Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sharon asks…

what type of work is the easiest from your homw laptop? how can i start an e-commerce business?

i want to work from my home computer. what is the easiest way to do this?

Nagesh answers:

I work from home & love it! The first one is Completely Free to start, easy, fun, and not very time consuming! You can save money & earn money; it’s not a get rich quick scheme, but it’s legit! Http:// The other company costs $14.50 to join this month, there is No selling, No delivering or stocking product, and very profitable. I can’t advertise two names on one site so if your interested e-mail me & I’ll get you the info. Hope this helps!!

Sandy asks…

What is a quick, easy way for lvl 53’s to make money on runescape?

I am a lvl 53 and cant seem to grasp much money. Any advice?

Nagesh answers:

I’ve heard merching is pretty good. But you gotta have a capital amount to start merching. I earned about 2mil in a few hours with a capital of 550k.

Mary asks…

Is there any way of getting free microsoft points?

I don’t want to do any surveys. Just quick and easy ways to get free points. And possible a free gold membership. Thanks for the help!

Nagesh answers:

For both Xbox Live Gold and Microsoft Points, you can get them for free by asking for the prepaid cards for both as gifts for your birthday, Christmas, or some other gift giving reason. You get the cards/money for free, don’t have to worry about problems arising because of you attempting to steal them, shouldn’t have to deal with surveys or anything of that nature, and the best part is that getting/giving gifts is still possible and legal despite what many people say recently. If you get a 12 month Gold card once a year through a yearly gift giving/getting event, then you are set on Gold.

You can also earn free Xbox Live Gold through a Microsoft hosted program like Bing Rewards, and earn free Microsoft Points through that program as well as Xbox Live Rewards as well. You can also take advantage of the limited number of free one months of Gold granted to new accounts made on the systems.

Ken asks…

How can a 13 year old earn tons of money fast (within 6 months)?

Ok, so at the beginning of April 2014 I am taking a trip with my family to Costa Rica, and I have this little friend that wants to come with me. The only problem is that it costs almost $3,000, she has zero cash, and her parents will only let her come with if she can make the money herself. I’d really like for her to join me since she has never left the country. Any ideas of some quick and easy ways to make good money??? Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

3,000 dollars is A LOT of cash, my friend. I currently have a full time job on minimum wage ($10). I work 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, labor. It would take me 3 months to earn that money (keep in mind, I’m broke). There is no way you could make that amount of money without a full time job, which you can’t get because of your age.

And as I said, 3,000 dollars is A LOT of money. It should be put to more important things than a trip to Costa Rica. Though that’s a fantastic adventure, it’s not really worth it. 3,000 dollars is money to be used for a first car or to start up your college fund, not take a vacation. Not unless your an adult with a good job. I suggest you learn the value of a dollar (I don’t mean that in a rude way. I don’t want you to think I’m being nasty or anything. I’m just saying.)

OKAY lecture over. I have an idea! 🙂

You could mow lawns. Each of you could do 5 lawns every Saturday and Sunday. For each lawn you mow, you’ll get 10 dollars…

If you do that, you’ll get $100 EVERY WEEKEND.

$100 dollars every weekend for 6 months equals $2,400! You would have almost ALL of the money.

And If you live somewhere where it will start to snow in the winter, shovel driveways. Ten bucks a driveway. Same plan.

Keep in mind what I’m telling you to do isn’t easy work. You’re going to get sick of it. If it snows, you’re going to be cold and want to go inside and all that. DON’T. Stick through it. You’ll be glad you did. Not to mention you’ll REALLY impress your parents.

AND ANOTHER THING: don’t make your friend earn the money alone. You want her to go, help her! You can each split the jobs. Saturday you can do two, she’ll do three. Then Sunday you can do three and she’ll do two. TEAMWORK, RIGHT?

Even if this doesn’t work out I’m sure you two will have some kind of fun. You’ll also learn a lot and you’ll still make money. I think this is the best thing you could do.

EDIT: Also walking dogs could work the same way!

Laura asks…

What is a quick and easy way to get rich on harvest moon ds cute?

how do i get the max amount of money in harvest mon ds cute with out using a cheat code?

Nagesh answers:

Mining in the second mine is the number one source of income. Once your have reached floor 100, every floor ending in 3,6,9, or 0 have either a pink diamond or an alexandrite. These are worth 10,000 each!

You can also do it through the sprite casino. You can sell the accessories to Vann for major money. Medals aren’t hard to earn, just tedious and it doesn’t take any in-game time. Any sprite accesory sold to Vann returns to the casino. (I have heard that some of the accesories can’t be sold until you are married, but the list did not include them all. I think the cape is sell-able before marraige.)

Vann also pays 5 times the going rate for fish.

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Friday, May 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Joseph asks…

How much money does the average publisher usually make?

I’m just looking for career options that involve writing. Will you please tell me how much money the average publisher makes and what it is they do?

