Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Chris asks…

How to raise money fast for a party?

My best best best best best friend’s birthday is tomorrow and me and my friends want to throw an awesome surprise party for her.
She’s such an amazing person and never gets much.
The problem is that we dont really have much money to get food, decorations, etc. and we were planning on having this party this Saturday!

Any ideas on how to raise money quickly?

P.S. If it matters, we’re 14!

Nagesh answers:

You can buy candy bars at a low price and sell them at a high price. This is a great fundraiser that a lot of people use.

Jenny asks…

How can I make money with domains?

Please, I’m desperate, how come all these millionaires make their moneys from sites and domains and programs. Give me some things to try please i want to start making money quickly if i have friends alot of them who do and dont tell!

Nagesh answers:

You can make money in all sorts of ways, the guy who wrote many paragraphs did write a few good points, but not for a beginner like you seem. It seems you want a money making program, there are many, most are bad and close down in a month or so. My point to you is this: just look at the programs that claim to make money and see how many years are they actually in business. I own many domains (1200+) and to tell you the truth I’m a skeptic about money programs and referring people, but I have only one that I subscribed to and it takes time to make money because you have to market it, so it becomes a business, but after all the work I put in for about a month referring all my friends and family, I get a very good cheque, not in the millions and 100s of tousands or even close like many claim… But I get about $5000 a month now that I’ve been in it for a few months.
I only decided to join because they were established since 1999, so 8 years says that they will not run away, and it only costs me 10$ a month, anyway, check it out, and let me know what you think, because you need a mentor, and I will be yours that is IF you decided to join of course. Here is the link and let me know what you did not like about it if you don’t sign up, although, really, I have never seen anyone complain! Try it out, you know what, I give people 7 days to try it and if they do not like it, I refund them the money. Yes, I am marketing the program to you, but you asked what works. This worked better than a lot of my domains do. Also, when you join, since I will help, I can teach you about building good domains as I have many sites that have content and make adsense money. Here’s the link:
Remember that you have nothing to lose and I will guide you till you hit $5000 I promise. And no its not my company, lol. Just remember that the code you need is in there, winsite, and you can only get in with it. Good luck!!!

Helen asks…

How can I make money easily as a teen?

There is a trip I really want to go on and I need to raise a little bit over $1,000. It’s winter where I live so I wouldn’t be able to do a car wash or something like a lemonade stand. The money is due soon, and I am willing to put a lot of work into this. It’s something I’d really like to do. Please if you know anyways to make money quickly, share it! It’s greatly appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Do odd jobs for people like moving furniture or office work, check craigslist.

Betty asks…

How can a teenager make money?

I really need to earn money. But I’m too young to get a job&i can’t babysit. So, I need a lot of ideas to make money quickly. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I know this is a lot to read and I apologize but it was voted “Best Answer” a few times so obviously the content is worthy of your time to read.

One of the most popular questions on this forum is how young people (12-17) can make money. If you want an easy or fast way to make millions of dollars, this reply is not for you. If your inquiry is genuine and you are looking for genuine ideas … read on. This may just be voted “Best Answer.”

My first suggestion is for those of you who are over 15 (or whatever legal age in your state allows you to work for companies with a work permit). It’s how I earned money through high school. My school had an educational program called Distributive Education in which the students in the program were assigned to jobs working for pay for companies that hire teens. In some cases we worked at retail stores or fast food stores or offices. We were taught to stock shelves, operate cash registers, perform inventory, etc. Not only did we get paid for the work but we also received school credits and had a nice start on our entry-level resumes after high school. Might I suggest that you consult your guidance counselor’s office to see if they have job referrals that you might qualify for? If not, ask how you could start such a program for the school. There are a lot of teens out there with goals for college, cars, and just spending money. Let it be known that you are one of them.

If that type of thing doesn’t appeal to you or you are under that age for legal employment in your state, you are not out of luck. There are plenty of ways that you can make money. What ways? Continue reading…

Everyone knows that when a business hires you, they are only paying you a percentage of their profits. That’s common sense. Every business has income but also has expenses like the owner’s personal expenses and the costs of conducting business, which includes salaries, benefits paid to employees, advertising costs, rents, utilities, and more. If you are going to work, why work to make someone else rich when you can work for yourself and take 100% of the profits from your sale of products or performance of service? Most people (young or old) don’t go further with the ideas because of the fears and risk. Those who do go further are the Bill Gates and Donald Trumps of the world.

There are a lot of things to learn about your own business and it’s not advised to just print out business cards and start to get customers. There are a number of steps that you must follow, which I will present if I still have your attention.

Have you ever heard the expression, “self made millionaire?” Well, there’s no such thing. Everyone needs other people to build wealth. It starts with the government. The government will help you build wealth but there’s a few involved and that fee is in taxes and legal licensing of your business. Other people you need will be customers and yet other people you need include your parents. If you have your parent’s support of your endeavors your whole family can benefit from the profits from the business as well as some pretty sweet tax credits that will reduce their taxes (and yours) to provide even more income to the family. An accountant (another person who can help you) will be well worth his or her fees in helping you build your business from a financial standpoint. Don’t be afraid to pay for professional services and/or knowledge.

Now, to continue about the things that I feel you should learn about business before you start, the most important lesson is that whatever product or service you decide upon requires a serious look at the need for those products or services. It’s not a good idea to pick a product and then run around to find people who want or need your offerings. You should find the customers and then the products or service to fill or create those needs.

I have a list of a few library books that you should look at to help you determine what type(s) of business you would be well suited for. Ask your Librarian for other books about kids and money. You are not limited to any of the ideas and you can always put your own twist on the ideas you get. We are talking about YOUR business here.

Fast Cash for Kids … Bonnie & Noel Drew
Better than a Lemonade Stand … Daryl Bernstein
50 Money Making Ideas for Kids … Lauree & L Allen Burkett
Jobs for Kids … Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James
The Kids’ Business Book … Arlene Erlbach
Making Cents … Elizabeth Wilkinson

One of the ways to do this effectively is with a business plan. Besides checking out the books above, your local library also has books on how to write a business plan. It is not an overnight process but one of the more important things you can do to make sure your business starts and stays on track. Do something TODAY to start a business plan. You’ll put a few hours into writing it but it’ll show you if your ideas are really profitable. If you cannot put the time into writing a business plan, you most certainly cannot put the time in to conduct business.

