Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mary asks…

Can you make good money with an online business that’s completely supported by ads?

My idea is to make a myspace type of a website and all the revenue will be from ads. Can you make good money doing that?

Nagesh answers:

You could buy and pick up things on Craigslist for free and sell them but you have to have a vehicle and most things people give away on Craigslist that are worth money are objects that are difficult to move and you would need movers.

You could also make money online with advertisements. Companies will pay you every time someone clicks your links. It would take some time and effort but if you can find chatrooms and know a bunch of people, you can have them click the links and put money in your pocket.

Google Adsense does that but you have to have a website and have to have an application approved.

I found a business that sets you up with a blog and advertisers to work with. Instead of getting paid for clicks only you can get paid for leads as well. Leads are when someone clicks an advertisement and leaves their information. Its called a lead because its a lead on a potential sale.

Companies pay money for this information, and the company isn’t even guaranteed to make a sale.

You pay for your blog and consultation on how to advertise and you make money for clicks and leads.

Watch out for links that seem to be a pyramid scheme. You don’t need to get others to sign up for it either. The people consulting you will work with you.

You are making a site like myspace so I hope you know you will need money to get it done.
P.S: You can also set up a myspace whoring page (Getting tons of friends) and posting links to the blog that you can buy there. I’ve known a few people who simply ASK for money and due to the ammount of friends they have (And dont even know) they made money.

Nexgen, Personal Experience, Being in Telemarketing for 3 years.

Joseph asks…

How can I make money online if I live outside of the US?

I live in Israel, and am really interested in making some extra cash online. I know a lot of teenagers use surveys etc., but none of these offers are available outside of the US. Does anyone know how a teenager can make some cash — AVAILABLE INTERNATIONALLY–? Thanks everyone!

** Please nothing like, just go babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Basically, all these “make money online” schemes are ripoffs.

Forewarned is forearmed.


Mark asks…

What does Keynesian Economics say the government should spent money on during and to get out of a recession or?

What does Keynesian Economics say the government should spent money on during and to get out of a recession or depression to create Jobs in the private sector in other words what does keynesian economics say the government should do to put money in the hands of the Consumers or to get Businesseses to hire again ?

Nagesh answers:

Keynesian economists claim that government injecting money (where they see fit) into the economy will spur growth and curb unemployment. It may look good on paper, but it rarely, if ever, works. And if it does, it has only a marginal effect on the economy.

Government central economic planning brings up many ethical worries, besides its inefficiency. Primarily that the government will throw money at special interest groups that have supported them in the past, or to certain sectors of the economy for political points (i.e. Whether to reward say, union workers, or to persuade certain industries in supporting their brand of government, most often it is the democrats that use Keynesian spending schemes).

The best way to get an economy rolling is to get government out of the way of business, and allow people and businesses alike to keep more of the money they earn. Thus, they are more likely to spend or invest money where they want to. And when this is done on a massive scale millions of times at the “ground level”, it is infinitely more efficient than a handful of “experts” looking at things from a distant top-down perspective; trying to guess and gauge where best to invest and spend money.

Personally, I trust millions of self motivated individuals to know where best to spend or invest their limited funds rather than a smug band of elitists with a seemingly unlimited cash flow, where if they make a mistake, they can get scrounge up more money. But if the individual screws up, they may lose their house or something else, therefore they make more cautious and sound decisions.

@Ryan: If Keynesian economics got us out of the Great Depression, why were we still in it, along with double digit unemployment, from 1929 until the early 1940’s? Keynesian policies were in effect throughout the entire 1930’s under FDR’s failed New Deal policies. Almost his entire presidency had double digit unemployment in the high teens, and in some cases in the low twenties. You call that a success? Something that got us out of the depression? Seriously?

It was largely in part due to the war and our selling tons of raw materials, weapons and other supplies to the allied coalition that pulled us out of the depression. Without the war, FDR would have gone down in history as the worst president ever with the worst policies guided by a ineffective system (i.e. Keynesian economics).

Inconvenient truth about FDR’s New Deal and the Great Depression:

Why Keynesian economics is a failure:

Thomas asks…

How can I make legitimate money online?

I don’t want to deal with surveys, affiliate marketing, MLM, HYIP, or anything too complicated or time consuming. I’m just looking at making about $1000/month using the net somehow without spending too much time on whatever it is that will get me the money. Any good ideas out there?

Nagesh answers:

You have to provide a service or a product that will attract that kind of income. You have excluded all the get rich quick schemes above yet you seek $1000 per month. You need to create your own online business. I suggest it be real since you wish to avoid the scams. So in short the best business you could create is the one you seek that fits your interests. If you would like some real ideas and examples, I can show you. Only, on the basis that you understand that it takes time to build. And, yes they are great ideas because they are your ideas.


Ken asks…

What is the overall best/safe/easiest way to make money on the internet?

What is a new and easy best way to make money from surfing the net and using the internet in general?

Nagesh answers:

Agloco and WHY it is hot

Agloco is a company started by founding members of AllAdvantage, which went under in the dotcom bust of 2000. Before the tech market collapsed, they paid out over one hundred million dollars to people like you who just surfed the internet with their toolbar software. Now some of the core members have come back together along with some formidable new talent in order to launch Agloco.

Here’s why I think this is a good idea for you to get in on as soon as possible:

Almost every major website pays for traffic. Google, for instance, pays AOL up to ten cents per search done on google by an AOL user. Agloco will get you your share of things like that.

By surfing for just five hours a month with the toolbar, you’ll earn money and shares in Agloco. If it takes off, you’ll really wish you had gotten in NOW. You refer friends, and you get a cut of their share too.

It’s not a pyramid scheme although it does involve tiers, probably to promote viral marketing. You pay nothing, the software will be scrutinized for spyware by every tech geek with a blog who downloads it, and the potential for winning big is just too important to miss.

Don’t just sit there wondering if it’s for real or not. Heck, I’m not even a marketer for them so I’m probably not even telling you the important stuff. Go look on their site and decide for yourself.
AGLOCO makes money for its Members in many ways:

Search: Every time you use the Viewbar™ to do an Internet search, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example, Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is directed to its search engine.)

Advertising: The Viewbar™ itself displays ads that are targeted based upon the websites you’re visiting. When you click on an ad and make a purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar™, and the Viewbar™ can detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)

Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5% commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can negotiate for our Members.)

Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe’s Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest software, they get paid for it.

Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their services)

Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month.
Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar™ that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded).
Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network and people who help build it should be rewarded. – We also feel that the early users who told friends about YouTube or MySpace or even Google probably deserved something too, but no referral system was available to record their work).
Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.

Just sign on here—

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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