Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Carol asks…

Do you think America will collapse soon?

I have been studying this topic lately and I’m afraid to say but I believe America’s time as the strongest world power is over. We (as Americans) are headed into the abyss.

I’ll start by pointing out a commercial that has recently aired about Americans math skills being placed at the 37th rank in countries. I find this appalling because America is/was one of the most prosperous countries in the world until recently. Math is not as important as it should be, and graduating high school requires no more than Algebra 2 basically. I would like to say that my generation is at fault by consisting of mostly morons who do not care about education, and think that because we live in America (The greatest country on earth in some opinions) that no work has to be done to maintain that title. My generation seems to think that getting rich quick by becoming a musician or an actor is the best way to make a living, without realizing that not everyone can do this, nor will everyone be able to. Disney shows that air now are mostly about people who form bands or become internet sensations by posting videos on Youtube and the like.

I live in a small town but even so we had foreign exchange students come to our school in the years i attended. Most of these students were very intelligent, and spoke more than one language. Important languages as far as job opportunities go. Languages that would improve their abilities to communicate with large foreign companies, i.e. German, English, Mandarin.
However in America learning a second language is believed to not be needed. In my high school the only two languages that were taught were Spanish and French. Spanish may be useful in communicating with Immigrants (Alot of which come to the area I live in) but Spanish speaking countries are not known specifically for their top tier businesses. And in my opinion, French is almost useless. It is not spoken by many people who live around here, and the two main countries who use it are Canada and France. Canada also uses English, so it may not be necessary to speak there.

Less emphasis is placed is on education these days and even in the school I went to, most of the schools funding went to sports teams. I know America has some of the highest ranking Colleges in the world but not everyone attends these, and until recently, a college degree was not thought to be needed to be successful. Even having a college degree though does not guarantee a decent job (shown by the idiots who were the “99%”). These were students who thought it unfair that they had went to school for History and English degrees and could not find well paying jobs. I mean how stupid is that. Its not that i don’t think those degrees aren’t somewhat important, but if money is the reason they went to college, shouldn’t a more lucrative field have been chosen? Rather than hoping they could learn what they thought interesting and become millionaires? I’m not trying to say that sports aren’t entertaining, or useful in building character, leadership, and social skills like working together, but I’m sure that if as much emphasis was placed on education as it was on sports that we wouldn’t have as many stupid people in America.

I would like to ask if anyone knows why my generation is as stupid as it is.

I would like to be wealthy myself one day, but I plan to attend college to study for Electrical Engineering, and on the side I am learning German by myself, with hopes of it helping me acquire a job with a company like IBM, BMW, Mercedes-Benz ect. And even then I know that a degree and knowing a second language does not guarantee an excellent paying job, and that I will have to work my way up the totem pole so to speak by learning on the job skills.

Where did these problems start? I’ve heard people say we need education reform in America but that teachers unions get in the way, because faulty teachers have guaranteed jobs regardless of how well their students learn. And standardized test make teachers teach what is on the test, instead of other useful career building information.

These are just a few of the reasons why I think America will collapse soon. Not enough people understand how our economy works or how the world economy works. People look to our President and country leaders to solve all of the problems instead of trying to help in ways they can.

Maybe this is more rant that question but I honestly believe America’s time at the top has ended.
Does anyone else have more insight as to why our country will fail? Or why it will not if that be the case.

Forgive the long question and disregard and spelling/grammatical errors.
@ Ann I’d like to believe that too but one thing my Pastor often mentions is in the Book of Revelations America is not mentioned lol. That may not mean that America wont be around but there is no promise that it will be,

Nagesh answers:

Yes I think America will collaspe also. Many of us aren’t very smart. But the issue that is killing us is lazyness. This causes obesity and people are just too lazy to try in school or learn new things. Look at us we’re in trillions of dept. And too many people are looking for easy money because they’re lazy.
So yes I do believe America will collaspe soon because of our lazyness.

Susan asks…

Please read and answer.. 10 points given as soon as a good answer is posted!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Perhaps Asking the Salvation Army or the Red Cross on How you can assist them In raising Money, They need Volunteers doing just that sort of Thing.

If You become a red Cross Volunteer and have that Insignia showing you work or Volunteer for them That helps Entice those who are Rich to give, Try That

Mark asks…

You people dont have a heart.. if you want to help someone read and answer please!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!
I cant “send a text” we dont have that system here..

Nagesh answers:

Man shut up, just send a text and donate 10 bucks.

John asks…

How do i look?????????????????????????????????

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job or ask the principal to hold a charity free dress day (if u have uniform) or something where you have to pay admission

Lisa asks…

Your oppinions needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

As you said your at a school with lots of rich people, which gives you a good start there. The auction sounds like a great idea and would need a few people to get it started, you could use your college to host it.. You could contact your local newspaper explaining to them what you want to do and why, which could get you big donations, get college to put it into a newsletter too, create a website… All your ideas sound fabulous it’s just what will be best for your area.. It’s such a worthy cause you should be proud to be doing something, especially so close to your heart.

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Thursday, February 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Steven asks…

Do you think America will collapse soon?

I have been studying this topic lately and I’m afraid to say but I believe America’s time as the strongest world power is over. We (as Americans) are headed into the abyss.

I’ll start by pointing out a commercial that has recently aired about Americans math skills being placed at the 37th rank in countries. I find this appalling because America is/was one of the most prosperous countries in the world until recently. Math is not as important as it should be, and graduating high school requires no more than Algebra 2 basically. I would like to say that my generation is at fault by consisting of mostly morons who do not care about education, and think that because we live in America (The greatest country on earth in some opinions) that no work has to be done to maintain that title. My generation seems to think that getting rich quick by becoming a musician or an actor is the best way to make a living, without realizing that not everyone can do this, nor will everyone be able to. Disney shows that air now are mostly about people who form bands or become internet sensations by posting videos on Youtube and the like.

I live in a small town but even so we had foreign exchange students come to our school in the years i attended. Most of these students were very intelligent, and spoke more than one language. Important languages as far as job opportunities go. Languages that would improve their abilities to communicate with large foreign companies, i.e. German, English, Mandarin.
However in America learning a second language is believed to not be needed. In my high school the only two languages that were taught were Spanish and French. Spanish may be useful in communicating with Immigrants (Alot of which come to the area I live in) but Spanish speaking countries are not known specifically for their top tier businesses. And in my opinion, French is almost useless. It is not spoken by many people who live around here, and the two main countries who use it are Canada and France. Canada also uses English, so it may not be necessary to speak there.