Make sure you are legal before you charge your first dime and make sure you get your parents on board with your intentions. Who says that parents have to create family owned businesses? The books that I have recommended provide plenty of case studies on how young people can make more money working for themselves than they can working for others.

Don’t wait for your ship to come in … Swim out to meet it.

Linda asks…

What are ways to raise extra school shopping money?

I only get about $300 to spend on school shopping money and I’m planning on completely redoing my wardrobe. I need about $200-$300 more, but i’m too young to get a job. What are simple ways to raise alot of money quickly? Thnx for ya help!
monicaaaa <3

Nagesh answers:

Sell your old stuff………..

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Sunday, August 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Paul asks…

How do I raise money over the summer?

I want to raise money and surprise my family with a vacation. I don’t get an allowance but I want to start maybe some kind of business. I am only 13 years old so I need it to be both legal and somewhat easy. Any ideas of how to raise money over my summer break?

Nagesh answers:

How about a lawn mowing service? You could use your own family mower, or the customer’s. If you mowed 10 lawns a day at $10 a time, that is $100 per day. Or charge more for bigger lawns. That could lead on to other gardening concerns like weed pulling, planting flowers, watering lawns if you live in a dry area, even painting fences.

Other ideas are babysitting, dog walking, doing chores or running errands for elderly folk who can’t do them easily any more by themselves.

In your supermarket, look for items with competitions for a holiday prize, and enter all of them. You might be lucky !!!

William asks…

How can I make money over the summer?

My friend and I need to make some money this summer. We are going to a Mindless Behavor concert, and tickets are $265 per seat. So, what are some ways we can easily make money, without spending TOO much?
It would be things like:
-garage sales
-selling water at the golf course
-mowing lawns
Those kind of things. And I’m not sure if we are allowed to sell at the golf course, so what are some other places to sell bottled water at? Just ideas like that, and please explain them a little bit too.

Nagesh answers:

Think Services. What services can you provide? Can you mow grass and borrow a lawn mower? Can you wait tables and collect tips? Can you help people organize their kitchens, bathrooms, offices? Can you assist elderly people with errands?

In any of these applications (and any not mentioned for that matter) think of ways that you and your personal abilities and experiences will add value to those you will serve.

Other ideas
1.) write resumes
2.) type term papers
3.) grocery shop for a busy family, elderly person, or shut-in
4.) personal shop for wealthy people
5.) baby sit

Richard asks…

Must Buy items?? i made money over summer and i was just searching for ideas because my mind is blank rite now?

so i made alot of money over summer and i was just searching for ideas because my mind is blank rite now. what should a teenage boy buy?

Nagesh answers:

Buy items to sell….too make morw money

Nancy asks…

What are some things that i can do to make money during the summer?

I want to save up, to buy things for the next school year. what are some ideas, things, jobs, work, etc.. ideas on how i can make some money during the summer? thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Of course no money will ever come easy, i know i am 17 and have been looking like crazy. I recently found this site called cash crate, and at first just figured it would be like any other old survey or offer site. After a little research i decided to give this site a try. There are a few ways to make money on this site. One is complete offers which require some information on your part. I tend not to do these, the section i focus on is the surveys. There are 7 surveys which can be done daily for about 5 bucks a day. This takes about an hour or so but you do make 5 bucks. Its not much but after a long time .. 35 a week or 140 a month. I like spending my extra time here because i am actually making money. And if your interested please check out my blog for a link to the site!


Laura asks…

What kind of men clothing to buy for summer?

I’m planning to spend some money on summer clothing since my closet is filled with winter stuff. What type of clothing should men (18-25) wear for the summer. I know there’s the basic polo and shorts, but I find that a bit worn out. Any other ideas? Any contribution would be great!

Nagesh answers:

Jeans and a nice tee never gets worn out
but the basic wear as you said shorts and polos are nice

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Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Chris asks…

How can I show that kids are growing up to fast in a piece of art?

For my art class we have to make something out of a weird material. I was thinking of showing how kids are growing up to fast. An idea i had was forming a jungle gym out of things that adults would wory about. But I think i need a different idea.
Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

You could get wire (armature wire comes in all sizes and is pretty cheap) and form a stick figures, swinging on a swing set, and have one wearing a skirt made of a condom and a little pacifier in her mouth, and color and cut out a pair of red pouty lips and put it on the other stick figure on the other swing, along with some pasted on (you cut and color red again) fingernails and toe nails.

Could even have a little basket, with a little tiny stick figure in it, for a baby.

Or you could have those stick figures throwing a baby back and forth…or you could make like a diorama with the baby on a Popsicle stick that when you push and pull it, it goes from one kid to the next through the air, with a bunch of smashed babies on the ground at their feet.

Or you could recover a cereal box, with a new cereal name and pictures that border on sex or aggressive, soldier, money, babies, themes…geared for children and in young language and flavors.

William asks…

How can I make a lot of money in a small town?

I need to make quite a bit of money. I am 13 years old… Yes 13 years old so age appropriate answers please! And please be serious!

Nagesh answers:

Mow lawns in the spring/summer and fall, and shovel snow if applicable in the winter. Be industrious… Take on lots of clients and hire help if necessary, but you will get clients because you are a kid, and people will want to help. Also, since our overhead will be very low, you can keep prices low which wll help with client on-boarding.
If you need fast money, I have no idea.

Thomas asks…

What are some ways that a 15 year old can make decent money over the summer?

Preferably, it should have flexible hours and not like “doing chores around the house” or “starting a lemonade stand”. I’m looking for an actual job, such as a camp counselor, etc. Any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

1. Be an early investor. Ride your bike around and check the paper for garage sales. Hit them up and buy up music CD’s you find. Normally 25 cents to a buck each. Then bring them home, windex the cases, use some automotive wax and a soft cloth to clean the CD’s. Then ride them over to the used record store. On average you will get $2.25 per CD. Some $1, some $4. You will at least break even, meaning lose no money, otherwise make profit for just shopping and cleaning a few CD’s. And this can be done on your own time frame.

