Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Sandy asks…

please give you’re opinion on this article?

‘Sugar Crisis’ a ‘MoneyMaking Hoax Concocted by Traders’
CEBU CITY — A group of sugar workers in Negros island was shocked to learn that the price of sugar in some parts of the country has reached a high of P60 per kilo amid news of an apparent crisis on the supply of the commodity.
“It is premature to declare that we are suffering from a shortage of sugar supply,” said Rundio Dagu-ob, national council member of the National Federation of Sugar Workers (NFSW). “How can they say that our sugar supply is depleting when in fact the milling season in Negros and other parts of the country is just entering its peak?”
The Negros Island, otherwise known as Sugarlandia, is the country’s biggest supplier of sugar, producing at least 60 percent of the Philippines’s sugar demand.
“We believe that this is a hoax concocted by sugar traders who wish to cash in on an apparent crisis scenario,” Dagu-ob said.
With the so-called crisis, an increase in the price of this valued commodity can easily be justified, Dagu-ob said, forcing the government to intervene by importing sugar from other countries at a high price, and selling it here at a subsidized price.
Dagu-ob maintains that collusion between sugar traders in the country and that of other countries could be possible, as both parties could greatly benefit from the crisis.
He said that the group is also surprised at the move of the Department of Agriculture asking for government, through the National Food Authority, to import at least 150,000 metric tons of sugar apparently to stabilize the price of the commodity.
“This is a first in eight years. For such a long time we have been self-sufficient in terms of supplying the local demand for sugar, in fact we are exporting sugar to the US because we have an oversupply of sugar here,” Dagu-ob said.
“This is uncalled for. In fact, the Sugar Regulatory Administration itself has declared that sugar production for crop year 2009-2010 is estimated at 2.16 million metric tons, even declaring that the country’s domestic sugar ending inventory to be at its normal level,” he said.
He said this move by the SRA is “not all about price stability” and branded it as a moneymaking scheme. “While farm workers are suffering from unfair labor conditions, from harassments, and below minimum wage, the government is conniving with unscrupulous traders to come up with a crisis that is nonexistent,” Dagu-ob said.
“And for what? To give these traders and hacienderos more money that they can use to make our lives even more miserable?” he lamented. “While we are the one producing sweet sugar, we cannot afford to buy sugar because many are living in extreme poverty and lack.”
Instead of encouraging traders to create a scenario of a crisis, Dagu-ob said government should look into the condition of farm workers and help them attain land, food, and a sustainable source of income.
Dagu-ob said government should be focusing on pushing for the passing of the Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill and not waste its time on “nonsense speculations and useless bickering.”
Ronald Ian Evidente, the spokesman of Kilusang Mayo Uno in Negros, suggested that instead of government focusing on the perceived problems, they should pay attention to the real problems hounding the labor sector, especially that of sugar workers.
“Arroyo and the House of Representatives must look after the consumers’ welfare and not the landlords and the sugar and oil cartels that are keen at manipulating prices to siphon profit from consumers. Wage increase is a must amidst this economic crisis,” Evidente said, adding that designating House Bill 1722 as an urgent bill would benefit the economy more than the importation of sugar. The bill calls for the raising of basic wages by P125 per day across the board.
“What’s the purpose of sugar importation? To project a ‘sugar shortage scenario’ and to justify sugar importation? Or is this a plot by both sugar barons and the cartel to raise funds for the coming 2010 elections?” Evidente said.

Nagesh answers:

I read it to like the middle. Then it started getting a little boring. Sorry.

Robert asks…

Christians, you believe so much in god but when it comes to following his teachings…?

You won’t. God said the more you give the more you will receive. My pastor said that. So then why we don’t have religious people giving a lot of things, maybe even give half of their food to poor and starve a bit.

There are people that believe in god 100% but still do wrong.

Those that believe only because they are afraid but only expect things to come to them, they are not giving

Those that only believe because they want to gossip after church service and want attention by screaming when people pray

Those that think they believe but don’t go to church at all. Don’t pray at all. But if you ask them if they believe in god, they say yes

If you believe in god, will you forgive someone that raped your child, abused your mum, killed your dad or whatever that has happened?

If god is real , why does he create abnormal children. Children with rare diseases or disabled children?

Why does he allow miscarriages? What did the unborn do so wrong to be sentenced to death?? Or lifetime of suffer??

And lastly, If a person raped killed stole hijacked abused tortured before, will he go to heaven if he ask for forgivness just before he dies( like before death sentence or whatever) . If he is sincere and really means it.
By the way, I stopped going to church for like 3 years now. I think its a money making scheme and pastors themselves are liars and don’t believe. Only a few pastors truely believe. The rest want money

I say the only god exists, is money . . .

Nagesh answers:

I understand your feelings friend. Jesus proclaimed that many, most will go to hell and very few will enter heaven. Now how can it be that all the tens of thousands of churches in America today all believe they are going to heaven? Get the idea? The multitudes believe they are going to heaven and are being taught that they are, but blatantly with great arrogance they disregard what Jesus says.

Today we have apostate churches. It is a church that appears Godly, but is not truly of God. It believes not the true Gospel of Jesus, or it pretends to believe, but will not obey. It is a fine religion that does little but serve itself. It is a cult. This church has a form of Godliness but denies the power of God. It tickles the ears of its members with good tidings. It’s a “social” gathering. Repentance, holiness and good works are frowned upon. Just because all the churches are doing the same things does not negate God’s Word or His commands.

The church system you see today is not Biblical. It is a system built by men to serve themselves.
The only time a collection of money was taken by Christians was to help each other and to send forth someone to proclaim the Gospel. This process of taking money from the flock to enrich the pastor, or even to earn a living from the flock, is not Biblical at all. It is a man-made process to become wealthy at the congregation’s expense. Jesus warned us that many would come in His name to deceive and many there are doing just that! Your pastor or your denomination owns the deed to your church, not the congregation. The individual in the congregation pays for this. On judgment day you will be held accountable for being a good or bad steward. Giving your money (tithes) to these false churches gains you zero credit with God. Jesus never instructed anyone to create a church to make money. The Apostles never instructed anyone to collect money to build a church or a school. These things “appear” to be good, but they do not reach the lost for Christ and that is the bottom line. God wants the lost to be saved.

Jesus warned that the gate to heaven was narrow and the road to destruction was wide. Look in your telephone Yellow Page directory and see all the churches. There are dozens upon dozens. This is the wide road, it certainly is not a narrow one. The moment you begin to believe in your church you are in great danger. Jesus said not to follow a church. He said to follow Him. Jesus’ church is of individuals that do the will of His Father.

Friend I left my church several years ago too. I was so tired of all the false teachings and celebrations of pagan holidays. They were no different than everybody else, except they appear to be “godly”. I am certainly not perfect friend, but I try my best to live according to Jesus’ teachings. I pray and read the bible everyday. I want to live for Jesus, even if I don’t make into heaven, because I love Him. Friend, I was raped when I was seventeen years old. My innocence was stolen and my world came crashing down. I have also had two miscarriages in the past five years. There are things in my life I don’t understand, but I trust Jesus. There are answers to all of my questions; for now I am content to leave them in my Father’s keeping. (quote from Corrie Ten Boom-Holocaust survivor)

Thomas asks…

The vemma nutrition system real or a scam?

Is the vemma nutrition system a get rich quick scheme or is it really true and you can make money

Nagesh answers:


Laura asks…

Please advise?

Is the freelottery the real thing or just a scheme to make money somehow. i just bumped in to one yesterday on the net. I am scared to play what if the next thing they say that i owe them money. Is it save to play or not . Never heard of anything like freelottery i mean where do they get money from if we dont play for free?

Nagesh answers:

Stay away. I work in computer field… Stay away.

Daniel asks…

What do you think about the human life energy, chi?

Hey. I’ve first thought about the human body and its infinite ability’s that have yet to be touched when I started watching an AniMe(japanese cartoons) show called “DragonBall Z”. I know it’s a cartoon and im not saying we can turn into anything like that but I do believe that we have some amazing abilitys that can be reached that’s somewhat like it. The life energy we all have (chi, ki, chakra, etc.) has many untapped ways of healing, fighting, and strentghening us. Like the guy who can make his hands reach 350 degrees and heal people. That right there is a perfect example. I know it sounds crazy and there are people who think this is stupid but I believe it’s very real. Problem is this, day and age, the world’s focused on making money and wanting to succeed the fastest way possible whether it’s plastic surgery or get rich quick schemes. We lost all the roots and not realizing our true potential. I hope to discover these things in my life. What are your thoughts on chi?

Nagesh answers:

No such thing, just another bit of asian mysticism.

