Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Paul asks…

Any Money Ideas??????

I’m twelve and I’m going on a trip to CA for Spring Break. I need spending money, fast! Any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Data Collection Technicians Needed Immediately! We Want To Pay You To Help Us! This is a TOTALLY FREE MEMBERSHIP.

In an effort to build the company database, Data Network
Affiliates, (D.N.A.), will pay YOU $2.00 to submit 20 random car tags each

If you invite someone to do what you do, D.N.A. Will pay YOU $2.00 when they
submit 20 random car tags each month.

If the people that you invited offer free memberships to others persons to
participate, D.N.A. Will pay YOU $2.00 when they submit 20 random car tags each

This process of making money will continue down six levels.
Say, you submit 20. You earn $2.00 for your efforts.
Level 1: If you invite 10, that is 10 x $2.00. You earn $20.00
Level 2: If they each invite 10, that is 10 x 10 = 100 x $2.00. You earn $200.00
Level 3: If they each invite 10, that is 100 x 10 = 1000 x $2.00. You
earn $2,000

This same process will repeat through SIX Levels! You will NEVER, EVER be
required to pay one red cent to be a part of this program. Yet you will GET
PAID. You are simply helping them to build the company database. You get the

So, my question to you is, “What are you waiting for? Join this business opportunity right now! Just
do it, do it now! Why? Because it is absolutely FREE . . . . .

Sign up here:

Looking for another great way to make money with no investment?

Susan asks…

Good website ideas to make money? ?

What are some ideas to base my website on? That will make me money? What do I base the site on?

Nagesh answers:


You can talk/write about ANYTHING and make money on the internet. You just have to make sure you are solving a problem or answering a question.

People have hemorrhoids, you can have a website giving them tips for how to get rid of them. You can also become an affiliate and sell a product that helps people with their hemorrhoids.

Same for anxiety, and insomnia, and golfing, and running, and weight loss….and on and on and on….it’s literally endless.

If there is a product that exists, there is an affiliate program for it. If there’s not….you can learn to create YOUR OWN PRODUCT.

You like iPads? You can create a website about iPads and link to as an affiliate. Someone buys an iPad from Amazon under your link, you make money.

The only limit is your imagination and desire to make money on this internet!

Helen asks…

MONEY ideas/?

OK, so i am a 13-year old girl…
and i really need ways to make money!!
cause i want clothes and makeup, hair ya no stuff lk that!
my mom is starting to hate me because i ask so much for that that stuff
and i just need some ideas on how to make money!!
thanx for ure suggestions!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You should sign up to free money making sites. There are plenty out there. They’re called GPT (get paid to) sites. You get paid to complete offers. You don’t need a credit card! Since you’re only 13, you probably don’t have an ID. Some sites pay you by prepaid gift card and that will be great for you since you like to shop.

If you find a site you’re interested in, make sure you read the rules and tutorials so you will know what you’re doing.

If you need help, you can email me!

Linda asks…

I need money, any ideas?

I need to get a job for money. I want to go to a consert but my parents won’t give me money. I’m only 13. anyone have any ideas where I can work for a few weeks? oh yea, if it helps, I need $62.55.

Nagesh answers:

Launch your own manufacturing home business any product that comes to mind research it on the net. Tools, raw materials, procedures, bookkeeping, accounting,inventory,marketing and selling. As far as I have been through selling is the easiest way to have money. Another way is to fill in the labor needs of your neighbor, mowing the lawn and washing cars, carpentry work, plumbing, anything. That has service value would do. Or pawn any gold or watch or home appliance equipment to the pawnshop. Loan and start working to pay it up. Gosh I think in the states you work an average of 5$ an hour so 65$ /5 is just 13 hours of work for you. Any work as long as it pays is alright. These are the only ways to have money. Take note also that if you are a student and a teenager, they pay less. So its a sacrifice if you really want something to happen you’ve got to do it yourself. Since you are young pawning is not advisable. Manufacturing isn’t also. Washing neighbor’s cars are the best. Mowing the lawn also good. Working part-time or full-time to a relative who has his/her own company is also great paying. I hope you’ve got your options now do it.Choose and do. So product or service and selling these to people for money would pay up for your concert tickets. I hope its not those death metal gigs with all those tatoos and marijuana printed t-shirts you are going to see. Cause its not the real life for us.

Ruth asks…

Ideas to get money for private school?

I want to go to thi hig shool That costs about 7-8000 dollars. My parents don’t want to pay that much but I’m DYING to gi there. I’m to young for a job and financial aid denied our request. Does anyone know of any scholorships that offer money or ideas to get money? Thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I know it’s hard to get money in this era. For me you should have a small business that you can sell it to your neighborhood and to your own school. You should make munchkins or maybe ice candy or sell some food like junk foods. But if you want to sell one of my ideas and you don’t know any of this you can just go to my page and ask what do you want for me to help you OK??

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Monday, December 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Jenny asks…

What are some ways to make additional income out of the home….?

……WITHOUT starting an actual business? For example, babysitting from home. Is this idea lawful….to earn money at home without it being an actual business? I do plan on reporting this income and paying taxes on it to the IRS, but is it practical/usual/normal to earn income this way from the eyes of the IRS?

Nagesh answers:

First you do select a good online earning sites but it tack long time that is why i make one site for online part time jobs so go this site and learn $ earn enjoy

Michael asks…

I am recently disabled and need to find a way to earn money online. Where can I find a scam free resource?

I have an internet connection and all of the necessary home office components. Now I just need to find a way of making money at home. I can only afford a startup cost of around $100. My goals are modest, $350 to $400 a week, working approx. 8 hours a day. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I sell items on EBay and on a local auction site. Most of my items comes from yards sales, flea markets, discount bins at local stores, etc. I sell larger items locally, less shipping charges etc. Most customers will gladly pick up the items. Sometimes I buy items from the local site just to sell on EBay. You can get the same type of information that some people offer for sale just by checking out the Ebay site for free!

Betty asks…

what is the best home-based business with a low start up cost?

I’m looking to make money from home, eventually quit my job. Looking for some ideas.

Nagesh answers:

A home based travel business is something to seriously consider.Since you only asked for the type of business and not a specific website, I cannot post a link here or give any more information in the answer. However, finding a “profiled” link somewhere in this section with detailed information is very easy to find.

Thomas asks…

what is a good way to make money from home?

I need some ideas! No online sites or scams please!!! I am needing to know a good way to make money from home! I am unable to find a job in the city i live in and would really like to work from home if i can! I live in ND! I would really like to pursue writing short stories but I don’t know who would buy them! Please help!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can start a virtual assistant business and use these organizations to help you find work

■International Virtual Assistants Association
■Alliance for Virtual Businesses
■International Association of Administrative Professionals
■Virtual Assistant Networking Forum (VANF)
■Virtual Business Group

Another option for you is to be part of a virtual call center, which is one of the growing work at home businesses today

Read this MSNBC’s article on this industry

AOL also published an article about virtual call centers, and named it as one of the best work at home jobs

Some companies where you can apply

Alpine Access = no fees and you will be considered as an employee, not as an independent contractor

LiveOps = considers agents as independent contractors; no upfront fee but requires applicants to pay for the background check

Of course, you can also choose to start your own business from home. It will depend on what you can do, what suits you and what could fit in your resources.

For more companies that will allow you to work from home, check out the source below

Lizzie asks…

what are some of the BEST home based businesses for somone to start?

