Money Making Schemes

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Donna asks…

Ways to earn money for a much needed vacation!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Okay, Kid you’ve been asking this same question repeatedly and everyone has given you great ideas. What more do you expect them to say?

But okay I’ll indulge you with one more suggestion. Rather than spending your time here asking the same question you should be spending your time putting their ideas to work and actually start making money now.

This piece of advise will get you to WDW that much sooner.

Susan asks…

Ways to EARN Money???? PLEASE HELP!!!?

Hi, I am currently a teenager. I need a laptop,And no, no business in the area are hiring 14 year olds. Some ideas for making money fast, by myself, and nothing to do with online surveys, thanks!

Nagesh answers:

1. Pet-sit
2. Baby-sit
3. Yardwork
4. Grocery store cashier
5. Photographer’s assistant (that’s what I do)

Jenny asks…

Is it possible for me to be a semi-successful jingle writer?

I am 16 and I play the guitar, bass, piano, and drums. I have some recording software and equipment that I create my own songs with for my own amusement. I feel like there must be different, more creative ways for teenagers to make money other than stupid fast food and retail jobs. So, anyone know about writing jingles??

Nagesh answers:

Go to small advertising companies and offer your services. Probably they are not going to pay you a lot, but it would help you to create a portfolio and then you will be able to go to the big companies.

Joseph asks…

Money Trouble!?


Nagesh answers:

There are many things you can do to make money, such as babysitting, having a garage sale, having a bakesale, or get a part-time job. You can find other great ideas at the article below.

Charles asks…

What are some fun jobs for teenagers?

I’m 16 and it’s summer time now and I need a job. I’ve never had one before and I really do not want to work at a fast food place or anything like that. Does anyone have any ideas for fun creative ways to make money over the summer?

Nagesh answers:

Publix, winn dixie, local shops with age limits low enough for u to work there, mowing lawns, cleaning pools, babysitting, dogsitting, camp counseling, drug dealing (haha jk), hustlin, and prostitution.

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Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Robert asks…

What are legit ways to make $$$ as a teen?!?

I’m only 15, so I can’t get a job. I can’t mow lawns, since everyone in my neighborhood hires landscapers. All the kids in my neighborhood are too old to be babysat, so that’s a no. I just need some LEGIT ideas to make some money fast. My parents don’t pay for anything of mine, so that’s why I need to money. If I sell some stuff, I need to know
-what to sell to make most $,
-Ebay or Craigslist? (I’m open to either)
-How to make the most I can get.


Thanks so far everyone!!

Dog Walking: No one in my neighborhood has dogs, haha. If they do, they already have walkers and/or kids to walk them. 😐

I can’t work. You have to be 16 years old, no matter what. That’s the deal here.

I don’t turn 16 until December, and I need the $$ now for school shopping and stuff like that.

Yeah, it does suck that my rents don’t help, but they’ve got bills to pay and I would rather have my OWN money to spend and not feel quilty. (:
Already have Paypal account (dad’s) and Craigslist account (dad’s), so that’s all fine.
yeah, no gambling please.

If this helps any: I’m smart (tutoring could work here), I play the cello (and its green, which kids love), I make friendship bracelets (with names too! Friends love these, but it costs $$ to get the materials and time to make them)

there are a lot of kids in my cul-de-sac, but most are 6th grade+

Nagesh answers:

I’ve already earned $2005.71in only four months on

Points2shop is by far the best site for earning free cash. If you don’t believe me points2shop has a “proof” section in their forum where members post pictures of the things that they have received from points2shop.

If I were you I’d go to points2shop. You can earn money so easily on points2shop by completing offers, surveys, playing games, or simply by clicking on links! It’s that easy! Best of all points2shop is 100% free.

If you need to know more information you can check their forums where members post the things that they have received for earning points on the points2shop website below.

If you click on the link below you get $2.50 free just for signing up!


Mark asks…

How do you make $500 very fast?READ DISCRIPTION!!!?

Me and my brother are going to by the dsi and the psp go along with some games that cost about $500. im 10 and hes 13 please give us some ideas tomake this money. if your one of those people who tell me to forgwet systems or say schools more important or even idk go anser some other question i dont have time for you. i live in a (no offence) white ppl naborhood with no kids there and i’ve got 3 months to come up with my share or the money.please please [PLEASE help some kids out and give atleast one GOOD idea.Thanks =) ☺☻♥


Nagesh answers:

Do you have any games/systems that you don’t use very much anymore? Stores like Gamestop will buy some of those games off of you. Depending on condition/how old it is you will get more or less money of course. Another way I made money as a kid was mowing lawns, if you know how to operate a lawn mower you can make some pretty decent money. Have you talked to your parents? Maybe they would be willing to let you do some extra chores for a bit of money here and there. Good luck getting your games! :*)

Linda asks…

Ways to make money as a 13 yearold kid?

