Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Donna asks…

How can i get rid of any virus from my computer fast and free?

How can i get rid of any virus from my computer fast and free within 5 hours for no money. 10 points to the best person btw my anti virus software are all don because of the virus

Nagesh answers:

Clean your Registry can make your computer faster
Over time, you install new programs, uninstalled unimportant programs, update software’s, install new devices,
download files from the web, etcetera, hence embarking all records in the registry system.
This is normal, but it is not wise to leave it untouched.
Once in a while, you have to check and remove files that are no longer in use to maintain the speed of your PC.
Clean registry make pc faster.

Sharon asks…

Earn Free Money Online, yes you heard Right ?

Yes you heard right, Wazzub is growing very fast basically its more of fun and earning free money . If you are thinking that its any kind of scam then its wrong.Well they are not charging anything from users so how can it be scam. Check out their facebook page just type `Wazzub facebook` in google search .
And Wazzub is ready to launched oficially on April 9.
Just signup at below given link and share it with your friends. You will get all your answers.

And feel the ‘Power of We.’
Dont miss this opportunity.

Nagesh answers:

You can earn online but the business will grow very slowly, a new kind of money earning way without any limitation is GPT (get paid to) site.
And on this site members from US,UK,CA,AU get very much benefit.

You can grow your business steadily to $2-$5 daily income
this mean a person can earn maximum $150 a month.

Try this.


Sandra asks…

how to level up fast in lotro/plus more money fast?

im a level 16 champion man in lotro. my acount is a free one and i dont have any turbine points. how do i get to level 20 really fast so i can get the bow skill. plus were do i get lots of money easy and fast

Nagesh answers:

To level up fast, just do daily tasks and spam the heck outta quests. Once you hit 20 do skirmishes to help you lvl faster. To get money fast, skirmishes can be a decent way to earn a bit of cash. Also mining ore, gathering hides, etc are a great way. Though you will have to sell them via Trade channel as i don’t think F2P players can post in the AH.

Maria asks…

Is free? Also do I get my tax return money back relatively fast?

And is it easy to fill out all the info as long as you have your W2(s)? So I don’t need to get a tax guy if I just do

Nagesh answers:

I believe the federal is free but they charge for state. I’m not sure how much but it’s probably around $20. I always do my taxes online, it’s easy and i get my refund quickly because I e-file. All you have to do it answer the questions and enter the info from your w-2 that it asks for and it will take you through all the steps, including filing. Hope that helps!

Laura asks…

How can I make a lot of money fast, not live pay check to pay check?

I mean isn’t there anything I can do to stay away from a dead end job to make ends not only meet but to have the extra cash to buy things I want with? I haven’t bought anything for myself in over two years of struggling, and I am tired of it, I recently got a commission based sales position and thought it was my ticket, but it doesn’t feel like it when every day I go out and knock on 25-100 doors and not one of them feels like a true prospect. I’m reading books from the top sales people in the world and none of it is helping me. I just either am going to stop the struggle one way or another, what I would like it to be is the one way and not the other, find my nitch, or something that works. I am tired of crying hungry, getting my electricity shut off, internet interupted cause I can’t pay a simple bill over my rent. I want to be a seller, not someone trying to sell, and not making it happen. I want everything to just work out once, and then I want to buy myself a whole new wardrobe I couldn’t afford before. I want to know how to buy a DENALI or something fancy. I want a lot, but putting grocery bags in replace of peoples heads is just not working, I never thought a grocery bag would make me cry at night, but it does, cause I get ramen and chicken nuggets, milk is hard to buy when it is between that and rent. I just want to be financially free, and not wake up with money on my mind and fall asleep with the gut feeling that you suck cause you don’t have money. I want financial freedom, and am willing to do what it takes, or go to the funny farm cause they will feed me there too.

Nagesh answers:

Get a second part time job and try to go back to school. A higher education is probably your best bet to get out of poverty.

If your having to choose between food and internet, get rid of the internet. It’s a want, not a need. Public libraries offer free internet access.

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Friday, March 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Laura asks…

Resident Evil 5 Easy Money or Weapon Upgrade?

I’ve recently completed resident evil 5, and now i want to complete it again but on a harder difficulty, but i want to upgrade all my weapons to the max so i can unlock the ones like Hydra and also open infinite ammo, so does anyone know a quick way to earn alot of money or upgrade weapons really easy and fast? All answers appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Use mission select and head to stage 4-1. Unless you are
completely at ease with the stage, you may want to use Amateur or Normal
difficulty. The difficulty level will not adjust the amount of money you
collect, just the exchange points you earn when you clear the stage. Don’t
forget to collect the small bits of gold dropped by enemies. Every little bit

The Spider Cave
There is a treasure in a chest in the spider cave, and a gemstone embedded in
the spider silk above the spot where you mantle up to the treasure chest. When
fighting the spiders, keep an eye out for shiny objects in the torches and in
the skulls. There are three extra gems in this area simalcrum knows about: the
torch near the exit (knife and collect), and the two skulls on the ground (ditto).

The Tombs
The next area is partly key to your money making, as it has two sarcophagi with
money inside. There are also some extra gems. At the first two item jars, there
is a gem embedded in the nearby stone arch. Shoot it before dropping down
towards the collapsing bridge. In the room with the mummy, there is a necklace
on the mummy’s remains. Before dropping into the trap door, loot both
sarcophagi of money and gems.

The Narrow Corridors
Nothing special, just the three chests with gems in each. The enemies here drop
some gold, but not a lot. Still, collect them all.

The Fire Ball Room

Kill the two archer snipers, but let the shield enemies get their buddies to
appear before you commence the attack (more gold dropped). Turn the crank and
stop the balls of fire by diving through the closing door. Head back into the
room, and if you set your A.I. To attack, it will forage for item containers
and items.

The Statue Room
After the collapsing corridor, set your A.I. To attack and it will start
foraging for item jars. Be sure to collect the free grenade launcher ($1000)
before you start using the statues, or you cannot get it anymore. If you miss
the prox mine, the grenade launcher’s 12 explosive rounds will help you tip
over the boss. Afterwards, you sell it because you’ll be back here in a jiffy.
After pulling the cords on each statue, collect the gem from its base. There is
a chest on the other side of the wall next to the green statue (treasure).