I was wondering if anyone has some great suggestions onhow to make money from home or any home based buiness ideas to start for profits?

Nagesh answers:

There are many scams out there that get you to buy something from them saying you will make money at home just by paying them $50 to start. Most of them are not true. If you are looking for a good at home job look into getting a sales website and selling items online. That is what i currently do. I have a website and have orders coming in everyday. If you want to know more about what i do email me. (Online business in subject line)

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Sunday, December 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Carol asks…

How can I raise money?

Me and my friend are raising money so we can buy stuff to give to people who deserve it for free. How can we raise money though? Both of us live in different provinces (as in I am in alberta and she is in ontario). We really want to do this but we have no idea how to raise money. Please help
thanks for the ideas! just so you know a little about me. I am 18 years old and I work full time making next to nothing. I will definitly do anything I can to raise money though

Nagesh answers:

Be inventive. Find something you like to do and can make money at.

I have not had a teenager ever come by our house in 15 years to ask if they could mow our lawn. The going rate nowadays is $25 or more.

Some seniors could use lessons in computers. You have one; see if your neighbors need help.

Market your computer skills. Compile CD and DVD lists for people so they know what they have. Perhaps you have a digital camera; if you do, advertise that you will take photos of their houses and put them on disk for insurance purposes. Have a scanner? Scan their pictures into digital files and make it so they can share them with friends and family.

To do this, make a nice flyer you can print up – use a half sheet, printed twice to save paper – and leave them around your neighborhood. You may be able to post notices on a local grocery store but then you have to be careful you don’t get calls for jobs too far away.

These are just off the top of my head. Lots of other jobs exist – gardening, running errands, painting, babysitting, house cleaning. None of these may sound glamorous – you’re not posing for a layout in Teen magazine – but they are within reach for any teen.

Lizzie asks…

how to save and EARN money?

im a teenager and trying to save up money for a dirt bike. i have 300 and need 600 and need ideas on how to earn money
13 years of agee so cant really have a job

Nagesh answers:

How to save money and spend wisely in the future….

You have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T. What kind of cutbacks can you make? For example: I drink bottled water. Paying $1 a bottle on something that covers over 65% of our planet is not smart. So I bought one of those water filters that screw into your faucet. I have bottles that I refil over and over again. This doesn’t take much time and you will reduce your carbon footprint as a bonus. Do you have a lot of small appliances around the house that are always on? Televisions, subwoofers, sterio equipment and microwaves use the most energy when they are left plugged into the outlet, even when they are turned off. Plug all your plugs from entertainment system into those 6 prong outlet plugs with the switch on them. When you are not using these items shut the switch off. I noticed a huge difference on my electric bill just by doing this. I also bought some of those florescent bulbs that look a lot like a regular bulb. These things use 80% less electricity than regular bulbs. Ave 60Watt incalescent bulb (old school) runs you 2 cents per hour. Ave 60Watt energy bulb averages 0.5 cents per hour. Wanna be creative? Find yourself leaving lights on? Buy a motion sensor switch, the lights will turn on when you enter the room and will turn off (by a set amount of time) when you leave the room. I have one, they cost $15 at HomeDepot. You would be surprised, but these small things add up. If you really need the money right away start cutting back on your food costs. Romain noodles cost a dime and they taste just as good as campbells chicken noodle that costs over $1 a can. Ok no chicken in romain noodles, but you are probably just missing about 4 tiny pieces of chicken. Adjust your toilet to use lesser water. If you don’t know how to do this then put a brick inside your toilet ‘chamber’. You will use a less water each time you flush, this adds up over time people. Before you know it you will be ahead. Need new windshield wipers for your car? Who says you have to buy 2? You only need the new one on the drivers side, leave the old wiper on the passenger side. Are you an impulsive buyer?? Listen here’s what you do……always save the receipt. Find a place to save all the boxes, packaging, etc. Try to get obsessed with folding all the packing materials, making them neat and tape the receipt onto the box/package. Make a game out of it. And get yourself into a new habit called “impulse returning” I once bought a shampoo rug cleaner to scrub my carpets. After I was done I didnt need it anymore so I returned it to the store. I like to think of it as free rental. So remember you have to start thinking S-M-A-R-T! Yours truly seahorsehawrey.

Mary asks…

What are some good money saving ideas for teenagers?

i want to save some money but whenever i try i just spend the money i saved, what are some good ideas so i can save money?

Nagesh answers:

Get a big can that only has a money slot and no opening. I did this and I saved around $400. Only open it with a can opener when it’s full.

William asks…

How to organize my money? (teenager)?

I’m 14 and I recently decided that I want to organize my money. I don’t think I’m horribly reckless with my money, but I think I blow more money on clothes than I realize. This is how I want to allocate my money:


I cannot figure out how I can distribute my money evenly! Right now, I have a bank account and a PayPal account. I wouldn’t mind just having one or the other if it would make it easier to organize my money. Is there a way of having little seperate accounts within one account? Like, is there a way that if I deposit, say, $100 into my bank account, it will automatically put $32 in a mini-account for charity, $8 in a mini-account for spending, and $60 in a mini-account for savings? I have no idea how bank accounts or financing works, so I’m really clueless.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

First, let me compliment you on your desire to get your money “organized.” What this is called is setting up a budget or “managing your money.”

Second, I’m not sure how you arrived at the percentages, but part of what you need to do is determine what is realistic. You mention that you may spend more on clothes than you realize. Establishing a budget is one way to prevent over-spending on something. However, if you only set a budget of 8% and you find you never have any money for things you want or need to buy, then you are likely to cheat on your budget. Once you cheat on the budget, then the budgeting process is meaningless.

Part of what is missing from your info is an estimate of how much money you have or earn on a monthly basis. Let’s say you get an allowance of $10 per week. That equates to $520 per year. 8% of that is less than $42 – so you would only have that much money to spend. That equates to what – maybe one pair of shoes or two pieces of clothing. Is that realistic to you.

On the other hand, if you have a job or very generous parents, maybe you get $100 per week which is $5,200 per year and 8% of that is $416 or $35 per month. If that starting point is more realistic, does $35 per month sound like enough spending money for you?

If not, you need to increase your income or reallocate your budget. This means decreasing the amount budgeted for savings or charity and adding to the spending budget. Personally, I would keep the savings number where you have it and decrease the amount to charity – but that is your call.

Good luck on your budgeting effort!

John asks…

birthday party ideas?

my brother recently broke his ankle and is on crutches. However it is his birthday and we want him to still have a party. He has 20 friends he wants to invite. We don’t want to spend to much, and we can’t have alot of walking involved. Any ideas?
hes turning 11

Nagesh answers:

How about a surpirise party here is a idea
Surprise Party
What’s more fun than hiding 15-20 people in a small room for 45 minutes and jumping out in false alarm about 3 times before the guest of honor arrives?
Surprise parties are fun for all ages from younger kids to middle age to grandmothers and grandfathers!

Be sure to have the party somewhere that guests can easily find hidden parking or at least a location that allows them to walk only a short distance from their car. Make or order a cake, get balloons, food and goodies and be sure to hide all traces of the party until the special guest has entered the surprise area.

An excuse like asking the guest to check on your pet while you are away on vacation (and leaving a key under the doormat, etc) or having a friend or family member escort him or her to lunch is a good distraction to help keep the party a secret!

