Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Thomas asks…

What is the fastest way to earn quick money?

I’m kinda short on money and wanna earn fast cash.

Nagesh answers:

Get paid $15 to $25 guaranteed for
each successfully processed email.

No qualification is required, no work experience required.

Only a computer and internet is Required

click here below to start work

Ken asks…

How can someone under the age of 16 earn some quick money?

Okay, so I’m under 16 so i obviously cant get a job and I wanna earn some money and quick! but how?
can anyone give me some good, reasonable ideas?!
nopee. im not 16 or 12…
& i bbysit all the time, but people are cheap these days and i completely understand tht but i just wanna earn some extra money.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, wash cars, mow lawns

Donald asks…

How do I earn Money Quick?

I,ve been trying to build a clubhouse for my son I don’t have the money help
sorry I literally have three jobs plus im going to have to spend some of my money when I become kiwanis presidant of Iowa so im in a tough spot

Nagesh answers:

If you need materials, look on your local Craigslist under the “free” section — very often people have leftover building supplies they want to have removed from their property. You could also post an ad there yourself under “wanted” with a list of items that you are looking for. Keep an eye open for construction sites, especially ones that are remodelling existing buildings — if you see a lot of scrap near the dumpsters, approach the site manager and ask if you can have some. They have to pay to have it hauled away so they usually don’t mind if you take some.

Kids don’t need anything fancy — what’s most important is that they had fun building it with Dad. It’s the time you spend, not the money, that counts.

Mary asks…

How do I earn money quick?

Im 17 years old and I need to earn money like $100.00 what do I do I need to earn this money as soon as possible

Nagesh answers:

Internet is the best place to earn Part time money….

Start your own Online Business…. It is very simple….

Buy one domain name and upload some PLR products…and sell from your website…

It is simple way to earn internet moey….

You can get all PLR products are in one place at very cheap price…

Free membership also available….visit the site for mor information

Need online help mail your query to

Linda asks…

How do u earn money quick?

How do u earn money quick if u were 12

Nagesh answers:

Pet sitting, pet walking, run errands, yard work

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Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Ken asks…

How do u make quick money not online or the usual stuff?

easy and quick ways to make money

Nagesh answers:

WelI I actually take surveys for cash. And yes they do pay as long as you know the good ones. I have some free survey sites that are very reliable just check out my profile by clicking my name or email me for them. I only give sites that I’ve been paid by so you won’t get scammed. They’re all reliable and I’ve never had a problem with them. (I’ve been doing them for a year now) The best part is that anyone can do them and they’re easy. You won’t get rich but they definitely help with bills 🙂

Thomas asks…

are surveys online a good way to make quick money?

Ya i am a college student and i need to raise money are online surveys safe and legit is there a better way to make money ive tried getting jobs but the market is bad any tips or suggestions would help millions

Nagesh answers:

There are exactly NO real online jobs. Anywhere. Really..,.

Richard asks…

What is a quick way to make some money online?

Is there any survey site or any site that i can go do stuff on to make quick cash and thats not a scam!


Nagesh answers:

There isn’t

I have hundreds of friends and associates. None of the guys/girls have ever made any money on these on line ventures. If they would have they would be talking about it and I would be in on it…..SCAM

Daniel asks…

Does anybody know of any good online jobs or any other good ways to make quick money?

I already have a job but I want something on the side to make some extra cash.

Nagesh answers:

You sholud to ask your self what kind of online jobs do you like?
If you love to sell you should to apply and looking for product it’s cheap in you country but expensive in asia.

If you love to write you should to write blog why blog? It’s free!! And apply google adsense for show Advt on your blog

All methods take a time but it always make money for you forever

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Mark asks…

quick way to make money online?

I’m 17 and i basically don’t have time to get a job because of basket ball just trying to find a quick way to make money online to get a car…please help

Nagesh answers:

Ever wanted to earn cash from home but always got fooled by those liars who sell awful ebooks or those users who ask for money upfront and then never reply? That’s why I want to like you to a website where the owner shares all ways of making money online. Did you know that you can make money running a blog or having fun online? Then visit for more information

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Wednesday, February 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Guide Runescape

Lizzie asks…

What is a fast way to make money on runescape?

Please dont send me a link to guide. If you can, please tell me what exactly i have to do. Whether it be quests or something else. and please list the requirements
im going to list all my stats.
atk:71 Hp:77
str:70 herblore:19
def:70 Theive:55
range:81 Agility:55
pray:52 Mining:49
mage:72 smithing:50
rc:25 Fletching:65
crafting:55 wc:65
and a few more i cant remember… i am a member currently, so member ways would be nice. thankyou!

Nagesh answers:

Excellent stats! Far as I can see, you have lots of ways to make money. I’ll list them:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>>>> One of the best ways to make money is, no doubt, green dragons. Your combat stats are similar to mine, so I’d say you should take an anti-dragon shield, great armor, and about 20 lobsters. A WHIP is highly recommended, and watch out for revanants! Your prayer will help you out.

