Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Ruth asks…

How can I make money quickly and legaly?

I want to save up to go on a huge school trip. Im in high school and 15 years old. I play guitar very well… but I’ll do any job.

Nagesh answers:

Play for some tips and get a part time job!

Robert asks…

How do i make money quickly without breaking the law?

I need instant cash i’ve tried selling old phones to mazuma mobile and i got pennies for them! i’ve tried catalogue distribution and never made anything out of that.
I’ve done little jobs like cleaning cars and cutting people lawns, but that again makes pennies!
i need help please!!!
Thank you to those who answer!!

Nagesh answers:

If you have child care experience, baby sit or become a live-in or live-out nanny. Watch people’s pets for them, house sit, etc. Good luck!

Thomas asks…

How does a student make money quickly?

this may sound like a stupid question but i thought i’d ask to see if any has any good ideas.
they need to be things i can do on my own, i cant do anything that involves my parents as they dont know of my money problems.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve received around $ 2000 a month from all these sites. You can also make lots of money online depending on how much time u put into it. Here is a link of some sites that PAID BY CHECK ONLY to do surveys, read emails and more 🙂

David asks…

how would a 13 year old make money quickly?

im buying a 400 dollar xbox 360 and need a way to make money fast besides getting a job(already have one), craigslist, garage sale, ebay, and prostitution. so dont put any of these in your answer.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t trust any “easy money” from any website. Most likely it is a racket. If money was easy to be made, everybody would be doing it, take my word.

As a 13-year old, your options are probably limited. Baby-sitting jobs are not too bad but it would take a while to get $400 worth. Yard work is hard work but can be profitable. If you can cut grass, 2 or 3 yards a day might get you up to $90 per day. The hard part is finding people who need it done.

You can also try carwashing. $5 per car = about $10/hour which adds up but is slow. Or you can charge $10/car, but you have to do a better job at it.

$400 is not a hard target to shoot for, but may take a couple weeks. As I said before, there is no such thing as easy money.

Lisa asks…

How to make alot of money quickly? Fundraising ideas?

Okay so im only 15 and i was offered a chance to go to Europe but it costs 5,000 dollars i need to make the money quickly and i cant get a job, fundraising ideas? HELP! pls this is the chance of a life time.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry but this is not going to happen.

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Saturday, June 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Nancy asks…

Is there a real way to make money online without a get rich quick scam?

I would like to find a way to make some extra cash from home but I have no idea how to go about it.

Nagesh answers:


Though I think a lot depends on what you would like to do, how much time you have to spare, and how much effort you’re willing to put in.

You’ve already got a couple of replies that mention surveys and this is one possibility.

There could also be opportunities in writing articles – especially if you enjoy writing or have some knowledge to share on a particular subject.

And there is also affiliate marketing, where you can promote products online on behalf of the product supplier. Every time you make a sale, you get commission – and all you have to do is simply refer the buyer to the seller.

I have heard of data entry, stuffing envelopes, etc. But only in bad terms – people sent money in to ‘register’ and then didn’t hear anything back.

I personally started with affiliate marketing earlier this year, after I was made redundant. It has vast money making potential and is exciting to be involved in. However, it requires a certain amount of time and effort.

In pursuing any of the above methods, there are going to be potential scams – so tread carefully.

What I would recommend from my own experience is as follows:

Surveys – finding paid survey sites by myself as opposed to investing in a ‘paid surveys’ product. You don’t have to pay to register on each survey company website so it’s better if you can find them without paying someone to merely tell you what these sites are. I have recently begun a list on this webpage (it’ll keep growing as I discover and authenticate further sites):

Articles – there are article websites such as which offer financial rewards for articles that rank well in their in-house competitions, and they also have a marketplace where companies offer money for articles on particular subjects. Also, webmaster forums could be good places to go as a webmaster may be offering to pay you to write some content for their site.

Affiliate marketing – there is a lot of information on the web about this – in fact, there’s almost too much. I found it important to do a little research, make a decision, then stick with it and not get distracted. By doing the research, I minimised the risk of getting scammed and ended up purchasing a product that delivered on everything it said on the sales page. It was a leap of faith that paid off, and since then I have set up a website that mentions some options that I believe to be bona fide:

In summary, there IS a real way to make money online without it being a ‘get rich quick’ scam. BUT you won’t ‘get rich really quick’ and you’ll need to invest some time and effort.

