Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Mark asks…

What online companies will pay teens?

I am looking for ways to earn quick money, though I am only 15 years old. What is out there in terms of paying online jobs that will accept teenagers?

Nagesh answers:

99% Online Jobs are Scam.
Best of luck.

Mary asks…

Are “Quick Pay Surveys” real do you really get money from answering surveys online?

Wanting to know about this quick pay surveys thing where you can earn like $1000’s a week just by doing online surveys but i want to know if anyone else knows about it and if its true..

Plz help.

Nagesh answers:

Your opinions are not worth thousands to anyone, you might make a couple bucks a week, but not real income.

Robert asks…

What can a 15 year do to get money?

There are no jobs that I’m qualified for where I live, and there is no where is I am able to work for neighbors. I’m shy and would be terrified to babysit, and my parents can’t exactly pay me because they’re paying for my families neccessities. Don’t be retarded and say prostitution. That’s one of the answers I’ve been given before, and that is stupid. I’m serious. Is there a legal way to earn money online. If I do eBay, what kind of items would people surely buy? I need some money quick. Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

I have gotten work at your age by doing the following: Find work in a grocery store as a bag girl or boy or clean-up person, go to gas stations and ask if they need a window washer, go to drug stores and ask what kind of work you could do for them. There is honest work out there for you, You just have take time to look for it and not get discouraged if it doesn’t come right away. Good luck. Marty

James asks…

Need some money Soon , Really Important , Please Help!!!?

Hello , i want to know how can i earn some money real quick ,i have heard about PTC sites but they are WAY TOO SLOW to earn some money , please somebody help me and tell me if there is any good site by which i can earn some money online quickly , because PTC sites are a very slow method of earning money , Please someone tell me a real good site which pays Good and Big amounts quickly and directly to a Paypal or an alertpay account , I really need some big money real quick ,Please Help!! Thanks in advance

Nagesh answers:

I have tried many…….many… home business opportunities
I work from home with large nationwide company. There are no

Scams, Games or Gimmicks. They are a solid company and have been

featured on TV’s “60 Minutes”, Wall Street Journal, New York

Times, US News and more! . What I like is the fact that there are

no products or paperwork involved!,!! All work can be done

online! We do get benefits and receive checks daily in the mail..

….which I love. Also we receive unlimited training and the

support is great.
Over the years.

Stuffing envelopes, data entry, surveys, network marketing,

gifting…,…I am embarrassed by all the different ones I have

tried. And I must tell you, they were all SCAMS !!!

Betty asks…

Ways For Teen To Earn Money?

I want to buy the 24inch imac for $1,499.00 and i need help making money as quick as possible. I’m getting $20 allowance once a week but that’s it. How can i make some more money to buy the imac by August?

-Please no online money making sites. Does don’t work.
-And reasonable answers please. Im 14.

Nagesh answers:

This is an ambitious goal. If you figure that there are only 8 weeks until August, then you will have to earn more than $167.38 per week in order to meet your goal of $1,499 (since you already make $20 per week with an allowance) Don’t forget that there are taxes to pay (on the work that you do AND for the actual purchase of the computer), so you will actually have to earn more than the $1499.

If you work hard, you can do this, but it is going to require some imagination. Can you walk dogs, do chores for the elderly / sick, baby-sit? What about cleaning yards, washing cars? Make sure that these are people that you and your family know!

Good Luck

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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Helen asks…

How to make good money really really fast?

okay, I’ll make it simple. I ♥ Three Days Grace. And I’m an obsessed fan gone crazy. (not literally) And I need some help on Making money fast so I can get the Three Days Grace zip-up hoodie that I REALLY REALLY want. I’ve tryied looking at different sites for help, but most of it I have to buy some book, or pay for some online job. But I dont have the money as it is, let alone for the jacket. I wanted to know if anyone has any really simple ways to making money online. One of them that i found on one of the sites was to make an ebook, but i’m not sure how well that will work. I love to write in all, but still. Is there any simple ways to make money online? that are ligal for kids to do?

Nagesh answers:

Create a website about something that you know a lot about (recipes, how to fix a car, photography, stamp collecting…). Then you can make money by running some ads on the site.

William asks…

How do I earn money fast for a kid?

I need a new laptop and I am trying to save up for it but i don’t seem to have enough money yet. I cannot wait till xmas or bday i am rying to save up but i dont know what to do. im having a garage sale today… but i dont have much to sell. I am only 12 and i need way to make big bucks fast!

Nagesh answers:

Parents and relatives usually pay more for doing odd jobs. Explain that you want to earn money fast and ask if there are any tasks you can do for money, like cleaning out the garage, etc. If they accept your offer, work hard and do a good job, make them (and yourself) proud. This will help in the future when you need money as well. 🙂

Mark asks…

How can a thirteen year old girl make money FAST?!?

well on august 3rd me, my mom, my sister, my aunt, and my cousin are all going to a big outlet mall about 3 hours from my house and we’re going for the weekend.. well i have $175 right now.. but i have to buy most of my school clothes and i want to have good quality ones like abercrombie, ae, hollister, etc. and i want to have a lot.. i get $12 a week for allowance.. but i want to get to about $400 – $500 at least.. my dad sed w/ my allowance and the money i currently have saved that i’ll end up w/ a little over 300$.. so what are some ways for me to make money?
i like kids.. but my mom thinks im too young to be left alone w/ kids.. so she wont let me babysit..
i like fashion, makeup, clothes, designing stuff, art, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, being outside, the internet, and friends..
is there anything i can do to get about 100-200 extra dollars for my trip?

im a hard worker and i’ll do my best… THANKS FOR UR HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Can you hire out as a personal assistant for some people? Run their errands, carry groceries, yard clean up, garage clean up, etc all that stuff people don’t have time to do. I’d hire you to clean my garage!

Robert asks…

What is a good way for a 19 year old kid to make good money?