Once the ambush begins, simalcrum heads to the top, drilling most of the
snipers and enemies, and shooting the ceiling where they were for an extra gem.
From the ambush, the only thing left is to pull the two cords on two different
levels (be sure to collect the gems from both the top and bottom statues). The
prox mine is on the bottom level where three item jars are. There are also some
nitrogen (or electrric) rounds in a chest on the top level near the one-armed
statue. Collect those and sell them if you like (note you can buy grenade
launcher ammo from the store after you find the first batch).

Pull the last statue (red), get its gem, and kill the boss by prox mining it
then using a magnum or similar explosive on its exposed abdomen. Killing the
boss should net you a gem worth about 25% of the whole stage’s loot.

The Pay-off
Depending on the gold drops, you can usually net at least $35,000 to $40,000.
By completing the stage (just go up the stairs and exit to stage 4-2) you also
earn a few exchange points, so you can economize on your time (by earning some
points instead of nothing). The fastest time simalcrum was able to get on solo
is 16’48”. With an avid human partner, you can do it faster, but this method is
pretty handy to do alone.

Lisa asks…

What is the best way to raise money?

I need money for a new cellphone and i have no way of earning money, besides baby sitting for this couple, but they dont hire me enough. What is a quick and easy way to earn money? I’ve tried looking for a job, and no one is hiring because of the economy so i cant get a job at this moment, but i’ll still be looking, but in the mean time, what is the best way to raise money, fast?

Nagesh answers:


Linda asks…

What is a quick and easy way to earn $money$?

I need money, but im too young for a job, and my parents wont give me allowance. I have already tried lemonade stands and stuff like that, and it doesnt work…any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Can you get a PayPal account? I forget what their rules are. If so, you’re off to a good start.

You may want to register at . Look through the many “gigs” and see what people are buying, and see if you can offer something similar. For example, if you have many Facebook or Twitter followers/friends, people will pay you to simply send a Fan/Like request to all of them, suggesting someone’s website/Fan page. Little quick things like that, that can bring in a few bucks for you easy.

Ever sell on eBay? One business model is to regularly visit thrift stores and garage sales and learn what items sell for good money on eBay. Then buy ’em, turn around, and sell them on eBay. (If you go that route, feel free to email me, and I can give you some tips on what to look for.)

There’s also cash-based things like raking lawns, snow shoveling, babysitting, etc.

Sorry you’re not getting an allowance. Childhood/growing up can sorta suck; we’re all stuck with the parents we get, and ultimately they’re just schmo’s like everyone else.

Good luck.

Carol asks…

how to earn pocket money easy and quick?

well at home we have this thing where if i want to get money i have to look at the pocket money chart and choose what i want to do. all the tings up there r boring and i was wondering if you could please please help me 🙂 😛 <3 thanx sooo much btw please make it detailed!!!

Nagesh answers:

Start an ebay business. Go to yard sales and look for seasons and box sets on dvds. Also if you start an ebay business try it’s what I use to save on fees. Good Luck!

Betty asks…

what is a quick and easy way to earn 179 dollars?

may i add that its in the middle of january so its cold so it can’t be like a garage sale or anything i want the money so i can get the i pod nano

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

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Thursday, March 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

William asks…

Is buying stocks easy money?

Is buying stocks an easy way to make (or lose) money? And how is it done? Do you have to be a certain age? Im 17 and im picky about jobs, i want to make a lot of money fast & have heard this could do it.
so if a business is doing well and i buy a stock, umm 50 dollars worth how much money would i make, estimating. I dont really have any idea how this works im guessing here.

Nagesh answers:

Hey, im quite certain you must be 18 to trade shares (at least in Australia). Shares shouldnt be treated as an easy jack pot, they can easily turn around and bite you in the bum. I started shre trading when i was 15 (through my dads account) and it really is a psychological game. First you need to do a bit of research on which company you should buy. Ths is chosen based on up or downward trends; low spots in upward trends generally make for decent buying. Invest in a Share trading for Dummies book or something of the sort to kick start. I encourage you give it a shot (responsibly) its a good financial practice and could have some great benefits.

David asks…

Investing! What should I invest in to make big money fast?

I have $250 I’m willing to invest. But i realize that US stocks are on a downward trend, so what is a thing i can invest little money to get big bucks? And it has to be safe, I don’t want to loose anything?
I am 16. and i know its not much money but i was just wondering if that money can grow. Educate me, I’m green in this area.

Nagesh answers:

The stock market is not about making money fast and $250 is too little to invest in stocks, anyway. While you’re building a capital base, learn.

An introductory book like _Stock Markets for Dummies_ is a good place to start. This will give you a basic explanation of most things there are to know about the mechanics of stock investing including useful websites to surf.

Investors Business Daily (IBD) is a solid daily resource (and its complement, ). It’s a better newspaper than the Wall Street Journal and it is built around a particular approach to trading. You could read _How to Make Money in Stocks_ by William O’Neil too–he’s the founder of IBD.

Search your local library for other books on stock investing. Try to absorb as much knowledge and understanding as you can.

After you have extensively researched and gained a solid foundation/education then look to open a brokerage account and paper trade–this is trading with play money before you put real capital at risk. You should do extensively before you eventually place your first trade live. Your early live trades should be with a very small position size. Only increase position size when you have done well to limit losses when the market has turned against you.

Charles asks…

what are some good penny stocks to buy?

i bought some stocks in pandora and soney which where good moves but i want to make some fast money in the stock market so what are some good pennys stocks to buy ???

Nagesh answers:

Did you even bother to google “penny stock scam” or “penny stock fraud”?

Whoever suggested penny stocks to you is a liar, a fool, or a thief. Perhaps all three.

Get yourself some investment education before you do something really stupid. Here are three excellent books on investing that should be in any library.

One Up On Wall Street – Peter Lynch
A Random Walk Down Wall Street – Burton Malkiel
The Intelligent Investor – Benjamin Graham

Sandra asks…

Investment ideas for starting your own freelancing business,what is in demand money making opportunities in?

