Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Lisa asks…

What other solutions are there not to use Wind turbines/wind energy?

I am trying to find solutions on what people can do not use wind turbines because it has so many disadvantage of having it. I need solutions what can people do so we wont use them anymore.

Nagesh answers:

If you are in the UK this is the answer due to Government subsidy.

We have installed solar panels that we own so know how the system works.

“Free” ones are just that. The house owner gets the “free” use of electricity generated so you can save on your electric bill.

However to fully benefit you have to be careful when you use electricity. For example if you use a washing machine / dishwasher / tumble dryer at night when the panels aren’t generating you don’t/can’t get free electricity! During a sunny day the panels might be generating 1kw but if you switch on a 2kw appliance you pay for the excess1kw needed to run the appliance.
So yes you will save some money on your electric bill but probably only 40% certainly not 100% of your bill.

The owner of the panels (i.e us!) is the one to benefit. We have a 4kWh system (biggest allowed under Government subsidy) and get paid +/-46p per kilowatt hour generated. We all buy electricity from the Power Companies at 12-14p unit so it is a huge subsidy – which the rest of you are paying – not the Government – one reason why bills are so expensive now!

As a generalisation the capital cost was £12,000 but I am earning +/- £1600 year. To put another way although I still buy some electricity and all gas in effect we will be getting all our gas / electric “for free” and about £600 extra cash in hand!

If you have the cash BUY YOUR OWN as the scheme is Government guaranteed for 25 years!
In investment terms it is a 8-12% TAX FREE return for 25 years – you can’t get anything like that anywhere else.

If you want more specific help email me and I can do the figures for your house and send some pictures of our installation.

P.S. Even on dull days it still generates. Recently on a rainy grey overcast day we were still generating about 240w. So in Janaury when it will be freezing with perhaps snow on the ground as long as the sun is shining we will be generating! It converts light to power – heat is not needed to make it work!

Sharon asks…

What are the types and macroeconomic causes of country financial crises and the actions of?

What are the types and macroeconomic causes of country financial crises and the actions of the International Monetary Fund to deal with a financial crisis.

Nagesh answers:

Lack of liquidity basically

Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis talks about how people become more and more relaxed with money and then the crisis hits when problems go out of hand

Macroeconomic causes? There was the problem with interest rates in the 1980s and 1990s.
There was contagion effects from other countries during the recent financial crisis
The Great depression was caused by the lack of liquidity between banks and the government didn’t help
The wars helped contribute to the really bad financial crises during the period
The financial crisis happening in Zimbawae was caused by high government debt
The recent financial crisis was caused by subprime lending market

The international monetary fund (IMF) offers funds to countries that needs it to stay liquid.

Some financial crises were caused by everyone doing the same thing as explained in Strategic complementarities in financial markets section of wikipedia. These things may include bank runs where everyone’s withdrawing their money because depositors fear they won’t get their money back. Although technically it’s not any other bank’s business, other people have insecurities and it follows on like a chain of dominos.

Recessionary effects basically talks about the business cycle and how fluctuations in output and spending can create financial crises by not having enough money at certain times.

There are also things like asset price bubbles where prices on assets have just been rising and rising. Once the prices stop at a point, prices plummet like a rock. When such shocks happen, it can affect the rest of the economy. Think the tech boom during 2000 and the housing price bubble in the recent financial crisis.

The lack of effective regulation is dubbed as one by wikipedia. If effective regulation is not in place to control things like financial innovation that may have a negative knock on effect to other parts of the financial sector, we may have problems.

Most of the causes of financial crises are more financial in nature than economic. However, the ones I have listed above should be the ones you are looking for.

Most people think the main solution to financial crises is to pump more money into the system. Hence, schemes like Quantitative Easing in the UK were in play. IMF provides this, but they also introduce regulatory reform to stop the problem instead of making the problem worse. (see

Hope this helps

Sandy asks…

how do you get people to pay to advertise on your website?

I am in the process of setting up a website which we mostly be free to use, however to keep it going and make a profit (which is obviously my intention as it is going to be run as a business), I need to know how you get paying advertisers on your site.
Any help much appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

You’ve got to go look for them……… In the 7-8yrs of knocking together websites, and trying to make a few extra £££’s out of them, these are the only ones that haven’t screwed me over and shown signs of making money:

Been using it for a couple of years……… Minimum $100 payout (about £50 at the current exchange rate)…. Currently earned about $66(US).

A product reviews site that pays you for doing online surveys + product reviews, but also has an affiliate scheme that pays you for new sign-ups. Minimum payout about £5-£6

to avoid………. Commission Junction –
One of the first banner advert companies I first tried earning money via, but each time (about 3 or 4) I’ve signed up they’ve gone and cancelled my account for “lack of activity after a certain period” (without bothering to tell me!) yet kept on serving banners to my sites until I removed them….. And made a grand total of Sweet-f.a. In several years of running their adverts when my accounts there were active.

Linda asks…

Does a straight math degree make much money?

I’ve been told that teaching will probably be what I have to do in New Jersey? Is that probably true?

Nagesh answers:

One of the paradoxes of a maths degree is that it opens up so many possible career choices that often maths graduates don’t know were to start! In fact quite a high proportion of maths graduates go in to jobs that are open to people with a wide range of degrees, or science degrees generally, but a maths degree gives them and edge. Employer value the ability to solve problems logically and quantitatively and to explain their reasoning. Maths graduates on average have a higher starting salary, certainly compared to “non-numerate” disciplines.

Many graduates doing a BSc in Maths go on to either a graduate training scheme or further study . Amongst those going in to graduate training schemes many of those who still like maths when they graduate, get at least a 2.1 and who want a safe well defined career path with good pay get a job as a trainee actuary.

