Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Helen asks…

How to make 2,000 dollars FAST?

My art history class is going to Europe this summer. The cost of the trip is about $2,900. I’d be saving all my paychecks for my fund. I will be asking my parents for financial help, but there is no way they can pay for half, not to mention all. The only thing I can come up with is a fund raiser for myself. I’m 16 and I’ve never wanted to do something so bad. I doubt I’ll ever have another chance to experience Spain, and the 2 other places that we’d be visiting. WHATS A GOOD FUNDRAISER THAT WILL MAKE ME GOOD MONEY?

Nagesh answers:

If you have a talent like playing music or singing or something, you can try performing in the city and see if you can raise the $. Post a sign for what the $ is for. Or maybe you can tutor, babysit, do odd jobs for neighbors, etc.

Best of luck.

Chris asks…

Any Fundraiser Ideas?!? ?

I Might do that sports ambassador program in australlia, and i think its something like $2500-$5000? So help me!! I need something that’ll help me make money FAST!
sry, its for SOFTBALL!

Nagesh answers:

Read this:

And then save your money.

Ken asks…

How long does it take hair to grow back?

I shaved my hair for St. Baldricks, a fundraiser to raise money for cancer research. I was just wondering how long it would take to grow down to shoulder length again, I am a girl. Is there anything I can do to help make it grow faster? Stronger? Healthier?

Nagesh answers:

Nope not exactly. But have fun being bald. And you did it for a good cause. I did 16 inches for locks of love last January.

Laura asks…


I don’t know what to do. I want to work a white collar job. Something that involves social skills along with fast thinking. Something that makes good money that requires me to plan fundraisers, organize/manage events or meetings. A job that requires me to sweep in money for the company. But I don’t want to be a secretary. What should I major in?

A second question, what can i do with a major in chemistry? I know, be a chemist. But what kind? Who would i work for? I don’t want to be a pharmacist that works at the cvs pharmacy or something. What other majors would i need to accompany with a chemistry major to be able to apply for that type of job?

Nagesh answers:

You should take a vocational interest test which will help to guide you along the correct path./

Jenny asks…

Need fund-raiser ideas need to raise funds for nonprofit youth camp fast need to build cabins and rec. hall?

Mom and Dad turned their property into a youth camp but their running out of money and need to get the cabins and the recreation hall build need ideas on fundraisers besides selling items please provide ideas that can make quick $$$ and how they work

Nagesh answers:

Depending on where you live, there are some pretty good options.
Here is a great one that has potential to bring in a lot of $$ fast
Cow Patty Bingo!
Pick a field and divide it into equal size squares. Youth Program Volunteers sell tickets for squares on the field. (ie.:To play Cow Patty Bingo buy squares on the bingo field by purchasing a $5 ticket. A local cow will be released onto the field at two o’clock and the winner will be selected by the cow when it plops its calling card onto a square of its choosing. All eight surrounding squares can win second prizes donated by local businesses if you choose.) Choose someone, perhaps the head of the camp to be on hand to rule on which square wins in case of cross-over plops, or to oversee an ordinary drawing on the off-chance that the cow doesn’t get the urge in a reasonable period. First prize can be anything from a cash reward to something donated by an area business. People usually get pretty into this because it is so crazy. One of the schools out by me made $26,000 doing this. However they sold the tickets for $10 and they had over a thousand kids selling tickets for them. Click on my avatar and contact me if this sounds good but not enough details. Hope i can help. Good luck!!

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Sunday, October 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Thomas asks…

hi. can i earn on internet workin from my home PC,such tat i should not have to pay anything from my hand.?

can any 1 suggest me how to work from home through internet. but, i should not have to pay anything. like a data entry job or reading mails or administering chats,etc,. so plz provide me links of such sites. however it should not cost any money for registration.

Nagesh answers:

Hmmm… I think might have some home jobs like that. That is the only place offhand I can think of.

There are too many scams out there 🙁 What about selling on ebay? Can you make anything you can sell? Also, you could buy clearance stuff and sell it on ebay.
I have a neighbor and she makes a lot doing that.

Laura asks…

is the part time jobs at home on computer which is offered by several websites for Google,twitter secure?

hii,I do not know any one who get the job on internet in India. I want to earn money through in my free time but I feel insecurity with my money.Each of the website holders don’t reveal his identity and I can not understand how to deal with them and get security for my money which i pay for the instruction kit.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously? They’re all hoaxes and frauds. They will take your money and you will never hear from them again – unless it’s to get more money from you. Three major warning signs:

1. Part time jobs at home are rare, and they’re never acquired by doing it over the internet.
2. They don’t reveal their identity? Who would an employer never reveal their identity? Because they’re stealing from you.
3. You have to pay for an instruction kit? That’s never legitimate. Ever. Some jobs will give you training and tell you if you leave before working x months – you have to pay them back. But no legitimate job will ever make you pay for training up front – especially not training they provide.

Robert asks…

how do I work from home through the internet without having to pay something at the first place?

I saw many sites where we can work from home but we have to pay initially. But i don’t have a credit card and there is no guarantee that after my money is accepted, i will earn

Nagesh answers:

I’m going to be making body scrubs, lotions, incense, candles and soap and selling on line. A friend of mine has a webiste set up with some distributor she’s going through and she’s making me a separate page on there. I’m also going to market on my Facebook and Myspace pages. You can’t get something for nothing so I’m also going to go the shopping villages around my area and try to sell a few units to them. Hopefully they’ll sell and come back for more. I had an initial cost of around $100 for the products and it will be a rotating cycle because I have to purchase the ingredients for my product and then make it. Like I said, you can’t expect to just make money appear without doing any work.

Good luck!

George asks…

I want to earn real money from home plz plz help me?

hello every one i want work from home through internet,
my qualification is–complete graduation ,
computer courses–ms office,tally,date entry,and also internet skills
hai all people give me u r suggestions and give a information about the way of work and give u r contact details to do work ,,i am hard-worker
plz help me every one i need every one help ……………….

Nagesh answers:

The BIGGEST demand is for the XHTML language right now. Focus on that and you’ll do fine.

James asks…

where can i find the e mails of persons who is interested to earn huge money through online worldwide?

preferable for working their own time form home, officeor internet cafe

Nagesh answers:

Try different groups. Yahoo, MSN, and Google are just a few.

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Saturday, October 20th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Sandra asks…

I’m only a kid, and I need way to make money fast?

I can’t go on ebay, can’t do jobs around the house, but my sisters will pay me for doing stuff and if I apply, I could clean a pool for $40. any other options?

