Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Maria asks…

What’s the quickest way to deposit money into my UK Barclays account from Australia?

I’m in Australia for the next few months and need to deposit cash into my UK bank account as quickly as possible. Does anyone know where I can do this?

Nagesh answers:

Try a currency conversion company – they offer better rates than banks and they are really efficient. You can set up an account online and process it all very easily. We recommend HIFX / Currency Online to our readers as we have heard rave reviews about their service and exchange rates

Carol asks…

how to start my online gambling website for real money not for fun?

1- How much does cost to establish my own gambling website for real money not for fun?
2- is there any company can handle everything from A-Z in hosting and design and domain buying and everything?
3- regarding paying via my website how we can mange it?how to connect the website payment with bank account?
4- is there any special regulations for such online businesses?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Saed,

1. If you mean to own an online casino where people actually place bets, it is expensive to get started. You need to have a large amount of money so that you can pay out winners. The casino always wins in the long run, but your business needs to be able to handle the ups and downs that are experienced in the short run. You will also have to obtain software, either by developing it in-house or by teaming up with a white label software provider.

2. Yes – Look for a white label gambling provider. Do a Google search for “white label gambling site” to learn about the companies that offer this service.

3. Payments are complicated because the law varies widely around the world. Your online casino will have a worldwide player base and you will have to set up payments that are accessible to all players. This means you need to be able to send payments to players in Chile, Canada and the UK quickly. Some countries have strong anti-gambling laws and it is very difficult (and legally dangerous) to send payments to those players.

4. Yes, there are special regulations for such an online business. You will need to research the laws in every single jurisdiction from which you will accept customers. This is complicated, costly and the laws are often unclear.

If you don’t already have an intimate knowledge of the gambling business, I would suggest you look into becoming an affiliate instead. As an affiliate, you run a gambling website and refer players to casinos. You do not own the casino, but you do get paid by the casino for sending players. This can be a very lucrative business and it is much simpler. Take a look at the forums to learn about the business.

Linda asks…

How can I raise some money quickly?

I am in a long distance relationship. We have been together five years. He lives in the Uk and I like in Australia. We have been doing the long distance thing for a year and a half. At the moment we are waiting for his visa approval so he can live here with me. I was planning on going to visit him this year, but I have realised that I just can’t afford it. I broke my leg earlier this year and due to this and the two operations I have had to have for my leg, I can’t afford to go. This means that I can’t see him until his visa is approved as he has already come here this year (when I broke my leg). We have no idea when this will be.
So anyway, I need to raise some money to go over there, because this is killing me. I don’t want to get into debt but I just don’t know how else I would raise the money.
Any ideas??? Know anyone rich, who has a heart??? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you shouldn’t travel when you have had a broken leg. There’s that pulmonary thing that people get on long flights. If you really want to raise money, you can try selling your stuff on ebay. Or you could ask your friends and family to donate frequent flyer miles to you, or you could call up the local newspaper and ask them to feature your story and see if anyone will donate the miles to you. Or you could get a second job to earn enough money to go. Or you just wait and be patient, like people in wartime. You’re smart not to get into debt to do it, though. Good luck.

Betty asks…

non traditional ways to invest and save money for a house?

I am looking for some non conventional or out of the ordinary uncommon ways to save and invest money. this is for 5-7 of investing.

Nagesh answers:

If you want a quick return on your money then trading in cfd,s is the way to go.
You dont actually buy shares as such but buy a contract on the assets.
You then earn or lose money on the opening and closing price of the asset.
Many people have got rich very quick from cfd’s but there is also the risk of losing money quickly.
Finding a broker will help as they can advice you on stops that sell when the
asset falls below a certain amount you can afford to lose.
You can find more information at

Joseph asks…

How do I transfer money quickly?

Does anyone know the quickest way to transfer money from an account in Ireland to my daughters in the uk. Need to get it to her no later than 3 days.

Nagesh answers:

Walk into any branch of her bank in Ireland and deposit the money in cash. That’ll be immediate with no ‘international’ problems.

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Monday, September 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

John asks…

Can you make enough money from home and pay the bills?