You should be able to make a decent amount after a couple of months and then it’s just a case of multiplying income streams.

Thomas asks…

the quickest way to make some money online,any idea?

Dear all:
Just need a robust and simple way to get some quick cash online,must be doable and legit,any idea?

Nagesh answers:

My experience
1,try PTC site like clicksense or is small,but they are legit
2,try GPT site like,,where you can do offer to get money,but it is a little tricky.

Sandy asks…

Real ways to make money online?

i am looking for real ways to make money online for a little extra cash i only work part time right now and it is just not cutting it so i was wondering if there is any legitament ways to make some quick cash online

Nagesh answers:

For the 516,395th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No nothing.
You will not find them in your house.
You will not find them with your mouse.
You will not find them here or there.
You will not find them anywhere

Michael asks…

How to make money online?

I’m looking for a way to make quick money online… please no scams (aka google) cause I’ll figure it out.

Nagesh answers:

Quick money isn’t easy to be make offline, forget making it online.

King kong

Betty asks…

Whats a quick way to make money besides getting another job and without going online?

I need to make money fast

Nagesh answers:

Win the lottery!!!

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Friday, June 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

James asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I sincerely suggest you to stay away from this BS.

Helen asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Qualifications matter a lot…what r ur qualifications and wat r u good at?

Robert asks…

Do you know of any companies that allow you to work from home?

I am not looking for fast money making websites or any crap like that. Just a legit business that will allow me to work from home.

Nagesh answers:

YTB or Your Travel Biz

This Company is Completely Legitimate no scams involved, no selling lotions and potions, etc. The Company is Publicly Traded, it was Founded in 2001, and are currently on track to becoming the Worlds Largest onlline Travel povider by 2010. We did a billion Dollars in Sales in 2007, have a copyrighted Compensation plan, and has received Numerous awards including Carnivals Pinacle award. We were also Featured on the Front Page of Success from Home Magazine.

Travel Truly is the Largest Trend of our lifetime! Over 7 Trillion Dollars a year is spent in Travel!

Do you like to go on Vacation? Would you like to have your own Home Based Travel Business? You can work from home using the Internet, you benefit not only from the Tax advantages of owning your own business, but also you get all the Travel Perks and Discounts from owning your own travel Business. You receive 60% of all the Commissions from Any bookings on your site! You simply tell your friends, family, etc. About your site! You can also sell Travel Websites and Make a little extra money a month or a LOT, its up to you! It is very simple actually!

this is the Travel Website you will get (but with your personal business Name that you choose)
this is mine!

George asks…

How do I use presents on the PC game Miss Populairity?

OK, I have bought all of the make-up, two of the hats and all of the shoes. I have bought a present many times before and I don’t know how to give it. I would also like to know how to get into the soccer team and meet my dream boy. If it requires getting money, please give me some tips on fast moneymaking.
Nice thinking Kelly C!
but for some reason i cant do that!

Nagesh answers:

Work at the cafe in the shopping center (behind the tables where you can “eat ice cream”, by matching the correct toppings on the pizza, you can easily make a quick $50, much better than those $15 car washes.

Laura asks…

How to make fast money on runescape f2p?

I am currently level 54 on f2p with 3.2m, i am looking to make faster money with these stats for skilling:


which option should i choose and why, also how to get their and an estimate on how much i will be making

Nagesh answers:

Money making? Lets see im good at this!>:)

Woodcutting:yew logs (will be slow at that level, f2p is crowded for yew)

Firemaking: wouldn’t consider it.

Fishing:lobsters at karamja and noting them south of muza point(aka the volcano)

Mining:mining iron at dwarven mines and banking them at resource dungeon if unlocked(need 15 dungeonerring to get in the cave with the deposit box

IF you dont mind using combat you can always fight the hill giants under varrock for their bigbones (yes there is safespots)

hope this helps!

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Thursday, June 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

John asks…

real ways to get rich quick?

let’s be real here the only way to make money is by earning it. that or be one of two lucky sons of bitches that inherit it. or hit the lottery but on the other side. afetr seeing millions of B.S get rich quick scams i ask you community. are there any REAL get rich quick schemes that work?