California now?was throwing some ideas around on how to make money i tried the stock market a while ago stock crashed and i lost everything so not trying that again there is land i suppose you could purchase but then the value could go down,start up company’s what is hot right now,what can generate money fast?I was thinking of investing money in my own freelancing business i want to work for myself,but what products/services are in high demand in California,what could i make a success?
Any ideas,suggestions,advice appreciated thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Go to and you can find thousands of freelance jobs available. One hot spot is doing anything for websites and blogs. If you can write content you can sell it to blog owners. If you can design sites, you can sell those services too. If you can learn how to do SEO work for website owners, you can also sell those services. Writing is the easiest and you can get paid about $10 an hour for your services.

Of course, there are always more creative ways to freelance. Figure out what you’re best at and try to utilize those skills. Do a search for “freelance” or “sell my articles” to help you find some ideas to get you started.

Jenny asks…

If a stock rises fast in price, how can I make money on a put option?

Nagesh answers:

A put option will increase in value (primarily) if the underlying security goes down in value. If a stock rises quickly while you are long a put, you will probably see a sharp decrease in value.
If you are talking about a stock that has recently undergone a sharp increase, you can buy a put if you want to make a levered directional bet on a reversal in price. Although the odds are in favor of stocks that show strength to subsequently underperform for the next week, you might want to consider if buying puts is the most appropriate method, because the risks are very high.

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

David asks…

How do you go about consolidating PRIVATE student loan debt with a home mortgage?

We are looking for a home about $150,000 and we have about $70,000 in Private student loan debt at 7%.

Nagesh answers:

There’s a good article at eHow on steps to take to begin tackling your debt. Take a look at it:
How to Stop Escalating Debt

It includes information on companies that can help you with debt consolidation and reduction.

You can also look here for tips on earning some extra cash online:
How to make money on the internet, scam-free

Lastly, here’s an interesting alternative to conventional lending…getting a “social networking” loan from Virgin Money (from the same folks who run Virgin Airlines):
Social Loans from Virgin Money

Hope these help.

William asks…

How can I work from home on the internet and earn handsome?

I want to work from home on the internet for additional income. Is there any way to do that? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to work online, I suggest you start your own business your best bet is partner up with a company that direct sales a product. That’s what we did. You can create a web site, or have the company set up a web site for you to sale the products and services. Or collaborate with different companies. After you’ve set it up, you’ll have to generate traffic to your site as means of either advertisement (which you’ll have to spend a lot of money doing) or the more effective way is word of mouth and referals, which are free and more effective. Partner up with a company that gives you monthly earnings from services that you put people on either by in person, phone or from your web site. What I mean is for instance, my husband partnered up with a telecommunications service provider and all the cellular phone companies. Someone purchase a cell phone from our web site, or a land line or Internet service or whatever, the product it’self your able to provide at a whole sale cost as a distributer through the providers. When someone gets on the services, the company pays you a percentage of that person’s billing every single month, month after month for the referal from you by word of mouth or by your web site.
If you’d like to see an example of what I’m talking about, your more then welcome to take a look at my web site at Take a look at the products and services there, tour the company etc and to give you an idea of how you should have each of the companies and make extra money off the effort that you provided to these companies.
Once you decide on a product or products and services, you need to start driving “traffic” to your web site. A lot of work but well worth the effort when your income starts going and rapidly increases. The most effective way I’ve found is simply word of mouth and referrals. We’ve had our business for over six years and this has been the most effective way. Loyal customers bring in more customers by the way you treat them, the quality of the items you have and the timely matter of the service you provide.
Get a product and or service that’s high in demand. If you create your own web site, make sure it’s professional looking and not cheesy like a lot of web sites look out there. I’m not a web master, so I had the company do mine for me. Any questions, feel free to email me at

Hope this info helps

George asks…

what are some good paying jobs I can do from home without a bachelors degree?

I am thinking something in the computer field that I can get a certificate or Associate’s degree in at a community college. Something I can do 75% from home, make at least 24,000 per year working 20-35 hours per week. I don’t want to get rich, just offset my spouse’s income while I also take care of the home-front. Real estate maybe?

Nagesh answers:

There’s a lot of stuff that you can do from home (that’s internet related) to earn money, but at the same time, it’s something that you have to figure out on your own and through research. For example, you can take some web design / graphic design / computer software (such as microsoft office and quickbooks) classes, and look into internet marketing. It’s not for everyone, but if you know what you’re doing, and have the dedication, then you can bring in some good money every month. This of course is considered as “on the side” type of thing (even if it’s a good amount), because with these things one month can be good pay, while the next can be bad. If you can get something steady going, then it’s even better.

You can also set up a website and sell a product or a set of products. Even affiliate marketing where you can run some kind of a product review website, and link to referral links to other stores (such as amazon), where every time you sell a product, you make a percentage off of the sale.

There’s also stuff such as selling ad space (ex: you start a website, it gets very popular, so you can approach companies to get them to pay you to play links or banners to their site on your site for a limited time).

Donald asks…

How can I obtain a great at-home internet bussiness that actually works?

After all of the books I have read and all of the internet choices that are not trustworthy and lead you nowhere, how can I take on a great internet bussiness at home that will actually work and earn a lot of money without having to pay a lot of cash!? Most of them are either scams or attempts to alleviate you of money you do not really have. Please! Someone who has a tried and proven method respond.

Nagesh answers:

Having a business rather it’s a web based or not, in order to have it work, depends on how much effort you put into it. You can’t just build a web site and sale products and expect it to generate income for you. You have to network it around and draw people to your site, rather it’s advertisment or word of mouth and referals etc. Word of mouth I have found is the best solution to drawing people to it. You also need products that are in high demand and not easily accessible in stores on sale. For instanct Verizon, ATT&T, T-mobile, land lines, Internet, VOIP, video phones, television etc. You can sale these products and services through all these providers and everytime someone pays their bills, these companies give you a percentage of it. That’s just one industry you can look into. There’s a lot of different industries out there. . The choices and opportunities are incredible. Look at different industries. Just about any type will work. Like I said, it all depends on the amount of effort you put into it will determine rather it works or not. Chosing something that is in high demand is easier to make it a successful business. If you like the product you sale and have a passion for it, you can succeed.
From my business experience, I’ve found the best way is by collaborating with a large corporation. Having the corporation take care of all the “office stuff” for you. Everything you sale that’s on a billing cycle, they give you a percentage of all your clients billings each month. Meaning when a customer pays their bills, you make a percentage of it. So yes, I have tried and proven this method. But in business you can’t “try”, you have to “do”. If you “try” a business, you already set yourself up for failure.

