Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Paul asks…

How can I make money online at 16?

I’m 16. Only one of my parents is employed, and I’ve been looking to make some of my own money. I’m always searching for jobs, but it can be tough to find a job after the holidays, especially in this economy.

Since I spend more than half my life in front of a computer, I figured I should try and see what kinds of opportunities are online. Anybody have any ideas?

I have a PayPal account, if that makes a difference.

Nagesh answers:

Just be super careful as there are an endless number of sites which promise too much money too quick-ly and that is not the way it works. Don’t be greedy, mony has to be earned it doesn’t come from the sky.

Mary asks…

Earn Online websites?

I have come across sites where u are supposed to pay Rs. 450/- (10$ approx. – onetime fee), after which they send u a list of websites wherein u can click on links and earn money online. Just wanted to know if these kind of sites are authentic.?

Nagesh answers:

Doesn’t seem authentic to me. I have a better solution. I recommend Treasure Trooper. I love it. You get paid by monthly check, and there are offers that are 100% cost free and offers that require some “shipping and handling” fees. It’s a great site with a lot of support and a good referral system. If you are interested, please consider signing up through my link

If you do sign up, send me an email on yahoo, and I can send you a list of some very useful tips to make the money quick and easy. My email address is

John asks…

quick money?

i need to earn some money fast, but i have nothin to do 😛
I need it to buy a wii game that i REALLY need to give to sum1, but im 13 and theres no1 i can babysit 😛 anyone got any advice?
btw, sorry if im in the wrong topic thingy 😛
i cant really get a job coz im 13

Nagesh answers:

You can try making some loot online. You can get some ideas here: Stuff like that is good for kids and those looking for some part time income. Its not quick money, but its good for someone your age.

Carol asks…

how do you earn money quickly?

i need to earn money as soon as possible. thx:)

Nagesh answers:

Here a few sites that will allow you to make money online quick and easy.

Donna asks…

Quick way to make money without anything bad?

Sicne in this economical situation when i go shopping i never seem to get anything. like i saw this SUPER cute hoodie fer only about 80 and my mom was like no. so i want to make my own money. but my mom won’t let me have a part time job. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You can try earning extra money online using “Get Paid To” websites.

GPT sites are sites where you fill out free surveys and offers. The one I’m a member of is free to join and there’s no hidden fees or credit card information required. The only thing they need is your name to send you your check or your email to send your money through Paypal. You earn around $.25-5.00+ for each survey and offer you do, they take less than 5 minutes to do so the money adds up very quickly.

Most people earn around $100-200 extra a month on average, but there are some that do make over $1000 a month using this site. You definitely won’t be able to quit your day job but it’s useful for making extra money each month.

If you’d like to see personal proof of payment and read more about the site you can visit my website.

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Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

John asks…

What is the best way to do disney world?

I want to go to Disney World in March and I want to get the most bang for the buck. I want my two kids to have a lot of fun, but I don’t have thousands to spend on a trip.

My total budget is around $600 including travel – I hope that doesn’t sound unreasonable.

Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I think most of the posters hit the nail on the head, but I do have a few suggestions to add. Your question was missing some key information, but I will do the best I can to offer you some helpful tips.

If any of your little ones are under the age of 3, you would not need to purchase tickets. Guests under the age of 3 are guests in the parks and do not need a ticket. Also, if you have children between the ages of 3 and 9, Disney is currently offering a “Kids Stay and Play Free” offer with free base tickets for kids. As with any promotion, availability is limited, so you will want to book fast if you see anything available for your travel dates. To book this, head to, hover your mouse over “Tickets and Packages” and click on special offers.

One good way to save money on your vacation is to be flexible with your dates. March is a fairly popular time to come depending on your dates. The beginning of March is Regular Season and the end of March is Peak Season, which is the most popular time to visit. You will find that the parks are the most busy, and the resort prices are at their highest, second to only Christmas and New Years. If you can come in Value Season (which is January to mid-February, and again mid-August through September, you will find that the resort prices are much lower and the parks are much less crowded. You will be able to do everything you want in much less time!

You did not mention if your food on your vacation was factored into your budget. Do yourself a favor and add one of their dining plans. They offer a quick service dining plan (if you don’t care about doing any meals with the characters) that gives each person (over age 3) 2 meals and a snack each day. This is the most economic way to go, as eating at Disney can get pricey. Yes, you can go outside of Disney for your meals, but by the time you have done that, you have spent the same amount of money on gas and missed 2 hours in the parks. (I’ve tried that, and it’s not worth the time or effort!)

Disney is a wonderful place to take the kids to make memories that will last a lifetime. Please, do yourself a favor and plan your trip for next year, during value season. The weather is typically great in February! Book your trip early to ensure that you can get a Value Resort for the dates you want. Then if Disney offers a promotion for your dates, you are able to apply the discount to your reservation (if it is available). Bookmark their special offers page and check back often. Reserving for next year’s value season will give you a little more time to save up to make this a memorable trip.

Best of Luck to you!

Susan asks…

How can you make time seem to go faster?

Sleep seems to make time go way faster! When I am sleepy at work, I think less, and time goes faster.

In other words, my number 1 way of making time seem to go faster, is by not thinking.

What do you think? Warning: this might make your time seem to go slower…

Nagesh answers:

Buy World of Warcraft 😛 Hahah just kidding.

Try reading a book! That always helps me to pass time. Or how about working out? Gain some muscle and mass! Maybe go out for a long vacation, ask your parents or if you’re old enough go with some friends or even by yourself. Community service is great also to pass time and has benefits in the future if you are applying for a job or professional school. A job will also be great to pass time and build up some money for the future and for the game you are waiting for.

There’s lots to do!

Which game are you waiting for?

Gears of War 2? 😛

If you travel the speed of light (c) time slows down for you relative to earth’s frame of reference. If I was a twin, and one of my twins stayed on earth and I went into a ship and travelled the speed of light and I came back (inertia frame of reference, so turning around is a non-interia frame of reference – acceleration) I would have appeared to be younger than my twin relative to his frame of reference. (Einstein’s twin paradox)

The equation: t’ = t / sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

So the only way to speed up time would be to create a time machine. Goodluck.

Thomas asks…

How can I get my girlfriend to stop spending money?