Nagesh answers:

Today, in our difficult economy, more and more people are opting to sell their unwanted or broken gold jewelry and other precious metal items in order to raise fast cash. And while there are many, many buyers online, it’s important to avoid scams and maximize the amount you will be paid. Our purpose is to inform you about the leading buyers, review what they pay and provide sellers with the facts they need in order to make an informed choice. To do this, we have carefully reviewed the TOP 5 Online Buyers of Gold, Silver & Diamonds and provided the key facts about them so you can choose the company that best suits your needs. This is a way to earn money and is easy also.Have a fun .

Robert asks…

What is a really fast way for a teen to get money?

I need money for rehab. The only thing keeping me from going is the cost. The economy has effected my parents and paying for rehab for me is not possible. But i need the help.

Nagesh answers:

Go pick up some applications, not the fastest way…but the best way…and most legit. I wouldn’t recommend doing an online job because majority of them are scams…and will never send you the money that is owed! Take my advice 😀

Maria asks…

How do I earn money online for free?

I’m 17 and I’m from the US. I need money bad. I can’t pay a fee or anything and I don’t want scams. I need something legit. I don’t want the google kit crap either. Is there a way I can make money online?…even a job? Please….I really need the money.

Nagesh answers:

NO matter what your desperation level is for money, there are still no legitimate online jobs.

The more desperate you are, the more likely you will fall victim to one of these scams and lose even the little you now have.

So, do not become another foolish victim, just ignore these and move on.

There are some good answers for you, though; the ones that tell you to get a proper job where you provide a service or a product, and get paid for it. Not the fast cash easy undefined job that purportedly pay you $10,000 a month for doing little or nothing?

Are people so foolish and ignorant that they really believe all these outrageous claims? I really feel sorry for them.

John asks…

I am almost 15 years old, what is an easy website that’s legit to get money easy?

I ask for no scams please, or spams, I just want to know a legal way to make money online at my age.

Nagesh answers:

There are probably no easy, legit ways of making money online: if there were, it would be so crowded so fast that only the very first ones to find it would be making money: everyone else would be left out in the cold. Trying to make money online is a thankless, very chancy, difficult task: 999 out of every 1000 sites are either fraudulent or require a LOT of work to make a little money. My advice to you is to make money the old-fashioned way, such as by doing odd jobs for friends and neighbours. Or, make something and sell it – learn woodworking, for example and build birdhouses. If you try to find online money-makers you are pretty well guaranteed a lot of misery.

Richard asks…

What is the best job that can pay a lot of money for working from home?

Please post a good job that pays well. My mom wanted to buy a house but couldn’t afford one because of her job pays less money, can someone please tell me a good site to work from home? 10 points 🙂
also show the web too if possible thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

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Thursday, May 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Charles asks…

What’s the quickest and easiest way to get an extra $2000 – $3000? I have a job, but need to move now!?

My ex is screwing up my life and I’m looking for a way to get my kids into a much better situation as soon as possible before he gets to us. He is crazy and I’m not sure what he’ll do if he finds us. Just need to know if anyone knows how to make some really quick money without getting mixed up in all the internet scams and crap. All I want is to make sure my kids are safe and away from him!! Thanks, I hope someone can help! : )

Nagesh answers:

Visit my blog, there’s a best solution for you
( It’s Completely FREE and All International members are welcomed) :

Also Try this one,..I have been paid $280 from this one site !
Many people has got paid too ..
Best site ever..see it for yourself
If you join under me (moneyexpert)as your referrer,you will get faster payment (less than 24 hours!) because I am a Premium member in this site :0)

Chris asks…

how do i balance saving money for roth ira, 401k.. with spending money and getting women?

I know a thing or two about saving… as a matter of fact i love saving.. I have a finance degree, but my thing is…. I still want to look fly, wear fresh clothes, go travel and see the world, and attract hot chicks.

I’m looking for advice from older or younger perspectives on making sure you saving your money, but also enjoying your youth. I mean, if i just save and sacrifice all of the clothes and stuff, I wont be getting the hot girls. women in their 20’s like to have fun!! Saving is BORING!! Women dont like boring.

I’m 25 years old by the way, and i make 36k a year, single with no kids.

Quick question: If i save and invest… I’m talking about throwing 6% (full company match) in my roth 401k plan

6% in my very own roth IRA plan at scottrade….

and 30% (for now) at my savings to maybe buy a house, invest in a business, etc in around 5-6 years around the time i get ready to do an MBA……..

Will I look back later on in life and say, “man, i missed out on all the fun everyone else was having with their lives.”

or will i say, “damn, im glad i saved”?

I guess it just comes down to whats more important and if it’s worth it to live with the crowd, having great memories, etc NOW vs 20 years down the road….. WHo’s to say I wont be dead? That would suck knowing i couldve been living it up to the fullest.

(Anyone older reading this):

Could you share your experiences, life lessons, opinions on saving or spending/having fun NOW, please?

All of your info will be greatly appreciated.