Nagesh answers:

No, some people become wealthy by using multi-level marketing or franchises. Others make their money by investing in real estate or in companies. Finally, others find the next niche and make a ton on the next fad.

Sandy asks…

Do you think it should be law enforcemnts business to give out tickets if you’re not wearing your seat belt?

I got pulled over for not wearing my seat belt and got a $40.00 ticket. I think this law really sucks. What crime are we breaking? If I don’t want to wear a seat belt, I should not be fined for it. The risks I choose to make should be up to me. Why don’t they start giving out tickets to everyone who eats at McDonalds or White Catles. You’re endangering your life there also. This is just a money making scheme for the local governments and you know what…I’m just not going to pay it. I’ve had it with all these stupid laws. Let them spend their time chasing after real criminals.
By the way, it is the end of the month and that bring up the other question about police officers having to meet quotas for the month. I just think it sucks. I ususally do wear my seat belt, but this one time that I forgot to put it on and I get fined for it, no I do not think its right. They will have to drag me off to jail first before they get one cent from me.

Nagesh answers:

You know i remember when the seat belt law was passed in my state they couldn’t pull you over for it. If they pulled you over for speeding or something else and noticed you weren’t wearing a seat belt then they could give you a ticket for $10.00. Now we can get pulled over just for not wearing it, and its a whole lot more than $10.00.

Carol asks…

Any one know a real work at home program?

That does not include survey or credits and does not cost $400 or $500. But a real work at home program that you can make actual money at. Not a get rich quick scheme.

Nagesh answers:

I work at home. I dont earn a fortune, and I have to actually put in an effort, but its not rocket science. I dont know what yahoo’s rules are about posting stuff like this, so you can email me

George asks…

Can anyone recommend a knowledgeable and well priced vet in central Tucson?

My dog has ongoing medical issues (possible severe allergies/possible IBD/possible pancreatitis, possible bladder stones, etc etc) that have yet to be diagnosed or properly treated. In the past year, I’ve been to 3 different vets several times each, and an emergency after hours vet for heart wrenching ‘episodes’ my dog has. So far, I’m down about $1,500 and not one step closer to a diagnosis or even a direction of what’s going on. I’m looking for a reasonably priced vet who actually has some knowledge/skill/intuition when it comes to animals. It seems as though every vet we go to simply shoots in the dark, prescribing test after test without really listening to the specific problems and diagnosing the real issue. Instead it’s a money making scheme and I and my dog are sick of it! If anyone can suggest a vet who actually listens and seems to take a specific dog’s presenting symptoms into account, I would sincerely appreciate it. I’m not trying to scrimp on my dog’s health care, but I can’t keep spending like I’m a lottery winner to have basic tests performed that don’t even relate to the issue at hand, not to mention I can’t take weeks off work to go to the vets every day when their ultrasound specialist MIGHT be in, or when the xray tech could possibly be there……Auuurgh!

Nagesh answers:


Sharon asks…

The Linden Method (Anxiety)?

Is this real or fake does it cure Anxiety forever or is it a money making scheme

Nagesh answers:

Hi Matthew.

Different things work for different people and this method does have the backing of well known celebrities and also some health professionals appear to endorse it.

Will it work for you? Who knows. What can be said is that for any mental health issue, there is unfortunately no ‘quick fix’.

Take care.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Laura asks…

How much are you expected to achieve in life by the time you are 18?

I sit at home studying and living with my parents and living a normal life

Being a normal 18 year old guy, I do all the normal things….Internet, games, tv, technology, masturbation etc.

But seeing other successful people, I have realised most of them master their proffession by the time they are 18 and go on to become really successful or popular…

This isn’t a good example, but Justin bieber is one?

Even when going to uni, I will still be living with my parents and studying and trying to earn money and living a normal life…

How will I achieve my dream of changing the world ? I am still waiting for a break through

I could be chasing after girls and love and stuff…..but girls won’t help me in my mission to change the world

Nagesh answers:

If you live in the USA, making it to 18 is an achievement on it’s own!

Steven asks…

How do you get started at working from home jobs?

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get started at a real job working from home. I want to start my degree in medical assisting but between my husband going to school and working nights it just seems that one of us has to either do one or the other or one does both while the other one just does one of them.

