Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Maria asks…

Best way to make money in runescape?

Please leave your plan on how to make money. Please tell me the skill that makes the most money and the way to make the money the quickest. I have ten mill. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

How to make money on runescape. ( Somewhat Slow )

Requirements: Knife, a lot of money, around 100k to 25M and, A little patience.

If you didn’t know, Chocolate Bars are 275 GP and Chocolate Dust is 344 GP as of July 13, 2010. (all of the guide is of July 13, 2010)

At your money level, buy about 5 to 20K chocolate bars. As chocolate bars decrease it is good for you. If Chocolate Dust goes up it is good for you. If Chocolate bars go up it is bad for you. If chocolate dust goes down it’s bad for you. Buy the chocolate bars for the max. ( they usually always sells ). Do this on the Grand Exchange. Get them noted and put it to your bank. Make sure your knife is in the inventory. Right click the chocolate bars and press “withdraw all chocolate bars”, Un noted. 27 chocolate bars will come up in your inventory. Use your knife, and click a chocolate bar. Then a yellow box will appear. If not then that means you ate your chocolate bar or didn’t use the knife or didn’t press the chocolate bar after.The yellow box will say chocolate dust at the bottom and right click the brown chocolate dust and it would say.: Make 1, Make 5, Make All, Make X, and Cancel. Click Make all. Your character will start making it to chocolate dust. Don’t move your guy or girl. When done, right click the banker and click bank banker. Deposit all chocolate dust. You make about 2k 900 GP from each 27. Get 27 chocolate bars into your inventory and do the same thing until all chocolate bars turn in to chocolate dust!!! Then sell it on Grand Exchange for minimum and you should get the profit!!!! I made 1 Million off this and i only did played for 5 hours in total! Hope it helps!

Runescape Answerer,

Laura asks…

In RuneScape right now i only have 365$ lvl 35 and weak shield whats a quick way to make money.?

I died and lost mith stuff thats why. I sell runes when i find em and sell wood to general stores
Badboy thats cheap mann hell no lol people are way more smarter than that. and who would give you there password for that much when after that they can’t even use the money lol.

Nagesh answers:

Sell coal or rune ess

James asks…

which way makes quicker money in runescape?

hi i just wanted to know which way makes quicker money. also i am f2p.
cutting yews at lvl 71 woodcutting, mining coal at lvl 71 mining in mining guild, mining gold in crafting guild or killing roaches for their drops at lvl 92 combat.

Nagesh answers:

My guess is woodcutting, then mining gold, then mining coal, then fighting roaches.

For fighting, I’d say Hill Giants will give you better money than woodcutting even at your level 71. But if I were you, I’d fight Moss Giants in the Varok sewers and bury their bones for prayer XP. They have decent drops for alching and they are multi-attack, so being high level really helps you get drops.

If you have a few million in cash, you should use it to merchant in the Grand Exchange. This will get you faster money than any method you listed.

Sharon asks…

Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape?

Im A F2P Player On Runescape , I Died And Lost Everything I Have No Money… Any Ways I Can Make Money w/ The Stats Of

Combat Level 39 , Attack 40 , Strength 44 , Defence 1 , Prayer 22 , Health , 38 , Mining 39 , Fishing 40 , Cooking 40 , Firemaking 3 , Wood Cutting 8 , Range 10 , Magic 1, Every other stat is 1 .

Nagesh answers:

This page tells you full details for money making guide in f2p. Works perfectly.

Ruth asks…

what are some good quick member ways to make money in runescape as a member?

my runescape account is jevonslayer

Nagesh answers:

Here is the guide for member to earn money quicker:

Good luck!

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Saturday, November 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Laura asks…

decent ways of making decent money fast in runescape?

these are my lvls:

























i need to get a decent amount of money (2m) in about a week.

i am a member

Nagesh answers:

Kill green drags in the wildy and collect the green hide and bones and then sell it at grand exchange

Helen asks…

Whats a fast way to get money in runescape?

im a level 85 and I want some money in runescape to buy a whip and dragon chainmail and other expensive things. Please leave a few different ways on how to make a lot of money and in a somewhat quick amount of time, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Go to RC guild, and play Great orb project it take 5 minutes on average for 500 tokens, exchange 1 token per rune essence which is 75 gp a ticket.

Richard asks…

How to make money in Runescape?

Are there any fast ways to make money in Runescape without playing much? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Hey i used this site:
and i made like 12m in my first week using the guide, the secret is grand exchange.

Maria asks…

How can you make really fast money in runescape?

Well I wan’t a whip but its too expensive, what are some fast ways to make alot of money no slowly though. My combat lvl is 90 i have 75 str,75att, and 70 def i have dragon chianmail, dragon boots, dragon scimi, dragon guantes, obby cape , tok xil shield, ammy of power ,and ring of wealth. Please no ( if you repeat you repeat this you can make alot of money in time) and no little noob making money i want fast money. Yes I am a member. Add me GOTH love66

Nagesh answers:

Level your slayer you will get your stats up and the higher your slayer the more money you make (like any other skill)

Ruth asks…

What is the current and most offical way to make money on runescape now on members im a lvl 95!?

runescape has changed a lot scence i have last played i want to know how most members are making money NOW back in the days i would buy and sell unids (unditified herbs) to make money they use to be 1k ea, and made about 400k a day. So know what is the best members way to make money fast and a lot of it. Also what is the best skill to make money of thanks!!

Nagesh answers:

Your best bet it to kill green dragons. Killing dragons is very easy. You can make at the very least around 200k-250k. Bring a D scim if you can use it or a whip and full rune with an anti-dragon shield and wear climbing boots for an added str bonus. In your inventory you should have a games necklace and have a dueling ring on. Also, since I don’t know what level you are you should take around say 15 lobsters to start and then get an idea from there how much food you will need in the future. Once you have a full inventory, teleport to castlewars, bank your hides and bones, then teleport to clan wars and run towards the hill giants which is I belive going East? It’s around level 20+ wild and on the very East side of the Wild. I make upwards around 400K+ an hour on my level 107 so there is a great chance you will be able to make a decent sum from doing this. Plus you can get level 3 Clues which can give you a nice added bonus once you solve it. Hope this helps!! And yea, I miss buying undids 🙁 I would do the method to ID only 1 herb from each set of undids then I when I came across a Ranaar I would take out my noted undids of Ranaars and fill the rest of my invent with misc stuff except undids. And if the the trade went through, I knew I would be making a ton of cash lol. Made around 4M plus since this guy sold me like 200 undid Ranaars, cost me like 200k, made 3.8M+ profit :). Oh, the good old days, but good luck with killing drags or what ever you decide on. 🙂

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Friday, November 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Daniel asks…

Why should I not put a large down payment on a home?