STATS TRAINED: Attack / Defence / Strength / Magic / Range.


>>>> Then there’s thieving! I would recommend going to Draynor and pickpocketing the master farmer – you get at least 2 ranarr seeds per hour! In case you don’t know, ranarr’s are worth around 30k EACH SEED. There are several other valuable seeds you can steal, so get to it! I would recommend taking 3 lobsters with you if you’re staying for an hour.


PROFIT MADE PER HOUR: 40k to 150k.

>>>> Mining is a classic way of making money. At your level, I would recommend mining gold, and as you get to higher levels, you can mine more valuable ores. A great reward of reaching a high level in mining is the ability to mine RUNITE ore, which sells for 12k a piece! The competition is fierce, but the money made? Tons of it.


PROFIT MADE PER HOUR: 100k to 400k

>>>> Woodcutting is the best way to make money for non-members, and it’s a great way to make money for members, too. At your woodcutting level, cutting yews would be best, and at level 80, you should transfer over to magic logs. Level 80 because at that level, you can actually compete with the other people trying to cut mages. It’s one of the best ways to make money because you can be on another site while you woodcut, and all you’d have to do is check on it from time to time.

STATS TRAINED: Woodcutting


>>>> Although you haven’t listed your hunting level, you don’t need more than level 1 hunting to make 100k per hour! Yep, all you need is a noose wand, and feet. Runescape feet. All you do is track polar kebbits, and collect their fur. Drop the bones and meat – it’s worth nothing, almost. Be aware that polar kebbits are located far north into runescape, so an amulet of glory is recommended, since it’s a long distance to travel. The area is north of Relleka.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thus, I conclude my methods. Hope this helped!

Lisa asks…

(URGENT) runescape money makin guide for a member (URGENT)?

I am a member and i am looking for the fastest and easiest way to make money. i have tried a few methods and not happy my skills are…
attack 52 strength 52 defence 50 ranged 43 prayer 32 magic 45 runecrafting 27 construction 4 hitpoints 52 agility 13
herblore 36 theiving 19 crafting 45 fletching 31 slayer 2
hunter 1 mining 52 smithing 38 fishing 53 cooking 40
firemaking 52 woodcutting 51 farming 1 summoning 4
and i will try every method i receive as an answer to pick the best so it is fair. If you may no please just answer anyways I need all the help i can get. Thank you very much

Nagesh answers:

I made millions out of this sites you have to try it

good luck

Mark asks…

how do i lvl my combat fast in runescape?

well i went to world 117 (members world) and went to the dungeoneering place on a lvl 3. i saw many lvl 120+ accounts there so i was wondering how i could get that high in about 4 months. i also need a simple money making guide because to get that high i need a lot of money.
your answer will be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Um well first off there is no fast way of doing anything on runescape so you have to do it just like the rest of us and you will find that im right at the end of all your researching on this topic. It takes tons of time and i mean tons. I would suggest that you not play that game because it consumes so much of your time and you miss out on valuable life experiences. Trust me if you want a good life or atleast a descent one i wouldnt play that game

Richard asks…

Can i have a Runescape account for free? I need one really bad maybe a lvl 24 at least?

Plz i know you may not want to but i really need it. and i also need a fast money making guide.
no i can’t mke it becuz i dont get on as much as i used to
email to me all passwords so no one steals it, plz no pay pal i did it it was terrible.

Nagesh answers:

You can have 1 of mine because i have a few its username is (sek c chik) its password is(xx3be2ginx9) its lvl 37 but everything in the bank is members objects so if your going to become a member than you will get a pretty good head start for items

Thomas asks…

Does anyone that plays runescape know a super fast method of training range?

For pures only.
My stats are:
50attack 70strength 75range 82mage 65hitpoints Combat-57
I need a good way, guide, suggestions on how to train ranged or rlly any more stats on a pure really good and also money making tips for pures? Please someone help me? peace?

Nagesh answers:

Aviansies! All you need is a zamorak item and a saradomin item and you can kill aviansies. Rune crossbow and mithril+ bolts, protect from range and you can pwn aviansies. The drops will more than outweigh the cost of prayer/range potions. They drop loads of rune items you can alch and noted adamanite bars 4 at a time! And they are incredibly weak to ranged attacks. Only thing is you need to do troll stronghold up to the part where you kill dad here is what i would wear.

Head: Zamorak mitre
Body: Monk’s robe
Legs: Monk’s robes
Hands: Saradomin vambraces
Feet: Climbing boots(to get there) Ranger boots if you have the money(put them on once you get there)
Back: Ava’s accumulator
Neck: Amulet of glory, Fury, or armadyl pendant(not a necessity since you will be using protect from range anyway)
Weapon: Rune crossbow
Shield: Any prayer book you can sub in the mitre or the vambraces with this and use a robin, coif, black d’hide vambs, or rfd gloves.