I have worked a lot of jobs….restaurants, sales, tutoring. I want to make money this summer, and am willing to work hard, but feel disillusioned at working a ridiculous amount of hours at a fast food place again to make a minimal amount of money. This summer, I need to find a good way to make money. Any suggestions? (No get-rich-quick make money fast scams!)

Nagesh answers:

It is all a matter of skills. If you can do what any other 19 year old can do, why should anyone pay you much?

I have one friend working as a tech at Great America. She can do everything from driving forklifts to wiring lights and running a soundboard. You can bet that she’s getting paid more than the kids the same age that are selling popcorn and tickets at the concession stands.

So as the other answer noted – good waiters at high end restaurants make good money. Are you that good a waiter?

Sales people are often paid on commission. Are you a good salesman?

Do you have other skills such as auto-mechanics? (I have another friend who worked with his father converting a truck from the junk-yard into something that he could drive to school. With that kind of head-start, you can imagine that he could do well getting a job at a shop.) welding? Or working with computers? (Trainers in how to use the standard software tools such as MS Office get paid well. Ditto for people who train customers for the big software vendors.) driving? (People who have commercial driver’s licenses do get paid better than fast food workers, even if you are not likely to get to drive a big rig anytime soon. How about driving camp school buses? Or limousines to and from airports?)

If no real skills, how about passions? If you are really into XXX, then if the pay isn’t great, a job where you can work with or learn more about XXX is still much better than working at a fast-food place. That can include everything from being a docent at a museum (the local science museum only hires kids, no adults, as its docents), working at a stable if you love horses, to giving people rides to and from the garage if you love cars.

Mandy asks…

what is a way for a 13 year old to make money fast?

i cant really do anything for my neighbors because they all have kids that can do stuff for them. i cant earn it from my parents because i have to earn it on my own.

Nagesh answers:

Ask your parents if you can do something other than your normal chores for money. Like, clean their cars, help them at work on a Saturday, or anything else that isn’t part of your regular work at home!

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Monday, May 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Michael asks…

How do I make money on eBay ?

I have just opened a eBay account to make a little extra cash any help and ideas please

Nagesh answers:

√ Buy cheap
√ Sell High

eBay is charging alot more than it used to. The final value fee is 9%. Just this month
eBay extended that final value fee to include shipping — Freaking outrageous! So, now more than ever you have to be aware how much the item is going to cost to ship.

I fellow I know who used to sell old sewing machines on eBay — has stopped because of eBay’
now taking a percentage of shipping fees. This is absolutely unethical

Mary asks…

What are some ways to make money on ebay?

I was thinking of selling some stuff to get extra cash but what are some tips, ideas ect. To help me get as much money as possible ?

Nagesh answers:

First of all, you need to understand your customers. Who are they? What do they want? How much they expect to pay for what they want? So on and so forth… Once you have good answers to these questions, you know what exactly you should sell to them and how much you can make.

This sounds a little hard to do at the beginning, but there are some nice tools to help you get started. E.g. EBay pulse is a great tool for you to research what products are popular right now.

Susan asks…

Whats the fastest way to make money on Ebay?

I used to sell costume patches but they dont sell as much now, any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I made a lot of money selling stuff from multiplayer online RPG’s

Donald asks…

how can i make money on ebay?

i have done many internet searchs but cant find what will sell and make me money on ebay.. i would just like to earn a bit of extra cash outside of work. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Well, why don’t you sell valuable things on e-bay for a lot of money! For example, my whole family is all into sports and we buy baseball and football trading cards on e-bay for a lot of money! Definitely if you want to sell stuff on e-bay, take my advice and search players who will be in the Hall of Fame! I hope that helps!
Visit my websites and! I really hope that helps!

Lisa asks…

How can i make Big Money online with Ebay etc.?

I want to make Big money online, I have a lot of time that I’m stuck at home alone with no transportation, I want to make big money but i don’t have anything i can keep selling over and over again, any website ideas I can make that generate a good income, or how I can buy low and sell high on ebay. thanks

Nagesh answers:

The easiest, safest and 100% legitimate way to get fast money online is , all you do is answer surveys and you can do it the easy way by downloading roboform so you can autofill the surveys and you can refer people for more cash. They pay through Paypal, Checks, Pre-Paid Cards , and more. I now get $10-$150 a week.

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Sunday, May 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Steven asks…

How can kids make lots of money fast?

I was baby sitting yesterday and one of the kids asked how to make lots of money fast!!!! The kid that asked is trying to buy a Apple MacBook Air

Nagesh answers:

How old is this kid, are they old enough to work legally?

If not, do yard work for neighbors. Cut lawns for money, walk dogs, etc. Newspaper route.

If so, get a job at a restaurant. Great tips. Easy cash.

Betty asks…

What are good tips to help teenagers make money fast?

I’m saving up to buy a car and need to make money fast. Any good tips?

Nagesh answers:

You can try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada.

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Lisa asks…

How can a 14 year old make money?

I’m trying to save up money so I can take dance classes.How can I make some money fast?I know about babysitting,yard work,chores,etc.But I don’t have that many neighbors who have kids or need their lawns mowed.Are there any other things I can do?

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,500 dollars. Good Luck!

David asks…

How can a 13 year old boy make money very fast?

hi, i am 13, and i would like to make money fast. i cant work for my parents because they are at the limit of their debt for the bank so they have no money left. i was thinking of selling things, but i have nothing to sell to anyone. also, i live in canada and it is winter so i can’t work outside. has anyone got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

-shovel driveways
-walk dogs
-help older ppl with computers
-pet sit (clean cages, fish tanks, feed cats)
-search for ads on kijiji
-teach people somethng you can do like music lessons, dance, a sport
-sell stuff (companies sometimes have unsold items they will give away. My friends got tons of unsold popcorn from the theatre and made tons selling it, and at my school some kids got tons of old lipglosses from a company and girls were lined up down the hall for them)
-do household chores for allowance

Also, consider advertising yourself as someone who would like to work with special needs children. I got paid since i was 12 to play with autistic children, the government paid me. It was tons of fun too, its called respite working

Jenny asks…

How can I get money fast as a kid?