I would like some fast, eaisy or good paying ideas i am a 13 yearold girl and if you could think of some ieas that is not lemon aid stand, baby/pet sitting, yard work, garage sale, or wash a car/aimals BUT if you cant think of other ideas then could you help me out on how much to charge for the different ideas……. PS i dont want any online website stuff……….Thanks

Nagesh answers:

What are your hobbies. Think about which of your hobbies you can turn into a business and ask around to see if people would be willing to buy. Then go from there

Michael asks…

how does a 13 year old kid make $100 in 3 weeks?

i really badly need money for some concert tickets and i need good ideas to make good money fast. but dont give me the lemonade or brownie selling crap i really need $100 in 3 weeks and please please please try giving good answers.

thank you so much 🙂

im willing to work hard

Nagesh answers:

I used to make good money mowing lawns and babysitting. Plus I did extra chores for my grandparents and neighbors, who needed help. I helped my brother on his paper route, there was some good money too. You can make money, but you have to be willing to work and sweat. Maybe you can walk some dogs for the neighbors, or wash cars, or do yardwork. Look around and see what needs to be done and see who’s willing to pay you. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Donna asks…

I am a swim coach and next year our team is losing our funds and we are going self supported.?

So we want to get some money saved up for next year. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make money fast. The team is small and I want the kids involved as much as possible but, we have good family support so the parents are very willing to help. So if you have any ideas. Please let me know. Thank you so much 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I feel your pain. My swim team was in the same situation that you are in and I quit this year because the stress was too much. I quit after I had the program stablized. I went to local sport stadiums or centers and found out that we could clean them after events for sizable amounts of money. We ended up cleaning at a local university football stadium. We also sent letters to the community and got sponserships. We hung their names/business names in our pool area. Good luck

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Saturday, April 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly Uk

Sandra asks…

Is this unreasonable?

I was dumped by ex gf just 8 weeks after our child was born. We came to a friendly agreement over contact and maintenance to avoid courts and the CSA.

I lost my job, and she said it was fine to stop payment, and I quickly found another job. But the pay is poor and I struggle to pay her. She wants to go to the CSA but knows it is pointless to her – she is on benefit, and whatever the CSA take from me to give to her, the social security will DEDUCT the same from her benefit. Instead she is resorting to implied threats.

I told her I would move jobs to earn more, but she insists I MUST only work Monday to Friday! She is willing to take the money but not to accept a change of contact days.

I feel I am being muscled out of my child’s life, and I can easily see why some fathers in the UK feel compelled to do a vanishing act.
PS between losing one job and getting another, my father died abroad, which apart from the shock, was also another cause of financial hardship.
ES – we are not a couple of kids, we are 25 and 34 and we DID plan to marry and were together several years. I never imagined I would be dumped without explanation after just 8 weeks.

The most annoying thing is she won’t work, she just wants my money, but won’t allow me to get better paid work. How would it be a problem for her if I worked a job including Saturdays and had my baby in the week instead?

The problem for her would be that she would have to stay in at weekend!
Some say it is not unreasonable for her to want cash. I agree.

But it IS unfair to not permit me to go and earn it on whatever days I can. I can’t just dictate to an employer I need to work days which are ok with my ex! Either she wants money or she doesn’t. If she won’t allow some things to change I can only guess she doesn’t.

In any case, if the maintenance went through official channels, here in England mothers who don’t work don’t get to see a penny of it anyway!

Bearing this in mind, would Americans please realise some countries have different laws than your own! One in particular – Men are not allowed to be successful in English family courts.
ELAINE what kind of monster are you? You may give children away willy-nilly on your side of the pond, but not over here! And I beg to differ. I think I would make a far better custodial parent than her mother.
YADDA – not trying hard enough? I have been going non stop since long before my child was born, and have foregone any social life, which is more than I can say for her mother, who wants my money simply to spend in the pub. Before anyone criticises this assessment, remember I KNOW this woman!

Nagesh answers:

Yes, she is being a little unreasonable, based on what you say, but I am not sure if you are trying hard enough to make things happen for the support of your kid. Just keep on keeping on and do the very best that you can do
btw– Sorry about your dad

Jenny asks…

I received this email today about a job. Is it a real job or a scam?

My name is TONY ADAMS I am the owner of ADAMS TEXTILES
FABRICS COMPANY IN THE UK Presently, my company is looking for a
trustworthy bookkeeper, representative in Canada/USA. An excellent opportunity to work at home part time and still keep your full time job.

ADAMS TEXTILES AND FABRICS is a company that produces and sells
Chinese and African textile and fabric material in London. Our company
produces various clothing materials, batiks, assorted fabrics and
traditional costumes. We have clients we supply weekly in the states. My
clients make payments for our supplies every week by check which are not
readily cashable outside of the US or Canada; so we need a representative
to assist us in processing the payments. This will enable our cash to
flow more quickly and therefore would not tie down our capital. I would
be willing to employ you on contract basis to be my payment
representative back in the states. I am involved in alot of travel and this way I
could give my clients the authority to make the checks, money orders,
etc out to you. You could then easily cash at your bank, then withdraw
10% of the total amount as your commission and send the rest back to me
through Western Union wire transfer.




1. RECEIVE PAYMENT FROM CLIENTS (delivered by FedEx or UPS you would
need to be at your address to sign)


(Example $5000.00 you would deduct $500.00 pay the Western Union fee out
of the $4500.00 left and send remainder to my company.




Last name:________________________________
Zip code:_________________________________
Phone Number:_________________________
Bank Name____________________________
Amount earned monthly:_________________
Marital Status:_______________________________

*Please make sure your telephone # is correct — I will need to call you
when everything is in place.

