Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Lisa asks…

Ways for a 10-13 year old girl to make money?

My daughter is in need if money for her horses board which is 250 a month. Her she is,
I need money fast! I don’t get allowance and can’t babysit since I am considered “to young” and please don’t say like lemonade stands, dog walking, etc please e creative. I can crochet pretty well but have no where to sell my crotchet

Nagesh answers:

Try going door to door and seeing if any people need some house help or yard work for a few bucks. Maybe you could even go to the people boarding the horse and see if you can do any barn work or such to help ease the payment.

If there’s a paper route, she could try seeing that she can gt a job there. Or you could also scrape up the money yourself and help your daughter out. Noting that she may have to do some extra work for you around the house. It may also be time to let your daughter know that you cant pay for the boarding anymore.

Mandy asks…

what are ways to get money for a 13 year old ?

okay so im 13 and i need at least 200 dollars to buy me an ipod touch
and i need ways to make money and i basically have to work for money on the weekend because
on the week days i have to take care of my little brother since it summer
so i need easy ways to get money fast
thanks !

Nagesh answers:

Im 13 too
Mow peoples lawns
makes me money
good luck

Sandra asks…

good ways to earn money fast ( for a 13 year old in aus )?

well money has been really tight in my family and i dont have any good clothes , so has any one got any money making ideas ?:)

Nagesh answers:

You’re too young to get a part-time job, so your options are things like newspaper deliveries, junk mail deliveries (check your local paper for this), baby sitting, lawn mowing. That’s about it really.

You could also learn to be less materialistic, perhaps go to op shops – it’s really surprising what you can find there, and put together your own style of clothing from bits and pieces rather than just following the crowd. Also shop at places like KMart and Target when the sales are on.

Daniel asks…

how can a 13 year old make money? PLEASE HELP!!?

OK well my mom and dad wont pay me.. for anything. i just need some ideas like maybe some websites that are legit and pay u for surveys or something or like do u know of anythig that lets u try products for free that a 13 year old can do? uhm i watch my neighbors dog sometimes and that gets me money but any other ways to earn money FAST!!!!!!!!? PLEASE HELP AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR EVERYONE WHO ANSWERS! 😉

Nagesh answers:

Get a truck. Troll your neighborhood for cast-off and unwanted, but sellable items. Bring the items home. Clean them up. Take pictures of them. Place ads on in your area. Include the pictures, a good description, and your phone number.

If the items you have found are in demand, your phone will begin ringing almost as soon as you place the craigslist ads.

I have done this for the past two years and I have been making $200 per week. The best sellers:
Living room furniture, lamps, desks, lawn equipment (working or not. I sold a broken Honda mower for $30), snow boards ($30), power equipment (I found an Emglo air compressor and sold it for $90), luggage (average price $7 to $15 for 4-wheelers), etc.
Personal success at this venture

Joseph asks…

Fast way for 13 and 14 year old to make money?

Over pretty much tomorrow. Need like $10….
my parents won’t give me money silly peoples…

Nagesh answers:

Collect cans….walk up and down the streets and collect them…
Thats what I do when I need a small sum of money…I go down where the rodeo’s are and get all of the beer cans- But I dont know if you have a rodeo?

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Sharon asks…

How do you come up with cash, quick?

I am trying to come up with funds for a horse show. And i need cash quickly. I have$ 20 right now, and I need 30 more. I am too young to get a job. And i do not have time to babysit and don’t particularly like kids. Any advice on how to earn money quickly?!?

Nagesh answers:

Offer to help a friend who has a horse… Maybe clean up her barn… Or… Perhaps groom the horse for the family… Something horse related as it seems to be something you’re interested in and you might have the contacts for.

Robert asks…

How to earn a lot of money very quickly?

I want to know how I can earn a lot of money very quickly. I do not want a job or to sell anything I have that isn’t junk. I don’t want to take surveys that don’t pay and are fraud. And I am an artist so if anyone knows any places in Los Angeles, CA that I can sell my artwork for a good price ($15-$35). If you can help please, if not- don’t bother.

Nagesh answers:

I heard a comedian say this on tv the other day:

A street musician makes $60 an hour playing outside.
A robber makes $60 a minute robbing the musician.

Betty asks…

How can I get the money/permission to study abroad?

i have been offered several times to go to europe with an educational group but my parents always say no. i understod when i was in middle school but i am almost a junior and feel ready. how do i convince them i am mature enough to go?

also, both of my parents make 100,000$ plus a year yet they say we dont have the money to pay for the trip (about 5,000$ paid over a year) any ideas on how to earn money quickly so they might pay the diiference?

Nagesh answers:

Lucky! Lol

make sure that they can trust you- do things that SHOW this. Talk to them with a cool and collected mind. Think about what you want to say and how you are gonna say it. If they refuse, dont throw a tantrum (no matter how tempting it may be- i know from experience), and dont yell at them. Ask them WHY and how come?

As for the money issue, if u are a junior, then you prob have a job? Save some money. Ask if they can LOAN you the money- it dosent seem like that much for them if they’re earning tons of money.

Good luck!

Michael asks…

How can I earn money?

I bought a new iPod nano two months ago and now when I was waiting forever for the new itouch to come out it comes out!! So Is there a way I could sell my Nano? Or earn money quickly for the iPod touch!? thanks for your tips.

Nagesh answers:

See if you can return it for a store credit to help pay for the itouch

William asks…

How can I earn money quickly?

I really wanna earn money so I can go shopping,because me and my family might be going to either California or Minnesota and I really wanna go shopping.

Nagesh answers:


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Monday, September 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Joseph asks…

How can i make money as a teenager?

Im 13 and im trying to make some money in my neighborhood. Ive tried washing cars and mowing lawns etc, but nothing really works for me! im too young to get a part time job, or make money off the internet so i cant seem to make any money what so ever! any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If I were in your shoes, I would look at family friends/parents of friends that have small businesses and see if they will let you work there after school. When I was 17 I used to work at a 2 person (plus me) upholstery shop that would constantly have friends’ kids working there.

Daniel asks…

How can i make money? (teenager) x?

im 14,15 in march. my mum wont give me money for doing choures, i cant find a job anywere and theres not really anyone i can do babysitting for and i want to save £30 to get a bit on my ear done! PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS 🙁 x

Nagesh answers:

Ask relatives for it, online surveys..
But there give prizes rather than rewards.
Make cookies and go door to door lol…
Set up a lemonade, bake sale stand.
~ William

Laura asks…

Ideas to make money for X-mas gifts?

OK, I’m an unemployed teenager with little extra income. I need a way to get enough money for Christmas gifts. I will need about $50 to make within two or three weeks.

