Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

William asks…

How can I earn extra cash with 2 hours?

I am looking for some form of methods to earn extra cash with just 2 hours of my spare time everyday. Anyone has a idea?

Nagesh answers:

Please visit the below mentioned websites for reliable online part-time jobs:

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Lisa asks…

Does anyone know of a truly legitimate work from home program?

I am a full time mom that would like to work part-time to maybe eventually full-time from home. I have been trying to wade through all the scams online, but I’m just tired! I would just like some honest feedback from honest people. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You really want honest feedback? I’m sure you have received this before , but here it comes again….

There are simply no legitimate internet sites to earn money from, they are all scams.

Those that do give you something usually do it in the form of points to be redeemed for gifts, or perhaps $0.50 a survey.

None of them will allow you to earn enough to live on.

Chris asks…

What kindof bussiness can i start without putting alot of money?

looking for something simple.Not like a resturant but more like a catering service or something that i dont have to put alot of money in but get alot of money out.

Nagesh answers:

I suggest starting your own home based business. Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, so I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago. It well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Donald asks…

How can i work from home?

I would like to know about any place who can offer on the internet, i have experience in call center.

I dont live in the USA, do you know if theres a chance for me?

Nagesh answers:

Hi! It is good to learn that you are interested in Work from Home and earn some Extra Income. You have to remember following Points:

1. 99% Websites offering Work from Home Jobs are SCAM.
2. You have to find Website that Provide Authentic and Legitimate Work from Home Jobs.
3. Money is Not Going to fall from Sky. You have to work for it.

I suggest you to visit: will provide you Authentic and Legitimate Work from Home Jobs. No Scam. No Catch. No Gimmick. No Investment. No Fee. No registration. Just Real ones.

Http:// will provide you information on:

(1) How to earn Money from Home / Office / Café
(2) Work from Home Directory
(3) Work from Home Leads
(4) Online Money Making Tips…and more…

So Visit:

Another Excellent Option that you have is to join Hubpages. Hubpages is FREE to join and Helps you to make money through Google Adsense, e-bay and Amazon.

You can Join Hubpages here:

But Mind you. Hubpages is Addictive.

If you like my answer then please Appreciate it by selecting it as the BEST ANSWER.

Good Luck!!!

George asks…

How long will it take for me to purchase a home after graduating from school need advice?

I am soon graduating from veterinary school (in May) and I am hoping to purchase a home within the next three years so I won’t be throwing my money away with rent.The only problem is that I will have a school loan debt of about 100,000$. I have the potential to earn anywhere from 50K to 90K a year once I start working. Is it possible to own a home within three years? What are the major obstacles do you think I will face? Any input would be greatly appreciated thank you?

Nagesh answers:

If you are going for a large home in a high priced market, you will probably have to wait longer than three years unless you are extremely aggressive to get your loan paid off first.

You might be able to improve the wait by looking to buy a small home in a moderate market. You can build up equity and turn around and sell it later for a bigger and better home that is more in line with your long term goals. Most real estate advisors suggest planning on a minumum two year stay in a home before equity begins to pull ahead of the costs you cannot recover (closing costs, inspection fees for insurance, etc).

Do be wise in the selection of the home though. It is really easy to make a poor choice and end up with a home with a significant hidden structure issue or in a neighborhood that turns the corner and house values plumet. The costs of repair can actually set you so far back that it would have cost you less to have rented. If you decide to go for an older home (50 or more years), do have an electrician inspect the wiring before you buy. We asked all the right questions of the previous owner and he outright lied – We asked if the wiring was three wire and grounded. He told us yes. Once we moved in, though the outlets were three prong, only two kitchen outlets had a ground wire even present. This is a critical safty issue and many appliances will not function without it such as a surge suppression battery back up for a computer. My husband ended up rewiring the entire house. Once he got into the wiring, it was so poorly done he just scrapped everything. We were fortunate enough that he had the skills. We didn’t have to pay anyone’s time. But just the copper wire itself was over $600.

One good area to look to invest is on the outskirts of a rapidly growing city. Often what is a countryside purchase where it costs less to buy will soon be engulfed by a city’s expansion and have an enormous increase in property value.

One last parting note, do check into government programs to assist first time home owners. You will never again be a first timer. Though your future potential income will be well above the typical candidate, these programs look at where you are now. Just starting out like you are, you will probably quilify for grants. The main disadvantage to trying to go through these programs, beside the paperwork and wait, is that your selection of homes will be smaller due to the many restrictions. Look into Fanny Mae (not sure if this is the spelling), HUD (risky neighborhoods to invest in. Be careful), … There is another one but I can’t remember the name of it. It is the best one too. Do a bit of internet research. I bet you will come across it.

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Sunday, April 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Lizzie asks…

Has anyone ever sold an Enigin product in the entire world? Is Enigin a real opportunity or a scam?

Are Enigin partners successfully selling products? Enigin Partners pay 16,000 British Pounds to join the Enigin opportunity, so I hope someone out there is making successful sales. We have not heard of any in over 2 years and the partners cannot seem to get their money back from Enigin, according to the LMP forum. Imagine losing 16,000 British Pounds for nothing!

Nagesh answers:

Yes, it would appear that some are very successful at selling products, I have spoken to several of their distributors who have made profitable sales even though they were new to the business. I don’t know where you got the figure of 16,000 British pounds from. Where does it say that in their literature? As for the last 2 years if you check Companies House in the UK you will find the Company has not even existed that long.

If we want to avoid getting the dubious reputation of being Internet Trolls – let’s get our facts right before we shoot from the hip!

You refer to them as a ‘scam’, that suggests you must have evidence they are guilty of fraud which is a criminal offense in the UK. Have they sent you information that is ‘fraudulent’? If so post it here because they can be closed down by the Department of Trade and Industry, especially because they are a Public Limited Company (PLC). The Directors of a PLC are much more vulnerable and their accounts are more rigorously audited. On the flip side if you are wrong you could be personally liable to criminal proceedings – so we need to be careful!