My in-laws feel that it is not a good idea to put very large down payment for a house. From my experience, owing more money translates into more money wasted from interest. Excluding the possibility of making more money from investments (instead of spending the money towards the home), what are some of the possible benefits of not paying down your home quickly?
A little background info:
– First time home buyer.
– No debt of any kind
– Plenty of money set aside for rainy days
– Plenty of money set aside for a home
Home would be purchased jointly with fiance
– 25% tax bracket

Nagesh answers:

I can see no other benefit to not paying down your house. But the idea of investing excess cash is very good – with the markets so low these days, it’s a good time to buy in.

Ruth asks…

I am a Stay at home mom, any tips on how to make $100.00 last two weeks?

our children are one and two. I stay at home with them. Even if I could work, I would have to have my own vehicle and gas and day care would eat up the entire check. We just got through paying our bills, as my husband gets paid once every two weeks. We live on a little under two thousand a month. Some where with trying to hang on to this $100.00, we also have to pay one more bill of $60.00 which is a debt from my husband’s student loan thing, and if we don’t pay it the collection agency will put us on this list where we cant get our income tax next year. Please can someone give me some tips to make some money really quickly? And a yard sale is not an option, our landlords probably would not allow it. thanks for replies!
P.S. I am not the kind of mom that goes out and pampers herself and gets a mani and a pedi and gets her hair done, every dollar around here is essentail

Nagesh answers:

Go on craigslist for your town and browse through the free listings. People give away some really nice stuff sometimes because they just don’t want to go through the hassle of selling it. If you act quickly you can get it, have your hubby pick it up on his way home from work (save gas!) and then turn around and sell it on craigslist. It’s free to post and you can make alot of money!

Mandy asks…

Should I buy a mobile home (canyon coutry, CA)? How quickly do mobile homes depreciate in value?

My husband& I are considering purchasing a mobile home(2b,2b) in Canyon Country, CA (Santa Clarita area), but I’m still not sure if it’s a good idea. I don’t want to make a bad financial decision. I currently pay $825.00 a month for rent (Sherman Oaks, 1bed). I work in Canyon Contry which is about 25 miles from Sherman Oaks (4 days/week) . I pays about $200-$300 for gas/ month.The traffic on 405 makes me tried of driving back and forth. I’m thinking is that if I bought a mobile home I could pay about $700 in space rent&about $450 a month in a mortgate payment. So I would save some money, time and have bigger space(I have 2 dogs),+ in the end I would own something.I have $8000 for down payment.The problem would be if the mobile home depreciated in value faster than the balance of my loan decreased.How many yrs would I have to live in the mobile home to make it worthwhile? Would it be better to buy a newer or older mobile home? Is there anything else I should take into consideration?

Nagesh answers:

If this was 3 years ago, everybody would have told you to purchase the mobile home, but now, just about every bank out there does not want to lend on mobile homes. If you do find somebody to give you a loan on a mobile home, most likely a year or two from now, they will not be able to. It will be almost impossible to get good financing especially if you don’t own the land. Maybe you can rent closer to your work, rather than getting a mobile home. Yes, the housing market is on a down trend, the house prices are dropping. One house may drop in value more than another house depending on the location and on the value it was at.

Sandy asks…

need money quick for summer apartment!?

I am trying to live in the city during the summer, and I have found a lot of good monthly deals, but I still have to get at least $1500 upfront(1st+last month rent as security deposit). I am an 18 year old college student and I’m trying to find full-time jobs and part-time weekend jobs. My mom supports my idea and is very willing to help me(like getting a second job after her regular job) but also does not have the cash upfront. I’m trying to sell my textbooks online and clothes that don’t fit to thrift stores. I also used up my meal plan money to buy candy bars(worth $150) for my mom to sell at her job. I need to raise this money really quickly and can’t think of anything else. Please help me with ideas on how to get quick cash– NO ADS for makemoney-at-home-fast scams or rude, inappropriate comments! Just good honest ideas. Thanks a lot! =)
oops by city, I mean Manhattan. And I was thinking about getting an apartment with 2 friends but itd be cheaper for me to pay all the upfront money for a tiny place on my own than all the upfront money for a bigger place with 2 other ppl and hafta end up borrowing from one of them.

Nagesh answers:

That’s a tough one. Rather than trying to raise $1500 up front, talk to some of the landlords and explain your situation. Tell them you can pay them first month’s rent plus a little extra each month until you cover last month’s rent for security as you do not have this much up front. Most landlords should be understanding and coming from a college student, some will be willing to work with you. The worse they can say is no.

James asks…

Is it true the Government wants to keep people stupid so they can make free tax money?

Look at the modern standard family portrayed on TV. Then look at the standard family portrayed in the 50s and 60s. The difference now is each family has to have both mother and father working in order to afford the bills of the family. Such as house payments, car payments, power, camping, and other family generated costs. Sometimes the costs are so much even the kids have to work by the time they turn 15. Our schools teach the nations students basic information and enough to let them become industrial workers. In other words start off at McDonalds and work up to higher pay warehouse jobs and so on. Even a person who goes to college will not have enough to support a family until they live together and put together their monies to afford a house and other. Those who live in apartments will never prosper as that high pay rent money does not focus on payment towards ownership.

Our educational system is just one big prison. Cops in the hallways, having electronic searching devices at doors and, doctors and nurses who are reporters …..just like cops, teachers are reporters too….just like cops, not to mention your educational information is directly linked to the feds and military (which is both), you are not taught much about how to defend yourself from the legal system and more. The schools are directed by the federal and state government agencies to keep you stupid. That is defined in a short way. Schools make big money off of sports games, Federal grants as well as State grants. 75% of all home and property taxes goes to an education slush fund and schools are continuing to be built as well as the laws that are made to keep you in school so you as a person can be monitored by the government.

Look back at the TV shows that portray a family of the 50s and 60s where the mother is at home doing her motherly deeds. The government saw this and intentionally made it so both mother and father had to work in order to afford these modern bills.

How to get out of this rut? Some can catch on right away and make it big quickly after high school or 6 years of college to study to become an attorney, a doctor or other high profile jobs. There is no exception of those high profile jobs in order to make big money.

Remember, your school makes money off of sports and other. YOU have the chance and choice to tell your principal what classes you want, what time you want them and what you want to learn. You are your teachers boss, as well as the principals. You have Constitutional Rights to stand up for and make your teachers and principals and hall monitors abide by them. No one can search you for any reason with out a court order. No school policy supersedes your rights nor does law. No matter what age you are… are protected by those first ten Constitutional Amendments. If you like someone and you want to kiss them in front of who ever or hug them…..that is your individual choices. Unless you break a law or a policy that is supported by a law and that law is supported by the Constutional Amendments… are free to do, to wear, to kiss who and what ever you want.