Nagesh answers:

How old r u? Try mowing some lawns. Maybe paper route? Sell some of you stuff?

Paul asks…

Does anyone know how to make money fast on the internet?

I am in a bind and looking for a way to make fast money on the internet. I dont want to dish out any money. Please only respond if you are doing something that is making you good money on the internet.

Some people assume I dont have a job, I am a MA graduate and hold a great job, but that still doesnt mean I cannot get in a bind and start exploring my options, so as far as getting off my *** and getting a job, I am a engineer full time, a full time mother (single) mother of 3 and my kids are all under the age of 5 and one is autistic. So I have been off my ***, so to the person who told me to go get a job, thank you, but I got a job already, I was just trying to explore options over the interenet becasue e-commerce is huge these days!!! But thank you!

Previous answers:
Yeah, sell your computer and disconnect your internet service.

d n
jesus christ. Get a real JOB. Theres no such thing as easy money. Quit being lazy, get off your azz, and get a job.

Nagesh answers:

Wizjp, I see you are a mighty pessimist. My goodness, take a big swig of wine. Not everyone that makes money on the internet is a scammer….. Seriously!

I dont’ have a way for you to make a lot of money. I’m a stay at home mom and make some extra cash by visiting some sites on the internet, but I don’t think you would make the money you want, unless you are really good at marketing.

If you want to see what I use, you can look at my blog in my profile.

If you are worried the sites I use are scams, I have a link at the bottom of my site that takes you to a list of all the reported scams and sites taht are on the watchlist.

I wish you luck and I hope wizjp starts visiting questions where he has something positive to contribute.

Steven asks…

How to make money fast for a good cause?

Basically I have a family friend in the Dominican Republic in critical condition that needs several surgical procedures done on her heart. She has 5 kids, and is not economically well, and we are trying to make money from all the way in the United States.

Any suggestions on how I can raise about 23,000 dollars fast?

Nagesh answers:

Start selling products or services

Daniel asks…

What’s a good way for a kid to make fast money!!!?

no fake money making websites!

What can I do!!!???

Like rake leaves, etc.?
Wat else is there?

I need at least $10 per sale!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You should babysit…if you know a friend who knows someone, or maybe your parents friend or something that needs a babysitter…you could make pretty good money off of that.
It’s better if the parents are rich…cuz my friend babysits and she gets paid more than 10 bucks an hour…she usually makes 60-70 bucks a night…and it’s easy cuz the kids go to sleep early, so you mostly just sit there and watch tv or something. :]

Donald asks…

How can i make some extra money?

My daughter is 11 and she is looking for ways to earn some extra money fast. You know kids, when they want something, they want it right then. I DON’T want her babysitting and there are no leaves to rake or snow to shovel where we live. thanks in advance!!! 🙂

Nagesh answers:


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Friday, October 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

David asks…

Can she sue me for alienation of affection in NC?

I legally separated from my abusive husband a few months ago and am obtaining a divorce after the one year mark of separation. A friend of mine left his wife because she was verbally/physically abusive to him in the past and treated him badly, ignored him, etc. He and I had spent a few days chatting on instant messenger, and his ex wife found them by breaking into his email account. Before he told her he wanted to separate/divorce, the conversations discussed how unhappy he was and how he was trying to make the right decision, but that he liked me as a person and could see himself happy with someone like me. Many times in these conversations, I told him to make his OWN choice, whether it was to stay with her or leave. He also said in these conversations he would NOT leave his wife specifically for me or any other person. However, after he told his wife he wanted to separate, he did tell me he loved me over IM and we grew fond of each other quickly. We hung out a few times before he moved out – but he moved out 4 days after he told his ex he wanted a divorce (he couldn’t get an apartment quick enough and they slept in separate rooms until then).Both he and I are legally separated and going through divorces, but can his ex sue me? I don’t have much money at all, and I’m still in college and live with my parents. I wanted him to do what was best for him and told him that, but since she has all the IM’s, I think she might take them to court. Either way, from what I have read, there has to be proof that the marriage was happy, and he was miserable and said he felt as though he were dying inside. They had recently tried counseling too and the last session my friend had, he told the counselor he intended to separate/divorce his wife. His marriage did not end because of me; I gave him advice and was there to support him as a friend. I can’t help it that we like each other now. My attorney told me not to worry about it and focus on my own divorce. Please give non-critical, kind advice! No one should be forced to stay in a miserable marriage like we were both in. Again, the IM conversations clearly showed that I wanted my friend to make the decision that was best for HIM, regardless of my feelings. I also showed concern for the feelings of his ex wife and wanted to make sure he was nice to her in the way he approached his actions. Help please!
I forgot to add that this is a co-worker, and all hang-out time outside of work was done within the 4 days after he said he wanted to separate from his ex. We did not hang out before he told her he was going to separate.
Oh, also, this is not a physical relationship, as neither of us agree to that. We were friends/co-workers for a while who grew fond of each other after our marriages were destined to fail. His ex knows that he told me he loved me and that he has kissed me, but that’s as far as it has gone, and none of that happened until AFTER he said he was going to separate and he was in the process of moving.
I was also told that the courts might question the fact that his ex got the IM’s by breaking into his personal email account, as that is technically illegal in the state of N.C.

Nagesh answers:

Basically you were married- he was married and yet you were speaking to each other outside of your respective marriages. To that degree you formed an emotional affair. If I were her I would sue you because you were the slut that stole her husband, if for no other reason then to drain your account in legal fees. Maybe if you could learn how to take care of your own husband you would not need to take someone elses!

Lizzie asks…

What do you think of this pro second ammendment essay?

I recently found it,it is not my own.

Change has no beginning and no end. Change is temporal and impermanent. Change touches the just and the unjust. Change can go as quickly as it comes. “Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.” Times of luxury do not last long, but pass away very quickly; nothing in this world can be long enjoyed.”-Buddha.

“When individuals change, society will change. And when society changes, the whole world will change.” -Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Many things can change over the time span of the presidency with Obama in the White House. If Obama is as good as he say’s he is (There is no such thing as a honest politician) then the economy should slightly improve. He could stabilize the country or do exactly the opposite. He may act immediately of hesitate.

Obama proposes redistribution of wealth and raising taxes on rich people. The rich people worked hard all there lives to get and deserve their money. What more taxes do they want to place on them. All of them are still taxes even retired. So why raise taxes on them they deserve their money.?. The taxes should be even and fair. Shouldn’t they be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor?.

