Money Making Schemes

Make Money Quickly In 2017

Paste your content here…”How to make quick cash !” is also a typical headline advertised by a myriad of clever on-line marketers recently. Sounds nice, right? Not so fast. In ninetieth of the cases (that’s a conservative number), thus on produce quick money, you initially need to whip out your mastercard and pay the worth of admission to world wide web guru of the month creating a shot to sell you shares of his promised land. Whenever you see one issue like that, I even have one word of advice: RUN!! regardless of they’re showing you, it’s not the thanks to produce quick money. they’re showing you ways in which they produce uncountable money on-line – on you. Anyone promising to imply you ways in which to make quick profit exchange for – well, one or two of of your own quick usd, is creating a shot to want you for a ride. don’t get me wrong, there are legitimate on-line business opportunities that are worth paying money to hitch, but none of those conceive to fool you into thinking that the money will return fast. If they do, they’re presumably scammers. Then there’s the second category of “how to make quick money ” offers, that you’re going to have already got seen, that embody. “Make money doing surveys!”, “Make money reading e-mails”, and similar. These sorts of offers do not would like any investment to hitch.”How to make !” is also a typical headline advertised by a myriad of clever on-line marketers recently. Sounds nice, right? Not so fast. In ninetieth of the cases (that’s a conservative number), thus on produce , you initially need to whip out your mastercard and pay the worth of admission to world wide web guru of the month creating a shot to sell you shares of his promised land.

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Make Money Quickly Online

If you are like many people you want to know how you can make money online quickly. First off, you do not need an internet business to earn money, in fact, many people do not and earn a full income via the Internet. It is possible, but you unlike going to work from 8 to 5 everyday at the same company, you might freelance for numerous companies, but this is also exciting and you never get bored. On top of that, you are working from home and often can work whenever you wish.

One of the nice aspects to the Internet, is you can have an Internet business, but still work with people. For instance, you can begin a dog walking business, which is a booming business, and advertising your business and services online, is a way to bring in more clients. The one problem that most people have today is not having enough time in the day to do everything. Therefore, imagine what a great service to the dog’s owner to have someone reliable (like you!) walk their dog. You make money, and you make both the dog and the owner very happy!

Do you have a craft that you make that everyone is crazy about? Perhaps it is something you have given to your family members or friends and they keep telling you that you could make money selling it. Why not take them up on it, place an auction ad, which costs next to nothing and do some experimenting to see how well the product sells. If it sells well, then you can set up your own Internet business and cut out any auction fees entirely. Remember, if you have something that you can make cheaply, quickly, and it is unusual or something that is unique, you might have a seller on your hands!

One of the newest ways to make money online is via taking paid surveys. They are fast, easy, and it is quick money. Of course, you will not become a millionaire taking surveys, but it is a way to bring in some cash quickly. Research online for paid surveys and you will soon find out that there are many companies that want to pay you for simply giving your idea on their product. It’s very easy, can be interesting, and of course fun.

Do you have a specific skill or advice that people seek out regularly? This could include tax information or computer information. When you have knowledge of areas that many people find difficult, you can actually make money by providing information. You do not need an Internet business to set this up, you can begin with a small advertisement and as you
continue to get more clients, you can then set up a web presence. When it comes to making money online, the best way to do so is to think outside the box by knowing what people want or need.


Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Make Money Quickly

Most people want to get rich quick and avoid as much of the headaches as possible. Well, the truth is that unless you win the lottery it will probably not happen. If, however, you are willing to put in the time and effort then there are plenty of ways to make a lot of money quickly. If you do not believe that then you might as well walk away from this article now. There are enough doomsayers and negative people around but if you choose to be a positive can do person and stay open to what others have learned along the way then the future is bright.

