Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Mark asks…

Ways to make quick money?

I’m a 13y.o. Girl and I am trying to save up some money, but I don’t have any ideas?
I want some different ideas, I not just like babysitting, dog walking etc

Nagesh answers:

Hello I am From India . Today i give you, answer of your question . You can easily earn money from your home. Are you listen about Seo or Google ad sense both are simple way to earn money from internet. In ad sense you create any blog and promote it on Google when your blog is famous then google put the ad on your blog s and when some one come on your blog s and click on Google ads then you can get $ 1 for each click.

Richard asks…

Whats the quickest way to get rid of a credit card debt?

Currently i dont have a job but i’m afraid if i wait till i get a job, the amount will be too great.

i’ve thought about getting another credit card to pay it off but ive never tried that and i’m not sure it will work.

Nagesh answers:

The quickest way is to pay it off. Getting another credit card is not the answer. If you can’t find a job, make a job. Babysit, clean houses, do yard work, do personal errands or grocery shopping, do laundry, deliver pizza, mow lawns, do childcare. There are tons of things that you can do to make money. Make some flyers and pass them out. I had a neighbor that averaged $1000 – $2000 per month delivering pizzas. As far as the debts go, here is a plan that will help you.
What keeps most people in debt is the fact that they keep spending more money than they make. They look at the “monthly payments” instead of the total debt loan that they are carrying. People need to stop spending now and concentrate on becoming debt free. Please do not consolidate or use a debt reduction company . It is not free, they will lower your payments by increasing the length of time until you are debt free, and you will take a hit on your credit score. Or they negotiate your debt down after telling you not to pay for awhile adding another hit to your credit score. Student loans are the only debt that can garnish your wages for non payment without taking you to court first. Just list them out on a piece of paper or a spreadsheet and follow the plan. If you work the plan, the plan will work for you.

A. Have a garage sale and sell anything that you no longer need or want.

B.Get a temporary part time job, if you have one, get another.

Here is a plan that can help you. If you work the plan, the plan will work for you:
1. Make a budget. Make the budget a week before you get paid. A budget is not a punishment! It is a tool which will free you from ever having to worry about money again. Put everything in your budget. Especially those annual, biannual, or quarterly bills like car registration, insurance, etc. Give every dollar you are going to bring home the name of where it is going. Add an “emergency fund” category to your budget for 25 dollars and save up until you have 1000-1250 dollars. Your emergency fund will help keep you from getting into new debt because of an emergency. If you can, set up a direct transfer to a savings account for your emergency fund. That way it moves automatically and you don’t even have to worry about it. You must cut your spending and live on less than you make.

2.First get current on all of you debts and make no more late payments. Stop using your credit cards immediately. Do not take on any more debt. Credit cards are like quicksand only the death is much slower. Make a list of all of your debts in order of highest interest rate to lowest interest. Use cash only for your spending from now on.

3.Pay the minimum due on all of your debts and then put your extra money towards paying off the highest interest one first. After you get that one paid off, you put the money you were paying on debt #1 (the minimum payment and the extra payment) towards debt #2. That will pay debt #2 off faster. When that is paid off, you put all three payments towards card #3 and that one will be paid off pretty quickly. As an example:

To start :
Debt #1 (highest interest): minimum payment+ extra payment
Debt #2 (middle interest): minimum payment
Debt #3(lowest interest): minimum payment

Debt #1: paid off
Debt #2: minimum payment from Debt #1+ Minimum payment from Debt #2 +extra payment
Debt #3: minimum payment

Debt #1: paid off
Debt #2: paid off
Debt #3:Minimum payment from card #1+ minimum payment from Debt #2+ minimum payment from Debt #3+ extra payment.

That way, you will get them all paid off, on time, and pay the least interest. It will also help towards rebuilding your credit since you will no longer have any late payments. This works no matter how many different debts you may have.

4. After you get all of your debts paid off, add to your emergency fund until you have 6-12 months of income saved up. Put that emergency fund money into a liquid money market fund or into a Bank of America no-risk CD so that if you need the money you can take it out without penalty.

5a. When you have your emergency fund in place, add a category for “fun” to your budget. Save for a holiday, a vacation, a big screen, or dinners out, whatever goal you want. Remember to enjoy your life.

5b. When you have your emergency fund in place, start saving for your retirement. Join the 401(k) plan at work and contribute the maximum. Your employer probably matches at least part of your contribution so why give up free money? Open a Roth IRA and contribute the maximum on a monthly basis. If you start saving for your retirement now, you will probably retire a millionaire.

5c. When you have your emergency fund in place, start saving for your next car. Only buy cars, or other things that depreciate, with cash. Save up for a nicer car. That way you get the interest instead of paying the interest.

You can do it and it isn’t as hard as you think. Just follow the plan.

Sandy asks…

Whats a really quick way to make money?

I need money like tomorrow, don’t really care how much. Just need some ideas on some ways to gather some cash really really quick.

Nagesh answers:

Home Business for you ….. Free to join……..

Visit our website…..


All the Best ……. Dont Miss it……..

Ken asks…

Ways to make quick money?

Trying to make $500 by the end of the month in order to put a down payment on a new car, and work towards moving out of my parents home. I have a job, but I need $500 on top of my next 2 paychecks to be where I want financially before making this purchase. Please help! All ideas welcome.

Nagesh answers:

Before making a purchase that will cost you a lump sum like a new or used vehicle, you should consider the following: monthly payment, maintenance, car insurance, gas and etc.
On the other hand, you want to move out of your parents house. I would advise you to save your paychecks until you have earn enough money to move out.

Daniel asks…

Ways to save money at home?

I want to save more money and start making homemade things. I know the typical gardening and canning, but does anybody have anything unique that they do in order to save a little money?

Nagesh answers:

I have developed a few recipes that work really well frozen and reheated, and I make up huge batches at once and fill the freezer. Some of my favorites are low-fat muffins (30-60 seconds in the microwave and you’ve got a warm breakfast), waffles (again, low fat, and pop them in the toaster), quiche (30-60 minutes in the oven), soup (pea soup is excellent frozen and reheated), a German onion pie (hard to explain, but a lot like pizza with no red sauce), and chicken stock. The chicken stock is great, because we roast whole chickens, have the chicken for dinner, and then boil the carcass for 4 hours with a bay leaf, some pepper, and a little salt. So the stock is essentially free, and makes a great soup (the aforementioned pea soup, or sweet potato soup) later.

It doesn’t work for everything, but some of the above works as “convenience food” — quick and easy to reheat and serve, so it saves us money over nights when I might be tempted to pick up take out on the way home…..

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Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Mary asks…

Why is perpetual economic growth necessary in a modern market economy?