Each of you need show your teachers where they went wrong and support that with a good explanation. You need to tell the principal if you want me to play football or a sport that can harm me…then you pay me 1000 a week and full coverage medical insurance or you get nothing. You need to stand up and say what you want…..its your school and you out number the entire staff. Think about it, students on strike. YOU should and must be paid for any time you spend at school after that standard day of school. All your cheer leading, football gear, basket ball gear, gymnastics gear and other must be paid for by the school. Or, you dont participate.

Remember, without your participation that school will not be recognized. Remember always, it is you who plays the game makes the school a big name and big money. Those things will continue to make you who you become in the future. Never think the school does not have the money for this or that. If they can spend 11 or more million bucks on building a school they have a bunch more to spend it on something else. And that something can be someone like you to live healthy as well as wealthy while your doing something for the school as well as your future.

I have an issue about clothing policies in schools……What you wear is part of your culture, and creed and your natural way of life. Again, you are protected by the Constitutional Rights, so, if you want to wear ripped up clothes, mini skirts or halter tops, skin tight pants or a shirt with a pot leaf on it… have the right to express and say what you want as long as it harms no one else. That includes those people who wear their pants down to their knees (still looks like your running around with a Scmiddy diaper on) then you keep on saggin.

Nagesh answers:

Thoughtful commentary.

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Thursday, November 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Laura asks…

What is a good way for a 13 y/o to make $ befor school starts ?. . . . . . . help ! ! ! !?

Everyone says babysitting is the answer butt there arn’t any little kids within miles of my house ! ! ! & i need to make money befor school is in because my parents dont like to by cloths for me that are a little pricey like Hollister, American E., Pacsun, Ambercrombie& Fitch etc. so i need to make money fast !!!!! Im getting to the piont that im desperate !!!!
So if you have any ideas lett my know !!!!!:) thanx so much
i live in the middle of no were & there are no lil kids around for miles so i cant baby sit & i tryed cutting grass & i broke my familys mower so my rents dont want me to use other pples& i dont have an alowance b cuz my rents think that since they didnt get any why should i??? iznt that unfair!!!! I cant have a garage sale cuz then my rentz would make me do ALL of the work & i am not good @ #’s . i dont need cash for on the side & i cant go to a consinment shop for name brand clothes witch i have to have 4 skool cuz well me & my frendz think that pple that buy there name brand clothes a consinment shop are phoneys & posers! cuz they are. (only ppl i know) so HELP MEEE! ! ! ! !

Nagesh answers:

Lawn mowing, paper route

Thomas asks…

Is there any easy jobs for kids under 16?

Ive been trying to find a way to make money really easy and fast… but im to young for most jobs… any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you like to be creative, maybe learn to make jewelry and sell that? There are some specialty clays from sculpey that look metallic- a quick search online to make clay jewelry could be helpful. It requires minimal tools and supplies and you only need an oven or toaster oven to bake the pieces in.

Robert asks…

I need to make money a.s.a.p.?

ok heres the thing. im 12 years old and im trying to save up for the ipod touch 8GB but i want to be more independent. My parents are willing to pay 80 dollars to help towards it. I costs 299.99 and so far i have about 240.96 with my parents money so i need about what? $60 more? how do i come up with it fast because i really want it in the next 2 months or so. Any ideas. Keep in mind that its winter so i cant do yard work, and the kids that live around here are teens so i cant babysit. I only get $5 a week for allowance and about a dollar 4 each extra favor.

Nagesh answers:

Wait 12 weeks and don’t spend what you’ve got. By that time, you’ll have the $60 more you need.

Mark asks…

MONEY for trip and FAST!?

Ok, so I am going to Spain in a couple of weeks with some kids from my Spanish class, and my mom is chaperoning.

However, i have had such a hard time making money for it.
I have a part-time job, but since I run track and go to school, ( and my boss is a dumb alcoholic :X) but I work only like 6 hours a week! And i have to spend it all on gas and whatever!

So I tried selling stuff at school. Some people have sold candy bars and had huge success, but SO many people do that it would be pointless for me to do that!

So I sold random stuff at school like soda, crackers, (haha) and random snakcs. But I have only made less than 20 dollars.

My mom has already paid for the trip, but I would like to alleviate some of the financial pressure on her, since she is a single mother and paying two mortgages.


Nagesh answers:

Post signs up in your neighborhood for dog walking, lawn mowing(maybe not really the season : / ), dog sitting, baby sitting, snow shoveling, car washing. Heck, maybe go door to door with a box of costco candy bars asking for 1$ donations for your trip. People are generally pretty nice about that sort of thing if you explain why you’re doing it, though some might think you’re being obnoxious so be ready with a really polite smile and a ‘sorry to have bothered you, thanks for your time’

And maybe you could offer your mother to pay her back for part of the trip? So that you don’t have to limit yourself to just these few coming weeks to cram in money making and she has some of her stress relieved knowing that you’ll bring some financial support later. While the money would help up front, I’m sure she would still appreciate it at a later date.

Jenny asks…

Does anyone else think that the money schools make/ask parents and guardians to shell out is OUTRAGEOUS?

I do not have any children, however I teach and tutor them. I started up a program for families in need. I have about 50 kids that I enrolled in my program, and I tutor them in areas that they are having trouble with. I offer help in Math, English/Language Arts, Science, U.S. History, Social Studies, Geography, Spanish and Test Prep/Study Skills. All of my services are provided ABSOLUTELY free of charge.

I also donate and provide backpacks full of school supplies to children whose families cannot afford them, and I also pack a week’s worth of bag lunches with the kids one night a week at my house so that they can take them to school and have something nutritious to eat for lunch and snacks. I also make sure that they have plenty to drink because so many children are not getting adequately hydrated in schools these days (I work in nursing and I see sick school-aged kids all of the time and too too many of them come in extremely dehydrated) and teachers aren’t paying good enough attention to this issue. But that’s a whole separate ballgame.

Anyway, I started this program BECAUSE I believe schools are outrageous with their demands for fees and supplies and “suggestions” for donations and such. The supply lists they send home to parents/guardians are outrageous, extensive and very costly. Also, some schools even have programs in classrooms where they want to either have breakfast, snack times or “milk breaks”. This is a great idea and all, but it’s not if families have to PAY for all of these things. It’s not fair for the children whose families cannot afford it. Why should some children have to sit in class and watch other kids have snacks, breakfasts, juices and milks when they have none? Schools should not allow this to happen. They should either provide snacks and drinks for every child, or get rid of the “program” altogether. Some families cannot even afford to send their children to school with adequate lunches (by absolutely NO FAULT of their own), let alone with money for extra snacks, juice and milk! Give these people a break. It’s simply not fair.

