Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Betty asks…

How can I relax and have a good time when I have nothing to do?

Sorry, long post!

I know, it sounds like a dumb question I should know since I was born.

Problem is that I’m a college grade addicted, I know that college grades aren’t what matter most in the world and everyone is taking college easy, but I can’t get it into my thick skull. Three more months and if I pass, I graduate but I feel like I have to be better than everyone else to get 10 which is the minimum to graduate. If I stop worrying and doing assignments that are due in 2 months I flunk and have to stay there again. At least that’s what my anxiety tells me.

I don’t want to be there for another semester. Since I worry about grades and assignments and exams all the time, people don’t want to talk to me and call me suck up and teacher’s pet behind my back. I may be teacher’s pet but that’s because I try hard to do all the things the teachers tell us to do and I don’t need to suck up to teachers. I can understand them but still it hurts.

Also I don’t want to pay another semester. Money issues.

When there is no homework, no assignments to do and no test to study for I can’t concentrate on doing my hobbies like watching TV and reading. I get lack of air, my heart moves fast and I get nauseous. (I’m on no medication by the way and don’t want to be addicted to medication)

Is there a way to get my head together and think like a normal college student? I have very high marks but I don’t have the self-esteem or something like that to think that if I try hard without blowing my brains out I will pass. Can you help a poor 20 year old girl like me?

Nagesh answers:

Look into yoga or meditation or self-hypnosis. They can help a lot.

John asks…

How much spending money should I take on a 3-4 day trip to Chicago?

I’m planning a 3-4 day trip to Chicago for my girlfriend and I. Other than the costs of the hotel and transportation, how much money should we bring for food, shopping, and souvenirs? We have a goChicago card, so entry to most landmarks is already covered.

(also, we’re college students, so our budget may be limited.)

Nagesh answers:

Depends on what you plan on doing and where you feel like dining. You could go to a fast food restaurant and pay about $ 12 for both or you could go to steak house and pay up to $100 a plate. However, if you want something in between you could find a good restaurant for about $25 a plate including drinks. If your really crunching pennies though, don’t buy drinks at a restaurant. Go to a liquor store and drink it in your room. There are alot of restaurants that are BYOB too. If you go a little further north in Lincoln Park (it’s still Chicago) you’ll find prices alot more reasonable. There are a couple colleges in the area and the neighborhood is alot younger and you’ll find most people are not from Chicago but somehow or other now live in Chicago. Downtown Chicago you’ll find alot of tourists and buisness people coming or going to work.
As for shopping, it depends on what you want to buy. A good pair of jeans $50. Gym shoes $90.
If you plan on going out I recommend Lincoln Park area. Like I said the crowd is younger – also college students- and drinks are less expensive. Places downtown Chicago will most likely charge a cover ($20) and 1 beer $5 mixed drink $10. Cabs run all over the place so don’t be afraid to wave one down. It’s the best way to get from one place to the other even for locals considering there is not much parking around. Lincoln Park is about a 10-15 min. Cab ride. Happy travels

Helen asks…

Is there any way I can make ramen noodles a little healthier?

I’m a college student and with the price of classes, books, clothes, school supplies (no scholarship & no helps from parents) I have very little money left for food and I’m living off ramen, a little fruit, and canned veggies.. Now, I know I can’t make ramen healthy because of the sodium content but is there any thing I can possibly do to make it at least a little healthier? what can I do to spruce it up a bit?? I only add 1/2 the seasoning packet.. I walk a lot during the day and only drink ice water.

Nagesh answers:

This meal has the advantage of being fast, dirt cheap, vegetarian and reasonably nutritionally sound.

You will need:
-One package of Ramen noodles (either standard or organic varieties will do).
If you are a vegetarian the “Oriental” flavor of ramen sometimes contains no animal ingredients, it depends on the brand (Oriental Ramen is not vegan but the Thai Kitchen brand in the picture usually is!).
-About a rounded 1/2 cup of a variety of frozen vegetables.
Some I have used in the past include: chopped spinach, green beans, peas, chopped carrots, corn, edamame. If you have fresh veggies on hand, those work even better.
-Soy sauce and/or miso
-an egg

-Garnish: sliced garlic, green onion, cilantro, pepper, hot sauce

Boil yourself 2 cups of water to cook the noodles.

I probably don’t need to say this, but you never know: open your package and find the little seasoning package and pull it out *before* you dump the noodles in. Seems self evident, but fishing a melting seasoning packet out of boiling water is not fun. So look before you dump.

Here’s the unconventional part:

Once your noodles are a little over halfway cooked, (still al-dente) dump the cooking water out and drain the noodles. Put another 2 cups of water on the stove.

(Hey you just discarded a lot of gross starch and a fair amount of fat!)

Put your noodles back into the second batch of water.

Add your veggies (frozen or not) now, and let them cook a bit while you work on the egg.

Take an egg and break it into a bowl, scramble it well.

Once your soup has returned to a full boil, slowly pour the egg into the soup in a slow stream. Move the stream around the pan to get little ribbons of egg that cook quickly in the boiling water.

Add some flavoring from the packet (not too much, yuck) , or make your own with some soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, vegetable bouillion, etc. Etc.

Now you have a good source of protein and some vegetables in your ramen ( you probably feel healthy already).

