Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Laura asks…

Are there any real ways to earn money from home?

I will report anyone who posts a link to a scam or a site that is pointless.
What I am looking for is anyone who has had luck with a work-fromhome position. I have a full time job and I am just looking for a supplemental income. Back in the day people used to stuff envelopes etc. This is the kind of thing I am looking for. I would like to do something to help with gas money that I can do from my house. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

There’s nothing you can do from home, that someone in an office can’t do faster, cheaper, and more efficiently.

Mary asks…

what’s the fastest way to make some money? legally!!?

let me rephrase my question. what’s a good way to make some extra cash on the side, ex. internet, ebay, etc.

Nagesh answers:

I will share with you a website that I used for making money at home, not a fast way to make money but it is a way to I make money part time… I don’t make any money by posting this site and feel free to email me if you have any question about this site…

Thomas asks…

what the best way to save money fast?

i want to save money and buy my first cars, i work as 1st mechanic at good year, and i want to knw how long it gonna take if i want to save like $100-200 week. till i get like 12grand.

Nagesh answers:

Okay, I am in a similar boat as you, I want to save money so that I can buy a car, however I am very good at spending it on things that I don’t need etc
First, Try opening up an account that you won’t take money out of. A savings maximiser is good as well.
Save money on food, such as buy cheaper things (but not less healthy if you can!)
Don’t spend money on things you don’t need. Also, if you have a lot of things at home that you don’t need, try having a stall and selling stuff.
Also, when it comes to presents for b’days and xmas etc, Try cheaper options, like cards/small gift/home made things etc
Goodluck with it all!

Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to get money fast?

I am going into 9th grade and I really want to get some money since I can’t ge a job quite yet…. I’ve tried babysitting but everyone has nannys in my neighborhood… I fail at mowing the lawn and lemonade stands are stupid…. any advice for a 14 year old?

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

Lisa asks…

Ways to raise money for a car?

Hi im 16 and i juss recently got my license in July and i reallly need a car but my parents cant really afford to buy me a car rite nw so do yuh guys have any ideas on ways to raise money or start a fundraiser thank yuh and please dont say car wash lol Thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments. These financial instruments (which include certificates of deposit) will help you understand how to grow your money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Popular channels where you can see movies on the weekends include TNT, USA, and TBS. If you like to rent movies, try using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends. Example: Do not spend more than $25.00 when going out on a Saturday night.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 3 months, 6 months, a year, three years, or even five years. Generally speaking, the longer you decide to invest your money in the CD, the more interest you will earn. Also, it is generally the case that the larger the amount of money you decide to hold in the CD, the larger the more interest you will earn. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from holding money in a traditional savings account at the bank.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Other stocks in which you can invest your money include:

Bank of America Corp
Stock Symbol: BAC

Microsoft Corporation
Stock Symbol: MSFT

Yahoo! Inc
Stock Symbol: YHOO

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Stock Symbol: WMT

Abercrombie & Fitch Co
Stock Symbol: ANF

Home Depot Inc
Stock Symbol: HD

GameStop Corp
Stock Symbol: GME

Ford Motor Co
Stock Symbol: F

AT&T Inc
Stock Symbol: ATT

Coca Cola Co
Stock Symbol: KO

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances. Have a box or jar in place so that people can deposit money into it. Stick a label on the box or jar with an updated amount in comparison to the target goal amount, so that more people will feel like contributing to your goal amount. Example: You may find a graphic representation of a thermometer representing how much money is left to reach your goal (the box/jar has $55.50 out of the target goal amount of $200.00, which translates to a little more than 25% complete; therefore, the thermometer would be about 25% filled up.).

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan. Set a goal: it can be $5.00 from each person or $10.00 from each person or $25.00 from each person. Breaking up the goal into smaller, more manageable goals is easier than taking on the entire goal, which may seem like an impossible task (example: raise $5,000.00 in 3 days).

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Friday, December 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Carol asks…

Ebay Ideas?

Anyone have any ideas on what to sell on ebay?
I could sell some stuff thats in my house, but I was wanting tomake” things and then sell. Like a small ebay business.
Any good ideas would be really appreciated.Thanks.
If it has anything to do with surveys that you get money from, I don’t want to know.

Nagesh answers:

I am an Ebay seller. I sell lingerie.
But if you want to sell stuff you make here are ideas:

baked goods
bath products
wood toys
decorative pillows
jewelry (like bead work)
bible covers and bookmarks
fruit or veggies from your garden
plant starters
tissue box covers

or you can collect items to sell like:

indian jewelry
refrigerator magnets
books and magazines
pet supplies or toys
garage sale finds

I have found it really hard to make money on Ebay. The market is flooded and Ebay keeps raising prices. By the time you pay fees, paypal fees, shipping materials and time you have little profit. I have pulled way back and now sell only if I can make 50% on the item. So it has to be in high demand with very few selling it. Unique items do the best. Search your home and garage for items that are hard to find or one of a kind. These sell well if you list low.
Ebay has been running their sellers off in the last two years raising prices once or twice a month. Many have turned to other auction sites or their own website.
Give it a try.

Good Luck

Ruth asks…

Does Ebay make money?

I would like to know if selling a product on Ebay is more profitable or selling a product to a client face-to-face is more profitable? I am thinking about selling jewleries, and at first I want to sell it to college students, but find it hard to get into their market. So I was wondering if Ebay is a good idea.


Nagesh answers:


of course you can make money on ebay, but it all depends on your jewellery. The best thing would be to research ebay first for jewellery and items you want to sell and check out how much they sell for…Then you can decide if it’s worth your time or not!

Ebay is great to reach a global audience, but people always want a bargain 😉

If you need help with your listings etc. Let me know. I have been selling on ebay for 4 years now.



Richard asks…

Money Making On Ebay?

Hello everyone, well basically I am saving up for an iPhone & Laptop and I heard one of my friends talking about how he makes money online with ebay, I think its buying things in bulk and selling them for more, but I don’t know what he means. What things can you buy in bulk of on eBay that you can sell individually for more money? Can you give me any ideas? Thank you very much.