ABecause the world’s population continues to increase.
BBecause citizens now expect a constantly rising living standard.
CBecause the constant creation of debt money requires the creation of additional money to cover interest payments.
DBecause the money supply is generally stable.

Nagesh answers:

The essence of the question is “modern” not “market”. Modern economies are founded on credit; most of the money in the world is bank money – created by borrowing; etc.

No one would lend if they didn’t expect to get their money back; no one would borrow if they didn’t expect to make a profit after paying back the loan. If the economy isn’t growing in real terms, then most loans just can’t make a real profit and the economy collapses.

When people talk about the modern economy being a Ponzi scheme, this is what many mean.

The alternative would be a much poorer society, where most people couldn’t afford to buy houses because they’d have to save up the cost of a house while still paying rent, where farmers couldn’t buy the machinery that made them more productive until they had accumulated the full cost of that machinery while being less productive, etc.

So the answer is C.

It is also the case, that people do want their standard of living to rise and are willing to take action against politicians that don’t deliver the economic growth that makes that possible:

And it is also the case that rising populations require rising aggregate growth just to keep standards of living constant.

So, politically, though not economically, A and B are also legitimate answers.
In any case:

1. It is imposible for there to be perpetual significant economic growth in any finite universe, which means that the modern economic system is simply not sustainable – it will stop.

2. The Marxists would argue that there is a further self-destructive element: the nature of capital accumulation, where the rich have more chances to become richer yet, resulting in a concentration of assets and a tendency for the rate of profit to fall.
A countervailing force would be continually improving technology, but it is hard to assume that technology will continue at the same rate from now to eternity.

Maria asks…

How much does your job pay?

Please just the title, field and salary. I am trying to convince my friend to use this this business http://urljacket to create a very steady income instead of joining the job race. He knows my income and the few hrs I work. He’s well educated but no real money.

Nagesh answers:

Nurse for terminally ill cancer patients 42.00 an hours double time for sunday shift..
Pyramid marketing schemes like you are trying to convince your friend to do are only great for a while… Let him be happy educated and employed you work from home long enough and you will no longer be marketable in the real world and real workforce… So work from home and you make your million quick before your leads die and your residual income is stuck at less than you were promised for your investment

Laura asks…

Is it in the best interest of the government to keep raising the minimum wage?

They get more taxes from the worker, from the employer, from the increase in prices of the product of the business, and then the next levels of the workers demand raises, also. It is a sneaky scheme to drive inflation, and make the currency cheaper thus making it easier for the government to pay off its debts. Including Social Security.
It is part of the giant economic scheme of the progressive liberals. Most are not even aware of this dirty Harvard think tank larceny.

Nagesh answers:

Hundreds of years and trillions of dollars of government spending have given us roads and bridges, schools and clinics, police and fire stations, courts and prisons, and the armed services that protect everything else. Spending is good!

To stay ahead of China, we need to spend trillions of dollars more, not less, on infrastructure, including defense. Spending is good!

By spending more, government could put to use such idle resources as the twenty-five million unemployed and underemployed Americans who are drawing benefits instead of creating wealth. Real government waste is caused by NOT converting idle resources into wealth. Spending is good!

Government spends too much only when it buys scarce resources that could be better used by the private sector. Our scarcest resource is energy and the only way to increase it is by spending more, not less, on energy resources: wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear, coal, and oil. Spending is good!

What’s bad? Borrowing is bad and paying interest to bond-holders is even worse. Why can’t we just print our own damn money? In an emergency, both Lincoln and Roosevelt printed money with great success. Out of desperation, both resorted to an excellent idea that should be used normally.

Pros and cons? Pro: Print just enough and full employment will create Heaven on Earth. Con: inflation, if you either print or borrow too much money. The only difference is that printing always avoids debt and interest payments.

Government prints too much money only when it runs out of idle resources. So, when resources are scarce and inflation begins, government can just reduce printing and raise interest rates. It’s like sprinkling the lawn: when it’s wet enough, stop! Voila! Heaven on Earth! Print the damn money!

Ruth asks…

Is there any way to earn real money answering random questions on the Internet?

I know, I know. Typical American capitalist point-of-view. What happens is this: I’ll spend some real time answering a question, will have really given it a great deal of thought. Then, the asker will delete the question. I don’t really mind that much about the points, but I wonder whether the questioner would be a little more apt to take my point-of-view into consideration if it actually cost a little bit of cash. Don’t know if my answers are worth money, really, but this is something I kind of like doing. I haven’t done any research on this; just curious about how many of you have had the same idea.

Nagesh answers:

I’ll bet that if you came up with a clever enough web site, persona and a marketing scheme, you could become a fad. People would quip “uh, hold on, lemme go ask Ron C” when they didn’t know an answer, or “I’ll have to consult Ron C for advice before moving forward” if a friend or family member was getting too demanding. Or, for the masochist who just wants to be insulted, you could have them ask you questions and then you could berate them. Sounds fun!

I think you need a video of yourself lip synching some catchy tune and dancing (like the Numa Numa guy), or an animated avatar with a weekly adventure, or a simple comic strip with voice (like Teen Girl Squad) to draw folks to your site.

Now, I don’t expect that people would pay much, so you should keep it cheap (2 cents for Ron C’s 2 cents!) and make it up in volume. Your real money would come from the advertisers.

Now that I’ve given you a thoughtful answer, you’re not going to delete the question, are you????

P.S.: Remember me when you’re rich and famous!

Helen asks…

What is HelloWorld And How can I Start?

I herd about this business oppertunity. They say you can make money from people sign up. But everybody has that story Is there anyone out there that can Give Me The Real Deal

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me. A scam that is.

But you don´t give enough information to say anything more.
Be sure to research them thoroughly before putting money into it.

And by seriously I don´t mean Yahoo Answers.

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Friday, November 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Daniel asks…

How can I make extra money until I can find a full time job?

I have been looking for a job for a while now, but it’s hard to find one. I have a bachelor’s degree, and everyone tells me I’m “overqualified”.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make a little extra money (or a lot!) at home until I find a full time job? I am not talking about investment opportunities or the like. If I had money to invest, I wouldn’t be looking for a way to make money.

Thanks for any ideas on how to make extra money at home until I find a job. My family really needs the money.
I have been looking so long for a real full time job, and not been able to find anything, that my family is suffering from me not having an income. I spend a LOT of time looking for jobs…I am not necessarily giving up to find a “work at home job”. I just wanted ideas on how to bring in a little extra money so I contribute to our income. If you answer, please give a real answer instead of criticizing me. I am pulling at straws here on how to make money, since I cannot find a job.

If it will help in an answer, here is my resume:
( I hope it’s okay that I put that link there.)

Nagesh answers:

Hi – I sell on eBay. I profit about $3,500 a month. EBay has been my full time job for 4 years, and I have sold over 12,000 items. You can start by selling things you already have and see if it works for you.

