Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Steven asks…

is there any way to make money online easily, fast and free?

i want to earn money!online

Nagesh answers:

P a i d t e e n s . W e b s . C o m

Betty asks…

Fast and Easy Way to make money online?

No Scams!!!! I need to make fast money online… Please help needing to make money online!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know of anything in life that is fast and easy. If you want to make money on-line, it helps a lot to have some sort of particular skill. If you have something you can do for others that is marketable, then there are a myriad of marketplace sites out there. I have had success with odesk, freelancer, elance and fiverr.

Robert asks…

Does anyone kno a legite way I can make money online fast without having to spend a penny?

Nagesh answers:

Real fast? You could try one of those question answering places.

Mark asks…

How can I make fast money online?

I’m 16 years old, I want to get a real job, but I can’t until one of our family cars are fixed. If my parents earned the money to fix the car themselves, it would take until next year. I’m home-schooled, so I’m DESPERATE to get out of the house! Hahaha. 😀

Are there are easy way for me to make enough money online to help my parents get the car fixed?

Are there any I can do from home online? Provide websites?

Thanks so much to those who help me! :]

Nagesh answers:

You should start a web business. It’s easy.

Go to

It’s a step-by-step guide that shows everything you need to know

on starting a web business as cheap and as fast as possible.

And it’s completely free.


Maria asks…

Make money/get giftcards online fast?

I was just wondering if there’s a way I could make money online fast? I use swag bucks to get amazon giftcards but it takes too long to build up the credit before I get it. I just want to make at least $30 so I can buy this gift online for my dad for Christmas.

Nagesh answers:

Most online money making schemes are just that – schemes. Unfortunately they don;t make you any money. They just make money for the schemers. You need to look in the real world around you for opportunities to do extra chores and jobs for money. Try to negotiate some work for pay with your parents. Are you old enough to baby sit? Ask your parents, other adult family, neighbors and adults you know if there isn’t some chore you could do to make some money.

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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Sandy asks…

Was My Relationship Abusive and Why Do I Keep Blaming Myself?

Me and my ex-fiance have just broken up after 2 years. When we first started dating he immediately expressed his deep love for me and said I was the most beautiful woman he knew. We went to high school together and for the past 7 years he had been trying to date me but timing was always off. After a week of dating he was sure that I was the woman for him. He was perfect, romantic, charming, attractive, thoughtful and stable in his career. I was in a transitional period, just graduating from college and me and my roommate were parting ways. He suggested that we move in together. I quickly found out that he was still married but legally separated. The divorce was finalized through our relationship however he kept in contact w/ her and kept naked pictures of her. I was furious and threatened to leave. He then bought a ring and proposed in front of his entire family. I thought that meant something but looking back I see it didn’t.

He all of the sudden became distant and angry. Everything that he loved about me he now hated. I would try to talk to him about my life and he would call me stupid or irritating. Every idea or suggestion that I had he criticized and opposed it and told me it was always dumb. He would always accuse me of cheating and get into arguments with me about my answer even though I always said no. I was walking on egg shells. If I was quiet he told me I didn’t communicate with him, if I talked he told me he hated women who talked too much like me. I was lost and confused. My self-esteem dropped so low that it affected my work and my friendships. He said that he was stressed out about work so I tried to give him space but I was ridiculed for it and he said I didn’t care about him. He told me to focus on grad school and not to work but then he argued that I didn’t help financially. HE said he didn’t have money but he would always make new expensive purchased. One time he lost his temper because it took me too long to get to the car because we had just had a ice storm and I was afraid of falling. He punched walls and broke things and called me a bitch often. I could not ever eat what I wanted to nor could I go somewhere unless he felt like it and he would even change his mind at the last minute. He choked me until I passed out, he punched me in my back and ribs and left bruises. He told me I never listen and that’s why we have so many problems. No matter what I did I felt like I was wrong. He was such a good guy to everyone else but with me he was evil and then wonderful and then back evil again. He used to threaten to kill me if I left but this time he broke up with me and told me to never call him again. This is good for me but I do miss him in some crazy way and I also blame myself from time to time. Is it normal for me to blame myself? I mean he was a good guy sometimes and he took good care of me. Everyone thinks he’s such a good catch and sometimes I think I provoked his behavior. He told me I wasn’t good enough that he needs space that’s why he’s treating me that way but then he also told me he needs help from a counselor and that I should leave him because he wasn’t good enough for me.

Nagesh answers:

I think you need counseling, this is exactly what happens in abusive relationships. The abusive partner thrives of belittling his or her spouse so bad that it that they feel they deserve it. That jerk is two faced, he makes everyone think hes a great guy but only you know what hes like behind closed doors. Its a good thing you hes gone. Like I said get a good counselor to help you overcome this issue, so that way you can go on with you life. Good luck and don’t blame yourself for this no one deserves what he did to you.

Steven asks…

So I put a roommate’s purchase on my credit card?

So I’m living in an apartment with a person I met in San Francisco, her credit is shot from identity theft. So when we split up who was buying what, she said she would by the couch. She asked me if I could put it on my credit and she would pay off quickly. I’m four months in now and she’s paid the minimum $100 payment on $2k couch. She’s having some money problems and says she can only make the minimum for the time being and doesn’t know when that will change. If I want that debt paid off sooner rather than later legally what can I do? If we are not roommates anymore by the end of our 1 year lease and I/her move out and the couch is still not paid off do I keep it until she pays it off/how long do have to give her to have it paid off. I really just want this debt off my name, I was under the impression she would have it paid off by now, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen anytime soon. It’s really stressing me out, please help. Thanks in advance Van

Nagesh answers:

You get the agreement in writing – what she will pay and when and if she pays the interest on that portion of your credit card bill put that in there also. If you have the agreement in writing and you pay off your credit card you have proof she still owes you the money – she owes you not your credit card issuer… Get a receipt book and give her a receipt when she makes a payment.

Richard asks…

Why do so many L!berals turn a blind eye to Obama’s Crony Capitalism?

