Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Sandy asks…

what is a fast way to make money on runescape?

101 cb lvl
74 fishing
57 flecth
hig smith and mine
other good skills dont really want to get in to deail

i tried dragons= to many revs
orb running=waste
godwars=evry1 is to chicken and i never bring the rite sutff

plz i have a lil money but i need more much appreciated


Nagesh answers:

Mine, Barrows, Kalphite Queen, Hunter, Metal Dragons, and many other skills. Don’t complain about these being too hard or you’ve no idea how, I’ve been doing them since I was level 82.

Susan asks…

what are some ways to make atleast 5m fast in runescape?

i want to know a fast way to make fast money atleast 5m or just something thats fast because rite know im a poor lvl 91 with only like 17k

Nagesh answers:

Just keep playing game all day long for about 6 months you make 5 million by then it takes along time to get that much money on runescape iam lvl 1 in only have 250 right now :)ava06

Laura asks…

Fast easy way to make alot of money in runescape?

I started playing runescape again after a while of not playing im level 81 and i didnt renew my membership yet so i need to know of easy ways for non members to make alot of money? any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

For non-members: I really couldn’t think of any way but I do remember the way of cutting yew logs. Bummer is that you need 60 Woodcutting.

For members: In my opinion, killing Green Dragons is awesome way to get cash from. 14 Green Dragon hides and 14 Dragon Bones, which is a full inventory, costs around 100,000 gold pieces. Remember your anti-dragon shield which you get from Duke Haracio in Lumbridge Castle during or after the Dragon Slayer quest!

For non-members and members: Many say merchanting. I have tried it many times but it always failed but hey, maybe it was just me.

Hope I helped! 😉

Maria asks…

How To Make Fast Money In Runescape As A Member?

Hi i am a lvl 76 not a noob i got 1.5mil but i cant seem to find a good way to make money i dont want to pk i will try anything?

Nagesh answers:

Dude easiest way i made 480mil was blue dragon scales. It helps if you have like 65 theiving but you dont need it. Heres a video link how to:

Also making Home Teleports made me like 43mil when i started now it makes more. Heres how:’

Also try green dragons your a decent level if you get cannon heres how:

Have fun getting cash!!!

Ruth asks…

Easy and Fast way to make money on Runescape?

I am not a member yet. I will be in about two days. So I need some fast and easy ways to make money as a non member and a member. My skills (that i think will be needed) are

Attack- 40
Mining- 22
Smithing- i think 31
Fishing- 8
Woodcutting- 43
Runecrafting- 5 (i don’t like runecrafting very much)
Strength- 36
I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell me things like Runescape is stupid and I shouldn’t play.

I don’t want to train right about now so just tell me what i should do with these skills only. I will let you know when i am a member.

P.S. I am combat level 42 (don’t call me a noob or anything like that I just need answers.)

Nagesh answers:

Well u can get clue scrolls when u become member from guards then when u finish it u can get addy (g) or(t) then sell for like 100k

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Thursday, March 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Mary asks…

i need a way to make money..any ideas?

ok i want to make money legally but im to young to get a job.(im 11 years old) does anyone have any good ideas on how i can make money quickly…oh but plz dont say….babysitting,lawnmowing,house cleaning,or carwashing. i need a new fresh idea and if u say sell stuff tell me ideas of what to sell and how i mean cmon im 11 no one wood want to buy stuff of the street from an 11 year old, and know bussniess will take me serioulsy. Just keep that in mind when u awser….well ok thnx

Nagesh answers:

Have you finished elementary school ?

Ken asks…

Any fund raising tips? Please? I need money quickly for travel.?

So for my college I was randomly selected to go on a service trip to the Bahamas this winter because of my application for the program.

Thing is, I signed up for a spring break program because I knew it would give me more time to get money. AND this trip to my bahamas is 1,300!!!!!! I don’t have that! I’m a student, and I need all the money by this December or they bill my student account.

Do you have any ways I can fund raise or market myself in order to make money quickly and legally?
I thought about singing on the street since I’m a good singer/composer, but that’d only give me pocket change!

Please! I really need help.

Nagesh answers:

If you started TODAY you need to make 35.00 a day for six weeks.
Singing sounds like a good idea 🙂
Good luck

Steven asks…

any fund raising tips? Please? I need money quickly for travel.?

So for my college I was randomly selected to go on a service trip to the Bahamas this winter because of my application for the program.

Thing is, I signed up for a spring break program because I knew it would give me more time to get money. AND this trip to my bahamas is 1,300!!!!!! I don’t have that! I’m a student, and I need all the money by this December or they bill my student account.

Do you have any ways I can fund raise or market myself in order to make money quickly and legally?
I thought about singing on the street since I’m a good singer/composer, but that’d only give me pocket change!

Please! I really need help.

Nagesh answers:

You should get a loan or get a part-time job

Betty asks…

How Can I Make Money?

Okay, so, I’m 13 years old, therefore I cannot legally work. And I need just some quick extra cash. Does anyone know how I could (legally, of course) make money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Well, I used to cut number stencils out of contruction paper.
Then get some spray paint.
Black, and white. Then go door to door and tell people you’d like to paint their address # on their curbs big and bold so that people can see it easily from a car.
You can use ideas to sell it to them such as, it will help ambulances, police, pizza deliviers, and friends find their house easier. Plus you’re trying to fund yourself, a 13 year old, by starting a business from the ground up.

I’m not sure about the laws concerning it, but I know that in my old neighborhood, these painted numbers on the curbs already existed at some houses so I knew it should be ok to do the rest of the houses too. I’d even go to those places that had old numbers and offer to refresh them.

Tax laws, I’m not sure either, yet I don’t see the IRS hunting you down.

If your creative, you’ll figure out how to do it with 2 colors say numbers in black and a white box to surround them, so that they contrast.

Best to paint a white box first, then let it dry (go sell to others to make time pass) then come back and paint in the black numbers

I charged 5$ a pop

the best I did was 65$ in one day

good luck

David asks…

Anyone know a quick way to make cash?