I like photography and video editing. Is there something I could do with that?

Nagesh answers:

Photography is going to take quite a while to build any kind of career/business in, unfortunately…
For quick cash, your best bet is working for a relative; you could also try advertising as a babysitter or housecleaner, especially if you belong to a church or some other kind of network to make it easier to spread the word.

If you can’t find work – dig the old clothes out of the closet and list them on ebay! A lot of things sell better during holiday season, so this is definitely worth a shot! =)

Robert asks…

Ideas for me(a teenager) on how to make money, then how to advertise that idea?

im a freshman in HS and i need a way to make money this school year. ive tried babysitting, but i dont have anyone to sit for anymore and dont know how to advertise within my neighborhood. id rather not bbsit, id like to do some sort of dogsitting/dog-walking service, buti have NO idea how to promote it! i want to stay within my neighborhood, cuz theres tons of families w/dogs. help me figure out how to advertise this please??

Nagesh answers:

Simple You need PTC(paid to click) sites or advertising sites..

All the details you need is in my blog.. Instructions are settled there..
Actually I earned money already.. In $.. Just read my blog..

Follow my link:

Sandy asks…

I have 3 good business ideas targeted towards teenagers, but I keep seeking for more?

I have 3 good business ideas targeted toward teenagers, since I’m a teenager myself. I have a lot of entrepreneurial experience. One of them helps teenagers make money & the other is an innovative idea for an online tutoring company etc. I’ve seeked advice from family, online and through venture capital funds and they all agree that the ideas are excellent. I believe some of them have millionaire potential (my aim is to reach a million in revenue so I can become a big philanthropist) but for some reason I spend the majority of my time trying to think of new ones. I am constantly researching and seeking the next big ideas because for some reason I feel like businesses targeted towards teenagers online will not too make much. I don’t know why? It’s weird. How can I stop trying to constantly think of more ideas when the ones I have already are good enough?
@Matt B If you understood & knew more about the tutoring idea you would know why many teenagers would use it, but I don’t want to put it on here just in case it’s stolen. Thanks anyway.

Nagesh answers:

This is pretty common. And you are right that it is a bit of a problem. New ideas can distract you from focussing on, and developing your existing main idea. What many entrepreneurs do is purchase an idea journal – one page for each idea. As more details occur to you enter them on the idea page they go with. This frees your mind up to stay focussed… Without losing those other great ideas that you may develop in time as your customer database grows and changes.

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Sunday, September 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Paul asks…

How can an 11 year old girl get money fast to buy an I-phone at Verizon wireless?

Hi i really want an I-phone from Verizon Wireless (please don’t say im too young)! I looked online and it costs 199.99$ and so far i have 32.73$. I really want an I-phone fast but whatever you can think of would help! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Future technology is just ruining the future for kids

Now 11-Year old wants a iPhone 4

Future- 3-Year old wants a iPhone 34

Betty asks…

I need money to pay for my World of Warcraft Account who can i make it?

I need money fast I am addicted to wow and I was considering selling myself for some cash to pay for it. I don’t see any other options. I am selling some books on ebay hoping people will buy them so i get money to my paypal but I don’t think they will sell. What can I do? I was thinking of selling gold but I could get my account banned for that.

Nagesh answers:

Your kidding right??About the selling yourself part??get out of the dungeon and into a job.then you can pay for WOW…..

Not trying to sound like a bitch but come on now…..

Michael asks…

How to earn money for a puppy?

Okay so I have to pay for my golden retriever puppy on Wednesday, this wednesday!! That really doesn’t give me much time! It is $400 and right now I only have $180! I need money FAST!!
Any ideas?
Please help!

Nagesh answers:

*Withdraw some cash from your bank account
*Sell some stuff
*Rob a bank! Lol just kidding!

Linda asks…

What are some creative ways for kids to make money?

Hi, I’m 13, and want to do this thing at my school called the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, and for the first level – bronze – it costs just under £300 for the expeditions and everything. I don’t think my parents would be able to afford this, and I’ve been wanting to do it for years. I was thinking of something like lawn-mowing, or baby-sitting, but I want something unique and creative. Some of my awesome friends have agreed to help me 🙂 if anyone can think of unusual ways to make money fast, I would be very grateful!
Thank you! 😀
I forgot to mention – I also play the piano and harp – as the harp is unusual, I was thinking of advertising for that, and I have passed my grade 8 piano so was thinking of tutoring; the thing is, would people want their kids to be learning with a 13 year old? And with the harp, I could play at hospitals and charity events, but I would feel really bad to charge money… :s
I forgot to mention – I also play the piano and harp – as the harp is unusual, I was thinking of advertising for that, and I have passed my grade 8 piano so was thinking of tutoring; the thing is, would people want their kids to be learning with a 13 year old? And with the harp, I could play at hospitals and charity events, but I would feel really bad to charge money… :s

Nagesh answers:

Baby-sitting, pet-sitting, house-sitting, lawn-mowing, snow shovelling, clean other people’s houses, run errands for them.

As a music teacher, having you’re grade 8 with piano is okay for teaching little ones, but you might find parents are put off by the age. The best thing is to not give them your age unless they ask. Give them the amount of years you’ve been doing music, and possibly repare a little resume of all things musically-creative that you’ve done over the years to give them to show them you’re qualified. Since you have never taught before, charge $10/half hour and make sure to let the parents know that you’re doing this because you enjoy teaching (not because you need money)

Harp, interesting… Ask all over your town; lots of places love having live music and are just waiting for people to come up to them to say I want to do it, and they’ll tell you how much they’ll pay you. Or you could be traditional, grab your harp, sit down somewhere and leave a hat on the ground. That way people pay you what they want to pay you.

Lisa asks…

Should I share a Webkinz account with my daughter or get my own?

My daughter is 7 and has one Webkinz account with one pet. We would like to get more pets but I’m not sure what the advantages are of adding them to the account versus starting a new one.

A new account could send things to each other and visit each other, right?

Sharing an account would allow us to use the same rooms and clothes, right? I can also make money faster than she can and both of us can share responsibility for daily stuff.

Which is more beneficial? Thanks!
What are the benefits of each?

Nagesh answers:

Ganz’s official recommendation is not to share accounts. I’m sure this is so kids don’t give out their passwords to someone at school, and then all their items just vanish. In your case, that would not be a problem.
If you have your own account, you can send your daughter items (but not money) through the Kinz Post. Also, if you have 2 computers, would would be able to visit each other, and play games with each other.
If you have all the pets on 1 account, you would live in the same house, share money, and be able to share clothes without having to send them in the Post.
For each 2nd+ pet on an account you get an Exclusive item. For every 10th, 15th, 20th, etc. Pet on an account, you get a Super Bed. Also, since each account expires 1 year after you adopt the last pet, having just 1 account could save you from both having to get new pets. In your case, I’d say to share the account, unless you daughter is in the “I want my own!” phase, then it’s not worth the fight, and you should have separate accounts.

