Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Lizzie asks…

how can you make fast money on runescape?

bdw if you are not a combat lv is wc is 69. hope that helps..

Nagesh answers:

1. Mine clay. Sell it dry in GE, mine in the mines by Lumby near the Champion’s Guild. Only need a pickaxe, and Level 1 Mining.
2. Buy/mine dry clay, turn it into soft clay with jugs/buckets of water. It sells for more in GE. No requirements besides a bucket and clay.
3. Kill cows. Not original, but easy. You can try near Falador, Lumbridge, or by the Crafting Guild. Sells easily at GE.
4. Buy/kill for cowhides and tan them in Al Kharid. Cost 1 extra coin per soft tanning, and 3 for hard tanning. Then sell in GE.
5. Buy low, sell high. Watch for GE trends, buy at a low point, and wait for the price to go up. Or buy a lot of something that people need, then sell for about 10gp higher.
6. Buy raw anchovies, cook and sell cooked. People need them for Anchovy pizzas, and you get Cooking XP. You can cook about 1000 an hour at Lumbridge bank with the wood. (Use a tinderbox).

Sandy asks…

Can someone tell me how to make money on runescape fast?

I have been trying and I just can’t seem to get more than 30k. Can someone help please?

Nagesh answers:

Mine smith then sell ull make money and stuff

Susan asks…

plz help how to make fast money on runescape?

plz help me make fast and lot of money on runescape
i dont like mining or wc

Nagesh answers:

Coal takes hours to mine, mine rune essence, its a quick mine, and you get about 20 g each

Nancy asks…

how can i get fast money on runescape, please i need help?

Is their a way i can get faster money on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

Umm you probably won’t like this answer but you should get member ship it’s the only fast way to make money other way for f2p is cutting yews for days which gets boring

Helen asks…

what is the fastest way to make money in old school runescape?

i am playing old school runescape not the new one with updates. the 07 version that jagex re-released so don’t mention stuff if you havent played old. and my stats are currently 31atk 34str 1def 1 rang 1magic 7 fletch 10 cook 17wood cut and everything else is 1-3 so i need money making strategies that are accessible or almost accessible to a person my lv.

Nagesh answers:

Seriously dude I know its really annoying having to start again and all but the best way to make money when you have low combat levels is simply to get your woodcutting up and chop down yews and magic trees. It will take you maybe 24 hours of solid gameplay to get to level 75 so you can chop magic trees. That isn’t that bad if you ask me. Also save all the logs you chop and sell them that way by the time you reach 75 you will be able to afford a dragon hatchet and increase your rate of successfully chopping magic trees. Eventually this may get boring so do what i did and get 70 range and kill green dragons and sell their hides and bones =]. If you practice on the demon in wizards tower you can get range up really fast, I got 40 in 4 hours of solid gameplay.

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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Nancy asks…

How do I make more money with m y buisness?

I sell cd’s .they cost $3.50 each cd. But I’m 11 and you know kids like , let me refrase that, Kids LOVE money and spend it all up on back to school (sense it’s summer time) or on candy and that kind of stuff and that $ money would be gone by the 1st month of summer. Can someone please help???

Nagesh answers:

If you want to earn through online, then you can try followings
You can try these sites for Data Entry, Ad-posting Jobs. These are not a Scam or Fraud way of making Money. These systems are 100% legal & genuine and 1000% successful. You can make money in a smart & simple way. For other internet jobs please learn from my blog. Please visit following sites –

Free to join site: –

Get paid just view ads and refer your referral link (which you will get after registration via mail or you can see it on the top of the home page) to other to increase your earning potential. Please registered yourselves through the following links –

For more work at home, data entry jobs concept please visit this site

Daniel asks…

How can I make a really good tutorial video?

I would like to make a really good tutorial video so I can upload it to youtube. Any comments will be appreciated…Thanks

Nagesh answers:


I make tutorial videos on YouTube, they are recorded with screen recordings and are edited together. There are two types of video tutorials:

1. Recorded with Video Camera
2. Recorded with Screen Recorder

I personally make my tutorials with screen recorders, because my tutorials are software based. Screen recorders are used to show people whats on the computer screen through your point of view, without resorting to pointing the camera at the screen. Using a screen recorder is suitable for tutorial makers interested in teaching their viewers how to use computer programs.

If this is you, you will need a good mic, and a screen recorder. It is optional but I also recommend a good video editing program like SOny Vegas.

Here is my set up:

Microsoft Lifechat LX-2000 Headset; $40
Camtasia Studio 5; $300
Sony Vegas Pro 8; $600

Now I’ve been doing this for a long time, and as a result I create very high quality tutorials that are regularly viewed by thousands. You can view them here:

Now, if you want to make a tutorial based on live action things (such as “How to plant a tree”, or “How to do a layup in basketball”) You will need a video camera.

These range from about $90 – $1,000.
The Canon HV30 is an excellent video camera, it records in HD, it has remarkable features, and is easy to set up. It costs about $900

Again, you will also need a video editing program. Sony Vegas Pro 9 is the new release candidate and its about $650.

I would also recommend getting a basic lighting kit. What I do is I go to Home Depot and pick up three work clamp lights, these are like $7 each and clamp to almost anything – this allows you to get the three lighting sets: The key light, the fill light, and the optional back light.

You may also want to consider getting a good green screen and a boom mic. This will improve your video quality.

Think long and hard about your tutorials. Ask yourself things like “Who will be watching my tutorials?” and “What will they already know, and be expected to learn?”

Then write a small script. Don’t read directly from it, just jot down some ideas and think about what to say before you record it – remember that you can edit these out later.

If your looking to start a hobby out of this, try using an Internet pseudonym. Mine is Techtopia.

Tutorial making is fun and can be a great profession. Even at 13 years old, which is my age, I can earn lots of money doing it. I know one tutorial maker, who gets paid on average about $600 monthly to make video tutorials. Just put some time and effort into it, and it should turn out to be an interesting experience. If you need any help contact me on YouTube –

Paul asks…

Looking for a legit home business opportunity?

If I dump more money into joining a program online, how am I going to know that I can get it back if it’s not right for me? I am interested in getting any suggestions on legit home businesses.

Nagesh answers:

When you enroll in Success University, you’ll get a website exactly like the one listed below and you’ll be able to instantly use our training system to start advertising it.

You earn commissions from the people you enroll like a typical affiliate program… We have created the most unique “super affiliate” program on the internet where you can earn income from the entire student organization you create!

By enrolling today, you’ll receive a 30 DAY IRON-CLAD, 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You’ll have 30 full days to go through the Success University Premium Product Package… If you don’t feel that it’s worth every penny and more after you’ve gone through the materials, simply return your product package in re-usable condition and we’ll refund your entire enrollment fee.

Visit us today…you have nothing to lose with our 100% money back guarantee.


Sandy asks…

What do I need to legally start a business?

Me and a friend are doing a business project and we have to make up a business. What legal documents would a person in Canada need to start a business selling books? Links would be great thanks!

Nagesh answers:

What You need in my opinion is these three things for legally starting a business!

You need a basic business license: Sole Proprotietership to begin with. Then you need a road map to success. But its great benefits to having your own business


     As your own boss, you can take complete control over your own financial future.  You determine how much money you want to make, and you decide when, how and where you want to work.  Feel good about yourself every single day being in charge of your won business while earning an UNLIMITED DAILY INCOME.  You’ll get much more out of your life and all that life has to offer.


     During my extensive  research of the mail-order industry before I started what is now a nationwide mail-order empire, the one secret that I found to tens of thousands of peoples’ success was that they SOLD INFORMATION PRODUCTS.  I found that literally thousands of average individuals, with virtually no money and no business experience, had created simple information products and MADE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SELLING THAT INFORMATION THROUGH ADVERTISEMENTS IN NATIONAL MAGAZINES.  I found countless stories about average people  who had compiled 20 to 50 page books and reports  and then GOT RICH SELLING THAT INFORMATION in national magazines ranging from A-Z.