There are many old and New-age practices that utilize some form of chi/prana/qi/human energy field/aura etc etc. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that such a field or force exists. Believers claim that they are able to detect these fields with “proper” training and manipulate them to affect health, for example. When tested under scientifically controlled conditions, they can do no better than random chance ( ie guessing) at detecting an HEF, never mind affecting health outcomes in any measurable way.

In pre-scientific cultures, various mystical explanations were invented to explain disease, illness, misfortune….gods, demons, and blocked chi. These ideas all had cultural significance, but like religion, they are ideas that we as a civilization have outgrown, and by clinging to these fallacies, we are holding back social progress.

Like all religious belief, it is utter nonsense. You give yourself away when you say “I believe it’s real” Belief is not proof. Abandon superstition and embrace reality.

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Friday, July 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Lizzie asks…

What Is A Good Way To Make Money?

I am 13 and I am willing to do work. Also, I was thinking of starting my own business. But how? Also, I was wondering what are some fast money making ideas excluding internet money making things. Help Please 😀

Nagesh answers:

You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well .

Sharon asks…

Anyone got any ideas on how make money fast ?

I need money ?

Nagesh answers:

Yes i have some ideas .

Michael asks…

how can i make fast money?

the only thing i want is the nintendo dsi and mt mom says that i can save up for it but it will take forever to make 170$ if anyone has any good money making ideas please tell me about them.and please nothing like lemonade stand because that won’t work.(it might but it will take too long)

Nagesh answers:

I was saving for that too.. And got it.. But right now im focusing on getting my ipod out of the pawn shop and need $120 lol i sold my dvd”s that i never watched. I sold some electronic devices i never used anymore.. Its simple just get rid of whatever u dont use. Eventhough it may be hard to get rid of some of that stuff. But just trhink to urself when u look for some thing to get rid of. “do i really need this?”

Helen asks…

PLEASE HELP~ how to making money fast!?

Please help me with ideas on making money really fast! I only need 13 more dollars to reach my goal! please help!

Nagesh answers:

These questions are so funny – every day at least 100 13 year olds post this question. Why are children so obsessed with money these days when they should be studying, doing homework, playing sports, reading or spending time with their families? There is NO such thing as making money fast – and you will spend the next 20 years of your life learning that. You make money by getting a job – you know like labor. Obviously mowing lawns or babysitting are two very simple activities kids can do.

Sandra asks…

need to make money fast any ideas?

im not in to the idea of striping or whoring myself out for money i need respectable ideas so i can make about $1,319.63 per month to pay for college i will have a job that pays 7.50/hour but im not allowed to work more than nine hours a week that’s about $202.3 per month and that’s clearly not enough ive exceeded the amount of scholarships and loans i can receive im working on a 2nd job but it probably wont suffice any ideas

Nagesh answers:

I make a living doing incentive marketing. I bring in about 1000 a week. Email me at to get you started

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Thursday, July 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

John asks…

How do you be a successful hobo/drifter?

As in work at a Job. Save up money and go to the next town? Where would you sleep? Since hotels would be way to expensive?

Nagesh answers:

Historically, many people have been forced into becoming hobos because of circumstances where jobs are so scarce that they have no choice but to travel from place to place in search of work. There are many theories of the origin of the word hobo (see Wikipedia’s entry, listed in the Sources and Citations), ranging from a contraction of the words “Hoe Boys” to one of the words “Homeward Bound”. In any case, the American Heritage Dictionary defines a hobo as “one who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood.” But the dawn of the Internet and increased dissatisfaction with the 9 to 5 routine have led more and more people to wonder if earning a living while on the road is a viable alternative to the daily grind. If you’re thinking about becoming an opportunistic and resourceful transient worker, keeping your costs low, your responsibilities simple, and your freedom intact, here are the questions you’ll need to ask yourself, and the preparations you’ll need to make.

Remember the differences between hobos, tramps, and bums: hobos’ are people who travel and look for work, tramps are people who travel and don’t look for work, bums are people who neither travel nor look for work.

Farm hand – If you’ve ever thought about being a farmhand there are places all over the world that offer housing, food, a stipend, and experience, in exchange for getting your hands dirty. You can follow harvest seasons around the country or maybe around the globe.

Take stock of your skills and experience. Historically, hobos have made a living through manual labor, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Any skill that is in wide demand and does not require an extended time commitment can be useful to a hobo. As long as you can advertise your services and earn people’s trust (ideally through references), you can do anything.

Establish Plan B. This is a serious, life-altering decision. Don’t abandon everything suddenly and disappear. You need something to come back to if your life on the road doesn’t work out. Make sure all your debts are paid and responsibilities are handled before departure. If possible, have some savings set aside before you go, that you can access while you’re on the road, if need be. Emergencies happen, and they cost money.

Be prepared. You may like the romantic idea of leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back and whatever is in your wallet, but that is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. You must assume that you will be sleeping, cooking, traveling, and essentially living outdoors, unless you decide to drive a car

Make a list of connections. Look at maps of the areas in which you’ll be traveling, and determine whether or not there’s anyone you know, directly or indirectly, who lives there. Ask your Aunt Sally if your great uncle Billy still lives in that cabin in the woods. Ask your friend if his cousin still works at the car dealership in Utah. Most important of all, ask them if it’s okay if you can get in touch with those people in case of an emergency. Some people might offer to make arrangements so that you can actually visit, which is always nice. (Just be a good house guest!)

Make an itinerary based on the type of work you plan to do, the connections you have in place, and the places you’d like to see. Do as much research as you can beforehand. Make a list of places you can stay, eat, shower, camp, etc. It’s also wise to look up churches and shelters and any services that are offered to the homeless. The more prepared you are, the more you’ll enjoy your travels.

(continued at the following):

Laura asks…

When you start up a new business?

Like in that story yahoo just put out, Where do people come up with half a million dollars of their own money in this days woes? I fail to understand how a normal person like me can start a new business with NO money. Let alone 500,000.00. I will never see in my lifetime, even a hundredth of that.

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking to start a new business with low start up you might want to check this website out. This business allows you to work from home on the internet in your spare time. You don’t need to carry any products or service your customers as it is all done for you. You can make a lot of money in your spare time if you put some effort into it. This site is great because it truly walks you through step by step videos on how to start your business. You will never be left to wonder what to do next to start and grow your business and earn the income you are looking for. Check out the website it might just be the opportunity you are looking for.

I wish you luck!

David asks…

In Business, How can one recognize a pyramid scheme?

I have this friend who is part of an organization that enegages in selling brand products through the internet and getting paid in a comission fashion. He invited me to this meeting to learn how to become part of the business deal. However, I wonder if this is a pyramid scheme. Since I need to attend to a meeting, no further information was or has been provided. However, I just need somebody to teach/assist me in how to spot pyramid schemes.

Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

That particular tactic is typical for Amway or their newer on-line company, Quixtar. If this is the case it would obviously not be considered a pyramid scheme because they have been in business for over 50 years.

Usually when people say Pyramid Scheme they are referring to an illegal business format where people earn money from large sign up fees or from huge purchases of a product (front loading). All large corporations are structured in a pyramid shape. That is they have a CEO or President and some Vice Presidents at the top and they have a lot more employees at the bottom. A company that allows you to earn money from the sale of normal (usable) quantities of products is probably a legitimate MLM company.

Today there are many legitimate “work from home” companies that are structured in this same shape where you would need to find other distributors to join your company. These are the best companies to invest in if you want to own your own business. They have low start-up cost and low risk but most have huge upside income potential. To choose one you should look for a product that you really like. Also, you should consider the experience level of the people that you are joining with. These businesses are simple but you will have a lot to learn in order to really make the big bucks. If you want to know more about some of these companies, I can make some recommendations. Write back to

Donald asks…

Where should I go to learn random useful things?

Sometimes I feel like dumb when I realize I know nothing about everyday things. For example I’m 21 and in college yet I know nothing about money (taxes, bills, credit, loans) or the other day, my roommate threw mothballs in our alleyway by our garbage cans because apparently racoons hate the smell and it keeps them from tearing the garbage apart. Is there like a website or book or something that you can learn about random useful stuff?

Nagesh answers:

FreeBase It’s about film, sports, politics, music, science and everything else all connected together. FreeBase contributors are collecting data from all over the internet to build a massive, collaboratively-edited database of cross-linked data. .

Http:// is an online community where you ask questions to the crowd and get back useful answers. It is for people who are looking for something more meaningful than they get from “popularity” based social networks. It’s a place to engage around asking, sharing, growing and learning. It’s where you get to question everything
Graspr is a social media and learning company building an interactive, online community that enables people to connect and share their life experiences and expertise with people who are seeking it. The community is built around topic-specific videos in a variety of interest categories, such as health & fitness, home & garden, crafts, sports, and many more
Yedda connect people who are looking for knowledge with the people who have the knowledge. Ask any question on any topic, and Yedda will search for people with the relevant interests and knowledge, and invite them to answer your question. Share your knowledge by answering other people, build your reputation and connect with likely minded people.