Please email me directly and I can share more information with you.


Helen asks…

Are there any genuine ways of making money from home that are not scams?

Making money from home while I am on maternity leave that is genuine and not a scam. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Prostitution ?

Ken asks…

Any good tips for predicting currency exchange rates?


I am currently working in South Korea, and thinking about sending some money home soon. Does anyone know about how currency exchange forecasts? From looking at one website, it looked like I should send the money I have soon because its due to go down (even further), but I have no idea about how accurate these things are.

Nagesh answers:

1. Exchange rates are very difficult, if not impossible, to predict.

2. Because changes depend on innumerable factors – internal, external. So many unexpected events may take place, making the forecasts go wrong.

3. Even those who forecast the changes, generallyy add a disclaimer to the effect that they assume no responsibility.

4. Economic differences between countries—in such areas as national income, money growth, inflation and trade balances—have long been considered critical determinants of currency values. However, there’s no definitive evidence that any economic variable can forecast exchange rates for currencies of nations with similar inflation rates.

5. Economists continue to seek the keys to predicting currency values. Some recent research supports the idea that exchange rates behave like financial assets, whose price movements are primarily driven by changes in expectations about future economic fundamentals, rather than by changes in current ones. These studies suggest that the real contribution of standard exchange rate models may not lie in their ability to forecast currency values. Instead, the models imply predictability runs in the opposite direction: Exchange rates can help forecast economic fundamentals.

6. For more details, please read the article at the following site:

Michael asks…

How important is it to own your own home and why?

How important is the concept of “ownership” in your life?
Ownership of anything really, be it people, material things, ideas, money etc etc…?

Nagesh answers:

I have a house, a wife, a job and enough money to spent.
But i don’t own them.
I’m a servant to the house, cos i need to maintain it in order to call it home.
I’m a servant to my wife, cos i need to maintain her or else she probably ran away.
I’m a servant to my job, if not i will lost it.
I’m a servant to money, cos i always wanted more.
Do i own anything?

John asks…

What is the best way to make money online without getting scammed?

I have been looking for a way to make money from home but it seems like everything I look at is a scam or they want money to view the info. I have a baby on the way and I am looking to work from home….any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Various money making ways and sites could be found here
These sites pay to post on forums

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Thursday, November 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Mark asks…

HOw can I make money quickly?

I need to make money at least 5 000 dollars for this comming up may how can I do make money in a quikly way>?

Nagesh answers:

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Betty asks…

need more money for my family?

i have a full time job and a 6 month old baby. he goes to daycare when me and his daddy are working but with having him we could use extra money. i cant get a 2nd job because i want to spend more time with my baby. would anyone know how i could earn extra money at home?. please……..

Nagesh answers:

Most online or at home jobs are a scam. If you want more money, then you will somehow have to figure out a schedule to do so. Find a part time job you can work when the baby sleep. A couple years ago, my family and I hit a financial bind. I worked all day and still wanted to be able to spend my nights with my kids, so I took a job bartending from 9-3am. That way I could be with the kids and still earn extra fund. I didnt do it everynight, as I would have burnt out pretty quickly, but I worked 3 nights a week and made enough to get us through a really bad spot.

Ken asks…

How to make money from home ?

Can you give me advice on how to start an online business from home?

Nagesh answers:

A call center in your home
In recent years, you’ve heard a lot about companies routing their customer-service calls to workers overseas, but a less-noticed trend is the growth in home-based call-center workers.

The flexibility that Opara likes also benefits companies. Home-based operators are typically contractors who are paid for each minute spent on the phone, so companies can quickly gear up to meet high demand without having to pay for idle workers during slack times.

The job isn’t without drawbacks. Pay usually starts around $8 an hour, assuming you get enough calls, which can come slowly at the beginning, Opara said. The jobs that simply require taking orders often pay the least, while the better-paying jobs typically require that you have sales skills.

Call centers usually have no tolerance for audible distractions, so a crying baby, barking dog or ringing doorbell could get you fired. (Some companies require their workers have dedicated offices with doors to minimize potential distractions.) An operator also needs a dedicated phone line, a computer and high-speed Internet access.

Some call centers that employ home-based workers:

Alpine Access
West at Home

Start a Web business
Paul and Alison Martin, who met while they were students at Stanford University, decided to launch a Web-based baby-product business shortly after the birth of their twins, Ainsley and Sierra. The couple launched Noss Galen Baby in February 2004, just before Paul graduated.

By May 2005, Paul said, the site was profitable enough to support the family.

The Martins had some distinct advantages. Paul had programming and start-up experience from a stint at PayPal, so he built and maintains their Web site. The couple also moved from expensive Menlo Park, Calif., to more reasonable Albuquerque, N.M., which keeps down their living costs.

Perhaps even more significant, the Martins were able to capitalize their business with stock-option money from Paul’s time at PayPal. But Paul said initial inventory costs were just a few thousand dollars, and he could have gotten a small-business loan or worked a part-time job to keep the venture going until profits came in.

Video on MSN Money
Turn a hobby into a business

Working from home is a dream for many — and a reality for a few. Turn something you now do for fun into something you do for a living.”The most important thing is to have the mindset that you’re going to make it work, that you’re going to learn from your mistakes,” Paul said. “It may take longer than you think. . . . There were difficult times when we were wondering if we were ever going to turn the corner.”

The Martins’ business isn’t the only thing that’s expanded. The couple had their third child, Dax, early last year.

If you find a concept that works, you might make additional money teaching other people what you know. Tamaira Sandifer of Sacramento, Calif., launched a service called Fun Mail for Kids that sends customized packets, complete with stickers, personalized letters and crafts projects, to kids via the U.S. Mail.

As with any small business, it can help to draft a business plan. The U.S. Small Business Administration has a free business set-up guide on its Web site.

Online auctions
Online auction sites have helped people do more than empty their attics (or fill them up again). The largest online auction site, eBay, says it is home to more than a million “professional sellers” who report the site as a primary or secondary source of income.

Mystery shopping, survey taking and ‘piece work’
Mystery shopping and survey-taking opportunities have been around for a while, but the Internet has made finding them easier, Webb said.

“Mystery shoppers” are typically paid $5 to $100 per assignment to pose as average customers and then critique a store or service, Webb said. The range for filling out surveys or participating in focus groups can be even wider, from a few dollars to a few hundred bucks a shot.

More from MSN Money
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Make your child a millionaire
Cost of being a stay-at-home mom: $1 million
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Calculator: Is a second job worth it?

As with other work-at-home jobs, applicants need to be prepared to start small and work their way up. Research companies look for reliable, articulate, detail-oriented people and tend to reward the ones who consistently perform well, Webb said.