I was wondering if there are ways from home you can make money and have enough to pay just utility bills alone. I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and my parents offered me a house from our home town that’s already paid off. The only bill i need to pay every month is the utilities. I don’t have a job and really don’t want to get one once my baby comes. So if there are any or all ways someone can give me ideas on how to make money from home i would gladly appreciate it so very much. And more importantly if making money from home can pay the bills? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Every–every job that is advertised as “work from home” seems to be a scam. There are some people that are able to arrange their “regular” job so that they can work from home- at least 70% of the time. Real Estate agent can do a lot of their stuff from home- but they do have to drive out to the property to show and to list (for instance). These jobs are not likely to pay a salary or by the hour. They are probably a commission job or such. So most do not pay much.

Nancy asks…

I need ideas on how to make money from you?

I need ideas on how to make money fron home, can someone share there idea with me.

Nagesh answers:

To make money from me? I’m not hiring right now… Sorry. But I can give you some ideas on how to make money from home. If your good with customer services, human relations, data entry, problem solving, then you can apply for a home based job position, if they have an opening.
You can also have yard sales while your waiting. Put on a Christmas Botique (a lot of people do these between October, November and December).
You can also do surveys, (although the income level in this is hard to grab, very time consuming and very unlikely that you’ll really make anything worth while.
You can also look into starting up a business in pretty much any industry out there. From Child Daycare Centers, to Telecommunications, to clothing, to kitchen supplies, to travel etc etc etc.

Thomas asks…

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make extra money from home, without investing any money?

Nagesh answers:

I signed on with these companies, you might want to check them out. They aren’t get rich quick scemes and they are legit from what I have seen. I am fairly new to them both but so far I like them.

I also sell on ebay, but unless you have alot of cool stuff sitting around your house that will require some investment.

Hope that helps!

Helen asks…

What are some ways I can make money from home?

With the economy not being the best I need ways to make some money from my home. I’ve tried the survey sites and those are worthless for me…I want something legit thats going to bring in a good chunk of money. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Whatever you do: DO NOT FALL FOR THOSE WORK AT HOME FOR BIG BUCKS ads that you see in newpapers and magazines. Stuffing envelopes and the like. They are completeley bogus and will lose you money. Most jobs where you work at home, unless you are exceedingly talented, are NOT going to make you good chunks of money unless you can meet some local demand. Try to do what you’re good at: if you’re a great cook, making gourmet sandwiches or quiches for local offices might work.

Joseph asks…

whats the best way to make money from home with internet or even selling things any ideas?

i have two children no car no licence so im tryin to figure out ways to get some money

Nagesh answers:

Doing day care in your home would work well for you.

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Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Thomas asks…

How can i make some pocket money fast?

Hi im 14 years old and i’m saving up for a concert in may 2010 but im a bit short of money.Can anyone give me any ideas on how to raise some money fast.A concert ticket is 299£ and i’ve only got 80£ so far.Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

“The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22

John asks…

How does this International Money Order work?

I need to send someone money fast to China because I am buying something. However, how does this international money order work? How long will it take for the seller to receive this money? Will he get it immediately, or is like mailed out to him? Also, how does it work with Moneygram or Western Union?
Also, do I have to have a Western Union bank account to send an international money order?

Nagesh answers:

100% scam.

That is a fake website pretending to sell cheap merchandise.

You are being scammed!

Any site that advertises merchandise cheaper than the official manufacture’s website is a fake site shipping gosh awful crappy knock-offs or simply collecting cash and not even bothering to ship fakes.

The pictures on the site look like the real merchandise because those pictures ARE of the official merchandise. Those pictures were stolen from the official manufacture’s website. If you receive anything at all, which is doubtful, it will not resemble those pretty pictures at all.

The payment options say it all, Western Union and moneygram. The credit card icons are just there for show, that site does not accept credit cards, only anonymous cash payments.

Western Union and moneygram do not verify anything on the form the sender fills out, not the name, not the street address, not the country, not even the gender of the receiver, it all means absolutely nothing. The clerk will not bother to check ID and will simply hand off your cash to whomever walks in the door with the MTCN# and question/answer. Neither company will tell the sender who picked up the cash, at what store location or even in what country your money walked out the door. Neither company has any kind of refund policy, money sent is money gone forever.

In all seriousness, when something goes wrong, what will you do? Send an email that is ignored and blocked? Send chat requests until you are ip banned? Call internationally and speak fluent Chinese?

The UPS, TNT and DHL icons are there only to take up space, that site only ships with EMS, the Chinese post office, good luck getting the “tracking number” they give you to work on the EMS website. You will need even more luck trying to contact EMS when your tracking stops and your “package” is lost somewhere.