Pour your delicious ramen noodles into a bowl! Since you only used a bit of the flavoring packet, your noodles might need a little something. Add some miso paste, tamari sauce, chili sauce, sesame oil, green onions, or other healthy flavoring.

Now eat them! Hope I helped you…. 🙂

Lizzie asks…

what’s a good honest way for a college student to make extra money? No scams please, or MLM?

I’m a college student in California. My class schedule does not allow me to find a job with that much flexibility. Does anybody know of a good honest way to make extra money, pls don’t suggest surveys or pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting, pet-sitting, walking dogs, housecleaning, personal shopping, and other odd chores. You can also try washing cars, mowing lawns, weeding gardens, and shoveling snow. All these things pay better than the fast-food job I tried when I was 15.

Also, if you can, try one or more of these groups to save money:

Richard asks…

how much spending money will i need for world cup?

I am planning on going to south africa for the 2010 world cup. how much money do you think i will need for food and travel around the country and other incidentals? (i am looking for just spending money, not game tickets or accomodation) Are there other costs i should consider? I am also a college student so i will probably travel the cheapest ways and eat on a budget.
and how much would it cost to travel between the different cities? eg btw jo-burg and cape town? what is the best form of transportation to go from city to city?

Nagesh answers:

Please excuse the pessimist above!!!!!

Your major expenses will be food and transport.

You looking at about R20-R40 for a local minibus taxi for a trip to the stadiums and around the major centers.
R40-R100 for a private taxi

unlikely to get a decent take away meal here for under R40 (burger, chips and coke 340ml).
If you really tight and prepare meal at you accommodation, like sandwiches and the like you can get by on about R20/day assuming you can refrigerate stuff like cold meats, cheese and other stuff you’d put on rolls/bread.
I’m not sure if all prices are gonna be pushed up during the World cup or not…wouldn’t be surprised though… Oh try to avoid buying anything at the stadiums thats super ripoff!! But then again not sure if they’ll let you take anything in!

Check out for various fast food and restaurant prices. The most common fast places here are steers, nandos, KFC, wimpy, debonnairs macdonalds(gross!!!!)

best way to save get friendly with a local to show you the ropes!

Good luck

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Chris asks…

Do you have any ideas on summer work for teachers?

I would like to make a little extra money in the summer, but I do not want to teach summer school. Anyone teachers out there who have some fun and interesting job ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Depending upon where you live, that are usually several things you can do during the summer to earn some cash (and regain some sanity :]).

Lifeguard (rigorous, outdoorsy, maybe some violence issues)

Intern at some private industry/govt. Institution (you will either: appreciate the teaching profession more, or get out of teaching. Either way, you WILL become a more rounded professional)

Manual labor (landscaping, work the fields, construction, etc.)
(OUCH! However, it IS outdoorsy, and you WILL come away with a new respect for the working man)

Work at a resort (hospitality industry) (depending upon the location/firm, you might get free room and board, a little cash, AND the opportunity to see how the “other half” lives)

Good luck, and have a nice summer!

Donna asks…

What are ways that i can earn money over the summer?

Me and my friend are 11 and 12 years old and wanted to earn money over the summer, but need some ideas. Anyone know of some?

Nagesh answers:

Try this…


It works excellently & they send you a monthly paycheck just like clockwork.

Paul asks…

What can my 10 year 10 old brother do for a job for the summer in the neighborhood?

my brother came home today and he asked me what he could do to to earn money this summer, Around the neighborhood! I could not think of anything besides a car wash or a lemoand stand! do you have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Cut the grass
tend the lawn
walk dogs
clean peoples houses
pet sit while people are away

John asks…

Can a 13 Year old run a Babysitting Business out of their home in the summer?

My friend and I are Helping out her little sister because she wants to babysit to earn money this summer, but she wants to run it like a business from her home. Would that work out, Or even be Okay?

Nagesh answers:

It sounds like a great idea, but few parents would even consider it. Sorry :/

Thomas asks…

What are some good jobs for earning money over summer?

I’m a teenager and i wanted to earn some money over the summer. I’m not old enough to get a job but i still want to do something. Any good ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

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Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Robert asks…

How Can I Earn Money?

Im too young to get a job, Plus that jobs in town are hard to find at 15/16. I want to pursue my dream of being in the music business and to help jump-start it I want to go to Power Chord Academy in Washington DC for 2 sessions(2 weeks)its 1795.00 for 1 session plus everything it comes with and I need to know how to make enough money to go next summer

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money
Ways To Earn More Money
(Updated on 08/03/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at restaurants.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Paul asks…

Manufactured homes always have quick depreciation in value?

I have heard from few people that manufactured/mobile homes always loose its value quickly over a time is that true?
even though the home is its own land?
It is not worth buying? is it a waste of money?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, manufactured homes decrease in value. Even if it’s on it’s own land. The land may go up in value, but the home won’t. You are a lot better off building a smaller home that is a site built structure if you are worried about resale value. If you plan on living there the rest of your life, then it doesn’t matter about value. You can also find good deals on used homes sometimes. I had some land and bought a 2 year old mobile home for less than half of it’s “new” cost. I kept it there for about 5 years until I had my permanent home built. I was then able to sell it for the same price I bought it for. So it was basically free for 5 years. It all depends on the situation, just think it all through before you decide on something.

Donna asks…

How to exercise at home?