Another trend (certainly here at Manchester and I think popular for maths grads in general) is to get a job as graduate trainee at the major accountancy and business services. You could be trained in accountancy (professional exams), or some type of management consultancy. In these sort of jobs graduates often report that their mathematical skills only specifically come to bare later in their careers when they become executives and they realise things like stats and OR can make a difference to the bottom line of any company. There are also large business services companies that did not start as accountancy firms and branch out. For example IBM.

Banks including investment banks are still major employers of maths graduates, both because they value their general skills (as I said above)
and for specialist roles in quantitative finance (high level maths involved), risk analysis (it’s not surprising this is now so popular) and specialist IT. Yes they are still hiring for example RBS and Deutche Bank are recruiting heavily in here in the maths dept at Manchester.

The oil exploration and production industry has a massive skills shortage and mathematical modelling of oil reservoirs is a mathematical job for example. Oil majors and oil field services companies are keen to hire maths grads and they pay some of the highest starting salaries on training schemes.

Ok I covered those first as it is where large numbers of maths grads go. A high proportion go on to do further study, like taking a specialist Master’s degree in maths stats or some other science or engineering discipline. For example some maths grads I know have taken an MSc in nuclear engineering and got jobs in the decommissioning industry.

Now some BSc maths graduates will go in to jobs where they are directly using maths or stats. For example quantitative market research is a statistical job. Generally a four year MMath is a better route to a “specialist hire” job. I a specific role where you start doing something productive rather than a graduate training scheme. The possibilities are so diverse its hard to list them. An MMath or MSci in stats or OR might qualify you for a stats or OR job directly. The Pharma sector is a big stats employer. To take two example of MMath grads last year one has a job doing mathematical modelling in company that develops security scanners. And another in a company that develops smart building controls.

And then a few go on from an MMath to do a maths PhD, some of these go on to be maths lecturers and professors creating new mathematics at universities. A US survey listed maths professors as having the best quality of life of all jobs. Maths academics in the UK on average clime the academic career ladder faster than average for academics. And it certainly is fun. But about half maths PhDs go to work in industry — and end up being CTOs of high tech companies and have a lot of fun too.

Unfortunately still not so many good maths graduates go in to teaching (you might have noticed!). But this is now improving. Those that do have a choice of schools to work in as they are in such short supply.

Well that was a marathon post on one of my favorite topics! Hope it helps.

Mark asks…

UK:As Gordon Brown didn’t allow a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty will he stop the Scotland independence vote?

Where’s the difference?

Nagesh answers:

All this talk of Scottish Independence makes me laugh.

Scotland, whatever the outcome of a vote, will be a province of europe. It will not be independent as Switzerland or Norway are independent, but a province of europe with no representation in the form of commissioners or High Representatives. It will be a backwater in europe dependent, not on the UK taxpayer, but the monetary largess of the eu.

Salmond is wasting large amounts of Scottish money on a referendum that will leave Scotland worse off in terms of representation and finance. A new ‘Isthmus Quick to Riches Scheme’ to bankrupt scotland again.

Remember the last time that scottish politicians and bankers promised the people of scotland a ‘golden future’ they bankrupted the people and government. The nasty English rescued the economy by covering the debt and introducing the Act of Union to save the people of scotland from a repeat of the Isthmus of Darien debacle.

Salmond and his SNP mates already have the ability to raise or lower Income Tax by up to 3%, but they don’t use it because they can’t afford to lose the votes by raising tax, and can’t afford to keep some of their more outlandish schemes if they reduce it.

What difference would ‘independence’ make except to move the scottish dependency on other people from Westminster to Brussels/Strasbourg, because scotland does not have the economic base to feed, house, educate and employ its population without ‘aid’ from somewhere.

Brown should not block the referendum, let the scottish people have their say, but let them pay for it.

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Friday, September 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Charles asks…

what’s a easy way to make money in runescape?

am a lvl 90 member and trying to think of ways to make money fast and easy? any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Ok if you want to learn how to make money in runescape I am your solution!


When i started merchanting I had 2k and in 2 Weeks i got it up to 108k and i loged in only once a day for not even 2 min. How did i do it? I’ll tell you:

1) First what you need to do is go to the GE (grand exchange) and purchase as many feathers as you can buy BUT BUY THEM AT LOWEST PRICE ONLY!!!! (curently thats only 5 gp)

2) Log in the next day (or at least 12 hours after you atempted to buy the feathers) and your offer should be made and you will have alot of feathers! YAY!!!!! But now you will have to sell them at 6gp each that gives you 1 gp for every feather…that may not seem like much but once you do it you will realize how much the profit is (ALOT!!!!!!!!!!)

here are some more ways to get some mula:…

Robert asks…

whats the best way to make a lot of money in RUNESCAPE kinda fast not like runecrafting?

wanna make some money but dont know how to make money in profit it does not hav to be fast but at least like 1mil a day or about

Nagesh answers:

Many people mine pure essence which is sorta in the medium range for profits, if you have a very high fishing lvl fish sharks and sell on g.e. Yews are a very commen way for making money as well

Sandy asks…

What is the fastest way to make money in Runescape?

I’m level 94 how could I make like 100k quickly.