Sorry if this seems like alot…. I’m gonna cut it short, i have alot more to say. But, we’ll start with this..

Nagesh answers:

Saving is definitely important, and you WON’T regret that in a few years when you want to go back to school or buy a home. You also won’t regret it when you’re able to retire debt-free at 55, tops.

However, you will regret it if that’s all you focus on. There’s a lot to be said for the present. Think about all those sayings: “Carpe Diem”, “There’s no time like the present”, “live like there’s no tomorrow, because there may not be one.” Etc. Etc.

The best thing you can do is compromise. For instance, at your age, you can leave the Roth IRA alone for now. Don’t get rid of it- and if you find yourself with some extra cash once in a while, by all means, throw it in there. Contribute the maximum that your company will match into your 401(k). And save a pre-determined amount each month or each paycheck for shorter-term goals. You say you’ve got 5 or so years. If you save 100 bucks out of each paycheck assuming you get paid every two weeks, then you’d have 26k just in principle- forgetting whatever interest you earn on it.

Use the rest, after living expenses, to enjoy life. My husband and I live a very good life. We’re currently living in a not-so-nice house so that we can save for our dream house, but still have money to travel and party with. Both of us contribute fully to our retirement plans, and we save about $3,000 per month on top of that. It can be done. It can be hard to budget at first, but once you get it right, you won’t regret putting the time in.

Good luck in life… And on all those chicks. :0)

Susan asks…

What is the best, easiest and the quickest way to get UK citizenship ASAP with least legal complications?

Hi all!
I am a 19 year old indian citizen and I want to gain UK citizenship.
But the problem is, I have never been to UK or outside the country even once. I don’t even have a passport, but I am planning to get one soon. I go to college, but I want to drop out and move out from here.

I need to know the requirements to gain citizenship in UK and everything that goes along with it (i.e. the minimum years of stay to qualify, visa types and requirements, money etc. )

also, I have a few questions.

1. What is the easiest way to gain citizenship ?

2. What is the quickest way to gain citizenship ?

3. *I don’t want to apply for student visa, coz, that would mean that I will have to return back after the given amount of time. I don’t want to do that.
*Also, I don’t have any work letters from UK inviting me to work for their company or anything, so I can’t apply for the work visa also.
*I don’t have any qualifying relatives staying in the UK.
*I am currently in college, but i want to drop out and move to UK forever. I want to settle there and find job and work opportunities there. I can’t apply for work visa, and I don’t want to apply for student visa. I want a visa where I can just go over there and search for work opportunities and start living there. What kind of visa should I apply for ? (very, very confused!)

4. I am also willing to marry a UK citizen in order to gain the UK citizenship, but I am only 19. Is it possible ?

5. What does a “partner”, “civil partners”, “partnership” and “civil partnership” mean?

6. What does a “partner visa” mean? Is it the same as a “civil partnership visa” (in which case, you and your partner are as good as a same-sex married couple with equal rights to inheritance and kids and stuff). I don’t want to apply for a civil partnership visa as I am straight. But I see marriage or partnership as the easiest way to get a citizenship in this case.

7. Is it possible to get a visa where you can just go to UK for a trip, looking for someone, find them and settle down with them? Is that what a “spouse/fiance visa” means? Is it meant for going there, meeting and marrying someone whom you’ve never met before? (i mean, first, i want to get out of here, go to UK, meet and marry someone, stay till I get permanent citizenship ) what should I do?

– Don’t want student visa as I will have to return.
– Can’t have work visa as I have not applied for anything coz I am still in college.
– Want citizenship in UK in the EASIEST, QUICKEST AND THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY. (i.e legal, without any threat of being moved back to the country where you came from)
– Never been outside india or to UK.
– Is it possible to just get a visa to go there and look for job opportunities ?
– Is it possible TO GO THERE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO MARRY? If yes, then, can you marry on the visa (probably a spouse/fiance/civil partnership/ partnership visa, I guess) you hold and extend it for the minimum requirement of stay till you get British citizenship? Or do you get citizenship as soon as you marry?
– What happens if there is a divorce ? (Please explain both cases. A divorce before gaining citizenship, while you are on the minimum requirement of stay and a divorce after gaining a citizenship). Is your citizenship taken away from you if you get divorced after you have gained the citizenship ?

I know its a LOOOOONG LIST of qtns, but I am here in a very terrible situation. I am abused verbally, mentally and emotionally. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t run away as they will find me. So the best chances of getting away are moving to UK forever.
PLEASEEE help me. Any help will be much, MUCHH appreciated. esp. on the visa for marrying someone and settling there & gaining citizenship. I have read the UKBA website, but I need a much clearer explanation for my above qtns.

For once, I don’t mind getting the student visa also, if it gives me the permission to marry someone and gain citizenship without having to return to this place ever. But the admission process is the stuff which complicates things (i.e. exams, language tests, fee payment, etc)

AT THE END OF THE DAY, I WANT A BRITISH CITIZENSHIP IN THE EASIEST, QUICKEST AND THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY (with least legal complications, I mean) ASAP. I don’t ever want to return back here for any reason. I want to leave once and for all.