     Think about the power of what I am telling you.   Let’s take a closer look at the “moneymaking magazines.”  All of the advertisers in SMALL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and all of the other home-based business magazines sell primarily information.  “How To” information on how people can start and own their home-based business. (For a list of testomonials of people who are rich due to this concept go to ( ) The INSIDE SECRET so CLOSELY GUARDED by the millionaires in this industry is that the owners of these advertisements are NOT  making their money from the actual business “idea” or “concept” that they are selling.

     For example, an ad in the moneymaking magazines might stat something like “How to Make A. Fortune In Your Own Home-based Cleaning Business,” “How To Start Your Own Video Rental Advertising Business,” “Make A Fortune In Commodities,” or “Discover The Profit Potential of the Internet.”  If these types of businesses are so profitable, WHY AREN’T THE PEOPLE WHO RUN THESE ADS OPERATING THESE BUSINESSES FULL TIME THEMSELVES? I will tell you why: the SECRET is that they are making a fortune selling the “how to information!!! (For more details go to: ) They are not making huge daily profits by operating  the business “idea” itself, or the business “concept” itself.  They are making their money by selling information through advertisements in national magazines.  These advertisers are making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS providing  the “how to” information that people reading Small Business Opportunities and all the other home-based business magazines want and need to start their own business. (Imagine having the exclusive legal rights to best selling books, reports, and manuals. Right at your finger tips, ready to sell to eager buyers?) is definately a site you should check out.

Lisa asks…

How should i go about making and expanding a typing business?

I would get material and type it for people, while charging a price.

Nagesh answers:

Ok, I use to make money In Mississippi while as a Executive Secretary for a Mental Hospital. It just feel into my lap. One of the venders came in and needed a paper to be typed. It took 5 mins to do. I did not charge her, but after I completed the task, she gave me $50.00. Thats were my freelance came into play. I did not know I had a skill but i did. You see in Mississippi, its hard to obtain a Good job, so you take what you can get. I begain by getting my buisiness cards through a free business card services. When ever there was a convention, workshop, fundraiser, I pass those cards out. Before you know it I was making more money from my buisness then my own Earn Income Job. I hope this helps.

If not, Here is some more information that i gather from my archive of information on my computer that I had over the years.

Typing at home is a genuine and well paid opportunity that helps many people supplement their income. All you need is a PC, a good internet connection and a few hours spare here and there, and you can make money in one of the following ways:

1: Data entry – companies that need a lot of data entry jobs done often outsource the work, cutting down on their overheads, and giving you a great way to make money. It can be as simple as filling in a few forms, and by signing up to one of the many sites offering the service, you can choose how much or how little you do. I did this between my business and my earn income.

2: Freelance writing – website content is a necessary element of every site, and every business these days has a website. Often, all you are required to do is write short pieces including certain ‘keywords’ – these are essential for marketing purposes – and the pay ranges from a couple of dollars through to more for bigger projects. That may not sound much, but find out how fast you can type and you could be surprised how much there is to be earned.

3: Translation – if you have a second language, this ones for you; people across the world need documents translated into different languages – they send them to you by email, you simply translate and reply, and get paid! I spoke French. My mother was Creole and its a kind of Choppy french and I took the language in College.

Above are just three examples of how you can make money typing at home, and with internet business expanding as rapidly as it is, the practice will become more popular in time.

Use these three methods and hope this will help..


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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Sandy asks…

How to make at least $100 a day online?

Okay guys I need to earn some dough, I’m not looking for get rich quick schemes, I need a practical way to earn $100 online a day. I don’t have anything to sell, so tell me things that have worked for you, and please be nice.

Nagesh answers:

You can do those survey things, work from your computer, make videos on Youtube and become a partner, so that advertisements can go on your page and you can earn some money off, of that.

Donna asks…

New Pension Scheme(NPS) started by govt for all employees.How to open account and who are authorised?

Recently govt started NPS for its employees as well as organised private sector employees also.How to open a account and remit regularly.Who deals with it?Procedure to open may inform.

Nagesh answers:

It’s a year old now. The New Pension System (NPS), which aimed at reaching out to 270 million people, or 90 per cent of the workforce, has covered only a miniscule 4,600.

Of course, the overall number may be much higher at around 873,000, but most of it is amassed by government servants who have joined after June 1, 2004, and whose mandatory retirement savings are being invested in the scheme.

What has made the NPS, one of the most advanced and cost-effective schemes, such a non-starter? Here are some key reasons.

Access. We receive several queries from readers on how to subscribe to this scheme. This is surprising, especially when most banks, including bigwigs such as State Bank of India and Axis Bank, are already acting as points of sale for it. One of the reasons is that there is no direct incentive for people selling the scheme.

“Due to lack of participation by service providers, NPS has not reached out to the masses. We are looking at providing direct incentives of fixed nature to people selling it,” says N.R. Rayalu, chief executive of the NPS Trust.
Complex mechanism. Electronic clearing system (ECS) is not available at all the points of presence (POPs). Currently, only a handful of them, including CAMS and Axis Bank, are providing this facility.

In the age of online transactions, you cannot expect the customer to visit a branch every time he needs to drop a cheque.

Tough rules. Subscribers need to make a minimum of four contributions in a year. This means four visits to the branch and keeping track of all those payments. Moreover, a minimum contribution of Rs 6,000 could be slightly high for very small investors to shell out.

Cheap? Not really. A back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that if you invest Rs 6,000 per annum (minimum investment required) in the NPS, the total quarterly charges, inclusive of opening the account, work out to be Rs 560 (9.33 per cent of Rs 6,000).

Thereafter, Rs 470 (7.8 per cent) is charged every year, excluding a fund management charge of 0.0009 per cent and other custodian charges. To lower the charges further to 2 per cent, one has to invest at least Rs 30,000 annually.
No premature withdrawals. Withdrawals are not allowed except for special cases. Even at the age of 60, you can only withdraw 60 per cent of the corpus as cash, and the rest is used to buy an annuity.

If you want to withdraw before you turn 60, you would need to buy immediate annuity with 80 per cent of the money accumulated. “This is a retirement-focused scheme. If we allow withdrawals at an early stage of the policy, it will not serve its purpose,” says Rayalu.

Obviously, if the scheme has to shed this non-starter tag, it needs significant reform on many fronts.

Said Kanwar Vivek, managing director, Aditya Birla Money (a brokerage house) at the Outlook Money Pension Roundtable in March: “If you see the NPS, it’s clear that unless there is some incentive for the intermediary in the scheme, it is a very difficult task to popularise it.” Are the policymakers listening? Well, they would do better to.
One Scheme, Several Roadblocks

Availability: People remain confused about how to subscribe to the NPS. This is partially due to lack of interest by service providers in selling the scheme.

ECS Blues: Electronic clearing service (ECS) facility is not available at all points of presence (POPs). This makes depositing money a cumbersome process.

Rigid Norms: As the scheme requires a minimum of four contributions every year, chances of people missing one or two payments are quite high.

Fixed costs: For very small investors, the NPS does not turn out to be cheap as most of its charges are in the nature of fixed costs. One of the main attractions takes a hit.

Restrictions: Premature withdrawals are not allowed under NPS, which makes the scheme less attractive in comparison with other retirement benefit schemes.

Charles asks…

How much money per month can I make by starting a website using dropshiping wholesaler?