*If you are interested please e mail the application form to my

Email address:


You will Follow to the rules as advised earlier in this e-mail and by
Job Description. You will notify the company one week ahead if
eventually you want to discontinue these funds from coming to your address in
order to avoid conflict.

If in agreement to this kindly append signature below.

Search News:
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Search News:

Search the Web | View Map

Nagesh answers:

I smell SCAM all over this

Mary asks…

How to earn money quickly?

So I’m fifteen years old and wish to earn money quickly in the UK and want to start up a car washing business which I plan to on Friday but how do you think I could convince my parents to let me do it, as they’re unconvinced, and what should I do tomorrow/ Thursday to prepare to start on Friday etc. otherwise, is there any other ways I could earn money in the meantime other than car washing, which is quick and efficient, and please don’t say get a job, I can’t.

Is there some sort of UK equivalent to Swagbucks you don’t have to pay for?

Nagesh answers:

Online sites targeting young people never pay out – so that’s CERTAINLY not a quick or EVEN POSSIBLE way to EVER make money. Starting a business at 15 years old is just ‘ignant’ – and as you aware, you are not even able to enter into legal contracts until you reach majority age without a co-signer. You have no idea how to run a business – no teenager does (at least in my experience). Your parents are correct.

Maria asks…

How to earn money quickly?

I am fifteen years old and am trying to pay for a trip to South Africa and was wondering what ways I could earn money quickly in the UK, I can’t get a job as I am not sixteen and I want to start car washing but my parents aren’t convinced. How do you think I could convince them because I’d like to do that over the weekend to earn money, and just so you know I’ve registered for the trip so I can’t back out on it, and is there a free to sign up to UK version of a website like Swagbucks where I can earn money quickly? Please help me!

Nagesh answers:

If you want to become rich online then you need a plan. The first thing that you need to plan is what you are going to do online in order to become rich. Are you going to start an online business, run a website, sell items on Ebay, or maybe be a consultant?

Thomas asks…

How to earn money quickly?

I am fifteen years old and am trying to pay for a trip to South Africa and was wondering what ways I could earn money quickly in the UK, I can’t get a job as I am not sixteen and I want to start car washing but my parents aren’t convinced. How do you think I could convince them because I’d like to do that over the weekend to earn money, and just so you know I’ve registered for the trip so I can’t back out on it, and is there a free to sign up to UK version of a website like Swagbucks where I can earn money quickly? Please help me!

Nagesh answers:

If u have old video games and consoles..
Just sell them

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Thursday, April 19th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Teenagers

Chris asks…

I really need to make money!?

Here’s the deal;

I had 300 text a month and I’m a teenager so yeah I like tripled that in a day. So I had to pay for the extra text. Then my mom stopped paying for the 300 and took ALL texting off my phone. She said that I can get texting BACK when I can pay for it. But I have to pay for it up front for a YEAR! So I have to come up with $240! And I text way more than I call I already have like $160 but I need more!

Here’s what I need;

A way to make money fast… and I’m pretty sure my mom isn’t going to give me “chores” to do for money.
I’ve lived without texting for almost a year…. and its KILLING me!!!

Nagesh answers:

Learn to live without frivolous and material things.You’re astoundingly lucky your parents are willing to give you a cell phone.

Ken asks…

Stock Market Investing For A Motivated 15 year Old?

Im currently 15, and I’m damn tired of waiting to get through high school and college to start making some serious money. I am a very motivated, smart teenager[4.0 with honors classes] and I believe that through some light research I have done, that the stock market is the way to go. I was reading about mutual funds and all this different stuff, but i figured why not probe Yahoo Answers for some info. What is the best way to get some money fast using the Stock market? What to invest in, what to trade, what broker to use, etc. A jump start in the right direction is really what I need here, as i jsut got some money and I am dying to invest it. I was hoping to get 1 mil in a couple years and eventually check out some hedge funds. Any help is appreciated.
Ok maybe a million in a few years is just a hyperbole, just trying to convey the motivation. haha

Nagesh answers:

Congratulations on getting started. It’ll help you more than you know!

Your first dollars should be spent on getting educated on investing. You don’t have to train to trade them professionally, but we are talking about your future here. So the more you learn, the more it’ll help you! So let’s start there.

You ask a very broad question, so be prepared for a pretty long answer. Just take it in chunks!

How to invest depends on what you already know. We’ll assume that you’re beginning since you say you’re new!

A good primer is How to Make Money in Stocks by William O’Neil. You can get it cheap just about anywhere. It’s widely available new or used.

Another good one is one of Jim Cramer’s books like Real Money (he’s got a few).

But books will only get you so far. At some point, you’ll also want to get at least a little training. There are some great education companies if you want to make the investment. or are both very good companies as is

For free, you can start by visiting and That’ll get you a pretty good primer so at least you’ll understand what the markets are and what a stock is, etc.

If you get a chance, watch Mad Money on CNBC. Don’t trade any of his picks until you track many of them over time. Just use the show to get you to understand some basics and get a feel for the market itself.

Next, subscribe to something like Investorsbusiness daily or something like that that can help you identify good stocks.

Once you understand stocks, go to It’s a website that’ll help you understand options (what they do, how they work, etc). You don’t need to trade them, but the more you know, the more you’ll see how options can really be the safest way to invest (once you’re educated).