Obama has signed an executive order funding abortion clinics which in a way makes him a murderer. “The animal killers do not know that in the future the animal will have a body suitable to kill them.”-Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda,Bhagavad Gita. The same is said for the aborted fetus who is subject to the same principle. No person would want there tax dollars funding the killing of innocents. This executive order however make’s our hard earned cash go towards murder instead of improving the economy.

Abortion itself is wrong and why should it be supported.? There is no reason it should be supported. When a fetus is in the womb it doesn’t have the ability to disapprove. The fetus is simply is defenseless and cannot resist. Murder is wrong why fund it.?

Obama has signed an executive order closing Guantanamo Bay. Where will the criminal’s go.? If Obama is such a good leader than why would he shut down such a useable facility. What good would it do to send terrorists back to the U.S just so they could cause trouble on homeland. Where would he place all those criminals if he doesn’t simply place them in Guantanamo Bay.

There is no good reason to close Guantanamo. There has been not one murder at the facility since it has been opened and yet the growth of criticism increases day by day. A barrage of criticism it no reason to shut down the facility. Those who would have the detainment center shut down have failed to provide fundamental reasons for their cause. Shutting down Guantanamo down only serves to satisfy critics and nothing else.

Obama said he’s going to use diplomacy with the terrorists and that’s he’s going to close Guantanamo . Those terrorists don’t believe in diplomacy. They believe in what they believe even if it’s wrong. They don’t care to hurt innocent people and children who had lost there parent’s and have to grow up without parent’s just like what happened in 9/11. Those terrorists don’t care about us. So do you think we can give them diplomacy.?

Do you think if you give a tiger candy it wont kill you.?. Do you think that if you talk nice to the people who tried to attack the U.S and kill us they will listen to reason ?.

Obama may attempt to overrule the second amendment. Although from the pacifist point of view this is a good thing it does have strings attached, . According to the FBI, states with ‘shall issue’ Right-To-Carry laws have a 26 percent lower violent crime rate, a 20 percent lower homicide rate a 39 percent lower robbery rate and a 22 percent lower aggravated assault rate than states that do not allow their citizens to legally carry guns. Carrying a gun is a social responsibility. A person who neglects his duty to provide and contribute to the security of the his community is no better than the criminal who threatens it. Even though most people don’t carry guns the chance a victim armed with a handgun eliminates crime and provides safety.

“Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. “This is not to say that firearms should not be very carefully used, and that definite safety rules of precaution should not be taught and enforced. But the right of citizens to bear arms is just on more guarantee against arbitrary government , one more safeguard against tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proven to be always possible.” -Senator Hubert Humphrey, in “Know Your Lawmakers” Guns Magazine, Feb 1960.

Taking away the second amendment will change nothing. There will always be murderers except without the second amendment the vict
victim is has no defense. Even Jesus told the apostles to carry arms at the Last Supper. He asked : When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals ,did you lack anything?.”. The apostles answered “Nothing”. Jesus then continued : “But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword , sell your cloak and buy one.” -Luke 22: 35-36

In taking away our arms Obama would leave us as infants surrounded by a gigantic pack of rabid wolves. As a Catholic I can confirm that even in the current Catechism of the Catholic Church the right and duty to use necessary force against aggressors is affirmed. “Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. “The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm.”-Catechism of the Catholic paragraphs 2263-65 (1997).John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who disagreed on a multitude of issues, both saw that laws opposed to
that laws opposed to armed self-defense only supported criminals. It’s very important to remember gun’s don’t die , people do.

Even in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna apposes Arjuna’s pacifistic ideas because it’s was Arjunas duty to fight. One of our duties is to protect ourselves and our families. So why would you want your government apposing your duty.? Why would you not fight like Arjuna when Krishna convinced him to perform his prescribed duty.? Why would you not defend yourself against your attacker.?

Would you remain still and do nothing when your family is in danger.? Would you defend yourself like David and the Israelites when Goliath and the Palestinians attacked.? If you were Krishna or Jesus or Mahavira or Buddha or Mohammed or Moses or Zoroaster would remain a silent spectator if your devotee or disciple was being harmed.? How would the elderly defend themselves without the second amendment.? It is when you question morality you see what is right. The 14’th Dalai Lama
said “Acts of violence should be remembered and then forgiveness should be reached to the persons“. “But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” “Not at the head where a fatal injury could result, but at a body part such as the leg.”

People have been anticipating change from Obama for a very long time. Well they have received change. When Obama entered office he immediately signed five executive orders two of which I have listed. More change can be expected if Obama has already signed three executive orders within such a small time period. Those who asked Obama for change have received it but that change isn’t good at all.

Overall Obama will bring change whether it be bad or good. Change is coming and always will come. As a tree sheds it’s leaves in the winter so shall the country. The citizens will be spectators to this. Change can come just like a wealthy village with successful crop may one day suffer
the opposite.

Criminals will always have weapons whether it be a gun or not the only difference without the second amendment the citizen’s with be unarmed.

I don’t hate or disrespect Obama it is just my opinion and this is a free country founded on freedom of speech. There have been many presidents who have claimed they can make changes but have they followed through.?. Obama’s campaign slogan was change but the big question is there going to be change or is it going be the same political cycle.
And that’s the whole essay I found tell me what you think and remember it isn’t my own.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously flawed.

Donald asks…

I’ve been betrayed by my family?

I’m going to try to sum this up as quickly as possible.

I’m 18. My boyfriend of 3 months is 28. My mother was fine with me dating him until I moved out and in with my best friend’s family. (Due to frequent fights I get into with my stepfather)

Ever since I moved out she’s convinced herself and my grandparent’s that my boyfriend is a terrible person that is trying to manipulate me or kidnap me or something. Now they’ve taken away my car which is legally, half mine. And tried taking my phone away which I pay for.

They try to make sure I can’t see him, they’ve drained my checking and saving accounts which contained money I earned and had been saving for college so that I wouldn’t have to work for the first semester.

On top of that, they are making threats to my boyfriend and calling me just to see if I’m with him, and if I am they’ll say something like, “You better tell him I’m half crazy and have a gun” or “Let him know that you have two uncles that have no problem kicking some ass.” .

He had nothing to do with any of this. The whole reason I moved out was because I cannot stand my stepfather.

The whole thing has just made my boyfriend and I closer. He has no ill wishes to my family and says that they just need time to adjust.

While I feel completely betrayed by my family. The only people I feel I can trust are my boyfriend and my best friend. I don’t feel safe unless I’m with them.

So I’m at complete loss as to what to do. I am very close to just disowning my family and filing a restraining order against them. My boyfriend says this isn’t the way to go, but I feel like I will lose it if my mother keeps showing up at odd hours of the night interrogating me on what I’ve been doing lately.