Nagesh answers:

The easiest way is to be born British.

As you’ve not managed that, your second option (unless you have a British fiancé willing and able to sponsor you for a spouse visa) is to get a work visa, then after 5 years in the UK apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain, and then after 12 months apply for citizenship.

Getting a work visa is incredibly difficult – they’re only available for the jobs on the UKBA shortage list, and only the potential employer can get you one.

Lisa asks…

my boyfriend and i need to start saving money?

he is a hustler and i currently get money from my school, we need to know how to save although we have to buy diapers,food, and clothes for the kids. what is the quickest way to save to get a apartment and a car?

Nagesh answers:

Boyfriend? Kids (plural)?

Money isn’t the root of your problem.

George asks…

Anyone got a way of makin money for your average british 14 year old?

Im 14 and i could really do with some money! My parents wont give me any (H A R S H) and i was wondering if anyone has a quick way of making money?
Btw i have tried getting a paper round however the waiting list is too long! :'(

Nagesh answers:

Lemonade stand? Just kidding, have you tried bargaining with your parents? Like I’ll mow the lawn for 20 bucks, or any non-chore things. You could also ask your neighbors

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Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Paul asks…

How do you make good money online?

I’m 14 years old and need a good way to make money online.The site needs to be online,its has to be free to sign up,and it has to include paypal as one payment option. Thanks a lot.

Nagesh answers:

Well I am here following an e-Book guideness,

I already made upto USD3000/last week!!!

Just by following up some really easy ways to earn fast money online!

Now I had quit my job for making much more money at my own house already!

Check the e-book source here and help you to make it as me too!

Robert asks…

How Do I promote my website to gain targeted traffic?

My site caters for those who wants to make money online fast. How do I get across to them in as little as 30 days. here is the site:

Nagesh answers:

There are a couple of ways you can get traffic for your websites.

Here’s just a few ideas:

Article submission
RSS feed distribution
Social Networking
Forum posting
Blog commenting
Social Bookmarking

Mandy asks…

How long does it take to get tax return money by?

If we go to HR Block today to do our taxes, and get the money direct deposited, what is the soonest it would be deposited by?

What are the options for faster money? How much do they cost?

Nagesh answers:

If you go to H&R Block you could get a RAL-Refund Anticipation Loan in 1 day for a fee that could range from $60- $300 + dollars depending on how much you get back…OR you can go to H&R Block Online TaxCut and file it yourself for free..Direct deposit takes like 2 weeks with that…Hope this helps….

Joseph asks…

how can i make fast free money online without havin to take surverys and spending any money?

i am totally skint and dont have a penny.i need to pay for my son and i need to know websites that will give me money! i will not get a loan i cant afford to pay back.. thanks.

Nagesh answers:

It’s not an easy process. You basically have to make an interesting site or video channel or such and get advertisements from Google. It’s a long process and 95% will make barely anything and 5% will make maybe, at max, 30,000 a year.

Betty asks…

How do I take out cash in Rupees from my Bank of America account which is in USA?

I know that Western Union, Moneygram, etc are good options. But I dont have friends (who are currently in India) in US now. Hence I will not be able to transfer money online to their account and then they sending the money to me.

So I would like to know if there is any fast way to get hot cash from my BOA account in USA from India. I heard that BOA has a tie up with ICICI. Is that true?

Nagesh answers:

Call up your local branch and see if they offer a service to exchange US dollars to Rupees.

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Tuesday, May 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Mandy asks…

How can I make money as a SAHM with twins?

I was planning to continue to be a nanny with just one little one, but with 2 I think that is likely out of the question. I am still thinking I could watch one more little one for income, but what other ways can I make some money?

I really only need to make about $500 a month to cover my student loans and credit cards. Hubbie can handle the rest but I don’t want to stick him with these also.

Nagesh answers:

There are MANY ways to earn cash online if you are just looking to make a few hundred extra dollars..simple way to start is making money reading emails! sign up..check this out:…

sometimes you get a 5-min long quick survey..sometimes it is an ad that you get points by just clicking on the url..other than that you can make money by completing surveys online, driving your car wrapped with ads, shopping and eating to provide comments, playing golf with business clients, you can even make money drinking beer …this site has everything… Check it out:

James asks…

How can I earn money online?

After this summer, I can no longer work because of school. I don’t have anything worthy to sell so I’m crossing Ebay. I have no talent in any sort of art and crafts, so crossing out selling self made items like jewelery and art. I have no idea how to make a site and earn money from it, so crossing that one too.

In the past when I was young, there used to be this kids newspaper that would let kids submit an article about anything. If they get featured, they get paid $25 for it. But they no longer exist and I’m no longer under 13 years old. So I want to do something like writing if possible online without being committed to it and earn money.