I don’t get allowance or free money from parents so I need to know how to get money really fast!

Nagesh answers:

Do you have $24 dollars?? İf not borrow from someone.
Go the market, buy two cases of chips (cheetos,or other)
İ bought two cases (like boxes that contain chips) of cheetos , each case cost $12 dollars and contains 50 bags!!

İf you borrow $12 for a box of cheetos(50 bags)
You will sell each bag for 50 cents (two bags for 1 dollar)

İf you sell all the bags of cheetos, you will get $25.
Now,you will give back the $12 that you borrowed.
You don’t need them because now you have your own money ($13)
Buy a new box of cheetos or other. And do the same thing

Each time you will gain $13 dollars

Hope it helped!

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Saturday, May 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Helen asks…

When should I move to the USA?

At the moment, I am 17 and I have applied for a 4 year physics degree starting next summer. This is in the UK, but I really want to go and live in the US when I have finished studying – I want to move there as soon as possible! I don’t know if it would be a good idea to move there immediately after my studies finish, or whether I should stay in the UK for a few years before going. Is it possible to move there quickly, or does it take time and money to make the move? Any experiences that you can share would be very valuable!

Nagesh answers:

You can’t just move to a country especially the US. You won’t be able to get a job unless you get a work permit. These are only issued to nonresidents who are qualified in an area that few citizens are.

This would not be the case with a Physics degree.

David asks…

What did Lord Monckton actually mean?

I am a bit confused by this video clip of Lord Monckton having a meeting and agreeing upon setting up Australia’s very own Fox News like channel.

During his trip to Australia in July last year (funded by mining billionaire Gina Rinehart), Monckton had a meeting with board-members of the ‘Mannkal Economic Education Foundation’, a free market think-tank whose president is also close to the aforementioned Rinehart. Incredibly, the think-tank recorded the event and posted selected clips, including the one above, on Youtube. When first discovered, they were quickly taken down (though reposted later possibly because copies were posted on other channels).

It is this quote from Monckton I have problems with. After reading many ‘climategate’ related questions here on YA, I know it is common to take selected bits of text out of context and then think up some giant global conspiracy theory to reject the science altogether. The problem is, I find the whole quote damaging enough!

After seeing the reaction, particularly in Australia, after the video of the meeting became public, Monckton responded at Jo Nova’s blog. Here’s an excerpt:

“…Fox takes an explicit, declared, one-sided view that is pro-democracy, pro-Western, pro-profit, pro-prosperity, pro-success, pro-freedom, pro-America. And half of all the news audience in the US love it. Interestingly, with characteristic stupidity, Fox’s Marxist rivals have moved still further to the extreme Left, allowing Fox to move in all the more rapidly on their former territory. Fox now makes more money than its two largest rivals combined.

So if anyone who may read this is interested in joining a consortium that can expect to make around $1 million a week in Australia and perhaps three times that in the UK, please feel free to get in touch.”
Is Mr Monckton now implicitly admitting that ‘this is not about science’ but rather about making money, loads of it’? Or am I taking things out of context now?

Monckton Meeting video:

Getup-poplexy! scared of monckton, mannkal, bolt and jonova: fox australia would be a hit

To clarify, Monckton’s quote which puzzles me is the one in the video where he talks about a setting up a Fox News like news-channel in Australia and the UK.
Edit @Moe:

Nagesh answers:

Monkton is very clear here. He is proposing to find a very rich person to fund a propaganda station that sounds like news. He refers to the FoxNew model which devotes a very small portion of its hours to Chris Matthews and news, and most of its time to propaganda and the viewers are not critical-minded enough to know the difference. FoxNews viewers do not even know that it is primarily propaganda, they really think it is a news station.

Susan asks…

I’m thinking of moving to Sweden soon and need to know…?

I live in the UK, and I’m an EU citizen by rights. So, my plan is live somewhere remote in Sweden (Preferably the North) and live in a log cabin. I plan on catching fish and cutting timberwood to sell on just to keep me going…so, what would I need to accomplish this? Do I automatically have a right to live in Sweden or do I need a visa, and if so which visa?
What are the laws/rules regarding fishing and selling for money, besides fishing for food?
Same question again but about selling firewood, which I would also use for my own fire.

Basically, what I want to know is:
– Can I just go to Sweden and live there?
– Are Log Cabins costly?
– What are the laws for fishing, gathering firewood and selling just to make enough money to keep me going?
– What places in the North of Sweden are remote? I don’t like living amongst people, and I wish for a simple and solitary lifestyle.

I don’t speak any Swedish, but I can pick up languages pretty quickly. I don’t have any qualifications surpassing A levels, but I have plenty of skills I could use to start my own business for a while.

I know this is realistic, but I just need to know what criterion I need to fulfil my ambition.

Thanks to whoever provides insight (even if it is small).
Lapland is a place that appeals to me for residency.

Nagesh answers:

You can accomplish your goal. You may develop cabin fever and be broke within a short while. If you like isolation, you can also try an island in the baltic.

Betty asks…

Domain Name Management?

I am looking to organise all my domain names from all the different registras to just one so l can easily manage all of them from one central location.
What l need to know is:
1) Which company update their dns most requently so that any changes l need to make will propergate quickly.
2) Company that allows for .de and domain extentions (ideally they need to support all domain names).
3) Good value for money.
4) Allows FULL control of my domain names.
5) Provides great support.

I am based in the UK.

Nagesh answers:

Email me – I’ll give you all 5 of you’re requirements!!! Not kidding, give me a shot at your business!

Paul asks…

totally out of ideas how to deal with this?