The Triumph of Crony Capitalism; Want to get ahead in business? Make friends in Washington.

First President Bush, then President Obama poured billions into General Motors and Chrysler to keep the companies alive but barely breathing. That was just for starters. Next came Obama’s creation of an Auto Task Force to oversee the auto companies. To head the task force, the president picked Steve Rattner, a Wall Street investor with no experience in automaking but lots in raising campaign money for Obama and Democrats.

GM and Chrysler were quickly restructured, mostly to the benefit of the United Auto Workers, the union which spent millions in 2008 to elect Obama and Democrats. The UAW now owns 17.5 percent of GM and 55 percent of Chrysler–quite a return on an investment of zero dollars. Obama said all parties should “sacrifice,” but only bondholders did. They got a fraction of what they were legally entitled to receive. UAW retirees, in contrast, got a gift of $9.5 billion at GM and $14.2 billion at Chrysler.

Crony capitalism is usually identified with Third World despots, like Hugo Chávez, who reward their friends and allies in the business and financial communities. Some might be appointed to top government jobs, as Rattner was. But the chief characteristic of crony capitalism is favoritism for some companies or organizations (unions, for example)–in loans, grants, giveaways, and specific policies.

There’s another aspect. Obama isn’t merely rewarding a few cronies, he’s seeking more and more favored groups to reward. One way he’s doing this is through his energy, health care, and other policies, which would boost certain companies and industries over others. Another way is by providing cheap capital, which gives firms an advantage over competitors who must acquire capital at higher interest rates in private markets. The Federal Reserve, along with Obama’s Treasury Department, plays a big role here.

Crony capitalism is a two-way street. Obama gains politically from it. His administration has guaranteed $306 billion in toxic assets (mostly subprime mortgages) held by Citigroup and taken a 34 percent ownership stake in the giant investment bank. In return, Citigroup lobbied Congress to give judges “cramdown” authority, the power to alter the terms of housing contracts. The legislation was defeated.

Besides subsidizing the UAW, Obama has exploited his takeover of GM to reward at least one liberal special interest, the environmental lobby. The Auto Task Force decided GM should produce a class B, Yugo-like car in the United States (instead of China as previously planned), an auto tentatively dubbed Spark. GM has little expertise in manufacturing a cheap, lightweight, low mileage car of this class, nor is there an obvious market for it.

Nagesh answers:

First of all Bush was pushed into a corner on this one, His lack of understanding
this was critical. Bush was set up for a ride into hell delivered by a well scripted
and orchestrated line of bullshit, That the left and handlers of the then candidate
Obama were wanting the electorate to take away from the lies. Most of the left
almost to a degree of 65% of the independent and dem electorate had NO
SKIN in this game at all. The Sub Primers were low level schemers themselves
thinking they could saddle a 400k home and ride it into the sunset. What the IQ9’s
failed to realize is they were the third card in a three card monty game. Out of the
game before they were ever in it. So when Buckwheat shot his mouth off and told
everyone the sky was falling, They believed him. What should have taken place
was GM and Chrysler should have been allowed to completely fail. Right along
with the false paper games played by our so called banking institutions who’s
leadership should be in Prison instead of in ivory towers, Obama backed the
money boys, He sucked their ass and became an immediate instrument to be
played when ever they wanted something.

Obama is as guilty as they were,Followed by San Fran Nan, Barney Rubble, and
Harry Reid. The tri-fecta of bullshit. And all of the sorry ass progressives and sheep
sucked it dry.

And now those that knew this, and are paying for it, and will pay for it forever are
walking around really pissed off. If things do not straighten out and soon. What
is happening in the mideast is going to be happening right HERE.

Mandy asks…

What recourse do I have with the police or courts?

I was involved in an auto accident. I was traveling south west on a road and approached a line of cars a the stop sign. The stop sign is on the corner of a major road at a ‘T’ intersection. The cars on the main road traveling northwest, which would be a right turn from my road, were stopped due to bumper to bumper traffic. The traffic lane traveling south east on the main road was mostly clear of any traffic at all. Since some of the cars on my side road were turning left, away from traffic, the cars on the main road were leaving space for them to go through and make a left turn.

The driver of an suv waved 2 cars in front of me to go through from the stop sign we were waiting at. They did so cautiously and turned left. When I approached the stop sign, I came to a full stop and looked at the same driver on the main road. She then waved me through as well, so I then started making my turn moving forward and looking to my right for oncoming traffic from the other direction. When I saw that there were no cars coming from the other direction I pressed harder on the gas to continue making my turn, only then do I lookup and see the suv that waved me through quickly trying to pass in front of me just inches from my bumper. And the front of my car impacted the passenger side of her car near the rear wheel by the time I hit the brakes

The law requires that I perform my due diligence to be sure that the right of way is clear in both directions before proceeding with my turn. Not only did I confirm that the suv facing me on my left was not moving, I also confirmed with the driver that the same right of way (northwest) was clear by the fact that she directed me to enter her lane while I was at the stop sign.

Now the driver of the suv admitted that she waved me through in her statements to police. In addition to that admission I have a witness that approached me after the accident who offered her testimony on my behalf. But the police officer still gave me a citation for “failure to yield right of way”.

I argue that while the suv did have the right of way on the main road originally, a driver can not grant right of way to another vehicle and then take it back. Once right of way is granted, it must remain granted with the other vehicle. Otherwise there would be nothing to stop drivers from “legally” ramming other drivers in this situation for insurance money. Therefore since the suv driver admitted to police that she did indeed grant me right of way, I would like for her to receive a citation for her actions and failure to yield right of way to me, and failure to use due care in granting right of way. But the police refuse to discuss it further, and I won’t get my claim paid by the suv’s insurance unless the police report finds her a fault, which she is.

What else can I do to get this police report changed. Should I go over the officers head to her boss or will they just stick together? How can I find out the law about this specifically in GA?