Don’t post anything stupid, please. I am serious here.
Oh my, I can’t believe there is so many ways to earn money like that online! I thank you guys all and this is very helpful.

Though I request, is there a way that I get a check sent to my house instead of through paypal? Maybe a certain site that does that? I don’t trust Paypal so much, seeing how much people could easily get hacked online.

Nagesh answers:

The site below shows a quick guide to get started to Paid-to-Click sites, but if you already know, or are already a clicker, then this will provide you with other good PTC’s you might have missed out. The guide is written for PayPal, but you can also opt to using AlertPay, which sends checks. There’s a link to it in the guide if you want to sign up. Here’s the guide:

David asks…

Easy way to earn money online?

Ok, I just opened up a Paypal to put money in. I want to save up $200 in the next 4 months.. or as soon as possible. I heard of a lot of sites to get money online. But which online site is the easiest and quickest to get money?

Nagesh answers:

Not a single “make money quick” site will make you rich or put any money in your PayPal account.

Until you have that PayPal account confirmed by linking a credit card or bank account, any money you accumulate in the PayPal account will be stuck there until you can show to PayPal that you are old enough to have this kind of account.

Daniel asks…

How Can U Earn Money Quick.?

Nagesh answers:

Best, legal and safe way to earn on internet is by joining paid survey sites. Paid survey sites pay you for your opinion on various topics.
Don’t pay for any survey program to join. There are many free to join paid survey like survey savvy they pay more then 5 $ per survey. Always check for on which site you are registering is BBB (Better Business Bureaus) certified.
Global Test Market…
American Consumer Opinion
Survey Savvy…
Permission Research
NFO My SurveyÀ_d=662&bid=1742&m=11819
Greenfield Online Surveys
Opinion Surveys……

You can check the website for more free survey list, affiliate programs and contextual ad program, get paid for reading email & surfing the web and more earning recourses.

Check the website for freelance work.

Betty asks…

How can you earn money online?

Data entry workers required urgently. No upfront fees required.
Earn $4000.00USD per month from home No marketing / No MLM . We are offering a rare Job opportunity where you can earn from home using your computer and the Internet part-time or full-time. Qualifications required are Typing on the Computer only. Working part time for 2-5 hours daily can easily fetch you $4000.00USD per month. Online jobs, Part time jobs. Work at home jobs. Dedicated workers make much more as the earning potential is unlimited. No previous experience is required, Full training provided. Anyone can apply. Please Visit .

Nagesh answers:

This is great. A Quick question though, whats the difference between qualifications and experience? At any rate, there are many other ways to earn money online like managing/building websites. Or purchasing a prebuilt site and driving traffic to it. How about a built in a box sytem that ANYONE can do? For a free gift and more info go to

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Monday, May 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

Robert asks…

How can I make some good fast money? I have a job too… but want to make alot more!?

I make 8.70 and have 36hrs/2weeks and a pay check of around 400$
but i wanna make money everyday. I wanna be rich. I wanna have a lot of money. Any ideas? nothing illegal.

Nagesh answers:

Try building your own business, a multi billion company, like yahoo or google or microsoft…. That would be a lot of money. The only investment required is your talent and hardwork.

Betty asks…

How can i make fast money?

in a point in my life where i need to fend for myself when parents should be providing for me, its hard to do so without transportaion. im at the point where i wiill do whatevr it takes to get to a job… just oto get a job period…. how can i make fast money!?!?!!??!?!?

Nagesh answers:

Hi friend.. There are some really a good way of making money online being at home.There is no need to pay at front.Just basic knowledge of internet is enough.Further it is much much better than online paid surveys & data entry..Just try it out there is nothing to lose since u r not going to pay.. Visit this = >

Michael asks…

fast money making websites for teens?

im 14 and i need to make at least 500 dolars as fast as i can … hopefully without getting a job

Nagesh answers:


Hope these helped (:

Richard asks…

does anyone know how to make money fast?

I want to make money. A job is too slow and too low paying and I need money now. Any help, please?

Nagesh answers:

Design websites. You can download free WYSIWYG editors that are very easy to work with. Set the business up on Go Daddy or some other hosting site that’s affordable. Your cost is nothing but time. Charge by the project or by the hour.

With WYSIWYG editors, you don’t need to know HTML.

Go “door to door” to local small businesses or call them on the phone.

Mark asks…

I’d like to be paid for being a “human lab rat.” How can I start?

I am not even sure if there is a more technical word for this, but I want to be one of those people that get paid for being used in studies etc. I don’t know where to start. My mom really wants me to do this, so yeah.
*I’d also just like to do this one time only, for fast money, rather than making an actual job of it.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know where you live, but if you Google “Paid Clinical Trials”, along with the name of your nearest big city, you will come up with a listing. Then you investigate and see if you qualify for any of them.

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Sunday, May 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

David asks…

make money fast?

in 1 year im old enough to get a job..but i need some extra cash right now, my mom is sick of giving it to i need to know fast ways to earn some money..