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Saturday, August 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

George asks…

I need advice on how to raise money quickly and easily?

I want to go on a ‘People to People’ field trip this summer that I know my family cannot afford. My teacher said it usually ends up costing about $6,500. It is a 19 day trip to several different countries for a learning and fun opportunity and that amount includes everything. I’m a sophomore in high school and really want to go on it.
I need ideas on how to raise money quickly for this. I am in the process of getting a job at a local country club but I know it won’t be enough.

Nagesh answers:

McDonalds ?

Mary asks…

How can I make money quickly?

This summer I am going to film a movie where I am and I being serious here. I have equipment and stuff and I spent the entire fall and winter planning and writing it. Now I just need at least $200-$300 dollars in the next 2 months to get some materials needed in my film. Iv’e tried to sell lemonade and other stuff but that only got me $7 in 4 hours. Can someone tell me a good way to make money quickly ?
BTW, I’m 13 and not old enough to have a proper job

Nagesh answers:

Believe me, if I knew how to make the big bucks I would be keeping it a secret

Robert asks…

Im looking at a 900 dollar guitar anyone got ideas to get the money quickly?

Hey i’m looking at a Schecter Synyster Gates Special but its close to 900 dollars and wondering how to make that amount of money quickly. Anyone got any ideas

Nagesh answers:


Carol asks…

What can I do to make A LOT OF MONEY QUICKLY?

Are there anyways to make A LOT of money quickly. I mean THOUSANDS of dollars (I need to pay for my horse’s board and shows and other personal things….). If you are going to suggest surveys online, then please suggest which surveys I should do.
too bad I can’t get a job because I am only 15

Nagesh answers:

There are literally dozens of ways to make a lot of money quickly:

-Drug dealing. The harder the drug, the more demand and the more money. Try crack.

-Extortion. Tell someone they are going to be assassinated if they don’t give you 50 grand to stop the hitman.

-Stealing organs. The black market organ trade is bigger than ever. Steal some kidneys and put them suckas on ebay.

-Insurance fraud. Burn down your house and say it was arson.

-Prostitution. Hey, I don’t judge.

-Sell your horse.

Hope this helps!

Sandy asks…

How can I make easy money really quickly?

Im nearly 15 and want to make money quickly!
I live in England so keep within reason and rules please!

Nagesh answers:

You are old enough to babysit and also to help older folk with household tasks they find difficult now. That might be cleaning windows, scrubbing floors, tidying yards or gardens, walking their pet dogs, even doing some shopping or running errands for them. Look around you and if you see something that needs doing, offer to do it for a small fee.

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Friday, August 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Charles asks…

Has anyone found a way to earn money from home post baby?

I had a baby about 6 months ago, and we(daddy, me, and baby) are doing just fine, but I want to contribute a little bit, even if it just goes in a vacation fund, or a school fund. Has anyone found any successful ways to bring money in at home? I’m pretty computer savy, so I could do something online. Idk, just wondering if anyone else found something.

Nagesh answers:

People are now more fortunate to have the internet as a source and venue for greater opportunities. If you intend to earn money at home, you should get into popular affiliate marketing schemes across the online media. The ideas of the Simple Cash Blog run on autopilot and only take a few hours to set up. This frees up your time and energy for important things like having fun, relaxing, spending time with your family, friends and so on.

I also recommend you to try online discussions and if you want a way to make some side money enjoying your hobby.

Jenny asks…

Is there any way to make money from home without an initial investment that is both legal and moral?

In a week, I’m going in for surgery and will be off work for at least 3 to 4 months. Medical bills have already used up my savings, and long term disability payments will not start until after 90 days. I need a way to support myself during those 3 months.

Nagesh answers:

It is difficult to start a business without investing any money. Personally, I think being penny wise but pound foolish in order to become prosperous is doomed to failure. But there are some home-based businesses that you can start which doesn’t require a large initial capital outlay. Why don’t you start a home-based online business?

The lovely thing about making money online is that it really doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care what age you are, what class or what gender you are. You have the same opportunities and rights as everyone else to earn as much money as you want. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself and how much effort you intend to put in.

Start up cost for a home-based online business is very low as compared to a traditional brick and mortar business. If you can do some of the stuffs yourself, it will further reduce the cost of starting an online business.

You do not even need to have a physical product to sell before you can start a home-based online business. There are a number of ways of making money from your online business. I am not going to give you any specific advice because you have to decide what business you want to do. But here are some ways people make money from their online business:
1) selling other people’s products
2) selling information or digital products
3) starting an ebay business
4) selling their services

For further information on how to start a home-based online business, you can also visit the site at the source below.

While making money online from a home-based business is a great way of generating income, you have to be realistic. You have to think long term, both in your planning and in your expectations of a return for your effort. You have to be patient. If you expect your home-based online business to generate income immediately, you will be disappointed. Making money in a legitimate and moral way is a slow process and rightly so. Think and plan long term.

And please beware of anything that promised you loads of money with little effort for a small fee (I notice that the amount is always small to tempt you in). You might be thinking that you are too clever to be taken in by such schemes. But the truth is many very smart people signed up.

My point is that there are no secrets to make money the lazy way as claimed by some of these schemes. No one but only you can make yourself rich. You have to put in the effort to learn how other successful home-based online business owners do it.

Linda asks…

What is the most profitable type of business out there rite now?

Im only 14 but i want a bright future , im intersted to know why type of business is best for making money rite now and cheap to start . for example Food industry or novelty ect

Nagesh answers:

First of all, don’t look online or get caught up in any type of scheme which claims you will receive some kind of payment for your time. The majority of them are scams and are not good practice for setting out what you’re looking to do.

The best way to start would be to try sourcing some products from a reliable supplier and get some practice selling on ebay. That way you get a good gauge of what sells and what doesn’t and will be well equipped with some handy skills when you finish school. And you may also find your niche, selling something you enjoy.

The next step would be to set up your own website when you’re a bit older. These generally are not too expensive to start and are a good way to sell things without the high overheads.

Most importantly of all, study hard and learn as much as you can because one day you may realise business is not as easy as it may seem.

Best of luck.

Steven asks…

How to get a job as a writer?

I have very little work experience (just was a dish washer for a year) and I am very interested in writing.