Nagesh answers:

Most work at home jobs only pay minimum wage. Not enough hours for you to work if you are going to get a degree, no matter what your field is. You will need time to study, school hours etc.
I would suggest starting a home based business. One that you can work the hours you want and one that has a residual side to it. Without knowing what things you like to do, it’s difficult to refer you over to different business’s to take a look at that would allow you to bring in a sufficient amount of income without having to put in a full time days worth of work if you utilize the time you have.

Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, so I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago and point you out to some others to take a look at. Ours well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry. So anyhow, this is what my husband started doing over six years ago and it well supports our family of 6 (we have four children)

If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Sandy asks…

Has anyone found a legimate work at home internet job?

I have a full time job and I’m not making enough money. If I could earn $1,000 more a month I could make it. I have a college degree and I’m computer savvy I know it’s out there.

Nagesh answers:

There is no such job!

There are professions that can be done from home such as real estate, law, accounting, outside sales, customer service/call-center and their are employers who allow employees to work remotely through remote network access BUT none of these are “work at home Internet jobs”.
All of these “get paid to” sites, “blog”, “survey”, “free trials” and other “make thousands of dollars a month” sites are SCAMS, SPAM, or Phishing sites.

What is really funny are the answers on YA that will tell you all these other sites are SCAMS but theirs is legit OR the ones that say the others are looking to rip you off but their site has paid them thousands…. And all the links they provide go to the same sites….

No sarcasm intended BUT in reality you can save more money in electricity by turning your computer and all peripherals off (for the amount of time you would be working) then you will make from any of these sites……….

Thomas asks…

How to blogs help earn money ?

Hi i am just wondering to get a source through i can earn money online by giving info like creating blogs or doing assignmments for students or teaching them as i am a maths tutor so i want to know what can i do and how can blogs help me earn ? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

Hi friend use this as a guide .. Http:// is a really a good way of making money online being at home.There is no need to pay at front.Just basic knowledge of internet is enough.Further it is much much better than online paid surveys & data entry..Just try it out there is nothing to lose since u r not going to pay..

Betty asks…

What are some ideas for a side business that I could do during dead hours at my curent retail job?

I manage a small picture framing business very close to my home. I make a very small wage there (under $10.00 per hour) and I need to make an extra $100.00 per month in order to upgrade my family’s current health insurance plan. The hours and the location of my job are ideal. I have 2 disabled children that need a lot of my time right now to help them with their development issues. With all of the travel involved in driving them to each of their therapy, school, and treatment centers, I am unable to work a second job.

So, in conclusion I am looking for ideas for a side business that I could start and do during the 3-4 hours a day that I sit in my store waiting for customers to come in. Keep in mind; this is a convenient dead end job. There is no room for advancement so advertising for the store or bringing in more business is not going to increase my pay or benefits (declined for more $ per hr.). I am looking for ideas for side work to be done while waiting. No Quixtar please!

Nagesh answers:

Compared to offline businesses, the investment required to start an online business is minimal. A popular way of earning money on the internet is by providing information and services. This can be monetised by advertising or charging a subscription. You can also make money online by selling products on auction websites like eBay or through your own website. More information available at

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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Nancy asks…

What is the most money i could get for a talking african grey?

please if you’re from over seas,don’t answer,i don’t have time for schemes.I’m thinking about selling my talkative parrot.He sings,dance,imitates people etc

Nagesh answers:

The most important thing you can get is the reassurance that your bird is going to a good home. I don’t think getting the most money is the correct way to sell a parrot. Instead, make sure that he will be taken care of, allowed out-of-the-cage time, given a good diet and a big cage, etc.
Since almost all greys talk, dance, sing, and imitate people, your grey would probably sell for the same amount as any other. A good price with the cage would be $700. Without the cage, $600.
PLEASE make sure your bird will be going to a good home! 🙂

William asks…

How would you survive with little money?