2. Since you mentioned camp, I am sure you know or enjoy crafts. Get on ebay, see what type of craft items are selling, jewelry, baskets, etc. Make some, have a parent set up an ebay account, and start selling them. Again, all done at your own pace and time frame. You can also find small trinket shops/craft shops in your area and sell your items to them for them to resell or use them as a distributor to sell your products for you and you give them a cut of the profit.

3. Camp counselor, amusement park, some fast food joints, cart person at a grocery store, etc.

4 since I am sure you are on myspace and enjoy it all. Go to kinko’s and make up some simple biz cards ($25). Then go around to local small business’s and others and offer your services of making them a myspace web site page. You can then give the address to them to advertise with, to link to their web site, etc. Explain how myspace is big, popular and has millions of users and some 250,000 a day new sign on. Few “adults” understand all the computer stuff where you do. Say $100 for the myspace site, info, pictures. And $25 for changes. Take you a day to do one, an hour to update one.

5. This one I told my 18 yr old bro to do cause he’s a camera wiz. If you are good with video cameras, editing, burning to DVD’s. Again get some biz cards, then go around to local soccer games, softball, baseball, tball, etc. And give your card out to the parents. Offer a service of video taping their child for the game, editing it, and burning it to DVD. Say $25 a game. You get 2-3 kids per game, you make $75 for 5 hrs of work including editing and you film all 3 at same time, as you do edit it later. This allows the parent to either A. Watch the game and not a camera, B. Not even be at the game yet still see it, and C. Able to share a “professional” yet cheap video of their child to friends, realtives. Make up a simple front page on the video saying biz name, who did it (you), etc.

Think outside the box, dont’ settle for some minimum wage paycheck when you can make 3 times as much in 1/3rd the time by just looking around.

Laura asks…

Why are Cons so stuck on the idea that paying income and property taxes is solely to support lazy?

peoplethat won’t work. Our tax money goes for other things besides public aid, welfare, food stamps, etc. Why not focus on the good that comes from tax dollars rather than the bad? I mean you cons love the military right? How about the FDA? The TSA? There must be SOME government programs you like…try to focus on those. Whining about how single moms in the ghetto with drug addictions get free food for their kids isn’t going to make paying taxes go away.

Nagesh answers:

Because they really believe the crap they hear on FOX and Rush, and they don’t even believe their own eyes, like why is it a ghetto if its so wonderful living high on the government hog?

When its them though, the government can’t move fast enough, when Tennessee had some flooding, they were angry that the Federal dollars weren’t instantly in their pockets. That will happen again in the flooding in the Mississippi too. They are true believers that blacks get preferential treatment and whites get shafted. Rush is already pushing the idea that Democratic states get faster money than Republican ones in an emergency.

You can’t change them, they can’t learn, they complain about other people when they have their own hands out twice as fast because they aren’t used to waiting on line.

Susan asks…

What is the quickest way to make 8,000 dollars?

I was invited by the Governor of Alabama to attend a trip to New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia and it is 8,000 dollars. The trip is next summer. Does anyone have an idea how I can make 8,000 dollars by then? It’s greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Find positions at hotels and restaurants. Professionals make $25-$40 and hour + tips. Find a class through ( or take a course online for $50 at (

Potential Earning Power: an extra $375 a week

2. Personal Trainer
If you are a natural health and fitness buff, whip others into shape for extra cash.You and others will stay fit while you profit. Get certified at (

Potential Earning Power:$ 220 a week

3. Bookkeeper
Local businesses just starting out may need a person to track payments, deposits, and budgets. For example a new day care center.

Potential Earning Power: $600-$1000 a month


Mowing, gardening, trimming bushes, gutter cleaning, and sweeping. It’s a common way to make money especially during summer. To find gigs search ( and (

Potential Earning Power: $200 a week

5. Tutoring

Assist kids, teen, and college students in their studies. Use ( to find areas you can tap into to find work. Take a course at (… To find jobs try ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $375 a week to $200

6. Lifeguard

Hang by the pool and get paid.Become certified at ( or (

Potential Earning Power: $140 a week

7. Website Creator

Design sites for local businesses and non-profit organizations.Charge a good amount per project.

Potential Earning Power: $800-$1200 a month

8.House Cleaner

Clean homes for local college students or busy families. Determine the needs before you give a price. Post an AD on Craigslist or the local Newspaper.

Potential Earning Power: $500- $1500

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Friday, August 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mark asks…

What are some quick ways to get cash,Im a kid that sells candy at school.No stupid answers!!?

I need about 500 or 1,000 dollars.Im good at selling things and Im a good rapper.I am very smart.Need to get money for dirtbike. There was a 700$ dirtbike ad in the newspaper but I want a better one.

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, mow lawns, shovel snow.

Daniel asks…

How can i make money fast?

iv been wanting some clothes from urban outfitters n such but i have little money to pay for it and was wondering what some quick ways were to get some money .
ps. im only 13 years old.
ps. im only 13 years old.

Nagesh answers:

You could try network marketing. It allows you to work around your schedule, kids, school, etc.

Find something that peaks your interest. Perhaps make-up, clothing, accessories, shoes, health products, cleaning products, baskets, etc.

Just find something that you can get excited about and then go for it.

David asks…

How to make money aside from having a job?

Apart from my paycheck, what are some ways to make money.
What things can I sell, or what can I do, that will make some quick cash.
Pawn shop?
I have a lot of books I can sell too, what can I do with those?

Nagesh answers:

You could also sell things on ebay or look into selling old kids items at places like once upon a child or your old clothes at plato’s closet.

James asks…

What’s a quick and easy way to make money ?

I’m 13 years old and i really need to make some money and try to save up. Is there any job besides babysitting i can do ?

Nagesh answers:

If you are babysitting at 13, you are way ahead of me. At 14, I was so sick of being broke that I took my mom’s electric typewriter and wrote my own stats over and over again and went to every mail box in my known neighborhood, which was as far as my feet would take me all day long. Within one week, I was hired to baby sit and my average take home pay per weekend was around 60 bucks.