Less emphasis is placed is on education these days and even in the school I went to, most of the schools funding went to sports teams. I know America has some of the highest ranking Colleges in the world but not everyone attends these, and until recently, a college degree was not thought to be needed to be successful. Even having a college degree though does not guarantee a decent job (shown by the idiots who were the “99%”). These were students who thought it unfair that they had went to school for History and English degrees and could not find well paying jobs. I mean how stupid is that. Its not that i don’t think those degrees aren’t somewhat important, but if money is the reason they went to college, shouldn’t a more lucrative field have been chosen? Rather than hoping they could learn what they thought interesting and become millionaires? I’m not trying to say that sports aren’t entertaining, or useful in building character, leadership, and social skills like working together, but I’m sure that if as much emphasis was placed on education as it was on sports that we wouldn’t have as many stupid people in America.

I would like to ask if anyone knows why my generation is as stupid as it is.

I would like to be wealthy myself one day, but I plan to attend college to study for Electrical Engineering, and on the side I am learning German by myself, with hopes of it helping me acquire a job with a company like IBM, BMW, Mercedes-Benz ect. And even then I know that a degree and knowing a second language does not guarantee an excellent paying job, and that I will have to work my way up the totem pole so to speak by learning on the job skills.

Where did these problems start? I’ve heard people say we need education reform in America but that teachers unions get in the way, because faulty teachers have guaranteed jobs regardless of how well their students learn. And standardized test make teachers teach what is on the test, instead of other useful career building information.

These are just a few of the reasons why I think America will collapse soon. Not enough people understand how our economy works or how the world economy works. People look to our President and country leaders to solve all of the problems instead of trying to help in ways they can.

Maybe this is more rant that question but I honestly believe America’s time at the top has ended.
Does anyone else have more insight as to why our country will fail? Or why it will not if that be the case.

Forgive the long question and disregard and spelling/grammatical errors.
@ Ann I’d like to believe that too but one thing my Pastor often mentions is in the Book of Revelations America is not mentioned lol. That may not mean that America wont be around but there is no promise that it will be,

Nagesh answers:

Yes I think America will collaspe also. Many of us aren’t very smart. But the issue that is killing us is lazyness. This causes obesity and people are just too lazy to try in school or learn new things. Look at us we’re in trillions of dept. And too many people are looking for easy money because they’re lazy.
So yes I do believe America will collaspe soon because of our lazyness.

Carol asks…

Please read and answer.. 10 points given as soon as a good answer is posted!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Perhaps Asking the Salvation Army or the Red Cross on How you can assist them In raising Money, They need Volunteers doing just that sort of Thing.

If You become a red Cross Volunteer and have that Insignia showing you work or Volunteer for them That helps Entice those who are Rich to give, Try That

Ruth asks…

You people dont have a heart.. if you want to help someone read and answer please!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!
I cant “send a text” we dont have that system here..

Nagesh answers:

Man shut up, just send a text and donate 10 bucks.

Ken asks…

How do i look?????????????????????????????????

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job or ask the principal to hold a charity free dress day (if u have uniform) or something where you have to pay admission

William asks…

Your oppinions needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

As you said your at a school with lots of rich people, which gives you a good start there. The auction sounds like a great idea and would need a few people to get it started, you could use your college to host it.. You could contact your local newspaper explaining to them what you want to do and why, which could get you big donations, get college to put it into a newsletter too, create a website… All your ideas sound fabulous it’s just what will be best for your area.. It’s such a worthy cause you should be proud to be doing something, especially so close to your heart.

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Thursday, February 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Mary asks…

what is the fastest way for a 12 year old to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Why would a 12 year old kid need money?

Mark asks…

Why do people in office/customer service jobs look down on construction workers?

I get paid 30 an hour to go out on site. I get paid vacation every year. I make enough money during the spring, summer and fall to do nothing except sit around and lift weights during the winter when work slows down. And I get unemployment benefits when I’m out of work. Asides from that, the work is really steady, you don’t have to put up with the BS folks in retail/fast food/office jobs generally have to put up with, you generally make a lot more than ‘white collar’ types tend to make. My neighbor is the head manager at Target, and she only makes 12 dollars an hour with no health benefits, but she still turns her nose up at me because I work in construction, despite the fact that people like me make it possible for people like her to eat by maintaining the roads that move food into the cities. And it’s not just her. Everywhere you go, people like to think that the blue collar folks who make our society possible are less than them in some way, despite the fact that we contribute way more to society than they do. It’s like ‘I read TPS reports all day and I get paid minimum wage. Oh, you’re driving pile at the Sandy River bridge project to replace that old bridge that’s about to fall down and kill a bunch of people? *Cue smug chuckle*.

Nagesh answers:

Not all do, dear.
You need some new friends.

My husband has been a union ironworker for 33 years and I’ve always worked in offices.

I could never do what he does and he could never do what I do.

So TELL your friend just what you do for a living.

My husband can hook a 40 ton steel beam onto a 90 ton crane so that the crane can lift it 60 stories in the air without falling or swinging around and killing people.
He can signal that crane to put it within inches of where it needs to be.
He can guide that beam into its exact spot and bolt it on while standing on a 4-inch wide beam 60 stories in the air, while using both hands to bolt the beam.

Ask your friend if she can do that.

By the way, my husband has no clue what a Word Document is.