As I stated, the future is bright and this is the day that you turn it around and watch the bank account build up. Let’s look at a few of the ways to make a lot of money quickly:

Provide a service for those that are in need. For example, you can write content for all those webmasters out there that need to fill up their blogs and other pages. Some of them are willing to pay a lot of money for those that are talented enough. The list goes on and on. Find a talent you have and market it right and then meet those that are looking for the service. You CAN make a lot of money doing this.

Nothing comes close to this one and it is the easiest and fastest way to make a lot of money quickly. It is trading on the FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market). The FOREX market has a little thing known as “super leverage” which allows a trader to start with very little money, say $100, and then trade it as if it is $1,000. Trading on the FOREX market is a great vehicle to make big money fast.

If you are going to trade on the FOREX market I have two words of wisdom for you:

First, make sure that you paper trade first and do not use real money until you are comfortable with your trading system.

Second, make sure that you use a good FOREX software trading program. There are some real reliable programs on the market that offer 8 week long money back guarantees. The signal s is very clear and reliable. I have provided information on some good programs below. Good trading ahead…

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Make Money Quickly From Home

In order to make money quickly with real estate you need to make sure you are following a proven system. For most people spending the few hundred dollars on a complete proven system is completely out of the question and there for they will never learn the right way to invest in real estate.

The first thing you need to realize is that in order to make money quickly you need to find great deals that you can fix and sell in a very short time frame. The biggest money maker in recent years was called “Flipping a house” which simply was buying a house at a discounted price in order to fix it up and sell it very quickly. The great thing about this method is it still works and works very well. The only thing you have to do in order to get into this business is to find a house that needs some work done to it and buy it at the right price. Then you need to figure out how much money you need to spend on the house to get it looking brand new and then figure out what you can sell it for. If you have a decent sized profit then you will want to make an offer on the house and lock it up.

The first rule I ever learned about buying real estate is to make sure you aren’t buying and selling out of emotions and that you need to keep your personal opinion and taste to yourself because putting personal feelings into real estate will often cause you to either overpay or undersell. “The money is made when you purchase the house, not when you sell it”, this is something I learned very quickly and the reason it is true is because as long as you buy the house at the right price you will make money quickly.

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Money Making Schemes

Sandy asks…

Why to get rich quick scheme don’t work?

Like when you join a business to make money some say this is not a get rich quick scheme why do they say that and a get rich quick scheme mean you make money very quick is making a lot of money always a problem. Do some get rich quick scheme work in some businesses.

Nagesh answers:

A ‘get rich quick scheme’ is a SCAM designed to get YOU to pay THEM for something they CLAIM will make you a lot of money in a short amount of time. NONE of them are legitimate ways to make money. MOST people that SAY they are not get rich schemes actually ARE. They say they are not to try to fool people that know get rich quick schemes don’t work.

Linda asks…

Anybody have any thoughts on Riddick Bowes re-entry into the Heavyweight division ?

Does Bowe have the desire to get back in real contention or is this another quick money making scheme, at 41 is Bowe capable of beating the current crop of heavys, is anybody bothered at all that he has turned back up on the radar or has his appeal disappeared. I wondered whether anyone has any thoughts currently about Bowe.

Nagesh answers:

Riddick Bowe has about as much of a chance in a come back attempt as Butter Bean. As far as a quick money making scheme who would be dumb enough to pay money to see him fight?

Lizzie asks…

Has anyone actually made any money from the internet using an idea they purchased?

I’ve had literally thousands of requests to buy ‘ideas’ and ‘schemes‘ to make quick easy money on the internet, every one of them reports to be making money by following a few simple steps and working only a few hours a day/week. Does anyone actually do this and was it harder than you thought or were promised it would be?
See my other question about “The World Internet Summit” also. Has anyone heard off/tried anything to do with this. They apparently proved it in front of visitors to the summit.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t believe in the pay to learn model. I’ve learned a lot without ever having to pay for any of those guides, ideas, or whatever you want to call them. Making money is possible and some methods are better or easier than others. However that doesn’t mean you can’t learn them without paying for all these “offers” you see.