Robert asks…

how do I get extra money at home besides online surveys and mowing the lawn?

i just need some extra money so i can get some concert tickets for me and my dad before he dies.

Nagesh answers:

Help friends find better jobs.

Sites like ReferEarns, Zyoin, Who Do You Know For Dough?, Bohire and WiseStepp connect employers with prospective employees, many of whom are already employed and not actively job-hunting, via networking – the people who know these qualified candidates. Rewards for referring a candidate who gets hired range from $50 on up to several thousand dollars – not chump change. If you know a lot of job-seekers (and who doesn’t these days?), this is a great way to break into the recruiting business with no overhead.

Connect suppliers with buyers.

Referral fees are a common practice in business, but they haven’t been used much in online networking sites because there was no way to track them. Sites like Salesconx, InnerSell and uRefer now provide that. Vendors set the referral fees they’re willing to pay (and for what), and when the transaction happens, you get paid. URefer also allows merchants to set up referral programs for introductions and meetings, as well as transactions.


A growing number of sites will pay for your articles or blog posts. Associated Content and Helium will “pay for performance” based on page views for just about anything you want to write about. Articles on specific topics they’re looking for can earn direct payments up to about $200. The rates are probably low for established writers, but if you’re trying to break into the field and have time on your hands, they’re a great way to start. Also, a lot of companies are looking for part-time bloggers. They may pay per post or on a steady contract. Our Weblogs Guide posts blogging jobs weekly in the forum.

Start your own blog.

You don’t have to have your own Web site, or install blogging software, or even figure out how to set up the advertising. At Blogger you can set up a blog for free in less than five minutes without knowing a thing about web design, and Blogger even automates setting up Google AdSense so you can make money off your blog by displaying ads and getting paid when people click on the ads. To make even more money from it, set up an affiliate program (see below) for books, music, etc., and insert your affiliate links whenever you refer to those items. You’ll have to get a lot of traffic to become a six-figure blogger, but pick an interesting topic, write well, tell all your friends, and you’re off to a good start.

Related: Monetizing Your Blog

Create topical resource hubs.

Are you an expert on a particular niche topic? Can you put together an overview of the topic and assemble some of the best resources on the topic from around the web? Then you can create topical hubs and get paid through sites like Squidoo, HugPages and Google Knol. Payments are based on a combination of ad revenue and affiliate fees. You’ll get higher rates doing it on your own, but these sites have a built-in supply of traffic and tools to make content creation easier.

Advertise other people’s products.

If you already have a Web site or a blog, look for vendors that offer related but non-competing products and see if they have an affiliate program. Stick to familiar products and brands – they’re easier to sell. To promote those products:

* Place simple text or graphical ads in appropriate places on your site
* Include links to purchase products you review or recommend in a blog, discussion forum or mailing list you control
* Create a dedicated sales page or Web site to promote a particular product

They all work – it just depends on how much time you have to spend on it and your level of expertise with Web design and marketing.

Related: How to Really Make Money on the Internet With an Affiliate Site

Microstock photography.

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to sell your photos for money. People are constantly in need of stock photography for websites, presentations, brochures and so on, and are willing to pay for the right image. People generally search for images on stock photography sites by keywords, not by photographer, so you have the same chance as anyone else of having your image picked. Just be careful that you don’t have images of trademarked brands, copyrighted art or people’s faces that are readily identifiable (unless you have a model release), but just about anything else is fair game, and I promise – you’d be amazed what people need pictures of, so don’t make any assumptions. If it’s a decent photo, upload it. Some sites to get you started include Fotolia, ShutterStock, Dreamstime and iStockphoto. The great thing about this is that it’s truly “set it and forget it”.

The above list is by no means comprehensive, but it highlights some of the new and interesting ways to make money online without investing any money, without having a product of your own, and without having expert sales and marketing skills. Most of all, unlike taking surveys or getting paid to read e-mail, the potential return on your time investment is substa

Hope I helped

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Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Robert asks…

my phone blacked out so now i need a way to make money fast to get a new cell ?

my cell jus blacked out on me & it lasted a long time too thank god ( i have metro pcs ) & my mom and me dont have the money for a new one so is there a way i can make money quick…
please dont tell me bout those online surveys that pay you my mom wouldnt let me do 17

please & thanxx.
it really hard to get a job.
i tried
it really hard to get a job.

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting kids from your neighborhood. Or maybe you can work at convenient stores like 7-11.

Good luck :).

Helen asks…

What is the fastest way to make money now!?

I need some money before Nov. 20th and I don’t know how to get it quick and easy online I am only 14 what are some ways I could earn it before then?

Nagesh answers:

Hello Kamarianettles,

You need to specify a specific amount of money so I could direct you
to appropriate programs.

You could try ptc sites and traffic exchanges accessing the link below, if you don’t need a lot of money.

Lizzie asks…

Sending money online.. instantly.. i need help…?

I need a way to send money online right now!! and for them to recieve the money right away!! like within five to ten minutes…

please please help!!!

and no western union… its being stubborn for me…

and no emoneygram either..

what else is there… thats fast and easy to do

Nagesh answers:


George asks…

I need to make money fast?

Hi – I’ve been out of work for over a month now… been to numerous interviews but nothing is panning out. Now i’m just about out of money and need to pay the rent. Does anyone know what I can do to make some moneyonline or anywhere else?
Wow, there are some great answers here (except the one about selling my body… nobody want to buy my body, I’m sure). I’m going to leave the question open because of the great answers I’m getting. Thanks to all who have answered so far.

Nagesh answers:

Sell your self

Sandra asks…

How can I make money?

How can I make money fast? I want to buy a new laptop and computer. I do not have any money right now and would like to know how I can make money online. I can’t get a real job because of age and would like to get these things so that I can work on my animation.

Nagesh answers:

Just watch for scams – if anyone is asking you for upfront money -. Even if its only $20 –


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Monday, March 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mary asks…

Can you make good money with an online business that’s completely supported by ads?

My idea is to make a myspace type of a website and all the revenue will be from ads. Can you make good money doing that?