Both jobs tend to come with freebies as well as cash. Webb said she’s been given such products as free laundry detergent and free diapers in exchange for her opinion on surveys.

Mystery shopping tends to take more time and effort but generally pays more. Webb said she makes about $6,000 a year in cash, plus free goods and services worth $3,000 to $4,000.

Maria asks…

How can I make good money from home?

I am a single mother of 2 girls under 2 and I do not have anyone to watch them while I work so I need to find a way of making money from home without haveing to invest money first…anyone know any miracles???? Its worth asking right??!!

Nagesh answers:

Sorry, but there are no miracles.

You need to do a search as your question is asked and answered many times, every day.

There are no work at home jobs online, other than Ebay (which is quickly becoming a disaster due to more sellers than buyers)despite the number of “scam offers” you are about to get, seeking only to part you from your money with “starter kits”, “demo set up kits”, etc.

Stay away from any replies to your question with URLs (web sites) embedded in them. They are scams.

Surveys pay about $1, and getting paid is always a challenge.

You asked for the truth, and there it is..

I wish you Good Luck

Donna asks…

how a 12 year old girl get money quickly to get a rat?

Nagesh answers:

There’s lots of things you can do, just be creative.

~Start doing a paper route. You can make about $100-$200 a month on that.
~The obvious – babysitting. Try sticking flyers in the doors of houses in and around your neighborhood. When I tried this, I got tons more customers.
~Pet jobs. Pet-sitting, Dog walking, cleaning cages and fish tanks, washing and grooming, etc.
~Roadside sales. Try setting up a lemonade stand, snowconge stand, etc. Once again, get creative. Usually you can’t do these in the winter though. It’s more of a summer thing.
~Once again, more of a summer thing, but washing cars, bikes, scooters, mopeds, skateboards, pets, etc. Can bring in a lot of moola.
~Try doing extra chores around the house, and if you don’t already have one, make a pay-plan with your parents. For every chore you do, you get a certain amount of money (ex: 25 cents for emptying the dishwasher). Make a chart to mark down when and what chores you do, so at the end of the week it will be easier to collect your money.
~Ask your friends if one of their parents owns a small restaurant or something, and maybe the two of you could start helping out around the shop after school for a couple of hours. I you get $5/hr. And help for 2 hrs. After school every day, plus 4 hours on Sat., that’s $70 a week, and that would be about $280 a month. You could also ask a family member who owns s buisness if you could help there too.
~Doing lawn services. Not only mowing lawns, but also weeding gardens, watering flowers and plants, etc. Maybe even plant-sitting when people are on long-ish vacations.
~Offer to clean a family members house for $20-$30.
~Have a garage sale, and have it be a thing for the whole family, not just yourself. Then anything that you sell that is yours, you get to keep the money off of.
~Sell stuff on eBay.
~Make bracelets and necklaces. It’s very simple. Just go buy some elastic cor and glass beads (this way they won’t be cheap). Then simply just make them. You can also find some books on how to make different styles. I sold mine for $5 when I made them. It adds up quickly. Just sell them to family and friends, and maybe even offer to make them for people at school.
~See if you can become a life guard at a local pool.
~Try helping out the elderly. If there are some older people in your neighborhood (or old relatives, like grandmas) offer to do some lawn work, buy some groceries for them, shovel their sidewalk, etc.
~Shovel driveways
~This isn’t the greatest idea, but ask your mom if you can participate in online surveys and such. They can offer up to $50 a survey I hear.
~See if there’s anything you can do around your church to help out.
~Offer to clean your neighbors windows, and other odd jobs.
~See if your local nursing home would pay you for helping out. I know some do for playing games with them, helping them eat, reading to them, etc.
~Recycle cans. My brother and I used to do it. They would pay us 25 cents a pound for uncrushed and 30 cents a pound for crushed cans.
~Any type of craft you can make and sell would be great. For ex: greeting cards, hair accesories, mittens, fleece tie blankets and pillows, etc. Be creative.
~You aren’t old enough yet, but when you’re older and you need some cash, donate blood and plasma.
~You can get a job at Cold Stone Creamery (and lots of other places too, like grocery stores) when you’re 14.
~Become a referee for your town’s local soccer league. My brother does that (he’s 14, but I think you can start at 13) and he makes between $10-$35 per game, depending on how old the players are and how long the games are.

Whew! Here’s a bunch of ideas. I hope this helps, and good luck!

Oh, also, look at these and see if parents will let you join one of these:…

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Daniel asks…

is their a job you can do from home that is lagit?

I am a single mother of 4 and my husband is fighting a bogus charge in the jail.. in the mean time i have no family and no friends to help. just me but my bills have piled up and without my husbands income i cannot make it,, i need to make some money now and fast but legal, didnt know if anyone knows of any sites that realy work .. i tryed some sites and all they did was take what money i had left. and now i have nothing at all..
any segestions? oo and by the way with out my hubby home to alternate shifts w me i now have lost my job. so i realy need help…


Nagesh answers:

Ya but it would involve alot of writing

George asks…

I have a friend who is totally broke and I need advice how to get money fast PLEASE HELP!!!…?

I have a friend who has a suspended license cause she couldnt pay the ticket.. so she cant drive and she lives a lng way from town. Is there a financial aid somwhere she can get approved for? She cant claim unemployment dont have enough hours. I need Advice fast her phone will be shut off in 3 days so no communication! Please Help!! She a very good singer and was on her way to make a ablum working with pro producers b4 she lost it all when she quite her job to move back home with her alcoholic mother! Any advice would be appreciated

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know but if she ends up homeless, here’s a guide on how she can get back on her feet and where to live and stuff like that.

William asks…

Good ways to earn money at home?

I am saving up for a ferret. There is a sale at Petco this sunday and is going on for a for a few weeks. The ferretts will be on sale for $99.99 and I already have $65.00. Any ideas?!?!?!

sorry 4 caps <:)

Nagesh answers:

Earn money fast by trading forex(Trading Currencies). It is way safer than trading stocks and you can trade 24 hrs; Moreover, You can buy OR sell currency pairs, this means you can profit in both a rising and falling market. This is ideal in the current economic crisis.

Also it is very easy to learn since the forex market is very predictable. Many people have changed their $50 to $5000 in just a few days.
Marketiva is a forex broker that has been around for years, very reliable. I have withdrawn my money from them 26 times.

It will give you $5 free just to try trading forex!!!

When you sign up, $2.5 will be in your live funds, the other $2.5 will be in your live forex account. You can freely transfer money between accounts.

Moreover, they have a live support system that will answer your questions in different languages instantly (open 24 hrs). Also, they have chat rooms of more than 30 different languages.