Nagesh answers:

First off, there IS plenty of money to me made on ebay still even as the economy keeps going down the crapper. The hard part about buying in bulk and selling for a profit is that you have to spend money to make money. AND you need to find your niche. What can you buy and sell that there isnt 500 other ebay sellers selling the same thing. I have my niche, and there are sellers selling and it has taken me a few years and thousands of dollars to start really start whooping my competitors. I sell my stuff cheaper for less profit, but it makes people happy and they tell their friends. Almost forgot to mention, the really hard part is finding real wholesalers. Wholesalers and manufactures are hard to find. Most sellers guard there secrets with there life.
I sell several $25 items every day that i pay $11 a piece for, and there is no way i will tell anyone where i get them (unless i sell my business)

best bet for making money, without having much to spend upfront is to sell the crap you have laying around the house that you dont need first. Then take that money and hit some local estate sale auctions or garage sales, and score some antiques or collectables really cheap. Stick to things that are small and easy/inexpensive to ship. Do your homework first look at what things go for on ebay first. Also check craigslist freebies and freecycle… Lots of people give away items that can get you huge profits on ebay. Lawn tractors, snowmobiles, snowblowers, old pop-up campers, trailers. Those items will ALWAYS sell on ebay. Good luck.

Laura asks…

what are some good ideas to raise money fast? help!?

i want to raise close to $200 by July 15 so i can purchase a plane ticket. i am 17. i dont have a job, and yes, i have tried getting one. just no luck. so what kind of stuff can i do that would allow me to make good money?

thank you!

Nagesh answers:

There’s a couple pretty good money making ideas on You only have to be 13 to use most of them + they’re all free. You could also try buying and selling profitably on craigslist and eBay, I hear a lot of people have been successful with that. Best of Luck!

Helen asks…

Any good ideas for saving money for books?

What should I do? Today I went to books a millon and got a lucky star book for 11 dollars. A lot of other books there are pricey to. Any good ideas to save money???

Nagesh answers:

What I do is go on eBay, I got 5 books (Shiver, Linger, Forever, Lenient, Ballad – all by Maggie Stiefvater) for $34.95 with free postage, so it is really cheap.
Another idea is to borrow them from your friends and if you really like it, then buy it because most online book places don’t do refunds so you can’t return them EVER!
I also use public libraries if there is a book that I want to read but not so much as to buy it.
You could go to book swaps (swap some of your old lesser loved books for other second hand books), but sometimes they are hard to find and there are a lot of books that you may not want there.
You should also try places like Kmart and Target they are really cheep when it comes to books and they sell a lot of books in cheap packs (I got the whole Night World series for $20 [not unreleased book])
People say the small bookshops or independent bookshops are cheaper but this is rare, a lot of them are very expensive.

Hope this helps @(*@*)@

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Thursday, December 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Donna asks…

Who thought of the idea of money?

Did this person just create his or hers wealth?

This person would of surely wanted to gain superiority and control the social value of everyone in the human race and put his or herself at the top of it.

Does anyone know who thought of the idea of money?

Was it simply created by one person who had a selfish agenda and seeked supriority?

Nagesh answers:

The money by itself is useless. Think about this, what would you prefer if you are stranded in an island a bag of fruits like watermelons, coconuts, grapes, eggs, and other food stuff, a fishnet, a spear to fish and other useful things OR a bag with $10 million dollars in $100 bills?

The idea of money came when society was becoming more and more complex and trade or exchange became more and more difficult because I would need more things that you would have or I could carry and stuff. Well, the very ancient government came up with the idea of
introducing a third object that all society agreed that would put a numerical value to stuff and was given by the government. That object became known as money and for the purpose of being it easy to carry, it was done a small object that could withstand the weather, trade, interchange of hands, etc like a metal and we then came to using gold and silver coins.

As everything have now value in respect to all others, money became very much importance but is important because WE and SOCIETY and the GOVERNMENT says is important and WE BELIEVE is important.

There are times that money loses that importance and society not longer believes in that object and money loses its value.It had happened before and it will happen again.Those times are called hyperinflationary times.It happened for example in World War II Germany during and after the war where people literary burned paper money for heating because it was cheaper than burning wood.

That my friend is the history of money.

Carol asks…

Any ideas for money?

I’m a 17 year od student and with big exams coming up I don’t want to commit to a part time job.
However I REALLY need some money.
Basically, I’m looking for easy money, doing anything, and fast.
Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Collect cans from family members and friends then take them and turn them into money at the recycling…..i took 7 bags last week and i got 15 bucks…..hey it is a start!

John asks…

Ideas for making pocket money?

im a teen and always seem to be broke
i hate doing the dishes so please don’t suggest i do housework!
any business ideas?

Nagesh answers:

There are only two ways to make money … Sell products or provide services. With that in mind, it’s important to brainstorm your talents and passions to create a business of your own that will use your skills wisely. Oh, sure, you’ve heard about babysitting and paper routes and starting a yard service. Those aren’t bad ideas but those may not be what you’re into. What are you into??? If you know a subject well, you can teach or develop a newsletter about it. People always want to learn things especially things that will save them time, save them money, or make them money. You could sell products and I recommend products that people either want or need … Video games, non-toxic cleaning products, food, energy light bulbs or programmable thermostats, etc. Check out your local newspaper for trends. Once you find a need and fill it with a quality product or service, it’s time to get the word out by being the “go to” person on the industry. Network with others. Know your competitors and potential customers. Develop a mailing list. Make phone calls or visit people to talk about their problems and your solutions. Advertising effectively. Donate time and money to charity to get your name out there. Write articles and press releases on your business and your missions. Check out Junior Achievements (link below). Check out the library for the various books written for teens and tweens on businesses. Realize that some huge corporations started at home like Coca Cola, Lillian Vernon, Dell Computers, Ebay, Microsoft, etc. Make sure you research how to start a legal business with licenses, permits, tax ids, etc. You’ll get sweet tax deductions that can pay for alot of your business costs even if your business doesn’t turn a profit for 2 years. Don’t let your age be a hinderance. Check out books like “Fast Cash for Kids” or “Prepare to be a Teen Millionaire”

Thomas asks…

Who thought of the idea of money?

Did this person just create his or hers wealth?

This person would of surely wanted to gain superiority and control the social value of everyone in the human race and put his or herself at the top of it.

Does anyone know who thought of the idea of money?
Was it simply created by one person who had a selfish agenda and seeked supriority?

Nagesh answers:

Haha ! U certainly are one of a kind 16year old lad lmao! 😛 Asking a question like this lol You should be asking a more stereotypical question like “who thinks maria sharapovas hot“ “how can i score with this girl“

To actually answer ur money question……erm ive never thought about it ever, i mean its money and i like it :)! Haha

Sandra asks…

Business ideas to make money?

small business ideas that don’t cost money to start or at least not a lot of money

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than you think. The problem is that it is very difficult to find good information without being
scammed or tricked into buying stuff that you don’t need. Here you will find a great place to ask questions and get free

information that will help you succeed with making money online.

