN when you get a credit card, does your SIN show what jobs you have currentlyiftheycheck?

I have alot of money but dont have a credit card, I’m 18 but dont want to be under my dads credit card. i want my own so i can book my own things order online build credit too!
anyways my friends a manager at a fast food chain she said if they call she’ll say i work there.

I had to repost this in canada section as the credit section is full of americans that dont have SINs i guesss :S i dont know how things work…

ALSO what credit card would you recommend or what should I be looking for exactly?
EXCUSE ME im an 18 year old female that neevr posted here i only post in the pregnancy question look im 37% best answer u ignorant retard, i seen the other “?” guy before that posts here, we are different people. look at our profles, i have different contact information, should be slipknot_brad666 my bfs email or mine, I’m Niki
I LIVE IN TORONTO there are plenty of people that fucking have “?” as a name apologise now you cu–nt i live by fairview mall
im a dumb blonde so just tell me will they be able to see if i have ajob through my SIN, or can i lie and they wont know-,,, so YES they can see or NO they can not. its just YES or NO, and what credit card should i get, personally IM not rich and i dont liek to borrow but i can pay it off if needed i can get money in two seconds form family, i just want it for small things nothing big, somehting reasonable, please and thank ya! 😀
please xcuse my rant, it was to an answer that some rude girl thought i was some guy (same name as me that is VERY common) they were just stupid and i got the answer deleted =D

Nagesh answers:

Legally, you don’t have to provide a SIN to get a credit card. The number is only supposed to be used for government and taxation uses, but because it’s unique to everybody it tends to get used for a lot of other things too.

If you provide your SIN, the credit card company will run a credit check using that number. They’ll see your job history, addresses, any other credit you might have had… If you don’t provide the SIN, they’ll check you using the name and addresses you give them.

If you lie on the application and say you have a job, the credit check will show that you don’t. They won’t call an employer to verify; they’ll just check what you said against the credit report. If the credit report shows no job history, don’t expect to get a card.

Sharon asks…

Do you think these UGGs are fake?

They are $175 (on ebay)
They say they are brand new with original box and certficate.
The ad says “100% authentic or money back!”
The seller’s ebay feedback is 100% positive and has sold over 250 items.
She has been a member since Mar.09.And lives in Canada.

The price seems right and her feedback looks fine but she uses pictures from online for ALL her items (she sells uggs, scarfs, ipods etc)

Also, the boots are from China which is where they are really made now!
Some feedback people left after buying a pair of UGG boots from her were like..
“100% real. Great boots, thanks!”
“Excellent uggs!”
“100% authentic, great,fast shipping”
The seller currently has 77 UGG ads for sale. They are various sizes,colors,and styles.
I live in canada and can’t find them any cheaper. even on nordstorm or uggs site, they want so much for shipping and stuff

Nagesh answers:

I think they’re probably real. She has positive feedback, reasonable price and a long membership with lots sold.

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Sunday, July 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Laura asks…

I am wanting to make a little extra money on the side and need help finding a legit work from home opportunit?

Ok… we are all familiar with get rich schemes and the infamous “stuffing envelopes.” But… I need something real. I heard of someone who put stickers on medicine bottle lids and got like 3cents each. Something like that would be perfect. Just to fill up spare time and make spare cash. Anyone know of something legit?

Nagesh answers:

There is an excellent google search engine which list online job vacancies like typing, transcription and data entry.


Maria asks…

Legit work from home jobs?

I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas where I can find a legit (real money making) job from home. I’m looking for something along the lines of government work. Something real. Something I can do while staying home with my children. I can’t expect my fiance to do all the work, yet I want to be home with my children and not having daycare raise them. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Please no get rich quick schemes or mailing envelopes in which I have to supply postage just to get someone to do that same thing I am doing. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure exactly what it is your doing. You asked for ideas in your detailed message. There’s an article written that has a couple places you can look into. Some information on the two companies, the pay, where to go and apply for a position etc. I’m not exactly sure if it’s a governmental job or not, but you can check that out.

Nancy asks…

Are there any legitimate ways to make money online from home?

I am willing to actually work for payment of course. I’m not looking for a get rich quick scheme. I am a full time student and part time freelance writer who needs a little extra money to pay the bills. The problem is that I’ve run into only scams in my search. Websites that claim you can earn $350 an hour if you invest $100. I don’t buy it.