Nagesh answers:

You could buy and pick up things on Craigslist for free and sell them but you have to have a vehicle and most things people give away on Craigslist that are worth money are objects that are difficult to move and you would need movers.

You could also make money online with advertisements. Companies will pay you every time someone clicks your links. It would take some time and effort but if you can find chatrooms and know a bunch of people, you can have them click the links and put money in your pocket.

Google Adsense does that but you have to have a website and have to have an application approved.

I found a business that sets you up with a blog and advertisers to work with. Instead of getting paid for clicks only you can get paid for leads as well. Leads are when someone clicks an advertisement and leaves their information. Its called a lead because its a lead on a potential sale.

Companies pay money for this information, and the company isn’t even guaranteed to make a sale.

You pay for your blog and consultation on how to advertise and you make money for clicks and leads.

Watch out for links that seem to be a pyramid scheme. You don’t need to get others to sign up for it either. The people consulting you will work with you.

You are making a site like myspace so I hope you know you will need money to get it done.
P.S: You can also set up a myspace whoring page (Getting tons of friends) and posting links to the blog that you can buy there. I’ve known a few people who simply ASK for money and due to the ammount of friends they have (And dont even know) they made money.

Nexgen, Personal Experience, Being in Telemarketing for 3 years.

Joseph asks…

How can I make money online if I live outside of the US?

I live in Israel, and am really interested in making some extra cash online. I know a lot of teenagers use surveys etc., but none of these offers are available outside of the US. Does anyone know how a teenager can make some cash — AVAILABLE INTERNATIONALLY–? Thanks everyone!

** Please nothing like, just go babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Basically, all these “make money online” schemes are ripoffs.

Forewarned is forearmed.


Mark asks…

What does Keynesian Economics say the government should spent money on during and to get out of a recession or?

What does Keynesian Economics say the government should spent money on during and to get out of a recession or depression to create Jobs in the private sector in other words what does keynesian economics say the government should do to put money in the hands of the Consumers or to get Businesseses to hire again ?

Nagesh answers:

Keynesian economists claim that government injecting money (where they see fit) into the economy will spur growth and curb unemployment. It may look good on paper, but it rarely, if ever, works. And if it does, it has only a marginal effect on the economy.

Government central economic planning brings up many ethical worries, besides its inefficiency. Primarily that the government will throw money at special interest groups that have supported them in the past, or to certain sectors of the economy for political points (i.e. Whether to reward say, union workers, or to persuade certain industries in supporting their brand of government, most often it is the democrats that use Keynesian spending schemes).

The best way to get an economy rolling is to get government out of the way of business, and allow people and businesses alike to keep more of the money they earn. Thus, they are more likely to spend or invest money where they want to. And when this is done on a massive scale millions of times at the “ground level”, it is infinitely more efficient than a handful of “experts” looking at things from a distant top-down perspective; trying to guess and gauge where best to invest and spend money.

Personally, I trust millions of self motivated individuals to know where best to spend or invest their limited funds rather than a smug band of elitists with a seemingly unlimited cash flow, where if they make a mistake, they can get scrounge up more money. But if the individual screws up, they may lose their house or something else, therefore they make more cautious and sound decisions.

@Ryan: If Keynesian economics got us out of the Great Depression, why were we still in it, along with double digit unemployment, from 1929 until the early 1940’s? Keynesian policies were in effect throughout the entire 1930’s under FDR’s failed New Deal policies. Almost his entire presidency had double digit unemployment in the high teens, and in some cases in the low twenties. You call that a success? Something that got us out of the depression? Seriously?

It was largely in part due to the war and our selling tons of raw materials, weapons and other supplies to the allied coalition that pulled us out of the depression. Without the war, FDR would have gone down in history as the worst president ever with the worst policies guided by a ineffective system (i.e. Keynesian economics).

Inconvenient truth about FDR’s New Deal and the Great Depression:

Why Keynesian economics is a failure:

Thomas asks…

How can I make legitimate money online?

I don’t want to deal with surveys, affiliate marketing, MLM, HYIP, or anything too complicated or time consuming. I’m just looking at making about $1000/month using the net somehow without spending too much time on whatever it is that will get me the money. Any good ideas out there?

Nagesh answers:

You have to provide a service or a product that will attract that kind of income. You have excluded all the get rich quick schemes above yet you seek $1000 per month. You need to create your own online business. I suggest it be real since you wish to avoid the scams. So in short the best business you could create is the one you seek that fits your interests. If you would like some real ideas and examples, I can show you. Only, on the basis that you understand that it takes time to build. And, yes they are great ideas because they are your ideas.


Ken asks…

What is the overall best/safe/easiest way to make money on the internet?

What is a new and easy best way to make money from surfing the net and using the internet in general?

Nagesh answers:

Agloco and WHY it is hot

Agloco is a company started by founding members of AllAdvantage, which went under in the dotcom bust of 2000. Before the tech market collapsed, they paid out over one hundred million dollars to people like you who just surfed the internet with their toolbar software. Now some of the core members have come back together along with some formidable new talent in order to launch Agloco.

Here’s why I think this is a good idea for you to get in on as soon as possible:

Almost every major website pays for traffic. Google, for instance, pays AOL up to ten cents per search done on google by an AOL user. Agloco will get you your share of things like that.

By surfing for just five hours a month with the toolbar, you’ll earn money and shares in Agloco. If it takes off, you’ll really wish you had gotten in NOW. You refer friends, and you get a cut of their share too.

It’s not a pyramid scheme although it does involve tiers, probably to promote viral marketing. You pay nothing, the software will be scrutinized for spyware by every tech geek with a blog who downloads it, and the potential for winning big is just too important to miss.

Don’t just sit there wondering if it’s for real or not. Heck, I’m not even a marketer for them so I’m probably not even telling you the important stuff. Go look on their site and decide for yourself.
AGLOCO makes money for its Members in many ways:

Search: Every time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

Advertising: The Viewbar™ itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)

Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month.
Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded).
Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network and people who help build it should be rewarded. – We also feel that the early users who told friends about YouTube or MySpace or even Google probably deserved something too, but no referral system was available to record their work).
Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.

Just sign on here—

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Chris asks…

Tell me what u think of my essay.?