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys.In fact,you can earn $200 – $300 per day easily if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit to find how to earn $200 – $300 per day easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on is free!!!
All information on is free!!!

Ken asks…

How can i make money fast?

im 14 saving up money for a fixe or fixed geared bike..ohh and no online survey bullshit

Nagesh answers:

Hard and honest work gets you clean money the fastest way.

Laura asks…

How can I get big money fast?

I’m fourteen and my arsenal of guns/self-defense weapons/martial-art weapons is running low. I need to make some money, but the weapons today that are any good are insanely expensive, so I need to find some kind of work that will get me a significant amount of cash in a short period of time.
Any ideas?
Oh, and please don’t write back saying I’m “too young” and/or asking why I need these weapons; I know how to use them, and I know how to care for them. And also, I’m not breaking any laws because I’m buying them from my father; not a dealer, and I use them for protecting my family because my parents are in their sixties, my sister has moved out, and the city I live in is a hell-hole.
Serious answers only please.

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/07/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Helen asks…

How can I make money fast?

I really need a bunch of money, fast. I want these tickets on ebay, the current price is $405, and it’s going up. there’s still like 5 days left on it too, so its going to be a lot. i’m sharing with my friend, so i should only need half, but thats still a lot of money. i’m 15 and i can’t get a job and i just really really need money. i tried one of those sites where you take surveys but there was just a bunch ads and it messed up my computer.

help?!!?!? pleaseeee

Nagesh answers:

I found this website and although it seems too good to be true it actually works(I’ve tried and used it.)

It works like this, you sign up for various, mostly online services(of which many are free) and then they send you money based on how many you do.

Mark asks…

Make money online?

I need to make some money to save for a car and i need the money by roughly october 2009. Does anyone have an online money making program that can make money easy fast?

Nagesh answers:

Fastest way for me. All you do is fill out surveys for big bucks. To make this extremely easy you can use RoboForm to automatically fill in the info for the surveys. On my first week I made about $400. The site pays through check, paypal, and pre paid cards.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Paul asks…

Is it possible to make money online, and get real payments through paypal?

Is anything NOT a scam?

Ive tried surveys and all that other crap. Everything i have found is either not worth my time, or a rip off.

Everything requires you to pay something usually too.

I would like to earn a little extra cash for doing work online.
ANything! Surveys, question airs ..

Is there anything out there that is worth my time and effort?
Have you ever actually received payment?

I dont want to end up scammed.

advice please?

Nagesh answers:

There are several sites. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join. I am a member of several. The one I have had the most luck with is Lightspeed. They do not pay you cash you get points which can be converted into cash via pay pal. However, they send me the most surveys. And already twice now I have been asked to participate in a more extensive survey in which I was sent a palm pilot in the mail and asked to record certain daily activities. The ones I have completed offered a $50 incentive and that was in the form of a check in addition to the points I received for completing the initial survey. I have also done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. I did a lot of research before joining these three. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don’t respond to the survey fast enough they have met their quota.

Most pay a few dollars per survey completed so it is best to use several. If you would like to give me a referral credit use the link in my profile for survey savvy and the other websites are listed there as well. Good luck!

Ken asks…

What places are hiring and won’t make me want to kill myself?

I am 19 and desperately need a job as I am extremely low on money.

I know “Beggers can’t be choosers” but I am looking to work somewhere that wont make me wanna shoot myself and would actually be pretty cool to work at.

Any Ideas? I’ve looked at car dealerships, golf places, the mall and others.

Please no online surveys or scam crap.

Nagesh answers:

Do you have ANY work experience???
Try getting a job as a cashier…anywhere. Retail stores, discount stores, dollar stores, restaurants, convenience stores, cafes.
Also, a movie theater job might not be too bad. You’ll probably get to see movies for free.
And believe it or not, a fast food restaurant job isn’t too bad. I’ve worked that type of job in the past, and it’s alright. You get discounts on food and free drinks.

Mark asks…

How can I make fast money (the legal way)? Serious people with Serious answers please?

In need of making some quick money to pay off bills (tired of living in the dark and without water) and put gas in my car. Anyone got some good ideas? I’m just a grown woman who is going to school full-time and have some finical issues.

Nagesh answers:

Take a Part-Time Job.
Be Innovative – Create Something Unique to Sell.
Start a Home-Based Business Based on Your Skills.
Teach a language.
Tutor or give lessons.
Invest in real estate or in share market.
All this will help u to make money fast.
Remember don’t take online surveys to make money……they all r fake!!

Mary asks…

How to make money online without spending ANY money?

Anybody know any good sites that are easy, fast, and free?

Nagesh answers:

Various money making ways and sites could be found here
Also, I want to tell you about best website you can earn 50$/day with. You can read a review and join here!
I recommend that this will work in every country

Donald asks…

What is a fast and easy why to make money?

I’m struggling right now. And I’m trying to find a new job but it’s not coming fast enough. I need money for a couple of different things. So I just need to ask someone if they knew a quick way to make a couple hundred dollars or more.

