Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Nancy asks…

Need help finding at home jobs that are legit. Can someone help me?

I’m a stay at home mom and i’m looking for a way to make extra money. Please help me!
I’m looking for something that doesn’t take much money to start and something that won’t consume a lot of my time. I have a infant at home and spend most of my time taking care of him.

Nagesh answers:

Any site that asks for money, OR you don’t understand how the money is made, OR its too good to be true (get rich fast scheme) run! What I do and its totally free. Forever. I’m off with a broken hand, so it HAS to be free. You can put in a little time, or a lot of time. Its NOT a get rich quick scheme, but you can make a lot more money than working for someone else. It depends how good you are at it too. If you want contact me and I will send you the website. Its registered with the Better Business Bureau The video explains it all. You will be able to tell if its for you. Its world wide. I know 2 people from India and 1 from Canada doing it. Good luck.

Susan asks…

How do you feel about gun control?

As in laws which govern firearms ownership?

What would you change about gun laws?

Personally I say let people have any gun they want. Even full autos. Draw the line at explosives. Explosives are not defensive weapons. Automatic weapons ARE.

If people are so afraid and freak out that they will get shot, then they should stay home.

Nagesh answers:

@ mr.danger. Then it makes my heart glow with gladness mr. Danger, that you will never be happy. There is no one I would wish unhappiness on more than you.

@ justjose. Why only high school children? I think children should be taught firearm safety from the 1st grade through the 12th grade, and there should be extensive education about the laws (in local jurisdictions & elsewhere & how they differ) regarding firearms from 6th grade up. But the cry bay bed wetting liberals will not allow children to learn firearm safety, they even fight the NRA’s Eddy Eagle gun safety program, being taught in school. They think the more children that do not learn about firearm safety the more children will be killed accidentally, and that will give them more fuel for their anti-gun attacks.

Do you also believe that there should be no allowable excuses for Human malfunctions” that result in unjustified injury or death to another of other things that kill people, either from direct handling or allowing anybody else to mishandle it? If you feel that way then you should also include automobiles, right?

Do you also believe that everybody should be issued a certification upon completion of (years) of training that states that they are fully qualified to buy, to own, to sell and to drive and to use responsibly, the automobiles of their choice, since automobile kills thousands more people each year than firearms?

Wouldn’t it just be a great waste of tax money to “registered” people that never plan on owning a firearm in their life, (whether or not they actually choose to exercise that Right)? But tell us one thing that registering people would do to reduce crime, you are aware that 80 million law abiding firearm owners didn’t kill anyone yesterday, didn’t you?

You say “That, in my book, is responsible “bearing of arms”/gun-ownership.”, I say that is the thinking of a typical Second Amendment hating anti-rights liberal. Oh your scheme of thing sis anything but draconian, it is right out of the modern day gun haters hand book.

No, we do not have to have every excuse within imagining, we only need the important one, it is called the Constitution, have you ever heard of it?????

So you would be fearful of their safe weapons-handling, yes that sounds like an uneducated gun hater to me. Do you realize that in 2009 their were only 800 accidental firearm deaths in the US, while we had over 42,000 accidental automobile deaths in the US in 2009??? No, I am sure you know nothing about that, you spend to much of your time crying about firearm owners, to have learned something like that.

Now, saying that was worth a lot more than 2 points to me.

Ruth asks…

How do I get started with working at home?

I am looking for maybe something medical related. All I know is medical transcriptionist. But I don’t really want that. But, if someone can help me with websites that aren’t scams would be helpful. I know Google is a scam. Non-medical is ok with me.Thanks in advance.
I meant working for google. I use google regularly.

Nagesh answers:

You’ll get lots of scammers answering here, don’t fall prey. But, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They aren’t ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I’m a single mom of 2 who’s tried over 15 opportunities over 3 years so I have some great info for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work at home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You won’t find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Mary Kay however if you’re like me, you’re not interested in pushing products.

Legit home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business! Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I’d stay away from those wanting $1k – $5k. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so don’t pay it. If you’re coming across places that say free then RUN the other way! They never are in the end!

After trying 15 things, I now work about 25 hours per week for a well known and respected company w/ amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans save money on things they need and buy every day. The average American household saves $400 a month using these plans.

Anyway, I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within 3 months. That income has increased now to $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for you should think again! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit and a health plan from day one.

With this company there’s NO products to sell or store, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. Figure out what you DON’T want to do as well and make sure you find a company that fits with that!

I work as part of a team with other reps in the company. I had at least 5 of their home phone #’s the day I started. This is a big one: Make sure that you’re going to have others to work with. Don’t find out you just paid a start up cost and you will be trained by someone in a call center who has NO REAL idea what you are actually supposed to do. Make sure you are trained by other reps just like you, and ask for names and numbers! If they won’t give them, walk away!

I was scared at first because there are lots of scams, but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other I had ever seen. They are members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the US Chamber of Commerce and have been featured in Parent Magazine, Time Magazine, on 60 Minutes and many other places. They are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their kids. This company has an “A” RATING WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These are some of the types of national credentials you need to be looking for during your search and make sure they have a C or better rating with the BBB.

My point here is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more, want help deciding if something is a scam, or just want to chat with me you can click on my profile to the left.

Best Wishes!

Joseph asks…

What should you use if you want to clean out your system (your instestines and bowels)?

I have seen on t.v. that we carry up to 22 pounds excess in our bowels and colon, that never come out, unless you clean out your system with some kind of body cleanser that they were trying to sell on tv. Is this true? and how do you do it at home?

Nagesh answers:

If you get adequate hydration and consume enough fiber, your digestive system will be working efficiently.

Basically these cleansing products and spa treatments are snake oil money-making schemes.

William asks…

How to take a stray cat I found on holiday home?

While I was in france I met a stray cat,the owner of the villa I’ve been staying in said it was dumped on his land and doesn’t want it. I’ve really bonded with the cat, it follows me everywhere and I’d like to take it home with me as I have the money and time to care for it. How do I get it home? (I’m catching a plane)

Nagesh answers:

You can bring the cat back to the UK on the Pet Travel Scheme without having to put it into quarantine. You need to microchip and then vaccinate the cat against rabies. Then 21 days later they can travel to the UK, but you must ensure the vet has provided you with a passport, health certificate and all the necessary documents otherwise they may be refused entry. DEFRA is the government body responsible for PETS and their web site has all the information you need.


DEFRA’s web site has a list of approved/authorised airlines and routes for transporting pets, so be sure to check out that information. With the exception of assistance dogs who are allowed to travel in the cabin, all pets arriving in the UK by air must travel as cargo in the hold. This is a separate area from where baggage is stored and it has heating and lighting. Not all planes are equipped to transport live animals, so be sure to mention you’re bringing a cat with you when you book your flights. Do not sedate it for the flight. Sedation affects their ability to regulate their own body temperature which can be dangerous at high altitudes, and if there’s any air-turbulence they may be too disorientated to steady themselves in their carrier.

It’s not cheap to bring an animal into the UK. If you plan to transport them by air, you can expect to pay almost the same for their flight as your’s will cost. But if you’re that fond of the cat it will be worth every penny.

If you are returning home soon and won’t have time to organise the Pet Passport before you travel, ask the villa owner if they would care for the cat until they are ready to travel if you pay all the necessary expenses (including food bills). Another option is to ask a local cat rescue organisation in France if they will make the necessary arrangements to send her to you.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Ruth asks…

Is it REALLY possible to make money online?

I recently joined and it’s free to use and I was able to download free software and e-books just for posting, they have some very interesting information about building a subscriber list and I am just wondering if it’s really possible to make money online because there is so many get rich schemes?

Nagesh answers:

Nope unless you are in a company t.that allows telecoummuting there is no work from home jobs.

Lizzie asks…

For Older Xbox 360 ownersv(owned an Xbox longer then a few months) What is the purpose of membership cards?

