Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Carol asks…

Ways to make money fast?

im 13 almost 14 canu think of a good way to make $50000 in 2years.

Nagesh answers:

You can absolutely do it if you are resourceful enough. Unfortunately, due to your age you are somewhat limited to options, both in jobs and as far as amount of time you can invest towards your goal. I would think your best bet is to sell some type of service such as; start up a lawn care business (mowing lawns, weeding, etc.). Good fees here with minimal effort…you may be able to enlist some friends to help and earn a bigger and better salary quicker; pet or baby sitting…not huge amounts of money, yet can be lucrative with the right clientele, eBay, find a “need” in your neighborhood…such as painting shutters of track housing that are a few years old (a kid in our neighborhood did this last yer and made a killing at a $100-$200 per house and it was a huge hit and much needed service as most of our shutters had faded due to sun/fading, power washing (you can pick up a decent power washer at Lowes or Home Depot for not too much money and do driveways, houses, patio furniture, etc., Good luck and if you put your mind to it anything is possible and sky is limit as far as what you can earn!

Charles asks…

fast money?

I’m an athletic training student and stay very busy. I have no time for a job, but like all college students I really need the money. Does anyone know how I could make some fast cash in the summer or work from home?

Nagesh answers:

Prostitution or selling drugs… Both the fastest ways to make money in a hurry. Just don’t get busted…

Nancy asks…

Good ways to raise money?

I need to raise £200.. What’s the best way to do this? and could I raise money and donate some to charity as people are more likely to give money to a good cause?
I’m doing a car boot sale to try to get some of it.. but i know you never make much there
thanks for any ideas

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments. These financial instruments (which include certificates of deposit) will help you understand how to grow your money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Popular channels where you can see movies on the weekends include TNT, USA, and TBS. If you like to rent movies, try using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends. Example: Do not spend more than $25.00 when going out on a Saturday night.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 3 months, 6 months, a year, three years, or even five years. Generally speaking, the longer you decide to invest your money in the CD, the more interest you will earn. Also, it is generally the case that the larger the amount of money you decide to hold in the CD, the larger the more interest you will earn. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from holding money in a traditional savings account at the bank.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Other stocks in which you can invest your money include:

Bank of America Corp
Stock Symbol: BAC

Microsoft Corporation
Stock Symbol: MSFT

Yahoo! Inc
Stock Symbol: YHOO

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Stock Symbol: WMT

Abercrombie & Fitch Co
Stock Symbol: ANF

Home Depot Inc
Stock Symbol: HD

GameStop Corp
Stock Symbol: GME

Ford Motor Co
Stock Symbol: F

AT&T Inc
Stock Symbol: ATT

Coca Cola Co
Stock Symbol: KO

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances. Have a box or jar in place so that people can deposit money into it. Stick a label on the box or jar with an updated amount in comparison to the target goal amount, so that more people will feel like contributing to your goal amount. Example: You may find a graphic representation of a thermometer representing how much money is left to reach your goal (the box/jar has $55.50 out of the target goal amount of $200.00, which translates to a little more than 25% complete; therefore, the thermometer would be about 25% filled up.).

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan. Set a goal: it can be $5.00 from each person or $10.00 from each person or $25.00 from each person. Breaking up the goal into smaller, more manageable goals is easier than taking on the entire goal, which may seem like an impossible task (example: raise $5,000.00 in 3 days).

~ ~ ~

James asks…

Whats a easy way to make money from home.?

Nagesh answers:

The easiest way to make money from home I found, is starting a simple home based business. They’re actually very easy to do.
My husband and I started our home based business over six years ago. We both wanted to work out of our home and be together raising our children. The company we chose to get involved in made the most since to us. A product that is and always will be in high demand. There are a lot of products and services out there that are good. We decided to partner up with this company because it was things that people will always use and pay for anyway, pretty much no matter what. We didn’t have to worry if money became tight that they could easily run to the store and purchase on sale or be able to buy it at the dollar store. So, we got involved in the world’s largest direct selling telecommunications service provider that was started back in 1993. It’s now a 15 year old, world wide international company. With headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Charlotte, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal.
They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB as well.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway, like I had said. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc as well. We save people money and make money at the same time. Every single month these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of money involved in this industry.
When we started our non profit organization called SOFTIN funding is so hard to find with the compeitition involved. Every non profit organization is out there trying to find donors through large corporations. We could make the monthly income to well support our non profit organization based on what we knew and how much we made from our business. So we started a funding program through our business for our non profit as well as it’s becoming a major funding source for other non profit organizations.
If you need further information feel free to email me at

Maria asks…

How could you make Fast Money?

How could I get money pretty fast.
Going to Europe soon, And it would be nice to have spare cash.
I already Have a job, but still some spare cash would be nice.
I already have $4000
Any Ideas????????????????

Nagesh answers:

The way you could make money fast is to engage in the work at home jobs and home business opportunities on the internet.

But to be honest, a lot of work at home jobs are scams and schemes, so you have to be very careful when choosing any business opportunity. However, there are also many legitimate work at home jobs as well as home based business opportunities on the internet that can help you make a lot of money online fast.

There are some important factors to look for when searching for a legitimate work at home job or home based business opportunities as follows:

Must have very good products or services to promote
Must be in good standing with Business Regulation Agencies
Must send paychecks out at least once per month (on time)
Must have been successfully in business for at least three years or above
Must have a great support, training and leadership

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

George asks…

How do I make big money in the stock market?

As of becoming an adult I inherit 20k a year. My siblings who have gotten the same have blown through this money and have nothing to show for it while I preferred to hold onto my share and try to make more money from home. I’ve been investing a couple thousand in Tesla electric car company (TSLA) since and I’ve made a small profit without doing much but waiting. I’ve heard of people doing things like day trading as a job and making money off of it with hard work. I am interested in doing that so where do I start? And if it’s not a good idea to day trade, what else do I do with my money?

Nagesh answers:

HOW TO MAKE BIG MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET?? – It’s easy you must know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, how to do it and know the rules & regulations that govern what you’re doing.

To be a trader you must first learn how to invest. You must know the products and the markets in which they trade, how security transactions are cleared and more importantly you must know the rules that govern those products and markets. . You should start by reading “Investing for Dummies” by Eric Tyson.

Here’s a list of books you should consider, at least read half of them
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered, by Gallea
How to Trade in Stocks, Jesse Livermore
Millionaire Traders, Lein & Schlosberg
One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Edwin Lefevre
The Disciplined Trader, Mark Douglas
Trader Vic-Methods of a Wall Street Master, Victor Sperandeo
Trader Vic II-Principles of Professional Speculation, Victor Sperandeo
Trading for a Living, by Alexander Elder
Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas

And when you think you want to trade, try some paper trading to test your skills without spending you money

Before you enter your first order you need to address four major policies and have very strong discipline to follow them
1 – You need a written sound trading/investment plan with rules that will not only help you but more importantly protect you, mostly from yourself. Always use stops either to protect you on the down side or to lock in profits on the up side. Never trade on emotions, when emotions get involved walk away. Don’t try to out-smart the market, you’ll loose but if you always take what the market is willing to give you, you’ll be successful. Other words, you don’t trade against the trend since the market is always right. And NEVER trade on emotions, once you let emotions in your trades you will loose
2 – A written money management program is essential. Remember never invest 100% of your capital into any one security and never have 100% of your capital invested. Never go into a trade without knowing when and where you are going to get out of it. Never let a loss on a trade get greater than 8%-10%, always take you loss and walk away – don’t loose more than you need to and don’t be afraid to take the loss. Remember you never can get hurt taking a profit. Never average down, but you can average up.
3 – You must have sufficient trading/investment capital. Use your own money, there’s no need to go into debt so that you can trade and/or invest. Margin can be used but only with restraints, never let the account wall below 45% equity. Unless you fully understand margins you should not use it.
4 – A full and complete understanding of the rules & regulations of the industry. If your going to play in the game be sure you know the rules of the game and always follow them.