Bring like 8 full prayer potions, 2 full ranging potions, 50 alchs, and like 5 sharks. You can also use bring a mithril grapple to get into the armdyl eyrie but you will need an armadyl pendant to mages wont attack you.

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Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Betty asks…

what age can i breed boreder collies…. second post?

thnk you for the first responce i appreciated it, i have not made my mind up if it is definatly going to happen yet, i am trying to get some ideas for the future and no it is not a quick money making scheme as youchose to put it i have got a lovely dog with a lovely temperment and is gresat around kids cats dogs and other animals he even plays with the rabbits in the garden, so befor you start giving the do not sdo this do not do that why dont you get the facts first and if you aint got nothign nice to say dont say it at all!

Nagesh answers:

The age is when you find out how to do all proper breeding such as tests and such..
It doesnt matter what you’ve put down as for what this dog has(that only matters like,20%).
You need to find beter resources then Yahoo answers for breeding, something as delicate as that.

And by your post you dont sound mature enough to become a breeder.

Thomas asks…

Marriage Overseas Divorce?


I have been married to someone in Vietnam (Vietnamese national) with marriage certificate in Vietnam and I am a US citizen with US passport.

Shortly after the marriage in Vietnam-Over the years my spouse and I had a falling out/separation prior to my beginning the process of sponsoring her to America. We now are not on talking terms and since there have been no marriage documentation done here in the US (no US marriage ceritificate), my question is would it be necessary to officially file for divorce in Vietnam since that is the only place we have a marriage certificate. Would there be any issues for me here in the states if I ever married someone from the US, I just dont want her or her family popping up some years later and try to sue me for money or things like that sort for making money scheme as they are in a poor country and I make good money here in the states so I heard thing of this sort happening. We have no kids together, we just wanted to get married, went to do the marriage in Vietnam, and shortly thereafter had the falling out and never spoke again and I have went on with my life here in the states since. It has been 2 plus years and we have no contact or anything more to do with each other aside from the marriage certificate.

I dont even know her whereabouts,etc.

There was this immigration lawyer here in the states that wanted $1300 for the help with the divorce and he said I wouldnt need to do anything but sign papers and he would have things done on my part here and in Vietnam, however, if it’s unnecessary I dont want to give away $1300 just for that. And even then what proof will I have that the lawyer did all the necessary steps and paperwork to officiate the divorce making it I am not familiar with Vietnam’s laws and proceedings for divorce and how international law affects me here in the US

Thanks for your time and help.

Nagesh answers:

For that much money you can trip overseas and get a quickie divorce- an overseas divorce for an overseas marriage

makes perfect poetic sense to me

Richard asks…

Why is everyone making a joke of Britany?

It’s obvious the girl is mentally sick. It’s no laughing matter. I can’t beleive that the hair salon couldn’t wait for her to get out the door before they were already scheming a way to make money off of her. Thats real concern if you ask me. Supose she had left there and committed suicide? Would they be trying to auction off the weapon or the pills she overdosed on. I have struggled with depression for years and it’s really not funny.Where is the compassion and concern for people anymore? It’s all about making a buck, no matter who it hurts or how it;s done. She has kids that someday will see this stuff about their Mom and it’s going to affect them. Lets forget about the monetary part and concentrate on helping this girl and her family. She has a right to be depressed just like anyone else and she has feelings like anyone else. Give her a break. Take her serious and support her and see how that works. Sorry, but all of this hair stuff makes me sick, It’s all about money at any cost!

Nagesh answers:

We like to build people up to hero status so we can kick the ladder right out from under them when they are on top.

Sick but true. Maybe we have little tolerance for the rich, thinking that they have what we want and feel little remorse for they have so much.

That is part of why we have a long way to go still before we get it right. What disturbs me is that I feel only great tragedy among the masses will be our wake up call…….again.

Carol asks…

How can i make more money for my family….?

i work 8am – 6pm mon to sat and have a wife n 2 kids one is 4 years old and the other 9mnths i’d like to learn a new proffesion to help but havent the time or money to invest into education… i know there is no real get rich quick scheme but i sure could do with one right now as i am on a financial breakdown.

Nagesh answers:

My husband sounds like you. Why don’t you tell your wife to do childcare. She could watch an older child who is pottytrained and make around $75-$125 a week and have a playmate for your 4 year old. It would be great for bringing in money, her not leaving the house and your daughter having a new fun playmate.

Easiest way to get started (what I did) is put a free ad on under the childcare section. FREE and can be done in a minute. Many people need childcare and if she is willing to do it cheap and be a good provider, it works great!

David asks…

Why do so many people talk so down on networking bussiness?

Since MLM products (as a rule) are priced higher than what might be considered “retail” in stores there needs to understanding and consideration of:
a. MLM products have to be of higher quality than retail products to get customers to “feel better.” Time after time exposé’s on TV show that many items on a store shelf contain nothing but the equivalent of “sawdust.” To stay alive MLM companies “generally” have to produce higher quality products. To determine which are most effective requires a product by product test by the MLM seller. Only by personal experience can an MLM Distributor “bond to a product.” This “bonding” is an essential element of being able to aptly sell a product.