I want to make some money quickly, legally, and preferrably online. I have nothing left to pawn and I just want a legitimate opportunity that will allow me to make some money to buy an anniversary present for my boyfriend. If anyone has anything they need done, research or otherwise and would be willing to pay me through paypal, I’ll do it (within limitations). PLEASE, odd & ends jobs accepted. I’m experienced at auction sites, data entry, placing classifieds ads…you name it, most likely I can do it online. Thanks all.
I’m a hostess at a restaurant that will not give me either a raise or more hours, I’m looking for other work, but in the meantime will type up documents, do simple web layouts etc. I’m just in a jam and looking for anyone who could mutually benefit.

Nagesh answers:

Depends what your abilies are.
I take commissions online because I like to draw and I get about… 20-30 dollars for every drawing i make.
I have friends who do webdesign and design layouts for people and get paid for it.

And haha. You can sell your oold stuff on ebay.

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Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Daniel asks…

ideas to make money to help my guinea pig?

i need to make some money real fast. my guinea pig has lice and she needs a treatment but my dad says “i dont have enough money for alot of medicines and stuff” i keep telling him that this guinea pig is the most important thing to me and he says “you can keep it but im not buying medications for it and you cant take it out”. that would be so miserable for my piggie. i love her so much and i am NOT taking her back to the petstore. please any ideas where i can make money?

Nagesh answers:

Awwwww im sorry. Have a yard sale? Or sell lemonade or maybe offer to cut your neighbors grass (tell them why you need money, theyll probably feel bad and throw in a little extra)

Jenny asks…

What are good ideas to make money over the summer and have a small business or something.?

Me and my friend are seniors and we are trying to think of something so that we can have money when college starts. wats the best way to start a small business or what are some good ideas.

Nagesh answers:

You could paint the front of people’s houses for $250 if they buy paint and brushes. That is much cheaper than anyone else would charge. You could do one house per day if the weather is nice.

Learn how to install a 3-tab roof shingle. Every roof in town is missing shingles. $50 for one hour of “patching”. Roofers hate these small jobs.

Richard asks…

I am looking for ideas to make money under the table while on soc. sec. disability, and occupy my time?

I recieve a total of 3600$ a month for military compensation and being on social security disability, if I work i lose all of it. I have nothing to do all day and am really tired of it. Any ideas on ways to invest my money? Make more money with any under the table work? Doing something to occupy my time?

Nagesh answers:

Help people who really need it

Nancy asks…

Stay at home mom of Autistic son: What jobs can be done from home on the computer? I need ideas to make money.

I am a stay-at-home mom of an autistic child. I am good at typing, organized and pretty creative. I need some ideas on how to make money over the internet, from my home.

Nagesh answers:

Get involved in a direct sales business like creative memories or Stampin UP, they both are creative outlets and just about everyone scrapbooks. I have been selling StampinUp now for a year and I love it. You make 20% of your sales and you get to have a great time being creative.

There are other companies, like Avon, Pamered Chef, Party Lite, etc… That you can get involved with as well.

Let me know if you have any questions…

Steven asks…

Where can I submit my iPhone app ideas and make money?

I have some great ideas but don’t know how to code to make the actual app. Do you think I should ask a company to make it and then split the profits? Or what should I do?
No, thats not funny…

Nagesh answers:

I’m a programmer, are your ideas so good to make money with them?

If they are not highly complicated, I can programm them for you and split the money.

Contact me

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Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Illegally

Robert asks…

Why are mexicans so fast at slinging hammers?

The house next door is being reinnovated and every morning I hear hammers being pounded by the dozens when I can hardly roll out of bed. They work from 7 AM to sometimes 5 or 6 PM or maybe later. I do not understand where these people get their energy and motivation from? I mean it takes me at least an hour to get movin gin the AM, but these guys jump straight into it like it was yesterday afternoon. Do these guys work hard for more $$$ or do they start pounding hammers so early because they want to annoy the hell out of me. Or do they work hard because they need to raise their money to bring their families to America and because their economy is crap, but they can’t get them on their VISA’s so they send their earning to Mexico and weaken the American economic wealth. I understand some are loyal workers and citizens with families over hear, but the others who don’t bother speaking english frankly annoy me and on top of that they have attitudes like the greengo owes them something. I say get the $%^ out of my country and take la familia with you. And what makes me even more sick to the stomach is all these contractors and foremen who employ them illegally. I mean the economy already sucks enough let’s not make it worse by hiring illigal aliens. Let’s send them packing and crackdown on illegal emplyment practices.

Nagesh answers:

Hola. I think you answered your own question. Because lazy americans like you won’t roll out of bed and do the work. Mexican people are awesome!

Linda asks…

Where do you stand against illegal immigration?

Where do you stand against Illegal Immigration?
This is an article I found to answer a lot of common myths.

1. It is NOT racist to call these people “illegal aliens” In fact, “illegal aliens” is the only term used in federal laws and regulations to describe criminals (and they ARE criminals) who come into our country illegally. They are not illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants, not migrant workers, and not day laborers – they’re ILLEGAL ALIENS.

2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. By sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people. Why should the taxpayers of this country subsidize Mexico’s corruption?

3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won’t do. What jobs won’t Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, do their own landscaping, clean hotel rooms, work in restaurants and fast food places, paint houses, DO CONSTRUCTION WORK, work in airports, etc. – just like we have the past 200 years before “our” government allowed these people to invade our country. There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a job, so illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at peril to American workers.

5. Illegal aliens absolutely do not contribute more than they cost. Certainly the millions in prison and on welfare aren’t contributing a dime to our economy, and the ones who are working often are paid in cash with no deductions for taxes at all. The ones who use fraudulent social security numbers and qualify to pay taxes and social security have so many deductions for dependents that they pay little if any taxes. We have seen them pay less than $100 in taxes and get back $4,000 refunds (thanks to earned income tax credits and multiple dependents).Some bargain, eh?