I found a couple legit wholesalers and i want to use them to dropship products i want to sell from them… I have picked the goods and already have helping me with website design

Nagesh answers:

No you didn’t. You THINK you found a couple of legit wholesalers but you did not. You are about to be frustrated.
If you want more info, drop me an email and I’ll tell you the whole story, but the long and short of it is this:
The ONLY ways to make money wholesaling are:
a) talk direct the the manufacturer of the goods you want to sell, then buy above their minimum order quantity, be it here or overseas. If you’re buying from overseas expect to pay customs, shipping, taxes on TOP of the price. (not for the broke looking to start up)

b) buy salvage/return/overstock pallets, containers, etc and sell the stuff inside. This requires a LOT of hustle because although these goods are generally cheap, they’re also in as-is condition. You may get some things you can sell as is, some things you have to fix, some you can sell for parts and some that are just useless. Remember, you’re not the only one picking through these pallets

c) Sell a Service online. Learn how to do something (WELL) and then charge people to do it for them. It has to be something legal and some thing hot right now. “Fix your broken ipod” would be the sort of thing I mean.

D) Black hat operations. There are TONS of schemes people are doing to lie, cheat and steal their way to wealth through online sales… It’s just a matter of time before you get caught doing illegal things, but hey, that’s your decision to make.

William asks…

Does anyone know of a legitimate way to earn money from home on my computer.?

I am not looking for a get rich quick scheme and paid emails just don’t add up. I would pay a low start up fee if I knew for certain it would be worth the initial investment. I am a stay at home mother and I am not interested in babysitting more kids or anything work in home of that type. I currently design 3 websites for extra cash and a few paid email programs, but I would like to find one legitimate online job to take the place of all the others.

Nagesh answers:

You could check some of the bigger companys
buy macromedia studio 8 or macromedia 2004mx and make flash sites and get payed 3 to 4 times as much
(some flash presentations for intel and website for little resterants can have 20,000 bugets.

Helen asks…

What are the carreers that let you pick your own schedule?

This was posted yesterday, Monday, 4/7 and I did not get a chance to open it.

Nagesh answers:

Hi! There are some jobs out there but usually work at home jobs are the best option. For instance websites-my husband and I are doing this. It takes time to put it together and to maintain but once you get it going it makes money. Also, surveys, this is not a huge money making scheme or anything but if you just some money and want to stay home it is worth it. I make money doing this and I also get gift certificates for some of the surveys I take. My husband and I are buying a memory card for our new digital camera and it will be mostly free b/c of a gift card I got doing surveys and we bought a book online and it was pretty much free. So…like I said it depends on if you are looking to make a ton of money or stay home or what. Do you want to go out and work and just choose your hours? Maybe you could add that in additional details so you’ll get more info. From people. Happy working:)

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Monday, October 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Ruth asks…

What are some ways I can make money on-line?

I’m a college student and I always have my laptop on me. So I was wondering does anyone know ways that I can make money online? I don’t want any scam sites or any bs or lies. I need to make money and fast. I have student loans to pay off and bills to pay in the process also. So if anyone knows any way please share them with me.

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to work from home, why not start your own home based business?? There are lot’s of different types of home

based business’s that you can start from your home. I know a lot of people who are doing this.,… They’re different then

just ordinary jobs. YOU own this. This is YOURS. So the amount of income you make, would be up to what YOU do.

Laura asks…

Any way’s to make fast money?

no online scam crap please.
-people with personal experience with it or know someone personally who has done it.
**please and thank you**

Nagesh answers:

EBay or craigslist

I managed to kill two birds with one stone; I got rid of old stuff and earned some cash.

George asks…

Online Job Scams?

k does anybody think that people who say they got rich by doing online jobs or starting a online bizness or w/e just say that to sell their own little “get rich program”? Like, if they are selling a book or membership to learn the “amazing secrets” of earning money online that the money they make is just the money people pay them to learn what they say they are selling. And that they didnt really earn a dime from anything else.

The idea of selling somebody the blue prints to get rich fast seems like a logical thing to do i guess for some people. But if they got mad at you or w/e ud just haved to say, “hey, u fell for it too so it does work”.

but idk, just my thoughts on what “could” be going on. what do u think?

Nagesh answers:

Get rich schemes do actually work for a few people. It is usually based on a triangle scheme or profitable for the first few people to get in to it. The problem is that by the time the scheme hits big, too many people are trying the business and market is flooded. Ex. There is a comercial for selling goods on Ebay. (Digital cameras, tv’s etc.) You do not even see the product, just make a cut for the sale. You purchase a program and it automatically puts the stuff on ebay. Well you pay money, a small price, but money to have it posted on ebay and a percentage of the item when sold. This works good when no one knows about it. But when 500 peopl post the same camera on Ebay, only one person gets the sale and usually someone different eveytime.

David asks…

How can I make money easy and fast.?

I need to make money I dont need it FAST but I would like it soon. Iv tried alot of online “surveys” but they were scams…please help me.

Nagesh answers:

Hey if i know that i will do that first and answer your question,well its all about your destiny i have my own business in Bangkok last 10 years before i have but now nothing and i planing to go USA to work hard part time jobs collect and save money and restart my life.

Jenny asks…

good website for making money Fast?

what is a good website to make money on
i really want to make money online
i am 14 years old
what is a good website but is not a scam
please help

Nagesh answers:

There are lot of scame on the internet which promise where you can make lot of money… So you need careful..But there are also lot of good site which will give idea and stretegy where you can make money online… Do some research before jump into some programe thats my advice..let me tell there a lot of site and article where you can get most of the information for free without spending any money…so best do some researched I thinks since you 14 years you need permission from your parent… Before you start your own business online…

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Sunday, October 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Ruth asks…

94 honda accord problems can someone please answer my question ab my car?

I have a 94 honda accord and it all started out with me using my cruise control on a regular basis when i really shouldnt have and then it quit working,then i noticed if i slowed down too fast or went down a big hill my check engine light would come on, and then my speedometer quit working,but i had a gps that showed me my speed so i didnt have to get it fixed….i thought, and then my milage stopped counting, and my d-4 light would blink after i started my car and drove down the road a little ways, my a/c also would make my car shake at all stops and sometimes cut off my car and pull a lot of power from my engine…well months later or so one day i noticed a loud noise from the passenger side of my hood and a little smoke, but not much, by the fuse box then i turned my car off, crunk it, tried to put it in gear but it wouldnt move from park so i put the key in the manual shift thingie and put it in neutral and then crunk it and my gears would move, i also notice my windows and sunroof stopped working as well as my(rpm,temp,and gas gauges) and the lights in my dash, but my outside lights and blinker still work. Now i either use the key before i crank it to put it in gear or either use another key, or i dont put it in park until i am ready to turn off the car. now i tried to turn on my heater and it doesnt get warm… Could all of these problems have occured (besides my ac) because of that main wire thing that smoked by my fuse box and that the wiring has gone bad because a few months ago i fixed my cigarette lighter because it would blow my radio fuse and i redid all of that wiring?? i thank you, i am a college student and looking for an answer first before i have to spend money to know whats wrong

Nagesh answers:

It is most certainly a electric issue. It could be some faulty wiring into the under hood fuse box, or it could have popped acouple relays in the under hood fuse box. Relays usually control lots of things and if they go bad, lots of things will go haywire.

These of course are just guess based off what you said, in this situation it would hard to say for sure what is wrong without actually seeing it. One suggestion is taking it to the automotive program at your college(they should have one?) most schools do, and they will work on your stuff for a good deal so they can use it as a teaching aide.

Donald asks…

How can I make $400 by tomorrow?

