Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Ruth asks…

Whats the quickest free way to make money online?

not cashcrate inboxdollars…..somethin that sends the check pretty fast…Oh yea im 16 to…..Also im lookin for a sample site to that does no require a card

Nagesh answers:

The safest and easiest way to make money online while having fun that I know is a website called Treasure Trooper just follow the link below to see the blog I have created for the website if you wish to sign up just follow the link on the blog, they have forums and step by step instructions on how to begin making money it is a great site.There is even proof of the checks that have been mailed to treasure trooper members on the website. You can also receive your payment through Paypal if you wish. I receive a check every month from treasure trooper. But don’t take my word for it check it out!! And for those people that believe its a scam trust me it is not you really do receive money from treasure trooper

Hope this helps you as it has helped me

Richard asks…

How can I recieve fast, easy, and big donations online for free ?

The holidays are coming up and I wanna buy some gifts for my family and friends – I also wanna help us get out of our 20,000 dollars in debt but definately can’t do it on my
own does anyone know of an online website where I can put
my needs and people will donate money to
me ? Thanks

🙂 God Bless

Nagesh answers:

In other words you’re looking for tips on how to beg. Other than suggesting you get a job like most people I can’t help you. God Bless back to ya..

Robert asks…

From where i can get online jobs?

i wnat to say that which website is the best for free money online making.which provide the online jobs.
which is the best for make fast money in jobs like survey etc.

Nagesh answers:

There are several survey sites that are legit,, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join.

George asks…

is they any other places apart from ebay and craigslist to sell items online free and fast?

hi ive been trying to sell my xbox 360 60gb console with gta 4 game for the last week ive tryed ebay and craigslist but its just full of scammers emailing me saying ohhh ill buy it saying they only pay by echeque and some other crap a guy put a bid in on ebay i emailed him like 2 days and no reply… so i wasted like insertion fees on ebay on wasted 3 days..ive tryed going in town to sell it but the gamestations offer petty money like £80 which aint worth it at all
this xbox 360 i have is almost brand spanking new ive only had it a week and its been played like 3 times so it would be dumb if i let it go for like £80
i want summin like £130 to £140 price range
anyways any ideas were i could sell it online instead of waiting days ?

Nagesh answers:

Yeah definitely go to Gum Tree

Joseph asks…

watch conviction online for Free : How to watch conviction online for Free ?

i wish to watch conviction online for Free , one of my fast friend watch conviction online for Free so i would love to ask you place to watch conviction online for Free even though i am ready to pay money but CC information please

Nagesh answers:

Watch Conviction Online is the Best thing You can do to yourself this Year. Conviction (2010) movie is an upcoming drama and biopic film starring Hilary Swank, Minnie Driver, Sam Rockwell, Melissa Leo, and Loren Dean. This movie is written by Pamela Gray and Richard LaGravenese, and directed by Tony Goldwyn. I am getting all the info from the site where you can have review of the movie and even watch conviction online for Free in HD. Check the source

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Saturday, January 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Michael asks…

Why does every one have a bad view of teenagers?

I’m a 16 year old girl, living in Cambridge, England. As most of you know there is not a lot for teenagers to do really- apart from things that cost money, and as most of you also know teenagers don’t have much money. But there is nowhere for them to go Youth centres are for under 16’s so thats out the question for us to do, and unless we can all go round someone’s house which is unlikely. To be perfectly honest there is nothing really for us to do if we want to go out. Anyway if we do go out we try to stay out of trouble and out of other peoples way, we do drink, which yeas I know is illegal but we are NEVER drunk and disorderly, we are much more sensible than most adults- We know when to stop, we don’t pass out and we can still look after our selves. But my problem is the other night we were in a kebab shop waiting for a friend who was buying some chips, and another boy very gently and I mean V-E-R-Y gently tapped on the glass because he was curious the way the hinge was made and thought it opened towards us and not the shop keepers, at this point the man serving got angry and yelled at him asking what the FCUK he was doing, and if he was buying anything, my friend answered no but he was waiting for some one, then the shop keeper (a grown well built man ) came out from behind the counter grabbed my friends by the shoulders and began shaking him really hard. My friend obviously pushed him off and got defensive, and then three more men from behind the counter came out and began hitting at him and kicking at him. At which point I yelled at them to stop, so they got aggressive at me and told me to clear out, so i phoned the police- My friend had just been assaulted makes sense yes? apparently no it didn’t i got asked about 10 times why I was ringing not my friend, When i get stressed I talk really fast and they had to keep asking me to slow down, so it must have been obvious I was upset about something. I told the shop keepers we phoned the police and they called me a b!tch which was un-called for. Then when the police get there they talk to the shop keepers who say we tried to sat fire to it. WHICH WE DID NOT!! so my friend got searched and they found a zippo with no gas and no flint but the police didn’t believe the hysterical girl , or the boy who just got assaulted or any off us they believed the grown ups. When we complained we were threatened with arrest
sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes i typed this fast
a kebab shop is a fast food place that sells nasty food
i don’t eat there but friends do

Nagesh answers:

That is not right! That just goes to show how stupid and ignorant the police can be. If the store had any security camera’s you should have told the cops to review the tapes. As for your question, people have bad views of teenagers because of how amazing we are, and they are just jealous.

Carol asks…

I stole from wal mart. want to make things right agian.?

I do know that wal mart has people that dress normally and follow you.
and if they “SEE” you steal then your out of the money *figure of speech no pun intended* most of the time its easy to see them

ME and a friend did steal from wal mart. it went down like this.
1. took 2 games
1. we went to garden outdoor section that dont have sensors. hid behind anything possible while still moving to shake off any one who followed. *know one was in the area at all. dont think had cameras
2. got the stuf and walked out. no one followed.

3 second time i was alone. i found what i wanted. then walked around picking at the game making sure to walk fast and alone. took the game out walked away. *both steals i was stupid in hiding the cases wich in turn would alert them to maybe check the tapes or just next time they see me watch for me.