I work all the time so I don’t have much time to get healthy every day. I want to start exercising everyday but I dont have the money to join a gym. What could I do at home that gets me in shape quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Doing an effective whole body conditioning and weight loss workout
can be done entirely at home without any fancy equipment. A couple of
dumbbells is all you will need. (Even if you don’t have dumbbells
there is usually something lying around the house that is heavy enough
to substitute in for them).
Here is a list of 20 exercises you can do right in your own home for
a great whole body conditioning and fat loss workout.


Group 1:

Bodyweight Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Prisoner Squat
Reverse Lunge
Step Ups
One Leg “Get Ups”

Group 2:

Push Ups
Push Up and Point
Mountain Climbers
Decline Push Ups
Push Ups/Stick Ups
Step Up and Press
Squat and Press

Group 3:

Side Plank
Curl and Press
One Arm Rows
Bird Dogs
One Leg Deadlifts

Pick one exercise from each group and do them all back to back for a
mini circuit of 3 exercises. Do each exercise for a timed interval of
10 seconds for a total of 30 seconds per mini circuit.
As you get better at them work up to doing each exercise for 20
seconds for a total of 60 seconds per mini circuit.
Take 30-60 seconds rest between mini circuits.
For beginners do a total of 3 mini circuits to start. Working up to 4
or 5 as you get better at them.
Once you’re ready to move to the next level add a second mini circuit
by choose 3 different exercises (one from each grouping). Do your
second mini circuit with the same time of work to rest ratio as your
If you feel you are already at an advanced level you can add one or
two more mini circuits up to a total of 4 mini circuits. These 20
exercises are just an example of what is possible, there are dozens
more that would work in this mini circuit style, you can incorporate
any exercise that you like into these mini circuits. This style of
workout is a great complete whole body conditioning and fat loss
program you can do right at home in under 45 minutes.

George asks…

how do I raise money quickly, for funeral, cementery, transportation, and clothing?

I need the money asap, as you may know, payments must be payed quickly, and all my relatives have done, is put jars, with my dads picture on it, and it has information, about the funeral home, and him in random stores. If you have been through this, please tell me how to raise the money. All I can think of is…

1. ask people for money in the flee mart
2. place the jar in a store
3. car wash, but I need a crew, which I do not have
4. sell my things, yard sale/ the paw place

question # 2, what should we put in my daddy’s coffin?
thanks vedraka, you just answered my 2nd answer, I ment objects like things that bring good memories of my dad.
oh, sorry, vandeka

Nagesh answers:

I think you need to give more details of the situation its cloudy and question #2
it’s hard to figure what you mean. I know you put a pillow to raise the head and that’s I think is furnished by the funeral home. I believe there are programs that help with funerals but the person must be an indigent. Contact your city officials like the mayor or gov rep and ask for help they should be able to stir you in the right direction.
I am sorry you’re having to deal with all these problems alone, I would call in his next of kin like brothers sisters parents and ask for participation they are relatives also they need to take responsibility for the resolution of the funeral. Calm yourself down a little to be able to think
clearer.Prayer is a good companion in times of need. You could also look for a funeral loan or a funeral home who allows for payments good luck. God bless.

Carol asks…

how can i earn money from home?

Nagesh answers:

If you are talking real life see article link below. It outlines a few ways to make money quickly from home. If you are talking onlne try writing (takes a while to get money) you can check out info barrel, and or check other yahoo answers for survey sites and ideas on online legitimate earnings.

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Monday, November 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

David asks…

how can i make super fast money on runescape??

how can i make super fast money on runescape?

ps. im only a lvl 88

Nagesh answers:

Hi There,

My RuneScape username is K E R T Z, and I am pleased to announce the best money making ways in RuneScape without hacking or cheating. You may contact me at or add K E R T Z to your friends list on!

Members – Kill Green Dragons (level-79) in level 19 through 24 Wilderness. Go to Varrock Wild and head north until you reach level 19 Wilderness. Collect dragon bones, green dragonhides, and other items. Go to the Grand Exchange sell the dragon bones for 2.5k each, the green dragonhides for 1.5k each, and the other items, which can vary anywhere from 400gp to 9k each.

Nonmembers – Kill Hill Giants (level-28) in the Edgeville Dungeon. It is west of Varrock, and you need a brass key to enter it. Collect the big bones, limpwurt roots, and other items. Go to the Grand Exchange and sell the big bones for 400gp each, limpwurt roots for 600gp each, and the other items, which can be anywhere from 20gp to 2k each.

Notes – Potions would be a great help, as would food, and if you are going to kill Green Dragons (level-79), bring an anti-dragon shield.

Cash Values
– Green Dragons (full inventory) – From 40 to 130k each trip.
– Hill Giants (full inventory) – From 7 to 15k each trip.

Both of these work very well, as they only take about 10 minutes or less to get a full inventory. Which can rack up anywhere from 240 to 780k in an hour (for members), and anywhere from 42 to 90k in an hour (for nonmembers).

Kind Regards,

Laura asks…

Runescape fast money?

I need 1mil by tomorrow and i am not a member. Is it possible to get fast money?

Nagesh answers:

If your talking fast money as in can you buy RS money, then no you can’t. If your talking about a way to make allot of money in a rather short period of time then yes, I do know how you could go about it. It’s called Merchanting. When I played back in the days, I mined about 10k ess. (essence) and made my first mill. After that I continued to invest my money by buying any amount of coal ore I could find at the cheapest price (being at the time, 100g) and sold it back into the market for ruffly 150 to 160gp. This method worked for me at the time but with the new trading system that now exists, you will have to adapt my method of merchanting to fit the new marketing system that is now in the game.