While there is always worked involved, the level of work varies depending on what you’re doing. The harder you work, the more possibilities there is. The best advice I can give you is research.

Robert asks…

What was the way to make a quick buck in the 70’s?

Today it’s obvious that “taking photography” is being sold as a way to make lots of money with little effort. In the 90’s I remember it was buying old houses and fixing them up.

What were some of the quick schemes to make big money fast that were sold to the disillusioned public in the time that you have been alive?

Nagesh answers:

Early 70’s, handmade crafts…macrame, jewelry, candles. Some quick bucks were being made by spiritualists. Later flea marketing was the big draw.

Sharon asks…

Has any one ever bought a “Make money on-line scheme” and actually succeeded at it?

I get a lot of junkmail like “Make money quick on line” or “Make money with google” etc… I like the idea of making money quick and having multiple streams of income, but I am skeptical about all of these so called get rich schemes

Nagesh answers:

If you had a secret on how to make money, would you tell someone how it’s done? If something is too good to be true, it usually is.

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Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Money Making Schemes

James asks…

Get-Money-Quick Schemes…♥?

Hey! My name is Shelby. I REALLLLY want the Droid (the phone by Verizon) But I don’t exactly have the money. Since I’m twelve, it’s pretty hard to make money or get a job. I can babysit though. So I need help on two things.

1) How do I tell my parents I wanna babysit. Will they think of it as a jokke?

2) Are there any other jobs I can do to get money.
(rememberr, it’s summer so shoveling snow or raking leaves are out of the question!)

HATERS, please find another question to hate on, thankyah.
Also, don’t say “Ask for an allowance” and no “Get money ONLINE” stuff.

BQ–What do YOU do to get moneyyyyy;D

Nagesh answers:

Maybe help out around the house for your parents like hoovering, washing dishes, dusting. Tell them you want money. Then theres the cool stuff like selling tickets to you singing in the living room, juggling for their entertainment, cutting up their food and switching the TV channel for them.

Mary asks…

What is an effective get money quick scheme?

Hi Yahoo community, I ama 17 yr old bloke living in Australia, i work a casual supermarket job and just don’t make enough money, I can’t get more hours as it interferes with my university times. There’s a whole assortment of thing i would like to do, such as getting tattoo’s, buy a car, go on a road trip, and basically have more booze money. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!

Nagesh answers:

Any “get money quick schemes” are either scams, illegal or immoral. None of the things you listed are worth the risk.

William asks…

Planning on importing cell phones from China, woundering if its illegal?

Hi, im planning on importing a lot of Nokia n95 from China. I will then unlock and sell them on e bay. I was just wondering if this was illegal before i plan to invest llot of money on this quick money making scheme. And if it is illegal, which part, the importing of a telecommunications device or the act of unlocking it.

Nagesh answers:

In my opinion buying a cell phone from another country is fine as long as it can be activated by American cell phone companies. I heard of a number of countries make good cell phones. 🙂

The part that I question is, like you said, whether or not you are able then to unlock them and sell them. I think one factor is who you are buying these Nokias from if it’s from a direct store or off a street corner. I would check the eBay website and/or research this more before you go further.

I hope this helped a little…Good luck!

Mandy asks…

Does anyone know any get rich quick schemes?

Im really poor and need to raise some money quick! Anyone got any legit ideas on how to make money quick? Pref not selling personal items.

Nagesh answers:

Odd jobs.. Knock on peoples doors and ask……………

George asks…

Get-rich-quick schemes?

anyone have a good moneymaking scheme? i seriously need cash, and i’m COMPLETELY out of ideas…. and $!! =(

thanks, really appreciate input and advise!!

Nagesh answers:

There you go :

Maybe not quick, but rich !

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Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Money Making Schemes

Mark asks…

If anyone needs clothes please look here, also any money making ideas?

