Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Michael asksā€¦

teenagers earning money quickly, helllpppppp :)?

i’m 16 and have been trying for a long time now to try and find a job. it’s impossible! i’m still on the job hunt but meanwhile i need some money as i literally have none and therefore am hardly ever out, it’s getting me down!

i do babysit every now and again but then i use my babysitting money to pay people back for the money that they lent me, arghhhhhh šŸ™

i do odd jobs around the home and my parents give me a small amount but it’s not really enough to go out, have a good time or buy anything with, please help šŸ˜€

any suggestions on how i could earn some money quickly??

(please no stupid answers like ‘selling yourself’ jeez cos those people make me feel sick)

thanks a lot šŸ™‚
hahaha okay thanks, to be honest though, for a typical teenager i don’t think i go out that much at all. it’s just the expensive tube fares that eats up most of my money (im in london, uk), but thanks a lot anyway.

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to make money. Online provides a great opportunity to make money. Free to join offers are available to you. Offers like google adsense which comes from google, paid surveys and paid to read emails etc would be enough for you to make money now. Google adsense is one of the great money making program available online.

Daniel asksā€¦

Legitimate Work at home opportunities?

I’ve been looking for a job for about 6 months now, since my husband lost his. I’ve applied for many different jobs but none have come through thus far. I would like to know if anyone is in any work at home program and has actually gotten paid. I really need to find a job soon and make some money quickly.No MLM or “get paid in 2 months” sort of things, because I know they are all scams. Thank you to everyone who answers.
Thanks for these 2 answers guys. I’m looking for something along the lines of at home customer service or something close.

Nagesh answers:

I work from home, but only because I freelance and have a number of ongoing writing projects.

The thing about work from home, unless you have a marketable skill like writing, graphic design, or something you can do from home, or you worked for a company that will allow you to telecommute, they are pretty much all scams.

William asksā€¦

I’m in a fix. No Car or Drivers License. But I need money fast. Please Read CAREFULLY?

Ok I have no car, and the closest I have to a Drivers License is a Learners Permit and State I.D. I’ve only one real job which was in Lawn Care, but it only lasted for like 3 weeks and he had lay me off because he couldn’t afford me. I’m 19 and I don’t have a Diploma or GED, and the reason is because I am in The American Home School of Correspondence and they have been dragging around on grading my test and sending them back so I can send more in. I’m wanting to get my GED but my Dads wants me to finish school. He also wants me to drive… but took me ONCE around the block 3 months ago… and is always telling me I’m worthless and that its my fault I’m not getting anywhere in life. I’m wanting out and away from my Dad, but I don’t have near enough to do it. My girlfriend lives in another state and she’s wanting to help me. I need some money to get down there. Any ideas as to how I can make that money quickly and what kind of work I can look for in my current situation? THANK YOU By the way this trip is from AR to NC by bus. So any tips in that area are also appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Fast food, car wash, lawn mowing, lawn care,

No one here can find a job for you. Jobs are where “YOU” find them. Find a job, earn some money, problem solved

John asksā€¦

How to make acne go away, be less noticeable quickly?

I have a couple big flare-ups that I want to go away.
I read online that putting tooth-paste on it at night would dry it up by morning, is this true?
Any other home-remedys?
I’d rather use house-hold products instead of spending money on a product that may not work!
I also have ProActive that worked pretty well but I stopped using it, and need to start again but I’m always busy in the morning and NEVER have time ot wash!

Nagesh answers:

Toothpaste is great!!

Ice your zit for 10 minutes

mix 3 tablespoons of salt with 2 of water and let it rest for 2 minutes

put a cotton ball in it and let it sit for 2 minutes

press it on your face for 5 minutes and it will practically be gone

then put some more toothpaste and honey mixture on it overnight it shouldn’t be noticeable at all

Paul asksā€¦

Sites for getting money quickly?

I don’t care how they do it, whether its a home business, surveys or even games, but is there any that you can make $120 (or more) in 2 months or less? thanks for any answers
Ps. and not sites that you have to pay money to start

Nagesh answers:

I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don’t need any money up front and you can start making money within minutes. I average around 2,500 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

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Wednesday, June 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Betty asksā€¦

How can i get money easily when im 14?

I’m going on a school trip to florida next year and need to get 1400 pounds, what are some ways I can get money like a lot of it quickly. The trip isn’t for helping people so i can’t raise money and I already have a paper round. What are some ways to earn money quickly when I’m only 14? Thankyou x

Nagesh answers:

Some ways to earn money at your age is to do labor for people. Offer to mow their lawn or clean out their garage. Another really easy way is to babysit.

Sandy asksā€¦

What are some ways to earn large amounts of money very quickly?

I am fed up of stuggling and also being ripped off. What are some good ways to earn large amounts of money quickly with little starting costs?

Nagesh answers:

Starting cost is up to you.
Here’s how you can make money without doing anything. I assure you that this is completely legitimate. Visit the link. Read everything first before making assumptions. The performances are VERIFIED by a well known 3rd party source. Just read through the description and do your own research if you want so that you will know that this is real. This will mostly be numbers so take your time to read it. It is investing (Not spending) to make more money. Please note that this is just a way to make more money, not make money out of nowhere. The statistics will show the past performance of an investment product. The description tells you where it is available and from there, they have live support 24/7. You can ask them anything you want and ask for help at any time. Do your research if this will all be new to you! Don’t worry. Everything will be automated for you when you’re setup and you can start making money doing nothing after this stage. Support is everywere. Here’s the link.

Mark asksā€¦

How can a 13 year old can make big bucks in a week?

I am going shopping with my friends next friday and I need AT LEAST 30 dollars by Friday! Today is Saturday, so I don’t have much time! How can I earn money quickly and that isn’t too time consuming?! If you guys do say chores, what should I charge for each chore and which ones would I get paid the most for? Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Your options are limited. Most businesses want you to be 16 to hire you for gainful employment.

Time to be inventive,
My suggestions to you:

Make up flyers and pass them around in your neighborhood.
Offer to do whatever work it is you want to do, such as :

Computer work, Babysit, Clean Garages, Organize Cupboards, File Papers, Wash Cars, Mow Lawns, Pull Weeds, Tutor the neighbors kids, Walk/wash Dogs, Dog sit, Clean the Pool, Assist the elderly, whatever…

Post first whatever it is you want to do or are good at …
You should keep your options open and make a decision after the persons call you instead of not giving them many reasons to call.

Say you are a student and available to work on weekends also.

Linda asksā€¦

Best way for a noob in Runescape to earn money?

I have a main account of level 77 only. But I started a new account recently and since I’m such a low level, I can’t do all the things I used to do to earn money in my main. So, What’s the best way to earn money quickly in F2P and does not need high skill levels?

Nagesh answers:

U cant get money fast, u hafta work a skill till its at a high lvl.

Helen asksā€¦

Does anyone know of any good way to earn from home?

I know jobs are hard to come by now, but I just wondered if anyone knew of any reputable companies which allow you to work from home. Or if there’s anyway or earning money quickly (but sensibly also).

Nagesh answers:

Buy crap at garage sales and pawn shops and put it on eBay.

A lot of people pay a lot of money for “junk” when it is on auction, for some odd reason.

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Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Susan asksā€¦

How can i get money quick?

i need help i have a baby luckily i have people that care enough to take care of her but its not for long i need a job but every time i apply i never get a call back are there any ways to make some quick cash something like a quick job like a whole day helping with construction some one told me to go wait at home depot in the morning for some one to come by and offer me a jobbut im not sure.

Nagesh answers:

How about trying day labor, that way you only work when you want too. Also there are temporary employment services that will find you a job. Many times, if the employer likes you, they will hire you on permanently. I have had several jobs like that over the years.

Richard asksā€¦

What is a way that I can earn money and work from home?

i am a stay at home mom with a 5yro and a 4moi would like to make some extra money not like a get rich quick but like a real thing here i actually make some cash

Nagesh answers:

The best way that I have found to be free during the day is a company called Pure Romance. We are an in home party plan that caters to women. I get to make a full time income on just 6 hours a week, but you can work more or less depending on your needs. I love my job! I get paid to party! That way, when you do spend time away from your children to work, it is adult time. You get to laugh and tell stories. Best of all, you make up to $200 an hour! Can’t beat that.