The American Revolution
The American Revolution took place after the seven years war. When the 13 Colonies were fed up with taxation without representation and other money making schemes. To solve this, a group of men, known as our founding fathers, came up with a document. The Declaration of Independence, which basically stated that we, the Americans, wanted independence from the British. This is what started the American Revolution. One of the problems arousing with us and the British was the money. For helping us with the French and Indian war they wanted money. War was expensive and the British were able to levy taxes. Thus the Americans were encountered with the Stamp Act. Whenever anybody in the 13 colonies wanted any sort of document (newspaper, magazine, birth certificate, ect.) they had to get a stamp on it to indicate that they paid the taxes. This is the only British act that affected all the 13 colonies. Everybody got angry at this. This was repealed in 1766.

When the Americans tried to counteract on all the British activity, they made the first Continental Congress. This eventually led to the battle of Lexington and Concord on 1775. Following the Second Continental Congress there was an army made. This army was called the Continental Army. Which George Washington was Commander and chief in. Articles of the Confederation did not protect people so we came up with another document. The U.S. Constitution.

When the British had us on our knees and all hope had faded, General Cornwallis (British General) decided to make one finishing blow. He decided to invade Yorktown. By doing so, he would declare the war over and the British victorious. So then it happened, the British were invading Yorktown. They thought they would win and defeat America therefore giving Blue coats no independence. They were surprised to find themselves losing. When the invasion was lost, Cornwallis surrendered giving the 13 states, not colonies, independence. It was all just another step to freedom for all, but freedom is never free.

Nagesh answers:

The Stamp Act was not the only British act that affected all the 13 colonies. There was the the Tea tax and the one where the colonists had to provide housing for the British soldiers. So you need to research that a little more. Watch your present and past tense in this one you change back and forth. The sentence which George Washington was Commander iand chief in, is not a proper sentence. He was Commander of the Army not yet the president so not the Commander in Chief. Other than that it’s a good essay.

Helen asks…

Do you believe all of what you see and hear?

1. Does the government lie?

2. Do Aliens exist?

3. Is the President told everything?

4. Does NASA tell the truth about Mars/Moon?

5. Is their an agenda to lower the population of Earth?

6. Is man man climate change real?

7. Is technology such as free energy/zero point energy being suppressed?

8. Are wars actually being fought for power, money, and control of resources?

9. Is the media nothing more than a propaganda tool?

10. Are current pandemics actually big pharma money making schemes?

11. And is the Red Cross really stealing your donated money like they did with the money donated to the 9/11 victims?
sorry it’s “man made” not man man climate change, lol
If you like these questions, the next ones I ask will be even more outside the box. check it out

Nagesh answers:

Hmm….I can’t tell if this is honest or not, so I’ll just give the straight answers, as I best know them.

1– Yes, but not in the ways you think. The biggest, most meaningful lies being told are lies of omission–about the things people *don’t even mention*, like the *big* difference between the Official Unemployment Rate and real, on-the-ground joblessness. Or how the recent Supreme Court change in campaign finance reform actually did *more* harm than any healthcare bill ever could, ok, but the teabaggers and Town Hall Shouters are *curiously silent* on the issue.

2– I assume you mean extra-terrestrials. They do. Probability woud have to be broken beyond repair for us to be the *only* life in all of the vastness of the universe, all of those countless stars and exoplanets. Catch is, can they *get here*? I don’t think the ones that can *get here* would let us bully them and hide them, that’s the thing. I think all we’ve done so far is capture some *probes*, like their versions of our Voyager Six.

3– He is, after a minimal fashion. One would have to assume he knows what to say, what not to say, and absolutely *what not to discuss EVER*, at any price. But he is a civilian after all and is likely not updated on every last detail of every last thing.

4– I think they do. I think their own best interests would be completely *undone* by lying, particularly about the Moon mission. Consider that back then, the old Soviet Union was not bankrupt and *did* do everything they could to watch us like hawks. If there had been any fraud on NASA’s part back then the truth would have been outed as rapidly and painfully as possible–because the Cold War was all about the blackmail and humiliation that way, and the old Soviets *were* ahead of us with Sputnik.

5– Clearly there is, but not on a coherent, worldwide basis. China does have an official “One Child Policy” after all, and population control (provoking growth, mind you) may be the real political reason behind the inability of modern feminism to spread much outside of the U.S., Canada, Australia and the NATO nations. I don’t think there’s one coherent policy because for the most part, most of the world still sees a large population as a base of power (except for China, which has more 13-year old schoolgirls than there are *Americans, total*).

6– Yes….but at the same time, I think this has been a *very* long time coming, because this isn’t just about carbon dioxide. It’s about methane and other pollutants as well, and the problem has been that *some* degree of greenhouse warming has actually been *beneficial*, it’s been good for raising crops in the mechanized, industrial way. Consider that the historical evidence strongly suggests that Europe was coming *out of* a mini-Ice Age right before the discovery of the new world in 1492. So the problem, I think, is that a) climate was warming already, and people thought that *more* would be a benefit for the longest time, and b) that really, climate change dates *way* farther back than most folks want to admit, that it actually dates back to James Watt, steam engines, and the start of *industrial pollution*, as in any, at all.

7–Yes, but not entirely for the reasons you suggest. Think smaller. Think about how many decades of neglect and outright abuse it took for people to finally take electric, zero-emission vehicles seriously. There’s your answer right there: Big Business surpresses things that are *game changers* out of fear of losing their current system of exploiting the hell out of problems for profit.

(more in a bit, space limit issues, sorry…)

Maria asks…

Is our goverment just another mob, changing the word protection money to tax?

Council Tax and Tax on everything we earn, and why, for what? For schools, hospitals and roads? Or just to keep these people in high life? Anything that is seen by the council to be making money all of a sudden becomes taxable, why? I agree there should be some form of tax but it is, at the end of the day, our money. We would all pay less in the end if the NHS went private if we just payed through health schemes, like they do in Spain. The local aurthority in my area when on an all expensis paid holiday to America the other month ( who’s money funded that?) for a seminar on ‘How to get more council tax from the public in your area’!!! Crazy!! We are born free and taxed to death. I feel we are as people having the wool pulled over our eyes, the longer it goes on the worse it will get, we’re getting robbed blind. This government and councils are you’re new age mob taking a percentage of our hard earnt money, so you have to stay in their pocket and they get free cash! Comments welcome

Nagesh answers:

Your right in tune!
The President is Al Capone. His underlings are the rest of the mob.
Parasites that live off the Host (taxes) and give back nothing.