I am not interested in those “work at home, free lance writer, blogger” schemes, but I am interested in a career which involves writing. What should I be doing now to prepare for a job in such a field?

Nagesh answers:

First things first. The biggest thing you absolutely NEED to do to become a writer, is to write. Make sure you write every day, in some way or other. Journal, mock interviews, whatever you find most comfortable.
I’m not sure what field of writing you are interested in, so there are a few different options.

1. You could just start writing, if you want to publish a book, and once it’s finished go from there. This takes a long time, both the writing, and finding a publisher.

2. If you’re looking at newspaper, magazine, or online. Depending on your intended area (column vs editorial vs reporter) you could take some English courses at the post secondary level. There are other courses related to journalism also available. Again, this could take a while to go through the schooling.

3. If you don’t have too much of a preference, I would recommend writing some newspaper type columns, to build up a small portfolio. Once you have a handful of them, that are not date specific (Don’t mention current events, or media) start sending them to smaller publications like free newspapers in the area. You could also try some smaller websites that have editorial type comments on a daily/weekly basis. Once you get accepted somewhere small, you’ve got a good start. You can build a printed (online) portfolio, and work your way up to larger publications. –This can take awhile before you start to get paid for your work.

4. You can also search for every writing contest and award that you qualify for, and start writing for them. (a new piece for each one) Once you win some awards or contests, you’ve got a solid base for your portfolio.
I hope this helps. Almost any way you go, it can take some time to get up there to making money from writing.

Daniel asks…

A good way to earn money at home?

Ok I’m 16 years old, and I need a good way to earn some money at home. No im not lazy I just can’t really go anywhere. I’m not really sure about babysitting. Is that the only thing that there is really to do? Summer is coming soon, but I have to stay home and watch my little sister so it will be kinda hard for me to work. So there lies the problem.
If anybody has anymore ideas please tell me.

Nagesh answers: is spam btw.

At first I was seriously skeptical, but I’m not kidding.

There is seriously a very simple way to make money online, it does however require a little effort; it’s no scam. Well, there’s this company called Global Domains International (GDI), they own the domain dot ws (.ws), it’s just like dot com (.com) but not as popular, YET. As we’re speaking more and more unique dot com url’s are being taken, and by the year 2015 approximately half a billion unique dot com’s will be in use. GDI’s dot ws is the dot com of the future. To acquire a dot ws website, all you need to do is go to . It’s $10 per month but there’s a 7 day free trial.

$$$HOW CAN I MAKE MONEY $$$??? You may ask. The thing is, this GDI company has a lot of money to go around, they basically pay people to advertise for them. It’s viral marketing, word of mouth advertising. For each person you recruit, you earn a dollar per month, and for each person they recruit (level1), and for each person they recruit (level 2), and for each person they recruit (level3), and for each person they recruit (level 4) and for each person they recruit (level5). It sounds like a pyramid scheme, but it really isn’t; it’s only limited to 5 levels. Your earn one dollar for each person you recruit who is 5 levels beneath you, not 6, not 7, 5, there are also bonuses (eg. 5 recruits in a week = $100). Their marketing strategy is really working as I’m advertising their company and services. And come on, I wouldn’t be typing this up if I wasn’t BEING PAID! Check it out – . REMEMBER, you get a website of your own (you can do anything with it) AND YOU CAN MAKE MONEY!!!

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Thursday, August 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Sandra asks…

How to work from home sri lanka?

I’m suffering from work from home sri lanka for many years. Tried a lot of varies treatments but very little of them used to help. Please give an advice of some good solution/method on the internet to get rid of work from home sri lanka. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Hey hows it going?

First of all there are two types of businesses you can do from home:

1. Traditional Network Marketing businesses such as Amway which I’m sure everyones heard of.. But if you don’t know feel free to ask me about this
2. Online Affiliate Programs

It really depends on what you want & your experiences.. In my opinion a home based online business is the way to go because the online marketing industry alone is currently worth $320 billion a year & its projected to grow to $500 billion by the end of 2010. Now I’ve recently just become an affiliate of a new Web App for major search engines such as Google & Yahoo etc, which focuses on giving away this free web app or promoting its license & in return you can make an income in 2 ways. In my first 24 hours of becoming an Affiliate I earned US$150. Its not everyday you can give away something for free & still make money money out of it…..In General this Web App is modeled after one of the most successful companies in history, Google’s product is search, which it does very well, capturing 74% of the search market. However, Google’s penetration in the shopping market is much smaller. So with Google & all the other major search engines, this Web App focuses in the area of saving time and money for the online shopper. Google is free to the user and makes its money through pay-per-click advertising … well so does this Web App.

How does this work? Whenever you look to buy something online using any major search engine like Google or Yahoo, the Web App appears; and just like magic, it cuts through the clutter to find you the best deals on virtually anything you’re looking for.

Why is the Web App so important? The Internet has the appearance of offering unlimited choices, but nothing is further from the truth. The major search engines charge online retailers’ or sellers’ fees to appear near the top of their search results. This means that much of what you see when searching for something you need is not necessarily the best deal for you but, rather, what benefits the major search engine. This Web App is different because it puts you, the customer, first by enabling you to better manage your search results so that you can find a better buy.

Secondly, you can also make money online because when someone uses the free Web App that you gave them and buys something from one of the hundreds of top online retailers, these companies then share their Affiliate commissions with you; and you make money.

This Web App is available to give the consumer unlimited choices in the marketplace. The Web App breaks the limitations of shopping at one store or the confines of an online buying club. The Web App breaks the limitations created by the major search engines controlling what we see in our search results, thus giving us more choices.

Now before you can get into this sort of business you really do need to understand how the inernet makes $320 billion a yr just through online advertising.

So If you’re seriosuly wanting to get into a home based business feel free to contact me anytime on

Susan asks…

How to earn from a website which is owned by me nd how much can i earn?

frnds i own a website and want to make money from it. Pls tell the detailed steps and also tell that how much can i earn . Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Some of the ways to earn money from your website can be:

1) If you have a site then add content and use Google Adsense to bring in Google ads on your site. Google will pay you depending on the ad hits you get. Find an area of your interest and post regular contents on your site. You can install wordpress on your site to blog regularly on your area of expertise. Google loves content and depending on the content, suitable ads will be displayed on your site. If your site is very new or has less content Google might not approve your site for Adsense program.

2) If your site is getting heavy traffic then you can sell space on your site for putting other peoples ads. This will also fetch money to you.