Yes, there are some bad companies out there and pure pyramid schemes. Over all MLM is the Last hope in America for the little person to learn how to make money and actually do it. There are over 10 million people that earn a part time to a full time MLM income. People that hate MLM always ignore the part timer person because I swear the “Bashers” (see below) would rather have them washing dishes or waiting tables. My heart goes out to that divorced woman with 2 kids whose MLM income lets her spend more time with those kids. A woman who that extra $500 a month means the “world” to her and her kids. I look at the people making a living at $3500 a month that are happy. It isn’t just our industry that highlights the high income earners so does Franchising and all types of business opportunities besides MLM. It’s human nature to look at high dollar earners. Every year when college starts enrollees are looking at what graduates started earning when they graduated last spring. Priests and teachers are the only ones deliberately going into a low end earning business (they earn respect


Most MLM “Bashers” (people that say MLM is no good) have never been close to a good MLM company. They took one bad experience and go bonkers about it. Their point of veiw is a pinhole to match the brain in. Most are wage earning tongue draggers that have not been outside their local city limits. Why do I get mad at them? I have global experience. I have lost more money in more businesses (the majority non-MLM) than those losers ever made! I have also made more money (some of it in MLM) than they could even remotely imagine! Most MLM bashers hate successful people. They go into a state of shock when they see “ignorant” people (by their silly standards) making money. The bashers never figured out that People without a P.H.D. are not automatically dumb. The bashers were outraged when they saw high school dropouts making $500,000 a year. Of course many bashers, that joined MLM companies, were really outraged when they found they would have to “share” or sell something. Work – on my no they cried! Bashers want people to live in cradle to grave society with no risk and wash dishes their whole life. They are the “new socialists” and work hard at destroying vestiges of the last bastion of economic freedom in America and the world! They totally ignore the “little” success stories outlined in the first paragraph.

Nagesh answers:

I think that MLM does NOT equal Pyramid Scheme. Don’t pay attention to ignorant people. It’s a great way to make money and be your own boss. I DO agree that LOTS of Pyramid Schemes in the past gave a bad reputation to a lot of Home Based Businesses, but oh well…. Who cares. Believe and move on…

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Monday, January 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Nancy asks…

Has anyone ever read “Fast and easy (and other) ways for kids to make money”?

is it helpful?????????????????????????????????????????????

Nagesh answers:

1.Try they will buy used books for a reasonable price.
2.Or have a yard sale… Gather up old clothes or furniture. People are always on the look out for a cheap buy.
3.Umm.. You could also try pet sitting or baby sitting… Ask an aunt or even a close neighbor.
4. You can sell an old gadget on… Like an ipod or ab old phone, basically any tech stuff.
5. Go to a TD’s penny arcade and turn in loose change for quick cash [if you redeem your coins for a gift card there’s no fee :)]. Or use your supermarket’s coinstar.
6. Create a free craiglist account and sell old junk for cheap. You should probably ask your parent’s permission.

Trust me use at least two of these tips and you’ll have twenty bucks by the end of the week!! :))

Sandra asks…

Ways For Kids 10 – 13 to Earn Money FAST?

Ok well my cousins and i are making something and We need money. We found 1 way to make money and that is by Washing cars. Does anyone else have any ways?

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of ways for kids to make money, and most kids want to make money at some point in their lives. If you want to make some extra spending money as a kid, pick something that you are good at or like doing. Here are five unique ways that you can make money.
1. Try taking pet pictures. Kids can make money by simply taking pictures of peoples’ pets.
2. Are you good at fixing things? Try opening a bike fixing shop in your garage.
3.Help old people. There are probably a lot of old people in your town, and many can not do everything in their yard or house that they used to.
4. Try making money for kids by shoveling snow or raking leaves for people. Not only old people
5.Make greeting cards. If you are a good artist, good with computers, or good at making things, try making greeting cards and selling them.

Helen asks…

What is a way to make money fast for a kid?

i need a way to make money fast for black friday thanks

Nagesh answers:

Mowing lawns. Thats the best way i made 2000 in half a year mowing lawns. But yeah babysitting if your a girl and do not want to mow lawns.

Michael asks…

how would i make money fast and i being only a kid?

I need about 60 to a hundred dollars for chrismas presents and all I have is 5 dollars so what would be a fast way to earn money and not doing those internet surveys and I am only a kid. Any help?
i do not want to do internet surveys!

Nagesh answers:

Check out for some teen ideas that i found on the internet

Maria asks…

What is A good and fast way to make money? (for a kid)?

I want to buy things for myself But I rarely get any money at all, and I can’t find a job that will a higher a 14 year old. Also my parents rarely buy me anything that I ask for.