3rd time was today. i found wat i wanted did same as last time except it was busyer. picked at it.. but not enough to tell. maybe anough. either way they didnt se me take anything out **i had one guy following me. shady looking guy. kind of funny how easy to trace someone following you. then i knew the item was hot. so i ditched it behind some stuff i know theyll find. i went to the bathroom. they might of thought i still had it. another guy entered the bathroom i thought nothing of him *seen as i had nothing. i left. and that first guy followed me/found me. and then a person i knew found me. and i followed them then turned away. and oh and behold there he was with bathroom guy. they walked passed each other and whispered stuff. i took a picture on my cell phone. (( they didnt follow me after that. prob learning i had no hot item or i may have gotten to smart for them.

as an idiot i found my Girlfriend aunt who worked there and said. hey this was weird. i was being followed. she mite of gotten suspicious just like the guys and asked them. they said they thought i was trying to steal a game. wich i didnt anyway. my girlfriend called and asked what happen. i told her long time ago my friend stole something. which bothered me since i dont lie. Ever. i just lie to my self honestly.

so my question is.

1. the followed me. is that to scare me? to warn me?
they were about to stop me?
what can and could they do then. and what and could they do now?
do i have anything to worry about? in advance?
this was very stupid things to do. very awful ideas. i am just a silly teenager with awful influences. i did choose to do what i did. i understand this.

the cameras. do they actually record people all the times? and
do they check the camera tapes everday or alot at all?
i say no because thats 24 plus hours they need to fast forword i bet.

thank for all support wisdom and anyone wanting to dis me.

Nagesh answers:

For reliable answers from people who know and will not judge you try the forum site below. You might also shorten your post so it can be read more easily

Sandra asks…

For all teenagers. Do you enjoy my writing?

Fiona was on her way back home. Her backpack was hurting her so much she took it off and held it in her hand. Her shoulders slung down at the weight of the bag. Bored, she threw the bag at the pavement and blew at the air. Oh, I wish Dad would appear out of nowhere in his majestic Mercedes and take me back home. This monologue repeated itself everyday in Fiona’s head. She hated walking back from school and especially during those summer months in which the air felt like stones against her chest and her heart beat two times faster than its normal pace.

Today was her 13th birthday and Fiona decided to make it at home. For the last eight years, she celebrated her birthday in restaurants like MacDonald’s or Hardees, but this year she decided to make it at home to be able to invite her ever-increasing number of friends.

During the last year, Fiona started to open up so much. She turned from whimsical little girl who sat alone in a corner reading a book, into a sociable, and even sometimes, funny girl whom everyone likes to be around. Normally, new friends flew at her from all around the neighborhood that sometimes she hoped she would disappear and return to her old life with a book and an mp3.

Fiona reached back home. It took her nearly half an hour. Her feet hurt her so much. After throwing her pack at the couch, she collapsed beside it then She took off her shoes and whiff of her damp socks reeked at her. “Yuck.” She said, waving with a newspaper against her feet.

Something clicked behind her. She turned to find her mother standing at the kitchen washing some dishes and preparing lunch for her. Her mum was tall, slim with orange short hair. She always liked to wear her high heels even at home.


“Yeah honey,”

“Is everything ready?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s ready. Your father will bring with him the cake.”

Fiona’s eyes brightened and she sat with her knees at the couch. “It’s a chocolate cake, correct?”

“No, sorry; it’s strawberry.”

Fiona frowned. “Oh Mum I told you I wanted the chocolate.”

“Yeah,” her mother seemed a bit embarrassed to explain, “ you see darling, we can’t pay for the chocolate one.”

“Mum,” Fiona yelled, “I don’t have a birthday every week; I want the chocolate one.”

“It seems we’re having a big problem with money this month,” her mother said, “There was this tailleur I asked your dad to bring me and he said no, and you see I’m still smiling.” She grinned at Fiona.

“Mum, I don’t care, just do something about it.”

Fiona got to her feet and walked into the kitchen. “I don’t care; I hate strawberries.” she bunched the marble stand.

Her mother pressed her lips, raising her gaze from the cucumber at her hand. “Darling calm down,” she said, “You must be thankful that we cared to make you a birthday in the first place. “

Euhh, she would begin Fiona thought. With a frown, Fiona ran to her room, closed the door and slouched on her bed. What if her friends did not like the strawberry cakes and what if her mother…wait….what if her mother was lying and they were really bringing her a chocolate cake and they were just making it a surprise, she thought

Fiona got her feet and smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. “They’re just making fun,” She said to her reflection. “I’m sure they’ll bring a chocolate one.” And she began imagining the chocolate cake on the wooden, round table; its creamy brown color oily against the yellow light of the lamp overhead. Fiona would bow against the table and blow at the flickering candles then she would have a quick lick of the toothsome chocolate.

Some hours later, her father returned. Fiona was having a shower when she heard the sound of his keys against the glass table. “Honey; I’m home.” He said,

Fiona could not believe her ears. He must have bought the chocolate cake. She toweled herself quickly then put on her clothes and ran down into the living room. Her father was sitting at the couch; his bald head oily and his armpits damp.

“Dad,” she said, “you brought the chocolate cake correct?”

He did not look at her. He took the remote control, turned on TV and said, “Darling, please stop this noise. Be calm…”

“Dad,” She blurted out,” I am not kidding. It is a chocolate cake; I know. Show it to me, where is it?”

“It’s a strawberry cake,”

“Father…i…Iii”words choked in her throat.

She ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Inside she looked at the mirror, tears rolling down her eyes. They never cared about you, she thought. How much she wanted to eat a chocolate cake; she would give anything to eat a chocolate cake.

She washed her face; afraid to show her tears to anyone especially her mother who usually scrutinized her whenever she cried and said, “stop being ridiculous never cry, never.”