3) You can join any online home-based program and build your blog on Internet marketing or online business related topics. Through Google searches people will find your site and as people associate with your online business through your site, you will earn referral income. I follow this method using my site htttp://

The last part of your much can you earn? It depends on your skill and effort which you will put into it.

Hope it helps. Good Luck.
SB Mathew

John asks…

Struggling with my 20 yr old son who is hellbent on a website after dropping out of an Ivy League and no job?

Our 20 yr old got kicked out of an ivy league school in his first year and has stayed home and done part time studies at a mid tier local University for the past year. He is always filling his head with all sorts of business stories and ideas. Plans to spend his summer working on a website and believes that one of his friends will give him $5000 for 5% of his company. Don’t know how to refocus him towards education. His mom is tireless and believes he may need another year at home but I can see it straining her. Should we kick him out? Ask him to pay for room and board? Tolerate him and work with him? He barely manages to get up by noon every day and uses our car etc. Has not earned a penny by any hard work. We are a middle class family. No bad habits except some weekend drinking. Was an athelete who doesn’t even exercise now. Really worried about him.

Nagesh answers:

As a parent and grandparent, I totally understand your dilemma.

However, trust my advice on this one please: The determination to succeed trumps a college degree any day. And it looks like your kid has that. Don’t squelch it.

Don’t kick him out or make him go back to school. It doesn’t sound like he’s a lazy bum, and if so – then help him AS MUCH as you can. In fact, I would encourage you to support him in his efforts TO LEARN MORE about the path he has chosen because I kid you not – many people are making more money on the internet these days than most people with a degree. I know this because I can verify it – I’m an internet marketing expert. In fact, he could easily be making more than enough to pay his own way with the proper help (you can ask me in an email if you want a knowledgeable, successful, and responsible person to mentor your son – I can certainly help him avoid many of the pitfalls in the path he has chosen)

Help him develop a successful business plan, and help guide him through the execution of it. As you move through this, and he struggles, you can remind him (occasionally, not incessantly) that he could be taking courses to help him achieve his goals.

You want to ENCOURAGE someone who has set his mind on a path – and help them succeed.

You know, when I was a sophomore in college, I wanted to continue my education – with a goal in radio broadcasting. My own father told me he didn’t think it was a good career path. In retrospect, it was a GREAT career path – and instead of discouraging me from that road, he should have been busting his chops helping me succeed.

If your concern is that his college education is necessary for him to succeed – then remember that Peter Jennings and Bill Gates don’t have one. They succeeded just fine in part because they were DETERMINED to succeed.

A college degree is NOT the only or even the best source of education. And without the drive to succeed, it’s not worth a thing. I say do everything you can to help him become successful. And if he succeeds or fails, you will have his respect and love for it.

And by the way… I have just over 3 years of college under my belt, but no degree. Today I make more money than most people I know who HAVE a degree, and I understand that getting a degree is not required to be successful. Success is determined by the drive to succeed and do whatever is required to get there. If your kid has that kind of drive (never give up), then he WILL succeed.

Sandy asks…

Does anyone know about a work at home job, that is real not a scam?

Im prego and i work night shift but it is killing me and the doctors want to put me on bed rest, but i need money. I have been trying to find something i can do from home, with out giving them oney and getting scammed.

Nagesh answers:

Your not going to find a home based “job” that is going to offer enough money to support yourself and your new baby. Home based jobs start you out at minimum wage. I know how you feel right now. I’ve been in your position when I was put on bed rest in my 4th month until two weeks before I delivered. It is very hard. If you really want to work from home and continue to work from home and raise your children, I suggest you start your own home based business.
Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, what experience you have or anything like that. If you want to get involved with a business that will train you as you earn sort of thing from home, or just dive into something on your own. So I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago when I was on bed rest. It well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Jenny asks…

hi, can you please tell the internet based work through which I can at home! veeraj?

I have Laptop, internet connection at home. my job is not enough to earn my bread. want to wrok extra at the ease of home. I am from India, New Delhi. name is Veeraj.

Nagesh answers:

Most people who work at home and are successful are doing one of two things – getting paid a commission on everyone they convince to join the program (also known as MLM or pyramid plans) OR they have their own business. Your own business is something you create yourself, not find on the internet. You create it based on your skills, your passions not on what someone else tells you is the GREATEST thing going.

If you are looking at one of the endless “opportunities” out there be careful – most are scams. Here are a few questions you should ask to help figure out if the one you are looking at is for real or not.

Legitimate work-at-home program should tell you – in writing – what’s involved in the program they are selling. Here are some questions you might ask:

* What tasks will I have to perform? (Ask the program to list every step of the job.)
* Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based on commission?
* Who will pay me?
* When will I get my first paycheck?
* What is the total cost of the work-at-home program, including supplies, equipment and membership fees?
* What will I get for my money?

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Wednesday, August 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Charles asks…

what should i go to college for?

i’m going to be a senior this fall, so i know i have plenty of time to decide, but my future is coming up so fast, and i know senior year will be so stressful and i need to send applications as soon as possible, so i want to know what i should do. i wanted to become a hair stylist, but my fiance and i want to have kids in a couple years, and i don’t want to be pregnant/nursing and breathing fumes. i want to do something creative, where i can express myself, like something in art maybe, but i want to make a decent amount of money. ideas?

Nagesh answers:


Maria asks…

Oh crap! Is it getting late to have kids?

I just turned 30.
I had no idea it would come this fast.

I’m a tall, good looking, intelligent, educated guy, but somehow I’m still not making enough money, and I don’t feel successful.

I want to have kids, but I feel like I don’t have my life where I want it to be first. I don’t want to try to focus on raising children before I have my own totally figured out, and I’ve ended more than one relationship because she was pushing too hard. But do we ever have life figured out? I’m starting to feel like no one does.

And the other thing is, I want to raise my own kids, not someone else’s. And finding a cool girl in her late 20’s that wants kids but doesn’t have them already…it seems like the flock is getting smaller by the second. I guess I could marry a girl a lot younger than me but…I’m kind of over the 23yo thing, and I think that can cause lots of problems.

It’s kind of brutal. You really only get a little while to focus on yourself, and then it’s about raising new people, and the cycle goes on. Or you become one of these people who has kids when they’re like 45. My mom was 38 when she had me, so now my folks are nearly 70 when I’m only 30. I don’t want that for my kids.

Thoughts? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You’ve put alot of thought into this. The only problem I really have with kids late in life, as you already pointed out, is being a senior citizen and moving the kid into a college dorm.

I don’t think the flock is quite as thin as you think though. Women are waiting longer, too.

Finally, I went through similar thoughts where I didn’t think my career or life in general was baby ready. I don’t know what your finances et al are like but, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you’re ambitious and in a stable job, you’re probably fine.