I have had my new Xbox 360 Elite for about three months now, and I just wondered “What exacly do I get by getting a gold membership?”. I mean, you dont get any points for it, so is it designed as a “Money Making Scheme” (Meaning that it has no other point then to make money for Microsoft)? My 360 Came with a 48 Hour free trial, and I got an additional one somewhere, but I’m wondering if its worth getting anymore, or if I’m wasting money.

Nagesh answers:

To play online

Maria asks…

Why do so many people choose to follow tradition rather than what is best?

Christ himself was at rage in the temples for the blasphemy they commit, nothing has changed. I see so many people putting their faith in bold con man’s lies and for what? This can extend into any category you wish to approach but in this instance it applies more to religion (a man made money making scheme). One religion does not differ from the other, they all say they are the right one – it’s like a bunch of football teams but they don’t have the guts to fight for the title (which would not be appropriate for an organization claiming they are teaching God’s word – but then again God’s word is free and available to all, no one needs join an organization to be a part of God… Even if you don’t want to God created all this and you are involved in it)

Nagesh answers:

Brainwashing at its best

Susan asks…

Is it fair that B. Madoff can hire the best lawyers with stolen money from Ponzi scheme?

And pay the bail of US-$ 10 million to get free and buy time. Maybe this case will last for at least for 4 years. In the time Madoff might be dead. I am for making his complete family liable, including his grandchildren. Take everything away from them except their clothes on the body.

Nagesh answers:

Of course it’s not fair. I have a childhood friend (a good guy with a bad problem) that’s doing 12 years for non-violently stealing $400.(hard time in Max, not the country club camp Bernie will relax in for a few years)
Will this guy do 12 years for stealing billions- no. There’s a very slim chance he’ll do more than a few years with his stolen money funding the best legal help possible. As we speak he’s in his luxurious penthouse having caviar

Lisa asks…

What should I do to make a little extra money?

I am on call for my job 24/7 but don’t actually have to work that much. Therefore I have all of this free time to do something. I would like to make some extra cash somehow. I need 100% flexibility and I’m really skeptical of the online schemes. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I joined a site where you can earn money by writing short articles, and it is free to join.

If you like writing, you can earn money there. Send me (through my profile) your email address and your real first name and I will send you an invite so you can check it out.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Sandy asks…

What are some really well made documentaries?

I’ve watched the documentary Kony 2012 and Life in a Day, if i loved these two videos what other documentaries would I enjoy?:)

Nagesh answers:

The first one is well made, but part of a scam.

The movement is under investigation.
Don’t watch the video, you just end up giving money to them for the advertising funds they receive and the scam goes on. You are being used for even that.

Please, everyone, stop posting about this. You’re being used. There are more than 400 open questions about Kony on this site. They are USING you.

And if you are spamming for them, thank you for giving us the forum for ANSWERING with the facts. It will not work, we are on to you.

If Kony 2012 hadn’t spammed us all to death with this garbage, they wouldn’t be facing this.

We’re SO tired of them. NOBODY post any question about KONY.
DO respond to every single one telling them to SHUT UP!

We’re being scammed and spammed, massively. You should all respond and let people know every time they post this nonsense.

The video lies and distorts multiple issues.

I think it is a closed issue. Why wouldn’t we attack you for participating in this scam and trying to spam us constantly about it?

According to Forbes Magazine:

The video is inaccurate and outdated as Joseph Kony is no longer in the Uganda.
The video oversimplifies the complex history of Uganda and the LRA.
The video does more harm than good by focusing the issue on one man.
The video is a prime example of slactivism that reduces real issue to memes.

The government there is STILL there and just as guilty of atrocities, and now the US is being put into a sovereign country into another war.

I think there is a scam going on and a lot of people are spending money on a scam.

He fled his country a long time ago. This is a money-making scheme.

Also listen to people from Uganda:

We are REALLY tired of this garbage.

If they hadn’t spammed every site they could find, pretending to be things they weren’t, they might have received a reasonable reception.

It is propaganda on a while new level:

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

On Yahoo! Answers “Invisible Children” and their supporters CONSISTENTLY posted, every few minutes in areas like Fashion, or Games, about KONY 2012. It was CONTEMPTIBLE and unethical.
They have made millions on this garbage, and TARGETED our children as consumers.

Worse, they started a storm of people saying, “SEE? Christians can be terrorists, too!” But they forget to actually examine his history. He’s not Christian. He’s Muslim.

It’s wrong. They should be investigated for fraud and scamming who knows how many foolish people, particularly teenagers.

Enough of them.

Nancy asks…

What are some ideas for a public awareness campaign?

My school is putting me in charge of a public awareness campaign for Kony 2012 but I’ve got not idea what to do
The only thing is NO DONATIONS
Any help would be greatly appreciated max points to the best one

Nagesh answers:

Dear gods, in our PUBLIC SCHOOL?

They’re feeding this nonsense?

The movement is under investigation.
Don’t watch the video, you just end up giving money to them for the advertising funds they receive and the scam goes on. You are being used for even that.

Please, everyone, stop posting about this. You’re being used. There are more than 400 open questions about Kony on this site. They are USING you.

And if you are spamming for them, thank you for giving us the forum for ANSWERING with the facts. It will not work, we are on to you.

If Kony 2012 hadn’t spammed us all to death with this garbage, they wouldn’t be facing this.

We’re SO tired of them. NOBODY post any question about KONY.
DO respond to every single one telling them to SHUT UP!

We’re being scammed and spammed, massively. You should all respond and let people know every time they post this nonsense.

The video lies and distorts multiple issues.

I think it is a closed issue. Why wouldn’t we attack you for participating in this scam and trying to spam us constantly about it?

According to Forbes Magazine:

The video is inaccurate and outdated as Joseph Kony is no longer in the Uganda.
The video oversimplifies the complex history of Uganda and the LRA.
The video does more harm than good by focusing the issue on one man.
The video is a prime example of slactivism that reduces real issue to memes.

The government there is STILL there and just as guilty of atrocities, and now the US is being put into a sovereign country into another war.

I think there is a scam going on and a lot of people are spending money on a scam.

He fled his country a long time ago. This is a money-making scheme.

Also listen to people from Uganda:

We are REALLY tired of this garbage.

If they hadn’t spammed every site they could find, pretending to be things they weren’t, they might have received a reasonable reception.

It is propaganda on a while new level:

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

On Yahoo! Answers “Invisible Children” and their supporters CONSISTENTLY posted, every few minutes in areas like Fashion, or Games, about KONY 2012. It was CONTEMPTIBLE and unethical.
They have made millions on this garbage, and TARGETED our children as consumers.

Worse, they started a storm of people saying, “SEE? Christians can be terrorists, too!” But they forget to actually examine his history. He’s not Christian. He’s Muslim.

It’s wrong. They should be investigated for fraud and scamming who knows how many foolish people, particularly teenagers.

Enough of them.

Joseph asks…

Are you buying into the recent propaganda push to get us militarily involved in Africa?

BS! That KONY 2012 came out then George Clooney showed up getting arrested and all the BS!

Shove the propaganda up you ya-hoooooo!
I said get involved in AFRICA… that’s a continent ya freaking Shara Palin wanna-be liberal.

Nagesh answers:

Feel free to keep posting here; the backlash from those of us SICK of the constant spamming campaign probably drove the producer of the campaign to wander in his underwear, masturbating and beating the pavement until he was arrested. You give us a chance to respond and end this farce.

Kony is the object being used to create a scam.
“Kony” needs to be a word you cannot post on Yahoo! Answers.

Every time you post a question about this, you are being used.
Someone needs to list each of the members of this group and post them, publicly, so that people can decide if they EVER want ANY of them working for them again. The ethics of this group are HIGHLY questionable based on their behavior.

