Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Daniel asks…

How to earn from internet or home based computer work ?

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay 

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

Ken asks…

How can I make money from internet ads?

Does anyone know how I can make money by showing ads on the internet? If my site gets over 50000+ views a month, how much money can I earn? Do the viewers must sign-up for the products or can I make money by generating huge views alone? If you have any suggestions on this please help. Thanks

Also, I’ve read about google’s adsense. Does anyone know much they pay for each click? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

It is hard to say how much your site will earn in a month. First it will depend on what type of advertising you use on your site, and there are several:

– CPM or cost per 1000 impression where you get paid based on the impressions the ad gets. If the advertiser pays $1 per CPM (or $1 per 1,000 impressions), then with 50,000 impressions you earn $50 [50,000/1,000 x $1]

– CPC or cost per click where you get paid not based on your traffic but how many actually clicked on the ad. Google Adsense is mostly this type. So if the advertiser pays $0.50 per click and the ads received 1,000 clicks or 2% click through rate [1,000 clicks / 50,000 impressions] then you earn $500

– CPA or cost per action is where you don’t get paid for the ad impressions you generate or the amount of clicks the ad gets, but for the number of people who actually responded to the ad. The response of course depends on what the advertiser has set it out to be — mostly the visitor has to buy a product; in some cases, the action is a signup for the newsletter or a lead for the company. So for example you sign up for and you sold $100 worth of books – at 7% commission then you earn $7

Then the amount you also earn will depend on how you are getting the advertisers. If you are using a banner ad network or a contextual ad network, understand that there is a revenue sharing between you the publisher and the network. So even if the banner ad CPM campaign earned for you $50 but if the revenue sharing is 60-40 where you get 40%, then your take home is $20.

Here are some banner ad networks

Burst Media
Fastclick (ValueClick). Http:// Http://
Tribal Fusion

Here are some contextual ads network

Google Adsense……
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)
Quigo Adsonar…
Commission Junction Evolution
Kanoodle Brightads….

Michael asks…

Where can I find a on-the-phone, work at home job in the UK?

I am a very busy person and am not willing to give up all the things I do. I really want a job though, but obviously hours are a problem.
I’ve seen loads of american websites where you can work on the phone as a customer service/talkline person and choose which hours you work. Are there any of these in the UK?

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. If you wish to learn earning through internet while working at home, feel free to add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Richard asks…

How can I find LEGITIMATE (non-MLM) online business opportunities?

I’m largely confined to home for health reasons but still need to earn a decent income. My computer skills are pretty good but I don’t have much for an initial investment. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I suggest starting your own home based business. Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. Most home based businesses have training programs to teach you the trade and help you get started. I don’t know what you like to do, so I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago and point you out to some others to take a look at. Ours well supports our family of six (we have four children).
My husband is disabled and he’s able to do this, so I’m sure you can too.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.

We got involved with a 15 year old world wide company in the telecommunicatons industry. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
You can work online or off line.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.
Another thing you can do is get involved in the candle industry. I have a friend that has that in her own home based business and makes candles and does fundraisers for schools as well as for non-profit organizations. She does really well. If you’d like her information email me and I’d be happy to email you back with it.


Paul asks…

Is it possible for meat 50 years of age can become a freelance writer to earn handsome amount?

I can write and I am writing for for a few newspaper/magazines on topics of various interest? Which ezine should I concentrate most?

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money online and wanted to work from home, go for freelancing jobs. They are only one, that will pay you and its free to become a freelancer. The Internet has opened up many freelance opportunities, expanding markets and helping to build it into one of the largest economic segments for many economies. You dont need to pay to get the job. Development for freelancing has been especially high for software development, website design, information technology, and business documentation. Freelance practice varies greatly. Some require clients to sign written contractsbased on the perceived value of the results to the client. By custom, payment arrangements may be upfront, percentage upfront, or upon completion. For more complex projects, a contract may set a payment schedule based on milestones or outcomes.

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Thursday, July 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Ruth asks…

Are there any LEGITIMATE work from home businesses out there? If so does anyone work for them?

I am a stay at home mother of three and am looking for a job I can do from home to supplement our income. Does anyone one know of any Legitimate work from home businesses?

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

Mandy asks…

If John Beck made millions on his Clear and Easy work at home plan, why must he sell it for so much?

I mean really if he is so rich from this and if just wants to help everyone learn how to do it, why does it cost so much to get into? My personal hypotheses is that he actually made thousands, and he plans to make his millions of us (realizing he cant go any further with his home buying scheme). What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

You are right—he made a little on a few properties and now is looking to cash in with his books. If I had the secret to make millions I sure wouldn’t share it. The books only tell the basics—I myself made some money on properties but it was no-where a million bucks and now with the Economy and Credit Crisis the way it is –it has dried up.

Joseph asks…

I can’t find any honest at home work or business. Is anything for real?

Everything I check out is a scam for work at home jobs or businesses. I don’t believe in get rich schemes, just want to start something that will help me out when I retire, my company dropped our pension program. You can’t live on social security very well. I’m pretty computer savy. I’m appalled at how many seaches on ripoff reports or scambusters shoot down companies I look at. Please help: I’m running out of time. Thanks to all!

Nagesh answers:

They “dropped” your pension program? What’s going on with this company?
A home based “job” is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. Most companies don’t feel they need to pay anyone more then that because their gas cost is eliminated. What people don’t realize, what about your spouse? Do they still have to drive to work every day? Grocery shopping, outings, and things like that are still going to cost gas. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse’s gas tank with the gas prices these days. Then you still have the normal bills you need to pay each month as well, food, utilities, mortgage (rent for most people). Think about how much money you spend in that alone? If you need more income, I don’t see how a minimum wage home “job” is going to cut it then.