Kudos if you are making money, babysitting. The reason why I was in demand, is because my full attention was on the kids, not my own needs.

After that, I don’t know what else you can do… Sell your baked goods? Or maybe, a weed pulling service?

Ken asks…

Ladies if you had kids who were starving would you sell your self on the streets to deed them?

If that was the only way to make quick money.
BQ: How much would you charge? Realistic amounts only.
Ok, take yourself out of your middle class world and imagine you live somewhere in a third world country where there are not many jobs to be had.

Nagesh answers:

If it was the only way? Then yes.

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Thursday, August 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Michael asks…

How long does it take to send money though online banking, from one bank to another?

I am having some money sent to me through online banking, the person sending it is sending it from Halifax, and I am with Barclays.

Nagesh answers:

Online Fund transfers are getting effective and faster. In India, Fund Transfer from the same bank with different accounts takes 5-6 hours.

William asks…

How can I make money online?

Is there any way I can make a lot of money online? I need some fast cash…Oh yea & it has to be legit

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think there really is a way to make lots of money online. Your best and most legit option is surveys, which pay pretty low. Every other online money making programs, I just don’t trust right now.


Steven asks…

Is there a safe way for a teen to make money online in Canada?

I’ve heard of people taking online surveys and getting paid.. Is this safe? How would a person get started?

Nagesh answers:

You could make money with IM REPORT CARD (link – you can write reviews for stuff (specifically internet marketing programs) for 50 cents a review. It does not take long at all to write a review and it is super easy and you can make a lot of money very fast! It is not hard at all and you can accumulate points really fast!

Robert asks…

advice: how can I make money online or working from home?

I wonder if someone can really make money online or working from home?

no scam, please. just honest advice…and point of views.

Nagesh answers:

I’m still new to yahoo here, so I can’t tell you what I do from home personally. But I can refer you over to a couple of people who are in the same industry as I am in. There are actually quite a few different ways you can work from home. One is a call center, the pay is minimum wage and you have to lock into curtain time slots. I did this for a while and it does pay, but the pay is minimal.
The other way to work from home, is to start up your own business. A simple home based business you actually can make an incredible income in. Surprising, You have the same income opportunity as a traditional business has, but without all the over head expenses. The majority of the things you use in your house on a daily bases, becomes tax write off’s.
I found the best type of home based business is in the telecommunications industry because everyone uses (male or female, child or teen) uses the products every day. What we did was partner up with a 15 year old company that is world wide. The largest direct selling Telecommunication service provider in the world. They are 15 years old with head quarters in Farmington Hills Michigan, Charlotte North Carolina, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal. They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in revenue in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc as well. We save people money and make money at the same time. Every single month these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month. Donald Trump has endorsed our company and uses the services as well. You can work off line or on line etc.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of people right? You can save them money and make money.
If this is an industry that you would like to learn more about, you should contact Mrs Vague at

Sandy asks…

How can I make some fast money?

I’d like to make some fast cash in a few days, maybe at least 50 – 100 dollars in three days or less. Can anyone help me with this?

Nagesh answers:

Assuming you don’t want to get a job and you have no skills:
1) Sell something (preferably jewelry or electronics, though you can sell tons of stuff used these days online; try books if you have a lot of them)
2) Pawn something (if your need for money is temporary and you plan on having more money in the future and want to keep your stuff)
3) If you live near by a research institution (especially a university, medical school, or possibly a hospital), try volunteering for a research study. These usually pay $10-$30 an hour.

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Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

James asks…

Can you really make money online?

So you hear from time to time oh get rich quick off the internet, and you always find websites that say make 100 grand a year just by working at home on your own computer…. I just want to know is any of this crap true lol….. I have never bothered to check any of this, but I constantly get emails saying get rich off the internet bla bla bla…

Anyone actually every test these things out and if so what sites did you use?

Nagesh answers:

The increasing number of online opportunities and people who wish to earn money through the internet is unfortunately coupled with innumerable make money online scams. Neophytes in the world of online business are often the most vulnerable and sought-after prey of these online scoundrels and frauds. Thus, in order to protect yourself from possible scamming activities, it is imperative that you get to know some of the most common signs and determinants of internet frauds.

What are signs that offers are potential scams?

Make money online scams are often incredible and outrageous offers from software programs and other forms of online business. Whenever you encounter a too-good-to-be-true offer that ensures you to earn thousands in just a matter of day, then be cautious of that offer. Furthermore, those who say that there is actually no work experience needed to do the job for an amazing income are most probably make money online scams.


Another thing is with a limited time and quantity of slots or products offered which lead you to purchase immediately and without time to research about their authenticity. There are indeed legit online businesses that run out of slots however be sure that you make research first before you plunge in. Make money online scams are definitely taking advantage of customers and their eagerness to earn.

If you come across a website that has various testimonials from people claimed to be actual customers yet does not have sufficient information which you can use for cross-checking may be make money online scams. Always make sure that you do your own research to validate their existence and contact them for your personal inquiries.

There are plenty of ways to counter several make money online scams which are definitely disgraceful truths in the online world. You need to understand the ways to prevent it and never make impulsive decisions that may cater to such frauds. TC…

Ruth asks…

how to earn money quick?10 points for the best one!?

i liv in a quiet little village

Nagesh answers:


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Steven asks…

Question about Money Orders? Please quick answer!!!!!!?

I placed an order on the internet for something and they were all out. I paid by money order but now its being fowarded back to me! How do I get the money back off of it? Do I just take it to the gas staition along with the stub? Need help! Never delt with this before!

Nagesh answers:

there you can earn money by sitting at own home and earn and very easy way to earn money
and in ways Like Data Entry and more and
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Laura asks…

How do i earn money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

The very best thing that you can do for yourself is to get rid of the notion that there is any quick way to earn money. It all takes work, whether online or offline.

It takes hard work, long hours sometimes and a never-give-up attitude.

Once you understand that there is no “easy money,” you’re well on your way to making a nice living in whatever you do. 😉


Tony Thomas

Lisa asks…

Making good money with ONLINE SURVEYS?