I’d love to chat with you about if Pure Romance could work in your life. I have helped lots of women acheive their career goals with this company. Please visit my website for more infomation, including my phone number if you want to call me with questions.

Robert asksā€¦

Ways to make money at 13?

I Know: Babysitting( i have no one to babysit) Dog walking(no one owns dogs around here) Lemonade Stand(That’s not quick enough)E bay, Craigslist, etc.(my mom won’t let me sell things on websites) i don’t go to school(I’m home school) so i can’t sell anything there.

I need the money for Christmas presents(like 3) i just had a lot of things going on, and i forgot all about getting presents! i only have like 4-5 days to make at Least 30 dollars(or more)

Is there ANY way to get extra money at 13?!
I can’t do extra chores around the house for extra money right now!
i wouldn’t feel right taking money from an elderly person just for helping them a little. and i can’t even get a lawn mower started…. šŸ™

Nagesh answers:

Well, if you have a special talent you could try busking, the malls are extremely busy (obviously) and a lot of people are very generous this time of the year. Or, see if you’ll be allowed to set up a stall of Christmassy food (like a bake sale) outside the mall or something, you could probably make a decent (ish) amount doing that.

OR if all that fails you could always make something from the heart, your family and friends will probably appreciate the time you took thinking of them even more than money spent on them. You could get ideas from here :;_ylt=AgblJdB8QmsombOc9XBh1_bHPYpQ;_ylv=3?qid=20071129194655AAzPoah,
as well as the other bajillions of websites you could potentially find. šŸ™‚

William asksā€¦

any legitamate asembleing crafts at home jobs??

i was just wondering if there are any legitamate asembleing crafts at home jobs…not the get rich quick scams, just a way to make a little extra cash on the side….if you have any websites or information that would be great…or any other quick money making ideas??

Nagesh answers:

There are none. You will have to pay to get the materials to make the crafts. Then you make them send them back and they tell you none of them are up to their standards. Make things and sell them yourself. Either on consignment in some store or get a booth at the fairs in your area or even on e-bay. Good luck.

Donald asksā€¦

How do I make a quick $25 to $50?

I need a quick relatively easy way to make an extra $25 to $50. Christmas is coming soon and I need the extra cash for gifts. My job barely pays the bills and feeds me and unfortunately donating Plasma is out of the question because of the diabetes medicine I take. I’ve tried recycling at home and that helps with bills in the long run but in the short term it is kinda useless for money. Oh and no car so delivering or moving something is sadly out of the question.

Willing to consider any legal idea.


Nagesh answers:

Go to the local grocery store and ask to speak to the manager. Tell him for $50.00 you will clean the windows, pick up the trash in the parking lot, and sweep and mop the floors. It will take work, but you’ll get your 50. Make sure you do a good and thorough job. Don’t cut corners. To make money you must exchange it for value. The only value you can offer are your services. The more valuable your skill set is, the more you can charge.

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Monday, June 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Lisa asksā€¦

How to supplement my income from a number by about $200 dollars a month?

I am retired, on a fixed income. And would like to make a small amount of money online ok possible. The trouble is , I do not trust the Internet. One person I’ve talked to , told me he could get $200 a month with shop and pay anybody ever hear of this. Would appreciate any help banks

Nagesh answers:

Ive never heard of shopnpay,but my mom is a huge e-bayer,she is retired also.She shops garage and estate sales here and there and even thrift stores,and basically sales junk online,on auctions at ebay,they only charge like .10 to .30 cents to advertise for 2 weeks,so there is no bank breaking…sometimes she even buys clearence stuff at walmart for like a buck and on e-bay itll sale for like 5 to 10.,remember you sale to the world!!china uk etc,are junk is gold else where…I also have a friend who sales re-condtioned computers/and makes a killing…you should investigate it, I shop e-bay for everything…ps,thers no tax issues and your in controll,your the boss..My mom has an acual store,on e-bay,she swears by it (no overhead) she racks in on average $250 to $500 a month.Good luck..pss,be careful of these quick money maker scheme web sites!!!…check them out 1st…if it sounds to good…you know the rest,heck wed all stay home and get rich online…hahaha,

Charles asksā€¦

Taxes in USA: How does the system works?

Hi! The aim of my question is to compare the amount of taxes between Europeans citizens and Americans citizens.
I know that anybody can be “shy” about money & taxes but maybe one of you guys can explain me how it works (For example, I can’t understand the system of payment or refund)
Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Taxes in the US are not a lot different in application from taxes in Europe, however the tax RATES are much lower than in Europe. I speak from first-hand experience having lived in Europe for about 10 years.

Incomes are taxed at the Federal level on all citizens and residents. The rates vary from 10% to 35% however a significant portion of most people’s income is not taxed at all. For example, a “typical” family of four earning less than about $43,000 pays no Federal income tax at all once the various credits, deductions, and exemptions are taken into account.

44 of the 50 States levy income taxes as well, with rates varying from about 2% to a high of 10%. The credits, exemptions and deductions at the State level are typically much lower so it’s not unusual for a family to pay $0 in Federal income taxes but still have to pay State income taxes.

A few Cities and Counties also levy income taxes but the rates are very low, typically less than 2%.

Virtually every local juriscition levies property taxes on real and sometimes personal property. These are based upon the value of the property, unlike the occasional European occupancy taxes such as “Rates” in the UK. The tax rates are all over the scale and tend to be highest in the few states without a State income tax, such as Texas, Florida, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Washington, etc.

All but a few states levy sales taxes on most retail sales. These are similar to VAT levied in most of the world but are typically at a MUCH lower rate, the highest being a hair over 10% and the average around 6%. Contrast that with European VAT rates of 17% to 22% or more!

Some goods are taxed separately from the sales tax system or in addition to the sales tax system. Items such as tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and motor fuel are taxed at both the Federal and State level. Rates vary widely but again are generally much lower than similar European levies on similar goods. For example, gasoline (petrol) taxes cap out at less than 50 cents per gallon in most of the country, compared to over $3.00 per gallon in most of Europe.

A tax refund is simply the return of an overpayment of a tax to the taxpayer. It’s most commonly associated with income taxes but in theory could apply to any tax. Income taxes are withheld from wages under a “Pay as You Earn” scheme not unlike most European systems however it is not as tightly controlled as it is in Europe. There is a mandatory rendering at the end of the tax year — the filing of the dreaded tax returns — where the taxpayer settles up with the government on their final tax liability. If you’ve overpaid your tax liability then the government returns the excess to you. If you’ve underpaid your tax liability, then you have to pay up.

Most taxpayers look forward to a tax refund but as the government does not pay interest on the excess taxes paid in, it’s actually in the taxpayer’s best interest to carefully manage their taxes throughout the year and actually have a small tax debt to settle at the end of the year. That way the taxpayer has control over their funds exclusively instead of making an interest-free loan to the government.

Most Americans think that they pay too much in taxes. However the truth is that US taxes are the lowest of all major industrialized nations and some of the lowest of all first-world and second-world nations when taken as a whole.

That should do for a quick “thumbnail view” of taxes in the US.

BTW, please ignore the rant about the so-called “Fair Tax” as one poster comments on. Total tax rates are FAR lower than 33% for all but the wealthiest Americans. Under that heinous national sales tax at 30%, the family of four mentioned earlier that pays $0 in Federal income taxes would pay over $12,000 in Federal taxes that they do not pay currentlly. How anyone could call that “Fair” is beyond me.

And there’s not a “large group of Americans” pushing for it either. They can’t even get it out of committee in the House of Representatives where it’s languished for about 10 years. Hardly a groundswell, IMHO, as most Americans recognize it for the cash grab by the wealthy that it actually is.

George asksā€¦

Does anyone know of any genuine UK homeworking opportunities?

My self and my husband sell our hand crafted jewellery and my husband’s original digital images at craft fairs and I have a full time job. However, none of this pays megabucks and we would very much like to find a genuine, flexible homeworking opportunity that we could fit in and amongst to bring us in an extra, small but steady, income stream.

We aren’t interested in get-rich-quick schemes, nor in Betterware/Herbalife/Kleeneze/Forever Living etc etc etc (we’ve both had more than enough of miserable beggars throwing catalogues out of their doors at us!).