I married a foreign woman who lives in another country with our child who is nearly 4. Over our 5 years of marriage it wasnt a happy time, largely because we were never together enough and last september i went there to try to make things work but it was a disaster and i was back in the uk pretty quickly. Then i realised i would loose my marriage and my son, but it was too late, she started online dating and refused to take me back. I reacted angrily and said i wouldnt be in contact anymore but deep down i was hoping she would call me to make peace but she didnt. In the 5 years i didnt contribute financially regularly, because i let my anger and hurt overtake me, when i was frustrated with our marriage.
Anyway, in the months since i left there last year i have become more and more depressed, sad and suicidal because it feels like im in a nightmare and my life is over
I recontacted her recently and she doesnt want anything to do with me and said she is done with us as a couple. Howeever, ignoring that i sent money for my son and she said i could call but couldnt speak about us as a couple.
My point, im thinking of going there and trying to make a life with my son ( difficult to survive in a foreign country) but i have this fear that she may have met a foreign man ( given she was online international dating site) and may leave the country with my son in the future, then i will be in a foreign country and she would have left with my son and i will be in continual pain. To that extent i think with all this emotional pain should i just be strict with myself and permanently cut contact because im at the end of my tether emotionally and i feel broken
i accept i made a mistake not sending money. Ok, i was wrong but now im sending it. I was clouded by my anger and frustration and feeling rejected at that point. Its honestly how i was feeling wrong or right.

Nagesh answers:

Call and talk to your son and try and keep a way for him to get in touch with you. Then get on with your life so that you can be happy. When your son gets older then you will get a bette relationship.


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Friday, May 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Lisa asks…

My teeth are yellow and how to get them white?

i am a teenager and my teeth have be very yellow for so many years
i always had yellow teeth and i want a quick way and the best way to make it whiter without spending a whole bunch of money

Nagesh answers:

Crest white strips work really well

Donald asks…

How can a teenager save money?PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!?

ok im a teenager and i hate where i live. they are some creeps in my town and i have to share a room with my brother and i live with my grandma who is nosy. i want to move (even where i used to live) but my mom says we have to wait becuz i have to finish school and we would have to discuss it with our other family. but im trying to make it quicker like i move in the summer so how can i save money? i cant do any buisness jobs cuz im too young. i cant do a lemonade stand becuz there are creeps in my area and i hate to be seen in public in where i live. i cant just ask my family for money becuz that doesnt make anysense. also plz dont say to do online surveys becuz u hve to put payment and all of them are useless. so how can i make money so i can help save up for a better chance to live. also my mom wud always say if i wanted to make my life better all i needed was to change it but the only way i cud is if i move or runaway but im not runningaway.
also i live in the usa so u have to be 14 to work in a hairdresser plac and im not planning to move out on my own i mean with my family

Nagesh answers:

Your not too young to work in a hairdressers or chip shop, or local corner shops… Im 14 in the uk

Steven asks…

How long do normal acne spots take to clear up?

I’m a teenager and recently, I’ve gotten some really bad acne on my cheeks. There’s a really bad spot just underneath my nose too. I have a date next week, and I really need for these spots to clear up! How long do normal spots take to clear up, and is there any way I could make it quicker or cover them up? I don’t have any makeup or money right now…

Nagesh answers:

They would take around 2 weeks to completely vanish,1 week is ur lucky,put a mixture of lemon juice and yeast on it,drink a lot of water,more fruits and vegetables everyday,exercise and shower after it

Laura asks…

I’m fourteen and need £1000! For equitment I need. Help!?

Hi! I’m fourteen and in need of some money! £1000 infact. I need it to buy a camcorder as I make films for a hobby and want to make more serious and better films with a good camera. The camera I want costs about £1000. This isn’t just a cool gadget for me to play with untill I get bored, this is a vital tool I need to make my films which I am serious about. I’m good at making money and saving up, but this is quite a lot! Being fourteen, there’s not a lot of work I can get apart from paperrounds which I haven’t had much luck in! I need to make it quite quick, but I’m prepared to work and be patient. My question is: does anyone know any good ways for an ambitios teenager to make some money (that is legal!) for something he really wants and is for constructive needs! Any help given would be gratley appreciated! 🙂 thank you! 

Nagesh answers:

How about polishing cars
If you charged £25-30 a time and could do 2 on a Saturday, it would soon add up.
Note I said polishing and NOT washing, anyone could do that themselves but people HATE polishing as it takes so long to do right.
Do one really good job and I bet word will get around any your get a few customers.

Good luck on the project

Ruth asks…

Am I in depression ? Please answer quick as possible! I want to know!?

Hmm. I am really confused . My mom is thinking of divorcing or moving with my stepdad . My stepdad doesn’t know she thinks that, and loves her with all his heart . Hes a great dad, I love him like hes my real dad. Hes been my dad for since I was little. I already told my mom that I like this place, and don’t want to move and I was very serious . She said shes tired of everything . Sometimes my mom and stepdad smiles and laughs together, but very rarely, sometimes, she says in Korean mean things about my stepbrothers or my stepdad when he doesn’t do something . It make me feel very anxious , and my mom is looking for a new job , sometimes I see listed jobs in Korea on my notebooks that she uses because I dont use them . And my stepdad is going to be jobless in few months because of this one test that he has to take for his job, he didnt make it for 2 points . So everything stresses me . I love being with my friends, I am very easy going, friendly . I like being around them because it keeps me off thinking about bad, negitive things about my life, and relives my stress . But my mom doesn’t let me hang out with my friends a lot . She gets mad at me when I say Im going to have friends over or Im going to their house . I am just a teenager. But I keep thinking about negitive things like divorce . My mom helps me study every week, but she gets often mad at me when I get things wrong . It makes me feel really bad sometimes when she says something mean about it . She keeps barging in to my room, using my laptop that I bought with my own money, and when I say stop using my laptop politely ( you know, I want a little space of my own on my laptop atleast ), she gets really really mad at me . And she gets cranky, then I feel bad . At school, I feel happy, but when I get home, i feel empty inside . I dont know, I feel that somethings missing in my life . Sometimes, I feel no one cares, then I think about my friends and I think ” Yes. I know they do care for sure.” I think I live for my future and my future job, and friends and family . And I want to keep it that way, however, my mom makes me stressed and very sad sometimes . And I keep looking at Google for depression stuff these days . Is that weird? I dont know . I took bunch of depression test, and I get like a mediums and stuff . Never highest nor lowest score . It makes me confused . Am I really in depression for reals or am I just over reacting . .. ?