They are making money on the kits.
They paid themselves MASSIVE salaries for doing the video.
They are making money on the advertising on various sites including YouTube.
They are making money on sites AGAINST KONY 2012 that they create.
They are making money and you folks are the suckers EVERY time you start a post.
They are making money in all directions – this is a well-thought out scam. You are being used.

DON’T buy the kits.
DON’T watch the video.
DON’T post questions or posts about it except to answer posts with “Stop posting about this scam”.
DON’T participate except to shame the scammers.

The movement is under investigation.
Don’t watch the video, you just end up giving money to them for the advertising funds they receive and the scam goes on. You are being used for even that.

Please, everyone, stop posting about this. You’re being used. There are more than 400 open questions about Kony on this site. They are USING you.

And if you are spamming for them, thank you for giving us the forum for ANSWERING with the facts. It will not work, we are on to you.

If Kony 2012 hadn’t spammed us all to death with this garbage, they wouldn’t be facing this.

We’re SO tired of them. NOBODY post any question about KONY.
DO respond to every single one telling them to SHUT UP!

We’re being scammed and spammed, massively. You should all respond and let people know every time they post this nonsense.

The video lies and distorts multiple issues.

I think it is a closed issue. Why wouldn’t we attack you for participating in this scam and trying to spam us constantly about it?

According to Forbes Magazine:

The video is inaccurate and outdated as Joseph Kony is no longer in the Uganda.
The video oversimplifies the complex history of Uganda and the LRA.
The video does more harm than good by focusing the issue on one man.
The video is a prime example of slactivism that reduces real issue to memes.

The government there is STILL there and just as guilty of atrocities, and now the US is being put into a sovereign country into another war.

I think there is a scam going on and a lot of people are spending money on a scam.

He fled his country a long time ago. This is a money-making scheme.

Also listen to people from Uganda:

We are REALLY tired of this garbage.

If they hadn’t spammed every site they could find, pretending to be things they weren’t, they might have received a reasonable reception.

It is propaganda on a while new level:

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

On Yahoo! Answers “Invisible Children” and their supporters CONSISTENTLY posted, every few minutes in areas like Fashion, or Games, about KONY 2012. It was CONTEMPTIBLE and unethical.
They have made millions on this garbage, and TARGETED our children as consumers.

Worse, they started a storm of people saying, “SEE? Christians can be terrorists, too!” But they forget to actually examine his history. He’s not Christian. He’s Muslim.

It’s wrong. They should be investigated for fraud and scamming who knows how many foolish people, particularly teenagers.

Enough of them.

Donald asks…

How do I start a business in england? I am 16 years old…?

If anyone has any helpful advice about starting a small business in the UK applicable for an outgoing 16 year old lad please leave an answer. Lists of suitable items to sell, schemes (legal or not [although not too illegal]) please?

Nagesh answers:

im a student and was looking for ways to make quick cash.
I came across these websites that pay you to do their surveys, you need to be 13 or older so you can join a website. Its free and how much you make depends on how much your willing to put into them.

I got scammed allot but now ive found a couple of good websites that actually pay you. The most ive made so far was $78 in a month which is great for me.

Ive started this blog where im trying to inform others like you how to get started in making money online, so please check it out and i hope it helps you. Its got links to my best websites, and you should Visit which site you feels sounds best.

Sorry for the long message, it was supposed to be short lol.


ive only just started the website, but please check back for more websites and tips.

Ruth asks…

Any presidential candidates that want to destroy the IRS?

Slaves to the US system, preferably the Illuminati. The fact that you can go to jail with people who probably did to horrific stuff, is frightening.

Nagesh answers:

Living in the UK we look across the Atlantic and we are confused by the American obsession with paying tax dollars and the way the politicians try to appease the tax payers by making them pay less tax as a means to get their vote.
Here we have Socialist principles and Noa the word SOCIALIST…is not an evil dirty word conjuring up images of communism and atheism.
Loving your neighbour and doing to others what you would have done to yourself is a socialist principle and Jesus Christ preached Divine Socialism.
So I’m a leper and I come across Jesus healing and I wait in the queue and eventually I reach Jesus and I ask him to heal me.
Would Jesus say,”I can’t heal you because your poor and you don’t have insurance.”
When Jesus says we must do forthe least of our brethern to help them by being charitable with our material things and expect nothing in return then that is socialism.
Your country was once admired and loved because it was generous.
During the 2nd world war the USA gave the British assistance and by doing that along with the help from millions of Russians who died the world was stopped from descending into a nightmare of evil and death totally.
Without taxing people society becomes a society of haves and have nots.
This is greed.
In this country before the National Insurance Scheme was formed the poor had no healthcare,and education system based on priviledge and money,bad housing provided by slum landlords and life was not good considering the country in 31 years had fought 2 world wars with the poor working classes bearing the brunt of the deaths and injuries.
We..the people then…voted for Socialism….it provided us with the means to move beyond abject poverty.
Since then the world has changed.
The rise of materialism and capitalism is the story of greed and profligacy.
By cutting taxes you deny the collective society for the benefit of the individual to pursue their own agenda.
This is the American dream.
Self Determination.
But it can’t be done in a global economy linked to buying homes and borrowing money to pay off the deficit caused by greed and waste.
Politics in the USA Noa is corrupt and open to people with vast amounts of money to interfere and change policies that impoverish people.
When this happens you have a society that is at war with itself and Noa the USA is on the brink of this.
Mr Obama is a good man.
He wants to help the poor.
To do that taxes have to be raised and cuts made.
The rich don’t want that.
They want to exploit the poor.
They resent the poor getting anything that will help them because they…the greedy evil bastards….think it’s their money thats being spent.
The same people have caused so many problems in Mexico with the Free Trade Agreement.
Work that could go to poor Americans is sourced out to even more poorer Mexicans…mostly women…because of the size of their hands..who work for a pittance in massive factories that are in the USA but draw their labour from Mexico.
This is tax avoidance and exploitation and one of the biggest criminals of this are Wallmart.
Noa I could go on and on but its pointless.
Be in the world but be not of it and bear witness to the truth of the evils of mammon.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Monday, December 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Mandy asks…

fast runescape money?

what is the fastest way to make money on runescape and please be detailed any answer is great thanks

Nagesh answers:

Heres some advice: dont play runescape

Nancy asks…

What’s the fastest way of making money on runescape (MEMBER)?

So, what’s the fastest way of making money BEING A MEMBER on runescape? how much time will it take and how much would i make? i want to be a member and all of the members seem really RICH lol.

Nagesh answers:

Spin a CRAP load of flax over and over again just continuously maybe spend a coupld of days doing just that and nothing else and then go to the forums and take the highest bid on them

Paul asks…

Runescape Money Making? I need to make 2M fast!?

I have 1M and I need 3M for a abyssal whip. I only need 2 more M. Is there any good ways to get 2M fast??? I’m a level 82 and my combat levels are Attack – 70, Strength – 67, Defence – 60, Range – 47, and Magic – 55. Is there any skill (or non-skill) related ways to make 2M in a day or two? I’d like to have the maximum ammount of time to make 2M below 4 days.
Mining – 46, Fishing – 64, Woodcutting – 77, Slayer – 20, Runecrafting – 17, Hunter – 15, Farming – 6.

Nagesh answers:

Kill a few green dragons. I have a guide for them below

Richard asks…

How do you make fast money in Runescape?

Easy and fast?

Nagesh answers:

This is one of my personal favorites if u havent done dragon slayer. Ive gotten 5 addy full helms this way. W8 at dragons layer for dragon slayer on cranador. Then let other people fight dragon. If they die, free stuff =)

Sharon asks…


how can i make money fast in runescape. im lvl 83 and not a member

Nagesh answers:

Go mine then sell the iron at grand exchange it goes for over 2k a bunch

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, December 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

James asks…

What is the fastest and the most easist way of making money?