I live with my girlfriend and our two year old daughter. I love her very much and we are going to be married once we have saved up enough for the wedding. That is the problem though. We don’t have any money to save because she spends it all.
We are both unemployed so money is tight. I try to keep costs down but she seems to have no concept of money. She buys gifts everybody she knows, toys and clothes for our daughter, fast food, candy etc. She claims to be allergic to the cheap brands of detergent, shampoo etc. If we are down town and want something to drink she has to drink a 10 $ glass of soda at a cafe instead of buying a bottle in a shop and drinking it on a bench in the park. If time has been running late and we need to get dinner in a hurry she insist that we order takeout instead of just making a quick sandwich. She just spent 200 $ on gifts. She is always planning on new stuff to spend money on – currently it is an iPad.
When I try to talk to her about not spending so much money she becomes defensive and claims that I’m the one at fault because I have not contributed anything towards the new clothes for the kid or the gift for this or that cousin. Of course I have not done that – I’ve spent all my money on groceries! She can’t even accept that – she claims that she also buys groceries (which is right, about a tenth of what I do) and implies that I am a miser. In her world all the stuff she buys is necessary and I’m being petty for talking against spending money on it.
The result of all this is that we usually end up being forced to live off a very tight budget around mid-month. I also feel guilty for sometimes spending a little on myself – even if it is just an ice cream cone -because I know we are going to need that money for food when my girlfriend has spent all of hers.
I would love to spend less than we have and be able to save some money up for unforseen expenses or even for spending on some nice stuff for ourselves but I can’t see that happening as long as all our money is spent on useless junk. My girlfriend seems to have no concept of money – every month she seems surprised when it is all gone and even though I try to explain to her what she has spent it on. It is as if those numbers and budgets means nothing at all to her. She simply does not understand how she went from “having moneyto “not having money“.
The most bizarre part of it all is that she is fully able to recognize and criticize this behaviour in others. Her mother is the same way – every month when she gets her paycheck she runs out and buys gifts for our daughter, only to find herself broke at the end of the month.
Besides the thing with the money she is an amazing person and a wonderful mother for our daughter. I love her very much and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Her compulsive spending is just driving me insane and I’m afraid it is going to ruin our relationship. What can I do to help her stop?

Nagesh answers:

Most people who overspend can learn to control their spending. However, your girlfriend does not believe she is overspending, and that’s a real problem. Because of that, she of course resents any criticism from you. And unless this can be resolved, I fear a grim future for your life together, and it will ruin your relationship.

Frankly, there needs to be a shock-and-awe moment that will get her undivided attention on this topic. I think you should seriously consider telling her that unless you two can work out a budget and prove that you both can live within it, there’s no wedding and no future. A budget does not mean eating dog food and living under a bridge – it’s simply a plan for how you are going to handle your money. It means you MUST set aside some money each month for savings because there will be unexpected expenses that should not pile up on a credit card.

Make sure she sees this is a joint effort and not you simply dictating how she has to account for every cent. If you run out of money mid-month, then make a WEEKLY budget and manage it with cash. No credit cards, no debit cards, just cash from the ATM each week. When the money is gone, so is the spending, but at least you’ll have money set aside every week and won’t run out in the middle of the month. The budget should include allocating money for the things she wants to buy. If she buys lots of gifts, you can’t say no more gifts. Just agree on how much can be spent weekly on gifts. And it’s up to her to learn how to manage within that allotment.

I guarantee you if you don’t get this settled now, it will not get any better later – it will get worse. If she agrees to live within the budget, then there has to be an agreement that breaking the budget will not happen unless you both agree in advance. And she needs to understand that this problem has the real potential for ruining your relationship and making you move on.

I would normally suggest getting counseling but I would understand that it would be difficult given your current unemployment. Counseling would help her understand WHY she spends like she does. For some people it’s to take their mind off of problems, for others it’s to show everyone else that they aren’t broke, and other people have other reasons. Some people go shopping for “something to do” and then can’t understand how they spent any money. If you don’t have money to spend, then you don’t go shopping. Maybe you can’t solve the WHY but she needs to agree that she is going to live within the budget no matter what or else, and that you honestly want to be with her – but it can’t be under the current conditions.

I wish you luck.

George asks…

What is a good way to find tutoring clients?

I have printed flyers for maths tutoring (spending a lot of money) and have put over a thousand of them into letterboxes in my area, but have only gotten two phone calls. All I have really put on the flyers is the grades that I am willing to tutor, and my qualifications. I haven’t listed rates, because I didn’t want to scare anyone away. But people are not calling.

How else can I find clients? I am out of work and need money, and I know that tutoring is something that I am good at (as I have done it before). I know that this is what I want to do. But I am really having trouble. Help me!

Nagesh answers:

Deliver a stack of flyers to all of the local schools and ask if they’ll distribute them to their math teachers, or leave them in the office for parents who inquire about tutoring. That’s how I’ve found most of my kids’ tutors; by asking their teachers or someone at the school.

Also, hang your flyers in places where kids/parents will see them, such as:

Boys and Girls Clubs
Youth Athletic Clubs
Dance Studios
Gymnastics Clubs
Indoor Soccer Facilities
Karate Schools
Fast Food Restaurants

And anyplace where kids go with their parents… Because remember, it will probably be the parents calling you, not the kids! 🙂 Once you get a few clients, if you’re good, they will spread the word to their friends!

Lisa asks…

What are some fast ways to get cash in the next 24 hours?

I am short on rent and need money by tomorrow, I am a stay at home mom and don’t have any money until Friday, but my landlord won’t budge, PLEASE HELP!

Nagesh answers:

There are some bad options, like selling stuff that you own (car, jewelry, etc), borrowing money from relatives. And there are much worse options like borrowing money at high rates from outfits that make loans even if you don’t have a job. And there are scams that give you promises of free money and hope and put you further behind.

What’s the plan? As a mom, you have a responsibility to your kid(s) to think deeply, figure out all your options and roll up your sleeves and get to work.

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Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Robert asks…

Has anyone tried these Make Money From Google websites, and are they trustworthy?

They advertise a lot on Facebook as a homeworking way to make money , and I was just wondering if they were for real or just another scam.