Squidoo is an online platform that makes it easy for anyone to build lenses on topics they are passionate about. These lenses help you find a unique, human perspective on things that interest you… Fast. Not only can Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their expertise, and send more traffic to their Web sites and blogs—they could also earn royalties.

Wolfram|Alpha’s long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. It aims to collect and curate all objective data; implement every known model, method, and algorithm; and make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything.

Koofers provides an interactive community that serves the academic needs of college students through information sharing. Students benefit from collaboration with their peers and the experiences of former students. Many helpful services span the entire academic calendar from course selection through final exams, and include collaborative note taking, course & instructor ratings/grade distributions, and an online library for sharing past exams & study materials.

SpongeFish is the place to share and show off your personal knowledge and expertise, and learn from others. People come to SpongeFish to show what they know and win prizes.

MindBites is your place on the web to learn directly from other real people and share what you know with the world. A self-publishing platform and social marketplace for instructional content, MindBites enables people to share their unique knowledge, skills and passions through audio and video lessons, earning money for themselves or for charity.



Sandra asks…

Is there anyone here who is successful now who started with just an idea? How did you do it?

I have something in my mind (a baby product) to make it easier for mums & their bubs. But I just don’t know how to start and make it happen. I’m a stay at home mum at the moment who’s eager to earn big, while I stay home with my kids at the same time. I am willing to learn but just don’t have that much confidence to myself as I have been staying home for about 3 years now. I am wondering how did those ladies do it successfully in their business but at the same time be with their kids too. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

There is deffinatly money to be made from home/computer. But there are also MANY scams out there as well. Be careful. Anyone asking for money to help you get started is a fake. The only site that i know of that can help is it will deffinatly be a start for you, Just go to the site and email the admin to make you an account. Its free. When you finally login, it will give you many job entries in your area through the forum. Goodluck to you hun 🙂 And for the product idea, you can deffinatly get things rolling…i would deffinatly urge you NOT to buy a ‘copyright’ seen on tv or the internet though. I would contact a lawyer/attorney and ask them. Most of the buy now copyright protections are fake and will only use your idea later. Talk to an attorney about copyrighting your idea, and then start advertise for it (after its been made)

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Sandra asks…

How do you reclaim maternity pay already paid from the government?

I have paid an employee maternity pay and want to reclaim it back before the year end. How can I do this, what online forms do I need to complete?

Nagesh answers:


First you calculate how much you are entitled to recover. You are entitled to recover 100% of Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) if your annual liability for Class 1 NICs is £45,000.00 or less. If this is the case you are also allowed to claim an extra 4.5% of the SMP as compensation for the NICs you pay on the SMP.

You deduct the amount from the payments of tax and NIC that you pay to HMRC for the PAYE scheme.

If you are not making enough payments to HMRC to be able to ‘recover’ the amount of SMP that you are entitled to recover you have two options. You can wait until the end of the tax year, and your P35 Employer’s Annual Return will show that HMRC owe you a repayment. OR you can ask HMRC to give you the money now – it is called an ‘advance’ to pay SMP.

Look at the tax office website, they tell you what to do: you want the section called ‘Recovering SMP/SPP’. You can apply for an advance by email from this page:
Or if you have any questions, call your HMRC accounts office (about the advance) or the New Employers Helpline (about the calculation) on 0845 60 70 143.

David asks…

Im stuck for choice please can you help me?

Right, Ive been offered a job with the school banking system (HSBC) the job has some good benefits and because your hepling out wih the younger years saving money, it counts as a special thing and the Job goes onto your CV and it shows your good at dealing with money.

I have also been told that you can gain an EXTRA Maths GCSE in Statistics by attenting a lesson every lunchtime on Thursdays and i’m really intrested in that. As many previous years have passed it and I am good at the subject it is presuading me to take the course.

HOWEVER both of these two things occur on the same day at the same time and I really dont want to give any of them up.

The HSBC job is good because I want to do my work expericnce there and probably work there. For the Maths it means an Etra GCSE which I consider is improtant.

Please could you help me with choosing which one I should do?

Nagesh answers:

That’s a difficult choice! Why don’t you contact your local HSBC bank manager or whoever the main contact is for the school banking system and explain to them your dilemma – tell them that you are very interested in some work experience with them, but that if you go on their scheme, you’ll miss out on the chance to do your statistics GCSE. Hopefully they’ll offer you some alternative work experience with them, maybe during a school holiday.

I’ve written a guide to making the most of your work experience – it’s at

Mark asks…

How much does Police gets pay in london?

I’m planning to join the met police in london, the recruiter at the open day wasnt very clear with the pay scale. So can any police people out there can answer my question.
This message is to John T. I assume you are already a serving police officer. Well you couldn’t be a very a good one because one of the qualities a police officer should possess is respect for race and diversity. Being a stereotype as youself will get you nowhere in this world. You sir, seems to have no respect at all. You never know a day I might be the officer who will be incharge of you.

Nagesh answers:

Police officer: Salary and conditions

* Range of typical starting salaries: between £21,534 on commencing service and £24,039 on completion of the initial training period (salary data collected March 08).
* Range of typical salaries with experience (e.g. After 10-15 years in the role): £33,810 – £37,071 (sergeant); £42,264 – £45,843 (inspector) (salary data collected March 08).
* London weighting and additional competency-related threshold payments are available for all ranks. An automatic Police Pension Scheme is provided but individuals may choose to make independent pension provision.
* A full-time working week is 37 hours, with an average of two rest days. Police officers provide a 24-hour public service so this is not a ‘nine-to-five’ job. Unsocial hours, shift work, and emergency call-out are required. Overtime is available and is paid at a higher rate.
* The daily working environment is variable. You may be in a patrol car, outside on the beat, at the station or attending court.
* Work conditions may be influenced by regional factors such as local terrain and culture, and size of the force.
* Part-time working, job share and flexible hours are available. Career breaks are possible after the probationary period.
* The police service is keen to reflect the diversity of the communities it serves and welcomes job applications from women, ethnic minority groups and the lesbian and gay community.
* Job opportunities exist throughout the UK.
* A free uniform and equipment are provided. Police officers are expected to adhere to a dress code.
* On appointment, police officers become members of the Police Federation of England & Wales . New police officers are not permitted to join a trade union.
* Police officers and sergeants usually retire after 30 years’ service or on reaching the age of 55; various compulsory retirement ages apply for higher ranks.
* Police officers are governed by a code of conduct both on and off duty.
* Travel away from home is rare but absence from home overnight may be common because of shift work.

I found that on
It does not say the London salary though. But I thought it might still be useful to you.

The starting salary of a Police Officer in London was hard to find, as the London Met website was under construction but I found this article to give me the answer. I am not sure how accurate the article it but it is a starting salary of roughly £22,635, increasing to £27,609 after 5 years by the sounds of it:

Metropolitan police officers currently not receiving a housing allowance are to get a £3,300 pay rise, Home Secretary Jack Straw announced today.

Metropolitan police officers currently not receiving a housing allowance are to get a £3,300 pay rise, Home Secretary Jack Straw announced today.

The £64-per-week increase, which comes into force next week, is intended to ease recruitment problems aggravated by rising house prices.

It follows a warning yesterday by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens that shifts all over the capital would be “stretched to breaking point” unless the issue of pay was sorted out.

He said there Government cuts had caused a recruitment and retention “crisis”.

Mr Straw, opening a Commons debate on policing in London today, said officers recruited since the housing allowance was scrapped in 1994 had been hit by both rising house prices and the loss of the extra money.

MPs cheered as he said: “I am therefore pleased to announce that the pay of all officers in the Met who joined on or after September 1, 1994, and are not in receipt of housing allowance will increase from next week by £3,327 a year.

“This is a very significant increase in their pay. They deserve it.”

It will raise the starting salary of a constable to £22,635 and for one with five years service, £27,609, with scope for overtime averaging between £4,000 and £5,000 a year.

Maria asks…

UK only: How can I make sure my landlord will give back the deposit on the house that I had given him?

I will leave the house in the way I got it, but he is evil and may not want to give me back my money

Nagesh answers:

Your deposit should be held by a third party like the government scheme, they also arbitrate if there is a disagreement in the amount of deposit to be returned
If he hasn’t put your deposit in the government scheme this is illegal as of a couple of years ago

Withholding your last rent will land you in trouble 2 wrongs don’t make a right

James asks…

can you be made redundant/laid off an apprenticeship if you have not completed your qualification?