Me & My Boyfriend are moving out veryy soon and i cant take everything of mine with me!
if your after any bits and bobs at all! please take a look at my link? 🙂
if anyone is intrested be quick and give me a email

Anyone know any other quick money making schemes? please be resonable.

Nagesh answers:


Linda asks…

I need a quick way to make some money?

anyone got any ideas for a quick money making scheme for one day?

Nagesh answers:

Best way to trade fastly with Trading :

Everyday Return:

More information:

Check about above group, people are earning

James asks…

I need some money making ideas. I have to reach a $200 goal. Any Ideas will help. No get rich quick schemes.?

Nagesh answers:

Organize a softball tournament. Charge each team $50 entry fee. Buy a $20 trophy. You have to umpire.

Paint the front of your neighbor’s house if she buys paint and brushes. $250 cash.

Every house in town is missing shingles. You get $50 to “patch” a small section of roof. One hammer and a few nails. Takes 1 hour.

Helen asks…

is project payday, the internet money making scheme for real or a scam?

i need to make some money quick and need to find an internet money solution

Nagesh answers:

Cmon, what do you honestly think

Sandra asks…

is there a make money quick scheme on the net that actually works????

Nagesh answers:

I SERIOUSLY doubt it!

Otherwise, we would all be sitting on PILES OF MONEY as we contemplate this, and other questions….

Sounds too good to be true?
It probably IS…

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Monday, March 30th, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Money Making Schemes

Susan asks…

Quick money making schemes?

I really want a new tennis racket, I have a phone I may be able to sell in “cex” for £15-20.00 but I need some help making the other £7.00 or so. I am too young to get a job so that is not optional. Please help… nothing too wacky please 😀 Cheers

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, mow some lawns

Ken asks…

Good money making schemes quick !!!!!!!!!!!?

Turned up at work today after putting my car in for a service this morning.

Guy phoned and told me bill would be £350. How can I make some quick cash to make me feel better. Any tips, or schemes you can suggest

Nagesh answers:

Ladies tee shirts …with slogans on front ….in braile

Helen asks…

When was the last time you hatched up a quick money-making scheme?

Nagesh answers:

If selling propane and propane accessories is a get rich quick scheme then 20 years ago and if not…never

James asks…

quick making money scheme?

how to make 5000$ in two days?

Nagesh answers:

Here you go…..Create an application for I-Phones,etc…a video game, similar to a little dud jumping steps.

Chris asks…

does anybody know of any genuine money making ideas on the net?

there is so many get rich quick and money making schemes and scams. Does anybody know of a genuine one?

Nagesh answers:

Ebay, buy things cheap and sell them on for a profit, I’m doing it now and its slow going but its better to start off slow than be conned by some get rich quick scheme, none of those work

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Sunday, March 29th, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Chris asks…

Can a liberal please explain to me who is going to pay for the free healthcare plan?

How can the US afford this? What if we do just tax the rich – that WILL NOT be enough money. Seriously, who is going to pay? How much are you willing to pay (%) each week?

Nagesh answers:

The cost is really a secondary issue.

The average liberal will tell you that if everybody pays, then the cost will go down. Of course that ignores the enormous cost of governmental administration of what will amount to a nationalized insurance scheme. If you like your HMO telling you what treatment you can get, then you’ll love socialized medicine. England is experiencing a shortage of doctors now, because the government has interfered in the market so much that it’s getting hard to make a decent living at practicing medicine.

A nationalized health scheme would stand to replace the insurance bureaucrat who is deciding what treatment is “medically necessary” with an unaccountable government flack who will be making his decisions based on what he thinks your life is worth. At least the insurance company has the courts to fear.

A good example of what rationed health care will look like was provided to me recently by a good friend who lives in New Zealand. He has a debilitating chronic disease that causes him intense pain in his back all the time and requires very powerful narcotic pain killers. He had an attack last Friday, and because it was a weekend, the local hospital refused to send the pain team out. He had to struggle to the hospital himself and was refused treatment until Monday. As he was leaving the hospital, he collapsed in the parking lot and all they did was help him back into his car so that his wife could get him home. They wouldn’t even prescribe any meds for him.