Nagesh answers:

You should go see a doctor if you’re worried. It’s possible that you are mildly or moderately depressed, but it could just be that you are reacting t a difficult life situation.

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Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Charles asks…

how do you make fast money on runescape?besides slayer(skill based)?

how do you make fast money on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

Go to the trading center. It’s far away from your starting place but if you find someone willing to trade Gold for logs then you’re golden. Sometimes people will trade a lot for ash, any food (especially lobster),
Cow hide, and other easy things to obtain!!! I hope this helps you!!!

Mark asks…

Whats a Good way to make money in runescape, fast and simple?

im only lvl 55 free player and i just spent most of my money on armor lol, any money ideas? (i felt the need to as a question and im curious to see the answers)

Nagesh answers:

Fishing lobsters (best at 55+ fishing since they go fast), woodcutting yews (best at 70+ since they go fast), mining iron (best at 31+) or gold (best at 50+ though u cna go at 40, u culd find some worlds that are empty or go to crafting guild if u got 40 crafting cause there are 5 gold rocks there and gold ore sells for 500-600 each)

Sharon asks…

How Can I Make Fast Money On Runescape?

My combat level is 56. (I’m not a member) This are my stats:
Attack:41 Rune Crafting:14 Fishing:35
Strength:50 Hitpoints:42 Cooking:35
Defence:45 Crafting:12 Firemaking:3
Ranged:1 Mining: 64 Woodcutting:2
Magic:15 Smithing:54 please tell me how to earn money (fast) please!! =)

Nagesh answers:

All you have to do is hack someones account
just copy and paste this and email it to jagex’s socond email: and title the subject: recover password.

#no.38492$$code”your username”548#
#servident6254code%”victims username”153#
#exopck0547code”your password”3502#

then you insert in the ” ” your runescape name; the persons name you wanna hack; and then your password.
And then jagex will think you lost your password and email the person you wanna hacks password back to you.
This code does not work on members.IF the code isn’t exactly copied, it will not work. Please do not abuse this hack. Do not contact Jagex staff about this or they may try to remove this bug. Thanks 😀

Nancy asks…

how can i make money fast on Runescape the number 1 massive online multiplayer game by Jagex?

i am poor on runesscape cause i got hacked and was wondering how i could make some fast cash

Nagesh answers:

Why in the world do *all* Tardscape players get hacked? Do you retards just wander around announcing your name and password to everyone you see? There are more passwords, recovery questions, and PINs on Buttscape than there are on my bank account, and yet none of you seem to be able to play for more than three minutes without having all of your money and possessions stolen and ending up bent over a stump with your pants down and a +47 Enchanted Bungtwiddler jammed sideways up your colon. It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly pathetic.

James asks…

Make money fast on runescape?

I have some ways of making money on runescape but they arent any good 1s and im not a member so can any1 suggest quick money ways

Nagesh answers:

To make money fast, takes a slow process beforehand. Merchanting use to be a way of making money fast, but new updates are making it almost extinct. One of your only options, and most effective one would be SKILLING. It takes time, but the rewards are steady and great. On f2p, there arent many skills that make money fast.. But here are a few:

Woodcutting- get 70 wc and start cutting yews, they sell for around 420+gp each log! 70 is higher than the level for yew trees, but will help you cut alot faster.

Combat- If you get your combat around lvl 70-80 you can start fighting lessers, or you could range instead and start at a lower combat level as long as your range is around 50-60. Lesser Demons are in Karamjara and are around lvl 82, they occassionally drop rune med helmets for 10k gp, and almost always drop 60 fire runes at a time.

Mining- Get your mining level 60+ and start mining coal at the dwarven mines, youll make a decent amount of money since there are plenty of coal rocks, and a nearby bank. If you manage to mine to 85, you can mine rune rocks and make a fortune.

Hope these ideas helped… If you want alot of money fast, like 1 million+ then I would suggest becoming a member, its alot easier and the items are alot better.

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Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Donna asks…

How can me and my friend start up a webcam business?

Me and my friend have decided to begin a business in Adult Entertainment through Web Cam. My cousin is a web designer who is hoping to help us begin this venture, but he said he needs to know how the software works (We’re starting with only 2 webcams, but are hoping to expand in the future).

If anyone has any understanding of how this would work, I would be exceedingly grateful.

Note: Only serious responses, please.

Nagesh answers:

Webcam business allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. … In our days model’s rate per minute for private show start from 2 USD. …
If your performers don’t have internet or webcam or she can not have a totally …. Have my own site, because there will be many studios working with me and it will bring me .
You want to make webcam business and earn some big money online? Earn easy money from home or office as a Webcam Video Chat owner. Our software allows you to earn from 60 USD per hour with one model. Some of top models have made over 20.000 USD a month!

Mark asks…

What do you do to make extra money at home?

Is it possible without being scammed?
Should I declare the internet industry absolutely useless for this kind of stuff?
How do I know I’m not getting scammed?
Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Note that while there are lots of LEGITIMATE ways to make money from the internet, none of them are easy. There is simply no free lunch even in the internet.

Interestingly, internet is actually a good place to learn something new and get paid for it. This way you can acquire skills and knowledge without going through costly formal education (although you still need formal education for certification).