I am a college student and I took over a girls part of the rent for an apartment in November. I was planning to move in in January and the girl told me I had to pay rent for January. I went home for the Christmas break and my roommate failed to tell when rent was due. Especially since I was out of town for a month and I don’t get back until tomorrow. I did not recieve a key and I haven’t moved in yet. Rent was due January 3rd and my roommate called me yesterday saying that I had to pay rent plus late fees by tomorrow or we get evicted. My parents were planning to help until I get a job but since it was last minute notice, they refuse to help me out this money. I do not have a job and as of now I don’t have a place since I live 8 hours away from home. Is there any fast ways besides loans and selling clothes to get this money? I do not have a job and all the fast loans require a job. What should I do? Please help

Nagesh answers:

Im sure you have friends that are more than willing to loan you the money, or you can just beg and pleasd the landlord and just say ill pay it plus 200 dollars next month and stuff like that idk im really sorry for what happened

Maria asks…

(My Love Life) Need help!!! *Trolls* & *Haters* STAY AWAY!?

(Gender) Male
(Age) 17
(Location) Uk Scotland
(Job) College student Game Designer
(qualifications) none
(Friends) Around 3-4 at best

Hello there, I need assistance with a mental health problem that if been experiencing this past year.

I have a girlfriend that is in the usa, I need to come up with £2000-£4000 to see her & live the rest of my life with her, I dont have that type of money! What’s been bothering me the most is that i’m not going to be able to take care of my own girlfriend when i’m in the usa because i wont have enough money.

I will have to work for another (2-3) Years at college, Maybe more, She will not wait that long for me, No one can wait that long, I have enjoyed game designing but i’m just terrible at it. I know im a guy but somtimes my eyes tear up.

Telling my own girlfriend that really is Desperate to see me once again i can not see her because of the money issues. I cant find a job anywere because of my location, I need the money fast! I can only think of 2 Reliable & Regrettable ways to get money,

*Joining The British Army* Or *Live a life of crime temporarily*

These two options are very regrettable. My Girlfriend never wants me to join the British Army. She threats of leaving me for it, She cant stand not to see me get hurt/shot/Not there for her anymore/etc

(The British Army)

I am willing to kill for money in the British army. I will follow every single command they have given me. To kill to piss to Eat to do what ever they command like the film (Full Metal Jacket) Once again to remind you my Girlfriend never wants me to join the British Army she threats of leaving me for it. I will not go behind her back.


(A life of crime)

I am willing to bend the rules “here and there” temporarily just until i get enough money for my girlfriend. Selling drugs etc, Harmless drugs like (Weed) & (Cannabis & cannabis Seeds) & (Pot) & (Pot Seeds) Etc I can do this for one full year 20 hours per day and make alot of money enough to traval to usa. Once again to remind you my Girlfriend never wants this to happen!

Money is like time when you run out of money you run out of time”. People Stop to know you & careing for u, Just like a homeless man on the streets. when you run out of money you dont exist like a homeless man. If a homless man gained lots of money. People will start to Recognize him/Personaly Know him/Moving up in the world & Respect him/Etc Without money he will never be Recognized just like me.

I do not want to be a homeless man without money. I will do everything in my power to avoid this stage. Only the smart survive this world! This is for sure im not very smart. Im very dumb. I keep causing accidents and Mistakes. I always will, I am not built for this world. I have thought of committing suicide on a regular basis, Maybe 1-2 times per week but the only thought that keeps me going is my girlfriend being with me raising a family & getting married,

I will not stop at anything! NOTHING! untill i get enough money to go see my girlfriend, No matter what God or the goverment/Judges/ Have to say about it! Somtimes you need to brake the rules to get what you want in life. This is from Experience i’m sure you have Experienced this also.

Please help me! Just remember before you say, Get a job! There are no jobs around here I am not willing to work (20) Hours per day for (3) Years to get £3000-£4000

I want this money right now! Instantly! I will do anything & not stop at anything to recive this type of money within (1) Year, I promiss you this my girlfriend! My everything is wanted for *17 Years* I will not stop at anything!

I dont want small things like,

*Your a pussy!
*Grow up!
*Be a man!

Etc, I want 1000-2000 Word salution to my problem, Not GET A JOB! Because if said why!

Nagesh answers:

Hmm. You do have a tough situation. I think that if your girlfriend will leave you for joining the British army, then she might not even be worth it, but I’m not sure, considering I still don’t know your situation fully. If she doesn’t mind you leading a life of “crime”, I’d say, go that route, if she does, then talk with her and tell her you will join British forces. If she breaks up with you for that, cut your losses and find a better girlfriend. It would be different if you would be joining only because you liked the idea, but because your ultimate goal is to see and take care of her, it shouldn’t be such a big issue, I know that I have had a similar problem with my significant other, in that he wants to join the marines, but I just don’t want him to have the chance of being put in danger. But both of these situations are dangerous, and you have to realize that if you make a lot of mistakes, it could aid the fail of your goals with both options. I’m sorry that I am unable to come up with a third, better option for you, but I truly wish that everything will work out for the best.

Steven asks…

Does this news article about textbook piracy make any sense?

A textbook case of piracy
By Alex Beam
Globe Columnist / September 9, 2008
I was heartened to learn that college kids are wielding the same Internet piracy tools they used to bring down the recording industry to download textbooks. Although the textbook oligopolists are fighting back mightily – the Association of American Publishers uses Covington & Burling, a take-no-prisoners law firm in Washington, D.C., to hunt down malefactors – there are at least two sites still around offering books: Textbook Torrents tends to be shut down, and moves around the Web, but the last time I checked, was offering such books as – well, you’ll see.

As a writer, how can I support this? I should be an absolutist on copyright protection for all books, magazines, and newspapers. But I’m not. The publishers have disgraced themselves, and they are paying the price. Three-hundred-dollar textbooks in the hard sciences are not unusual, and the companies are selling to a captive audience. Hundred-dollar add-ons, masquerading as digital workbooks, or problem-solving sets, are not uncommon.

Publishers love to put out bogus “new” editions to drive a stake though the heart of the used textbook market, which was gaining its second wind at online auction sites. It’s not as if calculus changed since Newton invented it, is the rallying cry you hear from student activists.

How do I know textbook publishers are nothing but pirates in pin-striped suits? Because when the fast-buck artists take over a company like Houghton Mifflin, they never talk about how proud they are to be publishing Philip Roth and J.R.R. Tolkien. They know they are going to make a killing in the profit-choked textbook division, which gorges on the goodwill of parents who want their children to be properly equipped for college courses.

Now most textbook publishers are going digital, and Amazon is promising a larger-format Kindle reader for the student market. The publishers say that iTexts, which often cost less than $100, save students money. But their opponents, led by a coalition of Student Public Interest Research Groups, point out that the password-protected digi-texts put the sword to the used-book market so despised by the publishers.

Congress has gotten into the act, legislating more “transparency” in textbook pricing in the just-passed Higher Education Opportunity Act. It looks like a jumble of half-measures to me. If it had any teeth, the publishers would be squawking madly.

A young Northeastern University student named Shawn Fanning wrung billions of dollars of excess profits from the record companies when he invented Napster. Yes, it’s true that recording “artists” now gouge young people 10 times more aggressively at the concert turnstiles than they ever did at Tower Records stores, which no longer exist around here. But Steve Jobs found the right price point for music at iTunes. Between the pirates and the publishers, we’ll find our way to the right price point for textbooks, too.

Now it’s time to arbitrage . . . tuition.

Don’t steal this book
Inevitably, a reviewer will call John Hanson Mitchell, author of “The Paradise of All These Parts: A Natural History of Boston,” a latter-day Henry David Thoreau, not necessarily a compliment. Call him what you will – in real life, he edits the Massachusetts Audubon Society magazine Sanctuary – he is a smart guy, walking around, paying attention. I’d name his genre nostalgic realism; Mitchell certainly knows where this city and its many peculiar institutions come from, and he understands modernity as well.

I love that his brother owns a boat named after Richard Henry Dana, and that it doesn’t have an engine – there’s Boston in a nutshell. I think this book will take its place next to Walter Muir Whitehill’s “Boston,” with engravings by Rudolph Ruzicka, as one of the treasured Hub tomes of our time.

