Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Charles asks…

ways an 11 year old can make money quick!?

my uncle is just about to get married… IN IRELAND!! well my mom and dad and i need to get money for it we need about 5000 to 6000 dollars. i want to get spending money and i want to get money to pay for plane tickets any easy way for an 11 year old to get money.
(i can only work on most weekends and mondays and thursdays) plz help!
kelly please tell me!
i meant want money not need!

Nagesh answers:

The “usual” ways 11-year-olds can make money are generally not easy and include:
1. Child care. You need to be able to charge at least minimum wage. Or you could organize after-school play groups of 3 or 4 children whom you could supervise at a safe playground and charge each parent a sufficient amount for you to earn, say, $10/hour.
2. Yard work. Raking up limbs and trash are certainly within your capabilities, and you can charge minimum wage or more, if you’re a fast worker. You can also spread mulch, but you’re going to have to arrange to have it delivered.
3. Sell things. Tag sales are a tried-and-true method of both decluttering your own home and making some pocket cash. Roadside stands to sell whatever you have in abundance are time tested–lately I’ve seen folks selling cut flowers, rooted azaleas, and daylilies for transplant at roadside stands.
4. Make things and sell them. Check your local open-air, curb, or farmer’s market to see what kinds of things people are making to sell and what kinds of licenses might be required. Things I’ve seen people selling include baked goods, pot plants, painted pots, jewelry, cookbooks, original art work, and that sort of thing. You might need an adult to sign the contract for a sales booth, though. If you’re handy with a needle, you might make T-shirts or pillows in your school colors, with or without monograms, and sell them at school. For that, you may just make a few and then take orders for later delivery. Or make “scrapbook pages” of events in which you participate with others and sell them to the other participants.

Mandy asks…

whats a quick and easy way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Northbus is right. There is no “quick” way to make money.
One way to make a lot of money is to start a business. Start something that’s cost efficient. How quickly you make money in your business, depends on how much you work it.
Most cost effective type of business I’ve found is to start up a home based business. You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business has, and you also have less over head to pay for each month. Most everything in your house, is part of your business, which becomes tax write offs. Your telephone, computer, heating, electricity, car etc. Less over head, less bills to pay out then a traditional business which means MORE profit. Home based businesses are also cheaper to start up then a traditional store front. They’re also easier to maintain.

With the business experiences that I have had, the best type of home based business to have, I feel is collaborating with another business. In doing this, it lessens the stress factor that a traditional business has, yet you have the same income opportunity, no overhead, no buying and selling, no bills to pay. So everything you make, is basically a profit! That’s what my husband and I did over six years ago. We collaborated with the largest direct selling Telecommunications service provider in the world. They market in Local and Long Distance telephone services, Internet, video phones, digital phones, VOIP, Satellite TV as well as all the major cellular phone providers such as Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Alltell, Nextell etc. We save people money on services that they already have and can introduce them to services that they don’t have. Everytime these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month. It’s really easy to do and we do it from home. So this is one type of home based business available. If you’d like to look at some more ideas, I created a blog on home based business opportunities on my 360 page that your more then welcome to take a look at. There are over half a dozen to take a look at.

If you have any questions your more then welcome to email me back anytime at

Susan asks…

Legitimate ways to make money from home?

I’m 18 and live in New York. I can’t seem to get a job around where I live because the economy’s bad and anyone who is hiring doesn’t want to start me because I’m moving in a couple months. I’m open to pretty much anything as long as it’s legit, thanks.

Nagesh answers:

The economy is definitely changing – just as we had transitioned into the industrial age some decades ago, we are not transitioning to a digital age where things are done differently.

However, one thing you can do to make a good cash flow while you are in this transitional period (or even beyond) is ghostwriting – there are tons of businesses out there that build Web sites and need good quality content for their Web sites in a variety of topics. This is what I did when I first lost my job (and I had just found out I was pregnant so I really needed to have a stable income). It worked out really well and I made a good reliable income – I worked full time ghostwriting for about 4 weeks and then after that, I was working part time making the same amount of money so that I could focus on other things that I wanted to do (because ghostwriting full-time is sort of brain-numbing). Now years later, I have a stable business and I can go back and write to make quick cash if I need it, however I rarely need to because over the years I have built a good stable business that does not involve ghostwriting, but involves my life passions 🙂

Many people work at home and write for really low wages – just do not get stuck writing for something like .01/word – at that rate, if you type 50wpm, you will likely make like $10/hour and if you are a decent writer, you should make more than $10/hour. Please check out in the sources below for the link to my blueprint that I wrote to describe my exact process along with letters I wrote to prospective clients and copies of ads that resulted in higher paying jobs.

Best of luck to you – working from home is very rewarding and I really enjoy it as I am able to be home with my daughter and live a very flexible life – my life is different than yours I am sure, however at 18, I am sure there are things you can do with that sort of flexibility!

Donald asks…

Quick ways to make money ?

Is there any other ways I can make money other than a paper round I need about £100 by the end of February.
Thankksss 🙂 x
I’m a 13 year old girl so nothing like washing cars and that.

Nagesh answers:

List ads to help with home work, especially those kids who are home schooled. List to help with book reports, etc.

Place flyers around senior citizen complexes to do odd jobs, like house cleaning, run errands, etc.Check with salons to see if you can clean up in there and help with odd jobs for them.

Mark asks…

i need ways to make quick money?

ive done everything from selling bud to car hopping i had a good job but i got fired for comming into work drunk high and fucked up on triple c’s knocked abunch of shit over and got into a fist fight with a customer im not looking for any of that survey bull or affiliate marketing tryed it and it dident work for me i need some really good ideas on how to make some quick cash

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations on taking the first step in putting yourself in the driver’s seat to better finances and changing your life! That is a highly respectable decision and we look forward to speaking to you soon!

The next step is to connect on the phone or by email so we can learn a little about you and your goals for instantly changing not only your life, but the lives of people you know.