The only good politician, is a dead one!

James asks…

Would making gasoline cheaper for travelers be a good idea?

This would increase consumer spending and tourism.

Airlines and rental car companies can offer discount coupons on certain gasoline stations only. Therefore tourists to exercise the coupons would have to travel to the locations where those gasoline stations are located. Otherwise, the coupons expire and it’s profit split between the gasoline station and the rental car company. It’s a money-maker.

If the tourist takes advantage of the coupons, then those towns near those gas stations will profit from anything those tourists buy in those towns.

This scheme can be used to help a lot of towns in the Midwest. It would be like you rent a car in Cleveland. The Alamo Rental car in Cleveland includes a free coupon if you meet certain timeframes. The coupon value is 50% off any BP gas station in Akron.

Now you can save money on a trip to Akron and if you don’t, you end up paying a barely noticeable fee split between Akron’s BP gas station and Alamo. And they’d make money.

If you buy gas in Akron, the town of Akron may see an increase in consumer spending, so it becomes a win win.
The industry would profit because significant numbers of travelers would wind up not redeeming the coupon because of inconvenience, and they probably wouldn’t care.
Edit: but this isn’t a deviation from supply and demand. This is a promotional coupon!

It’s like when you have a call option on a stock or a buy one get one free. It’s purely a business friendly idea.

Nagesh answers:

Any time you can put more money back into the hands of families and the Ameerican people, it is a good thing.

Any time you take that away, you hurt the family, the economy and limit personnal freedom. Of course from the POV of many on the left, limiting certain personal freedoms is a good thing.

Mary asks…

What are some good get rich quick schemes?

Don’t give me a lecture on why they are dumb. I’m not interested in any chain letters, pyramid schemes or frankly anything that involves working for a company and selling products over the internet. So far, I have two really good ideas (selling tickets and selling necklaces outside of sports events, its vague because im paranoid about people stealing the ideas). Anyways, if anyone cares to share these ideas, that would be great. BTW, I’m looking for profits between 1000-5000 dollars, so I don’t need an elaborate scheme that takes years to execute. I’m 17, I have a job, and I’m interested to see what ways I can make money in my free time.

Nagesh answers:

Most people get rich by handling other people’s money and charging a fee. A mutual fund is where a company convinces people to give the company their money in the hopes that the company can make the people money and the company charges a percent of the gross. So if the mutual fund was worth $100 billion and there was a 1% fee, the company would get $1billion. It doesn’t matter if the fund went up or down.

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Linda asks…

How can I make money fast!?

I am a single mom and have 3 kids, I am running out of money and food. Is there a way to make money at home without having to invest moneyin turn? I desperately need the help, I can’t afford child care so I have to work from home. I have one job but the money isn’t enough.

Nagesh answers:

Day care is needed badly and maybe your children will enjoy the company, it’s a great way to make good money, it pays well.

Mandy asks…

Has anyone made a decent amount of money from their home on their computer?

I am so sick and tired of being BROKE. I want to know if there are ways to make a load of money working from home on my computer. I want something legal, fast, and easy. If you can give me ANY leads, that would be great.

Nagesh answers:

I went out on my own. I am an mechanical engineer. I used CAD intensively. Went and bought a good computer and CAD system (big investment. Well worth it) Started to get work from a few places that I had worked for and long story short. Did quite Well.

Sandy asks…

Making money from home – fast, easy, and legit?

What are some fast,easy, and legit ways to earn money from home? I do not want to start my own business on line or have a blog. What else is there that isn’t a scam? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

Maybe surveys or telemarketing. You can also look into “virtual assistant”. A lot of people are doing this now. It is basically a business assistant from home.

George asks…

What is the fastest way to make money from home that is not a scam?

I live at home with my girlfriend we stay in the nashville area we’ve been job hunting and still haven’t found any luck…(also are car was totaled out so we have no transportation)we’re middle twenties and was wondering yahoo does anybody have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You could take loan out from the bank, open a paypal account and eBay account up, and start buying cheap items bulk from china; when you get them, you could re-sell them for a BIT more in the United States. It usually only works with a lot of money because of fees and the profits aren’t a lot but still $$$.


You buy 1000 mousepads from China wholesale on eBay for around $1.25 each. That costs $1,250 total and the company provides free shipping.

Then you receive them around 1 month later and you put up listings selling the mousepads for $1.99 each. That’s a $.74 profit however eBay and Paypal will charge around 20% of commission before the money gets to your bank so you make only $.59 cents per mousepad.

In the end you make around $592 and this is just an idea that works (I’ve seen people do it before)

Good luck of course

Robert asks…

How to make money fast?

ways to make money from home.

Nagesh answers:

Get a truck. Troll your neighborhood for cast-off and unwanted, but sellable items. Bring the items home. Clean them up. Take pictures of them. Place ads on in your area. Include the pictures, a good description, and your phone number.

If the items you have found are in demand, your phone will begin ringing almost as soon as you place the craigslist ads.

I have done this for the past two years and I have been making $200 per week. The best sellers:
Living room furniture, lamps, desks, lawn equipment (working or not. I sold a broken Honda mower for $30), snow boards ($30), power equipment (I found an Emglo air compressor and sold it for $90), luggage (average price $7 to $15 for 4-wheelers), etc.

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Friday, March 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Ruth asks…

How can I quickly earn money on

I have already sold my extras and dung to Mrs. Herbert, I do not have access to sales, and I do lessons already. Is there any way I can earn money other than doing the objectives?

Nagesh answers:

There are loads of ways of earning money. You just need to spot them. For instance, you can:

-Take care of at least one horse per day so that you get paid for your job.
-Do a lesson with your horse.
-Sell everything that you don’t need.
-Enter comps. They will earn you money whether you come in first or last.
-Enter grand prix – you earn 1000e per horse you enter.
-Make covering offers with your stallions.
-Sell horses.
-Stroke the Xanthos. You can stroke up to 5 Xanthos a day and have a chance to win 1000e and a hop.
-Answer an Archimedes question. If you answer correctly, you will receive an aging point, which you can then sell.

