Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Donald asks…

<3 Do you know a way to get money fast on plants vs zomibies for the itouch/iphone?

I beat the game and so i found it easier to earn money during quick play rather than adventure, now i have the plants that is a magnet to get money but i need a few more tips thank you

Nagesh answers:

It’s been ages since I played so I can’t remember the name, but there’s a plant that looks like a daisy that spits out coins. I plant a few of those and them put a magnet nearby to get the coins.

Edit: It’s the marigold. You can also just leave your zen garden open for awhile and wait for the coins.

Jenny asks…

how do 13 year olds make quick and easy money???

I have nothing to do over this summer,and i think i have grown out of selling lemonade,lol.I have put babysitting flyers up and stuff,and i just have gotten nothing really.I’m saving for a verizon glyde before school starts(Augest 27th)A glyde is $200-250.I have a little more then a month to earn that.Please give me ideas!!:]]].

Nagesh answers:

Hey. I have the same problem. Well kinda. Im the same age. Lol. Im savin 2 get xtentions in my hair b4 school starts (sept 3rd). I babysit my cousins 1x a week for 7dollars an hr. And i make about $30 a week. Im havin no prob with only limitin myself 2 important stuff. Instead of buyin candy i buy water. And dont loan $ either. Nether a borrower or spender be. Ummm u can have like a yard sale kinda thing wit old stuff u dont want anymore.

Sandy asks…

In the game Plants Vs. Zombies what is the quickest way to earn money to get the tree of wisdom to 1,000 ft?

It feels like I’ve been playing this game awhile and am only at 66ft! I just found out today it can grow to 1,000 and that’s what you need to unlock pinata. So any suggestions what is the quickest and easiest way to make money to buy more tree food for it?

Nagesh answers:

Tend your garden thing, its like a minigame and it gives lots of money if you get upgrades and do it well (not to hard)

Mary asks…

An easy way to make quick money?

Okay, so my family arn’t rich. We’re not wealthy, and we’re barely even comfortable. Some days we are scraping by with next to no money. We live in a poor concil estate, and me and my sisters rarely get to go on school trips because we just can’t afford the fees. But through all this, my parents are very very ambitious. They sent my sister to a very good university, not top notch,but never the less, very good. But try struggled to pay the fees. They have me doing dande drama and guitar lessons once a week each. the drama and guitar lessons are both £5 each, and the dance lessons are £3.50. I feel really bad that my parents have to pay £13.50 a week just so I can get some skills to make more of my life than they will, as thy say. I am determined to make something good of my life using my skills, and in return, thank my parent for encouraging me in my early life when I have the money (like buying them a good house in a private area or something?) I know there’s no way I can do that ATM as i’m only 14. But I do want to earn some money of my own to pay for my own lessons to take the strain off my parents. Problem is, I’m too young to work, and I am not allowed to busk because last time I did I got bullied really bad in school, the kids called me begged girl and stuff. That’s all been resolved now but in result, I can’t busk. So I’m just wondering If there’s any other way I can earn money using my skills in dande and drama, so I can pay for my own lessons? 10 points best answer. No mean comments please. Thankiees 🙂

Nagesh answers:

No idea what busking is.

But anyway. You could mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit, do chores for elderly relatives or neighbors, etc.

Maria asks…

i want to earn money is there any way to work at home?

i want to earn money from home it self becoz i m a busy house wife i have lots of work and i even was working in a call center in the u.s process but i saw that my family was getting neglected and my kids didnt study so good they looked ill to me and were always upset,so i decided to quit my job and care them but as today money is so important i need to earn also i want to know an easy or difficult way to earn from home like from net or on phone or selling something like jewelleries or garments any good idea to earn quick money in short time any professional suggestions or any frendly advice kindly suggest me without hessitation

Nagesh answers:

Write a book, my friends has recently been published (first book) and she is living a very happy life with 3 kids

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Sunday, January 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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