I’m looking for something along the lines of an ebay power-seller type of thing. Well, anything really, but that’s just what interests me most. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

You could try Clickbank affiliate program.Its similar to “ebay power-seller type of thing”.

Home v3

Since you are a freelance writer, you could use your writing skills to get people interested in the product you are trying to promote from Clickbank. Article marketing will be the best marketing option for you.


Writing lens on squidoo can also earn you cash. You have to write about products on ebay and amazon, and get people to read your lens and then maybe buy from it.


Mandy asks…

Is there any real and legit ways to work and make an income from home?

im not looking for the get rich quick schemes or those fill out offers for money sites. im just wondering if anyone has or still does work from home and make a decent income. thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Did you try searching for this question before you asked it? People ask this about a million times a day…I’m sure there’s an answer in there somewhere.

Joseph asks… Legit work from home job or pyramid scheme? legit work at home or pyramid scheme?
My friend started working with them as a work from home type thing. Its kinda mor an aquantance than a friend. I keep trying to ask him if hes making money but I dont see him much. Is this a legit work from home job or a pyramid scheme?

Nagesh answers:

Its a scam

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Saturday, July 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

John asks…

How can I make my money grow fast?

I am 16 and my parents recently gave me $5,000 to do with as I wish. How can I make this money grow at an astounding rate? Can I buy stocks or invest it?

Nagesh answers:

Investing in stocks right now is as safe as setting your handbag in the fireplace for safe keeping in January.
Put your money in a savings account, get a job and work hard, save your money, buy only what you need to get by and stay away from credit. You will someday be rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Ruth asks…

how to make money fast?

so I’m getting kind of low on money, i have a job, but I’m not making much but enough for awhile. I’m only in college and I want to learn or how to make more money. I know of the stock market and cd’s, but is there anything else I could possibly do?

Nagesh answers:

There is no legal way to make money fast. Learn to budget what you have and learn to say no to frivolous items. Work hard and study hard and do what you say and say what you do. You will be better off when you enter the real world after graduation.

Sharon asks…

I need to know how to make money fast?

Okay I need like 2,000 $ I’m 14 and im waiting for stocks to go back up to sell stuff I need ideas Right know I have 300 $ Please Help me!
Thank you I will try to find some if you can think of anyothers please tell me!

Nagesh answers:

Great money cleaning homes is like 75$ an hour yard work same deal as cleaning

Betty asks…

Stock trading for fast money?

I am biginer in stock market but have fairy good knowledge from reading over the internet from different sites. I have fund of 7000 – 10000 for investment in stocks. I generally go to check on Yahoo, MSN, AGedwards, Motely fools site to know about company and picking stock for investment. My idea is to wait for particular stock to rise 2 – 3 dollar per share price and sale it and pick another stock. In a year my aim is to get 1000 – 2000 dollars as gain of my investment.

My questions are –

a) Am I doing the right thing or is there any better idea ?

b) Generally I fill up 1040EZ form for IRS, but with this kind of stock trading and transaction of say 10 – 12 per year saling stock and making small gain at short interval. What kind of form I need to fill up for IRS ?

c) For stock trading and educating self for filing IRS return – where should I get information on IRS publication ? As how to file return and what to consider for paying gain tax.

d) I use H & R block software

Nagesh answers:

A)If you are proficient go for it. I tried it years ago was 87% accurate on my trades and broke even. All it takes is one bad trade. I much prefer holding a stock a while.

B) You file a Form 1040 and a schedule D. The big problem with trading stocks is maintaining meticulous records.

C) get Pub 17 it covers all tax issues. In general: Securities held less than a year are taxed at you nominal tax rate. Securities held more than a year get a lower rate. I also would familiarize your understanding of the wash rule sales

Good Luck.

Lizzie asks…

I was thinkin about joining into the stock market. Is this a way to make money fast or is this a long process?

Nagesh answers:

Yes you can make money fast, but you may also lose it very fast.

Penny stocks are the way to go to make a lot of money (or lose a lot of money).

If you don’t want to take too much risks, then it will be a long process. You will need a diversified portfolio with stocks, mutual funds and bonds. Depending on portfolio composition, you can realistically expect about 5% to 15% return per year.

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Friday, July 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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