Nagesh answers:

Ok here’s what i do go to edgeville dungeon cross the wilderness gate you should find some thugs go west you will find chaos druids kill those and pick their grimy herbs only (RANARR,IRIT,LANTADYME,AVANTOE,KWUARM,DWARF WEED)
DO NOT CLEAN THEM.Everytime you finish inventory bank untill bored then go sell at G.E and here you go you made a good sum of money
And if your not a member Cut Yews (if WCer) or fish lobsters (if Fisher) mine coal,clay,or iron (depending on your mining lvl) and if not a skiller kill cockroach drones or lesser demons and untill you get a lot of money Merchant cooked lobsters (buy for min sell for max) trust me it works made from 4 mills a 16 mills

Sandra asks…

in runescape what is a fast way to make money about 100-200 k every 10-20 minutes in f2p?

i am a level 61 and i am saving up for guthix armour

Nagesh answers:

Honestly at ur level u wont accomplish much. Id say ur best bet for money making would either be woodcutting or doing fist of guthix fishing too depending on ur lvl. And honestly god armors are waste of cash u dont have to prove ur rich. I walk around in regular rune but i have about a 300m bank. But if u really want it go for it. Either that or play some gop. If u have 50 rcing.

Joseph asks…

How do i make money fast on runescape at level 3 i decided to be just for getting supplies for a clan i was in?

i have 13 woodcutting. i need a way toget money fast please tell my please!

Nagesh answers:

13 woodcutting. Lololololololololol

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Thursday, September 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

James asks…

Anyone knows how to make money taking pictures?

I like taking pictures and I would like to make some money quickly. I have already tried to do that in stock photos websites but they paid bad and it takes too long. Anyone has any suggestion?

Nagesh answers:

To earn real money and fast you should try leisure pictures photography using all the features of the free website

This kind of photography you may choose having a part-time or a full-time career, and, you can do it from anywhere you are, like England, Australia, USA, India, Singapore or any other locality that are tourists or people in leisure situations. No previous experience is needed because the most important in leisure pictures to a photo be sold is the context of the photo. Find a place with tourists or people in entertainment or doing sports and register that moment for them.

This website offers you a lot of specialized features like the possibility to print multiple cards each one with a personal code to be offered to each people you shoot. Then you can tell them that your photos are private and they can watch them in the comfort of their homes (and buy too!).

Try a free account at for awhile, to check the amount of money you can earn and I’m sure you will not choose another career besides this: No bosses, full control of your schedule and in any location where you want to be.

Good luck!

Donna asks…

Are there good ways to get money as a teenager?

I want to get as much money possible quickly and efficiently. I just need ideas on doing so. I am trying to save up on building my computer and/or clothes and shoes. I have no job and I am just a regular high school student looking for ways to raise money for things that I want.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re from the UK you could get involved in Dubit informer. It’s totally above board and is a research group for teenagers.
Heres the blurb:
Informer is a research panel set up by Dubit that lets young people complete surveys and get their voices heard. These surveys can be for brands like Coca Cola and Disney or for charities and the public sector.

Not only do you get a say but you also get to earn money from the comfort of your own room… RESULT

For every survey you complete you get between 50p and £2. Once you reach the grand total of £25 you are paid. This is a great way to make money at home and to let companies know what young people think and want.

Carol asks…

How could a 13 year old girl make money fast?

I really need money quickly. I want to get a Mac or I pad 2 and I’m going to need alot of money. I already have about $100 but I’m going to need alot more . Please help thanks:)

Nagesh answers:

Do house chores for money. Walk your neighborhood dogs every day. Wash cars. Babysit. Sell your unwanted stuff on ebay, craigslist or/and ebay classified. Do other kids homework. Do really good YouTube videos, and if people like them and subscribe, eventually you can become a YouTube partner and get paid, except I really don’t know if there’s an age requirement to be a partner.

Also try saving money by not going out to buy random stuff you don’t need. Eat at home. Don’t go shopping for clothes that can wait a while for. Or shop at a cheaper place, thrift store?


Lisa asks…

How can I make time pass more quickly?

I just hate weekends because I don’t have school and when I don’t have school I’m so bored! So what can I do to make time pass more quickly at home? I don’t have any money to spend and I’m not old enough to drive. I go to my friend’s house every evening at like 7. But what can I do during the day? Nothing obvious like sleeping, listening to music, reading, watching TV, getting a job, etc. Thanks and best answer is the answer with the most ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Buy a watch and wind the time an hour ahead….

Mary asks…

What’s a quick, good, sufficient way to get money?

I’m to young for a job so what can I do to get money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Get a truck. Troll your neighborhood for cast-off and unwanted, but sellable items. Bring the items home. Clean them up. Take pictures of them. Place ads on in your area. Include the pictures, a good description, and your phone number.

If the items you have found are in demand, your phone will begin ringing almost as soon as you place the craigslist ads.

I have done this for the past two years and I have been making $200 per week. The best sellers:
Living room furniture, lamps, desks, lawn equipment (working or not. I sold a broken Honda mower for $30), snow boards ($30), power equipment (I found an Emglo air compressor and sold it for $90), luggage (average price $7 to $15 for 4-wheelers), etc.
Personal success at this venture

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Wednesday, September 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Carol asks…

A quick and easy way to make money online?

I am 18 and need to make some money fast. I need to make 20+ dollars a month. I’m not looking for huge sums of money like thousands of dollars. It has to be legal too.

Right now I am doing GPT but sometimes offers do not approve and its frustrating.

is there any other way or system that’s free and legal? thank you.

Nagesh answers:

This is what I recommend:

Mandy asks…

What is the best way to come up with alot of money online? I need money asap? any ideas?

for emergency puposes, is there anything or any site online that can make you money fast?

Nagesh answers:

This is a job that dosent cost anything go sign up and you work as much as you want to. Here is the site:

Lisa asks…

Is there a place online aside from ebay to sell sports cards?

I have a Vlad Guerrero 1998 Topps Finest ‘No Protectors’ in BGS 10 (Pristine) which is very rare. This is the only one graded that highly in the world. I need some money fast and dont want to wait for the auction to end on Ebay etc.If anyone knows a site where i can sell this card email me.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to put it on ebay. That is by far the best place to sell it. You have the capability of making it a 1 day auction if you want. Plus you get a much broader audience than with Craig’s List which is more local.