You could then be really lucky, your “package” is discovered, seized by “customs” and all you need to do is pay even more money via Western Union or moneygram to the “custom’s official” who uses a free email address just like that site has a free email address as its contact information.

Free email addresses are easy to open and close completely anonymously.

Linda asks…

What should I do to make money fast?

I am only 12 years old ,and all I do is babysit! I need to do some things to make money fast! Also, I nee things that are free or fairly cheap to do/make.

Nagesh answers:

Sell your things you do not want on ebay

Mandy asks…

How to get money fast in my town 2?

I need money fast in my town 2, what is the fastest way to get it(cheats can be included)??

Nagesh answers:

Easiest non-cheat way is to convert all businesses to Offices (dress them up as offices, and they become offices) and buy multiple stock exchanges (as the bonuses do stack) from the Wonders store. Early in the game, it’s a grind. Gets better though as you build up businesses.

I know others that use the same strategy with Retail businesses and Mega Malls.

One more bit of advice… Buy franchises from other players. You get a little bonus and jobs are free.

Ruth asks…

How do I make money on the internet TODAY?

I’m in trouble and need to raise money FAST. How do I make money on the internet TODAY, not 6 months from now.

Nagesh answers:

You can start from this awesome free site :

it’s free of charge to start your own successful internet marketing .

Hope it’ll help .

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Saturday, September 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Betty asks…

does any on know a legitamant work from home web site?

I want to work from home so i can stay at home with my children, does anyone know of a legitament web site i can do that from and make money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some things that I’ve found through personal experience:

Data Entry- There are legitamet companies out there but they have a 1-2 year waiting list. Never pay for a data entry job. A couple of the legit companies do ask you to pay for a background check and this is ok.

Cash Crate- I have had some success with cash crate I definetly see the payback for my time. I won’t get rich but it helps my husband and I pay the bills. There are some tips I have you want to go this route. Only do the work you need to complete the offer otherwise you get trapped in the ad circle. You keep accepting or declining offers and getting sent to new pages. Close the site and submit to cash crate; you’ll get paid as long as you did what was asked on the cash crate page. I also recommend setting up a seperate email account because you will get spam. Sometimes you need to confirm your registration so go to your email and open any email that says confirmation in the subject. One thing I don’t like is you only get paid once a month. For example for all the work I do in October I get paid for on November 15 as long as my 20.00 payout min has been met. It’s easy to make over 20.00 I did it in about an hour and a half. If your interested visit:

PTC or Paid to Click makes really no money literally pennies a day. I still do it because it’s easy and takes about 5 min of my time. I figure in 5 monthes I’ll appreciate the extra couple bucks. The sites I use are:

Other options you have are Freelance or Network Marketing. I know of one good legitamate Network Marketing company. That company is Ameriplan.

I hope this helps you. All the get rich quick schemes don’t work so don’t fall for them.

Charles asks…

how can I make money from home without spending money?

does anyone know of a way to make money while staying at home? like painting trinkets or making jewelry? without having to spend money, or buy books on home based businesses? in canada preferred. thanks!

Nagesh answers:

You can’t make things to sell without paying for raw materials. All “work at home” schemes are bogus – you won’t make any money

Thomas asks…

What are some career ideas for moms that have part time flexible scheduling?

Just wondering what some of your thoughts are on career fields that offer part time work and pretty flexible scheduling? Even ideas on home businesses that are flexible too

Nagesh answers:

I guess it depends on what you’re trained to do.

I have one friend who is a freelance writer. She works on her schedule and submits articles to a variety of newspapers, online and magazines.

I have another friend who, while her children were at home, designed and sewed custom baby clothes and picked up clients through the internet.

Personally, I’ve done yacht design part time from home. Now I’m contracting for the government from home.

Most of the “work from home” schemes are not going to make you any real money. Find what you love and figure out how to do it from home, or do it part time. With anything, it’s passion that makes any job worthwhile.

What do you know how to do?

Michael asks…

Democrats: Can you explain your position on how did Bush deregulated the economy?

Ok, so your perspective is that Bush deregulated the economy and then the banks decided to risk all their money so people who couldn’t afford homes could buy one.

Please explain your position.