I know it’s a reality for some people but what would you do? I’d buy only the basics and there’s a butcher near my home that sells things at the end of the day for half price, so you’d be alright xxxx

Nagesh answers:

Find out what a basic diet would be, and explore the cheapest foods to sustain myself that I won’t get totally sick of after a while. Stop smoking. Find free ways of enjoying myself. (Resisting urge to be dirty here lol but the best things in life are free ;-). Save on hot water, having cooler showers and no hot baths, having a smaller boiler with more insulation and only putting on the hot water when I know I’ll be using it. Save on heating by wearing more clothes. Oh… Eat foods which don’t need cooking. Use cheapest methods of transport, walking or sharing lifts where possible. Work with friends and family to share resources and save money. Use the net instead of buying books. Put up with a slower computer, upgrading less often, buying second hand. Avoid debts. Wash by hand rather than dishwasher and generally use less powered appliances, because manual ones break less often, cost less to buy, and cost less to use. Take local holidays or where I can stay at a friend’s. Use a laptop instead of a desktop – they use less power. Turn it off when not in use. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and make the most of daylight. Insulate walls and ceilings better etc. Avoid printing where possible, just store things on the computer. Crunch up bulky stuff before binning them and/or using carrier bags rather than bin liners. Switch appliances off at the source rather than leaving them on standby. Using generic rather than branded medication and other consumables and other products. Buying as much as possible from charity shops or even finding ways of getting unwanted goods for free. Send emails or use skype etc instead of phone calls or letters. Use clothes until the bitter end, and then use them as rags. Save free newspapers etc for various things. Use sealable boxes instead of cling film or tin foil. Put the fridge freezer in the coolest spot possible. Put as many clothes into a load of washing as possible. Replace my dog for a soft toy. Take no stick from companies trying to screw every last penny out of you. Review products and contracts thoroughly before going ahead, looking out for hidden costs etc. Investigate government incentive schemes, and any charity organisations helping people with low incomes. Use bars of soap rather than liquids. Use brushes, not sponges. Become a diligent hoarder – waste nothing.

And then there are the ways of making more money which I won’t go into!

Maria asks…

Does having a substantial amount of money affect the chances of getting a home loan?

My girlfriend and I live very inexpensive lifestyles and have saved up 25k over the past two years. We both have minimum wage jobs. I don’t work full time and she earns most of her money in tips, so we can’t get a loan for a house but we definitely can make the payments. We want to buy a small house in a cheap location. We pay rent each month and would hate to save six more years just to buy a house with cash (especially because the market may go up). Does anyone have any advice? Is there a way you can qualify for a loan (or purchase agreement through the seller or something) if you have a certain percentage of the houses total amount in cash? Are loans entirely based on your monthly income? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:


First off, kudos to you for not only being able to make it on a low income but also SAVE on a low income. It is respectable.

$25K is a substantial sum of money, yes. But, in the scheme of house buying, it is about the minimum you need to start looking at homes.

To qualify for a loan, you have to have income, good credit, and a downpayment. You have a downpayment if you buy an inexpensive place or finance through FHA. You didn’t mention credit, but I’d assume it is good.

Where you’ll have some trouble is your income. Your income will likely been seen as marginally sufficient, which means that you will qualify for less money. This is OK so long as you are prepared to move into a place that is 100K or less.

A good step would be to sit down and talk to a lender to see what options and loans you qualify for.

Chris asks…

Has anybody ever tried the work from home paid surveys?

If so, what did you think of them and would you recommend them? I’m looking for a legit work from home opportunity to make some extra money.
Thanks for all the replies.
Any other work from home ides would be much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Be aware of get rich quick schemes – there is no such thing. Any legitimate business takes work and effort on your part and requires building. It takes time to build the foundations of any venture – how much time is dependent on your own efforts and relatively speedy advancement is certainly achievable if you are prepared to put in the hours. (As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.)

Thomas asks…

What is the Unittus home busines opportunity?

I understand it’s an excellent opportunity, and I’ve accessed their website, but I don’t understand it.

Exactly how does it work?

How does one make money from it?

Nagesh answers:

I’m having trouble figuring out how it is supposed to work, too.

The good news: The contact info and address appear to be genuine.

The bad news: Jon Anthony Astore is involved. He was handling laundering money for a pyramid scheme a while back, and reportedly he was involved in the AutoXTen Ponzi scheme last year.

It’s possible that he’s tried hard to clean up and avoid such bad choices. It’s also possible that he’s still in it up to his neck; I have no way to tell.

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Monday, June 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Mark asks…

need to make $70 fast?

how to make money fast working online from home… god i broke my fathers stuff. so i cannot ask him money to buy another…. sites with no initial investment and fast results expected….