What is the fastest way of making big sum of money the most easist way? Any body know, let me know.

No dodgy information, no online survey or signing up forms. Just pure way of makeing money.

Nagesh answers:

A high speed 1200 DPI color inkjet printer should do it.

Ken asks…

What is a good way to make money 6 months pregnant?

I’m 6 months pregnant and really need some extra money. Ive tried to do online surveys and can never make any money from them. Ive also tried getting a job but due to me being pregnant no one really wants to hire me. It also doesn’t help that i have no work experience. Ive tried to find transcription/data input jobs, but with no luck. I’m very fast at typing and fast at learning new things.

Nagesh answers:

Hello rwrrxitssara,

There are a lot of ways to make money online and many more scams you have to avoid. Anyways is it good to know right from the start that the road to a nice full monthly income is everything but easy – you will have to invest some effort to get the results.

Here you have a couple of the things you could do to earn money online:

1.You could sell all kind of things on eBay or craigslist. These website have a great potential and if you know what are you doing you can easily earn a couple of hundreds even thousands of dollars monthly;
You can start selling things you have in the house and you don’t use, to start with and see how the market is going. After you see what prices can you get on eBay and Craigslist, you can buy those things cheaper from another place and sell them on eBay and Craigslist for a profit.

2.You can make a blog or a website where you write about your passion and then after you drive traffic to it, you add adsense ad units. Every time a person clicks on an ad you will be paid;

3.Join websites that pay you to click on ads. It is free to join and most of them allow withdraws directly to your paypal account when you’ve reached the minimum amount of money.

Below you have my blog’s address where you will find a list with the websites that pay you to click on ads.

Hope this was helpful,

Lizzie asks…

Is there a good way to make money online?

I was wondering if anyone knew of a good way to make money online. I’m not talking about selling junk on ebay or filling out surveys, but honest work (not make $100,000 per month from home) not gimmicks. For instance, I know that some people make money online by editing papers. I need some extra cash to pay off my college loan ($10,000). I’m a finance major and haven’t graduated yet, but just want to get a headstart making some extra cash.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t click on any of those links! They’re either scams or nearly worthless. If you look at several of them however, you’ll notice that they all look identical in structure. The reason they all have similarly cheap, generic designs is because they keep getting shut down from investigations, and the criminals behind them often have to rebuild them over again as fast as possible.

Those sites promise legit sounding jobs like billing and transcription, envelope stuffing, or data entry. They show pictures of people holding cash and use the same hook and bait in the descriptions to pull people in. (Read a few of the pitches and again, notice the similarities.) The reality is most corporations handle their own bills and data or hire someone in person to do it, and envelopes are stuffed and sealed by machines.

Some of the survey sites are legit, but they pay next to nothing. (Like $30/month) You could make more than that in one day at any real job.

Now the good news. You can work at home, but not doing easy work like that. The only real online jobs require serious time and effort, like selling things on Ebay, doing graphic design (if you’re already skilled and experienced), or starting a business based on an actual and professional freelance service you would offer to people.

If you want to start working for yourself, start by coming up with some creative ideas of services you could offer. If you have money and time, you could learn a trade and be certified. Also plan to put even more hours into it at first than you would at a normal job, if you want it to succeed. You won’t have insurance or benefits either. But sometimes being independent is worth all of that.

William asks…

Help me get my business some more money and popularity?

Me and my friend are 13 we have a property in mind we have $100 and recipes for a bakery (a small one) but we need more money so we can buy the property we looking at,2 ovens,a microwave and what other things we need,so please give us fast ways to make money


Nagesh answers:

At 13 you do not have a huge amount of options available to you and to be honest you should reconsider the online surveys.

I know there are plenty of scams out there but there is also a lot of legitimate sites as well that will pay you for the work you do, if you are interested send me an email to find out more information

Laura asks…

What is the best website for online survey’s?

I am looking for the best website to do online surveys without having to pay ANYTHING.

Nagesh answers:

The ONLY one i use. And recommend is Light speed. They pay in points. But you get allot fast. I have already gotten over $50.00 in less than a month. They have many offers. Money, gift cards. Even pay pal. Go to or google light speed survey. Free to join. NEVER a fee. Please avoid the following… All scams.. Dollar surveys. Npd surveys. And zoom panel surveys. They claim to pay. But you have a better chance of winning the lottery first. Just use light speed. I think you will be happy. Good luck.

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Saturday, December 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

William asks…

What is best website to transfer money online ?

I have no idea and I need a little help , please help my cause it is for Orphan kids and a man in Japan is paying some money , I want to know a safe and secure website ! I asked this question twice but no good answers , Please I want to know a secure way of money transfer from his account to me ! HELP !

Nagesh answers: is the safest and fastest way to donate money
and compatible with everything

another option is

David asks…

How can I make more money fast?

OK, Id like to make money fast, im 12 and I just need some money that I can spend this week while we are off for ski break, I want to get about a 100 bucks to get a new outfit for my dance!! PLease help

Nagesh answers:

You need to go to your neighbors and ask if you can:
clean thier home or garage (you can make $100 in one weekend doing this)
shoveling snow
take down Christmas lights

Use your home PC and printer and make some cute personalized stationary and package it in a super cute way – then take samples to your neighbors and parents friends and see if they would like to buy some.

Make and sell cookies/brownies to same people or at your local grocery store.

Offer to babysit some kids for Valentine’s night.

Good luck! Have fun on your Break.

Lizzie asks…

What is the easiest way to earn money?

I’m just a teenage kid and I need cash fast…Is there a way I can get money and not have to do as much work as adults…?

Nagesh answers:

Figure out what you like to do or what you have to offer. Kids can earn money by babysitting or doing odd jobs. (ask a neighbor) Whatcha got to lose. If you show initiative then that will get you far.

Carol asks…

What is the fastest way to get an ipod touch?

Im only 12 and im 98% sure my parents wont get me one…..what is the fastest way to earn money to buy one?

Nagesh answers:

A lot of hard work. Ask your neighbors if you can do light yard work for money (mowing, trimming, weeding, etc.). Ask your parents if you could do chores around the house for extra money. See if any of your neighbors have chores you could do for money. And, if you are trustworthy and responsible enough, offer to babysit your neighbor’s kids.

Richard asks…

What is a fast way to raise money at age 14?

I am 14 and I need to raise $500 fast. I’ve turned in a few job applications and have never been contacted back for the job. I cut grass about once a week but that only gives me about $60 a month.

Nagesh answers:

14 is tough because a lot of places won’t hire people under 16 or 18 years old. And raising $500 fast is usually a challenge at any age. I’m sure your parents would like to know where to get $500 fast too! 🙂

In addition to cutting grass, you might want to contact your neighbors to see if there are other little jobs you can do for them for money. For example, do you have neighbors who need small fix-its around the house that you can help with? You can clean up garden areas, help people clean their garages and basements, haul their trash out to the curb, walk or bathe their pets, babysit their kids, etc.

Some older people who live by you might also need help from a nice young man in things like carrying their groceries in from the car, bringing in their mail if their mail box is far down the drive, etc.

Another option is to talk with your parents and see what they can offer you. Many parents are more than happy to have you do things beyond your normal chores for extra allowance. For example, my son just agreed to vacuum not only his bedroom and living room (which are already his chores) but also the rest of the house for an additional $5 per week. I also pay him $2 per extra load of family laundry that he does. Does your dad have painting or fixing projects around the house that he hasn’t been able to get to? Maybe you can offer to do them for some extra cash and to help him out. He may even want to assist you, which would be a great opportunity to spend some time together.

Also think about getting help for what you are saving for. If you are saving the $500 to buy something you can ask your parents if they are willing to pitch in to help you out. They might, for example, offer to give you $1 for every $2 you save. This will not only cut the amount you need down but also gives you a good lesson in the value of work and saving towards a goal.