And don’t even get me started on book fairs, plant sales, craft fairs, Christmas gift sales and things like that. (Most of these proceeds do not go 100% to the schools, and if they don’t, in my opinion anyway, they shouldn’t have them. And some families cannot afford to send their children with money for these things as I’ve said before, so why should some children feel left out? These are not NECESSARY things. The focus here should be on EDUCATION, not begonias!!!!)

THEREFORE, for these reasons, I started this program. Tutoring is incredibly expensive (especially if you turn to one of those Sylvan learning centers or something – sheesh!) the price of school lunches really adds up (not to mention, you really don’t know if what your child is eating is nutritious at all), and school supply costs (plus those little “extra” fees they like to slide in there all of the time with those notes they send home asking for $5 here, $10 there what seems like every gosh darn week!) add up very, VERY fast.

I believe that every child is entitled to a more than decent education, no child should ever go hungry, and no child should suffer emotional distress because s/he is watching another child get something that they cannot have in school, where children are supposed to be focusing on education, not getting their feelings hurt because some of the other kids have a juicebox and s/he doesn’t (schools should not even be supporting this). Schools go on and on and on about equality and fairness….but what I described above is not fair or equal at all.

And just for the record, I live on a very strict budget as so so many families do. I do my best to clip coupons and buy in bulk for the kids and I get all of my teaching supplies at the dollar store. Sometimes I get lucky and find extra supplies (like newspapers, magazines, paper, half-used notebooks, etc.) tossed out in recycling bins and things like that.

I just wanted to let all of the parents out there know that even though I don’t have children of my own, I understand how much of a dent school costs can put into your wallet and I’m really trying to help make the load a little lighter for as many families as I can.

So, does ANYONE agree that schools are asking (and sometimes even demanding!) way too much? And that the costs are just outrageous? I’d love some feedback on this!!!!

Nagesh answers:

I totally agree. You just summed up all the major points.

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Donald asks…

How can I make money fast?

I am 13 years old in 8th grade, I’m saving up for a People to People function where I have the opportunity to travel Europe with other middle school kids. It costs about seven thousand dollars and I want to get at least half, hoping my parents will pay for the other half. The trip is next summer (2012), and my friend and I need money. Have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

7 grand is a lot of money! If you look old enough, I’d suggest getting a job as a server at some restaurant. You could get about $100 with tip a week each and the job isn’t super challenging. In about 5 months, 4 weeks •5 months • ($100+($50 tip)) = $3000

If you and your friend both work, it’s $6000.
You have to work 20 hours a week getting $5 an hour. And You would get $50-$100 tip a week, so you could end up with more.

Come visit my house for some cookies? In Switzerland?

Charles asks…

how can a 16 year old make money fast?

I am a 16 year old guy that needs 155$ as soon as possible well at latest next tuesday i have got all the money people owe me. all my friend’s are stoner’s so no help there i have no savings cant spend any time doing any real work because of exams this week and well the reason i need the money is my girlfriend is pregnant and I’m stuck trying to get money i cant get a full legal job i.e.. a cashier because of my criminal record and i would like it if there where only serious answers so how can i get the money for tuesday and the money for the kid (she is going to keep it and I’m not that much of an asshole to ditch her)
not legit jobs excepted to!!!

Nagesh answers:

Trolling in Toddlers and Preschool that you’ll do anything for $155.
Sounds like soliciting because a 16 year old – with your busy life and problems – would think of a story to get the money from Mommy and Daddy.

Nancy asks…

How can I earn money fast?

I’m trying to save money to buy a guitar. Are there any ways I can earn money quickly other than babysitting,dog walking,etc.? I can’t mow lawns because it snows too much for the grass to grow,but it’s not enough snow to shovel. I’m not allowed to walk other people’s dogs. I’m not really that good with kids, and I live in a lowly populated area so I can’t have a yard sale. I’m only 11 so I can’t get a ‘real’ job. What can I do?

Nagesh answers:

I suggest you do some tutoring in a subect area in which you excell…and sell items on Craigslist in your town. Good luck.

Carol asks…

As a 13 year old kid, how do you get money fast?

please don’t post gay stuff like “wash cars” “babysit” “mow lawns” because that’s all you guys post on here and it pisses me off. any tips? i’m saving up $1,300 for a new $2,000 laptop, my mom is paying the other $700. help?

Nagesh answers:

House sit when people are out of town. All you have to do is go to their house once a day and get the mail, water the plants or whatever they want you to do. Collect cans and scrap metal, panhandle, have a garage sale. Go to a storage auction and buy a locker and sell the contents for a profit. I did that today, but people were being stupid and paying $700 for crappy Wal-Mart bikes and moldy carpet. Sign up for quibids and eBay. Buy some cheap electronics on quibids and sell them on eBay so you can make at least a $100 profit. Or, you could buy the laptop from quibids. Cash Crates is an online survey website. An author’s daughter was making more than $200 a month just by going on there for a few minutes a week.

Daniel asks…

I need to make a lot of money fast!! I am a kid!?

Ok so my friends cat had kittens and she wanted to know if I could get one. My parents said no, they said i could if i could pay for litterly EVERYTHING! The litter, foood, shots and everythign. THe cat we have only got her shots when we first got her. So I decided we would do the same thing with this one. So I really need some ways I could get ALOT of money and FAST!

Nagesh answers:

First kid that shows up at my door looking for work has it. I have a lot of stuff I need done and will spend more time showing him or her how to do it than it will take to get it done. But that’s ok, I’ll sacrifice. I just don’t have any kids at the door. They come by selling cookies, (and I buy some) but none want to work. I’ll reward effort and attitude. If there were any around.

There are a lot of folks out there like me…find em, work for them, they will pay.

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Joseph asks…

How can a 13 year old earn money quick?

Hi, my friend and I want to go to Chicago and we made a schedule and we calculated how much we needed for our little trip. We need $168.06 and we have this week and two weeks after but my friend is leaving to Georgia next week, for a week and, oh yeah, this whole week I am also kind of on my own earning because my friends family is going crazy getting ready. We only have one week to work together. So what jobs can I do solo or we can do together?

Nagesh answers:

Why not consider picking up dog droppings as a part of your own business?

William asks…

How to earn quick money?

so im trying to save for a more things and i really need some ideas on how to earn quick money. I’ll have a part time job in the winter but other then that nothing. I know theres always the typical teenage babysitting and stuff but any unique ideas that are great money makers? Im a good artist and pretty good at making things. any ideas or personal expierences would be great! Thanks (:

Nagesh answers:

If you want to earn money quick you could try McDonalds or Starbucks. While you are working, you can make things at home to sell as well. There’s no way you will be able to earn fast money by making things at home. You may in the long term but quickly, no.

Donald asks…

How to earn quick money on sims freeplay – ipod?