However, if you have only just started the game then I suggest that you restart it especially if you’ve gone off to a bad start,

Robert asks…

A way to earn money quickly?

I am only 14 and desperately need to earn £60 quickly. The only Thing i can think of except from a job is, Selling things on ebay or selling gold to a pawn shop, although you have to been over 18 to do both of these. I have a debit card but im not sure weather it would work on internet sites. Any Ideas what i could do ?
I Live in england so i need something acsessable in the uk

Nagesh answers:

Although you technically have to be 18 they don’t check this too closely on eBay in my experience, just bump up the year of birth. If you feel uncomfortable with doing this, you could just get a parent of someone over 18 to do it for you.

Laura asks…

What’s a good way to earn money quickly *I’m thirteen*?

I’m thirteen so some part-time job or something.

Thankssss soooo much!!!!!! You’ll be helping someone get the bike of his dreams! And leave the rest to charity *not lying*

Nagesh answers:

You might want to check your library for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew among many titles that you can get from your local Librarian. As you can tell from Yahoo Answers, your question is a very popular one from ages 10 to 18. The need for money is real but the younger you are, the harder it is to be taken seriously as a businessperson. At 13, you cannot work for an employer unless that employer is your parent so you may wish to seriously talk to your folks about setting up a home business that you can run. You will make money and they will receive tax credits and offer you support. Steer away from anything that sounds too good to be true or anything that requires you to invest money. Keep focus on what you are doing to be the best at it. It’s important to follow through on your promises for quality products and/or services. There have been many teens that have made a great deal of money by providing necessary goods and services so it’s very possible for you but you have to stop dreaming of success and do things to accomplish it. Start with a list of your goals and make them happen. One of those library books will give you ideas on what you can do whether it’s start up a home or yard cleaning service, recycling center, selling and fixing bicycles, hosting puppet shows for younger kids, teaching or tutoring, or raising goldfish. When you fill a need you can fill your wallet. Another great resource is Junior Achievements… Check the link below to see if you “click” with them:

Sandra asks…

what is the best way to earn money quickly if not old enough for a real job?

i am wanting to buy a iphone but i need money first. i am under 16 so i cant just apply to a job. any ideas?


Nagesh answers:


Try this site, is updated every month:

gives some the best legit sites to earn money or free prizes(game consoles, gift cards and so on )

hope this helps

good luck

Lisa asks…

How do you earn money really quickly on Animal Crossing Wild World?

I have $100,000 to pay off mortgage I need to do it quickly….

Nagesh answers:

These are the items you can sell:

*those robot things you can dig up

the more valuble things are:
*larger fish
*rarer insects

fruits are the simplist though because one peice of fruit is worth 100 bells, so its easier to do if you have a ton of trees.

You can also go back and forth through time if you want. It makes it a little more complicated, but its fast.
What you do is:
*press continue when it asks what you want to do
*press for the phone
*go to reset clock
and im sure you can figure out what to do from there.


other methods which might not have been totally clear:

*shake the trees and you will
-get fruit
– attacked by bees
-100 bells
– furniture

if you get attacked by bees, DONT RUN AWAY! Because if you have insurance from lyle, he pays you 100 bells in the mail the next day.

*go to the rycyling place in town hall/city hall whatever its called

*go to those two dogs and ask to check the lost and found. The dopey looking dog on the left side of the gate is the one to talk to.

Hope i helped!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, February 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Mark asks…

Where can I submit tshirt ideas to make money?

Me and my friends came up with a couple funny ideas for tshirts but dont know where to start. I know theres a couple websites where you can create tshirts but they dont usually turn out very good, is there any sites where we can submit our ideas and if they are good enough they will be sold to alot of people. We dont really care about making alot, we would rather just see it sold to alot of people. But some commission off the shirts would be cool 😉

Nagesh answers:

I’ve done it once or twice, try busted tees or snorg tees, they both pay about 150 (also t-shirt). There will be a link at the top that says contact, then go to t-shirt ideas and email them. Good luck

John asks…

Creative Ideas to Make Money to Donate to an Animal Shelter?

I’m trying to think of ideas on how to raise money to donate to my local animal shelter “It’s The Pits”

What are some creative ways to raise money for an animal shelter?

Nagesh answers:

Start up a “Kissing Booth” where a dog sits behind the booth & people will have to pay a dollar to get a nice sloppy wet kiss from it! You need to get at least two or three dogs to exchange a few times because they will get tired & they have to be very good kissers. Just make sure they have nice smelling breaths. People really want to pay a dollar just to get kissed. You’ll make quite a bit of money from doing this.

Here’s an example of one of my friends overseas who does it often during dog events:

Lizzie asks…

HELP, i need ideas to make money for my drivers mom cant really afford and i want to drive already

it cost 285 for 6 hours of drivers training. and im 16. i could be driving by now. so im up for any ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit.. Do odd jobs for people around their houses.. Get a part time job.. Tutor to younger children..

Susan asks…

Anyone recommend any work from home jobs or IDEAS to make money from home?

Pregnant and unable to work! ( Doctor’s Orders) If it matters any, I am in the Austin Texas area…..

Thanks to anyone who helps in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming, there are no real internet work at home jobs. You will just be bombarded with all kinds of scams.

Michael asks…

I own 15 acres that I cash rent and 10 acres of wooded land. Any ideas on ways to make money with this?

I am looking for niche livestock or crop ideas to make a nice living.

Nagesh answers:

For the 15 acres you can rent out to neighboring farms and riding stables,

Some companies are looking at creating a market for hemp – the fabric is stronger than cotton and needs less pesticides etc to grow. See if it’s legal to grow this in your state and start researching firms that are looking to source and add this fabric to the materiel’s they use for their clothing or upholstery lines.

You could build some property on it and advertise it as a rental retreat space for rent to yoga groups, church groups, etc. Naturally this will need planning permission.

As far as the woodland is concerned depending on what type of trees are growing there, see if you can periodically sell some of the timber without destroying the aesthetics so it would still be an attractive hiking area for any group retreats is you go that route.

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



Make money!

3 Simple Steps

Secret Video!