Sandy asks…

movie idea?

I think we need movies to have social responsibilities.
Movies should provide a message. And provide a positive message.

How about this idea for a movie.
There are 3 black friends. Young kids. One is an athlete. One brain. And one guy wants to make fast money. The brain gets a scholarship. Gets a free ride to college. And shows him working hard. And gets a regular 9 to 5 job. The athlete is not a great student. But thinks he can slide on his athletic talent. He goes to college on some athletic scholarship. But he does not get a diploma. He gets hurt and cannot make money. The last kid thinks he can be a drug dealer or something. He gets caught and goes to prison. It shows how bad in prison it is. He gets it in the a$$. Gets beat up. Etc…

What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

Sounds like 3 movies in one. More like a soap opera.

Sandra asks…

Fast Cash for a 11 year old?

I am 11 years olds and I want to make some money to buy myself a coach purse because my mommy don’t want to buy it for me. I am not a lawn mowing girl, so please no lawn mowing and papper routes are for kids 13 years and up.

I need Cash Fast.

I caould bake and make lemonade but where I live there is no where to sell it.

Should I sell stuff on ebay?

give me ideas
the neighberhood I live in don’t let me sell things door to door or even outside, I would have to do it with a friend at her house.

Nagesh answers:

I think you have to be 18 yrs. Old to sell things on eBay. But, you could wash cars, that’s a good idea! You don’t have neighbors that you could take orders & bake things for them? Cookies, cupcakes & things like that?

Laura asks…

Cheap Wedding Ideas for fall!!!?

So my wedding is coming oh so fast and I cant make my mind up on anything.. I think that it is more the cost vrs the mind making if you know what I mean! So my options are fall colors because the decor is soo amazing and cheap or Choc & teal. I love love love that teal, pool color but I cant seem to fit it into my fall colors! I have gave up on my dream wedding because the place had to be catered and we just dont have the money. I have 3 kids and I am planning my first wedding!! It just dosnt fit the budget!!! Can anyone tell me where a money tree is or how to do this with a water budget of about nothing!!
Ok maybe I needed to put in a few little details. I have found this church that is very nice and it is sooo reasonable and I have already booked it. It was only 100 bucks and the great preacher told me that he would work with us on the rest I think that the total is 250 :). But, that is still cheap & it has gotten us more involved in church! I dont think that is a bad thing.. The place where i have booked to reception site is like a club type thing.. like legion, eagles, moose. something along those lines that is super duper cheap 200 & I get 100 back. I have made the glass bowl things and we even learned how to stien glass them with tissue paper! ( I want it family invloved) I just want it to be like a dream wedding!!! Do you think that fall leaves is dorky?? or cheap looking?? Or do you think that I should go with choc/teal!!

Nagesh answers:

Ok first your dream wedding is not gone. You can make this wedding a new dream, and all that really matters are the memories and feelings of the day anyway. I had a fall wedding in Maine. I did the deep reds (not maroon), cream and chocolate colors. It was beautiful and fit the season perfect.

My favorite cheap thing I did was create this tree for people to hang marriage advice and wishes on. All you do is find some tall branches without the leaves, wrap in twinkling white lights, and place in a pretty (large) vase. Make cards and punch holes to wrap ribbon through so they can be hung on the branches. I did deep red ribbon and it looked beautiful. Lot’s of candles and warm drapes. You can do a wedding on a budget. Just look around. Craft stores, target, even walmart. Oh and bubbles are great for the kids. Good Luck. Hope I helped (:
Oh one more thing if you need table cloths try buying twin sheets in the color you like. They are cheap and if you need them smaller cut and use hem tape. So easy. And the tree I recommended can be used as a money tree just buy clips instead.

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Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Helen asks…

Whats the easiest and fastest way to make money online?

I need to make some extra cash and i was wondering what websites work and is just not spam. Plus they just require a paypal would be great too

Nagesh answers:

How about you run own website/blog and earn from google adsense.
There aren’t always scammers out there, people that can do proofreading and editing written content are ALWAYS in demand…,…

Sandy asks…

I want to know how and where to sell my art work online.?

I really need money fast, but everything I’ve found I have to pay or the deadline for the contest is already over. I have many pictures I’d like to sell. If you’re interested e-mail me at

Also, I have greeting cards that I could make special for you.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah, just go to Devianart if you haven’t already. You don’t need to have Premium Membership to cell your works. When you upload your images you can read the Terms of use, where it is said how much money of a sold pic you can get.

Sandra asks…

what are some good ways to earn money FAST.?

i need help earnig some money i cant work from online but other things will work plz help
pkease do not say anything about working online

Nagesh answers:

You can easily earn money through affiliate programs. Sign up to to an affiliate for other businesses on the net that and you have to do is refer customers to these products or services. Once one of your referrals makes a purchase or register , you will receive a small payment.

When choosing affiliate programs, you should look for few things:
» Choose that affiliate program that you are well known with the product or services.
» Select that program which pays higher usually more then 20% o.
» Search for that program that will pay you a monthly, weekly or yearly fixed income.
» Think your customers in your place that you are going to purchase it or not.
» Check their customer testimonial and how long they are in business.
» They have a panel to check your earning and your customer.
» Their payment method and how long will they take process your payment.

George asks…

Can anyone Offer me an online job?- I need money fast.?

I will work to the best of my ability, I dont want no con’s I want jobs working on peoples websites ect… No freelance, Con’s ect…

I hope someone can help me, Thank you for reading,

Nagesh answers:

Be very careful! I think you are probably inviting scammers to contact you. If you are asked to buy into a business program, deposit checks or wire money, or reship goods – run! These are common scams these days.

As for REAL work at home – there are many options for you. But you didn’t mention your age, interests or skills so I’ll attempt to just give you a quick overview. Assuming that you are of age – you might try customer service and phone based work. These jobs are easy to land and there are many available. There are no fees and they always seem to be hiring. If you have clerical skills you might try working from home as a virtual assistant or online secretary. This is what I do. I am currently working from home doing data entry and editing and I really love it.