Mary asks…

Best, Fastest, Easiest way to make money on runescape?

Im a non member. whats a fast, easy, overall best way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

There is no “easy” was to make money on RuneScape, just “easier” ways than others. All will require some level of attention and a lot of time. There are 3 main ways to make money, without combat (I won’t bother with this – it’s a poor way to make money).

The fastest way to make money is through woodcutting. Get 70 (from cutting willows) and then start to get yews. Don’t get yews before 70, they’re too slow and it’s too competitive.

The hardest way to make money as a F2P player is fishing… Sure, lobsters are worth a lot and don’t require a good fishing level (ca. 50) but it’s far from a bank. Too far to make good money from it.

The best, but slowest way, is smithing. You’ll need some money in order to do this… Not much, about 100K. Buy supplies for steel bars, make the steel bars and sell them – EZPZ. You only need 30 smithing to do this, so it’s one of the lowest skill levels.

Carol asks…

how can i make money fast in runescape!!?

i went to bandos this weekend and lost i lost my money in armour and now i hav like no money to buy armour for training i use to do green drags but way 2 borin

Nagesh answers:

Here are some guides that can help you make some money as well as guide you in effectively training your skills. There are many ways to make money but these guides focus on Woodcutting and Mining.



Susan asks…

In Runescape, what is the fastest way for a level 76 member to make money?

I have 65 fletching, 38 hunter, 57 crafting, 44 cooking, 46 theiving, 56 mining, 47 smithing

So far i’ve been buying a bunch a gree dragonhides and tanning them and selling them

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods for members.If you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo. I do NOT know f2p moneymaking as it is a quite different game.
…1)Non combat skills
~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle you can even “free load” although this is unpopular with other players.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)
~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.
~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.
*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.
** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.
…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.
…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.
… 5) There are several quests and diary’s that are well worth the effort.After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests,You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold.
…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax,Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs!
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) Diversions and distractions… Penguin hunting can make as much as 104k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
…10) Try not to return to a bank with empty inventory and always pick up stack able items. Even if an items not worth much its worth more than an empty space in your pack. You can always drop an item if something worth more is available.
……The thing is the game is designed to take time (which is why my answer is so long).. Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids and slayer)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy!

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Sunday, November 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Chris asks…

What’s the quickest Non-combat way to make money on runescape?

I want bandos and arma but I always spend every little cent on food and supplies for quests and I need a good skilling way to make cash.

Nagesh answers:

Mining and wood cutting

Thomas asks…

Quickest way to raise my construction level on runescape?

Im level 51 Construction im wondering wats the quickest way to raise my level to 60 or (65 if u know), can you add how much it will cost and if their is a cheaper way. Thnks

Nagesh answers:

One of the absolute fastest ways to 99 construction from level 52 is to build Mahogany tables in the Dining room, using a Demon Butler to bring you planks, building 4 tables per round, and 5 every third round. Players who are somewhat slow at building and removing tables may wish to save a bit of money by using a normal butler and building 3 tables per round and 4 every third round.
Experience per hour rates for building mahogany tables vary widely among players. Some players get around 450k experience per hour (these people often use a normal butler), while some get over 600k (these people use demon butlers). Some players are even able to get over 700k experience per hour. The theoretical maximum experience per hour with mahogany tables is somewhere around 900k experience per hour, and some players can get over 800k experience per hour. (All these experience rates are given WITHOUT Sacred Clay Hammers.) Interestingly, although practice helps, it is possible to get the full experience rate- the fastest experience in construction without spending ridiculous amounts of money- right at 52, and potentially go from level 52 to level 70 in only an hour, or a bit over an hour.

It is also worth noting that mahogany planks are the best planks to make using the Plank make spell, which is a very fast way to train magic, and therefore a player may find it convenient to combine this spell with building Mahogany tables to avoid a trading step.

Mary asks…

Runescape a quick way of getting money 2 buy zamorock platebodu and kiteshield?

I need a quick way of buying zamorock pl8body and kiteshield my combat lvl is 62 Yemenia10100 i hope u could help?!

Nagesh answers:

Well you should go to this site listed below since i don’t know your exact lvls in money making skills i can’t really give any advice myself =.

Richard asks…

in runescape what is the best ting to to sell?

alright so i just spent like all my money on rune and now im looking for the quickest way to get money easy. im a level 50 and i was doing cow hides but i wanted to know if there was anything better to sell. i would be selling these things at the Grand exchange.

Nagesh answers:

Check this link, it has many money mnaking ways.


Ken asks…

What is the most efficient and most profitable way to earn money in Runescape?

I am currently LVL 95 and have squandered my money on useless items leaving me with a mere 300k in my bank.

For those who have millions and millions, how have you earned this money? and what is a relatively quick, efficient, entertaining/fun and profitable way to go about earning millions of bucks?

And no real world cash trading for coins thats just retarded…


Nagesh answers:

My personal favorite way is ranging blue dragons, which are now often barren since the removal of bots.