According to their published first years accounts they have been trading circa one year! It can take a new company several years to get established in a ‘normal’ market let alone the present financial meltdown. Do you know if they are still as financially sound as they were in March 08? They look incredibly slick, do they have lot’s of experience or big backers?

Do you have any personal experience to advise me if the economic climate is effecting people for good or bad in this business right now?

I have checked the LMP forum you refer to and can’t find anything about their partners not getting their money back!!! I thought the LMP forum was for ‘technical questions’ on motor controllers anyway. Do you have postings on the LMP forum, if so what is your pseudonym?

I am keen to know what in your opinion constitutes a ‘real opportunity’?

I have just done a google to find out what percentage of new businesses actually succeed (regardless of the industry they are in) and it seems lot’s of wannabe business owners fail. Why do you think this is the case?

Personally, I think there is truth in the old adage that a ‘fool and his money soon part’. Anyone with any common sense should way up all the options carefully before jumping in. Starting a new business is ‘high risk’, it is not like buying an established business, but that could set you back hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of pounds.

I have a wide circle of business contacts who have been making a living, some making a fortune, in the energy management business. The difference is; the successful ones work really hard, they are too busy to trawl Internet forums so you won’t see many posting from them and they are prepared to take a long term view of their business. They are not stupid enough to believe in “get rich quick schemes”, are you?

Yours truly,
Anthony B

Richard asks…

Does anyone know any good web affiliate schemes?

I’m looking for an affiliate scheme to take part in, as I would like some (any) on my website. Does anyone know of any that just allow you to paste in an HTML code, and for you to take a percentage of money made whenever someone clicks on it? That sort of style?

Nagesh answers:

There are several.

If you want to get paid per click then sign up for google adsense. They give you the HTML to paste on your page, and when someone clicks on the ad you make a small amount of money. The amount varies a lot depending on the subject of the adverts, and which advert is clicked on, can be from 1p to £1

Other schemes involves placing a banner on your page, and if someone clicks the banner and places an order you get commission, usually between 4% – 20% of the order value. To get these you need to sign up to an affiliate network, of which there are many in the UK. Affiliate Window and Webgains are amongst the most popular in the UK. They pay out when your account gets to a certain balance, usually £20.

Affiliate Window involves a payment of £5 to sign up to exclude time wasters, but you get it refunded into your account when your accepted.

The URL’s are:

Donna asks…

What is the best home ran business in the UK?

Need to start making money, have office background. Please, help.

Nagesh answers:

This independent site will guide you through the many schemes and scams out there….

Lisa asks…

What happened to my pension when I got fired?

I live in the UK, and I worked for the same company for 10 years, paying into the work pension at a higher rate. Long story short, I got fired.

What happens to all the money I paid? Where is it now? Could I get it?

Nagesh answers:

The pension that you earned up to the time you were fired will be paid to you when you reach retirement age. Make sure that you let them know if you move house so that they will be able to contact you when the pension is due. You could transfer it into another pension, either one provided by a new employer or a private pension, but you should take proper financial advice before doing this or you may lose money by transferring into a worse scheme.

Joseph asks…

how can you make money with your digital camera with in a week?

I read this ebook on the website called and they are giving this ebook free and it says make $300 per week from your digital camera.
Is it really possible?
for any one like to visit the site i put the address up.
now but they are not say to sell the camera i wasnt looking for this answer i mean was has anybody read that book and the way they are saying in the book is it possible?

Nagesh answers:

I make $1200 a week with my camera — so what’s the big deal?
Know what it takes? Hard work, years of experience, a well-equipped studio, good cameras and lenses, outstanding photos, professional demeanor…you know, running a professional business.

If you think there’s some kind of “get rich quick” scheme using your camera, I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you…


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Saturday, April 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Michael asks…

what is the a good way to make extra money fast and not one of the fake online survey’s?

Nagesh answers:

Garage sale, you will also be able to get rid of extra junk!

Donna asks…

what is an online survey site that i can go to where i can make money fast!?

Nagesh answers:

Various money making ways and sites could be found here
These sites pay to post on forums

Jenny asks…

I’m 17 and want quick money.. Do surveys work?

I’ve been looking online at how to make money fast, theres “surveys that pay”.. is there anything i can sign up for that i don’t have to pay for and i can make money… or what are other money ideas……

Nagesh answers:

Here are a couple other options;

Virtual Assistant Jobs
No Gimmicks – Just A Sought After Step-by-step 196 Page Guide To Breaking Into A Fast-growing, Legitimate, Industry. There is a large need for legitimate virtual assistants. Read about how you can get into this business.

Get Paid to Write Articles and Stories
Thousands of topics to write about! (Up to $100/article & $500/story), Help Improve Books & Movie Scripts give your suggestions and get paid! Get Cash For Writing Blog Posts Create content for thousands of blogs!

Become A Video Game Tester
According to a 2008 Game Developer Magazine survey, game testers earn an average of $39,063 annually. Testers with less than three years experience earn an average of $25,142 while testers with over six years experience earn $43,056. Testing leads with over six years experience earn on an average of $70,658 a year.

Work At Home Creating And Selling Crosswords
Work At Home Creating & Selling Crosswords For Publication Companies, Newspapers, and Magazines.

Home Assembly Jobs
Assembly jobs can be a fun and profitable endeavor. Most of the companies offer such positions use the skills that you have acquired previously. Some will even teach you how to assemble their products with step-by-step guides and easy-to-follow directions. Many will send you the required parts at little or no cost. You will not have to do the selling, simply send the finished product back to them.

Get Paid To Submit Photos To The Internet!
Discover How To Get Paid With Your Digital Camera! Genuine home-based photography system lets you earn up to $250 a day and also gives you the opportunity to earn monthly residual income off every photo that you submit online!