Unless you are willing to study and follow the above you will never make it as a trader. To be successful as a trader it takes work and constant study of the markets and the products traded in those markets, there is no easy way

Joseph asks…

Does anyone know of a legitimate way to make money from home?

I am working full time as a nanny right now and getting a second job is not an option due to the fact that I am ALWAYS at my full time job. I love what I do, but I really need to be bringing in some more money. I always see these work at home ads, but I feel like 99% of them are crap. I am hoping someone knows of an actual, useful way to make money from home or online. (Preferably something that does not require me to send in money or buy something first.)

Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Think about you can do to enhance a product or make a product better. The ability to use that mind to create is powerful and

keeping it thinking about the next big idea. Watch Donnie Duetche The Big Idea to understand what I am talking about..,.. It

is a tv show that discusses millionaire ideas and people that come up these ideas.
The education isn’t easy to get if you already have kids but I would highly recommend paying the price to get it so you have

the ability to earn high level of income at home. PS some education 2 year and 4 year programs can be done at home online.!.!!!!

Lisa asks…

How can I make money at home?

I can’t find a job. What kind of things can I do to make money from home? Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Get some training for Medical Transcript, Medical Coding, its an at home up and running business… Great pay too…

Laura asks…

What is best online job without investment we can make money?

I need to know whether any online job is available, which trustworthy, that we can make money from home. Pls suggest some genuine provider’s name.

I am planning to start a business (whether online or other), We are actually 4 students are available and ready to hardwork. Any business idea is there? (as we are students, we don’t have much money to invest)

Thanks for the answers

I am from India, Kerala.

Nagesh answers:

Go for internet marketing or data entry job.

Steven asks…

Can I start a home business with my lcsw?

I work full time as an LCSW, in CA, but would like to make some extra money at home in the evening and on weekends. I was thinking about providing clinical supervision, but I heard it is illegal to charge for supervision in the state of CA. I was also thinking about some other type of consulting and wanted to know if anyone else had any ideas.

Nagesh answers:

You can certainly start a home business — a professional corporation or professional LLC might be your best bet, as you’ll need to submit a professional license for corporations that provide professional services (including medical).

Then, you’ll need to determine the various permits and licenses you might need from the state, county, or city. To do this, either hire a corporate attorney or third-party service, or contact your state and local governments and find out what is required.

Hope this helps!

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Monday, December 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Susan asks…

What can someone do as a job at 13 to earn extra money?

I have a younger cousin who will be turning 14 by the end of the summer. My uncle-(her dad) does not pay her allowance believing in the strict doctrine that children need all of their necessities-(clothes,shelter,food,education) and that’s it. No allowance even for chores or good grades. My parents are not like that and I feel sorry for her. She is desperate to earn some side money in her free time-(which she has a lot of) but she is young and can neither work at a mainstream restaurant nor tutor. Any other suggestions of a job for someone her age? I really want to help her out but have ran out of ideas.

Nagesh answers:


There are many ways you can earn money. I babysit and I get paid very well. But I think you have to be 13-14 to start.

My Rates

1-2 kids ~ $5.00/hour
Each additional child ~ $1.25/hour

*When you are babysitting a baby under 10 months old, you should ask to be paid a bit more than your regular charge, since you must give more attention, change the baby, feed the baby, and put the baby to bed.

Another Idea is to have a bake sale/ lemonade stand. Me and my sisters baked all week, made poster signs and decided how much we should charge for each baking good. Any age is perfect for this job!

Another good job is to start a walking dogs for neighbours that have dogs. You can either put up posters around town, or hand out fliers to people you know that have dogs. I would charge 5 dollars per dog.

Another good job is to wash cars, or open a car wash business with friends for a few days, mow the lawn, shovel drive ways in the winter, and help people clean there house that might need help.

If are 14 years or older, you could also work at fast food restaurants, or grocery stores too.

Thomas asks…

How to make money for an Ipod Touch ?

I really want to buy an Ipod Touch. I have no way to earn money. Is there anyway I can earn money besides doing chores and delivering newspapers?

P.S. I am not old enough to get a job.

Nagesh answers:

Hi, Im 13 Years old, And about two weeks ago i needed fast money as well! I had to formulate a plan.
So i did, In a Weeks time i made about $19.55.
It wasnt extremly fast but it was my only option

What i did:

First of all, There are not any Legit money makers that will make you $100 or $50 quick, thats for 13 year olds.! I

Next i found a Spot to store all of my money, I ended up putting it in a light at the top of my closet.
Then i developed strategy of Getting money:

1.Nickle & Dimming: This is saving small change like, Pennies, Nickles & Dimes, Why? Because they add up!
There are more lost pennies then any other coin piece.

2.Find it, People are alway going to lose change, You find it, you keep it, You save it!

3.When mom & dad go to the store, Go with them, after they buy, Ask them for the left over change, they may not give you the dollar bills, But thats Ok.

4.Take advantage of what people want! We alll know 1 thing kids want & Love, Is Candy!
This is what i used to do: Go to a Gas Station, Most gas stations have thinks like airheads & gum for 5 to 10 cents, Buy a couple of them, Then go sell them for 25 cents! If you sell 4, thats a dollar right there!

5.What i like to do, just to give myself confidence in my abillity to make money is when ever i get a dollar in quaters, I ask someone for a dollar bill. Because me personally i would rather have the paper then the metal, It makes me feel good!

6.You need somthing to store your money in while your on the go! But you want something you can slip in your pocket, Get a wallet, so that you are ready for any money that might come your way.
I have a normal black wallet nothing fancy.

7. Sometimes i find Currency from other countrys, I found 1 cent from Canada the other day, And 10 Cents from Barbados, I was thinking of just asking my dad to give me 1 Penny for the 1 Canadian penny, But i changed my mind & said ill keep it.
Its good to keep currency from other countrys!

8.Do anything you can to make a buck

9.Go to the dollar Store, or some place like it, and buy a money lip its picture here —->…

If you cant find one not a problem

10. Buy changeHolders. They are little packets that hold money, i have 5 full packets of penies. They hold about 50 cents worth of penies, they ahve them for all pecies of change, they are cheap, about a dollar

11. Use these stratagys and save up, Be serius about your money, sometimes its neccesary to spend to make more money, If you want more tips hints and tricks just ask me at:

12. I just start latly, writing down in a jornal every cent i get, if some one give you a dime, write it down, if someone give you a dollar, write it down, just so you will know all the money thats coming in.
Write down expences two. This is the way i do it:

Income: April 7th-14th

Goal for this week: $11:00 Dollars

2 Cents

37 Cents

5 Cents

3 Cents

Expences: April 7th-14

First Class letter To My Uncle:


oh yea 1 more thing, heres 1 important 1, every dollar you get, Track it!, Go to: sign up, then you will be able to enter in your dollars. Then you can know where ever they go, this is important to know!

And another thing:

Save cans! Get a trash can, and save cans in them, i saved 2 trash can fulls, and got maybe 7-10 bucks, that do not seem that good, but its money right, just go to, And type (What ever your city name) Recycleing plant
some only pay maybe 10 cents a can.
Dont think they pay for plastic

And sooner or later you are going to have to work, so just do what you have to do to make a dollar

Mandy asks…

whats a really fast way to loose weight?