Able was I . . .
Ere I saw Alaska? Send in your Sarah Palin-dromes! A palindrome is a phrase that makes sense read forward and backward – e.g., “Madam, I’m Adam.” I think there’s a lot to work with here: Is Levi vile? Close, but no cigar. I’ll buy the winner a used copy of the kind of book that Governor Palin wanted to keep out of her local library – “Huckleberry Finn,” perhaps.

Alex Beam is a Globe columnist. His e-dress is–+Living+%2F+Arts+News

Nagesh answers:

Don’t you hate people that spell loses as “looses”

Carol asks…

I am very broke college student and i need financial advice?

I am a senior in college and I graduate in May. I currently have about $50 and I am expecting $900 to come my way hopefully next week. I need to put away 500 of that to hold my place for graduate school. So that leaves me with $400 to pay for my grad invites, cap and gown, a car fixing, car registration, food, and gas (until may when hopefully people will gift me with money). I know that I need a job, but I am taking so many hard classes this semester that i don’t know if i can handle a job without jeopardizing my grades and graduation. My mother suggested that I take the test to become a certified pharmacy technician instead of getting a part-time retail job, since I want to be a pharmacist. The test is about $130 and then I have to pay to be state-registered another $40-50. My savings are quickly depleting and the money I have coming to me is practically spent. I do have a credit card, I can put it on, but i don’t have a job to make payments so that would just not be smart. I just need some advice. I can easily study and pass the pharm tech exam, but i’m not sure that i will find a job fast and in time for the summer. (It could be a waste of money if i can’t find a pharm tech job). Should i just get a job in retail to make some money now…or should i follow my mom’s suggestion? I am soo broke and so depressed. I never have money to do anything or hang out with anyone and I have so much crap to pay for.

Nagesh answers:

Get a cap and gown from a second hand store, or like over the internet for like a dollar. Find someone else in a different town, city, state that already graduated with the same color, and see if you can’t borrow theirs. Theres always borrowing from the school without saying anything, then giving it back when you’re done. Get a job where you can study, or do your homework while working. Retail jobs have that, as well as many hotel, or labor jobs. Newspaper companies have paper stuffers that litterally have 2 hour paid breaks that you can get tons done if you can handle the monotonous work ethic. See if your Mom will front you the money for the pharmacy test, being that she brought it up, and it would be a secondary plan off of what you already have going, and either way you’ll pay her back. College can be a time to rack up your credit, and is worth it as long as you get a good career/job afterwords. Military has awesome college/job/career opportunity as well. I would suggest getting an emergency job anywhere, and walking in with your school schedule. A loan is out of the question since you don’t have a job unless you get a co-signer, so seriously have your Mom front you the money for the exam, get an emergency job for now to make ends meet with school schedule in hand, keep your goals in sight without running up your credit too much, keep pushing, and you will succeed. I’ve been in similar situations before, and each crappy time seemed like absolute hell, and like I would never ever be able to stop sinking. But I just kept going, and ripping myself out of the seduction of giving up over and over again till finally (and this may sound like dumb or whatever, but) s*** just started working out, and kept getting better, and better and better till I had to chill out a bit, cuz my head was getting too big. You’ll be alright, even if you feel (literally) like you can’t move because it seems there is no way out, keep sight of your light at the end of the (seemingly) long a** tunnel, and shit will get better. Stay up, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance if you need it. People (although not everybody) want to be of assistance whether you believe it or not. Good luck.

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Saturday, October 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

David asks…

How can I recieve money quickly over online?

I have an item up for sale, but I want the funds before shipping. How can that be arranged, quickly? Please help!

Nagesh answers:

People normally us paypal but you need to sign up for paypal account.
Best advice i can offer i’m afraid.

Mandy asks…

How long does it take to access funds from a wachovia check deposit?

I deposited a 9k check this morning at wachovia but its not showing up online. I never deposit checks in person because i have direct deposit and that shows up right away. The check i deposited was also from a wachovia account if that matters. Just wondering cause i need the money quickly. Thanks alot.
lol its not a scam. the check is from my lawyer for an insurance settlement.

Nagesh answers:

1. Guvt chek yu kan get “rite awae”, but bank mae need overnite tu update puter.
2. Lokal cheks…3 biz daes
3. Outta state cheks…up tu 5 biz daes
Most banking is based on lektron signals that go speeding bak & forth.
Later, after get paper pushed thru many hands, the chek kan stil bouns.
watch out for skams weer yu get a “sertified chek” from Nigeria.
Its not reel.

George asks…

Is there any way to make money writing on the web?

Is there any actual way to make a significant amount of money, quickly, by writing short stories (or long stories) and publishing them online?

Nagesh answers:


But a very few people have made significant amounts of money by e-publishing stories, both short and long, which they have worked on for a long time and which are high quality.

Nobody pays lots of money for rushed crap, sorry.

Betty asks…

Who is responsible when a shadow payment appears on my card?

I bought a plane ticket online using my bank card. The payment appears twice on my bank statement (once in the normal expense column and once in the outstanding operations column) so I have been double-billed for the moment. Neither the airline nor the bank wants to refund me, even though I made only one purchase.

Who is responsible for this? What can I do to recuperate my money quickly? How come the bank is allowed to hang on to this ”shadow payment” for ten days without my consent? What would you do?

Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Try using the words “release the hold on my account” rather than “refund” and try again with the airline.

I have never had a problem with this when I put it like that. Saying “refund” makes it sound like you want them to give you money back, and the CSR you are talking to isn’t authorized to do that. Asking them to release the hold against your available balance means they need to send a fax to your bank–it’s a lot easier to talk them into that.

Mark asks…

How do I go about raising money?

I need to raise about $1800 for a plain ticket and other expenses. I live in south africa and the unemployment rate is very high, I can’t get a job. So I want to work on cruise ships but I need to pay for my own plane ticket to London + other expenses. What are some sure fire ways that I can raise this money quickly. I was thinking of setting up a campaign on indie gogo but I’m not sure if it will work.

Nagesh answers:

Your chances to get any “charitable” contribution to your goal are virtually nil. You have to do it the old fashioned way. Earn it. You could do babysitting or offering your services in house cleaning. Or try a small resale business on eBay or selling other items, e.g. Custom t-shirts online which you can buy wholesale at a much cheaper price.

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Friday, October 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

Lisa asks…

What are some SERIOUS ways to make quick money?

Any ideas? How do you make fast cash? I need about 100 bucks in two days!

Nagesh answers:

Yes depending on where your located, if you have a lawn mower go and cut like 4 yards or so for $25 a piece which is very reasonable. Or also possibly change someones oil on their car or something with a car. Theres tons of fun ways.

Helen asks…

What are some quick ways to make money in Red Dead Redemption?

Thanks all.

Nagesh answers:

Go hunting in Tall Trees in the snowy area, or rileys charge, go after bear and deer/elk foxes coyote and such, but don’t kill rabbits, waste of bullets, remember to camp and save often.
Or kill in theives landing and loot.(no cops there)

Sandy asks…

what are some ways to make quick money, being kids…?

My friends and I are trying to make money. We need it quickly and we need some suggestions? It’s winter so we can’t do lawn mowing or lemonade stands..
Please help!

Nagesh answers:

Recycling cans is a great way to make money! Local recycling companies will pay you from 50 cents to $2 per pound for bringing them aluminum cans – that’s nearly a dime per soda can! In order to make real money you need to find a lot of people to help you by saving and donating their cans for you.

You can register as an individual or you and your friends can create a team to start collecting cans. You get instructions, color flyer’s, postcards, and even your own teams personal Recycling Web Page so it’s easier to encourage people to save cans for you – your team receives an instant notification online when your savers have cans ready to be picked up or dropped off, and you can send them online reminders.

