Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

Betty asksā€¦

How to get alot of money fast in an appropiated way.?

I need a lot of money ! I need it quick , If somebody knows how to get a lot of money fast in an appropriate way , please tell me. Is an emergency !
My grandma hitted her head and she has a brain clot and the cirugy cost 14,000 dollars .
I know I can’t get all that money so fast but at least I wanna cooperative with my grandmas cirugy.

Nagesh answers:

I would try to get a job if not that than sell lemonade at a lemonade stand or even a car wash.
I’m so sorry about your grandpa šŸ™

Donna asksā€¦

What are a lot of ways to make money fast im 13 and saving up for some clothes!?

Im 13 and want to get some clothes and have some extra money for spring break so i need it fast!
Please tell me some quick easy/hard ways to get it!
Dont write babysitting please:)

Nagesh answers:

If you have an iPod, iPad, iPhone, or Android download an app called App Trailers then. You simply watch app trailers, it’s fun and easy. I have earned 51$ in a couple days, good luck! šŸ™‚

Use the bonus code rulers for a premium 1$ invite.

Lizzie asksā€¦

How to get money fast on clubpenguin?

I need money to buy the new igloo but I need it fast. No hacking! And I mean ALOT of money. Please help. And remember I need the money quick.

Nagesh answers:

I suggest u play pizza tron if u complete the whole game with no mistakes u get 1000 coins! So if u play it 5 times that 5000 coins! Also if u play cartsurfer u get about 200-400 coins on each game so play that about 5 times and u should have like 7000 coins total and also play surf i get like 300 coins each game so play it 5 times and u get 1500 coins and u have a total of 8500 coins! Then if u want u can play fishing for 175 coins and 300 for coffe beans game and about 100 for thin ice and 300 for the game at the dock. Hope u get a lot of money!

Chris asksā€¦

How can I make Money Fast?

I need to earn money fast for Christmas. I am 16 but can’t get a job because I have too much going on in my life right now. I have sports and preparation for sports not in season and also studying for school. I barely have anytime for my friends even. I need to make money fast for Christmas and don’t know how to do it. Any suggestions?
I really don’t have anything to sell. I try not to keep useless stuff around and trust me I’ve already tried that with what little I do have to sell.

Nagesh answers:

Ebay, Craigslist.

Selling some green is always fast too.

Sandy asksā€¦

How can you get money fast but not like going to the peach tree or something :/?

The only reason I’m really doing this is cause i need to ask a question on here and this is what i thought of but really how do you get fast money? (NOT a lemonade sale, borrowing money, or getting from parents.)

Nagesh answers:

Here are some tips:

Consider day labor. There are employment agencies that specialize in this type of arrangement, and you can get paid at the end of the workday. The jobs you find through an agency can vary, but are usually in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. An alternative to finding day labor is to go where other day laborers meet (usually street corners or parking lots) and wait for employers (building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners).

Sell something. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don’t listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two.

Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. A sign that is witty or details something interesting is more likely to have people stop and help than one filled with a litany of complaints about being down and out.

“Donate” plasma. Plasma is a component of blood, and the process is similar to donating blood. You’re not permitted to actually sell your plasma, but you can be compensated for your time spent donating (and essentially, it’s like selling your plasma). Your blood is drawn, the plasma is separated, and the red blood cells are returned to your body. In the United States, you can make US$20-30 per visit and give plasma twice a week, but you must weigh at least 110 pounds, be between the ages of 18 and 59, and be in good health.[1] Many college students do this to make extra cash. If you haven’t been to the doctor in a while, this may be a good way to get a free health checkup.

Recycle. Broke because you bought too much soda? Turn the old cans into cash by bringing them in to be recycled. If you don’t have your own cans, go looking for them in trash cans or along busy roads, especially rural roads. Call up several recyclers to compare prices. If you live in a state with a bottle or can deposit system, you may be able to get 5 or 10 US cents per container. Other scrap metals are also worth something, so if you’ve got a big pile of scrap in your backyard or you know of an illegal dumpsite, you can pick it up in your truck and anywhere from 1 or 2 cents per pound for scrap steel to considerably more for metals such as copper or aluminum.

Become a moving advertisement. Creative marketing companies might be willing to pay you to get their name out there.

Work online. There are numerous online work options. Be very careful about what is expected of you though and be very wary if there is a need to pay for anything up front. Realize that a lot of online work is tedious, pays poorly and may not result in fast returns of cash for you. As far as “quick” options go, this one may not be your best choice.

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Friday, September 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Forums

Maria asksā€¦

How much can you earn from website advertisements?

I am completely new to websites, so sorry if this question is a bit vague!

I want to know the different earning schemes – such as pay per click or any other ways to earn money off of a website.

I also want to know how much money you can earn off each scheme, for example – one click.

I know there are a lot of variables so I will give an example:
My website will be a forum on health that has about 100 visitors a day and i want to make some money from the visitors through advertisements (or any other way).

Exact or rough figures would be appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You’ll make MAYBE 20-30 cents a day.

Laura asksā€¦

Small business Idea – Local goods/arts retail shop?

Here is an idea I am dreaming and scheming up. I would really like to know peoples thoughts. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I will provide the general concept, as I am confident being able to hammer out the details.

Mid-Sized city / plenty of money in the area / artistic culture

Retail shop designed to sell locally made goods (anything from: art, clothing, nic-nacs, etc). We will network within the area to find local artists, hobbyists, creative folk to have their goods displayed in our store. We will sell these goods on commission. We hold no real inventory, as we are the middleman between the community and the sellers. We would focus on stuff that sells (my background) but will provide the ability for anyone to display their wares, regardless of how few wares they have. It will all be hand crafted / upcycled / creatively refurbished.

We will heavily focus on advertisement and the idea that there is a viable place for local people to buy/sell locally made goods, regardless how large or small their operation is. Art and creative ventures are all around us and it will connect the community in a different way. We will also focus on AFFORDABLE goods (<$50). If anyone knows, this would be a retail version of that website.

We would also provide a space for community forums and workshops, focusing on the arts and creative ventures.

As I see it: Fixed costs are very low. The initial start up costs (remodeling / buying cash handling equipment / inventory system) will obviously be minimized to the fullest extent. Rent is fairly cheap. We will hold NO real inventory, nothing will be paid for as it is displayed by folks and we would take a certain % to cover our costs of running the business.

This could be a not-for profit, as I am not interested in making as much money as I can. We would have a team of 3-4 people at max running this.

Obviously this idea is not a money maker, it is not meant to be. IT IS meant to be a sustainable small business and provide a living wage for those passionate about art and creating a more cohesive community.

What do you all think?

Thanks so much! Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

The idea is great. Perhaps you just need to focus more on marketing strategies.

Sharon asksā€¦

Help with small business idea – Local retail arts co-op?

Here is an idea I am dreaming and scheming up. I would really like to know peoples thoughts. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I will provide the general concept, as I am confident being able to hammer out the details.