We’ll specifically be interested in learning:

1. Why you want to start a home business

2. What kind of income you’re looking to generate over the next 12 months

We have 2 awesome options for you depending on several factors. Whether you’re looking to replace your full-time job with a home-based business, looking for time freedom, financial freedom, the ability to change your outside appearance instantly, a simple system to make some extra cash weekly, or long term residual income we have what you’re looking for!

Visit to learn more about this exciting business that is not only making individuals wealthy, it’s changing their health inside and out! To join this simple system that allows you to earn weekly and monthly income!

Also visit to learn how you can leverage your cash to generate an extra $500-$1000 Daily!

Because our businesses are so successful, we have limited time to get back to everyone personally. So please don’t hesitate to give us a call. If we miss you, leave us a message to let us know you’re serious and we’ll put you ahead of a lot of the other people we’re talking to.

Our number is: 206-376-0880

Our email is:

You can also reply to us via email with the best time and number to reach you.

We look forward to talking with you.

Maxzell & Danielle
National Expansion Leaders
Adversity causes some to BREAK and some to be RECORD BREAKERS!!!

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Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Ruth asks…

Whats a fast easy way to make money online?

I just recently quit my job and I’m looking for a new one but it’s hard to find a job here in NYC so I’m trying to figure out a way to earn money online in the mean time.

Nagesh answers:

There is no any such type of shortcut way to earn huge money online. But you can earn lots of money by doing online jobs . I recommend you to check this portal :
I hope it will guide you in a proper ways.

John asks…

What are some easy and fast ways to earn IMVU points?

I run out of money fast and I need help to get more and more points.
Besides feeding my pet, creating new items, doing surveys and inviting people, what are some other ways?

Nagesh answers:

These are the orthodox (Clean) methods: Spinfree, inviting friends, pets, developing enough to get people to buy, and buying credits. If you’re going to buy, I’d suggest using Razi’s FurryCredits, it’s 50 dollars for 100,000 cr.

These are the… More unorthodox methods: Asking for credits, being friends with VIPs, we get credits every month and there’s only so much to buy, so we generally have them lying around and we tend to throw gifts at cool people, creating accounts by inviting emails you own, like my email is and I email which is an email I made, I get the credits etc.
Those are the methods I know of, there’s a few others I’m sure I haven’t listed but good luck.

Donna asks…

How do i make money in short notice?

I’m 14 and a dj. I was gonna do a party but my laptop damaged and now I don’t have one .
I got my eyes on a hp pavilion from radioshack which is like $300-$400, something like that.
I want easy ways to make money in a short time.
I play guitar if that’s any help for uum… donations to musician …
So any ways to get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Mow lawns, wash cars, babysit, play music on the street for donations, offer to do heavy lifting/moving of furniture for people who can’t do it themselves for cash.

Richard asks…

whats the easiest or fastest way to earn money on the internet?

whats the easiest or fastest way to earn money on the internet?

Nagesh answers:

E Bay . Go to Estate sales this summer.

Chris asks…

Are there any other ways to train agility on Runescape besides running around courses?

I’m sick and tired of running around this lame agility course and I want another fast easy way to train agility besides quests, courses, and penguin hide and seek.

Nagesh answers:

That game is terrible stop playing it. Also if someone were to give you an account you will just auto play on it and get a second one banned.

That game has no end. Its for people who dont have jobs or a life. You can play it for years every day 24/7 and still not finish it or be a high level. Stop waisting your time and get a girlfriend or at least some friends to go hang out with. Enjoy life instead of sitting in front of a computer playing a game that isn’t fun to begin with.

I used to play it before all the updates like the grand exchange. I haven’t played it in over a year because they took away the trade limits and the player killing in the wild. I dont know why you are still playing it after they ruined it. And if you were playing on membership paying $6 a month for it then you are really stupid. It is a total rip off.

I would rather pay money a month going to movies with my friends or going out to eat with them. The game is so boring all you do is the same stuff over and over and over and over trying to gain experience. Seriously how can you play this crap when there is so much better things to do?

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Saturday, November 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

William asks…

What are some good ways to make money online without spending money?

No scammers or spammers please. I’m looking for legit ways to make money online. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are some many get pad to programs but i suggest go for paid to post. The reason is you can already know more about online earning when you active at forum. At the same time, you are making some extra money.

If you own a blog or website, try those PPC advertising, affiliate or paid to blog, it is providing you good money

James asks…

How can I make money online?

Does anyone have any idea how to make money online? I tried some surveys but it was not really successful. I can type very well, and quiete computer literate.

Thanks for your help!

Nagesh answers:

Become a Cha Cha guide or a KGB guide! You answer questions customers txt to the company. You only get .20 a question but on a busy day I can make about $10 an hour!

Become and at home telephone operator… 1800 flowers is just one place that hires people to handle there call volumes from hoem!

Sites online also train you to work as an online travel agent

Free Lance

Jenny asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

I need to earn money online or some type of income while I am in school full-time.
Getting a job is becoming more of a joke now so,I decided my best solution is to start a business online or find what opportunities being offered.
I am welcome to suggestions,comments,and ideas.
Thanks in advance,

Nagesh answers:


Donald asks…

How do you make money online?

I have a few websites with google ads, and I sell ebooks and a couple of audio books I produced. I only make a couple of hundred a month, but I was wondering what other people do to make money online. I would love to take it to another level, where I could actually make enough to support my family. Got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I’ve tried a couple different ways to make money online and wrote a top 10 list in my blog.
Check it out here:

Joseph asks…

Are there any good online money making sites i lost my job?

I lost my job and need good ideas and sites to make money online.

I don’t have any money to pay so they have to be free.

Nagesh answers:

Look for a job… job search best sites like,,, Yahoo hotjobs,,,,,, etc. All in click of a button.

Please make sure to be specific about your job keywords to find the best result.

Good luck!

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Friday, October 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Steven asks…

Making Money Quickly?