Good luck!

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Friday, December 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

George asks…

How do I get these fake nails off of my hands?

hello, i am trying to figure out what kind of nails i have on and how to get them off. all i know is that they put them on with some powder stuff and it turned into hard plastic like material. i want to know how to get them off quickly at home or would it be better if i went to the salon. they are annoying and i dont want to spend the money to keep them filled in again. thanks!

Nagesh answers:

“money saver” u have on Acrylic Nails… And to get them off u need to soke them in acetone for how ever long it says 🙂 hope i helped and if u do want u could go back to the salon but its going to cost u 5x’s more $ then takin them off yor self. Idk how much u pay on urs but 45 for nails and 45 for d toes so all depends on what u want to do. I take mine off my self when im tired of them

John asks…

How do I raise money quickly?

I need to raise about $300-$400.

I’ve already thought about selling clothes at Plato’s Closet.

What else can I do to raise money? No, I don’t have a job and I can’t get one so please don’t suggest that.

Has anyone raised that much money or more in a week or less?
Thanks for your help.

Nagesh answers:

First off do not try any of these work at home scam’s trust me I tried all most all of them and none of them work. I am unemployed my self I got tired of waiting on job’s so I started selling products in flea markets trust me if u do your research on cheap products that can make you a big profit you can make 3 to 4 hundred a day. I started off selling in flea markets my first day i made right at $250.00 now I am making around 600.00 a day. Most flea markets only charge $12.00 a day for the booth start off selling only on saturday and sundays. After you get your money right get a monthly contract trust me its worth it. Dont sell anything like tv’s or radios sell things like hats or replica designer t-shirts where you would get it for 40 to 80 cents each then sell it for five dollars each. Anything over five dollars usually wont sell real big. I hope this helped you good luck and if you need help email me at

Paul asks…

Whats the best way to make a lot of extra money very quickly?

I thought about bartending but I dont have any experience. I’m getting married in July and have to pay for it all myself. I need to find a way to make a lot of extra money without killing myself having 2 jobs.

Nagesh answers:

Sell items from your home on ebay. Babysit at night and on weekends. Etc

Donna asks…

What is the best way to raise money for a daycare center.. They need to get rubberbark instead or wood bark?

My daughter is always coming home with splinters in her feet. I’m talking about 15+ in each foot. I’m looking for ways to raise money for the daycare to get rubber bark instead of the wood stuff. It’s going to cost about $1200 to cover the whole yard. We only have about $300 raised so far. Any ideas on how to get money donated or raised quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Two thoughts:
1.) My daughters’ day care does not allow sandals because the chance of injury to the feet. Is your daughter wearing sandals or are the wood chips coming into her sneakers and socks?

2.) One warning about rubberbark-it is FILTHY. Seriously, at the old building the day care was in, they used rubberbark and it was black and my daughter would come home so so dirty. Make sure they do not use black.

Sorry I can’t help with the fundraising! Have no experience there.


Jenny asks…

How can I make a lot of money?

I am sick of having no money. I desperately want to find a way to make money very quickly or at least win money/ make a lot of money eventually.

Nagesh answers:

My mom and I just started with a company called GNLD. We haven’t gotten anywhere in it yet, but the people above us have been doing it for a while and were able to quit their jobs and just work from home with the company. Also, my brother is signed up but doesn’t do anything with the business, but people signed up under him, so he gets money when they buy and sell products. Seems to me like it’ll turn out really good, so I thought you might be interested. Here’s the website: if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Just email me at brittagnld(at)

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Thursday, December 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

Jenny asks…

What are ways other than a lemonade stand for my kids to earn some money?

My son wants a PSP and he says he’s going to do a lemonade stand, he wants other ideas to make money.
Though he doesnt’s want to sell anything on eBay (he says you don’t get enough money beacuse that’s where cheapos by stuff and try to get really good deals). Any ideas would be great.
My son wants a PSP and he says he’s going to do a lemonade stand, he wants other ideas to make money.
Though he doesnt’s want to sell anything on eBay (he says you don’t get enough money beacuse that’s where cheapos by stuff and try to get really good deals). Any ideas would be great. by the way he’s 11

Nagesh answers:

Maybe he small jobs around other peoples’ houses for them. That’s one way..I really can’t think of any more, but If I do, I’ll leave another message.

Sandy asks…

How to make money as a kid?

I have a mate who is 12 years old and he wants to earn some money because he is saving up for a new games console. But he doesn’t have any ideas on how to make money. Can some one give him some ideas?

Nagesh answers:

My 15 year old son has made a killing since school let out cutting grass. With the heat and the cost of gas most people do not mind paying $15 or $20 to have their grass cut and it usually takes less than an hour.

Chris asks…

I need ideas to make & save money to travel to Spain next spring for my brother’s wedding. Can anyone help? 🙂

This is not a chance to advertise your scamming online business. I’ve tried alot of those and I’m done with that. I need real ideas that I can do from home (i’m a stay at home mom with two small kids) and that actually work! Thanks for your help!

Nagesh answers:

You could do an in-home daycare. Or put your name on a bulletin board in a retirement community for grocery service. Then plan your grocery trips for once or twice a week and charge $10.00 or $20.00 for each person you shop for. You can take the kids and you probably are gonna be at the grocery store anyway. It is worth a shot. And better than all those scams like envelope stuffing. Good luck and have fun in Spain!

Ken asks…

ways to make money for kids?

Ok I’m fifteen and I was like hey mom how much money do I have in my bank account? She was like $367. I was like WHAT. It seems like a lot, but I used to have like $600 and I have no idea where it all went! I don’t even shop that much! What are some ways I can make money?

Nagesh answers:

You can work at any fast food restaurant.

Find an elderly person who lives alone and needs help cooking and shopping. $250 a month.

Organize neighbors’ garages for $10 apiece. Once they see how hard you work, they will hire you for other jobs.

Nancy asks…

What is the best way to make money for business fair?

Well there is an anual thang every year that we do at our school. Its called buisness fair we selll stuff to kids can you give any ideas that would make goooddd money 😛

Nagesh answers:

Selling souvenirs of teen idols or gaming characters is a good bet.
Low cost trendy stuffs could be a boom too.
To ensure success, it will be wise to make a survey before any investment.

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Wednesday, December 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Sandy asks…

Can yo check my grammar?

Can yo check my grammar?

Beauty is in the eye of beholder is an unknown proverb in contemporary society. It is only a simple sentence that does not make any sense anymore. Some women think social interaction and personal success are dependent on physical attraction. Being perfect is a common issue, but when this issue becomes obsession it can become a more serious mental illness. Plastic surgery is a huge obsession among all people including preteens, teenagers, and adolescents. It is an obsession that is fed by models and celebrities who think nothing of going under the scalpel again and again in an elusive chase after a beauty icon that doesn’t exist.
Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not healthy way to look perfect. Plastic surgery can affect person physical, socially and mentally. Plastic surgery can also have many side effects. It is painful procedure that can even lead to death. A young mother, Dehlmalyz Rios, was 26 years old when she decided to have plastic surgery. Two days after the surgery her body rejected the fat that was deposited in her calves. She died by leaving two children. It can ruin lives as well. Some side effects are permanent such as physical pain. Plastic surgery includes cutting, bending, stretching and other method to manipulate body structure in order to get desired shape. This causes pain, discomfort, and swelling that may remain for a lifetime. Plastic surgery can cause depression brought on by medication used to control the after affects of surgery. Of course there is always the post-surgical risk of pneumonia from having to remain in bed for long periods of time or of forced inactivity. Sometimes there are emotional traumas from the surgery not having the desired affect, or the person’s refusal to accept the modifications. There can also be guilt or bad feelings caused by spouses, relatives, or friends.
Cosmetic surgery is depends a great deal on the doctor’s qualifications. There are doctors who offer surgery at very low prices who are not skilled or qualified to perform plastic surgery. Most of these doctors are untrained except for a seminar in hotel for a few hours. Credentials aren’t checked so that people who may not even be doctors are allowed to take the seminar. In Miami, a doctor named Reinaldo Slivestre, practiced surgery in a small office. He had very little medical training. One of his patients, named Alexandra Baez, claimed that he gave him breast implants instead of the pectoral muscle implant that he had requested. Many doctors who are performing plastic surgery are not licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. They are quacks; get rich quick surgeons, performing as many surgeries as they can under less than sterile conditions.
Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. This doesn’t prevent people from seeking it. Plastic surgery costs thousands of dollars and usually requires a lot of recovery time. Some people sacrifice their basic needs to save enough money for plastic surgery.
There are those who say that plastic surgery should not be used to just change someone’s appearance for the sake of vanity. Sometimes plastic surgery taken to the extreme can make someone look less than human, as is the case with Michael Jackson. People make fun of him, but he is wealthy enough that it doesn’t affect his life. But what about the person who was not wealthy or a celebrity and the surgery go wrong? The surgeon may say they are sorry, but they can just walk away. The patient has to live with the awful results. But whether the surgical effects are deemed a success or failure, both the surgeon and the patient are responsible for one requested