You’ll find a lot of links to surveys. Survey’s are not what you think. They require a lot of time, and you won’t make what they claim you will. A couple of my friends did a six month test on several different survey sites like Survey Savvy, Harris Poll, Greenfield, Opinion Outpost, Survey Sport, Buzzback, NPD online, Lightspeed Panel, African American, Your2Cents, Project Payday, Inboxdollar, SnapDollars,Send Earnings, Creation, mycoke rewards, E-poll etc. Each did some the same sites and some different sites. Totaling at least 15 – 20 a piece. They’re not what people say they are. Yes they are easy to do and you can receive money and prizes, compensating you for your time and effort. So they’re not a scam. They’re very time consuming though. When you add the time together, It’s more time then you think! If you do decide to get into surveying, you better plan on spending 8 to 10 hours a day and make minimum wage. Sometimes you will hit good surveys that will pay you a lot, but what’s required to get that is amount, the calculations of the time involved, and what you got paid in these “higher” paying surveys, still only averages out to minimum wage. It’s a psychological thing because the time is spread out on these, so it doesn’t seem to be as long as it really is. But we did the documentation’s and figured the time vs money factor. We found that there was more time with little money to be made.
Here’s how the survey’s work. You spend approximately 10 to 15 minutes per each site to register and set up a profile to qualify for surveys. (this is non paid). To make anything really work, you need to register for at least 14 different ones, and make sure non are related to each other. Then you’ll start receiving emails for surveys. Each survey you have to complete a 15 to 20 minute “pre-qualifying” survey, after you were already told you qualified based on your profile (you don’t get paid for this) Then if you do qualify for a survey (which majority of the ones you don’t qualify for. So you’ve wasted this 15 to 20 minutes and sometimes longer of non paid time.) Then if you don’t qualify for one, they offer another and you have to do the same thing, and the same thing happens.) You waste approximately 45 minutes to an hour until you finally qualify for a survey. You take a 30 to 45 minute survey and make normally $1 to $3 a survey that they claim takes 15 minutes. Or instead of money, you earn “points” which later on can be exchanged for money or prizes. You have to earn enough points to make $10. That’s not including the 15 minute pre qualifying survey, that you had to repeatedly do prior to land this survey. So you’ve now spent thirty minutes to an hour and made $3 or a few points. And the process between each of the survey sites is the same. So you can pretty much do the math. It averages out to be between $2 to $6 an hour. Sometimes you do come across a survey that will pay you $25 to $75 a survey, BUT there’s A LOT more to it then what meets the eye on that as well.
Here’s how the larger pay out survey’s work. It could be a telephone survey or a Internet survey. You get the pre qualifying part of 10 to 20 minutes then if you qualify for it another 15 to 30 minute survey or a telephone survey about the product your about to try to see if you qualify to try it. Even though you took a 10 to 20 minute “pre qualifying survey” that said you qualify for. When you qualify for it, they send you a product out to try for 7 to 10 days and you do some daily documentation’s on it. Depending on what the product is and the documentation’s it’s usually 5 – 15 minutes each daily documentation. (you got a free product to use around the house, this is a good part of it) after trying the product out you have to complete another survey that takes between 15 to 30 minutes to do. Now you do the calculations on that. You don’t get as many of these types of survey’s. They use the hype on getting paid $25 to $75 dollars for 15 minute surveys. NOTICE THE PLURAL IN “SURVEYS” What they don’t tell you is that there is more then one survey involved in these. Now calculate from your pre-qualifying survey to the next pre-qualifying survey from the company carrying the product, to the trial and documentation’s, to the last survey on these products. Then you receive a check four weeks to six weeks later. Do the math, that’s less then minimum wage!
Another way to earn money on survey sites, is to refer people over to the sites. Some survey sites will give you a percentage on what the people do after they’ve reached a curtain amount of points or obtained their first check (refer back to the top of what’s involved) You either get a lot of points for this, and only one time and when you reach a curtain amount of points you can exchange it for cash or prizes. (Cash amount is usually $30 before you can cash out- do the math on how many pre-qualifying surveys and the surveys you get, the time involved etc this is what it takes to earn the $30) Other survey sites you complete shorter surveys (5 to 15 minutes) and your entered into sweepstakes or lottery things for prizes or money. “Lottery”-one winner out of all the people doing survey’s. If you don’t win, you lose your points.

Your best bet if you want to work from home and make a sufficient amount of money is to start your own home based business. There are so many different home based business to start up. Things from Child Daycare Centers, cooking as in catering, scrapbooking, Telecommunications, fishing charters, Candle Making, Travel agents, etc etc etc. Their are many different types of home based businesses. Most home based business cost under $500 to start. I’m going to be honest with you, when starting a business, their is no money at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, will depend on when you start making a sufficient amount of income. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.

In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. 4 to 6 weeks to increase that.
And 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. If you put the time and effort into it. Most people start their business on the side if they don’t have a cushion to live on while they build their business. This will allow you to build your business much quicker. But most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with just their business with or without help. That part depends on you. It’s easier to build a business with a product that’s high in demand. Meaning not one that they can bypass your expensive product and run to the nearest store to get it cheaper when money is tight for them.

I don’t have much to go on with what your interests are, other than computer skills. So I can only try and help you out by refering you over to a few different businesses to take a look at. I’ll tell you what my husband and I have had and enjoy doing for over six years now. I can also refer you over to my blog on my 360 yahoo page on “home based businesses” There are over half a dozen different ones to take a look at for more ideas.
So here’s a few things that you should take a look at before getting involved in any company.
1. How long have they been in business? We checked to see how long our company was around, at the time it was nine years old and now it’s 15. Do you know when they started?
2. Are they registered with the BBB. Ours is registered. I think this is important one.
3. Who’s involved with the company? Like in ours Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki has endorsed our company. Check to see if anyone has endorsed this company. Also, meet with the co-founders. We’ve personally met our co-founders and found from our first meeting that they were incredible people with incredible visions. See if their’s a time where you can meet them. If your going to be doing business, there should be a time where you should have the chance to meet with them.
4. What is the compensation plan now, and what was it like before.
See the history of the comp plan and see if increases and never decreases in it’s history. We checked with the records in our business and found that in over the years, the compensation plan had only gotten better each year. As long as we’ve been involved, we’ve now witnessed the compensation plan always increasing. Check the history on yours.
5.Have they been featured in magazine’s? For instance our company has been featured in several magazines Like Success, Fortune, USA Today etc. Check to see if

Charles asks…

Has anyone ever heard of assemble products from home?

I have heard of it before, my sister did it since she was a stay at home mom and she wanted to make extra money. So she made bracelets for a company and they paid here a certain amount per unit she made. Im thinking about doing it as a second job. Has anyone heard of this? If so is it good money?

Nagesh answers:

One out of a million could be legit- the rest are scams. Be very leery of work at home schemes. Best advice: there are plenty of part time jobs to choose from w/o resorting to this scam….

Linda asks…

Do you know of a legitimate work at home business?

I am looking for a job that I can work from home. I spend 6 months in one state and the other 6 months in another state. I would really like to hear from people who are working from home or know someone who is.
Thank you

Nagesh answers:

You will get lots of scammers answering here, don’t fall prey. But, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They aren’t ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I’m a single mom of 2 girls who’s tried over 15 opportunities over 3 years so I have some great info for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work at home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You won’t find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Mary Kay however if you’re like me, you’re not interested in pushing products.

Legit home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business! Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I’d stay away from those wanting $1k – $5k. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so you shouldn’t pay it. If you’re coming across places that say free then RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are in the end!

