Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

William asks…

What can i sell on ebay to actually make money?

my friend and i are young but we need to make money fast. and we thought how about ebay. what can we sell on ebat yo make money. we have no idea.

Nagesh answers:

Anything you find interesting you can sell
on ebay!:D

you can get a job too when your young.
Like babysitting or walking the
dog! I used to get alot of money for that
when i was young!

Good luck!!!

Maria asks…

Does anyone have any good ideas on how to make extra money from home. I am not interested in ebay or selling.

I’m just looking for a little extra money for gas and spending money

Nagesh answers:


Joseph asks…

Does anyne know of any good and cheap wholesalers for selling on ebay, need to make money. or any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

It all depends what it is you want to sell, then knowing if it will sell and how much to sell it for..then that gives you a starting point when looking for deals/legit wholesalers.

I say legit wholesalers because most of the google returns will be choked full of crap. So just beware. For example if you want to sell Sony stuff it’s easy to find legit wholesalers an easy way to find ones are to simply go to the manufacturer website and you can usually find a link somewhere or a contact number where you can inquire and find the wholesaler closest to your area.

There are tons of other tips, way more then one simple answer can be found then here but this will get you started.

I also found this site very helpful when it came to learning about selling on ebay, how to find what to sell etc etc

Steven asks…

I want to make some money on eBay, but i have nothing to sell. does any body have any ideas on what to sell?

I want to make some money to go on holiday (i have not been for many years). i have ran out of things in the house to sell. does anybody have any good ideas what i could get hold of and sell. thanks

Nagesh answers:

If you have nothing physical to sell, maybe you have some Information you can sell on this new site called G2bay.

Lisa asks…

Would any of you people out there share some insights on how to use Ebay to make money?

My idea is to create “classic” scenery paintings and to try to sell on Ebay. I’m sure I’m not the first one to think of this but I’m wondering how big the market is for this sort of art on Ebay. Would be easier to buy cheap paintings from garage sales on sale them or do people truly like when the person selling them the art is alseo the creator? I’m just fishing for any sort of insights on making money off Ebay. Really, anythig helps!

Nagesh answers:

Whilst I believe that eBay offers many opportunities, you have to know your competition. Looking at the painting section on eBay shows many original works that are going for extremely good value. Could you exist in this market? Keep looking thru eBay, especially at their eBay pop list.

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Saturday, September 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes Online

Charles asks…

Do blogs have to be frequently/regularly updated?

Hey, I have a blogger account and I’ve seen a couple of blogs (most if them seem to be soppy family stories with loads of pics of smiling parents with babies xD) but I wanted to know the following:

Will people be interested in a blog which is about a very interesting topic but isn’t updated? In some ways therefore it would basically just be an article about something. I mean, there’s some things that are ongoing but there’s some things that you write about and then that’s it and there’s no real need to update it.

For example, I’ve seen people’s blogs, where they tell you some online money making scheme or some sort of tutorial or anything, and thats it. Just one long, informative post and then any discussion or follow up only appears in the comments section below. Are those even blogs, or are they articles?

And if they’re just articles, would it be better for me to post such articles on a site other than blogger? I’m looking to start writing articles/blogs/websites etc using stuff like adsense etc to make a little money. I’m not looking for the big bucks of course, just some small supplementary cash from a setup that requires little maintenance.

Nagesh answers:

More power to you. In order to get the traffic to your blog you are going to need to update it, more traffic equals more people equals better chance of them clicking and ad.

Most important thing is to advertise it locally and whenever you can, simple business card.

But find an interesting topic and stick to it!

Richard asks…

Roulette Advantage, is that really possible ?

I found this site :
It claims that some online casino are using flawed RNG (Random Number Generator) and that you can “beat” them using the system proposed. Do you seriously think something like that is possible ? Or do you think it’s just scheme to make peoples play on these casinos ? Note that in the explanation, it says that this system only work with real money since the RNG is used only for real money and when you play for fun, the numbers are generated by your computer (locally).

Nagesh answers:

NO! Roulette is a very difficult game to beat it has one of the worst odds in the casino, the only chance that you have is to try to make the even money bets like black or red, even or odd. Good Luck.

Chris asks…

How to generate these famous multiple sources of income?

There are always these advices that to get financially independent you should set up multiple sources of income that create money on their own, with only minimal intervention from your side.

The people who give these advices are always saying you’ve got to try out a lot and yada, yada they now make 1000s of dollars per months with these things. But they’re not very clear on what actually really brings in the money?

Or with which money you should survive during the time where you’re figuring out your grand scheme of multiple sources of income …

So, does anyone have real suggestions and examples for creating additional sources of income? Online and offline. And I’m not expecting high value income right now, it would already be cool to see a steady $10-$20 income stream being viable. Thanks a lot.