I’m 18 and legally an adult. I’m mature for my age and I am a full time college student. This whole thing is stressing me out to no end. If anyone’s got any advice. I’d love to hear it.

Nagesh answers:

(Is she paying for your education-yikes-that’s a different matter)
Write you mother a letter as to why you moved, tell her that your boyfriend is neutral in all of this and actually has your family and her best interest at heart and he doesn’t want you to disown your family or file a restraining order against them-but that you would be forced if it continues. Give mom your rules of visitation-call before coming and maybe days/or hours allowed. Tell her that you will not answer the door otherwise is she breaks the rules. You can also tell her (threat-that may not be founded on the law) to give back your earned money-or you will need to get the advise of an attorney (if their name was on it-you probably don’t have a leg to stand on).

If they keep calling you too much-and you have to get a restraining order against them-change your phone number. (otherwise, you could also tell them in writing them, I will allow X amount of phone calls a day from you-and if more, I will not answer-but they can leave a message-only if it is an emergency-and you will call back. You can also say-I will not answer the phone from this time to that time.

Changing your address may help too, so she will not know where you live-but again, she will know the college-but I’m sure the college will not put up with unwelcomed guests.

Please, Please, change your bank account-and research with that bank as to legal ways of getting that money back!

If she’s smart and she wants a future with you-she will listen. I can’t understand why some parents will not allow their kids to grow up. I would be proud to have one like you!

Your boyfriend sees the picture a little differently from you-I think he would have sound advise-before doing anything consult him first.

My husband is 17 years older than me, we started dating when I was 18 and we have been married for 19 years!

Robert asks…

How can you legally and quickly make money?

Nagesh answers:

A- play the lotery and have lots of luck.
B- Las Vegas
C- Get your burgler license and you know the rest.
D- Take ti easy, don’t let your situation drive you crazy, need mor ehead to thin about better things like a better work, get pais cheap, but honest and legal job.

Ruth asks…

How can i save up 600$ quickly legally?

I want to buy a D3200 or D3100 so i can start making videos and taking pics soon.
i already have about 130$ Saved but i need more.

i do graphic design but not enough to make it as quickly as i want and i also make beats and do studio time but thats not helping much either.
Any tips on how to make some quick money? also im 17

Nagesh answers:

The only way i can think of is money you get for free -borrow(instant)
slower method: little jobs(shovel snow, cut grass)($600 a week if lucky)
even slower:buy and sell($600 a week if lucky)
more slower:company jobs($600 a month)

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Thursday, October 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

William asks…

Why should I not put a large down payment on a home?

My in-laws feel that it is not a good idea to put very large down payment for a house. From my experience, owing more money translates into more money wasted from interest. Excluding the possibility of making more money from investments (instead of spending the money towards the home), what are some of the possible benefits of not paying down your home quickly?
A little background info:
– First time home buyer.
– No debt of any kind
– Plenty of money set aside for rainy days
– Plenty of money set aside for a home
Home would be purchased jointly with fiance
– 25% tax bracket

Nagesh answers:

I can see no other benefit to not paying down your house. But the idea of investing excess cash is very good – with the markets so low these days, it’s a good time to buy in.

Sandra asks…

I am a Stay at home mom, any tips on how to make $100.00 last two weeks?

our children are one and two. I stay at home with them. Even if I could work, I would have to have my own vehicle and gas and day care would eat up the entire check. We just got through paying our bills, as my husband gets paid once every two weeks. We live on a little under two thousand a month. Some where with trying to hang on to this $100.00, we also have to pay one more bill of $60.00 which is a debt from my husband’s student loan thing, and if we don’t pay it the collection agency will put us on this list where we cant get our income tax next year. Please can someone give me some tips to make some money really quickly? And a yard sale is not an option, our landlords probably would not allow it. thanks for replies!
P.S. I am not the kind of mom that goes out and pampers herself and gets a mani and a pedi and gets her hair done, every dollar around here is essentail

Nagesh answers:

Go on craigslist for your town and browse through the free listings. People give away some really nice stuff sometimes because they just don’t want to go through the hassle of selling it. If you act quickly you can get it, have your hubby pick it up on his way home from work (save gas!) and then turn around and sell it on craigslist. It’s free to post and you can make alot of money!

John asks…

Should I buy a mobile home (canyon coutry, CA)? How quickly do mobile homes depreciate in value?

My husband& I are considering purchasing a mobile home(2b,2b) in Canyon Country, CA (Santa Clarita area), but I’m still not sure if it’s a good idea. I don’t want to make a bad financial decision. I currently pay $825.00 a month for rent (Sherman Oaks, 1bed). I work in Canyon Contry which is about 25 miles from Sherman Oaks (4 days/week) . I pays about $200-$300 for gas/ month.The traffic on 405 makes me tried of driving back and forth. I’m thinking is that if I bought a mobile home I could pay about $700 in space rent&about $450 a month in a mortgate payment. So I would save some money, time and have bigger space(I have 2 dogs),+ in the end I would own something.I have $8000 for down payment.The problem would be if the mobile home depreciated in value faster than the balance of my loan decreased.How many yrs would I have to live in the mobile home to make it worthwhile? Would it be better to buy a newer or older mobile home? Is there anything else I should take into consideration?

Nagesh answers:

If this was 3 years ago, everybody would have told you to purchase the mobile home, but now, just about every bank out there does not want to lend on mobile homes. If you do find somebody to give you a loan on a mobile home, most likely a year or two from now, they will not be able to. It will be almost impossible to get good financing especially if you don’t own the land. Maybe you can rent closer to your work, rather than getting a mobile home. Yes, the housing market is on a down trend, the house prices are dropping. One house may drop in value more than another house depending on the location and on the value it was at.

Lizzie asks…

need money quick for summer apartment!?

I am trying to live in the city during the summer, and I have found a lot of good monthly deals, but I still have to get at least $1500 upfront(1st+last month rent as security deposit). I am an 18 year old college student and I’m trying to find full-time jobs and part-time weekend jobs. My mom supports my idea and is very willing to help me(like getting a second job after her regular job) but also does not have the cash upfront. I’m trying to sell my textbooks online and clothes that don’t fit to thrift stores. I also used up my meal plan money to buy candy bars(worth $150) for my mom to sell at her job. I need to raise this money really quickly and can’t think of anything else. Please help me with ideas on how to get quick cash– NO ADS for makemoney-at-home-fast scams or rude, inappropriate comments! Just good honest ideas. Thanks a lot! =)
oops by city, I mean Manhattan. And I was thinking about getting an apartment with 2 friends but itd be cheaper for me to pay all the upfront money for a tiny place on my own than all the upfront money for a bigger place with 2 other ppl and hafta end up borrowing from one of them.

