Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

Sandy asks…

Do you believe that RELIGION is BIG Business?

Do you know some famous televangelists and preachers who have gotten filthy rich because of (their) Religion?

You can NAME them.


Do you think most modern-day religious-dealers perfectly resemble the false prophets of Old?

Notable Pro-FITS like the ones portrayed below:

Its judges take MONEY to decide who wins in court. Its PRIESTS only TEACH FOR PAY, and its PROPHETS only look into the future WHEN THEY GET PAID. But they lean on the Lord and say, “The Lord is here with us, so nothing bad will happen to us.”

(Micah 3:11 New Century Version)

Judges sell verdicts to THE HIGHEST BIDDER, priests MASS-MARKET their teaching, prophets preach for HIGH FEES …

(The Message)

They think religion is a way to make A FAST BUCK.

(1 Tim 6:5 The Message)

These people think religion is supposed TO MAKE YOU RICH.

(Contemporary English Version)

Their destiny is destruction, their god IS THEIR STOMACH, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on EARTHLY things.

(Philippians 3:19 NIV)

These people complain, find fault, follow their own desires, say arrogant things, and flatter people in order TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of them.

Jude 1:16 (GOD’S WORD Translation)

They speak arrogant words and they show partiality to people when they want A FAVOR IN RETURN.

(Common English Bible)

Those false teachers ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY, so they will use you by telling you lies. Their judgment spoken against them long ago is still coming, and their ruin IS certain.

(2 Peter 2:3 New Century Version)


Some points to ponder:

IF Jesus wrote and authored a book how much do you think would He charge people for His articles and publications? (Isa. 55:1; Proverbs 23:23 & Matthew 10:8).

IF the Disciples of Jesus founded a Bible-School College in these days, do you think they would charge their students hefty tuition-FEES? And do you think they would SOLICIT FUNDS for their preaching-work? (3 John 1:7)

And lastly, did the early Christian preachers ever lived in luxurious Mansions? (1 Corinthians 4:9-13 & 1 Timothy 6:8 )

Whenever a preacher comes your way, and knocks on your door early in the morning … please, do ask them these things .. and show them these passages.

Enjoy your Day!


I’m coming from the Philippines, by the way, and all I can say is that, as “the only Christian Nation in Asia” with a church building on almost every block, Religious leaders here ARE indeed, “making a fast buck” out of their gullible members.

How about yours?
@ scully: a good living can be made from it, look at people like Benny Hinn.

Now you’ve struck a nerve!

@ Colant: Cardinals in rags? No, not yet.

Good Point.

Want to get rich? Start a cult. It works EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Yeah, if only my conscience would allow me too.

@ 2Tim. 2:15: Well when you put it in CAPS like that, it sure looks BIG.

Oh really? I wish I hadn’t. (lol)

Nagesh answers:

Didn’t you see the Pope running down the block because the RCC can’t afford gas any more? Oh, no, I guess not.

Cardinals in rags? No, not yet.

Does the guy who cleans the toilets at GM get driven around in a limo? No, but that doesn’t mean that GM is bankrupt. Religion is big business. The low level workers in the business don’t get rich, but the low level workers in any business don’t get rich.

Religion was invented for only one reason – so that the people who invented it wouldn’t have to work for a living. (We KNOW that’s the case for Scientology – Hubbard said so. We also know that the founders of every religion for which we have information never wondered where their next ton of caviar was coming from.)

Want to get rich? Start a cult. It works EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Michael asks…

What should I buy and modify to resell to make a profit?

Hi. I’m a college students, recently got into trouble, and in about $3000 debt to a lawyer and future fines. I don’t have that money so I’m tutoring and going to school on weekdays and spending my weekends as an entertainer for children’s parties. I’m not making money fast enough and I’d like to try spending some money to make more money.

Im wondering if there is a market to buy something, modify it, and then resell it for a profit. I was thinking tie dye t shirts, or any kind of t shirts, or something. I’m hoping that someone could just throw suggestions my way or have any anecdotal advice on making profit on ebay. I understand there are many how-to guides but I’ve heard many of them are fake and not worth the money.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated as I’m willing to use up my last $115 bucks to profit from to buy back my freedom. If you have a suggestion that exceeds that amount, that’s fine, throw it my way anyway.

Thank you so much. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I’d suggest you hire yourself out ot homeowners since you have so little cash to work with. It takes money to buy inventory and then there’s the expense of adding enhancements plus your labor—it all adds up quickly.