Nagesh answers:

There is no magic investment out there which is going to provide you with lots of income with little work. Most reputable financial advisors will tell you there are only 3 basic passive investments that most rational people use:

1. Bank accounts and Money Market accounts.
(These usually barely keep up with inflation.)
2. Bonds and Bond Funds
(These currently don’t yield much better.)
3. Diversified Stocks
(These Average 10% a year but have large swings in price)

Most other investments you hear about are usually of questionable worth. You can make money in Real Estate as a landlord if you are willing to put a lot of work into it. Most good financial advisors will not recommend passive real estate investments. (An exception is REIT’s, but they are basically a type of stock)

James asks…

Need a 30 day loan? Can someone recommend something?

I know I am asking this in the wrong category but everytime i ask something in business and finance I get a bunch of money making scheme answers and never a REAL one. So thanks for answering and sorry to burden the ones that I am annoying with my “out of category question” Ha ha!

I’m wanting to take out a 30 day loan for around $600…

I’d like to pay it back with 2 payments ($300 and whatever interest every 2 weeks). Because my husband gets paid every 2 weeks.

I need it like immediately for over due bills. So I’d like to do it online..

Could someone recommend a good website that I can do this at? I have no clue as to who would do a loan like this. I know a lot will have your money in the bank within a day or so and that would be great.

Please help me with this someone.


I don’t want a money making scheme. I need it like TODAY or TOMORROW in my account because if I don’t have that money then my water is being shut off on Monday, my electric Tuesday and my phone on Friday. Not to even mention my week late car payment.
My husband got a short check and we’re having problems paying the bills this month.

I need a loan for bills and that is it.

Nagesh answers:

The best thing would be to go to your bank and get a loan but the chance of you doing that today or tomorrow and getting the money is slim… So in a case like this I would suggest a payday loan.. I have never done one myself but my in-laws do them all the time *rolls eyes* lol The place where they go you can get upto $500 at a flat rate of $20 and have 30 days to pay it back before they start charging interest… Payday loans can get people into a lot of financial trouble if not used correctly so use with caution but in this case I would consider it necessary!!

Good luck!

Michael asks…

What’s up with BET’s Take the Cake tv show? Real or Fake?

This game on BET seems really easy. I tried sending a text for 99 cents but of course I wasn’t called back. Tried to enter free online during the show but the site said:

Sorry, the game is not available at this time, please try again during the scheduled broadcast.

Went into a chat room for the game and the winners are asking when they are going to get their money.

What’s up? Is this just another $$$$ making scheme? What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

BET is a minstrel show. No self-respecting brother or sister would support it.

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Friday, August 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Linda asks…

18 and needing business idea’s / ways to make money quite fast ?

HI I really need help and any advice would be great. I’ve just finished college and need advice on how to make some money I’m soo scared about the future I’ve applied for soo many jobs its unreal but idealy I need a way to make money quickly as I need to start paying for my upkeep at home and I also have a dog to pay for. I currently have a animal care qualification if that’s any help. Like I said any advice would be great, thanks !

Nagesh answers:


My best suggestion is that first stop scaring as you are just 18 you have to travel so long in your life and have to face so many tough situations bravely. If you scare now it would become your habit to scare for even small struggles. If you scare you would be confused, if you confuse you can not take right decision at right time leading to failures. Never ever think your learning is over. Start learning new skills that of your interest and build your career and personality in positive way. Work for your personality development as well as money never ever scare or disappoint.


Just read above blog and if you are interested open demo account and practice trading and try to develop other skills as well ok. Bravery is enough for success do not loose it.


And also read one quotation every day in the above blog by understanding its meaning properly

James asks…

Trade / skill /skilled trade to do from home? No SPAM I WILL REPORT YOU?

I’m thinking about doing something from home..
Not sure what, but I would love to hear what other people do from home to make money
I learn things quickly
please help
I love giving points!

Nagesh answers:

I would just add one skill/skilled trade to sphinxters list. Web Design!
Web design can be a self learned trade that can be done from the comfort of the home.


Carol asks…

How can i get money at the age of 17 quickly?

I’m 17 and am living alone after being kicked out of home, how can i make money fast to pay my rent in soon!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job and work hard at it

Thomas asks…

Ways to make money with no money?

I was going to do the as seen on oprah make money thing, thanks to all answers i now am not. A little about my situation, i am a stay at home mom with 2 teens one of them physicaly handicapped. My boyfriend of 12 years was on parole he went to see his parole officer and without my knowledge violated his parole. he was taken to prison without any warning. know i am desperate to find some kind of help we have lost everything . our home our pets everything. where can i make money honestly and quickly? i am looking for part time work and do recieve food stamps and ssi for my son.

Nagesh answers:

You need a real job, not something online. Contact your state employment office. You may qualify for some special training with a stipend for expenses.

You are not going to be able to be a stay-at-home mom any longer. You should qualify for some type of help for your disabled child when he is not in school.

Jenny asks…

Would you expect expensive homes to sell quickly?

Well, I just started a “make money at home” Business. So now I have lots of money flowing in quickly– it’s amazing! So since I’ve been living in an apartment for a long time, I’d like to move into a house. Well, I did find a house and I’m in love with it! But since it’s $789,000 I’ll have to wait until June to buy it. The town that I live in has 30,000 people, and this house went on the market in December…..So, would you expect this house to sell out before June? Please help me! Thank You

(if you would like information on the system that I tried you can email me at

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend that you go to ww.spam-on-answers

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Thursday, August 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Betty asks…

How can a couple of kids earn easy money?

fun, quick, and easy!