Or this
Casino Night Party
For a big money theme, rent a hall or designate a large room in your home as the honorary casino. Plastic gold coins and paper money create the big-spenders atmosphere, scratch-off lottery tickets present the perfect party prize and black, red and white decorations, plastic cups and plates carry on the theme. Don’t forget the poker chips!

Decks of cards, dice and felt tablecloths (for blackjack, etc) provide some entertainment, but consider looking around for cheap slot machines, roulette wheels, and so forth (consider renting if buying is out of the question).
Try to follow the theme for your musical selections and consider setting up a karaoke machine in case anyone is moved to tell jokes or sing songs.
Give each guest an allotment of play money and offer additional tender if they agree to play dealer for a couple of rounds (if you can’t find people to sit in as dealers in the first place). At the end of the night, give the birthday guest his or her presents and also present the casino tycoon with the most play money a present of his or her own.

The fun and competitive nature of a casino should have your guests laughing for hours!

Or this
Cocktail Party
For an elegant reception, cook some hors d’oeuvres and appetizers and purchase some wines and liquors for your guests’ enjoyment. Define a dress code in the invitations and either obtain the services of a DJ or pay your teenager to play music man for the night.

Clear out a space for dancing and set up some chairs / sofas for lounging and conversation. This fancy soiree will be the topic of conversation for months to come.

Be sure to set aside a special place for gifts to be given to the guest of honor. Or, if you know of a particular “larger” or more expensive item the birthday celebrant desires, collect money from the guests as a down payment!

Or this
Simple Parties
By Kathryn D’Imperio

Barbeque / Cookout Party

Quite possibly one of the easiest all-purpose party themes around, this one is a classic event that friends and family love to come back for year after year. Buy plenty of hotdogs, hamburgers, buns, ketchup, mustard, pickles, relish, cheese and paper plates and napkins. Make some fresh lemonade and iced tea and grab a couple of cases of beer. If you have a pool, make sure your guests remember their swimsuits and towels… and warn the birthday boy or girl that he or she just might get dunked!

Guest Bartender Night

Everyone brings a bottle of his or her favorite or newly discovered liquor and a mixer: soda, juice, tonic water, etc. The host or hostess should set up a bar area as accurately as possible if the home does not have a bar set-up already. Be sure to have lots of ice and clean glassware on hand. Depending on your budget, you can get really cute themed glassware and plastic tumblers to liven up the party!

Allow the guests to take turns behind the bar, each creating one special “signature drink” for the other guests at the party. At the end of the night, hold a vote for everyone’s favorite drink and present the winner with a prize! (You can pre-purchase a special prize, give a bottle of unopened liquor, or collect a dollar from everyone prior to the contest).

Be sure to treat the guest of honor with a toast from the guest bartender after all guests have received the signature drink. Of course presents and cards will be accepted and stowed away for opening at a later time!

Potluck Party

Have all guests bring a different main course, side dish or dessert and enjoy! This type of party can work especially well for those on a low budget because all of the guests will be contributing to the cause. Another great quality of this party type is that picnicking and outdoor parties thrive with potluck parties due to the abundance of food already contained in separate dishes—all you need is a picnic table or two to line up the food!

If, after the arrival of all your guests, you end up with three dishes of lasagna and two baked hams, you know for next time that you should consider “assigning” recommended dishes!

Adult Party

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Saturday, December 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Richard asks…

How can I make better decisions when buying things?

I’m 19 years old and I don’t have a job just yet (but I did just have a job interview a few days ago, so I have high hopes that I’ll get the job). I know you probably are aware of this but please don’t ask me where my source of income comes from, all I’m going to tell you is that I do little “jobs” here and there to make what I have. I live with my parents still and they buy me the things that I actually need to survive but the things that I say I “need” are really more trivial luxury items.
Now, the problem I’m having is that I don’t really know how to plan ahead very well as far as saving money goes. Not only that, but I often find that the financial decisions I make are only temporarily efficient but in the long scheme of things, I don’t always have enough of what I need or enough money to be able to afford what I need. Obviously when you buy something, having it be dependable/usable for a decent amount of time is a must. For example, you probably wouldn’t spend $499.99 on an iPad, if it were only going to work for a week. Often times when I like something that isn’t reusable (like a soda for example) and it’s at a generally low price, I’ll stock up on it using all of the money that I have, thinking it will last me longer than it ultimately does. It isn’t until I start getting low that I slow down my consumption until I have enough money to do the same thing all over again.
For example, I’ll buy seven packs of a brand of gum that’s $3.48 per pack. After I’m done buying all of those packs of gum, I’ll usually have like two or three dollars left in my wallet. I’ll go through a pack and a half of the seven packs in the first two days, then I’ll finish one entire pack of gum the following day, then I’ll go through like three more in the next two days and then I continue consuming like that until I’m down to my last two packs. Once that happens, I begin to panic and I don’t touch the remaining two until the next time I get money. Than as soon as I get money I buy as many packs of gum as I can afford, than of course I have the two left over packs of gum plus whatever I just bought. Now, it suddenly seems like I have enough gum to last me three weeks, so I start chewing as much as I can until I’m back in the same position. All of the sudden, I start using my money to buy soda (which is more expensive in this example), and I can’t decide which one I want more; the sodas or the gum. I’ve been spending like that for quite awhile and I need some advice.

Nagesh answers:

We can not tell you how to obtain self control. You have to want to save. Simple when you get the feeling to spend some cash just log on to this website and buy some I-Bonds or add a small amount of money into that account. Input the amount and forget about it until the next time you receive some money. Trust me that you would not even think about logging back on the site and getting some money from that account anyway at least this way your money would always stay above inflation…Get yourself a Roth IRA. Its better to lay the foundation now so that it would be a lot easy within the future. Saving money is hard but once you get started, the money would do all the work for you. You are young so I strongly suggest that you get your self a Roth IRA account asap, if you do not have one. You can never go wrong with investing and saving for your future. You have many years of compound interest ahead of you. You could be a millionaire before you reach your retirement age so if you do not have a Roth IRA than get started with the Roth IRA account by contacting T-Rowe Price or Fidelity. Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, its all about what you do in the moment. You can get started today. It is suggested that you pick the Roth IRA target year fund set for the age 65.


Get the Roth Account first than branch out into other investments, once you study and learn about investments. The target year account would adjust on its own. Don’t waste your life and later on down the road, you would have alot of regrets. Once you get a job that offer 401(k) or 403(b). Take advantage of the company 401(k) or 403(b). Never leave free money on the table. Get this started today

Take Care

Susan asks…

Why do liberals pretend the free market doesn’t work when everything has government involved?

Economy- The Federal Reserve was created by Congress. They set interest rates (control the price of money)

Schools- government run

Health care- government run

Social Security- government run ponzi scheme

Since we have the EPA now, shouldn’t all environmental concerns be gone?

Nagesh answers:

I’m not really sure why or that it is exclusive to liberals, except to say that it is rooted in ignorance and/or a lack of critical reasoning capabilities.

But I agree with you and have made the very same point to others.

Calling the current debacle a free market, then using it as a premise to argue against it is like calling apples oranges, then using it to make the case with something regarding bananas.

Creating a false premise by misrepresenting your opponents position, then arguing against it is commonly known as a “straw man” argument.

John asks…

How do you get overseas funds into the United States?