For discipline (which is crucial to successful trading), probably Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas or Mastering the Trade by John Carter

I know that’s a LOT to absorb. Just take it one step at a time for now. Start with a book or two to give you an idea of where to begin. Take your time, and let it seep in.

As you get up to speed, you should papertrade to practice (highly recommended). This should help reduce your losses in the beginning as you get used to buying/selling.

You can practice for free on almost any reputable broker site (optionsxpress, scottrade, thinkorswim, etc). And yes, you can definitely deal easily online.

Start slow, then as you figure things out, you can buy more shares.

Congrats again on getting started. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Hope this helps!

David asks…

How can a teenager make money?

My niece isn’t willing to get a real job but wants to find a way to make money without doing so. For example, something along the lines of a babysitting job. She still isn’t out of High School yet so she doesn’t want anything big such as fast food. Can anyone please tell me what she could do?

Nagesh answers:

It Depends your age The United States Legal Age to start working is 14 years
but any age under 13 could be,
-Walking/Taking Care of pets
-Helping parents around the house

If You Are over 14 you could
– Find A Store ( A Store That you Like ) and Work there
– Babysit
– Work at A Local Summer Day Camp
– Or Work at a ice cream shop over the summer

* Some Simple Suggestions.
Hope I Helped!!! (:

Betty asks…

want ten points? okay!!! answer this!?

what is a fast way for a bunch of teenagers to get money and fast.. ((not like a reall job working at places)) thanks<3

Nagesh answers:

Hold a car wash; in teams of two get cases of water, coolers with handles and ice and go to your downtown area or park and sell; hold a bake sale; build a kissing booth (everyone’s got extra wood planks lying around) a set up in a park; make crafts and sell them. Go to for ideas. Make signs for all ventures and state this is for charitable purposes (for the nosy and the cops) dont’ tell anyone that you’re the charity. Good Luck

Susan asks…

What’s a good way for a teenager to make money?

I am 16 years old and I get my license in March. I want to buy a cheap but reliable vehicle. What’s a good way for me to make money? I mean I heard of teens starting there own at home businesses, but what type of businesses can a teen start? I can’t really get a job yet, like working at a fast-food place due to school and no transportation. I want to do something that I can make money in my own time.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve been in your shoes i know how you feel…try babysitting, washing cars or doing work around the house to make money…i made money by ironing my parents clothes, raking the neighbors leaves, shoveling snow and by putting out the word to other family sure you can find something to do too make money..if your a religious person try praying that always works..anyways GOD bless

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Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Ruth asks…

What ways are there to make money from home?

I’ve seen a lot of sites across the internet claiming that you can make “free money” and crap.

I don’t believe those scams nor do I have any desire on being super rich quickly like they claim. I just want to have enough dative with and enough to buy something I want once in a while.

However, I dint want to work 40 hours a week for +20 years.

So what ways are there to make money from home?

1) I’m a musician, so I thought that I could start writing some songs and distribute them independently


Nagesh answers:

Typically with these questions, all you get is spam. There are telecommuting jobs that some major companies offer, but you’ll only find them through a traditional employer.

I can’t say if all of these online jobs are scams or not, but it seems like every one I’ve tried ended up either wanting money up front (which legit jobs NEVER ask for) or they end up never paying for services rendered.

Joseph asks…

Are there any real legit ways to make money at home at no cost to you?

I’ve been unemployed for way too long and I’ve applied for about 300 jobs now and nobody is giving me the time of day. There are too many unemployed people applying for the same jobs and it’s hard to compete with that. I’m quickly running out of options. Most of my clothes are ripped and torn and I dont’ have money to buy more, so I have NOTHING to wear to interviews or to an actual job. I need to make money before I can get new clothes. I need an at home job. Does anyone know of a real legit at home job, with no expense, and an actual paycheck and set hours?

Nagesh answers:

No there arent… As witness by the scam solicitation above me…

Mary asks…

good ways to make extra money?

i need a way to make a little extra money quickly. any ideas that dont include needing an initial investment, needing a home phone, babysitting, animal/house care, selling bodily fluids, or driving? thanks guys!

Nagesh answers:

Getting a part time job just about anywhere, putting out flyers for a local business, cleaning windows for a local business, house painting (you ask for money down for your initial investment), selling fresh baked cookies and coffee, making crafts from recycled materials, curb picking – cleaning and selling items you find in your neighborhood on garbage day, making party favors (they supply materials), personal help for seniors learning to use the internet, taking in a boarder or roommate, begging, cooking for a housebound neighbor, lemonade stand… Since I don’t know your age, sex or skills, and because there’s a lot of limits on what you’re willing to or can do, I’m not sure what direction to go in here!

If you have a home computer, you have more options. There’s a fair amount of work available even from home, on your own schedule if you look for it.

There are so many ways to make a little bit of money fast, depending on what a little is to you.

Good luck!

Sharon asks…

What’s a good way to make money doing an arts and crafts hobby from home?

I’m very good at drawing and being creative. How can I put my talent to work, quickly, from the arts and crafts store. There’s one near me.

Nagesh answers:

A lot of crafters would like to specify unique designs to have made into a rubber stamp. You can never seem to find a design close to the one you have visualised in your head.The art & craft shop might take orders and arrange to have your drawings made into a stamp.