Join now at:

Etoro is another fantastic broker (you may trade currencies, gold, silver and other commodities as well) with an excellent platform for beginners and professionals. NO MORE boring tradings, with the visual graphics, trading at Etoro is like playing games. Also, you will receive up to $1000 after your initial deposit. For professionals, there are weekly contests where you can earn cash prizes for being a good trader!! Best of all, it is free to sign up!!!

Hurry up and Don’t miss out on this great earning opportunity.

Join Now at

Check for more earning opportunities.

Mandy asks…

fast way to make money?

whats a fast way to make money ?

Nagesh answers:

Get a truck. Troll your neighborhood for cast-off and unwanted, but sellable items. Bring the items home. Clean them up. Take pictures of them. Place ads on in your area. Include the pictures, a good description, and your phone number.

If the items you have found are in demand, your phone will begin ringing almost as soon as you place the craigslist ads.

I have done this for the past two years and I have been making $200 per week. The best sellers:
Living room furniture, lamps, desks, lawn equipment (working or not. I sold a broken Honda mower for $30), snow boards ($30), power equipment (I found an Emglo air compressor and sold it for $90), luggage (average price $7 to $15 for 4-wheelers), etc.

Last Week, I sold a recliner sofa ($60), a 61-inch Flat Screen TV ($40), and a golf putting practice machine ($10). And somebody wants to buy the Tama Drumset I found. They are willing to pay $150.

Today, I sold a NEC 17 inch computer flat screen monitor ($20), an easy chair with ottoman ($30), a Yamaha electronic keyboard ($40), and a pair of wood nightstands ($40).
Personal success at this venture

Mark asks…

Fast ways to make money!?

Im young, female ++
i want extra money for school shopping.
Nobody ever asks me to babysit.


Nagesh answers:

Well you could try survey sites. They’ve worked for me. I review some survey sites to make money that have worked for me at What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on these web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, these sites never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Easy as that! I give you my word that they pay.

Email me at if you have any questions

p.s half the answers you were givens are scams awsurveys, snapdollars, etc. Don’t worry i deleted most of them

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Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Susan asks…

My dad and I never got along. He now took away my car and my college fund. What is a quick way to earn money?

poor, emotional help, alone, family problems.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry but there aren’t any quick fixes to earning money or else everybody would be doing it. I hate to say it buy you were probably lucky to have a dad that gave you a college fund. I’d probably suck it up, apologize, and try to get that fund back. Its worth much more that the car in the long run. Other than that, you should look for a job in a field that you like with a company with a strong benefit package that includes tuition assistance or tuition reimbursement. That will partially restore the impact of a lost college fund and pave your way to an education that will lead to a good salary in the long run.

Linda asks…

What are some quick and painless ways to die ?

I’m 20 and college isn’t working out, I have no money to finish and to me it’s a waste of time. I can’t find a job and my family are expecting to much from me. Life isn’t really worth it, I’m not happy with the way I look and feel. I’ve tried hanging myself but it takes to long for me to die and I end up passing out. So if anyone has some ideas please share. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Just because life isn’t working out the way you’d like at the moment, it doesn’t mean you should give in and kill yourself. You have no money and can’t find a job; find other means of making money. You’re not happy the way you look; build your confidence and that will have an overall effect on the way you feel. Go out and get a haircut, new cologne, clothes etc; whatever makes you feel best about yourself. Maybe get a companion? Find something you enjoy doing and focus on it. In all honesty, f*uck what your family expects of you, you only have one life and you shouldn’t be living it for anyone else but yourself. Have you tried music therapy? Music is what pulled me from the edge and has me actually looking forward in life. I’d recommend you some songs if you like. Just find something that makes you want to keep living, and hold on to it. Suicide is being a coward and backing out.

George asks…

Question about college loan? 10 Pts?

Okay say a college or school loans a person 10 or 15 grand to get into school. Well you know how if you don’t graduate, you have to pay the money back right? Well what if I only use $1500 of that money and pay that back within a few months and then have the 10-15 grand and just give it back to them. Would that be a bad way for a quick auto loan?

Nagesh answers:

Fraud comes to mind. Student loans, particularly Federally backed student loans, have terms that require the money be used for education. Some only give the money directly to the school. You never get your hands on it.

But even better question, how will you qualify for this $15K student loan? You’re pretty much gonna need the same credit history as for a car loan.

Charles asks…

How can a college student save money?

What are little things I can do to save money? I’m trying to cutback because I recently spent $600 on something, which is starting to dig a hole in my bank account.
I’m home now for the holidays, so how can I save money at home and at college?
NO suggestions for online surveys/money makers please!!!

Nagesh answers:

I have a blog that helps people learn to save money. Just like your looking for there are no surveys involved and no get rich quick garbage.

Oh and why is the coffee a day thing so popular as a way to save money. I don’t know that many people go to starbucks 7 days a week

Carol asks…

Job or Education? Please read! Any way of making money quick?

So my story is, I am at the moment a full time college student and I finish in July this year. I would really like to go to University in September but I would like to move away from where I live to gain independence and experience. I have always wanted to move and I really want to carry on in education. My problem is that my family is really struggling with money at the moment and I really want to be able to help them. The only way I can do this is by getting a job and supporting them. That would also mean me not being able to go to University to do so. By going to University, I will be better qualified to have a better job and reach my dream.

I was wondering if there is any way of making some money easily but not going to work which will enable me having a better future? I just want to help them out. Even if it’s just enough money to give to them and me not having any money for myself? Has anything ever worked for you?

Thank you. It means a lot 🙂

Nagesh answers:

My friend i would recommend you to continue with your studies, it is true that under any circumstances a good degree provide a reliable job, but with current scenario i would suggest you to find some part timers job, which can give you access to money through hard work, but do continue with your studies. Through this medium can also meet your college fees & help your family in overcoming financial hurdles.

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Monday, November 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Robert asks…

Valentine’s day ideas teenagers?

ok theres this girl i’ve been seeing for about a year she is my first girlfriend we are both 17 and i really want to do something to show i care and love her. But i have no idea what to do other then get her flowers and chocolates.

So yeah just looking for some ideas or things that we can do i or i can do for her.
some important things
-we both live in different towns and can only see each other once a week
-i know she likes things to be simple
-not trying to sound stingy but i only have a little bit of money to work with if i end up buying something maybe about $60-ish
Ps if there is anything else i could add that would help please tell me 😀
she also likes the colours black and blue

Nagesh answers:


Paul asks…

Ideas for how a teenager can earn money?

So im a 15 year old girl, which means im not quite yet at the legal age to work some where.
I desperately need to start saving lots and lots of money for a car, college stuff, and to just hang out with my friends so i can stop asking my mom for money and gain some responsibility.
I’ve tried to get a job at a few places around town but they wouldn’t hire me.
I don’t know anyone with kids to whom i can babysit for money.