Mid-Sized city / plenty of money in the area / artistic culture

Retail shop designed to sell locally made goods (anything from: art, clothing, nic-nacs, etc). We will network within the area to find local artists, hobbyists, creative folk to have their goods displayed in our store. We will sell these goods on commission. We hold no real inventory, as we are the middleman between the community and the sellers. We would focus on stuff that sells (my background) but will provide the ability for anyone to display their wares, regardless of how few wares they have. It will all be hand crafted / upcycled / creatively refurbished.

We will heavily focus on advertisement and the idea that there is a viable place for local people to buy/sell locally made goods, regardless how large or small their operation is. Art and creative ventures are all around us and it will connect the community in a different way. We will also focus on AFFORDABLE goods (<$50). If anyone knows, this would be a retail version of that website.

We would also provide a space for community forums and workshops, focusing on the arts and creative ventures.

As I see it: Fixed costs are very low. The initial start up costs (remodeling / buying cash handling equipment / inventory system) will obviously be minimized to the fullest extent. Rent is fairly cheap. We will hold NO real inventory, nothing will be paid for as it is displayed by folks and we would take a certain % to cover our costs of running the business.

This could be a not-for profit, as I am not interested in making as much money as I can. We would have a team of 3-4 people at max running this.

Obviously this idea is not a money maker, it is not meant to be. IT IS meant to be a sustainable small business and provide a living wage for those passionate about art and creating a more cohesive community.

What do you all think?

Thanks so much! Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Interesting idea. Might work out better to charge a set fee for a display rather than commission.
You can also probably get a good deal of money from the government in grants etc.
I can help you set up a social media campaign, wordpress based site, or informational website at no cost. I’m looking to build my site portfolio. Leave your email and a comment if you are interested and I’ll catch up with you.

Ruth asksā€¦

(UK) What happens if a housing benefit claim has been overpaid?

I made a housing benefit claim whilst I was off work. A payment was made but they requested further information after the payment had been made and I did not supply the information in time. I returned to work and informed the housing benefit of this. I then received a letter saying I owed them the money back as I had not supplied the original info they asked for and the original claim was cancelled and I would have to make a new claim.

I wrote back informing them that I would supply the original info they wanted for the old claim and they again stated that I needed to fill in a new claim as time for me to appeal against the decision to close the old claim had expired.

There is a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy involved in making a new claim and I feel that to do so is a waste of everyone’s time including my own as I am now very busy at work plus I am very mistrustful of the government organisation and their methods of handling a new claim as I know they have you going back and forth and ask for all sorts of information that is time consuming and inconvenient to gather, I also feel that if I even tick one box (such as ‘Have you or any member of your fanily ever been involved in a war widow’s scheme’ that doesn’t concur with my original claim then they will start to get really heavy-handed and cause additional bueracracy problems.

I want to know if anyone has had any experience with a matter like this as I am rather inclined to just supply the original paperwork they want for the old claim and adopt a ‘take me to court’ attitude as I feel I am very much in the right because the old claim had all the information they wanted and I played ball right up until I started work.

However, having checked the internet I have seen a leaflet from another Council stating that the court don’t actually see appeals and the council can go straight to balliff stage. It also said that there is another committee that decides whether an original claim can be reinstated but it is unclear about how this procedure works

The way I see it I have a few options

1) Provide the original info they wanted for the old claim,

2) Fill in a new claim (I have asked for a copy of my original claim form as I didn’t photocopy it. Their latest letter to me doesn’t refer to this so I’m unsure whether they’re being omissive or just aren’t legally obliged to provide it)

3) Get a solicitor involved (what type of solicitor would this have to be)

A large part of me really wants to fight this to the conclusion as I believe their procedures are wrong and if they apply to me then they apply to everyone and it is unfair on people who don’t have my resolve.

Another part of me is tempted to just jump through their hoops all over again and fill in the new claim and spend hours and hours on the whole process.

I’ve yet to decide which option I’m going to take but I would be very grateful for as much information as possible to help me come to this decision whether it be your previous experience, forum or website llinks etc.

Also direct answers to the following questions if you can:

1) How does the ‘board of appeal’ process work that appears to have replaced the need to go to court?

2) Am I legally entitled to a copy of the old claim?

3) If I lose how do they go about getting their money. Can I make the payment in instalments or do they just make you pay the whole lot (it is about 2K)

Very long-winded post this but as I said, any pointers would be really appreciated.



Nagesh answers:

Most of the other answers are half right half wrong.

Housing Benefit is administered by local councils. When they make decisions, you can usually appeal them; you have one month to do so. After that, you will have to give a good reason why you are late in appealing. Your question indicates you are out of time to appeal. You can still try; it may be allowed to proceed.

You don’t give enough information about how the overpayment occurred. The basic principle is that if an overpayment is made and it’s the claimant’s fault, it will be recoverable. If it’s the HB office’s fault it will only be recoverable if it is reasonable to expect the claimant to have realised s/he was being overpaid. The second part of that is unfair and is quite challengable. You as the claimant are entitled to expect the council to get things right and you cannot be blamed for their mistakes. This works; I’ve done it.

I would suggest you submit an appeal, giving your reasons for not doing so as pressure of work, DON’T tell them you couldn’t be bothered with the paperwork as that – even if it matters to you – won’t make any difference.

If your appeal is allowed to go ahead, the matter will be referred to an independent tribunal. The tribunal consists of people who are nothing to do with the council or government, but understand the regulations. In other benefit tribunals, there will be at least one legally qualified person. The council should send at least one “presenting officer”; s/he will present the case and why the authority thinks the overpayment is recoverable, you then argue why it isn’t. The tribunal can question both of you. You can be represented, if you can find someone who will do it. The decsion will be made on what the law allows, nothing else.

If you lose and you’re no longer getting Housing Benefit they will pursue the debt through the civil courts – the County Court. As others say here, you can make an offer to pay by instalments.

You can e-mail me if you want more info.

Carol asksā€¦

PS3 FREE – UK ONLY – Do You Want One?

Please note this offer is only available in UK. Thanks

This is a genuine offer to get yourself a completely free, new Playstation 3 console delivered once it has been released. The offer has been accredited by the BBC and many people have got their consoles through this and similar schemes.

How it works:

Marketing companies value having their services viewed; these referral schemes generate traffic to the company’s websites, of which a percentage will purchase their product. This means that by signing up to this website and getting a small number of other people to do the same, at least 11 people view websites, of which perhaps 1 person goes ahead to buy their service, or keep a free trial going, and thus generates money. This is why the companies can afford to give away free consoles to you, even if you dont purchase a thing!

Proof it works

BBC Newsnight feature on how it works

The link below is to a website showing people who have got their items:

What to do:

1. Click this link

2. Sign up to the website and complete one offer ( I highly recommend the Screen Select/LoveFilm trial, as it is a completely free 30 day trial with no obligations. Simply register, put in all your details, choose 10 movies, sit back and wait a few days until the giveaway site gives you credit and cancel the trial, no need to pay a thing!)