After trying 15 things, I now work about 25 hours per week for a well known and respected company w/ amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe and Secure by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans save money on things they need and buy every day. The average American household saves $400 a month using these plans. So far, Americans have saved over 1$ BILLION with these plans.

Anyway, I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within a few months. That income has increased now to $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for you should think again! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and health plan from day one.

With this company there’s NO products to sell or store, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. Figure out what you DON’T want to do as well and make sure you find a company that fits with that!

I work as part of a team with other reps in the company. I had at least 5 of their home phone #’s the day I started. This is a big one: Make sure that you’re going to have others to work with. Don’t find out you just paid a start up cost and you will be trained by someone in a call center who has NO REAL idea what you are actually supposed to do. Make sure you are trained by other reps just like you, and ask for names and numbers! If they won’t give them, walk away!

I was scared at first because there are lots of scams, but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other I had ever seen. They are members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the US Chamber of Commerce and have been featured in Parent Magazine, Time Magazine, on 60 Minutes and many other places. They are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their kids. This company has an “A” RATING WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These are some of the types of national credentials you need to be looking for during your search and make sure they have at C or better rating with the BBB.

My point here is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more, want help decidi

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Wednesday, July 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Michael asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Ebay stuff you have around your house, old cds, clothes, jewelry, almost anything. You could also look for pinecone research logo on various websites and they send you email surveys and pay you $5 for each completed. I get these $5 checks every week in the mail, you can also get paid via paypal. You can also lookup other ways to make money such as mystery shopping. Great site to find opportunities is

Charles asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Hack into a bank

Jenny asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

I hate to be discouraging but anything legal online is going to take time to make money.
You might have considered some of the more shall we say risqué options but realistically the only people that make money with those are the hosting sites.
And all the spam scams will only take money from you.

If you are willing to work, if you can get into some of the upper average / better restaurants being a waiter/waitress especially on weekends brings in a lot more money (in tips) than most people think and being that a lot the money is in cash doesn’t hurt anything either.

; -)

Donald asks…

How to make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Making money online could be tough sometimes.
If you really want to take 50$ daily, read this review and tutorial here

Thomas asks…

How to make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Well one thing you thing you could give a try is a get paid to complete offer website. Its really easy so if your interested in signing up and giving it a try ill leave a link to it below. It doesnt cost n e thing to sign up and they mail u a check every month. Its not a get rich scheme but its a way to make some money every month.thats a good thing because on the internet n e thing that claims to be a get rich quick scheme, 99 percent are scams. Iff u decide to sign up, u can drop me an email and ill give u a couple of hints that will make it easier and little faster to make the money on this site —————heres the link

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Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Donald asks…

SERIOUSLY _ NO SPAM… how do kids make money?

does anyone know how a kid can make money…BUT WAIT… i don’t want to hear of some stupid site thats bogus. i want to know any non cliche ideas, that wont cost $5 to ship, about how kids can easily make money.

thanks you so much for anyone who answers!

Nagesh answers:

There are several survey sites that are legit,, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join.

Lisa asks…

Im in rainbow and I need to find an Easy Money Making Project for kids ages 11- 20. Any ideas?

Please!! Something Easy, Funn, and Cheap!!

Nagesh answers:

I have been in the same situation.
1. Have a bowling party
2. Get a group of friends and do a small performance
3. Have a yard sale
4. Have a film night

Betty asks…

How for kids to make money? Soon as possible!!!?

How can kids make money? Their goal is $200. (They are very, uh, optimistic.) They want to make it as soon as possible. Any ideas? They tell me they’ve tried lemonade stands, ext. Any fresh ideas?
One is ten, and two are eleven. They are very creative, but each idea of theirs has a problem with it. I hate seeing them agonize over it.
Please do not answer with websites with surveys, ext. They are just kids you guys! It’s not like they have their own credit cards!!!

Nagesh answers:

My friends brother (who is 11 years old) wrote an email in our towns email list for him and his friend to spread mulch. He ended up making $1200!!! I was so jealous… Just, an idea. Hope it helps 🙂

Joseph asks…

How can a 14 year old kid make money without a job?

My parents don’t want me to have a job right now because of school. What can I do around the neighborhood or something to get some extra money. I would like to earn $400 for a PS3 by august. Any ideas how to earn this money?

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell lemonade
2. Do lawn chores for your parents or your neighbors
3. Volunteer as school cleaner or library assistant
4. Deliver newspapers during the morning
5. Help in your town park: cleaning and the like
6. Conduct a garage sale of your unwanted stuff
7. Work part time at a local fastfood or bookstore.
8. Do some modeling, if you are good-looking.
9. Ask your parents to give you money for every 100 you get in class.
10. Courteously beg your grandparents for money while being cute-faced to them.

Sandra asks…

How to make money as a teen?

I have a problem because I’m not yet old enough to work at the mall or local food places. Plus, in my neighborhood everyone has hired adult nannys and babysitters, and lawn care comes with dues for the neighborhood. Also, yard sales are only allowed on the two days a year set by the neighborhood. There are also very few pets in my neighborhood, and those people who do have pets also have kids who walk them. My neighborhood is the worst place to do conventional money making ideas. Everyone has hired adults for those things. Molly Maid visits nearly every house too! I have absolutly no ideas, please help!
Joey J- I’m only a few months too young to work at the mall or food places. You have to be sixteen, and I want to save up money for a car. That’s not exactly small change that I can beg from my parents. Plus, my parents don’t have so much a dollar to spare.

Nagesh answers:

Try publix, they hire young

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Sandra asks…

my english essay?

“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting a lot of people to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes.
Although some don’t give in to the television advertisements, most give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes?
Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?
Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet, normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which then leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.
Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing things like obesity.
The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. This disease can affect anyone. People are dying from being obese everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s.
They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the kid’s whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine. They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us.
Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”

This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. Society controls the thoughts and emotions of every individual in one way or another. It provides stereotypes and what is considered the normal and if you don’t fit into that category you’re instantly labeled an outcast. Life is tough. Even though it’s your life and you control it, the media is still powerful and can cause death and suicide. Hopefully one day people will realize everyone’s flaws and accept them for who they are. After all, nobody’s perfect.

Is this good?
is having a collage of anorexic girls walking down a runway evidence? and another collage of mcdonalds advertisments and fat kids eating mcdonalds???

Nagesh answers:

It’s good. But you will lose some marks if you don’t have SUPPORTING INFORMATION. Like, as said by *****, 75% of cats are black. Or 3/5 people are overweight. OR Due to scientific evidence, the average person consumes 1kg of lipstick in their lifetime.. ETC. These were just examples. BUT I LOST ALOT OF MARKS ON MY ARGUMENT FOR NOT USING SUPPORTING EVIDENCE. Good luck. And also, check your spelling and commas, full stops etc. You also need more paragraphs. 1 paragraph per topic thingy, not mix in modeling with fast food. HOPE THIS HELPS>

Sharon asks…

Please Correct Run-Ons?