Nagesh answers:

Not fun, I don’t think, but definitely easy! Http://

Linda asks…

Almost 16, quick and easy ways to earn money?

I’m turning 16 on November 9th. That’s also me and my boyfriend’s two year anniversary. I found these beautiful engravable promise rings. $28 each, $14 to get them engraved. Free shipping & handling. They’re perfect! My dad won’t let me get a job because he worries about “daddy’s little girl”. I babysit all the time but both sides of my family are too broke to pay me. So I babysit my siblings for free because I don’t want my mom or dad thinking they owe me. Are there any ways I could earn money without getting in trouble by my dad? :/

Nagesh answers:

There are kids on the Web who are making money for themselves, with the help of the parents (parents have to open the accounts the kids need — hosting, advertising, etc)

Hannah Altman, a 10 year old started a website selling pencil toppers, and making good money Ashley Qualls is another example who rode the coattails of MySpace and earned for herself a huge pile of cash

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Susan asks…

How To Earn Money Easy and ASAP?

Hey, my name is Rhys and im 16 years old will be 17 this July. I don’t live with my mum or my dad and live with my auntie who is a single mum of a 2 and 5 year old, so she finds it very hard looking after them and myself with food shopping etc. I had £3000 in my bank and i never spent it well, well i did like new shoes (When i need some) and money getting to college (£10 a day) my dad found out the other day and went mad he expects way to much from me and he now wants nothing to do with me, I would ask my mum to borrow money but she finds it hard enough so i don’t and i HATE asking money from others so i tried getting job sent 30 C.Vs off but no reply. Also put things on eBay like iPad, bike, headphones everything what i got for birthdays etc but they never sold for good money so i refused to send the items out. Because they were gifts so don’t want to sell them for nothing. Iv also tried surveys online or trying to get a grant but can’t find anywhere.

So i would be really happy if someone could give some advice where i can get money easy and quick, for me and the family who i live with. I will also start doing my driving lessons and would like to have some money what i could save for that to pay for lessons and insurance when it comes to it. Iv already lost my dad he has already made it clear to me that he wants nothing to do with me. Also called me C**T and P***K.

Many thanks

Nagesh answers:

No, they do not pay enough to pay the power to run the pc.

David asks…

how does a 13 year old earn money fast?

I want to take my mom to see a broadway play and it is 556 dollars to take my mom, her fiance, my sister, and I. I need an easy way to earn money quick so I can afford the tickets….any ideas????

Nagesh answers:

1.You can look around your house for loose change.
2. Ask you mom for a dollar or two once in a while
3. Tell your mom you want something if she could give you the money and just keep it :3
4. Ask if you can do chores around the house.

I dont recommend taking a job like babysitter chances are I dont think a stranger is going to what a 14 year old to take care of their baby. Well Idk but good luck

Nancy asks…

How to make easy money?

Okay so I’m a little old but I’m looking for quick easy money. I’m 15 and there isn’t good jobs hiring around me and I was wondering how I could earn money. I don’t mind working hard, physically. So anything would work, remember I’m 15.

Nagesh answers:

Cut grass Or clean houses Or car wash something u can Do on ur own 😉

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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Donna asks…

Easy ways to make money.?

What are some good ways for a young teenager (around 14 or 15) to make money in a quick amount of time. This person has no job yet because he/she is too young. Today is Wednesday and they need money for Monday because they are going on vacation. What are some good ways for this person to make money.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve received around $ 1000 a month from all these sites. You can also make lots of money online depending on how much time u put into it. Here is a link of some sites that Paid By Check or PayPal to do surveys, read emails and more 🙂

Ken asks…

What is a fast way to make money for a teenager…?

I’m seventeen years old.
and this summer i need to make money fast,
for a car.
i have a part time job now, but is there something
where i can get money just by doing something quick and easy?
any suggestions? thanks .

Nagesh answers:

First , I am not ENGLISH talker so sorry for the language I want to how you best way I found really for me to make online money very easy way

join site :

well you don’t have to pay or any thing it is sample program you will get it very easy , I copied some text here from their site

Earnings Example
» You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

and as You can see if you have some time to Join and do some
easy register and click ads , tell other to join and got referrals
from you it will help you , as they will need to get some money too
and get them selves new members and get paid I swear it is easy

Richard asks…

fastest way to get some quick money?

what is the fastest way for a teenager to make money without using the internet, getting a job or doing odd jobs for neighbours… stuff too

Nagesh answers:

Pimpin and running scams on people LOL

Lizzie asks…

What is a good way for teenagers to get rich quick, if they are too young to get jobs?

I’m looking for something other than babysitting, or an allowance. I’m OK with spending money to make money.

Nagesh answers:

You could work from home on your computer- write articles,sell on eBay,make a website,take surveys. More details are available at

Mark asks…

Quick way for a teenager to make $1,000?