Charles asks…

How can i make some fast money????

i really need to make some money quick, i’ve tried the paid online surveys, but they take ages and pay too little (unless anyone knows some really good places to do them). I cant really sell anything like on ebay……im gonna get a job soon, but i really need some money!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Get paid $1-$10 per survey, free to join, for USA and Canada members only:

George asks…

what are some ways for a kid to make money fast?

ok so im a kid and i wanna make money but i dont live where theres snow so i cant shovel snow for money. i dont live in a neighborhood where i can mow lawns or anything for my neighbors. i have nothing to sell on ebay or anything. nothing to have a garage sale with. ive tried all of the online surveys and stuff like that. nothing is making me enough money. do you know any ways for me to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Buy candy or water in bulk and sell it for a dolla a bottle/bar. Sell at school if allowed, or at parks, sports games, crowded places, etc. Water works SO well in summer, but even now. I just got a 24 case of water for 3 bucks on sale, that would be about. 20 buck profit for you. Its very low start up cost, you can find 3 bucks scrounging for change.

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Friday, April 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Charles asks…

money from home online?

wondering if anyone could give me some advice on making money online, if its worth my time, how to quickly tell which ones are scams, which ones are legit, the surveys do you actually get paid for them?
my gf found a site that tells which survey sites are scams illl post it to this later but im sure the scams come out faster then they can keep up with it also has sites that u can actually get paid from but i think you like get points for every server and the more points you get the more your put into a drawing and whoever wins gets 12 grand i think and i think theres daily drawings for like 50 or something sounds fishy to me but ill post the site when i find out what it is

Nagesh answers:

Any work from home job service that requires a fee is bogus. All they-re going to do is give you information on work from

home opportunities, most of which are scams at best.t

Lisa asks…

How is it possible to make money building luxury homes in today’s economic environment?

I remember a few months ago, people were waiting in mile-long lineups for the “opportunity” to buy a Mc Mansion. Now they are gone, but I am sure that this desire to buy into a luxurious lifestyle could not have died so quickly, or could it?
So what exactly is happening in the housing market today?
Why are the people not buying homes like they once used to?
It is because their friends did not like the color of their wallpaper?

I “was” thinking about beginning to build in either Arizona, Las Vegas, or Southern California, because those are the fastest growing hot spots, but a friend once told me that it has cooled a bit since then. OK, so it will get hot again, and then those will be the best places to build, or will they?

If you were going to build luxury homes for the masses, where in North America would you begin building. I’m talking about 10,000 sq ft +

Nagesh answers:

These were selling so well because the mortgage companies were loosening their criteria’s for jumbo loans. As the economy continues to sink you will see many more of these dream homes go to foreclosure.

The market will not get hot for a couple years in those markets as the builders are sitting on thousands of brand new units that have to be purchased first.

The real market is to purchase existing structures from the bank for 25% of what it would cost you to build one then have it rehabbed. The trick is getting the money if you dont have cash.

John asks…



Nagesh answers:

I’m guessing that your mortgage might be “underwater” and the best you can hope for is an agreement to put it under a “short sale” contract. It could STILL damage your credit rating, even if you can sell it and still pay off the remainder. Any house will sell if it’s priced “right” and a local realtor should be able to help you set that price.

Maria asks…

Are people making money in Mary Kay or is it a scam?

When I’ve talked with a sales director about selling Mary Kay, the conversation quickly goes to buying an inventory. Other companies don’t require their sales people to have an inventory in their home especially since many are used to buying on Ebay or other internet sites and are used to waiting to get a product. So I wondered if the premise of MK is to get sales people to buy an inventory and their recruiter makes money that way or if people really make money with Mary Kay by selling only.

Nagesh answers:

If Mary Kay is something that sounds interesting to you then you should consider it. Don’t pay attention to website that are former consultants that want to talk bad about Mary Kay. You can find website that talk bad about any topic. For example you can find websites that say kittens are bad, or why you shouldn’t own a car, or why computers are bad. My point is there are a lot of negative people out there, so don’t let what a few people are saying on a website make up your mind for you. There are some really great directors and recruiters in Mary Kay! I became a director in Mary Kay to insure that the people under me get the truth and don’t get hassled into the wrong ideas in Mary Kay.

Mary Kay is a great opportunity and it’s a company based on God First, Family Second, and Career Third. The company really does care about the consultants and wants us to make money. They give us a lot of tools to do so. After 7 years as a consultant, I believe that they really do practice that.

It’s a wonderful company! I hope you try it and I hope you have a wonderful experience! I’ve been a consultant for 7 years and I find it to be fun and pretty stress free! Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

William asks…

websites you can actually make money on?

im in need of an extra 50-100 income every 2 or more would be awesome…im looking for work from home jobs online and its a nightmare. does anyone have suggestions for doing this quickly without having to pay, do surveys/spam mail, and how to start right away???? please no sarcastic answers, i already work but have kids and need a little more so i can get a downpayment to save for a vehicle …any and all suggestions help!!

Nagesh answers:

All online jobs are a scam and any sites asking you to pay to join to make money are scams. However it is possible to make money online without spending any money. It won’t make you rich and it is not a job, but generally the more you do online and the more time you spend online the more you can make.

The main way many people make money online is through their own website or web pages. Of course, if you’ve no clue how to make a website that is not the best option, but there are still other options.

Sell items online:

Write articles:

Write reviews: and

Do surveys:
My proof that it works:

Use a Google powered search engine, play games watch videos and more:

Complete one offer and invite friends to the site:

Social networking (like facebook, myspace etc, only you get paid):

All these sites are 100% free to join and use! Some even give you a bonus just for joining. How they work is by advertisers paying them for advertising their product/services and the sites all give a percentage of that money to you.

There are of course many other websites; some good and some scams. So to make sure you don’t get scammed check out this site,

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Thursday, April 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How can a teen make fast cash?