My recommendations is that you complete the Watchtower quest if you haven’t already, and use the cave in the ogre town. This is host to many blue dragons with loads of cover spots to range from. Take a duel ring and telly to Castle Wars bank, then run back. This is fast, raises your range and prayer if you decide to keep the bones, and if you sell the hide and bones, is well over 4k a kill. If you camp out there for a while, you will undoubtedly be back on track with cash.

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Saturday, November 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Ken asks…

How can i make some money fast?

im 13 years old. and i want to buy an iPod touch that cost like $240. but i want to know how to make some cash fast. cuz im unemployed. and please dont say a bake sale. cuz i suck! lol. just random ideas. im planning on selling some old sports cards i have from the 1980’s. and i live in vegas so if u guys could tell me where i could go. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hi La Mosh

Doing Freelance Work – If you can write, design, programme, are artistic, creative, can motivate or inspire, then there are loads of opportunities for you out there right now. One of the fastest growing sectors is the freelance market.

Surveys – we had heard a lot about ‘taking surveys’ as a way to make money fast now; some of what we’d heard was good, but some not so good. So rather than take other’s opinions we decided to join some of the most popular survey companies and see what they offered, and whether their promises stacked up in their ability to make money fast.

Affiliate Marketing – don’t be confused or intimidated by this term; it’s simply the case of identifying a product you think there may be a demand for, ascertaining if they have an affiliate program (a commission payout) for that product, then figuring out how to get people to buy that product through your unique affiliate ID number or code. Then, every time someone does, you earn a commission.

Chris asks…

What’s the fastest way to earn money in real life ?

I’m 13 year old and I get really really really bored everyday so I need money to buy a Nintendo DS , PS2 , or a PSP 😛

Nagesh answers:

Depending upon your energy and personality, selling may be the trick you need. Try this tack, go to some business that seems to be doing poorly and offer the owner or manager that you will distribute some coupon fliers for the shop if he will pay you the same amount of discount that he is offering the customer (a bargaining ploy, you may have to settle for less, or maybe more). You put your initials on each one that evening, and the next morning it becomes a personal race for you to see just how many of those fliers you can put in people’s hands. One further idea is to go to other businesses (preferrably not the same type of business) and say you have a coupon for everyone that works there.

If you are inventive, energetic, and personable, you may also develop a skill that will help you earn money all the rest of your life. (I worked part time in college with a guy barely out of high school that earned more part time than my junior high school principal father did.)

Jenny asks…

How do I get from my nautral darkish brown hair to a lighter brown/dark blonde colour?

I’m a 13 year old boy and I’m wanting to dye/bleach/whatever my natural darkish brown hair to a lighter brown/dark blonde colour. I don’t really have the money for professional help. I don’t mind using bleach/dye or even a lemon
If I have to go into a ginger stage I want to move out if it as quick as possible so I rather avoid it
I don’t want to use highlighters, spray etc.
Please tell me the best way to do it and what type of bleach/dye I would need
Prefer to use dye but I don’t mind

Nagesh answers:

Hey, Im a girl and I Have really dark hair.
I bleached my hair using Clarion Frost and Tip highlighting kit (it’s just bleach). Make sure to get as much as you on your hair and avoid going too close to ur scalp.
I’m assuming you dontbhave super long hair and if that’s the case, bleaching once just might work for you 🙂
Just put as much as you possible can on your hair.. I mean like coat it really well so each strand is covered thickly. This will make ur hair lighter faster. Keep it on for about 30 minutes, look in the mirror, if it’s the color you want, wash it, if not keep it on for longer and keep checking every 5-10 minutes but do not exceed 60 minutes or else you’ll burn your hair.

If your hair turns out orange blonde and u wanna keep the blonde but get rid of the orange, use a toning shampoo that gets rid of orange (you can Google that stuff easily)
If you end up ginger, you’ll have to bleach again (which is what I did)
To get rid of any yellow and/or orange in your hair, just use the a purple/voilet base toning shampoo. Don’t leave it in your hair for too long though.. You might go purple or grey (not to scare you or anything lol)

And bleach is really damaging so don’t bleach twice in the same day or even the same week. Wait atleast 2 weeks to bleach again (if it is necessary) and use loads of conditioner when you wash your hair and leave it in for about 15-20 mins everytime. This will give you really soft hair 😀

And yeah… That’s about it. Let me know if other works for you.

You can get the bleach I mentioned at your local drugstore and walmart for around 10-14$

And toning shampoo will be around that much as well (it’s expensive stuff… But it will make urban hair not go brassy and get rid of orange and yellow making it a nice blonde shade)

Good luck!
Email me if any questions:

*DISCLAIMER* Im not a professional or an expert. I’m just telling your from my own experience.

Robert asks…

What are some easy and fast ways for a 13 year old to make some cash?

Well I’m 13; Old enough to babysit, but not yet old enough to get an ‘actual job.’ And DON’T say lemonade stand, petsitting, or baking cookies to sell.

I’ve already got mowing lawns, cleaning pools this summer, and babysitting.

Got any more ideas?? Thanks<33 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ontop of what you already have planned (good plan btw!) how about washing cars and other things to that effect? Or dog-walking? Or simple decorating (painting or stripping wallpaper) if you’ve got any experience in that area? I re-did my Nans living room when I was about your age lol 🙂

Or, do you have paper rounds in your area? That’s a nice easy way to get some money plus it’s plenty of exercise and fresh air 🙂

There are sometimes some small independent cafes and such like that accept “underage workers” (sorry!) as cash-in-hand workers, as long as it’s not cash handling (so cleaning, or drink prep etc). Or sweeping up in the hairdressers was another popular one when I was younger too.