Thomas asks…

i have a friend who acts better than me because she makes more money?

she complains all the time that she doesnt have enough money to buy her now 1 year old daughter formula. so i told her all abiout the resources i have found that help families. its called capa and you can recieve 12 free diapers a month and every 3 months you are allowed to go in and get 1 big bag of baby clothes for free. she never goes and she only buys her baby girl Brand new clothes. she then complains to me how she only got to buy 10 outfits at $50. i get the same brand of clothes for FREE through capa and i get enough clothes to last three months at a time. she wont go and then she still complains she cant afford formula. anyways i asked her about her promotion at work … i asked her how being a general manager was and she was all pissy about it and said ttttuuuuhhh I AM an AREA manager not a general manager. I also asked her if she would like to go to a concert with me and our other friend and my sister for my birthday. she said no because she couldnt afford it and that because it wasnt on a weekend. so i even offered to buy her ticket. she still said no. then i was hanging out with her so our daughters could have a playdate cuz they were born 4 months apart and they really like each other. anyways she made a comment about how i was playing with a toy that she thought was expensive. what she doesnt realize is i know the price of that particular toy at walmart and its only $20. I too have the same toy but i found it at a thrift store gently used and in top condition for Only $4. its not that i am cheap its that i know how to find a good deal on the same exact things she has. i also buy some things new but not all the time. babies grow too fast to spend money on brand new clothes right now. plus the fact that i really have not had to spend much on clothes thanks to capa and my family and other friends have given me their gently used in great shape clothes that look brand new. plus they buy me brand new clothes as well. ever since she got this promotion she has acted differently. she also treats her husband like crap and says horrible things to him and about him in front of all their friends and family. saying stuff like why couldnt i have married a doctor. also as a gift i had given her a can of formula. which i ended up regretting having given it to her cuz i ended up needing it. but i was able to find a way to get more for my daughter. what is your opinion about her and do you think i should remain friends with her?

Nagesh answers:

I would ignore the complaints. I know lots of people who make more money then me and still have no money. For some reason i always have money. Some people don’t know how to live below their means.

I make okay money. I cut lots of corners where i can and thats why i have never had any financial problems.

I wasn’t one of those mothers that went all crazy buying all kinds of “junk” (example, $60 sneakers for a 6 month old) for my son. I saved my money and now that he is 9, i can pretty much afford anything he asks for or needs.

Joseph asks…

Does a 45 year old fighter still have a chance?

This is what’s going on my dad, who is 45 years old now, wants to box professionally. He boxed in the early 90’s and 80’s, and he had a pretty good record.Maybe you seen him fight, “Merciless” Murdock because he will show you no mercy if you fought him, he has 12 knock outs in 18 fights, unfortunately he lost his last 3 fights, because his work in the docks were really tough, and he hurt his hand. He was still working his way up in the ranks and money wasn’t enough.And his heartless manager just cut him loose, thinking he won’t make a comeback.

To get an idea how good dad was, even though he had no handler. I remember him sparring with Lennox Lewis, I think 5 years old back then. he also sparred Golota…even with a hurt hand, he sparred for extra money.

Good thing is dad finished college,..and was able to better himself and our family.

Now at age 45, dad spoke to mom about getting back in the boxing world, he said he still got it. Dad is 6’2, and weighs 240lbs,…he’s in great shape. He lift weights and jogs, he also box in the garage everyday. That’s his workout.

His still fast strong and have great cardio.

I love my dad, and it hurts me to see him belittled by other people, even my mom thinks dad is crazy,.. and I understand, he is old. and everybody thinks his crazy, I don’t antagonize him, since I’m the only guy believing him. My brothers and sister want him to stop. But that says he has been thinking about it for a long time now, he just wants one more chance.

How can I stop him without offending him?

Nagesh answers:

Yes maybe he is quite fit for a pro boxer he’ll be nowhere near what he needs to be and at 45 it’ll take to long to get fit and knock the ring rust of by this time he’ll be 46 then he has to get fights and because he’s already got 18 fight under his belt he’ll have to do 6 rounders or 10s straight away with much younger fitter guys and even if he does win a few then he’ll be 47 and by 47 without world class trainers and equipment and years of training behind you going anywhere is impossible.
Ask him what he really wants in life what he want to get from boxing ask him how long it’ll be before he gets a shot at any title. By the time he gets a shot he could be 50.
Ask him why he stopped boxing in the first place.
And few doctors will pass a man of 45 to box anyway so you could be worrying for nothing.

Carol asks…

How do I take care of my family?

So my girlfriend is almost 2 months pregnant now. She already has an 8 year old. We both live with our parents. She works for her dad, and makes very little…$8 an hour. I am unemployed, and hope to be getting a job with GE very soon, but even if that happens, I think I’ll be starting at 11 or 12 dollars an hour. My girlfriend has no license, but will get her occupational in middle august.

I have to figure out a way to get us into a house and make us a happy family some how. I have no credit, and she’s 6000 dollars in debt. The only thing I have going for me, is I have 12,000 dollars saved up, and I hope to sell my car for at least 10,000, however I’ll have to buy one for around 4,000. I really need help if anyone can help me come up with a way to get alot of money really fast. I dont wanna have to put this on our parents. I’m old anyway, so I have no problem getting my life together right now, at 28., and she’s 27. Does anyone know of a way that may help me get out of this funk, and give my upcoming family a decent life???

Nagesh answers:

First try getting a decent job. Why settle for a job at 12 dollars an hour? You are a young man! Go to TAFE and study something and get a good job. My friend got a job as a forklift driver, it sounds bad but the pay is really good 🙂 Goodluck

P.S TAFE is in Australia but i dont know if you have it where you live elsewhere in the world.

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Donna asks…

What is a easy way for kids to make money?

What r some ideas for kids around 10 years old to do to make money pretty easy?

Nagesh answers:

Work… Ask neighbors to mow their grass, clean up snow, help around the house, etc.

Hope that helped

Laura asks…

Money Making Ideas??? (for kids)?

I’m in middle school and looking for some extra money. And no, not something like a lemonade stand. I want to make a little more money than that. Babysitting is okay its just not my first choice. Plz give many ideas thnx!!!!

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of ways to make money like.
1.Make Home made Jewelry(Buy Nice Beads,And make nice patterns)
2.Car Wash
3.Help people with gardening etc.
4.Make home Mada Greeting Cards (Birthdays,Weddings,get well Soon etc)
5.Mommy’s helper (Kinda like babysitting but then you’ll get a real babysitting job)
6.Make paper weights (Kinda lame but use rocks or anything heavy and decorate them)
7.walk Dogs

That’s all I got know.

Sharon asks…

I want to do Art Lessons for people to make money…IDEAS or EXPERIENCE?

I want to give art lessons to kids or adults to make some money. I’ve put up a few flyers and craigslist posts, but is there anything else I can do to promote this? I am charging $20 per hour and $30 if there are two students. I also posted on my “professional” myspace that I can do lessons…you can see that on the about me section at:

Any ideas on how to get students so that I can make decent money? (by decent money, I mean $400 or more a month is good).

Nagesh answers:

Check to see if there is a home school association in your area. Sometimes they look for people who can supplement the curriculum they are teaching, especially art and music – in my area at least.