Nagesh answers:

They are scams mostly.
The only way to earn money through Adsense is by sticking to their rules, and creating a great website with great original content, and a lot of visitors to it.
So, Adsense can make you money, but it takes time. The “get-rich-overnight-with-adsense” schemes are scam
Info to improve your adsense earnings? Http:// all in a legitimate way, by hard work 😉

Betty asks…

How could a bachelor of 61 find a rich widow ?

If a man of 61 spent his life playing his trombone. And did not make enough money through out the years. How could he meet a rich widow?

Nagesh answers:

Widows are smarter these days, & there aren’t as many rich ones since the economy tanked & Ponzi schemes were revealed. You didn’t say what this man has to offer a woman. I don’t think I’d want ot be around someone who hasn’t exhibited common sense in 61 years. Once their grief faded, most of my widowed friends decided having another man would crimp their lifestyles & be a potential liability.

Sorry, but I think your bachelor should get a real job while he still can–

Nancy asks…

How many more years will it take liberals to admit that there is no such thing as global warming?

Will our great-great grandchildren in school learn about global warming? When would these lib/tree hugging wackos just admit that the whole global warming thing is a scam so Al Gore can get some more money?

Nagesh answers:

Global warming and global cooling are indeed real. They are natural cycles, driven by the sun.
What is not real is the quackery being perpetrated upon us by bottom-feeding politicians and their sycophant “scientists”.

Here is truth about climate change:
Global warming (modified to be “climate change” which covers them no matter _which_ way the average temperature fluctuates) is indeed real and has been documented with ice cores dating back tens of thousands of years.

What is NOT real is the quackery that humans caused (or even can affect) global warming.

The scare tactics being perpetrated upon us are only a money/power grab scheme by bottom-feeder politicians accompanied by their so-easily-led sheeple who take their prattle, even their movies, as hard science.

To find that my statement above is true, follow the money. See just who it is who will profit from the carbon offset, carbon tax, & etc.

Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.
The earth’s mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.
This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet.

It is driven by the sun.

Our planet is currently emerging from a ‘mini ice age’, so is
becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).
As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat ‘conveyor’ which, among other things, keeps the U.S. East coast warm).

When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

Thermohaline cycle
Warm water is less dense than cold water. One of the ocean currents runs North up the east coast of the U.S.
When this warm ocean water reaches the arctic ocean, it is cooled which makes it become more dense.
The now dense salt water drops to the sea floor and begins its return to the southern loop of its cycle.
Fresh water from meltoff of the northern ice pack dilutes this sea water which makes it less dense.
The diluted, less dense water drops to the sea floor more slowly which slows the entire cycle.

If diluted enough, this circulation stops entirely.

When the circulation stops, then the planet will begin to cool and enter an ice age which will stop the meltoff.

As the salinity in the north Atlantic increases, the water will once again begin to sink to the sea floor and the cycle will restart and our planet will emerge from its ice age and enter another warm period.
That is happening now.

It’s been happening for millions of years.

It will change.

The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to ‘predict’ chaotic systems such as weather.

Global warming/cooling, AKA ‘climate change’:

Humans did not cause it.

Humans cannot stop it.

John asks…

Why are people worried about the national debt?

It’s a Ponzi scheme, it was never designed or intended to be paid off.
Consider; how or with what would it be paid? With Federal Reserve notes?
How can a debt be paid with a debt, which we borrow into existence at interest?

It’s like the Bob Dylan lyrics “The Man wants $11 but I’ve only got $10”.
What, USA’s Federal government is going to borrow that extra dollar plus another 10, at interest! to pay debt? That’s impossible.

So why are people worried about the national debt with all the talk about burdening our grandkids?
It is never going to be paid or reduced. All our creditors know that. Every informed Citizen knows that.
So why all the fuss?

Nagesh answers:

I think that is a false mental model, and even if it were correct, you make it sound as though a Ponzi scheme has no victims, when it does. The victims are the ones who “invest” when there is no possibility of return, thus losing their investment. We the citizens are those people.

The real impact of a debt is that interest has to be paid, even if the principal does not. The interest payments are money sucked from the system, and thus result in tax hikes or cuts in services. A portion of the pie is removed and tossed into the trash. Less pie to go around, unless you make the pie bigger.

How does the economy respond to the removal of money? There are two ways, one is through decrease in spending (recession) and the other is through increased pressure on wages and prices (inflation), or even worse, some sort of stagflation where there is pressure on prices but no demand and growth.

A third way out of the debt problem is through devaluation of currency, which erases debt by making the unit value a lot less.

All three of these possible outcomes lead to lowering of standard of living. The people do not like having to make do with less, to become poor when doing everything they think should be done to remain at their existing economic condition.

The absolutely worst part about using debt to pump the economy when there is no need can be seen very clearly by the economic catastrophe of 2008. Money was injected into the economy through debt creation, but that money was more than was needed, so it was used speculatively. People wanted to put this “free” money somewhere, so they invested in homes and other things, driving up process for those things that were not a reflection of real value (a sort of inflation, actually). But when the bubble burst, the money disappeared, was erased, so people lost their investments and now we, the people, have essentially NOTHING to show for the debt that was created. There is no value that has been used by the borrowed money. We got poorer as a nation for no reason whatsoever.

That is why people worry about the national debt. Every INFORMED citizen knows that, but you show clearly that some people think they are informed but are not, at all.

Helen asks…

Does anyone know how to make real money on the internet with spending alot of money to get started?

Residual income with supportive team when needed that can answer questions on the spot! The kind you hear about money money while you sleep. Is there any like that with references to check on by calliog or live online support for free?
Been getting replies on surveys. Ones have been reviewed wants somebody to buy something before givin money. I’m looking for straighr income ONLY!
Been getting replies on surveys. Ones have been reviewed wants somebody to buy something before givin money. I’m looking for straight income ONLY!

Nagesh answers:

There are real opportunities to earn money on the Internet but if anybody promises that you will become an instant millionaire then they are full of it. There are no real get rich quick schemes out there that work. If you want to earn extra money, as with any other job, you have to put in actual work.

Running a business on the Internet can be a little stressful at first and at times a bit frustrating but once you get the hang of it you can earn a decent amount of money. Maybe a couple hundred extra dollars a month at first and up to maybe even a few thousand a month at times. You’re not going to be a millionaire or anything but at least it’s something. And if your business is set-up to be pretty much automated then it’s not too bad at all.