From these words, Fiona expected her mother to never cry, but one evening after returning from a ball with her father, her mother flashed into the bathroom,

Nagesh answers:

The writing in general is good but the story itself is being dragged out and is not exactly enjoyable. Too much fuss over a chocolate cake even if a thirteen year old girl would actually behave like that. In addition why would a chocolate cake cost more than a strawberry one? It doesn’t sound right. It also needs editing and sentences such as;”Your Father will bring with him the cake” seem to be round the wrong way.
The writing is not bad at all but you need to get to the action a bit quicker and stop hovering over what is a fairly trivial matter.
If my daughter spoke to me the way your character speaks to her parents I would not be too pleased and there would be consequences. Good luck with the story.

Charles asks…

For all teenagers. What do you think of my writing?

Fiona was on her way back home. Her backpack was hurting her so much she took it off and held it in her hand. Her shoulders slung down at the weight of the bag. Bored, she threw the bag at the pavement and blew at the air. Oh, I wish Dad would appear out of nowhere in his majestic Mercedes and take me back home. This monologue repeated itself everyday in Fiona’s head. She hated walking back from school and especially during those summer months in which the air felt like stones against her chest and her heart beat two times faster than its normal pace.

Today was her 13th birthday and Fiona decided to make it at home. For the last eight years, she celebrated her birthday in restaurants like MacDonald’s or Hardees, but this year she decided to make it at home to be able to invite her ever-increasing number of friends.

During the last year, Fiona started to open up so much. She turned from whimsical little girl who sat alone in a corner reading a book, into a sociable, and even sometimes, funny girl whom everyone likes to be around. Normally, new friends flew at her from all around the neighborhood that sometimes she hoped she would disappear and return to her old life with a book and an mp3.

Fiona reached back home. It took her nearly half an hour. Her feet hurt her so much. After throwing her pack at the couch, she collapsed beside it then She took off her shoes and whiff of her damp socks reeked at her. “Yuck.” She said, waving with a newspaper against her feet.

Something clicked behind her. She turned to find her mother standing at the kitchen washing some dishes and preparing lunch for her. Her mum was tall, slim with orange short hair. She always liked to wear her high heels even at home.


“Yeah honey,”

“Is everything ready?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s ready. Your father will bring with him the cake.”

Fiona’s eyes brightened and she sat with her knees at the couch. “It’s a chocolate cake, correct?”

“No, sorry; it’s strawberry.”

Fiona frowned. “Oh Mum I told you I wanted the chocolate.”

“Yeah,” her mother seemed a bit embarrassed to explain, “ you see darling, we can’t pay for the chocolate one.”

“Mum,” Fiona yelled, “I don’t have a birthday every week; I want the chocolate one.”

“It seems we’re having a big problem with money this month,” her mother said, “There was this tailleur I asked your dad to bring me and he said no, and you see I’m still smiling.” She grinned at Fiona.

“Mum, I don’t care, just do something about it.”

Fiona got to her feet and walked into the kitchen. “I don’t care; I hate strawberries.” she bunched the marble stand.

Her mother pressed her lips, raising her gaze from the cucumber at her hand. “Darling calm down,” she said, “You must be thankful that we cared to make you a birthday in the first place. “

Euhh, she would begin Fiona thought. With a frown, Fiona ran to her room, closed the door and slouched on her bed. What if her friends did not like the strawberry cakes and what if her mother…wait….what if her mother was lying and they were really bringing her a chocolate cake and they were just making it a surprise, she thought

Fiona got her feet and smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror. “They’re just making fun,” She said to her reflection. “I’m sure they’ll bring a chocolate one.” And she began imagining the chocolate cake on the wooden, round table; its creamy brown color oily against the yellow light of the lamp overhead. Fiona would bow against the table and blow at the flickering candles then she would have a quick lick of the toothsome chocolate.

Some hours later, her father returned. Fiona was having a shower when she heard the sound of his keys against the glass table. “Honey; I’m home.” He said,

Fiona could not believe her ears. He must have bought the chocolate cake. She toweled herself quickly then put on her clothes and ran down into the living room. Her father was sitting at the couch; his bald head oily and his armpits damp.

“Dad,” she said, “you brought the chocolate cake correct?”

He did not look at her. He took the remote control, turned on TV and said, “Darling, please stop this noise. Be calm…”

“Dad,” She blurted out,” I am not kidding. It is a chocolate cake; I know. Show it to me, where is it?”

“It’s a strawberry cake,”

“Father…i…Iii”words choked in her throat.

She ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Inside she looked at the mirror, tears rolling down her eyes. They never cared about you, she thought. How much she wanted to eat a chocolate cake; she would give anything to eat a chocolate cake.

She washed her face; afraid to show her tears to anyone especially her mother who usually scrutinized her whenever she cried and said, “stop being ridiculous never cry, never.”

From these words, Fiona expected her mother to never cry, but one evening after returning from a ball with her father, her mother flashed into the bathroom,

Nagesh answers:

Its a good passage of writing I’ll admit, and I can clearly see evidence of planning. Although after reading the first two paragraphs I could tell straight away that English is not your first language. I will help you in this aspect. For example, Fiona’s mother said “Darling, please stop this noise. Be calm…”. No offence intended, but a much more common word than “Be Calm” is simply “Relax”.

Also, “You must be thankful that we cared to make you a birthday in the first place. “ is not grammatically correct. Instead, try saying “You should be grateful we celebrate your birthday in the first place!”.

I have to say if I read this excerpt I would most likely buy it as a book, as I appreciate your use of Similes and Metaphors. Don’t give up the writing, keep practicing and your writing will indeed get better. I’m a teenage author myself and I think this is good work. I’m a 15 year old guy so you know the opinion you’re getting a first hand opinion from a target reader.


Maria asks…

whats a good way…?

for a teenager to make money either from home or some way other than getting like a super market or fast food job?

Nagesh answers:

You could babysit or help people do like odd jobs?!What’s wrong w/ working at the super market?!

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Friday, January 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

John asks…

What are some fast, clever ways to make money?