6. The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens. Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year) and business owners depend on illegal aliens, but due to #3, #4 and #5 above, the only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

7. Without illegal aliens, the price of agricultural products and other goods and services will NOT soar. The definitive study on this subject is the University of Iowa’s “How Much Is That Tomato?” The study concludes that ‘since labor is such a small component of the end-price of agricultural products (which includes price to the growers, transportation costs, processing /storage costs, grocers’ profit, etc.), using minimum wage workers instead of illegal aliens would increase prices of agricultural products by approximately 3 percent in the summer and 4 percent in the winter … hardly the making of $10 heads of lettuce, $25 hamburgers, $1,000 per night Days Inn hotel rooms like the pro-illegal alien lobby claims.

8. Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs. Again, it’s CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers. The Big Three automakers say they moved so many jobs to Mexico because their labor costs are 80 percent less than in America. Anybody notice the price of new cars spiraling downward under NAFTA?

So, before you believe the prevalent pack of lies perpetuated by the illegal alien lobby, which makes billions off this government-sanctioned criminal activity, ask yourself who’s saying this garbage and look at what they have to gain. Citizens Against Illegal Immigration, just like Protect Arizona NOW, is an all-volunteer, totally grass-roots organization of citizens who are making nothing and have nothing personal to gain from their efforts to fight this corruption. Whose side are you on, and what are YOU doing to save your state and country from this evil?

Nagesh answers:

What’s your source on this? I would love to email this to a few people. I feel that the Mexican people are horribly exploited by a corrupt government, so I have some feeling as to what is happening to them. However, they are turning the US into Mexico, and that is wrong.The US can’t even take care of it’s own people, not to mention foreign peoples. The Mexican people need to rise up, using violence if necessary, to take back their country.

Not to mention…illegal immigration is very rude. I don’t go into YOUR house uninvited, do I?

Lizzie asks…

What do you think about the new Amnesty Bill?

1) Illegal aliens will be given legal status just one day after they application has filed even if the background check wasn’t completed. Thats right, even if you are a convicted rapist, you are good to go

2) US Tax payers will be paying for all the lawyers and lawyer fees for all the immigration attorneys.

3) All US “temporary” visas are now permanent and can be renewed indefinitely.

4) Amnesty for all illegal gang members, of which we already have 30,000 illegally here in the US.

5) To persuade Mexicans to not come into America illegally American tax payer money will be going directly to the Mexican government to provide incentives like better education and health care for Mexican citizens who stay in their own country.

6) Illegal aliens will not have to pay any back taxes.

7) In a prosperity partnership the “North American Union” which would in effect erase borders between the US, Mexico and Canada would be fast tracked for SPP and made a priority.

8) No border security addressed other then cutting of the already paid for and approved border fence from 800 mile to 200 miles.

9) Instate tuition for all illegal aliens, A benefit with of course is denied to all Americans.

10) All current illegal aliens will be able to cut the line and get immediate legal status before any and all other aliens attempting to come to our country legally.

11) Immediate amnesty for all absconders, meaning any illegal who was caught and ordered to be deported.

12) The shutdown of all immigration courts. Judges must close any illegal Amnesty proceeding and allow all illegal alien to apply for amnesty.

13) Learning English not required till the ninth (9) year of a illegal aliens amnesty period.

14) Illegal aliens will be eligible for the “earned income tax credit”

Nagesh answers:

I think it will be the end of the United States and the beginning of civil war. REAL Americans will not put up with it and take up arms to defend the constitution. Lock an load baby!

Carol asks…

Do you agree with any of these statements?

Because the pro-illegal alien lobby has a bottomless pit of money and can hire PR people to spin (and fabricate) anything any way, there are an undue number of myths and lies that the public (and many politicians) has bought into. The FACTS are:

1. It is NOT racist to call these people “illegal aliens” In fact, “illegal aliens” is the only term used in federal laws and regulations to describe criminals (and they ARE criminals) who come into our country illegally. They are not illegal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants, not migrant workers, and not day laborers – they’re ILLEGAL ALIENS.

2. Mexico is NOT a poor country. By sending its teeming masses to our country, that status keeps on rising. Mexico has more resources per square mile than the U.S. and plenty of money to take care of its own people. Why should the taxpayers of this country subsidize Mexico’s corruption?

3. Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work.

4. Illegal aliens are NOT doing work Americans won’t do. What jobs won’t Americans do? In most states, Americans still clean their own houses, do their own landscaping, clean hotel rooms, work in restaurants and fast food places, paint houses, DO CONSTRUCTION WORK, work in airports, etc. – just like we have the past 200 years before “our” government allowed these people to invade our country. There are 18 million Americans who cannot find a job, so illegal aliens who are coming here to work do so at peril to American workers.

5. Illegal aliens absolutely do not contribute more than they cost. Certainly the millions in prison and on welfare aren’t contributing a dime to our economy, and the ones who are working often are paid in cash with no deductions for taxes at all. The ones who use fraudulent social security numbers and qualify to pay taxes and social security have so many deductions for dependents that they pay little if any taxes. We have seen them pay less than $100 in taxes and get back $4,000 refunds (thanks to earned income tax credits and multiple dependents).Some bargain, eh?

6. The economy does NOT depend on illegal aliens. Sure, greedy CEOs (making $50 to $150 MILLION a year) and business owners depend on illegal aliens, but due to #3, #4 and #5 above, the only thing illegal aliens are contributing to is the collapse of our economy and making the rich richer.

7. Without illegal aliens, the price of agricultural products and other goods and services will NOT soar. The definitive study on this subject is the University of Iowa’s “How Much Is That Tomato?” The study concludes that ‘since labor is such a small component of the end-price of agricultural products (which includes price to the growers, transportation costs, processing /storage costs, grocers’ profit, etc.), using minimum wage workers instead of illegal aliens would increase prices of agricultural products by approximately 3 percent in the summer and 4 percent in the winter … hardly the making of $10 heads of lettuce, $25 hamburgers, $1,000 per night Days Inn hotel rooms like the pro-illegal alien lobby claims.