What we would like is some thing we can do in the comfort of our own home from our computers. We are intelligent and computer literate and not afraid of hard work. We are also artistically inclined.

Most importantly we need something that does not require even the minimum of financial investment as we don’t have anything to spare at present.

Any help will be gratefully received!

Nagesh answers:

Most schemes you see advertised are not legitimate. I’d say making your own products at home to sell would be a good idea. Figure out and start making something that you think you could sell at these craft places, like something attractive looking, trendy, or usefull. You could even make accessories to items that are already sold there. I’ve heard you can do something like medical transcriptions from home, which I believe takes some training but not too much. You should ignore any programs that you have to buy into, or where you sell a product out of your home or door to door… Or where you have to get your friends and family to join for you to make money.

Linda asksā€¦

I want to find out some details about my family history- where to look?

I know there are tons of website to join- but which is the best value for money?

Also, I live in London, how do I look at records in libraries? What libraries would be good & how do I go about it?

I also want to look up the history of my flat- which I think used to be a pub- how do I go about that?

Nagesh answers:

Talk to all your relatives, ask to see old photographs, records of birth, baptism, death and marriage, family Bibles, funeral service sheets, etc, and make copies. Find out where all your deceased relatives are buried, visit the graves, transcribe the information on the gravestones and take photographs. If you don’t know where people are buried or are unable to visit the graves, you may find them on

Too many of us family historians regret not questioning the oldies closely before they popped their clogs, so get all the names, dates and places you can and then check these against the official records. Then work back one generation at a time, using birth/baptism, death/burial and marriage records, and the census.

The national indexes of birth, marriage and death up to about 1930 can be consulted at freebmd. Civil registration was introduced in England and Wales on 1st July 1837, although registration of births was not compulsory until 1875:-

Some local registration offices are putting their indexes online:-

The census returns from 1841 to 1911 are held at the National Archives at Kew and you can access the census images and transcriptions via the links on their website:-
Only the 1881 census is available free online. All the others are on paid sites although you can consult the indexes for free.

Volunteers are busy transcribing the other censuses to make them freely available and this site has completed some counties for some years:-

Some Parish Registers are online and the main free online resource for these is the International Genealogical Index (IGI) at the LDS site:-

If the LDS don’t have the Parish Registers you need, try the Online Parish Clerks for the relevant county:-
This is a fairly new scheme run by volunteers so not many counties are included yet, some such as Sussex have parish register and census transcripts online, others do look ups.

Another free site that is in process of putting parish registers online is

You might like to search the free World Connect project to see if anyone has already done research on your ancestors (view these trees with caution as much of the ‘research’ is suspect – verify anything you find online by consulting the original records before incorporating the data into your family tree):-

If you want more, these are directories of links to genealogy sites, some of which will be free:-

The Probate Office at First Avenue House, High Holborn (opposite Chancery Lane) has the annual indexes of all probated Wills and Administrations in England and Wales. No booking is required and it is free. There is a charge for ordering a Will but the indexes give quite a lot of information.

The LDS Family History Centre is in Exhibition Road, South Kensington, near the Science Museum. Your nearest main reference library will have the civil registration indexes on microfiche – other resources will depend of the library. The London Metropolitan Archives and the Guildhall Library will only be of use to you if your ancestors also came from London.

Jenny asksā€¦

Why are people in the UK so apathetic and let governments get away with doing what they like?

Nobody actually voted for a coalition government and now we are letting them plunder our welfare system. I agree that it needs a sort out and the scroungers should be made to work, but Osborne is going way over the top and now we have that clown Cable selling off Royal Mail. I object to my taxes paying these idiots salaries, do you?.

Nagesh answers:


I have to agree with you, not about policy changes but the fact that two bodies are now running the country acting as one.

When the situation arose, the coalition should have been put to public vote, yes or no.

For the two leading parties to take it upon themselves to form the coalition was wrong, public vote may have opted for a different pairing to form a majority.

As for reforming the welfare system mainly unemployment and disability benefits, it is no good moving people off one benefit onto another to make the figures look good.

The government just have to face the fact that there are not enough jobs to go around as it is and those that are there for your unskilled worker pay that low a wage the government end up subsidising their income anyway.

A few years back a politician worked out that if all workers over 55 were pensioned off and replaced by fit individuals who were claiming unemployment benefit the coffers would soon swell, mainly because of the extra benefits claimed to support dependents would drop. (not many over 55 have young families in tow).

Instead of trying this the government are increasing the age of retirement, why?

They say it is because we are living longer and want to work the extra years, that is a load of bulls**t.
The reason they want to keep the older person at work is because they have c**ked up the system.

How many companies do you know with an apprenticeship scheme, to train toolmakers, setters, general machinists?
At one time they were everywhere, now hardly any.

So when the old bloke down the road quits his job as a tool maker, draftsman, or tool setter there is no one to replace him, no one trained and ready to step up. That is why they want him to work till he is seventy, 5 more years of his skilled knowledge, no other reason.

What the government should look at is the unemployed person walking down the road smoking, going into pubs nightly, buying beer from the off license, talking on their new iphone and wearing Ā£100 trainers, in other words doing and having the things a genuinely employed person cannot afford to do or have.

They should look into where their money comes from?


It does not matter who is in power, as a voter you give your vote not to the party but to your local MP, and that is what is wrong.
Your MP has his own opinions about what is right and wrong and he follows his/her own feelings when it comes to issues.

We vote and pick politicians to represent us based on his/her opinion on a handful of issues, that we also agree with, but there are votes in parliament taken on hundreds of issues and that one MP speaks for 1000’s of voters and that is where the problem lies.

An MP should only be allowed to vote on issues he has presented his/her opinions on to the voters, anything else should be put back to a public vote.

I will give you an example, how many MP’s state their views on corporal punishment on their little fliers or at rallies??

I would guess that at least two thirds of the UK’s population would like to see the return of corporal punishment and the death penalty, especially in the cases of child abuse, yet when parliament vote on such issues I would say that less than a quarter MP’s would be in favour.

How does that represent the UK voters point of view?

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Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Charles asksā€¦

How do you make money on runescape fast?

i am not a member, so i can not make member items.
What is a good way to make money on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

The best way to make money (member or FTP) is to create an in-game business. You find employees and pay them money to bring you certain goods you can later resell. The principles are the same as starting a real-world business, but it’s a lot simpler in RS.

I bought a guide that taught me how to do this and made my first mil in about 3 days even though I was low level and not a member.

Ruth asksā€¦

on runescape what is the fastest and most money making way to make money on runescape?

I am not a member on runescape and if you want to join my clan my user name is jonsathan1 but I can’t find a way to make 1 or 2 mill in a matter of weeks.

Nagesh answers:

The fastest way to make money in runescape, even as a non-member, is to merchant using the Grand Exchange, but you need a bit of collateral to work with. If you’ve got at least 1m, you should be good, but you can start with as little as 100k if you need to.

Start a journal of the prices of certain items. I usually keep track of all the runes, the rune ess, and some of the ores and bars using the Grand Exchange.

Now, whenever you see a price go down for several days at a time, and then start to go back up again, buy a bunch of it at the median price. Then, wait a few days, and sell when the price goes up, like the stock market, which is why I call this “Stock Merchanting.”

Another method is to use the items that generally stay at a constant price (say water runes for example; they’ve been at 16gp each for forever) Buy at the median price and sell at the highest price. This works best with the items that are cheap, because even though you only make 1gp on each one you trade, you can buy tons of them at a time. I routinely buy several hundred K of an item at a time, and even if i only make 1gp for each of them, if i bought 500k of the item, 500k times 1gp is 500k gp. Plus, as your money increases, so does the amount you can buy at a time, and this builds on itself over and over. I went from 5 mill to 14.3 mill in less than 3 weeks. I call this “Steady Merchanting.”

What i usually do is use half of my money for Steady Merchanting, and use the other half on Stock Merchanting. This way, i can take advantage of the volatile prices without risking too much of my cash, especially since you’re going to guess wrong sometimes. But as long as you don’t risk everything on Stock Merchanting, you’ll always be able to bounce back. Also, the prices of item’s don’t change that drastically; the price on mith ore might go down by 20 each, but if you’ve bought 30k of them, you’ve only lost 600k. That seems like a lot, but relative to what you’ll have by this time, it’s not that much.