Nagesh answers:

That’s a tough one. Rather than trying to raise $1500 up front, talk to some of the landlords and explain your situation. Tell them you can pay them first month’s rent plus a little extra each month until you cover last month’s rent for security as you do not have this much up front. Most landlords should be understanding and coming from a college student, some will be willing to work with you. The worse they can say is no.

Charles asks…

Is it true the Government wants to keep people stupid so they can make free tax money?

Look at the modern standard family portrayed on TV. Then look at the standard family portrayed in the 50s and 60s. The difference now is each family has to have both mother and father working in order to afford the bills of the family. Such as house payments, car payments, power, camping, and other family generated costs. Sometimes the costs are so much even the kids have to work by the time they turn 15. Our schools teach the nations students basic information and enough to let them become industrial workers. In other words start off at McDonalds and work up to higher pay warehouse jobs and so on. Even a person who goes to college will not have enough to support a family until they live together and put together their monies to afford a house and other. Those who live in apartments will never prosper as that high pay rent money does not focus on payment towards ownership.

Our educational system is just one big prison. Cops in the hallways, having electronic searching devices at doors and, doctors and nurses who are reporters …..just like cops, teachers are reporters too….just like cops, not to mention your educational information is directly linked to the feds and military (which is both), you are not taught much about how to defend yourself from the legal system and more. The schools are directed by the federal and state government agencies to keep you stupid. That is defined in a short way. Schools make big money off of sports games, Federal grants as well as State grants. 75% of all home and property taxes goes to an education slush fund and schools are continuing to be built as well as the laws that are made to keep you in school so you as a person can be monitored by the government.

Look back at the TV shows that portray a family of the 50s and 60s where the mother is at home doing her motherly deeds. The government saw this and intentionally made it so both mother and father had to work in order to afford these modern bills.

How to get out of this rut? Some can catch on right away and make it big quickly after high school or 6 years of college to study to become an attorney, a doctor or other high profile jobs. There is no exception of those high profile jobs in order to make big money.

Remember, your school makes money off of sports and other. YOU have the chance and choice to tell your principal what classes you want, what time you want them and what you want to learn. You are your teachers boss, as well as the principals. You have Constitutional Rights to stand up for and make your teachers and principals and hall monitors abide by them. No one can search you for any reason with out a court order. No school policy supersedes your rights nor does law. No matter what age you are… are protected by those first ten Constitutional Amendments. If you like someone and you want to kiss them in front of who ever or hug them…..that is your individual choices. Unless you break a law or a policy that is supported by a law and that law is supported by the Constutional Amendments… are free to do, to wear, to kiss who and what ever you want.

Each of you need show your teachers where they went wrong and support that with a good explanation. You need to tell the principal if you want me to play football or a sport that can harm me…then you pay me 1000 a week and full coverage medical insurance or you get nothing. You need to stand up and say what you want…..its your school and you out number the entire staff. Think about it, students on strike. YOU should and must be paid for any time you spend at school after that standard day of school. All your cheer leading, football gear, basket ball gear, gymnastics gear and other must be paid for by the school. Or, you dont participate.

Remember, without your participation that school will not be recognized. Remember always, it is you who plays the game makes the school a big name and big money. Those things will continue to make you who you become in the future. Never think the school does not have the money for this or that. If they can spend 11 or more million bucks on building a school they have a bunch more to spend it on something else. And that something can be someone like you to live healthy as well as wealthy while your doing something for the school as well as your future.

I have an issue about clothing policies in schools……What you wear is part of your culture, and creed and your natural way of life. Again, you are protected by the Constitutional Rights, so, if you want to wear ripped up clothes, mini skirts or halter tops, skin tight pants or a shirt with a pot leaf on it… have the right to express and say what you want as long as it harms no one else. That includes those people who wear their pants down to their knees (still looks like your running around with a Scmiddy diaper on) then you keep on saggin.

Nagesh answers:

Thoughtful commentary.

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Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

William asks…

Any ways to make money from home while being pregnant?

my boyfriend only gets paid weekly around 100$ and i just need to know some little extra successsful ideas to make some money. Like from home on the computer or other things while being pregnant i would really love to start buying things for my baby already.

any good ideas or suggestions???

Nagesh answers:

Ebay! A fellow co-worker of mine sells on ebay. He buys movies in bulk then sells them out one by one. He spends on average about 300 bucks for the bulk and then makes about 2000 after they have been sold. I also have a cousin that goes to garage sells and flea markets and sells things on ebay! She makes a couple thousand a month by just selling stuff.

Lisa asks…

Are there any ideas to make a little money from home for a stay at home mom?

I stay home with my 6 month old and need to bring in like 100 to 150 dollars a week and need to know if there is a scam free way to make that.

Nagesh answers:

Try this site: It does take a modest investment and is not a get rich quick deal. It will take dedicated effort on your part, but the pay off is truly unlimited. If you only need or want a moderate income, try going through There is a fee and you need to pass a online testing for placement, but it is very legitimate if you have customer service skills, data entry, or I.T. Training to offer. I have a friend that works through them processing customer service requests for Barnes & Nobles. Arise represents many customers and once you have been tested you will be matched up with several companies that are searching for your services. You stand a really strong chance of placement at this time since many of them are getting ready for the Holiday business increases. You can get a lot of information on if this is a right step for you at Arises website.

Ruth asks…

I am about 5 months pregnant and I need to make some extra money from home. Does anybody have any ideas? ?

I was the Branch Manager of a payday loan company, but Ohio passed a law that put the company out of business. I am now out of work and pregnant. Nobody wants to hire a pregnant woman, so now I need to make some extra money from home. I also have a 2 year old. I don’t want to do those “surveys” or “get rich quick home businesses”. I want legitimate ideas of what I could do from home. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Where’s the husband/father? Your company going out of business doesn’t negate your skills and/or abilities to work from home. Have you tried Craigslist, or NY with “telecommute” selected? Or will the tax-paying public be supporting TWO of your illlegitimate children?

Sharon asks…

What is the BEST way to make money from home?

I would like to know and hear from some people about soem great ideas for running a business from home? I am very entrepreneurial and have many ideas and I have some knowledge, skills and talents………I know that I can turn a hobby into a business, but I would really like to hear from some of you people out there and some really good interesting ideas that can make some good money too! Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to reading some good advice =)


Nagesh answers:


You wanna build CD modulators in your spare time ….