Hi there.
I’m 18 and am currently looking for a retail job..
But while I’m doing this, I’d like to find a way to make some money seeing as how I’m going camping at the end of August, and need a new bathing suit. Any suggestions would help. But as far as mowing lawns/babysitting, I can’t really. I just moved into an apartment with my mom and don’t know anyone.

Thanks ahead of time

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

Daniel asks…

making money from home?

does anyone have any great ideas that are legitamate to make real money from my home, i work at my job for the last 16 years but would like to make some extra money from my home where i dont have to pay any start up fees, i have been scammed before from a company,

Nagesh answers:

It looks like you have been searching for months now. So have a lot of other people. I have personally found the best way to make money from home is to start a home based business. Not to try and get a home based “job” They only pay minimum wage because the gas expense is not there to have to accommodate. If you do decide to get involved with a home job, you will quickly learn that this low paying home “jobs” your expenses won’t be met. Meaning, mortgage (or if you rent), food, toiletries etc.

If you really want to work from home, I suggest you start your own home based business. The income opportunity is incredible in home based business. You just need to find one that you’d enjoy getting involved in. Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. There are a lot of different types of Home based businesses, from Child Daycare Centers, to Plumbing, Home Decor, Catering, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents etc etc.

I created a blog on my 360 page on home based businesses. There’re over half a dozen different ones to take a look at for some ideas. I don’t know what your interests are, so I’ll give you some information on what my husband and I started over six years ago and point you out to some others to take a look at. Ours well supports our family of six. We have four children ages 10, 6, 3 and 1. The reason why we decided to work at home and not in an office. To be with our kids. It is also becoming a major funding source for non-profit organizations.
We got involved in the telecommunications industry with a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re already using then every time they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.

Your more then welcome to email me if you have any questions

Mark asks…


I know my dad won’t give me money if I do chores or anything so IDK a way to get money! any ideas?
17 years old ;D

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money legally from home. Here are some ideas:

1. Do e-books to sell

2. Do data entry on the net

3. Design websites / blogs and sell them for money

4. Becoming an A-list pro blogger

5. Writing essays and writing literature papers and exam papers for students and teacher,s..,.

6. Make money with google adsense, if you have the time and effort and inclination.

John asks…

Need to make money quickly!?

I want to lease a horse and I need ideas of how to make money.

Nagesh answers:

Here are some side hustles I thought of……

Find positions at hotels and restaurants. Professionals make $25-$40 and hour + tips. Find a class through ( or take a course online for $50 at (

Potential Earning Power: an extra $375 a week

2. Personal Trainer
If you are a natural health and fitness buff, whip others into shape for extra cash.You and others will stay fit while you profit. Get certified at (

Potential Earning Power:$ 220 a week

3. Bookkeeper
Local businesses just starting out may need a person to track payments, deposits, and budgets. For example a new day care center.

Potential Earning Power: $600-$1000 a month


Mowing, gardening, trimming bushes, gutter cleaning, and sweeping. It’s a common way to make money especially during summer. To find gigs search ( and (

Potential Earning Power: $200 a week

5. Tutoring

Assist kids, teen, and college students in their studies. Use ( to find areas you can tap into to find work. Take a course at (… To find jobs try ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $375 a week to $200

6. Lifeguard

Hang by the pool and get paid.Become certified at ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $140 a week

7. Website Creator

Design sites for local businesses and non-profit organizations.Charge a good amount per project.

Potential Earning Power: $800-$1200 a month

8.House Cleaner

Clean homes for local college students or busy families. Determine the needs before you give a price. Post an AD on Craigslist or the locla Newspaper.

Potential Earning Power: $500- $1500

Jenny asks…

How to make money quickly?

Hi I’m a 14 year old girl. My stepmom just lost her job so i can’t really buy any clothes/ my really expensive camera. Any tips on how to make money safely an d quickly? thanks

Nagesh answers:

Dog Walking
Mothers Aid
Selling baked goods and drinks at local markets
Sell old toys
Sell good things (clothes, old ipod’s, ps2&3 wii, xbox games if you have any that is) on ebay
Try getting a weekend job at a local shop/business
Make crafts to sell at markets
Jams sell REALLY well at markets too (make sure you put the ingredients on the jars though)
If you have chooks you could sell some of your chooks eggs
If your really good at a subject you could tutour other kids so much per hour
Sell some home grown vegies
Start growing little plants and sell them to friends
I hope you make some money soon :), goodluck!

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Thursday, October 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Joseph asks…

How should i make more money in neopets? 11 mill in bank?

I’ve got 11 mil np in my bank, and my folio is worth 5 mil. At the moment my sell point is 60 and im wondering how to make more money and faster. Is there a better way i can invest it?

Should i raise my sell point higher then 60? is it worth it?
Would anyone recommended any shops to restock?

Nagesh answers:

Hmmm… High priced restock shops are (the ones where you can get the most unbuyables for dirt cheap) :

You could reset your sell point, though that would be a gigantic risk as well could take a very long time for the stocks to reach the level you’d like it to. I tend to keep mine around 45 unless I know it’s a good stock. I assume you already know about neodaq and all that.

Another decent way to make NP is by purchasing items at a “resellers price” from the chat boards and the reselling at the trading post or auction for an inflated price. This may take some time to find a buyer for the item though it often ends up worth it.

Good luck!

Michael asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money on runescape?

I’m trying to get a zamorak plate body and its 1.2mil i have 67 woodcutting 58 fishing 38 smithing 46 mining. Whats the best way for me to make money?