So basically on Wednesday me and my friend had be given a notice to explain our contract will cease on the 28th of October due to the company losing money.

Its a Business Admin apprenticeship which we both started on May 13th this year , we had a 3 month trial and after that we was officially signed on.

Alot of people are saying you cant be laid off if you haven’t completed your apprenticeship , you can only be sacked but only fairly?

Does anyone know if you can or not?

Nagesh answers:

In my answer I’m assuming that UK law applies and that you are enrolled on an approved apprenticeship scheme.

The short answer is yes you can be made redundant from an apprenticeship but, by making you redundant the employer has breached its contract with you.

As an apprentice your contract should be a fixed term contract for the duration of the apprenticeship. The contract will be subject to you complying with attending college / training courses completing them successfully and adhering to normal company performance criteria, I.e. Time keeping, good disciplinary record etc.

If you have kept your side of the contract and there is no disciplinary reason for the employer to dismiss you then the employer has breached their contract by terminating it before your training is complete.

In the eyes of the law the apprentice agreement is a common law contract. By terminating the contract early your employer is in breach of contract.

This is separate to your employment rights, which mean that you can be terminated at any time with suitable notice defined within your contract of employment. As you have less than 1 years service you cannot claim unfair dismissal and therefore cannot ask to be reinstated.

Your only recourse is in the breach of your apprenticeship contact. There are 2 cases which come to mind where an apprentice has successfully claimed damages from an employer. These damages are:

1) For loss of earnings for the remainder of the contract. So if you worked 6 months of a 2 year contract you could claim the remaining 18 months pay.

2) For loss of future earning capability from failing to gain the qualification at the end of the apprenticeship. E.g. If you started unskilled and the apprenticeship led to and ONC in mechanical engineering and there is no reason to believe you would have failed the course you would be entitled to claim damages for the difference between what you earn as an unskilled worked and what you could have earned had you passed your ONC course.

The two cases I refer to are Flett v Matheson & Wallace v C A Roofing where damages were successfully claimed in a court of law for early termination of an apprenticeship.

If you want to go down the legal route then you need to engage the services of a good solicitor versed in employment law. If you are a member of trade union they may be able to put you in touch with one and pay their fees. Make sure you have copies of all your signed contracts and letters from your employer available and your apprentice portfolio to prove that you have complied with your course requirements.

While suing for compensation seems tempting you also need to consider that to get another apprenticeship, you will need a good reference from your former employer, this may be less forthcoming if you undertake legal proceedings.

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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Canada

Richard asks…

I got an email from “Citadel Holdings & Consultant Inc”, is it a scam?

“Dear Sir/ma,

My name is Steve Ortega, I represent Citadel Holdings & Consultant Inc, We are one of the fastest growing software company based in Birmingham UK (UNITED KINGDOM). We design computer components and other related software products.

At Citadel we specialize in exporting quality products at relatively low prices. But due to our ever-increasing customer base in US/Canada, we at Citadel are searching for representatives to assist us in establishing a medium to connect to our costumers more efficiently in US/Canada Region.

JOB TASKS If you choose to join Citadel as a representative, your basic task will consist of checking emails, processing orders and receiving payments from our customers on behalf of Citadel though basically payments are often made out on Money Orders, Certified Cashiers Check or a Personal/business Check.”

I’m not sure what to think of it, but I can’t seem to find any scam info about them online. Any advice?

Nagesh answers:

There are many similar scams out there. No legitimate company would email a stranger to offer them a job, and no legitimate company would use homeworkers to process payments. How the scam works is that they will ask you to cash or deposit these fraudulent checks or money orders using your personal bank account and then transfer the funds to them. So you send them the money, and eventually the checks bounce and you are held accountable for cashing bad checks. Do not give any information to your company and do not respond to any solicitations like this that you may receive.

Michael asks…

I want to make money fast since parent’s said they were ganna buy an mp3 player and now they said they lied!!!

mom said she was ganna buy an mp3 player…I wanted it from since it was the cheapest place I could get it from and it was said that iriver didn’t have technical support (that it was terrible actually) and my mom was hasty buying it from online since she doesn’t really use a computer..more as rarely use’s once every 5 months…..Im in Canada….I want the iriver clix2 8gb….and NOT A SINGLE SITE…sell’s it and ebay has it overpriced…..sigh……….still wanting it….may Iremind you that it was supposed to be my bday present…and with my report card….it only makes my mom want to buy it even less!
now wanting the player….I wanna buy it through a money order…’s stupid but im desperate…so what could I do to make some $$………in im gr.11 btw… time is kinda limited……and working is just dumb…..and I don’t wanna wait till the summer
I have a 1week holiday coming up….maybe that can give me a chance to raise 260?can it?
I meant working during highschool is dumb
I meant working during highschool is dumb

Nagesh answers:

If you think “working is just dumb,” you’re in for quite a shock once you get out of school.

The fact is, you didn’t have a contract with your parents and they have no obligation to buy you any toy that you want — and an mp3 player IS a toy, make no mistake — so if you really want one, you’re going to have to earn the money. If you don’t want a real job, you can try doing chores around the neighborhood or selling some of your possessions.

Ken asks…

I want to make money fast since parent’s said they were ganna buy an mp3 player and now they said they lied!!!

mom said she was ganna buy an mp3 player…I wanted it from since it was the cheapest place I could get it from and it was said that iriver didn’t have technical support (that it was terrible actually) and my mom was hasty buying it from online since she doesn’t really use a computer..more as rarely use’s once every 5 months…..Im in Canada….I want the iriver clix2 8gb….and NOT A SINGLE SITE…sell’s it and ebay has it overpriced…..sigh……….still wanting it….may Iremind you that it was supposed to be my bday present…and with my report card….it only makes my mom want to buy it even less!
now wanting the player….I wanna buy it through a money order…’s stupid but im desperate…so what could I do to make some $$………in im gr.11 btw… time is kinda limited……and working is just dumb…..and I don’t wanna wait till the summer
I have a 1week holiday coming up….maybe that can give me a chance to raise 260?can it?

Nagesh answers:

Work for it. Ask your parents to do some jobs for money. As Neighbours or other family members. Sell some stuff on Ebay.

Laura asks…

I want to make money fast since parent’s said they were ganna buy an mp3 player and now they said they lied!!!

mom said she was ganna buy an mp3 player…I wanted it from since it was the cheapest place I could get it from and it was said that iriver didn’t have technical support (that it was terrible actually) and my mom was hasty buying it from online since she doesn’t really use a computer..more as rarely use’s once every 5 months…..Im in Canada….I want the iriver clix2 8gb….and NOT A SINGLE SITE…sell’s it and ebay has it overpriced…..sigh……….still wanting it….may Iremind you that it was supposed to be my bday present…and with my report card….it only makes my mom want to buy it even less!
now wanting the player….I wanna buy it through a money order…’s stupid but im desperate…so what could I do to make some $$………in im gr.11 btw… time is kinda limited……and working is just dumb…..and I don’t wanna wait till the summer
I have a 1week holiday coming up….maybe that can give me a chance to raise 260?can it?

Nagesh answers:

Borrow from someone or maybe sale something of value…..

Joseph asks…

What’s a good online sports betting site?

I’ve been having alot of problems finding a decent online sport betting site. Somebody on here told me was good but it ended up being a ripoff. As they take some of your money for every deposit, win and withdraw that you make. 50$ for a bank transfer? no thanks. They won’t even allow me to use neteller anymore because I’m from Canada. Nor am I willing to wait 2 months for a check not counting the extra month it takes just to cash an overseas check here in canada.
I’m really just looking for a site with good odds which allows me to bet against the market, with which I can make easy and fast withdraws from.
Perhaps a gambling site from canada if there is any.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve attached a link from goonersguide below which looks at which online gambling sites accept canadian dollars, it’s got a good few sites listed right at the bottom which seem to be based in Canada. Good luck 🙂

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Monday, July 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Joseph asks…

Paid Apprenticeship/Trade School Or Finish Air Force/Army to finish pay for college?

Well , currently I am 22 year old community college student going to graduate soon and have an A.S. degree in Computer Information Systems but during the years there I did not really learn any (skill) fully to use in the real world. I am planning on finishing and getting my Bachelors degree at a university however, I think its not worth it. The reason why I say this since browsing for jobs in my field most jobs want lots of experience and programming languages and even if I had a Bachelor’s same thing and I do not want to graduate with loans an still not have a job, also there example of some students who graduate and do not have guaranteed job . Luckily I have no loans and I want to keep it that way so I was thinking of going to a trade school for Programming/Information technology and work overnight or go the army spend 4 years there then go finish up my 2 years at 4 year university and finish up, so which one is better move to getting a decent job and not waste time in the end ? However, I am currently 22 and I have wasted so much time but I learned from my mistakes over years so I want to do something fast/secure to make decent money so I was thinking the trade school route so what do you guys/gals think ?