Nagesh answers:

Hello. This sounds crazy, but I’d start by looking for change around the house and car. I’ve been in a bind before, and wound up finding almost $50 just in change in the car, couch, coat pockets, etc!

Second, look around your house and see what you can sell. Sell gold to jewelry stores. Consider consigning clothes at thrift shops, if their schedule indicates that you’ll get paid quickly enough. Sell items you can mail on, and things you can’t ship on Consider making eBay auctions 3 days long, instead of 7, to sell and get your money fast.

Third, see if you can pick up extra side jobs with no long-term commitment. Do you know anyone who needs someone to babysit, walk dogs, garden, clean, etc. For them? It may be embarrassing to admit you need money, but tell them you’re in between jobs and are trying to make ends meet. Most people have been there before.

Although the online survey sites promise fast money, they also often control how many surveys you get, and when. Plus, they only send you the money after you reach a certain amount, so it could be weeks, or MONTHS! (Also, participants get points or money for referring new participants, so they have a vested interest in getting you to join.)

Lastly, plan for the future. Tighten your belt, and see which expenses you can suspend or sacrifice for the next few months while you are looking for a job. Here’s a good resource for “frugal” living:

Good luck! You’ll get through this!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, May 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Steven asks…

How to make runescape money with free trade or skills?

Current advice on how to make money would be very appreciate, f2p or memby tips pleasee, also I have a kingdom of miscellania and tips on what to invest into to make it the most money efficient would be nice. I can also slay things I’m high level with several million gp. Please give me some more ideas or techniques!!! (:

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of ways to make money fast. The easiest way to do it if you are just starting to play is to finish the Rune Mysteries Quest and then start mining rune essence. If you are a low level miner, this can take up to three minutes to get a full inventory, so you can go make coffee or go to the bathroom while your doing this, so you can multitask. If you keep doing this, sell when you have 200-2k rune essence. Each sells from 20-30 gp, and always try to offer 30gp. At 2k rune ess, that gives you an immediate 60k.

If you’re mining level is 30 and up, you should consider mining coal to make money. Prices for coal are immensely higher than rune essence, but are harder to mine. Each piece of coal sells for 100-300 gp. I would reccomend storing coal until you get 10-100, as people often buy in bulk for higher prices.

If you have a fishing level of 40 and up, and a cooking level of 40 and up, you will be able to fish for and cook lobsters. The best place to go for non-members (and the only place to go) is the karamja island dock. There is no competition here unlike mining, so you can easily get a full inventory of lobsters in 10 minutes. Lobster fishing is slow once you start however, and at level 40 fishing you catch one every 30 seconds. Once again, store up, as players buy in bulk often. Lobsters are in even more demand as coal and can sell for 350 to 200 gp each.

Those are the main ways I make money. There are a lot of different ways, but those are pretty good to get you started, and I don’t want to use up the entire page. =)

As for the Adamant and black gold, those are gold trimmed armors. They are worth a lot ( 100-300k per plate) and you really shouldn’t concern yourself on getting one, they have the same defense values as regular black and addy armor. They are only for the rich classy people who want to show off rewards from treasure clues (mini-quests)

Paul asks…

How do real world trading Runescape websites do it?

i was on a website where they sell accounts for runescape and also gold. my friend ordered 40m from that website and he said he got it in one day. how do they make runescape money so fast??

Nagesh answers:

Its very illegal according to the rules so do not do it but the way they get so much money is they use bots

so what they do is make about 100 characters and dont even bother leveling up the combat but they mainly just chop wood and mine ores. Once they have use the bot to get a high enough level they start having the bot chop down magic trees and then they sell them.Or they can be mining runite or gold or something special. Then when you have 100+ guys doing that simotaneously you eventually get things to add up.

A bot is a hack that is against the rules. It will do all the work without you being there on the computer. I have seen some forms of them in real life. One I saw was the magic mouse which you could tell the mouse what color to look for on your screen and it would randomly search the screen for that color and if it found it it would click it. So you dont have to be there for mining or wood chopping because the mouse does all the work

usually companies go more advanced than that and they will have programs that not only do all the work for them but also when they get a full inventory they will drop everything off at the bank. Pretty cheap yes.

So if you ever see a level 3 wearing the basic clothes and face and not talking just continuously working. You know its a bot and you can report the name. Many bots get banned because they are very easy to detect but also some get away becuase people are lazy or Jagex is too busy.

Dont do it. Play the game faily its more fun that way anyways. Why brag about getting so much money if you cheated to get the money in the first place. Its the whole point of the game. Its not worth playing the game if your going to skip every part of the game just to get to the top.