What is a fast way for a 16 year old to get that much money ? How long would it take for a part time after-school job to accumulate that amount of money (generally)?
And is there any quicker ways ? Just curious.

Nagesh answers:

8 dollars n hour plus tips maybe? Easy math depends how many hours your putting in. There really is no other option besides a food place. Catering is good working at a place where you can put what your good at to work. Like say your amazing at baseball you can give lessons or work at a hitting place.

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Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Betty asks…

what are some good and fast ways for teenagers to make money?

i know about babysitting and mowing lawns and all that simple stuff but i want to go a level up. I’m 14 so its hard to find a job but is there anything out there that makes money like an job. I don’t want to sell things on eBay or get paid for taking surveys, i want something reliable.

Nagesh answers:

If you get a work permit, you can get a job at some local non-chain places if they’re willing to hire you.

David asks…

how to make money fast(for a teenager)?

I am 16, I cannot get a real job(where I live until I am older). I already do pet-sitting/ baby-sitting, but no one has needed me very much. I do not have a car that I can drive.

for options that you suggest (if this helps narrow it):
-I own many pets, and have done pet-sitting (barn animals, reptiles, aquatic, cat/dog, avian, etc.)
-I own cats, dogs, birds, fish, horses, hamster (do you think that any could be therapy animals, etc?)
-I can give riding lessons for both english and western horse riding (grew up in the barn, first comp/show was at age 3. I do not know how to advertise though, or let people trust a 16 year old with their child and a 1100+ lbs animal)
-I can paint (I have painted houses and advertising on business windows)
-I can make chain-male, bracelets(string, beads, metal, etc.), sewing, etc.
-I don’t mind getting dirty (I clean the horse stalls, fields, and riding rings)

I do not have transportation.

I would like serious answers please. (not people saying “you should sell drugs” or similar dumb answers) Thank you!
just for those of you wondering, I am saving up the money to buy a horse.

No worries, I already have the OK from the parental unit. Plus, I already own horses.

However, my two main horses are both 21+ years old, and are retiring from their showing and competing days to just trail and easy riding horses.

Nagesh answers:

When it comes to finding ways to earn money, consider a Denver (Colorado, USA), a woman that lost her upper management job. She started a simple business picking up dog droppings that led to earnings of over $75,000 a year, working outside, setting her own hours, and could be done using a bicycle as transportation. It is also something a child age 10 and up can do alone, an adult can do, or a whole family can do together. This article describes how.

In this economy, you need to think outside box. Companies are refusing to take applications from the unemployed resulting in many giving up.

Lisa asks…

How to make good money for a teenager ?

Im 16 nelly 17 and i live on my own the only thing is im short on money and well i need a way to make some good money to pay for bills and food ect i dont go out alot so i dont spend money on smokes and drink but i need money fast if any one has got any ideas plz shear thanx if you answer 😀

Nagesh answers:

Playing poker?

Thomas asks…

How do you make a lot of money fast when you are 15?

Alright so I only have 120 dollars, that is nothing. All of a sudden I have so many expenses to worry about. I have to have at least $100 every time I take my girlfriend out (theatre tickets, restaraunt bill, coffee, frozen yogurt, bowling/arcade, other activities, necklaces/gifts.) , I need $150 for a new phone because my old one that I had for 5 years finally broke, $40 monthly so I can pay the bill because my stupid parents wont pay for the bill, about $200 for 3 pairs of jeans and 4 shirts, $60 for shoes, and at least $40 to carry on me for food, snacks etc. So all that added up is $590 plus the 40 dollar monthly bill for my phone. (By the way, if I ask my parents to buy me clothes, they will go to ross and buy returned aftermarket off brand, bootleg crap.) And obviously at ross you cant ever find your size and good clothes that match.

So, I have about $200 worth of silver coins in my collection that I can sell. I could start merchanting things at school (buy electronics from hong kong and sell at school for twice the price) but that takes about 2 months to make a profit because it usually takes 1 month for imports from other countries so I can’t do that because I need the money now.

My only source of income is 20 dollars per month for taking out my neighbors trash cans and mowing my neighbor’s 1.5 acre lawn with a 5 horsepower push mower, and I don’t get paid that well for that anyways. That job is horrible because the mulch gets stuck in the mower and it takes hours to mow the whole lawn, and there are soo many obstacles on his lawn like fallen down trees and rocks and random metal pipes sticking out of the ground and the job is too hard. I don’t want to work for him anymore.

Now, I can see why so many teenagers resort to theft, and selling drugs. Obviously I’m not a loser and I don’t want to do that. I have pretty much no idea how to make money now. I have no jobs, my parents would never pay me for doing work around the house, I am not old enough to get a job. And most importantly, I’m trying to save up for a car when I turn 16. I feel hopeless and the feeling of being broke sucks. I appreciate you reading this whole story if you actually did. Do you have any suggestions on how to make more money fast? Responses would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I can’t get a job until im sixteen either. Online surveys are a scam. And if I ask my parents for money they might just give like $10 (I am grateful but I need a lot more.)