Nagesh answers:

Well the police report isn’t going to be changed no matter what you do. Once it is typed and filed it’s a done deal. Now in court you can fight this and probably have it dropped. Hire a lawyer because your going to need to do some real legal heavy lifting when it comes to the insurance company. As a final note about “right of way” etc. Even though the suv waived you through the suv still has the “right of way” you do not in this situation. GA might be different, but to my knowledge there is no such thing as waiving your right of way. However, if one does wave you through and then drive into you then of course there is recourse, in the courts. The police are there to document the situation not to make judgement calls on who was truly at fault. I hope this helped.

Daniel asks…

We aren’t really married- what should I do?

Him: divorced 12 years. Me: never married. We have a great, fun, sweet relationship. He asked me in the first year if we could buy a house together in the next few years. I said yes, but I’d like us to be married. I’ve always wanted to be married, and I knew pretty soon that he was it. He was gunshy from his divorce but agreed we would marry. Two years later we found a house and I said it was time to marry. He was weird about and couldn’t say why, hesitated to tell friends and family. I have a great therapist who encouraged me to go forward, saying many men are weird about marriage, especially the second time.

We bought our house and planned a low-key backyard wedding. He remained less than enthused but kept saying he wanted to do it. Then it was time to apply for the license and he couldn’t find his divorce papers. He had his ex-wife search for hers and neither could find them. They called their divorce lawyer, who said he’d never actually filed the papers as neither of them told him to. They were both in shock to find they were still married after 12 years.

I was completely freaked out and thought about cancelling the wedding, but we decided to go through with it and he and his ex would quickly get divorced. The wedding was amazing- all our friends and family there. I felt married and thought of the divorce as just a legal complication.

A month after the wedding, I ran into his ex wife, who revealed that they’d never even filed for divorce, that he’d lied to me about it. She said they weren’t romantically together at all but had stayed married for money and insurance reasons. When I went home and confronted him, he kept insisted that he’d thought they were divorced until he finally broke down and admitted he lied. That he’d been procrastinating the divorce, that once he met me, he kept meaning to get divorced but never got around to it. That once we planned the wedding, he and his ex got together to start the process, got in a big fight about assets and he’d been putting off meeting with her again.

I was a wreck. I couldn’t talk to close friends or family about it, because I knew they’d hate him. My therapist was upset but said it was no cause to leave him. That she understood his divorce procrastination. I decided to stick it out, and he promised he’d make the divorce top priority and then we’d get legally married.

It’s three months later. He’s barely closer to a divorce than he was when we had our wedding. She’s gotten contentious about assests, he’s had an illness, a huge amount of stress at work, and in spite of my periodic meltdowns, hasn’t made the divorce his #1 priority. Now the ex is talking about mediation and seems more reasonable. They plan to meet this week to work out a plan.

But I am sort of losing it. I understand the never-divorcing part. I sort of even understand the procrastination (which he is a master at). But I don’t understand him knowing I am in huge pain and not fast-forwarding the divorce. I want to stay with him- I love him and beleive he is a good, if not flawed, man. I don’t suspect anything with the ex. But I hate this. I feel utterly alone– I am one to talk things over with friends and I can’t do that here. I feel like no one would understand. I’ve gained weight since the wedding. Eating stress, I know. I get really, really angry with him sometimes and he gets angry back. He doesn’t seem to really understand, or want to understand, what a nightmare this is for me.

Nagesh answers:

I am sorry but all the signs were there and you didn’t want to see them, your therapist is not helping at all, she is encouraging you to be in denial. Since the two of you are not married, it would be better for you to move on, you can sell the house and cut all ties with him, he is not someone you can trust. You also need a new counselor. Good luck.

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Monday, September 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Donna asks…

I need to make some extra money on the side. I need to make about $300 to $500 a week. Any ideas?

I work 40 hours a week, and dont have time to GO to another job. Something easy but with guarntee of pay. Nothing that involves “start up” money!

Nagesh answers:

Look at my profile, and visit the site under “about me”…sign up there….here is some information about the site:

This is a site from which you are given the chance to earn money. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $800 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on this web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, this site never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The site doesn’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 2 or 3 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of this website, along with thousands of others, for approximately 1 year now and have earned well over $2500 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Simple!

Susan asks…

I am thinking about starting a hobby to make some money on the side…any ideas??

I am a single mom and work full time and go to college part time and cant seem to make ends meet with prices of everything going up…Im looking to do something in the little spare time that I have that will bring in a couple of extra bucks…I am very creative and am good at sewing, and crafts…any ideas as to what people might be interested in buying for a good price for a quality hand crafted item??


Nagesh answers:

Quilting, purses, baby clothes. Being able to sew is a wonderful asset, u can start anything, just look around for what people are wanting and cater to their needs

Charles asks…

I am looking for ways to make extra money on the side of my current job. Can anyway give me any ideas?

Im in the UK

Nagesh answers:


Laura asks…

Want to get ideas for making GOOD extra money on the side of my full time Job????

anyone have any good ideas for making extra money on the side of your full time job? Looking for legitimate ideas?

Nagesh answers:

My understanding for making GOOD extra money is to make life better, anable to save more and shop more. Peace of mind and better financial in the future plan.

George asks…

How to make extra money with side business?

I need an idea for making quick, easy money on the side, perhaps even on just the weekends. I hear of people doing all sorts of original things. One guy near me grows/sells flax seed for co-op. I hear of people buying from yard sales and selling at flea markets. I need something like this that doesn’t take physical might, as we’re a disabled coupled simply in bad need of money. We don’t want to be a burden on others, so we’re trying to come up with money on our own. I keep thinking about times I see some great price at a yard sale or thrift shop, and I think of how can I buy it and make money on it. I’d love to hear some ideas. Thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

You can sell items on ebay as a source of revenue. A great feature is you can print usps shiping labels & ship from home. USPS will send you free shipping boxes if you use Priority Mail which i always use. Plus if paid online it costs less & you get free delivery confirmation.