Nagesh answers:

The biggest problem was allowing investment banks and consumer deposit banks to merge. It wasn’t so much that the banks became “too big to fail” but that they became too involved in the entire structure of the economy to be allowed to fail.

As to the mortgage industry, once credit default swaps were developed, completely unregulated, the market for mortgages and mortgage-backed securities depended on the idea that housing prices would continue to go up, no matter what. The bank could afford to loan to people who had very little chance to repay the loan because (a) they were not going to hold onto it, but enter it in the securities pyramid scheme, and (b) so long as prices continued to go up, foreclosure was a money-making option.

Ken asks…

I am looking for the best home based business ideas. Does anybody know?

I am looking for the best home based business ideas. Does anybody know?
Is thier actually a good bisiness out there that is not some over hyped scheme.
I do have a great product but I am trying to figure out how to get the traffic to
make my work at home business successful.

Nagesh answers:

You determine what you do well that people need or want and are willing to pay for and start your own business. All the ones on the web are people who found a way to convince you to send them your money and you get nothing unless you can do the same to others.

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Friday, September 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Betty asks…

how to make fast runescape money i am lvl 72 with high wc and mining but i seem to always be poor?

if you can helm me add player my tim21

Nagesh answers:

Since you have high wc and mining… Why not chop yews and sell them? Or mine coals and sell them?

The reasons you are poor are either because you spend your money too quickly or you are not determined enough to chop trees and mine for few hours…

Donna asks…

What is a fast way to make money on Runescape?

Hi i am a level 83 and i have like no armour and i have 75 mining, and thats really the only kind of high skill that i have. Can someone please tell me a good way to make $$$$(money) on runescape? Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Mine coal at 75 it will go fast

Sandra asks…

please list some good ways for a lv 65 to make good fast money on runescape?

please list em all…i have good mining, fishing, strenth, att, def, cooking, so please list some good ways

Nagesh answers:

1: If you’re a member, fish lobsters in Catherby. If a non-member, fish lobsters on Karamja.

2: If a Member, fight Moss Giants on Crandor (access by Karamja Volcano) if non-member, fight Moss Giants in Varrock Sewers. If you’re a member, they leave ranarr seeds, which are 21k ea.

3: Falador mines. Either mass-mine coal, then sell, or mine mithril and smith it into bars, then sell.

4: Members only: Get your hunting level to 63 (it’s relatively easy, virtually no cost) and then hunt red chinchompas in the Feldip Hunter Area.

These are ways that helped to make my 20m…

Donald asks…

Please list some good ways for a lv 65 to make good fast money on runescape?

ist em all, i have good str, atk, def, cooking, fishing, mining, and LIST ONLY NON-MEM ways!! thxxx

Nagesh answers:

There are alot of ways to make money for non-mems
1. Kill Lessers -drop rune med helm=10k
-drop money/death runes etc
2.Kill Giants-drop Big Bones-Sell them for 400-450gpeach
3.Fish Lobbies(faster than swordies) sell them for some good amount of money
4. Cut Yews(my favorite but boring) 450k per 1k
5. I would not suggest cooking the food / raw food= more money/ cooked food= less money.
6. Mining is also a good way mine lots of coal till you get high enough for adamant or rune.
7. Loot Arrows at BH and sell them Lol.
8. PVP

Good Luck

Hope that helped

Laura asks…

How to make fast money on runescape?

Like 10-100m a month

Nagesh answers:

If you want that much money in a month try serious PVM Like revs in the forinthry dungeon or Gwds Nex,Armadyl or Bandos. Merching is a pretty good way to make money and while you do that stuff make sure you farm herbs on the side.

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Thursday, September 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Lisa asks…

Are there any work at home jobs that does not ask for money?

I am tired of trying to find work at home jobs that want you to invest in them. Are there any that you do not have to invest in? Please answer at Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

There are many opportunities of working at home and earning through internet. Add me as your contact at yahoo answers and at 360 also. You will learn a lot. It is against yahoo answers guidelines to provide referral links here at YA. Most of the genuine earning opportunities on the net are free and they don’t ask for any money to be paid for that.

Donald asks…

How do i make REAL money from home?

everything seems as if it is a scam, or requires some substantial up front. are there any real opportunities out here in internet land? how can i make money with yahoo? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Yes — and there are a number of ways you can work from home on the Internet

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay 

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
ValueClick Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

Sandy asks…

How can i make money online?