Betty asks…

How to start a fundraiser for a non-profit business with no money?

My Bf and I are starting a non profit charity organization and we are trying to raise money to gain a 501c3 license for our business. What are some ways we both can raise money fast? Any help is appreciated. =]]

Nagesh answers:

A lot of direct sales companies offer fundraisers and do not charge you for them. Tupperware, Scentsy, etc. Tupperware has both party and online options.

Chris asks…

Where can i buy stuff for resale online?

Im trying to come up with money to pay for college and i really need money fast. I Know that we are in hard economic times but i created an account on ebay. Does anyone know where i can find a good website online where i can buy stuff for resale??? THANKS!

Nagesh answers:

I recommend you
this site wholesale&retail good quality and good price. Any other question, please feel free to eamil me. :))

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Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Lizzie asks…

I am saving up for an iPod Touch 4g and I want one before October. Any ideas to make money? (I am 11)?

i am 11, and i cannot make money online. want the new ipod touch, have the old one . the new one is like way better. best ideas 10 points !

Nagesh answers:

Your just getting sucked into the corporate strategy of buying the latest in greatest thing, try to wait after it comes out for a few months, then see your attitude towards buying it; if you still want it buy it.

John asks…

How can i make money online as im 17?

My mom says i need a job but im looking but im about to be 18. How can i make money online? Say 400 bucks a month online? Any ideas guys?

Nagesh answers:

First of all, look at your skills. What are you good at? What do you like doing? What do you see yourself doing online, for a number of hours each day? Maybe you could be someone’s virtual assistant and help them manage websites, do some search engine optimization work or help promote websites on forums and blogs. There are a few tricks of the trade that you could learn by visiting the links in included in the source area. Good luck!

Sandra asks…

How can I make money as a teenager online?

I’m 15 years old and i’m really interested in business. I want to make money online. What are some ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Ebay if u go to garden sales then sell on e-bay

Robert asks…

Does any one has an idea how to make money online with Google adsense?

I need to understand the right way to make money online with Google adsense, www.addwordsblog.Blogspot.Com

Nagesh answers:

Google adsense is the most simple and highest paying pay-per-click scheam running on the web for website publisher like you and me to earn money. Google adsense is a porgram that allows you to display relvent ads on you website or blog and earn money. If used properly, it can generate a good amount of income.


Carol asks…

How can I make money by blogging?

I need some suggestions to make my blogging succeed. Any other ideas how making money online?

Nagesh answers:

How you can earn money from your blog.
(1) You could opt to become an affiliate of other online companies. If you own a blogging website too, allow your hosts to place their advertisements or banners on your web pages. Every time a customer clicks on those links, you will gain a commission.
(2) Do you wish to promote a cause? Then, earn money via your creativity, and donate a part of it to a cause. You can even request your readers to donate to the cause. Regardless of how many donors come forward, most of the amount will come to you, since you are the writer of all those blogs. Take the help of Amazon or PayPal, to place donation buttons on your online business site or on your blogging site.
(3) Then again, there are certain topics or subjects that are set apart from the more common ones. People looking for rare information will find blogs on such topics highly interesting. So, you could make your blogs a part of the pay-per-click system. Explore AdSense and Google AdWords. They are great ways to earn money from your blog. You will comprehend how much each click on each topic costs. Google AdSense is generous and grants permission to place such advertisements on your site. Every time a reader clicks on the ad within your blog, you have generated some revenue.
(4) There is a system that is different from the pay-per-click system. This is the services. Here, you have full control over the kind of advertisements that connect to your blogging site. Your profits are not dependent on the number of clicks, but on your blogs. BlogAds pay online businesses a certain amount of money for permission to use their space. You can register for free, and tell them how much you will charge them for leasing out advertising space on your blogging website. When companies get to know of your offer, they will naturally contact you. Thus, you will get Google, as well as to place ads on your web pages. The key words or key phrases within these ads, will bring web traffic your way.
(5) Do you think that all the sites that offer merchandise in the virtual world are ordinary? No, some offer unique services or goods too. Tell them that you would be glad to promote their merchandise via your blogs. The deal will work out to your mutual benefit. There are plenty of individuals across the globe, looking for unique and totally different merchandise. They like anything that is out-of-the-ordinary, and custom made.
(6) Some online organisations feel very happy to see a website owner being creative and innovative. So, create catchy titles for your blogs. Also, design a logo that is unique appearance. Whenever rare merchandise goes up for sale, so will your logo. Your website is now branded. This will make it far easier to earn money from your blog. As more and more people begin to use or wear your designed items branded with your logo, your website will rise in popularity.

I hope that this has given you an insight in to how you can earn money from your blog.

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Monday, September 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

Robert asks…

How do i make money fast to buy a horse with no job?

I have been around horses my whole life, and i really want to get one now. my parents said that they would pay to take care of it, and i know they take a lot of time. I KNOW All ABOUT IT ALREADY!!! i just need money making advice. Not advice about horses.

Nagesh answers:

It’s waay easier said than done

Donald asks…

How to Making Money Fast?

What is a good way to make money quickly without getting a job or doing anything illegal (ie. drug dealing or becoming a gigolo)?

I am 18 and still in high school.

Nagesh answers:

Look at all these scams!!!!!

Helen asks…

I’m in serious debt, where can I make some fast money besides a job?

Are there any web sites that won’t scam me? Any legitimate sights where I can make money? I tried posting my web sites but people report it as abuse. I need help here!!! I’m drowning in misery, please help if you can.