I’m 15 years old and I go to boarding school. I’m looking for ways to make some money when I come home for summer–or even ways to earn money on campus. I’m quite mature and I’m pretty smart. I’m good with kids and adults as well– which is why I babysit. The only problem is that I don’t know what else to do when I’m not babysitting. With times a changin’ it’s become quite strange to go door to door to ask for anything anymore. I also live in a neighborhood that doesn’t really interact with each other, but there’s ample opportunity to have jobs. Everyone is either young and has a young child, or is old and retired. I want to ask to help them with tasks and such but I don’t know what to do. Mowing the lawn and raking leaves is out. Period.

Got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

How far is the nearest store? You could try starting a delivery serves to the people that cant get around to well. Walking dogs, house sitting, washing cars, pruning trees-bushes. Good luck. <(^;{

Nancy asks…

How can I make money?

I am a single mother of 2 small children. I live with someone, but that is because she offered to let me concentrate on my degree so that I could get it done faster and still have time for my children. I have always been very independent, I have been working since I was 14. Now I feel helpless and needy. My kid’s father is supposed to pay child support but only pays every once in a while a very small amount to keep him out of jail. I want to go back to work at least part time even. My oldest is starting kindergarten this fall, but I have a 3 year old. She has been in daycare before, and now I just don’t think that it is the best place for her. But even if I wanted to put her back in day care, I used to get assistance paying for it, because day care prices are so high, I just cannot afford to pay it by myself, the waiting list is very long now. So now my problem is that I can’t get a job without daycare and I can’t get daycare without a job! I tried to find a way to make money from home, but wasn’t very successful, all I ended up doing was finding a hobby. Any ideas??
While I realize some people have nothing better to do than to criticize people or make rude comments, but I am very serious about this. I don’t mean how could I literally “make” my own money, I don’t need ideas for hobbies, I am a college student and I have 2 children therefor keeping busy is not a problem of mine, and I definitely am not talking about anything illegal. Thank you for understanding that I wish for constructive advice. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Farm ants.

Jenny asks…

What is a good way for a 15 year old to make money?

Please don’t say mowing lawns. No one ever has kids mow their lawns in my neighborhood. I’m thinking of actually getting a job somewhere instead of doing odd jobs. It seems to me like the best way would be to get a job at a grocery store, because they hire kids to bad groceries. There’s a Raley’s under a mile and a half from where I live, so it would be convenient. I think that would be a better job than fast food or something like that because you learn social skills and there is a lot more room for promotion. What do you think about this? Any Ideas?


Nagesh answers:

It all depends on what you want to do. Go online and find places that are willing to hire kids your age to work for them. Now i am your age too but i want to work at best buy because i am into electronics and all that shit, basically your average tech geek. But i have to be 16 to work there, so i am just going to wait. But if you decide to do this, be sure you find a job that you like, not one that pays low wages and not one that you are going to hate after 3 days. Just find one that you will enjoy and work yourself up to higher wages and promotions. Best of luck!

Sandra asks…

Good idea for a way to make some money on the side?

Hi all, I’m almost seventeen and I really want a car of my own. However, I don’t have a job. Nor do I want one. I’m not into the mundane jobs I could get as a high school student. I have been messing with computers since I was a little kid. I’ve taught myself html, css, java, visual basic, c++, perl, and php. I also manage my own Linux-based server at home and I have built multiple computers and study network and computer security frequently. Anyway, I have seen how people will pay Geek Squad (from BestBuy) hundreds of dollars to do absolutely nothing to their computers. I got thinking…what if I could something like that? My question is, do you think this is a feasible business idea? Could I leave fliers in upper-middle class house’s doors and offer a service to make Windows-based computers faster, secure wireless networks, upgrade hardware, or do any of the stuff the average consumer is too afraid/can’t do? Would you trust a sixteen year old with this? Even if I made a up contract? If so, how much money do you think is fair? Anything I’m not thinking of? Thanks for your input.

Nagesh answers:

Hello Shane
I believe you are on the right track, the average consumer needs help, and it is a good Idea. Advertise, door to door, you might considers running an add in you local news paper.s
I would trust a sixteen year old with this some would not so you will need to build a good reputation. I have been told a good computer tech gets $ 45 per hour for house calls but you will want charge 25 or 30 until you get a good reputation
set your goals and you can do it
good luck

Mandy asks…

How can someone under 16 make money?

I really want a new computer. Its going to cost me about 850$ i can probably get $350 of that from relatives/mom. I’m still $500 short and wandering how i could make that? I’m good with computers, and don’t really live in place where i can mow lawns, or baby sit, or do the “stereotypical” jobs of a 14 year old. Most of which are like things you probably did as a kid and are irrelevant…(no one hires a 14 year old to mow the lawn when they can hire professional mowers that have a fancy riding lawn mower, and will do it for the same price, do a better job, and faster). Or like babysitting for example, people are so paranoid these days that there is no way they would leave their beloved child with a 14 year old for a couple hours… Just trying to kill some of the 25 replies I’m going to get saying Babysit/Chores/Mow lawns/paper boy Etc.

Any Tips/Ideas of how i can make some cash would be greatly appreciated!

Prefer something i can do online.

Nagesh answers:

Check out a site called cashcrate. Com. I made nearly 90 bucks with them in one month, just from filling out offers and surveys. Check it out, and sign up below if it sounds interesting.

I know I’m glad I did — I’m on my way to over $100 in a little more than a month.

Http://www.cashcrate. Com/1804165

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Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Sandra asks…

How can I make money at home?