Can you give me some sort of GOOD idea that i could do for money.?

Nagesh answers:


See if you can get paid for doing chores around the get paid £2 for loading and emptying dishwasher,… Stuff like that. Or paper round at your local newsagents. Or just sell some unwanted items you own.

Thanks 🙂

Donald asks…

I”m a teenager with innovative ideas but have no money?

I am 16 and have lots and lots of innovative ideas most are for cars and environment improvements. last year i had a summer job and somehow spilled one of my ideas and every one said wow that’s a very good idea u should do or start that i know of two wealthy people my cousin and a football player that my father works for but i wanted some other options and its not just this one idea i have a head full of them very innovative ones and some basic ones too please no negative comments i also see a lot of things i thought of go into production and its really bothers me that I’m just sitting here letting my unique brain go to waist

Nagesh answers:

Well, it depends on the idea. Whether it’s artistic, entrepreneurial, or about community/world issues.. Just to start.

You could try looking for grants, you could do a fundraiser (fundraisers are a whole science in themselves.. But there’s some awesome books for that.. Maybe Suze Orman’s books would be helpful ), you could start selling small things on . You could check out . There are also a lot of places that will pay for your idea to be realized, especially environmental things.. Since that’s a popular topic right now. That’s really about looking for competitions and scholarships.

Don’t take this in a bad way, but I would also suggest watching your grammar when asking someone to fund your project. If you can write a compelling proposal you have a good chance at getting funding from people.

Here’s some places to start..
Http:// ****


Good luck! And don’t give up.

Richard asks…

Money ideas?

My friends aunts daughter is 13 and when she is 16 she wants to buy a sports car. How can she save money now for it???? How can she raise 30 to 40 thousand dolars under age to actually work??? what can she do??? PLease help me because i cant figure out how she isnt all that rich????God bless you if you help!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Thats the great thing about America…you dont need to raise 30 or 40 thousand dollars. You just need to be able to make payments! Lets see…30,000 dollars financed is about 600 dollars per month (40k about 800 per month). Another 200 to 300 per month for insurance. (sport car + teenager = high rates) Then Gas money. Sports cars get terrible mileage and since we all know she is going to be driving all around town to show off, lets add another 400 dollars to that bill (remember she will be driving 3 years from now and gas prices will probably be 5 dollars per gallon) So when she is 16 she just needs to make 1200 to 1500 per month to support that car. If she does manage to make 40k by the time she is 16, then she only needs a job that pays 600 to 700 per month.

Mandy asks…

Easy money making ideas for teenagers?

Nagesh answers:

Can you paint?

Or any other art and craft work?

You can auction them and earn some good money.

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Sunday, November 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Thomas asks…

How to make money quickly?! (U.K.)?

I have just turned 18 and left sixth form college. I have a part time job and will be increasing my hours to full time in a week! I’m planning on taking a gap year to work hard and earn as much money as possible.

However, every pound I seem to earn never stays in my pocket for longer than a day. I am not ruthless with money, but I own a car and have to pay for other things too. I have tried earning money by selling things on eBay, but I never really earn very much. I know times are hard and all that, but if anyone has any suggestions on how I can make money quickly, it would be greatly appreciated. (Obviously no silly suggestions)

Nagesh answers:

Sell a bunch of stuff (clothes, furniture, etc..) on CraigsList and at Half Priced Books (books, CDs).

Ask all my neighbors if they needed any hired help for odd jobs(lawn care, handyman, car wash, etc)

Iron clothes.

Pet sitter/Doggy walking/Babysit.

Sale lemonade or Hold a lemonade stand.

You can clean peoples homes or Wash Windows.

Household chores.

Garage Cleaning Service.

Mail Pick-Up Service: When people travel, people need someone to pick up their mail
and newspapers.

Make/sell cold drinks.

If you live in a part of the country with a lot of pools, being a Pool caretaker can be a great job for you.

Car washing and detailing.

Deliver newspapers.

All these can help u to get money.

Mark asks…

international home based jobs?

i currently live in turkey. i’m looking for a home based job like chat support, call center representive. i found lots of web sites but they require living usa mostly. is there any international home based jobs that i can work? thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Ya there are many sites that offers lots and lots of job opportunities like home based job.

Job searching can feel like a full time job. Searching for home based job can quickly get complicated if you do not know where to start. The list below shows how to search for the most common and available home based jobs.

Step 1

To find home based data entry job search for Data Entry Firms or Word Processing Centers. Avoid searching for work at home data entry jobs. This will cause you to find many scams online. To get hired working at home during data entry you must have a high speed computer, extra phone line, and have a high typing speed.

Step 2

Grant Writer

A grant writer may find home based work by contacting local non profit agencies around them. Many non profits can not afford to hire a full time grant writer so many welcome grant writers that will work part time even if it is from their home. Most organizations do not mind a grant writer to write for other organizations as long as their information is kept private and there is no conflicting interests. Grant writer who plan to work at home should plan that they may need to attend some board meeting and committee meetings. Before applying for a home based position applicants should have at least two years experience.

Step 3

Web Designer

Web designer can find a wide verity of work online based on their skill level and expertise. Most home based web designers are either freelance or work for companies who design web pages for several different websites. To find freelance positions try to go to sites that require little or no fee until you find work such as, and To many freelancer get their first full time gig by participating in freelance sites. Job furoms such as and CyberCoders are great places to find jobs.

Step 4

Web Content Writers

There is so many ways to make money online writing that once again someone can get lost. The best way to search for writing jobs is how you want to get paid and how what your expertize is. Writers typically get paid per a word, per a article, per a view, or monthly through a revenue share program. The most successful writer write about what they know or what they are passionate about instead of what they can just research. So when picking a company to write for always look for the best company in your field not just to write for. For example one company may be better for food writers while another business would be best for financial writers, even though they both have positions for both topics. Main site to start looking for writing jobs are Content Current, Demand Studios, Eduwriters, Life Tips, Suit101, and Ehow.

Step 5

Work at Home Assembly

Keep a job search for a work at home assembly job as local as possible. Not only do you reduce costs of shipping and product transportation but you aslo reduce your chances of getting yourself into a scam or into a unprofitable situation. While there is some companies that hire individuals to put together items through online resources the profit of the job is low and most is not worth the time spent. To find local assembly work that can be done at home contact factory that have small parts to put together to make there bigger product, such as a factory that makes fishing lures or poles. Local crafters that sale whole sale or are big on craft fairs may hire home based assemblers to help put together crafts.

Step 6

To search for home based consultant jobs first decide what type of interests and skills you have. Home based consultants can be any thing from a make up consultant to a energy efficient consultant to a fund raising consultant. Most jobs in this field is commission based only. A good place to find out more information on what type of consultant there is go to consultant

So If you are looking to find work from home you can start today by clicking the link given below.