There are many ways on how to make money online. Why not getting started offer your expertise aside from selling your stuffs

on ebay. Get paid by writing blogs about interesting topics. Also get paid by writing reviews. Do web design work. There are

good sites that offer free training and free video tutorials and web templates to help you started your own online business

and will guide you how to make real money online.

There are sites that offer free internet marketing tips, free templates, free online tutorials and articles to help you start

your online work-fro m-home business.

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Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Robert asks…

What are some good ways to make money?

Today i went shopping and i found a really nice coat but it cost $80 and i dont have that much money. What are good ways to get money quick? Dont say get a job because im 13 so im too young for one 🙁

Nagesh answers:

Your question is asked and answered here several times daily so make sure to read other resolved questions in the archives because the perfect idea for you might be already written.

It’s difficult for young people to make money but not impossible. I started my own little business when I was 12. I sold calendars door to door from September to December every year for several years. It was fun and profitable. The internet makes selling much easier these days.

What you do for money largely depends on your interests, ambitions, skills, experiences, but moreso what your potential customers want or need.

There may be elderly or busy or disabled families that can use your energy for housekeeping or yard work. You might be able to find a source for non toxic cleaning products that you can sell (or even make and sell). Perhaps you are a good writer and can write a newsletter? What about a recycling center for cans and bottles and other trash that people around you throw out? Have you thought about selling printer ink cartridges or setting up computer for new buyers? Some teens run delivery services for groceries and others plan parties. Your age shouldn’t be a problem as long as you are mature. If you’re the best at what you do, customers will find you. Help your customers make money, save money, save time, and/or get peace of mind and you’re on to a great business that will not only buy your coat but can help you safe for college, a car, and whatever else you want or need.

Do you have a great recipe you can make money from? Do you have an idea for a new t shirt design or some other kind of craft? What about cleaning cars for customers? You can wash and vacuum and clean out clutter.

You might be really organized and be able to help your clients set up folders with important paperwork. Or, what about using your computer to help people budget or pay taxes or write school reports???

There are sooo many things you can think about. Your library will have books written for teens and tweens that will educate, motivate and inspire you. Check them out. One book is “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. The Librarian can help you find others. There is a group called Junior Achievements that can also assist in your quest. They’ve got a great reputation.

David asks…

What are some good chores for an 11 year old?

I want to earn $1500 to buy a laptop, but I need to earn that money. What is a good way to earn money besides getting famous?

Nagesh answers:

Instead of looking at $1500 try looking at blocks of $150 or $15 and don’t expect the money overnight. Even at 11 you can make money but unless you have the cure for the raising gas pricing or a cure for cancer, you’re going to have to work and work hard. I don’t see a reason that you need your first laptop to cost $1500. You can get one for $500. Now as for how to raise the money… Your local library will have a number of books for teens and tweens. Ask your librarian for books like “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. Did you know there are kids making alot of money in their own businesses… And you can do. I am talking legal businesses not lame surveys or holding lemonade stands. If you are serious, your parents can help you. What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? You can make and sell crafts. You can help older people clean their homes. You could host parties or puppet shows for younger kids. You can sell products … Why not energy efficient light bulbs or non toxic cleaning products??? You could write a newsletter for other teens in your city or state or even country. You can start up a little recycling center for cans, bottles, newspapers and such to help your community as well as get your laptop. See what books the library has and believe in yourself. History has turned many little home based businesses into huge corporations… Why not yours???

Maria asks…

What are some ways kids under the age of 11 can earn money?

My little cousin is 11 and doesn’t want to wait to be 16 to earn money, what are some fun ways to do so?

Please don’t just say stuff like mow peoples lawns or lemonade stand.

Nagesh answers:

There are no “fun ways”… You earn money by WORKING. The faster the kid learns that lesson, the better off they will be…

Jenny asks…

What is the best way to make money when you are twelve?

You see me an my neighbors want to make money. I am saving up for a laptop a really nice one. My neighbors are trying to buy clothes and junk.
By the way; my parents said if I come up with half the money for a laptop, I could get one.

Nagesh answers:

Start a lemonade stand, rake leaves, mow lawns, or babysit. I recommend the last one if you like kids–most sitters charge about $10/hour or more, and all you have to do is keep a few kids out of trouble for a few hours. You’ll make that money in a couple months (which is faster than most adults would earn it), and you might just have fun doing it. 🙂

Helen asks…

Would the World have less germs if we abolished cash notes and coins?

For example Swine flu? Maybe money is the fastest cause of disease transmission? What do you think?

Nagesh answers:

The reason so many people have lowered immune systems is because of the OBSESSION with germs and keeping them away from kids.

If you sanitize your home and your child, you don’t allow the child to be exposed to NORMAL germs so their immune system doesn’t develop immunities to COMMON bacteria.

This, in the long run, leads to adults that get sick because they touch a coin!

Kids are DESIGNED to roll in the mud and lick the dog… If they don’t, they are not being allowed to develop NORMALY! Top it off with the numbers of women that are not breast feeding, which is vital to the proper development of the babies immune system by ingesting the “Colostrums” which is the “Pre-Milk” that contains all the mother’s immunities, and things get even worse!

Combine the way that parents are raising their kids in a plastic bubble with the way that we, as a species, are using antibiotics in EVERYTHING for no apparent reason and it is not surprising that MIRSA and other antibacterial resistant ‘Super Bugs’ are developing.

☀ The Truth About Deadly ‘Superbugs’

☀ Rise of Deadly Superbugs should ‘Raise Red Flags’ Everywhere

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Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

James asks…

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself?

I’m working for a non-profit Republican committee to hopefully get a few laws passed and certain politicians elected. That’s saying a lot since I’m in my 20s, not balding, and I’m about to come across in public as a registered Republican progressive.

It’s a shame that in the current Republican party though, there are enough illiterate windbags who can’t understand that Republicanism and progressivism aren’t mutually exclusive nor contradictory.

And that’s the problem I’m facing:

I, and a few other members I’m working with, have a great bunch of starter ideas for laws to lobby that would make the patent system more practical for corporations(which is something many corporations have been wanting for awhile now—–it makes sense if you understand their predicament with the patent office), a revision of some of the fluff jobs on a federal and state level (that don’t really do anything of function and act more as a way to take up time, money, and space—–random clerks at a Federal office that just sit on their *** 10-12 hours a day and always transfer customers/visitors to the clerk that actually does the work, for instance. Those types of positions.), and actually a pretty massive bill that would require police to have more patrols in crime-ridden projects(currently police have the luxary to avoid those areas that desperately need surveillance and law enforcement presence because of the extremely thick gang-activity in those types of regions. The Crips, Bloods, and the Latin Kings——or your regional equivalent—-can dominate entire blocks and projects and terrorize the local populace, but most police districts are either too cowardly or apathetic to face the real threats. Bills like the one I’m pushing for would change that and cut out a lot of the authoritative bureaucracy that the police usually hide behind.)