Nagesh answers:

You can start refereeing soccer games as early as age 14. You need to learn the rules and pass a test. Clubs are *always* looking for more referees. Games are always on the weekend and sometimes in the evenings. Typically you can work as many games in a weekend as you want. To start out you’d get $10-$15 a game, but that would be for little kids so they would only be an hour long. Exact wages vary depending on age group and where you live.

If this is up your alley at all just get a hold of a local soccer club and ask them about it. They’ll know who to put you in touch with.

George asks…

Making money fast for teens?

How do you teenagers out there make your currency? How much do you get paid?
But troll guy, how can i start up my marijuana business? Would you be willing to sell me cannibis seeds?

Nagesh answers:

Sell drugs, work the corners, get some girls…

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Monday, August 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes Online

David asks…

I know that there are jobs online but where?!?

Okay, we all get emails saying things that aren’t true and a lot of us can point out hokey fake sites to real ones. So I know that there are people making money online with google and other things but where do you find those kind of things? I know that they are typically impossible and the sites like to jack you for your money but I know that there are some out there that really do offer for sure money online. I’m not looking for get rich quick schemes but a job online would be very nice. Come on, we can do schooling online.. why not jobs? So where do I find these? If anyone has ANY suggestions that aren’t hocus pocus then please list them below please!!! (:

Thank you everyone!!

Nagesh answers:


Betty asks…

What percentage of “data entry” and “make money online” questions on Y/A, are astro-turf questions?

As in questions that appear to be posted by real people asking an honest question, looking for honest answers, but are really perpetuated by people, or companies using spam-bot programs to promote their websites and/or pyramid schemes?
One program asks the question, then another program(s) posts the answer with a link to whatever is being promoted, or a person does this instead of a bot? What percentage of questions that have things like “work at home jobs” or “make money online” which attract bots, and people promoting their websites, are disingenuous on the askers part?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, that is happening. There are websites which explain how to manipulate Y!A in order to post more spam. There are groups of spammers who write out a question, then answer it and choose their own answer as Best Answer. Anyone doing a Yahoo Search for that question will find that answer and think that it really is the “best”.
But for every spambot, there are 20 “innocent” users who continue to post questions about making money online. Especially during an economic recession. People are desperate and they try things that they would normally never do.
So the percentage of spambots is 5% of questions. It is 50% of answers to those questions.

Carol asks…

are there any REAL work from home jobs?

ok, I realize that asking this question is just begging to be bombarded by spam….BUT seriously, stay-at-home-mommies, have any of you found a REAL way to make money online? I’m not talking about those “affiliate programs” or pyramid schemes where the whole point is just to get other people to join so you can make money off them. But aren’t there any legitmate jobs online? I have a 2year old and a 6month old and money is so tight right now but I really want to stay home with them. what about assembling crafts at home? is that a scam somehow too?

Nagesh answers:

They are all pretty much scams. The only ligit jobs at home are those arranged by companies for employees to telecommute or if you have your own business and your office is home based,

Thomas asks…

What are some ways I could make about $500 extra each month?

Please do not give me a bunch of online schemes. I’m looking for a way to make extra money throughout the month to help w/ my son’s daycare cost. I don’t have a lot of extra time as I work full time but my weekends are free etc. Any REAL suggestions would be great 🙂

Nagesh answers:

You could host Tupperware parties, or something similar.

Sandy asks…

Has anyone come across New Horizons?

I have recently come across the 4Steps to Heaven money making scheme run online by New Horizons..any feed it for real? This really sounds too good to be true!!

Nagesh answers:

“This really sounds too good to be true”

That’s because it is…

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Sunday, August 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

John asks…

Identity Theft…Should I proceed with subpoena?

Financial Planner stole my identity…?
Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

In a messy divorce, you need to do what is best for you and your children. And that means you subpoena that digitally recorded phone call and any records that will help to show that either your husband or your financial planner or both helped to squirrel away any of your personal or marital assets. Whether or not the financial planner gets in trouble with the law is not your problem. You need to take care of yourself right now. Go get the best lawyer you can find and then go after the pair of them. And if you can prove that the financial planner helped hide your assets from you or just plain took them, then you have her prosecuted to the hilt…and then sue for damages! Good luck!

Addendum: And see if you can reopen the fact that she took money from your father’s account without his explicit permission. And please don’t underestimate what this woman has done as gifts are generally speaking the property of the person who received them and they are not usually marital property. So don’t let either this woman or your husband steal your property from you!

George asks…

Is it true that Obama lies About Healthcare?

None of the things that Obama is saying about Obamacare are honest, although most of them are technically true if parsed out.

His idea that Obamacare is not for the illegals. Technically that might be true. But every illegal has 3 or 4 kids — and the kids are all born here, thus citizens, thus covered by Obamacare. Also the 12 million illegals are going to be put on a “path to citizenship” (says Obama). So what does that mean? It means, once they have their citizenship path papers filled out and filed they qualify for Obamacare (as future citizens).

Obama is a crook. He’s not honest. He avoids lying, so you have the be a lawyer to see how dishonest he is, since the things that he says are technically true.