What are some good sites that are actually LEGIT and pay you good money by taking surveys off the internet?

If you can, speak from experience please.

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money online by freelancing, if you are working for a good company you will get paid by check or paypal as soon as the work is complete and approved I have written 2-3 assignments and got paid in 24 hrs. So if you are in need of quick money freelancing is the way to go.

P.s. Its not for everyone there is a lot of writing involved but as long as you are prepared to work there are always jobs available

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Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Linda asks…

How do i get money fast on Runescape?

i need to know how to make some money fast. if i need to train skills that’s fine. most of my stats are on hiscores, my name is Sccrman737. i really need help

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods I have used if you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo.

…1)Non combat skills

~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle you can even “free load” although this is unpopular with other players.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)

~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.

~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.

*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.

** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.

…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.

…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.

… 5) There are several quests that are well worth the effort.

After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests, You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold.

And if you do the Hand in sand quest you can get free sand daily.

…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax (Spin the flax into bowstrings for even more profit),Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs! Clue scrolls which are dropped by certain monsters more often then others… (I kill Daganoth’s with a cannon to get mine fast ) .
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) One of the newest ways of making money is the recent Diversions and distractions addition… Penguin hunting can make as much as 97.5k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
….The thing is the game is designed to take time… Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy! You can add me if you like (popslantern) I can clarify anything you have questions about (but because I do answer so many questions for others please be polite and patient, as I will be).I also have a quest cape so I can help with questions in regards to those, although I will not do your quests for you. Hope to see you in game!

Lizzie asks…

What is the best way to make money in runescape?

I am a skiller in runescape, but my my skill lvls are lower than 30…what would be a good and “fast” way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods for members.If you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo. I do NOT know f2p moneymaking as it is a quite different game.
…1)Non combat skills
~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray & sea turtle.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)
~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed & toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) There are worlds where you can run runes for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, & pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.
~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite & Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave & there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (use prayer saving armour for better profit)
(metal dragons drop unnoted ores therefore are not as profitable)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples & Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.
*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg & Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.
** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor I do not personally participate in.Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win.
…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay very well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop (some worth up to 17m) makes them even more enticing.
…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high. There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes & Battlestaves are all examples.I DO NOT RECOMMEND MERCHING CLANS AS MOST OF THESE ARE SCAMMERS.
… 5) There are several quests & diary’s that are well worth the effort.After doing the Throne of Miscellania (& Royal trouble) quests,You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources for you that can be sold. Ardougne and Sears village diarys give free pure essence and free flax daily.
…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax,Red spider eggs, & Blue dragon scales. All these sell well in waves watch the G.E.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs!
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… What you gets up to luck.
…9) Diversions and distractions… Penguin hunting can make as much as 104k a week & Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins & ore.
…10) Try not to return to a bank with empty inventory & always pick up stackable items. Even if an items not worth much its worth more than an empty space in your pack. You can always drop an item if something worth more is available.
……The thing is the game is designed to take time (which is why my answer is so long).. Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no QUICK ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out & figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids and slayer)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy!

Nancy asks…

What is a good way to make money on runescape?

i am a member and i want to know a good way to make money on runescape. My user name is Foxxy989 and i have 2m. i want to make more because i am going for some capes.thnkz for all of the answers!

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods I have used if you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo.
…1)Non combat skills
~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle you can even “free load” although this is unpopular with other players.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)
~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.
~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.
*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.
** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.
…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.
…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.
… 5) There are several quests that are well worth the effort.After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests,You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold. And if you do the Hand in sand quest you can get free sand daily.
…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax (Spin the flax into bowstrings for even more profit),Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs! Clue scrolls which are dropped by certain monsters more often then others… (I kill Daganoth’s with a cannon to get mine fast ) .
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) Diversions and distractions… Penguin hunting can make as much as 97.5k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
….The thing is the game is designed to take time (which is why my answer is so long).. Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids and slayer)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy!

Charles asks…

Who here plays runescape? if you do what is a good way to get alot of money fast?

Is there a way to get alot of money fast, but still go up in strength?

Nagesh answers:

Merchanting- it is by far the best way to make money in the game…Say you spend 1.2M on 100k air runes at 12 gp each (minimum price), then you sell then at either 13gp or 14gp each… Selling them at 13gp would earn you 100k and selling them at 14gp would earn you 200k. All of this with virtually no time wasted. Once you get more money, you can invest in more expensive items and make loads of money that way. Look at the graph of the item and if you think its going to go up then buy and when you think its going to stop going up then sell.

If you feel like making even more money while your items are buying or selling, try avianses…they can make you plently of money as well as train!

Investing in the GE is the best way to make money on Runescape. Once you have enough money you can make MILLIONS a day with no time staring at your character cut trees!

Good luck with your money-making =)

Donna asks…

Whats the best or fastest way to earn money on runescape for members?

I need to make money fastest or a big amount

Nagesh answers:

I just Mine random stuff (not copper or tin) and shove it in my bank. Then i wait until each kind of ore reaches 500 or more then i sell it. I sometimes get maybe 5mil depending on what i mined the most.

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Monday, August 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Helen asks…

What exactly is the home mortgage crisis all about?

Why is there a lot of home foreclosure in the U.S. today?Did the interest rates on existing home loans suddenly increase?
Are interest on loans allowed to fluctuate wildly? By how much? But are not the key interest rates which are the basis of interests on home loans at their record lowest, thereby making home purchases very accessible? And what is the current loan interest rate now in the U.S? In the Philippines, you pay 7-8percent per annum. How does that compare to the US?