I prefer selling digital products because the transaction is so efficient. A product that can be easily downloaded will relieve you and your customers the hassles of having to deal with the shipping and handling of a physical product. Although there are still some products that I ship out from time to time, the digital ones are definitely the easiest to manage.

I’ve spent a lot of months sifting through various programs out there from ebooks, and drop shipping, to matrix schemes and what not. If you want to try your hand at the grand search for real opportunities, good luck! You’ve got your work cut out for you because it’s an open field out there with tons of people offering you a million different ways to take your money. And I’m not too proud to say that my own pockets have gotten hurt a few times from investing in certain things that didn’t make me a dime. But now I’m in a position where I make a pretty decent living almost entirely on the Internet. I’m not a millionaire or anything but I’m happy with what I get. When I look at the big picture I suppose making a few bad investments wasn’t too bad of a sacrifice. They may have even helped me get to where I am now. I guess I had to fall down a few times before I learned to stand. Now I’m starting to some pretty corny but whatever, I’m happy.

Anyway here are a few places you might want to check out depending on what direction you want to pursue. Some of these resources have been pretty profitable for me. Good luck on your journey.


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Monday, September 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Carol asks…

What is a good way to make money?

i am broke literally and i need a good way to make money because i am broke and they will cut my internet off monday if i dont get $250 so help me i need ideas now!!!!!!!!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a damn Job! I dont make enough i’m not lazy!

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/19/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university. Important topics include banking (how financial institutions operate), stock market (which includes discussion on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500), finance (which includes discussion on the time value of money), interest rates, credit, loans, mortgage, real estate, the derivatives market, microeconomics (which includes discussion on perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly structures), and macroeconomics (which includes discussion on the money supply, aggregate demand, and the Federal Reserve).

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

William asks…

Ways to earn money quickly?

i need ways to earn money quickly. i don’t want any stupid internet scams or anything. I’m not allowed to work legally yet, so applying for a job is out of the question.
any ideas? help!!!

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Sandra asks…

How to save money quickly?

I’ll try and keep it short! We moved out of state in 2010 to TN we love it here but we are not living as good as we did in PA where we use to live. Jobs don’t pay and my husband had to become a over the road truck driver. As hard as we are trying to stay i don’t think we can keep living as we are. We went from being a middle class family down to low income! We have kids (5) ages 18mos-17 and have 2 dogs. What are some ways to save money? i try but everything i do never seems to work. With bills and rent do we move in to a hotel what can i do please help!

Nagesh answers:

The way to save money quickly is to not spend it. You have to reduce your expenses immediately. Some things to do:

Cancel cable TV. If you are too far out to get reception on an antenna, at least reduce your service to basic cable. No premium channels, no sports channels.

Cut your cell phone plan down to the most basic. No texting.

No fast food. That is the biggest waster of money. Cook from scratch. One of my favorite meals is white beans with chopped onions and tomatoes. Healthy and cheap. Red beans and rice. Pot roast with carrots, potatoes and onions. Simple, hearty and cheap.

No new clothing purchases except for underwear and shoes. You should have plenty of hand-me-downs. Shop for what you might need (not want, need) at thrift stores.

Consider finding new homes for the dogs. Pets are expensive if you care for them properly.

Make sure not to have more kids. Five is an expensive handful.

Cut back on utilities by cutting off unnecessary lights, taking shorter showers, keeping the thermostat lower in winter and higher in summer. Unplug unneeded appliances like computers, cell phone chargers, power tools. Use CFL bulbs if you have them.

Make your own entertainment. No movies out — rent a movie at the library to play at home if you have a DVD. No new DVD or CD or game purchases.

Cut out tobacco and alcohol purchases. Those can be a huge cost.

Write down every cent you spend in the next 30 days. You will find lots of ways you can cut costs.

Unfortunately you can’t take my best advice which is don’t move anywhere unless you have a firm job offer.

EDIT – To correct something Christine said. DO NOT dumpster dive for aluminum cans. That is illegal and can get you hauled off to jail and your kids placed in foster homes.

Sandy asks…

How can I raise money? (15 year old)?

Ok I am 15 (16 next month) And I need more money!!! Most shops won’t take people until they have left school so im gunna have to be creative. What can I do to earn money– i dont no any1 i can babysit either.

I need to money for either a new guitar or an iphone

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/17/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

Lizzie asks…

How to make money quickly ?

Hii, Im a 13 year old girl and for my birthday I would like a limo. I need to save £60 for 1st May when I will be having my limo. So far I only have £15. Im putting 50p each day towards but I will only have half as much by the end. How can I make moeny quickly ? My parents dont give me money for chores and Im not into mowing lawns and washoing cars sincew i live in a rough area. Thankyou x

Nagesh answers:

Do various searches online for keywords such as home based virtual assistant, hire virtual assistant, hire data entry operator or clerk, outsource word processor, outsource data entry .,.. Those types of terms should help you locate legitimate companies that hire independent contractors to work from their homes providing administrative type services. You should never have to pay for these types of opportunities … Just as you wouldn’t pay to interview with or apply at a company for a job opening.

Hope this helps

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Sunday, August 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Ruth asks…

What are some extra chores i can do for money?

I already do daily chores. But i LOVE shopping
I am willing to do extra shores for money
But my brother already gets paid for mowing the lawn (15 front, 10 backyard)
But my only choice is extra laundry (5 dollars for washing,drying, folding, and putting it away)
I want more ideas for money! any? For winter
In summer i wash car for $10 but its winter

Nagesh answers:

How about vacuuming extra rooms in the house (though taking breaks as to not strain a muscle or such). Perhaps you may clean not only your room, but your parents’ room (and not necessarily within the same day due to the fumes from the cleanser). When using cleaning products, please keep the room well-ventilated with the door and windows open. How about shoveling neighbors’ driveways when it snows, too. You can offer to take out the garbage. Clean the ‘fridge (with the right products such as baking soda and water or such).