I just got word that I am to receive something over $100K from a trust based in Hong Kong (before you ask, no this isn’t a scam). What kind of taxes will I be subjected to upon entry into the United States? Obviously, I want to stay on the level here – but are there any creative ways (i.e. “loopholes”) to minimize tax liability when bringing the money into the US, such as buying corporate stock or even a block of gold?

Nagesh answers:

If you are a U.S. Citizen or green card holder, you are taxed on your worldwide income. The payment to you as beneficiary of the trust was your income the moment you became the owner of the money, regardless of when the money “enters” the U.S. At some point after that. If you bought stocks or gold with the money while it was still sitting in a foreign account in HK, it would be no different than if you received the money in the U.S. And then bought something with it. The purchase would not change the fact that you received the income (and you can’t assign your income to someone else before you receive it).

HK may impose a tax on the money as it “leaves” HK. This is called a withholding tax. If HK requires you to pay income taxes in the form of withholding taxes, you would typically be able to receive a foreign tax credit from the U.S. For the amount of taxes paid to HK. But this credit would not reduce your overall tax liability; it would only reduce your US tax liability to the extent of your HK tax liability.

Douglas apparently wants you to take your $100,000 and “invest” it overseas by “betting” on financial markets. Besides being obvious spam, he has completely missed the point of your question. His web site advertises that the gains on your investments would be tax free if you use his system. Even assuming that is true (and I doubt very much that it is), your question is not about the taxability of additional money you make from investing your $100,000. It’s about the taxability of the $100,000 before you ever invest it. Nothing in his little scheme would change the the US taxation of income from the trust.

Daniel asks…

How do I get free money or easy money either through paypal or another way. I just need to find a way to make?

a s h it load of money now no joke only serious inquiries if you joke then you will get reported as abuse, no threats to the nice people just try to get back asap and if its a good answer I will select it as the best answer.

Nagesh answers:

Which part of Paypal’s AUP forbidding get rich quick schemes did you not understand?

Jenny asks…

How does whole life insurance work?

I mean, everybody dies, so… wouldn’t the insurance company always end up losing money? Do you have to die in a specific way or something?

Nagesh answers:

The dirty little secret with term life is that very few people just suddenly die, especially under the age of 50. So the insurance companies hardly ever have to pay off.Whole life operates in a similar way. The insurance portion usually runs from 20-30 years, and at the end of that term, it “matures.” What “matures” means is the life insurance part of the program ends and you’re left with the extra money you’ve been paying in all these years. And, of course, the insurance company has been able to use your money all these decades in its own investments. And the amount of interest or dividends the insurance company has paid into your account is usually lower than what you yourself might have been able to accomplish with an IRA, SEP or 401k.Again, people are living longer and the insurance companies don’t have to pay out to too many people.Life insurance is a numbers game, and the insurance companies know that they numbers are on their side So that’s how they stay in business. It’s extremely profitable. Insurance companies invest the money that you pay in. By doing that they are actually making money off of your policy. Plus, some people take an early pay-out–they use it as a savings plan (BAD OPTION). The insurance company makes money off of things like that as well. If you invested the same amount of money that you put into life insurance your payout would actually be bigger than what it is with a life insurance policy (if you live to enjoy an old age). Another thing to note is that you really only need enough life insurance to cover you while you are working and have children in the house. This is called term insurance. It’s much less expensive and only covers you for a certain number of years. All other life insurance is a BAD investment (whole life policies etc). Take your money and invest it properly and you’ll have a better return. Insurance is to CYA. If you’re not working anymore then you’re living off of your investments anyways…what do you need life insurance for at that point? Also, feel free to check out Dave Ramsey’s perspective on this. Financial Peace University is a program that will break this kind of stuff down for the average consumer so that it makes sense and you can make good decisions.While the one insured in paying into the company each month, the company is investing that money and making a profit from it. Fact is, if Americans did their own saving, they could be well off by the time they retire. Social Security exists exactly because Americans stopped saving and the Great Depression deleted the savings of many who did. Primerica’s model is to buy (cheaper) term insurance AND be saving money regularly that is invested in the stock market (while that sounds queasy, it’s exactly what the banks do.) Their point is that much of the insurance premium that is invested, is invested for the person, not the company. By the time the “term life insurance” expires, the person has enough invested to form a retirement anyway. That way, he’s covered on both ends of life. Yes, everyone dies, but not at the same time.Think of it as a sort of perpetual pyramid scheme. It would collapse if they stopped acquiring new insurers, or if everyone did indeed die at the same time, but otherwise it is a functional system.The banking system is the same way in fact. Only a portion of the deposits people put in there are actually in the bank vault (something like 10%, I forget). So if everyone went to get their money out of the bank at the same time, it would collapse. Its dependent on new depositors, and new loans making it money…while only a small portion of depositors withdraw their money at any one time. Another perpetual pyramid schemeEveryone dies, but nobody knows when. Until then, you pay in continuously. The longer you pay in, the better the insurance company does. (And since “paying in” means “being alive”, most people are happy to do it.)Insurance companies also invest the money they get. AIG, the beleaguered financial firm, is an insurance company first. (That’s the I in AIG.) Managed well, those investments pay interest, and you’ve seen what compound interest can do.The insurance companies carefully calculate your odds of dying in a given time frame and base the cost of a policy on that, with a little padding for profit. They hire “actuaries”, statisticians who know disturbingly much about how likely you are to die. They end up making a tidy profit on it.When you get old enough, the likelihood is too high and the insurance companies stop selling it to you. Sometimes that’s simply the end of it; those are the least expensive plans. Under some kinds of policies (permanent term or whole life), they start paying out the results the investments. Take Care

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Friday, December 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Betty asks…

Ways To Make Money FAST?!?

Ok so the school year is coming up in about 21/2 weeks and I seen some Twilight Jewelry and Makeup and Shirts that I want. My parents only by essentials and they think Twilight is not essential(I do I’m OBSESSED 🙂 No hate comments please) So I was wondering what are some jobs I can do around the house to make money fast? By the way I don’t get allowance, never have, and there’s quite a few things I can’t do like:
-Mowing the lawn(my dad says that’s mans work)
-Walking the dog(parents say hes my dog i got to do that anyway)
-Helping Elderly/Grandparents(no elderly and my grandparents don’t live in the same state as me)
Or anything with other people.

Like sometimes I give my mom pedicures but I’m getting pretty tired of that! Please HeLp!

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Maria asks…

is ther any way that i can make lots of fast money on the internet without paying anything?

Nagesh answers:

There really isn’t any way to make fast money, but you can make a great living with different online jobs. One of the most popular topics in forums today is the opportunity to work from home. I have been researching this for a while now. I enjoy making money online through eHow and other paid posting sites, but that is only a supplemental income for me. For those who are looking to find a steady work-at-home job, I have compiled a list of resources to get you started. Be careful of scams out there. I have not fully researched all of these opportunities, but they seem reputable. Make sure you never pay a fee to apply for online work.

AccuTran Global
This company hires transcriptionists that type at least 70 words per minute.

This company hires transcriptionists that have at least 2 years of experience.

Alpine Access
Alpine Access hires agents for customer service work. There is no upfront fee, but employees must pay $35 for a background check after they are hired.

A Place for Mom
This company hires people to be Eldercare advisors to assist people across the country with finding senior housing for their loved ones. There is a 3-day training in Seattle, Washington but is a work-from-home job after that. They provide benefits and business expense reimbursements.