You say you have abilities, good! You will have to invent the business
and you will have to work it and take all of the responsibility for it
and then you will have the opportunity to profit, nothing is guaranteed

Good Luck …. U gonna need it!

Oh yea, check the link for a quick $5K if you are up to it…..

Daniel asks…

im looking for ways to make money from home any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Making novel, making design 3d animation, privat teacher, etc

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Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Richard asks…

i need to earn money quick, help would be appriciated…?

i wanna work abroad but also am a live wire and an easy communicator… wanna work in the public eye and wanna earn money….not the worst looker in the world so hopefully cando something… willin to try anything!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Karlos ^ that sounds good to me, I’ll have that number 🙂

Your best option is to look through the Job Centre website, And put in what you want! Look into travel companies, as this can pay well in the travel sector, Or look at seasonal work to see what it is like before commiting a whole lifetime to them.

The speed you want to earn though would require you to be in sales, this is the best paid proffession in the world, but then depends on what you sell. If you get a contract for a company to start next month chances are you do not get you’re commision til then.

Alternatively, a good get rich quick scheme is hold a couple of boot sales. This can equate to upto £1000 getting rid of things you no longer require!

Good luck

Jenny asks…

Easy and quick way to raise money for Relay For Life/American Cancer Society?

I want to help raise money for Relay For Life and I want it to be easy and quick. Alot of other people are selling bracelets and having raffles–all in my school, becasue that is where the Relay is taking place. So if you have any good ideas for this that would be great.

Remember this money isn’t for me, I’m earning and raising money with my friends to help support the Relay For Life and the American Cancer Society.


Nagesh answers:

My schoolmates and I just particapted in a local relay and the team were selling some tri-color glow necklaces and bracelets, pretty bright stuff..they were selling bracelets for $1 a piece and necklace $2 a piece….they were fun to play with and a lot of kids were wearing them. One of my friends asked them where they got these because her birthday is coming up and they mentioned an online site called glow with us. Might worth checking out.

Mary asks…

what can i do for quick easy money in order for me to do an ffa project?

my name is onnie and iam wanting to join the magnolia ffa this year and raise me a pig. and inorder for me to do it i need at least $3,000.00 to raise it.
i need help raising money and earning money so that i can do it.
right now i have $20.00 so i am of on a bad start.
so could you please help me by telling me what i can do.
cause right now i am trying to get my parents to list my pc games and my guitar hero game on ebay so i can make a little more money.
i really need some help.
thank you.
well my pig will cost $150.00 and the feed cost atleast $25.00 per sack. then i have to pay for the equipment that i need like my show stick, my show outfits, my boots, my ffa dues, and my show fees and everything else that i will need along the way.
also i need the money by april 4, 2008.

Nagesh answers:

There is an online alternative. If you go to:

They present a sort of system where you can provide a little known personal service using your computer. It’s not anything like ebay or surveys and it’s not a scam either.

Maria asks…

HELP! Any tricks on how to get the most money quick and easy?

I’m really in debt and im not making my bills on time and as more and more time goes by the further and further i get beind on bills. Any fast cash ideas…good paying surveys that don’t require subscription or credit cards…or something i can do to earn some big bucks fast…im desperate!

Nagesh answers:

Hunker down. Get a second job, stop spending and call the companies you have debt with to work out an affordable payment plan. Finish school and get a good job and worth the amount of money you owe. If your bills are out of control sit down and set up a plan. Stick to it! Let your creditors know… Some of them will even help.

As for quick money…. Have you ever heard the saying “the harder you work the luckier you are…” its true. There are no quick gimmciks or schemes. Go to school, get a good degree, learn how to interview, and sell yourself. Your time is your most valuable asset and you are worth it. So, hunker down, have discipline, patience, and dilligence and you will get through.

Ken asks…

What is a quick easy way to earn fomey for a young teenager?

My son wants to take his cousin on a 14 day Princess cruise to Alaska next year and the fares are around $1600-$2000, and we are at a stumper for ideas on making the money. So any ideas would be great. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Is your son’s cousin a girl? Is she cute? Could spell trouble…

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Monday, October 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Charles asks…

get some money safely online and fast?

i wana buy a wii but all the sites that clam that they are safe i dont trust them.

what are some sites that you have used and havent back stabed you? or riped you off?

Nagesh answers:

Great Business Oppurtunity here!

It is a GDI program. You get a 7 day trial for free.. And then after the 7 days you pay 10 dollars per month to gdi and they give you a website for that price.. And what they do is starting monday and ending sunday (one calender week) you get 100 dollars for ever 5 people you sign up under you.. If you get 10 people to sign up that same week.. You get 200..and so on.. Plus you get 1 dollar every month for each person in you sign up and that increases every single month! This is a great program if you know some friends who have been wanting to make money online and have tried the survey sites cuz believe me i have and this is nothing compared to that kind of site! But if you are interested email me, personally at

Mark asks…

Anyone know a way to make money really fast?

I am planning a trip to Rwanda with my friend. I am currently 16 years old. I feel bad asking my parents to pay for the whole thing, for it is quite pricey and they do a lot for me. I don’t know if I trust online money. I go to school forty five minutes away, making it difficult to get a job. I babysit from time to time, but I do not know how to go about getting more jobs.
Anyone know any way I could earn some money relatively quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Yea this is the forum to get truley honest answers from a bunch of stangers.

I we knew how would we be answering questions? Or tell you?

Come on get a real question

Mary asks…

fast way to get money? please?

an seriously. online money fast. does anyone have any ideas or whatever?

Nagesh answers:

Fast money is usually lost as quickly as it is gained. It’s a fact of human behavior. Impulsivity usually leads to negative consequences, such as dire financial problems

I have found no reputable and legal way to get rich quick.

I don’t know why you need money fast, so I’m at a disadvantage. I will suggest getting a part-time job delivering for Dominos in the evening, followed by a part-time night job at UPS. Then deliver newspapers on the way home and whatever else you can think of.

You will be tired. You will not be broke.

John asks…

How to Make Money Online…?

have a full-time job, but yesterday my paycheck got lost in the mail. Plus, because of budget cuts, the company is not giving any raises this year and no one is allowed overtime. I need a way to supplement my income, but my demanding hours won’t give me time for a second job.

In the meantime, I’m looking for a way to make extra money. I have extensive writing experience and I’m very adept with the internet, internet marketing, social media, etc. Where and how can I make money online fast? (Serious answers only please–no MLM, surveys, etc.)


Nagesh answers:

Can’t say much whether it works or not but from my experience I have seen so many people regret wasting a lot of money online yet still can’t earn any money online. And the one that has made money online from my observation has been online for a long time before ever make good money and most of them are already somebody in the offline world. The had full time job before but couldn’t stand to work 9-5 jobs anymore so they tried to find something online.