Please do NOT inhale any types of fumes or chemical vapors also known as ‘huffiing’. My friend has a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from inhalant use from when she was 12, now in her 30s. Other risks of huffing include sight loss/blindness, heart/liver/kidney damage, seizures, limb spasms, hearing loss and even death, all of which can happen after the very FIRST time of use:

Regarding shopping, please make yourself a budget and only spend a certain amount a week, or better yet, a month 🙂 Please do take good care of yourself and make good, healthy choices in life.

Lisa asks…

Where do stockbrokers keep their money?

I’m not planning to rob one or anything, but I am writing a script where some people do. Can anyone who works at one tell me about the layout of the building because I have no idea. Is money kept in a kind of office or a big vault or what? Do most of the stockbrokers work in a big room full of computers? Stuff like that.
Also, if there are many safes, is there a main one, and if so what kind of room would it be in?

Nagesh answers:

Ha they have zero cash except what they carry on them. Funny question because it sounds like you are going to rob them which I bet you are thinking about doing. Let me warn you they have nothing. All forms of payment are done in checks so their is a record of it. Nothing is done over a cash basis. So no register, no vault, no gold nothing. As for the computer thing ya everyone has atleast one computer in front of them. So you would find more money in a 7-11 then a stock broker office.

Betty asks…

How to raise money for a business during the recession?

I need creative ideas to raise money quick cause it’s so dead here! Would hate it if the business had to close =( It’s a travel agency (but the ideas don’t have to be limited to that) I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

Nagesh answers:


You could get someone to write say, 15 page ebooks or reports, and then advertise them for say, $5-$10 on the internet.

Travel ideas – try looking here to see what people want to know about travel.

Sites like E-junkie will assist with this – try it !

Daniel asks…

Money saving ideas for our wedding?

Does anybody have any good ideas for us to save money on our wedding. We have a budget of about £12,000 but would love to know anything anybody else has actually done in order to save money. I’ve chosen my venue which costs £6000 for the daytime and evening catering and also for our first night hotel. I don’t want to change any of these details as i’m really happy with them all, but any ideas for saving money anywhere else would be welcome. Also, i’m having 3 bridesmaids and 2 flower girls and my H2B is having 4 attendents.

Nagesh answers:


Ideas to save money as you start your married life as often simple and obvious. If you have already considered the following ideas then you are well on your way to saving money. One of the highest reasons for marriage breakdown is dept. So I have set out a number of money saving ideas for your wedding, drawn from personal experience.

There are however a number of things that we should remember, the dress should be wonderful, the reception the best it can be, and of course the wedding photographs should be the best they can be at the best price.

■One of the most expensive parts of the wedding can be the reception. Although a buffet can often be cheaper than a sit down, you may prefer a sit down meal – A simple idea is to cut down on the guest list if you are trying to save the money, and invite others to a reception party after the main reception.
■Serve Cava in place of champagne to greet your guests and for the toast – no one will mind or notice!
■Get married later in the day – it saves having to feed your guests twice
■Serve your cake as dessert – choose a chocolate or lemon cake in place of the traditional fruit cake and ask your caterers to serve with fresh cream and berries.
■Get married on a week day – many venues are much cheaper then at weekends
■Choose flowers in season – they cost more if they have to be flown in
■Avoid Christmas and Valentine’s Day – although popular, the costs will go up – flowers in particular are more expensive at this time of year
■Ask friends and family to help – when my wife and I married, my Father made the cake, my Mother decorated it, we used a friend’s cream Mercedes as the wedding car and another made my wife’s wedding dress.
■Make your own stationery – that way you save money and have something very personal to treasure – the Confetti website offers a free print download service
■Oxfam now has a fabulous service of second hand and unworn dresses, but if your heart is set on a new dress, consider having your dress made by a local dressmaker – or as one of my clients has done have your dress made in china! Her dress was made to measure in pure silk, and cost just £80 from an e-bay advert.
■Do take out wedding insurance as this can give you peace of mind should anything go wrong
■Make your own favours – favour boxes filled with sweets look lovely and don’t take long to do, or make cookies and initial them with your names and the date of the wedding
■Don’t scrimp on the photographer (“you would say that,” I hear you cry) – But those images will live with you forever – Ask if you have will be given the right to copy the photos, and if you will be given a CD that is of High Resolution of your pictures for you to print as you wish.
■Also check the photographer is a member of a professional body and remember to ask for to see their membership card, no one who is a member of a professional body would ever object to that, if they do, don’t use them.

Charles asks…

i need money? any ideas?

i really want to be able to buy myself a car and not ask my parents to buy it for me. im turning 18 and i have my license. believe it or not i want a ford bronco from the 80s or 90s. anyone have any ideas to make money.

P.S. i already have a job but i need that money to pay for things like college

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

Save as much money as you can! You’ll be surprised as to how quickly you can save a lot of money!

Here are a few suggestions:

Ways To Save Money & Ways To Earn More Money (Updated on 08/16/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than the alternative.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money.

Take personal finance courses online or at a high school or college/university.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Rent movies using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 6 months or even a year. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from a traditional savings account from a bank.

If you are a teen, do chores around the house. Your parents will appreciate it and you might get some money for it.

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in a commodity, such as gold. The value/price of gold is expected to increase in the future.

If you are a teen, then make sure to save the money that you get from your allowance (if you get an allowance).

If you like to invest your money in the stock market, then you may want to invest your money in specific large-cap and medium-cap companies that you trust. Apple (Stock Symbol: AAPL) and Google (Stock Symbol: GOOG) are two such stocks where you can choose to invest your money.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances.

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan.

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Saturday, August 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Joseph asks…

How to get started in stock Market for 18 year old college student With extra money?

I was left a good amount of money from a family member. My college is all paid for and so on. There is extra money and I have always been interested in the stock market and making money in it.
-What are some good ways to start out?
-How much should Invest initially?
Also I know it doesn’t just happen and you just make money like that, but any suggestions on fast return?
I have some knowledge in stock market and also taking some business classes as well.
I would be willing to try some risk but not all of it.

Nagesh answers:

Hi Jake,

I understand that the prospect of heading straight into the stock market seems like an enticing one but without due diligence and learned decisions I can assure you that it would be a big folly.

I am, like you an 18-year-old student and I’ve gotten myself acquainted with the stock market through books. Reading books from legendary investors such as Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch etc. Would be of immense assistance to you. Start with ‘One Up on Wall Street’ by Peter Lynch for a start, it is a very good book for laying the fundamentals.