Also, see if there is an Arts Council in your area. They might hire you to teach in their program or they might be willing to help you advertise. Some places have an Artist in Residence program where the artists travel around the state and spend a week at a school teaching about their particular subject.

Robert asks…

Any ideas of I can become a kids sports photographer & make money at it?

My son recently ended a season of tball. I took tons of pics & posted them on a site for the team to see. I am a stay at home mom & consider myself a hobbyist when it comes to digital photograpy. I could use the extra money (who couldn’t). A bunch of the parents keep telling me that I should take team & action pics professionally because the pics are just that good. I have an idea of where to start (the local leagues), but I don’t know what to charge, how to approach them, or what to offer. Any ideas? Thanks in advance…

Nagesh answers:

First you need to research what they are paying now and how much of the money is kicked back to the team. Then you need to develop your own program and place your bid. Create forms and means to provide specialty items such as baseball cards with stats. Start with a small team so that you can perfect your method of paperwork and delivery.

Lisa asks…

How Do You Make Money For Kids?

I need some ideas! nothing like the usall babysitting! boring i dont wanna watch any kids their to annoying. But please help me i really need some ideas!! thx

Nagesh answers:

All of the other ideas are a big waste of time.

You can take surveys for extra money.
It takes only about 10 minutes a day to make up to $100 a month.

This site’s pretty legit, considering the fact that i’ve already cashed their checks.

I mean, come on, you fill out surveys all day on MySpace for free…why not get paid for it? You can check out the site im talking about below:


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Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Sharon asks…

Do you know of any websites which print cheap but good quality calendars?

I am trying to sell calendars of my photography to make money for a charity. I have looked on google for websites like this but half of them are very expensive and the other half are bad quality. A lot of websites are geared towards one off calendar printing which is too expensive and I won’t make much money. Do you know any websites which have a balance between being cheap and good quality? I may or may not order them in bulk, depending on how popular they are. I need a company in the UK so that if I need to order more, I can get them quickly. Thanks for any suggestions:)

Nagesh answers:

Try buying Simply Calendars from Skerryvore Software

It’s pretty cheap, very easy to use, accurate dates of public holidays, and add your own text to days (I add birthdays and the like). You can print yourself on good paper in your own printer, or produce masters for a commercial firm.

I’ve been using it for several years and I’m very happy with it. I can do a new calendar in about half-an-hour (once I’ve chosen which pictures to use!).

Richard asks…

Looking for a female singer for a small album project?

I have posted before and decided to post again

I’m 15 years old from the UK and looking for a female singer. If anyone would be interested in singing about 10 tracks over time I’ve wrote the lyrics for. I use instrumental production music from online and write some lyrics for it. The music is mainly 80s style pop/dance sounding tracks. I could send the lyrics/music to you, you could record the vocals and send them back and i’ll mix the vocals with the music and send them back to you. Eventually there would an album of 10 tracks which would be something nice to have. This would be done online only. I’m not a professional musician by any means but this is just one of my hobbies. I don’t make money from this, I ain’t selling them, this is just a project for fun really. In the end I can make an album cover, booklet etc with the 10 tracks. I would prefer a singer who can work quickly as too many previous vocalists took too long over the first song. Thanks.

Email is

Nagesh answers:

Here’s an idea for you. Go to
It’s a country music place north of Pensacola Florida USA. Click on “sawmill band” and then click on “Melissa Suzanne Welch” She’s 19 this year and has a vocal sound out of this world. There’s an email for her there also. She sings country but has a voice for anything. Hope it works for you.

Paul asks…

Looking for a female singer for an album – 80s pop?

I’m 16 years old from the UK and looking for a female singer. If anyone would be interested in singing about 10 tracks over time I’ve wrote the lyrics for. The music is mainly 80s style pop/dance sounding tracks. I could send the lyrics/music to you, you could record the vocals (the better quality recording then the better the song will sound) and send them back and i’ll mix the vocals with the music and send them back to you. Eventually there would an album of 10 tracks which would be something nice to have. This would be done online so it doesn’t matter where you are in the world. I’m not a professional musician by any means but this is just one of my hobbies. I don’t make money from this, I ain’t selling them, this is just a project for fun really. In the end I can make an album cover, booklet etc with the 10 tracks. I would prefer a singer who can work quickly as too many previous vocalists took too long over the first song. Thanks.

email is

Nagesh answers:

I would love to!
My YouTube username is Singerstar411. Check me out. 🙂

Susan asks…

Looking for a female singer to collaborate on an album project?


I’m 16 years old from the UK and looking for a female vocalist to perform vocals for 10 original songs I have. The music is mainly 1980s pop styled tracks. All that is required is the recording of the vocals (the better quality recording then the better the song will sound so a microphone is best). The vocals (without any music in the recording) can be sent back and I can mix the vocals with the music. This would be done online through email.

Eventually there would an album of 10 tracks which would be something nice to have. I’m not a professional musician by any means but this is just one of my hobbies. I don’t make money from this – I am not selling them, this is just a project for fun. In the end I can make an album cover, booklet etc. I would prefer a singer who can work fairly quickly as too many previous vocalists took too long over the first song. Thanks.

Preview of some tracks:

Nagesh answers:

Craigslist has a musician seeking musician section.

Steven asks…


I received an email regarding a posted item that i am currently selling. Does this email sound legit?

Dear Seller,
I am UK base, i need this your posted Ad for my son schooling in Africa for his personal use, i will like you to send me the detail including the shipping cost of the item to Africa, i shall be making my payment to you via paypal or bank wire transfer, so that you can have your money quickly, i shall be glad to have your reply as soon as possible so as to be able to make the payment. Here is my number +************.

I put stars in for the exact amount of numbers in the phone number.

thanks all

Nagesh answers:

Scammers always you the same form. Its almost like they have templates that they buy from someone. They are always out of the country, and always buying it for a client or a son. Just because a payment would be coming to your through paypal, does not protect you from being scammed. My answer to you is, stick to buyers in your own country, and if you do use paypal, make sure you LOG ON to you paypal account and check to see of the payment is there by actually going to — not by clicking on a link you go in an email that says the payment was made. These scammers can make it look lik you have received a payment using a fake site.

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Monday, February 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Sharon asks…

How can you make money really fast? How can you make money safely in a small town?? HELP ME PLEASE!!!!?