What I’m saying is the laws that I and my associates are trying to pass are forward thinking, deal with practical issues, and would cut out a lot of toxic red tape and mismanagement that Governments are plagued with. I’m genuinely passionate about applying Republican ethics and policies in a real and practical way that will help people.

….With that said there are other members of this committee that have less than altruistic intentions for their own laws that want to present to congress. Imagine the pettiness of Santorum mixed with the “purity-by-fire” mindset of some Tea Party folk and you can probably imagine the other, slight majority, of people I have to work with in this committee. Can’t stand them, personally.

Where people like myself and a few trusted affiliates are trying to work from within the Republican party to address practical, real world issues through Republican legislation, the other members seem more intent on printing fliers and posters and scheming up new ways to defame the democrats.

They’re threatening to waste all of our lobbying budget on tearing down Democrats and trying(yet ultimately failing) to strict down democrat legislation like Obamacare. They’re too busy hating the enemy and not taking a real-world look about the issues so many of us face. And I’m not saying our proposed legislation is perfect—-but at least it would begin to address the woes of our local, and eventually federal, community.

Those members seem hell-bent on marking their party—–my party—as a zealous extremist party that no one wants to associate with, and people like my and my associates are trying to save a sinking ship——–but it’s hard.

Lastly, so many of them are just so old! And I don’t mean that in a rude way, I mean it in a way where instead of offering any solution to a problem or giving their insight on any of our proposed bills, all they do is insult the current generation(me, thanks for that gramps. Glad your generation plans on being the first immortals so you won’t need to worry about sustainable recruitment to keep up your party’s numbers. Nope, thanks for that.) and obsess over “the good old days”. I think half of them have Alzheimer’s, or maybe they are just that bitter and petty—who knows?

I’ll ask my original question again:

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself? I genially believe in Republican ideals and really want to see them positively benefit my community, but people like me are always contested with the “purity-by-fire” Teapublicans and the older generation who can’t seem to be anything other than bitter and petty at everything they see.

Nagesh answers:

I only read the first paragraph of the rant, but what’s going to happen is that we’ll end up with a 3-party system. The Rep is alienating its base, shifting to center instead of right. 1/3 of the party is Tea Party, 1/3 is right of center, and 1/3 is more like you. 2/3 of the party will bail if a RINO runs in 2014. Your third and a third of Dems that are disgusted by the racism, class-ism, and general nastiness of the current DNC will join you.

The Rep party is “sinking” because they have abandoned their core values and core constituents.

Three parties is not necessarily a bad thing.

Susan asks…

Is money really created out of thin air through fractional reserve banking system?

This is for people who know about the fractional reserve banking system. People who heard of the Jerome Daly case are an additional asset. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Yes, in a sense it is. But it gets worse. The normal banking system has some reserve requirements. The shadow banking system is unregulated and so has no reserve requirements at all:
Furthermore, more loans come out of the shadow banking system than come out of the regulated system:

And yes, there are many who consider this to be a great Ponzi scheme and others, such as the justice of the peace in the Jerome Daly case who consider all this “repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights in the Minnesota Constitution”. But the fact is that on a daily basis, we all really do consider credit with a bank to be of real value.

If you want some analogies, consider physics where our normal instincts is to treat matter and energy separately, even though the physicists tell us it is all one and that what we think of as solid is mostly empty space.

Or consider the classic story about stone soup. What counts is not the money itself but what it gets others to do for you and for themselves.

Money is not a thing, it is a relationship. As Krugman notes about Midas and gold:
There are differences between gold-backed money and fiat money, but both have their value because of faith – whether faith that people are going to want gold or faith that people will accept fiat money in exchange for gold.

(BTW, for centuries, Chinese money was based on silver, not on gold. Gold was just a pretty metal used for jewelry. So when the Europeans bought all those silks, teas, and porcelains from China, a stream of silver went the other way. Soon Europe was running out of silver even though it still had plenty of gold.
And even in Europe, silver was the primary money for many years. The silver “thaler” was where the word dollar came from:
So the whole idea of gold being the only “real” money is just a joke.)

And just to make the stew even harder to handle, think about Krugman’s babysitting club story:
It all makes perfectly good sense on a piece-meal basis. But just as the lawyers in the story didn’t really understand the solution and the implications for monetary policy in general, neither do most other people, and (guessing from the comments of various economists I’ve read) not even all economists.

In any case, just because money is created out of thin air, doesn’t mean you can create as much as you want without consequences. Create too much and you do get inflation, the value of your money goes down, etc.

(Related to this is the Chartalist idea that the real reason fiat money has value is that the state will accept it for payment of taxes. Since everyone has to pay taxes, everyone needs at least some money.

Also check out the colonial scrip used because the early colonies didn’t have enough gold.

BTW, none of these ideas and none of this confusion is new. Mark Twain wrote about the nature of money and the surrounding confusion back in 1889 in his “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”’s_Court

Nancy asks…

How to value yourself more? Is it the same thing as confidence?

I don’t think I value myself as a person. I sometimes think that it would be better if I disappear, or that it’s impossible to succeed in college so why should I try, or that I’m no good to my family because I don’t have any strong aspirations.

I watch successful people on TV all the time and hear their life stories of humble upbringings, but I have no real motivation or drive to make a successful life for myself. How can I value myself more and realize that success should be a life’s goal?

Nagesh answers:

Don’t listen to the depression opinion. That’s bogus.
And don’t base your self worth on fallible things like money and other people. Just be happy you are alive and have a brain and free will.
Are you familiar with a Medieval play called “Everyman”? In the end, the only thing Everyman can take to Heaven is his good deeds. Ultimately, it’s how you treat other people that shows what your value is. You don’t have to be rich or famous. I mean, if that’s what you want, feel free to go after it. I’m just saying that it’s not necessary for a fulfilling life.
Most of the things you see on TV are culturally biased based on our market economy and have no real meaning in the grand scheme of things.
Most of those rags-to-riches stories are bullshit, as they had someone helping them along. And the ones which are true are overblown or very rare cases that are exploited to promote the American Dream–which is more like the American Lottery. (I mean, how do you account for the fact that 90%, at least, of actors in Hollywood don’t make any money as actors? And I would say that at least half of the millionaire actors are related to someone in the industry already.)
If you wanted to go on a game show, you would find that most, if not all, of the contestants are screened beforehand for things like photogenics, good personal stories, and being able to behave themselves well in front of a camera. Why is everyone so bubbly on those game shows?
The same principles apply for anything that involves TV.
Maybe rags to riches did apply in the early to mid 20th century, but not anymore.