Nagesh answers:

Try neobux i don’t think its fast but no investment and just spent some time online ….
My friend you really like asking questions

Donna asks…

How can I make Money Online Fast and Free. Legit Ways Only! Needs to be a real way to produce an income.?

No scams. Just a legit way to make a decent living. $4k a month. Thats all. I am willing to spend 4-5 hours a day. But I need a solid Plan and Exact instructions on how to make it work. Hopefully from some one who has done it. I know basic Html. Pretty decent on computers so help me figure it out. I can’t afford domain names so i need a good free hosting option. if youre thinking like that.

Nagesh answers:

Lol you have some ballz there. $4k a month and you want to be spoon feed also?

David asks…

How to make money online, for real?

I need extra cash fast, I bought most of the so called products from the gurus advising to make money online and none of them works, I’m tired of all these guys trying to make money out of the innocent by blinding us by their marketing and showing us how they are living a good life by making money online, whilst guys like me try to do what they teach and it just doesn’t work,
So is it possible to make money online, also what methods do you guys find very profitable to use?
Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Hey Ty,
You need to stick to one strategy and make it work and also try not to rush thinking you can make so much money in short-time you need to join blogs and forums where they advise on making money, it is possible but also require you to be patient and persevering almost
Good Luck!

Mary asks…

What’s a way to make fast money?

I have a part time job but I don’t get paid a lot. I need a way to make more money that won’t tie up my schedule. Online work anything PLZ help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Freelance writing/data entry

James asks…

Is there a way to make money online?

I’m looking for some site or way to make money by just putting in my credit card number and doing some type of work online even if it takes a long time or is simple surveys and that when i complete it it puts money in the account. Or selling memberships online and getting a commission i don’t know what to look for or which sites are good i hope you do. anything helps, thx

also i have hours each day i could dedicate and a decently fast connection. and accounts through my space facebook and emails through 4 different sites.

Nagesh answers:

You must do PLENTY of research to make money online. Here’s a serious answer:

You can get paid by:

*Affiliate marketing
*Paid Surveys
*Paid Emails
*Paid Blogging
*Article Marketing
*Data Entry/Transcriptionist
*Virtual Office Jobs

Some that are unheard of:

*Paid Shopping (Mystery Shopping)
*Paid Driving
*Paid TV
*Paid Photos

Probably the easiest way is either Paid-To-Click or Paid Blogging. With Paid Blogging you write about the service or product that you’re going to sell if you’re an affiliate of a website that sells products/services and provide your affiliate link/hoplink on the bottom of your blog so people could follow through to your sales page.

With Paid-To-Click (PTC) you get paid for clicking a link and viewing it for 30 seconds. You get 1 cent for each link but mostly there’s more than 10 links on the page. PTC works by having advertisers to pay for their ads to be shown on the site. In return you get 1 cent and they receive traffic to their website.

More information can be found at:
Ranked 1 on Google for “Legitimate PTC’s”

Any more questions just email me @

Hope this helps 🙂

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Sunday, June 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Mark asks…

what’s an easy way to make money fast?

my mom finally* said i can get my tattoo, but i have to get the money on my own. i can’t get it from my dad, because he doesn’t want me to get one 🙁 & i can’t get a job because after school i go to cheerleading practice and then i get home and do homework. :/ also my 18th birthday isn’t for over five months (so no birthday money)… any suggestions on how to make some moolahhh?

Nagesh answers:

Babysit on weekends or sell some stuff you don’t really need or want anymore.

Ruth asks…

I am looking for an online job, something that I can do from my home in my spare time, do these jobs exist.?

I wouldn’t consider myself a speed typer, but I can type pretty fast. the only problem is I am not too great when it comes to proper punctuation and grammar. I am not going to lie about it, so is there a way or site, that can help me with that, and something that easy to comprehend. I am eager to learn, but I have no clue as to go about it, and no idea where to start. Has anyone on here done that or is working from there home, or have a home based business. I would not mind having a business from my home, but how do you make money from having your own website, and is there a way to create a website of your own for free. I have no idea how websites make there money. I need some advice on what, where, how to get started. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Look at all the solicitations you got here……..That should tell you VOLUMES.

The answerer right about me and myself are just about the only 2 that are telling you to avoid those SCAMS like the plague.

Your inquiry does have ” CHEAT ME” written all over it…

Susan asks…

Ways for teens to make money?