I wanna loose wait or need to loose a little wait FAST. I have a wedding to go to in 1 and a half weeks.

Nagesh answers:

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you’re trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:

*1) Burn more calories then you’re consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). A website that explains this formula in more detail and will help you determine how many calories you need to reach or maintain a certain weight is at

Get a diet and fitness calculator that you can put on your computer or cell phone. This will allow you to easily calculate the above formula, set goals, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.

Set realistic goals for your ideal body weight. Here are two websites that will calculate a suggested body weight:

It is difficult and unhealthy to lose more than one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. If you burn through exercise 500 more calories per day for a week you will lose one pound.

*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.

Avoid “High Glycemic Load Carbs” (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Read this article for more information on high GL Carbs:

Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Here is an excellent food pyramid that anyone can follow:

*3) Exercise on most days by doing cardiovascular training and/or resistance training activities.

Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure your doing all resistance training exercises correctly. A great book to buy that teaches you the resistance training basics is “Weight Training for Dummies”. A superb magazine to buy with resistance training routines that will not get you bored is “Muscle and Fitness”. Signup for the free newsletter. An excellent free online resource is at

A good book to buy that teaches you the cardiovascular training basics is “Fitness for Dummies”.

*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety.

*5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005”. A superb book to read is “You The Owner’s Manual”. An excellent periodic publication is the “Nutrition Action Health Letter”. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at

Look at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier. Send me an email or yahoo instant message to “gainbetterhealth” if you want an indoor air purifier recommendation and if you have any questions.

*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

George asks…

How to get money and save it for college?

I am in 7th grade and I want to save some money up for college and the college is alot of money, I don’t want student loans or anything and I might get a scholarship but not for sure and I am going into a high cost college and I also want a little money to spend on things. Help me, please.

Nagesh answers:

Well, apply for student loans, aid, scholarships and awards anyway. If you’re going to a costly school, you need every penny you can get your hand on, even if this means paying back a loan. If you get allowance and/or money for your birthday/holidays, save it. When you get to legal age, apply for a job. You won’t earn much money (only a couple of hundred every payday) by the time you apply (and if you get accepted) for school, but it’s better than nothing. Or you can do some odd jobs for friends and family, or babysit the neighbour kids.
I now you said you don’t want a loan by the time you finish school, but it really is the fastest way to get money for school. There’s a good chance you won’t get the money you need for however long you plan to go between now and when you graduate grade 12 (mainly because you have to be at least 14 to work in North America at least, and you only work for a few hours a couple of days, and the cost for school could go up by then as well). So a loan or aid may be your only choice, but try to save up as much as you can; the less you borrow, the less you pay back.

Joseph asks…

Whats the fastest and easiest way to raise money for your kids school.?

I am the PTA president for a catholic elemenatry school and we can’t seem to find exciting and easy new ways to raise money for the school. Any one have any great ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Well, theres a fast and easy way, and the way to make the most profit…

When I was younger, (in a Catholic school in Cleveland) my school would hold fund raising contests and the top two classes on the school would win small prizes. The turnout was often large. Teachers would also provide constant reminders about the fundraiser.

But…by far the most successful fundraiser my school had was when I was just leaving. My school (with about 800 kids) was given a fundraiser where everyone who participated received something, even if it was just a trinket. The school was skeptical as to weather it would be profitable or not. The kids ended up loving it! The school averaged over a $14 profit per student. They were shocked as to how well it worked. That’s about $11, 200 if my math serves me right. I’m not sure if they did it again, though.

I almost forgot…this was from selling raffle tickets and sports game tickets.

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Sunday, November 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Mary asks…

Quick ways to make money?

my family is sorta on the poor side, financially, and my cousin is turning 16 a couple of days before I turn 15.
she really wants a Juicy Couture purse, and at first I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, then I googled “juicy couture” and my jaw dropped.. she emailed me the link of one at Nordstorm, which I think maybe I could afford? not too positive.. it’s 198 dollars, and my mom is offering to pay 30 dollars. so I would have to pay about 170-ish.
Got any tips on how I could make some money?
I was thinking babysitting, but all the kids on my street are grown up…

Nagesh answers:

Do various searches online for keywords such as home based virtual assistant, hire virtual assistant, hire data entry operator or clerk, outsource word processor, outsource data entry .,.. Those types of terms should help you locate legitimate companies that hire independent contractors to work from their homes providing administrative type services. You should never have to pay for these types of opportunities … Just as you wouldn’t pay to interview with or apply at a company for a job opening.

Hope this helps

George asks…

Quick ways to raise money for a fifteen year old?

I am planning on going to an exchange to America next year and I need to raise SIXTEEN THOUSAND before July 2009. I am desperate for ways to make money for me. I am fifteen and live in a rural community, 30 minutes from two small towns and an hour from a small city. please give as much detail as you can in your answer, it will be much appreciated!
I am so fricken behind the times! I was meant to put July 2010! Sorry!
Oh, also I live in New Zealand, so maybe idea relating to companies or whatever in NZ.

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home
• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home
• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

Daniel asks…

A quick way to make money?

I’m 13. I really want more money, but I don’t know how!

I can’t get a job – too young
I do get pocket money – But my parents wont raise it
I can’t do more stuff around the house – They most deffenitaly wont pay me
I can’t sell my stuff – I hate car boots, and I just did one
I really don’t want to break the law, so please give me some good easy suggestions that I could do! Thanks
I would also like to point out that I am from the UK, so for me, the summer holidays havn’t even started yet! 2 weeks left and then 6 weeks of freedom! Yay!

And another thing from reading something, I want the money, I don’t really need it, but does that really matter? Its not like im begging from the streets, i’m trying to get out there and earn it.

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting is a good way to earn money at your age. Another idea is to help moms with housework – many will gladly pay to have you come play with the kids while they clean or work from home. Or will pay for you to do light housework/laundry while they take the kids to the park. Another idea is to help out someone who works at home and can pay you cash. You can file for them, assemble mailings, or if they have an ebay business, take photos or pack items to ship. Anything that they can pay you cash to do. Although summer is almost over, people still are going on vacation. You can offer to go feed/walk their pets while they are gone. Things like that.

Make up some flyers and post them around your neighborhood on mailboxes (although technically that is illegal, but nobody really says anything about it). Use bulletin boards in the area to advertise. Most gas stations have community advertising boards. If you go to church and they have a bulletin board, post there. (They may even let you print an ad in the Sunday bulletin that’s handed out). You can get your parents to put the word out to their friends.

Steven asks…

whats the quickest way to get money ?? help?

Nagesh answers:

Take a look at this site. In this site you will find all the details about “Work From Home, Free Online Jobs,Free Registration, Data Entry Jobs, Part Time Jobs, Free Work Online Jobs,Get Paid Jobs, Work At Home, Earn Money Online, Earn Money Thru Internet,Best Online Jobs, Part Time Work, Online Job Work, Earn Fast Extra Cash Online, Surfing Jobs, Money Making Programs, Free Money, Online Income,India, Worldwide, International, Home Business, Home Jobs, Free Money” Work without leaving your present job. Work Part Time only, no need to work full time. Work from Home or Office. Work in your spare time. Enjoy Personal Freedom and Financial Independence. To everyone those who want to earn extra income in their spare time using their computer and internet knowledge bookmark this site for comming back to it.

Susan asks…

does anyone know how to make quick money at home??????

