Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…

Whats a quick easy way for a kid to make a lot of money.?

I am in desperate need of money I need $800 dollars by the end of this month and I don’t know how to get it. I’m a junior in high school and believe me I need this money. Any suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Theres always money in selling drugs

Donald asks…

a way for a kid under 16 to make quick money?

i need some money quick to buy my parents a christmas present but i dont have any money

Nagesh answers:

2 weeks and I already made over $50!!!

Lisa asks…

Is there a way for a ten year old kid to make quick money? Doesn’t need to be easy.?

Like I said, I would like some quick money. I’m very good at working hard, so I wouldn’t mind. Please help! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

This is the first kid i’ve seen post that isn’t looking for easy money… Who isn’t afraid of work. Very cool.

Mow grass, wash cars, clean houses, baby sit, house sit, pet sit, rake leaves, shovel snow.. Wash windows… Carry groceries for old people….

The ideas are endless… Put a flier around your neighborhood… Start with people who know you.

Carol asks…

How to make money quick (teens)?

Hi, I am 15 years old and i’m trying to go on a trip to Ontario in the summer it will cost around 600$ (round trip) Im trying to find good, and safe ways to make some quick money.

I already babysit two kids and which helps me out but, its not on a regular basis.
Also, I do plan to sell snow cones during the summer, but for now since its pretty much spring I dont know how I can get any money. Btw i barely get allowance even though i do clean the kitchen, ect.. everyday.

Any ideas? Pleaseeeee help me out. 10 pts best answer.

Nagesh answers:

Well I’m not a teen but I was at one point so I do have some ideas for you

Put up some posters for your babysitting services to get more clients

Advertise to play games and entertain kids at Birthday Parties (Dress like a princess or a wizard or a clown) Parents are always looking for extra help at their children’s birthday parties.

Post signs in your area for Spring Cleanup services. You could help people plant their gardens, make flower beds or help with yard cleanup. (Lots of people would pay for that kind of service)

Have a yard sale..offer to coordinate the whole thing if your family will donate things to you for sale (Your mom will probably be thrilled to be able to get rid of some old junk)

Offer a dog walking service in the evenings and on weekends

Offer a pet sitting service for people wanting to go away on vacation

Take a cake making course and offer your services to friends and family

Bottle returns are one way to make some quick cash too, ask all your friends and family members to keep their bottles for you, then go collect them and bring them in for a refund.

You could also sell items you no longer want or need on a site such as Kijiji or Craigslists (Depending on where you are)

Hope some of these ideas help! Good luck!

Linda asks…

What are some great ways fora kid for make money quick ?

Hi am in 5th grade . Want to get a job something really creative. Here of the things that didn’t work so please don’t type them.
Babysitting, Pet everything, house everything ,it is winter. I can’t sell lemonade.
A bunch of other stuff
Something really unique
Thank you so much ( sorry if i was being a bit pushy)

Nagesh answers:

Try making things and selling them on

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Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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