Nagesh answers:

1. Government moves the interbank loan rate to historic lows, cheap cash becomes available to lenders.
2. Mortgage Lenders like Country Wide borrow cash at cheap rates to lend it back out to as many home borrowers as possible, ignoring inability of many to repay loans.
3. Wall Street firms like Bear Stearns package these mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and sells them to their clients. They also buy billions of dollars of MBS themselves. Speculators trade MBS and CDS options.
4. The risk of holding the mortgages has been transferred from the lenders to investors, the lenders continue to give out shaky mortgages with little risk to themselves.
5. Availability of mortgages causes Demand for housing to jump, prices adjust and rise as well. Some people jump into real estate speculation, borrowing money on interest only mortgages expecting to flip the house as prices continue to rise.
6. Borrowers have trouble paying their mortgage even under initial rates because they couldn’t afford it in the first place. They fall behind in their payments. Rates begin to adjust higher which causes more late payments and eventually foreclosures.
7. Demand for housing drops, prices drop with it.
8. Homeowners now are stuck with mortgages that are significantly greater than the value of their home. The banks seeing their loan collateral (the house itself) is worth less must increase interest rates further. This cycle feeds on itself causing more and more delinquencies and foreclosures.
9. Housing prices continue to fall, speculators strategy has backfired on them.
10. The MBS that Wall Street created, sold or held are quickly deteriorating in value. Panic ensues and causes sell offs which further push the prices down.
11. The credit market goes into shock because of losses from these securities and from rising Credit Defaults of Bond issuers who were tied to these events. Credit dries up.
12. Without the ability to borrow at cheap rates corporations must reduce growth or begin to scale back. Layoffs are part of the strategy.
13. Less people now have jobs meaning more will go delinquent or foreclose on their homes continuing to push down housing prices and increase home mortgage interest payments for the rest.
14. All the rising demand for commodities causes high inflation reducing consumer buying power further and reinforcing the cycle of delinquencies, foreclosures and interest rate hikes.

Nancy asks…

Quickish/Easy money, for a kid…?

I am 13 and have to pay for EVERYTHING myself. food,clothes,crafts, anything. I babysit, but that is only once a month. how can i make money?
also i am not aloud to charge for chores and stuff (might be a need to know)
thank you!

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/13/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Mandy asks…

What can i do to make money?

I’m 17 and a senior in highschool. my mom doesnt want me to get a job yet, but i’m in DESPERATE need of money. so does anybody know any good ways?

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/14/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Thomas asks…

Is there any way I can get some more money?

I live in Australia and I’m 13, I’m turning 14 on September 26th. I’m almost old enough to get a job but the only place Near where I ilve that will hire people at 14 is McDonalds, my sister used to work there, so thats probably where I will go for my first job. But I need to get some money now, because there are a few things that I want to get without my mum knowing so I can’t borrow money off her and I can’t wait until I get a job I need the money now, I only get $5 pocket money a week, is there any way I can get money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Kara, I got some ideas for you to make money and i hope you get all the money you want with these ideas.Plus i hope if you apply one of these ideas then its possible you could get a job in the future with these ideas, instead of very low paid mc donalds job , i really hope you can avoid going there.

Also you could go to a golf club and ask to be trained as a caddy,even girls can be caddys and this is an ok job.Also ask if you can work as a volunteer and learn that way, untill you get a paid job with them later on .You can also try dog walking/dog washing/caring for cats/kittens and maybe you can even learn to sew and make the cute clothes for them.Get tuition from parents/grandparents/sewing teacher/or any neighbours who can teach you.Another idea apart from all that are listed below is you can HOUSE SIT, for friend/neighbours if they are going on holiday or away for awhile,you can look after there house or flat while they are away and get some money for it, i use to do this and got good money.Please get your parents permission before doing this please.Anyway i will put the other ideas in point form for you.

1 Baking food and selling it to friends or neighbours,or the elderly people and you can get tution at community centres,or from parents,or a quick course at college.Make pom poms and learn to sew clothes you can make money buy selling them,get tuition from people who know like grandparents,home economics teacher,etc.
2. Lawnmowing.You can ask the neighbours or anyone in town if they would like you to mow there lawn.If they got a lawnmower you can do it.You can get money and ok job.
3 Gardening( just basic stuff like pulling up weeds and plant seeds,etc its very easy when shown how to do.You can do this for the elderly people they would appreciate it/ but try to find the elderly or older people who are not mobile/have trouble doing this work and then they can give you a paid job.
4 Honey collecting.Ask neighbours or people in the town if they keep bees and collect honey. If you have NO Fears of bees stinging you, you can collect honey from peoples bee farms.You can request the head gear and gloves so you will be ok if careful.But if scared please dont attempt this.
5.Aluminium can collecting, If you collect lots of aluminium cans and crush them and fill them in sacks you can take them to a recycling depot and get money for them, i used to do this a long time ago.If you dont have a recycling depot in your town try to ask for the nearest town that has one,Look then up online. If none then you might have to travel to get to nearest city with parents or if your old enough then you can make your own way to nearest depot.
6. Online games.Give your opinion about playing games online.IGo to google and then find a free to enter website that lets you download games and then you play them, give your opinion of them and get paid.
7.House/Flat cleaning, just very basic cleaning for neighbours , mopping dusting, vacuuming etc, if you think this is too hard work or dont like it etc there are other options.
8.Coach cleaning. Cleaning seats and interior of coaches /buses if you know the local bus/coach depot ask them if they can give you a little paid work to clean them.
9. Online surveys, Some companys pay some money to fill out surveys online.It could be just for anything like giving them your opinions on foods,make up, or any other survey.Its easy to do.PLEASE ONLY CHOOSE FREE TO ENTER SURVEYS AS OTHERS COULD BE SCAMS , JUST TO BE SAFE GO FOR FREE TO ENTER ONLY.
10. Collecting antiques. Ask your parents or neighbours or anyone if they have very old antiques, or old statues,old paintings or anything else they dont want,and once you got some you can take them to the antique shop and sell them.
11.Sell your things to the Second hand stores. If you have anything good you collect and that you can let go of and wish to sell like records,cds,tapes, or anything of value you can get money for them.
12 Garage sale. Similar to number 11, sell your stuff on a table outside your home and get some money.But only the stuff your willing to let go of, must be good quality though and nothing broken etc.
13.Rare Butterfly Collecting . This is an odd job and can be hard to get money with, but you can. All you need to do is buy a net with a long handle attached to it. And go outside and catch butterflys in the net,then put them in a jar with holes in the lid so they can breathe. BUT TO GET MONEY FOR THIS YOU MUST FIND THE RARE TYPES OF BUTTERFLYS AND IF YOU DO CATCH THEM YOU CAN GET VERY BIG MONEY. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHICH BUTTERFLIES ARE THE RARE ONES, GO TO THE LOCAL LIBRARY AND GET A BOOK ON RARE BUTTERFLIES. OR LOOK THEM UP ONLINE.ONCE YOU FIND A RARE BUTTERFLY LOOK UP ONLINE FOR BUYERS OF RARE BUTTERFLIES.
14. Window cleaning. You can clean windows for the old people in your area or the neighbours etc.and make some money.
15. Online Competitions or Online Games . There are many online just type paid competitio