Nagesh answers:

No… The only thing I can suggest is to sit down and figure out
your whole financial situation:

How much money is coming in?
How much money do I spend on “Fixed” bills and paying off
How much is left after that?

How much more money do I need to make to get the bills paid off in a reasonable time frame (how many years are reasonable to you?)

Then find a second job… And dedicate that money to paying off the credit card with the highest balance and interest rate first.
After that one is paid off tackle the next one.

It takes time and a second job sometimes…

Jenny asks…

Does anybody know of any legitimate internet jobs where i can make money fast part time.?

Nagesh answers:

1. You can sell products and run an ecommerce website like Newegg or Amazon

2. You can publish information earn by advertising (through contextual advertising like Google Adsense and Yahoo Publishers Network; banner advertising such as Fastclick, Tribal Fusion and Burst Media; or your own ad sales)

3. You can create members-only website and earn money throough monthly or yearly subscriptions such as most adult websites or

4. You can sell information products such as downloadable ebooks or CDRoms

5. You can bring buyers and sellers in your portal such as eBay

6. Sell services such as search engine optimization, graphics design, web design, online incorporation, domain broker, etc.

One article that I found very useful is “7 Steps to Successful Web Site Development” as it takes to you all the decision steps that you need to take when starting an online business. Like any other business, startup period is full of “should I do this” or “should I do that” questions. The article is useful because it helps you think through every step of the way – from why do you want a website to who is your audience to how will you create your website to how you will market your new website.

Here are the steps you need to take when creating your online business:

STEP 1: Set Your Goals – Why do you want a web site? What is the size of the online market? What are the goals for your website?

STEP 2: Develop Your Web Site Strategy – Who is your website target audience? What typically appeals to your target audience? How are the other websites (your competition) reaching out to this target audience? How will you measure your performance?

STEP 3: Set-Up Implementation Plans – What name will you give to your site? How do you envision the design of your web site? How will you create your website? How will you create your content? How will you maintain your website?

STEP 4: Start the Ball Rolling – Do you have a logo? For e-retailers, do you have the critical components needed to run an e-commerce site? How are you going to host your site?

STEP 5: Create and Launch Your Web Site – Have you uploaded your site with your chosen web host provider? Are the scripts and application you need for your website functioning well? Have you tested your website?

STEP 6: Promote Your Web Site and Measure Its Results – Do you have a plan in place to market your website? Do you regularly review your traffic logs and web site performance tracker? How are you going to get sites to link to you? Do you know the search engine keywords that you rank well? If your site is not visible in the search engine results pages for its keywords, what strategies do you intend to do?

STEP 7: Maintain Your Website and Grow Your Web Business – Continue to find ways to grow your web business. How do you intend to continue your education on web development?

Richard asks…

How can u make fast money?

How do u make money without a job because ur too young and parnets are poor.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

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Sunday, September 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Richard asks…

I would like to earn some extra money in my spare time?

I would like to earn an extra income in my spare time. I have my own laptop and access to the internet. It is hard to find work which is not a scam. You normally have to pay money upfront. I live in England, Tyne and Wear. I have a 9.00am – 5.00pm job Monday to Friday but I am free in the evenings and at weekends.

Does anybody know of any ways to make an extra income from home? No scams please.

Nagesh answers:

My family is also in need of extra money. So I have become and Arbonne Consultant. Health and Wellness company. I have switched shopping for shampoo and lotion from old store to buying from Arbonne. I share the same concept and others can do the same and Arbonne pays me a referral commission. Or, I sell it out right to make a retail profit. Much like Avon or MaryKay. I picked Arbonne because I think they offer a healthier product line. Something many people are looking for today.

I also have a full time job. What is great about Arbonne is that it is your own business. You work it when you are available. You choose Arbonne they don’t choose you and you choose how much money you make. It is truely a business that you make what you are worth.

Many other consultants have started in the same place. They 1st made a Plan B Income and many have now switched to Arbonne as their main source of income.

Arbonne is in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. 29 year old company that is a respected member of the Direct Selling Association. So they are here to stay. Great thing for you is that they are fairly new in the UK. 2 Years I think.

As low as $29.00 to start and Tons of Free Training and you will own your own business, but work with a team that supports you and shares ideas and wants to see you do well!

Key for me is that it is fun. I make a little money and socialize with my friends.

I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.

Please email me through my profile if you would like more information.

Live Happy,

Ken asks…

where can m girlfriend and i find a good reputable work at home jobs?

we live in a small boro and there are not really any decent jobs. While there are retail jobs for the most part. i have 10 years exp in retail (janitorial mostly) and close to 15 years in restaurants.
we live in a small boro and there are not really any decent jobs. While there are retail jobs for the most part. i have 10 years exp in retail (janitorial mostly) and close to 15 years in restaurants. She doesn’t want to do Avon (she has done that before).

Nagesh answers:

The biggest problem with a home based job is exactly what it says it is a job, but is more likely to be low paid and with no certainty of continuous employment, with those uncertainties and the tax disadvantages I could never recommend a home based job.

If however you wish to create an income from home, then a home based business is ideal. The biggest advantages are working hours that you can set to suit yourself, the opportunity to leverage time through the efforts of others, and significant tax advantages.

There are hundreds of possible businesses, but a business requires some capital to start up so I would recommend looking for one that requires less than $500 to start, but remember it is your business and it will only be successful if you are prepared to put some amount of continuous effort into it. It will take some time to build and get an income flowing, so I would study all opportunities very closely and see if your choice has any bonus schemes which can act as cash flow as the main income stream grows.

With most businesses it will take 2-4 weeks before the first income may be received, but that is normal, in fact most home based jobs will only pay monthly. But with a business the income should increase quickly as the weeks progress, in fact it is possible to be earning a significant extra income within 6 months and be financially free in 2-4 years.