Nagesh answers:

If you are considering joining the military, then you should join getting the same job you are currently going to school for. The Navy, for example, has a lot of jobs with computers. But don’t ever sign up for the military unless you go in for the job that they said you are going to get. It’s not like they send you to bootcamp and automatically assign you some random job. The whole thing about signing a contract is you do four years of whatever job you picked. Plus, by the time you get out you’ll be able to say “Yeah, I went to college for xxx and then did four years in the military on the USS xxxx doing xxxxx”. People will hire you like crazy. But never join the military unless you have everything you want in writing. Never settle for anything.

Charles asks…

Feeling suicidal because of college, help?

I know that a majority of college students feel this way, but I’m really starting to feel depressed and suicidal from school work and other things. (Relationship, work, money). I’m only in my second year, but I’m already failing hard and of course on academic probation…

I had firm A’s and B’s in high school, and I work hard when I motivate myself enough.
But anything I do in college doesn’t seem to be working for me. The professors speak too fast and I can’t write down notes well or fast enough. I’m having trouble even making friends with other students. (They’ve even stolen numerous items from me, including a $120 textbook).
And any test I take seems to be written in foreign language for me, I just can’t do these tests as well as I did with the SAT, etc.

I’m also lost on what to change my major to, or how to find one that will work more for me. I’ve gone through counseling to see if they could help, but I really have no idea on what to choose.

I really, really want to take a break from college, but if my parents find out I am failing; they will beat me until I’m blind, cut my head off, and set it on a pike to rot under direct sunlight.
They have very, very high expectations of me because all they want is to brag about their daughter graduating as some highly-thought-of-profession and comparing to other cousins and shit.

I’m seriously tired and feel like suiciding so I can end all this bullshit. I’m not whining and saying my life sucks more than everyone else’s, I already know tons of people have it worse than me.
…But that still won’t make me stop thinking of suicide. I really need help

Note: I am not going to consider drugs or drinking because that shit’s disgusting, so don’t mention any of that as part of any solutions.

Nagesh answers:

First of all I’m very sorry you feel that way. College was the hardest time in my life. The transition can be very frustrating. But it is just that: a transition.

Now lets really see it for what it is.

I guarantee you that if your parents knew what you were psychologically going through they would be empathetic. Please talk to them. Tell them about your anxiety. It won’t be easy but please do it.

I’ve been out of college for a couple years and now I look back at that time as the hard times that built character and made me realize that if I could power through that, I could get through anything.
Life doesn’t get easier. You just become better at handling the stresses.

Talk to your folks and talk to a counselor. It will save your life. Try not to think about your problems as one big lump of crap. I promise you that if you write down everything you are struggling with and organize it into categories it will put things in perspective. What you are doing now is thinking about one problem and before you get a chance to think it through you start thinking about another one. This creates a lot of anxiety. I know because I’ve dealt with it. Write them ALL down and take care of some easy ones just to get the ball rolling. You are in a funk and its time you get yourself out. Nobody is going to do it for you but understand that we are all capable of overcoming these fears. You are equipped to succeed.

This is your life were talking about. Your life and your soul. It’s your decision how to solve everything but I promise if you make that list, just start taking care of a few things, and understand that everything on that list does not control you things will get better. Feel free to talk about it because a few words of encouragement can go a long way. You are stronger than you think.

Chris asks…

Do you think I am doing well and typical college student affair?

Ok, I will tell you what I do and more, etc. First, I am 20 years old, from NY, I am in college (1st year) for Bachelors degree in Business administration/ advertising. I am very healthy and I excercise every day. I am 5’7 1/2″ tall and weigh 120 lbs. I measure 34-26-34. And I wait for the new president, Barack to be president and I havn’t voted and I hope he does well. Ecn. crisis is bad I hear, but my family and I are intact and unaffected quite fortunately. As I attend college full time M-F, I work several hours each day. My aide assists me in writing and helping me to understand everything the professor lady is saying. I have a very good IQ of 112 and I am very good at learning and school work, but my aide helps me because it is very hard for me to write ALOT in my laptop, in fast paced learning which I do not do well. I am doing well, thankfully for my aide and guidance counselors. I met a girl, a college girl, recently, she is 17, she has blond hair, I have brown. We have been dating for a few months now and we both love each other. We have not had sex yet, we decide to after we are married. We are both Catholic/not very religious. She is 5’6″, I am 5’7 1/2″. I visit her a lot after class, I go to her dorm and we talk a lot. Sometimes we even have drinks (she offers) and I say thank you. And I act as a boyfriend to her and am courteous and offer to buy her drink for her (even though it is hers). She thinks I am very sweet and flattering. Later, she drives me home, sometimes my Mom picks me up in her relly nice car a white Acura TL with leather seats and gps, etc. Oh, and I do drive, but I have some fears about driving, so I only drive out around town to stores, and when I go out with my g/f to nearby clubs, bars (they don’t ID there and we both love that!!) and movies, golf clubs, restauraunts and more. Oh, and my work, I do odd jobs, at home for my parents. I do my chores, extra chores and stuff and I earn 39.00 a week, I used to earn 13.00 a week, but it was tripled, since I work very hard in college and so I can have extra money to take my g/f out and still have money leftover for me. (I know what you must be thinking, but my parents don’t treat me like a little boy, and they help me to make it easier for me while I am in college). I plan to get a professional full time job in business management / advertising when I graduate in 4 years. I once did a non prof. job selling shoes at dept. store for a month and hated it. So, my current allowance is a lot easier, and my parents know work at a workplace is too stressful and a lot for me since I do College full time. Also, I do well with money in other ways in addition to 39.00 a week, I earn a lot each time I rake leaves, shovel, garden, etc. for my parents and neighbors. I say I am doing very well for myself right now. My girl friend and I are very happy together, and I am happy and not too overworked and have plenty of time to enjoy my weekends with me and my parents and younger sister, and older sister (who lives 5 miles away from me in a luxurious gated community overlooking the long island sound), and I see her every week and we hang out and play video games, watch movies, walk by the sound and more. I also spend a lot of time with my girlfriend on weekends we do a lot of clubs and parties and drink and kiss and party and she stays over at me and my parents house if she feels tired or drank alot and I take real good care of her. Anyway, my life couldn’t be any better. So, what do you all think? What do think of my life? Sounds fun? Would you enjoy the life I live?????

Nagesh answers:

Well if you ask people to evaluate your life you might want to consider why you felt it necessary to ask. Are you satisfied with your own life?

I do envy you for your secure relationship, because i know how fulfilling those can be. A good girlfriend and a happy relationship are things to be happy with, and it sounds like you are treating her right (though you seem a little fumbling about it).

In other respects, i could care much less. Your life sounds relatively normal, even if you seem a little isolated from the troubles of life. Your IQ is significantly less than mine but still around average, and highly intelligent people find happiness harder to achieve.

But i wouldn’t want your life. My life makes me me.

Kadin: How was that answering the question? Advertising your pyramid scheme or online business is bad enough but at least make a token attempt at answering the question. That is what you are here to do, after all.

David asks…

Should I start asking her hand in marriage soon?

My girlfriend and I have been going out for a long time now. We’re both close to our mid 20s, and we’re also in college. Yes, we’re also black Christians.

Me and her talked about some things last month. We talked about certain things we were going to do at the beginning of 2011, like trying to get an apartment together when school starts back and other certain things that will help benefit the both of us.

One of the issues that had happened was that the current college me and her go to screwed with her a little bit, so she decided to transfer to another college just down the road (14 minutes away from where I live). I came by and visited her some weekends whenever I get a chance (she lives in Memphis now, I live in Nashville).

Last weekend when I came by to visit, she told me how much she couldn’t stand being away from me. I was surprised a little, but I knew that she had fallen for me more than she ever did. In her case, she saw me as a changed man ever since I gotten baptized almost two weeks ago (I told her on the phone why I did it and everything else that had led me to that position, and the future I see for us). It made her happy, thus making her this way now.

Around that time when night came, me and her were talking, and she brought back up what she told me on the phone. She told me at that time that she was ready to settle down and everything, and she could tell that I wanted the same because of the tone of my voice. She then brought up about commitment. I gave in and told her everything I felt then and now, and about the commitment part of our conversation. So she asked me if I was ready for it as well, and knowing what I was thinking in my mind, I was. So I told her that after thinking about it awhile back and how much I loved her, I was ready, but I didn’t tell her about when I was going to ask for her hand in marriage. But I know that’s the moment we’re both waiting on.