Me and my fiancee are planning to move to NYC in a couple of years for college purposes. I need to know how to make money as quick, and cleverly as possible and save it like a mad-man. I’ve tried applying at plenty of places in our community and absolutely NO ONE will take me. I’ve also heard that I can make money online, but I’m using that as a last resort if all else fails. We already have some money in the bank, but it’s not enough. I thank anyone who can give us helpful advice.

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on ebay. Pon stuff. Do a garage sale. Pretend your are homeless with a cup and collect money off major freeways. Or look on craigslist for at home side jobs.

Chris asks…

Whats the Best,quickest and easiest way to easiest way to make money?

Im an 18yr old girl
Just wandering if anyone could tell me if there is any other ways to earn money.
Yes i know i shud get a job but its not easy they way things are today.
i go to college but im sick and tired off it …
i need to get some money so i can go to USA i need a break..
Plzz help in desperate need :'(
Thank you
Are these internet money making pages safe???

Nagesh answers:

Sell your old clothes on craigslist, make sure to include pictures.

Advertising your babysitting or petsitting services locally to get more jobs (if you do either of those things)

Rate music for money at

You can take daily surveys at fusioncash. It’s free and easy to sign up. If you need more info you can check out

If you like to write you can sell peices of writing at associated content, then get paid on top of that based on how many people read your content.

Sell handmade jewelry or any craft really (including photography) at

Linda asks…

how to make money, when im not even old enough for a job?

im only 13. im looking desperatly for any quick ways to make some cold hard cash. im saving up for the future. college, spending money, bank account, ect.,i have been a pet- sitter in the past, and also have been a babysitter. but im looking for a job that could be more- frequent. any suggestions? thanks.

p.s. i can’t/wont use online sites to make money

Nagesh answers:

Delivering newspapers, washing cars, dog-walking…

Charles asks…

Quick ways to make cash and save up?

I’m trying to save up for a car, and the one i want is roughly 11,500 after all the taxes and insurance and whatnot.

I’ve tried giving used clothes to stores but they cheat you out of money and I’ve tried selling my things but I’m a music major in college and not many are into classical opera or composition.

I used to sing at gigs for some easy funds but places go out of business and few clubs or bars have live entertainment in this area.

I have a job and make roughly 800-1200 a month but I pay for school an rent so my money is gone fast.

I’m not saying I want the full price by tomorrow. Not by any means. I’m just out of ideas on how I can start saving up to get it eventually.

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of jobs that can be done online check out digital point forum in the services section .. Wages arent great though, but you can earn instead of surfing the web

Ken asks…

What is a quick way to get money? (Legally?)?

I know college students are supposed to be broke, but, I’m tired of asking my parents for money, (even though they are the ones that made me quit my job), I like having my own income. However, I am in a bit of a redneck town, and as much as I hate to say it I think the combination of the recession with a few prejudiced people is making it really hard for me to get a job. Besides donating blood, how can I get a quick buck:(

Nagesh answers:

When I need a few extra bucks I call up research companies. The ones close to where I live are Q and M Research and Bryles Research.

They screen you first to make sure you are in the target market that the company is looking for. They pay in cash too which is good.

I have done mainly taste tests. One time I got paid $100 to go eat a McDonalds sandwich! I had to fill out a 4 pg questionnaire about the sandwich..but hey, it was well worth it. Q & M research pays more. Bryles usually pays about 20-30 but that’s still pretty good since you are only there about 30 min.

Look and see if either or those companies are in your area, or if there are any similar ones.

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Thursday, January 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Sandra asks…

How does one go from knowing just enough to pass the Series 7 & 66 to being able to work in corporate finance?

I’m doing research on possible careers in corporate finance. I’m trying to formulate a plan to get from point A (entry level) to point Z (executive level) but don’t know what types of jobs would be considered entry level, mid level executive level. Nor what degrees/licenses I need besides the Series 7 and 66 which I have. I’M NOT LOOKING FOR WAYS TO MAKE MONEY, QUICKLY, SLOWLY FROM HOME ETC. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE AND I DON’T WANT LINKS TO WEBSITES TELLING ME HOW I CAN MAKE MONEY, (I’LL REPORT IT AS ABUSE). I do want to hear about your experiences in corporate finance/investment banking/fund managing etc…. I am particularly interested in how you went from an entry level position (which was what?) to where you are now (which is what?) and what you ultimately want to do. Is it even possible to go from being a 20-something with a degree in anthropology to a 30/40/50-something Treasurer for a large Corporation?

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, the big pay that went with this job is a thing of the past now that anyone can trade for $7 online.

Donald asks…

Am I being a realist or hater?

Which one is it? Am I picking on my friend because I refuse to buy into his ideas?

1. He believes I shouldn’t hate the player but hate the game?
2. He believes some of the richest people in the world think like him, so good things will come to him. I heard him say something like “If you don’t think your broke, your not”
3. He read this book called “The Secret” and has been more weird then ever. He reads a lot of those real estate books about no down payment and buying homes, making money quickly etc..

The question is am I hating on him because I constantly remind him that he’s using his sisters internet service without paying, living in his parents house without paying rent, and constantly will not tell us what he does.
All great answers. I’am a harsh person when it comes to telling the truth. I just don’t like when someone spits on my cupcake and calls it frosting. Be honest with me and I’ll be honest with you. By the way my friend is 33.

Nagesh answers:

If someone was your “friend” and constantly reminded you that you’re using you sisters internet service without paying, living in your parents house without paying rent, and is dickish because you don’t feel the need to let them know your every move, would YOU think that THEY were haters?

I thought so.

Mind your own business.

‘Nuff said.

Lisa asks…

make money writing ebooks?

i guess ebooks could cover anything, from electronic copies of manuals to your favourite novel.

i am curently stuck in a dead end part-time job, and desperately need to get out. i’d love to work for myself earning money my own way and then i though of ebooks. i don’t have incredibly fast typing skills but they are accurate, i can use all main microsoft packages (inc. publisher) and can learn new programs quickly.

but what i wanna know is: who writes these things? where would i start? can i do it too from home? and what sort of money could i make?
i don’t need a lot to live on and a minimum of the equivalent of £60 (approx US$120 or AU$143) a week would be fine.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve written an ebook myself. You need to start visiting marketing forums such as & warriorforum to pick up a few skills. Writing an ebook is one thing, but you need to start marketing them as well which can be a lot more difficult.