8. Consumers are NOT benefiting from lower labor costs. Again, it’s CEOs and business owners who benefit from taxpayer subsidies for their illegal alien workers. The Big Three automakers say they moved so many jobs to Mexico because their labor costs are 80 percent less than in America. Anybody notice the price of new cars spiraling downward under NAFTA?

Nagesh answers:

I agree with all of them. Awesome post.

Richard asks…

Do you think legalizing is easy?

My sister is going through the process of legalizing her husband. I am not exagerrating when I say she’s paid more than $6,000. She started the prcess in 2004 and she just recieved thier final packet. Plus she’ll need more money. This is for just 1 person can u imagine a wole family?Plus, you have to have someone legal in the U.S to sponser u. A lot of peolpe dont have anyone. You can’t wait and let your family starve to enter legally. I guess thats why some people do it illegally. If the government wants to legalize they’ve got to make it simplier and faster.

Nagesh answers:

Well that is the sacrifice that you have to make..People do it legally all the time so there is no excuse to do it illegally.

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Monday, February 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Sandy asks…

How can I make money online fast, easy,and free? Please no spam or fake sites.?

Help! I need cash now! Does any body know any sites that actually work where you can get paid and use paypal? Please answer soon.

Nagesh answers:

Dude, if these sites really worked everyone would use them.

Sandra asks…

I need to make money really fast and it has to be in my paypal account by Saturday.?

Anyone know where I can make money online that will defintely put some good money in my paypal account? I’m wiling to do anything except for gambling. I’m a writer so if anyone needs me to write anything for them I can help.

Nagesh answers:

You could create your own websites and earn money by using Google Adsense on your websites. Registration with google is free.

If you got a website or a web-blog, you could make money with putting advertisements on your site (by google). If someone clicks on these ads, you will earn money.

If you don’t have a website, you may start creating web-blogs (mostly free) with advertisements (google ads) on it.
For more information, visit following site



For more about Webhosting, go to the following site.


You may sell things at Ebay. Some people do business with Ebay and they just live on income from ebay. You may like to look at it.



You may register with the well known affiliate programme and start earning money by promoting famous products, for example, Dell, Sony. Registration is free.


You may visit make-money forum to see more about making money.

Daniel asks…

How can you make free paypal money online?

Not that much, just fast, easy, and quick. also, dont want to give out my phone # or my home address, other than that i am fine with it:D

Nagesh answers:

Try to avoid the data entry and survey sites as most of them are scams. If you are interested in taking surveys for extra income (it wont be much.). Don’t pay for a list of survey
companies go straight to the source.

Joseph asks…

How can I earn money online?

My computer is really old, and my dad won;t buy me a new computer, so I wanna upgrade it myself, how can I get some fast money online that actually pays me through paypal?I know how much money I need, but I have no idea of how or where to get it online, since I can;t work,I’m 13, a student, 14 is working age

Nagesh answers:

Listen, you can’t make money online fast. It takes a lot of work in order to make a substantial amount of money. If you want to get into one of those “get-rich-quick” schemes, go ahead, but don’t expect much back.

Ruth asks…

I’m 13 How Do I Make Money Online Fast!?

I’m 13 years old and have a paypal account. I am wondering how I can make money ONLINE and QUICK if possible. All answers will be appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Well i have made money online, and do still make money online. You will have to work you cant expect to earn by doing nothing. But if you truly want to earn some money bum marketing is no scam. You will not get rich over night if ever but you can make some really good money. Just search “bum marketing travis sago”, it cost you nothing and im earning nothing for telling you about it. People who say you cant make money online either have not tried it or didn’t put forth the effort.

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Sunday, February 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Without Any Investment

William asks…

How to earn Indian money in online?

I like to earn money through internet without any investment… can you please suggest some web sites where i can earn money easily in Indian Rupees … Please refer website which pays money in RUPEES

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest to better stay away.

Mandy asks…

I want to earn money using internet through my PC. without investing money.?

I have my PC at home. Now without investment is there any scope to earn income sitting infront of PC and doing wrok through internet.

Nagesh answers:

This is possible only if u r resident of usa, uk, canada, or australia. Otherwise it is not possible.

Sandy asks…

i had net connection in my room.any oppourtunities for earn money through internet?pls tell me…?

i had net connection in my room.any opportunities for earn money through net without any investments…

Nagesh answers:

Hey, yeah there is some ways to make money but you have to be careful because most sites are scams..

I have been scammed before and i have learned my lesson.. Never pay money upfront for anything..

I tried this new website called paid to youtube which simply gives you a list of videos for you to watch and each one you watch you get 1cents, each one you comment on you get 10cent and each one you subscribe to you get 35cents..

ALSO if you refer people to it then you get what they earn..

It is going really good so far and i hope that it works for you to
its 100% free all you need is a valid email account and a valid pay-pal/alert-pay account

good luck xo

Mark asks…

Is there any free Data Entry work from where can one earn sitting at home on internet?

I mean to say that any Company’s who would like it to hire the service on totally free basis. Without any investment one can earn money through Internet. Any Details if anyone could reply. Which would make an individual self indpendent to earn his living.

Nagesh answers:

I have done that about six months ago. I earn a little money, not much. However, this is only a short term part time income, there is no long term financial/ business growth no matter how hard you work on in, once you stop working on it, your income also stop!

I explored another type of internet business a month later after reading some magazine and books on internet business, it is more promising as this business will growth with time, thus giving me an income for life.

Go for the internet business, which requires less of your time and the one that will not make you feel headache with web designing, or which require IT knowledge. Second, choose the internet based company which offer you the opportunity and at the same time giving you the convenience to start the business. Third, choose the business, which does not require big money to start it.

All the above is only available from:
Honestly, I tried so many opportunities offered through the internet and this is the only one that really works.
PLEASE NOTE: You only will understand the whole marketing concept if you read every details & the trial period is FREE!

General Information:
COMPANY NAME: Global Domains International Inc

Remember, You CAN’T guarantee whether you will get many fish or not by spreading your net into the sea, but u CAN guarantee that there is no fish at all if you never spread your net into the sea.

Robert asks…

web cheaters, these question is not for you ?

How can we earn money through internet, without any investment in any form ? If any one sincerely can help, you are welcome.