I’ll struggle along with the current system here in the US, thank you.

William asks…

Can any one explain the difference between PAYE and and going through A pay company?

Just got an office job contracting through an agency, the have put me in contact with a pay company who are offering PAYE or some other form of payment where i would be claiming lots of expences to make my money up! i will recieve more by the secound way but not sure if it benifits in the long run! can any one fill me in with some details on how it works or what is the best way to go!

Nagesh answers:

How it works is that the company that administers the scheme will ask you to fill in a weekly or monthly expenses sheet. They then work out what your net pay would be if they operated normal paye and use that net pay figure to work backwards adding on the tax free expenses and grossing back up to arrive at a much reduced gross pay figure for national insurance purposes.

Your actual take home pay will usually be unaltered, however the gross pay is much less and therefore the company pays less employers national insurance to the government.

Its a very iffy poisition as the expenses are open to disallowance unless they already have some form of agreed dispensation with the tax office.

In short its a national insurance fiddle (they benefit not you), at present its just about within the legislation but its certaninly sailing close to the wind especially for office workers. Its more commonly seen within the construction industry where a worker uses his own vehicle to travel to various work sites – the biggest provider of the service was a firm called Gabem who got absolutely clobbered off the tax man a couple of years ago.

Just bear in mind that if you approach a lender for borrowing they’ll not take into account the expenses and you’ll have a much lower gross income for borrowing purposes.

Steven asks…

What are the best Arab matchmaking sites?

I would like to know from people’s personal experiences, what are the best matchmaking sites for dating and making friendships with other Arab and Middle Eastern men and woman? What sites have you found to be helpful, fun and worth your time?

Nagesh answers:

The best Free Arab dating sites:’

Not free, pay monthly charge:

One point you need to keep in mind is that the three paying Arab dating sites are total money milking schemes. They offer extremely limited service or worst yet, offer you nothing, unless you shell out a premium…who the heck is gonna pay $30 and $39 a month to “maybe” (emphasis on the maybe) find a soul mate– not to mention, using services that are essentially free all over the web (messaging, profile viewing, flirting applications etc)!!!! from what I’ve experienced, is the biggest offender, as they completely cripple your ability to do anything or send any messages unless you shell out a monthly $34.95 charge.

To add to that, again from my experience, the website’s administrators arbitrarily delete and “remove” sections of your profile for no particular reason (and I’m not talking about offensive things, just basic “culturally friendly” profile blurbs) that is–if you’re not a “Platinum” member.

Every time I changed something on my profile they would cut off more and by the end of it I had approximately two lines left of my profile–leaving it disjointed and grammatically incorrect.

Also if you don’t want to throw your money away on these paying sites, good luck with contacting anyone you find attractive on the site. With Arabmatchmaking, all you can do is send endless “winks” (free) but have no info to contact each other (not allowed to put emails or contact info in you profile) and no way to send a message. How the #bleep*# is that supposed to be a matchmaking opportunity?

They also try the typical money making trap of having some
“ok” looking girls and guys, constantly popping up using that same old tired lines “you look pretty cool, wanna chat?” and of course when you click on the pop up it brings you right to a credit card page, that you must pay, otherwise no messaging. It’s a waste of time where you must enter your personal credit card info. Hopefully one day they will change their business model to reflect the current times.

Think–Facebook, imagine if you had to pay a monthly fee to make friends online with Facebook, Myspace or any other social networking site??!

Stick to the free Arab dating and friendship sites and you’ll have a lot of fun making friends and getting to know interesting people around the world. Arabs guys and gals rock!!!

Carol asks…

What are the disadvantages to fruit & veg box delivery schemes?