You could try making wedding stationery. Doing a line drawing of the church where the marriage will take place or a cartoon of the bride & groom are both popular. A good quality card is too thick for a home printer so photocopy your artwork and look at the way homemade greeting cards are layered and embellished to make the card. The text is printed on a insert which can be attached to the card in various ways from simple glueing to cord and tassel, sewn or wire with beads. The art & craft shop should have card blanks and envelopes in packs of 50 at a good price. If they stock the Royal & Langnickel brand there is a good range all at the same price so the largest 5″ x 7″ size is the best value and their opalescent white or cream would be very suitable.
The cost of wedding stationery averages about £300 for day and evening invitations, order of service and place cards. The bride may also want save the date cards, reply cards, menus, scrolls, thank you cards.
Borrow some wedding sample albums from a stationer to find out about prices and wording and take a look at what is on offer online. Most of the handmade wedding stationery makers don’t draw so you can offer something different.
Make up some samples, then put the word around your family and friends and exhibit at wedding fayres (often held at hotels).

Paul asks…

Making money quickly?

I bought a gift for my husband and I don’t want him to see the credit card bill. Father’s Day gift. I am planning on paying it off. Other than my normal job (which I work from home) How can I make $160 in a month?

Nagesh answers:

I’m sure we could think of something !!!

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Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet

Sandra asks…

how to earn money through internet from ur website by just clicking an ad?

how to earn money by just adding google adsense on ur website? is that true?
is there anything else excluding googl adsense to earn money by adding it to ur website?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, you can earn money with your website through Adsense.
Another possibility is for instance Cosumption Junction, this also places ads on your website, but they do not match the content automatically like adsense does.
Adsense really is one of the best systems. It works, and the Google guys are honest (they pay!). For more info, check

Helen asks…

I really want to earn money through internet I have 3 websites please suggest me how will i earn rupees online

I have 3 websites., & But Till now I want to know that through these wesites How will i earn the money ? I know about google adsence.
Tell me other solution which help me please suggest me the serious answers. I am also a webdesigner I will Implement all the functions you will suggest I will spend 4 hours daily on the internet I want to know the actual facts. of earnings through internet. Also I don’t want to spend a single rupee for suggestion because somany companies sell their thoughts but not the actual concept that work. also Tell me the Highly Paid Words on Internet.

Nagesh answers:

I request to visit the site you will get your answer about how to earn. I tried this and I am really very happy as compare to my previous earnings, it saves a lot of time and i can say i m melting money by doing nothing. If you still have any queries please feel free to contact me.

Ruth asks…

how can i earn money through internet without investing any money?

i want to make money without investment through internet . i have no any knoledge for commerce as i am a student of arts .

Nagesh answers:

I did work part time taking orders for informercials. It’s data entry and customer service. I make about $700- $800 a month. I

can honestly tell you it’s good enough to help me pay off some bills, I’m now saving up for a vacation next year BUT I

wouldn’t live my life off this money.!.!! Now since you say you’re looking for part time, maybe this is something that you would

like to do. Most real companies will ask that you pay for your own background check- this is real and it is a requirement

especially since you’re handling people’s personal financial info (credit card and address info, etc).

Also I would suggest that when you search for jobs- just check their status with the better business bureau to see if they

are legitimate.

Thomas asks…

Is there any real method i can earn money through internet?

I need some extra cash. Can any one give me a good option to start through internet.Data entry,emailing or any form is ok for me..I don’t have money to buy or pay as register fee..Hope i get good reply..

Nagesh answers:

Data entry and emailing and such will cost you money to start up. They are also labeled as scams because of their misleading promises.

If you have a paypal account i would suggest project payday, there is a link at the bottom of this page:

Also if you are diligent and have the time, try affiliate marketing. That is what I do to make money online. Check out for some more info.

Lizzie asks…

How we can earn money through internet?

Earning through designing, data entry , marketing through internet

Nagesh answers:

Unless you become a tele-employee of a company.. You cant…

All the rest of the come-ons out there are scams…..

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Monday, April 16th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Robert asks…

How to make money as a kid?

I am 13 years old almost 14 and I saw a really great airsoft gun thats like 200 bucks, my parents told me i had to pay for it. Any ideas how I could make that money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Sell gummy bears at school!!! I did that for 3 years and i was making 1000 dollars a year. With my allowance it was more than enough. Make sure you check your schools laws because you can get in some trouble.

Laura asks…

How can I make money fast!?

I’m just a kid and need to make about 500 dollars! I know sounds kind of crazy but I need to pay for my bunny so it can go to the vet! Plus for it’s food and toys! I’m doing the bottles and paper plus having garage sale but I need other idea that is fast!
Thankyou for your time=)

Nagesh answers:

Ask ur parents… Or if they dont agree, recycle, i doubt ebay would work (but…), fundraise at school (it might sound kinda weird, but u could host a bake sale to help ur bunny out!)
Hope ur bunny is gonna be ok 🙂

Helen asks…

How to make money fast…?

i am too young to get a job. where i live, it is very cultural for the kids to work on their own yards, so raking and mowing are out of the question. the land on which i live is worked on by another man who my uncle hired to work for him because he was in need of a job himself, so no luck there. any ideas of how to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Check out my blog. It has the link to a site i’m using now (you only have to be 13 to sign up) and it’s a great site to make money on!