3. Refer just 13 people to do the same (other sites ask for 22 referrals, honestly just check on Ebay). You can ask your friends, or make adverts on ebay like I am doing, and the referrals should rack up fairly quickly

4. wait for your free console to arrive once it is released. Just think others will be forking out Ā£500-Ā£600 for this. Maybe even more, you know how competitive these consoles can be when they are first released.

I have already received 2 X Box 360s using this offer. It is so simple. Go for it!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Triangle schemes don’t work pal, so don’t try it.

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Thursday, September 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Forums

David asksā€¦

is it all for the money??

“This is the beginning, not the end,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in an interview with The Associated Press. “We will have to engage in more complex, long and difficult negotiations.”

The document does not commit countries to specific actions against global warming. It was limited to setting an agenda and schedule for negotiators to find ways to reduce pollution and help poor countries adapt to environmental changes by speeding up the transfer of technology and financial assistance.

Theres your proof that global warming is a money making scheme, a scam, this whole BALI forum crap was just a sideshow, to distract people from the fact that this whole blobal rape that is about to come to a rearend near you is all about getting money AWAY from those who have some, and GIVING IT TO those who dont have it. Period, a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT AGENCY TO REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH.

Nagesh answers:

You stated it well,a long time ago my father told me follow the money and he was right in every situation try to find out who stands to make a buck and it is easier to see why they take the positions they do.

George asksā€¦

How do you make money through Amway?

OK so I went to this business meeting yesterday about Amway and they told me that it’s not an illegal pyramid scheme and that I’d be able to make passive recurring income (basically money without labour). I’d have to recruit people into my “team”, and the more people i have under me the more I’ll earn. So they said they wouldn’t pester me with their product advertising etc. So how do these guys (at the top), and me actually make money? (i joined yesterday through trusting a friend)

I’ve read about them in online forums, which basically say you’ll earn nothing if you sell nothing. So would I have to buy these products and sell them myself? If my parents have a grocery store can i leave it for them to sell these Amway drinks?

Thanks in advance

I hope this is not a scam, and I’m relying on the 90 day money-back guarantee to save my a**s if no income comes through in the next 89 days.

And how do you sell these things? Sure you have to be a good talker, and seller with many friends or family members? They didn’t mention any of this during the meeting, which i find odd and suspicious… So basically, it isn’t really recurring income if you have to devote so much of your time to making sales and thus earning percentages to get to the next level etc.?

Nagesh answers:

To qualify for the “passive income”, you’ll likely have to spend many years of working full-time. In my time the promised passive income was in the range of 400-500$ (and a next stage of over 1000$), and I can’t remember anyone who made it that far.

You do need to have a lot of family connections, or many friends. It won’t work very well on strangers. Not that it’s going to work very well on your family, they will usually only do it to support you, which is what Amway is counting on. Still, don’t expect that a lot of people will agree to sign up or buy things. Most will simply start avoiding you at some point.

To make money, you need to both sell products and recruit people, and the people you sign up have to succeed as well. By design, you need to recruit new people on a regular basis to qualify for anything worthwhile. Also keep in mind that by signing up your friends and family, you’re actually causing them to lose time and money, since a lot of people never manage to earn anything from it.

Guys at the top don’t exactly make money like you do. They were in it from the beginning, so everyone else including you is making money for them. They also don’t just sell products or sign up people. A large chunk of their income comes from books and motivational speeches, which you are often encouraged to buy (your superiors might tell you that you need them if you want to succeed). They also usually have other investments, so Amway is only a part of their income, and not a fundamental one.

Your friend means well, but you should do some calculations and make an estimate on how much you’ll actually have to invest, how much time you’re likely to spend, and how many people would actually be interested. In other words – market research. This is business, there’s no room for trusting friends.

Mandy asksā€¦

Pyramid Scheme? Chain mail letter ‘please put me on your mailing list?’?

Have you ever received one of these letters? You have 6 names you are supposed to send $1 to with a note asking them to ‘add me to your mailing list’, then add your name to the bottom of the list and send out 200 letters?

I received one of these in the mail yesterday and went online to do a little research. It looks like this is a pyramid scheme, which makes it illegal.


If you have a forum like this one, and ask people if they are willing to participate, and they say ‘yes’, is it still a scheme? I mean, if everyone is completely up front with their expectations and actions, why is it a pyramid scheme? If free will is an intrinsic right of every person, and if this isn’t hurting anyone, but helping everyone by making money, why is it illegal? I read that pyramid schemes are a ‘crime of persuasion’. How are you persuaded if you are up front and understand the expectations and consequences?

Nagesh answers:

It’s still illegal, because the entire transaction is illegal.

Pyramid schemes are considered fraudulent because the last several levels of participants never get paid. It’s NOT correct to assume that “this isn’t hurting anyone, but helping everyone by making money, why is it illegal?”

Think about it…if “everyone” is making money, where is the money coming from? All a pyramid scheme does is transfer money around not create money.

A pyramid scheme dies when you run out of new people to bring into the scheme (either because the whole community has now bought in, or because everyone who was willing to buy into / fall for a pyramid scheme has bought in, and the remaining people in the community are not willing to join).

As a result, only the top few levels of the pyramid get rich. The bottom levels (and often the middle levels) never get paid because the scheme runs out of possible participants long before the time their name reaches the top of the payout list.

James asksā€¦

Do AGW-deniers tend to be overpopulation-deniers as well? (world population curve) (global warming curve)

Note how the “hockey stick” curve closely follows the profile of global population growth, with both having a sharp upturn after about 1950. The population grew from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6.8 billion now, coinciding with a rapid increase in industrialization along with sheer numbers of people.

You often see the same rationalizations from global warming deniers and people who dismiss limits to the size of the economy & population. They have an entitlement mentality regarding the Earth’s resources, as if they are owed a comfortable living so long as they can find some scheme to make money and “afford the gas” etc.

AGW-denial and overpopulation-denial are both predicated on the notion that the Earth has a magical, non-finite capacity to supply resources and absorb waste products while maintaining equilibrium and a predictable quality of life.

One wonders if the primary denial is all about physical limits to human numbers and economic growth? Yes, it’s hard not to ask rhetorical questions in this forum.

Nagesh answers:

I think you would refer to me as an “AGW-deniers”, but not as a “overpopulation-deniers”. Clearly, those are 2 separate issues. However, that said, there is a tendency for politics to combine issues for the lemmings who follow the party line. Thus, religious Conservatives tend to be skeptical about both issues, while religious liberals tend to be convinced about both issues.

There is no religious reason to be skeptical about AGW other than the fact that it is the party line. However, it is difficult to be religious in the United States unless you buy into the make babies life style. If that is what you live for, then the guy who tells you that you are doing something bad is likely to be disbelieved. Some religious people accept that human population would be a problem were it not for the “fact” that the rapture will occur before it becomes a serious problem.

The commandment is to go forth and multiply. Many believe that sex for any other reason is a sin. It must be irritating for them to hear that procreational sex is also a social evil.