You can work from home doing sales, customer service, or technical support. The pay scale was not listed.

Axion Data
Sometimes this company will accept applications for work from home date entry specialists. Some projects would be paid per piece. For example, it might take you 2-4 minutes to complete a form and you would get paid 4-8 cents per form. Other projects are complex, requiring 30-60 minutes per document, with compensation ranging from $5-9 per document.

Balance Your Books
This site is for bookkeepers who want to work from home. An associates degree in Accounting or equivalent experience is required. Please see the site for more details on the job requirements.

Bateman & Co.
This company hires telecommuting staff accountants. CPA and 3 years experience is required. Please click on the link above for more information.

Brighten Employment
You can earn up to $16 per hour in a telemarketing position with this company. You can work whatever hours you want between 8:00 am east coast time and 5:00 pm west coast time.

Continental Promotion Group offers a work-from-home, contract data entry program in Tempe, Arizona only.

Custom Loyalty Concepts
CLC hires phone agents to call clients. The pay range starts at $8 per hour once training is completed and then you can move up to $10-$12 per hour depending on performance. They only hire in 26 states which are listed on their website.

This company offers a great opportunity to help others learn the English language. You engage in a conversation in English and perform other exercises for them to practice speaking in English. The pay will vary by assignment.

LiveOps hires independent contracts to fulfill various assignments. You can set your own hours and work as often or as little as you want. The pay range varies by assignment. There is a $50 background check fee if you are hired.

Palm Coast Data
Offsite data entry positions for this company are only available to those who are Palm Coast residents living west of the toll bridge.

This is a company that hires online transcriptionists. Once you are hired and go through the training process, you will be required to purchase a foot pedal to start and stop the recordings while you type. I believe this is around $75. Transcriptionists can average $10-$12 per hour or more.

This is another company that hires transcriptionists. You can apply on their website.

West at Home
This company provides work-at-home customer service assignments. The pay scale is not specified.

Working Solutions
This company hires online agents to perform various assignments. Pay range varies from $7-$30 per hour depending on the type of assignment and experience required.

There is a lot more, but I didn’t want to take up too much space. You can get the links and more information from the source link below.

William asks…

Whats the fastest way to make money the legal way???

i work 2 jobs and i still need more money, help?

Nagesh answers:

Well you could try survey sites. They’ve worked for me. I review some survey sites to make money that have worked for me at What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on these web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, these sites never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Easy as that! I give you my word that they pay.

Email me at if you have any questions

p.s half the answers you were givens are scams awsurveys, snapdollars, etc. Don’t worry i deleted most of them

Richard asks…

Ways to make fast money?

I’m going to college in a year, and I only have $6000 saved, i will probably only have $10,000 total by the time i go and I don’t plan on having a job first year, so I need as much money as possible before college. I already work two jobs, and i can’t just take more hours cause I have to focus on my homework too and to be honest I hate the job i work more at. the job i do like, i can only get one day a week at cause that’s as much as they need me.
Any ways to make a lot of money in less than a year? I thought about writing contests or other contests or something.
I’m a pretty good writer and not bad artist.
Any ways you guys have made money fast?
And no, I’m not looking for answers like “working the corner” ….

Nagesh answers:

Do you know something well enough to teach someone else? I know one university student who comes home every weekend and makes excellent money tutoring piano.

Ken asks…

fast way to make money?

I’m getting my bf a engraved dog tag for x-mas it costs 40 dollars. my original plan was to pawn an old ring of mine turns out it had like no value. I really need some help on a fast easy way to make money with in like the next few weeks. HELP PLEASE

Nagesh answers:

Talk to your parents, beg them for money for special chores. Vaccumm, mop, wash cars, cook, anything for money.

Next ask them to open a custodial savings account for you at your local bank. You will receive an ATM (and it might also be debit). This will teach you about banking. You can made deposits and withdrawls. You need to learn about banks before you leave your home.

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Thursday, December 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Charles asks…

Selling Snakes a Good business idea?

Me and a friend are thinking about selling snakes we understand we need the money and things but is it a good business and we got already the idea for food without spending money
Im not talking in owning a story im refering to a local classified selling snakes and they are legal in my area

Nagesh answers:

As a side business, if you have another primary source of income, sure! If you are wanting to start a business and make allot of money, theta an old saying:

“You want to know how to make a small fortune breeding reptiles? Start with a large fortune.”

You need to have a genuine passion for the animals you are breeding. And be prepared for setbacks, vet bills, etc… The cost of rodents isn’t the biggest expense, though breeding your own certainly helps. And, if you want to sell animals that have a high value, you are going to have to spend ALLOT up front typically, then wait 2-5 years for the animals to reach breeding size.

Mandy asks…

Halloween Party Ideas?

I am having a halloween party and I still need more ideas what to do. I want people to not be bored out of their minds and have fun. SO what are some creative ideas for stuff to do at a halloween party? I am having it in my basement which is unfinished and decorating it like a haunted house. People there will be like 13ish (8th grade) and it willl be probably alot of people

Nagesh answers:

Halloween party decorating ideas
Here is some Halloween party decorating ideas:

1.Ghosts,inside with kleenex ,cotton ball, thread, marker,put cotton ball in center-wrap thread for a “neck”,marker for eyes and mouth ,hang from the ceiling with thread.

2.Outside,white trash bags,crush newspapers (or anything) into a ball,do the same but use string,I whacked the bottoms off to look ragged,and hung them on the tree on small end branches,they were really cute dancing in the wind- the leaves fell and there they were- when the wind blew hard they streamed and looked like they were really flying%u2026

3.Use black licorice strings and form bat wings with a marshmallow body , paint with food coloring.same with big spiders%u2026.

4.Noticed Ace Hardware had small hay bales,you might check the paper for real bales.Pumpkin carving contest,use wierd tools or regular ones,everyone votes for winner%u2026 bobbing for apples is still fun!

5.Pick up some black lights – they will give an eerie effect. Make deviled eggs but do not slice them withwise but rather in the middle.


Yields approximately 9 dozen bite-sized eyeballs

3 oz lemon gelatin (can be sugar-free)
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows
1 cup pineapple juice
8 oz cream cheese (can be lowfat/Neufchatel)
1 cup mayonnaise (can be fat-free)

Dissolve lemon gelatin in 1 cup water in double boiler, add marshmallows and stir to melt. Remove from heat. Add pineapple juice and cream cheese. Beat until well blended. Cool slightly. Fold in mayo. If you have a truffle candy mold or round ice cube trays, pour the mixture in the molds and leave to set in the fridge. Otherwise pour into a deep ceramic dish and chill until thickened or firm enough for scooping into eyeballs. Using a melonballer, scoop full balls of the mixture and set aside for decoration. To decorate, use liquid food coloring and an old detail paintbrush and get creative. You will need black food coloring for the pupils. Also, if you are in a hurry, instead of painting the colored irises, you can carefully dip the ball in a small pool of food coloring to approximate the iris, but still paint on the pupils.

For 1999, I found rubber ice cube trays that worked beautifully with much less waste than the melonballer technique. I sprayed the rubber trays with non-stick cooking spray beforehand like you would any gelatin mold, let the gelatin mixture sit in the refrigerator to set, then I was able to carefully pop the eyeballs out to paint them. Some of the eyeballs did break, and they do have one flat side, but that actually works, since then they don’t roll around while you are trying to paint them. Since 2001 I have found that Wilton truffle candy molds are even better, since the swirl design on the top is the right size for the cornea shape on the eyeball. When using the truffle molds, one recipe makes about 9 dozen eyeballs – plenty for a party crowd!