Nagesh answers:

Yes! I am a college student and found a way to make money from home. Yuwie is a website similar to myspace and facebook, only better. You get paid to socialize. I can’t think of an easier way to make money. It is amazing and fun! You get paid every month. Follow this link to start making your money!!!


(it is completly free to sign up and you won’t regret it!!!!!)

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Saturday, November 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Lisa asks…

How can I make some money during the summer?

I am thirteen, during spring and fall i make some money by reffing little kid soccer, but have no idea on how i can make some extra moneyduring the summer.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t hurry to get into the work world. I’m 15 and started to get work when I was 11. Once you’re in, you can’t get out. Just be sure you want to focus your time in making money. But since you ref soccer (I do that too), you should be no stranger to work.
If you have a myspace or a facebook, you can get your self and all you friends to check out my site. After about one or two months of serious work, you can get over $10,000 a month talking to your buds. It sounds impossibly but I can show you how. I made the site to tell other people what I joined to help me out. You never have to pay anything. Well, just look, my site will explain how it works.


Check it out if you want

Ken asks…

What is the big deal with spoiling a child? I buy my kid lots of toys and clothes?

and ppl think he is a spoiled brat. Well my kid isnt a brat and he is well behaved. Why is it tht people think because you have money your kid is a rich brat…get to know the kid first people!
As a child I was dirt poor and now I have the lifestyle where I can provide everything for my son *toddler* and people say he is spoiled (I dont think he is, I say he’s blessed) Rich or poor, just cant win!

Nagesh answers:

There’s nothing wrong with spoiling your child. You’re the parent, you know your kid best than anyone else.

For me, though, and this is my opinion. I want to show my children love in other ways. Most people associate love with giving of material belongings. I do give my kids books, toys and clothes but I am conscious of doing it only when they’re deserving of them. Otherwise, they get my time, attention and outings.

I show them that I love them in different ways. It’s important to me because love does not always equal material things. Besides, they have to earn what they get otherwise they may grow up thinking that the world owes them something. Nobody owes them anything and they won’t get anywhere unless they work hard, right?

Spoiling a child can happen in different ways. Not just material belongings. A child may be a brat because they don’t get positive attention at home and so goes around misbehaving because that’s the only way they get attention. The best way to avoid this is through lots of positive reinforcement.

Most people do tend to think that children whose parents happen to have money are spoiled. It may be because they believe the children don’t learn to be appreciative of what they have. Maybe because they think that the children don’t learn to sympathize with children who don’t have as much. As a teacher, I’ve seen many
“rich” kids being unnecessarily cruel to other children.

I’d say, go ahead, give your child what they want and need if you can. That’s our dream as parents isn’t it? However, it may be a good idea to also volunteer at a homeless shelter, or teach him/her to donate clothing or toys. Teach them about our social responsibilities and they’ll be even better than they are now.

Mark asks…

can help give ideas for a funding project for a school club?

i need some ideas to raise money for a school club.It has to be simple and can be done right away

Nagesh answers:

Not knowing what type of school club it is i’ll just gloss over a few top thing you can do….

1. School Car Wash…. 3 to 5$ and go to wal-mart and ask if they host it… Or an other larger store… Most of the time they will say yes…. Then once they say yes… Ask if they will be willing to “DONATE” some supplies to the cause… LOL 9 times out of 10 they feel backed in a corner they wont say no… Who ever you as got with 2 girls an one boy… The girls say sweet and boy say business… And you basically make them have to say not to 3 people and just you… LOL a little trick you can use in a lot situations…
*possible cost: 25.00 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $100 to 300
depending on and I hate to say it but how cute the girls are…I’m sorry I don’t make the rules… Looks sell…

2. Pizza — well there are places like pizza hut some times they already have a program set up … BUT this will mean you will have to sell, and most kids hate to do that…
*possible cost: ????
*possible gross total: $????

3. There is alway the a bake sell… If you call the “big stores’ you might be able to set up a table… Here is the key words and what to say… “WE ARE NOT SELLING any thing” it is on all a donation basis… Be will give poeple a chance to give what they have and not what you charge…. Just make small items, little zip lock backs of cookies and stuff.
*possible cost: all food is donated –
*possible gross total: about $75- $150 (based on what is donated)

5. If you like to grill, do it for a cause… But do it cheaply… Buy the cheap hot dogs and buns and the cheap soda and set up a buck a dog and an drink with the grill… Again location is key…
*possible cost: 25.00 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $100 to 150 profit

Last thing you could do that will not cost you anything but time and you have it on your school property is a YARD sale… And you can collect stuff that school will sell and you can rent space to others to sell stuff and have the paper run the ads for free..*possible cost: 0 – 50.00
*possible gross total: $200 to $1000 profit depend on items.

Please go to my blog and see if the google translation thing word and i’ll give you great ideas to get money!


Nancy asks…

What are some good ways to raise charity money?

My friend is running for courtwarming king(homecoming for basketball) but at our school we have to raise money for a charity, instead of just gettin the most votes. Any ideas for raising money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some websites with loads of fundraising ideas:

Fundraising Ideas, Events, Donations, Auctions & Raffles

Joseph asks…

How can I raise money for a fundraiser (school project)?

im raising money to help raise awareness in darfur, the money goes to an organization to help pressure world leaders to help solve the genocide in Darfur. I need some ideas to raise money! If you want to personaly send money, ill accept money orders just ask for my address.

Nagesh answers:

In schools, have kids vote for their favorite teacher – where a penny equals one vote. Get photos of all of the teachers and put boxes or empty gallon milk containers under each picture (and label the container well) – then put them in a safe but easily accessible place, like the cafeteria. Make sure you get the approval of the school, first. Then have a little award for the “winning teacher”!

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Friday, November 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Charles asks…

What is the Fastest way to get money in runescape for a non member? ?

whats the fastest way to get money in runescape for a non member. Please give details in your answer.

Nagesh answers:

Ok, i may or may not know what thw fastest way to get $ in rs for a non mem, because im a mem, but i know all or most of the ways to get money. Ill start with my favorites when i was non mem.

I used to love mining for people, and i always got a bonus when we traded, so mining would be a good way to make some cash.

To add to that, you could also keep some ores for yourself so when you smith, you can make weapons and they sell for more money.

Another good way to make money is to get an axe and start woodcutting. Axes can be bought by players or the axe shop at lumbridge. If you reach 60 woodcutting, you’re in luck. You could start cutting yews and make a living.

Thirdly, ( i dont know if this even counts) you could sell items for max price in the grand exchange and buy the exact item you had for less money. This may be slow, but i you have something a lot of people wants, you could get 3k by the second.

If you’re not satisfied with those, perhaps you could go fishing and earn some money. Better yet, you could keep some you catch and go pking at bounty hunter. Depending on your level, you could really earn some money! You only need to kill 10 people and get more than 30k, plus you keep the other player’s loot! Be careful though, because everyone dies once in a while!

Crafting is a non-popular wayt to make money, but it sure works! You could make dhide and sell them and get 10k each time.

Runecrafting is a really good way to make money mainly because you dont have to spend any and it takes less time than most other ways.

Oh, and i forgot. After you fish, you could also cook your catches so they sell for more money. Dont be overconfident once you have a really high level, though because you could still burn some of your fish!

Lastly, you could kill monsters for their drops. Kill moss giants for big bones, kill cockroach soldiers for rune items, cockroach worker for nature runes, and more!

Well, thats all (or most) of the ways you could get money on runescape.

Joseph asks…

What is the Fastest Way to Get Money on Runescape?