The “hockey stick” curve for temperature is highly controversial,
as is the “hockey stick curve” for CO2. Http://
Neither really hold up to scrutiny despite some of the ridiculous claims by Warmists. Http://
Note, in the above link, the Warmists graphed the raw data from 1912 to 1942 with Keeling’s more recent data as though Beck did not believe that some correction would be appropriate before releasing such a graph, and the rest of the arguments were nonsense about the peer reviewed publication “Energy and Environment”. If those arguments were to be taken seriously, then Nature is not peer reviewed either after reading the link from utexas above.

Even so, CO2 and temperature do not correlate well in the recent past, except for the notion that both went up over the last 31 years. Http://
They also do not correlate well in the distant past, except with CO2 as a lagging indicator for temperature. Http://
Usually, when CO2 concentrations were high in the ice core record, temperatures were dropping. Http://

Edit @Weise Ente:
Having read some of your other answers, I think you probably know better than to imply that the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory (AGW)
depends on the concept that we are running out of natural resources. AGW depends on the theory that human produced CO2 is the primary driver of the climate temperature across the globe. There really is no scientific connection between AGW and the peak oil theory. Http://

Chris asksā€¦

How does websites like Orkut,Wikipedia etc. generate revenue?

This question may be naive. Or may be with an obvious answer. But I think somehow it’s not the whole truth.
Kindly correct me if I am wrong or mistaken. Also Please bear if this is not the pertinent forum to post this.
how does some websites generate revenue? Especially the ones like Wikipedia,,,, Yahoo Messenger etc. [many many other sites as well] which doesn’t seemingly post any Ads [Adsense or Any other Ads] on their webpages? Or doesn’t run any Affiliate programs or any other apparent revenue generation schemes on their sites?
how do they make money? What do they do to sustain? I know makes so much money. But how? Is it just the Brand Value ie., the value these sites create? Or are there any other hidden things?
What are the parameters?
What are the Different Methods of revenue generation for sites those aren’t directly selling anything, not displaying any ads, are without affiliate links? how and Why do they exist?
More Traffic is More Value. But how does traffic matter without Ads running on the pages? So ,how is Traffic converted to [Monetary]Value?
Kindly enlighten. And Please explain with examples where possible.

Nagesh answers:

Wikipedia generates its money from donations and grants. Other internet services which seemingly have no ads such as Yahoo Messenger have ads on other parts of their websites. As the top website Yahoo hosts a number of services. Those who use one service generally use the others also.

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Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Mandy asksā€¦

Free Credit Report . com is a rip off?

did you know the highly advertised is a big ripoff. What they don’t tell you is the U S Government has ordered the top three credit reporting agencies to provide everyone a free credit report once a year. You are much better off to go to the government recommended site.

Important information from the Federal Trade Commission, the nationā€™s consumer protection agency: is the ONLY authorized online source for you to get a free credit report under federal law. You can get a free report from each of the three national credit reporting companies every 12 months. Some other sites claim to offer “free” credit reports, but may charge you for another product if you accept a “free” report.

There is no money making scheme here check out the site for yourself.
Ok the web site address got chopped so here is the rest of the address:

Nagesh answers:

The website to go to to get your free credit reports to which you are legally entitled each year is All of the other “free” sites require you to buy something o subscribe to a service.

Susan asksā€¦

Keen to meet someone who is making money on the computer and the inter net.in2008?

Are all work from home schemes SCAMS or are there real people out there who are working from home on the computer and the internet;They all seem to promise free work from home schemes but all end up asking for various amounts of monies.Love to hear from a real person out there making real money in 2008 and living in Australia

Nagesh answers:

The curb you trow in is “and working in Australia”. This changes the whole perspective, the laws down under might allow or disallow certain businesses in that country.

One business that is done all over the world and works for real, and legally is selling items on Ebay. You can find drop-shippers, make sure you understand the parameters for doing business with them. Then create your account and sell these folk’s items, they handle all shipping/handling for the item and it arrives at the client’s home with your business name on the packaging.

Betty asksā€¦

Is there any REAL scam free ways to make money online?

I need some extra money for this “dream car” that’s going for a steal and I’m good at typing and don’t mind reading a lot of stuff. I just need some money but I’m too young to get a serious job right now, and with this job market. So back to the original question, is there any scam free ways to make some money online? And it would be great if you actually know about and/or have been apart of the program before you post the answer. I just trying to make some “honest” money. no get rich quick schemes or anything like that.

Nagesh answers:

How about you learn a little bit of stock market trading. Or coding. Or photoshop, Or blogging.
Why is it always scammers out there getting at peope and it is never about having a solid skill that you have and can market?

George asksā€¦

An easy free way to make a website and chatroom?

Basically i am wanting to build up a chatsite but i have no funds what so ever so cant afford a website as i heard that costs money? but i am wanting to make a chatsite up but again dont know where or how to start, i have very little pc skills but have been wanting to do this for yrs if anyone has ever done this before and could offer their advice or wisdom i’d be truely greatful and would also require their help throughout this i dont know anything about what to do and where to go to start such a thing but i am really wanting to try it i am not interested in the money making scheme just want a place i can call my own šŸ™‚ thanks for reading

Nagesh answers:

Hi glitz, there are thousands of ways to create what you want for everyone of all kinds of different skill levels. And without any funds to start with. Yup all free šŸ™‚

As you have mentioned you have very little PC skills, it is probably a small website and small “chat” room for your friend and family?
In that case sign up for a blog account (many free blog websites out there, is from google/Yahoo (same company)) and look for free widgets that they have available to you.
This one is used by many people :
It lets you put a “shout box” (more or less a chat room) on your blog website. For free.

The above looks entirely amateur and the purpose is to have something to keep in touch with close friends and family.

If you are looking for a more professional way, try this hosting company (also for free):
But this 2nd method requires some skill and knowledge to set everything up.
You are able to host MySQL Databases and PHP scripts, this is sufficient to setup a chat room very professionally. Either you write the scripts yourself (means you code your chat room yourself) or you can try to find free scripts through google like this :

Hope you can find your way out, contact me if you need any private waypoints to help you out!

Nancy asksā€¦

Is anyone worried about using torrent sites now?

They seem to be seriously clamping down on file-sharing and downloading programs and games etc. for free when we should be paying for them. Is anyone worried about this and has stopped using these sites now, or do people reckon it’s just a moneymaking scheme that will probably amount to nothing?

Nagesh answers:

The Artists and programmers are getting fed up with losing half of their profits to online piracy, or download from out of country. Sweden has no anti-piracy rules, and many piracy shops and internet host do buisness there.
Because the Copyright holders cannot go after the people who are hosting the illegal downloads, they might start going after the people that are downloading them.

Then again, that is just guesswork.

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Tuesday, September 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Ken asksā€¦

genuine work from home options.?