Thanks for your help. I’m in need of the money. And I’m just a kid so I can’t go out and just get a job. I need a safe and good way to get money. And I live on a small road. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting. Pet sitting. Lemonade stand. Wash cars. Mow lawns. Babysitting is best though, if there are kids in your neighborhood. Look up “how to babysit”. I’m an expert on babysitting but my dad won’t let me :'(

Mark asks…

how can a kid get money?

i am twelve and i want to know haw a kid can make good money and fast. i dont want to try waltzing in somewhere and asking for a job cuz thats kinda intrusive. so please help

Nagesh answers:

Let your friends parents and your parents parents know that you’re willing to do odd jobs like mow lawns and such! Depending on where you live, you may also be able to get an after school paper route! Ask your parents if they have any chores or assignments to help earn some money.

Carol asks…

Where do you take soda cans near monroe n.c to get money?

I’m a kid and I need to make money fast. I was wondering how much money you get for recycling a can in monroe n.c and where you can take the cans to around monroe.

Nagesh answers:

Check if there is a recycling center near you. Good luck.

Donna asks…

How can i make money fast?? EMERGENCY!?

Im 14 years old and i love acting and singing. i have been in my schools drama program for 3 years. This year we had a competition called Thespians and me and a few kids formed a group and we did a small group where we sang and acted. We got Superior so now we get to go to States competition. This competition is far from where we live so its a fieldtrip for the drama kids.
My mom just had surgery(which costed a lot of money) and she hasnt worked in 6 months because of it. So we have like no money. And the trip costs $148 and i cant afford it! Because i cant afford it not only will I not be able to compete, but so will the other kids in my group. We have worked SOOO hard and im so sad that i dont have the money. BTW my dad doesnt live with me so i cant get money from him. I need a way to make money FAST!!! i need to go to this competition! PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Nagesh answers:

If you like singing then why don’t you offer to teach people. You will be surprised how many people want to be able to sing even just enough to make a song for a loved one. You could even offer to sing the song they have written for a small fee and with valentines day just around the corner now would be the perfect time to get the word around. Give a go and see what happens, good luck!

David asks…

How to make money easy and fast?

I need to make money and fast too!!! But how? I’m only 13 years old. These are big no-no’s babysitting, lawnmoeing, and walking dogs. No kids or dogs in my neighborhood and I just don’t want to moe lawns. What are some creative and easy ways to make money?

Collecting cans is a good and simple idea. Right? How much money can I get for them in Texas?

Could I possibly make and sell bracelets or necklaces? How do I make them? Beads?
But with that idea I would spend money to make money, how much should I charge to make a profit?

I NEED EASY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY FAST!!! no spending just earning.
Thank you so much<3

Nagesh answers:

Collecting cans is a pretty good ways since you could probably get the money instantly, if you go down to your local recycling bank im sure they’d be willing to help you and give you prices. One can recycling company I know of is which is based in texas

Well you must have old stuff to sell right? Like video games or CD’s, these days you can trade such things in for profit this site shows different ways of making money for kids your age. You can even recycle your old clothes for money now!!

I guess selling and making jewelry is a very good idea, since you can get beads and stuff really cheap and in bunches together off sites like ebay or a craft shop. It can also be a fun hobby too! You can also get some handmade jewelry sets with the beads and charms already in them.
You can even make phone charms and stuff with the beads this website explains a bit more

Id say it depends on how much YOU spend on the bracelet materials, if you say bought materials for a bracelet at $1 then should try selling that on for at least around $1.30 to make a profit. If youre gonna sell the bracelets in bunches them obviously charge more for them

Other ways you could earn some money is by maybe getting a paper boy job? They pay a decent amount. Or what about holding a bake sale? They tend to bring it loads of money fast and their fun

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Lisa asks…

What is the best money making game in club penguin?

I dont want any cheats or hacks, i just want a fast money making game in club penguinand how to do it. If you want to meet me in club penguin, my name is kudree ill be in christmas

Nagesh answers:

The 3 main and best “penguin coin/money”-making/winning/earning
GAMES AT CLUB PENGUIN , in my humble opinion,
Also, with patience & persistency
(think: Keep Coming Back–It Works If You Work It)
;D Those two mini-games in the Lounge over the Dance Club…
Pretty cool, too.

Sharon asks…

i ned fast money making ways in runescape?

my character has 77 fletching 70 wc should i fletch? merchant?with what?i dont wanna hack ppl that for sure. but i need money what r really good ways to make cash post and the most helpful 1 will b the best answer 😛

Nagesh answers:


MIne loots of iron till you get 59 minning then buy a dwarven snout and drink it in front of the minning guild door then go in.Mine loots of coal till you get 60 minning.Then mine coal and take it to the bank when you have a lot sell it it for 190gp each. Or just kill hillgaints and get the big bones and sell them. If you are a member flech. If you need to ask me a runescape question. The account name is Ariel2222.

Michael asks…

What are good ways to make fast, easy money?

I am 13 years old, and I am saving up for an i pod touch. I am $100 away from getting it, but I don’t know how else to make money…. FAST! (other than making about $10 a week if I do my chores!) help!

Nagesh answers:

Have a yard sale!! This can make you have even more then $100 so you might have enough cash to buy a case for it too!

Thomas asks…

What is the best legal way of making fast money?

Nagesh answers:

The only way to get money is to work. Period. There’s tons of people who never learn that so the world is full of scammers like the ones who answered your question. They fell for it too. Don’t be stupid like them. Sorry you got so many dumb answers.

Mark asks…

Making money fast and programs to help?

Hey i wanna start doing surveys for quick cash… can someone recommend me some? and also are there programs that auto press yes/no for u to the offers?

Nagesh answers:

Most of them are scam.. They ask for upfront payment and guarantee that you’ll cover it in days.. But then they disappear..
Elance and guru are good option you can try to explore others as well.
List and links of some genuine surveys can be found here: and links for genuine data entry jobs can be found here: they are all free to sign-up and seems legitimate so far to me.

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Sharon asks…

What do i need to start a niche empire business or affiliate marketing?

I was wondering that after searching through the internet. I was thinking about going into niche sites or affiliate marketing. I am starting out as a beginner in that field but i need to know. How much money do i need for them and i’m not good at creating content. Which course that would be the best or suitable or beginners. I plan to build websites to make money but i don’t know where to start.