My baby is 6 weeks old and there is no way I could leave her right now (plus baby sitters are sooo expensive!), but her dad is blowing through my whole savings! I have been padding my savings since high school (I’m now 21) and between our joint account and his savings (none) and my savings, we currently have $20 to get us through until his next check in 2 weeks. He had an AWESOME job where he started off bringing home $800 a week!!! I told him we needed to pad our savings but he’d blow through so fast that it was all I could do to pay bills! We had NOTHING for savings and I have no clue what he would even buy!! Just a bunch of little stupid stuff that adds up (he doesn’t get that). Then right before his 90 days, he got laid off. Now he brings home $500 (ish) every 2 weeks. I am soooo sick of being flat broke!!! I cant handle this anymore!!!! I wanted to open a college fund for my daughter and get all the little things ive been putting off done to my car! I need to start school!! I want a nest egg!!!! I am soooo scared with how the economy is going and how he spends money… I NEED HELP!!!
I want to make money at home and not tell him about it and put all of my profit directly into a savings account he doesn’t know about, but im not sure how to go about doing this. Are any of the “work from home and make big$$” adds ever legit?? How do YOU make money from home?? I need some ideas and suggestions! The more details the better!! Thank you so much!

Nagesh answers:

First off a child’s college fund is a bad investment. That money could draw much more interest in a 401k or other retirement account and student loans are low interest so the interest you make in a 401k for you should be more than the intrest you would pay if you got student loans for your kid. Second if your making that little a month once your kid gets here fasfa will pay for you to go to a community college and some state universities 100% so don’t worry about that one either.

As far as the savings goes just take it from him as soon as the check gets there and say look here is how we are going to do our money. Since he gets paid twice a month say here is half what we need for monthly bills/groceries, here is what we are saving, here is some we are holding back for emergencies, and here is what we can spend this month.

Keep savings in an bank account where he cant just grab it and keep emergency money at home so it won’t be spent. We keep a credit card for emergencies but have the emergency stash at home so that is our emergency limit. Well that is how we did it when we did not have a lot of money anyway, now we don’t worry about money at home.

All our home accounts are joint, my wife has full access to everything we own but it did take time for us to get in the sharing pattern. I don’t hide stuff from her like that but she knows the rules. She agreed to them when we sat down and made them. I don’t rule this house because she wouldn’t let me if I tried but she knows if money comes up missing I’ll see it and vise versa. That is how we make it work, you should try it.

I do have an account with about 800,000 right now she only has access to if I die but I’m an invester, I work at home mostly and once it climbs past a 1.5 mil I usually bring it back down so im only playing between 500k and a mil in the open market but that is work so its different.

George asks…

I wanna make money a legit way from home since im injured from work i want something that doesnt need me……

to fill out all this info out for nothing like i tried <~~hate it i tried <~~hate it, and i dont wanna do either i didnt find that useful and i also dont wanna fill out surveys for a living i want somethign real and fast, other then buying property or investing in stocks. i sell sunglasses on ebay but that only brings in around $50 or so a month

Nagesh answers:

My advice is to go where the money is and that is travel. Travel is a $7.1 trillion industry and growing every day. A Baby Boomer is retiring every 8 seconds and the first thing they want to do is travel. The average family in the United States spends $4,200 annually on travel. This is why my wife and I started our own online travel business. We’ve looked for years for a home based business and this is the first thing that made sense to us. You can also learn to save thousands on your taxes and travel wholesale instead of retail. The company that we work through is publicly traded, SEC regulated, has a $6,000 guarantee, and even offers health insurance. They even send their top agents on a cruise to the Bahamas. No one else does this. We love this business!

Steven asks…

best way to make money in 2 months?

ok so i am on summer break before college starts, and im interested in making some money from home, whether it be investments, buying holesale goods, etc. what are some good ways to make fast cash….i hav $13,000 i can invest or work with you can say…..

Nagesh answers:


Daniel asks…

I just recieved money from the sale of my deceased parents home . Whats the best way to make it grow?

I`m 55 years old and it1s the only money I`ll get towards my future, I need to make it grow fast.

Nagesh answers:

Send some for me!
It will make my purse grow……bigger 🙂

Sharon asks…

Making money at home?

Is there any way for me, a 16 year old, to make some sort of part time income at home? its summer, and I applied at loads of places, but no one is calling me back. I’m pretty good with the computer, but not on a level to design websites or stuff. Im not looking for huge amounts of money, just anything extra really that I can do for myself. Any websites or services that I can sign up for, or something that I can learn pretty fast and make money from? No scams and illegal stuff, like those do-at-home rebates or stuff. Thanks in advance!!

Nagesh answers:


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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Charles asks…

Easy fun ways to earn money?

I’m an 11 year old girl and I’m saving up for a laptop. I already have some of it, I need about $400. It doesn’t have to be that quick and I’m willing to work.

BTW, I’m home schooled and I don’t live in a neighborhood so I couldn’t do a lemonade stand or whatever.

Nagesh answers:

Help around the house
ebay- go to yard sales, then ebay the stuff you find
rake leaves?
Get money for your birthday
Hold your own garage sale
Sell things at town events- offer to donate a portion to charity, people tend to donate more if you mention charity.

Mark asks…

What’s an easy way to work for money?

Ok, so i’m a 16 year old girl and i don’t have a job. and i need 300 dollars for driving school and right now i have 219. i only need 81 more dollars before driving school starts on september 15th. does anyone know a good quick and easy way to come up with 81 dollars before september 15th? what can i do to earn that money? thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You can do online surveys: is a great site!
I like them because you don’t just have to do surveys, they have:
1) Daily Surveys (these you just give your opinion, they take about 10-20 min)
2) Cash Offers (you give people your email, they give you money so I use an email just for this site so my regular email doesn’t get spammed)
3) Cash Tasks (these usually involve searching the internet for info for certain companies)
They also make this site like a game, so there are games you can play and make money, like if you breed a dragon and sell it you make $5, so there’s stuff like that, that makes it really fun.
Oh and if you like to online shop they have sponsored stores where you get a percentage back just for being a member.
You can email me if have questions!

Sharon asks…

How do you earn money without having a high level of something on runescape2?

Please make sure your answers do not require getting your level up and please make sure that it is quick and easy.