I have been unemployed since November and although I am applying for jobs I am having no luck. As you can imagine this is a huge strain on my finances. I have looked into work from home schemes but they all want money up front and this always makes me suspicious. Does anyone know of any genuine work from home opportunities available, especially those that don’t need money up front?

Nagesh answers:

All of my friends who have tried to work from home have come up empty handed. They were basically scammed.
One tried to stuff envelops. It was like 6 dollars for one and they sent her like 5000… She thought she was going to be set but instead they sent her a certificate of appreciation and said that she was now enrolled into the program and had made it through the preliminaries. It took her a month to fill them out. She was so pissed. (you have to start with giving them money which she did by doing the envelopes) well she did it again and she only receive a couple pennies for each envelop.
My other friend did the telemarketing from home and it was based on commision. Yeah that was a scam too
and my other friend did the whole selling stuff from home vector. Knives. HA ha ha. That was even worse. She had to pay 173 for the samples and then when she did sell them they were pissed because she didn’t sell them to the correct age group. I was like that is whatyou get.

Donald asksā€¦

legitimate work from home opportunities?

I am interested in working from home. I would like to start small and part time, but work on making something big so it could be a full time job to support me and my family. Does anyone have any legitimate ideas?? That are not scams, pyramid schemes, or just a waste of time/money?? Let me know!

Nagesh answers:

Home based jobs usually don’t pay off. Be especially wary of ads that

promise huge annual salaries; they often require expensive upfront fees

with no guarantee. You risk losing your money and wasting a lot of time

and energy.

Nancy asksā€¦

Ways To Earn Significant Extra Income From Home?

I work a full-time job and my wife is a home school mother of 4.
We’d like to start saving to buy a new home, and are looking for extra income from home.
She’s interested in coupon(ing), but brings other skills to the table as well. I’m a skilled up-start cartoonist/comic book illustrator and writer (but am yet to begin earning money from these skills, as I’m just now working on my 1st book).
Any ideas how we could put these skills to use or do you have any other ideas for moneymaking opportunities ( that do not involve schemes and expensive investments)?

Nagesh answers:

I finally decided to learn how to build a website and how make
money from it. I hope you will look at my site..don’t laugh to hard, cause I am still very very new, but I am now making money.
Not a lot yet…but I am on my way!
My main focus is my Lotto Magic venture.I love playing Lottery so I know I am going to be a success with that. Plus I am promoting a neat little website for pocket change! Check my Traffic = Income page. Find something you love and get to it! Don’t delay!
And remember you only fail if you don’t try!

William asksā€¦

What’s a LEGITIMATE money maker at home besides ebay? Mystery shopper w/no start fee would be great! Help plz

I would love to be able to work from home… I sell some things on ebay… but would love to maybe mystery shop but all I can find charge a fee to do it. Oprah had it on her show one time and said it is a scheme if you have to pay to do it because the real companies pay you! I don’t want to sell additional insurance over the phone… don’t want to hound people. I have gotten several of the chain type letters lately where you send 6 people a $1 and then send 200 letters out and you are suppose to make lots of money… but who is going to send a buck to a perfect stranger. Please help with any info you can. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Mystery shopping is really fun, but its not for everyone. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half, and I like it. You do need to do a lot of running around, and you can’t take kids with you. If you want to be a mystery shopper you have to be reliable and detail oriented. You also need a good memory.

Those stories and ads you see about people making hundreds a day are not real. Every now and then you can get a great shop that pays like that, but that might be once a year or less. Most mystery shops pay between $8 and $25 each and take 20 minutes to 2 hours including the time it takes to report your shop online. Some require you to have a digital camera and take photos, but you don’t have to do those shops if you don’t want them. I like them because they usually pay more. You also can get shops that reimburse you for a purchase, sometimes they only reimburse you and don’t pay a fee and other times you get the reimbursement and the fee. Some examples of shops I’ve done include a Sams Club shop where I got the membership fee ($45) and a $10 purchase reimbursed but no additional fee, an apartment complex shop that paid $25, cell phone shops usually pay $9 , fast food shops usually pay $7 to $10 plus reimbursement for food, sit down restaurants sometimes only reimburse your meal up to a certain amount and sometimes will pay a fee of $10 to $20 plus pay for your meal. You usually have to take 1 to 4 guests with you for those. There are also big differences among the same shops for different companies. One company’s gas station shop evaluates cleanliness and customer service, it pays $10 and reimburses $5 in gas and a $1 store purchase. Another company only pays $9 including a required gas and store purchase for the same thing. So pay really varies.

I make anywhere from $200 to $600 a month, averaging about $300. I stay on top of it by checking my email about 10 times a day and checking companies’ job boards daily.

Some companies I shop for include: – my personal fave I made $200 from them alone last month. – lots of shops always available, but pay less than most other companies

some that I have heard of but not used are:

Good luck,


Lisa asksā€¦

“Pyramid Schemes” – do you actually make any money?


I asked a question yesterday about looking for home decor jobs like “Avon” or Gold Canyon” and I actually found some websites that offer this type of service. I wanted to be a seller on the side for extra income. However, my friend told me that this is a “Pyramid Scheme”, and I wouldn’t make any money.

One website is:
Benefits of Becoming a Consultant

* Earn a base commission of 25% on retail sales
* Bonus program for additional commissions
* Incentive program to earn vacations

Requirements to Join

* Purchase a starter kit for as little as $25 down and pay for your kit from commissions. Or save by paying the full $174 up front.

I was interested in this, and another one that is cheaper, but now he has me worried that I would be wasting my time, and that its a scam.

So I would like some re-assurance if this is actually worth looking into and making money?

Nagesh answers:

You LOSE money with Pyramid Schemes. Don’t go there, please!

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Monday, September 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Susan asksā€¦

What Is The Cheapest,Fastest,Easiest way to make Money Online That Really Works?!?


Nagesh answers:

I have searched for hours on end trying to find a legit way to make money online without working too hard or paying any start up fees. This site: (make sure to delete the space between deal and barbie when copying and pasting into your url) seems to work the best. They pay you 20 cents to 20 dollars each time you fill out a survey. Make sure to just fill out the first couple pages, so you don’t waste time going further down the rabbit hole. If you do this correctly you will make about 50 cents every minute or so. They will either send you a check or you can have your money deposited into your paypal account. They also give you $5 immediately for signing up. If you refer more people you will also make a percentage of the money they make. I advise that you create a dummy email account to use so your main email account does not get spammed. I have worked for about 2 hours so far and have made $22.70. Remember if there is a start up fee, it is most likely a fraudulent system to make quick money off of you.

Carol asksā€¦

How can i make money online?

I am 16 years old from the UK. Im a very fast typer and am 100% motivated to making a decent income online. I have recently left secondary school and start college in september, so have 8 weeks to dedicate myself to projects or jobs. I have no previous work but know that I am very good at handling instructioned tasks. Where can I find online work?