Nagesh answers:

The THREE MOST easiest and fastest ways to make money in the Massive online Role-playing Game called Runescape is:

1.Mining For Money
One way to make a lot really fast is to to get high enough and mine a lot of coal. This works really fast if you sell each for 250-400gp at max. This is how I got rich in the game pluss i normally save a few for myself. (instead of mining in the dwarven mines, I mined in Al Karid because there are less people there plus there isn’t a stupid scorpion king that messes around with your mining)

2.Big Bones Big Cash
A second way to make cash fast (even if you are not a member) is to get high enough so you can kill hill giants in varock because they sometimes give you about 50gp but they always give you a big bone witch sell for a lot to people that want to get up their prayer. You should sell them for about 200-300gp max.

3.Fishing for treasure:
Last that takes a high skill is fishing for lobsters and when high enough you can harpoon for spear. You should fish on that one island where there are bananas(Karmaja). My sugestion is actually selling the fish there on the island so you are not wasting 30gp each time that you transport between the port and the island.(sell them at the general store there.
This one requires fufilling a quest:
Magic stone selling

You have to finish the Rune Mysteries quest which alows you to mine for rune essance. In varock there is a magic shop south of the east bank. There you talk to the person and he will teleport you to the rune essance. (rune ess takes almost no time at all to collect, so this is a good way to make money) After collecting a lot of rune ess(as people like to call it for short) you can sell it to mages in the bank for 100-250gp max.

There are many other ways for making money. Like comparing prices in stores like for a sword that is in a general store that costs lets say 50 to buy. Well if you went and checked the price to sell to the sword store nearby is 100 because there are none in stock. So make sure that you check your prices wisely.

I hope this works.
Have fun playing runescape!!!

Paul asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money on runescape?

I’m trying to get a zamorak plate body and its 1.2mil i have 67 woodcutting 58 fishing 38 smithing 46 mining. Whats the best way for me to make money?

Nagesh answers:

The THREE MOST easiest and fastest ways to make money in the Massive online Role-playing Game called Runescape is:

1.Mining For Money
One way to make a lot really fast is to to get high enough and mine a lot of coal. This works really fast if you sell each for 250-400gp at max. This is how I got rich in the game pluss i normally save a few for myself. (instead of mining in the dwarven mines, I mined in Al Karid because there are less people there plus there isn’t a stupid scorpion king that messes around with your mining)

2.Big Bones Big Cash
A second way to make cash fast (even if you are not a member) is to get high enough so you can kill hill giants in varock because they sometimes give you about 50gp but they always give you a big bone witch sell for a lot to people that want to get up their prayer. You should sell them for about 200-300gp max.
3.Fishing for treasure:
Last that takes a high skill is fishing for lobsters and when high enough you can harpoon for spear. You should fish on that one island where there are bananas(Karmaja). My sugestion is actually selling the fish there on the island so you are not wasting 30gp each time that you transport between the port and the island.(sell them at the general store there.
This one requires fufilling a quest:Magic stone selling

You have to finish the Rune Mysteries quest which alows you to mine for rune essance. In varock there is a magic shop south of the east bank. There you talk to the person and he will teleport you to the rune essance. (rune ess takes almost no time at all to collect, so this is a good way to make money) After collecting a lot of rune ess(as people like to call it for short) you can sell it to mages in the bank for 100-250gp max.

There are many other ways for making money. Like comparing prices in stores like for a sword that is in a general store that costs lets say 50 to buy. Well if you went and checked the price to sell to the sword store nearby is 100 because there are none in stock. So make sure that you check your prices wisely.

I hope this works.Have fun playing runescape!!!

Thomas asks…

Should i invest into 401k in hopes to get a fast return OR invest so that i get a good chunk for retirement?

I’m planning on only staying with my company for 4-5 years – should i still invest high risk and hope for long term rewards OR minimal risk for faster returns and make money right away (don’t i have to pull out my 401k if i quit my job?) ???

Nagesh answers:

How you invest in a 401(k) has ZERO to do with “how long you plan to be there” and EVERYTHING to do with your age/how many years it is until you retire; the essence of a 401(k) is that you are investing (tax-deferred) equal dollar amounts regardless of market conditions…..THEREFORE…..the longer it is till you plan to retire, the more volatile your investment choice should be (so long as its long-term trend is up)…


Imagine you are buying cans of tuna fish and saving them up to eat after you retire….if they go “on sale”, you’d want to buy extra…if the price spikes, you’ll want to buy fewer that week….that way you’ll get the most “bang for your buck” overall…

You DON’T have to pull out your 401(k) balance when you leave a job, but it’s often a good idea to “Roll it over” into an IRA account that gives you all the same tax benefits (except the “match”) and thus avoids taxes eating all the gains you may have made…

If you are under 30 (and I have five bucks says you are!), put 100% of your regular contributions into whatever “Growth stock” option your account offers, and DON’T LOOK for 4-5 years, until you leave…

Best wishes!

Mark asks…

Give up everything and learn how to play the the stock market?

This is an idea I have that I think will draw great reward if I do the homework, and make smart decisions. I have around 10 grand, and thats what I will be starting with. College is too hard for me, so I need to think of something, and this sounds legit. What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

Some of the smartest people in the world can’t beat the market, even those trained in the field. First you don’t really “play” the market, unless you want to for fun. You’ll have to have a job of some type that covers your bills if you want to put the $10,000 to work. Right now is a tricky time to start investing. Some of the smartest investors our there are diametricly opposed to what’s next for the stock market. Some say we continue on upward from here as the recession is “officially” over. Some are calling for a double dip, where 2008 and into early 2009 were just a prelude of the carnage to come. Still others say we will be about flat for another decade like Japan – 2 “lost decades” So, get that job first, so you live while you figure out what to do with the money. Keep it safe until you learn more by reading and talking to others who invest. I’d put my $10000 in short to medium term U.S. Treasuries. You can easily do so through a low cost mutual fund like Vanguard. But if you want to wing it, and gamble you could try some of the new ETF’s (exchange traded funds) that trade based on the VIX, a measure of volatility. So whether prices are going up or down as long as they’re moving fast you make money. This happens in panics on days when the dow loses 500 points and on euphoric days when some piece of news convinces everyone they just have to have a piece of that market right now! So, a wild, choppy, ride – you make money; stocks float around a narrow range you lose money. It’s more complicated, but thats a basic pictures of what happens. Good Luck.