Besides her transferring to the other college that’s only a few minutes away, I’m getting impatient on this whole thing. The moments we had, our past issues and situations that me and her shared since we both can relate them to each of us, our conversations and the fun we had, it’s all coming together. She told me that her plan is to stay in Student Housing for a month, find a job, and then get our apartment.

Honestly, I’m just a little worried. I keep thinking a few guys are going to try to “mac” on her and crap, and I know how most guys in colleges are (since it happen a little when I first met her before people found out we were together). Funny that she thinks that too of me, other girls going to try and talked to me while she’s not there since she knew some girls wanted to talk to me before I met her. I told her that I never knew that, and I don’t care about it one bit.

THE POINT IS, that my heart is going fast, and from what we both want, I want to make it happen. I really want to buy an engagement ring for her with most of the money I saved up. I used to have a job, but I don’t now, and I really don’t care how much I have, I want to use most of the money I have now to get her a ring (like a price between $700 and $800).

Should I start asking her hand in marriage soon?? If so, where would be a good place to buy an engagement ring between $700 and $800, since that’s most of the money I have now. I just want us to be engage and then handle the marriage after we both graduate. I want us to become one mind, soul, and body, and having her as of this day, I thank God for bringing her in my life.

Nagesh answers:

Lets be real. Only YOU know how you feel and only YOU should be aware of all the consequences later on after you use the money. Personally if i was in your position. I would go for it. Why wait? Your both ready and your both so deep in love, Lifes is way too short to stress over things like this, thank God you have found someone for you now make it official and i say do it! Good luck on everything and i hope you both nothing but the best =)

Steven asks…

How can my ex gf of 1 year get over me so fast ? Kind answers please…?

Its been 3 months for me and im still suffering i litterally fell in love with this girl so bad not knowing anything because it was my first love and hers wasnt.. I feel like im getting worse and worse everynight and sometimes i want to get back at her and tell her stuff that would at least make her feel like how i feel but whenever i try she turns the words to me and i just get stuck and feel more guilty as it happenned again last night.. I deleted my fb and everything so i wont see anything of her anymore.. Nothing seems to be helping me out im researching of ways to get over her but nothing is helpful.. How can she get over me so quickly?? I litterally gave myself to her and were 16 years old.. Im muslim and shes pentecostal.. I went to her church everytime to spend time with her even though i felt like crap.. When she broke up with me 3 months ago i pleaded her to talk to me everyday every 30 minutes i texted her for a month.. And then when i looked on her fb she talked some guy out to go with her to her church and that she was going to pick her up.. My life was ruined that moment i closed my laptop i started shhaking i tried to walk out the room but i fell on my knees and started crying i couldnt move for an hour.. On top of that i saw she put up on another guys wall sayying “i love you no matter what” just me typing this hurts so bad.. I did everything for her everrryyythhhinnggg i bought her a ring with our names and anniversary date.. She told me she wanted to video chat with me over the phone so i bought her a iPhone with some money that i had.. I did anything that a kid my age can do and i dont even live with my parents i stay with some college students.. How can she get over me like nothing?? So painfull..

Nagesh answers:

Damn…I am so sorry for your pain…i can feel it through your words….she was awfu; for how she treated you for one, but you’ll see in hindsight you didn’t give her much space, and when you’d buy her things she took the items and you for granted. If you ever wanna talk shoot me an email.

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Sunday, June 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Donald asks…

Anyone know a cheat for money on Restaurant City on Facebook ?

I need to earn money really quickly on Restaurant City, but it takes so long to earn even $100.
I would love it someone could give me a cheat to get money quickly, but so that I dont have to download or install and cheat thingoes.
I just want a quick, easy cheat 🙂

Thanks Heaps.

Nagesh answers:

Your question is similar to this one;_ylt=AoVdZAn2zOcZtNTXboQHoEkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090603195939AAsZ1xg

additional info: go to the Gourmet Street and try to find restaurants with trash, if a restaurant has lots of trash, you can go outside and go back to see if there’s still trash, but the chances are low and if it there’s any, it’s only a few; trash lurks behind items. Don’t forget to shake trees at every restaurant you go.

William asks…

whats the most effective way to make money w/out having a job?

im 15, still in 4th year high school. i want to buy the n82 using my own money . but how do i earn money quickly without getting a job?
i already thought about my allowance and trading-in my n73 .. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Well there is much work at home opportunities through internet. Many are genuine also. Please visit the source link to find various links in the additional detail of the question. You will find useful info there. The question has been asked in the yahoo answers itself.


Mary asks…

For a twelve year old, what is the best way to earn money?

I need to earn some money really quickly and I absolutely hate doing chores…. I need some suggestions please!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

“Chores” is the word parents use. If we call it a job, you will want pay. Those odd-jobs that are often called chores are the best way for someone not old enough to drive to make money.

Baby-sitting and yard work are very good ways to earn a good reputation. When it comes time for filling out a regular application for a regular job, those people for whom you did babysitting and yard work are great “references”. A reference is someone that knows how hard you work and will tell future employers what a fine person you would be to hire.

As for earning some money really quickly you are old enough to learn that this will not happen in real life. Good Luck!

Chris asks…

What are some comon things laying around the house that arent really needed?

I am saving up for something and its on sale for a couple weeks. I am 14 so a cant really get a job and earn money that quickly, so i found the best way to get money fast is by selling stuff around the house. I sold all the spare laptops, lawnmowers, and electronics laying around the house, so there isnt much left to sell. What are some common things laying around the house that aren’t really needed?

Nagesh answers:

I doubt they will miss the dog or the car……

James asks…

How can I earn money quickly?

I’m going school shopping soon, my parents are only paying for the neceseties like jeans and shoes. I have to pay for all of my shirts though. I need some cash. I have about $100 now which isn’t enough to get shirts for school. So I’ve been doing some chores like weeding the lawn, walking the dogs, laundry, cooking, etc. So I need some more ideas of chores to do around the house. Also other ideas to earn money would be much appreciated. Be reasonable, I’m 14 so it has to be legal for my age.

Nagesh answers:

I would say…ask around what you could do.
There are also fundraisers (flower fundraiser)
* and you get half of all the profits…

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Saturday, June 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Sandy asks…

How Can I Make My Money on the Internet?

I want to make money fast and get a check delivered to me fast. No credit card just something legit. And something that you’ve tried before and actually have gotten money out of it.

Nagesh answers:

There are no such places, and all these online MLM scam solicitations are just that… SCAMS…

Mary asks…

How can I make money online?

How can I make money online? I am NOT looking to get rich overnight, but need something I can do a few hours a day and have some guaranteed small income.

Nagesh answers:

In my opinion, the best, Fastest and safest online job is selling on ebay..There are no scams will own your business…So, Why to sell on Ebay?? The answer is very easy. Ebay has done the hard work for you. EBay is a very big marketplace and very trustable company as well, where anything can be bought or sold there. More than ten years passed now since ebay was launched and its a well know site in the united states as well as in some international countries. You do not need a degree in web programming or any formal training in web design or internet marketing to start selling on ebay. Ebay brings interested customers right to your door as well as their selling system is easy to understand.. If you will look to my source below, it provides valuable free info about selling on ebay.

Susan asks…

How do I make money when I am low on cash?

I need to make around 1500$ to 2000$ so I can pay the rest of my home rent, I am loosing money and need to figure out a way to get the money fast!

Nagesh answers:

Hi i am making money online . I am not here to promote a survey program .all you need to do is to sign up the site in the source , log in there , get that link and invite friends if you invite 1000 friends you can get 1000 dollars it is paying me ( i got 100 dollars even today ) payment proof in the source too.

Mandy asks…

How can I make money fast in Wonderland Online without selling mall items?

Wonderland Online is a game (search on google :p) and mall items are stuff (weapons, house items, misc) that players can buy in real life and use them in the game.

Nagesh answers:

If by money you mean gold rather than credits, there are many ways. However, the most popular way is by farming in kelan mines daily and when you log off (or run out of room in your inventory, which ever comes first) sell your items to the shopkeeper in kelan. It’s a quick and efficient way of getting gold.

Charles asks…

How can i make easy money in highschool?

Yea ppl say mow a lawn or chores but that doesnt work. I want something i could do, sell without doing about, anything. I also want the money fast.

Nagesh answers:

This free E-book might be able to help you make money online and work from home. As an experienced online marketer, I can tell you that the advice it gives you are spot on and will help you tremendously if you’re just getting started.

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Friday, June 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Jenny asks…

any indeas to fixing this?