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Sunday, September 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mary asks…

Is it possible to make money from online casino?

Is it possible to make money from online casino? I would like to see real working scheme, not bet doubling bullshit.

Nagesh answers:

All casinos are designed to take your money. But you still CAN make money from online casinos.

1. You CAN make money with special bots like – they are designed to take advantage of getting cashable bonuses. They do NOT win, but they lose SLOWLY enough to meet the wagering requirement and get remaining money.
For example, you deposit $200, the casino gives you “welcome” bonus of $200 (so your account has $200+$200=$400), then you have to bet $8,000 (wagering rules differ from casino to casino). If you know how to lose SLOWLY (bots know :)), you can reach this $8,000 threshold with $270 or so in your account. Casino always wins, your account got from $400 to $270. But in fact you makes money due to casino’s bonus – your profit is pure $70 in this example.

2. You CAN make money using cashable bonuses manually, without any bots. But it would take A LOT of your time. And you must have serious skills in games. So this is only for pro gamblers.

3. You CAN make money with most online casinos using their affiliate programs. But this option is only for webmasters who know how to get traffic and how to sell online. Just register with affiliate programs and send traffic to casinos using your affiliate links. Casinos will pay either some share of money spent by “your” gamblers or some fixed reward for each gambler registered through your affiliate link.

4. It was mentioned already, you can launch your own casino, but it requires HUGE initial investment comparing to #1-3. And you will spend huge money each month placing ads all over the Net. If you know the game, you will make bank with your own online casino. But if you know the game, you don’t ask here at Yahoo Answers 🙂

I do not know any other way. Do not try Martingale approach – you can see attractive offers and proofs all over the Net, but it’s a pure scam.

William asks…

What are the most reliable ways out there to make money online?

I am not asking for a get rich quick scheme because that just crap in my opinion..
I mean an honest Online Business (not too technical cause I don’t even know HTML and pls don’t tell me I need a website)
Where I can confidently invest.. No surveys pls .. tried that.. its just plain bull..

Nagesh answers:

Unless you’ve got a marketable ‘mail it in’ skill, all you’ll get
are scams and ‘sell your friends junk’ schemes.
If you can run a spread-sheet, you might look into doing light book-keeping.

Paul asks…

What are some LEGITIMATE ways to make money online?

NO MLM, Matrix, Ponzi Schemes please 🙂

Nagesh answers:


James asks…

is there a way you can make money online that is not a scam or you dont any start up money?

no scams or get rich quick schemes just want to earn a part time income in my spare time on the internet without paying anything up front

Nagesh answers:

A legitimate internet marketing job would be a good fit for you. Start sending out your resume.

Carol asks…

Chocolate Money Making Scheme?

Can you give me some really essential tips to sell chocolate at school for profit? Im going to start small, 20-30 dollars. And where can i buy chocolate online cheap? I live in US Chicago.

Nagesh answers:

try to buy that online there are many websites sell that , it is much cheaper for you , just make sure to select the lowest price , and make sure to submit your mailing address correct , and here is
website that may help you to find your product
hope that help you ,

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Saturday, September 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Donald asks…

Im a kid who need to get money fast.?

Im a young teen who needs to earn money before thanksgiving and for new cloths. But I need help finding how I can get the money. I cant ask my parents if I do an chores for them to pay me and my parents friends with kids dont need a baby sitter right now. I really need some ideas how to get money pretty fast.
No internet websites for cas h kinda thing please

Nagesh answers:

Lawn work is always a great idea. Right now, though, it may not be mowing lawns, but raking them. I spent a good couple of hours raking our yard this weekend, and we have leaves all over the place again. I would pay someone to come rake my yard once a week if some kid asked. I would guess that if you asked around you could find a couple of people in the neighborhood who would pay.
Also…there is not much of an investment needed for that as compared with mowing yards. All you need is gloves, a rake, and some trash bags.

Mark asks…

Does anyone know where I can borrow money FAST??? Need lawyer for divorce w/ husb fightin dirty & hurtin kids

I am a stay at home mom whose husband is playing dirty in a divorce. He took all the money and I have no access to any money. I can’t liquidate any assets (divorce rules) and though I am currently looking for a job, I need an attorney. I have found a great one who will take my case and says I have a great case, but I need the money for a retainer. Does anyone know where I can get money FAST? I don’t currently have a job yet and I just found out that my soon to be ex-husband hasn’t been paying my bills and he has killed my credit. Anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Can’t you just report him or something???

If not you can always borrow from Family and Friends

William asks…

How to raise money fast as a kid?

In the summer of 2012, I and several other students from my school will be going on a humanitarian expedition to Malawi, Africa, to build something beneficial to the locals wherever we end up, such as a well or a school. In order to go on this trip, I will need to raise a grand total of £3445 before the summer. I know how I can go about raising that amount, as I’ve got over a year to do it- but the problem is that the first instalment of £100 is due in just over a week’s time. We only learned about this first instalment idea two days ago, so don’t tell me I’ve left it too late! This is a problem for me because in all honesty, I have no idea how to go about doing it. My dad has given me a helping hand and said he’ll pay the rest if I can get the other £50 before it’s due, but it’s still a lot of money for a 14-year-old to be raising in a week. I’ve already had a few ideas of my own, of course, but I need more in case they aren’t enough- and I have a feeling that they won’t be. I’m putting up an advertisement in the local shop window for my assistance wherever it needs to be used, I’m getting a paper round as soon as my bike’s fixed, me and the rest of my expedition team members have asked a local supermarket for a bag packing position, and I may be getting a part-time job in my dad’s girlfriends shop, but this may not raise enough money within the week. And trust me, I will do practically anything to raise this money. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, pet sit, baby sit, etc. Ask for a $50 loan immediately from your Dad’s girlfriend, in exchange for working the time off later.
Funding Your Volunteering Abroad Trip

Carol asks…

Get money fast for a kid. (14yr old)?