To answer your questions.

1) normal people write these things. Start practising your writing by submitting articles to
2) start with articles. You can quickly turn a handful of articles into an ebook
3) yes- you can do it from home using word and a pdf document compiler – no special skills are required
4) it can be done as long as you focus on the task at hand

John asks…

What jobs can I do to make extra money to pay bills.?

I have a $1200 doctor bill that I need to pay off soon. I work already, but I need another job as well to bring in income. Being that the holidays are coming up I need something quickly.Please don’t give me any of these bogus work from home/survey links.

Nagesh answers:

Good Luck’s being very busy today, he’s e-mailing everybody with money problems to try and join his little scam which he claims he can earn $5000 a month, I’ve e-mailed him (one of the very few scammers you can) to ask him of proof of earnings, it will be very interesting if he comes back to me. If you think he could earn that sort of money, do you think he would be telling you about it? No! I don’t think so, would you?

Carol asks…

How can I earn money?

I’m 13 years old I can’t babysit or mow loans I want to make $200 dollars atlease
quickly im very busy with school and only the weekends i can make money…cuz my parents are home any ideas!!
NO online surveys or site PLEASE

Nagesh answers:

If you can’t do any of those things, you are outta luck unless you can get your parents to pay you extra for doing more chores around the house. What difference does it make if your parents are home? They should know what you are doing on the internet anyway.

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Robert asks…

I need financial independence from my husband. Any ideas to make money from home or my computer?

My husband controls me because of money. I want to have some financial independence as a woman. I am on the computer a lot all day and would like some ideas on how I can make some extra money to become financially independent

Nagesh answers:

Get a job.

Sandra asks…

Plz help. i need home business ideas or a way to make money from home,any ideas are greatly appreciated!! ?

Nagesh answers:

A couple near me have a little embroidery business in their homes. Like they’ll sew designs or names into bags/pillows/clothing/etc
Or you could take up fortune telling lol
That’s all I got. Good luck.

Charles asks…

Ideas for making money from home?

I have a fractured spine (in five places!!!) so I am only able to do very few hours at work and am struggling to make ends meet – especially with Christmas coming up. I have taken to doing surveys online but the money I get is slow and minimal. Also I tried to sell a few things on Ebay, but don’t have much to sell. Any success stories or tips anyone cares to share?! Any help would be brilliant. Thankyou!

Nagesh answers:

Have you considered applying for diability? That said…

You could make a lot of small projects and things on the computer and sell on amazon, etsy or ebay and maybe even take some to consignment stores. You could basically make up a bunch of stuff and start up a homemade gift business. Ideas for things to make:

Gift baskets (but you’d need to buy the supplies from some where or have someone pick them up for you)

Photo gifts (calendars, slide shows etc)

Small crochet projects: earrings, coasters, placemats, dishcloths, potholders, baby booties, baby bibs

Cross stitch projects: sippy cups, mugs, ornaments, bookmarks, coasters, sets of flour sack towels with patterns iron on

William asks…

any real honest ideas for making money from home for staying at home mom?

i checked online, a lot of scam there. i’m looking to increase my family income with anything, i have pc with internet, i got basic computer skills, and i have a lot of time. i need real experience ideas please

Nagesh answers:

There are so many blog that teach you how to make money online. Here are two of them – teaches you how to make money online in various ways – a step by step guide how to make 250$ in your first month.

Jenny asks…

I have a lot of time on my hands, what are some good ideas for making money from home?

Either online or not, i should add i have good computing skills and about $5000 to start with.
Thank You.

Nagesh answers:

There are four basic ways to make money from your web site. You can sell products and services. You can sell subscriptions or memberships. You can make money from advertising. And you can use your site to generate referrals and commissions

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Mary asks…

How can I make money fast as a 14 year old?

I’m a girl, and I can’t keep pulling money out of my parents hands.
But at the same time I NEVER get to go shopping! I just don’t want to keep begging for money.
I just want a job but I’m 14, you have to be 16 to get a job.
And don’t say “walk peoples dogs” because I’m very sure that I won’t do that because I don’t go up to random people “hey do you want me to walk your dog?”. And if your going to say babysitting how do I start? But if I can make money online that would you even better (I’m on tumblr 24/7).

Nagesh answers:

Best option: babysitting. My parents knew a lot of coworkers with kids, and they would ask me to babysit all the time. Especially with summer just around the corner, you will be busy and make lots of money. That’s what I’m doing this summer. I also asked people around my neighborhood, and made myself known to people, and what not…hope this helps 🙂

David asks…

What are some ways for 18 year olds to make money online?

I’m 18 and I need money FAST! I’m in marching band for my school and we are going to Disneyland in a month and I need spending money. I can’t get a job because I have to tell them that I’m going away in a month and that is not going to look good. I’ve tried numerous survey websites or sites that help you make money, but it requires you to pay. I have no money and my parents can’t afford to give me money for Disneyland. I need help! Fast!
Btw, I don’t have a credit card or debit card and do not plan on getting one until I at least start college, so please no websites that require me to use a credit/debit card.

Nagesh answers:

As With all things there’s many ways to look at what you have.. For some people they are all scams to have you slave infront of your pc for little money when doing it for a company. They will suggest getting a
real job etc.
To some other people, getting your feet wet tasting the water is the only way to get ahead. Get into it, anything and see what it might bring.

Careful when getting trained about doing something because when they train you, you have to sign a contract stating you won’.’t go into business for yourself. If

you violate they will sue you faster than you thought possible.

William asks…

What are the best products to sell online to double or triple your money fast?