Nagesh answers:

I put dashes where words need to be ommitted. BTW that is a very common expression, never got to be a proverb, but was printed over and over in poetry and art for thousands of years. It is not out-dated, but except for that, I’ll just continue with the grammar. Where you need a new paragraph, I’ll skip a line. You will have to read this carefully, because I have no color or underline to show you where I’ve made corrections, and you tend to leave out words. I’ve put them in, so look for them, okay? (Preteens, teenagers and adolescents are the same, no?)

“Beauty is in the eye of beholder,” is an unknown proverb in contemporary society. It is —- a simple sentence that does not make — sense anymore. Some women, and now many more men, think social interaction and personal success are dependent on physical attraction, and unfortunately, in this society, they are often right. Being perfect is a common issue, but when this issue becomes an obsession it can grow into a far more serious mental illness.

Plastic surgery is a huge obsession among all people including preteens, teenagers, and adolescents. It is an obsession that is fed by models and celebrities who think nothing of going under the scalpel again and again in an elusive chase after a beauty icon that doesn’t exist.

Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not a healthy way to look perfect. Plastic surgery can affect a person physically, socially and mentally, and it can — have many side effects. It is a painful procedure that can even lead to death. There is a 5% death risk for all people who undergo anesthesia, especially general anesthesia, which is used in many cosmetic operations.

A young mother, Dehlmalyz Rios, was 26 years old when she decided to have plastic surgery. Two days after the surgery her body rejected the fat that was deposited in her calves. She died, leaving two children behind. Clearly it can ruin the lives of more than just its proponents.

Plastic surgery includes cutting, bending, stretching and other methods to manipulate body structure in order to get a desired shape. This causes pain, discomfort, and swelling that may remain for a lifetime. Some side effects, such as physical pain, are permanent.

Plastic surgery can cause depression brought on by medication used to control the aftereffects of surgery. Poor and sometimes grotesque results may also bring on depression and other emotional problems.

Of course there is always the post-surgical risk of pneumonia from having to remain in bed for long periods of time or as a result of forced inactivity, and there are the risks of infection and human error. Sometimes there are emotional traumas from the surgery not having the desired effect, or the person’s inability to accept, or disappointment with, the modifications. There can also be guilt or bad feelings caused by spouses, relatives, or friends.

Cosmetic surgery — depends a great deal on the doctor’s qualifications. There are doctors who offer surgery at very low prices who are not skilled or qualified to perform plastic surgery. Most of these doctors are untrained except for a seminar in a hotel for a few hours. Credentials aren’t checked so that people who may not even be doctors are allowed to take these seminars.

In Miami, a doctor named Reinaldo Slivestre, practiced surgery in a small office. He had very little medical training. One of his patients, named Alexandra Baez, claimed that he gave him breast implants instead of the pectoral muscle implant that he had requested. Many doctors who are performing plastic surgery are not licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. They are quacks, get-rich-quick surgeons, who perform as many surgeries as they can and often under less than sterile conditions.

Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. This doesn’t prevent people from seeking it. Plastic surgery costs thousands of dollars and usually requires a good deal of recovery time. Some people sacrifice their basic needs to save enough money to pay for the surgery.

There are those who say that plastic surgery should not be used to — change someone’s appearance for the sake of vanity. Sometimes plastic surgery taken to the extreme can make someone look less than human, as is the case with Michael Jackson. People make fun of him, but he is wealthy enough that it doesn’t seem to affect his life.

But what about the person who is not wealthy, or what if a celebrity and the surgeon go wrong in making decisions? The surgeon may say he or she is sorry, but the surgeon can just walk away. The patient has to live with the awful results. But whether the surgical effects are deemed a success or failure, both the surgeon and the patient are responsible. ————

That’s why cosmetic surgery is called “elective” surgery. It is non-essential to the health of the patient, yet it is thoughtlessly and often carelessly indulged in by a, hopefully, rational patient and doctor, this non-essential “beauty pill” that can be, and often is, a matter of life and death.

Donna asks…

can yo check my grammar?

Beauty is in the eye of beholder is an unknown proverb in contemporary society. It is only a simple sentence that does not make any sense anymore. Some women think social interaction and personal success are dependent on physical attraction. Being perfect is a common issue, but when this issue becomes obsession it can become a more serious mental illness. Plastic surgery is a huge obsession among all people including preteens, teenagers, and adolescents. It is an obsession that is fed by models and celebrities who think nothing of going under the scalpel again and again in an elusive chase after a beauty icon that doesn’t exist.
Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not healthy way to look perfect. Plastic surgery can affect person physical, socially and mentally. Plastic surgery can also have many side effects. It is painful procedure that can even lead to death. A young mother, Dehlmalyz Rios, was 26 years old when she decided to have plastic surgery. Two days after the surgery her body rejected the fat that was deposited in her calves. She died by leaving two children. It can ruin lives as well. Some side effects are permanent such as physical pain. Plastic surgery includes cutting, bending, stretching and other method to manipulate body structure in order to get desired shape. This causes pain, discomfort, and swelling that may remain for a lifetime. Plastic surgery can cause depression brought on by medication used to control the after affects of surgery. Of course there is always the post-surgical risk of pneumonia from having to remain in bed for long periods of time or of forced inactivity. Sometimes there are emotional traumas from the surgery not having the desired affect, or the person’s refusal to accept the modifications. There can also be guilt or bad feelings caused by spouses, relatives, or friends.
Cosmetic surgery is depends a great deal on the doctor’s qualifications. There are doctors who offer surgery at very low prices who are not skilled or qualified to perform plastic surgery. Most of these doctors are untrained except for a seminar in hotel for a few hours. Credentials aren’t checked so that people who may not even be doctors are allowed to take the seminar. In Miami, a doctor named Reinaldo Slivestre, practiced surgery in a small office. He had very little medical training. One of his patients, named Alexandra Baez, claimed that he gave him breast implants instead of the pectoral muscle implant that he had requested. Many doctors who are performing plastic surgery are not licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. They are quacks; get rich quick surgeons, performing as many surgeries as they can under less than sterile conditions.
Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. This doesn’t prevent people from seeking it. Plastic surgery costs thousands of dollars and usually requires a lot of recovery time. Some people sacrifice their basic needs to save enough money for plastic surgery.
There are those who say that plastic surgery should not be used to just change someone’s appearance for the sake of vanity. Sometimes plastic surgery taken to the extreme can make someone look less than human, as is the case with Michael Jackson. People make fun of him, but he is wealthy enough that it doesn’t affect his life. But what about the person who was not wealthy or a celebrity and the surgery go wrong? The surgeon may say they are sorry, but they can just walk away. The patient has to live with the awful results. But whether the surgical effects are deemed a success or failure, both the surgeon and the patient are responsible for one requested

Nagesh answers:

I’ll look it over quickly. I saw verb-tense arguments, and you need to use better qualifiers. Sometimes you are qualifying too much. If you can say it in one word, there’s no need for a list of descriptors. You should use more compound sentences. For example, combine these sentences “Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not healthy way to look perfect.” This can be one sentence, and it would be more effective. There are many instances where a compound sentence would add fluidity to your paper.