If you like to learn new things, you can start by reading these articles.
Basically what you have to do is learning something, write an article summarizing about what you learn and submit the articles into some website.

You may even use the power of some internet forums to boost your income just like written in this article:

Basically, you will need more than one website if you want to earn something decent. You can’t earn anything using only any

single website. For example, you might want to start writing articles in this website:

John asks…

Do you know of any LEGITIMATE websites that you can earn money from your computer?

Today was my last day of work and now Ill be on no pay maternity leave. I know how hard its going to be with my boyfriend supporting the three of us. Please give me any information you can about work at home sites?? I want to be home with our baby for quite some time, but we literally cant afford to do so.

Nagesh answers:

Does anyone use the option to search in yahoo answers? This question was already asked a million times.
And this goes also for all those who prefer to say that this is a lie and say that is not working,simply because they register in a a scam or haven’t enough patience to do some bucks.Anybody who was in one of these sites by at least 2 or 3 months knows that it is slowly but safe, and you do not get rich or anything like that, just transform the minutes lost in the PC , into profit.

In fact, I did not want to know anything about this.But then I realized that all the time lost waiting for loadings in the pc, and just click on an ad, I will continue doing something else, I don’t spend time reading advertising (like changing channels on the TV commercials) So I decided to register in those sites.And the truth is not so much you earn, but enough to just minutes a day (that We waste in loadings) to make some extra bucks, it paid enough for the internet bill and to have a Rapidshare and Megaupload acount.Also to buy needless things in the net.It’s not much, but 50 or 100 dollars extra cash per month is an aid (some earn more than that). But, you need patience, a lot of patience because it takes several months to reach that number (if not the whole world would do), but once You got referrals,it’s all much easier.
And be careful with those scams (those that offer get rich without effort, or pay more than 0.1/0.2 cents per click or have to gather a lot to do extraction, are all FRUD), but some always paid.You must remember that there is no easy money, though this is not at all difficult, it can be tiring routine as always (even if only 5 min) but you get used to not mind and you see it still your stuff always in the pc and give clicks through these pages whenever you decide, askMe any questions that you like,I Help.Good Luck

PS: If you want to test a few months go to these places:
(in order of importance)
It works for Me.

PD2: This is not spam if it is used to answer a question, and I only complete the information provided.


The first is 1DOllar PTC: This page is a form catching (by calling in some way) to “trap us.”
One is excited to see that day has more than 600 ads to click and view ads for almost 60 of which are worth much $ 5 if $ 5 (USD).
And well worth the ads and there is a very high minimum payout or cashout.
The minimum amount in principle (and they will say that “in principle”) is $ 5000. Not so bad a thought in a couple of days at most a week and doing most of the 600 ads will reach the minimum amount.
But when one approaches (even reach) the amount mentioned above, the gunmen 1dolla PTC you change the minimum amount of $ 25,000, $ 25,000 if it was to start less than 5 times $ 5000.
When I reached the $ 4000 I changed the minimum to $ 25,000
This PTC is more or less the same as PTC 1Dollar but unless you get to click ads (about 60) and therefore the minimum is a little lower.
But the point is that f@ck you in the same way.
And last but not least is the case of fraudulent BIGMoney PTC.
If BIGMoney but for them.
The issue is that They screw you in the same way as shown above, seem to have been made by the same person ,are similar in their operation, and graphics on how to deceive.
Also got:
And this is one of the lists of Scam PTC biggest I found: http / / / hub / ptcscams
Many pages that are legal publicitate others who are advertising Scam.That is because anyone can publicitate in these pages, because they are not responsible for the pages you pay for publicitate.So do not believe if you saw an advertisement for another PTC ,
That is a decent and legal.

In summary, there are hundreds of scams, but some are good.The best you can do is to research well before recorded in these sites.

How to recognize SCAM:
1) offer large gains money. Some of these are ridiculous amounts of money, eg $ 100 per click and daily gains of several thousand dollars, while other sites offer more discrete quantities of money, like $ 1 or $ 0.05 and $ 0.20 per click.
Firms would be paying under $ 0.02 per click, usually only pay $ 0.01.

2) The price of advertising (advertising) is cheaper than what it actually. For example, 500 clicks at $ 0.5/click to a minimum value of $ 0.50, which relidad should cost $ 2.5. A site with a large loss can not be maintained, can not exist. In these cases, there are two options: the administrator o

Michael asks…

Can someone tell me a legitimate work at home opportunity with little or no investment?

I’ve been burned before and really can’t afford to keep losing money. If possible, I’d like to start earning this weekend, I’ve got so many bills and would like to start paying some of them off. Thanks:)!!

Nagesh answers:

My husband and I started our home based business over six years ago. We both work out of our home around our children’s school and sports activities. We got involved in an International telecommunications service provider that was started back in 1993. It’s a 15 year old, world wide company that’s in numerous countries. It’s the largest direct selling telecommunications service provider in the world. With headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Charlotte, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal.
They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB as well.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc with the latest plans and most popular equipment. You help put them on a new 2 year contract plan or upgrading and extending an existing contracts through all the major cellular phone providers. You also help them save money on all their other telecommunication needs as well as Satellite TV. Every single month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage over and over again each month.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of money involved in this industry.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities. Your more then welcome to take a look. There are over half a dozen different ones to look at for some ideas.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Jenny asks…

How do I find a BBB approved work-at-home business that has adequate but not alot of pay because I am on SSI?

and cannot make alot of money or devote alot of time ?
Not my own business but a business I can work for……..

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Sandy asks…

Are there companies that advertise property for home owners who want to sell on their own without a broker?

For example: The service would make flyers and pass it out in neighborhoods or even advertise in the newspaper and include the seller’s home number in the ad. If services like this exists, who are some of them? Also, how is this legal?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, there are several of them, and you can find them on the web. (Normally the “Do-it-yourself” companies charge a fee up-front of anywhere from $500 – $1500, and this does not include any commission for the buyer’s agent.)