Here is a short list of jobs you might investigate:

At Home Professionals
Call Center experience is helpful, but not required Availability to work Mondays through Thursdays from 1:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. And Saturdays from 7:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time

Call center Agents
US and Canada. Broadband data connection to the Internet with a minimum upload speed of 128kps required. Must have Dedicated work computer, A noise-canceling headset., Dedicated sound proof or quiet office or workspace, Must meet requirements set by Canadian and or Provincial government to work as an Independent contractor. God phone skills and friendly attitude. Ability to define work schedule and be available during those stated work hours. Http://

Customer Service Representative – Fashion
VIPdesk leading home-based call center seeks home-based Customer Service Reps for luxury retailer. Requirements: = 5+ years of direct hands on customer service experience needed. College degree or a combination of education and experience in lieu of a degree required. = Must be able to work weekend and holiday hours and be able to commit to working at least 25 hours per week: This position is *only* for residents of NY, NJ, OH, VA, OR, DE, NH Contact: Contact:

Online Content Data Entry
There is no experience required. 100% work from home. You will do research, collect information and write very short articles, essays, product reviews, how-to guides, and other items. You can select what you would like to research and write. Most subjects will be accepted. Anyone can do this and earn great money! The more you write, the more you will earn. Set your own hours and work as much or as little as you like. Visit for more information.

Full-Time Customer Care & Claims Professionals to work in our state-of-the-art Customer Care Center. Go online now and see what we’re all about!

Word Processors

VA’s needed Immediately

Virtual Assistants

Customer Service Rep

Actress & Actors – Telephone (adult industry so do not apply if this is not for you!)

There are hundreds of others. Honestly this list doesn’t even put a dent in all that is currently available. Real work at home jobs are out there – you just have to know where to look. For me, I joined a company called and got hired within about a week or so. They are really great and honest and really care about their members. I am so glad I joined because I never would’ve found all of these real work at home jobs had it not been for SOHOjobs.

So anyway, I hope that something works for you from the list that I’ve given you here. I really love working from home so I hope that it works out for you too.

Mark asks…

Jobs Avaliable NOW !?

I live in philadelphia I am 15 does anybody know anywhere that jobs are avaliable NOW like right NOW where I can just go into the store, fastfood resturant etc fill out the application and get an on the spot interview or a interview in the next week I really need the money , I dnt want to get fast money working online ! anybody that works in a store that can help me out ?
I am reliable & responsible

pleaseeee & thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

No one will hire you until you’re 16.

Right now, your only option is to try doing odd jobs for your neighbors (run an errand, mow their lawn, walk the dog, babysit….)

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Monday, August 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Lizzie asks…

Are UK airports using terrorism as an excuse to rip us off with parking fees?

It used to be free to drive on and off at Manchester to drop off or pick up. Now there is a wall of concrete and a £2 minimum fee.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah that’s a real deterrent isn’t it?As though a £2 fee will stop the terrorists.To me its just another money making scheme.Surprised they don’t charge for using the toilets to screw us out of even more money.

James asks…

I would like some handy tips on preparing for self employment?

Im a single mum 34 planning to go self emp in june dont want to rush,i will be a mentor for a charity, trainer in counselling skills and possibly private counselling. I have had course on self assessment rang family tax credit cos im going from income support to self emp. How can i organise my paper work and record keeping and general admin, getting stationary, need to know a methodical way of setting it up at home without missing anything out to try and make the transition as smooth as poss some kind of plan, or is it better to learn from muddling thru sensible advice greatly received thanks

Nagesh answers:

You say you have done a course on Self Assessment – where was this from? If you have not already contacted your local Inland Recenue/HM Revenue & Customs office do so to register, as there are penalties for not disclosing your new business when you start it.

HMRC also offer a Business Support Team who run free courses in all aspects of self employment, from basic record keeping to running PAYE schemes. You can also make an appointment to visit an Enquiry Centre and talk to advisors who have a wealth of leaflets and advice for people starting up in self employment. There’s a telephone helpline for the newly self employed who can give similar advice. Also check out HMRC’s website, there’s loads of information on there.

And lastly – keep notes all monies spent out and earned – whether it be in a fancy computerised spreadsheet or a manual diary, write down what money you have spent and on what. When you come to fill in your tax return at the end of your first trading year, you will need to show your expenses incurred during the year, and if you have earned over £15,000 you will need to break them down into various categories eg motor and travel expenses, general admin, rent and rates etc. On the self employed pages of the HMRC website,

there is a link to downloading the SA103 – Self Employed pages for this years tax return – have a look at the different headings you should be using to break down your expenses.

Linda asks…

How can I use genealogy (Think spelled right, study of genes) to predict the outcome of my dog’s puppies?

Ok, I plan to breed our family dog. How can I figure out if the pups will have, genetic mutations, or future health issues?

Nagesh answers:

Have both parent dogs tested for hereditary and breed-prone conditions. OFA hip and elbow testing, CERF testing to ascertain eye health, testing for heart conditions such as MVD, testing for incidence of patellar luxation and hip dysplasia if your dog is of a breed in which it is known to exist. Depending on the breed you have there are usually plenty of other breed-specific health conditions which should be tested for before breeding. If you’re thinking about breeding you should already be in posession of a great deal of knowledge about your breed and be involved with breed club/s, and be aware of particular problems for which the breed clubs believe testing is vital. The Kennel Club (British) gives this overview of health testing:

All dogs in the bloodlines of both sire and dam should be champion-lined, show-champions who have been similarly health tested, for a good number of generations. Good, reputable breeders are so strict about being ethical and sound in their breeding practices purely to prevent poor-quality animals with health problems being produced in the first place.
Generally speaking, if you didn’t buy your dogs as show and breeding quality animals, they almost certainly won’t be either. Only superb examples of the breed who meet breed standard in every way should be bred, and show and working titles exist to ascertain which dogs are excellent specimens and which should be spayed and neutered pets.

The only good reason to breed is for betterment of the breed, to produce more champion puppies equal to or better in quality than the dogs you currently have. There’s never any excuse for breeding to make money, create more pet dogs or just because you fancy a litter of cute puppies – thousands of dogs who’d make wonderful family pets are euthanised every year at shelters because of backyard breeders and puppy millers who cared only for their bank balances or weren’t responsible enough to understand the burden that comes with breeding.
If you’re seriously interested in breeding in the distant future, affiliate yourself with a breeding mentoring scheme run by the breed club of your dogs’ breeds.

Donna asks…

How nice is life in europe compared to life here in a country run by a moron?

I want to grow my family in a place where my kids won’t have to work a job they hate for forty years just because that job provides some health care. I want them to not have to worry about health care or how they will be able to afford college. I don’t want them to grow up in a country run by credit card companies and banks. If you live in another country let me know how you would compare life there and here.

Nagesh answers:

Actually, there’s an awful lot of the UK as well, with pretty strong regional variations – though nothing like the variations between the different states in the US. And let’s not compare the relative characteristics of our ‘leaders’ … There’s a world shortage.