1. Read each of the following sentences below.
2. Rewrite the run-on sentences.
3. Then, write what type of “fixing technique” you used to fix the run on.
4. For sentences that are correct as is, write CORRECT next to them.

* The easiest way to fix a run-on is to separate the two sentences with a period and a capital letter.

Run-On: A gopher runs errands for others, gophers should be energetic.
Corrected: A gopher runs errands for others. Gophers should be energetic.

* You can also fix a run-on by adding a comma and a conjunction.

Run-on: Many professionals are too busy to do errands themselves they need someone who can help them.
Corrected: Many professionals are too busy to do errands themselves, so they need someone who can help them.

* If the two sentences are closely related, add a semicolon.

Run-On: Some gophers are required to have a driver’s license most gophers ride bicycles.
Corrected: Some gophers are required to have a driver’s license; most gophers ride bicycles.

* Add semicolon, a conjunctive adverb, and a comma if needed.

Run-On: Gophers may be paid for the gasoline they use they should negotiate the payment before accepting each job.
Corrected: Gophers may be paid for the gasoline they use; however, they should negotiate the payment before accepting each job.

* Make one of the clauses subordinate by adding a subordinating conjunction.

Run-On: Bike-riding gophers ride fast, they can become dangerous to pedestrians.
Corrected: When bike-riding gophers ride fast, they can become dangerous to pedestrians.

1. Most students use computers on a daily basis now many students are using their computer skills to earn money.

2. Entrepreneurs are people who start their own businesses; using the Internet, some teenagers are doing exactly this.

3. A 16-year-old in Washington created a Web site for reviews of computer hardware. His site is called The View.

4. Another teenager started a business designing Web pages his first customer was an author of novels for preteens.

5. A teen in Ohio created a Web page to sell the beaded jewelry that she makes, many teens have used the Web to find customers for their products.

6. Unlike most adults, many teenagers have been using computers all their lives they have an advantage when it comes to dreaming up computer-related businesses.

7. Twenty years ago, teens might have set up lemonade stands to make money, today they can use computers.

8. Teenagers are also earning money by teaching older people how to use computers.

9. Young children are eager to learn computer skills, many parents do not have the time or knowledge to teach them.

10. For some teens, this situation is a golden opportunity.

Nagesh answers:

Do your own homework, stop being lazy.

Steven asks…

my essay. good or not good?

is this good or bad???
“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting
Every one of us to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes.
Although some people don’t give in to the television advertisements, we all give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes?
Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?
Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet, normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.
Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing obesity.
The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. This disease can affect anyone. People are dying from this disease everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s.
They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the kids whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us.
Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”
This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. It’s wrecking our lives, putting people in positions where they need serious help to get out of.

I need a conclusion.. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Your essay has some major issues. To start, you really have a very weak thesis statement. One of the biggest problems is you have written yourself into it “OUR” lives. That has put your essay into first person and you shouldn’t do that.

I’m also having problems deciding exactly what this essay is about. Modeling? Advertisements? McDonald’s? It’s quite scattered and uneven.

Additionally … In the first paragraph (I’m not working with the rest).

“The media controls our lives”.
Your quotation marks are in the wrong place. They should be OUTSIDE the period. Lives.”
This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false.
Awkwardly constructed. Try ..
People around the world wonder if this is true or false.
There are millions of different influences haunting
Haunting what? There is no end to this sentence.
Every one of us to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes
Is this supposed to be the “end” of the other sentence? Try this …
There are millions of things that influence us to do certain things, act certain ways and buy certain clothes.
Although some people don’t give in to the television advertisements, we all give in to fashion.
Again, using first person

Donald asks…

is my essay good? any tips?

is this good or bad???
“The media controls our lives”. This statement goes around the world having people wonder if it’s true or false. There are millions of different influences haunting
Every one of us to do certain things, act certain ways and to buy certain clothes.
Although some people don’t give in to the television advertisements, we all give in to fashion. I mean, who is going to walk down the street in something that nobody likes?
Then again, who is going to want to walk down the street looking bigger than the average weight because they’re afraid of being called fat?
Most girls and some guys want to fit in, which is where modelling comes in.
Companies hire so many beautiful young girls to walk down a runway and show of the latest trends, but what they don’t realise is how much of an impact it is putting on the teenagers who want to be pretty and popular
The media portrays celebrities and models all in the same way. They make them seem flawless and beautiful, skinny and tanned. Every picture is air brushed yet, normal people want to be exactly like what they see in the magazines. Girls everywhere strive to be what is impossible-they go to extremes to try to look like that girl on the cover of the magazine which leads to eating disorders, extreme diets and can cause diseases such as bulimia and anorexia.
Girls who are heavier, taller, have acne or a big nose should still be happy with the way they are-however modelling puts them in a position where they feel they are not good enough, and need to change for everyone, which is wrong.
Now, not only is the media causing things like anorexia and bulimia but it is also causing obesity.
The fast food restaurant McDonald’s is not only causing obesity but also wrecking lives. Obesity is a disease which stems from eating fatty foods. This disease can affect anyone. People are dying from this disease everyday, and more and more people are gaining large amounts of weight each year. People who have a love for junk food are constantly being targeted along with children because of the television advertisements and the toys that are given away along with the happy meal at McDonald’s.
They usually target the children with these toys by putting them all over TV and hoping that the kids whinge and wine until their parents take them out to buy this little plastic figurine They work it all out to bring more customers in to eat this food to make more money because in the end, they don’t care how healthy we are. They just care about how much money they are going to make from us.
Everyone knows of this restaurant and if not then you’re considered a freak. Everyone loves this restaurant and once again, if you don’t, you’re considered a freak. People who buy McDonald’s at least once a week gain weight but they still go back to eating it because some say “the taste is irresistible”
This amount of evidence would point out that it’s obvious what the media is actually doing to this world. It’s wrecking our lives, putting people in positions where they need serious help to get out of.

I need a conclusion.. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Well society is the be all end all it controls the thoughts emotions of every single individual in one way or another. It provides stereotypes and what is considered the normal and if you don’t fit into that category your an outcast and you deserve nothing and that life will see to it that you get nothing good and that the rewards go to those who meet the criteria. Life is tough and its your life you control it but the media is powerful and has lead to death and suicide due to its views hopefully people will begin to realize everyones flaws and accept them for who they are and not shun them. I hope that helped.

Laura asks…

What is a good way to earn money FAST as a teen?

