Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Mary asks…

what is the fastest way for a 12 year old to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Why would a 12 year old kid need money?

Mark asks…

Why do people in office/customer service jobs look down on construction workers?

I get paid 30 an hour to go out on site. I get paid vacation every year. I make enough money during the spring, summer and fall to do nothing except sit around and lift weights during the winter when work slows down. And I get unemployment benefits when I’m out of work. Asides from that, the work is really steady, you don’t have to put up with the BS folks in retail/fast food/office jobs generally have to put up with, you generally make a lot more than ‘white collar’ types tend to make. My neighbor is the head manager at Target, and she only makes 12 dollars an hour with no health benefits, but she still turns her nose up at me because I work in construction, despite the fact that people like me make it possible for people like her to eat by maintaining the roads that move food into the cities. And it’s not just her. Everywhere you go, people like to think that the blue collar folks who make our society possible are less than them in some way, despite the fact that we contribute way more to society than they do. It’s like ‘I read TPS reports all day and I get paid minimum wage. Oh, you’re driving pile at the Sandy River bridge project to replace that old bridge that’s about to fall down and kill a bunch of people? *Cue smug chuckle*.

Nagesh answers:

Not all do, dear.
You need some new friends.

My husband has been a union ironworker for 33 years and I’ve always worked in offices.

I could never do what he does and he could never do what I do.

So TELL your friend just what you do for a living.

My husband can hook a 40 ton steel beam onto a 90 ton crane so that the crane can lift it 60 stories in the air without falling or swinging around and killing people.
He can signal that crane to put it within inches of where it needs to be.
He can guide that beam into its exact spot and bolt it on while standing on a 4-inch wide beam 60 stories in the air, while using both hands to bolt the beam.

Ask your friend if she can do that.

By the way, my husband has no clue what a Word Document is.

Thomas asks…

i have a friend who acts better than me because she makes more money?

she complains all the time that she doesnt have enough money to buy her now 1 year old daughter formula. so i told her all abiout the resources i have found that help families. its called capa and you can recieve 12 free diapers a month and every 3 months you are allowed to go in and get 1 big bag of baby clothes for free. she never goes and she only buys her baby girl Brand new clothes. she then complains to me how she only got to buy 10 outfits at $50. i get the same brand of clothes for FREE through capa and i get enough clothes to last three months at a time. she wont go and then she still complains she cant afford formula. anyways i asked her about her promotion at work … i asked her how being a general manager was and she was all pissy about it and said ttttuuuuhhh I AM an AREA manager not a general manager. I also asked her if she would like to go to a concert with me and our other friend and my sister for my birthday. she said no because she couldnt afford it and that because it wasnt on a weekend. so i even offered to buy her ticket. she still said no. then i was hanging out with her so our daughters could have a playdate cuz they were born 4 months apart and they really like each other. anyways she made a comment about how i was playing with a toy that she thought was expensive. what she doesnt realize is i know the price of that particular toy at walmart and its only $20. I too have the same toy but i found it at a thrift store gently used and in top condition for Only $4. its not that i am cheap its that i know how to find a good deal on the same exact things she has. i also buy some things new but not all the time. babies grow too fast to spend money on brand new clothes right now. plus the fact that i really have not had to spend much on clothes thanks to capa and my family and other friends have given me their gently used in great shape clothes that look brand new. plus they buy me brand new clothes as well. ever since she got this promotion she has acted differently. she also treats her husband like crap and says horrible things to him and about him in front of all their friends and family. saying stuff like why couldnt i have married a doctor. also as a gift i had given her a can of formula. which i ended up regretting having given it to her cuz i ended up needing it. but i was able to find a way to get more for my daughter. what is your opinion about her and do you think i should remain friends with her?

Nagesh answers:

I would ignore the complaints. I know lots of people who make more money then me and still have no money. For some reason i always have money. Some people don’t know how to live below their means.

I make okay money. I cut lots of corners where i can and thats why i have never had any financial problems.

I wasn’t one of those mothers that went all crazy buying all kinds of “junk” (example, $60 sneakers for a 6 month old) for my son. I saved my money and now that he is 9, i can pretty much afford anything he asks for or needs.

Joseph asks…

Does a 45 year old fighter still have a chance?

This is what’s going on my dad, who is 45 years old now, wants to box professionally. He boxed in the early 90’s and 80’s, and he had a pretty good record.Maybe you seen him fight, “Merciless” Murdock because he will show you no mercy if you fought him, he has 12 knock outs in 18 fights, unfortunately he lost his last 3 fights, because his work in the docks were really tough, and he hurt his hand. He was still working his way up in the ranks and money wasn’t enough.And his heartless manager just cut him loose, thinking he won’t make a comeback.

To get an idea how good dad was, even though he had no handler. I remember him sparring with Lennox Lewis, I think 5 years old back then. he also sparred Golota…even with a hurt hand, he sparred for extra money.

Good thing is dad finished college,..and was able to better himself and our family.

Now at age 45, dad spoke to mom about getting back in the boxing world, he said he still got it. Dad is 6’2, and weighs 240lbs,…he’s in great shape. He lift weights and jogs, he also box in the garage everyday. That’s his workout.

His still fast strong and have great cardio.

I love my dad, and it hurts me to see him belittled by other people, even my mom thinks dad is crazy,.. and I understand, he is old. and everybody thinks his crazy, I don’t antagonize him, since I’m the only guy believing him. My brothers and sister want him to stop. But that says he has been thinking about it for a long time now, he just wants one more chance.

How can I stop him without offending him?

Nagesh answers:

Yes maybe he is quite fit for a pro boxer he’ll be nowhere near what he needs to be and at 45 it’ll take to long to get fit and knock the ring rust of by this time he’ll be 46 then he has to get fights and because he’s already got 18 fight under his belt he’ll have to do 6 rounders or 10s straight away with much younger fitter guys and even if he does win a few then he’ll be 47 and by 47 without world class trainers and equipment and years of training behind you going anywhere is impossible.
Ask him what he really wants in life what he want to get from boxing ask him how long it’ll be before he gets a shot at any title. By the time he gets a shot he could be 50.
Ask him why he stopped boxing in the first place.
And few doctors will pass a man of 45 to box anyway so you could be worrying for nothing.

Carol asks…

How do I take care of my family?

So my girlfriend is almost 2 months pregnant now. She already has an 8 year old. We both live with our parents. She works for her dad, and makes very little…$8 an hour. I am unemployed, and hope to be getting a job with GE very soon, but even if that happens, I think I’ll be starting at 11 or 12 dollars an hour. My girlfriend has no license, but will get her occupational in middle august.

I have to figure out a way to get us into a house and make us a happy family some how. I have no credit, and she’s 6000 dollars in debt. The only thing I have going for me, is I have 12,000 dollars saved up, and I hope to sell my car for at least 10,000, however I’ll have to buy one for around 4,000. I really need help if anyone can help me come up with a way to get alot of money really fast. I dont wanna have to put this on our parents. I’m old anyway, so I have no problem getting my life together right now, at 28., and she’s 27. Does anyone know of a way that may help me get out of this funk, and give my upcoming family a decent life???

Nagesh answers:

First try getting a decent job. Why settle for a job at 12 dollars an hour? You are a young man! Go to TAFE and study something and get a good job. My friend got a job as a forklift driver, it sounds bad but the pay is really good 🙂 Goodluck

P.S TAFE is in Australia but i dont know if you have it where you live elsewhere in the world.

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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