I would need some extra money and i was thinking of doing something online when i get to have some free time. And i don’t mean webchats and stuff . Thnxx

Nagesh answers:

How nice would it be if you could start earning a few extra thousands dollars each and every month by working from the comfort of your own home? What could you do with all of that extra money? How would your life change?

As unlikely as the situation may seem, these are things that you seriously need to consider right now because I am going to tell you exactly what you need to know in order to start making money online legitimately. Keep on reading to find out how…

Making Money On The Internet Can Be Easy…

Do you want to know a little secret about earning money online? It actually isn’t all that difficult. Seriously, making money on the internet really isn’t hard at all. And that isn’t an exaggeration. The hard part of earning money on the internet is finding a system that works and a system that is legitimate. This is where I can help out.

In order to make money through the internet legitimately you will need to understand a basic step by step process to follow. The first step in this process is to find an interest that you have. It really doesn’t matter what the interest is as long as you are genuinely interested in it and you will be for a long time to come. That is the most important part of earning cash online. You need to be interested in order to do so.

After picking an interest you will need to capitalize on the interest by tapping into a related market. You see, as long as you are interested in something then there are going to be others just like you who are also interested in the same thing. And because of this it is very easy to earn cash online just by being interested in something.

Find A Legitimate Guide For Earning Cash On The Internet

Once you have found an interest and have found a related market you will need to start capitalizing on these two things. While this isn’t all too difficult, you will need a solid system in place to follow. Now, you could spend dozens of hours researching the process behind making money online through capitalizing on an interest or you could use a plan of action that is already tried and proven. This will allow you to save a lot of time and a lot of money in the long run.

Do you want to know a little secret when it comes to making money online and working from home? If you truly want to earn money then you need to have access to an honest “make money online” guide. Guess what? I’ve gone through all of the guides for making money online and I’ve analyzed each and everyone to see if they really offer value. Do you want to know what I found? There was only one guide that offered a genuine way to make money online with no experience at all.

Check out my source. It might help. Good luck!

Laura asks…

do this work at home services give good profit?

I would like to know if this services of working at home give good profit if you got an experince please tell me

Nagesh answers:

HI friend first of all be careful in choosing the “work from home job”, Because I have gone through various money making programs and lost many of my savings in past four years and finally came across some good money making programs that pays you monthly and I, am going to share my personal experience and experiments which I have gone through, so those who want to earn money using their computer and internet connection please go through the site which I have given in the source, for not getting into scams and false programs.

Maria asks…

Can you really make money from doing online surveys?

I am still waiting for my cheque and the free laptop they pormised me. Is it a scam?

Nagesh answers:

Just some sharing. I have tried once but it did not help me to earn any incomes at all. It seems to be a scams to me.

Be careful. A lot of so call work at home business are actually scam.

If you are serious about earning money through internet, I would rather you consider of setting up your own internet business instead. The investment cost is also rather low compared to others.

There are a lot of internet business models you could consider of (e.g. Buying and selling domain names, affiliate marketing, auctions, selling digital or physical products, creating paid newsletter or websites and many more).

With a proper system setup and correct web marketing strategies, you could start to earn some passive income.

Find out more from the link in my profile. It will tell you how to setup a successful online business step by step regardless of your experience and background. It will also tell you what are the reason behind each step, how you could go about doing it and where you could get the necessary resources free or at a low price.

Hope that it will be helpful to you.

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Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Lisa asks…

whats a fast and easy way to make money online?

NO SCAMS! and not alot of surveys! thanks

Nagesh answers:

No scams? No surveys?

You’re out of luck.

Well, there’s always online casinos…

Susan asks…

Fast Way To Make Money?

I live in Utah and it is snowing like crazy. I don’t want to shovel driveways. Is there another way I can make some fast money, something like donating plasma or filling out online surveys?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job, babysit, sell stuff on ebay, yard sale ?

David asks…

How do i make fast money?

Im trying to get enought money for a ps3 by next month. So far, I have nothing. I want to get fast easy money. Im only 14 so I cant do much. And I dont want to work in a store. And i dont wanna do that lame car washing, baby sitting, online survey, lawn working, pet walking, lemonade selling kinda stuff.

What else can I do?
No sarcasim please!?