Check out my blog here:

Good Luck =]

Steven asks…

New Gamertag and money for the slim?

Okay I want to get the new Xbox 360 slim the 240GB one. But its $299 from what Ive seen. I Don’t have much money and I had to quit my job for the sake of my sanity.

So I need MAJOR ways to earn money fast. Im baby sitting for a lady who has two kids this weekend so I will make $30.

Also Im making a new Xbox live account. But I don’t know what to make the gamertag, I want it to be really cool.

The reason Im making a new one, is because I stupidly used my ( now ex ) boyfriend’s last name in the GT, Stupid as hell I know, I wont make that mistake again.

Also My ex earned most of my Gamerscore for me. So I want to re earn it on my


1) I Ideas to make good amounts of money fast ( legal ideas only please lol )

2) Awesome GT suggestions?

Please and thank you !!!!

Nagesh answers:

Ok for money, I suggest selling stuff like older games, old movies whatever, either on criag’s list or Kijiji

For a Tag I got mine from at tag generator here

Hope that helps

Mark asks…

Ways for 12 year olds to make money?

I’m 12 years old and I’m saving up to buy an Ipad for $500. I want to buy it myself but I don’t know how to make money. Please don’t suggest things like babysitter, dog sitter, dog walker, shoveling snow (I live in Florida), lemonade stand, bake sale, paper route, tutoring, car wash, gardening, craft making, etc. I need new, creative ideas. My talents: I can read pretty well (College level), I can do most 6th grade math and lower, I do well in Language Arts, I can do most 6th grade Science and lower, I do well with Grammar. I can roller skate pretty well (I can go fast and I can weave and go backwards), I’m in Broadcast so I know how to edit on MacBooks using Imovie HD and I’m learning how to use Imovie and Final Cut Pro. I read a lot and I remember most of the books I’ve read (which is A LOT). I can make Friendship bracelets, and I’m learning how to crochet. I can also take pretty good photographs. I’m good with most animals and I can write well too. I love little kids though I don’t think I’m ready for babysitting or family helper. I can also use Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote pretty well. I’m good with most computers and computer technology as well as camerawork. I know how to play a few songs on the piano, nothing hard though. I know how to play (Joy to the World, Chopsticks, Happy Birthday, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, etc.) I played violin for three years and I am starting up again soon. I can also make things on the computer (e.g. brochures, business cards, reciepts, lists, agendas, etc.).
To be honest, I’m not very comfortable asking people for money, especially people I know so that’s also a problem though I will if I have too.
I WILL work but yes, I do wish to “get rich quick” though you can hardly blame me. I’m not some person though who thinks they can get paid for doing nothing.

Nagesh answers:

My dad had me working at his office when I was eight years old. He never wanted me to be “one of those teenagers who slept all day (or all summer)”. I learned how to be a file clerk and receptionist during the winter, spring, and summer breaks. Maybe you could go to work with one of your parents like that?

It sounds to me like you could do a good job tutoring other students your age (or in lower grade levels). In fact, if you know Microsoft well enough, you could probably teach some people (yes I’m including adults in this category) how to use it. This would be EXTREMELY helpful teaching senior citizens how to use the internet, e-mail, and Microsoft software.

Start making tutorial flyers. Say you specialize in teaching senior citizens or something. Create little lesson plans to help teach them. I think this could be very beneficial for them and you. 🙂 It would also look great in a couple of years on your college applications.

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Sunday, April 15th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Nancy asks…

Hillary Clinton has more tax and spend on the way. TEN BILLION FOR FOUR YEAR OLDS? no im not making it up!?

heres the link to forestall liberal whine

She said quality pre-kindergarten programs will more than pay for themselves because children will be less likely to enter special education programs, drop out of school or enter the welfare system. She also said preparing children for school also reduces behavioral problems.
“We consistently fail to invest in what will save us money.”
1.) To truly invest in what makes us money, what’s wrong with the economy by giving working people back more of what they earn. They will spend it and increase the gnp making more tax revenue instead of welfare schemes.
2.)If our four year olds need to depend on the government instead of parents and families to ready them for school, isnt that symptomatic and proof postive of the FAILURE of this type of social welfare diatribe ms. Clinton is proposing?
3.)Per dollar on special ed kids, how good is a univerasal spend spree?

Nagesh answers:

I saw that on the news. Hillary-ious. She’s in a vote-driven dream world.

Linda asks…

Our kids commit crime because they’re bored?

I just watched this video on the BBC News website about ‘Real Life on a Dewsbury estate’. I don’t agree with the comments made by certain members of the government, but listening to the woman being interviewed in her home I simply couldn’t agree with her when she claimed that most of the problems (underage drinking, disturbing of the peace, gangs etc) could be resolved if the kids ‘had something to do’ (and that it’s down to the government to provide this).

If these people are genuinely so desperate for an outlet for their energy and only fall into underage drinking and making a nuisance of themselves then surely they’d find a way without going to the government and saying ‘hey, we need money for schemes!’

Football clubs, athletics, golf, cricket, baseball, chess (!), computer programming, cross-country running, forming a band, learning an instrument, cycling, learning a trade. You don’t NEED ‘schemes‘ to do stuff like this. If enough like-minded people want to do something with their free time then they can. There’s only one thing worse than MPs speaking before they think, and that’s people passing the buck and acting like the victims.