I was considering it as I live a few miles from the shops and don’t have a car, and I like the thought of my food coming from this side of Kenya. But I never done it before and wonder is it economical and hassle free or do you find yourself with the pieces of fruit or veg you wouldn’t pick up in a supermarket?

Nagesh answers:

The only disadvantage I found was that I ended up with too much food – but this was a one-size-fits all box – and I’ve recently found a new one that allows you to choose your size.

I found that getting the box was like christmas every week: What new and exciting thing is going to show up in there? Fennel? Swiss chard? The most delicious lettuce I’ve ever eaten in my life?! It forces you to try veggies you have probably passed by a million times because you didn’t know what to do with it: I learned to roast the fennel, make a fabulous leek soup, and a yummy squash ravioli. You can always give away the stuff you know you don’t like (cilantro – ugh) or request that they don’t put it in your box (they will replace it with something else.)

Plus, if you go organic, you will quickly notice a huge difference in the quality of the food. Oh yes. It’s also good for your local economy – help small farmers and keep the money in the community. It’s absolutely a win-win situation.

Ruth asks…

Where can I find good health products that work well and also can help me start a home based business?

Hello, I am an independent marketing executive that distributes Freelife products. They were originally suggested by my martial arts instructor and have done wonders for my body and mind. 69% of Freelife’s marketing executives are exclusively customers, the products speak for themselves. So please feel free to check out my website and you can order directly. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Bravo and hurray for Network Marketing. For those reading the question and my answer, I know, I know — you think it’s a pyramid scheme. Yeah, and the world was flat to so many before Columbus. Even I shouted “pyramid scheme” before I admitted I didn’t really know ANYTHING about network marketing. Fact: Pyramid schemes are against the law and do NOT involve products or services… Only a criminal exchange (read LOSS) of money. (My company… Isagenix, is going on 7 years in business and has cumed $1B and has created 25 millionaires — one is mentoring ME.) Fact: Network Marketing is the only truly democratic business model… As opposed to every corporation in America where the only ones who get rich are the top execs and the fattest shareholders. Everyone else is a working drone like I was, trading time for money. I was skeptical myself when my wife started it a couple years ago. She was out-earning me within a year, is making 6+ figures and NOW she’s retired me. God’s honest truth! Network marketing is fantastic. That’s why it’s endorsed by D. Trump and R. Kiyosaki. LOOK, you don’t have to join ours — PLEASE just get the real answers before you decide. And be sure to carefully read the COMPENSATION PLAN. With all due respect, Freelife’s CP only allows 10 levels deep. Isagenix goes INFINITELY DEEP. This allows total freedom to earn as fast or slow as desired with NO upper limit. Check out this website then contact me if you want more information.

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Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Free

Betty asks…

What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank?

Dear sir

It has come to my attention that you and not the government of Canada print money and loan it to the Canadian government . This deception has lead to the average Canadian wrongly believing they as a nation are in debt when in truth the Canadian people have been robbed and held hostage to pay interest on the theft

It has come to my attention that you are not an elected official and that by wrongly lending money to the government of Canada and holding hostage the peoples that you have become the owner of the government and by controlling the circulation of money with no oversight or democratic representation

This is clearly in my opinion a charge of treason and interference with many elected governments Provincially and federally I believe there is ample evidence of a bloodless coup

I therefore ask that you surrender yourself to the nearest RCMP detachment and make a full confession available in order to avoid further costs for a trial

Because you are not the government of Canada the money you have printed is counterfeit and not the currency of this land Because you have used these counter fit notes to purchase to the government you should immediately confess to treason interference counterfeiting and holding hostage the peoples of Canada in a racketeering scheme of absolute evil with the purposeful design in mind of enslaving the peoples of this Dominion

What would be the likely response if any should I choose to write to the Central bank


A free beating

A restraining order

A job offer

A confused secretary who tosses it in the rubbish bin right away ?

— Something completely different ?