Nagesh answers:

Wat u could do i supose is sing up for ebay and sell thing like unused iteams and ect. This is a geat way of selling iteams bease its fast and easy and its global witch maes hundreds of people can be biding on it witch means


Robert asks…

Is there any wasy to earn money from online surveys?

I need to get some money (about $5) and i want to do it on a online survey. Is there any fast way to do this and it will send the cash to paypal?

Nagesh answers:

Go to they have tons of stuff and they always keep it up to date. I recommend that you bookmark the page.

James asks…

What is a real no scam online survey place get fast cash?

I am looking at a bunch of these get paid to take online surveys and I dont know which one are fake and not worth it. But I also dont know which ones are legit any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Save yourself the endless searches….. THEY ARE ALL FAKE.

Nobody in their right mind would give away a business idea that generates income to millions of people… Because if you did that… Your competition would soon dilute the profits to zero.

What does work is to fool millions into these job scams and living off the fees that the newcomers pay to get the start up kits, or the mandatory sign up for some product that charges your credit card…. Etc. Etc.

Got it?… Don’t be the fool…. Keep your money safe.

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Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Mandy asks…

What’s a quick way for a 15 year old to earn money?

I need a way to earn money but also I can’t take up a part tine just right now because and sports. So what’s a quick and reliable way to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

Mowing lawns, Walking dogs, Picking up dog mess in yards (yes, people will pay for someone else to do that!) Babysitting, house cleaning.

Richard asks…

What is the easiest way for a 14 year old to earn money?

I am trying to earn money to do a summer school which is around £840 I know it’s a lot of money which is why I really want to pay for it and not my parents. What is the easiest, quickest way for me to make money?
Things I won’t do:
Baby sitting
Dog walking
anything like that because its just not something you do where I live!
Thanks a bunch :)!

Nagesh answers:

You could do a paper round.


If there are any cafes or restaurants or small shops where you live maybe you could help out there.

Sandy asks…

how much should i charge for babysitting?

A friend and i need to earn some money quick. We are both certified babysitters. We’re 14 in Texas. How much should we charge?

Nagesh answers:

I’m Heather and I live in Michigan. I run a daycare out of my home. I’m state certified, CPR, & First Aide Certified. If I were you girls I would charge 3 to 4 dollars a hour per child. I charge 4 dollars for children under 3yrs. Especially if they are not potty trained. I charge 3 dollars for children 3 and above that are potty trained.

Ken asks…

What are the easiest and up to date programming languages that I can learn easily and earn money online with?

Or software?

I need to earn money from home. Tell me what to learn . I cannot spend time with customer a lot, and talk with the customer too much. I just want something quicker and more money.

My background is a B.Sc. in physics, but i’m not smart like a typical computer programmer.

Nagesh answers:

1. You ARE smart if you earned a B.Sc. In physics.

2. You NEED to spend time with potential customers – if for no other reason, to learn what people want.

3. You can not learn programming on your own in a short time to write a program sufficient enough to sell. It takes years to become proficient enough to do that.

4. Asking what language to learn is like a carpenter asking what tool he should buy. Each tool (language) is for a different purpose. It’s been said, “If all you have in your tool box is a hammer, after awhile, every problem will start to look like a nail.”

5. So, back to point 2 above, you need to first determine what your potential clients will want, and that means spending time with them.

6. If you are so desperate for instant cash, go mow some lawns or something.

7. Last, if you have some computer skills, you can advertise to edit term papers or transcribe notes for doctors or lawyers, etc. But again, it will take time to build up a clientele base, and you will still need to talk to potential clients.

Chris asks…

What are good, sort of quick ways to earn money?

I’ll be 13 in a few months. What are some summer jobs or something I could do to earn money? Please don’t say babysitting or lemonade stands. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

You can earn a lot of money with our cellphone worldflat , Do you people who are making calls with their cellphone. Sure that they want to save their money. How it functions you can see more information here .
A second possibility ist to earn money with a search engine
more information see here
best regards

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Monday, September 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Richard asks…

Is Fortune High Tech Marketing a scam?

My friend is in this, and he really wants me to get into it. I went to a presentation, and they kept saying “It’s not a pyramid scheme! It’s legal!” But as far as I can tell, it’s “technically” not a pyramid scheme, but it’s very close. The only thing that makes it legally NOT a pyramid scheme is that you HAVE to get points by selling the products, even though, just like a traditional pyramid scheme, the real money is to be made in recruiting new members. Have you ever heard of FHTM, and what do you think of it?

