Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Robert asks…

How to make money fast(For kids)?

I know I’m young, I’m 11 years old and my family isn’t very rich… We’re not poor but we don’t have a lot of money right now. My mom can’t work over time anymore because her work can’t afford to pay her more for working overtime. My dad is starting to work overtime for more money but we still need money. Do you have any ideas? My mom already said no to car washing, babysitting, mowing lawns, bake sales, lemonade sales and Yard sale/Garage sale. She also said no petsitting. She said Pet grooming, Dog walking, and raking leaves are okay. She can’t give me an allowance or pay me for doing chores though. Any ideas for what I can do for money? Please don’t say all that stuff that everyone says like shoveling and bake sales, do something different than that.

Nagesh answers:

*Sorry, nothing is quick and easy in this economy. Out of work older adults, trying to support families during this recession, are now doing jobs normally done by younger folks. This is limiting the options for finding ways to earn money.

Lisa asks…

I’m Saving Up For A Nook, Then For College. Money Making Ideas?

Hi guys! I’ve just started high school, and I’m saving up for a Nook for my reading. I don’t have much more money to earn because I’ve been saving for a while, but I also want to earn spending money and money to put in my regular bank account and college fund for when I leave my parents house, which seems so close! Just 4 years! (I know it seems far but time just flies by :P) I live in a place with a lot of kids, however I’ll only be 14 in November.
Any great ways to earn money fast for people my age? THANK YOU!

Nagesh answers:

Well you could maybe get a job because where I live you can get your job papers from my school when you are 14 but I don’t know where you live and it all depends who is hiring and who will accept a 14 year old really not that many people will so yeah I’ll be 14 in 8 days wish me luck finding a job

Betty asks…

Does anyone know how to make money really fast as a kid?

I am saving up just for anything and only have like 30dollars. Please give me some easy and unique ideas preferably involving animals. And please don’t say dog walking or pet sitting because I need quick money! Help!!!

Nagesh answers:

Dog grooming can help. You can use head and shoulders to groom dogs [cats, too], and it really helps their coat. I use it on my dog, then use it on my hair, LML.

Try building a website that gives animal support, and get PayPal donations. Use to build an easy to use website, and people can ask for Pet Care help, and you can answer the questions for CASH.

Nancy asks…

How are some ways for kids to make money? I want a dell laptop for $374. Is it a good brand? ?

If it isn’t a good brand name good ones. I have $120. But I need more money plus tax. Please answer me fast!!! I need tons of ideas!!!

Nagesh answers:

Well there is no easy way to get it quick if your young. However, you could try asking people around your neighbourhood if they have any chores you could do in return for cash (but ask your parents before doing this), or your parents may have some chores you could do for them in return for cash. Dells are a good make and one of the most known laptop makers so I am sure it will be of good quality. However, if you want it for gaming or other high end processes you want a computer. However, if its just for emails, web browsing and school work it will do the job.

Jenny asks…

How to make money fast (I’m a kid)?

Hi, I’m 14. My kitty chewed up my Mom’s and my own Apple power adapter/charger for our macbook pros. I have no money, and I need to make $80 so I can buy another one. And in the meanwhile, I won’t be able to use my laptop (for school work, etc, which is awful), so I need it fast. I can’t get a job job, and I can’t really go around ASKING people if I can babysit their kids. So any ideas? I’m broke.
And my laptop right now is on 1%

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff, become an entrepreneur. There are kids out there who are already millionaires.

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Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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