I need to make some money, pretty fast. I would like to work from home or be an entrepreneur. I don’t want any scam sites, or lemonade stand-type advice. Any GOOD ideas for how to make GOOD money? Any business’s I could start or something? Babysitting isn’t quite cutting it.
wow. NONE of you helped. thanks guys, and drugs? been there, F*CK that.

Nagesh answers:

Find a job. Start like a dance class for 5 year olds

Donna asks…

Whats a fast way to make money?

I need to make $150 in about 15 days.
Are there any ways to do that
no working from home.
and besides babysitting.
Im 13

Nagesh answers:

Bake sales. Our youth just had a bake sale at Walmart and they made over 400 dollars. Walmart will almost always let you have one. Get a couple of friends and split the money.

Nancy asks…

How can I make money working online from home?

Obviously everyone wants to know the “magic” answer to this question, but the fact is, I type faster and write better than almost anyone I know.

Last October, I got laid off from my Fortune 500 company job of ten years. None of the big companies are hiring, and the smaller outfits won’t hire me as soon as they see what I was being paid (~$65k/year). (They say I’m “overqualified,” which is a crock since I don’t even have a college degree. But it’s enough that I got turned down for a $9/hour call center job. I used to manage 150 employees in call center.)

I feel like there has to be some way to apply my writing skills to a transcription or ad-writing job, or something along those lines.

If you know of anything out there that would be difficult for most but do-able for someone with my skills, I’d love to know about it.

Nagesh answers:

There are hundreds of “opportunities” involving writing ads out there, but be very careful. A lot of them are old, and rip offs. Before you get involved in any of them, do a google search and type “review rip off” after the company name. Remember, you shouldn’t have to pay to get a job.

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Saturday, June 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Susan asks…

How to get money fast in school?

Im a sophmore & need to raise money fast
to buy a camera for my mom.
any ideas what i can do to sell to the students that theyll be really interested?

Nagesh answers:

Tutor – up to $100/hour
teach instruments to little kids – Charge $40/hour.

Jenny asks…

How do i make money fast?

My grandma had an heart attack. I gave all my money to her to pay for the hospital bills. How do i make money fast because i am broke
I am only 13

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting jobs, lawn mowing, car washes, helping next door neighbors with their grocery shopping, etc.

Little jobs on the side will add up fast and bring you extra money. Sometimes you might even tell your teacher at school your situation and maybe they can give you some advice on where to go or might even have something you can help them with.

I am really sorry about your grandma and hope everything works out. That was a really nice thing you did for her and you should feel great about that, what a great role model to other kids your age!

Carol asks…

How to make money fast….i mean alot of money?

I want to rase alot of money because i need braces and my dad doesent have that kind of money so I want to raise the money and fast.
Kids in my school make fun of me because of my teeth and i cant stand it so please tell me how i can raise that kind of money!

Nagesh answers:

Well, I’m guessing you’re very young like 14, so you could have a bake sell? Or if you’re really that desperate rob a bank?

Mark asks…

What is the right amount to keep in a savings account for emergencies?

You know the dilemma: in an emergency, you need your money fast. A savings account gives you pretty quick access to your money.

But a savings account also earns low interest. So if you put too much in there you diminish your earnings.

I’ve heard all kinds of conflicing advice. What do you think?

How many months’ net income do you think one should keep in a savings account for emergencies?

Nagesh answers:

I’d say a realistic emergency fund should be around 1000 – 3000 dollars. Any less than a grand and you run the risk of having to tap into illiquid assets or lines of credit any more than 3k and you are giving too much opportunity for your money to grow.

The general rules that i follow as far as savings:
emergency fund – 3k in on-line savings account look at HSBCDirect @ 4.5%
unemployment fund – 2 months salary 50-50 stock and bond funds you want to minimize volatility so look for a mean efficent portfolio (look for a MVO optimizer to help)
every month:
first maximize your 401k – regardless of what popular rules of thumbs i think you would be hard pressed to beat 100% stock funds over the long haul.
Once all that is taken care of then tackle roth IRA and 529s for kids.

cheif technology officer

Michael asks…

How can a 13 year old girl make money fast?

I REALLY want a Sony vaio laptop really bad for my work at college. However I dont have enough!!! Not nearly enough!!!! How can i make money fast????