I need $500 on sims freeplay. I want it quick please help

Nagesh answers:

You can make money fast by planting certain veggies, get a bunch of them together and plant (if you don’t have a garden go to the market and click the garden catagory.)

Lisa asks…

What ways can you earn money quick?

I’ve put in a few resumes , but in curious of what other ways I can make money when I’m not at my job

Nagesh answers:

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t fall victim and get scammed. You could try a lottery ticket or casino if you want, but I’d just continue working hard and enjoying time off when you have it. If you have a tangible skill like website design or plastering, you could do jobs on the site.

Helen asks…

How to quick earn money in Nintendo dogs +cats for my 3DS?

I want to buy a cat but I don’t have enough money. Could you tell how to get fast en good money without the contests.

Nagesh answers:


Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, November 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Sandy asks…

GTI online travel agency. Good? Bad?

Who knows the details and facts about GTI vs. YTB? What have you heard – positive and negative? Do you know anyone who is making money with these schemes other than the owners of these businesses?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I’m Very Proud To Say, I’ve Been Earning Income With YTB Since June 1st, 2001..Almost 6 Years..Almost Since The Day The Company Was Born..February 2001, Have Seen Tremendous Growth, Advancements & Compensation Increases Every Year. The Founder Of YTB Who I’d Be Very Happy To Introduce You To, Was Very Successful In A Previous Business & Retired A Multi Millionaire, So He Didn’t Start YTB To Become Financially Successful In Business, His Goal Is To Help People In YTB Become Successful In The Business & Millionaires As Well. I Already Know & Can Introduce You To 5 Different People In YTB Who Started In The Past 3 Years With Nothing & Because Of YTB They Have Become Successful Millionaires.

Their Are Many Different Ways Of Earning Income In YTB With Our Bonded Compensation System That Can Only Be Added To. One Of The Newest Introduced Last Summer, Is The $6,000 Guarantee. Id Be Happy To Answer Any Of Your Questions & If Open-Minded Help You Soon See In Reality That YTB Is A Great Company Thats Respected By Major Travel Vendors, As Well As The Right Place To Be. You Can Even Start Earning Income Today As A Representative With 2 Websites For FREE Cause With Full Support, YTB Offers Two Unique & Very Powerful Business Opportunities, That Of A Referring Travel Agent With Your Own Full-Service Home-Based Travel Agency & An Independent Marketing Representative. The Travel Agent Opportunity Has An Initial Fee Under $500 & A Monthly License Fee Of $49.95 That Can Also Become FREE & There Is No Fee Or Travel Agency Purchase Required To Be A Representative & You May Choose To Participate In One Or Both Opportunities.

Now About The Company: YTB International (YTBL.PK) Is A Well Established, Debt Free, Publicly Traded Company, Revenue Growth Over 98% & Continuing To GROW STRONGLY..NOW OVER 96,000 Soon To Be 100,000 Home-Based Agents..Up Over 60% YTD From January 2007 (60,000 Agents) Up Over 455% From January 2006 (21,000 Agents) & Over 1,144% From January 2005 (8,400 Agents) Been In “The Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur Magazine” All 130 Pages Of The January 2007 Issue Of “SUCCESS FROM HOME MAGAZINE” That Was Selling In Book Stores With DVD & CD Inside & Been In Other Press Releases 33 Times! I’ll Send You A Free Copy Of The Magazine If You’d Like. You Can Also See The DVD That’s In The Magazine At:

“YOURTRAVELBIZ.COM” Is Our Marketing Company You’ll Earn Income Many Different Ways With An Extremely Lucrative & Leveraged, BONDED, GUARANTEED, COPYRIGHTED COMPENSATION PLAN & Once Qualified Receieve Many More Benifits (Free Life/Health Insurance, Dental Plan, 401K, & More) & Has Become “The Choice” For 1,000’s Of People From All Walks Of Life Including Former Travel Agents & Agency Owners (Now Earning More With YTB) As Well As Former Baseball Star: Lou Brock, Dallas Cowboy Randy White, Tampa Bay Running Back Mike Alstott, NBA Point Guard Robert Pack, Heavyweight Boxing Champion James Bonecrusher Smith & Other Celebrities Who Do & Like YOU CAN, Earn Money Many Different Ways & Also Receieve Marketing Sites To Help Promote Your Business: 3 Back Offices, Live Conference Training Calls Almost Everyday, Support From Corporate Headquarters & A Special Support/Information Group I Created With More Helpful Information About YTB & News & Events For Agents In The Travel Industry:

“YTB TRAVEL NETWORK” Is Our Travel Company & You Get Paid 60% Commission On All Travel Booked Worldwide & Many Other Services On Your Own 24 Hour Personal Booking Engine: Or By Contacting Vendors Directly. Plus You Also Receive An Agent Photo ID Card & Highly Recognized In The Industry By Major Travel Vendors Starting With Disney, Royal Caribbean, Sandals Beaches, Travelocity,, Trafalgar Tours, Pleasant Holidays Vacations, Celebrity Tours & Many Others Cause YTB Has Already Been Rewarded By Many Travel Industry Leaders Receiving “The Pinnacle Award 2 Years In A Row From The Number One Cruise Line In The World..Carnival” & There Are Live Conference Training Calls With A Business Developement Director From Carnival Cruise Lines Every Month & With Other Major Travel Vendors Every Thursday Evening. Also Received Is “The Golden Apple Award” From Apple Vacations Because Of The Huge Increase In Business.

Plus Over 900 Non Profit & Other Fundraising Organizations, Churches & Alumni Associations As Big As “The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation”..44 Million People, “The National Foundation For Cancer Reasearch”..Over 16 Million People, The “University Of Phoenix” & The “Association Of Pro Ball Players” Also Have Their Own Personal Booking Engine With YTB Travel & 40% Of All Travel Commissions Go To Fundraising For Their Organization. See National Foundation Of Cancer Research Booking Engine At:

You’ll Also Save $$$ In Taxes Cause It’s A Real Business & Receive All The Benifits & Savings Of A Travel Professional For You & Your Family!! See Some Of The Benefits You’ll Receieve As An Agent With YTB:

I Hope This Information Is Very Helpfull To You. If You Have Any Other Questions See My Group Page, For Information On This Weeks Live Conference Training Calls Or Contact Me & I’ll Be Happy To Answer Them For You. Take Care, Have A Great Day Today & Everyday, Hope To Hear From & Look Forward To Helping You Get Started & Earn Big Income While Giving You The Support You Need To Become Successful With YTB Like I Have Many Other People Soon!!

Sharon asks…

Sick of internet scams. Help?