Oooor… Maybe some sort of boot-sale (or eBay!); find a load of old stuff you don’t want or need anymore, and sometimes that’s some easy cash 🙂

Hope this has been of some help!

Sandra asks…

How long will my diabetic dog live for without any medication?

my dog is 13 years old and is large and she has diabetes. we do not have any money at all for her and i just wanna know how long she is going 2 live without any insulin? Its really heart breaking for me 2 ask this question but its important to me.

Nagesh answers:

If she is suffering u need to put her down if u cannot get medication.

I know its not the best for u as u would not want that but its the best for your dog.

My mom has diabetes and if she doesnt take med’s she vomits, has fevers, hyperventilates and had wierd and fast strong heartbeat like she is having panic attack she doesnt feel like eating, not to mention muscle cramps. I do not know how diabetes affects dogs but if if affects humans in that way… Iam thinking maybe your dog would feel the same without medication.

I have a dog and mine is 14 yrs old but if my dog is diabetic and having those symptoms without medication and has the same symtoms as humans do… I would put her down as id rather her last days on life be happy then her last days in her life feeeling like crap for 6 months and feeling very sick and then dieing.

Are you able to get alternate ways of paying for the medication??
Have u tried borrowing money, using credit card? Every single vet also has a interest free pay system where u sign a contract with the vet and u only pay a certain amount of money every fortnight or every month and u only pay what u can afford. It is also interest fee so if it totals $2000 and it takes u 2 yrs to pay it off. 2 yrs later its still $2000 in total because of no interest.

Every vet offers this. The only thing is u have to be real in what u can afford. Example. If u guys can only afford to pay $10 per week.. U write that in the contract because if u fall behind in payments they send debt collectors so make sure u do not over guess what

**my dog got ran over by a car a yr ago** i was unable to afford it and it came to a total of $3000 for 1 weeks worth of care and surgery by the vet. I was unable to pay for $3000 in 1 go. I did a payment plan and i paid about $100 per fortnight as thats what i could afford to the vet.

My dog is now all better and i do not regret doing it. It was either save my dog or let her die and i do not ever regret chosing a payment plan for $3000 to save my dog. She is now very healthy and happpy. 🙂

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Friday, November 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast

Paul asks…

How to make some money fast?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make some money fast? I’m looking to make around £700 within eight days and then another £200 within 12 days. Does anyone have any genuine ideas as to how I could do this?

Nagesh answers:

Have a look at the link. There are some good ideas.

Sell things you don’t need. Open your house as restaurant for several nights. Ask diners to pay what they think the meal is worth. Keep it simple and you should make a profit.

Be a guinea pig for some drug trials.

Become a male escort for rich old women/men. Star in porno films. Easy money if you can keep it up!

Think what skills and talents you have to sell. Do handyman jobs in your local area. Most people are cash rich but time poor.

William asks…

How can i make some good money fast?

I really need to make some money fast, So dose any body have any Ideals, want to work on the inertnet and make a lot of money, because my girl friend needs a new pair of shoe’s

Nagesh answers:

Well you can’t spell “does”, don’t know the difference between “ideal” and “idea” and you don’t know the difference between possessive and plural words so I don’t see you having the smarts to “make some good money fast” beyond drug dealing, robbery or prostitution.

Besides, your spamming scam has been reported.

Lizzie asks…

How can you earn money fast?

I really want a macbook by apple and I also really want to update my wardrobe and I have been wanting more clothes and shoes since forever so I really need to earn money fast. I also really like this other expensive brand and I really need an update on everything .So does anyone have any ideas? If so please comment as soon as you can.

Nagesh answers:

Jobs are very crucial to getting money
sell ur old wardrobe since ur updating
do more chores around the house without being asked ur parents will reward
brake open that piggy bank in ur closet

if that doesnt work then become a PIMP

Robert asks…

What else can i do to kickstart business?

The sameday courier business has gone down to nothing,ive tried telesales, people say theyll use u but dont,ive tried every courier in my area for subcontract work,leaflets,cards advertising.Mean while i have to pay for van ANYTHING else that i might be able to do i havent thought of,any thing i might have missed out,anyone else i can target answers much appreciated.My van is lwb transit and im running out of ideas and money very fast.

Nagesh answers:

I think that perserverance is the name of the game in the current market. Constant marketing and selling is essential however I would be very targetted and communicate to the usual key contacts in companies who use on demand courier services. These can be the admins but also marketing, IT, facilities, operations and sales departments who may need things moving around for events or relocations.

If you are very specific on your area then I would consider door drop leaflets every month to local businesses. Direct mail to corporate accounts and also consider using Google Ads adn email marketing to be found first when people are looking for a courier. Unfortunately you are going to have to keep investing in your marketing and also get a little lucky.

Linda asks…

What are some good ways to get money so i can go on this expensive trip to Europe next year?

it’s a trip i am literally dying to go on. this is definitly the only time i will ever get to go to Europe so i need some ideas of how i can get money fast!

Nagesh answers:

Work night shifts in clubs/pubs, they shud pay good tips.hard work but least u wont be doin anythin illegally.Or work double shift,grab a part time job after ur day one.If u think u’ll be having a tight budget,then u can always backpack when ure there.Instead of spendin on expensive hotels/etc while ure here in Europe.Good Luck saving

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Thursday, November 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Maria asks…

How do I raise money for camp?