Reading materials themselves contain a myriad of oft confounding jargon so would be a pretty useful website as well!

Other than that, as for how much you should invest, it depends on how much cash you actually have (go for personal finance classes where they teach you how to govern your own wealth and how much of it should be invested such that losing all of your capital would not compromise on your living standards as well as financial security) Ask people around you who have invested SUCCESSFULLY in stocks (be wary of their ‘tips’ though) for their advice and how they did it, you could probably pick out some tips from them.

And last of all, may I just say that risk is mitigated by knowledge and educated, informed decisions. Buying stocks is not a gamble, it only is so when you have not done your homework on the stocks you have bought and based your decisions upon pure speculation. As of such you’re better off striking the jackpot in Vegas.

Investing is a partial ownership in the business which you have invested in. All the best in your future endeavours and undertakings in the stock market! 🙂

Lisa asks…

Does anyone have some good advice for trading stocks online?

I have never traded stocks online but I would like to start. What site is best for trading? How do I pick stocks? Where can I find good fundamental and technical analysis? Are there any sites out there that seem to pick consistent winners?

Nagesh answers:

I can tell that you are a value investor. You want to ask 3 questions for the price of 1… Well, here you go.

What site is best for trading?
Every one has different needs. If you’re new and don’t keep much money in your brokerage account, then Scottrade is probably good for you. They’re real time charts are pretty good, but no CD’s are available, the cash account only pays about 0.5%, and they charge pretty heavily for mutual funds. If you want to leave money sitting in a MM that pays 5% while you’re out of the market, like a choice of no load, no fee mutual funds, has an excellent site for research, want to buy competitive CDs on line, all in one place, then you might like fidelity. It’s what makes you happy. If you don’t like the sevice, then you can always change.

How do I pick stocks?
An answer would take volumes to provide, so let me suggest some literature:

I would recommend William O’Neil’s “The Successful Investor” as a good starting point. Follow that up with Peter Lynch’s “Beating the Street”. That should provide you with two strategies that you can learn from in building your own investment strategy.

Other good books include “The Motley Fool Investment Guide” by Tom and Dave Gardner or “Real Money” by James Cramer.

I have read all these books and many others and devised a strategy that adopts a bit from each one.

Another thing you can do is invest using a fictional portfolio. Let that run for a few months to see if you are ready to start trading with real money. In the meantime, invest in mutual funds. Once you are ready, sell the fund and invest on your own.

Remember, the time spend learning about investing is far less then the money lost by not being prepared.

Where can I find good fundamental and technical analysis?
You’re on your own for this. There’s a multitude of excellent sites out there, where you can get fundamental ratios. Try Zack’s, Yahoo Finance, MSN finance, and a multitude of others are out there for free. As far as technical analysis, you need to research and find what works for you. As far as charting goes, Bigcharts is a good free site. Personally, I like Telecharts, which has a fee, but well worth the 50-75cents per day for the sorting capability, fast way to cycle thru many charts, and the ability to write your own personal critera.

Are there any sites out there that seem to pick consistent winners?
No. And anybody that says they can is a liar.

Michael asks…

How can you become a millionaire somewhat fast without becoming famous?

I really want to have lots of money some day (before I’m an old fart) and be able to drive a Ferrari, but I don’t want to be famous and have stalkers! What are some ways of doing this?

Note: Please don’t tell me the $5 dollar trick…

Nagesh answers:

Trade stocks, invest in real estate, trade currency on the foreign exchange, start your own business, make an invention that sells well or is worth a lot, or become an exec, ceo, or hedge fund manager, neuro surgeon. Pan for gold or look for treasure in some sunken ship or temple, find oil, win the lottery, gambling, sell drugs or guns on the blackmarket, start your own cult, write a book that sells well, marry someone rich, i dunno there’s probably a bunch more but that’s all i can think of off the top of my head. 90% of rich people aren’t famous so i dont know why you stipulated not being famous

Helen asks…

What is the fastest way to make $5000 dollars?

Serious question. Is there anyway to make $5000 in a month for someone who is unemployed?

Nagesh answers:

Investing in stock market and do some online survey in your free time its a good way to get money online.

Best of luck

Richard asks…

What are some tips on learning how to make money from trading stocks?

I want to be able to generate money on the side from my main job by trading stocks. I want to learn how to generate money from short term investments.

Nagesh answers:

IF you can’t watch those suckers every minute of the day, then you better forget trading stocks. Hire a pro to invest for you or you WILL lose trading stocks, it’s dangerous and today even more so. I do trade off and on and I do ok and every year I’m positive. But there are so many variables in that jungle I couldn’t even begin to tell you here.

FOUR rules I always follow.

1.) Never buy a hyped up stock on the day it is being hyped. It will come crashing down just as fast. You’ll get burned for sure that way.

2.) Don’t just buy a stock because it’s got news MAKE SURE the company is solid. Check out the financials.

3.) NEVER NEVER NEVER buy penny stocks NEVER.

4.) And the most important rule is NEVER rush into any trade, always take your time and think carefully about every trade you make. Know exactly what you are doing. DO NOT be greedy, got a profit take it! And KEEP YOUR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER! KNOW WHEN TO GET IN AND OUT.

And if you have hundreds of little trades at the end of the year like I do be prepared to go through HELL doing you taxes. They want every detail, so much fun. And yes, they will come after you even if you lost money. And no the tax software doesn’t do it all, your little fingers will. Just so you know.

And no you won’t get rich quick, or at all, doing this. And if you are rich it’s a good way to become poor. So be very careful the system is rigged against the little guy, they do know how to get you.


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Friday, August 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

George asks…

Recently got scammed for my money on Runescape, Whats a quick way to make 1m?

I know theres got to be tons of ways to make a mil fairly easy, but im not good with merching or whatever you wanna call it, i always stuck to just killing things and leveling up, but i got scammed for 1 mill last night and now im almost completely broke, anyone know any tips to get 1m fast? Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I can help you, and by the way, botting is NOT illegal. If it were illegal, people would have went to jail. But I do not recommend you to bot, nor to anyone to bot. It just messes up the game, I was just letting the person that said “botting is illegal” know that it’s not illegal.
Here are some ways you can make money.