Unwanted Invasion and Its Effects on Society
America’s exceptional status as a “nation of immi¬grants” is being challenged by globalization, which is making both migration and terrorism much easier. ( Each day at the Mexican American border there are hundreds of immigrants trying to enter the United States. Several of these immigrants enter illegally; hence, the growth in crime rates, over population of immigrants, and jobs being lost to lower class Americans.
In the population study of a sample of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest. Thirty-eight percent (about 210,000) had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about15, 000) and 11 or more arrests. (Need citation) These numbers are outrageous illegal immigrants clearly increase crime rates. Higher crime rates affect all of society. Death numbers go up as well as every other crime. When immigrants are illegal sometimes they feel the need to be exceedingly hesitant about everything causing them to react quickly, without thinking. A prime example of this happening was when a local police man was shot by and illegal immigrant all because he was pulled over for an out headlight. America is full of crime already it doesn’t need more caused by illegal immigration.
Not only are the illegal immigrants increasing crime rate they are also taking over. A former Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that as of January 2000 the total unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States was 7 million. This total includes those who entered the United States illegally and those who entered legally but overstayed their authorized period of stay.(CITATION) Some experts believe this is an overly conservative figure and that illegal immigrants number close to 20million.(CITATIOn) I personally, am astonished at how far we let this problem get. They are everywhere I understand if they become citizens but clearly not all of them do so. Today stores are putting Spanish signs up to help out the Hispanics. It’s terrifying to think where America will be in years to come. It may seem as if I were racist, prejudice, our stereotypical but in reality I am not. I just have a strong opinion on this migration of Hispanics. American founders have worked extremely hard to keep this country safe, free, and enjoyable. It truly is sad to see that immigrants commonly take advantage of America.
The typical reason immigrants migrate to this country is for the dinero. Jobs are at a surplus here compared to other surrounding countries. Millions of lower class Americans loose jobs to illegal immigrants; thus, poverty has gone up. Our nation’s hospitals lose money to charity treatment of illegal aliens as well. The amount of funds spent on illegal’s doctor bills is outstanding. With the growing number of uninsured illegal aliens, who cannot pay for their own claim, leads to taxpayers paying billions of extra dollars. Our economic downfall cannot handle these immigrants.

Nagesh answers:


Paul asks…

Negligence question, please assist?

Okay, this is a messed up story and now we hate each other. This happened to me and my roommate last year. Okay here is the situation:

We didn’t have a kitchen table because of the size of our apartment (we’re college students) so I was eating on the couch and there was no room to put my glass of water on the coffee table so I put it on the ground next to the couch. In regards to the table, there was no room on the coffee table because my roommates were complete slobs and never picked their plates/bowls/cups up after they were done eating and I was sick of cleaning up after them like I was their mother (Nothing that was on the table belonged to me either). Anyways, I ended up accidentally kicking the cup of water over and spilling about a half a glass of it on the carpet next to the couch. I immediately grabbed a dry rag and soaked as much up as I could just so there wasn’t water laying on the carpet. About an hour and a half later, me and my friend that was there left to go see another friend at his apartment.

Here’s where it gets messed up. While we’re over at our friends my one roommate comes over and asks who spilled the water on the carpet. I quickly said I did but that I picked it up right away. And then he replied that he found his computer (a Mac Book Pro) in a pool of water under the couch (where he had left it) and that it wouldn’t turn on anymore. Then proceeded to blame me for what happened and demanded I buy him a new Mac Book Pro. A note on the couch: it is one of those with a flap of fabric that goes to the ground so there was no way I could see under it or know that his laptop was even there at all.

Now, in the first place I am a college student and I don’t have that kind of money to throw around and also, I don’t feel like its my fault because there was nothing I could do to avoid the situation and how was I supposed to know his laptop was there. If I knew it was there I would never have put my glass of water where I did. Can someone help me out here? I feel bad about the situation but is it legally my responsibility or does he have to take charge of where he leaves his things? Also, he is being a huge ****** about the whole thing and its really making me hate him.

P.S. He also tried to turn his laptop on when it was apparently still wet, which fries the hard drive. If he would have waited until it was dry there is a very good chance that it never would have broken. This, I believe is his fault as well.

Another situation like this is if he had put the laptop on the couch and covered it with a blanket and then got mad when someone sits on it…how is that that person’s fault?

Nagesh answers:

I’d tell him to “pound salt”. Your conduct was reasonable, your actions were not deliberate, you did nothing deliberate and life goes on. It was an accident, pure and simple.

Mark asks…

any fund raising tips? Please? I need money quickly for travel.?

So for my college I was randomly selected to go on a service trip to the Bahamas this winter because of my application for the program.

Thing is, I signed up for a spring break program because I knew it would give me more time to get money. AND this trip to my bahamas is 1,300!!!!!! I don’t have that! I’m a student, and I need all the money by this December or they bill my student account.

Do you have any ways I can fund raise or market myself in order to make money quickly and legally?
I thought about singing on the street since I’m a good singer/composer, but that’d only give me pocket change!

Please! I really need help.

Nagesh answers:

Start a car wash fund drive

Michael asks…

In Ont. is it possible for a father to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights with the mother’s consent?

My ex husband abandoned me and our two children 4 months ago after a long 7 year marriage filled with multiple affairs, threats to leave, and unhealthy behavior on his part. He has never been close with either of our children and did not treat them well… they deserve much better. Long story short, it was a huge relief to finally see him go and be done with it. We have only been legally separated since a week after he left (just in January) and will be divorced in January of 2012 (unfortunately it seems we have to wait a full year after separating in order to make the divorce final… I can’t seem to find any way around this). Since then I have started seeing an amazing man who started as a good friend, but our relationship has grown and deepened into a serious and very committed one. He loves my two daughters and would like to eventually marry me and adopt the girls as his own. My ex husband wants nothing to do with the kids and has been refusing to pay child support. He is working under the table, so short of taking him to court and putting him in jail, it’d be difficult, pricey and just plain exhausting to be hounding him for the rest of my life trying to get money out of him. And he is like that… he could go his entire life without once working through the system (and reminded me of it himself). I don’t want to spend my life chasing him – I don’t want anything to do with him and he doesn’t want anything to do with us. I would rather just allow him to relinquish his rights at this point as my daughter wants nothing to do with him either, my baby doesn’t even know him, and my significant other is hoping to adopt them and love them as his own. I brought this up to him and he is willing to give up his rights completely as he is planning on moving to Colorado within the year with his new girlfriend. I am happy with this outcome… I want him far away and I never want to have to deal with him again. I brought it up to our older daughter and she was so excited at the thought of him not being her daddy anymore that she jumped up and down squealing and hugging me. My question is this: Can we sign a mutual (legal) agreement through a mediator/lawyer stating that he has relinquished his rights rather than going through the court system? I want to do this as quickly, peacefully and inexpensively as possible. Is it possible for this to be a simple process?? I’ve heard mixed things… someone on another board had said that it’s not possible unless there is already someone ready to adopt the kids… and because the divorce wouldn’t be final until January, I wouldn’t be getting remarried until probably the following summer, at which point he would adopt the children then. However, we would rather not wait until then for my ex to relinquish his rights. Some people say that there needs to be a judge involved whether I am willing to let him walk away from his rights or not, and that the judge would need hard evidence that he is an unfit/unsafe father in order to allow him to stop paying child support and to give up his rights. Other sites say that even if he relinquishes all rights and responsibilities, he would still need to pay child support… that doesn’t make sense to me and I am willing to take him off the hook for child support on the grounds that he just leaves us alone from now on. Anyway, I’m confused by all the conflicting answers on the internet, so please let me know if you know anything about this or if you have experience with a similar situation. I’m in Ontario, Canada.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, he can voluntarily relinquish his rights. Yes, you can do it thru a lawyer. You will probably still have to file it. I think you are very lucky to have someone that is willing to be a daddy to them. Your ex certainly does not and they are lucky enough to have someone who will love them and care for them. As far as the other poster’s comments are concerned, why do you have such a negative attitude. You do not go into a marriage assuming that at some point you will break up and have custody issues. With this mindset, you do not need to get married again because it will definitely fail. You have made up your mind to do so from the beginning. You don’t need evidence if both of you want the same thing. In your case, you have someone ready willing and able to step in. I am adopted. To say that my adoptive father has no right to custody of me cause he is not biologically connected is just insane. I would not want either one of my biological parents to have custody and control over me.

Follow your heart. Do what is best for your girls. Sounds like to me that your new man is the answer to all of the problems. He can show your daughters and probably already has, what a responsible loving father can and should be. Good luck.

