Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Robert asks…

how to make money for a teenager pease help?

i am going to quebec on a school trip and want o know of some quick easy ways to make money, not A LOT bit enough to go shopping for clothes or something
i dont really have enpought time to do a whole paper route, but like a survey link would be good, but anything else you want to suggust would be great


p.s. i am 13 and a girl so a 14 + survey wont work

p.s.s. i dont have my mind set on a survey


Nagesh answers:

Try the following:
– Babysitting
– Baking cookies and selling them
– Offer to neighborhood moms to decorate parties for younger kids
– Dog walking & grooming
– Offer to neighborhood moms to create play dates for their kids with craft time

Lizzie asks…

How to earn money quickly as a teenager?

I am a fifteen year old living in the UK at the moment and I am planning to go to South Africa in July 2011 on an RE trip, it should be really good, however, it is very expensive, and I’m finding it hard trying to find the money paid for it however I’m already registered for it. I was wondering if anyone knew any way I could earn some quick money?

I can’t get a part time job as I’m not 16

However do you think there’s any sort of business I could start up to earn more money? I was planning car washing but is there anyway on a practical level I can make that work and I have nothing to sell, maybe something I could do over the Internet? Anything!

Nagesh answers:

Time and again this question was asked and a proper replay was given, please check the answer about 7 days ago.

Mandy asks…

Help. How can I make a tutu?

My daughter is having her 15th birthday party, she goes ice skating at a skating rink every year for her party, this year shes bringing two friends, and her. We are going to make tutus, and they are going to wear crowns, have wands, and fairy wings liek the little gir stuff. Get me? Well I am looking for cheap crowns, wings, and tutus. However, recently i Decided to make the tutus. Does anyone know a quick way to make tutus, for teenagers, without sewing? r know where i can find them, i looked claires, libby lu, ebay, dance stores, but heir tutus are a lot of money or they are not the kind we want, which are cute not ballet ones. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Sounds cute! Here is a pretty easy way to make tutus:
1. Purchase tulle at a craft/fabric store. They usually have a few colors. You may want to get some ribbon, also, if you don’t have any.
2. Lay pieces on top of each other until you have the thickness you want for each tutu. Fold this in fourths. (half then half again)
3. Round off the outer corner. (If you were to open it, it would be a circle). Make an inner circle cutting off the inner point. This circle should be a bit larger than the girls’ waists.
4. Use a hole punch or scissors to make little holes or slits around the inner circle. Thread ribbon through long enough to tie it on. (If you don’t want to tie it, you can just use elastic and tie a knot instead.)
5. Decorate! You can set layers of tulle on an old waterproof tablecloth and cover it with Elmer’s glue and glitter to make it sparkle. (I’m not sure how well it would stay, especially ice skating, but it’s worth a try!) You can use a hot glue gun to attach sequins or fake flowers. (Get creative…)

*You may have to experiment with the fullness, length, and decoration to get the look you want, but this is a pretty general way to start off.*
If you want to do pretty much nothing for this instead, you can always just make a flat tutu by wrapping tulle around and securing with a belt!
Have funnnnn!!!!!

Susan asks…

Im a teenager? How can I make 80 bucks by the end of the week?

Christmas just came I know :P. I did get some money from relatives. But this year I didnt get a lot because of mainly giftcards, and actualy item gifts people got me. My parents are making me use the money I already have towards something (I just ordered it too). And theres also this really important thing Ive needed for the past few months thats like 80$. I need money quick. Im turning 15, and no I CANNOT WAIT FOR MY BIRTHDAY. Its in a lil over a month but this is something I need NOW. My mom is less likely to give me alowwance or chore money. And lucky for me a huge blizzard just hit, so I can go snow shoveling. But I need other suggestions because I doubt people will tip me $25. Can you estimate how much my neighbors. And Im weak so is there a certain easy way to shovel (if possible?) And I have back and neck issues. ? Lol. I cant wash the car. I cant mowe lawns. I cant babysit either. Help =/

Happy Holidays

Nagesh answers:


That is 8 bags of scrunched aluminum cans. Plus bottles and plastic for extra money!


Chris asks…

Anyone know any quick ways for a teenager to make a fairly large amount of money quickly?

I’ll need about 25 Kenyan shillings, I’m 15 and in school.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know what kind of jobs teenagers can do in Kenya but in England you can do loads of things to get money like:
Paper round
Washing parents/friends cars
walking dogs

I hope these ideas help and you get you money!

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Friday, January 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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