“They are quacks” We know who they are, but what is a quack? You define a get rich surgeon, but what is a quack? It’s unnecessary and both “they” and the the term “quack” only adds weakness to your paper.

Avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction like “But.” Only really good writers get away with that, and until your style is supported with excellent grammar, you should avoid that error.

Well done, but it needs polishing. Sorry I don’t have time to look it over in more detail.

Jenny asks…

Being stingy about borrowing?

How so i approach this for the next time this happens?

I have a friend who likes to borrow my things… clothes, shoes, even luggage. We’re in our mid to late twenties and she still asks to borrow my things. Is there an age that “borrowing” becomes kind of… silly? Growing up in highschool, no prob, borrow whatever, the clothes we bought were cheap and inexpensive. But at this age, these things that are borrowed cost a pretty penny. She borrowed my carry on, and when i go it back, the second i opened it to use it, i felt like i got hit in the face with the smell of smoke. (Probably from putting dirty clothes she was wearing while she was smoking straight into the suitcase.) I am a non-smoker so i give her the benifit of the doubt she didn’t realize the smoke smell and I am probably sensitive to it. But examples like this. I put dirty clothes in a bag when Im coming home from vaca. I feel like i take very good care of my things, as that is how i keep things nice and longterm. I’ll even dryclean clothes that dont require a dry clean tag just because it was expensive and im afraid my washer/dryer would ruin them. Anyway. Im pregnant and i obviously am not wearing my clothes which has given her a reason to borrow my clothes longer. I really don’t feel comfortable lending my clothes/shoes to anyone really, but how to i stop something that has been normal since we were teenagers without feeling like im being snotty or rude? I don’t borrow her clothes. Plus, when we’ve been out shopping in the past, she would make comments “i wouldn’t pay $xx for that”… or “it’s cute, but not for $xx” for things i buy. Quick to insult, but quick to borrow at the same time. I know that I pay atleast double for anything that she is willing to pay for the nicer things, but knowing that i spend more, i take the extra mile to keep it nice. And a lot if it is irreplaceable I feel like i should add a disclaimer when she asks to borrow things, like, you can borrow whatever you want as long as you are willing to pay for it if something happens to… kind of an insurance thing? I dont think I would really ask for money if something were to happen, but would think this is a way to make her think twice about borrowing things. I just feel like we’re at an age that we shouldn’t be borrowing clothes anymore. So how do I hint at this? Any suggestions or am i being too much?

At the moment, she is borrowing a dress (for over a month now since im preggo). When she picked it up, it was in a dry cleaner bag. and asked if it has to be dry cleaned. I said no, but i like to have it cleaned that way. But obviously i had it dry cleaned, so wouldnt it be common courtesy to return something the way it was before? I see her in pictures at bars/nightclubs in the dress, and i think, i hope she doesn’t burn a hole in it with a cigarette.

Nagesh answers:

Just say No maybe with an excuse – its broken/damaged/lost/ then try and change the subject. I would be really annoyed if my stuff came back smelling of smoke or not cleaned.

Chris asks…

is this fine essay?

“Beauty is in the eye of beholder,” is an unknown proverb in contemporary society. It is a simple sentence that does not make sense anymore. Some women, and now many more men, think social interaction and personal success are dependent on physical attraction, and unfortunately, in this society, they are frequently right. Being perfect is a common issue, but when this issue becomes an obsession it can grow into a far more serious mental illness. Plastic surgery is a huge obsession among all people including preteens, teenagers, and adolescents. It is an obsession that is fed by models and celebrities who think nothing of going under the scalpel again and again in an elusive chase after a beauty icon that does not exist. Plastic surgery is not without risk. It is not a healthy way to look perfect.
Plastic surgery can affect a person physically, socially and mentally, and it can have many side effects. It is a painful procedure that can even lead to death. There is a five percent death risk for all people who undergo anesthesia, especially general anesthesia, which is used in many cosmetic surgeries (Younai). A young mother, Dehlmalyz Rios, was 26 years old when she decided to have plastic surgery. Two days after the surgery her body rejected the fat that was deposited in her calves. She died, leaving two children behind. Clearly it can ruin the lives of more than just its proponents (Peru 2). Plastic surgery includes cutting, bending, stretching and other methods to manipulate body structure in order to get a desired shape. This causes pain, discomfort, and swelling that may remain for a lifetime. Some side effects, such as physical pain, are permanent. Plastic surgery can cause depression brought on by medication used to control the aftereffects of surgery. Poor and sometimes grotesque results may also bring on depression and other emotional problems. Of course there is always the post-surgical risk of pneumonia from having to remain in bed for long periods of time or as a result of forced inactivity, and there are the risks of infection and human error. Sometimes there are emotional traumas from the surgery not having the desired effect, or the person’s inability to accept, or disappointment with, the modifications. There can also be guilt or bad feelings caused by spouses, relatives, colleague or friends.
Cosmetic surgery depends a great deal on the doctor’s qualifications. There are doctors who offer surgery at very low prices who are not skilled or qualified to perform plastic surgery. Most of these doctors are untrained except for a seminar in a hotel for a few hours. Credentials aren’t checked so that people who may not even be doctors are allowed to take these seminars. In Miami, a doctor named Reinaldo Silvestre, practiced surgery in a small office. He had very little medical training. One of his patients, named Alexandra Baez, claimed that he gave him breast implants instead of the pectoral muscle implant that he had requested (CNN). Many doctors who are performing plastic surgery are not licensed by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. They are quacks, get-rich-quick surgeons, who perform as many surgeries as they can and often under less than sterile conditions (Odenthal).
Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. This doesn’t prevent people from seeking it. Plastic surgery costs thousands of dollars and usually requires a good deal of recovery time. Some people sacrifice their basic needs to save enough money to pay for the surgery. There are those who say that plastic surgery should not be used to change someone’s appearance for the sake of vanity. Sometimes plastic surgery taken to the extreme can make someone look less than human, as is the case with Michael Jackson. People make fun of him, but he is wealthy enough that it doesn’t seem to affect his life.
But what about the person who is not wealthy or what if a celebrity and the surgeon go wrong in making decisions? The surgeon may say he or she is sorry, but the surgeon can just walk away. The patient has to live with the awful results. But whether the surgical effects are deemed a success or failure, both the surgeon and the patient are responsible the surgery and the other performed it. With everything there is good and bad. Plastic surgery is no exception.
Cosmetic surgery can make someone feel better about their looks, which may lead to an improved life. And certainly cosmetic surgery to repair birth defects, burns, and scars is a boon. But people need to realize that looking like a Hollywood star isn’t necessarily going to change your life or make you happier. They need to understand that things can and do go wrong with plastic surgery and the decision to have plastic surgery shouldn’t be taken lightly. Because when you get right down to it, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder.
Plastic surgery is a risk that is undertaken with both sorrow and pleasure. Before making a decision, a person must consider risks such as unexpected costs, untrained surgeons, and physical pain during and after surgery. People should not be taken in by how inexpensive a surgery is; rather, they should be concerned about the most important thing of all: life. Plastic surgery is preferable for people who don’t have other options, but it is not the best way to look like those Hollywood models and celebrities.