I’m just barely a teenager and I need some money FAST. I plan on sending my mom away to a spa for a treatment on her birthday in april. I need about 150 at least, since my brother and I are splitting the cost. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

See if any fast food places are hiring..ask around ask the people u know if they need any work done like cleaning or yard day of yard work can get you about 50 dollars… If u live where it snows ask your neighbour if u can do snow removing for them….

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Sunday, July 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Daniel asks…

What is a quick way for a grade 7 to earn money?

can anybody tell me a quick way that a grade 7 can earn some money? like maybe chores?

Nagesh answers:

There’s lots of things you can do, just be creative.

~Start doing a paper route. You can make about $100-$200 a month on that.
~The obvious – babysitting. Try sticking flyers in the doors of houses in and around your neighborhood. When I tried this, I got tons more customers.
~Pet jobs. Pet-sitting, Dog walking, cleaning cages and fish tanks, washing and grooming, etc.
~Roadside sales. Try setting up a lemonade stand, snowconge stand, etc. Once again, get creative. Usually you can’t do these in the winter though. It’s more of a summer thing.
~Once again, more of a summer thing, but washing cars, bikes, scooters, mopeds, skateboards, pets, etc. Can bring in a lot of moola.
~Try doing extra chores around the house, and if you don’t already have one, make a pay-plan with your parents. For every chore you do, you get a certain amount of money (ex: 25 cents for emptying the dishwasher). Make a chart to mark down when and what chores you do, so at the end of the week it will be easier to collect your money.
~Ask your friends if one of their parents owns a small restaurant or something, and maybe the two of you could start helping out around the shop after school for a couple of hours. I you get $5/hr. And help for 2 hrs. After school every day, plus 4 hours on Sat., that’s $70 a week, and that would be about $280 a month. You could also ask a family member who owns s buisness if you could help there too.
~Doing lawn services. Not only mowing lawns, but also weeding gardens, watering flowers and plants, etc. Maybe even plant-sitting when people are on long-ish vacations.
~Offer to clean a family members house for $20-$30.
~Have a garage sale, and have it be a thing for the whole family, not just yourself. Then anything that you sell that is yours, you get to keep the money off of.
~Sell stuff on eBay.
~Make bracelets and necklaces. It’s very simple. Just go buy some elastic cor and glass beads (this way they won’t be cheap). Then simply just make them. You can also find some books on how to make different styles. I sold mine for $5 when I made them. It adds up quickly. Just sell them to family and friends, and maybe even offer to make them for people at school.
~See if you can become a life guard at a local pool.
~Try helping out the elderly. If there are some older people in your neighborhood (or old relatives, like grandmas) offer to do some lawn work, buy some groceries for them, shovel their sidewalk, etc.
~Shovel driveways
~This isn’t the greatest idea, but ask your mom if you can participate in online surveys and such. They can offer up to $50 a survey I hear.
~See if there’s anything you can do around your church to help out.
~Offer to clean your neighbors windows, and other odd jobs.
~See if your local nursing home would pay you for helping out. I know some do for playing games with them, helping them eat, reading to them, etc.
~Recycle cans. My brother and I used to do it. They would pay us 25 cents a pound for uncrushed and 30 cents a pound for crushed cans.
~Any type of craft you can make and sell would be great. For ex: greeting cards, hair accesories, mittens, fleece tie blankets and pillows, etc. Be creative.
~You aren’t old enough yet, but when you’re older and you need some cash, donate blood and plasma.
~You can get a job at Cold Stone Creamery (and lots of other places too, like grocery stores) when you’re 14.
~Become a referee for your town’s local soccer league. My brother does that (he’s 14, but I think you can start at 13) and he makes between $10-$35 per game, depending on how old the players are and how long the games are.

Whew! Here’s a bunch of ideas. I hope this helps, and good luck!

Oh, also, look at these and see if parents will let you join one of these:…

Ruth asks…

How can you earn money as a kid?

How can a teenager earn quick money?

Nagesh answers:

Errands, trim hedges, shovel snow, caddy, babysit, etc.

You do NOT make easy money online. All scams. You have 4 phishing responses already. If you respond to this crap, they will waste your time, pay you nothing, and perhaps steal your identity.

Steven asks…

may i earn money through answering question?

There is any way to earn money online by answering question on selected subjects?

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is. Unfortunately the large sums of money people claim to win in ads are mostly scams. In reality, the few legit offers to earn some extra cash will only put a few extra dollars in your pocket every month. Through dedication though, you can eventually begin to slowly earn more. Check the site I link to, its a blog that shows all the real, safe sites that pay. No scams, annoying phonecalls, no credit card info, etc. Just simple ways to get quick cash.

Charles asks…

Please suggest some good and worth online trading jobs and options?

Hi, I want to earn money online..kindly suggest some good online trading and online jobs.

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for a few years now and have done a

lot of research’!-! There are a lot of companies that make all these

claims that you will make big money quick, but we know if that’s

the case, it’s too good to be true.

Maria asks…

what is best way to make money using internet?

I am interested in earning money through online, i need some genuine way make money, please help.

Nagesh answers:


There are different ways to make money over internet.

1. You can sell your own digital products, softwares, ebooks or services online
2. You can sell other’s products and earn commissions – this is called Affiliate Marketing
3. You can take surveys and earn some quick cash
4. You can participate in online network marketing programs and earn a good residual income.
5. You can buy the resell rights of other’s products and sell them as your own and keep 100% profits.
6. You can create informational websites and qualify for Google Adsense, wherein you get paid everytime some one clicks on the google ads displayed in your website.

You see, the chances to earn online is huge.
You just need a good guidance and right tools.

I began earning online by a program called Plug In Profit Site by legendary Internet Marketer Stone Evans.

Check it out here.

Best of luck,
Aviroop Nag

Mail me at if you have any queries.

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Saturday, July 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Charles asks…

PLEASE ANSWER! How is the 1st chapter of my story?

Here’s the prologue: Clouds, soft, delicate. The citizens always told me that a cloud is to a lover. Clouds can move, you can feel them, but eventually, it will all fade away. Sometimes, there is that special cloud that stays with you, cushioning your deep dreams every night. My family and I lived on the side of the moon. This cloud would always follow the moon for some reason. The only way to live on one is to be born on it, which makes you a spirit. Humans cannot climb to be on one, they will fall through the stars, rip through the sky, and land face down in their bed. They will fall asleep and never remember what happened ever again. There is no explanation on why life is like this, for my grandfather and all the wise spirits state.

Then there are the spirits that live on the cloud on the side of the sun. They wear robes of fire, hearts of hate and souls of death. People wonder why there are eclipses. Eclipses are when the sun and moon fight for the Earth’s eye to view its precious beauty, and during
this time, the sun and moon cloud spirits are fighting. This is rare, and whenever there is an eclipse, food is scarce, and spirits are greatly afraid. I always just wanted peace, like there is on Earth.