I’m a 13 year old girl and I want to go to a surf camp to learn how to surf. The only problem is that after you factor in a round trip plane ticket, the price comes to $2,080! My family definitely isn’t rich! I really want to go to this camp. We considered having my dad drive me, but to the Outer Banks of NC from our house is about ten hours, so the gas prices would make it just as expensive as a flight. I already have about $200, and my grandparents will pay some, but it still won’t be enough. Any ways to raise money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

You might try to get your school, church or community organization to sponsor you.
Otherwise, a series of bake sales, yard sales, or flea market sales to raise some legitimate money for your camp experience are some things that could help. However you will need time for these activities and that would not constitute “quick” money. Driving still might be less costly than an airline ticket and more fun than flying alone. Best wishes.

Nancy asks…

What can i make and sell to make some money?

I need to make some money quickly so i thought i would make some things to sell, but im stuck for ideas. I want it to be simple but effective and not have a huge start up cost. Any ideas welcome.
Thank you x

Nagesh answers:

Directly from

“Buttons and button-making equipment and supplies are our business – our only business.”

The website also have an icon to click labeled, “Get started for only $29.95”

I cannot think of a lower “start-up” cost!

Mandy asks…

For Paypal, is it quicker to get money transferred from a Savings account or a Checking account 2 my Paypal?

I need to get money quickly into my paypal account, and I don’t know if it will be quicker to get it from my Checking account or Savings account!

Nagesh answers:

The time frame on both will be about the same. No significant difference!

William asks…

How do I become rich quickly?

Been watching the apprentice on bbc 1, they all seem quite stupid to me. My IQ is around 195 so clearly very smart for todays society. I dont currently work but can any one suggest how to make loads of money quickly that is easy to do and wont take much time. What should I do with my fortune?

Nagesh answers:

195 is far too high an IQ for money making as you are clever enough to see all the pitfalls and will be reluctant to take chances. It is the highest IQ I have ever encountered and I am humbled by it.

My first advice is spend very little and then to invest your savings. Also work at least a 14 hour day. In a short time you will be wealthy.

That is what I did.

Carol asks…

How can I save up money to go to Florida?

Next April I will be going to Florida and doing lots of things such as Rapids Water Park. The thing is I need to save up £900 before the new year(that’s when When we will book it)Any ideas on how I can earn money quickly would be great! Btw I’m a teenager . Thanks

Nagesh answers:

– Garage/Yard Sale
– House Work
– Car Wash
– Lemonade Stand
– Fundraising Events
– Selling stuff online
– Make and sell crafts
– Online Surveys
– Mowing Lawns
– Tutor People

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Wednesday, November 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

John asks…

Runescape – Good Money Making Guide?

I would appreciate if someone gave me a good money making guide using shops 😀

Nagesh answers:

One fast way to earn money in runescape is to make anchovy pizzas. Buy cooked anchovy and pizza in GE and then put them together, and sell anchovy pizza in GE. You can just stay at GE and make a lot of money.

Joseph asks…

what is a fast way to make money on runescape.?

please help me.

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods I have used if you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo.

…1)Non combat skills

~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle you can even “free load” although this is unpopular with other players.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)

~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.

~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.

*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.

** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.

…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.

…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.

… 5) There are several quests that are well worth the effort.

After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests, You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold.

And if you do the Hand in sand quest you can get free sand daily.

…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax (Spin the flax into bowstrings for even more profit),Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs! Clue scrolls which are dropped by certain monsters more often then others… (I kill Daganoth’s with a cannon to get mine fast ) .
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) One of the newest ways of making money is the recent Diversions and distractions addition… Penguin hunting can make as much as 97.5k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
….The thing is the game is designed to take time… Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy! You can add me if you like (popslantern) I can clarify anything you have questions about (but because I do answer so many questions for others please be polite and patient, as I will be).I also have a quest cape so I can help with questions in regards to those, although I will not do your quests for you. Hope to see you in game!

Linda asks…

In RuneScape how can I make money fast in Members world?

Any ideas on how I can make mills, i recently got membership, and i’ve been getting my stats up. Best answer gets 10pts :D.

Nagesh answers:

As a menber there has lots of fast wany to help you make money ,this is some of my suggestion ,you can have a look :
An awful lot of mining. You either mine and sell the raw minerals, making more money as your mining level increases and you can eventually mine/sell rune stuff.. Or, you make bars out of your ores and sell those.. That makes a lot of money too. You can also make bars out of your raw stuff and then make armour and stuff and sell that. To know more ,you can go to to have a look!At this time there has a good infomation that USFINE offered an effective and long-term concessions (the coupon code is: Faye@5 ),when you placed the order on USFINE with the coupon code, you will get 5% discount. Very trusted!

George asks…

Best way to make money on runescape?

Best way and fastest to make money F2P and P2P

Nagesh answers:

P2P: Killing Tormented Demons is one of the best money making strategies they drop Dragon Claws which are worth Coins 12,500,000 coins and Ruined dragon armor slices lumps and shards all worth around Coins 4,100,000 coins each. Hope that helps i tried it A couple of times about 500k-800k an hour

Cooking: At level 95 you can make Raw summer pie. Tried it for like a month made mils.
They can be made by adding a pie shell strawberry watermelon cooking apple together It is suggested to stock up on these if youre going to be doing more than an hour of pie making at a time the shells have a limit of 1k per 4 hours The ingredients are extremely easy to obtain although the pie shells may be the only exception (due to the limit). They have a very good demand and profit as well. It is possible to make up to 700 pies an hour creating a solid profit. About 560k an hour.