On the specific questions you ask: the National Health Service delivers free health care, irrespective of ability to pay. OK, it has its problems – every health service does – but the general opinion is that for emergency medicine it’s excellent; the quality of general practice is good; waiting lists for procedures have been brought down dramatically; but for non-emergency medicine and the less-preferred outposts like psychiatry and care of the elderly, the system isn’t so good – also there are privacy issues, because in an NHS hospital you’ll almost certainly find yourself in a small ward with other people (though very rarely mixed-sex – that tends to be confined to intensive care, high dependency, etc.). Many people who can afford it will opt for joining a private medical insurance scheme as well, which ensures that you get treatment when you want it, private rooms, and a better standard of ‘hotel’ care. But, frankly, anywhere in Europe beats the USA hands down for medical care unless you’re very rich; we don’t have people living in fear of losing their homes because they’re struck down by disease, or feeling unable to go to their general practitioner.

As far as college is concerned, though, there’s been a change in the past few years, and now most students have to pay. Various means are available – student loans, (a very few) grants – but it costs money to send your children to tertiary education.

Now let me add a few other thoughts? The UK isn’t anything like as violent a society – we don’t have anything like the same murder rate, people can’t carry guns, and althought there are some trouble spots in the inner cities with teenage gangs, and some problems with teenage drinking, by and large you’ve got to go out of your way to find it. The same goes for drug problems – we have them, but largely confined to certain parts of the inner cities where there’s a high level of teenage unemployment, some racial tension, etc., but I don’t think it’s as bad as the US.

Also, we quit having the death penalty a long time ago – we didn’t like killing innocent people – and it doesn’t seem to have done us any harm. We don’t get worked up about abortion, either.

You won’t find the same commitment to religion and to church-going here; I don’t know what you’ll make of that. We certainly don’t have the extremist religious cults that you have in the States; but you may have difficulty finding the kind of ‘community church’ that isn’t extreme and provides a regular place for socialising and friendship that exist in the USA. To some extent that depends on your religion/denomination; Catholics are much more mutually supportive and sociable, and of course Judaism does the same; but I think it’s safe to say that church doesn’t play as strong a part in the community here as it does over there.

It’s tough to compare the relative costs of living in the two places. Food – and especially eating out – are more expensive here, and I’m always horrified at the cost of hotel accomodation. Housing – depends very much where you live. Clothes: I always loved shopping for clothes in the USA because generally the cheaper clothes were better than you could get here, but that’s changed lately with the incoming of some good cheap brands, and there’s always dear old Marks and Spencers – totally reliable value for money quality food and clothing.

Politics isn’t so extremist here: we still have ‘fairness in broadcasting’ laws, a much wider variety of national newspapers, and we don’t have anything like the strong pressure groups and lobbyists that pull the strings inside the Beltway.

I’ve tried to find a way of writing about what it’s like to work here, but frankly that depends so much on what you do for a crust. There isn’t the same gaping difference between the pay of the CEO and the pay of the blue-collar worker here as there is over there, but it’s still unpleasantly unnecessary. In my own trade – I’m a sort of management consultant – I found that I needed more ‘bells and whistles’ to get attention in the US, but that’s too narrow a comparator. A great many people would say that it’s still easier to build a business from nothing in the USA, and that the entrepreneur and the innovator will find success more achievable on your side the pond.

Oh – and I guess one further point is that wherever you settle in Europe, the rest of Europe isn’t very far away, so you’re within reach of a great deal more historical and cultural diversity. On the other hand, we don’t have the Grand Canyon …

I hope that helps. If you wanted to find out more, then the local British Council is often a good source of basic information, and many British newspapers publish a weekly overseas edition (as

George asks…

How would i become a Virgin Atlantic Pilot?

How would i go about becoming a Pilot at Virgin Atlantic? Where would i train? How would i get the licenses, etc?

Nagesh answers:

Please note: before you embark upon any flying training that you must pass the CAA Class 1 medical. This is a small investment and must be carried out by the CAA.

Since the UK became a member of the JAR (Joint Aviation Requirements) standardised European system, there are three types of pilot’s licence: Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL); Commercial Pilot’s Licence (CPL) and Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence (ATPL).

PPL – will allow you to fly all single engine piston aircraft.

CPL – needed if you want to earn money from flying. You will need to either add this to your PPL and can study on a part-time basis (known as a modular course) or, you can start your training from scratch, but on a full time basis (an integrated course). A CPL can be obtained with as little as 150 hours flying experience.

ATPL – required for pilots to fly in command of any two crew aeroplane undertaking a public transport flight.

If you are unable to obtain sponsorship, you need to start by getting a PPL. When you are looking for a suitable flying school first look into those in your area. How long have they been established? What reputation do they have? How many instructors do they have? Also ask about the types (and number) of aircraft, the number of students currently being taught as well as the courses that will be covered and the cost of each type of training.

There are in excess of 300 flying schools/clubs in the UK. The CAA regularly updates its list of approved flying schools and colleges, which includes some overseas training organisations. Flying schools in your area can also be found in the Yellow Pages.

Learning to fly and obtaining a commercial licence is expensive but the cost can sometimes be reduced by sponsorships/awards. The competition for such schemes is often very fierce but it is certainly worth trying! This is where school grades can make a difference.

At Virgin Atlantic, we have (so far!) had one venture into the realms of part-sponsorship. We advertised for cadets in 1998, their integrated course started in 1999 and they joined us at the beginning of 2000. Our current commercial commitments indicate that it is unlikely to happen in the near future. However, don’t give up as, although we are not running any schemes, other airlines may be! The best place to look for details is in Flight International magazine.

To be eligible, most schemes ask for candidates to be aged between 18 and 26 and for them to have at least 2 A levels and 5 GCSEs. The eligibility criteria may vary between airlines.

If you are at, or are hoping to go to university, check to see if there is a University Air Squadron. This can provide you with up to 30 hours PPL flying a year. Students need to be aged between 17 and 23. Selection is on a competitive basis.

A career as an Airline Pilot

To be employed by any airline as a pilot you’ll need to have a minimum qualification of CPL/IR and frozen ATPL. To be employed by Virgin Atlantic as a long haul pilot, candidates need to have at least 2,500 – 3000 hours flying experience.

You will come either from a military aviation background or from other commercial airlines. Those from the latter will need at least 1500 hours commercial jet experience (preferably on a minimum of a BAe 146 or above).

A career in the Forces

Many people make the decision to join the RAF following ground/flight experience training through the Air Training Corps or Combined Cadet Force. Some scholarships, training schemes and cadet placements are offered by the Services. Please contact them for further information.

Still interested?

Check out the following websites for further information:

If you would like to contact the pilot recruitment department, please email

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