Ok, I have searched yahoo for ‘money online‘ and there are tons of questions on it. However, I still have not read a decent answer on the subject. And if you do answer me, please do not try to advertise just to get me as your referral. I want a true answer on how to actually make some money online. Not get rich schemes.
By the way, I’m 14 and live in the country

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, there is no good way for the average person to make money on line. In general, almost all money making sites on the web are scams. Under no circumstances should you give any money making site your credit card number. Never sign up for any “free” service that is free for one month and then you have to cancel it to avoid credit card charges. You will find it very hard to cancel. The phone number they give you to cancel may always be busy, so you can’t cancel. They will often charge your credit card even after you think you have cancelled. Never give a survey site your bank account number or personal information.

Many sites claim you can make money by filling out surveys or clicking on ads or some other silly method. They screw you around answering some surveys and then try to push the “free” offers that you have to charge to your credit card. One common trick they play is that they let you make 5-10 dollars easily. But their website rules say you have to earn 40 dollars before they send you a check. To make the extra money you have to participate in “free” offers. I have played around on some of these sites and it always come down to them wanting to get your credit card number in the end. Don’t let them.

You will find many people on the web that claim they made a lot of money at such-and-such a website. They are usually liars trying to make money. For instance they will say: “Go to” The “q2347” is a signal to the cashcrap site that you are being referred to them by “q2347.” If they sucker money out of you, “q2347” gets a kickback. These coded signals can be hidden by different methods in the link. Other people will refer you to their own private website or blog for the purpose of trying to get money off you. The bad spelling and grammar is usually a good tip off of this.

Note that I say there is no good way for the AVERAGE person to make money on the internet. If you are not average, and have some special skill, you can make money. If you are good at selling things, try selling things on E-bay. If you are good at writing, set up a blog or other site and sell ads. If you are good at computer programming, try setting up a site that uses your skills. Since I don’t know what special skills you have, I have a hard time advising you on this.

However, if you go to a site that claims ANYBODY can make money, it is usually a scam

Lisa asks…

please help i’m at the end of the road?

so i got this internet security 2010 virus. i have malewarebytes, ccleaner, hijackthis… problem right? BULL-SHIT!

i never ever turn off my system restore. the virus not only turned it off but deleted all my restore points. so system restore is useless.

i was reading an review of russ dalby’s money making scheme when i got the virus. now as soon as it hit me my computer slowed down big time. im talkin superslow.

i restart it and run malewarbytes. cleaned up every malicious file. so i run my hijackthis to make sure there isnt more. find 6 more files. delete those this point my computer is runnin so slow that it literally takes 10-15 mins to open up any programs.

i cant go online anymore. my computer is stupid slow now. i’ve deleted every file hijackthis told me to except this one. it goes by…..

010 – Broken internet access because of LSP provider ‘cwindowssystem32helper32 dll.’ is missing

have i maybe deleted something with hijackthis i shouldnt have? hijack was never wrong before i cant imagine it being wrong now.

should i reinstate all the files i deleted w hijack on that fateful day and see if my computer speed gets back to normal? then try to clean it again?
i cant go online anymore. it’d be helpful if u would read the whole post before answering!
Hey thanks Kibby you’ve helped a great deal. Now…i have 3-4 computers on my home network. When u say use “USB” to send it to the broken computer what do u actually mean? And wont i have to access the internet from the ‘bad’ computer to install that program?

By the way when i go to “msconfig” and chose to run windows in the “diagnostic start-up” my computer is back to normal i just cant use most of the programs like winamp or even the internet explorer.
And by the way this particular computer doesnt come with a re-install disc. It doesnt exist. Its a 2006 Dell3000. Piece of crap. Can i just buy the win operating system at a computer store and reinstall it if everything fails?

Nagesh answers:


I’ve come across the same problem you’ve got at the moment – Your not alone, i’ve had this rogue twice now. Spent a good hard 3 hours trying to remove this one though, here’s the way to remove it

Malwarebytes may NOT detect it when you scan (I tried)
So, what your going to need to do is get a USB or another computer on your network
Go to
Download the SpyDoctor (Removes malware and spyware) – Save it on a USB from another computer and send it to yours, run it and install – scan asap.
I did this and found the virus, but it said I had to buy the full version to remove it so here’s what to, after you’ve downloaded SpyDoctor click activate while its open
Name : Matz olsson
Also – You will find that your computer is only running slow cause this antivirus rogue is running alot of shit on your computer. Just do the steps I said, and it will get removed.
By USB I mean the little storage device. You should put it into your non-infected computer, download the stuff I said and then move the setup to the infected computer via USB. OR if you have some other computers on your network you should just move the file over from one to another, that’s what I did.
I normally wouldn’t do this but this is one fucker of a virus, its just terrible.

Best of luck, try not to stumble across the same internet page that got you it in the first place 😉

When I had this, I could not access the internet on the infected computer once. Only at, and couldn’t get further then that. If you can run the internet on the infected computer somehow, then just download the program. If not, get it off another computer with the usb.

Michael asks…

Need to Find an Online Job.?

I need something that I can do online, Hubby is working but it isn’t enough and bills are piling up. I need something that I can do online to make some money. I have nothing to sell on E-bay, and surveys don’t pay, I need something that will bring in a paycheck that doesn’t cost me anything to start up. And please no filling out offers or click for pay schemes because those don’t pay off either. Thank You.

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for 5 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email to the address above or see my profile for more information.

I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email or read my Yahoo profile.

Ken asks…

How to Get Readers on my Personal Blog?

I started a personal blog but haven’t gotten any readers or comments yet. I’ve already written over 30 entries. I know the subject (life in a small town) is a little strange but I do want to meet people that may be interested in discussing some of the minor subjects I have written about.

The blog is called Little Town Life. Everything I look up online about getting more people to view a blog is dedicated for these SEO things or something. I’m not interested in becoming a millionaire or posting about crazy get rich quick schemes. I just want to meet people through blogging, share some bits of information, and gain some new outlooks on life.

Is that possible or should I give up and give in? Is blogging just for people who want to make money online now?

The blog is:

As you can see, it’s pretty plain but I thought it might catch the eye of someone? Not working. I don’t know how to promote it to the public since it’s just personal stuff. Please help…

Nagesh answers:

You need to have remarkable content as they say.

Except people stumbling upon you, most people look for things by searching. What can you write that is truly unique, stands out and is easy to find. Just keep on writing for the fun of it.

BTW, I am the most frequent user of my own blog too, though in my opinion there is something that will interest and help others.