Good Luck!

Nancy asks…

What are ways to make quick money legally besides giving blood and yard work? Something not hard?

truckman stfu i’m going back to college in the spring so I just need something int he mean while…

Nagesh answers:

It is tax season, so go get job with Jackson Hewiitt or H&R Block. They will train you and pay you abotu $9-10 an hour until April 15th

Betty asks…

What are some quick ways to make money besides ebay?

Those survey websites are BS.

Nagesh answers:

Yeah the surverys are.

Craigslist is like ebay. Hang up fliers for babysitting. Mow yards. THats about all I can think of.

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Thursday, October 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Sandy asks…


okay so i am going away on vacation in a little more then a week. and i really want to have money to buy like sweatshirts and stuff. i go with my whole entire family and we know 2 familys who live in connecticut who go to the same resort we do and people forom upstate new york and all my cousins and stuff. so anyway, all the kids like practically every night we take a troli and go into the town to shop. and so everyone buys like souviners and sweatshirts and everything and i never have enough money bc im a person who is a spender not a saver lol, so long story short i had 300 dollars with all my birthday money but i bought a laptop (my mom paid the other 300) and so now i have only 30 dollars. I really wanna go up there with over 50 dollars, my mom is giving me 20 and i want like 10 or 20 more but i dont know how to make that money fast enough. please answer with ideas on how i can make money for vacation. thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
james k im not spoiled. she is giving me 20 dollars as spending money she always does that and the 300 dollars shes paying for my laptop is my birthday present and my graduation present so why dont you get your fucking facts straight before you go and make assumptions k thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Mow your lawn, do choirs, ask, borrow, loan from mom

Linda asks…

Mother of 3 needs to make some cash.. quick please help!?

Hello Everyone,
I really hate to open my personal life to everyone but, I can use all the help I can get.. I am currently on disability and have been for the past month and a half and EDD gives me a different answer every time I call.. I have yet to receive one check from disability…I have three kids 7, 5 and 4 months i just applied for Cash aide because I need money for groceries and that is if and when I get approved. does anyone have any other ideas that I could do to make some fast cash to pay my other bills. Please help..

Nagesh answers:

If you go to church, you can ask for financial help there. When I was younger, our church helped out many people including my mom once. Most of them never had to pay the money back.

I did the plasma thing before. You make money, but I don’t think it’s worth it. Besides, your baby is 4 months old, and giving plasma really drains you of energy. Not sure if you’re breast feeding, but if you are, that might be affected, so I wouldn’t do it for that reason too.

I can’t think of any legal way to get quick money, except may tutoring like someone suggested or maybe babysitting?

Good luck to you.

Daniel asks…

Any ideas on how to see my daughter more in home town- divorced dad?


I have an 11 year old daughter that lives in NJ and I live in Mass. Her mom and I divorced when she was two years old. We resided in Mass. The mom wanted to move back to NJ with her parents for support. I did not want her to but the courts let her go and I ran out of money to fight it. Well, because she was two, I did not want to put her in a car all the time and I agreed to visit her every three weeks in NJ. I had to drive down (4.5 hours) stay in a hotel with her and back (4.5 hours) every three weeks. Fast forward to now, I am remarried with two step kids and a new baby. My step daughter is 10 and she and my daughter are very very close. I have a step son who is six and a two year old. It is very difficult for all of us to drive down (six people total) and stay in a hotel room big enough to accomodate us all and is not too expensive. And now, my 11 year old does not want to stay with me in a hotel if I come down alone without our whole family. I think it is a tween thing… She states she does not want to stay in hotels and wants to come to my house for visitation in Mass. But I don’t know how to bring her home. I get out of work on Friday at 5, I don’t get to NJ till 10 on Friday night. It is too late to put her in a car and drive back at 10 oclock at night. We would not get home until 2 a.m. So, I have to get a hotel room (by myself) and get her in the morning and drive back saturday morning. Then on sunday I have to drive 9 hours to bring her home and come back. She is barely here at my house for a day. And the traffic friday night from mass to NJ is brutal. A 5 hour ride is easily 7 hours trying to get by NY.

I have asked her mom if she would ever meet me halfway in CT so our daughter could come to my house for the weekend and she refuses. Our divorce agreement states my daughter can fly unnaccompanied minor program but my daughter is the timid type and refuses to fly alone and I don’t know if I feel comfortable about it either. I am not going to force her. I have tried to look into flying down there and getting her and flying with her because that is the fastest way, but that is three round trip tickets and over $700 dollars for a weekend. As a family of six, we can’t afford it. I have looked into the train but that does not work either for times. the only other thing I can think of is having my daughter go on the train to CT in the unnacommpanied minor program and I pick her up in CT. But is that safe? And I don’t even know if she will do it. And I doubt her mom would let her. I asked her mom if I could have longer holiday weekends for when I have days off which would allow for more time to travel and she said no it was unfair that she does not get any holidays. I asked for more time in summer and make the three weeks visits longer in between and she said no, because she is a teacher and has summer off and I would have to put her in camp while I work. I am close to giving up. I can’t move because I have a good job here as well as my wife and she is not allowed to move because my step kids dad lives in this state. And my wifes family lives here and helps us with daycare while we work. Help please? This is getting unbearable? I am running out of energy and ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Your Ex is mean… Really. How un cooperative she is!

You’re awesome! Wish my Ex would have been as cooperative as you.

First… She moved not you. I would actually consult with a lawyer about getting an order that Ex needs to meet you at half way.

Second, you should be able to alternate holidays. That is what I did with my Ex so that it was fair.

Also as for Summer – she has reason to say “no”. So what if you have to put your daughter in camp during the day? She’d probably have a great time!
You should be entitled to 2/3 of the summer.

Get a lawyer and rearrange your visitation schedule.


Charles asks…

How can I make my Wedding and Reception even more fun?!?

Okay everyone, so here’s the deal: We are having a wedding in about a month. Hawaii is a large part in our lives as that’s where he proposed when I visited him there when he was in the Navy. I also have been doing Polynesian dancing since I was 7 and I am 25 now.

So what we are doing is a mostly casual thing. Everyone is asked to be casual and comfortable. No gifts either. There will be approx 200 guests including kids. It will all take place in the evening, starting at 5:00pm and it will be dark around 8:00pm that night. It’s all at his parents house in the country on acres and acres.

As guests arrive, the dancers will be greeting them with a lei and kiss on the cheek! 🙂 The ceremony is by a fountain and pond. Very pretty. I am wearing a beach wedding dress and he is wearing khaki short and a white button up shirt. The wedding party is in matching fabric dresses for the ladies and shirts for the men. We are all going to wear flip flops. We also decided on no bouquets or anything, instead the ladies are going to hold a glass of champagne and the guys a beer.

After the ceremony, we will start the BBQ buffet immediately since we are taking photos before the event. There will be LOTS of awesome home made food prepared by our awesome families! During this time, there will be Hawaiian/beach themed music playing in the background. About 45min later we will do the speeches and then we will cut the cake. Once that is over, the live band will play for about 15min or so as they cake is passed out before an Authentic Luau is performed! They will be doing dances from Hawaii to Tahiti, including a fire dancer! So it will be very exciting! They also pull some of the guests up for audience participation in the end. That is about a 45min show all together.

We will also have a $1 Tiki Bar. Basically, we are taking care of most the expenses for the bar, all but $1 each. So we are still forking out $2-3 each drink that people buy… There will be things like Jungle Juice, Beer, Mai-Tais, Hurricanes & Coke w/ Rum. Which the Tiki Bar will be open before the ceremony.