Nagesh answers:

The best program is through friendfinder, there is no fees or up front investments, its free to become an affiliate. I am pretty sure the program is world wide, so it should work in the uk. They pay you $1.00 for everybody who signs up for a FREE account and even more for each person that pays for an account. You cant beat that. The link to sign up is

I make over $1000 a month and not that I’m all set up, I only put a few hours a month into it, you can make allot more if you put more time into it. And, they dont make you pay anything up front.

Ken asksā€¦

I would like to become financially free. What is the best and fastest money making system offered online?

I am in college and my tuition is currently paid for by my father. While I’m grateful for it, if I do something I want to do, but he doesn’t agree, such as a piercing or a meaningful tattoo, he will cut me off and most likely no longer speak to me. I was wondering if there is some way I can start making money so I don’t have to worry about losing college tuition. Is there a legitimate way to make money working online with a reasonable salary?

Nagesh answers:

Your chance of making money online, on a scale of 1 – 10 are near zero. As long as ‘pop’ is paying the bills, why not humor him and cease and desist with the piercing & meaningful tattoos.
What is a meaningful tattoo?? As opposed to an un-meaningful tattoo. You know how the older generation is. We just don’t understand these things.

Donna asksā€¦

I need money really bad & fast???!!! HELP?

Anyone know where i can work online and get money fast???

Im bout to have a kid & i just lost my job help me plezzz

Nagesh answers:

Ebay. Sell some stuff. If you are a dude, do sum lawn mowing or house cleaning around the neighborhood. If you are a girl, You need to find someone close to take care of the baby while you be a maid or something. While you do this, you need to look for a job to get more income.

Donald asksā€¦

what is the best or atleasy a good online survey to make money?

im out of a job right now nd lookin for work but ive been seeing these online survey things nd figured it was easy money fast.. i tried one site nd it was a total scam it closed the page after the survey..

so i was wonderin if ne onw else had found one thats fast money easy and it actually works..??

Nagesh answers:

There is no way to earn fast and easy money, but this website is pretty good for the amount of work you actually have to do:
It takes a while to earn points doing offers but with a little research on the forums and creativity, you can earn some decent money by referring people to the website. You earn 20% of whatever each referred user earns. Most people get around $40 for every 100 active users they refer. Not too bad if you know where to refer people. I use this site because it doesn’t require any personal information, just an e-mail address. Give it a try.

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Sunday, September 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Susan asksā€¦

The easiest way of making money through internet?

I’ve been learning internet marketing for 3 years, read many e-books, spent much time and money, but couldn’t earn any money at all, Could you please teach me how to earn money through internet. I lost my job and want to work from my home.

Nagesh answers:

You can’t. Thats why you’ve been unable to succeed.

Maria asksā€¦

How earn money at home through internet? I want to earn +$10,000 per month. How?

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming or sell on eBay, there are no real internet work at home jobs. On line jobs are just another urban myth. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of work at home scams such as envelope stuffing, data entry, home assembly, medical transcription, reading e mails, surveys, etc.

Donna asksā€¦

what are good stay at home jobs i can do to earn money, preferably through the internet?

Nagesh answers:

I have the perfect site for you if you want to make between 80-600$ a month all for free. Http:// And yes i have received payments from them they are legit.

Jenny asksā€¦

Write the 10 ways of earn money at home through Internet. How?

Nagesh answers:

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBayĀ 

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

Steven asksā€¦

How to earn money through Internet? Is there any good internet based money earning program?

I’m an undergraduate person. I don’t have my parents alive. Only thing they left with me was a few piece of land property with Rubber. Nowadays, earnings from rubber have come down because labourers are increasing their wages every year. Rubber price goes down. I have internet connection at home. I get plenty of ads but when I go down with it finally I realize that they either fake or fraud. Most of them are very complicated and difficult to understand their rules. So, I’m in search of good and easy programs.

Nagesh answers:

No such thing. 99.9% of “make money on the internet” programs are frauds. You either have to have a legitimate business selling or providing a legitimate service.

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Saturday, September 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Lizzie asksā€¦

Are stocks a good way to make a lot of money and fast? Can it be done with $100.00 to $500. for a beginner?

Do I have to use a broker or should I even use one?

Nagesh answers:

With very rare exceptions investing successfully in the stock market is a long term deal. The dollar amounts you mention are completely inadequate for investing in individual stocks. May I suggest you get a few magazines and books to get a better idea of how investing in the stock market works.

William asksā€¦

I dont know the stock market, is this how it works?

Let’s say i want to enter the stock market. The High risk side, where you buy stocks (as i heard its the high-risk of investing.)

Lets say i invest in Microsoft.

I buy 50 stocks at $29. Then the price drops to $28 and i buy another 50 stocks. So that means my stocks cost me 28.50 right?

then i buy more stocks in other companies and i buy stock when it is low.

is this a good way to do it? invest?

im 17 and i want to go into the stocks when im 18 not roth ira’s or mutual funds…. the high risk(stocks)……..

or how can i make money fast buying stocks. I would have to find a company like microsoft that booms like how they where in the 90’s right?

Nagesh answers:

You should go to the library or bookstore and get a book on the subject and read it. The stock market is a very complex market. There are many ways to make money, and many ways to lose it.

Richard asksā€¦

Im new at buying stocks. Help?

Im thinking about investing in GeoGlobal Resources Inc. I’m interested because their stock is low and seem to be starting to go up in value, plus since i could buy a lot of shares if the price goes up a few cents i could make some fast money. This stock has been doing somewhat well throwout last week. I don’t have allot on the line, I have 3k nothing i would die over if i lost. What are your ideas? Is the quick gain a good idea?

I’m interested in internet trading, i was looking at Ameritrade because of their $10 commission fees. And because they offered me a 30 day free of commission when i start. What company do you think i should sign up with?

My main goal is to learn about the stock market, i want to get hand on experience, making a few dollars on the way would be nice.

Nagesh answers:

No buy, sell or hold recommendations.

TRUTH: I JUST checked the chart for GGR. THE highest that stock has EVER been is $14.94 in Jan. ’06.

Since then its overall trend is declining. Yes, the stock has gone up the past 3 days. BUT overall, its going down.

Now for the answers to your Qs:
Your reasoning is no different than about 85% fo the folks trading stock.

One of the most common mistakes traders make: They buy the shares and rarely check what the stock is doing.
Some of the many sayings I learned:
1] “On Wall Street, there aren’t any gifts”
2] “Trees don’t grow to Heaven – neither do stocks.”
3] Bulls (Buyers) earn money.
Bears (Sellers) earn money.
Pigs get fat.
Hogs (greedy traders) get slaughtered. (They lose the money in their trading accounts.)

There are many others. Most of them are very true.

Its up to you which Internet broker you will decide to open your account with. You have to do your homework and investigate. Inexpensive commissions do not necessarily mena you will get the kind of information you need to make intelligent trades.

IF your main goal is to learn about the stock market, you can open a virtual trading account with many different brokers and learn how to properly trade using a [paper trading or pretend trading program.

Two sites I always suggest wannabe traders to visit AND READ are AND
Both of these are considered “knowledge contributors” on Y! A.