NOT PART OF THE STORY: The prologue is in the view of a child who lives in the clouds. The first chapter is about a child who lives on Earth and dreams about the clouds. Say your opinion, thanks! :]
I always wondered, what are clouds like? Where do they go? Questions like these endlessly emerged from my head, and it spiraled. I eventually grew drowsy and silently slept. I knew
there was something out in the moon, stars, maybe even clouds.

This is a poor village we have, my parents and I are happy to have a small wood and straw home. It is shaped as a rather small tent and has rocks surrounding it. Although no one within 100 miles is wealthy, I am grateful for shelter, water, and food. Apparently, food is scarce, as my mother says.

The next day, my parents were panicked. My eyes spread wide as I listened to the thorough details that a local friend, Hanuko, spat the terrible news. There was a war in our village! Thievery was common here in this small town in Japan, but this time the community took action. They created arrows and bows, knives and whips. A large group of thieves arrived,
armed and ready.

“I must protect our village,” My father, Rukano, had bellowed with subtle pride. “Please, Kara,” He passionately said my mother’s name. “Create weapons, take care of our boy, and pray. It is all you can do while I am protecting us and everything around us.” Rukano had already equipped several 100’s of arrows, a couple of bows, and 5 knives. These were made long ago for emergencies.

“Goodbye…” Kara weakly whispered. She sweetly smiled, but my father and I could see the wistfullness in her eyes. A warm tear ran down my cheek, however, my heart felt cold and frozen as ice. My mother pecked Rukano a small kiss and limped away.

“Son,” My father ripped through the deadly moment of silence, which felt like hours of dead silence. “Stay strong and help your mother, I promise we’ll all be fine.” I had a slight doubt in his promise, but hoped to God that he was correct. “I hope this war is short, and very few die, goodbye now, Hyinu.” My dad marched away. It all happened too quickly.

You’re probably wondering what the thieves are stealing and why they are stealing. First of all, even areas that are not the wealthiest have valuable items and precious artwork. This place in Japan has a great reputation for traditional silk kimonos. Kimonos are in high demand, and they keep the village running with trade and money. When other areas buy all they can legally, and if they desire more, they are willing to steal. Our village obviously wants this to end.

Sometimes, I wish I could fly up to a cloud and escape Earth, for peace.

Nagesh answers:

This is good, although you’re telling the readers rather than letting them accually see it. I don’t know if you wanted us to edit it for you but…

My family and I lived on the side of the moon
I don’t understand what you mean by this. Is that good, or bad?

The only way to live on one is to be born on it, which makes you a spirit. Humans cannot climb to be on one
How? Why? What’s a spirit like? Do they have to be really kind, ect. To live on a cloud?

The citizens always told me that a cloud is to a lover.
Citizens of where? This word doesn’t really fit into this sentece; maybe use “people” instead?

Shelter, water, and food. Apparently, food is scarce, as my mother says.
The next day, my parents were panicked
that’s a jump. Try adding something to it to make it not so sudden.
“the following morning, when I climbed out of bed, the first thing I heared were my parents, whispering sharp, panicked…”

Hanuko, spat the terrible news. There was a war in our village!
Another jump. And shouldn’t this be before the parents being panicked?
Add something more to it.

But it’s got a very good storyline and it catches the reader’s attention.
Good luck!

Richard asks…

How can I get lots of money quickly and legally?

I need to buy sooo much stuff and I have no money what can I do?

Nagesh answers:

When you find out let me know since l have lots l have to buy also and my paycheck just ain’t helping much lol

James asks…

How do I make money with kindle eBooks?

How can i start making money quickly with kindle ebooks? i know that it takes quite a bit of time after you have a book up for it to start selling but i would like to know if it is allowed to copy and paste from other sources and put that up, and i would like to know how i can get the books more noticed.

Nagesh answers:

Write a book and get your publisher to offer it as an ebook.
You cannot legally make money from other’s efforts, it’s called copy right infringement.

Sharon asks…

What’s the easiest and quickest way to get out a bad tenant?

I’m trying to help out my grandma who is the landlord of a small apartment complex here in Sacramento, CA. She is smart when it comes to business, but when it comes to any legal actions she may have to take against her tenants, she is just plain clueless. She called me earlier and told me that she is having major issues with a tenant. The tenants haven’t paid rent in many months, an appearently are destroying the unit as well. How would we be able to het rid of these people quickly and legally? Any and all advise would be a big help!

Nagesh answers:

Go to your court house and file the proper paperwork to start eviction process.
The tenants will be served and have x number of days to come up with all the money owed or get out.

The court will give you all the details.

John asks…

How can I legally ask for donations at my store for another organization?

I have a dollar bookstore. I want to sponsor a school and ask people for a $1 donation which I will then turn around and give that many books to that sponsored school. Am I legally allowed to ask for dollars. Or do I have to ask them if they would like to donate a book to the school for $1? How can I legally do it with the school. Do they have to fill out any sort of tax forms or anything?

Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I would think that you need a written agreement with the school. They would give you permission to act as their agent, in soliciting money. The agreement would say where and when you can do this, and other conditions. These might include how much you can keep for expenses, how quickly you need to turn over the money or books, how much advertising you can associate with the effort. Also, who gets to pick the books?

Since you plan to give books and not the money, then you are effectively keeping the profit you make on selling the books. It’s the same as if you (1) got $1000 in donations, (2) gave the money to the school, and then (3) the school bought $1000 worth of books from you at retail. This profit, like any other profit you make, is taxable income IMHO.

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Friday, July 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Susan asks…

how to make money fast? ($75-100)?

i asked this in personal finance, but all the answers i got were links to those crappy survey sites. so, i’m asking it here! :3

i’m going on vacation in about 2 weeks with a friend, but i’m completely broke, and would really like to make some money quickly. I can’t get a summer job because i wasn’t expecting to need money (she just invited me days ago, and most of the things i do with my friends are free) and all of the jobs that i could do are taken. plus, 2 weeks isn’t enough time to apply, get a physical, go to an interview, and work enough to receive a paycheck.
I’m a pretty good knitter and crocheter. i’m also a really good cook. i was thinking of setting up a bake sale, and selling little amigurumi animals and foods and such, but i don’t think that will be enough. does anyone have any other ideas so that i can make some money? ($75-100 is my goal, but any amount is good.) i’m a 14 year old girl in central pennsylvania, if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

Try to avoid the data entry and survey sites as most of them are scams. If you are interested in taking surveys for extra income (it wont be much.). Don’t pay for a list of survey
companies go straight to the source.