Also, pay attention to the “Behind the Scenes” updates each month. They can have drastic consequences for the prices of times. When Summoning first came out the price of Iron ore doubled literally overnight. It’s settle back to normal now, but if i’d had my money invested in that at the time, i could have doubled my money (i had 5.6 mill at the time, which would have turned into 11 mill).

Now, each transaction takes some time, but you don’t have to be at the GE selling or buying yourself. You can be doing just about anything else. Heck, you don’t even need to be logged in to keep selling/buying. That’s the best part. I went from 5.3 mill to 14.3 mill (and counting) in less than 3 weeks, and i barely logged in for more than 5 minutes a day.

Well, good luck, and happy merchanting!

–Dee Emarr

Laura asksā€¦

what are some good money making techniques for runescape to get rich fast?

im a level 66 and i have little money because i was hacked and lost my level 110 and my 66 but i got the elvel 66 back and he had absolutely nothing, so i need a good technique to earn money besides cutting yews which ive been doing so i now have about 180k,what is a good fast technique that is easy and doesnt have people that get in the way such as yew cutting tons of people on every tree possible

Nagesh answers:

Look in

Donald asksā€¦

Runescape help! I need a way to make money fast!?

Hi umm… as you know i need to know how to make money on
runescape fast. I want to make the money without killing things and stuff.. like make money off woodcutting, mining, and others please tell me what and how to make money without killing anything will do and don’t tell me to collect stuff i’m not a noob.

Level 59 (going to be a member prob)
Cooking – 55
fishing – 55
woodcut – 50
crafting – 40
smithing – 40
mining – 64
rune craft – 22

Please tell me how to make money fast using the least amout of time possible.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, dont click those free game sites, they put it on a million other questions too. Anyway, with your high mining/smithing skill, you could mine iron and coal and smelt it into steel bars. Dont make stuff out of steel bars, sell it at the exchange. Last time I played, I could mine my own iron, and buy coal from the exchange and smelt it into steel and sell it back for a pretty good profit.

Paul asksā€¦

How do you make REALLY good and fast money on runescape?

i need to make money cos i’m level75 and i only got 750k

Nagesh answers:

Okaiiy there really isnt a fast way of making money but here are some of my ways i used to make money.

1. Go to the hill giants ( you will need a brass key and some weapon of some sort. Go to the barbarian village and once u get to the bridge take a right and u will see a small shed, use the key on the door and go down the stairs. Once u see the kill giants kill them and get their bones, after u have a full inventory of bones go to ur bank in the grand exchange. Keep doing this until u have 200 bones and sell them at the grand exchange).

2. Second way is merchanting ( get about 7k from your bank and buy vials. Then wat u wanna do is go to the closest water fountain and fill them up with water. Then go back to the grand exchange and sell them. The water vials r more gp then the vials soo u get more money then before).

3. U can also make planks out of teak logs and sell them( this is kind of a nooby way but it still works). Get some teak logs and bring them to the lumber yard and the guy will make planks for u. Bring them back to varrok and sell them at the grand exchange.

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Saturday, June 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

William asksā€¦

Help me find an on-line work-at-home job which accepts employees from the Philippines too.?

I am an undergrad student and currently based in Manila, Philippines. Can anyone pls help me find a legitimate on-line work-at-home job that actually pays and which can also cater to employees based in the Philippines?

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Donald asksā€¦

Does anybody know of an autopilot program that will make me thousands each month?

I need to be able to find an autopilot program online where I can let the computer run on its own and the money starts rolling in. All I want is like $2000 a month from this system. I want something very easy to do that a baby can do it. Email me right away only if you have something that is seriously good and not surveys and stuff like that.

Nagesh answers:

No business runs on autopilot. You have to manage every business. If you want to make 2,000 a month, your going to need to work for it.
If you want something easy to do with an incredible income opportunity, I suggest you start looking into starting your own home based business. There’s plenty around in various different industries. You’ll just have to chose which one is right for you. One that you would injoy doing.
I don’t know what you like to do, what experience you have or anything like that. If you want to get involved with a business that will train you as you earn sort of thing, or just dive into something on your own. So I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago. It well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re already using and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction. Most of these business’s are under $500 except for the child day care business. This one is more because of the price of equipment and what you have to do.


James asksā€¦

What are some legitimate internet-work from home websites, where you actually make money?

Nagesh answers:

You can try to earn money through the internet. I have been using these sites for quite some time and I find it to be excellent and I have been earning money by investing my time in these 2 sites.


Helen asksā€¦

To what extent is internet banking safe?

I am essay an essay on topic ”to what extent is Internet banking safe? Describe and evaluate how security and privacy systems work on Internet banking”. I need to find some books on this topic and i need some help with the content on the essay.

Nagesh answers:

The Answer of your question is somewhat long but it will helps you definitely…


The answer is not very safe at all. Most Internet banking is automatically conducted over a relatively safe kind of Internet connection called Secure Socket Layers, and the banks themselves have high security which is rarely breached, but the weak link is your own personal computer, and it’s a very weak link indeed.

Most personal computers are shot through with security holes. This is especially true of PCs running Windows. You’ll find some examples on this page. The big problem is that if a hacker breaches the security on your computer, they can access your Internet bank account through it and pretend that they’re you. The bank won’t know the difference and you’ll find it very difficult to persuade them that somebody else transferred all the money out of your account, even though the transaction was conducted on your computer using your telephone and your Internet connection.

If you decide to take on the security challenge of Internet banking, here are some important tips:

If you have a computer at work, running on a big network, it’s highly likely that it’s much safer than your machine at home. Its level of security can be measured (roughly) by how strict the limitations are on its use. For example, are you able to download software from the Internet and install it on your machine? Are you able to view all kinds of files on the Internet, including Java and streaming content? If you can’t do these things (not just because they’re against the rules but because your computer physically won’t allow them) then it’s likely that your security at work is very good. You may decide to use this computer for all your Internet banking (assuming, of course, that you’ve asked your employer for permission).

The only downside to this is that your network manager can spy on you and even collect your password as you type it in, but the chances are that they’re earning plenty of money themselves and don’t need to steal yours.

However you access your account, make sure you use a good password. Here are some tips on passwords. Never, ever, store an important password in the Password List of your computer. Anybody with a decent knowledge of computing can read stored passwords in a couple of seconds (honestly, a competent eight year old could do it).

If you bank through your home PC, you’ll need to learn more about security. Start with the TinHat security tips. It’s pretty much essential that you run anti-virus software and a firewall to keep out hackers. You’ll also need the latest version of your operating system. Don’t do Internet banking on Windows 95. It’s too insecure. Windows 98 is marginal, you really need Windows 2000, and even that still has a few security holes. Windows NT is pretty good once a few service patches have been added.

Macs are relatively secure, though recently they’ve been attacked more often.. Again, you need the latest version of your operating system for maximum security. Each time a new version comes out it plugs more of the leaks in the previous effort.

If you’re running Linux, it’s likely that you know a fair amount about computer vulnerabilities yourself. You’ll also know that Linux can be made safe. You’re off to a good start.

The bottom line on Internet banking right now is that it’s not safe. To get to a reasonable level of security you need a good knowledge of computers. If you don’t have that knowledge, you’re probably better off waiting until the banks get their acts together. The way forward is for them to supply their own software that you install on your own machine and use for accessing your account. Only then will Internet banking be relatively safe for people without computer expertise.


Sandra asksā€¦

How do I find a work at home job?

Not one of those take survey or go to websights jobs. I’m talking about a real respectable one. I would love to stay at home with my son.I also live in a very small town.