Find More Recipes Here
Songs for a halloween party
Some good songs for a halloween party
1. Alice Cooper – Welcome to my nightmare

2.Ghost in my house.

3.Brittany spears.

4.MONSTER MASH so cool to dance to in fancy dress done it.

5.Monster Mash. Black Magic Woman – Santana.

6. Hell On Wheels – Cher.

7.The Timewarp is always the show stopper%u2026..

8.Asda and Tescos are selling cds for 97p they are brill.

9. Just go get like a sacry soundtrack. They have them at halloween stores walmart and k mart!

10.The new song by Nelly Furtado “Maneater”.That is actually a good song for Halloween. It has scary noices and it sounds a bit spooky, just perfect for Halloween.

Halloween Party Costumes Ideas Without Spending Money
Here%u2019s some fantastic costume ideas for a fancy dress Halloween party without spending a fortune on it:
1.Wear an old homecoming or prom dress that still fits. Straighten then curl your hair and put it up with the curls falling elagantly like in the olden days. Wear bright makeup that highlights your dress. Costume jewlry great too!

2.If you have an old suit, slick your hair back paint your face pale and go as a vampire. It’s Easy.Or buy a boiler suit, a hockey mask and a plastic machette and go as Jason, probably about £25 for that, plus it looks cool if you are quite tall and not too slim.

3.Tape a sanwich wrapped in clingfilm to your back and go as the “lunchpack of Notredame”.

4.Go as chucky, pair of denim dungarees a stripy top n get a ginger spice wig n cut it a little to make it raggy, paint some scars on your face when your done.

5.Go as Norman Bates’s mother! Get a bad wig,a big plastic knife that you can always buy at Halloween, and an apron covered in red paint to look like blood.

6.Wear a simple black Cape.Also if fake scary teeth dont irritae you try them. Try some Vampire Blood.You could wear a mask for a while
hope i helped (:

Daniel asks…

Romantic Christmas ideas?

My partner and I live some distance away from each other. He may be coming to visit this December, not during but before Christmas, and it will by then be our 5 month anniversary. I want to do something really special for him. Unfortunately I have very little money, so I can’t buy the present I’d like to get him, or take him somewhere too fancy unfortunately, but I’d like to make him a gift or do something fun with him to make it a memorable day.

Does anyone have any romantic ideas for a date during the holidays?

So far I have…
-Snow ball fight (if we have snow by then)
-Christmas light viewing
-A personal tour of the town (which there will be Christmas lights up for)

Any other ideas would be absolutely lovely~!
Well, I think thats nice and all. But I guess I’m the kind of person who prefers taking turns, and enjoys being the one to take a partner on a date instead of the other way around. ^^’ I guess I’m not really huge on gender rolls…
I basically just want to show him a good time and make our day together one he won’t forget. He did that for me last time, and I wanted to return the favor.

Nagesh answers:

Its good so far to be honest in my opinion thats enough from your side… Hes the man so he should come up with pricy ideas 😛 and just in general ideas i dont like that when a man is not prepared

Mary asks…

mothers day ideas for a kid with no money???

im 13
and mothers day is tomorrow
i have no money
and im gonna make her a card i guess =/
but what else is there
any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

Well, mine was a little bought, but i got a 2 sided picture frame from Michaels Crafts for $3 and on one side put her fav. Lil pic of me in it, on the other side i did a poem that contained these questions:
-4 adjectives that discribe yourself (ex: compassionate, shy, thoughtful, funny)
–Lover of… (ex: my mom, my husband, animals, music)
– Talented in… (dance, arts, making people smile)
-Who feels…(free, happy, joyful, stressed)
-Who needs…(love, hugs, help, laughter)
-Who fears…(the dark, clowns, spiders, being alone)
-Who gives…(patience, love, head aches, stress)
-Who would like to see…(Europe, Heaven, God, New York, maybe a realitive that had passed away before you met them?)
-____________ Native (Texas Native, Florida Native, New York)
-End it with your name again

I’m a teacher and a fellow teacher i work with her daughter did this when she was a SR. In HS and she loves it, then we did it in my classroom with my students. So i decided to do it too 🙂

Hope it helps!?

Michael asks…

Whats easiest way to make money?

I want money and fast!

Nagesh answers:

Hey I have been looking for an idea on how to make easy money for an income on the side, and I have discovered a very good way of making money on the internet. I have generated so far 17,730.00 US in two months. Iam still cant believe it LOL. Here is my msn messenger where you can talk live with me. Iam willing to share my experience and ideas with you. That’s if you are interested In my advice and the income I have mentioned above.

Have a nice day…

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Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Richard asks…

what is a really fast way to earn money?

Nagesh answers:

Ways to make money online.

Sells On Ebay :
Selling on ebay is the best home based bussiness.You have to find the wholesalers of the products you want to sell , try finding it from yellowpages , once you find it , you could earn lots of money selling on ebay.

Payperpost :
Advertisers are always looking for people with writing skills to write for them , if you can write articles and blogs , here is the best way to make money online.You get paid $20 for your first post.
The best pay to post – www.payperpost.url-Site. Com

Online paid surveys :
Companies pay big bucks to people like you and me just to know what we are thinking so they can improve their products and services, if you have enough free time , this could be the best opportunity to make money online.
The best site for online paid surveys –
www.surveyscout.url-site. Com

[Please becareful , there are tons of scams wondering around the internet servers in the form of online paid surveys , the paid survey I recommend is the best one and is the leading # 1 online paid surveys , and I’m also currently working on this paid survey.]

Blogging :
You could start blogging and earn revenues from adsense on your blog .The key is to drive lots of traffics (visitors) to click your ads.

Contact me:
The last way is to contact me , I am currently needing someone to write good quality articles for me and would pay $10 for each article you write.I have lots of work and I need your help in exchange for money.


Sharon asks…

what is the fastest and cheapest way to transfer money from bank of Texas to Bank of Amrica?

i have 3000$ cash in home and i have to send it to my friend account in bank of Amrica.I have my own account in bank of Texas but i don’t know use my accunt for transfer money or is there any way to go to bank of Amrica centers and pay money by myself because the time is important for me?

Nagesh answers:

The fastest & cheapest way is to deposit the cash directly into the Bank of America account. As long as you have the account information (routing number, account number and friend’s name & address) you can deposit money into their account. Have them check the account number you give them to be sure your friend’s name is on the account before you actually make the deposit. Be sure to get a receipt.

Wire transfer is probably the 2nd fastest, but it will cost money, probably both to send it and to receive it. Again, you will need the account information. Your friend will need to call BoA to find out if there is a different routing number that is used for wire transfers.

Depositing a $3000 bank check from Bank of Texas into a BoA account may still result in a hold period. It will likely be a shorter hold period than if it was a personal check, but they still may hold the money for a few days before your friend can access it. Bank of Texas may also charge for a bank check.

Another way, if you don’t feel comfortable handling the cash, would be to purchase money orders at the post office. It will cost you a little bit of money, but less than a wire transfer.

David asks…

Whats a good way to make money fast?