This site is actually a marketplace where u can get and post works. I hope this will be more helpful.

Make the best use of it…!!!

Donald asks…

How can i earn money quickly??

I can’t get a job yet becuase i’m a full time student and besides that i’m not allowed to get a job yet, i’m still 17.
but i’m desperate for money.
my alllowance doesnt help me much, what can i do?
i always try entering contests and sweepstakes stuff but i never win those…..

Nagesh answers:

1. Apply for cleaning services at restaurants. (Those don’t require limits on age unless it’s a alcoholic bar or there’s strippers there [I doubt you’d go there])
2. Produce your own items and then sell them at a reasonable price… Cha-ching! (It will still cost you money though)
3. Try babysitting because it can be any age plus you’re experiencing child care. (Take parenting classes if you haven’t already)
4. Start selling audio CDs, DVDs, PC games, etc. From home. (You might find useless things you don’t want or need anymore)
5. Find monies from random places, clean, and keep them. (Easy money collecting, hehe!)
6. Become mathematically smart because it will help you in the long run with money tracking.
7. Ever heard of stealing pennies from wells? (Yeah… Been there, done that!)

Donna asks…

What are some ways to raise money quickly?

My sister, brother and I are trying to raise $200 for a trampoline that we have been wanting ever since we were like 6 or 7. Our parents, I know for sure, will not give us money if we do extra chores…that’s happened way too many times. PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

My favourite way to raise money (done this for formals, overseas trips etc) is to buy fundraiser chocolates and sell them to your friends, neighbours, and people at school.
Some schools forbid you from selling anything in school time, but we’d always get around this by selling on the bus on the way home!

This the Australian brand I use, and I usually make about AU$20 per box.

I know Hershey’s also do one in the US, but you have to go through a distributor not straight through the company.

It might be difficult to obtain fundraising boxes if you’re younger, but it’s worth researching this in your local area and it should be easy to reach your goal – everyone tends to buy chocolate!

Daniel asks…

the flip ultra how can i save up money for it fast?

i want the flip ultra with is 149 how can i save up enogh money for it

Nagesh answers:

Take advantage of every possible opportunity to make money. If you are as young as 14 some companies will hire you. Get a job (or at least a paper route).
Take advantage of every opportunity to save money. Example: Instead of going on a date to dinner and a movie, go for a stroll through the park and have a picnic. (much more romantic anyway)
Have your friends save money with you. Then you won’t be pressured to go to the mall or the movies and spend money with them.
Ask your parents to reward you money if you get phenominal grades this year. Tell them that you would be much more encouraged to study harder and put more effort into your work if there was a cash reward. Tell them that it IS your future, but you ARE just a kid. Kids need to work hard at school and have fun. If you had a cash reward for good grades, then you could both be happy.
Hide your money from yourself. Seriously. But write down where you hid it. Or tell someone. Then only allow yourself a certain amount of money a month.
Plan expenses in advance. Give yourself more time to save the money.
Ask if anyone needs help. Whatever you are good, at you can get paid for. You can tutor kids in a subject area you’re especially good at, mow lawns, babysit, clean their house, run their errands, anything.
Ask your parents if they will give you money for doing extra chores or saving electricity. Compare your electric bill to the same month as last year (try to get them to subtract inflation) and see if they’ll pay you for the electricity you save.
Don’t buy stuff you don’t need. Have a friend burn a CD for you or go without. Don’t buy extra junk food when you aren’t really hungry; wait until you get home to eat.
Buy things that will last. For example, if you need a pen, don’t buy one that is going to wear out the next day. By the same token, don’t buy the most expensive pen out there.
Clean your room. You may find money still in old wallets or under the bed.
Shop the sales rack. Also, keep in mind that places such as TJ Max take clothes from name-brand stores and sell them for drastically cheaper than the original price. Thrift stores are also good for hidden treasures.
Save that pocket change! Think a penny doesn’t count? Think again. Keep all of your spare change in a piggy bank of some form, and when the pig is full take it to your local bank. You’ll be surprised at how quickly those loose coins add up.
Never ever use the CoinStar Machine to convert change to dollar bills!! The Coin Master takes 8-10 cents PER DOLLAR which will really add up! If you originally had $100 worth of coins, then you took it to a coinstar machine, it would take ten dollars or more out of your money. To get your change converted to dollar bills, go to a nearby bank and ask for some paper coin rolls. It is actually kind of fun to count all the change by hand. You never know how much it really is, and end up surprising yourself! Be sure to wash your hands when you are done.
Don’t constantly be counting your money otherwise you will end up looking vain and spending it as soon as you find out you have more than ten dollars!

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Saturday, November 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Michael asks…

i need to make lots of money FAST on runescape?

im i member and i need to make lots of money and fast im 102cb and i have about 1.8m to my name my acc is dollybaumer2 if you want to look up my stats

Nagesh answers:

Depending on your lvl the best way to make money members wise is, wood cutting yews if you’re a lvl 60 wc stat, or fishing in catherby near white wolf until you can get lvl 68 to fish at the fishing guild west of catherby. If you get 1k of yews you’re looking at close to 440k if you get 1k of sword fish you’re looking at even more 600k if you are high enough 76 to harpoon sharks they sell anywhere from 990gp a piece to 1004gp a piece and at 1k of sharks which is easy you can get a mil right there, i’ve done these two stat’s which i’m working on 99 fishing right now, and i’m a lvl 87 wc’er. I have personally made quite a few million doing this and selling. Fyi if you fish, fish swordies for awhile atleast till lvl 80 so they wont be so slow to catch sharks. Have fun, and I wish you luck, hope I could answer your question. If you ever make it to the fishing guild i’m joutlaw85 world 103.

Donna asks…

Runescape money making?

I am a combat lvl 55 with only 1mil coins! I need ways to make money on Runescape.

Nagesh answers:

To make fast cash go green dragons. 1m/hr
Avansies are also good they drop bars but there are few of them and thier full with bots.thats like 800k/h.
Cutting mage logs u get 1.2k per log,its not fast tough so not recommended.

The best way is looting.
Go in the wild and wait for someone to die.
When somekills a player,theres a 10% chance that an other player gets the kill so u go on the loot and waitfor it to spawn and click fast!my mate got claws by this.

Also other skills like fishing and woodcutting are not recommended.

Killing bosses is a great way like KBD,GWD,Kqueen,Corp beast, but a high level is recommended.

Pking is only recommended if you have the right a pure.

Try dicing at the west varrock bank.
GOP is a good way for F2P get tokens and buy talismans and sel them to the ge.
Also cockroaches are good in F2P.

Farming is excelent for money making.
Do farm runs and make profit out of herbs.
The higher the level the better.