After the Luau, we will do the garter and bouquet. This will be around 8pm. I figure most will leave at this time. The band will play during this “transition” time for about an hour as people say bye and all and then we are having an “after party”. Just a few hours with no schedule, program or anything. Just so we can actually enjoy the evening, it not go by so fast and really get to visit with some guests. We have quite a few flying in or driving a long ways, and a wedding is not the greatest place for catch up and hang out. I don’t care if only 15 people are there for the “after party” We will have a DJ, the bar and all as well during this time.

Anyway, so I think that’s it. So what I am looking for is some ideas to make sure this is a blast for everyone! I want people to want to stay!

I am getting a piñata for the kids as well as something for them to do, not too sure yet. And someone also mentioned having a volley ball net set up or something…?

We already got all the tiki torches to put everywhere, as well as party lights to hang and there is already a built in fire pit that they have there too! So I was thinking maybe get some stuff to make Smores!

I basically just want a really fun, comfortable and memorable evening! I don’t care about tradition, being fancy or impressing anyone. This is a time to live it up for us before my fiancé gets deployed in a few months.

Thank you all in advance for any ideas!!!

P.S. Please don’t respond with lectures of spending money and all that matters is marrying the one I love and all that. Just so you know, not a lot is being spent. We have a very large family and everyone is pitching in a little to help with the food & drink. I have a very close friend who owns a party rental store, so those are nearly free except for the people to set things up. The band and dancers, I am part of the group and we are all like family… they wouldn’t let me pay a dime if I tried! Again, lots of people are traveling to get there, I want it to be worth it and fun! So please, spare the rudeness and just leave my question alone if that’s all you have to say. That is not what I am asking for. I am asking for ideas to make it more fun, unique or more pleasant!
Awww you all are so sweet. Yeah, sorry it was kinda long, lol. And great advice for the time taken to get through a line. It will be a double sided line of food. And 45min may be enough before speeches start. If not, no biggie. We will also have siblings (there are 14 total) pass out the cake during the Luau. If people arent ready for it, they can just wait. But still, I may add 15 min to each area of time. Thanks again!!!

Nagesh answers:

Have the table cloth on the children’s table be white paper where the kids can color on it. If the kids are having a good time the parents won’t want to leave. Get them bubbles to blow while you are doing your dances, and sparklers for everyone.

You might be surprised, people might stay longer than you think! Most importantly have FUN!

Mandy asks…

Good idea for a way to make some money on the side?

Hi all, I’m almost seventeen and I really want a car of my own. However, I don’t have a job. Nor do I want one. I’m not into the mundane jobs I could get as a high school student. I have been messing with computers since I was a little kid. I’ve taught myself html, css, java, visual basic, c++, perl, and php. I also manage my own Linux-based server at home and I have built multiple computers and study network and computer security frequently. Anyway, I have seen how people will pay Geek Squad (from BestBuy) hundreds of dollars to do absolutely nothing to their computers. I got to thinking…what if I could do something like that? My question is, do you think this is a feasible business idea? Could I leave fliers in upper-middle class house’s doors and offer a service to make Windows-based computers faster, secure wireless networks, upgrade hardware, or do any of the stuff the average consumer is too afraid to/can’t do? Would you trust a sixteen year old with this? Even if I made a up contract? If so, how much money do you think is fair? Anything I’m not thinking of? Thanks for your input.

Nagesh answers:

What have you got to lose? Go out there and put up some fliers and see if you get any calls. Then see what THEY are willing to pay. I would think word of mouth is going to be your best source of additional business so make sure you are providing a satisfactory customer experience. And don’t think that all jobs hs students get are mundane. At the very least, every one of them is a learning experience. Good luck.

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Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Jenny asks…

How hard is it for Americans to immigrate to the UK or Australia. I have a Masters and some work experience?

And I have enough funds to buy a house.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on your occupation and how much post qualification work experience you have in that occupation. The amount of money you have makes no difference, though some of Australia’s states and territories require appplicants to have $30 – $50k in settlement funds if they want state sponsorship so money would overcome that particular hurdle – it’s only one of many hurdles though and only applies to state sponsored visas.

You must have qualifications and experience in an occupation listed as being in need of workers and you must also pass the points test or have employer sponsorship so that you qualify for a skilled immigration visa. There is no provision for visas for unskilled or partly skilled workers or even for highly skilled workers whose occupation is not listed.

There are several lists of eligible occupations:

1. The Skilled Occupations List (SOL).
If your occupation is on the SOL, you may be eligible to apply for an independent visa. These visas are permanent; there is a points test and skills assessment for your occupation is required before a visa application can be lodged.
Http:// Skilled – Independent (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 175) Skills assessment

2. Each Australian state and territory has a State Migration Plan (SMP) which lists the occupations for which state sponsorship is available. Refer to each state’s SMP to see if sponsorship is available for your occupation.
Http:// State and territory migration sites.

Once you have obtained state sponsorship, you can apply for a state sponsored visa. These visas are points tested and skills assessment is required.
Http:// Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 176)

3. The Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL).

If your occupation is on the ENSOL but not on the SOL, you must have employer sponsorship; 3 years work experience and an offer of employment for at least 3 years. There is no points test, but skills assessment is required (as above).
Http:// Employer Nomination Scheme (Subclass 121/856)

4. The list of occupations eligible for temporary 457 employer sponsored visas.

If your occupation is on the 457 list, you may be eligible for a temporary employer sponsored visa which can sometimes lead to sponsorship (after 2 years) for a permanent visa but ONLY if your occupation is also listed on the ENSOL and only if your employer is willing to sponsor you again..
Http:// 457 visa

The only work visa that has no list of eligible occupations is an employer sponsored Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Subclass 119/857). The work must be in an eligible regional area and certain educational, experience and sponsorship requirements must be met. RSMS visas are not points tested and skills assessment is not usually required.

Lizzie asks…

17 just doing my test and have driving disqualification how much will insureance be?

Hello i’m 17 and just about to do my test i have had a driving disqualification which was 6 months long and no points i am just woundering hoe much it is going to cost me to insure a 1.0-1.2 and what car in the uk would be the cheapest to insure thanks alot 🙂 regards Bilal

Nagesh answers:

How long is a piece of string. There are so many other factors that will go to make up the premium for your insurance and then with the effect of the disqual on top any estimate on here would be a pure guess. There is so much that you cannot tell us on here.

There are many factors which are used by the insurer to calculate the risk and so the premium they charge for car insurance – these are mainly;
1 Age and sex of the policyholder (who must be the Main driver, and registered keeper) and that of any additional drivers.
2. The cars age, mileage, value, insurance group, security and the companies own claims history for that vehicle
3. The occupation of the policyholder and any named drivers
4. The claims history of any drivers
5. The licence details of drivers (endorsements, length of time held)
6. Where the car is normally kept overnight (is it the policyholders address? On road is more expensive than on a drive which is more expensive than in a locked garage.
7. What use will the car be insured for, social and domestic is the minimum but if commuting and use for the policyholders business or their employers business is added the price increases. If used to commute where is the car to be parked when there – on road or in a car park.
8. Does the car have any modifications from the standard factory fresh condition like alloy wheels or performance enhancements – some insurers will refuse to cover modified cars, some will increase the price and some will cover them but only for return to standard.
You need to tell the full truth about everything asked and inform them of any changes to any of the details disclosed as the policy goes on – failing to do that can render it null and void.

Some younger drivers consider putting the car and insurance in a parents name with the parent as a fraudulent main driver and them as an occasional named driver to cut the premiums. This common scam is called “Fronting” and is an illegal act which can get parent and son/daughter into a lot of long lasting expensive troubles.

Most insurers offer a monthly payment scheme and most need about 15% up front to start the cover. The scheme is usually in the form of a loan and so interest is charged – this can be as much as 25% APR. This is usually at rate which is higher than most credit cards even charge so look at other ways to borrow the money to spread the cost if possible as it will be cheaper.