Nagesh answers:

The economy might have changed some since I’ve played, but I found that cooking was actually more lucrative than it first appeared. Do it in conjunction with fishing, and you’ll have two things to market.

Mining is arguably faster on the lower levels, if you’re on a server without a ton of high-level miners, but you can’t always count on that.

William asks…

Quick, easy ways for a teen to make money?

I’m 15 years old, and running out of options. : /
I will not work in McDonald’s, I can’t find anyone to hire me to babysit, and Craigs List is hard to find something I’m capable of doing.
I’m an artist, have no upper body strength, and are not computer savvy. I can also write..
Are there any jobs that will hire me?
I need to earn some money quickly, for a house..
Please help!!
Perhaps you could name some jobs or places online that could hire me for money, or link me to them?
Please and thank you,

Nagesh answers:

In this economy, you need to think outside box. Companies are refusing to take applications from the unemployed resulting in many giving up. Http://

When it comes to finding ways to earn money, consider a Denver (Colorado, USA) teen that started a simple business picking up dog droppings that led to earnings of over $15 an hour, working outside, setting her own hours, and could be done using a bicycle as transportation. It is also something a child age 10 and up can do alone, an adult can do, or a whole family can do together. This article describes how. Http://

Laura asks…

What is a good way to earn money for preteens?

I know about babysitting. I’m saving up for a pet. Please help. It needs to be quick and easy, too. Thanks so much for your help!

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you can have a yard sale or something. Sell some of your stuff that you don’t want anymore. Clothes, old toys, video games, or whatever you might have. Even ask your parents if they wanna add anything they want to sell. That will be a great way for a girl your age to make some money.

Or you can have a bake sell. Bake some goods like cake, cookies, also make juice, and just stand out side with a huge sign and u can sell from there.

Babysitting is another! Post a ad on and see if someone will call you for a sitting job.

Yard work!

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Monday, April 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Steven asks…

What is a free and decent anti- virus program that I can download for my computer?

I used to have AVG, but now you have to buy it. I am only 17 and don’t have the money fast to get rid of suspected viruses on my laptop. I need something quickly in order to get protection against them – what can I download and use for free as an anti-virus program??? Please help!!

Nagesh answers:

Avira is currently the best of the free for home use antiviruses.  It does have a nag screen that comes up every few days asking you to buy it, but there is no need to.

Sharon asks…

How can I make 2-3 grand within a matter of 3 months or less as a 17 year old?

I am a 17 year old, trying to raise money to fly to switzerland. I am a huge music fan and want to be a musician as a guitarist hopefully when I get out of highschool. I love metal music in particular. I have always wondered what the perfect music festival line up would be? Kind of like thinking up my own woodstock. Any way, this year at sonisphere in switzerland, ever band that is playing, I listen to all the time. It is my dream now to go and see this concert but I dont have the funds to fly internationally. Does any one know how to raise about 2-3 grand within a 2 month period? I have no means of transportation to a job, and it’s winter so I can’t mow lawns. And please if you do answer (which I thank you so much if you do) please don’t give me links to fast free money scams on the internet or tell me illegal ways out. Thank you so much

Nagesh answers:

Maybe a yard sale yousaid you wanted to a muso as aguitarist are you confident enough to give lessons.You could try to find a sponser maybe make a video for you tube of your trip exprinces and how you came to fund your trip using their could end each segment with this joe bloggs reporting for mac donalds in frendland good night and say hi to your mum for me

Sandy asks…

I dont know what should do when I grow up?

Hey I am a C student at Compton HIGH and I dont know what should I do after I graduated?Any suggestion I want to be a police officer or become something in life to help my community that is a very dangerous place to live I am in the 11grade?NEED HELP FAST ANY FREE MONEY I COULD GET FOR COLLEGE

Nagesh answers:

It is great that you want to help your community. There are so many things you could do, and you don’t necessarily need to start college straight out of high school. People often think that you must immediately go to college, but three of our four daughters worked for a while before going to college, and they are now in their late 20s and early 30s and have all finished college. Two of them are thinking of going back again, and all four of them are into second careers already. Most people your age can expect to have more than one career in your lifetime.

There is no need to be in a rush. If you need to work to make some money for college that is ok. Also, I am 53 years old, retired, and a grandma, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

You’ll figure it all out.

Donald asks…

do avertizements that say you have won a free ipod work?

i really really want an apple i touch ipod and im saving up but its taking to long to do i have $160 right now and there $225… if the avertizments work i will get a free one but do they work and if they dont how can a 11 year old make money fast?
and i dont do chores for money because my mom doesnt like me to do chores for money..

Nagesh answers:

No they dont work, they make you buy stuff.
Dont believe them.

Mandy asks…

Free money? what?who?legal?

Ok, see i was searching if there was a way to get free runescape membership(i was 95% there is no way i can do that) but then i read this post saying about and bunch of other webs that will give you free money when do surveys and click links… i wanna know if this is true, legal, and how to do it(if it is legal and possible) and if u did that b4 please tell me what is the fastest way to get mony. Thx for the time you took to answer my question.
lord teja 99 (my runescape skiller account)

Nagesh answers:

I’ve tried doing those websites before where you do countless surveys and they supposedly give you free stuff. I was in a continuous chain where i had to do survey after survey to finish the first survey for points. So basically, it’s pretty much impossible to do.

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Sunday, March 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Linda asks…

What is a quick, legal way to make $400?

I’m a freshman in college and my tuition is a little over $400 and I have no money. I need a really fast way to make big money. I have four days to come up with it or I don’t get to go back… 🙁

Nagesh answers:

And you just now realized that you would need money for school? The way most of us make money is through some sort of structured arrangement where we agree to perform certain tasks and are then given compensation… Otherwise known as a job.

Sandy asks…

What is a quick, legal way of making money. FAST!?

I am a college student who is very poor and I need about $1,000 in about 30 days. To answer some questions, I have no aide from family, I do have a job, I don’t have anything worth selling. HELP!!!