Most attitudes and values you see on TV are there to enforce our industrial-military complex.

So… Don’t worry, life is crappy… Be happy.

Daniel asks…

If Atheists rebel against religion and god does that actually make them a Satanist?

and is Satan an atheist? He rebelled against God!!!! does that make him smarter and more Logical??
this is a bit twisted but the question was inspired by an answer I just saw!

of course that would mean that God and Satan is real….not saying that but in the grand scheme of things is this why we atheists are looked down upon more then any other by the theists?

Nagesh answers:

No.In order to be a Satanist one should meet certain conditions.Atheist can rebel against religion, but still be humble, give a lot of money for charities etc which is unappropriate for Satanist.
Satan is theistic Satanist imho

Jenny asks…

Where do I go to find out if a web site is for real?

I got an interesting e-mail and I want to know how I can find out if this is from a real place/company or just another scam ? They aren’t asking for money or anything but I need to check them out. Please tell me how to do it for FREE.

Nagesh answers:

If you do not want to be fooled or get a virus, never ever open attachments or go to a web site that you receive from someone that you do not know or did not sign up for.
Trust me, the only person who is going to make money out of all those schemes will be someone who you got this e-mail from, not you.

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Monday, December 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Linda asks…

I need ideas on ways I can get money fast.?

I’ve applied for every job available. This morning I was collecting cans for money – not working. Im 17 and in real need of cash. I tried websites that pay you for suveys, didn’t work. I need some real good ideas to make money.

Nagesh answers:

For inspiration from other teenagers who earn money doing work they love and who have become millionaires in the process check out:

Charles asks…

Fundraising ideas for teenagers?

So this year my 9 of my friends and I are going to do the relay for life to raise money for the Canadian cancer society. Our goal is to raise 5,000 and we need to think up some fundraising events we can do. We are already planning a garage sale as well as a book/bake sale. We thought of doing a car wash as well, but we don’t have anywhere to hold it and all that water and soap and things would be expensive.

Since everything we are doing is being paid for from our own pockets and 100% of the money is going to the charity, we are looking to do something that won’t cost us too much money, and will be fairly simple to organize and hold.

Thanks in advance on behalf of us all 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are plenty of ideas that are free or don’t cost a lot to do. Your garage sale and bake/book sale ideas are great but keep a few things in mind. Be sure to have large signs saying that you are raising money for Relay for Life and keep donation jars in site. Some people might not want to buy anything but plenty of people will make donations for a great cause like Relay for Life.

Ask your principal if you can put a donation jar in the front office at school. Also ask if you can put donation jars out for other school events like at the concession stand at sports events.
Some local businesses (like gas stations and quick marts) may be willing to let you have a car wash at their location and they would donate the water. Each friend could bring one bottle of soap and things like scrub brushes, towels, and buckets from home. Again, use signs and donation jars so your “customers” will know that all your proceeds go to Relay for Life.

Here is a site that is full of fundraising ideas to choose from:

Relay For Life Fundraisers

Some of these ideas can be done on a smaller scale by you and your friends. Good luck to you with your fundraising efforts!

Michael asks…

Fun ideas for teenagers with no money!?

So I recently got back together with my ex, and we have been looking for things to do. We don’t like spending a lot of money and we live in Montana so the weather is pretty crazy. He always asks me what I want to do and to give him ideas but I have no idea what to do. Right now its the beginning of winter and its super cold so we don’t really have many outdoor activities to do. So, my question to you is what are some fun things we could do? Indoor and or outdoor?
Thanks so much!! 😀

Nagesh answers:

Well you could go to the mall and window shop, also I’m not sure if it snows in your area, but it’s always great fun to snowboard and go sledding out in the snow, also having get together inside while drinking hot coco and watching movies is fun.

Thomas asks…

I am a teenager that needs money?

me and my friend want to earn money we need advice any unique ideas welcome

Nagesh answers:

There’s an innovative teenager in my neighborhood, who paints mailboxes, ($20 each), walks dogs and does lawnwork. (He’s got a whole set up with his dad’s John Deere and other equipment.) He appears to have a number of clients because he not only does a good job, but he comes in much cheaper than professional gardeners.

Since summer is the season for people to vacation, perhaps you can also feed cats, water plants, stuff like that. I don’t know how old and responsible you are — but if you fit the bill, prepare flyers, get references and see what happens.

Betty asks…

Need money fast, any ideas (teenager)?

I’m a 13 yr old that really needs to earn some money. I left my dads camera at an amusement park (someone took it) and I need to earn the money back NOW. This also brings me to my second question, what kind of camera would be affordable, (I’m looking between $100 – $200 maybe) It needs to be a really good camera, but not those professional bulky kinds.

I was searching and this might be the camera that I lost:

But I want to buy a really good/new camera so I can’t buy that one.

I can’t mow lawns or get jobs or do car washes and stuff. The best so far I can do is sell my crappy iPod. I might be able to find some old clothes to sell but thats all the ideas that I have. Any inspirational ideas (please no stupid websites)?
For Just Me: I can’t work because I have homework everyday and I have tests every week and there are so many projects due It’s really busy at my school I’m struggling just to pass my classes. I’d rather pass my classes than spend time mowing a lawn. And it’s not because I don’t want to. I partially don’t know how since I’ve only mowed my backyard 2 times. But my parents don’t allow me to go to people’s houses and ask them if I can mow their lawn. I can’t even pull the starter thingy on the lawn mower. :/
If I do a car wash in front of a closed down store, how would I hook up a hose??

Nagesh answers:

Try making bracelets and selling them. Go to a boutique and see if they’ll carry them; in my town they did for us when I was your age.

Have a bake sale.

Enlist your friends to help you with a car wash in exchange for cooking them a meal or some treats. I know you said no car washes, but this is a great way to make a lot of money in an afternoon, as long as you have help.

You could try asking some neighbors you know if they need help planting flowers this spring, and that you’d be willing to help them for an hourly fee.

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Sunday, December 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Chris asks…

What is a fast way to get money and the best and easiest way for a ten year old? Thank you!?

I am a ten year old boy who wants to know ways how to get money. I can not babysit yet so dont give that as an answer (: Thanks a ton!

Nagesh answers:

Yard work is always a good way and it doesnt take alot to get started. I have lots of adult friends even that do it full time and make a good living at it but you can do it as a kid and might even go into a good business someday.

Lizzie asks…

What is the best and fastest way to get your house organized?