I am a single mother that struggles day to day. My bills are getting behind and I need to get out there to make a little money quick. What products are good to sell to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Honestly there is no magic place that you can make a 300% profit on things or even close. If there was every one would be using them which would force competition driving down the profit. Do not trust any one who claims to be able to make you money fast, especially people online or on TV. Most of the people telling you they can make you money fast are either trying to rob you or take advantage of you. If you want to make money selling products first you need to learn what people are willing to pay for the product. How much you can obtain the product for and how quickly you can buy and sell the product. Using these factors you can look for products you can try and resell on ebay or other places. Keep in mind it takes time and money to build a reputation and to be able to turn around enough products to be able to make a lot of money.

Carol asks…

Does anyone know of a good loan place online to get money fast? I’m desperate?

Nagesh answers:

Try going to a local church for the help you need. Those fast loan places are bad news. Your financial problems will only increase.

Mark asks…

Please help…I can’t get a job but I need to make money fast?

I’m 17 and I’m still in high school and I need to make some money to buy me a car…I want to get a job but my mom won’t let me because I’m still in school…but I really want a car…the closest car dealership by my house has a few cars but its one that I really like…its $27,000…my dad promised me that he’ll help me buy it if I make up some of the money…but thats the thing I can’t get a job (because of my mom) so is there a way for a 17 year old to make some decent money online so I can save up for a car? Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

You could tell your Mom you joined an after school activity and just get a job.

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Monday, January 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Donald asks…

<3 Do you know a way to get money fast on plants vs zomibies for the itouch/iphone?

I beat the game and so i found it easier to earn money during quick play rather than adventure, now i have the plants that is a magnet to get money but i need a few more tips thank you

Nagesh answers:

It’s been ages since I played so I can’t remember the name, but there’s a plant that looks like a daisy that spits out coins. I plant a few of those and them put a magnet nearby to get the coins.

Edit: It’s the marigold. You can also just leave your zen garden open for awhile and wait for the coins.

Jenny asks…

how do 13 year olds make quick and easy money???

I have nothing to do over this summer,and i think i have grown out of selling lemonade,lol.I have put babysitting flyers up and stuff,and i just have gotten nothing really.I’m saving for a verizon glyde before school starts(Augest 27th)A glyde is $200-250.I have a little more then a month to earn that.Please give me ideas!!:]]].

Nagesh answers:

Hey. I have the same problem. Well kinda. Im the same age. Lol. Im savin 2 get xtentions in my hair b4 school starts (sept 3rd). I babysit my cousins 1x a week for 7dollars an hr. And i make about $30 a week. Im havin no prob with only limitin myself 2 important stuff. Instead of buyin candy i buy water. And dont loan $ either. Nether a borrower or spender be. Ummm u can have like a yard sale kinda thing wit old stuff u dont want anymore.

Sandy asks…

In the game Plants Vs. Zombies what is the quickest way to earn money to get the tree of wisdom to 1,000 ft?

It feels like I’ve been playing this game awhile and am only at 66ft! I just found out today it can grow to 1,000 and that’s what you need to unlock pinata. So any suggestions what is the quickest and easiest way to make money to buy more tree food for it?

Nagesh answers:

Tend your garden thing, its like a minigame and it gives lots of money if you get upgrades and do it well (not to hard)

Mary asks…

An easy way to make quick money?

Okay, so my family arn’t rich. We’re not wealthy, and we’re barely even comfortable. Some days we are scraping by with next to no money. We live in a poor concil estate, and me and my sisters rarely get to go on school trips because we just can’t afford the fees. But through all this, my parents are very very ambitious. They sent my sister to a very good university, not top notch,but never the less, very good. But try struggled to pay the fees. They have me doing dande drama and guitar lessons once a week each. the drama and guitar lessons are both £5 each, and the dance lessons are £3.50. I feel really bad that my parents have to pay £13.50 a week just so I can get some skills to make more of my life than they will, as thy say. I am determined to make something good of my life using my skills, and in return, thank my parent for encouraging me in my early life when I have the money (like buying them a good house in a private area or something?) I know there’s no way I can do that ATM as i’m only 14. But I do want to earn some money of my own to pay for my own lessons to take the strain off my parents. Problem is, I’m too young to work, and I am not allowed to busk because last time I did I got bullied really bad in school, the kids called me begged girl and stuff. That’s all been resolved now but in result, I can’t busk. So I’m just wondering If there’s any other way I can earn money using my skills in dande and drama, so I can pay for my own lessons? 10 points best answer. No mean comments please. Thankiees 🙂

Nagesh answers:

No idea what busking is.

But anyway. You could mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit, do chores for elderly relatives or neighbors, etc.

Maria asks…

i want to earn money is there any way to work at home?

i want to earn money from home it self becoz i m a busy house wife i have lots of work and i even was working in a call center in the u.s process but i saw that my family was getting neglected and my kids didnt study so good they looked ill to me and were always upset,so i decided to quit my job and care them but as today money is so important i need to earn also i want to know an easy or difficult way to earn from home like from net or on phone or selling something like jewelleries or garments any good idea to earn quick money in short time any professional suggestions or any frendly advice kindly suggest me without hessitation

Nagesh answers:

Write a book, my friends has recently been published (first book) and she is living a very happy life with 3 kids

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Sunday, January 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Lizzie asks…

i have recently become a member on rs how do i make alot of money?????????????????????????????????????????????

hi ppl i am a runescape member and i wanted to know how to make fast money( like 1Mper hour?or more!or something like that)plz help my levels are below

Combat lvl:65
Attack Lvl:54
Strength lvl:55
Def lvl:53
all other lvls are just 1
i have just subscribed to membership (like 3 mins ago)so im completely new!i know nothing about being a member!plz help! i will give you best answer and rate you!plz i will also rate all your other questions plz!

Nagesh answers:

Kill chaos druids!!!!!! Thare lvl 13 and thay drop herbs u can get 50+k a batch

add me on rs for help on whare to find nd stuff gandy1991

William asks…

How do I get quick money on runescape?

On the massive online adventure game, runescape, i’ve been on it for ages but can’t get any rs money and i need it to buy full dragon armour as i am a member.Can someone please tell me how to make lots of money fast please?