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Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Laura asks…

Are there any quick and easy ways to make $ online?

I’m just 15 but I want some extra cash in my wallet and don’t want to be scammed. Help me out here! Also, a way to make cash only and no registering fees, etc.

Nagesh answers:

There are no legal ways to earn money quick and easy.

Donna asks…

What is the quickest way to make money?

I desperately need to get a procedure done but I do not have insurance. What is the fastest way to make 5000 dollars?

Nagesh answers:

The best way to make money is to know in what are you good at, and you can sell that information or product in the Internet. For example, you bake cakes, you can sell them online or you can offer your services to friends and family. Also if you are very good in gardening you can make an ebook and sell it. If you need more ideas go to Good luck.

Steven asks…

How can I make quick money online?

Willing to do anything!

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than you think. The problem is that it is very difficult to find good information without being
scammed or tricked into buying stuff that you don’t need. Here you will find a great place to ask questions and get free

information that will help you succeed with making money online.

There are many ways on how to make money online. Why not getting started offer your expertise aside from selling your stuffs

on ebay. Get paid by writing blogs about interesting topics. Also get paid by writing reviews. Do web design work. There are

good sites that offer free training and free video tutorials and web templates to help you started your own online business

and will guide you how to make real money online.

There are sites that offer free internet marketing tips, free templates, free online tutorials and articles to help you start

your online work-fro m-home business.

Robert asks…

Quick ways to make money?

Hello, so both of our computers broke…just our luck. (I am on my laptop but we dont have a wireless printer so yeah and we need a desktop computer for my parents) and we want a mac. How is a way I can make some money (not online)? I was thinking selling some stuff on ebay, but idunno.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re in the Philadelphia area, there’s likely plenty of snow to get rid of on people’s drives and sidewalks! That should make you some quick cash. Grab your shovels and go around the neighborhoods. This can be a fun way to earn some money!

Donald asks…

What is a quick, good way to save up for money FAST?

I am in the sixth grade, and I am looking for some ways to earn a lot of money really fast. Impossible? I don’t think so. I am sure there are some ways.

I don’t really have an idea of anything I want to save up for in particular, but I just want to have enough money for the future. Like if I see something I really like, I want to have the money so I don’t have to wait, and wait. I would ask my parents for some money, but I have three other sisters, and being the oldest I get…. let me think…. NOTHING! So, I have decided that I am going to do it myself.

So far, it’s gone pretty well. I have bought myself the new iPhone, and a Nintendo DS with my own money. But it took forever to earn up since I was doing babysitting, dog sitting, and even tutoring. I want to stick to that stuff because I like helping people. But are there anyother methods that might be quicker???

Thanks, Sydney

Nagesh answers:

DONT CLICK or try to sign onto any websites for money, most are scams. There are plently of online sites to make real money, but you usually have to be 18 or older.

I would take up odd jobs around the neighborhood. Put up a flyer at your local grocery store about how your looking for extra cash, and maybe some old lady will give you $40.00 to rake her leaves or do some other easy thing to make quick money. Then stock it away in a savings account. Or loan it to your parents and let them give you interest on your money. Then they will give you lets say $250.00 for that $200 you let them borrow 2 months ago… Money for money, gotta love this world.

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Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Maria asks…

Online Paying Survey for 15 years old?

Hey guys,
So i’ve heard people doing online surveys and getting paid,
Can you gave me a legit website for this, Sites the you approved and tried, I just want extra money.

I/m 15years old. :)) Thanks

Nagesh answers:


These kind of sites (self called “fast ways of making money online”) are not worth in any single case – except for the owner(s). Forget about sites like get paid for clicks, surveys, reading mails, trying trials, downloads/uploads…

The only way to make money online is through internet marketing and owning your own website from which you generate traffic and than convert that traffic to the money. Using services like Google AdSense and promoting affiliate products.

It might be difficult for you to make money online simply because you are not old enough and that requires a lot of experience or/and money (which you probably do not have).

Also, all such services/products are restricted to 18+ people – capable to own credit card.

Good luck

Donna asks…

online surveys for money?

i want to do online surveys for money as i need to save fast. ! i know some work as my sister got £20 pounds for completing one…does anyone know of any british reliable survey sites where i dont have to give any credit card details? and is safe? im also worried about giving my address.?

Nagesh answers:

I’d like to know as well, i used to do some a few years back but cant remember the names of them now lol They aren’t all scams, as i remember one i did was about TV programmes, and i ended up with over £20 of amazon vouchers which i spent and another i remember doing got paid into my paypal account 🙂 So there are legit ones out there but you do have to sift through the sh1t to find them 🙁

Susan asks…

is there any online survey where you can make money?????????

Please, do you know of any online surveys where I can get money and not have to pay out alot or get ripped off. I can’t leave the house right now because I have to care for my very sick grandma. I have nobody else who can help me with her and I am using up my savings fast. I don’t want to have to put her in a Nursing Home. Please help me if you can. Thank you very much

Nagesh answers:

I feel for your situation and hope that things work out well for you soon.

As for your question there are many legit paid survey and other similar sites that you can make a few dollars from, but you will not make a full time living from them!

Having said that if you are still interested I regularly read a blog I found while searching technorati that reviews these kinds of programs. If you are interested the address is:
There is tons of information so take your time and be prepared for a bit of reading.

Hope that your grandma gets better soon

Laura asks…

can you actually make money from online online surveys?

is it good money like fast money? if it is why doesnt everyone do it?
what are good survey siites
all the general stuff i need to know about them please

from uk 18 in 2 days 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Not really.

Most survey sites are scams. There are some legit sites but they pay very little. You might make 20 quid after 6 months to a year.