Right now I’m killing Green Dragons and they dont seem to work that well, but its still a pretty good way. I want more ways. Plz tell me some fast ways to make money. If it involves using a certain lvl of a skill then plz also put that into your answer

Nagesh answers:

Killing Chickens
Yes, it sounds stupid but you can make a quick few thousand gold pieces (gp) by killing chickens. How is killing a chicken going to make you thousands? The killing part actually isn’t going to make you money, only get you some experience, but it’s the feathers that are dropped that you need to pick up to make the money.

You can sell feathers for 5-7 gp each on a free world or 10-12 gp on a member’s world. A chicken will drop from 5 – 15 feathers each time you kill it. That works out at 35 – 105 gp each kill on a free world or 50 – 180 gp on a member’s world. It doesn’t take long to kill a chicken as it has such low hp (hitpoints).

Rune Essence
If you have no money on Runescape then another of the quickest ways to make money is to mine Rune Essence. Go south of Varrock East Bank to the Rune Shop, talk to Aubury and choose to be teleported to the rune essence mine. Mine the rune essence and sell each one for 25 – 30 gp each. If you mine 1000 rune essence you’ll be able to sell it for 25 – 30 thousand gp.

Merchanting To Maximise Your Runescape Money Making
The best way to maximise the money you make is using a method that I personally use a lot; merchanting. What is merchanting? Merchanting is the art of buying items that are cheap and then selling them for more than you bought it for.

The following is a list of some of the best items to merchant. (It is recommended for you to become a member as it is easier to make more money more quickly).

Merchanting Big Bones
A good way for non-members to expand and make more money is to buy and sell Giants’ big bones which are dropped when they are killed. You can either kill the Giants or buy these bones for 275gp each and sell for 350-400 gp each.

Merchanting Nature Runes
The lower amount of money you spend on each nature rune the more money you will make.

The prices I buy for are:

1-199 Natures for 230 each
200-499 Natures for 270 each
500+ Natures for 300 each
Bought for 250 each and sold for 350 each:

Amount of Natures Bought Cost for 250gp each Profit when sold for 350 each
500 125,000gp 50,000gp
1000 250,000gp 100,000gp
10,000 2,500,000gp 1,000,000gp!!!

Merchanting Unidentified Herbs
You can make millions a day using this technique. You can easily buy unidentified herbs (unids) for 1k each and then resell them for 2k each, but what you should do is buy for 500 – 750 gp each and then selling for 2k each maximising your profit by around 50%. For every 1k unids you buy and sell you can make a whopping 1 Million gp profit, and that’s when you buy at 1k and sell at 2k. Http://

Ken asks…

How do i earn alot of money on runescape?

I want to earn ALOT of money on runescape. First of all, my levels are below lvl 15. People are mean to give charaoty. I want to find out how to become a millionare or at least get a couple of 100,000s. Thanks ya’ll!:D

Nagesh answers:

Before you go asking around for money and saying people are mean – learn how to spell words. If you’re going to go “im por giv me muny pls” people are going to ignore you… If you learn to type and ask politely then people are more likely going to give you money – when I’m walking around and people go “Hey, can I have 3K please?” I’ll give it to them.

The best way to make money is to get your skills up… I would suggest woodcutting. Get it to 70 using willows (it’s easier than it sounds) and then get yews. You’ll get money quite fast this way… It’ll take time, but it sure beats begging.

Ruth asks…

What is the fastest way to make 24m in runescape?

I am lvl 118 , but i never actually made any good money so can ani one plz tell me some way to make good money on rs as fast a possible like 24m in 3 or 4 days if not 1 or 2 weeks

Nagesh answers:

Fishing raw lobs if u are non mem or wc

Laura asks…

What would be a good way to make money on runescape as a member?

Well I am a runescape member and right now I am picking flax and making it bow strings and getting good money around 78k for 500 but people wont buy for 78k instead they buy for 50k and they add some flax to the trade witch makes it so I dont have to go back to the flax place and pick more but I am wondeirng if there is a better way to make money.

Nagesh answers:

Money made per hour: 50k +
Items needed: A weapon
Skills needed: Be able to kill a cow(8hp) reasonably quickly(1-3 hits), Having done “Prince Ali Rescue” would be a distinct advantage
1. Get out your best weapon(Dont use armor unless it is absolutely necessary so that you dont get killed by a cow =P ; This is to save your running energy)
2. Go just north-east of Lumbridge, across the water, and find the place with a bunch of cows
3. Fight the cows until you have a full inventory of cowhides
4. Take all cowhides to either Lumbridge or Al Kharid Bank(Lumbridge only if you havent completed “Prince Ali Rescue”)
5. Bank ALL cowhides
6. Heal if needed
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you have about 1000 cowhides(will take about 36 trips)
8. Once you have all the cowhides, do one of two things: Sell them on GE for about 118 ea, or find a buyer in Al Kharid in a populated world, and sell them for more
9. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money made per hour: 52k +, but as you get over 60 woodcutting it will get better
Items needed: Rune WC axe
Skills needed: 60+ Woodcutting
1. Take out your rune axe, and go to edgeville(search on rs maps)
2. Just south of the bank, in this little area, you will see some yew trees ; go to them
3. Cut the yew trees until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank, bank the yews
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have about 1000 yews(37ish trips)
6. Once you have the yews, sell them on GE for about 347 coins each
7. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Rune pickaxe
Skills needed: 30+mining
NOTE: All right, im not a miner, so I have no clue about any of this, but I will try to illustrate a simple way to make money through mining.
1. Find a type of rock that you are willing to mine constantly, and find a place to get it
2. Go to that place, and keep on mining until you have 1000 of that ore
3. Sell them for GE price at GE
4. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Lobster cage, about 5k
Skills needed: 40+ Fishing
NOTE: Do not cook lobsters at any time, as they lose value when cooked
1. Take out your lobster cage and money, go to Karamja
2. Go to the top, there will be a dock
3. Fish lobsters until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank in either Draynor or Falador
5. Bank all lobsters
6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have about 1000 lobsters (40ish trips)
7. Sell lobsters for ____ Ea at GE
8. Continue this process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money per hr: 50k +
NOTE: All of the other moneymaking schemes are well known, but this one I came up with myself.
Items needed: 150k To start(this will cover all costs)
Skills needed: NONE! (Thats the best part =] )
1. Buy yourself some really cool and standing-out clothes(I myself chose some golden robes), you can spend about 10-15k of the 150k for this
2. Change your hair, skin, or clothes color to look even cooler with your outfit
3. Make sure you look as cool as possible, then go to the Al Kharid bank with about 120k in your inventory
4. Heres where you choose what you are willing to pay for the cowhides you will be buying. I am suggesting anywhere from 100 to 120 each
5. Now practice your fast typing skills ; heres what you type:
white:shake:Buying all noted cowhides 100 Ea! (You may change according to your price, but only change the price part)[REMEMBER: KEEP FIRM ABOUT THE NOTING!]
6. Continue switching worlds. Thats the secret ; once a few people have traded you, or if the bank is dead, just keep on world hopping
7. After a while, try to make some friends among the cowhide sellers, and try to find some long-term suppliers
8. These long term suppliers will kill cows, get the hides, then sell them to you
9. Every once in a while, get the workers a little reward, maybe just a set of addy or something(This will make them keep on coming to you)
10. After a while, you can have about 5 workers, and you can create whatever rules in your “business” as you want
11. Use Sals realm of RS forums, and other runescape forums, to advertise your business
12. In any case, soon you will have 1k noted hides.
13. Bank them all, and take out 3k cash, and fill the rest of the inventory with hides
14. Walk to the tanner(a few stores above the bank), and right click ON THE HARD LEATHER SPOT-> tan ALL
15. After 38-ish trips, you will have all your cowhides tanner into HARD LEATHER(Hard leather is worth more [If it suddenly becomes worth less, change to normal leather] )
16. Go to GE and sell the hard leather for net price(last time i checked about 170ea)
17. Congratulations, you have just made some money =p
18. Continue this until you have a satisfying amount of money
add me if u need any more help username pker blood40 and pkblood2k7 mining p ess is a good way to make money 130gp per ess

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Thursday, November 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

William asks…

What is the quickest, legal way to make money online?

