Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Steven asks…

Do you think America will collapse soon?

I have been studying this topic lately and I’m afraid to say but I believe America’s time as the strongest world power is over. We (as Americans) are headed into the abyss.

I’ll start by pointing out a commercial that has recently aired about Americans math skills being placed at the 37th rank in countries. I find this appalling because America is/was one of the most prosperous countries in the world until recently. Math is not as important as it should be, and graduating high school requires no more than Algebra 2 basically. I would like to say that my generation is at fault by consisting of mostly morons who do not care about education, and think that because we live in America (The greatest country on earth in some opinions) that no work has to be done to maintain that title. My generation seems to think that getting rich quick by becoming a musician or an actor is the best way to make a living, without realizing that not everyone can do this, nor will everyone be able to. Disney shows that air now are mostly about people who form bands or become internet sensations by posting videos on Youtube and the like.

I live in a small town but even so we had foreign exchange students come to our school in the years i attended. Most of these students were very intelligent, and spoke more than one language. Important languages as far as job opportunities go. Languages that would improve their abilities to communicate with large foreign companies, i.e. German, English, Mandarin.
However in America learning a second language is believed to not be needed. In my high school the only two languages that were taught were Spanish and French. Spanish may be useful in communicating with Immigrants (Alot of which come to the area I live in) but Spanish speaking countries are not known specifically for their top tier businesses. And in my opinion, French is almost useless. It is not spoken by many people who live around here, and the two main countries who use it are Canada and France. Canada also uses English, so it may not be necessary to speak there.

Less emphasis is placed is on education these days and even in the school I went to, most of the schools funding went to sports teams. I know America has some of the highest ranking Colleges in the world but not everyone attends these, and until recently, a college degree was not thought to be needed to be successful. Even having a college degree though does not guarantee a decent job (shown by the idiots who were the “99%”). These were students who thought it unfair that they had went to school for History and English degrees and could not find well paying jobs. I mean how stupid is that. Its not that i don’t think those degrees aren’t somewhat important, but if money is the reason they went to college, shouldn’t a more lucrative field have been chosen? Rather than hoping they could learn what they thought interesting and become millionaires? I’m not trying to say that sports aren’t entertaining, or useful in building character, leadership, and social skills like working together, but I’m sure that if as much emphasis was placed on education as it was on sports that we wouldn’t have as many stupid people in America.

I would like to ask if anyone knows why my generation is as stupid as it is.

I would like to be wealthy myself one day, but I plan to attend college to study for Electrical Engineering, and on the side I am learning German by myself, with hopes of it helping me acquire a job with a company like IBM, BMW, Mercedes-Benz ect. And even then I know that a degree and knowing a second language does not guarantee an excellent paying job, and that I will have to work my way up the totem pole so to speak by learning on the job skills.

Where did these problems start? I’ve heard people say we need education reform in America but that teachers unions get in the way, because faulty teachers have guaranteed jobs regardless of how well their students learn. And standardized test make teachers teach what is on the test, instead of other useful career building information.

These are just a few of the reasons why I think America will collapse soon. Not enough people understand how our economy works or how the world economy works. People look to our President and country leaders to solve all of the problems instead of trying to help in ways they can.

Maybe this is more rant that question but I honestly believe America’s time at the top has ended.
Does anyone else have more insight as to why our country will fail? Or why it will not if that be the case.

Forgive the long question and disregard and spelling/grammatical errors.
@ Ann I’d like to believe that too but one thing my Pastor often mentions is in the Book of Revelations America is not mentioned lol. That may not mean that America wont be around but there is no promise that it will be,

Nagesh answers:

Yes I think America will collaspe also. Many of us aren’t very smart. But the issue that is killing us is lazyness. This causes obesity and people are just too lazy to try in school or learn new things. Look at us we’re in trillions of dept. And too many people are looking for easy money because they’re lazy.
So yes I do believe America will collaspe soon because of our lazyness.

Carol asks…

Please read and answer.. 10 points given as soon as a good answer is posted!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Perhaps Asking the Salvation Army or the Red Cross on How you can assist them In raising Money, They need Volunteers doing just that sort of Thing.

If You become a red Cross Volunteer and have that Insignia showing you work or Volunteer for them That helps Entice those who are Rich to give, Try That

Ruth asks…

You people dont have a heart.. if you want to help someone read and answer please!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!
I cant “send a text” we dont have that system here..

Nagesh answers:

Man shut up, just send a text and donate 10 bucks.

Ken asks…

How do i look?????????????????????????????????

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Get a job or ask the principal to hold a charity free dress day (if u have uniform) or something where you have to pay admission

William asks…

Your oppinions needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Ive tried posting this in relevant categories but no one pays attention uless its about a “boy who likes me or not” or “what to ask jesus if you saw him” Please give me some help and support!
Im attending a small Sixth Form College in Birmingham, England, with a student population of around 150 students. It is a very well off school and many of the students have extremely rich families. I want to raise money to send to a charity involved in helping ther situation in haiti as i have lost many friends in the natural disaster along with many friends who have lost family and possesions. I need some quick way of making a lot of money. Suggestions i have come up with so far (please give me your input on these) are; holding an auction getting some of the rich parents and local businesses to donate good items to go into an auction, have a dinner with a respected wellknown person/people attending and giving a speach selling the tickets for a fair price, some sport event although i dont know what – im a competetive swimmer but im not too well connected so i couldnt raise alot of money by myself, a competition within the school, a comedy event or a music event – im sure through contacts i can arrange an event with a comedian or well known musician to do a gig for free which would raise alot of money. How could i get people involved/interested.. eg. publicity. I need quick responses as the hatian people need our help now. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

As you said your at a school with lots of rich people, which gives you a good start there. The auction sounds like a great idea and would need a few people to get it started, you could use your college to host it.. You could contact your local newspaper explaining to them what you want to do and why, which could get you big donations, get college to put it into a newsletter too, create a website… All your ideas sound fabulous it’s just what will be best for your area.. It’s such a worthy cause you should be proud to be doing something, especially so close to your heart.

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Thursday, February 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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