Lisa asks…

I have a question about gambling in las vegas ?

I moved to Las Vegas at the end of July with a roomate . I am unemployed and I came here with $46000 cash and no debts and an old car. I promised myself that I soon I came here that I was going to look for a job and start working. Well, since Ive come here Ive been taking frequent trips to the casinos and I have won close to $5000 in less than a month playing blackjack. I am getting real lazy in looking for a job because of the fast money that Im making. Im kind of scared because Im not sure if Im going in the wrong direction and Im not really hooked to gambling but I just love the easy money and its so convenient. You can set your own hours and be your own boss. There are no managers or supervisors to report to and all the money is tax free. Is gambling a career that I could pursue ?

Nagesh answers:

Man what are telling on yourself for? It is taxable.

Ok simple solution. Become a Black Jack dealer.

Mary asks…

How to raise money fast?

Every year, I go to a summer camp in Dahlonega, GA. Our church had a program so that their youth could go to camp for free. But last summer, we moved across the country and it would cost almost $1000 just to go (Camp costs + Airfare). It’s not just camp, but I’ll also get to see my best friends (they always go with me). My parents won’t pay for it becaue my sister is going to Europe this summer (really expensive). I’m only 13 and I don’t get an allowence. How can I raise that much money?

Nagesh answers:

Try babysitting, cleaning houses. Talk to your teachers at school. Maybe get a couple friends together and do a car wash, but I don’t know if that’s 100% legal… A bake sale even.

George asks…

How to make a lot of money fast!?

So I am 17 and I just found out that my internship will not be running next month like I originally planned and I was suppose to get $500 out of it. School is starting soon and I need about $500 to buy two pairs of uggs and a north face fleece. I know that sounds kind of spoiled but my mom is buying my actual school clothes and I don’t want her to spend all that money on 3 items. So I really need to figure out a way to raise money. I was going to sell some of my stuff on Ebay but I’m not sure how that works. And I can’t babysit because all the parents with children have older children who could do that for free. So please help, and I need serious answers you guys. Thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Garage sale
candy sell (door to door or outside of publix,walmart)
car wash
lemonade sell ( old fashion )
bake sell
you could also turn in all your coins at walmart and you get the money back in cash i did it before

Michael asks…

Is there any way to get flying blue miles for free fast?

I need to become a Silver member (I am ivory with 0 miles) so that i can take an extra baggage. I have lived in america for 1 year and 1 box will not do and i do not have money to pay a fee.

Nagesh answers:

All of the flying blue answers are here. You need 30,000 miles. It would take you many flights to get to that point. You can buy miles, but that would be more than paying for an extra bag.

Try asking in the Travel category.

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Thursday, July 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Robert asks…

Whats the quickest and easiest way to make money online?

I’m really busy with school, and my job right now, but I was wondering if there are any easy ways to make money online? My friend suggested creating my own website and selling advertising space on it, but that seems way too complicated. Is there any other way to make money? Thanks for YOUR help!

Nagesh answers:

I’m super busy with school and work too. About a month ago I was low on cash so I set out to find a relatively easy way to earn money online. I joined a couple of those “get-rich quick” programs I’m sure many people have tried, only to find they were basically SCAMS. In searching I found a web blog that reviews and recommends free-to-join survey websites that PAY YOU to take their surveys. Its a good list and gets updated every week. I joined a few survey companies that were on it and made a good $70 in 2 hours. It wasn’t hard and I made money while being on my computer and watching TV.


Hope this helps!

Charles asks…

What is the easiest way to make money online?

Just wondering a, not necesseraly quick, way to make some money from home?

Nagesh answers:

They have surveys that you can do online but you won’t get much, ideally you should be able to use your compputer to do programming or graphic design etc or you can try doing a loan officer job from home

Donna asks…

what is quick way to make money not online??

Nagesh answers:

Invest your millions not online. You do have a lot of money, right? Because that’s the only quick way to make more money.

Otherwise, get a job not online.

Sandra asks…

I need a quick way to make some money online now..?

Nagesh answers:

If looking for a JOB, what are your marketable skills and previous experiences? If you are looking for a BUSINESS, go with your passions, things that interest and motivate you the most. Build a list and use that to begin your search. General rule of thumb: Never pay for a job (businesses, on the other hand, usually involve some expenses).

Daniel asks…

Whats the quickest way to make money online as an affiliate marketer?

Nagesh answers:

Go to Associated Content and write articles. You can write on any subject you want. They pay you upfront +

pageviews. There are many websites that you can write for that only pay for pageviews,,..,, I made a good living writing for

associated content before I got a better gig. I highly recommend it

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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Richard asks…

Best ways to make money online?

I’ve been researching ways to make money online. I’ve come across many survey websites and PTC’s and none of them have really been working out too well. I am just wondering what has worked best for you?

Nagesh answers:

Hi There,

I came across this site whist researching for my own business: Video Games CV and I think I might have some valuable contributions to make that will help you guys out.

I will go on to explain a bit more about what I do and how I do it, but firstly and probably most important – When starting your own business find a subject matter that you really love and have relevant skills & experience in. You should never think of your business as just a way to make money – you should have a genuine passion for what it is that you are doing!

I come from a Sales & Recruitment background, I started out in retail and worked my way up to a dual role of Mulit Site Senior Support Manager & A Regional Recruiter for 50 stores with a UK National Games company. I then moved in to Recruitment and eventually found myself back in Video Games as a Video Games Recruiter. I discovered this is where my passion lay and that I was really good at it. I left the UK in Feb 2009 and in Nov 2009 I started my own Video Games business.

I now specialise in sourcing Video Games Experienced people, I provide an advise service whereby I help people make the most of their skills and experience, I give advice on their CV’s/Resumes and I also work with Deveopers & Publishers Worldwide helping them find suitable candidates for their vacant roles.

My business is growing however it has taken a huge amount of time & effort. I might work from home but I still work 7 days a weeks and between 8 – 10 hours a day, in the beginning I was pulling 14-16 hours a day, just to get it off the ground. However, it has paid off because I now have a database of 500 Experienced Video Games Individuals!

I put the hours in to my business because I really want it to work – why? Because I love what I do! I love Video Games, I love the people who work in Viceo Games! Over the months I have built up a fantastic network, these people have become my friends – we email bak and forth almost daily, and as well as giving them advice, I spend a huge amount of my time motivating them and encouraging them and in return I get emails of thanks which gives me that ‘warm fuzzy’ feeling 🙂 Also, these wonderful people refer their friends to me so that they can benefit from my skills & experience. I do make a small income from my business, my advice and support always comes Free however I charge a small fee for Rewriting CV’s/Resumes. At the moment I am not making enough money to pay my bills however I am sure given time this will happen, however making money was never my first priority, it was doing a job that I loved and am good at.