“Not guilty plea in fake plastic surgeon case.” November 19, 2004

Karl Ross. “Search for Beauty Ends in Death.” 1998: 2

Nagesh answers:

How on earth did you get all these characters in your question???

I thought we were only allowed one thousand of them?!?

Mark asks…

Why can’t the current generation be good?

Ok. I have been watching countless videos on Youtube with people sharing their great experiences from the 90’s, you know, the great TV shows, the music, the fashion, and so as I was watching those videos, something occurred to me: THE CURRENT GENERATION SUCKS! I HATE it! All of it! Today’s television shows are lame, the music is HORRIBLE, the economy is a FAIL, natural disasters are on the rise, and the world in general is just crappy. I can’t even watch tv without hearing, Earthquake this, economy that, Justin Beiber this, and I just can’t take it. My generation just fails, and the people my age don’t even realize it. When I’m on the school bus, everyone is just texting and they’re plugged into their darn Ipods and cellphones. I can’t even talk to anybody because all they care about is their gadgets. No one even talks to anyone anymore. Why can’t I enjoy a simpler life? Back in the 90’s, most teenagers didn’t have cellphones, it took 3 minutes to get to the Internet, and you could still get analog tv. Now, everyone has a cellphone, and analog tv is gone forever. Now, television writers are lame, money grubbing idiots who just throw together poorly-written, nonsense shows, just so they can get a quick laugh and make a quick buck. They don’t care if the show is lame. All the 90’s shows I have seen are good, but most of the shows made nowadays are just failures. If they could make good shows back then, why can’t they make good shows now? Music now is lame, too. All the artists do is make stupid lyrics and use Autotune, thinking that they can sing good. And all the kids at school come in singing the dumb songs and probably don’t even know what they’re saying. And if you don’t listen to the same music that everyone listens to, they gang up on you and ridicule you. It’s really stupid. I just HATE my generation. WHY did I have to grow up in this crappy period? I’m sure I would have liked the 90’s better, but, sadly I was only two when the 90’s ended. I didn’t get to experience it at all. When I see videos of 20-something year-old people reminiscing about the 90’s, I feel glad for them that they had a good generation, but I die inside because I know that mine sucks. Why do things have to be like this? Why does the current generation have so many problems? I feel betrayed. I feel like I don’t deserve to have grown up in such a bad time. I just wish that things were better, life was simpler, just like the 90’s were said to be. I just want to know why are things this way now, and is there anything that can be done about it?

Nagesh answers:

I’m 24 and i grew up during the 90’s, it wasn’t that long ago but there have been numerous technological advancements since then and it just feels like we’re living on another planet. My honest opinion is that our dependency on the internet is the downfall of everything. Yes, it’s an incredibly useful tool that makes life that much easier(and most of us would be lost without it), but i feel that this electronic colonization is acting as a crutch for society.

For instance, if you wear glasses, your eyes naturally become weaker over time because they’re not being used nearly as much. The same could be said about the cognitive abilities of today’s youth. When i was a kid, not many people had cell phones and even fewer people had computers. The internet was a vast wasteland and there really wasn’t much compared to these days, most people really didn’t care much about it. As a result, the world seemed to move a little bit slower. These days, everything is available at the push of a button. The end result is just a massive sense of impatience, and it’s definitely causing a noticeable change in how kids act these days.

As for having better music, movies, tv, etc, corporations are what happened. When people start selling out, quality becomes second tier next to a paycheck. Kurt Cobain never valued the almighty dollar over his lyrics, and this eventually caused him to end his own life. You just don’t see that kind of behavior these days…at least you seem normal, maybe there’s hope. Good luck yo.

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Tuesday, December 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Mandy asks…

How to earn money fast if you’re 14?

I want to know good ways. No babysitting, mowing lawns; no jobs like that. I mean real jobs with paychecks. I heard maybe I could stack shelves but I don’t know for what stores >.< also, I tried online surveys but I’m not sure which websites are scams so if you can help me out with that too; please. Any other way I can earn money fast? Don’t tell me there isn’t jobs I can get; I know there is, it’s just the matter of WHICH ones I need to know. Please help me.

Nagesh answers:

For the 897,325th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. Not one. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. No nothing.
You will not find one from your house.
You will not find one with your mouse.
You will not find one here or there.
You will not find one anywhere.

Robert asks…

How can I buy a penis growing product without my parents finding out?

So I want to buy a penis growing product from either penisadvantage or grow your penis fast online I’m 16 and I don’t want them finding out when I buy one of them it will probably be shipped to my house but I will be at school so how can I get the package without them getting it please help thank you

Nagesh answers:

They don’t work. You’ll just be wasting your money. You’re 16 so you have maybe another few years to grow, eat more protein, especially eggs, and get exercise, this will boost your testosterone and help it grow over time. You can also lose weight if you’re overweight, the fat in the pubic area can hide a lot of the penis. Also trimming down your pubic hair will help to reveal more of it.

If you still want to buy such a device though, you’ll have to ask the carrier to hold for pickup, and then you would pick it up, but you’ll need ID.

Sandy asks…

Should I fish sharks or swordfish for money in runescape?

I am level 80 in fishing and I’m p2p. I don’t really care about the XP I just wanna know which one would make money faster for me .I fish at catherby btw .

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t care about fishing XP then you might try cannon ball making. It takes a while but you can make a mil easy and your experience continually gains. However, I don’t know much on fishing price differences. If you really want to find out the best ways to make money, try looking on the money checker thing and check the price of a shark and then a swordfish, these prices should hold true in the grand exchange. Also, if you want, check the price of a single cannon ball (I think it’s like 90 or higher, which is really nice since one steel bar converts into four cannon balls which equals 360 gold pieces, not sure on exact pricing but I know it’s pretty good.). From here, check the pricing of a single steel bar because usually you’d think you have to mine all the time to get the steel bars, but in reality you can buy the steel bars from the grand exchange for less money than you gain which means you still get a profit from selling the cannon balls. And believe me, the more times you make and sell cannon balls, the more your money accumulates. Honestly, if fishing’s faster then you’d want to be able to use a ring, which I think is either emerald or saphire (enchanted) (I think emerald), which you can also buy from the grand exchange, which will allow you to transport back and forth between a couple places (the grand exchange and some places in the members world making it simple). Judging from what the other guy on this list said as well, it probably is easier to fish swordfish since I think you’d have to go on a trawler to get to the sharks. However, if you combine the ring to transport, you can continually buy rings and go back and forth accumulating money. I’d try fishing swordfish as well as sharks with the ring idea to find out which takes longer as well as find the price on each to find out which profits more and which appeals more to you. This should help. Sorry to the guy with the swordfish idea, I know I stole it from you. If you want, mark him as the best answer since it seems unfair when someone picks an idea off of someone else. I’ll be honest, I’ve never swordfish fished, I wasn’t even high leveled in fishing. My advise: try both the cannon ball making method and fishing methods and use the ring to teleport and choose what you want. Hope this helped. If you want, check online and you can find methods of making lots of money on runescape. It may take time to find certain methods you want, but if you’re high leveled you can make a lot of money, I think. Okay, I’ve wrote enough. Hope this helps. Sorry again.

Lisa asks…

How do you make $50 or more online within a week?

I need to get $50 deposited to my bank account before the end of THIS month.What’s the easiest way to do that?I’m asking for something that I can do online that is legal.PLEASE help me.I need to get the money fast.

Nagesh answers:

I do not know
if u know then tell me

Sandra asks…

Can anyone tell me how to make money with online poker?

Whats the best way to make a lot of money fast? Tourneys? Sit & Go’s? Cash Tables?

Nagesh answers:

Try to improve your skills first otherwise you will lose your money.

Try to play poker without money. At following site, you could play without money to improve your skills.


Check whether it is legal to play online casino at your area.

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Monday, December 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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