There’s a home cleaning service most people never think of…and it involves doing the unpleasant jobs most home owners put off because they don’t want to face things. It came to mind the other day when I had my septic tank emptied. I noticed that within a moment or two of watching the work being done. The odor ceased to bother me. When I asked the fellow supervising the work how he could stand it, he said it’s a good living and that he doesn’t even notice the stench after awhile.

My idea:

Go house to house with two pails, a couple of sponges, some liquid detergent and a stack of of newspapers. You are the next great window washer that every home desperately needs! Newspaper makes washed windows sparkle, by the way.

There are other unpleasant jobs—surely you can think of some. How about offering to wash a hhome owner’scar right in their own driveway? Or offer to be a home owner’s special assistant for a day or part of a day? I’ve hired many people to do that, myself—it’s nice because there’s no strings attached—I give them work at $20/hr or whatever the agreed upon amount is and when the work is done, we say goodbye and that’s that.


Jenny asks…

Struggling college student that feels like giving can I make ends meet?

I am a full-time struggling college student going on her 2nd year.I am employed, but I don’t make enough sometimes to pay my bills. My father helps me out when he can, and my mother is unemployed, so mostly I take care of myself. I am in desparate need for money right now, and I seem to have no other options. My rent is due and I am overdrafted in my account by $200. I tried looking for loans, but I never get approved. I also have 4 payday loans that I just can’t simply pay off. Is there a way for me to recieve some fast cash so that I can pay my rent and take care of my loans? anyone with suggestions please let me know!
I know that payday loans are also not good to have, my father told me to never get one but I was desparate for money. I do recieve financial aid, which I will be getting in about 2 weeks, and I do have 2 other roomates, I just need to pay my half of the rent.I always paid my bills on time, I just got caught up with these paydays loans, they took all my money.Once I get my fianancial aid, I’m going to pay them off, and never deal with them again. I can’t move back home because both of my parents lives out of state from me. I really appreciate all of the advice people are giving me..any more suggestions will be helpful!

Nagesh answers:

Well, you can take it from my screen name that I have an opinion on this. Stop Spending! For real. I mean it.

Beer is a luxury item. You can’t afford it.
High-priced makeup is a luxury item. Do without or buy real cheap.
Walk. If not, hook up with someone for a ride or take the bus.
Really, it can be done.

Then, years later, when you are established and can afford stuff but only buy what you really need, you can give someone the same advice. If you don’t, you’ll live with this stress for the rest of your life.

Helen asks…

For each hour in class, they supposively expect to devote 2 additional hours outside of class….What a joke!?

Don’t you think that’s a joke?
Okay let’s say they are taking 16 credit hours (typical full time)……so that would mean 32 hours outside the classroom………..for a total for 48 hours.

I for one have never devoted that much time to a class………..

& people tend to go away from home & in a dorm for college because involves “sex & partying, etc.”……..if they devoted that much time to their class……..they either wouldn’t have time to party or they would be too tired to party.

& most college students I know tell me they have part time jobs on the side……… how do u expect me to believe that people devote 48 hours to academic and work on the side……….and also party on the side. No reasnonable person devotes 48 hours per week to school.

Now they supposively expect students to “read” the text book……..yeah, if you read the book, it will take you 48 hours per week……
Reading it would be much too time consuming and it is a poor way to memorize information………”skimming” the book, & relying on the lecture notes is a much faster way, not to mention a way that would make it far easier to memorize information.

Sometimes I don’t buy the book at all & only rely on the lecture notes….I’ve done well in some classes just by doing that. The book is a waste of money, way overpriced, and I don’t have the physical strength to carry it with me.

Nagesh answers:

Either you are in a school that is challenging you, or you are in a school that is letting you slide by. They both cost about the same, but when you get to the end you have to take MCAT, GMAT or LSAT and that will give a bit of a measure of how much you actually learned.

The fact that a smart kid in a weak school can get by with very little work is a little depressing, but it is well known. That is why when you apply to grad school they look first to see what school you went to, and then look at your GPA. It is also the reason why graduates of say, UChicago – which is notorious for having students who spend their whole lives studying, get admissions preference to practically every program.

You can definitely get through school with less work, but you arent going to fool anyone about what you know. Employers and grad school admissions guys are not stupid.

Paul asks…

I need money fast, college student, no job, any ideas?

So i feel really bad that i begged my dad for money and when he gave it to me, i basically emptied his wallet. i want to find a way to make $35 or more ASAP so i can pay back my dad. im a full time college student and i was wondering if u guys have any ideas
thanks to any input
im not gonna do prostitution. next.

Nagesh answers:

Be a good kid. Do well in school. Don’t do drugs. Give your dad a hug on father’s day. That’s worth a lot more to him than $35.00.

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Thursday, November 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes

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