Hunter is also good for moneymaking.catch dragon imps.thw higher the level the better the imp.
Slayer-get 80 slayer and go kill abysal demons, they drop whips.

Flipping/merching-buy items low price and sell them at a higher.

Hope i helped! :p


David asks…

whats a non member way to make money on runescape.(it do not have to be a fast way)please answer

whats a non member way to make money on runescape.(it do not have to be a fast way)
no killing monster over lvl 25 i can mine high lvls ores

Nagesh answers:

Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.

Or various no skilling ways to make money on Runescape

Laura asks…

runescape how to make money fast?

what do i do for money??
can someone tell me a skill that i can
get alot of money from cuz from my
last question i need 98,810 which costs
3,260,730gp and idk how to get that money
so can someone give me a skill that can be
used for good money like wc cook?
my cooking is 58, and my wc is 73.
any more skills ill see what i can do.

5 stars and 10 points to best answer.

Nagesh answers:

Hello pumplump! 🙂

With ur wc you can cut yew trees very fast. Yew logs are worth 450-500gp each, so each full inventory of yews is worth 11-13k. Yew trees sells fast because people buy yews for fletching or firemaking.
Don’t forget ur rune hatchet…

Minning is also a good way of making money. It all depends all ur minning level. For level 1 you can mine Clay for 300gp each and gives 4 exp each. Or you can mine rune esscences (after the quest rune mysteries) which are worth 50-100gp each. Rune ess are faster but lower price.

When you get 20 minnning, mine silver which are worth a little more than clay (change pickaxes to mine faster). I suggest you mine silver at the mine SouthWest of Varrock, which is also pretty close to bank and grand exchange.

Coal, and Gold are not worth a lot anymore… Silver is currently the highest price.
If you get 40 crafting, there is a big silver and gold mine in the crafting guild. I can get 200k for 2 hours there…:)

Adamant ores are worth over 1k, but it takes a long time to get 70 minning…
I suggest you to train minning on iron ores until level 60, You need 15 minning and they give 15 exp each and you can mine it quickly.

You can also kill Hill Giants to collect big bones which are really high price these days. 600gp each (i remember when it was 300gp each.) Also collect limpwurt roots from these hill giants which are worth 2-3k.

These are the most popular, well known moneymaking methods to F2p. Good luck on 3,260,730 gold coins to get 99 firemaking. =]

Mark asks…

?? whats some fast ways to make MONEY on RUNESCAPE ??

what are some fast whys to make money on runescape??
i am currently a memmber with 81 range
the best thing i found for making money so far was kiling green dragons for hides and d bones but that gets boring after a while..

Nagesh answers:

The best way to make money on rs is to mine rune ess

wen u get 4k of ess (wich will take u like a half of day) sell them for 27gp ea then u will have 108k!!!

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Friday, November 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Paul asks…

What’s the best way of saving money for college?

I wish to go to London Veterinary College but the fee for the course I wosh to do is around £3,750. I know my parents won’t be able to afford that and I worked out that to afford accommodation for the length of the course (three years) I will need about £8,000, I’m only thirteen and I was wondering what the best way of saving money/earning money would be, please no saying that I’m too young to know what college I want to go to, thanks everyone!
sorry I said wosh, I meant wish

Nagesh answers:

I’m 17 and about to go to uni (in Liverpool) in September.
There are tons of ways to save money, getting a part time job (at your age I’d suggest babysitting or teaching younger kids), or if you get pocket money, opening a savings account and putting part of that in there. Also, you’ll probably be able to get a loan to pay for part of the education from the government.

But apart from that this is a better way (this might sound spammy but believe me it’s not and there is absolutely nothing in it for me):
There is a free online internet marketing course called the 30 Day Challenge (or from August, just ‘The Challenge’). I’ve been doing it for a while and just started up my own website. The thing is, you don’t lose anything by trying it and you can make quite a bit of money on it. I have a friend who is 16 now and started doing what the course teaches you to do a few years ago. Last year he made over 450,000 pounds. Now, this may not be the case for everyone, but the course is really interesting and it can help a lot. I’ve only just started and I haven’t made any money yet (as i said, I put my website up recently (2 days ago in fact)) but my dad has been doing it for about a year now and he makes quite a bit from it too…
Anyway, I’ll put the link in the source box for you to check out if you want and I’m going to give you my email address in case you have any questions. Talk to your parents about it and see what they think if you want. Anyway, my email address is . I hope you decide to start it, because I did and I have absolutely no regrets.

Btw, if you do decide to do it, remember you have to do the preseason training before you start the training. Also, if you have any questions you can email me (or twitter @liverbird1). And another quick thing, if you decide to do the training, quickly download all the videos from itunes because they’re about to delete all of them to put the new course up. The itunes podcast is called 30 Day Challenge.

Good luck with your saving and I hope you get in.

Lisa asks…

laptop scholorships? quick money ideas?

im a senior in high school and badly need a new laptop for college next year, i really want the macbook pro (since im strongly considering graphic design) OR the dm4t HP pavilion , but i dont have the money! is there any good scholorships out there right now for laptops? or any good sugestions on how to make some money quickly? i start college in august! thanks for any help!
my mom says she doesn’t want me to get a job because it will interfer with my school work :/

Nagesh answers:

The fastest and most reliable way to get money is to get a job.

You have 8 months, that is plenty of time. No, you can’t get a scholarship for a laptop. Most scholarships don’t give the money to you, it goes to your school to pay for your tuition and fees and housing.

Laura asks…

College money help????

I need a way that I can get some quick cash some how with no commitments. My first bill is like $1000 something and it’s due by Aug 1st, well my parents keep telling me not to take out loans and all this stuff. Well what on earth am i supposed to do. I already applied for financial aid and i got a couple things i still gotta do. Please help i’m desperate.
okay i have a job but that pays for other bills

Nagesh answers:

Get a job that pays a lot or ask your parents for money

Richard asks…

What’s a quick way to get money without getting a job besides babysitting?

I need to bring up my college money

Nagesh answers:

Selling something is the only really quick way to get money.

Betty asks…

What is the quickest way to make enough money to retire?

38 hate my job want to retire to be with my kids

Nagesh answers:

If it was that easy, wouldnt everyone do it? The quickest was would be to start right when you get out of college, with regular deposits to your retirement account (of 15% or more of your income), which is hopefully matched by your employer and fully invested in stocks. You then get at least 25 years of growth, and maybe retire in your early to mid 50’s. Thats about the fastest way to do it without a big inheritance or winning the lottery. At 38, if you didnt start saving about 15 years ago, you’ve already missed that boat, so you should start saving as aggressively as possible now, and cross your fingers for that big inheritance or lotto win. And you might want to find a job you do like, as you will probably be there, and not at home with your kids- it just doesnt happen that fast.

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Thursday, November 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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