I don’t know my neighbors enough to walk their dogs or petsit or wash their cars etc. I’m thinking about selling something on eBay for 30$. How much would I need for shipping etc? I could Maybe tutor? But who?

Nagesh answers:

Buy candy or gum from a dollar store and sell it to your school friends for a little more. It’s a slow way to earn money, but that extra 50 cents will stack up eventually. You could also do the paper/flyer route. You could get a job at McDonalds. You can sell old things on eBay or Kijiji too. A dirty way to make money is to ask for money from your parents for a “guest speaker” that doesn’t exist, and then pocket that money they gave you. Or get them to buy a “friend” a video game for his “birthday” with a gift receipt, and then return it, giving you a full refund in cash or gift card. There are many possibilities, all you have to do is brainstorm. Hope this helped.

Ken asks…

how could i get money fast for the morning after pill (plan b) OPENN!!?

How can i get $35 for plan b? and i dont have any money? i need to ask my mom but what could i say its for?. && i know all of you are going to say just tell your mom, its okay. you need to be open and all that. and i cant. you dont know my mom. shes old school. and i dont want to make her think ima bad kid. 😐 but i need money fast. by tonight. what could i say its for?.

Nagesh answers:

Get it from the boy who had sex with you without using protection – tell him it is $35 now or 20 years of child support!

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Friday, September 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Lizzie asks…

how can a 15 year old make lodes of money fast online apart from surveys?

hi all im 15 and i need to make lodes of money for my breeding program on reptiles. preferably online jobs that aren’t surveys as i tried that once and they just clogged up my laptop. i don’t usually have the time to do outside jobs which is why i need to work online whist making a lot of money

Nagesh answers:

There are kids on the Web who are making money for themselves, with the help of the parents (parents have to open the accounts the kids need — hosting, advertising, etc)

Hannah Altman, a 10 year old started a website selling pencil toppers, and making good money Ashley Qualls is another example who rode the coattails of MySpace and earned for herself a huge pile of cash

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Ruth asks…

Are there any online website were teens can work and make money fast?

Im trying to save up to get the new (4th gen) ipod touch, but i need a way to earn money FAST without getting a real job. Is there anyway i can earn money online without taking those stupid surveys and doing offers??? please help! thanks (p.s.- i dont any of that “ethical” crap about getting a real job

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, Amazon or Etsy, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

Linda asks…

I need to find a way to make money online FAST.?

So I am a thirteen year old and I want to make some extra cash. So I was wondering if any of you would know how I could make some money ONLINE and preferably NO surveys. I need it to be online because my mom refuses to drive me anywhere or babysit…If you know of anything I would appreciate it very, very, very much. Thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There is NO SUCH THING. There are a FEW legitimate ways to make money online, but NONE of them are fast. Even if you have something to SELL, fast requires giving a SUBSTANTIAL discount.

Daniel asks…

How to make money online fast and easy for PayPal?

I published a book and I need some money to buy a copy. I need a website for surveys where I can make at least $50 to put in my PayPal account. It MUST be legal. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Precisely what is associated with getting a web-based job and how can I turn into a good fit for doing it? Well, that is a quite popular question nowadays and here are some helpful pointers to bear in mind while looking into getting knowledgeable about the internet employment market. In the current uncertain economy, the requirement for getting an additional source of income has become greater and greater everyday for a lot of families. So many people are discovering that online part-time jobs from home could possibly be the perfect solution for people looking for that extra income source to assist or perhaps in many cases replace their existing stream of income. You may be taking into consideration the probabilities of obtaining a job that you can comfortably home business, many times at your own pace and making your own schedule. Is getting and keeping an internet job simple?

David asks…

Take online surveys for money?

I am 7months pregnant and cant work do to my doctors restrictions, so i was wondering if anyone knows of some really great easy to use websites i can go on to do surveys for money. I just need some quick, fast, easy money for gas & groceries! I would really appreciate it.

Nagesh answers:

The rule, as always, is to stay away from those that ask you to pay before you can get these surveys.

Legitimate market survey companies such as Pinecone Research recruit members based on demographic characteristics — e.g. Mothers of babies 0-12 years old — and will send surveys of products and services targeting this demographic group. Pinecone Research, however, pays only $5 per survey — you’re definitely not going to be rich with that. They can give you anywhere from 1-5 at most surveys in a month.

Other companies simply ask you to answer as many research as possible, and you don’t earn anything just the chance to win at a raffle (which I find lame).

Pinecone Research
Harris Poll Online
Survey Spot

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Thursday, September 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Robert asks…

Do you know any good websites or back to work schemes for mentally ill people who want to return to work?

in the uk?

Personally I think the government should give the employer of a person long term mentally ill and on incapacity benefit, half of the money they would have given the employee if they were not working for about six months in order to incentivise the employers, and make it easier for the mentally ill to return to work. Otherwise the long term mentally ill have hardly any chance of getting a job with so much discrimination about.
The employer wins out by getting the money. The employee wins out by been given a more level playing field and a chance to prove himself and bypass discrimination. The government wins out because they only pay half and after six months they stop paying it and get someone of incapacity benefit.
Rant over.
Has anyone got an answer to my original question

Nagesh answers:

~You have good suggestions, unfortunately, I don’t think you’re giving them to the right people.
I don’t know about the UK, but in the states, we have thrift stores called “Goodwill” and they hire disabled/handicapped people.
Good luck.~

Sandra asks…

In the UK, it’s very difficult to buy a house as a first-time buyer, do you recommend this scheme?

Basically, at the beginning of a 5 year term with the landlord, the tenant and the landlord agree a sale price for five years time. You then rent the property at it’s rental value for 5 years. Now, 75% of this rental goes into a pot along with your deposit, and the landlord only keeps 25%. After 5 years, 75% of your rental + your deposit can then be used to put down a deposit to gain a mortgage and buy the property from the landlord at the agreed sale price.

So, here is my scenario. The property at present is worth between £50,000 and £52,000. According to trends and estimates, in 2016 (5 years from now) the property will be work around £70,000. The agreed sale price is £70,000, and the deposit £700.