Can’t get a job because the only place i’m old enough to work at is full of people and i need Money!!!!!
I’m 15

Nagesh answers:

Try calling local business offices, explaining your credentials, your reasons for working at home (are you a single mom without a sitter?, etc….) and you might come across one that is looking for assistance but does not wish to hire anyone to work IN the office. You will have to initially interview; meet with them as well as make a trip there each week to hand in what you’ve done unless other arrangements can be made. Do remember though, if you choose this route that employees who offer you home employment such as this will not usually offer any benefits as this saves them money in the long run so you may have to look into purchasing health insurance on your own. I hope I was some help and good luck!

Susan asks…

how to make money fast.?

ok. i need a lot of money over the next few months. i just have a few setbacks. i cannot do jobs that require age 16 and up, (Mc.Donalds….Walmart….ect…). I also cannot drive places by myself. ( all though my mom can drive me. Im not very good at mowing lawns.

The good things are that i live on a farm area (not like fields of wheat and food, but horse’s, goats, cats…) so i am good at manual labor. Also i have experience of being able to make small website’s if nessisary for advertising or to start a small buisiness.

i need to make about 500-1000 dollars by the end of june.
i know that this sounds ridiculous but i have a lot of big home projects coming up and some vacations with my family too.

any combinations of idea’s are welcome, except……websites that pay you to answer questions, eat at resteraunts, answer polls, drive your car.
Also no prizes, casino’s, ebay, amazon, or advertisments please. i cant use them to help me.

thanks, repond asap.

Nagesh answers:

You can start making money fast and easy way. You can get good options from

Michael asks…

What are some ways to make money fast?

I am not of age to have a working permit, and I need to earn a few hundred dollars. I plan on buying many things such as: gifts for friends, gifts for my mom, and every Thursday of football season I will be making 150 cookies.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Donald asks…

How could we make money this summer?

My friend and I are both 13 and we are in search of money making this summer so dar we have come up with the idea of a lemonade stand/ bake sale will have started a brainstorm and have gotten no where please and thank you give us your ideas

Nagesh answers:

You can join McDonald, KFC, Domino’s,..etc as a part time job and you can get money easily in summer vacation.

Best Of Luck.

Ken asks…

How do I get money for summer school?

Hi, i’m in middle school and I need money for summer school this year cause I didn’t do that well, but my parents told me they wouldn’t pay for it. I REALLY WANT TO GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL, how do I get money so that I can go? If it helps I live in New Jersey.

I don’t have a license to sell stuff, and i’m to young for a job!

Nagesh answers:

You can be self-employed and market your skills. The information in the web sites I give you below have a number of good ideas for those who are too young to obtain a work permit.

Job Ideas for Teens 15 and Under

Ways to Save and Make Money (for teens)

The Self-Employed Teenager

The Self-Employed Teenager

Examples: A million years ago when I was a teen I babysat, was a summer nanny for a mother with 3 young children, and I taught swimming to young children. None of those jobs were with a business. I was self-employed. Once I was old enough to obtain a work permit, I worked at the unglamorous job of grill/fountain staff at a root beer stand.

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John asks…

What are some good techniques for writing a donation letter?

I want to go to this summer program/camp. You can earn college credit and looks good on my college application. It is somewhat like a “once in a high school life chance” because few are selected to take advantage of it. The only problem is … it is about $2300. My mom won’t pay for it and I can’t get that much money by summer (I am going to be a junior…but right now I am 15…no job for me…..) My idea is to write to certain businesses for a donation. What are some good tips to include in my letter? Is there certain businesses that I should send my letter too? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I’ve had experience using this method. I’ve fundraised about 12,000 in a matter of a couple of months.

This method is simple. You write letters. By writing formal funding requests to local businesses you can make a substantial amount of money in a short period of time. You start by creating a letter, simple as that. The first paragraph of your letter should explain the mission of your organization and how it helps the community. The second letter of your paragraph should explain what you want from the organization. Is it money, supplies, or both? At the end of t his paragraph you want to let the business owner know that you have attached additional information on a separate sheet of paper that outlines your budget and how donations can be made. The third letter of your paragraph should explain what you are willing to do for this organization or business. Will you include the names of all donors in your fall newsletter or on your website? Let them know you can provide proof of attendance, once you graduate the program you will send them the graduation certificate (or some other form of proof).
Once you have written your letter you must write your attachment. The attachment should be an itemized budget of your organization that pertains to your fund raising request. Let them see how much money and/or supplies you need. The more detailed the itemization the better. Some businesses will look at your itemization and decide to contribute all of one the funding for one item (i.e. If I donate so much money that will cover their food expenses). You should also include your contact information and who checks and donations should be made payable to. Once this component is complete you should have two pages total: one page for your funding request and one page for your itemized budget.
The next step is to compile a database of local businesses and organizations. Using an Excel file is the simplest way to perform this task. You should have Type of Business, Name of Business, Mailing Address, City, State, and a complete nine digit Zip Code. You can use your local phonebook and the internet to compile this database. It is important to start with local businesses, the home grown type. They are most likely to contribute to your nonprofit. Then move on to businesses related to your nonprofit. Once you have these two categories complete you can expand your list exponentially to whomever you think might have money to donate. Don’t limit yourself, nearly every section of the yellow pages is worth considering. In addition, please do not forget your local college or university. Each department within the university should receive a letter as each department has funding to give. Remember, the more letters you send out the more money you will get donated.
You can now complete the process by sending out your funding request letters. It is important to know that your process is not fully complete. Once you receive donations you will want to keep an updated record of donors and send thank you cards. If you keep up relations with your donors you can build a relationship that will allow you to ask annually for the same donation.
This donation request method has been proven productive and efficient. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making some money!

Steven asks…

What is a good summer job for an educator?

I’m only an educational assistant. I have a B.A. in Spanish and English and have two semesters left in my teaching licensure program. I mainly need to make money this summer; I’ll be working as a sub in the Fall. I don’t want to work in restaurants or customer service anymore. Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Summer programs will look great on your resume. Also, advertise for private tutoring positions – the money is great! You could also try retail, especially an arts & crafts store or someplace else you would come into contact with kids. Michaels hires people to coordinate kids activities; you may want to look into something like that.

Betty asks…

What are some good fundraising ideas for high schoolers?

Durin the summer of 2007, me and my friends are deciding on a Senior Road Trip and we need some help with finding some ideas to raise money, so that our parents don’t have to come out of their pockets.

Nagesh answers:

You can bake things and sell them or you can do a car wash…..

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Monday, December 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Linda asks…

some ways i can make money?!?

I’m 11 years old I need money I always run low on it or someone steals it and is there any helpful ways i can get a job i love to bake anything food and dessert scrap booking I’m the best at . So is there any way I can have a job or a business by doing something I like while making money?? All Ideas Please!

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

(Updated on 08/25/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

Take finance and economics courses online or at a high school or college/university. Important topics include banking (how financial institutions operate), stock market (which includes discussion on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500), finance (which includes discussion on the time value of money), interest rates, credit, loans, mortgage, real estate, the derivatives market, personal finance (which includes managing a budget, dealing with debt, and preparing for retirement), microeconomics (which includes discussion on perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly structures), and macroeconomics (which includes discussion on the money supply, aggregate demand, and the Federal Reserve).