Steven asks…


What’s a way I can make money by taking free surveys online fast and accurate

Nagesh answers:

Taking surveys is very easy once you get the hang of it.. My two favorite sites are here: . But if you want money fast, I recommend the second one because the first one only pays once a month.

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Monday, October 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Donna asks…

What is a good way to make money on RuneScape?

Hi, I’m working on trying to make around 1 mil, I’m a level 80 and I have pretty good skills. Can someone please tell me a great fast way to make money? Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t listen to the other people. The best way to make money for someone your level is the 26k trick. Get a friend, and carry around 76k, while they carry 26k. They should let you kill them. You can big drops ranging from 30k-6mil ! Then you carry the 26k and let them kill you. You should make big money this way, and so will your friend.

If you don’t like the 26k trick as many people don’t, you could try skilling. If you have 90+ woodcutting you could cut magics. Those are good money. Try fishing, woodcutting, or even mining if you got a high enough level.

Lastly try Green Dragons. You may have to worry about revs there so just run to clan wars if your attacked.

Hope this helped.

Ruth asks…

Whats the best way to get money fast on runescape?

Id tryed alot of things but they take so long, so i was wondering, Im i doomed to long tireing ways, or is their a other way.

Nagesh answers:

Ok this website really works i made 30 mil off this. Go to “

it shows you every step you need to know to be a multi millionair.

John asks…

what is the best way to make money in runescape for me?

i have 40 mining, 37 smithing, 32 mage, 27 crafting, 35 fishing and 45 cooking
whats the best way i could make money? and fastest?

Nagesh answers:

If you`re a non member, stay with mining. You will make 500k per hour at level 85 mining runite!!! And great profit on the way to 85 mining. At your mining level, I would mine coal ores which sell for around 290gp each, at level 60 mining, mine coal and mithril in the mining guild in falador, and at level 70 mining mine addy ores which are worth 1270gp each ore in the mining guild. After a long time of getting rich from mining, mine the runite ores in the Wilderness, which are worth 16,200gp each!!!

Paul asks…

How can I quickly make money on runescape?

I need some money on runescape & i want it quite quickly. What do you suggest?

Nagesh answers:


i mean, serusly, 2k? 40k an hour?

But it realy depends on how much money u have, or ur stats.

If u hav 61+range, or decent melee stats, (70+), go atk the blue dragons in taverly dungeon. One dragon drops about 5k of stuf (dhide/dbones), so depending on how fast u kill tats ur money. I hav 80 range + void, so one full bag (13 drags, 26 spaces) takes like 15 min, and thats 70k, so i make 280k/hr.

If ur not as good, feel free to take ur melee/range (not mage, as the profit is too low) and go atk the fleshcrawlers in the security of stronghld, or druids of wildy dungeon/taverly dungeon. They drop irit, ranarr, snapdragon, dwarf weed, etc, decent herbs. Wear a ring of wealth to maximise ranarrs.
(for the guy who made 2k offa logs, one ranarr is 9k)
this method makes about 100-150k/hr with a ring of wealth

another good way is to use a ring of wealth and atk moss giants, there r two in the edgeville dungeon. They drop ranarr seeds, which ppl favor a lot (45k) however, snapdragon seeds are 70k. Decent money, not recomended over druids, but good if this is ur slayer.

I recognize i haven’t considered u as a non mem, so in that case:
cockroack workers/soldiers drop a lota nature runes and other runes, which u cud make about 50k/hr. If ur lucky, note that the cockroach soldiers(83) can drop rune med helms, chainbodys, and scimmies, which will be fairly rare (1/250) without a wealth. But if ur a mem do not use these guys, as there r better

if ur mem, u can also wc willows until u hav 45 wc, and maples sel for decent money, 45 gp each. Or u can get to 60 wc, and cut yews (500gp). At 75 wc, magics sel for 1.5keach. However, if ur wc is between 60&70, do not wc yews, as it wil be 2 slow. At 71wc up stik with yews. Unless ur 85+wc, yews will be faster than magics, because magics are really hard to cut. At 99 wc, magics can make around 500k/hr.

Jenny asks…

Is there a way to make money in runescape using the grand exchange just buying and selling?

I want to know if there is a way to make money in runescape using the grand exchange without ever moving, just buying and selling. Basically I want to know if there is something you can buy low and sell high really fast.


Nagesh answers:


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Sunday, October 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Susan asks…

Money problems any ideas..?

Well my dad recently got laid off, and my mom doesnt work. We were doing better than ok before.. but now my mom wont even give me money for dinner or whatev, Im too young to get a job.. and i cant really babysit. I like desperately need money, (clothes and stuff for new school year), and just whenever im out with my friends. I only have about 400 in the bank which im not taking out of.. and 10 here..
I have no idea how i can make money but i need too badly!
i need money when i am out with friends in town.. like going out to dinner ..?
but yeah im cutting back on that.. and my mom always takes me back to school shopping, i just feel bad so i want to be able to use my own money

Nagesh answers:

1) why do you need money for dinner? Can’t you eat at home with the family?
2) school doesn’t start for another month or so, so you need anything “for school” right now
3) what’s with buying new clothes for school? What’s wrong with the clothes you’re wearing now or even last year?
4) you do have money in the bank, so if you feel that you have to spend money on the above items, then spend your own money

Your parents have to cut back on non-essentials now until one of them finds another job. In this economy, once you lose your job, who knows when another one will come along so don’t take your parents for granted that they have tons of money for you to waste on stuff you can really do without. It’s time to start recycling and re-using stuff that’s really has nothing wrong with them instead of going out and buying something new.

Helen asks…

How could I make money with this idea? PPC or what?

I was thinking about making a website about a certain market, X. So the distributors of market X do not have affiliate programs of any kind. When typed into Google what some of the top companies in the country carry, none of them come up. Just smaller, less established companies that are competitors. I was wanting to make a website that broke down market X into categories and in each category I would have a list of distributors that carried that certain item. I figured that if I would do this I could eventually get a high click through ratio, but I have no idea what how I would make money from this. Any input would help. Thanks!
Ok, if anyone else reads this. My goal is to maybe get such a high click through rate that these companies will want me to keep my website up, and possibly pay me for it seeing that I am bringing them traffic to their websites. Is that possible, or is there a better way. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Scrap the idea of marketing affiliate x and go with making money with Adsense.