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

Carol asksā€¦

What is a good and fast way to make money on the internet?

hey I would like to make some money but I don’t know what i can do…I am thinking about stock exchange or something…let me know pleas

Nagesh answers:

E-bay and amazon are the key

Donald asksā€¦

What is the fastest way to make money?

Whats the fastest way to make money in the stock market?

Nagesh answers:

Look for value stocks. Thats how people like Warren Buffett made their fortunes. You need to do lots of research on the company to deteremine a valuation, then you have to buy the stock at a price that is below that valuation. The bigger the gap, the greater the return potential. The trick is to buy companies that are going to continue to perform, and not go under. Lots of people bought Enron on the way down, thinking it was a good value. You can look to sites like to identify these types of investments. They provide great philosophy and investments that will grow your money quickly with minimal risk.

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Friday, September 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly Uk

John asksā€¦

What are the best cities for jobs in UK?

I’m planning to work in UK during summer but I don’t know where to go. I’d like to work in a job related to the public service, such as barman, cooker, receptionist in hotels and any other similar job. I don’t mind if I don’t earn a lot of money whenever I can manage to live there because what I want is to stay there to improve my language skills. The only important thing is that I need to find the job quickly.
Thanks in advance for your answers!=)

Nagesh answers:

London obviously is where most jobs are, but also most of the competition. Try the coast of the English Channel, Devon, and even Cornwall, Wales for a challenge in language, or if you do not fear both a language challenge and a Climate shock, try Scotland (this is not England !!! But still the UK). Edinburgh is the main town, but think Aberdeen, Inverness (the loch Ness), or even tehe elusive yet so butiful Eastern isles. All the best. An American could be of some use if he can switch is Bourbon for pure malt šŸ˜‰

David asksā€¦

How quickly is your credit score updated? (UK)?

Basically, I have some finance out for Ā£2000, which I have the money to pay off.

When I got the money to pay the finance off, but without paying the finance off, I tried to take out another finance loan for Ā£1800. I was declined finance.

I’ve never missed a payment before, have no negative history, but I don’t earn all that much – about Ā£8k a year – but I have no outgoings at all. As the amount is less than my previous finance and no circumstances have changed, I can only assume it’s because I’ve got 2k finance already out.

So when I pay the existing 2k financing off tomorrow, how long will it take for the credit checkers to see that it has been paid off? Will I be able to re-apply a couple of hours later or days, months? etc. etc.

Anybody from that sector / with any knowledge have any idea?

Many thanks.

Nagesh answers:

By your creditor – the instant they get your payment your credit is updated.
BUT.. It takes about 45 to 60 days for credit reports to update

A reputable lender can help you with this.
Make your payment, allow it to clear, and have the lender call the other company that the bill has been paid in full.

Better idea: Make it a goal to live life without loans
Nothing, absolutely nothing is better in life than to live debt free

Nancy asksā€¦

When will the next lot of riots be in UK?

When will the next lot of riots be in UK?
Let’s face it; they’ll happen.

What do other Y/A users think the cause will be of the next lot of riots?

Do you think they’ll be in London or another city (usually Bristol is hit; Coventry is another possibility)?

Do you think they’ll go on for as long as the last lot, or just fizzle out quickly like the ones in June, or go on for even longer than the August lot?

I think it’ll be either students in November, when their grants and loans have all been spent (thank God I’m taking a gap year to earn some money before uni so that I am not reliant on loans), or it’ll be Islamic sharia militants or Christian fanatics in March when the legalisation of gay marriage is debated in parliament.
PS: I am not spamming, and I am not encouraging riots; I am, however, cynical enough to realise that more civil unrest will likely occur. I want a genuine, intellectual, discussion on the current state of affairs in our ‘society’.

Oh, and I welcome the input of foreigners into the discussion. Do any Americans or British expats in the US think that our sporadic riots will become as bad as the flash mobs of Detroit that my ‘e’ friend told me about??

Oh…. and I realise that it’s a provocative issue, though can we all be civilised? I always judge best answer, and my questions never go to vote. I really don’t like abusive trolls, whether it’s to me or another respondant to the question; it’s very easy to be a tough guy when deindividuated behind a compuer screen in your dining room. It’s also very easy to fail best answer when you do that :).

Nagesh answers:

The other answerers need to be euthanised terribly :).

Um, possibly when another african out west gets shot as he tries to own the body of a white lady :).

Mark asksā€¦

Should we just bite the bullet and cut most of the benefits in the UK ?

I mean, we’ve had the riots, seen what they have to offer. What say we now beef up with paramilitary police and cut all benefits apart from sick pay, job seekers allowance and the old age pension. In other words just keep the benefits payed for by National Insurance, benefits you can only have if you have earned them by working. Get rid of Social Security, Housing Benefit etc.. Oh no say the lefties, how unfair !! Well, tough. I have been to countries like the Philippines and Chile where if you don’t work you don’t eat. You live in the shanty town and you get up early to scrabble around to get by. In Chile people sell stuff on the buses from dawn till dusk. In the Philippines people compete to collect the rubbish to sell so they can eat. I know a girl in the Philippines who earns on average Ā£2.50 a day working 12 hours a day 6 days a week in the sardine processing factory. No sick pay, no holiday pay, no job security. If she loses her job no help from the government. She is a dignified and charming person. Contrast that with the Social Security louts in this country, fuelled up on cheap lager and terrorising decent pensioners etc on their sink estates. I know, I have seen it when I lived on a council estate. How abruptly would their behaviour change with no free money and a punitive police force. Very quickly !! Believe me, in countries like the Philippines and Chile people are terrified of the police and with good reason. Hate to say it but that is the only way to bring Britain back from the brink. Brace yerselves for shanty towns, they’re coming anyway when the countries finances collapse under the weight of benefit payments we just can’t fund.
Whoops, I forgot. Cut the foreign aid and prosecute some bankers as well. Can’t deal with the bottom without taking the top echelon to task as well !! Just can’t see how Fred the Shred and the rest of ’em skipped away scot free.
Tin God….sorry but this brave new world is coming whether we like it or not. Politicians should be more honest, better than waiting for the chaos of the country’s finances collapsing.
Fritya56…..pardon me sir, Manila was the second most bombed city in WW2. Not a lot of people know that, know your history. The Philippines went through hell at the hands of the Japanese.
Mr Growe….pardon me but I think you will find that Chile does not have a serious drug and crime problem….but you might find Britain has !!!

Nagesh answers:

Ah – a Pandora’s box question – any ‘honest answering’ will get slaughtered with TD.!!

When a society offers a ‘far to generous benefit system’ for its peoples – its on a social-financial disaster course – as has happened in the UK – not including recent rioting events – that was all about ‘moronic black power/moronic white power/moronic immigration power’ ………nothing else.!! The days of having what a person can afford are long-gone – replaced by an attitude of………I’m entitled – no matter they can’t afford it.