Nagesh answers:

I know this sounds noobish but pick about 1000 flax then turn it all into bowstring then sellit for double the flax then do it untill you have the right amount

Lisa asks…

i need money on runescape but i need the fastest ways to make money?

i need money on rs but i also need the fastest way to make it

Nagesh answers:

You can mine iron, and sell each ore for 100 gp.. OR you can mine iron, smelt it into an iron bar and sell the bars for 250 each! Runescape members are always buying iron bars 😉

Mary asks…

Runescape Money Making-Woodcutting Or Fishing-Fastest-More Money!?

Well, I am coming back to Runescape and I am ganna make Money before I start Leveling, I got to Level 15 Combat and now I am ganna get a Money making Skill up to at least 80 so I can make Money in Rs when ever I want, and I want either Woodcutting or Fishing but I don’t know which makes more Money right now, and I will start Leveling my Combat up once I get the Skill up, which Skill Levels the fastest and which Sells for more? Why? Explain.

Thanks a lot and thanks for your time!


Nagesh answers:

I’d say fishing is faster because there is no reload period, but there’s the other danger of the food burning. Woodcutting I wouldn’t do because the competition is level 3s that have a bot do it for them, so you’d be pretty much boned. Mining and smithing is a good alternative though.

Sandy asks…

Runescape money making methods?

hey guys i just wanted to ask wat the FASTEST most FASTEST way to make money on rs. plz no skilling ideas, ashes, dragons, or limpwurt roots. I am level 97 and my att str and def are 78… ty

Nagesh answers:

Fastest doesn’t mean, ‘you can make 10 million gold in 5 minutes’.

ALL runescape gold making methods take time, and more importantly, patience.

My brother also says that there aren’t many ‘fast’ methods if you discard skilling, ashes, dragons or limpwurts. There’s really only PVP in the wilderness.

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Saturday, January 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Maria asks…

How does my 13 year old daughter open her own sewing boutique for kids?

My daughter has her own sewing machine and she is really good at sewing. She wants to earn money in the summer so she wants to sew kids clothes is this a good idea? She can charge people about 30 dollars per garment. She wants to do it at home over the summer.

Nagesh answers:

Like another person suggested, EBay would be a good start if your daughter is responsible enough to follow through with a sale and get the garment(s) in the mail in a speedy manner. Check out the fees and the percentage charges for the Ebay services which will cut into her profits.

However, I believe if your daughter stays locally, she has a better chance on being known in your area. As she grows, and word of mouth spreads, she can easily get custom jobs from clients. So, if she can first put some of her clothing in a local store on consignment, that would get her foot in the door. Particularly if she is considering making clothing a steady source of income.

Who knows, maybe she can do the Ebay AND sell garments locally.

That is what I would encourage her to do if I were you.

In order to get $30.00 per garment, I would recommend that she sell them at a location (whether it be the internet or on consignment in a local store front) which commands that price point.

I am a seamstress and have been since I was 12 years old. Here I am, 38 years later, and have turned my seamstress talents into my lively hood. You see, it can be done. I am proof. Your daughter is young and this sounds like a summertime project while school is out; however, never dismiss this talent she has. Encourage her to learn more and support her interest in sewing. You will be so proud of her once she commands the respect she deserves.

Sandy asks…

What are ways for a 16 year old to earn money?

I already asked around for jobs, but i didnt get any, so i want to know if there are other alternatives to get some extra money. One of the things i do is collect the pop and beer cans in my house and sell them, but that’s about it.
And keep in mind this is Norway where i live, so it’s harder to get a job at my age and i cant do things outdoor because of the rain.

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Chris asks…

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i ha?

how can i earn money to the computer online or offline and tell me only best and easy ways. additional if i have own web site whenever how can earn.

Nagesh answers:

Whether you want to finish off that credit card debt, buy that luxury car, need cash urgently to pay the school fees of your children, or just want to quit your day job and get financial security in life, this website would be of help to you. In this site we will see how you can easily earn, whatever state of life you are in and whatever your skill sets are. This site also has guides exclusively for entrepreneurs and also those who are looking for good investment opportunities. Everyone in this world deserves to get wealth and happiness; one just needs to apply their mind and remain focused; hard-work coupled with honesty will surely help you achieve this goal. In this guide you can find ways to get some cash in your wallet or bank account.
Work From Home; Cottage Industry; You can manufacture, package and sell items right from your home without much investment. There is always a market for niche physical goods like designer candles, custom perfume soaps or even a uniquely designed cake. Try to make FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) products because they sell pretty much fast and expanding the business is also easier. SOHO; Nowadays the internet, mobile phones and other forms of communications has made it possible to sit at your house and run a virtual office. Some examples are running a virtual outsourcing center, data entry work, being a virtual assistant to someone and also stuff like phone/email based customer support.

Drop Shipping
Sell scripts & Web Apps
Start an online business
For Students & Working Professionals;Take Tuitions – become a tutor; If you are a college grad or if you are pursuing a post graduate degree, you can earn by teaching other students (juniors) or helping them do their homework. Look around your neighborhood for those who might be interested in your teaching services. Nowadays there are also websites through which you can teach a student over the internet and get paid on an hourly basis.

Without Investment; Some amount of startup capital is usually required to start a business so that you earn even more than what you currently are getting. However do not worry if you are not in a position to get this seed capital. There are many ways to get funded or bootstrapped by starting with almost nothing. And also remember that this initial seed fund is required just when you are starting; you can use the profits or income from your new venture to invest even more in other businesses. Do some freelancing jobs, odd part time jobs or even make a garage sale of unwanted things in your house like old textbooks. If you are not in a day job, try getting a day job, because it is crucial for survival (especially if you are in a desparate situation). Nowadays the power of the internet has enabled everyone to earn sitting at home; some of the ready to go jobs that you can do if you have access to the internet are writing articles, being a virtual assistant or providing a variety of services, like in Fiverr. Use this cash to start a new venture on a shoe string budget and then gradually expand the offerings or service.