Lisa asks…

2 years later…still not over my Ex?

some days are better than others. like right now for instance, not a good day.
Was with my ex for a total of 7 yrs…engaged the last year of it. After on again off again (mistakes he made on his end= betrayal) He came back full throttle to commit on a serious level- so much so that he would drive 365 miles to visit me for 5 months straight just to spend 2 days with me in his quest to win me back. He eventually apologized to my Mother & Father for his unfounded, immature behavior in how he had treated their daughter (me). He reasoned with them and explained he wanted to make me his wife.
While we went to therapy- and i founded in my heart to forgive him, we tried to move on from his mistakes…in the past and all throughout the relationship. His goal was to put everything on the table in hopes that he could turn over a new slate and start fresh.
After almost 11 months of this—positive behavior, he proposed to me and I lovingly and purely accepted. I waited almost 6 years for this…indeed it did happen.
I agreed to move to another country (at the time he was working there also a citizen) and planned to immigrate while we planned a wedding.
This is where is gets… really really sad. When I moved up there, everything was going well for the first 3 months- However, I did noticed he seemed on another page when it came to wedding plans (just seemed disinterested) and then he never wanted to discuss plans about our future (tangible plans-like baby, budget, house, etc.) I was always the one to initiate discussion. When it came to his only request which involved merging “legally” he mentioned a pre-nup… I should have known this was a red flag! As time moved closer to planning our wedding, I asked him countless times if he could help fill out the “couples questionnaire” for the wedding officiant… i asked so many times it ended up being a battle. then came wedding invites…his alternative to saving money on the wedding was to e-mail invites to 200 guests -the only suggestion he even gave.
At this point-I noticed he seem disinterested and it really started to depress me. Then out he came with- we should cancel the wedding. He said were not getting along…and this is suppose to be the happiest part. (mind you-I have a ring on my finger, a venue booked, a dress bought, etc) he tells me this 8 months into the engagement. Then like clockwork-he seemed relieved and when I threatened to leave because of this… he cried and begged me not too. I listened to him and wanted so badly to believe his intentions were pure and he really wanted to work on “compromising.” I stayed and waited and waited. And as I waited he expected me to bounce back back as quickly as him- (not so much) In fact, I started to resent him. I felt as if he was making excuses- then I started to pull away and then he did. Then I would try to move closer-then he would pull away.
Eventually- He called me to tell me he was sleeping over a friends house and was planning on drinking. I advised him to be safe and not to drive. Funny thing is- next morning he came home and looked…well like his conscience was eating at him. The moment I felt this(i have felt this before) I asked him if he did something that I need to know. He looked me dead in the eye and proceed to say NO then kiss me. Afterward hopped in the shower and seem “in another world.” That very same day we were suppose to drive to the border and finalize my immigration papers. Before we left- he told me that he was with another girl the night before. Here I am- a state of complete numbness while I am hearing this. It was like deja vu all over again,
After a 6 hour walk by myself- I told him I was leaving him and proceeded to say “Thanks this just confirmed everything”
As I left a week later- I left my hopes, my dreams, and everything I wanted to build for the last 7 years. He took all of that away from me.
A year way from him- he still contacted me told me he missed my friendship.
Year 2 was actually harder-the shock value wore off and reality set in. I actually ended up missing him more than ever. We spoke briefly during this time and I once again fell into the ridiculous trap of getting my heart broken all over again- as he told me that his work will send him to the Czech Republic- my heart cringed and again-despair came over me. I politely asked him to end communication with me as it effected me way too much-as I still had love for him.
He just recently contacted me in September- wishing me well.
I can’t understand this person-? Even when I am not with him- I still am deeply enveloped.
I miss what we had- I miss the fun- the adventure- our commonalities. I had never in my life time been in love with someone as much as i was with him.
Now we are just strangers- Why does this pain heart so bad……. Why?
And is he thinking of me the same as i think of him?

Nagesh answers:

Wow! You have gone through alot… Remember that your a good person that u just gave your heart ouy. It was his responsibilty to respect it and love you back the right way, well he didnt and you should move on dont look back and trust me you will heal one day, do you date alot? Just pray and ask god to send you the right man .You may had love him but he cheated on you to much and thats not love we only have one heart to give and receive.When everthing is healed and done your gonna be a woman of steal! Stay strong mami!

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Thursday, June 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Sharon asks…

Ok now seriously, I need a quick way to make almost 2,000$.?

Seriously now..

I’m too young to get a job. so don’t say that.

I currently have 51$, and in a few days will be getting almost $500 for child support from my dad but 250$ of it goes in a bank for college.

If I can convince my mom to let me use my college money i’ll have around 900$, only 1,100 to go.

Plus birthday money i’m gonna get so I should only need another 800$ and have about a weeks and a half to make it =/.

anyone have any suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Sell unused stuff on Ebay.

Donald asks…

Quick way to make 50 bucks in a day?

I have to pay my college tuition in ONE day, I have until midnight tomorrow night, and I’m only $50 short 🙁 . How can I find that kind of money in a day?? I’m willing to do ALMOST anything.

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell something
2. Offer a service of some sort
3. “find” some money
4. Scam a bunch of kids (the gold quarter thing- heat a quarter until the metal has a gold-ish tint. Clean it really well, kids pay 8$ thinking its made of solid gold. )
5. Panhandle for it. Some homeless panhandlers get over 100$ a day
6. Rob a store (only 13% getting caught rate in the US)

Joseph asks…

Quick way to earn money?

im a college student traveling forty miles a day to and fro school… i have six bucks left in my name, no one has hired me or even given me an interview no matter how much i call.. i turned in cans but that isn’t enough, how can i make money quickly,,,,, please help me.. i would greatly appreciate it =]

Nagesh answers:

Most of the “make money online free” sites are scams. I have heard of a few that suppose to pay but it is very little money. You can make money for free at a site I recently found. There is 14 different ways to make money, 4 which are free. You can take a look and try it for yourself. They have live people in there 24/7 to help you find out about the company. I have already made some money myself. They also have a free membership to the worlds largest savings network. You can save on everything from groceries to restaurants to disney world to electronics. Saving money these days is also making money. Whatever you do, do your home work first. Good luck

Ruth asks…

What are some good ways to make money on the side?

I’m married and bring home a decent salary but would like to make some extra money on the side.

I have a lot of skills that could serve in different capacities:
* Superb typist (120 wpm)
* Excellent in mathematics and science up to college-level calculus, statistics, and physics.
* Great in written communication.
* I won a national video game competition and have world-class skills in a select few games. ( I know this isn’t a very marketable skill, but I considered opening a video game tutoring web site, charging a fee for personal lessons over XBox Live or PS3 online.)

I work 40 hours a week and would only have a couple hours each weeknight to spend on another job or profitable hobby, along with a few hours over the weekend. I’m not interested in any “get rich quick” or “make “X” thousands of dollars from home” schemes. I’d just like to know how I can use my skills to make some extra money.

Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Write an ebook about the video games you know if they are very popular, and sell it on ebay (or your own website). For example: People who sell World of Warcraft Gold Guide on ebay(go to ebay and search for wow gold guide and you will see many people selling it) make about $700 a month and theres no work involved after the book is written since you can set it up to be automatically downloaded from a free website such as freewebs DOT com. (I purchased one of these books from someone who said I could resell it then I was kicked off ebay for copyright infringing so if you do this, make sure all the information in your book is written by you, the resellable ones are usually a lie just to get you to buy the book and they probably found the info from someones book who isnt offering it for resell)…..After the customer pays it directs them there if you give your ebay listing the address where the download page is. (if its cheats or codes or tutorials lots of people need, then it only has to be like 5 pages long, use adobe acrobat or a similar .pdf program to make .pdf ebooks). Ebays fees are horrible though. If you sell an ebook, I suggest you sell it for around $6-7…you will make a $4 profit on each one after ebay and paypal fees.

If that doesnt interest you then you can get into selling domain names. I do this part time and make decent money…but research before you buy. Register domain names through godaddy and then sell them on ebay (you purchase or register a domain name, then transfer it to someone else after they purchase it from you). To be honest its better to buy domain names that are worth alot (and usually selling for alot) on sites like sedo or afternic….than to register brand new domain names. Most good domain names are already taken and older ones are usually worth more anyways.

Thomas asks…

What is a very quick career training i can do while i will be in college for 3 more year?

I need a career training that is at least 1 month to 2 months long i don’ t care what it is as long as it really short no longer than three month day care, phlebotomy etc. I so desperate and can’t find a job i need some way to make money

Nagesh answers:

EMT basic. My daughter did this in her senior year in college. It was 2 evenings a week for 3 months and an unpaid 200 hour internship that she did in 8 weekends.

At grad school and now at her PhD school she works 10 – 30 hours a week. She gets to work all the football games and concerts at her school and gets paid to go there.

And she knows how to use the jaws of life to rip roofs off cars.

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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