Take a look

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Sunday, November 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Mandy asks…

how can i make money online for free?

i found several GPT sites and i now make $400 a month from those i want to know other ways to make money online TONIGHT FOR FREE, don’t give me any affiliate marketing bull or anything that takes time/money to start, if you know any good fast paying survey sites for free or anything like that let me know, if you want some good gpt sites let me know cjoecke (aim) and i can send you the links

Nagesh answers:

You have most likely seen or heard about this project on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah, or you may have read about it in the Wall Street Journal. If not, here it is below – revealed to you in step-by-step detail. This program is by no means new. However, thanks to Pay Pal and the Internet, the investment is now virtually ZERO! And what’s more, the entire process is FASTER, EASIER, and MORE LUCRATIVE than it has EVER been!

How to Turn $6 into $15,000 in 30 Days with Pay Pal

Let’s get started, just follow the instructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself for a HUGE influx of cash over the next 30 days! Here’s what you need to do. . .

STEP 1 – Setting up your FREE Premier or Business Pay Pal Account

It’s extremely safe and very easy to set up a FREE Pay Pal account! Copy and paste this to the address bar (notice the secure “https” within the link)

Be sure to sign up for a free PREMIER or BUSINESS account in order to receive credit card payments from other people.

STEP 2 – Sending PayPal money “It is an undeniable law of the universe that we must first give in order to receive.”

Now all you have to do is send $1.00 by way of PayPal to each of the six email addresses listed below.


Subject should be *$1 empire * (this keeps the program 100% legal. Your message should say Add me to your mailing list.

Remember, all of this is ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are creating a service!

If you have any doubts, please refer to Title 18 Sec.1302 & 1241 of the United States Postal laws.

STEP 3 – Adding Your Email Address

After you send your six $1.00 payments, it’s your turn to add your email address to the list!

Take the 1) email off the list that you see above, move the other addresses up one (6 becomes 5 & 5 becomes 4, etc) then put YOUR email address (the one used in your PayPal account) as 6) on the list.

STEP 4 – The Pure Joy of Receiving PayPal Money!

You are now ready to post your copy of this message, to at least 200 newsgroups, message boards, etc. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)

Copy this entire letter on your computer and paste it into Notepad file to add your email
to the list. Save your new Notepad file as a .txt file.

Ken asks…

How to make money online for free?

i want to know of a free legit site where i can make lots of money in a little time period with no credit card and get paid in paypal fast is this possible

Nagesh answers:

The best program is through friendfinder, there is no fees or up front investments, its free to become an affiliate. You can track your stats in real time and they pay you $1.00 for everybody who signs up for a FREE account and even more for each person that pays for an account. You cant beat that. The link to sign up is

I make over $1000 a month and not that I’m all set up, I only put a few hours a month into it, you can make allot more if you put more time into it. And, they dont make you pay anything up front.

Charles asks…

how to make money online for free?

i need to make money fast online from home, ive zero income, anything would be a great help.

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of methods on how to make money online.. There are some free there are some costing.. Blogging offering a service, and one of the best method how to make money online is to sell products or services I recently found a website that you can buy and sell products/items for free you don’t have to pay any advertising fees

you must be creative on how to buy and sell products online, its really works like a charm. I am personally doing this.. Buy a cheap but quality products and sell it online. You can sell your old things.. After you earned you can invest and make more money online.. I hope it will helps you..

Good Luck! 🙂

Nancy asks…

best site to make money online free?

what are soem good sites that are real where i can make cash online and have it in hand later on? alot of the sites i have been to want a start up fee, Google Adsense dosent work good for me.. what is something that is totally free and that i could make cash fast

Nagesh answers:

I’ve got the perfect site for you.

It’s free to join and you don’t need a credit card like most other sites. You don’t need to refer a single person in order to receive any of your prizes/payments. And most importantly, it’s not a SCAM and I can prove it. But you can get paid by check, you can have the money sent instantly to your PayPal account, E-Gold account, Alert account, Liberty Reserve account, or you can spend your points that you earn to buy anything you want on Amazon.

A few ways that you can earn by completing offers, surveys, playing games or referring other people. But most of the offers are quick, very easy to do, and 100% Free.

If you sign up following these 5 steps you will automatically start off with $3.00

1. Copy/Paste
2. Click on the banner that says, “It’s Fun and Free Sign Up.”
3. Fill out the information with your valid name/address/email etc. (So that way they know where & who to ship your prizes/payments. Once you’re done they’ll send you an email that you’ll need to confirm in order to participate.
4. Go to “Account” and click on “Phone Verification.” You will get a voice message with the code. Wrote down the code on a piece of paper.
5. Go back to “Phone Verification” and type in the code in the box and hit submit.

And if you want some proof that other members of the website are actually receiving their prizes, then check out my blog. Http://

Donna asks…

is there any FREE website that i can make FREE money online?

hey! i’m 12 years old and i’m saving up for a new phone & i need to get the phone quick fast & in a hurry; well is there any free websites that kids can make money off of? and it has to be free sign up & when you get the money you WANT have to pay it back. please help me asap!
well im turning 13 next month & i no there’s some website. and no need for the additude. below me

Nagesh answers:

You are asking for free money and/or an interest-free, unsecured loan. Get serious! If there were such a thing, wouldn’t everybody be after it? And then where would all of this free money be coming from?

Let’s go back to basics: to get something of value, (1.) you have somebody give it to you or (2.) you work for it or (3.) you take it from somebody else. If you have no benefactors and you don’t want to go to jail, you get a job. At the age of 12, that might be tough.

Which brings us to the core of my advice: you can’t always get what you want. If you can’t get it, you do without. That’s it.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Ken asks…

what are some easy fundraising ideas to make money?

well i’ve been trying to make money for a new play set with a group of my friends (about 7-8 girls)
we’ve tried a couple bake sales and held some games to play. the last bake sale failed and the games were sorta successful but we didn’t make a lot of money fast enough. we need to make about $1,000-1,500 and we have 300 right now. we need to meet our goal by september 10th.
so, i need a fast way to make money. and we’re cooperating with a bunch of immature preteen/teenage boys and kids 5th grade and under.
btw, if it matters we’re all about 14-15 years
hahahaahah. i’m not taking any donations, honey XD
thanks for the paragraph, tho.

Nagesh answers:

Go to Easy Fundraising Ideas and take a look at the wide variety of fundraisers there.

There are lots that cost nothing to start and others that offer up to 90% profit.

Sandy asks…

what can a 13 yr old do to get money? fast at least?

well, i’m thirteen and i’m tired of asking my parents for money and every time I ask them they say “NO!!” & i’m tired of taking that as an answer. I wanna make my own money. I get five dollars a week for allowance but that’s not enough and I eat in the cafeteria and our lunch cost 1 dollar so that =’s to nothing by the end of the week. My parents are in a tight budget and I just want them to keep their money and make mine but it’s so hard. I can’t really make lunch for me cause theirs no snacks, sandwiches in my house. Only on certain times, but barely. I’m not thinking of making foods and start selling it in school, I mean .. i’m in high school, no one is going to buy food. I want to try selling my old clothes but who’s going to buy it? My friends? nope, they won’t cause my old clothes are from way way way back then. I don’t have a cell but MAYBE, i’ll soon have one. I don’t have an Ipod and I do want an Ipod. I want lots of things but I know you can’t always get what you want but this time I wanna EARN what I want. I’m too young to get a job. I can’t mow the loan cause I live in an apartment. I do my chores but I don’t get paid for it. I’ve been barely going to the mall and my friends have been wanting me to go BADLY, but mostly my answer is “NO” and the reason I said no is cause I don’t have money or some other reason. So, clearly .. I just want to get ideas on how a 13 yr. old like me can get money and lots of money and at least in a fast way.