Nagesh answers:

Job Description:
>Work at home Part-Time or Full-Time, the choice is yours.
>Earn $300 – $600 Per Week.
>Online training that is fast and easy.
>Completely Legit.
>Work as much as you want and when you want.
>Computer with Internet and Email access.
>Good Typing Skills.
>Basic Internet Knowledge.
>This home based position is a great opportunity for stay at home moms,
>dads, or anyone who wants to work in the comfort of their own home.
>Youā€™ll be doing everything through your email.
>This Home Based position gives you the opportunity to earn $300 – $600 per
>week. We are seeking only self-motivated people
>with the desire to work in this field.
>No experience is needed.
>This work is completely legit.
>You must have a computer with Internet access, a dedicated e-mail account,
>And basic typing skills.
>You can choose to work full-time or part-time and can choose to work the
>hours of your choice.
>You do not have to contact anyone. You will be processing responses from
>Ads, which will be explained to you in your training materials.
>Everything is sent to your email account.
>There is no contract to sign; the amount that you choose to
>process is entirely up to you.
>As with any job, you must be willing to work hard and try to respond to
>the orders in a timely manner.
>You will be paid from $10.00 to $20.00 for each application that you
>process. For
>example, if you process 35 in a week you make $350 to $700
>weekly. The average person makes $600 per week.
>The amount of money you earn is entirely up to you.
>You will be responsible for keeping track of your earnings for tax time.
>As we do not take out any taxes or provide you with a 1099 form.
>The training materials you receive are easy step-by-step
>instructions on how to get started.
>When you receive your training materials you may begin working on the same
>There is no special software required for this position.
>Method of Payment:
>You will receive your payment through PayPal.
>You are not going to be paid weekly; you will be paid for each application
>that you process.
>There is a ONE-TIME non-refundable fee of $15.00.
>This cost will cover the training materials sent to you. Once you process
>your very first order, you will have made back this fee.
>Some start up fees are as high as $30.00 or more. We have tried to keep
>Please understand that as much as we would like not to charge this small
>processing fee, we must protect ourselves from those who are not
>serious about this work. No business can afford to cover administrative
>cost, wasted time or provide costly materials to everyone who inquires
>this position.
>The Training Materials will be sent to your e-mail after
>your payment is received, you can then get started right away.
>If you do not have a PayPal account click on the link below to open a free
>account, so you can get paid for your work and purchase your materials.
>Please notify me when you have made the payment, so I can be sure the
>Materials were sent to you.
>When entering the email subject and note for payment please only enter –
>Goods (other)
>Please send your payment through PayPal to my PayPal account address:
>Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
>Thank You.
>Matthew Schlager

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Friday, May 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Susan asksā€¦

Does this look like a scam?

A few days ago I applied for a job at my local paper and today I received this in my email from them.
Is this a scam? I attached my resume when I applied. Why are they asking this now. Is my private info at risk?



We received your email concerning the ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK position vacant in our company. First of all, this is a brief introduction about our company. We are a fast-growing ceramics company and we deal in various kinds of tiles which are mostly imported from Europe and China, our showroom is in Beaverton Oregon but we have clients all over the United States of America and Canada. Some of our customers who are not far from us buy directly from the showroom while others make their orders online. Due to the vast number and irregular distribution of our customers all around the country, we are trying to open new outlets in strategic cities so that we can be closer to our valued customers. It is always a slow process trying to get payments from customers and also shipping their products to them. As a result of this, we will be opening an outlet in your city next month and this is why we seek an ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK for the new outlet to help with payments, be a live help for customers, keep records of transactions and carry out other administrative duties.

As our ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK, these would be some of your duties:

-Data Entry
-Receiving and verifying invoices and requisitions for goods and services
-Preparing, verifying, and processing invoices and coding payment documents
-Collection and processing of payments from customers
-General administrative functions

You will also serve as the contact point or liaison between customer and vendor centralized functions and resolve any issues related to a customer’s order. Majority of our customers make payments through certified checks and money orders as they are readily available and since payments come from a wide range of consumers, this is an easy option for customers. Most of our buyers are those we have previously handled successful transactions with and new buyers are verified by us so there is no cause to worry. When a payment is in form of a check or money order, you would be required to get it cashed and Process the Funds. You will be paid $350 weekly as your basic wage and a transport allowance of $300 at the end of each month but note that the job does not require any traveling as you will be working in the outlet when it is opened. For the time being, your pay will be sent to you by checks.
You will be going through a trial period of three weeks (which you will also be paid) as the outlet will be opened around the second week of next month. This is to test your efficiency and trustworthiness in working with us as we need to employ the perfect bookkeeper for the outlet. During this trial period, you would be given tasks which are similar to the ones you would be assigned when you are finally employed; the job would be part-time (3 hours daily) and becomes full time when the branch is opened in your city. A company representative will be sent to your city on the 14th of next month to meet you and finalize the opening of the outlet. Our company offers benefits such as flexible/negotiable working hours.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any as we will be glad to answer them as soon as we can. Kindly fill the employment form below as this is for our records and for us to facilitate the documents needed for you to be our employee.

:: NOTE: —This email does not state you have been employed we would be contacting you if you are eventually chosen to work with us.

Full Names: ______________________________________________________________________
Full Contact Address:_____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________________
Postal Code:_____________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Current Job: (if any) ___________________________________________________________________

Kindest Regards,
Josh Craving,
Human Resource Department.

Nagesh answers:

100% scam.

There is no job. There is only a scammer trying to steal your hard-earned money.

The next email will be from another of the scammer’s fake names and free email addresses pretending to be the “secretary/assistant/accountant” and will demand you cash a large fake check sent on a stolen UPS/FedEx billing account number and send most of the “money” via Western Union or moneygram back to the scammer posing as the “supply company” while you “keep” a small portion. When your bank realizes the check is fake and it bounces, you get the real life job of paying back the bank for the bounced check fees and all the bank’s money you sent to an overseas criminal.

Western Union and moneygram do not verify anything on the form the sender fills out, not the name, not the street address, not the country, not even the gender of the receiver, it all means absolutely nothing. The clerk will not bother to check ID and will simply hand off your cash to whomever walks in the door with the MTCN# and question/answer. Neither company will tell the sender who picked up the cash, at what store location or even in what country your money walked out the door. Neither company has any kind of refund policy, money sent is money gone forever.

When you refuse to send him your cash he will send increasingly nasty and rude emails trying to convince you to go through with his scam. The scammer could also create another fake name and email address like “FBI@”, “police_person” or “investigator” and send emails telling you the job is legit and you must cash the fake check and send your money to the scammer or you will face legal action. Just ignore, delete and block those email addresses. Although, reading a scammer’s attempt at impersonating a law enforcement official can be extremely funny.

Now that you have responded to a scammer, you are on his ‘potential sucker’ list, he will try again to separate you from your cash. He will send you more emails from his other free email addresses using another of his fake names with all kinds of stories of great jobs, lottery winnings, millions in the bank and desperate, lonely, sexy singles. He will sell your email address to all his scamming buddies who will also send you dozens of fake emails all with the exact same goal, you sending them your cash via Western Union or moneygram.

Whenever suspicious or just plain curious, google everything, website addresses, names used, companies mentioned, phone numbers given, all email addresses, even sentences from the emails as you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find already posted online. You can also post/ask here and every scam-warner-anti-fraud-busting site you can find before taking a chance and losing money to a scammer.

6 “Rules to follow” to avoid most fake jobs:
1) Job asks you to use your personal bank account and/or open a new one.
2) Job asks you to print/mail/cash a check or money order.
3) Job asks you to use Western Union or moneygram in any capacity.
4) Job asks you to accept packages and re-ship them on to anyone.
5) Job asks you to pay visas, travel fees via Western Union or moneygram.
6) Job asks you to sign up for a credit reporting or identity verification site.

Avoiding all jobs that mention any of the above listed ‘red flags’ and you will miss nearly all fake jobs. Only scammers ask you to do any of the above. No. Exceptions. Ever. For any reason.
If you google “fake check cashing job”, “fraud Western Union scam”, “money mule moneygram scam” or something similar you will find hundreds of posts from victims and near-victims of this type of scam.