Nagesh answers:

By selling a product or service online. Any other way is just a scam. Sorry, but you wanted the truth.

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Saturday, February 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Lisa asks…

What is a good way to earn money quickly besides a full time or part time job?

Hey i wanna earn money but not by doing dog walking or baby sitting and stuff.

Nagesh answers:


Try this site:

gives some the best legit sites to earn money or free prizes(game consoles, gift cards and so on )

hope this helps

good luck

Donald asks…

How do i earn money quickly to start off my club called “Helping Sistaz”?

Me and 6 other friends started a club and we need money to start off. Any suggestions or offers? We will do community service, give gifts and volunteer at nursing homes, babysit, clean, tutor, and do fundraisers and give 50% of all money made to someone in need. So if you know anyone that would like to sponser us, donate, or any suggestions please let me know!

Nagesh answers:

I hope you don’t tutor in spelling.

Robert asks…

What is an easy way to earn money quickly for college?

i dont need a certain amount, im just trying to find ways to get a little bit of money just to help me out..

im not looking for advice telling me to get a job or anything like that, im talking serious ways.

Do those online survey companys really work? Any other suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

You need to spend about 20 hours per week searching on the internet for schloraships. Start now.

Chris asks…

What is the best way to earn money quickly?

I need around five hundred dollars so I can get a car. so anything that i could do over the internet without spending money would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Use cash crate I get around 700 bucks every month filling out surveys

Carol asks…

Any suggestions for ways to earn money quickly?

I am trying to pay for a car and a few other things within a few months (preferably before the summer). I need about $3,000-5,000 plus some extra money for insurance. I’m 17 and currently sharing a car with my mom. I can’t go out and get a job for lack of a car of my own and lack of ample amounts of time to spend at that job. I do little stuff on the weekends, but that money isn’t coming in fast enough. Could anyone help, please?

Nagesh answers:

There is no way without a job you can earn $400 a week to get that much money by the end of summer if you feel a car is the only way you can get to a job. There are numerous other ways to get to a job. You can bike ride, take a bus, walk or even roller blade if need be.

If you need the money bad enough you will find a way to get to a job.

There are also thousands of websites out there that will allow you to earn money from filling out surveys & offers, but most of these sites only pay $20 to $50 a month. So to get to the range you’d like to get to, you’d probably have to sign-up for 20 of them & make it to $50 on all 20 for 3 straight months, simply to reach $3,000.

You can also consider asking your parents to buy you a car or pay you to do certain things. For example, washing the car every week for your parents could result in them giving you $10 each time.

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Friday, February 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

George asks…

what are some easy and quick ways to make money?

i need money for this weekened!
buttttt, NO BABYSITTING. i wont do it, i do not like little kids. and its cold and snowy where i am, so outside labor isn’t quite available, and its not like i know how to shovel snow and do it well.

any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

When I was younger, I looked in my area for older people who might need some work/help around the house. I found a lady up the street who was elderly and was happy to have me pull weeds and do some inside work. We both made out on the deal.

Donald asks…

In need of quick ways to make alot of money?

Anyways for a looooong time iv’e wanted to go to japan, so has my best friend. After waiting for years for something to happen iv’e decided to just plan a trip myself and pay for most of it. problem is I need about $8,000 in a mere 40 weeks.

Being that i’m underaged and can not get a job, Theres barely a chance of my making even $20 a week let alone $200. I’m 40% sure I can get my friend to convince her mom to let her chip in and pay half the money a month which makes things alot easier. But i’m still at a loss.

Anyways the point is we need alot of money, in a littl bit of time. We can’t get jobs. We won’t do anything illegal. And we live in stupid america where no one wants to give free money to little kids. So anyone have nay suggestions on how we can make money?

Also it would be appreciated if you kept answeres like “japan sux, don’t go there!!!11!!” or “Wait till your able to get a job!” to yourself.

also, babysitting, petservices, and lemonade stands are a no way

Nagesh answers:

If you do find a legal means of making big money fast & easy then you could get a big book & movie contract showing everyone how it was done 🙂

Helen asks…

Quick ways for a KID to make MONEY? HELP!?

Some Stuff: I am 12
Don’t Get and allowance.
No lawn mowing, shoveling, or walking dogs..
So how can I make some money??? HELP!!!
I would like cash up front.
I am not going to do any of that online sites..

Nagesh answers:

Be ready to be scammed by online sites.

Sandra asks…

Good ways for kids to make money?

Just about two days ago I printed out flyers and stuck them in everybody in my neighborhood who had a little child’s mailbox. Well two days later comes and I haven’t heard a thing! I put my telephone number on there too. No I need another way to earn money. I’m not mowing lawns. I’m 12 years old and need some quick cash! Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Lisa asks…

What are some ways to make quick money?

I need some money in a day tops.I’m only a kid so I will choose easiest as best answer. I am going to buy candles for my mom for christmas

Nagesh answers:

Babysitting, dogwalking, bake some brownies or cookies and sell them door to door for a dollar, mowing lawn, raking leaves, shoveling snow, fixing a computer, read for an old man or woman, wash a car. There are several things you can do, you just have to think and be creative. What are you good at? What are some services that your neighborhood needs? These are just some questions to ask yourself. Everything I’ve mentioned at the top really does make money. You just have to go out there and be your best at selling the services you offer them. So don’t wait another minute! There are tons of ways money can be made out there!

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Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Ruth asks…

How to make money which stocks when oil goes up or down?

When oil is going up or down, which stocks can i invest into for a week or a couple months? Are there stocks that go up or down with oil or gold? futures seems to risky for me. i want to a day,week or month trader.
thank you for a fast reply, tom

Nagesh answers:

I’m also interested in oil but am waiting for it to fall below $30 a barrel before buying (if it even falls that low). You can buy an oil ETF like United States Oil (USO). Some oil ETF’s are lousy, not reflecting the current oil price. USO hasn’t risen as high as when the oil price was at its peak and has fallen lower than when the oil price dropped: so you lose more when it goes down and gain less when it goes up. But so far it’s the closest correlation to oil pricesw I’ve seen.