Nagesh answers:

I like many other people, was laid off and lost my job that i loved when the recession first hit a few years ago. I got involved with affiliate marketing and have not looked back since. I now make much more money than I did with my old job and work fewer hours now. Although it DID take quite a bit of upfront work however. Here are a few things that I now use to help me earn a healthy full time income from home. Hope they help
This is a system that is free to start and requires no recruiting other people and honestly takes about 5 minutes a day. It wont make you much money for the first few months but after a little a while if you follow their advice will really start to add up.

I am involved with this affiliate marketing company and have made a decent amount of money earning from several income streams simultaneously

one more affiliate program to check out would also be this one:

Best of luck to you either way. These are all great affiliate programs to get involved with.

Laura asks…

How to earn money through internet?

How to earn money using internet

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Mandy asks…

Where to find work-from-home jobs over the net?.?

I have gone through websites giving jobs like filling forms, data entry. But they require an investment. I fear they might be fake. Is there any trust worthy company?. They say u can earn a lot through internet. How far true it is?

Nagesh answers:

There are some that are legit and trust worthy. I have been working from home with a great company that has been in business for a little over twenty years and have been members in good standing with the BBB ever since they opened their doors. They were also awarded the BBB’s Hall of Fame award at the end of 2005. I don’t have to host parties, stock, sell or deliver products. I don’t even have to worry about collecting any money. If you would like more info you can check out my web sites and click on “Get More Info”

Ken asks…

Could I work at home without a social security number?

I’m planning to work at home(sideline)through internet businesses like writing papers online and make a money. However, I’m handling a Dependent visa through my mom who has an H1 visa (working visa) in the US. They said that you can’t work with your dependent visa only but it’s based online. So is it possible?

Nagesh answers:

Any money you earn is reported to the Government through 1099’s from whoever you do work for. So YES you need a ssn and you need to file taxes yearly along with paying what you owe.

Thomas asks…

What genuine avenues are there to make a living from home using the interntet?

I’m interested in working from home to make a living, using my computer. We’ve all heard the scams and pyramid schemes. What genuine possibilities exist?

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the GENUINE ways you can earn a living from your home using the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as or create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – From the article “How to Generate Advertising Revenues for Your Web Site” , there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
Fastclick (ValueClick). Http:// Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)
Quigo Adsonar
Commission Junction Evolution

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

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Friday, February 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Ruth asks…

How could I earn money from creating a website?

If i started a web site offering advice on health issues, how could i earn money from it?

im just not sure how people get money from things like this.

Nagesh answers:

You could add Google adwords which would give you a few pennies each time someone clicks through them – you might earn from a few pounds to several hundred per month. Of course, your own site needs to be highly ranked in Google to get any appreciable traffic and therefore enough click-throughs to make it worthwhile.

Then, you can sell goods through an affiliate scheme, which is where people see the product on your site, click a ‘buy’ button and they’re then transferred to the affiliate supplier site to make the purchase – you get a percentage of the sale amount, say 5-10%. It’s only worth trying to sell things that are directly relevant to your site, though. You can sign up for an affiliate account at

Here’s an example of the above in practice at one of my affiliate sites where I sell shoes and include Google adwords

Lisa asks…

Given the credit crunch and falling markets is now a good time to start a pension?

I live in the UK and am looking to start a UK pension. With the markets so low is it a good time to start a pension right now?

Nagesh answers:

I would reiterate an earlier answer and say that it is ALWAYS the right time to start a pension. Over the full term of the pension, the ups and downs should really iron themselves out.
If you are over twenty, then you should consider a pension, most UK employers are now obliged to offer a pension scheme that can easily be transferred when you change jobs (stakeholder pension). Many employers actually contribute to the scheme too – if this is the case, then YES – it’s a no-brainer, take advantage of any company scheme that offers to contribute to your pension (the company I work for contributes 7% of my income, and I contribute another 7%). Even if they don’t contribute, it should be very easy for your employer to arrange your contributions and take care of the tax issues.
The only circumstances where you don’t need to think about a pension is if you are working on a casual basis or likely to earn vast amounts that will enable you to make your own financial arrangements for your future.
My final bit of advice is this: don’t go half-measures – if you decide to do this, make a real go of it to make sure you end up with a decent income. If you just ‘dabble’ and don’t really put a significant amount in, then you will have wasted all your money. Consider this, if you DON’T put money aside for your pension, what will happen? The state will provide you with income support up to a set level. If you only put a small amount into your pension, you may find that all you have done is to take the onus off the state to look after you, and you may well have only provided enough to just keep you above the level where the state was going to support you anyhow! So…either do it properly or don’t bother – that’s my philospohy!

Donald asks…

My husband is strting a small buisness can anyone guide us to any good sites with information?

Hi My husband is starting anew business and we need to ensure that we cover everything from tax to insurance.
We are based in the UK, Britain so need the British tax laws ect.
Can anyone guide us to some good websites which will give us some information on how much tax we need to pay or insurance costs-etc.

Also where to get some quality booking books which don’t cost too much.

Nagesh answers:

You will need to get yourself sorted with an accountant.
They are usually best placed to give you the lowdown on what you have to pay.
If you going to be VAT registered check out the Flat rate vat scheme on the HMRC site. It will save a lot of time and probably make you more money.
It really depends on whether he is going to go Ltd. , SE, Partnership etc. All subject to different rules.
Unfortunately in this country the tax man will screw you over whatever you try and do.
They have recently removed the 1st £10,000 tax free rule on corporation tax and raised the rate. Another stealth tax to take a further £2000 off each honest small business.
I’ll go now ‘cos I’m starting to sound bitter and twisted.
Good luck with the venture!

Joseph asks…

What would happen if everyone choose to only get books from the library?

How would the authors make their money?

Nagesh answers:

Well the libraries would still have to buy books – and for popular books they’d have to buy multiple copies.

In addition, there is (in the UK at least) something called the Public Lending Right, by which scheme authors get a (small) honorarium each time one of their works is borrowed.

Susan asks…

Is it legal for organisations to print out names and addresses on sheets of labels without asking permission?

Like many people I keep getting sheets of labels from Guide Dogs, Cancer, Red Cross etc. asking for money and enclosing unwanted items. Like most people I have chosen my own favourite charities and stick to them. I keep sending them back unopened to no avail. Surely it is wrong to print names and addresses without owner’s permission for this?

