Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Robert asks…

I am scared to answer many things online because I have noticed that when you answer yes to something you are?

agreeing to join this or that and it is free for a while then you get nailed. Are the “get paid for survey” deals a sure scam? What is legitimate and what is not as far as making money from home on your computer like typing, data entry. No porn, fraud or schemes involved. What if I were just interested in making money on the side by actually working? Are there any that you DON”T have to pay to work for? WTH is that? I don’t pay my boss to work for him. Why pay these people offering at-home work on the computer? What is the deal?

Nagesh answers:

You know what? I feel so sorry for so many people. Especially kids and old people and …not so smart people who are just getting started with computers because they gotta get nailed left and right all the time!
It is a virtual Mine field out there….Don’t spend money up front!
I am constantly getting hit and I’m 44, with a Technical Degree, A very High IQ….
I’m not saying you are one of these as you are clearly smart enough to know what the deal is or you wouldn’t query.
If you want to make money on line I would suggest spending the money to invest in your own website of some kind. It takes money to make money and you need to be your own Boss.

Jenny asks…

What are good ways to make money online?

If you know of any ways to make money online, please share (and include links if you have one). Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Well I have tried numerous money making online sites, and doing surveys, as I have 3 kids and really I just wanted to spend more time with them, but without much luck as some of them are really just a waste of time and money.

Recently though my co worker found this site and we recently just joined, the site is I have seen this on CNN, CNBC, Fox News, Readers Digest etc..

Its basically a step by step guide on how to make money online, with the least amount of effort. They are mostly video tutorials which is very easy to follow than the others I have joined. You don’t get books like other online money making guides which is good as it is so daunting to read.

It has so much resources, the guide is using the latest resources plus its very easy to learn, basically all of his guides are video base training so he actually shows you how he does it on the internet step by step. You do pay membership fee, but you have a money back guarantee for 60 days if you don’t make money with his guide.

Well its only been a month my co worker and I have tried it so far so good, we’ve only managed to make $2000 for the month but I have to say his guide does work.

So don’t bother trying to do surveys, or other money making schemes trust me I’ve done it all.
Just have a look and give it a try, hope this helps you out.

Lisa asks…

How do I make money online without spending money?

I’m looking for ways to make money online without spending any money therefore I do not have any money to spend.So if you have any good ideas feel free to give me your answers. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Other than selling stuff (like on eBay or Amazon), most “make money online” sites are a scam, and a waste of time. I’ve looked into some of them, and every one is the same. This is no different than playing the lotto – you want to make money without putting forth any effort or money. You want a way to quickly and easily make a bunch of money without any effort or thought. Just stop trying – you’ll save a ton of time, and possibly avoid a few dangerous scams.

Most people I know (myself included) would love to magically get a bunch of money, because most jobs suck, and we as a society are dependent on money to buy our happiness. I’m not criticizing you, because I’ve wanted exactly what you’re looking for many times. But I’ve learned that it’s not going to come. Other than rare occasions, money doesn’t just fall into your lap, and when it does, it’s not from any “get rich quick” schemes – it’s pure chance and you cannot expect it or make it happen. If it does, great, but it probably won’t.

If you want to make money – think of an idea that no one has thought of before, and market it, or something like that. Or take something that already exists, and find a new use for it, or think of something that would be nice if it existed, and make it a reality.

Also, don’t focus so much on money – it’s a complete illusion anyway. It’s colored paper that is only worth what everyone says it is, and with the economy like it is, you shouldn’t put too much value in it right now.

You probably don’t want to be a wage-slave and work at McDonalds, or even in some cubicle for the rest of your life, even if it pays well. If you do want income (which is rather handy, admittedly), get a job that you enjoy – try something different. If you don’t like it, quit and try something else. Never keep a job just because you feel like you “need the money” – don’t sacrifice your happiness for colored bits of paper – life’s too short for that. But don’t expect free handouts or quick riches – that’s not how things work. Just be happy, and trust that things will work out if you want them to. Be willing to work for what you want, and don’t sacrifice your happiness to an illusion.

Donna asks…

How do I make money online without spending money?

I’m looking for ways to make money online without spending any money therefore I do not have any money to spend.So if you have any good ideas feel free to give me your answers. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Have you heard of or Vitacost or The Vitamin Shoppe? They are all reputable online stores for good quality vitamins & supplements. IHerb is rated #1 online store for vitamins by All these stores have a referral scheme. If you refer customers you get a percentage commission of their purchase. It won’t make you rich but you can expect to earn about $50 a month without spending any of your own money. Please note you need to have your own customer account to do this so if you have shopped at any of these stores previously you can check out the referral scheme (or even if you haven’t shopped with them just buy something for $5 or so to get started):

Here is a website explaining the scheme in detail

Hope this helps =)

William asks…

Why people often overlook the simple Online business opportunities?

I often find people asking about employment, local business opportunities etc. Today, the earning opportunity scenario has radically changed. With more and more people going in for internet connections, the earning opportunities are in your hand. Think of taking online surveys, going in for affiliate programs ,selling magazines and what not, all these are good money making opportunities.
You stand to get a reasonable amount of money every month. And with labour the booty will only increase.
Still why people don’t think of doing online business which may not require even a dime to spend at times ?

Nagesh answers:

On-line, you can be ANYONE and ANYWHERE you like .. Your web ‘presence’ can be totally fake – indeed, you can have as many ‘identities’ on the web as you like ….

This makes it the IDEAL medium for con-merchants, scam artists and criminals of all sorts .. Those that operate outside the jurisdiction of the national Police Force are effectively untouchable … So from the criminals point of view, it’s totally risk free …

Thus, I would suggest, it’s about 1,000 times MORE LIKELY that any ‘making money on-line’ offer is a total SCAM than areal opportunity …

MOST web users are starting to learn that the MORE they ‘give away’ on the web, the MORE likley they are to be the target of ID thieves and scam artists … Anyone who has ‘published’ their true email address and is now receiving thousands of spam emails every day is well aware of this

So most web users have learned to actively AVOID any ‘special offer’ scam or ‘money making’ pyramid scheme scams that they might stumble across whilst surfing ..

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Sunday, December 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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