Rental, per month, is £350. At the end of the 5 year term, we will have £16,450 to go down as a deposit to buy the property. This is much higher than most first-time buyers so it seems to be a good plan. However, both the tenant and the landlord take a risk, because the agreed sale price cannot change. If it is worth more than the agreed sale price, we will make money on the property, but the landlord will lose out, However there is also a chance that it will be worth less than the agreed sale price, and then we will be in negative equity on our first property.

What I am asking, is do you think this is a good scheme, or do you not recommend it?
The property market is expected to be at it’s peak again in 2016. The property at the moment is in need of modernising, so is worth less than it would usually
The landlord is my mum, and she’s doing this to attempt to help us get onto the property market. If the property is worth less than £70k she’s said she won’t let us go into negative equity and will only sell it to us for what it’s worth. But if it’s worth more than £70k, say, she won’t charge over £70k for it. We’re very lucky for her to be doing this, I just wondered what people’s opinion on the scheme was.

Nagesh answers:

In what world would the house be worth nearly 40 percent more in 5 years!?!

John asks…

Cheap wedding ideas please 🙂 (UK)?

I’m not made of money and I don’t have a money tree at the end of the garden (unfortunately!)
But… I do want my day to be perfect.
We are having the church wedding and then the reception at a golf club.
I’m thinking of ways to save money??
Like make my own favours, get my own decorations, make my own invites, make my own table centre pieces. Any ideas would be much appreciated 🙂
We are getting married in September 2011 and the colour scheme is Ivory, Chocolate brown & Pink.
Thank you xxxxx

Nagesh answers:

Simples go without the expensive church and golf club ..we used a registry office and 4 gazebos and my daughters garden with 128 guests did all our own catering and family and friends cars (nice skubbies) flowers made from warehouse and red hot day made it perfect ..its love and friends that make the perfect wedding not how much you spend ….just cut back

Michael asks…

Regarding tenant deposit protection scheme in UK?

As a former tenant I am currently in dispute with my former landlord about my deposit on the property.

I was in a house share and we accept that dilapidations over the £1000 deposit were against the property and are now trying to come to a fair price on top of the deposit to pay for this, nothing is yet resolved.

The lettings agent sent me a letter asking me to sign and return it within 7 days to them to release the deposit to the landlord, I then received a letter 3 days later telling me they had already released it without my permission. I have since told them that I am seeking legal advice regarding the matter and they have responded telling me they want permission and that it was never released in the first place, despite the fact that I have it in writing that it has been. I beleive that they are trying to make me agree to it in retrospect in order to justify their actions

Is this lawful that before a settlement is agreed that they can release the deposit?

I accept that it is more complicated by the fact that I owe money on top of this however that has not yet technically been resolved and so in theory I may even be owed money.

Nagesh answers:

I am in NSW Australia. This sounds similar to our rental laws.

You are 100% right. Just at the moment you have not agree to anything.

Has the letting agent advised you of any problems?

I suspect the smart move would be to write to them saying something along the lines of:

I accept the suggestion to use the £1000 to finalise matters between us. I have enjoyed doing business with you as I have always seen you as a fair agent, I wish you all the best.

I do understand that your primary wish right now is to have the property in a usable condition as soon as possible. Would you please acknowledge you have received and forwarded this my consent for you to make full use of my deposit. I like to know that all is done correctly.

Signed. Dated.

The beauty of a response today is that later if they dragged this into a court you can put it to the court that they have already confirmed that all is in order, by accepting the offer to retain the £1000 deposit and this was confirmed in writing. If there was a problem they should not have accepted your offer to settle. Instead they should have advised you of the problem.

This twist will be so confusing that no one will know whats right or wrong.

Betty asks…

Why are ordinary folk to be charged even more departure tax at UK airports, yet in a private jet , no TAX ?

Why are ordinary people being charged departure tax at UK airports, yet anyone with a private jet can leave for nowt?

Labour claim this is an environmental tax – yet private jet passengers produce masses of CO2 and are well placed to pay this tax.

It’s the rich that get the pleasure and the poor that gets the pain.

Thank god UK tax payer’s money is being well spent on the scrapage scheme – keeping tens of thousands of designers and assembly workers in jobs in car plants throughout Europe and the Far East and 100s of suited car salesmen in jobs in the UK .

We really are a nation of shop keepers – we make nowt. So much for the seat of the industrial revolution. Labour have continued what the Tories began – the industrialisation of the UK .

Well done Gordon – more money down the pan – Merchants bankers, foreign cars makers, MPs’ expenses, 5 million unemployed or on benefits, 40 % devaluation of the Pound – where will it end?

An economic miracle for sure Mr Prudence.
Hi ans 2,

the stig look-a-like.

There is no tax on aviavtion fuel, that’s why its cheaper to fly from London to Scotland, or to Europe, than is is to take a car, bus, or train, or ferry as these all pay fuel tax, road tax, tolls etc, but are far less polluting than flying.

So Labour are taxing ordinary folk and letting the tax avioing rich / super rich off the hook – both on fuel tax and departure tax.

Take the bankers, there are not rich through hard work or innovation, merely dipping into the nation’s till to the tune of £1 trillion – so pensions funds, endownments etc are worth nowt and the banks have in effect gone bust, yet still paying themsevles £billions in bonouses.

Labour even let the rich but houses at 0.5% shares tax, instead of the 3 or 4 % stamp duty that working / middle classes have to pay when buying a place to live.
Yo Bis’

I did your link – ta.

It says this

Where an aircraft is certificated as having an authorised take off weight of less than ten tonnes or fewer than twenty seats for the passengers, then it is exempt from the duty.

So there we have it – no tax.

I can see the big picture !!!!

Today as over 100s of years, the rich have taken the poor for a ride and continiue to do so, backed by the government – So the poor pay too much tax and the rich too little.

Big picture !!