I also need to make a budget and stick to it. How should I handle the bills? So what is a good way to do that? How can I get organized with 2 small kids in a few weeks (we are having a house warming party)? That why I need it done in a few weeks? Thanks for all your answers in advance!!!

Nagesh answers:

I am going to assume you know how to create and stick to a budget and just need organizing help in keeping the bills paid, filed, etc.

Check the mail, open the bills, write checks for them, and put them back in the mailbox. Sounds simple, but so many people set them aside to pay later and lose them, resulting in late charges and slow payment histories on their credit reports. If you are living paycheck to paycheck and have to set aside bills because the money isn’t there to pay them, then that is a different story.

I know this isn’t the best method, but I have a basket that I throw all bills into and about twice a year, I go thru all of it (usually labor day and memorial day weekends). I toss all utility bills older than 6 months, file credit card bills/receipts for major purchases, file bank statements in a binder, and toss the rest. Just make sure you don’t toss any receipts that are needed for tax write-offs.

Laura asks…

How much money to bring on a family trip to Disney world.?

We are going to Disney sept 29- October 5. Two adults and a 5 year old. We have the meal plan. I’m wondering how much money to bring for souvenirs, tips, and whatever else. We are renting a car one day and driving to cocoa beach. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

If you already have the meal plan, tickets, room and air paid for then you really will not need much more.

You will need to tip at your nice sit down places but it is really no more than you tip at home. You will not need to tip at the Quick Serve meals. We stay on property and use the magical express two and from the airport and we usually tip $1 per bag we have under the bus.

I would bring an extra $100 for extra food/drinks but do not be shocked if you do not use all of it. Keep in mind too that if you do not use a snack for the day your spouse or child can use it. Also remember that a “snack” on the meal plan is more or less anything in the parks or resort under $8. They say things are labeled but we have found nearly all are not. If there is something you want under $8 just ask.

With gifts it just depends on what you want to take home. If you like a ton or big expensive gifts than you will want to take more. If your kid is happy with a plush and you are happy with a shirt then far less.

For the Cocoa beach trip I would take a few hundred to cover the rental, gas and any food/gifts you get while there.

When we go to Disney we stay on property, do the meal plan (one snack, one quick serve, one sit down) and park hopper tickets and we are lucky to spend another $250 for the entire week.

Have a wonderful time and if you have questions pop me an email.

Oh by the way, make sure you make your sit down dinner reservations far in advance as the best places fill up fast. There is no charge to make reservations, change or cancel.

Susan asks…

What is the best formula to become slim without doing exercises and spending money?

i need to get slim in the shortest period of time and dont ask me why.i think im fat and how should i be slim without exercising or spending money?help me

Nagesh answers:


I am a detox specialist and I specialize in helping people lose weight.

There is no way to become slim without exercising or spending money because nothing in this life is free. If we keep doing the same things and expect a different result, we are just kidding ourselves.

You either got to work for it and exercise or you spend a small amt of money to let others teach you how..

The easiest and FASTEST way I know to lose weight is to detox.

My mentor also lost 15 pounds within a week doing the detox 😉

A detox is healthy because it brings balance back to your body and losing weight is just a by product of the detox. So at the end of the detox, you will find yourself get more energetic, healthier, more radiant looking as well.

And the detox is simple. All you need to do is three things.

Number one, follow the detox programme which requires you to change your diet a little bit. Eg, take more vege and less meat and seafoods.

Number two, use 1 minute a day to take some natural health foods that I take to enhance the speed and the effect of the detox.

Number three, drink lots of water to flush the toxins out..

And that’s it.

The rest is up to you.

So what do you think? 😉

If you are keen to find out more about my detox programme, you can email me at

George asks…

Can you give me some tips on how to save money at Walt Disney World?

I need some tips on how to save money at Walt Disney World. We’re probably going in February which is good because that’s off season and that will save us some money. The whole family is going so that’s what’s going to cost us a lot. There’s nine of us. Please help me.
There are three kids. The ages are 6, 10, and 12.
Please don’t put stay off-site because we will be staying on-site probably at one of Disney’s value resorts. We’ll book through Disney itself or Expedia. Thanks for your answers!

Nagesh answers:

Book Through Disney, K now that I got that out there this is what I would suggest.

Do the Disney Magic your way package this is what it consist of:

FREEE transportation to and fro the airport( if your flying)
Your room, and tickets for the parks and food will all be in this package.

You will save a lot of money doing this becuase mainly of the food package. You pay like 40 $ a day per adult and like 25 or something per day per kid and you get a great deal of food.
You get one counter meal, which you can use whenever you want. It would be any “fast food” resturant
You get one sit down meal, ANY sit down resturant ( well there is a few that you can’t use this option, but with the kids your probably not going to go to them any ways’s
and you get one snack, like a bag of popcorn a pretzle a pice of fruit, a bottle of water whatever.

Each person gets this per day. And its not just a sandwich. With each meal you get an appatizer or (side) and a dessert and a drink. So for your fast food you can get a cheeseburger fries, brownie and coke.

For dinner or your sit down each person can order a sepperat apatizer a entree and a dessert. You get plenty of food so your not going to starve. They explain the plan to you when you check in with examples and at all the resturants they will let you know how it works.

You can also add the three meal option for little more a day so you get breakfast lunch and dinner, but really the orginal plan is plenty!

Other wise if you not into the package this is my tip:
eat a good breakfast, if your going to eat a buffet eat it for lunch it’s usually cheaper and your getting the same food. Really if your going to eat any big mean at a nice sit down resturant do it for lunch, your going to get the same meal, but cheaper and smaller portions so the kids wont waste if they aren’t big eaters. Have snacks in the room so your not spending five dollars for a small bag of chips.Stay at a vaule resort and use the free transportaion to all the parks. Oh and you can still get the free transportaion to and fro the air port if you stay on property. And yes try to avoid the shops the kids will want everything. I would give them each a set amount for a suviner and remind them that most all gift shops are the same unless they are themed for a certin attraction.

I would suggest Pop century , the rooms are nice the price is right and the kids will love it, i’ve been three times and goning back, its a very nice, clean new resort!

Other wise just save save save your coins and any cash you can set asside and do your best to keep the cost down.

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Saturday, December 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

George asks…

How can I make money in America? I need a side hustle, any ideas?

I’m interested in photography, writing, movies (maybe movie critiquing as well), wouldn’t mind buying and selling items or services, I love to read, I love knowledge…are there any ways in which I can turn these hobbies and interests into ways to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Hi P.Tony,

I’ve noticed you like to write amongst other things. That is a very good thing and if you have some free time you could make nice money writing articles.