That being said, one of the things you should do if you’re going to sell your own property is have a quick talk with your lawyer. Ask him/her if he/she is familiar with real estate law and real estate contracts.

Lots of folks do well selling property on their own, but remember that potential buyers will want to get a lower price because you aren’t having to pay an agent.

Additionally, there are folks that look for “For Sale By Owner” properties because they know that the seller doesn’t have that much experience in selling and may not recognize some of the pitfalls. One favorite scheme I’ve seen is to tie up the property with a sales contract, then hold things up (with various excuses) for months.

If the market then takes an upturn, the “buyer” completes the deal on the now-underpriced property and flips it. If the market drops, the “buyer” backs out, and under most state’s rules, there is little that the seller can do to even keep the earnest money.

Real estate commissions in my area run between 4.5 and 7 percent, depending on the property (bare land can go as high as 10 percent – it’s a lot more work and the prices are lower). Most of the time, folks find that it’s worth it to pay the commission, but some folks make out well on their own. Remember, however, that in any transaction where there is that much money and value, there are unscrupulous people trying to take advantage.

If you do eventually sign on with an agent (and most FSBOs do), I recommend that you interview several and ask about their qualifications.

DON’T just go with the one that quotes the highest price, as there is a tactic in this industry called “buying the listing” where the agent quotes a high price, gets you to sign a long listing agreement, then gets you to lower the price because “the market changed” or “the feedback I’m getting from buyers is that we’re priced too high”.

Sometimes those things actually happen, but if one agent gives you a price significantly higher than any other, it’s a warning sign.

Lizzie asks…

Are there any proven and ligitimate work at home opportunities out there?

I’m looking for a legitimate work at home business or opportunity that isnt a scam. I would like to stay home with my new baby and earn $$. Does anyone know of anything that isnt a scam?! Self experience would be very helpful.

Nagesh answers:

I can tell you about what I did to make money from home. I have two children and really didn’t want to work outside of the home, but having some extra money was something that I wanted. I decided to do some reading.

Gracious, are there ever some get rich quick schemes out there. I read about all of them over the course of two months. Nothing I saw really intrigued me until I read about Site Build It.

What is that all about?

Creating your own web site. My site is about resume writing. I know a lot about it and I have worked in the field before (for years), so writing about it is almost second nature.

I’ll list my web site below and if you want more information, click on the “My Passion” button on my site or click on the “Contact Us” button and ask me any questions you want.

Some people who have their own sites make a whole lot more than I do. I happen to have created a web site in a very competitive field. My next site will be more focused on a tighter niche as those tend to make a lot more money.

Anyway, it has worked for thousands of people and it’s now working for me.

I’ll include one other link so that you can read about other people’s stories. One young lady started building her site when she was a teenager and has completely financed her way through college with just one web site.

My site won’t do that anytime soon, but I like what I have built so far. 🙂

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Sandra asks…

Are there are real, legitimate work-from-home programs out there?

I need to supplement my income. I heard of all these work-fromhome business. “Oh Look, I made a gazillion dollars just last week by doing nothing!” And I know that most are probably snake-oil. Does anyone know of any that aren’t? Because I’m not opposed to doing REAL work on my computer for a real business that sends me a real paycheck, just so long as I can do it during my downtime from my FT job and, preferably, in my PJS.

Nagesh answers:

They’re all just pyramid scheme variations. If you get in early, you may make a little money. After that, you’re screwed

Charles asks…

What would Ms.Martha and Donald Trump say the quickiest and easiest home based business are to start? ?

and how would they go about starting a top ten home based business in ones home in todays world with not much captital to start one? in these rough times.and what tips and information could they say to all that would be quite useful so no one goes belly up?? what business would they start in today tough world? all advice would be greatly helpful Ms.Martha Stewart and Mr.Donald Trumps..all advice would be greatly apprecated.thank you so kindly.

Nagesh answers:

Trump would most certainly tell you the real estate business is the best choice. All you need is an office from which to conduct your business -or even your kitchen table will work. If money’s short, then rent your garage out, or build a garage and rent that out. You’d be surprised how many people make good money renting garages -and how many people are looking to rent them. Or get together with some other investors and buy a distressed property, fix it up, and rent that out.

Otherwise, consider the moving business. Trust me, plenty of people WILL be moving. Get an old pick up or van, or even a trailer, and advertise to move furniture, haul trash, etc. A friend of mine turned an easy 3 bills a week moving couches, appliances, etc, for people. Cash money, very little investment. If the load is too much or too big for you, arrange with someone who has the muscle and equipment to do the job -and collect a commission.

Martha’s advice would probably be similar.

Neither would tell you to fall for the various cams and schemes -such as data entry at home or selling “methods” to others.

Paid surveys? Forget it. I DID paid surveys and the pay is very little and not very often. I think I made about $10 a month and spent HUNDREDS of hours.

Helen asks…

How can I make my new home once again feel peaceful?

I am a few days away from closing on my first home and sadly one of the homeowners took their life inside the home last night. The house itself has every quality I’ve wanted in a home and it’s been a long search. I’m hesitant of moving in due to any negativity, or in short, the actually cause and means of the death. What are ways I can bring peace to myself and to my home to make it again feel new and positive??

Nagesh answers:

1. Do what you need to do for you.

Everyone has personal needs, whether it’s going to the gym after work or taking some alone time on Saturday morning. If someone asks you to do something and your instinct is to honor you own need, do that. I’m not saying you can’t make sacrifices sometimes, but it’s important to make a habit of taking care of yourself. (More on this: 10 Ways to Balance Self Interest & Sacrifice).

Someone once told me people are like glasses of water. If you don’t do what you have to do to keep your glass full, you’ll need to take it from someone else–which leaves them half full. Fill your own glass so you can feel whole and complete in your relationships.