Some 9 years ago I got involved with a company in the second largest industry in the world – Telecommunications. What impressed me with this company was the attitude of the owners, they were already in a position where they could have retired, but they decided that they had a company that could grow and help very many people throughout the world to realise their financial dreams.
This company now operates in 19 countries on 3 continents and expects to be opening up another 50 countries over the next few years. They have been featured in many publications like USA Today, Success from Home Magazine (twice), Fortune, and Inc 500 rated then the 22nd fastest growing company in the USA after their first 5 years, not only that but the 2nd most profitable.
Recently the multi-billionaire Donald Trump endorsed the opportunity, calling it probably the best available in the world today.

The services the company offers are local and long distance calling, Internet, Digital, Voip with video phones, Satellite TV and cell phone services with all the major cell phone providers. Now everybody knows plenty of other people who use these services in their homes every day, and this opportunity allows you to save people money on these services, but at the same time it allows you to earn a percentage of the monthly billing of all the people, who are saving money on the services you recommended, now you have created a residual based income, you get paid every month for as long as the customer continues to use the service. This can be a very profitable business as the industry turns over approximately one Trillion dollars annually.

Now just a little bit of information about myself, I am nearly 62 and spent most of my working life in traditional manufacturing companies at Director level, so I know a bit about business. What I have discovered in the last few years, I wish I had known about when I left college. It has taken me over 30 years to discover a business that I can honestly recommend to anybody, although they will have to have drive and determination to succeed.

If you would like any more information feel free to email me.


David asks…

How do u start your own web hosting to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

You need to be absolutely sure you’re willing to take on the responsibility, as once you start taking paying customers, you’re entering into legal arguments that could come back to haunt you if you ever back out of them.

You also need to be confident you can handle all the financial questions that will arise – such as “Do I need to pay taxes during my first year as a self-employed individual”, “What is the difference between running as a company and simply reselling space” and “What will happen if I get sued”

If, after thinking about all these matters, you are willing to take responsibility for what may be someone else’s life’s work, responsibility for avoiding hackers who’ll try their very best to hijack your system and use it for nefarious ends (make no mistake, you WILL be held responsible), then you can pay a visit to one of the hosting resellers.

To start small, you can simply sign up for a shared reseller hosting account – has a number of examples, although you would be strongly advised to research the level of customer satisfaction with whichever company you look at.

If you want to get more serious, you can lease whole servers through companies like, where they turn it on and give you an internet connection – the server may or may not come with pre-installed webhosting packages that make it easy for you to just hand out the keys to your customers.

Companies like EV1 scale up with you, to the point where you may be leasing dozens of servers from them and have your own dedicated rack space within their datacenter – typically, while you’ll be limited on bandwidth to the internet, traffic between any machine you lease is not counted.

You can decide to buy your own equipment instead of leasing it – at that point, you’ll probably be looking at “colocating” your equipment with a larger ISP who can provide backup power and multiple internet connections (in case one goes down), but you’ll probably want to hunt for a company/location closer to home, as you’ll probably be responsible for the hardware yourself and if a reboot is needed, may have to make a personal visit to the servers.

Finally, you can go the whole hog and have your own location and highspeed connection, at which point you answer to noone but your data carrier. To run a serious hosting company at this level becomes extremely expensive, however, as to do things right you need to worry about duplicates of everything, power, connection, fire suppression, etc. You /could/ just hook up a single server to a “lower” speed high-speed business class connection (the Terms of Service of home-class connections usually prohibit hosting servers) but then you’re back to all the moral questions that opened this answer.

Ruth asks…

are there any survey companies that are absolutly free and pay you very quickly?

Most companies i have come across some are free to register but each survey you have to buy something in some way, shape, or form. I’m looking for a company that is free to sign up and all you have to do is fill out real survey not apply for offers, and you can do as many as you like. Lastly a company that pay asap through pay-pal. Is there such a thing?

Nagesh answers:

Surveys are scams!!!

You have probably been exposed to many survey offers in the past that say that you can make up to $150/hr by just filling out surveys. If it was this easy, don’t you think the whole entire population would be sitting at home filling out surveys? Well, they would be and the fact of the matter is, YOU WILL NOT MAKE MONEY WITH SURVEYS.
In fact, the most money that we found people made through filling out surveys was $100 all together. Now to think that the survey programs are charging $49.95 just to join, you will be very luck if you turn a profit. Save your money, and your precious time, and AVOID SURVEYS altogether.

There are many ways to make money online, but the most common, and most lucrative way to make money online is to sell products for companies willing to share the profits with you. The process of marketing to people online is called “Internet Marketing” and it is a multi billion dollar industry. Hundreds of thousands of people, just like yourself, are making money online everyday by partnering with companies who pay commissions based on sales that you help generate.

This sounds difficult but it’s not because these companies have “Affiliate Programs” setup for their partners (Affiliates). You can partner with thousands of companies online and start selling their products in literally minutes. So how do you start selling a companies products as an Affiliate? Simple, all you need to do is send visitors to their websites. This sounds simple, and it is, but finding the right kind of traffic and enough of it is more difficult. There are websites that teach people techniques to drive traffic to Affiliate sites and earn HUGE dollars online. Making $500 a day online is quite normal and you can get started very quickly if you know the right techniques.

The most common misconception about Internet Marketing is that only people with good computer knowledge and marketing skills can take part. This is NOT the case.

What you will need is a guide to help you learn how to get started. Everyone has heard of being “Scammed” on the Internet, and although this is only somewhat true, many people have learned about making money online from companies who do not have good reputations in the Internet Marketing world.