Nagesh answers:

This world is full of oppurtunities, there is no way you won’t get a job if you are hard working and confident all it takes is some time to find something which gets you good income and ofcourse a mental job satisfaction, so here are some links i though would help you.


Getting a Job for Teenagers is not hard too, but most of them doesn’t pay good as teenagers just agree on whatever they get, so here are some links which can help teenagers look for a job in a legal manner and ofcourse with a good payscale.


Hope this will help you to find a job you are looking for, Good Luck

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Sunday, January 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Easily

James asks…

what are some ways to make money quickly and easily?

I am 15. I am still not really allowed to have a job and my school does not offer workers permits. My parents are going through some financial hardships and I really would like to help them with anything I can. I know me and my sis can be an extra expense because we’re both very involved individuals, and we work really hard at the things we do- it can even be time consuming. That is why, dear internet folk, that I ask what are ways I can make some money without a lot of time into it (as I am a student and swimmer) I know I can’t expect to pay bills with the income, or even sit around on the internet and expect stuff to happen….. but I’m just curious are their any good ways besides yard sales, and e-bay?


Nagesh answers:

I understand it is so hard to get a job (I’m also 15)! It’s the ONLY thing that works for us teens, therefore I think you should check out what I do to make fast, easy money:

It’s free and safe, plus it’s not a scam like other sites. I highly suggest it because it’s what I do to make some extra, fast cash. Probably the best, legit site out there (I have done my research). Plus, this is the BEST way so you won’t be confused on what to do. I make a lot of money from it.

Much easier than a part-time job being that you don’t need to leave your house. I highly suggest is since it’s definitely the easiest way to make legit cash. Check it out! 😉

William asks…

does any1 know how to make loads of money quickly and easily without braking the law?

might break the law if i know i would get away with it

Nagesh answers:

Marry a rich person. You can make more money in a one-hour ceremony in Vegas than you can hope to make in a life time.

Pay for a prestigious secondary education so that you can get a prestigious collegiate education so that you can obtain a prestigious professional degree. Professionals sometimes end up wealthy. Remember that it takes years of study and sacrifice to get to be a professional, so be patient.

Invest in real estate. Buy a fixer-upper for a low price. Make improvements, and sell it for double what you paid for it. Use the profits to buy a second house, and do the same thing. Look for repossessed houses, and once again, fix them up, and sell for a profit. You never really use your own money, and eventually you will be wealthy.

Being wealthy does not always bring happiness. Thinking only of becoming rich, can lead to you becoming a workaholic which can ruin many a marriage, and lead to divorce.

Do not forget that your main priority as a young adult is your education. Do not sacrifice schoolwork or homework for a paid job. Having money as a teen is very nice, but your main goal is to get an education so you can get a good job and have money as an adult.

Daniel asks…

Making money easily for 13 yrs olds?

How can a 13 year old make money quickly and easily??

Nagesh answers:

Sell lemonade?

Ok no really, i know its not summer yet but do a car wash? Or a yard sale? Just make sure you have tons of signs around the neighborhood so everyone knows.

Also maybe make jewelry and sell it. Get creative you little entrepreneur you!

You could also work as a bagger at a local grocery store, or ask neighbors if they need any yard/house work done, especially the elderly, they’d gladly pay you.

Linda asks…

How can i make money in wow fast,easily,help?

i want to get enough money to buy some cool equipment,please help me to make money quickly?help !

Nagesh answers:

Be level 70. Seriously you make gold quickly doing dailies and stuff.

Or, ya know do what honest people do and work for it.

Donald asks…

Good way to make money?

I’m 15 turning 16 in December and my mum never has much money for me to get new clothes and stuff and my wardrobe is crying for clothes that fit. Basically is there anyway that i can make money quickly / easily or earn a lot of.

Nagesh answers:

With winter around the corner,and if you live in the cold climate you can shovel peoples walks and driveways..Do fall cleanup,raking leaves and cutting down old errands for the elderly as it’s hard for them to get out in bad weather..

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Saturday, January 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Linda asks…

Do you have any ideas as to how to I could make some GOOD extra money on the side of my full time Job?

Do you have any ideas as to how I could make some GOOD extra money on the side of my full time Job? I look forward to you advice. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Learn to sew window treatments, decorative pillows, table skirts. $300 per 8 hours, all profit.

Donald asks…

How can I make money on the side while working with nature?

I will be starting college soon, and I love the environment and nature. Is there anything I can do on the side, to make a little money to help pay for extra expenses?

I was thinking about selling jewelry at festivals made from recycled paper which my friend knows how to make, but the idea doesn’t convince me.

Any ideas?? I will also be part of the environmental group in college, I live in Miami. =D


Nagesh answers:

I love nature and I try to do anything possible to help out if you want to know what you can do to sign up for this free online paper about what you can to keep the world green. Http://

Ken asks…

how can i make money on the side?

i am having a HARD time getting money, what are some things i can do on the side to make more, i need rent money. any ideas? i make 1000 dollars a month, i need to make more
@sgeer78, unfortunately i live in DC and there arent much lawns around

Nagesh answers:

Try to help out in the community and also you can help mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit but, if you don’t like to babysit then you can help mow lawns and walk dogs

Michael asks…

Any ideas as to make some extra money?