But that’s just my opinion. I’d like to know yours.
Non Prophet Organisation: during the interview video when that was suggested, my thoughts were exactly the same as your comment there; it’d get wrecked.
I’m on my knees:

I appreciate what you’re saying, honestly. But I don’t see how having no free or very cheap schemes / centres / clubs for kids is excuse for behaving the way these kids do. Honestly, when I was a kid I spent a lot of my time playing tennis with my mates, kicking a football around, running, playing videogames (seriously- deprived area or not, a lot of people have playstations… you can pick up a second-hand PS1 or 2 and games for about 30 quid easily), writing and- here’s the thing- studying. Most of the kids getting into trouble are at the age where they should be putting their efforts into preparing for GCSEs and A-Levels or GNVQs. Anyone can sudy for free in the UK. It’s a privilage that people seem to forget about. If these people are the ‘victims’ and genuinely want to better themselves then there are ways outside of putting their hand out and demanding the government (and the tax payer for that matter) provide some kind of magical, cure-all youth centre.

Nagesh answers:

There’s a lot of truth to kids with resources and time to kill getting into trouble. Statistics show a huge rise in crime within one hour of when school gets out. Additionally, at college it’s the kids without responsibility and with plenty of money that get out of control and do nothing but party. It’s probably not the duty of the government, but it is a systemic problem that parents ought to be working on. Parents should be encouraging (maybe forcing) their kids to be involved in activities, working, clubs, etc. Rather than just running free.

Mark asks…

Question about starting up a food service business.?

I was thinking of trying to start a soup and sandwich “cart” at a couple of the local office parks. My plan was to walk around with a basket of goodies around lunchtime at the office parks close to my home, I used to work at the one I’m think of and would probably hit my old office up first.

I was thinking of offering fresh bread and a couple of different fresh homemade soups, and a few simple ham & cheese, turkey & cheese, or roast beef & cheese sandwiches on my fresh baked bread to start out with and maybe add some more items later. I want to keep my start up costs as low as possible until I know if this is a money making idea or not. I was going to try an start it “under the radar”, but I’m also wondering what licenses I might need to do this legitimately?

I’m a stay at home mom, my husband works from home, but the kids take a nap everyday from around 11-2 so I could spend a couple hours a day making a few bucks while they sleep and Dad can continue to work while he keeps an ear out for them. We are really struggling right now so I’m just trying to think of someway to help out. I love to cook, I’m always feeding someone anyway, I make a quite a few hearty REALLY good soups with all fresh ingredients, and my bread has been called phenomenal.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

Maybe if you work at an office would you be likely to buy lunch from someone like me, I’m 36, a clean cut, typical mid western housewife?

And if anyone knows what permits and licenses I should get?

Sorry I’m not interested in ANY other make money from home schemes, just advise on this particular idea would be helpful. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First you will need a business license and sales tax number from your state and maybe city. A food handlers permit probably with a TB test at least and some food safety training. You won’t make your own food in your kitchen because you don’t have a commercial kitchen with inspections you will need to rent a kitchen.

If you have a roach couch that is a catering truck with a kitchen you could cook in that but not at home.

We had this service where I worked before and it does seem like a good idea. That lady had a handcart/dolly and two ice chest. Early in the morning she rented a tavern kitchen to make salads and sandwiches then she loaded the cold food and beverages into ice chest with ice. She sold canned pop and some bottled juice and packaged rice krispy squares and big cookies I think the tavern made and packaged. She would park and put her ice chest on the hand cart and bring it in the building. The receptionist would announce her over the loud speakers and anyone who wanted to buy would come to the lobby. She arrived about 10am but people know already if they want to buy lunch.

So her day was probably started at 5-6AM with deliveries from 8-12:30 or so, not a lunch time only thing.

I wouldn’t buy from someone I thought was making food in a home kitchen with children and pets in the house.

Helen asks…

Is tycoon cash flow a scam or legit way to make extra money online?

My wife showed me a video on YouTube of a kid talking to his mother. Real popular video with 31,000,000 views. On the corner was an add for a way to make money. Claiming that the “system” can earn you $3500 a week or some crazy number.

I went to the page to satisfy my wife who asks me “why can’t you convert your online time to income?”

so that was a link to tycoon cash flow. 
I don’t know what to think of this program. It asks you for like, $49 to start which is not a lot of money but right now that $50 seems like a lot to us (the economy in Vegas sucks worse than the rest of the country) and so i am really skeptical to pay it. 

It doesn’t seem like it’s mlm (multiple level marketing AKA pyramid scheme) and claims to be a program that anyone could in theory do for free if they had the know how.
What they “sell” you is 14 videos that explain how to place ads to drive traffic to products you do not sell but you make a comission from a second party selling the product

It does promise huge profits though. That I am very wary of. There is no get rich quick system. 

I read a review that was titles “tycoon cash flow SCAM” but then said that it makes money! Talk about confusing. The review says that it will generate Income but definitely not as fast as the creators imply.

Then I get an email from the same site (the main tycoon cash flow site) after I did not “act now!!” and purchase at first offering me a FREE course because I am their “friend” (haha!) and it is about six long pages that do seem full of info but no demands to “buy now!”