-Crafting gold bars into Gold bracelets, so buy bars, turn to bracelets. 100K GP Hr, 25k crafting xp.
-Fletching maple longbows (u). Buy maple logs, fletch into longbows (u) and sell. Somewhat 80K/hr,
-Killing Grotworms, up to 350k/hr
-Killing green dragons, 220k/hr on German servers
-You can go to any LRC world, (just ask someone in a friends chat which world) and pick up the gold ore/coal ore/ gold bars that the bots drop and bank them at the pulley for about 150k/hr.
-Farm runs, about 60k/hr depending on what herbs, its 5 mins of work for 60k, pretty good.

I would recommend you to do grotworms, they are very easy, especially to use magic or ranged against them at a 60+ level. You can make at least 350k per hour with a Bunyip with you. If you want to stay there for a long time, bring about 6 or 7 (or more) so you won’t have to go to the bank and back. A bunyip requires 68 Summoning and it heals you every 15 seconds. Bring some Nature runes with you and a fire staff too, high alch all the adamant drops and some rune Armour drops that are worth less than what they alch for, just price check all the rune drops you get, and high alch each one, and you will know if you made a profit off alching it or not. If you did, keep alching it, it will save you time from going to your bank, and you will make extreme profit off this method. With a BOB, nature runes, and on a German server alone with no bots, you can make up to 500k per hour if you are concentrated. Once your summoning points lower, you can go outside and replenish them, and go back in. Although, it is not required for this method.

Even without a bunyip or any BOB, you can make atleast 300k per hour.
Hope this helps! Good luck, have fun!

Robert asks…

Good, quick ways to earn money on Runescape?

Anyone know some quick ways to earn a good amount of money in Runescape? Im a member too and i dont care if it uses the Grand Exchange

Nagesh answers:

Have about 50 gold in your inventory to get past the gates to Al Karid, go to the cow pasture, kill cows and pick up their hide until you have a full inventory. Go to the tanner in Al Karid and turn the hide into soft leather. Take it to the Grand Exchange and repeat. When you get back with the next load your previous load will have sold and you get money. Hope i helped.

Lizzie asks…

what is the best item to MERCHANT in runescape?

I’ve been merchanting earth rune and it takes too long to buy it for 15 and sell it for 16. I need a quicker and better way to earn money by merchanting. Whatever i try to merchant it doesn’t work. oh and i have 2mils now and i am a free worlder. I need some suggestions about what items are good to merchant.

Nagesh answers:

Its very difficult to merch and make good money on f2p and with a limited amount of money to spend. To be honest I would just get money by mining ess or runecrafting or something until you have more to spend.

Betty asks…

whats the best way to make money on runescape?

i wc for money on rs.its slow and boring and i just wanna do something quicker and even more money,whats the best way to make money on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

Ok ill let you in on a little secret…………

In runescape you dont have to be a member.
All you have to do is mine gold for long periods of time and then sell them in the Grand Exchange

Lisa asks…

What is the fastest & cheapest way to level Mage in RS?

Hello. I’m wondering what the cheapest and quickest way to level magic is in Runescape.

I’ve come to the conclusion that
Pest Control is slightly slower than alching, but 100% free and + cash.
Alching is pretty fast but somewhat costly and mind numbingly boring.
Soul Wars… I don’t know, never did it but I hear its good.

Whats the best way?

Nagesh answers:

I say that you should do enchanting…. When you enchant you dont lose as much money as you do on other spells but you will still need some cash to do it… Hope this helps

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Thursday, August 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Susan asks…

How do you earn money fast?

I am saving up for something and i need help!!!!

Nagesh answers:

How fast you need it is relative but if you are talking within the next couple of months, there are a great many ways in which you can earn the money online. No – I am not talking about taking stupid surveys or reading stupid e-mails. No – I am not talking about shelling out good money to scammers. I am talking about investing a little time only in building yourself a lucrative web presence.

The link is to the short article which gives you the basics on how to do it…

Richard asks…

good survey paying sites?

I’m looking for a good survey paying website since i am to young to get a job any good ones? please help.

Nagesh answers:


The easiest and fastest way to start making money online are paid online surveys .You can start making money today, no skills needed.You can make more than $50 per one simple survey.I know that paid online surveys are the best way to get paid online from my own experience.

Go to , and join .You won’t regret, believe me.

Really hope that will help you

Thomas asks…

Which Paid Surveys online pay the Fastest?

1.Most sites make you wait for 4 to 6 weeks.

2.Which sites pay you with in 48 hours after you complete the survey.

3.Without this point bullsh!t were you have to get all these points in order to cash out.

Nagesh answers:

What is your first sense when you meet some program that promise you to give money just for joining with no other efforts? “It is too good to be true” – is that? In prevalence it IS too good to be true.
The Internet is overload with all kinds of on-line business stuff. There are many usable programs either. But as far as I know by experience there aren’t way to earn money without investing your efforts. Firstly you must learn a lot to succeed in that field. Secondly you must implement what you learn. Without these main things every program that you join will seem scam.

Ken asks…

how can i earn some money fast?

ok so i’m 14
there is this music concert i’m dying to go to.
but i have no money for it, it’s in sydney and unless i win the tickets i’ll have to pay for concert tix and airfares.
is there a way i can earn some money?
like online surveys or something?
please help! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Ebay. Sell some stuff on Craigslist. Have a garage sale. That’s really the only way to make some fast money. Online surveys are not going to get you enough money. Good luck! Enjoy the concert =)

Mary asks…

How can I make money online by taking simple surveys?

TT and Cashcrate are good I hear is that right?

Nagesh answers:

The key to making money online with 100% FREE surveys!

First check out these awesome FREE survey sites that really pay!


***Now if your really serious about this the next step is to download a program called roboform. You can get it at the roboform website. This site saves a lot of time because you can fill out the form one time and use it over and over again. *IMPORTANT* Remember to create multiple emails and use different emails each survey.

**** The next step is to download ccleaner its a program that cleans out your cookies (something that you need anyway for your computer) Run ccleaner after every 3 surveys you complete

*** The first 2 pages of a survey usually ask for name, address, phone # etc. If you already have this filled out in robo form its as easy as a click of a button..

