Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How to make money fast for teens?

I’m looking for ways to earned money fast by this week and next and no later than October 20. Since i want to get one of my guy friends a present since his birthday is in October 20 so far i only got $10. I babysit my brothers but i don’t get paid. And i can’t babysit other kids since I’m not allowed to. I help my brother and dad recycle and hope of getting paid but i don’t since that’s their thing they’ve been doing for 2 years. I want other ways of getting money fast and i don’t depend on internet on trying to sell my stuff since i don’t trust those type of internet sites. I want mature but helpful answers. Please and Thank You 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hahahha I clean the house like crazy.. Then I mention to my parents I’m out of money lol.

Lisa asks…

How do I make alot of money fast?

How do I make allot of money fast?
Ok well I need alot of money for my rent this month, I am having a tough time with the bills and If I cannot pay at least that much this month I will be evicted and I will have to give up my kids to foster care because I cannot take care of them! I love them very much so I will do anything to be with them I need to know how to make some money fast to help my family out. I will literally do anything to get it.

Nagesh answers:

What do you look like? How’s your body? Maybe if both are up to par you can hit up a couple ametuer nights at local gentlemens’ clubs. If you like it which most girls do, the money is fantastic, and as long as you stay away from the drugs and the pimps, and keep your priorities straight, you could pay your way through medical or law school and be in a 500,000 doller house in 12 years.

Thomas asks…

I need to get money to pay off a $1100 bad check or risk arrest. How can I get the money fast?

I am a single mom with 3 kids in daycare. I was behind substantially in paying my daycare last May. The daycare director said I needed to do something or they wouldn’t let the kids continue to attend. Their dad had fallen on hard times and wasn’t paying child support. I didn’t have the money and I had to work. I was already getting state assistance, it was just that my share of daycare for 3 kids really piled up quickly. She requested that I write a large post dated check in hopes that I could cover it with my tax incentive check I was to be getting. Long story short, that bank account got frozen due to credit problems from my ex-husband during our marriage. I was also in a car accident judged my fault right around that same time. The money just disappeared. Without contacting me the daycare tried to cash the check. It bounced and now has been turned over to the prosecuting attorney’s office, who has given me 10 days to pay the $1100 or risk arrest. I have no way to come up with the money or I would have taken care of it already. I have awful credit and just can’t get ahead. Any ideas on where to get that kind of money fast? (I have no friends or family to borrow it from, by the way.)

Nagesh answers:

Ken asks…

how do you make money if your a kid?

ok my little cousin Rebbecca is like do you have money to everyone and need money fast. (trying to save up for a itouch) she looks everywere and aske people but they say no. who can she get money like in two seconds? (sarcastically) 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Its super hard to do that. You would need allowance to get money.

James asks…

How do you get FAST MONEY?????????

I need fast money for a new computer like a mac… im just a kid so theres not much i can do to get money… however i need fast money.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry, you will probably have to work for it. There is no such thing as fast easy money available for kids.

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Sunday, February 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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