Nagesh answers:

The faster you make money depends on the faster you get started. Money isn’t going to just fall in your lap. God knows you have probably heard the expression “money doesn’t grow on trees” over and over again. Am I right? But there are things you can do for money but you’ll have to do them right, not fast. What are your skills? What are your passions??? Here are a few things to DO instead of dream about:

Get to the library (or just google) for books and information on teens and business, jobs for young people, teen entrepreneurs, and whatever keywords will help you. You weren’t born with the information you need so you have to find it out there and let it inspire you. One title of book that I know well is “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew.

Check out Junior Achievements, an organization that can help with networking and resources.

Ask your parents for help. They know you well.

Look around you for ideas on products and services that people either want or need. Your newspaper can show you trends of people and their money.

Don’t spend every dime you make or you’ll still be wanting money for that laptop (and other things you’ll want or need in time). Money is alot easier to spend than it is to earn.

Stay focused on what you want. Set goals so you can achieve them.

Read stories about other successful teens and what they did but don’t copy them. Your goal is to be better!!! Education is very important to success.

Now, do something today to brainstorm what’s right for you whether it’s a recycling center or selling used bicycles or running an online book store or ???.

Yes, there are things you can do but stop waiting for your ship to come in … Swim out to meet it.

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Friday, June 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Jenny asks…

Anybody have some good ways for kids to make money?

I am 12 and I need to start making money because it’s summer, I have friends’ birthday parties coming up, and I just wanna do stuff with my friends and get new clothes. I need ideas for jobs I can do. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

1. Ask your parents if there are any jobs around the house you could do for extra money like cleaning, taking care of pets, etc.
2. Ask your neighbors if they need any yard work done and that you could do it for cheap.
3. If you are responsible and have young kids in the family, try babysitting. 12 is a little young so it should only be for family. For example, if you have a little cousin, you could help take care of “it” (haha)..
4. (I know this is little kidd-ish, but you could do it with your friends to make it more fun) Have a lemonade stand. You could also get help from an adult and bake some things like cupcakes or brownies and make it a bake sale/lemonade stand.

Be creative and good luck! 🙂

Lisa asks…

What are good ways for kids to make money?

I’m 15 and my friend is 13 and we need to make a little extra cash, but we don’t know how… We have come up with selling stuff on ebay but we are to young for a paypal account or having a garage sale (but none of us live like in town). Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Doing chores for your parents or neighbours? Have like a car wash or cut peoples grass? That’ what I used to do when I was younger!

Paul asks…

how do middle school kids make money?

there’s these boots i REALLY REALLY want! they cost $140 (they’re Uggs,default,pd.html?dwvar_5819_color=NAVY&start=6&cgid=women-boot-knit) and i cant really afford them. i would wait until my birthday, but that’s in december which is way too far away. i get paid $10 a week for allowance. as of right now i have $25 exactly. i NEED to make more money but i need ideas of ways to make money quick, but im only in 7th grade so its kinda hard. i live in northern illinois, btw, so its starting to get cold and i cant do a lot of outdoors stuff. HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Save up as much money as you can and DONT spend it on anything else! Maybe you can rake leaves for your neighbor or sell some of your old things for money at a garage sale where you can make a lot of money!

John asks…

Ideas for a kid to make some money?

Please! My parents aren’t doing good with their jobs and I want to help them by making some extra bucks… Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to help? I’m 13 about to be 14 and I’m in 8th grade.

Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

You can babysit, be a tutor, I don’t know if newspaper delivery is still common for teens or not. You can also walk around your block and see if any of your neighbors would pay you for yardwork (trimming trees and bushes, mowing the lawn).

It’s a really nice gesture to offer to work to help out your parents, but you should talk to them about it first. They probably won’t mind you working if you can find a job, but they may not just accept the money from you. If they don’t want to accept it, just think of it this way: you using the money you earn on extra things for yourself is helping them save more of the money that they make!

Richard asks…


am earning for buying a “how to draw manga” book i selled chocolate and my newspaper but wasn’t enough,am a kid and i looked at all those “how to make money when your still a kid” websites but not all of them helped if you have any ideas or tips please send it to me.

Nagesh answers:

Fox News has reported that OLINE SCAMS are up 400%
If you try to make money online – you will probably be scammed.
Be careful.
They prey on the young and gullable. Don’t get taken.

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Thursday, June 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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