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments. These financial instruments (which include certificates of deposit) will help you understand how to grow your money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Popular channels where you can see movies on the weekends include TNT, USA, and TBS. If you like to rent movies, try using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends. Example: Do not spend more than $25.00 when going out on a Saturday night.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 3 months, 6 months, a year, three years, or even five years. Generally speaking, the longer you decide to invest your money in the CD, the more interest you will earn. Also, it is generally the case that the larger the amount of money you decide to hold in the CD, the larger the more interest you will earn. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from holding money in a traditional savings account at the bank.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances. Have a box or jar in place so that people can deposit money into it. Stick a label on the box or jar with an updated amount in comparison to the target goal amount, so that more people will feel like contributing to your goal amount. Example: You may find a graphic representation of a thermometer representing how much money is left to reach your goal (the box/jar has $55.50 out of the target goal amount of $200.00, which translates to a little more than 25% complete; therefore, the thermometer would be about 25% filled up.).

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan. Set a goal: it can be $5.00 from each person or $10.00 from each person or $25.00 from each person. Breaking up the goal into smaller, more manageable goals is easier than taking on the entire goal, which may seem like an impossible task (example: raise $5,000.00 in 3 days).

Ruth asks…

What are some ways to make money fast?

My guy friend and I are raising money to buy go karts to race and stuff and we need some more money. We know the basic answers, like, babysitting, mowing the lawn, dog sitting, car washes, lemonade stands, and all that. But if you know another way that we haven’t thought of that’d be great!(:

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

William asks…

ways for teens to make money fast?

I’m 16 and trying to earn money before Christmas but i don’t know what to do and i cant find any jobs that will hire me.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Michael asks…

what are some good ways to earn money?

im 19 now.and i don’t have a job yet. im trying to save up for a net ten Cell phone,’s 40 dollars. so do you guys have any options.

im home schooled. but im still in school
these online money things scare me….

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting, part time work at a fast food restaurant… Or the usual:
Do chores at home for money and collect aluminum cans and turn them in to the recycle place for money.

Donald asks…

How to Get money at home fast?

I need money! I work my husband works but still not enough.. I need a way of making money fast but please!! No stupid comments:)

Nagesh answers:

An introductory book like _Stock Markets for Dummies_ is a good place to start. This will give you a basic explanation of most things there are to know about the mechanics of stock investing including useful websites to surf.

Investors Business Daily (IBD) is a solid daily resource (and its complement, ). It’s a better newspaper than the Wall Street Journal and it is built around a particular approach to trading. You could read _How to Make Money in Stocks_ by William O’Neil too–he’s the founder of IBD.

Search your local library for other books on stock investing. Try to absorb as much knowledge and understanding as you can.

After you have extensively researched and gained a solid foundation/education then look to open a brokerage account and paper trade–this is trading with play money before you put real capital at risk. You should do extensively before you eventually place your first trade live. Your early live trades should be with a very small position size. Only increase position size when you have done well to limit losses when the market has turned against you.

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Sunday, December 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Donald asks…

Ideas for what would actually sell on ebay for extra money?

It is hard to have a home based business…is there anything that you know of that actually can be sold on ebay for extra money?

Nagesh answers:

There is a market for everything and anything on ebay. I sell magazine clippings (or used to, I no longer sell on ebay due to changes I don’t agree with) but, even selling magazine clippings, I would sometimes make 300$ a week (sometimes if the right buyer came along, I made that within an hour)

What I suggest is this, choose something you like, (books, clothing, music etc…) search for it on ebay and see how the sales/bids are with that item.

Like I said, there is a market for everything.

Good luck 🙂

Charles asks…

money making ideas?

i need to make some money i can make crafts i’m sure, but what do i make i have lots and lots of fabric, ribbons just lots of craft items. i can use to make things i’m not a seasoned sewer but i can do stitch or two so if anyone has any ideas i’d love to hear them if you know of a craft site that will give me ideas i just need money making ideas and since i have so many crafting items i wanted to use what i have does anyone know of a site on how to make easy handbags. i just need to start so yahoo family help thank you all inadvance please no smart alics i’m serious i know i repeted myself many times

Nagesh answers:

If you have fabric and ribbons, you can make hair accessories for adults and little girls. I love doing this myself and I sell them on ebay when I have time. You can also sell on which only allows for the selling of handcrafted items.

I will provide you with some free instructions for various types. The important thing is, if you decide to sell them online, you’ll have to take very good pictures, of course, equally as important is making sure your items are of a professional and durable quality.

Here are some ideas and instructions:
(just for general ideas of how professional items should look, there is a pattern but she doesn’t allow for it to be used to create items for sale)
(almost the same headband as the previous link but you can use this pattern and be able to sell the finished items)
(lots of instructions for many different things)

I’m sure you can find even more free instructions by doing an internet search of the idea that interests you most. Use your imagination to embellish the items to make them your own personal style and design.

Here is one more link to how to photograph your items properly so they standout and are more attractive to buyers:

Hope this helps and good luck!

David asks…

Making money from Ebay?

Someone I know makes a good profit from Ebay buying from charity shops and reselling on ebay.
I want to do what she does but I don’t want to ask her for advice as I don’t want her to think I am stealing her ideas or getting the best stuff from the shops befoer she does.
What kind of things sell well on Ebay, what should I be looking for?
I don’t want to make a living from it I just want to make a small amount of money.

Nagesh answers:

A good way to see what sells well on ebay is to put an item in that you want to sell, and then on the left handside of the page you will see a box that you can tick saying completed items then click on show items and it will bring up all the same items that have sold recently and the price they went for.
I have always found that toys sell quite well. If yu are buying clothes it good to look for well know labelled clothes. Good luck

Susan asks…

How can I earn money?

I’m 13. I live in England and I just need to earn some money!
Any ideas?
Morning paper rounds are not an option.
Thankyou 😀

Nagesh answers:

Idea’s to make money:
– Evening paper round.
– eBay your stuff.
– Boot sale your stuff.
– Make cakes and sell them.
– Dog walking.
– Leaflet distribute.
– Baby sitting.
– Car washing.

TIP: Make half an A4 piece of paper leaflet about your services and post them around your entire neighbourhood for odd jobs.

– Sunday Cakes for Sunday Roast Dinner Evening Desserts at £2-3 a large cake.
– Baby sitting at £5 for 2 hours.
– Car washing for £3 per car.
– Dog walking for £5 for 5 days a week.
– Also offer any other jobs like lawn mowing or morning papers for the elderly.

TIP: The cheaper it is, the more likely you are to get people willing to pay for your services and you’ll have regular customers.

No one will employ you at 13 due to health and safety reasons; insurance.

If you want a good start at 16 for a job, start volunteering at a local charity shop now for work experience, especially in this economic climate and immigrants taking jobs, you’ll have a better chance than someone who hasn’t even bothered to think of this idea.

Laura asks…

Ebay Question- What can I sell from my home at ebay?

I’m trying to earn some money for a horse lease/saddle and was wanting some ideas on what I could sell on Ebay for a pretty good profit.


Nagesh answers:

I have a store on Ebay called TheStudioLoft and I started out by doing the same thing; I’ve sold coffee tables, mud benches, vases, and now I sell mainly designer purses. I even sold a metal rooster (kitchen decor)!

Anything in GOOD CONDITION that you can ask at least 30 dollars for is a good bet (remember the steep fees Ebay & PayPal charge).

Your best bet is to get on Ebay and window shop for your own comparison; you can get some great ideas by checking out past auctions and how much they sold for.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, December 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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