There is a website that pays you for every 1000 visitors that your articles get. Let’s say you have 20 interesting articles and each of them gets 50 visits in a month’s period then you get your money.

The less interesting part is that you do not get rich with the money for those 1000 visits – you get maximum 4 dollars, depending on a few factors.

The good part is that you can write about anything and you can add dozens of articles daily. This way your earnings will grow quickly.

There are people earning even a couple of thousands of dollars this way, though they have invested some time writing a couple of hundreds of articles, even thousands.

If you are interested go to the url below and you’ll find all the details about this way of making money online.

I hope this was helpful.

Ruth asks…

money making business?

Ok to any one out there that could help…i want to do something on the side as to make some extra cash. I was wondering to any one out there that is doing good and is making there own money and living well. can you give me any pointers or ideas that could help me start do that or help me invest the little money that i have? To enjoy some fun times with the kids instead of living check to check.

Nagesh answers:

If you have no idea where you are going, no one can tell you how to get there…

There are NO get rich quick magic stories online. You make money by working at it… Period….

David asks…

Raising Money Ideas help!!!!?

i am saving money to give my girlfriend a necklace and it might be out of my budget, so i need you guys to give me a few ideas,

Nagesh answers:

You’re looking to pick up odd jobs to make some cash on the side, you’ll find a plethora of opportunities right in your hometown. You can advertise your skills via fliers, door to door, in your local newspaper, on a free online board (like craigslist) or by mouth. As long as you’re assertive, you’ll find the work. Try a few of the options on this list, and see if you don’t find the perfect odd job for you.

Walk a Dog
If you’re good with animals, offer your services to neighbors who work long hours or travel often. Make sure to convey enthusiasm about the pet in question, and charge a reasonable price so you can undercut the professional services competing with you.

House Sit
Get a list of references that will vouch for your integrity, and search for homes to take care of while others travel. Make sure you come across as professional, clean and trustworthy in your advertisements and interview.

If you like children, you can always make a buck while providing child care services. Offer to undercut the competing price, and consider using your home or going to the home of the child in question, depending on the desire of the parent.

Organize a Closet
You can get paid good money to organize garages, basements, closets, cupboards and junk drawers.

Clean a House
If you know how to use a vacuum cleaner and you’re willing to use a little elbow grease, offer your house cleaning services. Consider offering to do the jobs most cleaners don’t do, such as laundry, dishes and cooking.

Mow a Lawn
If you’ve got a green thumb, you can hire yourself out to pull weeds, mow yards, lay mulch and plant flowers.

Even if you don’t have a teaching degree, you can make a difference in a child’s life while making some quick cash. Make sure you understand the subject at hand, and check local rates before applying. If you aren’t comfortable finding tutoring jobs on your own, check with your local schools for organized tutoring opportunities.

Be a Handyman
If you know how to do basic home repairs, you can pick up plenty of handyman jobs. Most home repair companies take on only big jobs like building decks. If you offer to do the little jobs—fix a running toilet, calk a leaky shower stall, replace a broken doorknob—you’ll fill a niche that is still ripe with opportunity.

Michael asks…

my wrapping idea…?

okay, so! today i’m going to my friend’s birthday party. I got him a zoomies gift card. so my idea on wrapping is, is to get a medium size box, and line the four sides of it with pink tissue wrapping paper. and then put the gift card in an envolope than says “OPEN!”, and tape that to the bottom of the box. then i will fill the box up with different colored (pink/silver) confetti.
and then last, but not least! i’ll tape up the box, and wrap it in wrapping paper.
how does it sound?
creative, good, bad?

Nagesh answers:

Spend the money you thought of for the confetti on something else. Not a good idea as his Mom is the one who will have to clean up the mess that will be made with the confetti when he opens the package. Find something else or get on the bad side of his Mom.

Mark asks…

need creative ideas for ways to sort money…read on…?

so i have different goals im saving up for ( laptop, phone etc) and i already figured out how much percent of what i earn will go towards what. im trying to think of how to organize it all. I was thinking jars, my mom was thinking envolopes. jars are big and i have like 6 goals so i dont realy want 6 jars, but envelopes can get lost so easy! any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Good for you to have goals and for your idea of saving money to achieve them!

How about using blank white craft boxes with hinged lids? You could decorate each blank box with pictures of your goal – for example, decorate one box with pictures of laptops. You can find the pictures in magazines, fliers that come with the Sunday paper, or even print the pictures from various websites. Just use a little Elmer’s White Glue to stick the pictures onto the boxes and a layer of glue to seal the pictures and provide a glossy coat. The blank white craft boxes have hinged lids, so it will be easy to “deposit” more money into them. You could also place a sheet of paper on the inside cover of the lid and use it to record your “deposits” – this way, you’ll know exactly how much money you have in the box. The boxes come in three different sizes and they can be stacked, one on top of the other. Here’s an example of this type of box: . I’m sure you can find similar boxes at local craft stores.

Another idea for you is to use clear plastic water bottles. Completely remove the labels from however many bottles you need – one for each goal – and make sure to dry the bottles out. Use a scissors to cut a small slit into the side of the bottle, up near the neck of the bottle. This slit will be used to insert coins. Remove the cap from the bottle when you need to add paper money, then put the cap back on. Use a blank label to label each of the bottles with your goal. The clear bottle allows you to see how full your bottle is (how much money you’ve saved) and the bottle makes it hard to get the money out – encouraging you to keep the money IN the bottle until you are ready to make your purchase. When you’re ready to spend the money, have your Mom cut off the top third of the bottle to easily get your money out.

If you decide to use envelopes, you can obviously store the money you save inside of them and then write each “deposit” on the outside of the envelope – so you’ll know how much money is in each envelope. Put all the envelopes together and tie a ribbon around them to keep them together, then store them in a dresser drawer.

And yet another idea… Use plastic zippered storage bags such as Ziploc Freezer Bags. You can write your goal directly on each bag, then add money easily by unzipping the bags. If you punch a hole in the corner of each bag, you can tie them together with a ribbon so they stay together. Store them in a dresser drawer.

I hope these ideas help! GOOD LUCK with reaching your goals!!!

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Friday, December 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Thomas asks…

What is the best way to get money fast?

i need money, and i can’t get a job or sell anything

Nagesh answers:

Ask your parents and do not fall for those work at home online things, they are all scams.everyone wants money fast, even me! Lol

Carol asks…

Ways to make money fast?

How can a 15 year old girl get money fast? I won’t sell my body and my parents work isn’t an option. Thank you if you can help

Nagesh answers:

Sell a bunch of stuff (clothes, furniture, etc..) on CraigsList and at Half Priced Books (books, CDs).