Basically I can say if you want to earn money online you need to have some of kind of expertise and credibility because I also found that most people buy from people they trust. And even more so now than before. Credibility and trustworthy is very critical online. Just take a look at you. How long would you take to make the decision to make a purchase? Do you really believe strangers giving you some answer to your questions right away.

Most people don’t even realise this. They took time to make a purchase but when they sell something they expect people to buy from them the first time those people came across their website. So please understand the reality of internet first and you will know how to make online. And it would be a little bit easier if you really have the desire. Hope that helps a bit.

Joseph asks…

How to make money online?

I need to make money and fast I haven’t been able to get a job and if I don’t find a way to get money soon my 5 month old and I will be homeless. I need to find a way to make some money online and fast none of this 100,000 points to make $10 thing or pay now to become a member and make millions either. Please I need help if you are doing something at home with crafts and it doesn’t cost money let me know I live in NM. Once again please help I need a home for my daughter and me.

Nagesh answers:

can i trust u,if i can then while not send me a mail on and we talk more about this.

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Sunday, October 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Daniel asks…

What is a good way to make good, quick money?

I currently live out in the middle of nowhere, Cottageville, SC, to be exact, and I work for a grocery store that only pays me minimum wage, $7.25. I have been working there for 8 months now and was promised a raise after 3 months that I am yet to see. Everyday that I work I do not take breaks at all and if I do, it is only for 10-15 seconds to drink something and I go straight back to finishing what it was that I was working on. My paychecks are anywhere from $80-$200, depending on how busy we are for that week. I only make enough to buy food, pay rent to my parents for living with them, and pay for gas for the rest of the week, then I am broke again. I do not own a vehicle, but have my girlfriend drive me to and from work because I totalled my vehicle two years ago and haven’t been able to purchase one since. I have been to college for a semester and passed all my classes, but could not finish due to financial issues and no job. With that in mind, does anyone know a way for me to LEGALLY make more money on the side, or even having me quit my job to make more money? Please, i really need some suggestions because I am trying to get back on my feet.

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell your unwanted and unneeded items on Ebay and Craigslist
2. Sell your unwanted gold (there’s dealers everywhere right now)
3. Mow laws
4. Babysit
5. Pet-sit and/or dog walk
6. Look in the paper and Craigslist for a job or extra job
7. Clean cars
8. Do you have a talent? Give lessons
9. Sell your books on Amazon
10. Have a yard sale
11. Sell Avon, Tupperware, Creative Memories, or some other home catalog product.
12. Shovel snow
13. Wash windows
14. Have a bake sale
15. Bring clothing to a consignment shop
16. Paper route

Jenny asks…

How college student make money?

I am 22 years old college student. I do not have a job and recently I have almost COMPLETELY run out of money. I am quite embarrassed by this. I just quit my job. Since I’ve been unemployed I’ve excelled dramatically in school. I have time to network and to be involved. I do wish to stay unemployed and spend my time to focus in school.

Are there any quick ways to make money? How did you survive in college? Any strategies? Tips to manage money?
I do not want to take out a loan or ask my parents for money. I come from a low income family. I receive financial aid. I commute.

Thank you for your help

Nagesh answers:

I am ALMOST graduating but I remember applying for any job near by my place on my freshman year. I used almost all advertisements I see, there’s kijiji, google, ads on billboards in school as well. I remember making $200 for one day just by walking my neighbours dogs, and I mean DOGS with S. If you are desperate enough, you’ll get a job no matter what it is.

John asks…

i need a fast and easy way to make quick money?

i live in austin, tx i am a college student who cant find a job anywhere because they do not want to work with my school schedule or they are full i just need extra money in my pocket legitimate ways any suggestions

Nagesh answers:

…it’s not MY fault you don’t want to flip burgers at burger-world??……you’re a spoiled princess !!

Steven asks…

What is a quick way to make alot of money?

I need to come up with 1400 dollars for college in less than a month. What is a really fast way i can make alot of money?

No stripping or selling drugs/my body

Nagesh answers:

Student loans or grants perhaps?

Richard asks…

Ways to make some quick cash? Suggestions anyone?

I’m 13 and im looking for a quick and easy way to make some money.. I have done a little bit of babysitting… i want to have a savings account, and have enough money in it to buy a car when i get my permit and license. Also college..? Only 13, but time flies.. PLEASE HELP(:

Nagesh answers:

Hate to break it to you, but there are no “quick and easy” way to make money. You either have to work really hard or get really lucky. If you’ve done babysitting before, you should probably look into that a bit more. Maybe you could build a reputation as a reliable baby sitter, and that way, you can charge more money. Good luck.

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Saturday, October 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Donna asks…

Pay per mile proposed schemes? Your views…..?

It has just been on the news that pay per mile will probably happen. They stopped several people in a town centre to tell them how much money they would need to pay for their current journey and it was extorinate – one family driving from Bristol to York would have to pay £46!!! I live in the midlands, the public transport is awful – my 15 minute drive to work takes over an hour on the bus!
I am sure some people will say we need to do this to save the environment – but we only live on a tiny island – can you see Mr Bush introducing a similar scheme to America – or China stopping their output of C02. Even if there wasn’t a single person in the UK, global warming would still happen at practically the same rate. It is clearly just another tax to line the politicians pockets. Why don’t they just ban 4x4s and high emitting cars instead. Make there a limit on how much a car can emit on all new models released. Eventually older cars would be phased out.

Nagesh answers:

I think it is a really awful idea invented by a ‘seat polisher’ with nothing better to do than to think of another way to get money out of the great British public. I’m not surprised at anything any more. Yesterday I heard that we all should be MADE to sing and read stories to our children! We even have a Social Exclusion minister for ***** sake. (four letter word in plural beginning with eff). The trouble is that we take everything that’s thrown at us without protest. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the issue of ration books soon where we will only be allowed a certain type and quantity of food each week (BECAUSE WE ARE ALL TOO FAT)! ’nuff said.

Ruth asks…

What do the classical contributors make of the parlous state of orchestras around the world?

I am surprised that this hasn’t been asked yet on this board (or perhaps it has and I missed it?), but I have been reading with increasing dismay about many leading orchestras going to the wall or in serious trouble.

In the USA, the Honolulu, New Mexico and Syracuse orchestras are no more, the Philadelphia Orchestra has filed for bankruptcy protection, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra has been almost ruined by strikes and many other leading orchestras are in deep financial trouble. In the USA there is no state subsidy for the arts.