George asksā€¦


im 19, and i havent worked a day in my life. not because im lazy, not because my parents are paying for everything i want but because i cannot get a job. I’ve applied to every single place I can think of. Sears, The Bay, Wal-Mart, Zellers, all the grocery stores and supermarkets in my area, to little family owned businesses, fast food restaurants, restaurants, dollar stores, gas stations. I’ve gone to door to door in shopping malls, babysitting, i’ve even looked in the classified sections of newspapers, and even took my search online to craigslist and kijiji to find jobs (only to get scams). I’ve tried employment agencies but not even they can seem to get me a job.

i feel like a hopeless wreck. i don’t have any experience except for the volunteering i’ve done in high school (its on my resume) but i can’t use them as references because the supervisor no longer works there. I got accepted to university, but now i don’t even want to go anymore because i have no money to go school. I know theres loans, and i have no issue with taking out loans but everyone seems to forget that its a LOAN. as in you’ll need to pay it back eventually and i don’t have the money to do that and with my awesome luck in job hunting it seems like i’ll never get a job. Seems like now my only option is working some degrading job in the sex industry and if i end up doing that well then it seems a kiss any self respecting job goodbye. i don’t if theres any options out there if there are, please help me out and list some

p.s:before anyone goes on saying its illegal, i live in canada and it is legal up here.

Nagesh answers:

Why not just get a job as an exotic dancer or be a webcam model out of your own home. You can make just as much money without the danger of rape, abuse or sexual diseases

Mark asksā€¦

PaybyCash wont let me mail them Canadian currency, any other ways to pay?

I wanted to renew my subscription to an online service. I usually pay by mailing PaybyCash the money, but “Due to the current banking situation in the U.S. we (they) cannot convert foreign currency” which is proving to be a problem since I live in Canada. So is there a faster way to renew my subscription than “waiting for Obama to turn the economy around” without using a credit card, bank account, or phone? (My phone service doesn’t support 1-900 numbers, which just so happens to be the payment hot line.)

Nagesh answers:

Go to the bank and get a money order. Send the money order to them. Then make sure you keep the money order receipt. In case they say they didn’t receive payment.

Richard asksā€¦

Canadian Immigration?

I am an H1B worker in US and want to immigrate to Canada as I have family there who are working and doing considerably better than I am here in US. I went to the Canadian Immigration website and read about several options available to single, working individuals who want to immigrate to Canada. Of these two categories that apply to me are Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) as well as the regular working immigrant. The website also states that the PNP offers a faster route to a decision because immigration authorities give priority to PNP applicants over the regular program applicants. Also what other ways the two programs differ? I am not worried about the cost involved in moving and also that goes into the process because that is something that will not change and I have money set aside that except the lawyer costs which I probably wouldn’t go with. I have first blood cousins and aunt who reside in Vancouver and that’s where I am thinking of moving.H1

From what I have read that H1B workers are given serious consideration by the Canadian immigration authorities because of their status as well expertise in their fields. I am hoping to take advantage of this fact but I do not have enough information about this and the Canadian immigration doesn’t describe any procedures specific to H1B folks. All that I know about H1B folks immigrating to Canada is from friends as well as some online research.

Can anybody throw more light on this and how the process differs? I am in my initial stages of reading and understanding the rules that govern the process. I also want to know if hiring a lawyer makes a difference or is it OK to apply without any help? I mean I don’t have the legal expertise but with the application process detailed and all the paperwork required is laid out, do I really need one?


Nagesh answers:

As long as you have legal status in USA for at least 2 years, you can apply to Canada. BUT if the USA finds out you are planning to emigrate, (leave USA) they may cancel the H1 visa which leaves you in USA as an illegal. If you are in USA illegally you cannot immigrate to Canada. (catch-22)

Of these two categories that apply to me are Provincial Nominee Program(PNP) as well as the regular working immigrant. The website also states that the PNP offers a faster route to a decision because immigration authorities give priority to PNP applicants over the regular program applicants. Also what other ways the two programs differ?

The aunt will give you extra points for family. If you choose the PNP route, you will be required to stay in the province you choose for a minimum of 3 years before moving elsewhere or you may lose the PR status.

Thats the only other major difference I am aware of. A skilled worker can live and work anywhere in Canada with no restrictions.

Below is a list of jobs in demand in Canada. If you are working in one of the below occupations (see link) you may apply as a skilled worker and be fasttracked to PR status. Http://
This is expected to be less than 1 year but there are currently no processing times posted on the CIC website yet.

Betty asksā€¦

Internet addiction, messed up life, possibly messed up future, what to do?

Since I was very young I never had a lot of friends. I was bullied since I was very little and people had fun humiliating me because I never reacted. My step-father (mother’s husband) had mental problems and would beat me up for no reason whenever he forgot to take his medications (which happened several times a year). I always felt rejected everywhere and I think I partially hate my step father. I won’t go into deep details but I really feel I did NOT deserve many things he did to me (he told me he was sorry and felt bad about it, that it was not his fault, etc… but I can’t keep myself from being completely angry whenever I think about him).

I always had an addictive personality. From the moment I got my very first video games (on the Sega Genesis in 1997), I got hooked to things behind a screen. I often spent days playing it and when I got access to the internet a few years ago, I spent hours playing flash games. Afterwards, I got addicted to a role playing card game (Magic the Gathering) and I played it nearly every days for about 3 years. This was not as bad since it gave me some social interactions as well as real life friends but I stopped playing when the local card shop clossed. Afterwards, I got addicted to various online games (mostly role playing games). In 10th grade, I bought the game known as World of Warcraft. I played that game a ridiculous amount of hours. I would usually play from 2.30pm (when I got back from school) until 10.30pm (my parents asked me to close my computer at 10.30 during school days). Once my parents were asleep, I would usually try to play a few extra hours. During week ends, I played until I was completely exhausted (that was usually after 20-30 consecutive hours of gaming, I would then sleep 4-5 hours and play until exhaustion once again). During holidays, I could easily play that game up to 140 hours a week and I often played up to 90+ hours on school weeks. Again, I won’t go into details but the game had a very competitive system that rewarded the players that played the most and I wanted to be one of them in order to get those rewards (high quality in-game items). Long story short; I got my account hacked, I bought the game once again, I played even more, I got my 2nd account hacked, I played strangers’ accounts for free (I have no idea why I was doing this. Since the accounts were not mine I would not keep any of the rewards I managed to get during the time I played) and then quit the game. I then got addicted to various online forums and I spent most of my 11th grade reading these forums and posting on them for about 8h a day. By the way, I didn’t listed all the addictions I failed for, these are the ones I can clearly remember but there were many more (most of them were related to computers).

After finishing my 11th grade, I moved with my real father out of Canada. I am currently doing my 12th grade in an American high school. My new addiction is now Facebook games and random nerds forums. I have 6 Facebook accounts and I usually spend over 6h a day playing role playing games on all my accounts in order to create in-game money (with no real-life value) and I send the money to my main account. I also use my additional accounts to level up my main character (the more you play, the more levels your character gets; if you have 6 accounts you can level up 6x faster). There is also a Facebook application called “Friends for Sale” where you can “buy” other people using an online currency and other people can see who you bought. I also use my 6 accounts in order to create more online currency in that game and then I buy expensive people. During the other hours, I usually go on forums such as (mostly made up of nerds like me) and discuss about funny things with anonymous people.

I recently got a conditional offer of admission from the College I wish to attend. This College have been my goal for a couple of months and I was extremely happy to receive a conditional offer from them. My results are way under what their typical students usually achieve but I had an interview there and I think they liked me. If I don’t meet their conditions, their offer of admission will be cancelled and that would probably be the most horrible deception of my life. In order to get in, I need to get a really high grade (5) on a Calculus AP exam and a high grade (4) on a European History exam. Both my math and my history teacher told me I will have to work very hard in order to achieve that goal. I know I can get this result but it is very hard for me to study or do homeworks for more than 15 consecutive minutes and I constantly feel the need to go on the internet. When I am at school, I always think about how long I have to wait until I can get on the internet. I feel bad whenever I am away from a computer with the internet and this is completely ruining my life. I nearly failed my 9th, 10th and 11th grade because of this bad habit and now I might not get in this College.
I live in my father’s office and I can surf the internet on up to 15 computers at the same time. It is impossible to hide them or to disconnect me.

The tests results indicate that I have an Adult ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and signs of Schizophrenia šŸ™

Nagesh answers:

Do the following if you are financially well off and have a lot of money:

forget college and stay on the net all day.


Do the following if you are financially well off but have a limited amount of allowance:

Donate $2/hr of internet usage to a charity .