There are many companies out there that offer good techniques and strategies but with little support or coaching. If you are just getting started with Internet Marketing, support is one of the first things that you need to look for when choosing a guide. Also, steer clear from anything that offers you “Overnight” success, or “Get Rich Quick” programs. There is no such thing as “Getting Rich Quick” on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what you hear, you will never make money on the Internet overnight. Internet Marketing is a real business and it takes time to grow your business to a point where you are earning $500 / day. If you are dedicated to learning the correct techniques and are willing to put in the work, you WILL achieve your goals of making money online.

Check this link out and let me know if this helps:

George asks…

im an invalid. can someone find me a decent home typing internet job without investment and returns in rupees?

i am not rich, but i hv an internet connection with which i wud like to earn some money for myself and family. i am a polio victim

Nagesh answers:

Earning through internet is far from reality. Dont fall prey!
You can alternatively try to involve in advertisement field. Lay-out, statements, slogans, template forming and much more.

You may try this:
Web-Based Ad Builder
The Web-app way to build local ads in precise sizes, in seconds.
Advanced CIS Home – Lesson 2
Create a job advertisement and design an application form with form fills.
Prepare a professional resume and research job opportunities in a career field of …

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Saturday, September 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Joseph asks…

How to make money online in a guaranteed way ?

i need someone to answer someone who has already had experience with a website or so ..
Please dont misjudge if u donot have former experience .

note: for those whom had already experienced earning money online .. how much have u earned
what about ??
To read E-mails and so ..

Nagesh answers:

Really, how can you even begin to believe those who say that they earn $3,500 a month, or $500 a month, or anything in between?

Would you jump into whatever scheme they claim just because of a few written words on an anonymous forum?

You would be far better off if you spent time looking for a job, or do chores for friends, family & neighbors.

But, to give you an answer to your question – I have been involved in surveys for about 2 years now. They “pay” in points which can be traded in for things like a screwdriver set, backpacks, and iPod speakers. Not much, but it’s legitimate. I have a socket wrench set that I got after almost 8 months of doing surveys, but it works well.

One thing for sure – you will NOT make the hundreds or thousands that the scammers claim.

Steven asks…

These online jobs of writing are real or fake?

They really pay or not? Please help me because i am planning for the one.

Nagesh answers:

There is just no such thing as online jobs that you can do from home. These are all scams and the people that encourage you to do them and tell you how much money they have made, are all a part of the scam. The scam may be building a network of people, telemarketing, online sales, filling out surveys, gifting businesses, data entry, travel writing, transcription services or other similar ploys. Remember that data entry has been made obsolete by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software which can read that characters in a document and translate those into text for you. Re-typing information is completely outdated and unneeded. Cut and paste jobs fall into the same category.

Multi-level marketing (also called network marketing) is a fine line away from an illegal pyramid scheme where the emphasis is on involving more people and not on selling products. If the emphasis is on building a marketing group but no product is being sold then that is a red flag. Also, if they are trying to get you to buy motivational materials, etc. Then you can cross them off too.

I honestly wished that there were options for home online employment. Recently I went out to one of the web sites that people will post here as an online jobs site and their web site tried to install malware on my computer. Fortunately my anti-malware program detected and stopped that. I often find that the same one company will have several web sites that all eventually refer you into the same company and other strange stuff like web addresses that are not descriptive of the actual company name.

Many of these ploys require some kind of up front registration fee. They are all designed to take your money or to take your personal information. With that information they can steal your personal identity and empty your bank account. I can’t think of any more diabolical scam than to give people, like single parents hope that they are going to make some money and then dash those hopes by giving them nothing but empty promises. Also, scamming single moms who are trying to keep their heads above water or teenagers who are trying to help their families or trying to earn a few dollars of spending money is about as low as you can go, in my book.

Your best bet is to look for legitimate jobs with known local companies. Some of those local companies will allow you to work as a virtual employee for a part or all of your hours but that is usually only after you have worked there for a while and proven yourself as a trusted employee.

Best Wishes!

William asks…

Marketing the network type is that like a pyramid type of setup? You buy get another to then another?

Marketing the network type is that like a pyramid type of setup you buy get another to then another and makes levels or only one dimensional? As in online. I have seen drawings and pics of this system but there’s no actually money involved for a product or is there?

Nagesh answers:

Hello most pyramids schemes generally have a products but the ones to watch out for don’t generally and actually maybe ripping you off and tell you of great fortunes and how easy it is etc. If a product is involved then normally its not called a pyramid scheme it’s a networking opportunity.
You join the network buy the product then promote the opportunity and then that person who you promoted to buys some products and also promotes the opportunity and someone joins under them, so that person is yours as well as theirs and you get a commission basically because you signed the person up who signed up the next person and so on down to sometimes depending which opportunity it is 10 levels down. I hope this helps.

Ken asks…

What do I need to do to begin investing stocks?

I’m not looking for a get rich quick scheme. I do not have a lot of money to play with, and just want to try to make some sort of nest egg for the future. Who would I talk to in order to begin such an endeavor?

Nagesh answers:

You don’t need to talk to anyone. Everything can be done by yourself.

First, I would recommend that you first read some books on investing and explore some online tutorials. One of my favorite sites is Investopedia ( ). You should definitely check them out.

Next, you will need a stock broker. Since you do not have a lot of money to play with, I would recommend that you open an account at an online discount brokerage firm for cheaper commission rates. I currently use Firstrade ( ) and I would definitely recommend them. Their commission rates are cheaper than big name brokers such as Etrade, Ameritrade, Schwab, and Scottrade. I would also not recommend using Zecco because they only give free trades if you deposit $2,000 or more. Plus, unlike Firstrade’s, their website is not beginner friendly at all.