Has anyone tried this? I am a computer “nerd” and have been online since 1995 or so. Don’t need to take any wooden nickles but i do want to have an honest shot at now being cheated and making my utility bills (phone/tv/electric) go away with some extra income.

Thanks for reading. I am not affiliated with the program at all. I am not trying to get a hundred replies from ppl that want to sell me their system. I just want some opinions.

Thanks again

Steven in Las Vegas   

Nagesh answers:

Its just another of the countless scams.

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Steven asks…

If you can’t beat ’em…at least make some money. .?

My boss said that to me my first day of work in Jan.2002 .

It is very funny how Christians and catholics alike will buy anything.The company I used to work for near central P.A. makes religious paraphernalia for many religions, I learned that Christians will buy any piece of crap that says Jesus on it, or indirectly implies Jesus. We used a pyramid scheme to get kids to sell our products at home,church, and in school. My question is do you know anyone else taking advantage of this eternal business opportunity. And what ideas do you have for a “new” ground breaking Christian product.
P.S. the company is owned by an atheist. I am agnostic.

Nagesh answers:

So that’s where the baby Jesus b-u-t-t p-l-u-g came from…

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Saturday, April 14th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Chris asks…

can i really work from home through internet and earn at least for my pocket money?

i really want to work from home in the internet and and anybody can suggest a really genuine job so i can really earn as far as all the websites for online internet jobs whichever i went through were fake so please help me

Nagesh answers:

Google is great for this.

Google “webmaster forums” if you like to write. Many webmasters are looking to pay people for well-written articles on many topic.

Google “freelance programmer” if you can program (php, asp, etc). Huge demand for these people.

Google “market research” if you like testing new products and services.

Jenny asks…

how to earn big money through home business?

what should i do first if i want to earn money from internet home business? should i set up paypal account first or make debit card first? or i jus run my business and see the business will grow or not then later set up the paypal account?i really dont have any idea bout it?? can i run internet business without having cradit card or dabit card??because i don’t have enough money to make debit/cradit card…

Nagesh answers:

Check This

Lizzie asks…

any body here who work from home through internet and do data entry job and earn good money,, please help me?

i am looking for job as a data entry work from home using internet or online job,, any body here to help me and find a suitable job for me whihc i doen through internet ?

Nagesh answers:

This company was on good morning america helping people with online jobs at home.. i was thinkn about doing it but i need health insurance. Good luck

Thomas asks…

How many of you here are making money through internet?

I want to work from my home and still make money. How is that possible?
Basically I am interested in things related to internet. Is that possible to make money online?
I would love to create websites. I have a knowledge about programming. I am learning html, css and such things. What should I do if I want to earn money from my home? I don’t want to go outside.

Please help me. I need money. So give me some idea. How many of you here are making money through internet?

Nagesh answers:

Me too. Don’t listen to others.

Laura asks…

i want earn money through online net job without investing and without refering any one in internet?

in internet i want some job through online at my home or any where else without any invesment without any others to referrence.

pls give me some website to joinand earn some amount

Nagesh answers:

Pls dont try these referrers n survey kind of stuff, i am sorry to say that I have wasted a lot of time in this type of stuff, if u really want to earn online then make a website n add ad chanels in it…. Or u can search for contracts for the type of work u want to do on the internet, for example u want to do data entry or some programing u can do that too… Be sure u get some initial money on the contract that u will be undertaking as INTERNET IS FULL OF FRAUDS make urself safe ask for some advance before starting the work….
Gud luck….

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Friday, April 13th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast

Mandy asks…

Ways to make money fast for my wedding reception?

I am getting married on the 27th of this month. We are starting to get really low on cash. Does anyone know of any ways to make money fast. I am getting really worried. I still have alot to pay for. Please help
I do have 2 jobs already. We dont eat out or go to the movies. I got some really good deals on the dj and stuff for my wedding.

Nagesh answers:

You could sell stuff on ebay, but the auctions last a week and sometimes people take a long time to pay. What about a yard sale? It’s a lot of work but depending on the type of stuff you sell, you could make an extra $300 from the stuff that just collects dust. If you do this, ask neighbors if they’d like to have one too. Having a joint yard sale draws more traffic. I’m out of suggestions since i don’t know your occupation/skills. Good luck!

Linda asks…

What are some ways to make money fast?

I’m 13 so it makes it harder for me to earn cash quickly. Another thing, I need like 60-100 dollars in a matter of weeks. Nothing like babysitting, or interent surveys, or dog walking. I need something where I make money fast and easy.

Nagesh answers:

Earning money is never easy and always requires at least some knowledge.

Maria asks…

What is some ways to make money fast?

I’m 14. I need to make about $200 and kind of fast. What are some ways i can make $200 legally?

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on ebay or craiglist or in the paper or whatever. Do some work like walk peoples dogs and stuff

Michael asks…

whats some ways to make money fast?

i want to make some money fast but im 13 years old and i cant get a job. can someone tell me some ways to make money maybe on the internet or maybe something offline. i dont want to do the origanal kid jobs like lemonade stands. i dont want any scams either. i just want some money. and i dont get paid for chores.

Nagesh answers:

If you find out let me know!:–)

David asks…

Are there any ways to make money fast?

I need to raise $606.66 for a dog. Any fast and easy ways WITHOUT robbing or stealing or anything illegal?

Nagesh answers:

Getting a job

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Thursday, April 12th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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