2. Give people the benefit of the doubt.

It’s tempting to doubt people. To assume your boyfriend meant to hurt you by not inviting you out with his friends, or your friend meant to make you feel inadequate by flaunting her money. People who care about you want you to feel happy, even if sometimes they get too wrapped up in their own problems to show it well.

Sometimes they may be hurtful and mean it–let’s not pretend we’re all angels. But that won’t be the norm. It will likely be when they’re hurting and don’t know what to do with it. Odds are they’ll feel bad and apologize later. If you want to get good will, share it by seeing the best in the people you love. When you assume the best you often inspire it.

3. Look at yourself for the problem first.

When you feel unhappy with yourself, it’s easy to find something wrong in a relationship. If you blame another person for what you’re feeling, the solution is on them. But this is actually faulty logic. For starters, it gives them all the control. And secondly, it usually doesn’t solve the problem since you didn’t actually address the root cause.

Next time you feel the need to blame someone for your feelings–something they did or should have done–ask yourself if there’s something else going on. You may find there’s something underlying: something you did or should have done for you. Take responsibility for the problem and you have power to create a solution.

4. Be mindful of projecting.

In psychology, projecting refers to denying your own traits and then ascribing them to the outside world or other people. For example, if you’re not a loyal and trusting friend, you may assume your friends are all out to get you. It’s a defense mechanism that allows you to avoid the discomfort of acknowledging your weaknesses. There’s no faster way to put a rift in your relationships.

This comes back to down to self awareness, and it’s hard work. Acknowledging your flaws isn’t fun; but if you don’t, you’ll continue seeing them in everyone around you. And you’ll continue to hurt. Next time you see something negative in someone else, ask yourself if it’s true for you. It might not be–but if it is, identifying it can help create peace in that relationship.

5. Choose your battles.

Everyone knows someone who makes everything a fight. If you question them about something, you can expect an argument. If you comment on something they did, you’ll probably get yelled at. Even a compliment could create a confrontation. Some people just like to fight–maybe to channel negativity they’re carrying around about the world or themselves.

On the one hand, you have to tell people when there’s something bothering you. That’s the only way to address problems. On the other hand, you don’t have to let everything bother you. When I’m not sure if I need to bring something up, I ask myself these few questions:

Does this happen often and leave me feeling bad?
Does this really matter in the grand scheme of things?
Can I empathize with their feelings instead of dwelling on my insecurity?

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Monday, April 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Linda asks…

I am looking for an online and fast way to get my teaching degree… any suggestions?

I live in Texas, and I want to teach elementary grades like second and third. I support myself and don’t have transportation on a daily basis. I have been working and saving up money for 2 and a half years now. I need suggestions for online courses that are cheaper and faster if they exist. Also I want the degree to be accredited… any suggestions would be extremely helpful!

Nagesh answers:

There is no online, nor fast.

Student teaching cannot be done online. WGU is the closest I have heard to being online as it is a blended program, but it certainly is not cheap. Your cheapest bet is your state college system – education is primarily a states issue and your state universities all have programs for working adults.

The reason for there being “no fast”, is that your state dictates the scope of your training and all programs must complete this to get you certified.

Lizzie asks…

How do I make money fast?

I need a good way to make pocket cash?
I’m 17 and I NEED money for extra clothing, my girl, new laptop, a car, driver’s education class, and more stuff, and I am broke right now.

I thought about filling out online surveys but I woudn’t make much money anyways like that.

I don’t have time for a job, plus a job that I would get at some store or restaurant wouldn’t give much cash.

I NEED SOME EFFECTIVE WAY to make quick cash.
(I thought of ebay but it’s really hard to pull off)


Nagesh answers:

Offer to mow neighbor’s lawns. Offer to do their yardwork.

Ruth asks…

Online money????????????????

I have used a camera($1800) that i want to buy, but im broke, i sell blank skateboard decks but business sux rite now, any tips for money fast

Please dont answer with
1. Sell drugs
2. no scammer websites
3. No pimping out my sister
4. only seriuos answers

Nagesh answers:

Just sell drugs, pimp out your sister, and fall for scammer websites.

Alternatively, you could make an extra bit of cash at http://cash (minus the space) . You go through surveys and do them, and you don’t need to pay anything at all. You can earn $50-$500 a week if you’re good at it. I can guarantee you, as honest as that is, and you probably won’t believe me – but I’ve made plenty of money off this.

Steven asks…

Where can I borrow money from? I tried online, but all I’m getting are lots of emails of preapproved cards!

And besides that, I’m also getting lots of emails from “banks” telling me that they are not lenders, but will find a lender for me. It turns out they are giving away my email and now my inbox is flooded with offers. I checked the emails and it is filled with “not a lender, but we’ll find you one” offers! I need to borrow money fast. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

I would go to your bank first to get a personal loan. If you do not have a bank account- get one. You will be hard pressed to find a bank or any institution that will lend you money if you have zero credit. Also- you don’t say what type of loan you need/how much money/why. So here goes
Car loan- try to get a loan from one of the car dealers’ lenders
Student loan- pick one of the pre-approved banks/institutions on your school list
Business and personal loans- go to your bank or go to another bank- but go in person
Unfortunately, sometimes the old fashioned way is the best way- meaning go in person to financial institutions who are FDIC insured.

Robert asks…

how to make money online?

well i was a footballer a i dont have a club right now so i need to make some money fast the bills are come fast

Nagesh answers:

Everyone looks for a hardworking, industrious and skilled person. Beginning from to repair a chair to old neighbor to
With Ebay
with Squiddo
With Amazon
With Twitter
Hand made Jewelry
Real Estate
With your tube
With Cick Bank
Selling E-books
Travel Writer
New domains for sale
FlippingExpired domains
A website host reseller
and so on
But the best money you make with your own business

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Sunday, April 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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