The Joint Session of Congress was convened by Obama — it was not a Constitutionally mandated Joint Session (like the State of the Union).

So if Obama comes and makes a very dishonest presentation, it’s not so terrible if somebody calls him out for it.

Obama’s idea that the public option will be paid for by premiums paid to it by the policyholders is true, but highly dishonest.

Those premiums would be reimbursed through “refundable tax credits”. Those are checks the Treasury sends out to people who pay no Federal taxes — they are freebie checks — free money. So let’s see the 40 million pay the premiums, then get free money equal to the premiums from the Treasury. Sounds to me like the Treasury is really paying for the public option.

I’m a lawyer, so I can tell when a technically true statement is actually a highly dishonest misrepresentation of the facts.

Obamacare is a scheme to transfer a massive amount of wealth from the middle class to the ACORN folks. Massive wealth transfer.

Socialism practiced by Eldridge Cleaver, Saul Alinski, Bill Ayers, or Bobby Seale would not be much different from what Messrs Obama, Emanuel, and Alexrod are bringing us.

Nagesh answers:

Joe Wilson was correct. God bless you Joe. I love you man.

Mary asks…

Financial Planner stole my identity…?

Several years ago my financial planner was putting together my portfolio which included some stocks, annuities etc. that my parents were going to give me as a gift. Well, my father was out of the country and he told me that he wanted to be present when All of these gifts were switched from his name to mine. I fully understood and told the planner we’d need to wait. Well, when my father returned in 3 weeks I received a call from him and he was extremely upset. He asked how I had taken nearly $75,000 from his stock/annuity accounts without respecting his wishes to be present.

I had no answer and I called my planner to ask him. Only to find that she said that she just went ahead and took care of it as she had my fathers information (bank numbers/passwords and SSN).

Well, my father was furious but he calmed down and it was excused.

Now to 2009…….my husband and I have decided to divorce and to be honest, it’s getting quite ugly as we are not agreeing on asset distribution. Well, the other day I was going through some financials with the paralegal at my lawyers office and there is a large sum of money (about $50,000) that is unaccounted for. I was sure that the planner (yes, we both still use her) had just moved it and it would all make sense. Then I called a credit card company only to find out that the account (in my name) had been canceled. OK, now something is wrong.

Well, I have our cell phones in my name (5 of them- me and my husband and 3 kids). All are in MY name and I called to see if we had gone over on our plan (thanks to the kids) and I learned that my bill was about $35 less than normal. This made no sense so I looked further and the person at the cell company explained that “I” had called in last month and asked to have one of the phones (husbands) placed into a new account and that I had lost rights to this phone. The representative explained that the call was recorded and it could be proven. Well, I knew exactly what had happened. They were able to tell me the date and time when “I” had called in and guess who my husband was with at that exact time/date…yep, our financial planner who I had watched first hand lie to multiple banks and even an insurance company claiming to be someone she was not. Don’t misunderstand, I saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as it was usually just her calling claiming to be me at my request since I didn’t want to go throught the hassles. Now, it’s painfully obvious that she is steering my husband throughout this divorce behind my back.

Is it worth my time to subpoena for this digitally recorded phone call which I feel 100% certain will show who the real “ME” is using my personal data (SSN etc.). No, in the big scheme of things losing this number is no biggie, however, it is obvious to me that this once trusted friend (professional) sees where she can benefit most by aiding my husband throughout this divorce process and she’s willing to do this to make it happen.

I don’t want her in trouble with the law as I just don’t operate that way. However, if my lawyer gets this record and it’s clearly her, what are the different scenarios that could happen?

It is possible that it’s my daughter and if that’s the case then I’ll just laugh but if it’s someone outside of my family I have a very big problem with that.

Thank you in advance!


Nagesh answers:

You have a lawyer so he/she should be handling this, not you. You are too personally invested in this matter to make decisions about this. It’s possible that you husband had a friend call the phone company (he certainly knows your SS#). He could also have cancelled your credit card just to be vindictive. You have no proof at this time that your financial planner is causing you these problems. However, if you no longer trust the woman, then pull your money out of her control because you don’t need any additional grief at this time. Check with your lawyer.

Donna asks…

What’s the deal with chavs?