Daniel asks…

How do I use Amazon affiliates with my articles?

I want to make a little more money with my online articles, so I’ve decided to use Amazon to further improve my income… However it asks me for a website address, but I use Triond which isn’t my own website. I really don’t know what to do! PLEASE HELP!


Nagesh answers:

You can’t put Amazon store links in an article, you need a site to display the ads, I’m sure some of the free blog hosts tolerate this.

Hubpages has built in modules for Amazon ads, but have a revenue 60/40 split scheme (actually you get 60% of the clicks) unlike the 2 step, Article link to Site scheme, the ads are right on your article. THis might be the least complicated way to start.

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Friday, September 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Mandy asks…

How to make $40 this weekend?

Ok, I wanna get a cell phone, but I wanna make sure that I have enough money to pay my bill at the end of the month. I really need a phone. How can I make money fast? NO ONLINE SCAMS!!!

Nagesh answers:

This use to work for me:

Me: Mom can i have (insert object here)

Mom: Oh anything for my little sweetie.

Try that, it has always worked for me.

Nancy asks…

How can i make money fast?

im only 13 so i cant get a job. i mow my lawn but its not much. i have no one to baby sit and please no online sites. there all scams

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs =)

i’m doing that, and i get tons of money

Maria asks…

best way to make quick money?

I am out of work and being screwed by Unemployment. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions as to who a guy could make some money fast. There are all sorts of onlinescams” but I know somewhere out there is the real deal. Does anyone have a working idea?

Nagesh answers:

You have to invent work for yourself because no one is hiring. Paint the front of your neighbor’s house for $250 if she will buy the paint and brushes. Find an elderly person who needs you to shop or cook for $250 a month..

Sandra asks…

help me how Earn money online ?

can anyone tell me how to earn fast and easy money online i kinda need it right now.. please do Not include phishing sites and site that are scam, sites that contain malware and other irrelevant answer…
thank you in advance…

Nagesh answers:

Hey there!
If you’re really interested in learning to make money online, I have some links i could give you to the sites I use. They’re all free to join and use, and I’ve been on them for 3 years and never had an issue. I can help you learn the tricks to them too if you want. Send me a message if you wanna try. Good luck!

David asks…

How does a teen make money FAST?!?

I need something I can do online/at home and I really really need some money. It is so very important! I don’t want any scams, I need something legit and something I don’t have to put any money down for. I don’t have a credit card so it can’t require that either. Thanks so much!!!

Nagesh answers:

They DONT make money fast… They earn it the old fashioned way like the rest of us….

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Thursday, September 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Donna asks…

Making money very quick on runescape on free account?

Dont say I dont have a life or I stay at home playign all day. Im actually very athletic. I jsut like playign this game sometimes in my free time.. Now to the question lmao.

Sicne runescape has been changing prices alot, all the cureent easy money making guides are different. I can make 30-50k and hour if I try REALLY hard. whats another good way? That still works please.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on your skill levels. In the f2p worlds you can probably make the most cash either by leveling a decent moneymaking skill up really high or by merching. (Solo merching, not with a clan).

Merching takes a good understanding of the RS economy and how the Grand Exchange works. If you’re interested in this then just do some research and become a power trader. Personally, I think it’s boring. I’d rather skill.

Fishing, Woodcutting and Mining can all be profitable if you work on leveling them.

Chris asks…

ok i know that i wont get rich quick but there has to be a way to make easy money on the side?

i know that there is alot of scams out there for work at home sites but i dont care about getting rich i know its not easy i am a hard worker and i have been putting in a lot of hours for work and now my hours are being cut so im not making as much so i would like a way to make cash on the side at home and i know that its not really possible but if there is i dont want blog sites cause i dont have a paypal and i dont want scam crap either so if anyone has any ideas please help my wedding is next month and after that i am broke i would like to be able to afford a house next year and i would like to be able to pay of some credit cards please give me good ideas

Nagesh answers:

Google, google, google my friend is all you need. They make billions a year you can take a slice on the side no problem. Check out my source for the program I used to make an extra 4k a week.

Charles asks…

Stay at home mom looking for a stay at home job OPPORTUNITIES… NO SCAMS PLEASE!!?

I know that there are alot of scams and get quick rich sceams out there….but im looking for an honest, legit hardworking way to make money in a home job as a stay at home mama. Im willing to put in the work as long as i find a way. I dont know what to trust and dont know where to start, all i know is im sick if doing laundry, food, dishes, diapers, discipline (we do have fun), housework, HUSBAND (who is just another kid) everyday three times a day. I dont feel accomplished because as much as i do it ends up looking like nothing and therefore gets no appreciation. I want to earn money for the fam as well as feel accomplished as an individual, mother and spouse. PLEASE DONT ANSWER WITH SCAMS…I DONT HAVE TIME FOR CRAP….JUST OPPORTUNITES!!!!

Nagesh answers:


There are lots of legit jobs on the net which you can do depending upon your education, skills and aptitude. You can get yourself registered with some sites as getafreelancer[dot]com, elance[dot]com and so on.

If interested will send you list of more such sites.

If you are interested in writing articles, news analysis etc, you can write for various sites including for me [site given in the box below]. But in case of content writing you will have to work for multiple sites as probably a single site may not be able to keep you occupied fully.

There are no scams in this as you don’t have to pay anything and you get paid at completion of job

Mandy asks…

how to get money online?

Whats a quick way to make money online right now at home.

Nagesh answers:

Well bro even i want to know that,by the way theres a site if it can help

Daniel asks…

What is a real and legit way of working from home?

I am a stay at home mom and I need to make some extra, quick, legal money.

Nagesh answers:

So become a webcam model.

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Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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