Nagesh answers:

No, they don’t need explicit permission for individual mailings. If your details are a matter of public record – for instance, if you appear on the edited electoral register – then organisations can process your information and use it for the purpose of direct mail.

You might want to find out about the Mailing Preference Service ( which will reduce the extent to which your data is used for this purpose; you should also be careful to ensure that you tick or untick the correct boxes next time your local council sends you electoral registration information.

The other thing to look out for is the small print and tiny tickboxes whenever you sign up for something – for instance, if you join a clubcard scheme at your local bookshop, make sure that you look out for the opt-out (or opt-in) somewhere on the form which prohibits the store from sharing your details with other companies and organisations which may offer “products and services in which you may be interested” (or similar). Most stores exist within a large corporate group and once you let your address slip through the net all the related businesses can legally direct-mail you.

MPS will help, but be vigilant about what you do with your details.

(If it all fails, a good strategy to make you feel better is to save up your junk mail and reply envelopes and then swap them around, sending one business’s junk mail to another business in their own pre-paid envelope! It costs the receiving company though, so best not to do it with charities – you can’t blame them for trying).

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Thursday, January 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Betty asks…

My friend’s parents kicked her out and she moved to canada cant find a job and needs one FAST what can she do?

now i can only talk to her online and shes running out of money, she cant speak french, does anyone have ideas on what she can do? I really wanna help her, please!
wheres avon, can i have the details on that? numbers? what she would have to do?

Nagesh answers:

She should post her resume on job sites like monster and craig’s list. If she’s in desperate need of money she should get an entry level job as a store clerk or waitress until she can get back on her feet… Most industries in Canada speak English so i don’t think that her ability to speak French should affect her that much…

Nancy asks…

help ! marriage fraud in canada?

i’m going to try and keep my question short .

in april 2009 i went and got married in the philippines , stayed 4 weeks and went back home .
due to problems with her attitude and her wanting money for support and her spending too fast on who knows ( she can’t justify it ) i froze , i was shocked with her attitude , so i stop sending money for a while .

i had trouble doing the sponsorship paper work due to lack of time and i could not get cic on the phone ( always busy for weeks and months ) so long delays due to that .

the relationship was difficult due to many things , the main one was money and her expectations .
and some relatives ( her male cousin trying to get my help to find him a job in canada ).

this is a long story so i’ll skip to the present , the process took from september 22 ,2010 to july 26 2011 when they issued the visa by mail .

she arrived in canada september 12 2011 , i picked her up at the airport and took her home .

the problem is she avoided being intimate and after a few days she did not want me to touch her at all and did not want to talk to me .

her english is ok but not great , but she understands english perfectly .
anyways she spent her time playing games on the computer and chatting with her friends and cousin who work in hong kong and dubai as domestics .

the first thing she did when she got here is she wanted to find a job , so i was willing to try and help her with that , but she asked me where is toronto , i told her it’s 300 miles away from where we live .

she was making contacts with her cousin online with people in toronto to find her a job there , when i saw this i asked her what are you doing making contacts with people in toronto .

she said she will find a job anywhere , so the relationship is a fraud as she came here just to get a job.

in addition to this she never unpacked her bags , she does not clean the dishes and house work .
she cooks her own and eats what i cook if she wants it .

she no longer wants to stay with me and now she wants me to buy her an air ticket back home to the philippines .

i’m laid off work right now waiting to be recalled and i don’t have cash to buy a ticket .
a ticket is about $1,000.00 one way to the philippines .

i called an immigration lawyer in ottawa and told them my problem , they said it’s obviously marriage fraud , so i sent them an e-mail describing my situation and the lawyer transmitted this information to canada border services and they said they will investigate by contacting me shortly .

i spent 3 years of my life and well over $20,000.00 on this marriage and she does this to me .
help i need some good advice .
i really love her and wish she would stay , but she is not interested except to find a job or go back home , things she says and do don’t make sense , so talking is not an option , though i have tried often to make her reconsider .

Nagesh answers:

It defintely appears a case of marriage fraud. I feel you should site down with her and clarify things once for all to be sure.

Canada Immigration is taking such issues very seriously and has opened a tip line to report such cases. I suggest report this case to tipline at using the approriate link

Jenny asks…

Needing information on immigrating to Canada….?

Before I ask my questions, here’s a little bit of background info.

I live in Florida, where I work an hourly manager position (recently officially promoted but doing the work for at least 3/4 of a year) at Burger King Corp. My boyfriend lives in Newfoundland, where he’s going to school and working for a privately owned construction business. We’re both 23, a few months apart. We met each other a year or so ago on an online forum site. We eventually decided to date, and last May I got my passport and went up to visit him. We’re trying to plan for me to come up sometime again when he gets a break between classes.

We’ve both decided that we want to be together, and that it would be better for both of us if I moved up there. We’ve become discouraged, however, because every time we start to do research on the immigration process, we run into dead ends, such as he doesn’t work in a position that makes enough money to sponsor me as a conjugal partner, or that getting married won’t automatically make me a citizen.

I have the number for the Human Resources representative for my job, to speak to her about getting an international transfer, but at the moment her and I are playing phone tag because she’s on her rounds to the stores to make sure every thing’s running smoothly, but regardless I’d like to be more informed before I talk to her about anything.

There’s also the option of me getting a student visa, but I’m in the dark about that as well, especially since I dropped out of college in a manner of speaking and don’t have near enough money for tuition, etc.

My questions are, what would be the best method for me to move there and apply for permanent residency? Will having a manager position, be it hourly, at a corporate fast food restaurant increase my chances of being approved for a work visa? I’ve been through thousands of websites, so I’d prefer straight-up answers to simply links to websites, but any and all information and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

It doesn’t work like that. You cannot work or enter Canada with the intention of working without a visa.You do not have a job that is transferable to Canada as there are already people who can do that job living there, especially in Newfoundland where there is significant unemployment.

Otherwise, you have to apply to immigrate. Permanent residence is the first part of immigration leading to citizenship.The wait list is about two years.

You are not conjugal partners, living together, so that won’t work. You haven’t spent enough time together to marry and be sponsored that way. Student fees in Canada are much higher for international students.

Stay in Florida, save up and spend some more holidays in N’fld (try one in January) to get to know each other.

Daniel asks…

Moms, what would you do in my situation? Is this enough to call CPS?