I’m really down on my luck right now and need some quick cash! I work full time and have recently had a baby. I changed my medical and put her and my husband on it and took the family plan. I was making almost $300 take home a week and now it’s under $200! It wasn’t that great pay to begin with but it got me by barely. My husband makes ok money but it goes to all the bills, daycare, my needs (gas, etc..) when I have my own bills, and so on. My medical is so much better than his through his work, so I am kind of stuck. I can’t get a second, part time job because of mommy duties at home. There is just no feasible way to fit that in with my schedule. Yes, I could look for a better paying job with the same medical, but we all know how the job situation is right now. I’m afraid to leave this job of 17 years and take a chance that I get more money with the same benefits. (And unfortunately I used all my vacation and sick time while I had the baby so I have no days to take off for an interview if I got one anyway, until next near)

So my question to you is, are there any legit ways to make money online that don’t want money upfront? Does anyone have any experience with this? I make my jewelry and also take awesome photographs, and would love to try to sell them online, but everything costs something to start and as we speak, I am in the red so I can’t even afford that this week!

Does anyone know anything about selling stuff in stores, and jewelry? I am basically looking for information on either working from home or selling stuff online or anything in those regards.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. My husband does so much for me and my family, buying everything from formula and dog food, to paying my bills when I can’t and I know how much of a burden this is for him. I would love to be able to help out with stuff and live somewhat comfortably and not always in the red, living from paycheck to paycheck.

I am new to this so I am not ranked high enough to reply back to your answers, but I appreciate any advice you guys have!
*July 12 – I just want to add that I am not paying money to get paid money. That’s crazy. Thank you for the info though.

Nagesh answers:

About the only people online making more than pennies for wasting hours taking surveys are the crooks selling “online jobs”.

Richard asks…

quick money…not online?

Need some moneyquick?
i need $2500 as soon as possible.
i dont want to do it online caz my mom and i are scared it will be a scam so im not even trying
im 13.
what can i do
please answer this massage only if you are going to answer it with an aswer that helps…please dont put down babysitting or crap like that caz it wont get me 2,500$
i need the money…. dont worry my mom knows i need it
other than that you dont need any other information
please help.
i know theres some way out there.
dont put sell ur body you freaks
o and my mom said i have to work for this money to get it
what should i do

Nagesh answers:

What do you at 13 need that much money so quickly for? At 13, there isn’t much you can legally do… If your mother wants to take out a loan, let her do that. I don’t know your mothers financial situation, but she could give you the money in some sort of an allowance. If you want to make money over time, put what you make into a money market account and have your mother set up a joint account so that you can benefit from compound interest.

Mary asks…

Best way to transfer money online?

What’s the best way to transfer money online, from one person’s bank account to another?

Nagesh answers:

Paypal is probably the quickest and easiest, though the person receiving the money will have to pay a fee. I don’t think anybody will do it for free.

Michael asks…

What are some good ways to make money online?

Nagesh answers:

To make money online you will need to get a few multiple streams of income. At the moment there is no golden method to earning money online but rather separate smaller ways to make your money.

Six of the most common;
1. Blogging and running adverts or affiliate products alongside
2. Write articles for associated articles.
3. Selling photos to istock or fotolia
4. Fill out online surveys for money
5. Make money on Secondlife or other online games (poker e.t.c)
6. Freelancing, writing, graphic design and programming

Again you will probably need to do ALL of these to really start earning money and of course some pay quicker than others. All will take hard work though and as the old adage goes you only earn what you are worth!

Thr site below has more in depth info on how to earn from the above methods and all of them are free to do. At least one of those should start to make you money! Best of luck.

Ruth asks…

Cash Crate: Safe way to make money online?

I really could use the extra money, I pretty much work a full time job on top of school and I have a lot to pay for on Senior Year. This website could be very helpful but I don’t know just how safe it is. Has anyone tried it? What exactly do you do on it (Examples?) Is it a good reliable way to make a little side cash?

Nagesh answers:

Cash Crate is one of the perennial scams that abound on this forum.

I encounter so many folks like yourself every time I visit this forum, hoping for the quick and easy fix of getting money for little or no work or skills.

If you want to jump in, it’s your decision. But be forewarned that the likelihood of you not making money is probably 99.5%, and the possibility of you actually losing money ( charged on your CC, or being unable to cancel a bill, etc ) is close to 100%.

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Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Betty asks…

How can i earn money online without any credit cards and outside U.S?

I want to earn money online without credit cards and paying something. I want companies to just send me the money via money transfer or something.

Nagesh answers:

What are talking about, welfare for residents outside the US? We have enough problems dishing money out to undeserving people the way it is…

You could get this….

It’s this new idea

a lot of people have one

it’s called

a job

Carol asks…

How can I make some money off the internet?

Can you guys give me some ideas or links for making money online? I’m 14 years old and I’m very good with computers. I can moderate a forum, edit video, handle a webpage, and many other things. I am a hardworker and good at taking directions. I also play a lot of video games so something relating to gaming would be preferable. I’m also not looking for a 30k per year job I just want to make a little spending money.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re good at computers, get creative and make flyers, business cards, newsletters, etc for small companies or anyone with a service or business. You’d be surprised at how many people require someone for this. I am 14 years old and a few weeks ago I worked really hard making flyers for this business and I passed them out everyday after school. Now I have a bunch of people interested in paying me $50-65 for designing a flyer.

If you are interested in this, make sure it’s something you like, otherwise you won’t do a good job. You said your a hard worker, so in order to start something like this you have to put a lot of effort. Familiarize yourself with different softwares like Adobe Indesign and Illustrator and do lots of thumbnail sketches and practice before advertising your service and getting started.

Mandy asks…

What is a good way to make money online?

Looking for good ways to make money online as I just lost my job last week. Any ideas guys?

Nagesh answers:

Earn income working very few hours…

You can choose when you want you work!

Training is given so no need for experience…

We pay every Friday too!


Nancy asks…

Where can I find ways to make money online? My 5yr old has leukemia (cancer) and I need help with work & money?

I don’t know how to market my website and Send Out Cards hasn’t worked for me either. I’m desperate to find a honest way to make money online. I’m not very good at selling, but willing to try.

Thanks for any ideas or input. I pray something good comes from this ?

Nagesh answers:

My mom and I just started with a company called GNLD. We haven’t gotten anywhere in it yet, but the people above us have been doing it for a while and were able to quit their jobs and just work from home with the company. Also, my brother is signed up but doesn’t do anything with the business, but people signed up under him, so he gets money when they buy and sell products. Seems to me like it’ll turn out really good, so I thought you might be interested. Here’s the website: if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at brittagnld(at)

Also, the people above us in the business have a daughter with a brain tumor. There is a product we have called Tre that they said helps increase the production of T-Cells. They give their daughter lots of it each day (half a bottle but that seems kind of excessive to me) in hopes that it will help her get better. I actually take it to keep healthy. It’s juice, so even the three year old I babysit likes it. They recommend taking an ounce a day here it is if you want to check it out: and if you start with the business, you can get a discount on the products.