I already work a full time job and is looking for a part time to make some extra money. Any idea’s as to make some extra money on the side without killing my self, in over loading in hours?

Nagesh answers:

I know it sounds weird but i make a lot of money from a yard sale. Last year during one alone i made over $1100. Some other family embers contributed things, but it helped.
You could also try things like ebay if you have extra things to sell.
Right now i am collecting plastic bottles and recycling them at a local store. It may only be 5 cents a bottle, but that adds up. So far i have $60.
You might also try donating clothes to a thrift store or another place that buys and sells them.
Because of the recession a lot of places aren’t hiring, by people always need things done. You could walk your neighbors dogs or do yard work.
Maybe have a bake sale if thats you. Or a car wash?

I don’t know how old your are, or how much extra money your looking to make. Hope some of these helps.

Sandy asks…

What is a good way for an undergraduate to make money on the side if they’re an international student?

I’ve thought about selling my African jewelry in University cause it’s rare in England. Is that a good idea that would make money if I work with a friend in a shop?

Nagesh answers:

If you’re an international student in the UK your student visa should allow you to work 20 hours a week in any position. So you could get any normal job and just do that. You could sell jewelry, sure, as well but if you’re looking for a normal influx of money just get a job in a shop or something.

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Friday, January 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

George asks…

Jobs for teenagers or ways to make money?

I am a 14 year old girl and am looking for a way to make some money. Where I live there are very few jobs available for people my age so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for ways to make money? Even better maybe you live in Jersey and could help me out?
Thanks xx

Nagesh answers:

Oh there are lots of ways (:

Enter contests! The more you enter, the greater the chance of you winning!
Set up your own business, it could be anything – Lemonade stand, pet sitting business, dog walking, baby sitting…
Have a yard sale.
Sell old things you don’t want anymore such as clothes or CD’s. You could sell them on eBay or to charities.
If you’re skilled in the cooking department, make your own cakes/biscuits and sell them around your neighborhood (:
Do you have a birthday/special occasion approaching? Ask if you can have money instead of other gifts.
Create your own website and allow companies to advertise on it. I think it’s $1 per advertisement click.

Hope I helped.
Good luck and have a nice day 😀

Sandra asks…

Best ways for teenagers to make money for them self?

I’m 17, fed up of boring repetitive jobs. I have already made money from selling manure to local gardeners. Any other ideas to start a micro-business for good money? Need gap year/university money!

Nagesh answers:

The first thing would be to NOT reply to all these ripoff solicitations.. They are scams, and they make money signing you up for their Ponzi schemes.

The old tried and true was is the only way for a 17 year old. Until you have an education under your belt, get rich schemes are just that.. Schemes…

Get experience under your belt, and with time you’ll figure out what you want to do…

Lisa asks…

How can teenagers make money?

Hey, i just thinking of making some extra money for this guitar i am trying to save up for, its kinda expensive. So if anyone has any ideas, surjestions (hope thats spelt right) please answer
Thank you

Nagesh answers:


Mark asks…

A group of 7 girl teenagers need money to go to flagstaff for a couple days during winter break, money ideas..

So me and 6 of my friends are going to Flagstaff, AZ from Chandler, AZ. We need money making ideas for a 3 or 4 day vacation. We’ll need money for gas, shopping, hotel rental, and other stuff. What are some ideas you have to make money for those things, So far we thought of Car wash and bake sale.

P.S. How much is the cheapest dishsoap, cakemix box, and frosting in AZ?

While we’re at it, how much should we charge per what ever we do, ( $=car, $=cake)
teens as in 13 sorry, there will be 3 or 2 adults. sorry for the miss understanding

Nagesh answers:

If you atleast 16, why don’t you get jobs. If there are 7 of you, then it shouldn’t be a problem to get money together if you plan on sharing a room and driving up together. You can always babysit, housesit, pet sit, mow lawns, wash cars, offer to run errands for people, deliver newspapers, etc. Or how about everyone asks their parents for some money or to pay their way for a Christmas present? It shouldn’t take you more than a half tank of gas to drive from Chandler to Flag. Go to a WalMart with a grocery store, they are usually really cheap and buy generic brands. Cake mixes, frosting and dishsoap shouldn’t cost you mor ethan a couple dollars each.

James asks…

Good ways for a teenager to make money?

Hi, I’m 14 and I really need some money at the moment, Can anyone give me ideas for making money on the net that doesn’t take up loads of time like 5 hours a day and is relatively profitable. I have good knowledge of HTML, CSS2 and I’m ok in photoshop. Please don’t say the obvious ones like lawn mowing or paper round as I have already checked and I can’t. Cheers!