Mary asks…

earn money quickly?

i am trying to earn money as much as possible any ideas

Nagesh answers:

Hello I work part-time at home doing surveys and showing others how to make money with them if your interested send me a email from a email address other then Yahoo Answer and I’ll send you a link Thank you ( it’s FREE

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Sunday, August 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Sandy asks…

Ways to make money at a young age?

I’m 16, and I have a job at the local grocery store, but with having a car and what not, my paycheck does not cover gas money very well. Would anyone have any ideas on how to make a side income without having to devote 100% of my time to it? Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

There is always the old solution of mowing your neighbors’ yards. Once you get one, you can use the reference to get others, and ask them to tell everybody. You can push the mower from one house to the next. Of course there is always asking for extra hours at work, too. But you probably already looked at that.

Jenny asks…

how can i make money with my programming skills?

i would just like to know what i can do with my knowledge of programming. i know most of the programming languages that i learned on my free time and would like to know what i can do with it to make some money on the side.

all ideas are welcome. please nothing about hacking or viruses. legitimate answers please. thanks

Nagesh answers:

I would say these are what you should attempt to do in order..
1. Put yourself up for rent, to code programs for other people.
2. Try to assemble a Development Team, where you develop programs, then sell them and split the profit.
3. Try to create your own programs and sell them.

Ideas for unique programs to create and sell don’t just pop up in your head. So I would recommend that you try to develop 3d games with direct X.

Also join software forums and look what people are interested in using, you could get some good ideas for software to create and sell.

William asks…

Creative money gift ideas?

My mom always gives my cousins some cash along with their christmas presents. Last year she made them each a money tree. The year before she got them these games that you put the money in and you have to navigate a ball through a maze to unlock the money. This year she’s thinking on getting one a monogramed money clip, but she wants more creative fun ideas of what to do with money. I told her I knew just the people to ask…. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Money Ornament-Take a plastic ornament that you can open and place the money inside, or Pin the bills to the ball of Styrofoam overlapping as little as possible but covering the whole ball. Poke 1/2 of a gold pipe cleaner into the ball to make a hanger. Tie a red bow and use the rest of the pipe cleaner to secure in place. The recipient just has to remove the pins to get the money off the ball.

Money Machine-Cut and glue a piece of green card stock around a small plastic can. Then cut a slit in the side of the can large enough for bills to easily slide through. Decorate the can with coin stickers or real coins. Next use a quality tape, testing it first to make sure it will peel off without damaging the bills. Tape the bills together along one end so you have a long line of bills. Roll them up and place the roll inside the can. Poke the end of the first bill through the slot to the outside of the can. When you pull on the first bill it will dispense all the other bills one at a time. Kids really love getting this as a gift!

Wrapping paper-If she buys a money clip she can wrap it using dollar bills. Take the bills and use a quality tape that won’t damage the bills and tape them together. Then wrap the gift like you would with wrapping paper.

Lisa asks…

Easy money?

I have a full-time job but for extra money on the side I thought about selling the scrap metal I find to the nearest scrap yard as an easy money making idea… any others?

Nagesh answers:

I review some survey sites to make money that have worked for me at What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on these web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, these sites never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Easy as that!

Email me at if you have any questions

Chris asks…

raising money ideas…?

i need to raise money with my friend so she can come to arizona with me for vacation, any ideas on how to raise money? all i could think of was a lemonade sale…

Nagesh answers:

Try making bracekets out of beads. And some out of string. Those popular ones. Set up a stand out side of a popular store like a grocery store. Me and two of my friends set up a stand in fifth grade two years ago. The kids were ripping our arms off. We made over 300 dollars! Then donated it to the CCF. But you should put them on a foam poster board to make them look professional. That draws people to your stand. Try making other jewlery too!
Also try…
Car washes
mugging (lol. But dont do that.)
selling things you dont want and things she doesnt want
craigs list or ebay
and oick up change on the sidewalk. It all depends on how much you need for the whole trip. When you have a stand put “Help me get o Arizona!” it is catchy. Hope I helped!

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Saturday, August 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Donald asks…

How to help remote family (relatives) with two kids and not much money that are all severely over weight?

We send a little money to help make ends meet and it has helped. The grade school kids are responding to some tutoring.

Now for the health problems: Mom 28, dad 30, both at least 50lbs over ideal. Kids– girls- age 6 and 7, already at least 30 lbs over.

We know lots of healthy tips, but most cost money. They live in a large metro area in Michigan, so shopping should be OK except for good produce in the winter.

I think they just buy the convenience food on sale, like cheap pizza, etc.

From my view maybe starting with “how to cook”, or “how to read labels” books, or maybe pick a meal and give them improvement ideas– ie breakfast tips. ‘Prevention’ magazine?

I know having little money can be a problem, and having finicky kids can drive a mom crazy.

Any tips, books, ideas, successes, programs, please.

Nagesh answers:

Sit down and talk to the parents about your concerns, and wish to help, etc. Without their complete agreement and support you can’t do anything.

See if you can help identify some of the REAL causes- WHY fast foods, why couch potatoing? Would the kids like to be in a club or class that is more active (martial arts, open gym, etc.?) Do they lack friends nearby to play with?

Do the parents feel they don’t have the time or energy for better food? Is it really a lack of education?

Your biggest challenge is how to make sure that in their eyes you are not a meddling pain in the neck sticking your nose into their business.

Chris asks…

How do I teach my 6 year old daughter about money?