My mom also said to tell you about PhytoDefense which people think helps with cancer, this is also sold through the company

God bless you! I’ll be praying for your 5 year old. I have a friend who has cancer too so that’ll help me remember. Good luck with making money!

Sandy asks…

What is the best legitimate way to make money online?

Iv looked at many different ways of supposedly making up to £50 an hour posting links and taking surveys online but none seem legit and I`m not giving them any details. Does anyone actually know legit ways of making any money online??

Nagesh answers:

People are wondering here and there to find ways to make money online. There is no hard lesson to learn. The most effective and easier way of making money online is simply to start your own blog.

A blog is a simple website that allows you to post your own articles, views and information organized into categories. Follow following simple steps to start making money online right now,

Step 1: Create a blog

Step 2: Build it up

Step 3: Put some ads on it

Step 4: Put some affiliate links related to your topic

Step 5: Start promoting your site to forums, social bookmarking sites, directories and other blogs.

This is so simple. Nothing big or difficult to accomplish. I remember one of my friend just started a blog about Tennis Game. He was so fond of it and he just thought there might be more people around the globe that are equally excited about Tennis. Hence he started sharing his own ideas on his blog at blogspot. Now he earns around $800 to $900 every month from just Google Adsense. It is that easy.
Visit this link

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Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Ken asks…

How can i save money ??

ok i bought a dress about 400 bucks but i rlly need money for schooling right now i only have 5000
and also i spent things on my hair, clothes and im prololy gnna get done my hair for grad

but i also need to get foundations, concealers, dark circles treatment creams for scars, oil controls, sunscreens, primer…………

ok i prolly dont need all that but i need a good foundation, but wouldnt sometihng like revlon colourstay make my pores visible more?? and cause me to break out
what bout loreal tru match??? i was using clinique but its expensive!

Nagesh answers:

Most people are looking for ways to save money today, what with the crazy economy and skyrocketing cost of living. In order to truly do this, however, you need to make a real effort to change your habits as those currently have you living beyond your means. Below are some easy to apply methods for saving money that anyone can benefit from.

If you have a monthly healthy club or gym membership, lots of money can be saved by quitting. Fitness is obviously a priority but it doesn’t require membership to a gym. Most of the people who belong to health clubs only go once in a while. Your commute there also takes up time and money in the form of gasoline costs or public transit. If you can work out at home, or jog or walk in your neighborhood, you can get the same benefits without spending the money. You can buy free weights pretty cheaply to do your strength training at home. Even if you purchase an inexpensive exercise machine, that’s less than the cost of a yearly membership at a gym. You may be able to save money on your phone bill if you give it some thought. Many people today have high phone bills because they have a cell phone, a land line and possibly internet phone as well. If you can cut your phone bill down to just one of the three you might be surprised how much you’ll save. Cell phones are usually the most convenient so you might consider a pay as you go plan. With this method you keep from paying for minutes you don’t use. Get away from texting too as this is a major contributor to cell phone bills except if you are on a plan that’s unlimited. If you must text back and forth try doing it online, you will find it cheaper to do this.

Medical bills can be avoided by working to stay as healthy as you can. Obviously you need to be as healthy as you can be anyway, but watching what you eat and exercise regularly, you are far less likely to get sick. This is just as true for a cold as it is for something more serious. If you consume less meat not only will you save money but you will boost your health too. Obviously lots of healthy and organic foods cost more than those that are processed but this can be offset by purchasing them in bulk. You also have to think long term, as the costs, to both your well being and pocketbook, of being unhealthy can be very high. In conclusion, if you would like to save money, it is a good idea to find ways to do this in all aspects of your life. Let’s be real: in today’s world, people are always trying to get you to buy things. You should at least spend some time thinking about this and making sure that you actually need something before you open your wallet. We’ve looked at a few methods to save money, and you have to remember that even the smallest expenses add up quickly.

Susan asks…


I Am Disabled. I can,t use my right leg. But I can use everything else. I,m pretty good with a computer, and I have a beautiful Asian Girlfriend that we were going out with for eight months. She lives in Queens & I live on Long Island. I don,t drive. She does not drive. We both want so much to live together & start a loving family. She is 43 yrs. young. She does not want to wait much longer. I need a part time job, & it has to be at home. Please,, If anyone can help, please, I will listen to all. Thank you, Barry

Nagesh answers:

You can make money at home. You can’t make money at home quickly. These are the basic steps you need to do to make money online:
1. Figure out how you can do it. What skill sets do you have, what you’re passionate about, and how you can make money doing it
2. Study how to make it into a business. Learn the legal aspects, how to market it, what to charge, what you’re willing to do, what you’re not willing to do, if you need financial backing, what you have for collateral/assets to pay for that financing, if you can’t pay it back, how to write a business plan, a mission statement, and how you can implement all this stuff.
3. Do it.
4. Keep doing it for months just to make enough money to market it, to make enough money, to market it, to make enough money to actually buy the equipment you really need to do it right, and keep working the hours to keep doing it.

AND after doing all that (which will take somewhere between 6 months to 7 years, depending on what you’ve decided to do, but most businesses take seven years before becoming solvent AND giving the owner a halfway decent salary, since 1/3rd of money coming in goes to marketing, 1/3rd goes to overhead and 1/3rd goes to you), pray like mad that you don’t hurt yourself in another way leaving you more disabled, your GF is still around, your home is still around, and the business finally takes off.

There are things you can do online that can make you a decent salary after a year or two. People who know how to do it, can make money after 6 months, but considering you have no idea what you can do and keeping your GF around means making money now, I’d go with finding a job. LI has jobs and a transportation system.

(Selling writing on Amazon works like was explained to you about as good as the winning lottery ticket floating into your hand works. Simply because someone writes a bunch of stuff to sell on Amazon, doesn’t mean it sells. After all, if the marketing plan includes promoting the writing through answering questions on Yahoo, how good is the product?)

Helen asks…

anyone know how to make money by working at home ?

I don’t want to start a business or pay fees to get started but i need cash. Does anyone know of anything or any web sites to find a job to work from home?

Nagesh answers:

This is not from your Home and you wouldn’t want to do this until after the baby is born… BUT could you deliver NEWESPAPER??? You can even bring your baby with you… OR atleast you can where I am from .. BUT I don’t know if it would be worth it since Gas prices are so high..

Other than that Babysitting or Dogwalking like someone else suggested… I personally am 25 weeks pregnant and I pick up this lady’s kids from school 4 days a week and then take them to their house. I have to drive pretty far out of my way though so I get paid okay considering what I do.. She pays me $260 a month.. So that more than makes up for the gas. And gives us a little extra money. SO maybe you can stumble onto something like that, like I did.. OH and last year I watched this little girl everyday got paid about $200 a month. I only charged $50 a week though.. BUT I had to stop doing that earlier this year. I was having a hard time with Morning sickness etc..

ANYWAY>> I hope this helps.. I know how that goes..

NOw of course there are Data Entry and Medical Transcriptionists job available at home… BUT you have to go to school for those and MOST likely have to actually go to the office atleast for a little while. Those jobs go very quickly though.. AND not sure about any specific companies.. Sorry..


You could always sell things on Ebay… But WHAT TO SELL??? Just a thought..

Maria asks…

How to get money at 13?

Ok I need 200$ bucks not for electronics no because I went Over my phone bill an it’s that amount my mom doesn’t k ow an I want to give er the money because that’s my mistake please be resonabile

Nagesh answers:

Go to a mobile home park and knock on doors, offering to do chores for the occupants. Leave your number and get referrals. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can make money.