Fishing: Fishing rocktails are really good i’ve done them from 90-97 made about 25M+ in just 1month
Needs 90 fishing.
Or you could fish raw cavefish They’re pretty good but you need 85 fishing Or 80 can’t remember.

Looting in wildy is very good in p2p.

F2P: You can kill monkeys (Karamja monkeys) at Karamja About 100k an hour maybe less pick up der bones a full inv is worth about 14k.

Or you could go pking if you’re good.

Chaos Dwarves found in the Wilderness can be killed for muddy keys, a very common drop from them, mithril bars, and bones. Usually uncrowded in most worlds as it is in the Wilderness this spot provides good experience although food will be required.

Muddy keys sell for 4752 and are a semi-common drop from the Chaos Dwarfs. Each bank trip with 28 muddy keys results in about 133056 coins The mithril bars could also be sold for 1870.Players should be wary, since they can hit up to 63 quite often, and since the Wilderness is a PVP area.

Looting: lootings good good wildy in a world where lots of ppl pk and pick the loots.

Sandra asks…

Fastest way to make money in runescape with new update?

the trading limit sucks…. what is the best way to make money now?

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

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Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Daniel asks…

Any ideas for jobs that I could do to make money?

I need and want a little extra money. does anybody have ideas for a job that i could do? and don’t say babysitting, because i have nobody to babysit! lol!

Nagesh answers:

Well, this is no get rich quick scheme, but you can do it while working on other stuff. If you can write at all, just write and post here at Get an AdSense ID and start earning as you build up content. There are only a few people that make a living off of it, but as you build up content you’ll earn some extra cash with just a few minutes every now and then. (Of course the more you write the more you can earn). It’s free and easy to do. It’s also fun once you start seeing the pennies and then the dollars trickle in! The posts get indexed in search engines quickly and who knows, you might get lucky with something that ends up getting lots of hits! We all hope for that gem!

Donald asks…

How come when peope send me sms from MSN i get charged for it from my mobile provider?

I have a mobile account with MSN and I pay for every sms i send, so why can they send sms free to my mobile ?

Nagesh answers:

Xos its all a big money-making scheme….they wldnt eva let u hav free txts!!!!!

Lisa asks…

What is the meaning of open ended and closed ended fund with reference to Mutual fund schemes?

This question is with reference to Schemes floated by Mutual funds

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, the previous answers are completely incorrect.

The majority of Mutual Funds in existence are open-end funds. What that means is the fund manager is free to issue new shares each time a new investor makes a purchase. When you buy shares of an open-end mutual fund you are receiving newly issued securities. In effect, the manager has taken the money you give them and purchased new shares of all the stocks and/or bonds held in the fund, thus expanding the funds “assets under management”. Since these shares are newly issued, regulations require them to give you a new, unmarked prospectus.

Open end funds do not “trade” on an exchange. They are issued and redeemed by the mutual fund company itself. This is also why they are valued only once a day, at the close of business and their share price reflects the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the funds holdings..

A Closed End fund is a mutual fund where at the initial offering, the manager issues a set number of shares into the marketplace. Further issues of shares are done only rarely and usually only to institutional investors or in large blocks of perhaps $1 million worth or more. CEF shares DO trade on the exchange. When you buy a CEF you are purchasing it from another individual, as opposed to the fund company itself. Because of this you are NOT required to receive a prospectus. Since CEF’s trade on an exchange, their share price is updated throughout the trading day. CEF’s have another feature that differs from Open End funds; They can trade at either a premium or a discount to their NAV. In other words, if the sum of the value of all the stocks and/or bonds held in the fund, divided by the number of shares issued, gives the individual shares a NAV. But since the shares trade on an exchange, traders are free to bid the price higher or lower than the NAV. As a general rule when purchasing CEF’s, one should look for funds that have a appropriate portfolio for your purpose and are trading at a discount to NAV.

Richard asks…

Is it illegal to earn interest on unsubsidized loans?

I’m a student and I get many offers from the government and private companies for subsidized and unsubsidized loans. For those who don’t know, unsubsidized loans are loans where the interest is paid by the government or private company until 6 months after I graduate or become less than a full time student. So it could theoretically be a free loan assuming I repay the principle within those 6 months, therefore avoiding interest.

My question is can I take out these loans and put the principle in high yielding CDs or savings accounts until it is time to pay them back? This way I make money on the interest from the loans, build credit, and won’t have to pay interest. It seems like the government and private companies probably would not want me to do this as I am profitiing from a service that they are hoping to eventually profit from. That’s why I ask if it is illegal in some way. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You can only get the amount you are eligible for. Unless you have a hidden source of funds you won’t be able to get enough money to do this ridiculus scheme.
This scheme is not illegal per se but…its only illegal if you have to lie to get this money

Paul asks…

where can i find a true free home-based business or employment for free?

i am looking for a company that is listed with the better business bureau. can anyone who is actually making money with a free home-based business or job please help me?

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

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Monday, November 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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