Nagesh answers:

The company is based in Dallas, Texas. It is listed in “MLM Directory” so you are correct that is a pyramind-type business.

You pay $249 to join. Your job is to start a website to sell vitamins or DishTV or cellphones. You get paid for recruiting new members. That is why your friend really wants you to join.

If you then pay $399 you can be listed as a “trainer”. You receive $40 for every new person you train. So you can recoup your investment after the 10th trainee. But those people have to choose you as a trainer and they have to fill out paperwork for you.

You must buy $89 worth of vitamins. You also pay a high fee for your website even tho you could have opened your own site thru Yahoo or GoDaddy for $10. YOu sell the vitamins for $43.99 a “pack”. You get a percentage of the money.

Since there are already 10,000 people selling the exact same products, you will never make any money.

Betty asks…

BBC TV License, Is It Fair?

Come on everybody, we know the TV licence is a rip off.
The BBC are making money from adverts in other countries that BBC programs are shown.
I have seen BBC programs in this country shown on other channels that advertise.
It’s really poor value for money, we shouldn’t be made to pay for something that nobody in there right mind would want to watch.
you wouldn’t buy a washing machine, and pay for a licence to wash clothes in it? (J.P)
With all the BBC channels on Free View (Which isn’t free) they still manage to to interrupt normal scheduling to make room for snooker or such like without warning.
It’s an outdated broadcasting company which needs to get with the 21st century.
It continues to charge a fee because in the real scheme of things as an independent they would go bust, indeed a majority would simply switch off and the BBC would cease to be.
All these TV companies need a good kick in the behind and the government needs to step in and sort this mess out.

Nagesh answers:


Looks to me like what you have in the UK is a public broadcasting network owned, controlled, and somewhat operated by the government. The BBC while functioning as a semi-quasi private company outside of the UK(e.g. BBC World News), appears to have exclusive privilage to all broadcasting and are wholey funded by a government imposed tax inside of the UK. Since they are funded, they are subsequently controlled by the government….so best case scenario is to change the attitude of your government and get some degree of privitization back on your public airways.

A license for TV that is broadcasting on public airways ???…that just sounds crazy to me being a US citizen. I would rather put up with a few adverts, than have the airways controlled or funded by any arm of the government. To me that sounds very dangerous…because it makes it easier for the government or political parties to restrict and censor information.

If I lived in the UK, you can bet I would be one of the people who will find a way to avoid paying the license….or boycott television altogether.

Susan asks…

Why didn’t Clinton sign the Kyoto protocols?

Why didn’t Clinton sign this? Why didn’t the Democratic controlled Congress ratify it?

Al Gore signed it as VP which is not binding.

I liked Clinton, but it frustrates me that people believe Bush is bad for not signing an agreement Clinton refused to sign.

The Kyoto protocols is an emission-credit scheme. We need a real fix, not just selling make-believe credits. Polluters and brokers will make money off this, it won’t stop pollution.

Nagesh answers:

It is a bad idea. Let’s say Mr. Clinton did one good thing in his eight years by not signing the ridiculous agreement.

Jenny asks…

To what extent is real estate a sales job?

I understand that real estate agents are generally paid a commission on the sale price of the property, and that their job is to facilitate the *sale* (or purchase) of properties.

What I’m wondering is how much selling houses feels like other types of sales jobs. I really dislike sales…I don’t like high pressure tactics, feeling like I have to wring every last dollar out of people, setting up scenarios that encourage people to part with their money even if it’s not the best choice for them (ex. convincing a family to buy a more expensive property rather than a less expensive one that would better suit their needs.)

Is the fact that pay is commission-based enough to make real estate agents turn into slimy salespeople? Or do they generally maintain a strict code of ethics in terms of doing what’s best for people rather than scheming for the highest commissions?

Nagesh answers:

Depends on if you are a good agent or not. Like any other profession there are good agents & there are those who give real estate agents a bad name. I deal with some agents who only care about getting to the closing table to pick up a check. I also deal with agents who go way above & beyond to do the right thing to put their clients in the right house. Decide which category you want to be in. And guess which category I refer my clients to?

David asks…

IAC – If I hadn’t seen Sarah Matravers on This Morning a few days ago I’d think it was real..?