Nagesh answers:

Dont listem to the guy who say sexy car washing at only 13 there are so many perves around and teen males only want one thing so watch out.

If you are 16 try to do community jobs like household chores, babysitting, mowing lawns, washing cars, paper round and working in local shop.

When you have started earning save your money and buy the essentials like clothing, entertainment and social life.

To make money online you can:

-Sell products on ebay
-Do online surveys
-Start a blog and sell ad space
-Offer a service like writting, web design etc
-Buy a ready made website turney from £20 on ebay

Good luck in the futher.

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Friday, January 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Sharon asks…

hi, i am 13 years old and i want to make money this summer i want to dog walk with my cousin… ANY IDEAS???


Nagesh answers:

* Print out flyers and put them up around town. Cut out little slips of paper for a business card and put your names, emails, phone numbers, etc. On them.

* If you really want to get into it, then you can also make a website saying what you do for the dogs with reviews and everything.

* Volunterring for an animal shelter is also a good idea. Even though you won’t make any money, people who go to the shelters will see you and ask if you could walk their dogs. Workers at the shelter can also recomend you to others. It is a way to get more popular with the dog-walking business, basically.

* You can also hand out flyers in your neighbors’ mailboxes.

That’s all I got! I hope I helped, and good luck! (:

Daniel asks…

My wife is out of work. Any money making ideas for the last two months of summer?

We’re in Virginia and I’m selling alarm systems, but my wife is home alone all day and bored and wants to work. How can she earn money? Or at least are there some good volunteer jobs that would look good going on a resume?

Nagesh answers:

I would recommend that you and your wife leverage her “TIME FREEDOM”. Maximize her time to assist you both in building wealth. I would recommend that she still set a work schedule for each day. She must have structure in her day. No time to lounge around and watch television. I am sure you both were not born with silver spoons in your mouth and could use additional knowledge on debt elimination, credit improvements, retirement generation, etc. Yes, I am implying that you both have work to do.

Schedule an assignment for her for each day of the week. Monday – Work on Determining your Financial Number. Financial Number is what you need to live an enjoyable and comfortable life. This has nothing to do with what you make from your JOB. Tuesday – Credit Repair – obtain copies of your credit reports and scores (develop ways to increase your scores up to 850 points). Wednesday – Develop Emergency Plan (develop a plan on what you would do if you have a $500, $1000,$5000,etc financial emergency). Thursdays – Debt Elimination and Fridays – Savings/Retirement. So as you can see each day has a goal and resources you will need to improve your Financial Wellness.

Just think “If you had no debt, what couldn’t you do in life”.

The only limitation you have in life is how you think?

Dare to achieve your DREAMS so that you can do what other dream about…..

Donna asks…

What can I do to make money over the summer hols?

I’m 15, live in Doncaster trying to make some money over the summer hols, tried getting a job but all the ones ive tried you need to be 16 :/

any ideas much appreciated


Nagesh answers:

Work at Wal-Mart (just kidding)

Sign up to some GPT sites to make easy money or some pay per photos sites, here’re some sites for you. No Spam(SPAM FREE) (best one ever)

Carol asks…

How to make money? In summer, not pyramid either!?

Hey i am 16, in summer there are a few things i am going to be doing, but i need some ideas what have you on how to make some money, seperate to the corporate summer job i am taking.
Possibly from home. Or ones i can do at night.

Nagesh answers:

If you are willing to put in a 3-5 days a week for 2-3 hours a day then please!!! I welcome you to try they are an INC500 company 37th fastest growing US company to date, listed in all sorts of magazines. An actual legitimate company not like the scams that take your money and run for cover, they are FREE TO JOIN. Wont hurt to take a peek and look. E-mail if you’d like at for more info.

Joseph asks…

What are some good ways for a teen to make money over the summer?

i am a 13 year old girl, and as you know the economy is really bad. money is tight right now, and this summer i wanna save up so i can do some back to school shopping. are there any easy ways to make some money? & babysitting isn’t an option, i don’t know any little kidsss haha.

i’m thinking like lemonade stand or something. does anyone have any other ideas?

sorry if this is in the wrong category, i wasn’t sure whatta put it under xD

Nagesh answers:

Iwas going to say kissing booth, Kiss=1 dollar
but at the end
Kiss = Herpess :/

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Friday, January 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Sharon asks…

making money fast and easy!?

I am a teenager and really want a cat. My mom says with the cost of the vet with out two dogs, she can’t afford it. I have $80ish dollars and want to save up for all the supplies, but I can’t think of a fast easy way to earn a bunch of money to pay for the vets and stuff. please don’t answer “lemonade stand” because you only get like 5 dollars. and don’t say “win the lottery” because that probably wont happen. please help! give me some idea how to raise a lot of money!

Nagesh answers:

I’m not sure if this is your idea of fast and easy but you can try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada (maybe the UK too, but I don’t know).

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Mark asks…

Tips on how to save money for teens?

Good ways for teenagers to make money?