Nagesh answers:

Go to the local dog pound.

Buy a dog.

Name it something like Britney Spears.

Sell raffle tickets for $5 to “WIN A DATE WITH BRITNEY SPEARS!”

Don’t try this in your own town.

John asks…

Constantly Dreaming and Thinking of Ways to Make Money Through Illegal Activities.?

I don’t really know why I am posting this on a public forum. I suppose I want different opinions of why I am the way I am. Maybe other people will relate to me; or find it interesting if they study psychology. It’s a long read, and I aint anything important so don’t view this as a bragging type thing. I just want someone who understands to give me their opinion. I figured a quick summary in a few paragraphs would better paint the picture. Here it goes…

I grew up in a large city, in the poor, industrialized part of town. People are all working class, and you get respect by showing you are a working man. You also got respect if you were a tough guy, or a good athlete. Basically if you’re a man’s, man, you were alright. You didn’t get respect where I came from by having a Bachelor’s, Masters, Ph.D or Doctorates degree. No one gave a damn about that type of stuff. However, some parents wanted more for their kids. They wanted them to pursue academics to get out of this city and do something more rewarding with their lives. My parents were one of them.

My parents ended up divorcing, which made me a different person. I became more introverted. I ended up living in a worse part of town with my mother through the weekdays on a large low income housing estate, surrounded by beat up apartment buildings. I was one of the few white kids, so I had to fight alot the first year I was there. Eventually I made alot of friends and got used to what life is like on a low income estate. Everyone was living off welfare. You were either a poor kid from a broken home(me), or you were an immigrant and your parents couldn’t land a proper job. I never partook in any crime back then as a youngster, even though I seen it everyday. Most of the crime where I was came from Drug dealing, Thieving and Robbing. I remember when I was young, I used to extort money from this one kid from my class who I hated, because his older brother beat me up once. Whenever I seen him walking to the variety store I’d run up on him and make him give me money or I would beat him up. Which is obviously terrible. I did that a few times, and to be honest, I remember getting a buzz out of it. I thought I was a real tough guy. Just around that time, as I was progressively yet slowly getting worse, my mom made a smart move. She moved to the countryside where I would be isolated from that lifestyle. It worked. I ended up not committing anymore crimes through my teenage years, except selling a bit of Marijuana in Highschool. I got average grades, and had alot of friends. I ended up moving back with my dad in the inner city when I was about 18. I ended up working hard in Security for awhile, and as a doorman. By 22, I realized that I aint going anywhere in my life. I couldn’t land a well paying job without a proper education. I decided to go to college, and here I am in my 2nd year of college with 2 more to go. I will most definitely land a proper job when I am done. My schooling is paid for right now, I got a vehicle, I have fun, I got friends… but here is the main point of why I started this whole thread.. Although life is good right now.. I feel like I want more out of life. By that I mean money. I want to buy things.. I want to be the sickest clothes.. a nice car.. I want to have money.. I want to be able to go to university next year and just pay off the tuition in one shot cash, BOOM, done. This is impossible.. I can’t do that without a loan. I don’t want any loans. I want to do it on my own, and not owe anything.

I recently for the last month, been dreaming of doing home invasions of drug dealers in the city with a trustworthy friend I trust with my life. We both, literally came from the same background. Same history, same city, same everything. Known him for 3/4 my life. I know for a fact, if we really tried.. We would make alot of money off these Drug dealing losers in the city. That can be some huge cash.. I could pay off schooling no problem.. have a bit more fun with the extra money that we collect. Its kind of funny I haven’t thought about crime at all for about 10 years… Now I am thinking about the exact same things I thought about as a bloody KID living in that shite hole. Its strange isn’t it. Why would I think like this when life is going so good? Why would I want to risk going to prison when I am on the ‘proper’ track to a good life. Do I miss it? Do I not care about what is right and wrong? Do I get a buzz off of it? I don’t know why.. I even think about mugging people at ATM’s for their account sometimes.. Today It crossed my mind when I left the bank. The parking lot was empty, I just came out of it.. 5AM..Some guy walks into it.. I thought, if I went in their right now, I could empty out his chequing account no damn problem. I’d have at least 500 bucks in my pocket. Clean non-dirty money. By the looks of him he probably had well over 1200$ in his account. That could do a heck of alot for a guy like me. I don’t care or think about
I don’t care or think about what it could do to the man’s life. I really don’t think about that. Obviously it wouldn’t do good, but I say its a dog eat world. I would never harm a woman or a child. I don’t mean any physical harm on anyone. I only want to pursue this for money gain. It isn’t to hurt people, or brag about being the cool gangster guy. I just want what I want. I want money. Money is important and I really don’t buy ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ crap. You can’t go on vacation without money. You can’t pay for school and you can’t do what you want to do in life without the money. I figure if I rob drug dealers money, they can’t rat me out. The only thing they could do is try and track the man down who did it. Good luck in a huge city tracking down a guy like me. Especially someone with no criminal relations, a college student with no record. I’d never get caught. The only risk is getting killed, or going to prison. I dont know.. Why am I thinking this stuff for? life is good

Nagesh answers:

Here is what I think about what you said;

What your mind is doing is referrable to as ‘nostalgic reality.’ As you get older and your mind matures it remembers how life was when you were longer, and in most cases misses that life. It misses the feeling you got doing bad stuff, that thrill that was sastified when you stole and fought. The simplicity of that life, the ease of earning money, and that feeling of supriority. The ‘proper’ track of life doesn’t offer any of that. You pay taxes, you pay for school and anything else, and you must abide to the law. It’s fruitless compared to the life you had, the life your mind was accustomed to living and the rush it gave your mind.

But more importantly why you are thinking this. You respawned that way of thinking by simply imagining how easy life would be just doing some crime to earn a boatload of cash. By doing this you subconsciously brought back the mindset you had when you were younger and in result all the other factors of life when you were younger (all the details above.)