In Europe, many smaller German orchestras have disappeared or have merged and in the Netherlands, some of the most prestigious musical organisations are in danger of going bust without their traditional state subsidies (or huge cuts in them). In Europe, state subsidy is normal (to varying degrees) for orchestras.

It seems neither system is working right now, so what’s the answer? Of course, many orchestras would survive on playing the classical pops time after time with freelance players drafted in as necessary (some very major orchestras in the UK have always used freelance rather than contracted musicians), but what service does that give to music? How would living composers get their new works played? How would we get to hear fine music that didn’t draw-in the crowds? Not very ‘creative’, is it?

When times get tough, the arts are always the first target for cuts. Yet orchestras’ budgets are TINY in the great scheme of things. The annual bonus awarded to a top banking executive in the City of London would keep a chamber orchestra in the UK going for about 2 years. How can this be right (don’t think that the money-grabbing banker is going to part with any of his wad to support music – he won’t!)? So, in reality, these swingeing and crippling cuts make very little difference to the national debt whatsoever, yet politicians always focus on orchestras and opera companies first. Could it be that the cynical politicians are relying on the (erroneous) public perception that the arts are a huge drain on the economy? And don’t forget that orchestras put BACK a lot of money into the coffers through taxes and tourism.

So, good people, what’s the way forward?

Nagesh answers:

In Germany, and by extension, to most of the other major continental european countries, this has a definite starting point: Arts and Culture policies after the Great War ( WWI). Music somehow held on during the brief respite until WWII, but afterwards the re-building of cities took precedence over art of any kind. My older colleagues ( now retired or dead) told stories of how the whole city of Aachen contributed to rebuilding the opera house after it too was damaged severely in bombing raids. Visitors often paid in coal or foodstuffs.
With the re-establishment of a more-or-less normal standard of living in the late 50s and 60s, Government started neglecting the educational aspects of music and culture. Perhaps because they had grown up without? Perhaps it just didn’t seem relevant enough to the business world.
With the reunion in 1989 to East Germany,( which even most conservative economists say was chivvied along too quickly and unrealistically) many of the “New” german communities found their cultural establishments strapped for the subsidized funds no longer available, and were forced into mergers. From about 150 opera houses and orchestras throughout the country, we are down to about 100 to date, an our nation-wide orchestral union regularly sends out messages to rally around one or another opera theater/orchestra at the edge of existence.
The last couple of years’ economic disaster has taken its toll here as well. Wages are frozen, many perks have been cut, never to return ( dry cleaning for your tuxedo!, string money for the whole string section, fender-bender repairs for brass, reeds for the winds).
Our orchestra just last night taped a piece for the benefit for the colleagues in Holland ( within spitting distance for us)to help out their desperate situation.
More and more orchestras are fishing for sponsors and other private measures. That means more work, mind you, as these groups expect their very own set of concerts for no extra pay, of course.
I think, until music and arts are firmly re-established in a country’s/culture’s educational concept, the whole idea of participation and support will continue to languish. If one thing positive can be said about our global links through the net, it can be this: classical music is also being broadcast more than before. Granted, YouTube doesn’t include some of the treasures that many of you may have at home, but more than the Top 10 is available!
Don’t despair, friends, but continue to make music.

William asks…

Could UK lawyers comment on the legality of a law?

Since April 2008 it has been necessary for shorthold tenancy landlords to either take out an insurance policy to protect a tenants deposit or to send the deposit to the Deposit Protection Service. It is the landlord, not the tenant, who has the right to choose one of these methods.

The Deposit Protection Service is free, financed by interest from the deposits. One of the 2 insurance options is expensive and the other is very expensive so most small lanlords will opt for the free service.

Until this law the landlord and tenant had the right to agree thet the deposit would be retained by the landlord as a bond to cover repairs or non payment of rent so if no such expenses occurred the tenant could have the rent back on the day he moved out and it was immediately available to be used for his next home.

Now the tenant has to wait 10 days and a request for the deposit has to be sent by the landlord and tenant to the DPS if there is no dispute. In the meantime some tenants will have to borrow for their next deposit.

Is it not the case that the deposit is at all times the property of the tenant and so the government and the law have no right to interfere with how he wishes to use it and who he wants to hold it as long as the purpose is not illegal?

If this is the case then could making the use of the scheme compulsory be overturned by appeal to a High Court or a European Court as the law deprives the tenant of the right to do what he wants with his own money?

I am aware that the intention is to protect tenants money but I question whether it is legal to force tenants to accept the scheme when it should be the tenants right to decide.

Nagesh answers:

I had not heard of this law, but I agree that I don’t like it. I doubt that the High court would strike it down, though. It seems to me to be a legal – if ill-advised – regulation of a business transaction.


John asks…

Will Kentucky make the NCAA tourney in 09?

Me and my boss have a bet going that Kentucky will not make the tourney in 2009 but he (being from Kentucky {obviously}) swears that they will on his mother’s life. So the question is posed will they make the tournament this year. Will they make it just on collegiate prestige or will the NCAA see that this would be looked upon with frowns as the people know their bid was just a money scheme? Or do you honestly think UK has a real chance at winning? I don’t think it is possible and he continues to say they will make it just because they are Kentucky “We are KENTUCKY and you are not!” is his continous statement, he thinks they will get in on prestige. You decide and give me more ammo or bust on this hot debate

Nagesh answers:

I am a huge KY fan myself and an ex-college player in the state of KY, so I have a bit of knowledge.

Unless they go to the finals of the SEC tourney they will not make it in. It really depends on which team shows up for the SEC tourney. If they are clicking with Patterson and Meeks, they can get to the finals.

Final predicition: They are to inconsistent under the helm of the worst hire in KY coaching history. No tourney this year, and this deeply hurts as a fan. Until they get rid of Gillispie, they will continue to fall. He’s a great recruiter but a horrible general of coaching. Why would one of the most historic teams in the country hire a coach who had absolutely no resume!!! The guy went to one sweet sixteen in his life. Seriously?

Betty asks…

Will Kentucky make the NCAA Tourney in 2009?

Me and my boss have a bet going that Kentucky will not make the tourney in 2009 but he (being from Kentucky {obviously}) swears that they will on his mother’s life. So the question is posed will they make the tournament this year. Will they make it just on collegiate prestige or will the NCAA see that this would be looked upon with frowns as the people know their bid was just a money scheme? Or do you honestly think UK has a real chance at winning? You decide and give me more ammo or bust on this hot debate>>!

Nagesh answers:

They have a chance if pitt unc and Connecticut players all die tonight.

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