Nancy asks…

What is the best way to make money on runescape?

$$$ rs vengeance runescape magic i kasoy i kids ranqe what is the best way to make money on runescape bread a wing bufflao wild wings i like pie family guy private sever ice barrage smd how do i do i you i love dogs i lol lol vesta vls ritzscape

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods for members that I have made millions using. If you would like more details on any one method please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo. I do NOT know f2p moneymaking as it is a quite different game.
…1)Non combat skills
~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)
~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.
~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave,
and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.
*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.
** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.
…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.
…4) Merchanting…( I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING MERCH CLANS) watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.
… 5) There are several quests and diary’s that are well worth the effort.After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests,You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold.
…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax,Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large payoffs!
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) Diversions and distractions… Penguin hunting can make as much as 104k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
…10) Try not to return to a bank with empty inventory and always pick up stackable items. Even if an items not worth much its worth more than an empty space in your pack. You can always drop an item if something worth more is available.
……The thing is the game is designed to take time (which is why my answer is so long).. Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids and slayer)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy!

David asks…

How to get money in Runescape?

I have around 1m right now because i just started playing again. Any tips on getting fast money? And how can you currently merchant in Runescape? (If you can)

Nagesh answers:

Depending on your level, merchanting is diferent.

If you want money fast you need a lot more money, possibbly over 10 mil for merchanting.

Because the more something cost the bigger price range, usually.

But if you become a member, fighting dragons is good (pick up the hides or bones or even both)

fighting chaos druids

and a simple way is (i call this skill merchanting)

you buy flax and spin it into bowstrings then sell the strings. You will also train crafting.

You might be able to merchant whips.

What i would do is:

buy a whip for low
fight dragons or find another source for making money (this is to make money while you wait for the whip to buy, then sell the whip for higher then you bought it)

keep repeating.

Daniel asks…

What is the best way to make money on Runescape with only melee?

i need help on getting money i had 13mill but got hacked and i dont know how to get fast money im a lvl102 any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Well, I have two. Green dragons and Black Dragons:

Green dragons have the highest constant money per hour rate. At 395k an hour, it’s a bit higher than red dragons, which come in second. These rates are from meleeing them in the Chaos Tunnels, not the Wilderness. Your combat level’s high enough to slay these monsters, and you can find a detailed guide to it here:

Black dragons have a lower money per hour rate. Quite a bit lower than Green Dragons, at 172k an hour. And that’s if you range them (which is what I recommend). However, there is a chance of getting a visage drop from them, which will make you an immediate 17M.

‘s your choice if you wish to take your chances and go for a visage or have a constant income and slay Green Dragons.

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Thursday, May 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Residual income(long term) compared to instant income(short term)


Considering money making scheme everyone knows that making money online has become the order of the day. You can find various money making systems both on the internet and off the internet and naturally everyone knows making money online has existed for years even as long as money itself.

Just how would you describe financial self-sufficiency? To me, financial freedom would be when I no longer have to worry for money. Certainly not, it may not signify acquiring tens of millions tucked away in a designated bank account. Absolutely not, financial autonomy is when you enjoy a stress free life and never have to worry about money again i.e. when you accumulate uninterrupted supply of income and wealth.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to enjoy an income supply that is completely economic downturn immune that you can fall back on in case the carpet was ripped entirely from under you today? Be in your fantasy property, Possess the ability to procure most of the things that you desire even Buy your loved ones costly accessories. That is exactly what is referred to as financial self-sufficiency. In this particular post, I will uncover money making ideas that will generate stable residual earnings for financial freedom

When you compare long-term income and short-term source of income, the majority prefers short quick term income not considering that whatever is yielded is simply for a short time period and this is the legitimate reason lots of people have end up being victims of internet frauds.

For as long as folks are seeking different ways to earn a living for themselves very fast and in a short period of time, there will continually be individuals willing to reap the benefits of this quick money making opportunists to defraud them.

Convenient means of making money online from your home business is completely achievable, Individuals do this on daily basis. On the other hand don’t be a short-term opportunist. To really be successful you need to desire for the long term stream of income by growing to be an online investor, where you can achieve a long lasting as well as continuous income inflow. Indeed, it requires effort which needs hard work but the benefits are actually worthwhile. Frankly speaking, nearly all immediate solution to mastering how to generate long terms online money is provided by residual income.

Exactly what is residual income? Permit me to define it in this manner, Residual income is money earned after the first activity which generated the income has been accomplished.

The strategy to earn reliable residual income is challenging and lengthy to cultivate or acquire in the beginning, however the benefits and income pulled are usually higher and the income a lot more secure and then constantly having to generate income. A residual income provides income regardless of what happens even if you cease to directly enhance the revenue stream, The earnings just continues coming. For a lot of ambitious individuals, this is a decent strategy to generate legitimate long-term income a reality.

Your aim as an Internet marketer would be to establish meaningful relationships with people, organizations and many others. Parties involve can succeed from mutual cooperation as well as develop connections with website visitors and Internet clients that you will lead the to the company web pages. Essentially, you become the core person of an online negotiation employing number of tips on how to help drive visitors to these targeted websites. Being familiar with these money making scheme will answer the million dollar question how one can earn money online.

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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