Nagesh answers:

Because politicians don’t travel economy class and they need to keep their private jet travel costs down now that their expenses are being watched by the newspapers!

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Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Chris asks…

Is there any Bussiness from home, named google cash cow. I had paid mony INR1300 through pay pal.?

I had paid US$ 30 through paypal on 6 January 2008 for the purchase a product of google cash cow. This is for the earning money through internet from home or Office. But till date I haven’t received any delivery or e-maill from theire side about that . I don’t understand is it scam or true. Because such a big name Google cann’t cheat anybody like this.

Please reply.


Krishan Kumar Dudeja

Nagesh answers:

Those are scams, they use the google name but are not affiliated with Google.

Daniel asks…

How can I earn money from home through internet?

Make money from internet.

Nagesh answers:

If you have a tumblr, you can put ads on them, and whenever someone clicks the ad, you get money. You’d have to have a popular tumblr that got views, though.

Sandra asks…

Is it real to earn money at home through internet?

I have heard but I dint find any such genuine site. Please help.

Nagesh answers:

William asks…

How earn money at home through INTERNET in Bangladesh? How earn +$20,000 US DOLLARS per month? ?

Nagesh answers:

That’s a really high goal. Sure, it is doable — but you really need to have a high quality, high traffic site.

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

Jenny asks…

How i can earn money at home in pakistan?

I want to earn money through internet at home.What’s the right way to do as such task?

Nagesh answers:

Earn money at home usng freelance work on net

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Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Michael asks…

Hey im 16 years old and i really need a car. I need to make money fast, any ideas? No stupid answers plz?

I want this car that is about 2,500. and its a beautiful car, but i have no money and i need to get it really really fast.

Nagesh answers:

The best thing is borrow someone money then tell them your going to pay them back by workin… Other then that i have no idea your only 16… Get a job…

George asks…

I need some ideas for making money like odd jobs or under the table jobs, and where to find them. Any ideas?

I’m in a small town in Cali. and need to make some fast money. Situation is getting grim. The more ideas I can get the better.

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit to find how to earn money easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on free!!!
All information on free!!!

Mary asks…

Ways to make money fast or fundraising ideas?

I am trying to help a local animal shelter that is in desperate need of funds. They have ran out and are currently unable to provide all the medical care needed for their animals, so I am trying to help them make money. I cannot pay for their treatment, but it is killing me to watch them suffer. Any ideas would be great. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

My first suggestion would be to start asking for small donations from friends, family and contacts.

Design a sponsor sheet that you can print out that takes down details of your sponsors like name, address/email address, and amount donated. A sponsor sheet just makes the donation more personal which helps encourage people to donate. They feel better about donating because they are going to be remembered. You also have their details now to thank them later and to also advertise your other fundraisers to them. You should speak to as many people as possible.

The next thing would be to start a Facebook page/cause that links to a method of donating to you online. Consider using a company like Paypal. Then you should invite all your friends on Facebook to join the cause and to help out by donating a small amount of money or by taking part in one of your other fundraisers. Write the best and most emotional pulling invitation message you can. Try get people to really understand the extent of your cause and make them feel involved already.

Make sure you continually update your FB page with news of how your fundraising is going and also how the animals are fairing. Use images of the animals to help encourage people to donate! Images are great tools to use on people’s emotions!

You can then also consider approaching local business, asking them to get involved in your wonderful cause by helping out and sponsoring.

Then you can start doing some fundraisers. Go to Rewarding Fundraising Ideas and look around at all the fundraising ideas there. You’ll find some great ideas and advice on running those fundraisers properly!

Their are a couple of fundraisers I would suggest…

The Magazine Fundraiser (my number 1 recommendation), Credit Card Fundraiser, Cookie Dough Fundraiser, and the Free, Taking To The Streets fundraiser. There are also many other great fundraisers that you will find.

I really hope your fundraising goes well and that you help the animal shelter out. Good Luck!

Susan asks…

I want to buy a new camera. I need camera and money making ideas!?

I want to buy a new camera soon because mine is starting to get old and it’s messing up a lot. Plus I just want a new camera. lol
Anyway! I want to know any ideas for good cameras and cheap prices.
Plus I need ways to get money fast! I baby sit during the summer but thats too long to wait! lol
Please help!!


Ally Katt

Nagesh answers:

Since you’re a little limited on money, here are a few of some really cool cameras out there.

Sony – Cyber-shot 12.1-Megapixel Digital Camera
Very cute camera, awesome image quality, and it has video. Also, it has the popular “smile shutter” feature. If you’re on this setting, it will automatically take a photo every time the subject smiles or laughs. Very, very popular feature. $199.99 at Best Buy and getting great reviews.

FUJIFILM – FinePix 10.0MP Digital Camera
Good image quality, cool design, and comes in a lot of bright colors. Not sure what it is you’re wanting to take pictures of, but this kind of camera is great for photos of friends, families, anything general. It doesn’t have a whole lot of customizable settings, but it’s a great camera for the price of $149.99 and is a fun camera.

Nikon – CoolPix 10.0-Megapixel Digital Camera
Fun camera…it has a touchscreen and is very portable and lightweight. Also, at Best Buy they are selling it for $179.99 but that comes with a case AND memory card. It also has the smile shutter feature that I talked about earlier.

Good luck with your camera!!! Maybe you could get a job this summer or do some extra chores around the house. Also, Best Buy has started a program where if you bought something from them (like a camera), then you can trade it in for some cash. You don’t need the receipt or anything because they can track the order. Just something to think about 🙂

John asks…

How can i make Money money and fast PUMP you ideas here so we can all make money yesssssssss?

really need to make money ANY IDEAS ????
Tell me how how how how

Nagesh answers:

Stop messing on here and get a job.