Ruth asks…

HELP! I need money fast!?

please help me!
i need some money real fast.
any great ideas as how to earn that money?
i don’t need a lot, about $100.
and i don’t want to take it out of my account.
i want to buy an electronic organizer for my work.

please help!


Nagesh answers:


Even adults can earn some quick money by delivering newspapers. It’s not glamorous, but there are almost always routes available near your home. Early morning routes may not be convenient, but they will not interfere with your regular job.

If you have the skills, you can often find temporary work, such as painting, carpentry, or even keyboarding. Contact an agency that handles temporary jobs in your area.

Other skills that can help you find part-time work quickly include writing, childcare, and retail sales. Especially before the holidays, stores are always looking for temporary, part-time workers. I’ve also worked at a college bookstore at the beginning of a semester, when they need extra help.

It doesn’t require much money to start a dog-walking business. You can print up cards or just post notices in local stores, especially groomers and veterinary clinics. Ask permission first.

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Monday, November 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Steven asks…

What’s the fastest way to start saving for college?

My daughter just started 9th grade this year. Four more years and she’ll be in college (hopefully) Smart kid and hopefully will have some sort of scholarship but I don’t want to count on it.
I know what I SHOULD”VE done. Don’t bother to answer just for the sake of answering if this is your only answer!

Nagesh answers:

First, if you aren’t saving enough for retirement, get that maxed first. You can borrow for school but not for retirement.
Second, after #1 is set, don’t put it in her name. It’ll kill your need based aid. 35% of the total is counted against you each year you apply for aid. In your account, it’s 5.6%.
Third, if you only have one child, I would wait on 529 plans until the end date of the tax savings is extended. You could put the money into a ROTH IRA and later withdraw the principle without being taxed. In addition, it’s hidden from the fin aid calculations…
Fourth, scholarships are worked for and now is the time to start. Take the hardest classes she can handle. Harder classes with B’s is better than easy with A’s. Get involved in extra curriculars. Service is a great area because private colleges love to give scholarships/fellowships for service.

Helen asks…

What is a great way to collect money for a charity?

You see this year my grade is responsible for raising money, and like honestly raffles, bake sales, fashion shows, balls, auctions, collections, have all been done before and hasnt been really that much of an amaizing thing. Its now my groups turn to come up with something so far the best idea until now has been a sponsored sleepover + fast (its a long story but it brought in a lot of money for focus Ireland(for homeless people)) What would be an even better idea if possible to raise as much mney possible for an organisation?

Nagesh answers:

High school kids usually run charity date auctions for prom through a website called Prom Date Depot… People will pay approx. $100 for a prom date…

Linda asks…

What is the fastest way to increase your tumbling skills?

I am 13 and on a cheerleading team I am level 1 and hate being with mostly little kids it really bothers me. Its not that I don’t like little kids there cute It’s just thhat I am 13 and they are 9 and 10 so I feel embarassed. What is the fastest way to to increase my tumbling skills? I am really determined to get to level 3. plz help!

Nagesh answers:

1. Work on your strength. The stronger you are, the faster you’ll progress. But the conditioning you do in tumbling class isn’t enough to make much difference. You need to work out at home every day. So make yourself a schedule and stick with it. Do pushups and handstands to build up your arm and shoulder strength; situps, crunches and v-ups to strengthen your core; lunges, squats, and any type of jumping exercises to increase your leg strength.

2) Increase your practice time. If time and money allow it, take more than one tumbling class a week. If that’s not possible (or even if is), take advantage of any open gym times, so you can get in some extra practice. A private lesson now and then can be a big help, too, especially if there’s a certain skill you’re having trouble with, or one that you’re really close to getting.

3) Be sure you’re getting good instruction. A good coach will give you lots of turns and lots of feedback, and will keep the class busy and moving the whole time. You’re only there for a short time, so you don’t want to waste it standing around. A good coach should also be able to give you instruction and corrections in a way you can understand. If you’ve been at the same level for a long time, and feel like you haven’t made much progress, it might be time to switch to a different class or coach.

Hope this helps some! Good luck!

Michael asks…

What is the cheapest way to buy Webkinz?

My kids are so into Webkinz. But i am a little short on money. I need to find a way fast. Should I go on ebay or what?

Nagesh answers:

Well i have 47 webkinz. Walgreens has webkinz cares webkinz for 6.99 and they include a special tag you can enter in the code shop for tons of fun stuff, and you can play a free webkinz cares game daily in the code shop in the bottom right hand corner. So really your getting more fun for less money.
Hope I helped!!!

Sharon asks…

How to create a budget when there is never enough money?

Does anyone have any experience creating a budget when you don’t really make enough money to pay all your bills. If I budgeted all my bills I would not have any money left for food, car repairs, and other unfixed expenses. I have too much credit card debt and a very high mortgage payment. Some advice would be helpful.

Nagesh answers:

A “creative” budget will not solve your problems. A budget is a tool and tells you things plainly in black and white. It is like Mathematics. There is no room for error or opinion. It is what it is. From your statements above, it seems like you have already done a budget. What did it tell you? That you have too much outgoing cash and too little income. The solutions are obvious. You have to either lower the outgo or raise the income. Sorry to be so straightforward but these are the facts. Just like Math, Numbers don’t lie.
There is great reference and debt elimination methods in a book called the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. My wife and I read it and are on his plan and it works wonderfully. This book will show you in easy steps how to do a budget, build an emergency fund, organize and eliminate debt, invest, save for kids college, and many more things. There are starter budgeting forms in the back of the book to help you. We took the forms and changed them around a little to suit our particular needs but they are a great starting point.
From your statement above, You have and income/outgo problem. You may need to sell the house and buy/rent something cheaper. Do you have car payments? You may need to sell the car and buy a beater. You can not pay down debt if you have too much outgoing cash every month. You will need to stop spending money on useless things. Restaurants, bars, movies, vacations, etc. Are all out for a while. Stop using credit cards and use cash or debit. This is money you already have. You can not get out of the debt hole if you keep digging it deeper every month. There is a whole slew of things that can help you. If you want to save money on groceries, go to I use this and it has helped save us about 65% on our household needs bill every month. The money saved goes to debt elimination. We had a garage sale and got rid of a ton of crap we should not have bought in the first place. All the proceeds went directly to debt elimination.
You will have to have a basic change in attitude towards debt and spending. It has happened to us and it is really great. We have paid off in the low 5 figures in the last 6 months just by our change in attitude towards debt. We started just after thanksgiving last year. We had a cash only christmas. It was very nice not having those huge january credit card bills hitting us this year. We have eliminated a few debts altogether and have a few more to go. Once you get mad and frustrated enough at your situation, you will be amazed at how fast and how far you can turn your attitude and practices around.
It is not easy at first. Once you start to see that you are making some headway on your debts is when you will really get pumped up. Our debts have fallen dramatically just by getting on and staying on a budget. Watch your spending, Sell stuff, Utilize coupons, and get on a plan. Nothing great was ever built without a solid plan. With some self discipline, you can turn this around. If you are married, your spouse needs to read the book and get on board as well. If one of you saves every penny and the other spends every dollar, it won’t work You are a team working toward a common goal. Everyone has to be pulling in the same direction. Think of it this way, If you are in the kitchen baking a dish and it comes out terrible, what do you do? You change the recipe next time for a better result. It seems like your current financial planning recipe has been tried with not so favorable results. You need to change the recipe to something that works.
I wish you all the success in this endeavor that my wife and I have had.
Good luck and stick to it. It gets much, much easier as time goes by.

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Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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