Start a consulting service; Not all professions require a formal education to be successful or to work in a legitimate way. Try learning a new method, way or skill and then use your knowledge to provide advice & consulting services to others for which you can charge a fee. Some of the examples of skills which you can learn and impart are: fitness, sports & games and even things like astrology. The list is endless, you just have to find one which you are interested in and whic you can learn in a short period of time.

There is no dearth to the number of oppurtunities to make money online or offline in the World; for a moment push away all negative and pessimistic thoughts like ‘can i’, ‘oh I have already tried that’ from your mind. Think for a moment how it would feel if you were financially well settled with all your debts cleared and enough cash to buy anything you desire, six months to 12 months down the line. Now how about spending the next three days of your life researching on a good method to make your dream come true? It is well worth the time spent on this because the next three days will be the ones which is going to change your life. Allocate sometime this weekend to do this research and I am sure that you are already on your way to success if you do it. Thank you.

Thomas asks…

how can i make legitimate money from home?

i want to know if its worth trying to make money through the internet. can anyone advise me?

Nagesh answers:

No matter what people tell you, there is no magic trick to earning money at home, online, or on the internet.

However, there is a trick to earning money that not everyone is aware of. And while it’s not magic, it’s definitely worth exploring.

Everybody has something they’re good at, or enjoy enough that they can be good at with practice. The Internet is simply another medium for reaching more clients. Some things sell better on the internet, and some don’t.

Find something you’re good at, that you can do better than others, and sell that service or product, and you will make decent money from home.

While a lot of that is obvious, it is amazing to find people still discovering new talents with one of these work at home programs. None of these will make you wealthy if you’re not already a natural at it, but a lot of them let someone try something new that they haven’t tried before.

Just remember, they’re in the business to make money off you, not the other way around. I’d be vary about these companies and whether they can really offer an opportunity for you, and not otherwise.

Hope this helps,

Donna asks…

Need to find a product easy to manufacture at home, to sell through the Internet?

I need to find a product easy to manufacture at home (ideally, with a low or medium initial investment), to be sold through the Internet… and to be delivered by post… Any ideas?
Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think there are easy money for no hard work. Perhaps you can setup a website and to earn money through google adsense.

Besides, here is a specialized webpage containing 10 methods making money online and doing small business online.


maybe that will help you or give you some bright idea.

Best Wishes && Good Luck!

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Friday, January 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Mary asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

Thomas asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve earned plenty of extra money from doing online work-surveys, offers, and refferals. My site explains it briefly in one paragraph, with the link.


Nancy asks…

Please Help Me! extra money $?

i really need money so bad to pay off my father’s debts. he is old now and i cannot see him in this condition. Please help me anyway possible.Willing to do anything possible to get him out of this crisis. can anyone help me in making some extra cash working from home? any idea? but please make sure they are not like a million fake schemes, that we find online.

Nagesh answers:

Working from home: childcare, babysitting,pet sitting, yard work, party planner, Tupperware, Avon,toy selling parties,dog walking, probably some other things close to home. Helping the seniors with house cleaning, shopping, ods and ends…and so forth….hang in there and remind your dad not to go out spending when he does not need to. Good luck to you and you can always pray and he is and will be standing there next to you in your time of need. Don’t ever forget him in your time of need…….him first, him last. He is dependable, humans are not.

Jenny asks…

internet marketing problems?

I asked a question earlier and was politely told it was a bit broad.I was also told,not so politely that I was broke because I bought every scheme out there.(Which I didn’t) I am on Social Security and I need to make money from home.I have a website that’s up and running.I just need to get traffic to it,paying traffic,that’s not going to cost a whole lot if anything.
I have another website that I’m getting “training” for but once I saw how the training was going to be I stopped paying them.I really need to get the other website up and running but I’m techie stupid and not sure what else I need to do.I also need to know some free traffic tricks.Can anyone help me? I am a manual labor kind of person but I can’t do that kind of work any more due to my husband’s health.I can’t leave him alone for long because he has heart trouble.Please no rude remarks I already know how stupid I am,my husband tells me every day.Thank you and

Nagesh answers:

I read your last question after it was resolved. My advice is a little more specific. I would have taken a look at your site had you posted your URL. There are two roads I know well where you can build an online business. I know this because I have used both methods successfully. However, I am sorry to say there are costs involved which I know might put you off but realistically you are probably going to waste a lot more time and money if you do not find a solution. I purchased a wonderful ebook many marketers know and love and profit from called The Super Affiliate Handbook. Do a search for reviews on it before you go to the sales page of this book. It is an excellent manual that is regularly updated and full of practical advice that if followed will work.

This is the Amazing True Story of a Woman

Secondly look at this all-in-one solution and I do mean all in one. Hosting, marketing, brainstorming and excellent keyword research and domain included. It costs currently US$299 per year. I know that might sound expensive but please take a look before thinking about the price. There is a monthly payment option and it is a brilliant solution for small business online. Spend some time at these sites and evaluate them for yourself.


The links are non affiliate so I’m not making a penny from you clicking on them. They are simple links to homepages.

Other than that you must promote your existing site online and off. Use social media sites like facebook and youtube. Without seeing your site I cannot say anything more specific.

Oh, and if you were stupid you wouldn’t be asking questions.

Linda asks…

what Kind of work can a SAHM do?

I need a way to make money, there are no jobs where I live, I dont have a car and my lisence is suspended for not paying a insurance ticket. Is there any real work I can do from home without having to pay for some scheme? I have two small children and I live in a small mobile home so babysitting is not a option. there is nothing within walking distance that is hiring. and I cant move because I cant afford it.

Nagesh answers:

I have to apologize in advance. I don not have a solve all solution for your needs. I can tell you this. Building your own business may be a great option. However, it takes much work and is far from a get rich quick scheme. If you would like to see some examples from some other work at home moms (WAHM), you can visit
SiteSell is a web hosting company that assists in building online businesses. I personally have used their services and you can see an example of my site through my profile.


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Thursday, January 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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