My daugther has this really cavalier attitude about money. Her attitude is that if she ruins her clothes or breaks a toy, it’s okay, we’ll just buy her a replacement. I’m thinking of having her buy her own toys, the only time my husband or I will buy her toys is for birthday’s, Christmas, etc. And I’m thinking of also having her pay for her own fast food if she requests we go out to eat, she’s always wanting Burger King. Would that be too harsh? I want her to learn how to be responsible about money, but I don’t want to make her resentful. Does anyone have any opinion on my ideas and/or any other helpful tips? Thanks in advance.
I got some great tips. Thanks to everyone who answered. Punk Princess, I agree with you, many of these people are seriously understimating just how much a 6 year old knows, understands and is capable of.

Nagesh answers:

I think that most kids this age do not have a concept of how hard it is to get money. I think that maybe if she were a little older, then maybe making her pay would help her understand, but at this age, it may just confuse her. I would put my foot down about ruining clothes and toys. Once she sees that she isn’t getting the replacements,maybe she might start taking better care of her stuff.

Lizzie asks…

How does each of The Presidential Candidates ideas on the economy affect the rest of the World?

How do you relate the ideas of each Candidate for the growth of the US Economy to the Wall Street failure to thrive and its effect on other Countries – such as – if we make more things in America – we won’t import as much – Are other Countries pulling out of the Stock Markets for any fear on this or any other ideas from the Presidential Candidates Policies?

Nagesh answers:

Everyone I talk with whether it be small or large business owners, union members, union leaders, workers, housewives, rich, middle class and poorer people, older, middle aged, younger adults, college kids, and teens, republicans, democrats, independents, those that could care less just so their money keeps coming in, and those that don’t care just so the candidate of their particular party wins… BUT MOST OF THEM that aren’t fanatics honestly are afraid that if Obama does win that we will end up, in the long run, so much worse off in the world than if McCain wins.

They have taken the time to do their own research into how Obama and McCain have voted during their time in the Senate… Though they didn’t have much to go on as far as Obama was concerned…. And this bothered most of them VERY MUCH!! Because they felt if he didn’t take his Senatorial Job serious enough to SHOW UP & VOTE MORE THAN HE DID, why should they think he would end up Showing ANY MORE CONCERN FOR THE PRESIDENCY!!


They all feel the Presidency needs to be in the hands of a MATURE INDIVIDUAL who knows the ins-&-outs of Washington & the WORLD! This is something NONE OF THEM FELT OBAMA KNEW THE 1ST THING ABOUT! Obama hasn’t even been in the Senate 1 FULL TERM YET… & OF THAT MOST OF THE TIME HAS BEEN SPENT AWAY CAMPAIGNING! THE PEOPLE OF ILLINOIS HAVE GOT NOTHING FOR THE MONEY THEY’VE PAID HIM!!

Our economy won’t affect the world’s economythat much because ALL economy’s historically go in slumps and highs in cycles anyway including those of the U.S. This was happening now was expected, according to the historical time line so really I don’t think most economists were too surprised. The stock markets are all tied together now anyway, too. So when one’s hurting they’re all hurting more-or-less. (You can find this is true, too, by doing a little of your own research, but if you can’t find it let me know & I’ll get the links for you).

Ours is already back in a very high up-swing… The highest in 76 years! I could kick myself for not calling our broker last week & buying stock like crazy & then selling it today!! I would have made a killing!! Or just have held onto it for a while. I might go ahead & buy tomorrow & hold onto it because once it gets stable I don’t think it’s really going to slow down for awhile unless Obama wins so I might should hold off a few more weeks, buy & sell before then.


Steven asks…

Wanna start something to help homeless and under privileged children but lost?

Wanna start a program that is focused on helping children in need but don’t know where to start. I have no money to do this but i have a good heart and have been a volunteer for a long time for other organizations but there’s an un filled need in my community that I wanna fill. My thoughts are to offer fun activities at homeless shelters, provide birthday parties, special outings in our community and anything else that would enrich the life of a child because they to are suffering when the family is homeless or poor. So what should i do? Starting a non profit, not for profit, a foundation, and both public and private charities cost money. Plus i don’t understand the difference between all eight or ten of the different choices. It’s confusing. Should I just start a volunteer program…would that be easier? Also my heart will be poured into this so I would like to one day receive a paycheck like most directors do so… What should I do to start this with no money and what should I turn it into later? It’s confusing and I’m sorry. All answers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Good ideas. Answers too long to all fit here. Best way to start is to just start Seriously. Pick one shelter do one activity maybe a back to school thing. Ask to put boxes for school supply donations in local businesses churches, clubs. Put together a school pack foe each kid. If u r part of a local church see if they will back u by providing tax recepit for donations. Hint buy school bags that are different colors, styles so having a specific bag does not mark child as homeless. Include a couple of fun things, silly animal erasers, hair bows, mini flashlight, etc. Pizza or fast food place may donate food. School counselor or social worker can accept supplies to give kids who are homeless but not in shelters which often have greater needs and can if they will give the family info about your programs. Look for family connection organization in your area. There r a couple of inexpensive ways to do the non.profit. Msg me if u want info but for now your church or any local nonprofit can b your fiscal agent. Once u have a ye or two track record grants r available. More info or our old site HTTP://,,,no WWW. HTTP:// Don’t remember site but look up institute on children poverty and homelessness.

We started much same way nearly 19 yrs ago. Please do this the kids need you so much.

Pls msg me if u would like more info. Pls see back to school clothes day on our site. Costs almost nothing makes huge difference. God bless u

Ken asks…

How to make money fast in the winter?

I kno it sounds lane but I need cash dont say get a job bec Iv been trying for over 4 months! What are some ideas ?

Nagesh answers:

Dude all you got to do is walk down your street and dedicate a whole day to shoveling driveways. Your not going to get money easy and it sounds like a hard job. But people are always willing to give a kid money to do there driveway! 5$ for small 5-10$ for medium driveway 10-15$ for large. Let them be the judge. Ask them what they would charge you to shovel there driveway. If you make a bad offer they will just turn it down.

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Friday, August 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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