Setting up your own website and using SEO is the best way to make money online. Selling Adsense space on your site will allow you to monetize the site and make money.

Search traffic is by FAR the highest converting type of traffic and that’s where you can make money. In other words, traffic from Google and other keyword-based search engines will get you more clicks (or sales if that’s your game) than you can get from any other source. If you can learn to get traffic from Google and other search engines, you’ll never struggle to make money online. That’s the honest truth, and the best way to make money online.

Use Google’s Keyword Tool to find paying keywords. Paying keywords are keywords that are worth the investment in ranking high in Google. Going after the keyword “loans” is crazy and you’ll be wasting your time because it’s too competitive. Huge companies pay thousands of dollars a month, or even more, and have unlimited resources to rank high for keywords like that. You’ll waste your precious time and money.

You need to know how to calculate the potential income a keyword can produce and you need to know whether you can get your site to get listed in Google for the keyword. If
both of those variables align, you have a winning (as in profitable) keyword.

Search a keyword and refine the search by “exact” match. Then sort the search by two categories: Search Volume (Global), and CPC (Cost per click). Download the .csv file into Excel and hack it down into three colums. “Keywords, Search Volume, and CPC”. In that order. Then setup a fourth column and put a title in that first cell of the fourth column “Potential Income”. In the first cell below “Potential Income”, (should be D2) type this: “=” then click on B2, then type “*.4” then type “*” then click on C2, then type “*.25” then type “*.05”. If that’s confusing, here’s the formula for finding income potential for keywords:

(Search Volume x 40%) x (CPC x 25%) x 5% = Monthly Income Potential of a


Hit enter, and you should get a dollar amount in the fourth column. Copy that formula and paste it all the way down the column until you see dollar amounts all the way down. Then sort the whole spreadsheet by the fourth column, or Income Potential. Get rid of all keyword rows that are less than $50/month potential. Don’t waste your time. Also, if you have a pretty general keyword you might have some extravagant numbers like $20,000/month. Don’t bother. Only big companies with huge resources are able to rank for a keyword like that.

Now comes the fun part. Using either Firefox SEO or Google Toolbar, do a search at for each keyword in your list. Each resulting page should have a PageRank number next to it, or “PR”. Look at the first four sites that come up from that search. If any of those are PR4 or higher, don’t bother wasting time and resources to rank high for that keyword. You want sites that are PR0, PR1, PR2, or PR3 in the top four in Google for your keyword. That way, using single links from single sites and blogrolls, you can easily get ranked first in Google for your keyword and make money online, virtually hands free.

Sorry if this is a long explanation, but I believe people deserve real, concrete information when deciding to make money online. See the links below for much, much more information.

Paul asks…

Help! Any ideas for saving money?

Now, here is my problem: despite opening a savings account with an external bank other than my primary bank, and having money transferred automatically each week to this external account to try to save, I still end up transferring that saved money back to my checking account at some point since I live paycheck to paycheck. I have tons of credit card debt and no savings, and I’m 35 years old. Does anyone know of a bank or savings institution that I can stash some money for savings and NOT be able to access it online?? And any other ideas about debt, saving, etc will be appreciated. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Ive got some great money saving ideas.

Here’s how to save money: Stay away from tobacco, alcohol, & drugs. Stop drinking sodas/energy drinks & replace them with tap water. Start growing/hunting your own food instead of buying frozen junk/fastfood. Using CFL or LED bulbs in your house will save money on electricity. Just don’t spend money on anything frivolous/destructive that doesn’t benefit you, last long, or help you make more $.
Then some ways to make money besides getting a job are recycling cans & unwanted metal, selling books & DVDs to book stores, garage sales, & looking for coins in vending machines & loose change around your house.

Avoiding the junk listed above will not only save money at the counter, it’ll save you from future medical bills & it’ll make you healthier making you a better worker.

Michael asks…

Money Making Ideas?

does anyone have a good money-making idea for a broke 14 yr old in a small town? …. i really apreciate all advise and ideas!! thanks guys!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can babysit if you are into that. I used to take a neighbors kids down to the park 2 times a week because they didn’t have the time to go themselves.

Or you can help people with small things, especially older people, or business type people.
Older people may need help with yard work, or grocery shopping. If you live close to a store and can pick up groceries you could probably make some good money from people who are not able to get to the store, either because they are older and it is hard for them, or because they are just too busy and they are willing to pay someone else to run errands. I know I can always use help with laundry and yard work.
I don’t know how small your town is, but it might work. Also during Holidays you can offer decorating services. I read online about a company that makes really good money with yard and house decorations, especially during Christmas, but 4th of July should be good too. Of course they provided decorations also, but you should still be able to do this. Many people don’t have the time to do that, but would like to.
Mowing lawns, raking leaves, scrubbing driveways, sweeping sidewalks, etc. All old fashioned teen jobs in the neighborhood.

Maybe there is a local business, such as an automotive shop, pet store, etc. Where you can apprentice. I think you have to be 16 to get a real part time job, but there are many places you can help out at for some extra cash. We have an auto shop and a young kid used to come around and sweep, mop, put away oil, etc. The gas station next door has a guy that comes around a few times a week and sweeps by the pumps, empties the trash, cleans the bathrooms. It’s little extra work that a business doesn’t have enough of to hire someone, but could use a hand every now and then. You can learn alot of stuff and get some money too.