John asks…

I want to save money to buy a house. What is the fastest way for me to make my money grow for me? (stocks, etc

I have some money saved up but, its in a money market account and in CDs. This is making me some money but, i want to max it out? Does anyone have any suggestion?

Nagesh answers:


Glad to see you take an interest in purchasing your first home.

There are a couple of things you can do to maximize your return on your money. However, first things first. It’s an old cliché but a good one….you need to have a plan. You might be ready to buy a home right now, or it might take you 2 years, you need to have a plan. Start by analyzing your current expenses. If you have high debt, or debt in general with high interest rates, start by eliminating those. You don’t have to pay them off right now, but contact the creditor and ask for an interest rate reduction, or perhaps a promotional rate, or increase the line of credit on a card that will give you a promotional rate or low fixed rate and transfer to that card your other debt. Next, what things do you currently do that you can cut back on or even eliminate to save your money. These things will give you infinite return on your money. For example, how often do you go out, how much do you spend when you do go out, do you have Starbucks every morning, are you going to lunch every day when you could bring a lunch to work. Simple sacrifices to make your goal. If you can’t make these simple sacrifices, then you are not ready. The level of sacrifice you make is proportional to the amount of risk you are willing to take in your investments to get started. If you can’t make the necessary sacrifices then stick with your CD’s. However, if you can, them you might be ready to go shopping for your home sooner than you think. In the mean time interview different lenders, and find out what “ethical” programs are out there for you, a first time home buyer. You might be surprised. Lastly, stick to what is comfortable to you. Everyone will have there advise, but nobody is like you. Stick to what you know, but make it a habit to learn more. The more you know, the more you will grow.

I wish you much success

Mark asks…

iam just 21 i wanna make fast money do u think stock market is the ringt place to start with ,how to do it.?

Nagesh answers:

There is a computer program that you can buy, I don’t know what its called. But if you haven’t finished school. And you can’t find a good stock program..then go into construction or lawn care. Welders make like $20 dollars a hour min. As far as the stock market, basically you’ve got to be able to predict popular trends and learn to read the trade arrow up good, arrow down bad, also how much did it go up/down from before? Also, will pple really need it?
Maybe you should try a software stock, those tax softwares are bound to be very popular.
It can be done, I made like $500 dollars in one day, not real money, I was doing it for a class. But I made more fake cash than anyone else. There are 2 types of stock…im fuzzy on this, one is like groceries and stuff..ppl will always buy and it is a lower risk and you make less money. Then there is technology, higher risk, they may not sell, but if they do you make lots of cash.
Either way its really risky. I recommend construction work.

William asks…

what is the best/ fastest way to make money without really losing it. Like stocks and savings?

when i say fast, i don’t really mean like within the year….i just mean over all

Nagesh answers:

There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme and with the stocks u can bet ur a** u r gonna lose some at one point or another and savings have very very low interest so neither one will produce big $

Nancy asks…

What are good stocks to buy?

I need names of stocks that will make money FAST. hold the “safe investments”. I’m in a stock game at school, and not doing very well, so please help!
also needs to be good by middle of june!

Nagesh answers:

All the stocks I will list should be held for the next 6 months:

Coach (COH)
Diana Shipping (DSX)
Regal-Beloit (RBC)
Devon Energy (DVN)
Petsmed (PETS)
Baidu (BIDU)

All of these stocks have SIGNIFICANT increase in earnings over the next two quarters. In addition to this, all these stocks have a depressed value that will maximize your profits when the stock bounces. Hope this helped.

Disclosure: Long RBC, DSX, PETS

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Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Teenagers

Ken asks…

Help with English coursework?

I know its really long but can somebody please go through it and either email me back about the mistakes and what i can improve on . I am a D grade student and I really want a C in my GCSE exam thank you 🙂

Explore the importance of the ‘serenade scene’ in ‘Ten things i hate about you’.

‘Ten things I hate about you’ is a romantic comedy involving 5 love struck teenagers battling through high school rule . The film has been described as a loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ set in a modern American high school. The new boy at school (Cameron ) and his new friend (Michael ) create an elaborate scheme to get the girl of his dreams, not realising that miss popular’s father is protective through his rules. Bianca isn’t aloud to date until her socially unaccepted older sister does. Kat, a feared feminist is hard to play cupid for, but the boys strike gold with the school bad boy Patrick (heath ledger). A sixth character is brought in and tricked into providing the money that persuades Patrick to take Kat out. In the classic fairy tale ending they fall in love and triumph through Kat realising the truth about their relationship, and Cameron gets his girl too. Romantic comedy films are movies with light-hearted, humorous dramatic stories centred on romantic ideals such as a “true love”.

The two main characters, Kat and Patrick come from very different backgrounds, Kat with her over protective father and Patrick with his seemingly none existent family. Both characters are feared in their high school environment. Kat is a well known politically straight feminist while Patrick allows rumors to circulate about him, swimming in his own mysterious danger ratings. While both are out cased, avoided and generally seen with just one friend, who will typically fit in with their ‘click’, they disagree with the important of moral fiber. They both share an instant dislike to each other, although the promise of easy money drives the less morally inclined Patrick to push his offers forward.

Patrick organizes a public display of affection that contrasts with his trouble-maker image, By singing a love song in front of Kat and all of the soccer squad, then his comic run from security he succeeds in winning her back through his devotion to her.

Bianca wanted to attend the house party, but couldn’t go because of her father’s rules. Then when Patrick appeared, ready to take kat out both girls were whisked off. It is here that Kat becomes ridiculously drunk, Kat was dancing on top of a table that ended in her hitting her head. We see another side of Patrick as he cares for her, taking her outside for air then driving her home. When Patrick was dropping Kat outside her house she went to kiss him but he turned away as he felt he didn’t want to take advantage of Kats drunken state .This hurt kat’s pride as she felt ashamed. When Patrick went back to school Kat was ignoring him by not talking. In the lunch queue Cameron says to Patrick “Look, you embarrassed the girl. Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score”.
Patrick took this advice literally and paid the band member so he can make a fool of himself.