I know the above is not a question, but it’s coming…

I saw Sarah, Marc’s girlfriend last week on This Morning and even posted a question here about how there was something about her I didn’t like – she seemed really insincere and fake and too big for her own boots. Now, if you take her out of the equation altogether I think Marc seems like a nice guy and he and Cerys seem to like eachother…. But – because I think Sarah is a very scheming sort of person I don’t think this is all as it seems. Is it all a hoax? Did Marc and Sarah concoct this before they went out as they knew that there was more of a chance of them making money out of this than of him winning IAC??

I’m actually going to go against the grain here and say that I hope it’s not a hoax and that he has genuine feelings for Cerys because from what I’ve seen I much prefer her to Schemy Sarah…

And remember – Marc and Sarah are actors…. hmmm lol

Nagesh answers:

Well if it is a hoax and from what you say it may well be, then it is vile because you can see Cerys is serious and that would mean they are playing around with her emotions. Cerys is sincere I am sure because of the hurt look she had when Marc cuddled Katie. Marc and Cerys do seem to have a genuine chemistry between them and if that is so I say good luck to them as you have to grab happiness when it comes. It seems, if the papers are to be believed, that his relationship with Sarah is rocky anyway. The romantic in my hopes that this is genuine.

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Sunday, September 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Betty asks…

Are there any REAL and LEGIT ways out there to make good money online?

I’ve been doing a lot of research and I’m beginning to see more and more advertisements for income online? I’m not talking about taking surveys for nickels and dimes, and I’m not talking about any get rich quick schemes. But does anyone know of REAL companies out there that will pay you a decent amount of cash to do actual work online? I’m already aware of all the scams….and I’ve seen all the fake testimonial websites that try to scam you into buying a product…thinking you’ll get rich off the information. I’ve even heard that google has some online business for average people… it true though? I’m a recent college grad and while the job market is bad, I just want to put a few extra hundred bucks in my pocket, while still searching for the right career path. I just want to know, if there are any real sites to visit to make money, where are they??

Nagesh answers:

P a i d t e e n s . W e b s . C o m

Sandra asks…

Women Can Be Prostitutes For Quick Money. What Can Men Do?

In this time of economic crisis Im having a hard time financing my college education. I really wish I could be a girl so I could sell myself for super quick cash. I mean I heard average prostitutes make like over $100/hour right? Thats like more than a president makes I guess.

So is there an equivalent of a girl being a prostitute for a man in terms of getting quick money? I mean there has to be some other way for a man to make fast cash because male prostitutes just dont sell good, or do they?

PS:Selling drugs isnt an equivalent coz it is 500% more risky.

Nagesh answers:

A pimp makes a whole bunch of money. Its not the stereotype caddillac bull shit either. You have to be a pretty tough and demanding guy though and when it comes down to it you better be ready to protect your employees. If your not tough don’t even think about that kind of job.

Chris asks…

What’s the best/easiest way to get away after high school?

College in not an option. I have no money. Im looking for a quick way to get the hell out of my home. What programs are out there. I am currently looking at AmeriCorps. The military would be a last resort. Im just looking to get away for a while, maybe make some money for college while doing it..

Nagesh answers:

I spent 10 years in the USAF. I liked it, mostly. It is the least military of the militaries. Go and talk to the recruiter and see what they have to offer. When you get out, they have awesome GI bill college funding benefits. (I presume you are American)

Charles asks…

Help! What is the quickest way to raise money to buy a plane ticket home when you’re in college?

I am a broke college kid, but I need to go home immediately. I am out of ideas and out of options. I need to find a quick way to raise around $300 bucks to buy a ticket home. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You can try working but depending on where you go, it may only pay minimum wage. I would see if you can borrow some money from friends as well and if it is a family emergency, then put the plane ticket on a credit card.

Sandy asks…

How do I become rich or get more money?

I understand that there is no quick way to become rich but I would at least like a nice chunk of money before I go to college. I was wondering if there was a job that I could work with from off the computer. I am 14 going on 15 this year and I want to have money for college and help my family with financial issues. Please don’t say “you’re to young” or “google it” because those aren’t the answer’s I’m looking for.
Don’t give me unrealistic answers like “Sell drugs online” or “Become a pimp”

Nagesh answers:

Waiting tables. I made 60,000 last year waiting tables. My feet hurt but it is worth it

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Saturday, September 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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