You could wash dogs, walk dogs, clean up dog pooh lol. It depends on what you are interested in doing, but random stuff like that. Pass out some flyers, you can get a bunch of them for just a few bucks printed at a printshop after designing it on your computer. Put them around the neighboor hood and offer your services, whatever you are willing to do. Once you get a few customers they will probably mention you to other neighbors as well.
As for price, I would just set it around 5 dollars an hour, after all you can’t get min wage since you are not paying taxes and such, so 5 dollars is good for work like this. Or you can have people give you prices, like I’ll pay you 30 dollars to decorate my yard and you can decide if you want to do it or not.

Donna asks…

ideas for raising money?

I am raising money for cancer research. This is a school activity and it’s called relay for life. I am having trouble with coming up with more original ideas to make money to donate. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Some ideas others have tried
1.Our school is letting us do a “Hat Day” where everyone brings in a dollar and if they do they get to wear a hat of their choice for the day

2. Our theme is circus/carnival so we will be selling cotton candy and lemonade and then we will have carnival games such as bean bag toss and we will charge a dollar a game I think.


Papa johns does fundrasier cards that sell pretty well. Try selling things at sporting events at school,

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Saturday, October 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

George asks…

How long does it take to get access financial aid money after you send in the award letter?

I go to post online and and had to sign and fax the award letter which was back on May 2nd, I received an email from the financial aid company saying there was access funds, I got that email On the 15th. Will I be getting a check from the school? If so when would I likely get it? I’m moving In two weeks and don’t want the check going to my old address.

Nagesh answers:

Although it is probably too late for this semester, go to your school’s student website or financial aid office, and fill out the paperwork for a direct deposit of your financial aid refund. Most schools issue their refund checks at the end of the add drop week. If you have direct deposit, the amount will show up in your bank account on the first Monday or Tuesday AFTER the first week of school is over. If you did not request a deposit, the school will send out a check on the same day, which will arrive in the mail within two weeks of the send date.

I typically advise students without stable addresses, to leave their parents’ address as their permanent mailing address. If you didn’t do that, it is possible that the check will be sent to your old address. Make sure that you file a forwarding address form with your post office, and you should still get your check fairly quickly.

Hope this helps.

Lizzie asks…

Can I apply to professional programs even though I have to take summer courses?

I want to apply to some professional programs (primarily occupational therapy), but have to take some summer courses to complete my degree. I’ll be 1.0 credit short of graduating after my courses are finished next semester (end of April). The deadline for final transcripts is June 30th. Should I apply anyways, and try to finish the 1.0 credit really quickly using online courses, or is that even possible? Should I just wait until next year, when I have my degree, to apply? It’s expensive to apply (~$300) and if I can’t finish my degree in the allotted amount of time it’s a huge waste of money I don’t have.

Nagesh answers:

Most schools will state on their website (you could also call or e-mail) their requirements for application if its okay to not have degree in hand at time of application or time of start of the semester.
Your current advisor should also be able to help you answer this question.

Thomas asks…

How do I quickly get rid of clingy strangers?

So often I’ll be playing a game online or somewhere physically and a total stranger will try to say they love me and use affectionate terms with me and try to claim me as their girlfriend when I don’t know them at all. How do I let these creeps off gently? I’m referring to the ones that don’t straight up ask for sex, but try to be charming.

Nagesh answers:

They really do not have any emotional attachment to you so you don’t have to ‘let them off gently’ , They probably won’t even get upset if you were to told them to get lost. So that is what you should do, especially if that character is ugly, lol. Eg. Maplestory. They’re probably tryna reap some benefits from you, such as asking for money or as you said, sex.

Donna asks…

How to get easy money on GTA V Online?

How do you get easy money on GTA V Online? I’m currently level 20 and i have no money at all, I try doing the missions and hardly get no money, plus i need ammo and my house bills ect… I don’t care whether its legit or not, i just want a lot of money, quickly!

P.S: Needs to be after patch 1.07.


Nagesh answers:

I grind missions sometimes, it’s where you do a mission over and over again loads of times racking up money and experience.
It’s very useful but turns rather boring after a while.

I do the mission Coveted, it’s about 5 minutes long, you get $12,000, and slowly get up your flying skill.
It helps if you use a sniper rifle as it hurries it up a little more.

So you don’t have to search for it on the map and travel; go to Online-Jobs-Host Job-Rockstar Made-Missions-Coveted.

I hope I helped, you have to be level 36.

Mary asks…

How to raise money or start a charity ?

I have a dear friend in St lucia who has been in a very big accident and is trying to recover.

He is a 16 year old young boy who is very athletic and during the cross country on his bike he was run over by a truck and sustained very serious head and body injuries. He has been in special hospitals for several months now and has just come out of a coma.

The hospital is costing over £500,000 and the insurance only covers £94,000.

I would like to start a charity or help riase money for this cause but am clueless on how these things work.

I am in contact with the parents and am trying to gather information n documents to prove the costs etc.

How to i start a charity or an official way to raise money ? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

Starting a charity is a noble goal, but keep in mind that it can be expensive if you want to have a formal non-profit organization. In the US, most people hire an attorney to file the necessary paperwork with the IRS to get 501 (c)(3) status. It’s a lengthy process and can cost several thousand dollars.

However, you can have a charity project without getting 501(c)(3) status. The main difference is that people’s donations won’t be tax deductible. And, while there are many grants you can apply for, many require that you do have the IRS non-profit status to be eligible to apply.

You should also consider an online crowdfunding project. There are several sites where, for a percentage of what you raise, you can use the power of crowdfunding to your advantage. You put your cause online, tell people on the site what you are trying to raise money for, then promote the fundraiser by sharing a link to the online crowdfunding fundraiser to all of your social media contacts. People go to the site, give $5 or $10 (or more!) through their credit cards in a secured transaction, and you get the money you need!

Crowdfunding is generally described as getting a lot of small donations from a large number of people. Using the power of social networks, it is easy to get a great fundraiser going through a crowdfunding site and raise money quickly without having to do car washes and bake sales and the other time consuming old fashioned ways of raising money.

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Friday, October 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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