Honestly it’s a very simple explanation but what you want and need to do is just decide what you want to do. Throw everything you worked hard for away to committ the crimes or stay on the ‘proper’ track and see the road ahead of that track.
There are other ways of earning money, you just need to research them. I’m 15, starting to learn psychology and earning 16 dollars an hour (earning around 1200 every 5 weeks) working online with a good friend of mine.

It’s better to build reputation and foundation for a successful and unregrettable life rather than to risk it all for just a crate of money that isn’t worth what you could have attained over the years. When you’re older you’ll appreciate all the work you did and how stable life will be.

The choice is yours. Life behind bars, up in heaven, or living in prosperity.

Mandy asks…

What is the best, easiest, quickest way to make money?

Im 19 yrs old in college..I WANT TO BE RICH! but i dont exactly know how to achieve that without going to college the rest of my life and getting a good job…i want to know other ways of how to make good money and to become wealthy kind of besides that..kind of like trading/investing/mutual funds whatever..i just want to start really early which is now! I currently work at target and dont have much can i make money off of little money????Please do not give me that be a celebrity, invent something, rob a bank bullcrap! serious answers only..and i need to know like how long will it take me to make money..

Nagesh answers:

Gamble with other people’s money, be a trader…………

Robert asks…

I need some ideas on how to make quick easy money.?

I am a single mother who has been let down time and time again by employers. I have been to college and have a AA degree. I graudated two years ago. And yet to have found the job of my dreams or to even land a job in that field. I was watching Oprah the other day and there is this mom who is socceer mom by day and stripper by night. Some people do not understand the constant struggle that single parents go through. And right now I am tired of the struggle. And I am also sure that there are some single moms reading this right now. I am looking for a strip club to dance in or an escorting business to join. I know that there is an easier way for me to make money. So can somebody help a sista out wit some ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Why don’t you serve your country and further your education while you are at it by joining the US Army. It’s great for single women with kids, you just have to have your mom or sister or some other responsible adult vouch for your son while in training. You have college so you can come in as an officer and pull in over 3k a week with benefits, 401k and IRA. The Army is so advanced now you have childcare from 3mths to High school and beyond. You can invest in a house and they will up you 200k for it. Work hard, make your child proud and you might even meet a nice soldier on your off time. Many job opportunities are for women of color or just women in general in the US Army. You can get into criminal justice or military intelligence. So wide is the range and you will feel great about yourself instead of degraded such as working as a pole dancer in a strip club. Let’s see, dignity or low self esteem, you make the choice. And no, unless you choose infantry, you don’t get automatically shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan to kill innocent lives as the media portrays. Give it a try, you will love the opportunities it provides. Your housing, food, medical, dental, childcare and expenses are all provided for and you get paid every two weeks. Is that so bad?

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Saturday, March 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Susan asks…

How do I make money through mail?

Well you see I got this mail and it said that you could make money through mail by reading the mail and does what it says. I lost it although I wanted to read it. It showed seven adresses or something like that. Could somebody please tell me the url? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

This is almost certainly a pyramid scheme and is illegal in many countries. There is one method by which you can make very small amounts of money through bing paid just to read emails.
More information on this here:
You will have to take part in these schemes for a long time to make any significant amounts of money.

Lizzie asks…

How can i make some money from the comfort of my own home ?

What can i craft at home beside artwork and sell it on the internet to make some extra money . Any idea or guide is welcome .

Nagesh answers:

First thing you have to understand is you cannot make a living off working online. Very few people manage to acheive that and you have to be a programming genious or something of that sort to be able to make it. How ever there is such a thing as making sum extra money off the side. One really good website that i like is This website gives you a thing known as swagbucks for everytime you use their search engine. Using this you can redeem some small rewards. You will make about 10 swag bucks in 3-4 days and jst as an example 5 swag bucks will buy you a pouch for an ipod and 800 swag bucks can buy u an electric guitar. This isnt any get rich quick scheme because that does not exist in this world.


if you like my suggestion please place my name-“unauthorised994” in the referral box or use this link directly

Remember there is no get rich quick scheme online and even if you find one it is a scam so dont do it.

Charles asks…

Are there really clerical jobs one can do on computer and make enough money to quit work?

I have all sorts of experience with computers, publishing programs, etc. I’ve been an English instructor for ten years. Is it possible to use these skills and earn approx $30K and up by taking online jobs. Please don’t answer me with one of the wonderful networking product sales crud jobs. Please!

Nagesh answers:

If you have skills like web design and development, you can work from home and make good money. But the “work from home” schemes you see advertised on the Internet, and that people tout on forums such as these, are scams. You’d only make that kind of money with them if you got a couple thousand other people to join under you each year and got a cut of their signup fee.

Richard asks…

Is it possible to earn $5,000 per month online? If so, how does it work? How many views do you need?

If you were to make a website on like freewebs or something, how many views do you need to make about $5000 a month? About how many views?

Any tips would be great. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

In simple terms, it is not possible, at least not unless you are the scammer….
If it was that easy to earn $5k a month, don;t you thing we would all be doing that instead of spending our free time answering questions here on YA???
Forget it, if you follow those schemes, you will be a lot poorer before you even see any money at all…

Linda asks…

Are there any legitimate work from home jobs that makes decent money?

I just recently lost my job and I have a child. I need to make some money to take care of us.

Nagesh answers:

Hi I work from home for a legit company that has just been made available internationally, so the market is still HUGE.

It’s a great, reliable and healthy way to make an additional income, or more, depending on how you work. This could be something for you too.

What I like about it is that I can work online or offline, don’t need to manage a stock and the product does help me. Our compensation plan is unique, and you can earn really big if you put your heart into the business. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, and you will need to stay consistent if you want to see results, but what’s great is that you will get help to get you started.

You can send me an email at if you’d like me to send you more info or you can visit my blog at


Hina Deane

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Friday, March 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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