Ask all my neighbors if they needed any hired help for odd jobs (lawn care, handyman, car wash, etc..)

Iron clothes.

Pet sitter/Babysit/Doggy walking.

Sale lemonade.

You can clean peoples homes or Wash Windows.

Household chores.

Garage Cleaning Service.

Mail Pick-Up Service: When people travel, people need someone to pick up their mail
and newspapers.

All these can help u to get money fast.

Michael asks…

what are some good ways to make alot of money fast?

im talking like $3000 quick

Nagesh answers:

The question has come into everyone’s mind at one point or another.”How do I make money fast?” Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! There are several ways to make money quickly online, now we will venture through the online category.

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Forum booster.

Let’s begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren’t familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.

Most of the time however the bids that they place on your content are for much less than $10. However, this is still a great way to make money online if you can type several articles per day. You may be surprised to see how easy it has become to earn a part time income through writing for Associated Content.

The next site that we will talk about is Cash Crate. Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.

Doesn’t sound too bad now does it? The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.

They even have a daily survey on the homepage that is guaranteed to make you some extra income; the guaranteed survey on the homepage pays $0.80. It may not seem like much but do the math, over a 30 day time period. That is almost $30 extra dollars just for taking surveys.

Are you still asking yourself that question, how do I make money fast? Well if writing tons of articles and taking surveys doesn’t really sound like your cup of tea, there is always the alternative of Forum Booster.

Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way, why not get paid for it? If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.

It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.

You can find your answer in the Source link. There are presented lots of solutions to do it just try it. Good Luck

James asks…

Work From home?

I am thinking of working at home and I was wondering what or where would be the best place to look online that is not fake and takes your money

Nagesh answers:

Working from home is the easiet way to make money online and the best part is that there is no investment to join and there is no fee and its absolutely free. Never pay for any website who asks you money. One of the easiest, fastest and most convenient ways to earn money is by using the internet. If you are one of those who have realized the power of internet to elp you generate cash the easy waymakng money online can be very easy. Making money online is surely one of the smartest ways to earn money these days. As most and more people are beginning to realize the power of internet to help to get money, in the most convenient possible ways, they are opting for internet related professions, either as a part time job, or a fully fledged career.

Mary asks…

How do I make money fast?

Okay, I really need to make some money fast. I mean like $5,000-$10,000. Or just get a really great job.
Im not interested in sales, or MLM business. Or any of those scams. I just want an interesting/unique way to make money. I know these opportunities exist, I just dont know how to find them.
Please let me know if you know any LEGIT ways to make money.
By the way I am 21, legal to work in the US, have experience in sales, and customer service, very persistent, ect…

Nagesh answers:

If it was easy to make a lot of money fast, everybody would be doing it.

Working in a bar or restaurant can get you decent tips.

Also, not all sales jobs are scams. The selling process depends on the company and the individual. Yes, MLMs are tough, but that’s not all there is. Sales is still the best way to make quick dough.

If you don’t like sales, consider that it may be the product or company that you don’t like. Find something (a product or a service) that you like and approach the local businesses for a position. Target high commission sales opportunities (Cars, wedding dresses, appliance stores, etc.). Home renovation companies also pay well (Doors & Windows, Roofing, Driveway Paving).

Raising funds for charity could pay quite well, and you could have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something good.

Finally, you could be your own entrepreneur and try to sell something that you put together. It could be something as simple as a bus tour (skiing, trips, etc.) or an event like a hall dance or something else that you could sell tickets for (a local band, a comedian).

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Thursday, December 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Nancy asks…

What is a good summer job for an educator?

I’m only an educational assistant. I have a B.A. in Spanish and English and have two semesters left in my teaching licensure program. I mainly need to make money this summer; I’ll be working as a sub in the Fall. I don’t want to work in restaurants or customer service anymore. Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If your city has a recreation center or perhaps a YMCA, find out if they are still hiring for Summer Day Camps. It would probably good experience for dealing with children if thats the level you want to teach at.

I work for my city’s Parks & Rec Dept here in Texas and its pretty fun, aside from misbehaving children.

Charles asks…

How to make money for a preteen this summer?

So I am 13 and I want to know how to make money for summer? I do not wanna do babysitting because I am scared of lice and stuff. I live in a rural area too, which kinda sucks. I wanna make 1000-2000 this summer, so please help!
No spam please!

Nagesh answers:

Visit your library for age correct ideas.

Lice aren’t an issues in real world.

David asks…

How to make money this summer?

I am almost 13 and I want to make some money this summer, but I don’t know what I should do. I do not know anyone I could babysit, but I still want to babysit! Please help! All answers are greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

First, make sure you have permission to do this.

You probably can’t get a part-time job because you are too young so here’s a few ideas from someone who was once your age. Since I wasn’t old enough for a job but still wanted spending money, from age ten to thirteen I worked hard and earned a ton of money (considering it was tax-free and I had no bills) by:
-mowing lawns and pulling weeds,
-walking people’s dogs,
-helping people pack for their move,
-feeding pets and letting them out to pee when people were away,
-working a paper route,
-helping elderly people with grocery shopping and other errands,
-cleaning people’s homes
-washing people’s cars
-asking people (friends and family) for their unwanted goods and holding yard sales
-selling crafts and homemade items (I sold picture frames, ashtrays I made, teddy bears I made and friendship bracelets)

Ask your parents and other family members to help get the word out for you. Get them to tell their coworkers, friends, family, people at church, acquaintances etc. That you are willing to work. Put out ads in grocery stores, pet stores, libraries, on-line, in the newspaper etc.

I earned all of my money (except the paper route) through family and friends and neighbors. I did a good job and people told their friends and family members about me so I made even more money. Look up on-line what people charge and are willing to pay for, for those services. Make sure you have permission from your parents and stay safe by making sure that your parents know where you are, and know the people you are working for. Don’t work for complete strangers!

Also, see if you can make any extra money from your parents by doing work around your house like washing the car, cleaning the gutters, mowing the lawn etc. Good Luck!

Lizzie asks…

What can a 13 yr old girl do to make money?

I really need money this summer, and if someone has any job ideas, please let me know!

Nagesh answers:

Just wash cars and bakesale

George asks…

What are some jobs that responsible 13year olds can get paid for?

My friend and I are flat out broke, and have no clue how we can make some money this summer. Our parents don’t give us allowances, so that’s out of the question. Any ideas on what we can do to earn some money this summer… And if so, how much do you think we can make off of it?

Nagesh answers:

1) Babysitting.
2) Porter – help other people to transport stuff for $$.
3) Sell you old stuff.
4) Sell home-made food/drinks.
5) Help around community center.

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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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