Nagesh answers:

I think you’ll hear the sounds of crickets in the night. Nothing. I think it will get passed up the chain until it reaches the first person who knows what your Central Bank actually is, and then you’ll be put on a watch list. I hear there are over 1 million American citizens on the no-fly list (I’m more than likely one of them). I have no info on Canada, but I can look it up.
So Trout, you get the deal with your currency, but you buy right into Climate Change? Why? Don’t you realize that they are both being done by the same bunch of Progressive hucksters?

Laura asks…

How can I honorably become a multimillionaire in ten years?

I’m just a 20 year old middleclass person wondering where i should invest most of my energy for the next ten years. and yes money is everything. are there any multimilllionaire who spend time on yahoo answers!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Drastically reduce your spending, cut down on you standard of living. Stop taking vacations. Instead INVEST all your free money in diversified stocks.
Say you make 60,000(do-able after college with good major, accounting, or computer engineering and 2 years of experience — starting age 25). You can easily survive on 20,000 though.This gives you 40,000 a year to invest. Assume 7% return rate.
After a quick calculation in 10 years you will have: $552657. Not exactly a multimillionaire but getting there.
So to REALLY become a multimillionaire in 10 years you will have to take risks that pay more then average. Then again if you take those risks you can loose a lot too!

P.S. If you stick with the scheme i described for 24 years you will hit $2137445! If you are 25 now multimillionaire by age 50 is not TOO bad.

Ruth asks…

What can I do to be rich? Can I go abroad to make first Capital?

What can I do to be rich?
Can I go abroad to make first Capital? Where? How?
Please give me Your Kind advices

Nagesh answers:

I have a site that I work off of and its totally free, just put your time in it, answer questions and the money is unlimited. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. You can make a ton of money if you put your time in and are motivated. You sound like the kind of person that could really make a lot of money with this. Its been out less than a year, registered with the Better Business Bureau. I will send you the web page and you can watch the video and determine if its for you or not. You want to ask me questions about the program, that’s what I’m here for. Good luck

Susan asks…

Why does Government waste billions on solar and other green iniatives when consumers won’t buy them?

Liberal tree huggers just don’t make sense. I can meet someone in the middle on pollution and keeping the earth clean, but fruit cakes on the left are dreamers.
Will Obama and the left eventually ‘force’ us to buy them by manipulating prices (s/a high gasoline prices to punish us for oil dependence) ?

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately it’s a money laundering scheme. Alternative energy companies hire a bundler who collects donations to reelect Obama and other dems, the use the money to get access. Once they have access they lobby for special treatment and in some cases low interest loan like Solyndra. And that’s it the laundering is done and it’s a great return on investment. The green companies might give Obama a couple hundred thousand – the. Obamas energy department flush with “stimulus” funds writes a check for 500,000,000 or half a billion. The green company doesn’t sell any product or very little instead uses it pay employees and management big bonuses.?

I just wanted to address some of the other answers. While its true solar and wind do produce energy it’s too expensive to be produced in a free market. Do you recall T boon Pickens a tx billionaire thought he would make invest heavily in wind energy, while he did and he lost his shirt. It’s not practical. Given the current abundance and low cost of nuclear, natural gas, coal, and oil for the next 20-100 years there is no free market demand for alternative energy. The only way to produce alt energy is through fascism (government private collusion or crony capitalism). The government argues that we need to keep up with other fascist governments like china or they will have a break through and corner the market! Really china is going to corner the market on wind and the sun? Explain that to me?

Solar and wind energy production would not exist on this planet without government incentives (fascism) for the purpose of money laundering and getting reelected that is the goal and it’s been effective at that.

Maria asks…

Are there any good work from home jobs?

I am a stay at home mother and am looking for extra income to help with bills. I have four kids so getting a job and putting them in day care would not be helpful. Are there any good work from home jobs that are not scams? Please only reply if you have experience or know someone that has experience from working from home. I am sick of looking at websites that promise money but are just a scam.

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

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Friday, January 2nd, 2015 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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