The ‘abuse’ the benefit system receives every single day by its peoples proves the point. When a family can claim ‘in total’ (everything they claim for) sums of money to the tune of 5/6/7 Ā£100 ‘each week’ and the ‘working taxpayers in the majority take home wages for a 40hr week equaling (min wage) in the region of Ā£300 (or less) per week ….thats says it all.

Thats why ‘families’ on benefits wouldn’t even be bothered looking for jobs – they all in their ‘comfort-zone’ of the benefit protection system for their entire lifetime funded by the working taxpayers.

The single people fair much worse (those not living at home) – basic benefit payouts are minimal and they receive very little support from the system – BUT – what they get is free. !!

The do-gooders and the claimants of the benefit system have answered already – they not accepting anything that interferes with their benefit lifetime family lifestyle.

Stop all (supposed) aid – costing billions – means-test ‘all’ recipients of ‘any’ benefits – make the benefit receivers ‘sell these extra goodies’ that were bought via their benefit monies – 42″ TV’s – Computers all needing broadband connection charges etc + all their other ‘fancy’ techno items – ‘if their so broke as they claim’ – how else were/are these techno items afforded ?.

Nail ‘all’ these wrongdoers – whether they be Bankers/Investors/politicians or the public.

Yes – a fresh start is needed – too try and save ‘our’ country from falling further into the financial/social abyss – BUT – it won’t happen – the couldn’t’-careless-brigade’ (millions) will not allow any interference with their demanded benefit funded/supported comfort-zone – no matter ‘their’ not paying for it.!!

The 100’s of TD this answer gets – will be these benefit claimants defending their ground – using their benefit system supplied computers/broadband charges etc + some misguided ‘do-gooders’ out there.!!

Jenny asksā€¦

How to earn money as a fifteen year old quickly over the course of just one day or so?

How could I earn money as a fifteen year old easily in the UK, I have said frequently that I am planning for a trip to South Africa in July 2011 which I do not want to withdraw from and I can’t as the flights are booked,it’s a school trip. However, I need to earn some money for it, quickly, and would like to spend today earning solid hard cash quickly but how? Is there anything I could do similar to Adsense or Swagbucks for the UK but with a lot more money involved, I’m talking quite big cash at the moment, however, I have been planning to raise this money for a quite a while but stuff’s got in the way but I want to start earning it quickly, is there any type of cheap business I could do on the Sunday that I could start up in a day and earn a lot of money doing? And if so, could I have some practical tips in how to start up? Help me! Anything! I can’t get a job I am uninsured in the UK however is there any way I could raise a damn load of cash. There’s nothing I could sell on eBay, I’m not selling my electronics its not worth it. It’s not a charity trip either, no spam, just sensible ideas please!

Nagesh answers:

If it were possible to earn serious money so quickly and easily, nobody anywhere would be in debt and we’d all be wealthy. The only way for you is to aim for smaller regular amounts and save hard. All the usual teenage ways of earning cash are good, babysitting, yard work, household chores for neighbours (window washing for instance), and if there is some chore they find distasteful or time-consuming, they may be happy to pay you to do it.

You can also ask for cash towards South Africa as birthday or Christmas presents, and if you get pocket money, save all or most of that too. Could you organise a fund-raising event – say a Hallowe’en party or treasure trail? You’d need prizes. A raffle for something decent in a busy pub at Christmas, or for a big Easter egg in the week before Easter? You need a permit to sell raffle tickets house to house or on the street, but not for in-house events.

You will need to earn money for a lot longer than just today, but if you are really keen to go, you will find ways to do it. I know some teenagers who tutor beginners on piano or guitar. They don’t earn as much as qualified teachers, but anything you earn helps towards your goal.

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Thursday, September 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

Robert asksā€¦

Teens: Quick ways to make money?

I recently got into indoor skydiving and plan on getting a job as a cashier there, cashiers fly for free so getting the job there would solve my prob, but the job isn’t guaranteed, I only applied today.
I LOVE indoor skydiving and I need ways to make quick money so I can continue going, I hope to go pretty frequently.

Im in the middle of my swim season and quitting isn’t any option and plan to get a job after its over which is in less than a month. If I get the job at the Indoor skydiving place id work weekends till my swim season was over. Im also going to go for an instructor position and need to stay in swimming to train for the PT test.

Im an 18 year old girl. What quick jobs are there to do?

Keep it clean. I don’t want people suggesting prostitution.
If it helps, im a return flier and each minute is $15. I hope to buy 4 minutes each time I go.
To be clear im looking for quick jobs to do while im waiting on the cashier job at skyventure.

I already know what real job ill get if I don’t get the cashier job at skyventure.
Im not talking about job jobs, im talking about small stuff like dog walking ro babysitting, stuff that requires no paperwork.
Just within the couple hours of getting home and deciding I need to find quick jobs and make cash quick, Ive raided my closet and found clothes to take to Platos Closet. I think enough to get atleast 30 dollars.

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting is a great way to make extra cash!
Also, try house sitting
Elders and friends or your parents may give you some odd end jobs for you to do.
Good Luck!

William asksā€¦

looking for quick legitimate ways to make quick money to make a better christmas for my children?

im a stay at home mom and i would really like to make a good christmas for my kids please help

Nagesh answers:

I own most our users are making like 20-30 bucks a day.. With minimal work..

If you wanna sign up or have questions you can email me @

or shoot me an instant msg on my aim ClassofCash..

I’d be glad to help you..

Sandy asksā€¦

What are ways to make quick money?

I need to make quick money, are there any suggestions as to ANYTHING I can do?

Nagesh answers:

If you are in the US you can register here and make some money completing offers
they have good pay rates because they only open to US residents

Online since 2008
Earn $0.03-$0.05 per click currently have 25 sites every 24 hours
Earn $0.10-$20 per offer over 600 offers currently (complete a survey, signup for a site or otherwise view and navigate through a list of offers)
$5 minimum payment to paypal instantlyā€¦

John asksā€¦

How can I make some extra money??? I am in need of money, anyone out there knows quick ways to make money?b?

I am looking for a way to make money. I try looking for a job but no luck , I would like to know your guys advice thanks šŸ™‚

Nagesh answers:

Be aware of get rich quick schemes – there is no such thing. Any legitimate business takes work and effort on your part and requires building. It takes time to build the foundations of any venture – how much time is dependent on your own efforts and relatively speedy advancement is certainly achievable if you are prepared to put in the hours. (As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.)

Ken asksā€¦

How do i make quick money on runescape?

I just started playing runescape again and I need a quick way to make money I usually make cannon balls and sell them i gain like 500k in 4 hours and i kinda have been getting board of that so if their is any ways to make a large amount of money and quick it would be nice to let me know oh by the way I’m a member if that helps at all.

Nagesh answers:

Basically, you woodcut yew tree near falladore and u gonna get like 150k an hour but do that while joining a falladore party clan-chat and when u see something like the people on it spamming e.g 5m drop party … Word you go there and try your luck and approximately you’ll get 10 zezimas an hour

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Wednesday, September 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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