Also, tips on how to SAVE money, because I spend it the second I get it. And I really want to save because I need to stop buying cheap, crappy clothes and start spending it on stuff thats worthwhile.

So… basically… I need tips on how to make and save money. Fast. I’m only 14 so I can’t really get a job. I’ve tried to start up a babysitting business but it didn’t really work. Help!!
yeah… selling ranch dressing… definitely.

i already do get allowance. but it’s only like $12 a week.

Nagesh answers:

Ask people if there’s anything you can do for money–chores, painting, whatever.

John asks…

ways to make money fast? help me…?

here’s the story
i’m sixteen i just moved in with my dad and grandma
and things are NOT going well, they think im going to hell and stuff,
and my grandma practically thinks im possessed of the devil,
just because i dont get great grades right after i moved here,
and i dont have a good attitude when they make me do chores.
anyway theyre way overdramatic and they decided that,
since im a rebellious evil child, they’re not going to pay for me anymore.
that means:
they will no longer buy me ANY, makeup, clothing, shaving cream, razors,
hair products, basically anything that a teenage girl needs.
they said if its not a “necessity” like food and soap to wash with,
then they’re not buying it for me.
i only have, one pair of jeans and three shirts and a couple jackets,
because most of the clothes i had before i moved was shit from goodwill,
and stuff i had from when i was like twelve years old,
so i gave most of it away before i moved,
cause my grandma said id get new clothes when we moved here.
i really, really want to wear makeup, because im insecure without it,
and i dont want to look like a poor dirty orphan going to school,
because people at my school are really rich and theyre CRUEL,
and theyll make fun of me for wearing the same stuff all the time,
and if i dont even have makeup so that i look somewhat pretty,
ill basically be screwed…
so i need HELPP. i can get a ride to the mall,
and i do have guy friends who would buy me clothes,
but thats majorly a last resort because i REALLY,
really, reaaaally dont want to take money from them.
because that makes me feel like such a gross golddigger.
any ways that i could make like twenty bucks or hopefully more,
in a matter of two or three days,
would be GREATLY appreciated. if i cant make money by then,
i will have to drop out of school here and go into independent studies.
ive been homeschooled before and i HATED it,
but im new at this school anyway so it wont be that big of a deal.
i just really really need a steady way to make money,
maybe something i could do like once every month,
just to restock my makeup and buy one or two new shirts a month?
please i really need help 🙁
any ideas would be appreciated… thank you..
oh and dont like call me spoiled cause im freaking out,
that i cant get clothes and makeup.
if you only had like 3 shirts and 1 pair of pants,
and you were a teenager who has to go to school every day,
and be surrounded by gorgeous rich girls,
youd be feelin a little upset too, i think. right?
anyway please help me… thanks.
sorrryy about the cuss word up there.
i just mean “stuff from goodwill”
im not allowed to get a job. they won’t let me.
and no i did not have problems with mom, my mother is a prostitute and drug addict somewhere in oklahoma.
havent seen her since i was about 4.
thanks anyway though.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sorry you have it so rough. Just try to be optimistic for the future, everything’s going to get better after you get into college. And to answer your question about making easy money….. Well there’s really no fast money making method. I had to learn it the hard way lol, just try to make some deals w/ your father about grades, chores, etc. You can even try raking leaves, shoveling snow, babysitting for the people in your neighborhood. Just try to be positive and the people who give you sh*t at school tell them to suck on a d*ck and choke on a nut.

Mary asks…

Fastest way for a teenager to get money for a car?

I need a car fast. How can I get some quick money. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

If you need it fast, then you’ll have to get a loan. After that you’ll need to get a job to repay the loan. Try your parents or another relative if you have to.

Your parents decision will most likely be based on the reason that you “need a car fast”. If it is a legitimate reason, then you may be more likely to have your parents help, if it is just because you “want” a car, then that may be another matter.

How are your school grades, if they are low, your parents may feel that you have not earned a car yet, and with a car, your grades will suffer even worse.

Good luck.

Lisa asks…

What is a fast way to make money for a teenager…? By tomorrow?

Ok, So I need to make $450 by tomorrow, I am having a big garage sale with my friend who is bringing items to sell as well… My basic question is how can I makeup for the rest of the money I don’t make during the garage sale? I am going to have dinner with Governor Sarah Palin on August 8th, and tickets are $150… I need to have the money by tomorrow (Saturday July 18th)… so I may mail it in and it can be there by the deadline (July 20th)!
PLEASE PLEASE, any advice will be extremely helpful!
I always award best answer!!!

This is for my dad’s birthday, so I cannot ask my parents… no… not my mom either, because do you know where she gets her money? Dad… thats right… hahaha =(

Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

Wow all the other answers you got were spam 🙁
How rude!
Anyways, you could try going to a bank and getting a loan 🙂
Then your parents can pay it back later 😉
Haha or maybe you could go to a pawn shop and pawn things you don’t want/need

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Thursday, January 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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