After that the rest of the survey has options that say next, skip, no thanks, etc. Remember to click these so the surveys go much faster. You do not have to complete any of these offers so skip is a key button!

Try it today thousands have asked me for these great sites!!!

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Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Mandy asks…

Ways to earn quick, easy money?

how can a 14 year old male earn about 50$ in a couple of weeks
please no internet sites

Nagesh answers:

Ya, please no internet sites,

Kudos for thinking!

Get creative .. What opportunities are around your town?

Do you have an industrial park site near where you live?
Go ask around at the industrial park and see if anyone has anything you can do. (and as a practical matter, loose the “easy money” bit!)
snot reel! There is NO easy money!
You will have to work, but the trick is to find something that you can do that you like, and will earn some bucks. I know a guy with a degree in Music, but he repairs cars for a living because he likes the work.

Good Luck!

Sandra asks…

runescape money making help?

i want to buy the rest of my rune armor and all ive summed the cost up to 150,000 gold what is a quick way t earn this?

Nagesh answers:

Easiest ways to earn money and quick too.

Kill Cows
Get their Cowhides and sell them 100 ea at Grand Exchange.
If you attack high.
You can get like 2.7k every ten minutes so thats like 20-30k an hour.

Get fishing level to 40.
Takes about a week depending on how much you paly.
Fish Lobsters at Karamja.
Cook them too but you need Level 40 cooking.
Sell them 250ea.
Or Swordies Sell them 300-400 ea.

Kill Hill Giants.
They Drop Big Bones and Limpwurt Roots worth 250 ea.
Easy to way earn money and good Prayer EXP from the Bones.

Or if you just wanna do it the super easy way.
Just buy the money with real money.
RS GOLD I mean.
1 million RS gold is worth like $5-$10.

Just search onto Google and look for some sites that sell RS gold.
I tried it before easy to way to earn it.

Good Luck.

Charles asks…

How can I earn money easier & quicker 🙂 ?

Title says it all. 10 points for best answer, need o buy a 360 & MW3 Hardened Edition :)♥ ? .

Nagesh answers:

1) Write an ebook and sell it online, which can be sold forever
2) Create a website and sell memberships
3) Open an advisory service for something you have experience in, you can sell your advice.
4) Buy gold and sell it in 3 – 5 years.

Steven asks…

How can I earn money quick & easy?

I don’t get paid for chores, & I’m too young for a job. What to do?

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service for the elderly people in your neighborhood. Print up flyers on your PC and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Betty asks…

How do i earn money fast?

I am 15. But mom will not let me get a job

Nagesh answers:


Using Rewards1 you can earn money by completing quick, easy surveys.

Each survey gets you points which can be redeemed for ANY item on ANY website, giftcards, or even money.

I use this site and I have gotten several prizes!

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Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Steven asks…

what is the fastest way to earn money as a 13 year old boy?

I need to pay my mom $350 and i need a way to earn money. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You could easily make money tro Google making for you… You just need to put some favorite contents to a blog and earn money from google adsense..

For further details go tro the site below.. It really changed my life little bit….i cud make my pocket money of my own you know

William asks…

How Can i get WAY faster for football season?

Im 13 years old and run a 6.02 in the 40 and a 1:13 in the 400m. (i know there both really slow). i weigh about 110 and dont have alot of money to go and buy things. any tips? there arent maany hills by my house so up and downhill running are out of the question. and tips? i would also like to play soccer next year as a freshmen. any good tips on that too?

Nagesh answers:

Running long distances is good exercise that will help your conditioning and endurance and isn’t something to be discouraged but, for football, you need to be quick. You need to accelerate quickly or the defense won’t let you run anyway near 400 meters. Pacing yourself over longer distances doesn’t specifically train you for quick bursts of speed.

If you want to be quicker, you need do practice sprints. Accelerate to top speed for short distances, then get plenty of rest before the next top speed rep. I would suggest working on those first 20 yards. If you want to get better at sprinting, you need to do more sprinting.

Michael asks…

I want to be a Investment banker for Goldman Sachs. How many years would it take for me to get my MBA?

I am only 13 years old, and investment banking is something i’ve always been interested in. I have money invested in stocks and I already know a lot about the NYSE. I always have wondered how many years it would take me to go through college get my bachelors and masters, then my MBA from a good college like University of Michigan, Duke University or University of Florida. Any answers or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I’m really impressed that you have this much knowledge and directed interest at 13. My biggest advice to you would be to make sure that you keep your grades up in other areas so that you remain eligible for the elite universities from which you would obviously benefit in the financial realm. The full-time MBA program takes two years, but you need to finish college (which takes four years) first, and then most of the prestige MBA programs require that you get at least 3 years of full-time work experience after you graduate before they will accept you. It sounds like a really long slog, but you will almost certainly be able to get some wonderful jobs along the way which will be an important part of your education too, so it will fly by faster than you expect. Best of luck!

Donna asks…

What would be a good way to get easy money, but fast,that wont be hard for a 14 year old?

I’m 14 years old, and I really want a phone,but my parents said that the only way I could get one, would be if I buy it, and pay for the monthly bill. But I need money.How could I make money in an easy way, but that isn’t hard, and that won’t get me in troulbe?

Nagesh answers:

Your 14 years old. Try getting a paper route. It is a easy and fun way to make some money.

If you want a prepaid phone try going with Verizon Impulse. It has a 99 cent access fee, but you can talk free to all the millions and millions of Verizon customers.

Make the money using this system that I found. Its fun easy and its open to all age 13 and up.


Mary asks…

Im 13 & need to lose weight, but I dont have money to go to a gym. How can I lose weight @ home?

Ok, so I am 13 years old & weigh 130 to 140 pounds. I look flabby & I want to lose some pounds & fat for summer, but I dont have enough money to attend a gym. Can anyone help me by ways to lose weight & eat a little more healthy in the comfort of my own home? Please help!!

Nagesh answers:

First of all, talk to your parents about this and ask them to help you put together a sensible eating and exercise plan. Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we’ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.

Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few additional small changes – walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.

Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can’t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one.

In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy.

Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate – in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don’t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies.

Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day.

Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.

Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body.

Vary your routines. Don’t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn’t adjust to any one routine.

An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.

Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.


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Monday, August 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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