The moment Patrick starts singing there is a extreme long shot of the sport field. The director does this to establish general location this shot to show the amount of people and the place where the action is going to happen. This is just above the speakers also the shot only happens for a few seconds before moving to the next clip.

Just after the extreme long shot the camera zooms into a long shot at eye level of the soccer team. The team stop playing then full silent and turn a small circle on the spot. The director done this to show the team confused about where the sound is coming from and who is it .

When Patrick first starts singing on the seating stand.The director begins with a close up of Patrick’s face, showing a cheeky smile. Gil Junger (director) Does this because it shows his performance that how much he is willing to please her and how he’s seeing her in a different way to just a ploy to get money.

The camera switches to the band then straight to the soccer team. The camera uses a medium shot to show Kat’s face and some of the other members of the team behind her. The director choose this clip as it shows the gasps and laughter as the serenade is such a shock to Kat and her team
About 30 seconds into this scene the camera does a highshot/longshot to show the size of the band . The band looks very rehearsed because of the way the band members march up and down then turn. The director does this because it shows about twenty musicians consisting of; wind instruments , brass and percussion. They all play perfectly together and back Patrick up
After the band shot it switches to low shot of Patrick singing “I love you baby” and he points across the camera so it seems l

Nagesh answers:

I didn’t have time to read through all of it now, but i’ll tell you what i got so far….

When you are describing the characters, you want to make sure the teacher knows the difference between the characters name and the actor’s actual name…both were in parentheses. It is all mostly grammar because you did an excellent job at describing the plot. You stripped it and made it sweet but to the point with important details. Make sure you capitalize my cousin’s name (Heath). Also, (I’ve learned from Honors English classes) don’t put in conjunctions. Separate the words. Oh, another thing… ‘click’ should be “click.” You always use double quotes UNLESS you are quoting something INSIDE the dialogue. Check for commas around the dialogue area, and I’ll email you with the rest of my critiques(: this is a really good paper! You’re going to do great!!


Charles asks…

Why can’t my dad claim benefits?

Right, I’ve posted this question before, but some total idiots read it wrong and made ME feel stupid. Flamin typical. Anyway, my dad lost his arm 13 years ago when I was about 10 weeks old, and now he suffers from back pain, neck pain, and chest pain on top of that. He’s on this scheme where a company looks for a job for you. He’s always trying, but no luck. And now, cozza this ressesion, he has no chance. He DID get 90 grand, but SCOTTIH WIDOWS invested it and lost every penny of it. BUT, just to stop people questioning, SCOTTISH WIDOWS told him it was LOW RISK and that he was absolutely certain to get some more money out of it…buut we didn’t, & now Instead of living comfortably with just enough money, we’re struggling to make ends meet. Oh well. But let me make this clear; THE INVESTMENT HAS NOTHIN TO DO WITH BENEFITS – so don’t tell me that plz [just coz i’m a teenager does mean i’m stupid].
He’s tried claiming, but even though he suffers pain every day, he still can’t get a penny and dole money is criminal. So the point is, were struggling cos we were mis-advised by Scottish Widows, and now we can’t even claim benefits for my dad who can’t get a job. But old men with bad legs can, so why can’t a man with an arm missing, chest, neck & back pain?
He deserves benefits, I don’t care what anyone says. And so does everyone else in the same situation. If that’s the system then it needs to be changed.
They know he lost the investment, and they have proof – so what’s the problem?
Tag23 ; thnx for the links. They should pay every penny back to customers like us, whether they can afford it or not. The advice these complete plonkers give out is far too often, entirely wrong, and not the fault of the investors if they’re advised to do that. I hope that total idiot who left us in the state we are now is livin out on the streets.
He’s not responsible for the investment!! Scottish Widows persuaded him to do it! They gave him the wrong advice! Get ur facts staight!

Nagesh answers:

Well ok i read that through and to be honest theres no way the government in that situation would be able to refuse money, if he is the sole parent in the house then you would be getting child support and council accomadation even if he was able bodied. As for the disablility allowence the only reason they could have refused in the past would be because of the pay out you recieved, if thats gone then they have to give you money! Benifits look at your circumstances and your finances when deciding how much if any to award, if things are as bad as you say then you need to appeal to the claims office, i think theyr number is 0845 6088552 hope it works out for you

Paul asks…

Parents, would you find this to be a valid argument?

Last summer my mom finally agreed to let me change my room from the childish theme I’ve had for years to a more mature color scheme that I’d be able to live with. The colors I had (and still have) are light purple, mint green and baby pink. The colors of the bedding I got last summer for my new scheme are hot pink, black, white and baby pink.

When I first started planning the update, I wanted to get soft pink (not quite baby pink, more of soft coral) and chocolate brown bedding and paint the walls accordingly. However, I decided with my mom (although for what I remember, she tried very hard to change my mind) that I would have black and hot pink. So when we went shopping for bedding, I wanted only those colors. But they were joined by white and baby pink on the bedding I decided on. I liked the colors for a while and thought I could live with things that were hot pink with white polka-dots on one side and baby pink on the other.

However, as time passed, my mom kept buying more and more things (without letting me know in advance) that were baby pink. This color was not one I wanted to be everywhere, in fact, I would have preferred to have it no where. So now that my mom is going to let me start painting (after a year) I feel like I should let her know how I feel.

I think that with all the baby pink and bright white in the room, my room, which is supposed to have a more mature image, more suitable for a teenager, it will remain feeling like a little girl’s room. I feel like I am not getting what I had bargained for and my mom kept buying these things out of random to make sure my room stayed at least a little the same. I understand that she might not want my room to be proof that I am, in fact, growing up, because I am her youngest daughter and child, but I feel like I’m being repressed. So, I feel like since my birthday is coming in October, it would be reasonable to ask to take money from my bank account (I have around four hundred fifty dollars that I got from family for my communion) and, using entirely my own money and buying things only when I’m positive they will please my newer theme, redecorate my room. I don’t have anything else to ask for, and it’s my fourteenth birthday, so I don’t think it’d be terrible to ask to scrap this attempt that is failing rapidly now, and change my room with my money.