I cannot baby sit cause there’s no people I know who
will let me baby sit their children/child and i’m really
not that good with kids & PLEASE answer it with
respect not something stupid and idiotic or sarcastic.
or anything that just sounds crazy.

Nagesh answers:

Try to sell stuff that you no longer use

Lizzie asks…

thinking about making money around the neighborhood?

well christmas is comin up and i need some money fast
since my parents dont have enough money
im thinking i could go to the neigbors for money for doin some ‘tasks’
cept problem is i dont really know most my neighbors
and it would feel awkward goin to them for money
i guess you could say im a little shy (mostly to most adults)
so any ideas
oh and what tasks should i do
idk about babysittin cuz im guy
but im short and im not scary looking and but im 15
but im not like cruel to kids(i think haha)
and not ‘shoveling snow’ because i live in florida! but it is really cold here
and if flyers were the answer to making money from people instead of just coming to random person

Nagesh answers:

I am going to watch my neighbor’s dog this weekend for some extra x-mas money. Maybe you could do that, a lot of people are going out of town this week and next week for the holidays. Maybe they have animals you could feed and play with while they are gone?

Just a thought!

Donald asks…

fast ways to make money for my california trip.?

Okay so I’m going to California in September and I had babysat some kids and I’m almost at 300$ in total and i need 400 something dollers for my plane then my mom paying for the hotel . im paying for my own flight. and we are going to be in california for 4 nights and 5 day we are leaving at 10:00pm .

so i need some ideas . Im only 13 1/2 so I need some ideas. I think i might be babysitting over the summer but . ya.! so i need more thanks.


we are going to be in Malibu.(:

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on eBay

Nancy asks…

sister and me needs money fast for a laptop?

we live in a base in Germany Mannheim so if we have a yard sell we all have to do it at the same time please no one tell me to make money for her and i will not go on EBAY or babysit for her money she cleaned the house all ready and got payed 5 dollars that was a rip off . .. . well there is not a lot of things a 9 year old can do to make money does any one have a idea fat easy money for her laptop

the school lets kids use the laptops but are mom and dad have to pay 79 dollars a month just to use it so this problem is also me to
xxhisxxhe did you even read it i take it as a no

Nagesh answers:

When we were children, my brother had a few homes he would go to every week to mow their lawn.

We would go door-to-door with a rake in the autumn or a shovel in the winter, and then get paid to rake leaves / shovel snow. If someone said “No thank you”, we would get them to reconsider by reminding them of the labour involved, how heavy the snow is, and how sore they would be for many days afterward, and that if they paid us to do the work, they would have more time for themselves. 🙂

We also used to go collecting beer bottles & wine bottles from the places where the teenagers would go to party (in the park, in the ravine, under the bridge at the creek, etc), then take them back to the store to collect the deposit money.

We would buy ice skates from garage sales in the summer, and spend the autumn putting shoe polish on them. Then in the winter, we would sell the nice-looking skates to the skate-exchange and get 5 to 10 times what we paid.

Maybe you & your sister can clean homes together?

Walk dogs? Feed fish or cats when people are away on vacation?

You live on a base… Maybe someone would pay you to polish their boots / buckles, or perhaps iron their uniform?

Or maybe lonely senior citizens would pay a few dollars to keep them company, playing checkers & card games with them? Or maybe they’d like their mail read to them if their eyes are going bad?

Maybe you could take in some laundry???

Think about what you *LIKE* to do, and then find a way to get paid for it 🙂

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Friday, November 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Charles asks…

Working from Home Ideas Thanks?

I have given up work and am making money from other means. So far I have been teaching English to foreign students, winning competitions, overhauling people’s CVs, and ironing for old ladies 😀

I wondered if anyone else had any ideas on how to make some cash through innovative schemes such as the above Your help is greatly appreciated

Nagesh answers:

Deliver leaflets for the local take aways deliver the free ads in your area do course work for others spend your time doing things you enjoy and keep it varied

how about typing mediacl reports being a PA to someone you dont need to be in room to organise someones appointments how about tele sales from

Daniel asks…

Ideas for jobs from home?

I have come back to my hometown to live for a few months while I take care of some family business. I am finding myself with extra time on my hands and could always use the extra cash being that I am having a baby in January. I’m not sure when I’m going back home so are there any jobs I could do from home in my own time?
Are any of these internet get-rich-quick schemes worth it?
I don’t want to pay money to make money.
Any ideas on how to make a buck in my spare time?

Nagesh answers:

Write a blog or video blog on how to cope with a baby. Or some thing similar it is fun and you will probably get a lot of new friends. But the way to make money out of it is advertising and selling related products. I can send you a link to bay’s r us and you can sell their products on you page. Etc. It also has wall mart and iTunes etc. And some big names. You can just refer their products.
Email and ill send you the link if you want

John asks…

do working from home schemes that cost nothing realy excist?

i was looking through the internet for a job and came across loads of jobs that can make you thousands in months do these things really exist or are they all cons i would never do them has anyone else done one and got really stung lost a lot of money
buying a lottery ticket seems a better option lol i would never do anything like them schemes anyway if it was that easy every one would do it 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ive been suckered out of an small amount of money
theres better ways out there to make an honest buck.

Linda asks…

Small business at home ?

I want to start a small business from home that isn’t any sort of make money online scheme I have no interest whatsoever in them as they do not work need genuine ideas please as I really wanna make this work

Nagesh answers:

A consulting business such as
Nuclear waste disposal consulting
Medical Consulting
Legal consulting

In other words: You need some sort of skill to make money from home.

Ruth asks…

A part time job that I can do from home?

I am looking for a part time job that I can do from home.

What I am NOT looking for is one of those get rich quick schemes, and what I am NOT looking for is one that I have to pay a fee of any type for.

What I am looking for is something that I can do in my spare time – devote like 10-15 hours a week, and make like an extra $100 to $200 a week in. Nothing fancy, and not looking to make a ton of money, just something for a extra couple of bucks a month….

Is there any jobs like this still out there – like stuffing envelopes or such?

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest you to better stay away from this BS.

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Thursday, November 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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