To be able to continue growing my business I did however need to make a suplimentry income to go along side as no one can live off of fresh air, so I have also signed up to an affiliate scheme with Teamwork Revoulution. Like most people on here I am very wary about these programmes and I could not afford to pay anything upfront. What struck me about this Programme was the 14 day Free Trial.

So what I did was this: I did not sign up to TWR straight away, I saved the page to my favourites. I then set about building a database. Now I was lucky enough to already have a database of 500 however, although I have shared this information with my Video Games CV friends I am not going to target them as I do not want to comprise the business that i so love and enjoy. So after sharing the information with them, I have placed a link on my website and will leave it up to them.

So I had to find my target audience, now this is hard and does take time. What I did is I decided on my company name – Money Inspired and then I set up a Linkedin account (business network Worldwide) using my company name and I made a business page and a group. I also set up a Facebook account and done the same and a Twitter page. This took me about 2 hours to do including writing my profile, but once you have done one you can then copy and paste. Then I set about inviting people to join. There is no point just inviting anyone, what I did is I went to google and put in a series of search words & sentences, so for example :work from home. :make money online etc… It brings up alsorts and takes while to sift through but you will soon have a list of companies. Then go to linkedin and facebook put company names into search and it will bring up the people who have listed themselves as working for that company (not the one you are recruiting for) then add them to join you. This is your target audience, they are people who have already expressed an interest in working online.

So once I done that, I then set about wording my email that I was going to send out. So now I was ready to join workteam revolution, so back to my favourites page and joind up for FREE for their 14 day free trial. I designed my website for this project using the tools that this programme offers, which is Free Unlimited Web Hosting, Free unlimited Web sites, Free unlimi

Chris asks…

what is a good way to make money while not breaking the law.. im 15?

I heard of a site that u can go to and they pay u to go to different places. for ex: you would get an email and it says.. catagory restraunt so u would have to go to a restraunt and survey everything from the service to the quality of the food. anyone know the website or any other ways to make quick cash?

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than it seems. Here are two ways that I’ve found that ACTUALLY work, and very well at that:

1. Http://

– complete free offers and surveys from companies that will pay to hear your opinion!
– this site requires little work, and the only site I’ve found from personal experience that pays!
– not only does it work well, it is very user friendly and SIMPLE to use
– FAQ and forums are full of tips and advice to earn more + highly active administrator almost always available for help
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 13 (with parental approval)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings!
– you are sent checks with your earnings at the end of every month!
– minimum payout (minimum amount of money you must make in a month for them to send you a check): ONLY $10!
– 20% first level/10% second level STARTING referral program –> percentages increase as you refer more people
– from personal experience I can say that just a few hours of work a day can get you a few hundred dollars a month!
– great to do in your spare time to earn extra cash to use for any purpose you want!

2. Http://

– sign up and use this site as your search engine AND GET PAID!
– instead of paying for banners to advertise their site, this site is attracting users by willing to pay THEM to use their search engine!
– make money by simply replacing your current search engine with this one!
– EXTREMELY SIMPLE to use, use like a normal search engine
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 18 (if under 18, parental approval required)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and your home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings OR your paypal/e-gold – you can choose to have them transfer your earnings to your paypal/e-gold account!
– your earnings are sent to you AUTOMATICALLY every time you earn the payout level!
– payout level (how much you have to earn before they pay you) : ONLY $20!
– referrals will allow increase the rate at which you can earn by using the search engine!

Paul asks…

Where can I find step by step instructions to set up a commercial website?

I used to sell products on ebay before I was banned, now I want to be trully independent and build a business more successful than ever before by opening my own website to sell on.

Does anyone here run an online business? How do you set up the website? Where to download layout templates? How do you accept payment and how do you make the site secure? Also how do you market / promote it? What are the minimum costs involved?

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations for going independent!

I have an online business selling private label rights products. I also wrote a book on how to get these websites online because it’s not easy if you don’t know what to do. However, do it once or twice and soon it will be so easy you can have quite a few websites all earning a bit of money.

Use ClickBank or PayPal for the payment acceptance. ClickBank is not as picky as PayPal. Since you use their checkout service you do not need your own Secure Socket License (SSL) or credit card verification bank (big fees monthly).

Promotion is an ongoing, never ending task. Articles, blogging, backlinks, forum posts, etc. Details are in the book.

You can get started for as little as $100 including domain name, site template, info product etc.

This is not a get rich quick scheme but a legitimate way to make money online. However it is a business and it needs your support and your time.

Daniel asks…

What is the best way for trading currency online?

i want to know where i can trade my money online and not get scamed
witch site can i try and do you guys have any experience with the sites

Nagesh answers:

Forex online currency trading can be an excellent strategy to earn some cash privately. However, in case you are thinking of this one of those highly desired get-rich-quick schemes, you’re extremely wrong. The truth is, Forex online currency trading is profitable to some extent. But unless you are ready to take enormous risks and to make substantial investments, being a millionaire overnight just isn’t specifically a feasible option.

Forex online currency trading is one thing you’ll desire to incorporate some info about. Accurate, you’ll find numerous Forex robots claiming that you don’t have to be a whiz with anything associated with Forex online currency trading; it’s not necessarily the right way to begin your part-time earning gig. Understanding what the technical terms and how the existing political state from the world affects Forex currency trading is essential to allow you to make productive trades.

To start with, you must recognize that there are lots of, several risks involved with Forex online currency trading. Regardless if you’re employing a fully automated Forex robot or if you’re employing a semi automatic Forex currency trading platform, it is necessary to be aware of that there are many ways for a trade to suddenly turn around and result in losses rather than profits whilst you were clearly expecting. Once you know any family members or buddies members who will be using Forex online currency trading, be sure you talk with them and discover what they have to say concerning the trade, the platforms and also the best ways to discover a lot more tips. The net, of course, is the best starting point looking for Forex currency trading tutorials, testimonials and critiques on various trading platforms and useful information on how to find out the charts and also predict which trades to take on.

Thomas asks…

How can I make some extra money online?

I don’t mean to gain a fortune, just some extra cash. What should I do?

Nagesh answers:

You could try the affiliate program from Big Fish Games.


When someone buys a game after following your link, or after visiting a free web page you set up using their tools, you earn 25% of the purchase price. Plus the company remembers you referred that person and you get 25% of their future purchases, too.

Basically you want people who are interested in games to visit your game links, or the link to the free page you set up. It’s not hard to track how many people you’ve referred (and how much money you’ve made, once you start earning).

It might be an option for you. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. After doing it for a month, I’m making about $4.00 a day.

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Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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