Hi all, I know this woman, she’s 30 years old, has a boyfriend and 2 kids. She’s also having an affair with someone online, and went to meet this person during one of her kids bdays. She says im too judgmental with her and I guess this might be true but she isn’t very.. Well.. Here’s her situation.

She doesn’t have a job. Shes on disability from the government because she has fetal alcohol syndrome. Her boyfriend works 1 day out of the week. She started sleeping with people for money because he didn’t want to work more than 1 day out of the week and she said what he would bring in wouldn’t be worth losing her disability over. If he makes more than 500 a month, she loses her check, of about 900. If he went full time, he’d be making around 1300 a paycheck after taxes.

Fast food is very expensive in canada and she doesn’t like to cook so she eats out a lot. My kid has an entire mcdonalds toy collection just from her kids happy meals. For a family of 4 at mcdonalds, if they all got a combo meal, it would come around 30$ Our subways also don’t have the 5$ footlong meals.. Actually its about 30$ for 2 footlongs here. Just to give you an estimate on Canadian prices.

I tried to sit her down and talk to her about things and she freaked out at me. I’m just trying to watch out for her (Mainly her kids) What should I do? Should I encourage her or should I try to keep making her see reason? If she didnt have kids, I’d shrug it off.. But they’re 2 and 3 and the 3 year old already has 4 cavities and the 2 year olds front teeth are rotting and everyone takes her kids for the holidays because she doesn’t give them any. I don’t think its a valid enough reason to call CPS, especially since I can’t prove she’s sleeping with strangers, aside from the nudes on the website shes posted on. She’s had them called on her once before because she was ignoring the 3 year old because she was playing world of warcraft and the 3 year old was actually in the laundry room eating tide.

So basically, all I have is they live in a very dirty environment, they’ve got bugs from being so dirty. She actually got thrown out of her last place for being so dirty. They don’t grocery shop, because they always eat out. The mom is sleeping with people for money but I can’t prove it.. The kids dont go hungry, they always have pop and fast food and milk. Can she get away with this?
I live in prince george, BC
Our KFC just got mashed potatoes!! l=

Nagesh answers:

Without being this person’s friend you seem to know a lot about their personal life. I am guessing that you aren’t their friend, otherwise you wouldn’t advertise their personal life online in a negative way.

About the government check and working– 1,300 dollars is more than 900 dollars therefore that doesn’t add up to making any logical sense. I have no respect for people living off of the government when having the ability to not. Since you speak to her, try explaining that she could work at fast food and get a discount and he could work and all together they’d make more money than a handout of 900 dollars.

It isn’t your business but if you are her friend then be one and help her instead of only talking to her. Give her the opportunity to improve. If she doesn’t and you decide not to help then yes, call a service that will take over the situation. That will save you from having to help or being a friend to anyone.

It seems that you know a lot about her and her life, even very personal matters that have no standing on her parenting skills or lack thereof. Sleeping with a stranger or strangers means nothing other than a lack of sexual morals for herself. You then made it clear that she does it to provide. One reason rules out the other you gave for her doings.

If you want to be a friend don’t go behind her back and try to actually help them all. If you don’t want to be a friend and don’t want to help then step back and pick up the phone. But then you wouldn’t have anything to write about on the Internet about other people’s lives. I understand your problem.

My biggest concern when reading this is that the person doesn’t have a real friend and that those children deserve a better situation. Either help a person and be a friend or make a call. Also take notice and do some research. Not all children that end up in foster homes have better lives. Interview people that have gone through the system. These children probably want their mother. My opinion is to be a friend and help that mother. Maybe by having a friend she’ll learn to trust your advice, accept your help and gain more self respect which will shine through and be a life long lesson that her children will learn. Be someone that inspires her and not another problem of hers.

If you want to help the children then help them. They’d forever appreciate you helping them as a family. Try that first and if it doesn’t work then do try harder.

How would you know the child was eating laundry detergent? Where you there and didn’t help? This entire question seems made up but if it’s real then I really hope you become a real friend instead of that family’s problem. They need individual help and help as a family. Maybe a good person could find help from others who are too willing to help them. They need support from a supportive community that will keep them together, not separate them.

Sandra asks…

I can’t get a job…?

I just finished high school, and have plenty of volunteer experience although I have no work experience (which I’m trying to get). I really need money before university this fall. I live in Winnipeg, Canada, and I’m having trouble finding a job! This is what I’ve tried so far:
– Submitting applications and my resume in person to retail stores, fast food restaurants, etc. (both places I do and do not want to work)
– Submitting applications online
– E-mailing my resume to employers along with a cover letter
– Calling employers to follow up on my applications
I’m not even picky about where I work (as long as it doesn’t require a lot of physical labour), and I’ve made it clear on my resumes and cover letters that I have a lot of availability, volunteer experience, people skills, time management skills, and self motivation skills, among other things.
I’ve even tried applying to places I thought would be unpopular for people to apply such as grocery stores.
I’ve been trying to get a job for plenty of months now. I literally apply to about 10 jobs a week. What am I doing wrong or what could I do better?

Nagesh answers:

I really wish I could help you. I’m going through the same thing. Badly need a job but things just seem so complicated :(. I have an interview in a few days so I’m tryna stay hopefully about that. I applied to that online so I dont think its a waste of time.

Maybe you’re going wrong in filling out your application forms? I filled out an application form online once and showed it too my cousins. She told it was completely wrong and I wouldnt get the job lol. Why? Cos I didnt link my experience (I have no experience either, part from my volunteer stuff) to the relevant job I’m applying for. So make sre you do that! If you’re not already. Cos that can let you down. My cousin knows cos shes applied to loads of jobs in her lifetime. She was able to help me, so hopefully I can help you 🙂 lol

So yep, try doing that if you’re not already! Also try libraries and stuff like that? You might get in there? Libraries look for people to read to children and stuff so maybe you might find something there?

Also, when you go to hand in your resumes to stores personally, make sure you’re well dressed. Some people really do judge you by what you wear so make sure you dress smartly! Trousers, jackets, blazer, cardigans, minimum make-up, no bright coloured things.. Minimum jewelerry. And make sure your hairs in good condition too. As well as your nails lol.

I’ve been doing loads of research and came across these stuff so thought I should pass it along to you too 🙂

Where there is will, there is a way and I’m sure you’ll find a job real soon! Good Luck! 🙂

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