Do the following if you are not financially well off:

Slap 30 times very hard (15 times on each chic) for every hour of internet usage

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Thursday, May 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Carol asksā€¦

Is State Bank of India backed by a United States Financial institution?

I make money online and I am expecting a payment,with direct deposit to my Indian bank account. Requirements are:
-The bank should be backed by US Financial Institution
-Accept ACH transfer

I know SBI accept ACH transfer, can you help solving the other part??

Nagesh answers:

I unfortunately believe that is the ‘catch-22’ of your ‘online job’. US financial institutions don’t back ANY Indians banks, as far as I am aware and from my research. You’re probably involved in a typical Indian ‘scheme’.
I live in the US. Obviously we can barely manage to back our OWN banks, much less banks located halfway around the world in foreign countries.

Laura asksā€¦

What is the best way to treat emotional and compulsive spending habits?

Okay my major problem when I go shopping is that I buy things on an impulse and then when I get home I regret making the purchase. The thing is though everything that I tend to buy on impulse I can afford. These conditions really started to take effect when I begin making my own money and spending it. Is this suppose to be a natural feeling that people get when they shop? For example the other day I bought this nice watch from a department store. I looked at once and quickly bought it with out any question and it was on sale. When I got home though I had a major case of buyer’s remorse and returned the watch that day. Is there anyway to cure this condition?

Nagesh answers:

Stop shopping for a while. Look online but don’t buy. Save up for the things you want. Determine what you need vs what you want and in the grand scheme of things, is what you are going to buy really add to your life that much?

I use to cherish things I would buy on impulse also. I would decide to buy something when heading out, look at a couple of stores and just buy, sometimes with remorse. Then came my divorce. Nothing really makes you take stock of your “stuff” until it is listed on three pages in a divorce settlement and is being divided just based on value. It’s disheartening to sum up years of purchasing stuff to just a list that has no sentimentality in the eyes of the court. After many arguments and fights when dividing it all up, you just have to realize it’s just “Stuff”. I finally had to just let stuff go as I wanted to finalize the head and heartache. I knew I could always replace it, but I really took stock of if I truly needed to. I actually took the proceeds from my house and opened up my own business, which generates income for me to have a nice nest egg for the future.

Good luck and stay away from the stores!

Donna asksā€¦

For which reason are various countries reluctant to make firm commitments to make deep reductions in?

Greenhouse gases?
A) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will reduce the standard of living in their countries.
B) Most of the emissions come from just a few rich nations.
C) They believe reducing greenhouse gases will not not make a difference on climate change.
D) all of the above

Nagesh answers:

None of the above.

A) No one really cares about the standard of living of the country as a whole. They care about their own standard of living. Since most governments are controlled by the rich, it is the standard of living of the rich that counts, not of all.

If replacing all the coal and oil with renewable energy were to make life immeasurably better for most of the population, the elites would still be against it as it reduces the power and wealth of the big coal and oil companies, the financial sector, etc.

In the U.S. The Republicans have consistently pursued policies that grow the economy more slowly than the Democrats.
But the Republican policies increase income inequality, making the rich feel better, while the Democratic policies reduce income inequality. Don’t you think those smart Wall Street types know this when they give more money to the Republicans and less to the Democrats?

Note also that there is a big difference between fears that it will reduce standard of living and fears that it will reduce GDP. After all, GDP has increased in the U.S. Over the last decade but the standard of living has not

The great decoupling

B) China is now the largest producer of CO2 in the world. It does NOT count as a rich country. India is the third largest producer of CO2 (counting countries, not the entire EU). It too is clearly not a rich nation.

C) Most countries in the world signed the Kyoto Protocol. They have admitted recognizing that reducing greenhouse gases WILL make a difference. They just don’t want to do it. This is the classic free-rider situation.

Consider the EU cap-and-trade scheme. They went to an awful lot of trouble to pretend to take action. If they didn’t believe in the need, they could have just refused, as China and the U.S. Did.
Instead they created a real system, and then set the targets so high that they didn’t really require significant changes.

James asksā€¦

Can someone please tell me the secret to making money online as an affiliate marketer with clickbank?

I have bought every guru scam and nothing works, but it can be done. Whats the secret? I am not an idiot I am desperate and cant land a job. Please share some insight. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First of all, many people think Clickbank has scammy products – ebooks with questionable diets and medical cures, get rich quick schemes, etc., so you might want to look at affiliate programs that offer other types of products that are more traditional.

The secret to earning from affiliate programs is unique and relevant content. Create a website, blog or page on other types of free webpages like YouTube, Hubpages, Squidoo: etc. About a specific topic and write about what you know. Here are some ideas: things you do, places you’ve been, DIY and how-tos, recipes, movie reviews, product comparisons and reviews., etc. You can also earn income directly from Adsense on blogs or from traffic as well as money earning modules on Squidoo, Hubpages and other article writing pages.

Do some research, put some of your own photos on your website or webpages then after you have created one or two, apply to some of the better affiliate programs and include links to products from your affiliate programs that are relevant to your topic. Here are some of the better ones:
You can also join the All posters affiliate program and use links to the posters they sell to illustrate your website, blog or webpages. It is especially helpful if you are writing about a topic that you don’t have a good photo to illustrate:

You can also create your own little free shop of products using your own photos or graphics on Zazzle: You can put links to your Zazzle store on your webpages to help generate traffic and sales.
Here is an example of how all of these things can be put together to create a page that can earn you some income:

Then your work is not over – you need to find ways to get good quality backlinks to your pages to get traffic. I have websites, blogs, youTube videos and Squidoo, facebook, google+ and all sorts of other sites that all link to each other.

It helps to visit and leave positive comments on other people’s pages – but don’t spam and drop links to your pages on theirs unless it is truly in response to a question they asked or something they are looking for. If you create a profile most people will be curious about who left the nice comment and will go visit your pages if you don’t annoy them by leaving spam.

None of these things will make you an overnight millionaire – it takes time to create the blogs and several good pages and more time to generate traffic, but if you spend some time learning and perfecting how to write good content you should start to see some income within a few months.

Good luck!

Ken asksā€¦

Is it true they will get rid of crisis loans from the jobcentre from the 1st of April?

My boyfriend had to apply for it and that was one of the things the lady on the phone said. I looked online and I didn’t see anything stating it. Is it really true they will get rid of crisis loans from the 1st of April? If so then what will people do if they really need money for something essential? It takes about 4 weeks to start receiving money when making a new claim for JSA… People usually claim crisis loans to get by during that time.

Be aware that crisis loans are available for people who work or are on benefits.

Nagesh answers:


Crisis loans will cease to be handled by DWP after 31 March 2013. My understanding is that this will transfer to your local authority from 1 April who will then be responsible for administration of the scheme. It will be up to each local authority to set their criteria for eligibility.

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Thomas asksā€¦

I need an easy way to make $500- $1000 at age 13!!! Not allowed to use internet game/money sites?

Ok i need $500- $1000 for a new bmx bike and i want to earn the money, fast and quick. I can’t use any internet sites to earn money so i need as many answers as possible. Plz help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Yahoo Answers is a terrific resource for this question, though some people are trying to sell you something. I’ve been answered some questions and now I’ve started my small blog on earning cash. I’m just starting, but I do update people on my success. I’m not from US,but I’ve still started earning money.
Http:// is my blog, you can read it if you wanna know what I do to earn money.
Before I started making money, I’ve been reading for a while, which is a superb resource for newbies. Now I’m trying to do some SEO, hopefully it works out for both me and you.

Thanks for your attention and God Bless.

James asksā€¦

How to Earn Money via Business as i have pretty Good space ( approx. 2700 Sq ft – Basement).?

Want to gain a knowledge for Quick and Easy money making business sitting at home while at the same time spending quality time with my family – Parents, Wife , Kids.

Nagesh answers:

You havent mentioned where your space is located.location is the most important factor in determining business.opening a showroom,boutique,agency,travel service anything all depends on location.or simply lease it out.
Leasing it out will ensure you transfer the headache to someone else.and get you easy money.

Chris asksā€¦

What are some quick and easy ways to earn millsbucks on millsberry?