Okay my friend who Iv’e known since I was a kid wasn’t much of a chav before now she’s Jeremy Kyle worthy but I still like being around her and giving her advise..
Her sister bragged to a 36 year old crackhead who she only just met at a house party lying that her “hard” dad cut up a man and hid him in a closet.
she only had a labrador with was lovely and good with her kids for barely a day and said she wanted to get rid of it because it wasn’t vicious enough and she wanted a pitbull instead she always seems amazed when male chavs show her how big and muscley their pets are and what “hard” breeds they are mixed it with (even though she has three 23 years of age I might add so she should really be getting a family dog)
i was buying baby clothes with and for my friend who is 16 and pregnant..and she wants the most expensive and hideous stuff she has no money no job what-so-ever yet she wants all the brand ones with huge ass logos going across them and if I picked up something nice and non tacky she’d say she wern’t dressing her baby in that.
My friend is 4 months pregnant and drinks cider everyday! I tell her the effects it would have on the baby but she don’t care, she’s even seen a baby with alcohol syndrome really bad.She keeps going back to her baby’s dad and he beats her…she also sleeps around while she’s pregnant.And constantly takes the p*ss that i’m 17 and a virgin (I live in a chav infested area and I’d be damned if I’d sleep with any of those fools!) she speaks and types like a retard and then says it makes up time even though she usually adds letters.When she decorates her house it doesn’t even have a colour scheme i mean i’m not rich i’m broke too but everything in my humble aboad matches she have a red couch with a vagina or leaf print and her tv has no signal how can you watch a fuzzy tv you’d get pissed off and fix it.She always gets in fights everyday over the most pathetic stuff she said she’s never speaking her sister again because she drank her coke…..and she punched her in the face 0.o she finally got a decent lad and broke up with him because he was a virgin obviously she likes H.I.V ridden chavs.
Also they idolize Tupac Eminem and scarface….even though Tupac is of christian themes and tells you to treat other people with equality and respect eminem tells you about the horrors of the hood and not to be like him and scarface wasn’t supposed to glamourized crime but to hight the fact that “gangstars” and criminals lives usually come to a tagic end.
before the grammar police check my paragraph i might add that iv’e lost my glasses and it’s four in the morning and i’m knackered

Nagesh answers:

“Chav infested area!” that made me laugh! I know exactly what you’re talking about. I think she’s probably like this because she wants to fit in with those people around her and aspires to be accepted. She sees Kerry Katona, pitbulls and other human pigdog breeds (like Jordan) as role models. I guess I’d try not to judge her too much as she has the right to be how she wants, as I do, as you do, but to give her baby alcohol baby syndrome and sentence it to 70 years on earth with special needs and unhappiness just due to her 9months of selfishness does seem wrong.

Jenny asks…

Why do people sit here and say the Mexicans are taking our jobs?

Seen a few people on tv talking about this. I am tired of hearing it and seeing it! Now first off about the whole taking our jobs, well 17 year old Ashely wants her first job to be at Abercrombie and Fitch, not working in a hot ass 100 degree field in Michigan in the summer she wants the place in the mall. Mexicans are not knocking at the doors of the GAP to get hired in there, they take the jobs like picking all of your veggies and fruits, if I drove by in the summer past one of the fields and seen a bunch of white and black folks out there pickin, i would be like WTF?! Yea and guess what i will never see that, becuase that isnt a desired job. So i wish for a day all the mexicans would say “Hey! ok we are taking your jobs?, and you want them back soooo bad, then you go pick in the fields and see how long you last.” Mexicans are hard workers, they dont come here to take anything, I have seen some trying to make it across that border, its heart breaking to see a husband who cares about his wife and kids, getting caught in the desert by the border patrol, their little ones crying. Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now, actually very bad, people get kidnapped and held for ransom or killed! if you lived there you would do everything in your power to get your family out before its too late. So please before you sit there and bitch about the jobs they are taking, will you just think about it, you would do the jobs they did for any amount of money at least majority of people wouldnt. They do it to feed their families, they are human too, Oh and one more thing i was just reading something someone said about mexicans depleting our system of money and healthcare, ummm, load of shit. You know the ones who are depleting our system? The numerous people on welfare and shouldnt be! AMERICANS! I have seen all too much of americans using the welfare system so they dont have to work, either by claiming they are disabled or they just keep having one child after another, they i mean AMERICANS are the ones depleting our system and you can thank Obama for that also, very much a supporter of people not working and being on welfare. We are supposed to welcome people here with open arms. Remember this “We are the land of Opportunity” well since we Americans are only taking the opportunity to scheme our own system, the Mexicans are taking the opportunity to get some much needed jobs that will help them establish their family.
yes that why here when i said : “Most and i cannot say all are trying to give there families a life that they didnt have or wouldn’t have being in mexico, mexico is pretty bad right now” Well little do you know the news makes it like Mexico is the leader in drugs and smuggling, LOL on just my black alone there are 14 drug houses! Dont get me started about Drug cartels in Mexico

Nagesh answers:

Hello Tracy,

Myself and most of my friends and colleagues have mortgages, car, credit card debt et al to worry about. Should we get laid off work, a 6 – 8 dollar an hour job is not going to save our sorry posteriors anyway. Most people here in my country will not work for such low wages and temporary jobs with little or no social benefits so whining about Mexicans is really a moot point. Many of these establishments would be out of business without them.


Michael Kelly

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Saturday, August 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Sharon asks…

How can I earn fast cash online?

I applied to soo many jobs.None are hiring. As of now im studying to be a fire fighter this year. But i need a job bad but none are hiring or anything and don’t know what to do.Is there any online sites I can go to get fast money.please. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

Michael asks…

How to make money online?