Would you allow your child to take their money out of their bank account for their birthday for the purpose of redecorating their room? Do you think it is a responsible thing to do with their money? What are your thoughts on it in general?


PS: I apologize for writing such long information; I can get carried away. Also, It may seem like around $450 wouldn’t be enough to redecorate a room, but my room is very small, maybe ten feet by ten feet; I have all the furniture I need already and my mattress is not in need of replacing and on top of all the things that I don’t need, me and my mom have a gift as shoppers, meaning we can find things at extremely low prices. Please keep these things considered if you answer? Thanks again:)

Nagesh answers:

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be done with pink and white 🙂
First and foremost, begin the conversation with thanking your mom for attempting to find you things she thought you would like. Explain it means a lot to you, however you would like express your personality would like the opportunity to redecorate your room on your own. If you begin the conversation affirming her good intentions, she will be more open to hearing the rest.
Are any of the current items returnable? If not. Can they be donated to less fortunate families? Would you be taking any of the (soon to be) new stuff with you to college-this will both save your parents $ down the line and shows you are thinking maturely. You may want to leave the accent colors to one wall and bedding for longevity.
Secondly, take a step back and be grateful for your “problems” as they are not really problems, but rather natural growing pains. Congratulations, you are normal. So is your Mom.

Maria asks…

Who has dirty cold-hearted siblings in their family?

I don’t get why people bite the hands that feed them. I have a brother who is the King of Con and he has done this to me and the rest of the family for years. We never knew it was a con until it was too late. He has never been the type to take no for answers and whatever he wants he will surely get by ANY means necessary even if it involves screwing over his own flesh and blood who cares about him because he is family and family is supposed to be there for one another when you need them. That’s how my family was towards him.

Instead of him just asking for something he wants he immediately come up with ways to scam for it and sadly his scheme worked because he is so smooth and so slick unitl nobody ever expected him to be this way. His personality is one way when around family but behind our backs he is totally different than what we thought of him.

He is a great actor and can lie and scheme you right to your face and you wouldn’t even notice it because his lies and cons sound so real to you can’t tell the lies from the truth. He does all this with a straight serious face the whole time like he really believes the crap he is pitching out to you.

He went so far as to use my dads illness as part of a scam to raise money for his own use. Now that is just lower than low. I mean, why bite the hand that feed you? Seriously, what makes a person stoop so low as to do this to the people that took care of them and loved them so? I remember he even stoop low as to steal my grandmothers car and went joyriding when he was a teenager and she spoiled him rotten as a kid growing up and he still do crap like this. After all she did for him and this was his way of saying thanks and screw you grandma.
Now you guys really got it bad. I totally feel your pain on this. This is so unfair to us good hearted family members. I hope my brother burns in that place down yonder if you know what I mean.

Nagesh answers:

I have a sister who is similar to your brother. I also come from a family that believes that family should always be there for one another. I often wonder how the hell she was raised by the same parents I was. They did their best to teach us to be loving, honest and caring especially to each other. My sister did something that disgusted me to the point that I disowned her. Her baby died a few hours after birth. All friends and family donated money to help her pay for the costs of funeral and everything. Well, my wonderful sister used that money for herself instead of her child’s funeral. Classy, huh? Disowning her was a difficult thing to do since I do love her and was raised to not turn back on family, but she really left me no choice. She kept screwing us all over so in the best interest of entire family, she’s out. If we didn’t, she would have kept hurting us and I want to protect the rest of the family that actually does care about one another. By the way, didn’t just drop her without trying to help her change first. Went to family counseling and a a million other things as well, but she wasn’t interested in committing to changing her life. If your bro is like her, you might want to do the same. Just my opinion tho. Good luck.

George asks…

Dad’s a real nasty,scheming & vindictive piece of work, how do I live with the fact that his blood is in me?

Whilst my Dad may have psychological issues, he has the uncanny ability to be charismatic and nice to others, but not to his own family. It almost appeared that he begrudge us to be happy.

He has really betrayed my Mom, my Brother and me. What has he done, well-
Given advice to me, that in retrospect was bordering sabotage (As I’m more mature and more experienced now, looking back on some advice he gave me was not just wrong, but obviously wrong with no logic, other than to insure failure)
Borrowed money from me (he prefers the term “invest”) I’ve never seen it again.
Stolen money from Mom.
Told my shy brother to join the Navy, when he was 17, only to come back 6 months a nervous wreck, Dad’s a psychologist so he knew my brother was a fragile individual.
Hidden the fact HE’D be cheating on Mom for 30 years, with Men (found incriminating photos & letters in his safe), Mom has since had to undergo blood tests.

Yet he would often say, son if your gay, it’s ok. I already felt weird and unwanted as I didn’t have any girlfriends growing up as a teenager (I was 100lbs overweight and shy) yet him saying this to me made me feel even self conscience, because Dad being a psychologist, I felt he knew me better than I knew myself.
Took Moms compensation payout for a serious car accident, then left Mom broke and miserable.

Now I’m left with the fact that I have this evil persons DNA and surname, I believe that Dad is a manipulative psychopath, as he brought his own family to our knees and left us all feeling gutted.

I hate signing my name as it reminds me of what a horrible person he is. How can I make myself feel proud of who I am?

Nagesh answers:

Your dad is a manipulative psychopath for sure, you hit the nail on the head, and he’s obviously very selfish and only cares about himself. BUT that does not have any reflection on the type of man you are. People can be very different from their parents. They can learn from their parents so they don’t make the same dumb mistakes. And it takes a strong man, a better man, to realize that and rise above it. My husband’s dad is the biggest alcoholic that ever existed. My husband is nothing like him.
For you to grow past this you need to first forgive him for being the loser he is, just except the truth and move past it.
My mom is a psychiatrist and believe me, they don’t always know what they are talking about. (by the way, doesn’t it suck to have a “psychiatrist” for a parent! They always think they are right but that’s not the case!)

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Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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