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Monday, September 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Helen asks…

Disney money fund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow, congrats! Yeah im doing kind of the same thing with my friends, the three of us are all saving up like $600 to go to disneyland on the last day of school =)
okay, i suggest having a garage sale if you can. Thats what my friends and i are planning on doing and it seems like an easy way to make money and clean out your house to me.
Also see if your parents have any jobs around the house for you to do, and see how much you can get them to pay you for it. See if you can water your moms garden or paint or anything they need done around the house!
Also, if you babysit, try to get as many jobs as you can and see if you can get referred to your clients friends! Any little odd job you can think of will help, i know because im in your shoes =) haha
my last suggestion is see if your parents will pay you for getting good grades. That would be like extra money to save up for your trip if you can get it!
Good luck!!!

Mandy asks…

How can a teenager like me earn money online?

hi im 14 years old turning 15. i would like to earn money online.
and i would like to earn money fast. i from malaysia. and im mixed (malaysian- american).
i am indeed an international student and i pretty much move to many places.
currently i am now living in china (shanghai).
i had try many suggestion that i found from the internet about making money online.
several website that i found about taking offer and making product survey and they would willing to pay you literally $0.50- $4.00. But on my case china is not a country where there’s many offers to take. so its quite hard for me to earn money online.
Please Help!
is there any other way to earn money online? something that is free and please NO SCAM.
i am desperate to earn money online.
any suggestion or ideas would be appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Try microworkers:

It’s a site that pays you for completing tasks set by other users! Such as signing in at a site, buzz or digg a site, rate a video on youtube, write an article, post to a forum , etc.
Tasks are ranging from 0.10 up to 1.5 dollars per task, and you can do as many tasks as you want.
Pays to paypal and alert pay and by cheque. Minimum pay out is 9.00 dollars which can be achieved in a matter of days.
But make sure you enter your CORRECT mailing address to receive the pin code needed to request payment ( first time only).
Good Luck

Sandy asks…

i want to go to disneyworld. my favorite place!!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You need to figure out what types of jobs people don’t want to do, and do it for them.
You can start a business where weekly you clean up dog poo from people’s yards. Or mow lawns, or come to their house to wash their cars. If you are good at organizing, then help people to clean out their garages & attics. Or give your time to help someone organize a garage sale. Or even be an in home doggy day care. Stop by people’s homes during the day while they are at work, to let their dogs out and play with them for awhile. Many people do not like to let their dogs stay at home by themselves all day. Or heck, even post an ad that you will clean out someones fridge. Right now I am trying to find someone that lives close to me that will come by weekly and vacuum my steps. There are so many things that people are willing to just pay someone to do, many people dont’ have time, focus on those tasks.

Think of all sorts of things you are willing to do then post flyers. Be up front about what you want to charge, your time is valuable, and be sure to have references for people.

Paul asks…


am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I live right near there… I used to go every other weekend, and then I got sick of it. It’s over rated. 🙂 I would put that money to better use. :] Otherwise, just do chores, etc.


Betty asks…

What do you think of my book project?

I did a book project on the book I read chew on this. Please read all of it and tell me what you would grade it if you were my teacher! Any ideas on improving it?


Book by Eric Shlosser and Charles Wilson. Report by Zach Samani

The book I read was chew on this and it was about how fast food can be dangerous. It talks about the disguting way they make fast food, what they put in it, how much americans eat of it, how people get sick from it and how much money the companys are making from it. Here are some facts.

1)Americans spend more money on fast food than education.

2) If you took the billions of burgers people have eaten and put them in a straight line they could circle the Earth more than thirty two times.

3) Every day one out of every ten americans visit a fast food resaruant.

4) Every day one out of every 14 people visit a McDondalds restaruant.

5) Hundreds of teens everyday gey stomach surgery from all the fat from the fast food.

You see fast food has been going on for nearly 100 years. Since then in america so many restaruants (espesially Mc Dondalds) have been puting WAY TOO MUCH FAT in the food they sell and always hide it. Have you ever seen a fast food commercial? You know how they always put skinny, happy people eating fast food like there’s nothing wrong with it and it’s perfectly healthy. All they ever talk about is the toys they have to make children whine for their fast food. That’s there main goal for fast food commercials. You see the toys they sell are really small, bad and cheap. They get them in huge packages and give one to every happy meal which makes the toy 5-15 cents. Then once they make a commercial about it they attract about 50% more people. It’s actually the kids that always make there parents pick the place to eat out. Then when they stop for a happy meal not only do they sell food to the kids but usually adults find something to eat too so they get a whole pack of people at once.

When it comes to jobs it’s the fast food jobs that people are always quiting. Usually when people find a job they intend to keep for many years. At fast food restaruants jobs only last approximately 3 months. Okay, you might be thinking that’s only because it’s mostly teenagers and when they grow up they go to college and find a job that pays better. Well actualy, it’s because of the smelly grease, careless managers and minimum wage. Usually teens find a job and a fast food restaruant when they’re 16-18 years old. They also still want to work not only at the end of high school but during colledge too. There is a story in chew on this about a kid named paul. He was a really good worker. Whenever there were people out on the job he was always there to help and espesially nice to his customars. He was always employ of the mont too. One day all the workers were given a grade for there work to get promotions. On the good side there was exceptional worker, reliable worker, good worker, and best worker. Paul was best but McDonalds was so cheap and ungenorous they gave Paul reliable worker which meant next to last. It also meant that he was promoted only 10 more cents an hour. From $5.15 to $5.25 per hour. After a whole week it would barely add up for enouph to buy a big mac. He looked around and noticed everyone else got poor grades too. In fact Paul was actually scored best becasue everyone else was scored at last place so they didn’t get promoted at all. Paul was very hurt so he quit since then he’s been going around giving a bad name for McDondalds and tried to sue the restaruant for selling terrible food and giving ufair pay to its workers but he was unsuccesful.

Fast food will probably finally fall one die but in the mean time americans should do whatever they can to show what fast food does, how it hurts people and later on can kill them and how the company doesn’t care.

Nagesh answers:

Looks good, dont know whatid rate it, and alos i wouldnt have puit this out cuz now other ppl can just copy and use ur info which prob. Took u awhiole to find

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