Everywhere I look, it says “make money online fast“, “mom earns $10000”, etc. And whenever you click on those advertisements, it says “here is how to make money fast, AND THAT’S IT!!!! It doesn’t tell you HOW to make money online, it tells you that it is GOING to tell you how to make money online, and it NEVER DOES!!!!!!!! Does anybody know how I actually can make money online? AdSense is a good way, but I’m only a kid, and I only know the basics of website-making. (my website is Whenever I look, I always see that people are making insane money with AdSense. Can AdSense really earn you a lot of money? I want to earn about 25,000 for a car when I turn 18. I’m 12 right now. Could I possibly earn that much online in about 6 years? Is there any way other than AdSense to REALLY earn money online? Please don’t tell me to babysit or mow lawns, I’m too lazy to do that. If AdSense REALLY is the only way to make a lot of money online, then could somebody give me some good website topics?- a website that would be easy to make and would attract a lot of people so they would click on the advertisements? Thank you SO MUCH!!!

Nagesh answers:

Check out my website, it shows you how you can be making $22,300 a month within 100 days, NO LIE. If you don’t believe me check my website out. You will learn how to do it for free. This isn’t a scam. It is 100% legit and hundreds of people are having huge success with it already, and it has only been out for 4 days! You will need a credit card to pay for the two websites you sign up to make the money, but you learn everything you need to before that happens, so you can check it out, and if you like it then just buy a visa gift card for $25, that is all you will need to start making $22,300 a year. It’s insane, believe me.


Thanks for checking it out.

Daniel asks…

I NEED to make money NOW and FAST ?!?

I need to make money NOW before I go crazy and start doing illegal things that I REALLY DO NOT want to do :/ . I NEED the money to get simple things like school clothes and stuff.. I don’t want the money for non sense. How can I make money ? I am 15. . Any online sites I can make REAL money off of? PLEASE HELP ME PLLLEEEAAASSSSE !

Nagesh answers:

Actually there are ways to make money online… Making a blog might bring in some money however your blog must be worth to read… Posting your videos on youtube is a good way to earn money but like the blog your videos must be worth to watch so you get a lot of clicks.. Another way is to sell something on ebay. It doesn’t matter what.. There will be people that are willing to pay for something that you consider as crap.. If you are creative and have programming skills you should create apps for the iphone or for android devices… Lot of people quit their job because the money they are making off apps are more than enough… But your app has to be really unique…
I dont actually know in what kind situation you are but maybe you should look for a job… And what about your parents?

Donna asks…

how can a 14 year old get money, fast?

i need money now! but i cant get money online bacause my mom wont let me. i cant make a garage/yard sale cause i live in an apartment. i cant sell stuff cause i got nothing to sell. i cant ask my family for money cause we are in a very tight budget. soo i need help.! please please help me..

Nagesh answers:

You could always cut grass.

Paul asks…

How can I invest this money online?

I’ve been saving money and I have $1000 now, I want to go into business online. What are good ways that I can make money besides clickbank and using adsense. I’m not looking for massive profit fast, just possibly 200 – 400 dollars per month.

Nagesh answers:

You really should not be investing it online, you will just get ripped off.

There are NO investments where you can make 200 a month off of 1000, that is a 240% rate of return, it simply will not happen. Making 10% a YEAR is a decent investment.

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Friday, August 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Charles asks…

How do I make fast money?

I am ten years old and I need a way to make fast money to buy smackdown vs raw 2010.
youre probably thinking ‘this kids way to young to worry about making money‘ but you
dont realize how bad i want this game. i also dont want to wait six months to get 36.99 so please
help me fast.

Nagesh answers:

Go around your neighborhood and wash cars for 7 bucks a pop.

Thomas asks…

Anyone interested in making money fast from home?

I have two programs that I use everyday that make me decent amounts of spending money. If your interested in the details send me your email and I will send more info. After that you can get started the very same day making money, with an investment as low as $3 or as much as $10

Nagesh answers:

I think this is an ad? Mmmmm

Helen asks…

whats a fast easy money making way on runescape (members server) ?

i have about 15 days of membership left and i want to make money in them.

Nagesh answers:

I would buy all the feathers u can then go outside the grand exchange and cut down trees use a knife and make the logs into arrow staffs and when u have a good amount equil to the amount of feathers u have go get ur feathers from the grand exchange and use the arrow staffs with the feathers to make head less arrow u can make about 200k per hour by doing this hope u helped add me on runescape username: hjdfg123

Chris asks…

ok im in college and am dead broke and have no way of paying, any good legitimate fast ways of making money?

I dont have time to work, all my time is in school

I need a fast legitimate way to make some money online or something, but steady not just a one time making money deal

Nagesh answers:

This younger generation never ceases to amaze me.

YOUR PARENTS went to school full time… Walked two miles in the snow… Uphill… Both ways… Worked two jobs… For 35 years and never missed a day all while rasing you.

Rob a bank!

David asks…

In neopets, what are the best games for making money fast…I mean making 1000np in lyk 2 minutes?

I think these games are good for making money fast in order of speed:
Hannah and the Ice Caves (lvl 30)
Snow wars 2
Rink Runner
Cellblock (1st few levels)
Itchy Invasion
Evil Fuzzles from beyond the star
Turmac roll

Nagesh answers:

I would add:
defender trainer
& dubloon disaster

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Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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