With a few minor differences these are the questions you will be asked before being given a quote. Not having supplied these details on Yahoo Answers, and who would, it is impossible to give a guess of a price for you to within even £1000 for a younger newly qualified driver.

Nancy asks…

Do any of you think the Liberal Democrats (UK) will ever be the leader in parliament?

I don’t know if I can stomach a liberal democract prime minister. They want to push us further into Europe. Do you think they’ll ever come to power?

Nagesh answers:

Stop it, you are making me laugh. Snort, pass the hankie I need to wipe my eyes. Very funny.

They are as useless and as incompetent as Labour. You only have to look at the mess they have made of Greenwich and Liverpool. They waste money on bird-brained schemes that benefit no one but the knit – your – muesli brigade. One stupid scheme that cost £thousands was a cycle path of 10 metres in length. It started in the middle of nowhere and finished in the middle of nowhere.

They are arrogant and stupid, nothing more than political opportunists!

Linda asks…

Can you get in trouble for inviting people to these Kony events?

I know this is really far fetched … but for some reason I’m wondering about this. Could you get in trouble for inviting people to these Kony ‘Cover the night’ events? I now know that it is fly posting and vandalism.
Sorry if it is a stupid question!

Nagesh answers:

Why would you involve them in this scam?

We’re being scammed and spammed, massively. You should all respond and let people know every time they post this nonsense.

I think it is a closed issue. Why wouldn’t we attack you for participating in this scam and trying to spam us constantly about it?

According to Forbes Magazine:

The video is inaccurate and outdated as Joseph Kony is no longer in the Uganda.
The video oversimplifies the complex history of Uganda and the LRA.
The video does more harm than good by focusing the issue on one man.
The video is a prime example of slactivism that reduces real issue to memes.

The government there is STILL there and just as guilty of atrocities, and now the US is being put into a sovereign country into another war.

I think there is a scam going on and a lot of people are spending money on a scam.

He fled his country a long time ago. This is a money-making scheme.

Also listen to people from Uganda:

We are REALLY tired of this garbage.

If they hadn’t spammed every site they could find, pretending to be things they weren’t, they might have received a reasonable reception.

It is propaganda on a while new level:

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

On Yahoo! Answers “Invisible Children” and their supporters CONSISTENTLY posted, every few minutes in areas like Fashion, or Games, about KONY 2012. It was CONTEMPTIBLE and unethical.
They have made millions on this garbage, and TARGETED our children as consumers.

It’s wrong. They should be investigated for fraud and scamming who knows how many foolish people, particularly teenagers.

Enough of them.

Joseph asks…

What is the best route to take if I want to become a pilot..?


I am really just looking to see if someone is able to give me a little information/help.
Recently, I have considered a career as a commercial airline pilot in the UK, however have no idea as to what I need to do/ or how I go about fulfilling this ambition. From a young age I always considered this to be my dream job, a great way of helping others. Now, to the tricky part – I am only 18 years old, just finished school and have a part-time job.
I live in Scotland so studied Standard Grade and Higher Exams and gained a fair few qualifications, but I know very well it is not so simple to just take a CV into a flying school and ask for a job 🙂

Therefore, to sum it all up…where should I go from here?
Any help is kindly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Start by thinking how you’re going to fund it. I managed my training from 0hrs to CPL/IR (Commercial Pilots Licence & Instrument Rating) and MCC (Multi-Crew Co-operation) for less than £50k all in the UK, however this was with some help from training grants, heavily discounted hour building courtesy of the RAF flying clubs and some real penny pinching however I could when it came to accommodation etc. More realistically you’re looking at around £55-60k all the way up to £100k.

Once you have an action plan start taking a few lessons at a local flying club to make sure its really what you want to do. Then get yourself a class 1 medical, its no use forking out all that money only to find out in the later stages you’re medically unfit!

There are two routes to the licence from this stage, integrated and modular.

Integrated is the more expensive option and will cost you around £80k up to £100k all things considered, however many people prefer this route as they believe having the name of a big school on their CV improves their chances of landing that 1st job (questionable). This course will take you all the way through the ground school and flying in the space of around 12-14 months and in the end you will emerge with a CPL/IR.

The integrated route is the route you will take if you are lucky enough to get on an airline ‘sponsorship’ scheme. These are few and far between but definitely the way to go if you can get one. You’ll still be expected to secure funding for the course, however the airline may assist you as guarantor on a bank loan, and you will be promised a job at said airline upon completion of training.

The other route is known as the modular route, this can be done for far less, in the region of £50-60k. Here you will complete a PPL (Private Pilots Licence) then you will have to build your experience flying around 150hrs total and 100 as pilot in command. Whilst you are doing this you can be studying for and sitting the 14 ATPL (Airline Transport Pilots Licence) theory examinations, and completing a night rating. All that done you can begin training for your CPL, Multi-Engine and Instrument Rating, once you’ve passed all the flight tests and have the appropriate experience (200hrs total, 100 in command) you can apply for your licence. The final requirement is an MCC course and you’re ready to start applying to airlines.

Its a long road, but great fun, enjoy!

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Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Sandra asks…

How can I make money FAST?

I wanted to know how to make money fastest and hassle free. I haven’t bought myself something in like- a year it seems! :'( please help me and don’t say rude comments. best answer= 15 points! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Lemonade stand
dog wash
car wash
dog sit
pet sit
i used to make bracletes with little beads and sell them to my cousins n stuff
BTW::best answer is 10 pts not 15 lol

Michael asks…

How do I get more money on Harvest moon island of happiness?

I really want to get enough money to build another bridge so I can get to the forest. but I’m failing at the attempt….I need money FAST!

Nagesh answers:

Grow crops and fish then ship everything you grow or catch feel free to email me if u hav anymore questions

Jenny asks…

What is the easiest way to make money?

I am trying to buy new skis and i need money fast
by the way i can not make money off online

Nagesh answers:

You could setup a blog or website, this is completely free. Once you have added some good content, you can start to earn money from advertising. I know you wont make a huge income from this, but it would get you started working from home.

Pick a topic which you are very interested in, and write a piece on that everyday.

Maria asks…

What businesses will donate money for a mission trip to Haiti?

I’m going to Haiti this July IF I can get the money. It’s $1350, and I need the money by May 1st. What companies/businesses would be willing to donate money to this cause? My church could only raise $100 for me, and I need this money fast. I also don’t have much time, because I have school and many other activities. Please help!!

Nagesh answers:


Don’t be looking for a free ride here
When you say , I don’t have time and …

Every business will donate to you, if you ask them correctly.
First get your Church to write you a letter that this is a mission
trip and it is ‘tax deductable’

After school you need to visit some companies, start with the ones with
the biggest buildings. Every day, you need to do this.

You have 3 months to raise this money and you seen 600 per month.

Now that I have answered your question, Here is what you need to do. !!
Can you and your friend do some great thing to raise the money.

We did walkathon’s when I was young.. Walk to somewhere that is 25-30 miles away.
Will take you all day. But you then go get pledges for this, , and you get people you know, and neighbors to pledge .25 cents to 2 a mile.
You just need to 65 people to Pledge so each week you find 20 people or companies
to pledge, it is very easy, everyone in your group can be involved.
You can pick up trash along the way.
You can carry a old couch or bed. As part of the stunt.

It is walk for Haiti.. Say also the left over monies will be used for the people when you are there.

I could be your first pledge, if you get everyone involved. PayPal is a wonderful thing.

George asks…

How can i make about 10-15 dollars by tomorrow night ?

I really want to go skating with my friends but my mom said shes not gonna give me any money -___- Jeez why cant things in life be free?

Well anyways what are some ideas that can give me some money fast? Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Sell some of your stuff

collect cans and give them to the garbage disposal thingy, they give you money

have a small yard sell

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Monday, October 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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