I want to earn lots of money on millsbery to make some home renovations. Please help

Also i have a yard sale but i’m so poor i cant afford to advertise it. Please come to it by going to find a buddy on the left of your screen. then put books02 and look for the thing that says name mike and stuff.Then go to my house and look at my yard sale. Also i would really like donations by mail please!
SHUT UP YOU TWO FIRST PEEPS!!!!!!!!!! Thnx third dude there is a website called millsberry very fun look it up on google

Nagesh answers:

I signed up for it, I added you as a buddy.

Laura asksā€¦

What are some ways to get money fast and easy?

I need some quick ways to earn some spending money. I am too young for a job, and need money for kings island, mall, movies, dances, and gifts, excetera. Please share your ways !
im just an early teen so i need other ideas thanks though

Nagesh answers:

Collect spare change. It really builds up.
Wlak dogs:
$5 for little ones
$7 for big.
That’s what i’m doing.

Mary asksā€¦

Easy and Quick ways to make a bit of money?

I’m saving up to go to Malia near the end of month and have sold my car, x-box and new phone to make a bit of decent spending cash. I also have a job but can’t get enough hours or find another job (due to the economic down turn) I know its a common question but is there any kind of way I can earn some cash? (except donating blood or being a human lab rat but I would be a giggalo or donate sperm but I would not know to get into that lol)

Nagesh answers:

Sign up for mystery shopper tasks.

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Tuesday, May 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Richard asksā€¦

Should i Become a CNA to support me in College?

I want to go to school and become a OB/GYN, but while i’m in college, i wanted to be a CNA to help me with money and experience in the medical field. I know CNA’s are the least respected nurses, (my best friend’s mom and my cousin are CNAs) but this is just to help me. I also know they don’t make mad mad money, but the money will be good for a college student. And i heard that certification is quick. Is this a good idea? By the way i’m a junior in High School right now.

Nagesh answers:

Sure, it’s fine, but I would recommend going into home health aide, because working in a hospital or nursing home is back breaking bone weary hard work, the aides are extremely catty and competitive, don’t ask me why, but it’s like that in almost every place, and if you’re a full time student, you don’t need that much drama or hard work. Home health is much easier, especially if you can get an overnight position where you are basically just on alert for a terminal patient.
You could also consider taking a little extra training and becoming a med tech, and work at an assisted living center passing evening meds, very easy job also. Same or better pay than the **** wipes. (as we’re referred to)

Lisa asksā€¦

Where to get start up capital for investing?

I am going to become a professional investor, but I need money to do it with. I am in college right now, but that doesn’t cost me anything. I am wondering if you know of any places to get a lot of money. I was thinking of taking out a lot of student loans, because then I wouldn’t have to pay them back for a while, that way I can make some quick cash with options. But are there other ways of getting some extra cash to invest with besides taking out student loans?
I’m really good. I don’t want you to think i’m bragging, but it’s a response to your question. I’m great. And the other guy who said its dumb to invest borrowed money, that wasn’t helpful. I know all the risks involved, i’m looking for money ideas, not investment strategies. thanks!
If you are so dead set against investing loan money then suggest another way of getting money! instead of “borrowing for investing is dumb” say informative things like “there is a government program that issues up to $500 to individual investors” that would be helpful. I don’t know of a program that does that but i’m looking for ideas not criticizing!

Nagesh answers:

Student loans may help, but likely not to the extent you indicate. You will have to start paying them back as soon as you finish or stop attending college. You can try finding other people who are willing to invest their money in your venture in exchange for a share of the profits. It would depend on how good you are at investing.

Charles asksā€¦

I have a baby by a serial cheater! What would you do?

This will be a bit long but worth reading to answer my question. So im a 3year college student. When i was a freshman I met my bf on the bus during springg break (i know a bus guy). He had been in adoption since he was 5 and never been adopted, raped as a child, beaten, and jforced to join a gang at 11- sad huh. He had just found his parents and was sleeping on their floor. Anyway we eventually started dating and i helped him get into school at my university. He said all the right things and just seemed like he needed guidance in his life and he made me happy.That’s just the person i am, i help others. I lost all of my friends because they didnt like him and I just had nobody to be there for me but him. this last. I basically was the man in the relationship, i provided, nurtured, paid bills ( i know-stupid). This last August i gave birth to our beautiful baby. And I was happy but I just felt like he was up to something dirty. And he was.

FOR THOSE WHO WANT ME TO GET TO THE POINT ALREADY. When our baby was just 2 weeks old I found out that he had been cheating on me with internet females, older woman, and the worst people that called themselfs friends of mine! That hurt me worse then birth. He had been cheating on me throughout our entire relationship amd i was almost completely oblivious. I guess i needed hard evidence to shake me. An boy did it. So now here i am with a 3 month year old baby and where is he? Hes at boot camp for the army. We have a joint bank account so he’s taking care of me and the baby. But now that I found out im hurt pissed and all that stuff. So what to do. Well Friends say get a bootycall to help forget him, move out and do my own thing, or they just dont know. Well to me all of those are badass ideas. I AM NOT PLANNIG TO BE WITH HIM! I love him yes! BUT I LOVE ME MORE. To me if i leave then he’s getting away with this. So I figured since i took care of him for the past 2 years I should let him do what he said what he wants to do which is take care of me and our child. BUT I reaaaaaaly dont want to be with him ugggh how do i make this work! he is a pathilogical lier, I think he may have a sexual addiction, and he’s a serial cheater. I even found out that he had been going by this other name (like an alter ego). I think that he has deeeeeep issues that make him this way. that dosent justify any of this though. He says he wants to go to counseling but Im soooo sure Im done i deserve better. but I have to finish school and he has all the funds to make my life easier . . . i know that sounds like a gold digger huh lol. Im really not im just trying to get out of this situation quick and easy and my baby still know her father. I really am done with relationships for a goodwhile and all i want to do is continue my education. Im fine with leaving without his money or ever seeing him again, but we have a child so i feel stuck. There so much more to this story and i can write a freggin book lol so anyway plz your opinions. Do I stay and let him think were together? (maybe he’ll get his issues worked out although i will still never want to be with him) Or do i leave and struggle with a child while he continues his orgies hardly seeing his child and having all the military security in the world?

Nagesh answers:

Hey take a divorce and stay away from him …………… My answer is short but right …………william Shakespeare says once a person ditched you in your life he will again do so never give a second chance to anybody

Daniel asksā€¦

Online or home based work?

Anyone know any legitimate ways for a full time college student to make money from home (or in my case dorm)? I am not trying to get rich quick or anything just want to make some money for my pocket but mainly for student loans and rent.

No scams or spam please
I’m looking for employment or way to earn money. I am already enrolled full time at a University.

Nagesh answers:

I’m about to start going to WGU and i’ve spend almost a
month looking if it’s a scam it all looks goo and is half the price
of other onlice schools… That was my concern too Sh*t I’m
not going to be wasting my money on shit šŸ˜›

Susan asksā€¦

About meeting transfer requirements for engineering major at 2 year college to transfer to 4 year college?

If your majoring in engineering at a 2 year college and the counselor said it will take a VERY long time to meet transfer requirements to finally transfer to a 4 year college to get a Bachelors in your field of engineering. What would you do? Here’s the story:

I am only 2 classes away from an AA degree, yet the counselor at school says I still would not be able to leave the 2 year college until 2011 if I want to transfer with an engineering major , that’s insane ?
All due to the fact that
you have to take about 3 classes at my 2 year college for every 1 class that you would take at a 4 year college, in other words right now if I transferred there I could do all of it quicker and not have to take the 3 or 4 classes at my school per each, that equals just one class at the 4 year college. At this rate getting a degree would be more expensive, take longer, and be more time consuming. It’s possible that my school has it set up this way on purpose so they can make money off of students.

I was thinking about not telling my school that I am transferring with a different or undecided major and then double majoring in engineering after I transfer to a 4 year college.

Nagesh answers:

You need to talk to the counselor at the university they should have a list of requirements and what classes transfer. My guess is you have taking term or two worth of classes that dont even transfer.(I did the same thing) Counselors at the CC really have no idea whats going on or how the other school might be able to fug some numbers to get you in.

I have no idea what school your going to by where im going requirements are not that high to get into the university. Maybe look into going to another school if you want to do it faster.

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Monday, May 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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